英语:Unit4 SectionA2 课件(人教七年级下2013春季版)


英语人教版七年级下册unit4 sectionA 2

英语人教版七年级下册unit4 sectionA 2

The Second Period (Section A, 2d–3c)Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能使用目标语言谈论学校、图书馆的规则。

2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。

3. 熟练掌握have to 的用法。

Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1)名词n. uniform2)动词v. bring3) 形容词adj. important, quiet2. 句型:Can we eat in the classroom?Yes, we can./No, we can’t.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.What do you have to do?We have to be quiet in the library.Difficulties (教学难点)1. 巩固祈使句的应用。

2. 学习have to 的用法。

Teaching steps (教学步骤)1.Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1) Show the pictures of activities that are happening in the school.T: You will see some pictures on the screen. Please get into pairs and make conversations like this:A: Can we …?B: Yes, we can./No, we can’t.(2) Show the school rules. Let Ss talk about the school rules.Help them use the target language to talk about rules and to try to say how they feel about the rules.【教学设计说明】本环节主要为复习内容,更好的巩固目标语言。

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Section A ( 1a-2d)新版课件

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Section A ( 1a-2d)新版课件

Mr. Smith: Hey, Mike, don’t listen to music
in class. Mike! 3 在课堂上听音乐 Boy: He can’t hear you, Mr. Smith.
1c Student A is a new student. Student B tells Student A about the rules above.
Peter __2___ Amy ___3__ Mike __4___
Listen and answer the questions.
1. What rule is Peter breaking? He’s running in the hallways.
2. What about Amy? Is it OK to eat in the classroom? She’s eating in the classroom. It’s not OK.
How can we become a good student?
What can we do at school? What can’t we do at school?
Let’s look and learn
be on time 准时
You can’t arrive late for class. Don’t __a_rr_i_v_e_l_a_te__f_o_r_c_la_s_s___. You __m_u_s_t_b_e__o_n_t_i_m_e________.
Sorry, Ms. Clark.
1. Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time.

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 课件2

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 课件2

1. 肯定祈使句的常见句型结构: ① Do型:动词原形+宾语+其他. 如:
Open the door, please. ② Be型:Be+表语. 如:
Be a good boy! ③ Let型:Let+宾语+动词原形+其他.如:
Let me help you.
(或:Let’s+动词原形+其他.) 如: Let’s play tennis.
3. Listen to music? Q:_C__an__w_e_l_is_te_n_t_o_m_u_s_i_c _in_t_h_e_h_a_ll_w_a_ys_?___
(we/ can/ in the hallways)? A: N__o,_w_e_c_a_n_’t_. _______
4. Wear a hat? Q: _C_a_n_w_e__w_e_a_r a_h_a_t_in_t_h_e_c_la_s_s_ro_o_m_?_____
2、Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. (Richard Nixon, American President )命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。二〇二一年六月十七日2021年6月17日星期四 3、Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker)忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。10:516.17.202110:516.17.202110:5110:51:196.17.202110:516.17.2021 4、All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. ----R.H. Stoddard, American poet做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行6.17.20216.17.202110:5110:5110:51:1910:51:19 5、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. ----Charles Chaplin人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。-Thursday, June 17, 2021June 21Thursday, June 17, 20216/17/2021

人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 4 Section A 2d-3c(共25张PPT)

人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 4  Section A    2d-3c(共25张PPT)

J:…name… …first day… A:I’m…, …a great …, …rules J: What …some o f… A: Don’t…late for… …important
Practice reading this conversation with your partner, then choose one of the three ways to show.(和同伴练习朗读对 话,然后选择一种方式展示)
A. Read it. (1’) .(3’)
C. Close the book J:…must …on time Can…bring…to and make up a new conversation. A: No,…have to wear…
My harvest(我的收获)
1. 我学会了这些单词和词组:important, bring, have to, uniform, quiet 2. 我会使用情态动词can 和must 谈论规章 制度,会使用否定祈使句 Don’t …。 3. 我懂得了遵守规章制度的重要性。
3. Listen to music? Q:Can ________________________________ we listen to music in the hallways? (we/ can/ in the hallways)? No, we can’t. A: ________________ 4. Wear a hat? Q: Can _______________________________ we wear a hat in the classroom? (we/ can/ in the classroom)? A: _______________ No, we can’t.

人教版七年级英语下册Unit4 Section A-2课件

人教版七年级英语下册Unit4 Section A-2课件

After school, I have to clean the _c_l_a_ss_r_o_o_m_ .
Talk about your school day. What can you do and what do you have to do?
Then make a list.
Let’s talk according to the list.
Listen to music? Q: _C__a_n_w__e_l_is_t_en__t_o_m__u_s_ic__in__t_h_e_h_a_l_lw__a_y_s_?_ (we/can/ in the hallways)? A: _N_o_,_w__e_c_a_n_’_t.________________________ Wear a hat? Q: _C__a_n_w__e_w_e_a_r__a_h_a_t_i_n__th_e__c_la_s_s_r_o_o_m_?____ (we/can/in the classroom)? A: _N_o_,_w__e_c_a_n_’_t.________________________
3a Write the rules for the school lin_’_t_t_a_lk_.________________________ 2. _D__o_n_’_t_e_a_t_in__t_h_e_l_ib_r_a_r_y_._____________ 3. _D__o_n_’_t_li_s_te_n__t_o_m__u_s_ic__in__th__e_li_b_r_a_r_y_.___ 4. _D__o_n_’_t_t_a_k_e_p_i_c_tu_r_e_s_/p__h_o_to_s__in__th__e_li_b_r_a_ry.


பைடு நூலகம்
a school uniform, and I ______ keep my hair
short. After school, I ____ play with my friends or
watch TV because I ______ do my homework. I
___ relax on weekends either because I ___ learn
_m_a_n_y_r_u_l_es__in__m_y_l_if_e_. _I_m_u_s_t_g_e_t_u_p_b_e_f_o_re__6_:3_0_a_n_d____
_p_ra_c_t_ic_e_E_n_g_l_is_h_e_v_e_r_y_m__o_rn_i_n_g_. _I_c_a_n_’t_g_o_o_u_t_o_n__s_ch_o_o_l _n_ig_h_t_s._I_c_a_n_’_t _m_e_e_t_fr_i_e_n_d_s _o_n_s_c_h_oo_l_d_a_y_s_. _I_m_u_s_t_d_o__m_y _h_om__e_w_o_r_k_f_ir_s_t_a_ft_e_r_s_c_h_oo_l_. _I_c_a_n_’t_w__at_c_h_T_V__b_e_f_o_re__I _
to play the piano. I never have fun, what ___ I do?
Zhao Pei
1. 明确must, have to, can, can’t的用法: must强调主观上的需要; have to强调客观上的需 要。can可以;can’t不可以。
I must get up before 6:30 and practice English.

精品 公开课课件 人教版七年级下Unit4 Section A 2d课件(共29张PPT)

精品 公开课课件 人教版七年级下Unit4 Section A 2d课件(共29张PPT)

be quiet 保持安静;be strict 要求严格 be on time 守时; be at work 在上班 这种用法中,动词be主要承担着连系句 子的语法功能,其后的形容词或介词短 语则起着表意的作用。如: you mustn’t be noisy, children. 孩子们,你们一定不可喧闹。 At this time of the day, children are at school. 一天中的这个时候,孩子们在 学校上课呢。
Don’t arrive /be late for school.
I arrived/was late for the meeting
2. OK, so we must be on time. 对的,所以我们必须守时。 1)must作为情态动词,表示“必须”、 “务 必”,有时还表示“一定”,起到加强 语 气的作用。如: You must come tomorrow. 你(们)明天必须来。 She must have this dictionary.
3. Can we bring music players to school?
bring v. 带来;取来
Can you bring me an English dictionary? 你能给我带来一本英语字典吗?
bring 与 take 的区别
Bring your homework here, and take the book away. 把你的作业拿过来,把这本书带走。 bring 指往里带,而take 则指往外带。 ---Why do Chinese people like red? B them ---Because they think it can ____ good luck. A. carry B. bring C. make D. take

人教版英语七下(初一) Unit4 Section A 1a—2c 课件 (共26张PPT)

人教版英语七下(初一) Unit4 Section A 1a—2c 课件  (共26张PPT)

listen to music
in class.
Don't fight.
01 Don't arrive late for class. 02 You must be on time. Don't run in the hallways.
03 Don't eat in the classroom. 04 Don't listen to music in class. You must eat in the dining hall.
We can’t eat in the classroom, but we can eat in the dining hall.
What are the else rules?
课桌上 乱涂乱画
Don't sit on the desk
Don't draw on the desk
坐在 桌子上
Don't arrive late for class. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You must be on time.
Don't run
in the hallways.
Don't fight.
祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、邀请、 叮嘱、劝告等的句子
Don't + V原 + 其他.
Memory Time! pictures

人教版初中英语七年级下精品课件unit4Unit 4 Section A 第二课时

人教版初中英语七年级下精品课件unit4Unit 4 Section A 第二课时
listen to music in class. eat anything in class.
draw on the wall.
ride bikes at school.
A: Can we arrive late for class?
B: No, we can't. We can’t arrive late for class.
Do they have to listen to the teacher in class?
Yes. They have to listen to the teacher in class. The rule: _W__e_h__a_v_e_t_o__l_is_t_e_n__t_o_t_h_e__t_e_a_c_h_e_r__in__c_l_a_s_s_.___
The rule:_D__o_n_’t__a_rr_i_v_e_l_a_te__f_o_r_s_c_h_o_o_l.__
Can we wear a hat? We can’t wear a hat. The rule:_D_o_n_’_t_w_e_a_r_a__h_at_._
Can we litter(乱丢垃圾)? We can’t litter. The rule: D__o_n_’t_l_it_te_r_.
A:Can we fight? B:No, we can’t. We can’t
fight. A:So, don’t fight.
A: Can we chat (聊天)in class? B: We can’t chat in class. A: Don’t chat in class.
(he/ have to/ in the dining hall)? A:_Y_e_s,_h_e__d_o_e_s_.


bring 指往里带,而take 则指往外带。
一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1. Tom, please bringyour homework to school tomorrow. 2. The old man wants to buy a house in the quiet village. 3. It's important (重要的) for us to eat breakfast. 4. I must wear the school uniform (校服) on Monday. 5. I hear a boy singing outside (在外面).
Knowledge Objectives 1.通:过听、读,初步识记:rules, arrive, late, hallways dining
hall, on time, listen to, fight, sorry 2.理解祈使句,初步运用“Don't+动词原形+其它”句型来表 达生活中出现的规则标志。
Lead in: Talk about rules in our life:
Look at the signs and talk about them in different ways.
Don’t smoke! No smoking!
Don’t take photos! No photos!
Don’t talk aloud! Be/ Keep quiet!
Don’t eat here! No food/eating!
Don’t listen to music! No music!
Don’t fight! No fighting!

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 4 SectionA(1a-2b) 课件

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 4 SectionA(1a-2b) 课件

1. ___ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways
2. ___ listen to music in the music room
3. ___ listen to music outside
Can we eat in the classroom?
No, we can’t.
Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.
What are the rules?
We can’t run in the hallways.Don’t run in the hallways.
一、核心单词(请根据中文意思,写出下列单词) 1.______ n. 规则;规章 2.________ v. 到达3.______ n. 大厅;礼堂 4.________ v. 听;倾听5._______ v.& n. 打架;战斗6._______ adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的7._________ adv.在外面 adj. 外面的8.______ v. 穿;戴 9.___________ adj. 重要的10._______ v. 带来;取来11._______ adj. 安静的
2a. Listen. Check the activities Alanand Cindy talk about.
1. ___ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways



2d Role-play the conversation.
See which group can say the most family rules.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
课堂检测: (一).根据示范来进行祈使句操练 A: Eat in the class. B: Don’t eat in the class. A: Fight in the classroom. B: Don’t fight .in the classroom A: Run in the hallways. B: Don’t run.in the hallways A: Arrive late for class. B: Don’t arriv.e late for class A: Listen to music in the classroom. B: Don’t listen to mu. sic in the classroom
No, they can’t.
5.Do they always have to wear the school uniform?
Yes, they do.
6.Do they also have to be quite in the library?
Yes, they do.
What are the school rules?
Don’t eat in class!

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A 2d—3c 课件(共31张PPT)

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A 2d—3c 课件(共31张PPT)
Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.
Do you know the places that have rules? And what rules do you know?
family rules 家规 school rules 校规 class rules 班规 library rules 图书馆规则 dining rules 就餐规则
We must be on time for class.
No, we can’t, but we can eat in the dining hall. Yes, we can./No, we can’t. Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. We have to be quiet in the library.
have to
We have to wear school uniform every day. 我们每天不得不穿校服。
You have to be quiet in the library. 你在图书馆不得不保持安静。
Does she have to do her homework first? 她不得不先做作业吗?
Welcome to our English class
Unit 4
Don’t eat in class.
Section A Period 2 (2d-3c)
Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 能使用目标语言谈论学校、图书馆的规则。 2. 进一步学习祈使句的用法。 3. 熟练掌握have to 的用法。

人教英语七年级下册unit 4section a 2d-3c(共20张ppt)

人教英语七年级下册unit 4section a 2d-3c(共20张ppt)

Follow the rules. Don’t break the rules.
Do we need rules?
Rules make life more beautiful!
We can’t rule the country without rules.
What kind of rules are they ? Do you know their meanings?
Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.
She/ have to in the library
Be quiet !
No listening to music! Don't eat or drink!
No wet umbrellas!
Put your school bag outside!
No photos!
What can you find?
Be quiet !
No listening to music!
We've known so many rules, do you like these rules in our school ? Now make up at least five cool rules for your dream school.
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方法指导: 1. 由图示可知都是一些禁止类的祈使句。 2. 可知应用“Don’t + 动词原形”句子。
3b Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school. 1. Be quiet? (she/have to /in the library) Q: Does she have to be quiet in the library? A: Yes, she does.
2. Eat? (he/have to/in the dinning hall) Q: __________________________ A: __________________________ 3. Listen to music? (we/can/in the hallways) Q: __________________________ A: __________________________ 4. Wear a hat? (we/can/in the classroom) Q: ________________________ A: ________________________
(2) 否定句: _____ Don’t + _________+ 动词原形 其他 不要和同学们打架。 _______________________________ Don’t fight with your classmates.
________________________________ Don’t play basketball in the classroom.
句型转换 1. He has to eat breakfast quickly. (改为一 般疑问句) __________________________________ Does he have to eat breakfast quickly? 2. Play volleyball after class. (改为否定句) ________________________________ Don’t play volleyball after class.
Be polite to each other. Wear school uniform. Don’t be late for school.
Don’t say rude remarks in school. Don’t eat snacks in class. Don’t shout in class.
5. 我们可以在教室里吃东西吗? _____________________________ Can we eat in the classroom? 6. 不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。 ________________________________ No, we can’t, but we can eat in the ________________________________ dining hall. 7. 我们可以在上课的时候带帽子吗? _____________________________ Can we wear a hat in class?
3c Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!
At my dream school, we don’t have to come to school every day. … We can eat in class. …
一、祈使句 1. 用法:一般以动词原形开头,表示请 求、命令、劝说、警告等。在祈使句 中,通常省略句子主语第二人称you。
2. 句子结构 (1) 肯定句:__________+ 动词原形 其他 在餐厅里吃东西。 ________________________________ Eat in the dining hall. 在音乐教室里听音乐。 ________________________________ Listen to music in the music room. 骑自行车去上学。 _________________________________ Ride the bike to school.
8. 他在学校里必须穿校服吗? __________________________________ Does he have to wear a uniform at school? 9. 是的,必须。/ 不,不必。 _______________________________ Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 10. 你们必须做什么? _______________________________ What do you have to do? 11. 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 _________________________________ We have to be quiet in the library.
1. 根据例句,可知要求我们造一般疑问句 并根据实际情况进行回答。 2. 先确定句子的主语。 3. 再确定用情态动词还是用助动词来构成
4. 根据实际情况做出肯定或否定回答,答
Then answer the questions.
2. Eat? (he/have to/in the dining hall) Q: ________________________________? Does he have to eat in the dining hall A: _____________ Yes, he does. 3. Listen to music? (we/can/in the hallways) Q: ________________________________? Can we listen to music in the hallways A: _____________ No, we can’t. 4. Wear a hat? (we/can/in the classroom) Q: Can _____________________________? we wear a hat in the classroom A: No, ____________ we can’t.
We don’t have to wear school uniforms. …
We can listen to music in class. …
We can eat in the classroom. …
We don’ my dream school, we don’t have to come to school every day. We can eat in the classroom. We can listen to music in class. We don’t have to do homework. We don’t have to wear school uniforms at school.
3a Write the rules for the school library. Library Rules 1. Don’t talk. 2. Don’t __________________ listen to music. 3. Don’t __________________ eat or drink. 4. __________________ Don’t take photos.
3. ━你必须做什么事? _______________________ What do you have to do? ━我们必须穿校服。 ________________________________ We must wear the school uniforms. 4. 他必须在校吃午饭吗? __________________________________ Does he have to eat lunch at school?
Great! Jim’s school is the coolest.
Discuss and make rules for the computer room in your school. Computer Rules 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________
(3) 以let引起的句子 ____+ Let sb.+动词原形 让我们步行去上学吧。 _________________ Let’s walk to school. (4) No + 动词-ing形式。表示“禁止、规劝” 禁止停车!No Parking. 禁止吸烟!No Smoking.
二、询问和讨论学校规则: 1. ━有什么规则?━我们必须保持安静。 __________________ What are the rules? _____________________ We must be quiet. 2. ━我们可以在上课的时候戴帽子吗? ________________________________ Can we wear a hat in class? ━不可以。你可以在外面戴帽子。 ___________ ______________________ No, we can’t. You can wear a hat outside.