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I. She brought with her three friends, none of _____ I had ever met before.

A. them

B. who

C. whom

D. these

2(09 陕西11)

. Gun con trol is a subject _ America ns have argued for a long time.

A. of which

B. with which

C. about which

D. into which

3. (09 江西26)

The house I grew up _______ has bee n take n dow n and replaced by an office buildi ng.

A. in it

B. in

C. in that

D. in which

4. (08 湖南31)

The grow ing speed of a pla nt is in flue need by a nu mber of factors , ___ are bey ond our

con trol.

A. most of them

B. most of which

C. most of what

D. most of that

5. (08 陕西13)

The man pulled out a gold watch , _____ were made of small diam on ds.

A. the hands of whom

B. whom the hands of

C. which the hands of

D.the hands of which

6. (08 四川4)

For many cities in the world , there is no room to spread out further , _____ New

York is an example.

A. for which

B. i n which

C. of which

D. from which

7. (08 福建31)

By nine o ' clpaK the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma , ______ appeared a rare rainbow soon.

A. of which

B. on which

C.from which

D.above which

8. (07 北京23)

We shouldn ' t spend our money testing so many people most of _______ are healthy.





9. (07 安徽34)

Last week,only two people came to look at the house,______ wan ted to buy it.

A.none of them

B.both of them

C.none of whom

D.n either of whom

10. (07 四川27)It is reported that two schools , __ are being built in my hometown,will open n ext year.

A.they both

B.which both

C.both of them

D.both of which

II. (07 重庆30)

Huma n facial expressi ons differ from those of ani mals in the degree ____ they can be

con trolled on purpose.

A.with which

B.to which

C.of which

D.for which

12. (07 辽宁24)

Eric received training in computer for one year , ____ he found a job in a big company.

A.after that

B.after which

C.after it

D.after this

13. (05 重庆32)Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003 ,___ he studied very hard and was made chairma n of the Stude nts ' Union.

A.duri ng which time

B.for which time

C.duri ng whose time

D.by that time 14. (05 江西 25)The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs ______ they are being trained.

A.in that

B.for that

C.in which

D.for which

15. (05 江苏 32)The place ___ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ________ the cross

river traffic is the heaviest.


B.at which;which

C.at which;where

D.which;in which 16. .(05 广东 35)

Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the

sce nes ____ people were eate n by the tiger.


B.by which


D.in which 17. 19.(05 湖南 27)Frank ' s dream was to have his own shop to produce the workings of his own han ds. A.that B.i n which

C.by which

D.how 18. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year , 80% _____ are sold abroad. A.of which B.which of C.of them D.of that

19. (04 全国 I 23)The English play ___ my students acted at the New Year

' s party was a great success.

A.for which

B.at which

C.in which

D.o n which

20. (08南通市高三第一次调研测试 )

She may have missed the train , __ she won ' t arrive for another hour. A.i n which case B.i n her case C.i n any case

D.i n that case 21. (08山东实验中学高三1月模拟)

Good ad ofte n uses words __ people attach positive meanin gs.

A.in which

B.to which



22. (08北京市东城区高三教学目标检测 )

A huge amount of oil was spilt on the road ,the effects of ____ are still being left.

24. It was ___ Benazir Bhutto ,former Pakistan Prime Minister , was leaving the rally that the

suicide bomb happened, ____ the world felt sorry.

A.whe n;for which


C.si nce;for which


25. (07广东广州调研) There are altogether fifty-four students in our class , ____ is a new comer from a faraway

An swers: 1.C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C

20. A 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. D A.it



D.whom 23. The famous scie ntist , ___ a dinner party will be held tonight , is to arrive soon.

A.i n honour of him

B.i n his honour

C.i n whose honour

D.i n which honour

Many of the creatures in Rowli ng A.which B.that

26. (06安徽皖南部分重点学校联考 's world area n dt rreath of C.what D.it )

_____ h appe ns is stra nge.

mountain village.

A.the most dilige nt of who

C.the most dilige nt of them

B.but the most dilige nt of whom

D.of whom the most dilige nt
