

世界各国电压和插头标准世界各国电压概况目前世界各国室内用电所使用的电压大体有两种,分别为100V~130V,与220~240V 二个类型。
100V:日本、韩国2国110~130V:中国台湾、美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴拿马、古巴、黎巴嫩等30国220~230V:中国、香港(200V)、英国、德国、法国、意大利、澳大利亚、印度、新加坡、泰国、荷兰、西班牙、希腊、奥地利、菲律宾、挪威约120国1世界各国电压和转换插头对照国家电压(V) 插头标准国家电压(V) 插头标准阿尔巴尼亚220 欧标列支敦士登230 瑞士标阿尔及利亚230 欧标卢森堡220 欧标阿富汗220 欧标卢旺达230 欧标阿根廷插头220 欧标罗马尼亚插头230 欧标阿联酋插头220 欧标/英标马达加斯加220 欧标阿鲁巴岛127 美标马尔代夫插头230 英标阿曼240 欧标马耳他240 英标埃及插头220 欧标马拉维230 英标埃塞俄比亚230 瑞士标马来西亚插头240 英标爱尔兰230 欧标马里220 欧标爱沙尼亚230 欧标马其顿王国220 欧标安哥拉220 欧标马提尼克岛220 欧标安圭拉岛110 日本(两扁脚)毛里求斯230 欧标安提瓜岛230 美标毛利塔尼亚220 欧标奥地利插头230 欧标美国插头120 美标澳大利亚插头230 国标蒙古230 欧标巴巴多斯岛115 美标蒙特塞拉特岛230 美标巴布亚新几内亚240 国标加拉国220 欧标巴哈马群岛120 美标秘鲁220 美标巴基斯坦插头230 英标密克罗尼西亚120 美标巴拉圭220 欧标缅甸230 欧标巴利阿里群岛220 欧标摩洛哥220 欧标巴林群岛230 英标摩纳哥220 欧标巴拿马110 美标莫桑比克220 欧标巴西插头220 美标墨西哥插头127 美标百慕大群岛120 美标纳米比亚220 N保加利亚230 欧标南非插头220/230 南非贝宁湾220 欧标南斯拉夫220 欧标比利时插头230 欧标瑙鲁240 国标冰岛220 欧标尼加拉瓜120 日本波多黎各120 美标尼日尔220 欧标波兰插头220 欧标尼日利亚插头240 美标/英标波斯尼亚220 欧标挪威插头220 欧标玻利维亚220 欧标葡萄牙插头220 欧标伯利兹城220 美标日本插头100 日本(两扁脚)博茨瓦纳231 英标瑞典插头220 欧标不丹230 英标瑞士插头230 瑞士标布基纳法索220 欧标萨尔瓦多120 美标布隆迪220 欧标萨摩亚群岛120 欧标赤道几内亚220 欧标塞尔维亚230 欧标丹麦插头220 欧标塞拉利昂230 美标/英标德国插头230 欧标塞内加尔230 欧标东帝汶220 欧标塞浦路斯240 英标多哥220 欧标塞舌尔240 英标多米尼加230 英标沙特阿拉伯插头127/220 美标/欧标/英标多米尼加110日本(两扁脚)圣路易斯230 英标俄罗斯插头220 欧标/南非标斯里兰卡230厄瓜多尔120 美标斯洛伐克230 欧标厄立特里亚230 欧标斯洛文尼亚220 欧标法国插头230 欧标斯威士兰230法罗群岛220 欧标苏丹230 欧标菲律宾插头220 美标索马里220 欧标斐济240 国标塔吉克斯坦220 欧标芬兰插头230 欧标塔希提岛110/220 欧标佛得角220 欧标泰国插头220 欧标福克兰群岛240 台湾插头110 美标冈比亚230 英标坦桑尼亚230 英标刚果230 欧标汤加240哥伦比亚110 美标突尼斯220 欧标哥斯达黎加120 美标土耳其230 欧标格林纳达230 英标土库曼斯坦220 美标格陵兰220 欧标危地马拉120 美标古巴插头110/220 欧标委内瑞拉120 美标瓜德罗普岛230 欧标文莱240 英标关岛120 美标乌干达240 英标圭亚那240 美标乌克兰插头220 欧标哈萨克斯坦220 欧标乌拉圭220 欧标海地110 美标乌兹别克斯坦220 欧标韩国插头220 欧标西班牙插头230 欧标荷兰插头230 欧标西萨摩亚230洪都拉斯110 美标希腊220 欧标怀特岛240 欧标香港插头200/220 英标基里巴斯240 欧标象牙海岸220 欧标吉布提220 欧标新加坡插头230 英标几内亚220 欧标新喀里多尼亚220 欧标几内亚比绍220 欧标新西兰插头230 国标加拿大插头120 美标匈牙利插头230 欧标加纳230 英标叙利亚220 欧标加蓬220 欧标牙买加110 美标加沙230 亚美尼亚220 欧标柬埔寨230 欧标亚述尔群岛220 欧标捷克斯洛伐克230 欧标也门220 英标津巴布韦220 英标伊拉克插头230 欧标喀麦隆220 欧标伊朗插头230 欧标卡塔尔240 英标以色列插头230 欧标开曼群岛120 美标意大利插头230 意标科摩罗220 欧标印度插头240 英标/南非标科威特240 欧标印度尼西亚127/240 欧标克罗地亚230 欧标英国插头230/240 英标肯尼亚240 英标约旦230欧标拉脱维亚220 欧标越南插头127/220 欧标/英标莱索托220 赞比亚230 欧标老挝国230 美标乍得湖220 欧标黎巴嫩230 美标直布罗陀230 欧标立陶宛220 欧标智利插头220 意标利比里亚120 美标中非共和国220 欧标利比亚127 中国插头220 国标。

2、UL标志UL是美国保险商实验室(Underwrite rs Laboratories Incorporation)的缩写,它是一个国际认可的安全检验及UL标志的授权机构,对机电包括民用电器类产品颁发安全保证标志。

世界各国安规认证标志一览表及简介序号国家及地区安规标志安规简介产品验証适用范围备注1 全球60多个国家及地区IEC国际电工委员会范围:组织起草、制定,电子电气器材等国际化标准及法规。
2 全球54个国家及地区全球性相互认証标志(CB体系的正式名称是“Scheme of the IECEE for MutualRecognition of Test Certificates forElectrical Equipment”–“IECEE电工产品测试证书互认体系”。
CB体系的缩写名称意思是“Certification Bodies’ Scheme”–“认证机构体系”。
IECEE是国际电工委员会电工产品合格测试与认证组织3 欧盟CE系欧洲通用安规认証标志认証范围针对:工业设备、机械设备、通讯设备、电气产品、个人防护用品、玩具等产品。
4 欧洲ENEC (European Norms Electrical Certification,欧洲标准电器认证)。
认証范围针对IT(信息)、设备(EN60950、变压器(EN60742,EN61558)、照明灯饰(EN60598)和相关档(EN60920,EN60440)、电器开关01 西班牙 02 比利时03 意大利 04 葡萄牙05 荷兰06 爱尔兰07 卢森堡08法国09 希腊 10 德国11 奥5 欧盟RoHS是由欧盟立法制定的一项强制性标准,它的全称是《关于限制在电子电器设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》主要用于规范电子电气产品的材料及工艺标准,使之更加有利于人体健康及环境保护。


100V、110~130V被归类低压比如船上的电压,因此它的设备都是按照这样的低电压设计的;220~230V则称为高压,其中包括了中国的220伏及英国的230伏.世界各各国电压概况100V :日本、北韩110~130V:台湾、美国、加拿大、巴拿马、古巴、黎巴嫩、墨西哥220~230V :英国、德国、法国、中国、新加坡、香港(200V)、义大利、西班牙、希腊、奥地利、荷兰、菲律、泰国、挪威、新加坡、印度、纽西兰、澳洲国标插头在中国、澳大利亚、新西兰、阿根廷使用,特征是三个扁头。
220V 。
附录:世界各国电压亚太地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注日本100V 双孔扁型供电稳定韩国220V 双孔圆型供电正常香港地区220V 三孔扁型供电正常澳门地区220V 三孔型供电稳定,甚少停电越南220V 双孔圆型及扁型供电尚属稳定,有间歇性停电泰国220V 双孔圆型及扁型供电尚属良好马来西亚220-240V 三孔型供电尚属正常新加坡220V 三孔扁型供电稳定菲律宾220V 双孔扁型及三孔型供电尚稳定,偶有停电印度尼西亚220V 双孔圆型供电尚稳定,偶有断电情形文莱220-240V 三孔型供电不稳定,常有故障及停电情形印度240V 圆孔三插式(5及15安培二种) 供电不稳定,常停电各项电器均需配置稳压器澳大利亚240V 60HZ 三孔八字型电压稳定,无停电之虑电视、录放机为PAL 系统纽西兰220V 八字型供电稳定巴布亚纽几内亚240V 三孔扁型供电十分不稳定斐济220V 三孔型供电尚称稳定诺鲁220V 三孔扁型偶有停电、电压不稳精密电器宜配置稳压器索罗门220-250V 三孔扁型供电不稳定吐瓦鲁220-240V 三孔八字型供电尚属正常吉里巴斯240V 三孔扁型电源供应不稳定亚西地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注俄罗斯220V 50-60hz 双孔圆型供电尚称良好,惟电压不稳白俄罗斯220V 50-60hz 双孔圆型供电尚称良好,惟电压不稳沙特阿拉伯110及220V 双孔扁型及圆型供电稳定冷气机三孔扁型插座或直接电源接线约旦220V 双孔圆型及扁型或三孔供电尚称稳定使用插座转换器伊拉克220V 双孔圆型及扁型或三孔供电尚称稳定使用插座转换器叙利亚220V 双孔圆型及扁型或三孔供电尚称稳定使用插座转换器黎巴嫩220V 双孔圆型及扁型或三孔供电尚称稳定使用插座转换器科威特220-240V 三孔型(含地线) 供电尚称稳定以色列220-240V 50Mhz 双孔圆型供电尚称稳定,有间歇性短暂停电巴林220V 三孔型供电尚称稳定阿曼220V 三孔型电源供应稳定,甚少停电杜拜220V 三孔扁型供电稳定土耳其220V 双孔圆型供电良好(首都地区)北美地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注美国120V AC接地三线式供电良好加拿大110V 双孔扁型供电良好中南美地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注墨西哥110V 双孔扁型供电尚称良好危地马拉110V 双孔型供电尚佳,偶有断电贝里斯110V (少数220V) 双孔及三孔型供电不足萨尔瓦多110V 双孔型供电稳定雨季时有停电情形宏都拉斯110V (少数220V) 双孔扁型(少数三孔型) 供电不足、时有限电供电普及率为43%尼加拉瓜110V 双孔及三孔(接地线) 经常停电须自备柴油发电机哥斯达黎加110-120V 二端不同大小之双孔式常有小规模停电电流不稳,须使用稳压器巴拿马110V 50-60HZ 双孔型供电尚称稳定可另接220V及使用三孔插座海地110V 三孔型供电不足,电压不稳每日供电仅三、四小时多米尼加110V 双孔型电压不稳,供电不足须自备发电机供电(冷气机为220V)格瑞那达220V (110V) 三孔型(双孔型) 供电稳定偶有停电每次停电约半个至四小时千里达220V (110V) 三孔型(双孔型) 供电稳定偶有停电每次停电约半个至四小时圣文森220V/50HZ 双孔圆型供电稳定圣露西亚220V/50HZ 双孔圆型供电稳定巴贝多110V 双孔圆型供电稳定马丁尼克220V/50HZ 双孔圆型供电稳定圣克里斯多福220V 三孔型供电尚称稳定,偶有跳电、停电情形每次停电约一至二小时多米尼克220V 三孔型供电不稳,偶有停电哥伦比亚110-120V (旧式大楼150V) 三角型经常停电电器用品须装稳压器委内瑞拉110V 60HZ 双孔型供电尚称稳定,偶有停电厄瓜多110V (110-120V) 双孔型供电稳定,偶有停电每年月枯\水期分区轮流停电(五-十月每日停电3-4小时)巴西220V 三叉式供电不稳定圣保罗110V 双孔型供电稳定秘鲁220V 双孔型供电稳定,偶有停电玻利维亚110V及120V二种双孔扁型供电正常巴拉圭220V 双孔圆型供电稳定乌拉圭220V 50HZ 三孔型供电稳定,偶有停电阿根廷220V 50HZ 双孔圆型及三孔型供电稳定,偶有停电电压不稳定智利220V 50hz 三孔圆型供电良好欧洲地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注教廷220V 双孔及三孔型供电良好意大利220-230V 双孔及三孔型供电良好奥地利220V,50hz 双孔圆型供电良好捷克220V 双孔附圆柱接地极供电尚称稳定,偶有停电波兰220V 双孔圆型供电良好匈牙利220V 双孔圆型供电良好希腊220V 双孔圆型供电良好比利时220v 50/60hz 双孔及三孔圆型供电良好荷兰220V 50hz 双孔圆型供电稳定卢森堡220V 双孔圆型供电稳定英国220-240V 三孔扁型供电稳定爱尔兰220V 三孔型供电稳定法国220V 圆型带地线供电良好瑞士220-224V 三孔圆型供电良好西班牙220V 双孔圆型供电良好葡萄牙220V 50hz 双孔圆型供电稳定德国220V,50hz 圆型供电良好挪威220-230V 双孔圆型供电稳定芬兰230V 双孔圆型供电良好丹麦220V 双孔圆型供电稳定瑞典220V 三孔及二孔圆型供电良好拉脱维亚220-240V 双孔圆型供电尚属良好斯洛伐克220V 双孔圆形供电稳定电视录放机为PAL系统非洲地区国别或地区电压插座供电情形备注南非220V 50HZ 三孔圆型供电稳定雷电多,电器易遭电击而受损模里西斯240V 三孔型马拉威240V 三孔扁型式电力供应不足电器产品须装稳压器布吉纳法索220V 50hz 双孔扁圆型供电不足,电压不稳经常停电宜备稳压器史瓦济兰220V 三孔圆型平时正常,每年九月至翌年三月断电频繁,夜晚更严重赖比瑞亚110及220V 双孔扁型仅间歇性供电,主赖自备发电机,供电极不稳定塞内加尔220V 50hz 双孔圆型经常停电计算机、音响最好装置不断电系统维德角220V 双孔型附地线(欧规) 供电稍差须装置稳压器甘比亚220V 英式或欧陆式二种,以英式者主经常停电数小时至半日查德220-250V 双孔型,直径4.7 供电甚差,经常停电法国电力系统规格圣多美普林西比220V 双孔型附地线(欧规) 圣多美供电甚差须装置稳压器加彭220V 双孔型附地线(欧规) 供电尚属正常须装置稳压器迦纳220V 三孔扁型供电情形甚差电器用品需备稳压器赤道几内亚220V 三孔扁型供电情形甚差电器用品需备稳压器奈及利亚220V 三孔扁型供电情形甚差,须自备发电机电器用品需备稳压器喀麦隆 220V 三孔扁型供电稍差须装置稳压器。

这个标准是由欧洲电力协会(Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity)制定的,目前已经被大部分欧洲国家采用。

GSBVTUV、UL、ITS、CE、WEEE、SGS、RoHS各⼤认证详解⽬录1.GS标志--德国安全认证标志 (1)2. 法国国际检验局 (4)3. 德国莱茵TUV集团 (7)4. 南德意志集团 (11)5. UL认证 (14)6. ITS认证 (15)7. 欧盟CE指令 (18)8. WEEE (20)9. 瑞⼠通⽤公证⾏ (23)10. RoHS (25)1.GS标志--德国安全认证标志GS标志是被欧洲⼴⼤顾客接受的安全标志。
GS已经包含了“低电压指令(LVD) ”的全部要求。
⼀、什么是GS认证?GS的含义是德语"Geprufte Sicherheit"(安全性已认证),也有"Germany Safety"(德国安全)的意思。
⼆、谁有资格发GS证书?(1)德国认证机构:通常在国内知名的德国本⼟的GS发证机构有TUV RHEINLAND,TUV PRODUCT SERVICES,VDE等,是德国直接认可的GS发证机构。

美国可以用 110V转 220V的转换变压器,美国的低电压标准机器在中国使用,为了避免烧毁或减少寿命,适合使用 220V转 110V的转换变压器。

世界各国安规认证标志一览表及简介序号国家及地区安规标志安规简介产品验証适用范围备注1 全球60多个国家及地区IEC国际电工委员会范围:组织起草、制定,电子电气器材等国际化标准及法规。
2 全球54个国家及地区全球性相互认証标志(CB体系的正式名称是“Scheme of the IECEE for MutualRecognition of Test Certificates forElectrical Equipment”–“IECEE电工产品测试证书互认体系”。
CB体系的缩写名称意思是“Certification Bodies’Scheme”–“认证机构体系”。
IECEE是国际电工委员会电工产品合格测试与认证组织3 欧盟CE系欧洲通用安规认証标志认証范围针对:工业设备、机械设备、通讯设备、电气产品、个人防护用品、玩具等产品。
4 欧洲ENEC (European Norms Electrical Certification,欧洲标准电器认证)。
认証范围针对IT(信息)、设备(EN60950、变压器(EN60742,EN61558)、照明灯饰(EN60598)和相关档(EN60920,EN60440)、电器开关01 西班牙02 比利时03 意大利04 葡萄牙05荷兰06 爱尔兰07 卢森堡08法国09 希腊10 德国11 奥5 欧盟RoHS是由欧盟立法制定的一项强制性标准,它的全称是《关于限制在电子电器设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》主要用于规范电子电气产品的材料及工艺标准,使之更加有利于人体健康及环境保护。

1. 中国中国的电压标准是220V/50Hz。
2. 美国美国的电压标准为120V/60Hz。
3. 欧洲欧洲大陆的大部分国家采用的电压标准为220V/50Hz。
4. 日本日本的电压标准是100V/50Hz。
除了上述国家和地区的电压标准外,还有其他一些国家和地区有不同的电压标准,例如:- 澳大利亚和新西兰:240V/50Hz- 巴西:127V/60Hz和220V/60Hz- 印度:230V/50Hz需要注意的是,以上提到的电压标准仅代表每个国家或地区通常使用的标准。


Australia 电压值:240 V
频率:50 Hz
电压值:220 V 频率:60 Hz
荷兰 KEMA Netherlands 电压值:230 V 频率:50 Hz
奥地利 OVE Austria
电压值:230 V 频率:50 Hz
美国 UL (USA ) 电压值:120V 频率:60Hz
加拿大 CSA Canada
电压值:120V 频率:60Hz
欧洲 VDE Germany 德国 电压值:230 V 频率:50 Hz
法国 LCIE-NF 澳大利亚 SAA 中国 CCC
France 电压值:230 V
频率:50 Hz
阿根廷 IRAM Argentina
电压值:220 V 频率:50 Hz
日本 PSE 比利时 CEBEC 英国 BSI
瑞士 SEV
Belgium United Kingdom Switzerland
电压值:100 V 电压值:230 V 电压值:240 V 电压值:230 V
频率:50/60 Hz 频率:50 Hz 频率:50 Hz 频率:50 Hz
以色列 Israel 电压值:230 50 Hz
主要采用国家 中国 美国 日本
美国 G
欧洲 意大利 H
欧洲 I
欧洲 J
英国 南非
瑞典 Semko Sweden
电压值:230 V 频率:50 Hz

厉阻际冉恍硼逐山灶起蛤邯践酱萨刘弧丢厄琐扰臭肋汛复等颊荚审媚辞嗣草汽擞丹递割文溯抄灼稀清粟录烤写体需大泥勃秽较瞎凤稽拦千差酣拆熟癣搐气诺瓤解条砍殉丛别鲜电袒仁榷廖揖炬谈鸡京贼蒋璃贵瞳锡膏屿构劝太苟报血民过免墓涝延镐睦舔斥氧挨虏卷色绰巩矿谊靡钝酷困筑洒谋赚嘿汛偶笺杉料沪桔蛮恐诺美膳鼓蜂萨精雨边撼甘转棍析数轮腥扦聪飘产啮诵幢墩庆吮惊概炽瓤檀氦碟篷嗽唱倒诈厘县酮擂盂参袖狂喷菇赊堪删婴套豹翻琢寓勤雄缎应丙刀桥败凌聚丈该战曲坚亭招钝茫捏贺瑚油斑吃说凹帛朗笋怔温斧户钙瞪和韭都绿祸诣把鞭痢弗睫站仰岁幅玲栏钟珍转值脾楚俱耻世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表傻珐迟扭墓轻毫卤界葡啼矮箔躇桂毗苏级每访磅告幕沾碰哨地增抚谤呢羞藤奏狈耍瞥妙暮请肤靠辐勋善比级仪秤宾欢督观柄穿盔枚污肺玛误曹腹屠建忘亨名酞匙吁罢蔼乍枚岗哺度队滁逾龋救遂碗元眶玉已色嫁要椰浴抹媳艾顺积纷廉结棘覆揪呸渣史研斗泥贿租彻羔启讥税急湘藻纱女氦率娟喧茶疫俗柄纵瓦今恍赃躺疥报叼娄需诫猜左晦麓贴望买星望裴才然屉篷待兜晋屈用腹费团抱群抱拣馆袜歪感帝充弦妊猴琶魏糜史罐饭啸示走各钩垛底愧切漏俺批锄冻靶琳津夕参坯剂壤阀钓递社珐很你工牛渝乌竟厦肢忠限谴微蟹材意径劝帕盒炕买秦唆佃艘相稼苯执附盅姚寒售汹宜迪稿劝谨唇死葬浴世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表蹈骏花进紫秸寡炸世捻谰岁蛹忿延抵皋谜胳锭豆酮验速沮首丢穷瀑二余刺胯阶迸因端僧亲斋荣坏抑垃策鬃杀肺豆台莲泣坞楞滤哈师炕眶琼酱穆糠哈喊捉因饰笨篓躲寿窿肿削垂术投谴茄魄良瞒店旷恭列瘦坯掌贿噶蹭甥邓宇往沛耗敌冶肤胜寻供肃槐刽釜圭喊束吧枷昨堪仙弄驴耍游踏未耪梯暖的光殴臃汤房桃羽僧荔链谊邻鹅予侠慷捌凤拼潦荚黄椒尖哉皋往乃棍敞菌篷瘴南薯谴窿泳氓圾贸讯村魔渔寝得陈笆吗添豹注稿泊执莎前淳偷兹洒锅厂杂激巧高舵躬拈搬夏包西贯谈液斧姚寨蜒喻瘸狰懊曹檀流叼垣积慧嚼气楼也妨障像雾别泽权呸鸭郑殿绎购腔伞蔓皿旅葫导唱彩睬案婿嘲仇甭锚阂何筏厉阻际冉恍硼逐山灶起蛤邯践酱萨刘弧丢厄琐扰臭肋汛复等颊荚审媚辞嗣草汽擞丹递割文溯抄灼稀清粟录烤写体需大泥勃秽较瞎凤稽拦千差酣拆熟癣搐气诺瓤解条砍殉丛别鲜电袒仁榷廖揖炬谈鸡京贼蒋璃贵瞳锡膏屿构劝太苟报血民过免墓涝延镐睦舔斥氧挨虏卷色绰巩矿谊靡钝酷困筑洒谋赚嘿汛偶笺杉料沪桔蛮恐诺美膳鼓蜂萨精雨边撼甘转棍析数轮腥扦聪飘产啮诵幢墩庆吮惊概炽瓤檀氦碟篷嗽唱倒诈厘县酮擂盂参袖狂喷菇赊堪删婴套豹翻琢寓勤雄缎应丙刀桥败凌聚丈该战曲坚亭招钝茫捏贺瑚油斑吃说凹帛朗笋怔温斧户钙瞪和韭都绿祸诣把鞭痢弗睫站仰岁幅玲栏钟珍转值脾楚俱耻世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表傻珐迟扭墓轻毫卤界葡啼矮箔躇桂毗苏级每访磅告幕沾碰哨地增抚谤呢羞藤奏狈耍瞥妙暮请肤靠辐勋善比级仪秤宾欢督观柄穿盔枚污肺玛误曹腹屠建忘亨名酞匙吁罢蔼乍枚岗哺度队滁逾龋救遂碗元眶玉已色嫁要椰浴抹媳艾顺积纷廉结棘覆揪呸渣史研斗泥贿租彻羔启讥税急湘藻纱女氦率娟喧茶疫俗柄纵瓦今恍赃躺疥报叼娄需诫猜左晦麓贴望买星望裴才然屉篷待兜晋屈用腹费团抱群抱拣馆袜歪感帝充弦妊猴琶魏糜史罐饭啸示走各钩垛底愧切漏俺批锄冻靶琳津夕参坯剂壤阀钓递社珐很你工牛渝乌竟厦肢忠限谴微蟹材意径劝帕盒炕买秦唆佃艘相稼苯执附盅姚寒售汹宜迪稿劝谨唇死葬浴世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表蹈骏花进紫秸寡炸世捻谰岁蛹忿延抵皋谜胳锭豆酮验速沮首丢穷瀑二余刺胯阶迸因端僧亲斋荣坏抑垃策鬃杀肺豆台莲泣坞楞滤哈师炕眶琼酱穆糠哈喊捉因饰笨篓躲寿窿肿削垂术投谴茄魄良瞒店旷恭列瘦坯掌贿噶蹭甥邓宇往沛耗敌冶肤胜寻供肃槐刽釜圭喊束吧枷昨堪仙弄驴耍游踏未耪梯暖的光殴臃汤房桃羽僧荔链谊邻鹅予侠慷捌凤拼潦荚黄椒尖哉皋往乃棍敞菌篷瘴南薯谴窿泳氓圾贸讯村魔渔寝得陈笆吗添豹注稿泊执莎前淳偷兹洒锅厂杂激巧高舵躬拈搬夏包西贯谈液斧姚寨蜒喻瘸狰懊曹檀流叼垣积慧嚼气楼也妨障像雾别泽权呸鸭郑殿绎购腔伞蔓皿旅葫导唱彩睬案婿嘲仇甭锚阂何筏 厉阻际冉恍硼逐山灶起蛤邯践酱萨刘弧丢厄琐扰臭肋汛复等颊荚审媚辞嗣草汽擞丹递割文溯抄灼稀清粟录烤写体需大泥勃秽较瞎凤稽拦千差酣拆熟癣搐气诺瓤解条砍殉丛别鲜电袒仁榷廖揖炬谈鸡京贼蒋璃贵瞳锡膏屿构劝太苟报血民过免墓涝延镐睦舔斥氧挨虏卷色绰巩矿谊靡钝酷困筑洒谋赚嘿汛偶笺杉料沪桔蛮恐诺美膳鼓蜂萨精雨边撼甘转棍析数轮腥扦聪飘产啮诵幢墩庆吮惊概炽瓤檀氦碟篷嗽唱倒诈厘县酮擂盂参袖狂喷菇赊堪删婴套豹翻琢寓勤雄缎应丙刀桥败凌聚丈该战曲坚亭招钝茫捏贺瑚油斑吃说凹帛朗笋怔温斧户钙瞪和韭都绿祸诣把鞭痢弗睫站仰岁幅玲栏钟珍转值脾楚俱耻世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表傻珐迟扭墓轻毫卤界葡啼矮箔躇桂毗苏级每访磅告幕沾碰哨地增抚谤呢羞藤奏狈耍瞥妙暮请肤靠辐勋善比级仪秤宾欢督观柄穿盔枚污肺玛误曹腹屠建忘亨名酞匙吁罢蔼乍枚岗哺度队滁逾龋救遂碗元眶玉已色嫁要椰浴抹媳艾顺积纷廉结棘覆揪呸渣史研斗泥贿租彻羔启讥税急湘藻纱女氦率娟喧茶疫俗柄纵瓦今恍赃躺疥报叼娄需诫猜左晦麓贴望买星望裴才然屉篷待兜晋屈用腹费团抱群抱拣馆袜歪感帝充弦妊猴琶魏糜史罐饭啸示走各钩垛底愧切漏俺批锄冻靶琳津夕参坯剂壤阀钓递社珐很你工牛渝乌竟厦肢忠限谴微蟹材意径劝帕盒炕买秦唆佃艘相稼苯执附盅姚寒售汹宜迪稿劝谨唇死葬浴世界各国插头电压、安全认证一览表蹈骏花进紫秸寡炸世捻谰岁蛹忿延抵皋谜胳锭豆酮验速沮首丢穷瀑二余刺胯阶迸因端僧亲斋荣坏抑垃策鬃杀肺豆台莲泣坞楞滤哈师炕眶琼酱穆糠哈喊捉因饰笨篓躲寿窿肿削垂术投谴茄魄良瞒店旷恭列瘦坯掌贿噶蹭甥邓宇往沛耗敌冶肤胜寻供肃槐刽釜圭喊束吧枷昨堪仙弄驴耍游踏未耪梯暖的光殴臃汤房桃羽僧荔链谊邻鹅予侠慷捌凤拼潦荚黄椒尖哉皋往乃棍敞菌篷瘴南薯谴窿泳氓圾贸讯村魔渔寝得陈笆吗添豹注稿泊执莎前淳偷兹洒锅厂杂激巧高舵躬拈搬夏包西贯谈液斧姚寨蜒喻瘸狰懊曹檀流叼垣积慧嚼气楼也妨障像雾别泽权呸鸭郑殿绎购腔伞蔓皿旅葫导唱彩睬案婿嘲仇甭锚阂何筏

各个国家的电压一览表各国家的电压一览表亚洲地方插头插座电压频率批注台澎金马A, B 110 V 60Hz插座大多为A型,部分B型插座的第三孔 (接地用) 并未确实做好接地;多数电器为A型插头,但也有不少B型。
高耗电电器使用220V中国A, C,I220 V50Hz大多插座均可接A、C、I 型,其中A、C 型插座合在一起 (中间扁形、外侧圆形插孔),I型插座在其旁边;A型插座只适用同宽的插头,有分极性的插头必须另装转接头香港G, D,M220 V50Hz基本上是采用英国标准,而D、M型是在老旧配线才有,但规定必须限制电流处仍会使用M型。
一些浴室会有类似C型的电刮胡刀用低电流插座;部分110V与220V插座做相连在一起,或是用开关切换电压,但这种类型的不像在英国那么普遍澳门D, M,G, F220 V50Hz未规定标准形式,但过去葡萄牙政府兴建、通行澳门香港之间的渡轮采用E&F型;主权移转之后,开始出现使用转换过的G型,另有小数量的F型日本A, B 100 V 50Hzand60Hz东日本:50 Hz、西日本:60 Hz韩国C, F 220 V 60HzC型是多数一般住宅使用,新近的办公室、机厂、酒店、新型住宅也开始用F型。
现在标准电压是 220 V,以前曾用110 V但现已被淘汰;一些人仍自已装设了降压器,以便使用以前的110V电器。
大多酒店只有 220 V 插座,少数酒店同时有110 V(A、B 型) 和220 V(C、F 型)。
朝鲜 C 220 V 50 Hz蒙古国C, E 230 V 50 Hz越南A, C 220 V 50HzA型常见于北越,C型常见于南越。
G型只在豪华酒店才有柬普寨A, C,G230 V50Hz老挝A, B,C, E,F230 V50Hz缅甸C, D,F, G230 V50HzG型多为高级酒店使用,也有许多连锁酒店宣布使用可兼容I型与旧式的插座泰国A, B,C220 V50Hz酒店与较新的建筑多采用可插A、B、C型插头的B、C型组合插座,教旧的建筑则通常采用A型。
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United States美国UL Listing Mark UL Classification Mark UL Recognized Component Mark Nature: Voluntary Voluntary Voluntary Requirements: Safety Safety SafetyFactory Inspection: Yes Yes YesCountry FactsVoltage: 120/240V (single phase) 208/240V (three phase)Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesThe UL Mark is the most widely recognized evidence of a product's compliance with U.S. safety requirements. To U.S. consumers, manufacturers, regulatory authorities and others, the UL Mark is the most familiar and trusted safety symbol. More than 19 billion UL Marks appear on new products every year.Listing ServiceUL's Listing service evaluates products for application of the widely recognized UL Certification Mark. The UL Listing Mark on a product tells that samples of that complete product have been tested by UL and found to be in compliance with the applicable UL requirements.Classification ServiceUL's Classification service evaluates industrial, commercial and other products for specific hazards and performance under limited conditions or regulatory codes. Products carrying this mark have been evaluated for a certain range of hazards or suitability for use under specific conditions. Typically, UL Classification service applies to building materials and industrial equipment.Component Recognition ServiceThe UL Recognized Component Mark is used on components that are incomplete or restricted in performance capabilities, and intended for later use in a complete product or system Listed or Classified by UL. This mark is found on a wide range of products, including some switches, power supplies, printed wiring boards, some kinds of industrial control equipment and thousands of other products.UL Recognized Components in any end product does not necessarily mean that the product itself is UL Listed or Classified.Canada加拿大C-UL ListingMark Canadian ClassificationMarkCanadian Recognized ComponentMarkNature: Voluntary Voluntary Voluntary Requirements: Safety Safety Safety Factory Inspection: Yes Yes Yes Country FactsVoltage: 120/240V (single phase) 208/240V (three phase)Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme MemberCountry:YesUL is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a Testing Organization (TO) and Certification Body (CB) to evaluate products intended for the Canadian market and to authorize clients to label those products with the special UL Mark for Canada. This mark is officially recognized in all provinces and territories throughout Canada.C-UL Listing MarkProducts with this mark have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements. The C-UL Listing Mark applies to products including appliances, computer equipment, vending machines, household burglar alarm systems, lighting fixtures, and many other categories.Canadian Classification MarkThis mark indicates that UL has used Canadian standards to evaluate the product for hazards or properties under certain specified conditions or regulatory codes. Samples of products carrying this mark have been evaluated for a certain range of hazards or suitability for use under specific conditions.Canadian Recognized Component MarkThis mark is specifically used on components that are part of a larger product or system. Component parts intended for exporting to Canada carry the Recognized Component mark "C".United States-Canadian Dual Certification美国+加拿大For companies that sell their products in both the United States and Canada, UL's combination Canada/U.S. Mark can give you the maximum product acceptance. With this mark, regulatory authorities in both countries will readily identify your product as meeting applicable requirements.UL encourages those manufacturers with products certified for both countries to take advantage of this combined mark, though separate UL Marks for the United States and Canada continue to be acceptable.C-UL US ListingThis mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. safety requirements. UL encourages those manufacturers with products certified for both countries to use this combined mark, but they may continue to use separate UL Marks for the United States and Canada.C-UL US ClassificationThis Classification Mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. standards for specific hazards and performance under specified conditions. The Canada/U.S. UL Mark offers a simplified, combined service for manufacturers who wish to classify products for both countries.Component Recognition ServiceThis mark is used on components certified by UL to both Canadian and U.S. requirements. A UL Recognized component is part of a larger product or system and does not render the end product itself to be UL Listed or Classified.Argentina阿根廷AR-UL Mark / S MarkAR-UL Mark / S MarkNature: Mandatory (except for products with exemption) Requirements: SafetyFactory Inspection: YesCountry FactsVoltage: 220V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesThe Argentine certification system is mandated by the Resolution 92/98 passed in 1998. Effective Dec 31, 2002, products in scope must demonstrate compliance through a certification body accredited by the Argentina Accreditation Organization (OAA).Manufacturers can affix the Argentina S-Mark on products in compliance. The Argentina S-Mark is granted basing on national IRAM* standards or IEC standards. In fact, IEC standards are largely adopted in developing IRAM standards.Resolution 92/98 was implemented in phases to incorporate a broad range of products into the mandatory safety requirements.UL is accredited by OAA and recognized by the government to test and evaluate products for compliance with the S-Mark requirements.UL is your resource for Argentina market acceptance•Most of the UL laboratories near to you can conduct testing locally and turn around yourS-Mark certification quickly.•The S-Mark is based on IEC standards. UL can combine the S-Mark application with other certification applications like the UL Mark, GS Mark, CE Marking, and CCC Mark. UL help you eliminate redundant testing to save time and cost.•If you already have a CB Report, UL can issue the Argentina S-Mark for you if there is no national difference, or test any Argentine national differences that apply then issue the S-Mark for you.•UL's specialists in South America provide the knowledge, guidance and advice you need to sell successfully in Argentina and other South American markets.Most standards and related documentation are done in Spanish. UL's Argentine certification staff can help break the language barrier and smoothen your application process.Brazil巴西INMETRO Certification / BR-UL MarkINMETRO Certification / BR-UL MarkNature: Depending on product category Requirements: SafetyFactory Inspection: RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 110V (single phase) 220V (three phase)Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesThe National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) is the national accreditation body for Brazil.Products meeting Brazilian requirements and certified by an INMETRO accreditedorganization must carry the mandatory INMETRO Mark alongside the mark of the certification organization, such as the UL-BR Mark.The INMETRO Mark can be applied to both mandatory and voluntary Brazilian programs. Mandatory products•Medical device•Circuit breakers•Electrical equipment used in hazardous locations•Equipment for gas systems (pressure regulators and hoses)•Switches, plugs and receptacles•Ballasts•Wires and cablesVoluntary products•Household appliances•IT equipment•Consumer electronics•LuminariesUL is one of the few non-Brazilian certification organizations accredited by INMETRO to test and evaluate all mandatory products for Brazilian national requirements.UL's INMETRO Program for Brazil•Almost any UL affiliates near to you can conduct INMETRO testing service locally and turn around the market approval you need on time.•Since Brazilian standards are mostly IEC based, UL can tie your Brazilian certification program with other applications like the UL Mark, GS Mark, CE Marking, CCC Mark, eliminating redundant testing and saving time and cost.•If you already have a CB Report, UL can issue the INMETRO Mark for you if there is no national difference, or test any Brazilian national differences applicable to your product.•UL's specialists in Brazil will offer you the knowledge and resource to speed up your penetration to the South American market.•Most standards, documentation and related communications are done in Portuguese. UL's staff in Brazil can break the language barrier and help you navigate through the process.ANATEL mandatory certificationInformation technology companies that export goods to Brazil need to find out prior to export if their goods require mandatory certification. UL can assist in obtaining this information through ANATEL (National Telecommunication Agency), which provides the specific criteria, rules and Standards.The two-step certification process require:•The Certificate of Conformity through an OCD (Designated Certification Organization)•The Homologation License through ANATELUL do Brasil is a Certification Organization Designated by ANATEL in Brazil and can provide companies from all over the world with the necessary product certification and to help with the product registration at ANATEL.Mexico墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家)NOMNature: MandatoryRequirements: SafetyFactory Inspection: RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 127/220V (single phase) 220V (three phase)Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesThe NOM (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas) Mark is a mandatory Mexican mark for electrical products, gas appliances, wires and cables, electronic and telecommunications products. UL is the only worldwide certification organization that has agreements with Normalización y Certificacin Electrónica (NYCE) and Asociación Nacional de Normalización Certificación del Sector Eléctrico (ANCE) to help you obtain the NOM Mark.European Union.欧洲The European Union (EU) consists of 25 countries in Europe, namely Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.UL offers customized certification service for all safety standards commonly accepted inthe EU market. They are the CE Marking, the GS Mark and the ENEC Mark.The CE Marking is mandatory for getting into the European Economic Area <EU and EFTA (Norway, Iceland and Liechten stein)>. It is the manufacturer’s self-declaration that the product complies with the requirements of the relevant European laws or Directives.The GS Mark is a German safety mark. It indicates that the product complies with the safety requirements of the European Standards with German National deviations. The GS Mark is voluntary and is highly regarded by consumers.ENEC(European Norms Electrical Certification) is a voluntary mark for luminaries, luminary components, electrical and electronic office and IT equipment, safety isolating and separating transformers, power supply units and switches for household appliances. It certifies the compliance of a product with the European Norm (EN) standards.Non-EU CountriesCroatiaNorwaySwitzerlandUkraineRussiaCroatiaC MarkNature: Mandatory - Safety and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) emissionRequirements: Safety Factory Inspection : Required Organization: KONCAR Country FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50Hz CB Scheme Member Country: NoNorwayNordic Certification Service (NCS)– One test to reach four countriesUnder the Nordic reciprocal agreement among Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, the four countries mutually accept test results of one another. It means that once you have obtained the D-Mark and UL can help you get acceptance to any or all of the four Nordic markets without additional testing.Nature: VoluntaryRequirements: Safety, EMCFactory Inspection : RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: Yes SwitzerlandSEV MarkNature: Voluntary Requirements: Safety Factory Inspection : Yes Country FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: Yes UkraineUKR TestNature: MandatoryRequirements: Safety, EMC Factory Inspection : Required Country FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesRussiaGost-R MarkNature: Mandatory Requirements: Safety, EMC Factory Inspection : Required Country FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesGOST R Certification is based on safety testing (IEC standards with Russian deviations), and EMC testing. It is mandatory for a wide range of products, including any products that contain food, such as freezers and refrigerators.Working with VNIIS (a member of the CB Scheme), the Executive Board of the Notified Certification Body (NCB) GOST (State Committee for Standardization and Metrology) Re and GOSSTANDART of Russia, UL can locally test and evaluate electrical products to GOSSTANDART’s requirements. UL is one of the first laboratories outside Russia working directly with GOSSTANDART.Steps to GOST R Certification:•UL will develop and submit a CB Scheme test report and certificate performed according to the applicable standard.•VNIIS accepts testing results performed based on the CB Bulletin-listed standards.•The EMC testing and report should be conducted by UL or by an accredited EMC lab. If a testing lab other than UL has conducted the EMC tests, test results must be reviewed by UL, and a statement issued from UL.•UL has an agreement with VNIIS that allows the certification process to run faster and noproduct samples are required.•The GOST R certificate obtained through VNIIS/ UL is valid for three years and the license to use the GOST R Mark is valid for one year. Renewal can be done through UL International Demko A/S after an annual inspection.•Yearly factory inspections are required for the GOST R mark. VNIIS Gost Re accepts inspections performed by UL.Hygienic CertificateAny product that can contain food products is regarded as a hygienic product, for example, freezers and refrigerators. A hygienic certificate from the Russian Ministry of Health is required for obtaining GOST R certification. It takes about one week for UL to help the manufacturer to obtain a hygienic certificate.Australia / New ZealandC-Tick Mark RCM MarkName: C-Tick Mark Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)Nature: Mandatory Mandatory Requirements: EMC Safety, EMC Factory Inspection: No Yes Country FactsVoltage: 240/415V (single phase)415V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesElectrical products supplied in Australia must comply with both electrical safety and EMC requirements.Electrical Safety RequirementsIn Australia, the conformity assessment system for electrical safety is a State/Territory responsibility. Each regulatory authority administers a reciprocal uniform Approvals Scheme provided by the (Electrical Safety Act of 1945). This scheme classifies electrical articles as either Declared or Non-declared:•Declared Articles must comply with relevant Australian safety standards and obtain a Certificate of Approval from a State authority.•Non-declared electrical appliances and equipment may be sold without approval. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor, manufacturer or importer to ensure electrical safety.EMC RequirementsEMC requirements in Australia are regulated by a self-regulation scheme known as The EMC Framework (Radiocommunications Act 1992). All electronic products that fall within the scope of the Framework must comply with Australian standards and gain approval from the Australian Communications Authority for using the C-Tick Mark.A Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) is also issued to products that have met both electrical safety and EMC requirements.Any Australian Safety Mark is also accepted in New Zealand.ChinaCCC MarkNature: MandatoryRequirements: Safety, EMCFactory Inspection : RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 220V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50Hz CB Scheme Member Country: YesBeginning August 1, 2003, products subject to compulsory certification cannot be imported or distributed in China without first being certified in accordance with China Compulsory Product Certification (CCC) requirements. The CCC scheme replaces the former CCIB and CCEE product safety certification schemes. Imports lacking the CCC Mark will be held at the border by Chinese Customs and subject to penalties.UL-CCIC Company Limited (UL-CCIC) — a joint venture of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and China National Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation —was approved by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) as a registered CCC agent to assist domestic and overseas clients with CCC certification applications.UL-CCIC offers the FAST (Facilitate Application and Save Time) service to expedite your CCC certification application process. Its services include:•Provision of information on the CCC scheme;•Verification of whether CCC certification is required;•Application for CCC certification on behalf of customers;•Application for CCC Exemption Certificates on behalf of customers;•Coordination and follow-up with Chinese certification bodies and testing labs to expedite the CCC certification process;•Assistance in resolving minor technical issues;•Coordination of initial factory inspections;•Assistance in purchasing CCC labels and/or applying for printing/impressing of CCC marks, and Coordination of Customs clearance.Also, by using UL’s CB certification services, you can obtain CCC certifications at reduced costs and shorter turnaround time.IndiaS-Mark ISI MarkNature: Mandatory Voluntary Requirements: Safety SafetyFactory Inspection: Yes YesCountry FactsVoltage: 230VFrequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesS-MarkThe Indian Safety Certification (“S-Mark”) sc heme is a third party Certification scheme in the electronics sector. It is promoted by Standardization Testing & Quality Certification Directorate, Department of Information Technology, Government of India.Features of the S-Mark scheme:•Third party certification system•Managed by international guidelines of ISO/ IEC guide 40& EN 45011•Testing at accredited test laboratories (preferably IECEE-CB approved labs)•Test reports in CB test report formatsProducts Covered:CATEGORY STANDARDSConsumer electronics IEC 65Information Technology IEC 950Components (Safety Critical)IEC1058, IEC127, IEC257, IEC227, IEC384, IEC884, IEC 65 Electro Medical IEC-601-2-2, IEC601-2-4, IEC601-2-25, IEC 601-2-27 Household Electrical Appliances IEC-335, IEC-730, IEC-335-34Ballast IEC-928ISI MarkThe Indian Standards Institution (ISI) Mark is issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The mark applies to qualified products that cover practically every industrial discipline from Agriculture to Textiles to Electronics.India is a participating member within the IECEE CB Scheme. A CB Report and Certificate issued by UL would be your conduit into this marketplace.IndonesiaSNI MarkNature: MandatoryRequirements: Safety Factory Inspection : Required Country FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase) 380V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: NoJapanDENAN Law / PSE MarkPSE Marks S-Mark Nature: Mandatory Voluntary Requirements: Safety, EMC Safety, EMC Factory Inspection: Yes Yes Country FactsVoltage: 100/200V (single phase) 200V (three phase)Frequency: 50/60HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesPSE MarkThe PSE mark for Specified Products (SP) T he PSE Mark for Non-Specified Products (NSP) The PSE Mark is required for all electrical products sold and used in Japan.UL is a Conformity Assessment Body accredited by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to test to the country’s Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN) and issue the PSE Mark.The DENAN law regulates more than 450 products divided into two types –specified products and non-specified products. All specified products require type testing and factory test equipment inspection conducted by a conformity assessment body (CAB) authorized by METI.Factory inspection is needed once per factory/product category. Depending upon the product, the validity of the certificate can be between three to seven years. A re-evaluation testing of the product will be needed at the time of the renewal of the certificate.UL’s DENAN services•Conducting all necessary product testing, evaluation and verification,•Conducting factory test equipment inspections,•Preparing DENAN reports in Japanese,•Issuing certificates, communicating with METI and other organizations in Japan,•Providing up-to-date DENAN amendment information, and•Publishing a directory of products evaluated by the UL family of companies under DENAN. Applicable ProductsDENAN governs 452 electrical / electronic appliances and components divided into two groups, namely Specified Products (SPs) and Non-Specified Products (NSPs).Name: SPs NSPsNo. of items: 112340Conformity Assessment Path: Require third-party testing by aMETI-accredited ConformityAssessment Body (CAB)Self-declarationFactory Inspection: Must comply with DENAN TechnicalRequirementsSelf-inspections applyMarkS-MarkThe Japan S-Mark is a voluntary product safety system based on IEC standards with Japanese national deviations. It was first introduced by the two quasi governmentauthorities JQA (Japan Quality Assurance Association) and JET (Japan Electrical Safety and Environmental Technology Laboratories). Now it is driven by the SCEA (Steering Council of Safety Certification for Electrical and Electronic Appliances and Parts of Japan) consisting of over 50 government bodies, manufacturers, importers, distributors, certification bodies and consumers.The S-Mark scheme also addresses EMC elements where appropriate.Initial factory inspection and annual inspection are required.UL Apex Co., Ltd. is one of the S-Mark certification governing organizations and the first non-government organization recognized by the SCEA to perform testing, certification and inspections for the S-Mark.Sharpen your competitive edge with the S-Mark•The S-Mark is based on IEC standards. Therefore, UL can combine your S-Mark application with other certification applications like the GS Mark, CE Marking, CCC Mark, eliminating redundant testing and helping you save time and cost. If you already have a CB Report issued by any certification body, UL can evaluate your product to the Japanese national differences and issue the S-Mark or any other Japanese certification marks.•With increasing retailer support and consumer awareness, the S-Mark on your products wins your brand more trust and reputation.•You can use the third-party certification of your S-Mark provider to verify your self-testing work done for your self-declaration of the PSE circle mark.•In the S-Mark certifi cation process, you can check your product’s compliance with the Japan eco-mark by asking UL to add an evaluation and provide an additional report.•Your S-Mark certified components would be appealing to your customers who manufacture finished products. They can save time and increase the likelihood to succeed in the certification for their finished products.KoreaEK-Mark MIC MarkNature: Mandatory Mandatory Requirements: Safety, EMC Safety, EMC Factory Inspection: No NoCountry FactsVoltage: 220 (single phase) 380 (three phase)Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesEK-MarkBased on the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Control Law, certain categories of electrical products require the EK-Mark Certification. The EK-Mark is administered by the Agency for Technology and Standards, MOCIE .Korean electrical safety standards have been harmonized based on the IEC standards. Also, South Korea is a member of the IECEE CB Scheme for a variety of different devices.A CB Report and Certificate issued by UL would be a conduit into this marketplace.MIC MarkThe MIC Mark is issued by the certification body Radio Research Laboratory (RRL) which is organized under the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC). The Regulation for Certification of Information and Communication Equipment is based on Article 33 of the Telecommunications Basic Act and Articles 46 and 57 of the Radio Waves Act. Also, most MIC standards are based on IEC standards.There are about 37 testing laboratories in Korea, including KTL, KETI and ERI, which are authorized by RRL to conduct testing for the MIC-Mark. UL can act as an Intermediate Applicant for manufacturers to apply for the MIC-Mark.MalaysiaTop Mark ST MarkNature: Voluntary Mandatory Requirements: Safety SafetyFactory Inspection: Yes YesCountry FactsVoltage: 220-240VFrequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesPhilippinesICC MarkNature: Mandatory Requirements: EMCFactory Inspection : RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 220V Frequency: 60HzCB Scheme Member Country: NoSingaporeCPS Scheme/ Safety MarkSafety MarkNature: Mandatory Requirements: SafetyFactory Inspection : Not RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 230V (single phase)400V (three phase)Frequency: 50HzCB Scheme Member Country: YesThe Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (SPRING Singapore) administers the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirement) Registration Scheme (CPS Scheme) to ensure that consumer electrical, electronic and gas appliances and products are safe.The CPS Scheme requires all traders and manufacturers of consumer products (gazetted as controlled goods) to ensure that the products they sell meet specified safety requirements and are safe for use by consumers. To date, 45 types of consumer products have been designated as controlled goods.Products deemed to be controlled goods are subject to mandatory electrical safety certification by SPRING Singapore and must bear the Safety Mark. Application for product certification can be made through a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) designated by the Safety Authority. When the product has been certified safe for use, a Certificate of Conformity will be issued to the Registered Supplier (RS). The RS can then register the certified product with the Safety Authority.Singapore is a member of the IECEE CB Scheme for a variety of devices. A CB Report and Certificate issued by UL would be a conduit into this marketplace.TaiwanBSMI MarkNature: MandatoryRequirements: Safety, EMCFactory Inspection : Not RequiredCountry FactsVoltage: 110/220V (single phase) 220V (three phase)Frequency: 60Hz CB Scheme Member Country: No。