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请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.The new movie Fore v er Young,seven years ago,was released on January 12th,2018. A.filming B.being filmed

C.to be filmed D.having been filmed

答案 D

解析句意为:在七年前就拍摄完成的电影《无问西东》于2018年1月12日上映。分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词;又因为The new movie Fore v er Young与动词film之间为被动关系,且根据句中的时间状语“seven years ago”可知,非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词released所表示的动作之前,故空处应用having been filmed。

2.We took a taxi to the airport.Otherwise we late for our flight this morning. A.were B.had been

C.would be D.would have been

答案 D

解析句意为:我们乘坐出租车去的机场,否则我们就赶不上今天上午的飞机了。根据句意尤其是句中的“Otherwise”一词可知,空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,故谓语动词应用would have done结构。

3.It is reported that house prices are always higher famous schools lie than other places.

A.that B.where

C.which D.in which

答案 B

解析句意为:据报道,名校附近的房价总是比其他地方的房价要高。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导状语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故应用where来引导该状语从句。4.The project centers on how we can be more in motivating students to participate in classroom interaction in limited time.

A.effective B.voluntary

C.aggressive D.independent

答案 A

解析句意为:这个项目以我们怎样能在有限的时间内更有效地鼓励学生参与课堂互动为中心。根据句意可知,effective有效的,效率高的,符合语境。voluntary自愿的,志愿的;aggressive 有进取心的;independent独立的。

5.In order to improve his professional skills,the physician has many journals concerned with medicine.

A.stuck to B.catered to

C.appealed to D.subscribed to

答案 D

解析句意为:为了提升自己的专业技能,这位内科医生已经订阅了许多与医学有关的杂志。根据句意可知,subscribe to订阅,订购,符合语境。stick to坚持;cater to迎合,满足需要;appeal to呼吁,对……有吸引力。

6.The current personnel allocation is based on the assumption the economy in our country will still develop at a normal rate next year.

A.how B.that

C.what D.whether

答案 B


7.The park the tourists have a better impression of the city when it is completed in two and a half years.

A.will help B.has helped

C.is helping D.will have helped

答案 A

解析句意为:当这个公园在两年半后建成时,将会使游客对该城市有一个更好的印象。根据句意尤其是题干中的“when it is completed in two and a half years”可知,空处应用一般将来时表示发生在将来的动作。

8.Marco Polo was an Italian traveler and author writings gave Europeans the first authoritative view of life in the Far East.

A.that B.whom

C.whose D.which

答案 C

解析句意为:马可·波罗是一位意大利旅行家和作家,他的作品使欧洲人对远东地区的生活有了最初的权威看法。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导定语从句,修饰先行词Marco Polo,且与空后的名词writings之间是所属关系,故应用whose来引导该定语从句。

9.The government will take steps to rebuild villages in cities and encourage people to install lifts in old buildings conditions permit.

A.if B.before

C.so that D.even though

答案 A

解析句意为:政府将采取措施重建“城中村”并鼓励人们如果条件允许的话为老式建筑安装电梯。根据句意可知,此处应用if“如果,假如”引导条件状语从句。before“在……之前”引导时间状语从句;so that“以便,为了,以至于”引导目的或结果状语从句;even though“虽然,即使”引导让步状语从句。

10.To Antia’s delight,her position in the top international company was finally after a six-month trail period.

A.commanded B.confirmed

C.conserved D.compensated

答案 B


11.Since he his way of handling the problems,he has made more achievements than he expected to.

A.would reform B.had reformed

C.reformed D.reforms

答案 C

