
0Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开始Unit1 Booking Tickets预订机票第一部分 Vocabulary 必用词汇1.reserve vt.保留,预订They have reserved rooms at a hotel。
aisle n.过道,通道The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道走到我的座位上去。
confirm vt.证实,肯定;进一步确定,确认The news confirmed my resolution.这消息坚定了我的决心口同义词:affirm4。
available adj。
现成可使用的,可利用的;可得到的Do you have a seat available?你们有空座位吗?反义词:unavailable5。
Journey n.旅行,行程 vi。
旅行He told a very descriptive account of his journey。
cancellation 取消Her cancellation of her trip to Paris upset our plan。
她取消巴黎之行打乱了我们的计划.同义短语:call off7.considerate adj.体贴的,体谅的He is con siderate in this matter.这事他考虑得很周到。
delay n。
延迟 vi.耽,拖延 vt.耽搁;推迟Our plane was delayed by fog。

TOURISM1.1 话题扩充1. accommodations n. 膳宿;住房[glossary] [扩展]adjoining room [ ] n.相邻的房间single room - a room with one bed for one person n. 单人房〔一张床〕twin room - a room with two beds for two people n. 双人房〔两张床〕double room - a room for two persons with a double bed n. 双人房〔一张床〕triple room - a room for three persons, usually consisting of twin beds (or double bed)plus a roll-away cot n. 三人房standard room n. 尺度间deluxe room [ ] n. 豪华间luxury suite[ ] n. 豪华套房presidential suite [ ] n. 总统套房ocean front - a room directly facing the ocean n. 面朝海洋的房间ocean view -a room from which it is possible to secure a view of the ocean (usuallylocated on the side of the hotel) 海景房wet bar小吧台n. 〔旅馆房间里有自来水和水槽的小吧台〕book/ reserve a room v. 订房booth n. 餐厅中的包厢或火车座bowling alley [ ] n. 保龄球场check in v. 入住check out v. 结账、退房close-circuit television [ ] n. 闭路电视deposit[ ] n. 预定金discotheque [ ] n. 迪斯科舞厅front desk; reception desk n. 前台gym [ ] n. 健身房hotel registration form n. 旅馆登记表karaoke [ ] n. 卡拉OKlobby n. 大堂make a reservation预订massage parlor [ ] n. 按摩室, (挂按摩院招牌的)倡寮pool table n. 台球桌stay at v. 在。

一、旅游基础词汇1. Travel(旅行)- Journey(旅程)- Tour(旅游)- Destination(目的地)- Itinerary(行程)- Guide(导游)- Sightseeing(观光)- Passport(护照)- Visa(签证)- Ticket(车票/门票)2. Transportation(交通工具)- Plane(飞机)- Train(火车)- Bus(公共汽车)- Car(汽车)- Taxi(出租车)- Bicycle(自行车)- Boat(船)- Subway(地铁)- Airport(机场)- Station(车站)- Traffic(交通)3. Accommodation(住宿)- Hotel(酒店)- Hostel(青年旅社)- Guesthouse(招待所)- Resort(度假村)- Campsite(露营地)- Room(房间)- Bed(床)- Reception(接待处)- Check-in(办理登记)- Check-out(退房)二、旅游景点词汇1. Natural Scenery(自然景观)- Mountain(山)- River(河流)- Beach(海滩)- Waterfall(瀑布)- Valley(山谷)- Forest(森林)- Lake(湖泊)- Island(岛屿)- Desert(沙漠)- National Park(国家公园)2. Cultural Attractions(文化景点)- Museum(博物馆)- Art Gallery(美术馆)- Palace(宫殿)- Temple(寺庙)- Mosque(清真寺)- Church(教堂)- Monument(纪念碑)- Statue(雕像)- Historical Site(历史遗迹)- Landmark(地标)三、购物和餐饮词汇1. Shopping(购物)- Market(市场)- Mall(购物中心)- Store(商店)- Boutique(精品店)- Souvenir(纪念品)- Clothes(衣服)- Shoes(鞋子)- Jewelry(珠宝)- Electronics(电子产品)- Bargain(讨价还价)2. Dining(餐饮)- Restaurant(餐厅)- Café(咖啡馆)- Bar(酒吧)- Menu(菜单)- Dish(菜肴)- Beverage(饮料)- Reservation(预订)- Waiter/Waitress(服务员)- Tip(小费)- Bill(账单)四、应急和求助词汇1. Emergency(紧急情况)- Help(救助)- Hospital(医院)- Police Station(警察局)- Ambulance(救护车)- Fire(火灾)- Accident(事故)- Lost(丢失)- Money(钱)- Phone(电话)2. Asking for Help(求助)- Excuse me(请问)- Can you help me?(你能帮我吗?)- I need assistance(我需要帮助)- I'm lost(我迷路了)- Where is the nearest...?(最近的...在哪里?)- I have an emergency(我有紧急情况)- Please call the police(请报警)- Can you show me on the map?(你能在地图上给我指一下吗?)以上是旅游英语词汇大全的部分内容。

旅游英语常用词汇篇一假日游 vacation rip蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour境外旅游 overseas tour一日游 one-day sightseeing持证导游 licensed tourist guide导游翻译 guide interpreter实习导游 student guide导游手册 tourist brochure度假胜地 holiday resort避暑山庄 mountainresort国家公园 national park古建筑群 ancient architectural complex自然景观 natural scenery人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andrivers名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sitesc旅游英语常用词汇篇二旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller(美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览 pleasure trip商务旅行 business trip出境游 outbound tourism; outbound travel 出境游客 outbound tourist背包旅行者 backpacker自由行 free walker环程旅行 circular tour往返旅行 return journey; round trip单程旅行 outward journey套餐游;包办游 package tour; inclusive tour 远足 excursion; outing探险 expedition旅行支票 traveller's cheque旅游散客 independent traveler旅游团 tour group度假区 holiday resort票 ticket票价 fare单程票 single ticket往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket半票 half-price ticket乘火车 Take the train铁路 railway(美作:railroad)轨道 track火车 train铁路系统 railway system, railway network 特快车 express train快车 fast train直达快车 through train慢车 stopping train, slow train游览列车 excursion train市郊列车 commuter train, suburban train车厢 coach, carriage卧铺 sleeper餐车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 双层卧铺车 sleeper with couchettes铺位 berth, bunk【旅游英语常用词汇】。

一、旅游英语高频词汇、短语国际化大都市cosmopolitan city / cosmopolis✧大都会metropolitan city/metropolis旅游热点tourist attraction必游之地 a must tourist attraction商务旅游business tour蜜月之旅honeymoon trip✧旅游旺季tourist season/peak season✧旅游目的地tourist destination历史文化名城 a well-known historic and cultural city✧长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta✧包价旅游package tour高架公路elevated highway浦东新区Pu dong New Area自助游DIY tour✧纪念品souvenir✧旅行社travel agency✧路线、行程itinerary导游讲解员guide interpreter✧地陪local guide✧全陪national guide✧导游证tour guide certificate联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization(UNESCO)直辖市municipality directly under Central Government万国建筑博览exhibition of International Architecture✧世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites(WHS)天下奇观wondrous spectacle名胜古迹famous scenic spots and places of historical interest ✧古建筑群ancient architectural complex避暑胜地summer resort黄金线路hot travel route✧标准、豪华游normal/luxury tour✧入境游inbound tourism✧出境游outbound tourism旅游黄金周golden week for tourism自然保护区natural reserve/nature preservation zone随团旅行group travel✧停车场parking lot✧护照passport✧签证visa✧行李luggage/baggage✧配额限额allowance✧行李认领处baggage claim area星级饭店star-grade hotel强迫购物forced purchase多功能厅multi-functional hall✧亭、台、楼、阁pavilion, terrace, mansion, tower✧长廊corridor✧湖石假山lakeside rocks and rockeries✧陵墓emperor's mausoleum/tomb✧塔pagoda; tower✧纪念碑、纪念馆monument坛alter✧九曲桥zigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings古玩店antique/curio shop世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world缩影miniature✧历史文物historical relics发掘unearth✧朝代dynasty自然景观natural landscape植物园botanical garden✧少数民族ethnic minority西域western countries信息港info port; Cyber port不夜城ever-bright city✧主题公园theme park原始森林virgin forest✧园林建筑garden architecture江南水乡the South of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 鱼米之乡land of honey and milk古董antique✧工艺workmanship手工艺craftsmanship滑雪胜地skiing resort国家公园national park后裔descendant要塞fort城堡castle山区mountainous region✧盆地basin丝绸之路the Silk Road野生动物园safari park水族馆aquarium观光电梯sightseeing lift✧安全检查security check✧登机牌Boarding Pass金贸大厦Jin Mao Tower世博会World Exposition渡轮ferryboat✧游轮,巡航cruise盛典pageantry公共交通public transit✧往返旅行round trip✧长途汽车long distance coach✧时差jet lag出租车taxi/cab免下车银行drive-in bank国际驾照international driver's license ✧汽车旅馆motel✧前台reception desk✧餐饮部Food & Beverage Department ✧奢华酒店luxury / deluxe hotel健身房gym✧住宿accommodation✧洗衣服务laundry service✧入住check in✧退房check out卡拉OK karaoke✧门童bellboy✧发票receipt✧预订reserve闭路电视closed-circuit television公寓式酒店apartment hotel小旅馆、招待所hostel✧直达航班non-stop flight✧双人床double bed增值税Value Added Tax(VAT)✧叫早电话wake up call山林小屋lodge高原反应altitude stress✧大堂lobby✧套房suite轻轨proline/LRT磁悬浮列车maglev train头等舱first class经济舱coach class商务舱business class✧蒸的steamed✧炖的stewed✧炒的stir-fried✧辣的spicy✧清淡的light✧原料ingredient铁扒的grilled人生意外伤害险PAI(personal accident insurance)✧保存完好well-preserved湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills陡峭的precipitous✧如画的picturesque琳琅满目an eyeful of goodies流连忘返too delighted to leave吉利的propitious宏伟的majestic✧蜿蜒曲折winding, zigzagging无边无际boundless , endless心旷神怡soothed and relaxed庄严肃穆solemn✧好客的hospitable✧优雅的graceful/elegant/exquisite/delicate诱人景色inviting views悬崖绝壁cliff/precipice仙境wonderland烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty waters雄伟险峻precipitous奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs波光鳞鳞sparkling苍松翠柏green pines and cypresses层峦叠嶂range upon range of mountains the hues rise around 姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colours / colourful崇山峻岭steep mountains传移景幻Each turn of the belt afford different scenery纯洁purity雕梁画栋carved beams and painted pillars洞天福地scenery of exceptional charm阴云避日over cast飞流急湍whirl pools and rapids峰回路转the path running twist among the peaks高超工艺exquisite workmanship古香古色be of antique beauty✧华丽的gorgeous✧独特的unique极目远眺look as far as the eye can see金碧辉煌splendid and magnificent尽收眼底hold a panoramic view✧惊叹不已be marveled / marvel at惊涛拍岸ranging waves pond on the banks乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick玲珑剔透exquisitely carved绿水清山green hills and clear waters奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks奇珍异宝real treasure巧妙设计well designed青山不断green hill rode on endlessly清澈见底limpid曲折tortuous群山环抱surrounded by mountains日出日落的壮丽景色the glory of the sunrise or sunset✧如诗的poetic山峦叠翠range upon the range of green hills山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape✧闪闪发光glittering / sparking / twinkling赏心悦目delightful天方夜谭the Arabian Nights天下奇观wonder/marvelous spectacle蜿蜒流淌的河水winding river威然屹立towering蔚为壮观splendid, spectacular闻名遐迩known far and wide/famous/world renowned无法抗拒的overpowering熙熙攘攘crowded, hustle and bustle鲜花盛开flowers in blossom相映成趣form delightful contrast心旷神怡complete relax and happy绚丽多姿colorful一览无余hold all views in sight / in a single gloms依山傍水nestling under a mountain and near a river意犹未尽lingering around郁郁葱葱luxuriously green枝繁叶茂luxuriant庄严grandeur壮丽景色spectacular scene忽明忽暗幻影叠显mysterious veiled in mountain mist船行水上,人游画中people tour in picture while boating sail on water上有天堂,下有苏杭In Heaven, there is paradise; and on earth,there is Suzhou and Hangzhou五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳trips to china's five great mountains trips to other mountains unnecessary, and trips to Huangshan trips to five great mountains unnecessary桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin五岳China's five great sacred/divine mountains天下第一奇山the most fantastic mountain under haven黄山四绝,奇松,怪石,云海,温泉the four unique scenic futures: Picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs.国家公园national park洞穴/岩洞cave / cover溶洞water eroded cave石灰岩洞lime stone cave石笋stalagmite钟乳石stalactite瀑布waterfall /chute / fall / Linn间歇泉geyser古墓ancient tomb✧石窟grotto净坛altar石舫stone boat✧湖心亭mid lake pavilion水榭waterside pavilion莲花池lotus pond教堂church天主教大教堂Cathedral修道院abbey / cloister / monastery尼姑庵Buddhist nunnery佛教圣地Buddhist sacred land琉璃瓦glaze tile宫殿palace hall, chamber皇城imperial city护城河moat✧御花园/皇家园林imperial garden行宫temporary imperial palace for a short stay皇太后empress dowager✧皇妃Imperial Concubine宰相Prime-Minister太监court eunuch四大金刚the Four Guardians十八罗汉The Eighteen disciples of the Buddha出土文物unearthed culture relics甲骨文inscription on oracle bones青铜器bronze ware✧景泰蓝cloisonné青瓷celadon陶瓷ceramic陶器earthenware✧泥塑clay figurine✧柔软光滑的velvety折扇folding fan檀香扇sandalwood fan✧手工艺品artifact / handicraft雕漆器carved-lacquer-wear✧刺绣品embroidery苏绣Suzhou embroidery✧挂毯tapestry唐三彩tri-colored glazed pottery of Tang dynasty金石印章metal and stone seals字画卷轴of calligraphy and painting✧国画traditional Chinese painting山水/水墨画landscape / ink painting✧文房四宝the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study,writing brush, ink, inkstone, paper园林建筑garden architecture天下第一泉the finest spring under heaven天下第一奇洞the most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere青山层峦叠嶂;绿树点缀山岗。

一. 旅游概述China's catagory A travel agency 一类社China's category B travel agency 二类社China's category C travel agency 三类社Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表guidebook 旅游指南guild practice 导游实践international tourism 国际导游itinerary 旅行计划,节目local guide 地陪,地方导游local tourist organization 地方旅游组织low season 淡季minimum tour price 最低旅游价格multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游national guide 全陪,全程导游national tourist organization 全国旅游组织off-peak season 淡季off season 淡季on season 旺季peak season 旺季professional (staff)旅游专业人员programme 节目receiving country 旅游接待国regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织season-high 旺季season-low 淡季selling season 旺季shoulder period/season 平季sightseeing 游览slack season 淡季state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tour arrangement 旅游安排tour brochure 旅游小册子tour catalog 旅游团目录tour code number 旅游代号编码tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同tour leader 领队,团长tour operation 旅游业务tour route 旅游路线tour talker 自动导游磁带机tourism 旅游业,旅游tourism activities 旅游活动tourism circles 旅游界touring 游览touring club 旅游俱乐部tourist 游客tourist association 旅游协会tourist authority/office 旅游局tourist council 旅游委员会tourist destination 旅游目的地tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区tourist destination country 旅游目的国tourist map 旅游地图tourist organization 旅游组织tourist periodical 旅游周刊tourist spots 旅游点tourist trade 旅游界travel 旅行travel business 旅游业务travel expert 旅游专家travel industry 旅游业travel journalist 旅游记者travel press 旅游报纸travel publication 旅游出版物travelling 旅游travelling expense 旅费travel-see tourism 旅游(美)travel trade 旅游业travel writer 旅游作家trip 旅行World Tourism Day 世界旅游日World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织Tourist Administration 旅游局China's National Tourism Administration 中国旅游局……Provincial Tourism Administration ……省旅游局……Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 自治区旅游局……Municipal Tourism Administration 市旅游局……Autonomous Perfecture Tourism Administration 自治州旅游局……County Tourism Administrat ion 县旅游局二. 饭店种类inn 旅馆,饭店lodge 小旅馆tavern 酒店caravansary 马车店,大旅馆hostel 招待所hotel 饭店,酒店motel(=motor hotel)汽车饭店(旅店)budget hotel 廉价旅馆economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级饭店some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭店average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭店deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭店三. 客房种类(1)single room 单人房(一张单人床)double room 双人房(二张单人床)double double 双人房(二张双人床)big single room大床房(一张双人大床)tripe room 三人房(三张单人床)(2)economy room(ER)经济间standard room(SR)标准间superior room(UR)高级套房standard suit(ss)套间deluxe room(DR)豪华间presidential suit(PS)总统套房(3)studio room 工作室型客房(设沙发床或躺椅)multi-functional room 多功能客房combined type rooms 组合客房四. 饭店计价方式(1)European plan(EP)欧式计价(只计房租,不包括餐饮等费用)(2)American plan(AP)美式计价(计算房租并包括每日三餐费用在内)(3)modified American plan 修正美式计价(计算房租且包括两餐费/早餐,午餐,晚餐中选两餐)(4)continental plan(CP)欧陆式计价(计算房租且包括欧陆式早餐餐费)(5)Bermuda plan(BP)百慕大计价(计算房租,包括美式早餐餐费)五. 常用旅游英语词汇standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase 公文包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse 中央大厅loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车一. 旅游概述China's catagory A travel agency 一类社China's category B travel agency 二类社China's category C travel agency 三类社Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表guidebook 旅游指南guild practice 导游实践international tourism 国际导游itinerary 旅行计划,节目local guide 地陪,地方导游local tourist organization 地方旅游组织low season 淡季minimum tour price 最低旅游价格multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游national guide 全陪,全程导游national tourist organization 全国旅游组织off-peak season 淡季off season 淡季on season 旺季peak season 旺季professional (staff) 旅游专业人员programme 节目receiving country 旅游接待国regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织season-high 旺季season-low 淡季selling season 旺季shoulder period/season 平季sightseeing 游览slack season 淡季state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tour arrangement 旅游安排tour brochure 旅游小册子tour catalog 旅游团目录tour code number 旅游代号编码tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同tour leader 领队,团长tour operation 旅游业务tour route 旅游路线tour talker 自动导游磁带机tourism 旅游业,旅游tourism activities 旅游活动tourism circles 旅游界touring 游览touring club 旅游俱乐部tourist 游客tourist association 旅游协会tourist authority/office 旅游局tourist council 旅游委员会tourist destination 旅游目的地tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区tourist destination country 旅游目的国tourist map 旅游地图tourist organization 旅游组织tourist periodical 旅游周刊tourist spots 旅游点tourist trade 旅游界travel 旅行travel business 旅游业务travel expert 旅游专家travel industry 旅游业travel journalist 旅游记者travel press 旅游报纸travel publication 旅游出版物travelling 旅游travelling expense 旅费travel-see tourism 旅游(美)travel trade 旅游业travel writer 旅游作家trip 旅行World Tourism Day 世界旅游日World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织Tourist Administration 旅游局China's National Tourism Administration 中国旅游局...Provincial Tourism Administration ...省旅游局...Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 自治区旅游局...Municipal Tourism Administration 市旅游局...Autonomous Perfecture Tourism Administration 自治州旅游局...County Tourism Administration 县旅游局二. 饭店种类inn 旅馆,饭店lodge 小旅馆tavern 酒店caravansary 马车店,大旅馆hostel 招待所hotel 饭店,酒店motel(=motor hotel)汽车饭店(旅店)budget hotel 廉价旅馆economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级饭店some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭店average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭店deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭店三. 客房种类(1)single room 单人房(一张单人床)double room 双人房(二张单人床)double double 双人房(二张双人床)big single room大床房(一张双人大床)tripe room 三人房(三张单人床)(2)economy room(ER) 经济间standard room(SR) 标准间superior room(UR) 高级套房standard suit(ss) 套间deluxe room(DR) 豪华间presidential suit(PS) 总统套房(3)studio room 工作室型客房(设沙发床或躺椅) multi-functional room 多功能客房combined type rooms 组合客房四. 饭店计价方式(1)European plan(EP) 欧式计价(只计房租,不包括餐饮等费用)(2)American plan(AP) 美式计价(计算房租并包括每日三餐费用在内)(3)modified American plan 修正美式计价(计算房租且包括两餐费/早餐,午餐,晚餐中选两餐)(4)continental plan(CP) 欧陆式计价(计算房租且包括欧陆式早餐餐费)(5)Bermuda plan(BP) 百慕大计价(计算房租,包括美式早餐餐费)五. 常用旅游英语词汇standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase 公文包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse 中央大厅loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车advance deposit 定金air-bridge 旅客桥airline coach service 汽车服务airline operation 航空业务airport 机场alternate airfield 备用机场American plan(AP)美式计价(计算房租并包括每日三餐费用在内)Autonomous Perfecture Tourism Administration 自治州旅游局Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 自治区旅游局average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据Bermuda plan(BP)百慕大计价(计算房租,包括美式早餐餐费)big single room大床房(一张双人大床)briefcase 公文包budget hotel 廉价旅馆cancellation 取消预定caravansary 马车店,大旅馆China's catagory A travel agency 一类社China's category B travel agency 二类社China's category C travel agency 三类社China's National Tourism Administration 中国旅游局Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表combined type rooms 组合客房concourse 中央大厅continental plan(CP)欧陆式计价(计算房租且包括欧陆式早餐餐费)control tower 控制台County Tourism Administration 县旅游局deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭店deluxe room(DR)豪华间domestic flight 国内航班domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼double double 双人房(二张双人床)double room 带一张双人床的房间double room 双人房(二张单人床)economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级饭店economy room(ER)经济间European plan(EP)欧式计价(只计房租,不包括餐饮等费用)family suite 家庭套房flight number 航班号guidebook 旅游指南guild practice 导游实践high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭店honeymoon suite 蜜月套房hostel 招待所hotel 饭店,酒店imperial suite 皇室套房inn 旅馆,饭店international flight 国际航班international terminal 国际航班候机楼international tourism 国际导游itinerary 旅行计划,节目jetway 登机道junior suite 简单套房landing field 停机坪light luggage 轻便行李loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路local guide 地陪,地方导游local tourist organization 地方旅游组织lodge 小旅馆low season 淡季luggage/baggage 行李mini suite 小型套房minimum tour price 最低旅游价格modified American plan 修正美式计价(计算房租且包括两餐费/早餐,午餐,晚餐中选两餐)motel(=motor hotel)汽车饭店(旅店)multi-functional room 多功能客房multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游Municipal Tourism Administration 市旅游局name tag 标有姓名的标签national guide 全陪,全程导游national tourist organization 全国旅游组织non-scheduled flight 非正常航班off season 淡季off-peak season 淡季on change 待清扫房on season 旺季peak season 旺季penthouse suite 楼顶套房porter 行李员presidential suit(PS)总统套房presidential suite 总统套房professional (staff)旅游专业人员programme 节目Provincial Tourism Administration ……省旅游局rate sheets 房价表receiving country 旅游接待国regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织registered/checked luggage 托运行李registration 登记regular flight 正常航班reservation 订房间season-high 旺季season-low 淡季selling season 旺季shoulder bag 背包shoulder period/season 平季shuttle bus 机场内来往班车sightseeing 游览single room 单人房(一张单人床)slack season 淡季some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭店standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房standard room(SR)标准间standard suit(ss)套间state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城storage room 行李仓studio room 工作室型客房(设沙发床或躺椅)suit bag 衣服袋suitcase 小提箱suite deluxe 高级套房superior room(UR)高级套房tariff 价目表tavern 酒店tour arrangement 旅游安排tour brochure 旅游小册子tour catalog 旅游团目录tour code number 旅游代号编码tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同tour leader 领队,团长tour operation 旅游业务tour route 旅游路线tour talker 自动导游磁带机touring club 旅游俱乐部touring 游览tourism activities 旅游活动tourism circles 旅游界tourism 旅游业,旅游Tourist Administration 旅游局tourist association 旅游协会tourist authority/office 旅游局tourist council 旅游委员会tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区tourist destination country 旅游目的国tourist destination 旅游目的地tourist map 旅游地图tourist organization 旅游组织tourist periodical 旅游周刊tourist spots 旅游点tourist trade 旅游界tourist 游客travel business 旅游业务travel expert 旅游专家travel industry 旅游业travel journalist 旅游记者travel press 旅游报纸travel publication 旅游出版物travel trade 旅游业travel writer 旅游作家travel 旅行travelling bag 旅行袋travelling expense 旅费travelling 旅游travel-see tourism 旅游(美)trip 旅行tripe room 三人房(三张单人床)trolley 手推车trunk 大衣箱twin room you 带两张单人床的房间unmade room 未清扫房valuables 贵重品visitors terrace 迎送平台World Tourism Day 世界旅游日World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织情感语录1.爱情合适就好,不要委屈将就,只要随意,彼此之间不要太大压力2.时间会把最正确的人带到你身边,在此之前,你要做的,是好好的照顾自己3.女人的眼泪是最无用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很无用4.总有一天,你会遇上那个人,陪你看日出,直到你的人生落幕5.最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候你依然在6.我莫名其妙的地笑了,原来只因为想到了你7.会离开的都是废品,能抢走的都是垃圾8.其实你不知道,如果可以,我愿意把整颗心都刻满你的名字9.女人谁不愿意青春永驻,但我愿意用来换一个疼我的你10.我们和好吧,我想和你拌嘴吵架,想闹小脾气,想为了你哭鼻子,我想你了11.如此情深,却难以启齿。

一、旅行准备1. Passport - 护照2. Visa - 签证3. Travel insurance - 旅行保险4. Itinerary - 行程安排5. Flight ticket - 机票6. Hotel reservation - 酒店预订7. Currency exchange - 货币兑换8. Travel adapter - 旅行转换插头9. Travel guidebook - 旅行指南书10. Backpack - 背包二、交通工具1. Train - 火车2. Plane - 飞机3. Bus - 公交车4. Taxi - 出租车5. Car rental - 租车6. Bicycle - 自行车7. Subway - 地铁8. Ferry - 渡轮9. Cruise - 邮轮10. Rickshaw - 人力车三、旅馆与住宿1. Hotel - 酒店2. Hostel - 青年旅社3. Guesthouse - 民宿4. B&B (Bed and Breakfast) - 民宿早餐5. Room key - 房间钥匙6. Check-in - 登记入住7. Check-out - 退房8. Reception desk - 前台9. Single room - 单人间10. Double room - 双人间四、餐饮1. Restaurant - 餐厅2. Menu - 菜单3. Reservations - 预约4. Waiter/waitress - 服务员5. Table for two - 两人桌6. Order - 点餐7. Bill - 账单8. Tip - 小费9. Takeaway - 外卖10. Cuisine - 菜系五、购物1. Market - 市场2. Shop - 商店3. Mall - 购物中心4. Cash - 现金5. Credit card - 信用卡6. ATM - 自动取款机7. Price - 价格8. Discount - 折扣9. Size - 尺码10. Receipt - 收据六、旅游景点1. Landmark - 地标2. Museum - 博物馆3. Palace - 宫殿4. Temple - 寺庙5. Cathedral - 大教堂6. National park - 国家公园7. Beach - 海滩8. Mountain - 山9. Zoo - 动物园10. Aquarium - 水族馆七、问路与导航1. Map - 地图2. Directions - 方向3. Street - 街道4. Intersection - 交叉口5. Landmark - 地标6. Turn left - 左转7. Turn right - 右转8. Straight ahead - 直走9. Bus stop - 公交车站10. Metro station - 地铁站八、紧急情况1. Help - 帮助2. Emergency - 紧急情况3. Police - 警察4. Hospital - 医院5. Pharmacy - 药店6. Lost - 丢失7. Accident - 事故8. Injury - 受伤9. Fire - 火灾10. Evacuation - 疏散这是一个旅行英语词汇大全,涵盖了旅行的各个方面。

1. plane [pleɪn] (n.) 飞机。
2. train [treɪn] (n.) 火车。
3. bus [bʌs] (n.) 公共汽车。
4. taxi [ˈtæksi] (n.) 出租车。
5. subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] (n.)(美)地铁(英:underground或tube)6. station [ˈsteɪʃn] (n.) 车站。
7. terminal [ˈtɜːmɪnl] (n.) 终点站;候机楼。
8. ticket [ˈtɪkɪt] (n.) 票。
9. platform [ˈplætfɔːm] (n.) 站台。
10. seat [siːt] (n.) 座位。
1. hotel [həʊˈtel] (n.) 酒店。
2. motel [məʊˈtel] (n.) 汽车旅馆。
3. room [ruːm] (n.) 房间。
4. single room [ˈsɪŋɡl ruːm] 单人间。
5. double room [ˈdʌbl ruːm] 双人间。
6. suite [swiːt] (n.) 套房。
7. reception [rɪˈsepʃn] (n.) 前台;接待处。
8. check - in [ˈtʃek ɪn] (n.) 办理入住手续。
9. check - out [ˈtʃek aʊt] (n.) 办理退房手续。
10. key [kiː] (n.) 钥匙。
1. restaurant [ˈrestrɒnt] (n.) 餐厅。
2. café [ˈkæfeɪ] (n.) 咖啡馆。
3. dish [dɪʃ] (n.) 菜肴。
4. meal [miːl] (n.) 一餐。
5. breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] (n.) 早餐。
6. lunch [lʌntʃ] (n.) 午餐。
7. dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] (n.) 晚餐。

♦旅游英语常见词汇机场篇登机门Gate机场Airport手推车Trolley值机柜台安全带号mat tiel-t小桌板窗帘curtain转机Tianmf ex行李暂存处lefLluggage office起飞Tak片off着陆LandingA-dEntrance出口E宜1七售票处Ticket office出租车Tas i火车,机场快线TTain/ExpHEmM train地铁under g r oundj tub e B subway时刻表Time t ah 1 E登机手续check in入_境/出境aiiival / departur e海关custom登机牌Boarding Pass登机I 1 Boarding Gate随身行李Caiiy on baggage国际出发便!1 达int erna t i onal depar 十也e/ari ival 国内出发原(1 达HcimEMtic depar tine/arrival航站楼Terminal询何处inf or m at ion desk行李baggage/luggage行李提取处baggage cl aim申才艮declare免税十日京free[艮税十ax ref mid免税商品duty fiee入境卡Arrival card出境卡departure card靠走道座位aisle seat靠窗座位windw seat毛毯blanket帧料drink转机柜台trails it counter淋浴I 由shower TOOJII厕所■tciilE't/'bath roijiTL失物招领Lost and found住宿篇酒店hotel侨格rate入住check in退房check out吹风机,dry田前订reservation单人房Singte room双人房(1张大床)Double room双人房(2张单人床)Twin room 冷气空调Air conditioner 淋浴Shower浴缸Bathtub毛加towel卫生纸toilet tissues床单sheet枕头pilbw空调airconditioner保险箱Safety box大厅Lobby电梯Elevator紧■急出口Emergency ex t无限上朗FreeWIH交通篇司机Drive「单程票One way Ticket在返票Return Ticket痂约Reservation保证金Deposit汽车意外险V-etiicle Accident Insurance高速公路Highway加油站Gas Station轮胎Tre故障Broken停车场Parking公交车站Bus stop购票处ticket office时刻表tinnetable接送巴士shuttle bus出租车taxi票价ticket fare吃饭篇簪厅restaurant早餐breakfast 午餐lunch 晚餐dinner 酒吧ba「饮料drink 自助餐buffet烤Roast (用烯箱)/Grll (用火烤)炸Fried 煎saute 生的「aw沙拉salad新soup署条chips 面包Bread 美食松糕Muffin 硬面包圈Bagels 胡椒Pepper 番茄普Ketchup 芥末Mustard 醋Vinegar饮料Dmks/Be”2rages饕巾邸Napkin 牙签Toothpick 账单Check/Bill 外带Tdk£out.两位Two person] please.招牌菜House Special蔬菜vegetable 洋葱onon 姜Ginger 瘩菇mtshroom 马铃著potato 茄子eggplant 萝卜carrot 玉米corn 胡椒pepper 西红柿T凸nristo 南瓜pumpkin肉类meat 牛肉beef 羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 猪肉pork 牛排steak 海鲜seafood 鳄鱼cod fish 畦鱼salmon 贝类食物shell fish 虾shrimp 蟹crabs 生蛀oyster豆浆soy milk 牛翅milk 米阪rice 面包bread 蛋糕cake 盐salt糖sugar/ vin-egar 芥末mustard 番茄酱ketchup簪巾纸ndpldn 牙签toothpick 照单check/bill 外带take out点菜order 招牌菜special 刃子knife叉子fork勺子spoon购物篇纪念品Souvenir shop 超市Super market 面包店Bakery 药店Drug store 珠宝店Jeweler^ 营业时间Business hours 折扣discount收据Receipt 特价(on) sale 退税tax refund试衣间fiffing room超市stpermarket 面包店bakery 书店txx)kstore 化妆品cosmetics 香水perfume香烟cgarettes雪茄cigar太阳眼镜sunglass凉鞋sardal凉拖试穿trypc零钱change信用卡credit card通信篇电话卡Telephone Card 明信片Postcard邮票Stannp包裹package邮资postage 邮局postoffi侬邮筒Mal box 越洋电话OvE「seas call 豳吧Interret cafe上网Surfing the Internet 平信邮件First Class Mal 应变篇救命Help小摘Thief推手Pickpocket警察局police office洗手间Toilet /WC/Washroom/Lautory 头疼Headache肚子疼Stomach aches拉肚子Diarrhea喉咙疼So阻Throat流鼻水Running nose发烧Feve「感冒Catch a cold创可贴绷Band-aid救护车Am bu lance止称药P商n killer处方药Prescription生理痛DysnnEnci「『tiea|/peilod pair 急救箱First-KM box夕卜伤External wounds打针In〕ecDori意外事故Acddeint药店Pharmacy健康保险Health insurance女性卫生用品Napkin/tampons♦补充词汇:room rate 房价standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite家庭套房twin room you带两张单人床的房间double room带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登i记rate sheets 房价表tariff价目表cancellation取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe高级套房junior suite简单套房mini suite小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables贵重品porter行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase公文包suit bag衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk大衣箱suitcase小提箱name tag标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal国际航班候机楼domestic terminal国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse中央大厅loading bridge候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus机场内来往班车如何叫出租车1、在酒店要taxi可以请酒店服务人员为你叫一辆:Could you call me a taxi?(请为我叫辆的士。

1. Transportation(交通工具)- Taxi: 出租车- Bus: 公共汽车- Train: 火车- Subway: 地铁- Airport: 机场- Port: 港口2. Accommodation(住宿)- Hotel: 酒店- Hostel: 青年旅社- Guesthouse: 民宿- Campsite: 露营地- Reservation: 预订- Check-in: 入住- Check-out: 退房3. Directions(方向)- Map: 地图- Street: 街道- Avenue: 大道- Intersection: 十字路口- Left: 左- Right: 右- Straight: 直走- Turn: 转向4. Food and Drink(食物和饮料)- Restaurant: 餐厅- Menu: 菜单- Breakfast: 早餐- Lunch: 午餐- Dinner: 晚餐- Water: 水- Coffee: 咖啡- Beer: 啤酒5. Sightseeing(观光)- Tourist attraction: 旅游景点- Museum: 博物馆- Park: 公园- Beach: 海滩- Monument: 纪念碑- Statue: 雕像- Cathedral: 大教堂6. Shopping(购物)- Shop: 商店- Mall: 购物中心- Market: 市场- Store: 店铺- Price: 价格- Discount: 折扣- Cash: 现金- Credit card: 信用卡7. Emergency(紧急情况)- Help: 帮助- Police: 警察- Hospital: 医院- Ambulance: 救护车- Fire: 火灾- Emergency exit: 紧急出口- Lost: 丢失- Accident: 事故无论你去哪个国家旅行,这些旅行英语词汇都可以派上用场。

旅游英语常用单词一、交通工具1.Plane - 飞机2.Train - 火车3.Bus - 公共汽车4.Car - 汽车5.Taxi - 出租车6.Bicycle - 自行车二、酒店和住宿1.Hotel - 酒店2.Room - 房间3.Reservation - 预订4.Check-in - 入住5.Check-out - 退房6.Key Card - 房卡三、餐饮1.Restaurant - 餐厅2.Menu - 菜单3.Table - 餐桌4.Order - 订购5.Waiter/Waitress - 服务员6.Bill - 账单四、观光和旅游1.Tourist - 游客2.Attraction - 景点3.Guide - 导游4.Ticket - 票5.Map - 地图6.Sightseeing - 观光五、购物1.Shop - 商店2.Market - 市场3.Price - 价格4.Discount - 折扣5.Cash - 现金6.Credit Card - 信用卡六、紧急情况1.Help - 帮忙2.Emergency - 紧急情况3.Police - 警察4.Hospital - 医院5.Doctor - 医生6.Fire - 火警七、数字1.One - 一2.Two - 二3.Three - 三4.Four - 四5.Five - 五6.Ten - 十八、问路1.Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop? - 请问,最近的公交车站在哪里?2.How do I get to the hotel from here? - 我该怎么从这里去酒店?3.Can you show me on the map? - 你能在地图上给我看吗?4.Is it far from here? - 离这里远吗?5.Thank you for your help. - 谢谢您的帮助。

旅游景点英语词汇大全Introduction:Traveling to different tourist destinations can be an enriching experience, allowing us to explore new cultures, traditions, and landscapes. To fully immerse ourselves in these experiences, it is essential to have a good understanding of the English vocabulary related to tourist attractions. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used English words and phrases related to tourist destinations.1. Natural Attractions:1.1. Mountains and Hills:- Peak: The highest point of a mountain.- Summit: The topmost part of a mountain or hill.- Valley: A low-lying area between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it.- Plateau: A flat elevated landform.- Slope: An inclined or slanted surface of a hill or mountain.1.2. Water Bodies:- Lake: A large inland body of water.- River: A natural flowing watercourse.- Waterfall: A cascade of water falling from a height.- Beach: A shore along the edge of a body of water, typically sandy or pebbly.1.3. Forests and Jungles:- Forest: A large area covered in trees and undergrowth.- Jungle: A dense, tropical forest with a variety of wildlife.- Trail: A path through a forest or jungle for hiking or walking.- Canopy: The upper layer of leaves and branches in a forest, forming a roof-like covering.2. Architectural Marvels:2.1. Historic Sites:- Castle: A large fortified building, typically from medieval times.- Palace: A grand residence of a monarch or noble.- Temple: A place of worship.- Ruins: Remains of ancient structures that have been partially or completely destroyed.2.2. Modern Structures:- Skyscraper: An exceptionally tall building.- Bridge: A structure that allows passage over an obstacle, such as a river or a road.- Monument: A structure or statue built to commemorate a person or event.- Stadium: A large sports arena.3. Cultural Sites:3.1. Museums:- Art museum: A museum that exhibits artworks.- History museum: A museum that focuses on historical artifacts and events.- Science museum: A museum that showcases scientific discoveries and inventions.- Archaeological museum: A museum that displays archaeological findings.3.2. Religious Sites:- Church: A Christian place of worship.- Mosque: A Muslim place of worship.- Synagogue: A Jewish place of worship.- Pagoda: A traditional Asian tower-like structure, often used as a Buddhist temple.4. Entertainment Centers:4.1. Theme Parks:- Roller coaster: A thrilling amusement ride with twists and turns.- Ferris wheel: A large vertical wheel with enclosed passenger cars.- Water park: An amusement park with water-based attractions.- Carousel: A rotating ride with decorative horses.4.2. Zoos and Aquariums:- Zoo: A facility that exhibits animals for public viewing.- Aquarium: A place where aquatic animals and plants are kept and displayed.- Safari park: A wildlife park where visitors can observe animals from a vehicle.Conclusion:Having a good grasp of the English vocabulary related to tourist destinations can enhance our travel experiences. This comprehensive list of words and phrases can assist travelers in effectively communicating and understanding various attractions they encounter. Whether it's visiting natural wonders, exploring architectural marvels, or immersing ourselves in cultural sites, this vocabulary guide will prove to be valuable in navigating and appreciating our journeys.。

以下是旅游英语词汇大全,希望对你的旅行有所帮助:1. 预订(Reservation)- 酒店预订:hotel reservation/booking- 机票预订:flight reservation/booking- 火车票预订:train ticket reservation/booking- 包车预订:car rental reservation/booking2. 交通(Transportation)- 飞机:airplane, aircraft- 火车:train- 汽车:car- 公交车:bus- 地铁:subway/metro- 出租车:taxi- 船:boat, ship- 自行车:bicycle- 步行:walk3. 住宿(Accommodation)- 酒店:hotel- 客栈:guesthouse- 旅馆:motel- 青年旅舍:youth hostel- 民宿:homestay- 招待所:inn- 奢华酒店:luxury hotel- 经济型酒店:budget hotel 4. 餐厅(Restaurant)- 中餐馆:Chinese restaurant - 西餐厅:Western restaurant - 快餐店:fast food restaurant - 自助餐厅:buffet restaurant - 咖啡厅:café- 酒吧:bar5. 食物(Food)- 米饭:rice- 面条:noodles- 面包:bread- 蔬菜:vegetables- 水果:fruit- 鸡肉:chicken- 牛肉:beef- 猪肉:pork- 鱼:fish- 海鲜:seafood- 饮料:beverage, drink6. 旅游景点(Tourist Attractions) - 名胜古迹:historical sites- 自然景区:natural scenic area - 博物馆:museum- 庙宇:temple- 城堡:castle- 市场:market- 公园:park- 沙滩:beach- 瀑布:waterfall- 山脉:mountain range7. 购物(Shopping)- 商店:shop/store- 超市:supermarket- 百货公司:department store - 街市:street market- 购物中心:shopping mall - 打折:discount- 付款:payment- 购物袋:shopping bag- 商品:merchandise- 牌子:brand8. 问路(Asking for Directions)- 请问去...怎么走?:Excuse me, how can I get to...? - 在哪个方向?:Which direction?- 附近有...吗?:Is there a...near here?- 请给我指一下路:Could you show me the way?- 请问这条街怎么走?:Which way is this street? 9. 紧急情况(Emergency)- 急诊:emergency- 医院:hospital- 药店:pharmacy- 警察:police- 大使馆:embassy- 电话号码:phone number- 救命!:Help!10. 礼貌用语(Polite Expressions)- 请(随意):Please- 谢谢:Thank you- 不客气/别客气:You're welcome- 对不起:Sorry- 请问...:Excuse me- 祝您旅途愉快:Have a nice trip希望以上旅游英语词汇大全可以为你的旅行提供帮助。

1. 酒店相关(Hotel - [həʊˈtel],名词)- reception - [rɪˈsepʃn],名词,接待处。
- room key - [ruːm kiː],名词短语,房间钥匙。
- single room - [ˈsɪŋɡl ruːm],名词短语,单人间。
- double room - [ˈdʌbl ruːm],名词短语,双人间。
- suite - [swiːt],名词,套房。
- check - in - [tʃek ɪn],名词短语,办理入住手续。
- check - out - [tʃek aʊt],名词短语,办理退房手续。
2. 交通相关(Transport - [ˈtrænspɔːt],名词)- taxi - [ˈtæksi],名词,出租车。
- bus - [bʌs],名词,公共汽车。
- subway/underground/metro - [ˈsʌbweɪ]/[ˈʌndəɡraʊnd]/[ˈmetrəʊ],名词,地铁。
- train - [treɪn],名词,火车。
- airport - [ˈeəpɔːt],名词,机场。
- ticket - [ˈtɪkɪt],名词,票。
- platform - [ˈplætfɔːm],名词,站台。
3. 景点相关(Scenic spots - [ˈsiːnɪk spɒts],名词短语)- museum - [mjuˈziːəm],名词,博物馆。
- temple - [ˈtempl],名词,寺庙。
- beach - [biːtʃ],名词,海滩。
- mountain - [ˈmaʊntən],名词,山。
- park - [pɑːk],名词,公园。
- castle - [ˈkɑːsl],名词,城堡。
4. 餐饮相关(Food and beverage - [fuː d ænd ˈbevərɪdʒ],名词短语)- restaurant - [ˈrestrɒnt],名词,餐厅。

旅游业英语词汇(较全) 1. 常用词汇- 旅游业: tourism industry- 旅行: travel- 游客: tourist- 导游: tour guide- 旅行社: travel agency- 酒店: hotel- 机票: plane ticket- 签证: visa- 行李: luggage- 景点: tourist attraction- 导览图: map- 订票: book tickets- 预订: make a reservation- 退订: cancel a reservation- 检票: check-in- 值机: check-in at the airport- 登机: board a plane- 出发: departure- 到达: arrival- 航班延误: flight delay- 旅游套餐: travel package- 自助游: self-guided tour- 全包式旅游: all-inclusive tour - 当地文化: local culture- 汇率: exchange rate- 導覽: guided tour- 咨询台: information desk- 旅游纪念品: souvenirs2. 餐饮词汇- 餐厅: restaurant- 餐桌: dining table- 菜单: menu- 食物: food- 饮料: beverages- 点菜: order dishes- 开胃菜: appetizer- 主菜: main course- 饮食偏好: dietary preferences- 素食者: vegetarian- 饮食限制: dietary restrictions- 服务员: waiter/waitress- 结账: pay the bill- 小费: tip3. 交通词汇- 交通工具: means of transportation - 出租车: taxi- 公交车: bus- 地铁: subway- 火车: train- 船: boat- 自行车: bicycle- 摩托车: motorcycle- 行人: pedestrian- 交通拥堵: traffic congestion - 禁止通行: no entry- 禁止停车: no parking- 停车场: parking lot- 警察: police officer- 罚款: fine4. 地理方位- 北: north- 南: south- 东: east- 西: west- 上: up- 下: down- 前: front- 后: back- 左: left- 右: right5. 旅游方式- 租车: rent a car- 骑行: cycling- 徒步: hiking- 航空旅行: air travel- 邮轮旅行: cruise travel- 驴行: backpacking- 乘坐公共交通: using public transport以上词汇可以帮助你在旅游业的交流中更方便地和他人沟通。

旅游必备英语词汇大全阅读出国旅游,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的旅游英语口语也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享旅游必备英语词汇大全,希望这些实用英语会对大家有所帮助!旅游必备英语词汇篇1顾客 customer旅游者 tourist旅游散客 independent traveler旅游团队 tour group旅游服务供方 service supplier in tourism旅游服务组织 service organization in tourism旅游服务企业 enterprise of service in tourism旅游定点企业 designated tourism enterprises旅游服务特性 characteristics of service in tourism旅游服务提供 service delivery in tourism旅游服务等级 service grade in tourism星级 star星级评定 star-rating旅游服务产品 product of service in tourism观光旅游 sightseeing tour度假旅游 vacation tour专项旅游 specific tour会议旅游 convention tour奖励旅游 incentive travel特种旅游 special interest tour旅行社 travel service;travel agency导游人员 tour guide海外领队 overseas escort旅游交通 tourist communications旅游汽车 tourist automobile旅游船 cruise ship游览船 sightseeing boat;sightseeing ship星级游船 star-rated cruise ship旅游住宿 tourist lodging旅游涉外饭店 hotels catering to overseas tourists 星级饭店 star-rated hotel涉外公寓 apartment for aliens星级公寓 star-rated apartment涉外写字楼 office buiding for aliens旅游餐饮 tourist catering旅游定点餐馆 designated tourist restaurant旅游团队餐 meals for tour group服务 service旅游必备英语词汇篇2住宿 accommodation旅馆 hotel汽车旅馆 motel提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅馆 b&b青年招待所 youth hostel豪华饭店 luxury hotel公寓旅馆 residential hotel寄宿公寓 boardinghouse空房 vacant room套房 suite旅馆大厅 lobby旅馆登记薄 hotel register登记 check-in结帐 check-out预定房间 reservation行李托管证 baggage check接待 reception登记表 registration form单人房间 single room双人房间 double room门房 porter侍者 bellboy清理房间的女服务员 chambermaid餐厅领班 headwaiter半膳 half board全膳 full board在一家旅馆住宿 to put up at a hotel订房间 to book a room游览地 place of sightseeing游览区 sightseeing district度假区 holiday resort游览点 sightseeing spotisiting spot旅游购物 tourist shopping旅游定点商店 designated tourist shop旅游娱乐 tourist recreation文化类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of cultural kind 康乐类旅游娱乐场所tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kind旅游必备英语词汇篇3姓Family name,Surname名First Name,Given name性别sex,gender男male;女female国籍nationality,country of citizenship护照号passport number原住地country of origin前往国destination country登机城市city where you boarded签证签发地city where visa was issued 签发日期date of issue出生日期date of birth,birth date年year;月month;日day偕行人数accompanying number签名signature官方填写official use only职业occupation护照Passport;签证Visa登机、启程Embarkation登岸Disembarkation商务签证Business Visa观光签证Tourist Visa。

一、出行准备1、机票(Air Ticket)单程票(Oneway Ticket)往返票(Roundtrip Ticket)经济舱(Economy Class)商务舱(Business Class)头等舱(First Class)2、酒店(Hotel)预订(Reservation)入住(Checkin)退房(Checkout)标准间(Standard Room)豪华间(Deluxe Room)套房(Suite)3、行李(Luggage)托运(Checkin Luggage)随身携带(Carryon Luggage)超重(Overweight)4、签证(Visa)旅游签证(Tourist Visa)商务签证(Business Visa)签证申请(Visa Application)二、交通1、飞机(Airplane)登机牌(Boarding Pass)登机口(Boarding Gate)安全带(Safety Belt)起飞(Takeoff)降落(Landing)2、火车(Train)硬座(Hard Seat)软座(Soft Seat)卧铺(Sleeper)火车站(Train Station)3、公交车(Bus)公交站(Bus Stop)上车(Get on)下车(Get off)4、出租车(Taxi)打车(Hail a Taxi)目的地(Destination)计价器(Meter)5、地铁(Subway)地铁票(Subway Ticket)站台(Platform)三、景点与活动1、景点(Attraction)博物馆(Museum)动物园(Zoo)公园(Park)海滩(Beach)山脉(Mountain)古迹(Historic Site)2、活动(Activity)观光(Sightseeing)徒步(Hiking)游泳(Swimming)购物(Shopping)品尝美食(Tasting Delicious Food)四、餐饮1、餐厅(Restaurant)预订座位(Reserve a Table)菜单(Menu)单点(A La Carte)2、食物(Food)早餐(Breakfast)午餐(Lunch)晚餐(Dinner)主食(Staple Food)小吃(Snack)甜点(Dessert)3、口味(Taste)辣(Spicy)甜(Sweet)酸(Sour)咸(Salty)4、饮料(Drink)水(Water)果汁(Juice)茶(Tea)酒(Wine/Beer)五、购物1、商店(Shop)超市(Supermarket)百货商店(Department Store)纪念品店(Souvenir Shop)2、商品(Goods)衣服(Clothes)鞋子(Shoes)化妆品(Cosmetics)珠宝(Jewelry)3、价格与支付(Price and Payment)多少钱(How much)便宜(Cheap)贵(Expensive)现金(Cash)信用卡(Credit Card)六、日常交流1、问候(Greeting)你好(Hello/Hi)早上好(Good Morning)下午好(Good Afternoon)晚上好(Good Evening)2、感谢与道歉(Thanks and Apologies)谢谢(Thank you)不客气(You're welcome)对不起(Sorry)没关系(It's okay)3、请求帮助(Asking for Help)请问(Excuse me)能帮我一下吗?(Could you help me, please?)4、方向与位置(Direction and Location)左边(Left)右边(Right)前面(Front)后面(Back)在哪里(Where is)5、时间与日期(Time and Date)几点了?(What time is it?)今天(Today)明天(Tomorrow)昨天(Yesterday)七、紧急情况1、生病(Illness)医生(Doctor)医院(Hospital)头疼(Headache)发烧(Fever)2、丢失物品(Lost Items)警察局(Police station)我的钱包丢了。

一、交通相关1、 Airport 机场Departure lounge 候机室Baggage claim 行李领取处Checkin counter 办理登机手续柜台2、 Flight 航班Economy class 经济舱Business class 商务舱First class 头等舱3、 Train 火车Railway station 火车站Platform 站台Ticket office 售票处4、 Bus 巴士Coach 长途巴士Bus stop 公交车站5、 Taxi 出租车Cab 出租车(非正式) Fare 车费6、 Subway/Metro 地铁 Station 地铁站Entrance/Exit 入口/出口二、住宿相关1、 Hotel 酒店Reception 前台Single room 单人间Double room 双人间2、 Motel 汽车旅馆3、 Hostel 青年旅社4、 Resort 度假村5、 Room service 客房服务6、 Checkin 入住Checkout 退房7、 Reservation 预订三、餐饮相关1、 Restaurant 餐厅Buffet 自助餐À la carte 点菜2、 Fast food 快餐Hamburger 汉堡包French fries 薯条3、 Dessert 甜点Ice cream 冰淇淋Cake 蛋糕4、 Drink 饮料Coffee 咖啡Tea 茶Juice 果汁5、 Breakfast 早餐Lunch 午餐Dinner 晚餐四、旅游景点相关1、 Scenic spot 景点Tourist attraction 旅游胜地2、 Museum 博物馆3、 Monument 纪念碑4、 Park 公园5、 Beach 海滩6、 Mountain 山7、 River 河流8、 Lake 湖泊五、购物相关1、 Shop 商店Department store 百货公司Souvenir shop 纪念品店2、 Supermarket 超市3、 Market 市场4、 Discount 折扣5、 Currency exchange 货币兑换六、旅游活动相关1、 Sightseeing 观光2、 Hiking 徒步旅行3、 Swimming 游泳4、 Surfing 冲浪5、 Skiing 滑雪6、 Diving 潜水七、服务相关1、 Guide 导游2、 Tour package 旅游套餐3、 Insurance 保险4、 Passport 护照5、 Visa 签证6、 Customs 海关7、 Luggage 行李8、 Lost and found 失物招领处掌握这些旅游业常用的英语词汇,能让我们在旅行中更加自信和顺利。

旅游英语必备英语词汇出国旅游少不了掌握一些常用的英语词汇,下面店铺为大家带来旅游英语必备英语词汇,欢迎大家学习!旅游英语必备英语词汇一:twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金room rate 房价standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房reservation 订房间registration 登记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房mini suite 小型套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李briefcase 公文包旅游英语必备英语词汇二:suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台concourse 中央大厅jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车registered/checked luggage 托运行李trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据旅游英语必备英语词汇将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。

旅游英语大全目录1.基础用语2.餐厅用语3.交通用语4.购物用语5.旅游景点用语基础用语问候与介绍•Hello! - 你好!•Good morning/afternoon/evening! - 早上/下午/晚上好!寻求帮助•Excuse me, where is the nearest restroom? - 不好意思,请问最近的洗手间在哪里?•Could you help me? - 请问你能帮帮我吗?餐厅用语餐厅预定•I’d like to make a reservation for two at 7pm, please. - 我想预订两个人的7点晚上的餐位。
点餐•I’d like to order the seafood pasta, please. - 我想要点海鲜意面。
•Could I have the check, please? - 请给我账单。
交通用语坐车•Excuse me, is this seat taken? - 不好意思,这个座位有人吗?•How much is the ticket to the station? - 到站点的票价是多少?打车•Take me to the airport, please. - 请送我去机场。
•Could you turn on the meter, please? - 请打开计价器。
购物用语选择商品•How much is this shirt? - 这件衬衫多少钱?•I’ll take two of those, please. - 我要买两个那种,请。
付款•Can I pay with a credit card? - 我可以用信用卡支付吗?•Do you accept foreign currency? - 你们接受外国货币吗?旅游景点用语参观景点•This castle is stunning! - 这座城堡太美了!•Is there a guided tour available? - 这里有导游服务吗?紧急情况•Help! There’s an emergency! - 帮忙!出现紧急情况了!•Call the police! - 快打电话给警察!以上是一些基础的旅游英语用语,希望能帮助你在旅行中顺利沟通。
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◆旅游英语常见词汇零钱change信用卡credit card◆补充词汇:room rate 房价standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase 公文包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse 中央大厅loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车如何叫出租车1、在酒店要taxi 可以请酒店服务人员为你叫一辆:Could you call me a taxi?(请为我叫辆的士。
)2、或者直接打电话到出租车公司:Can you send a taxi to State Hospital?Ill be waiting at the main entrance。
)3、如果在街上叫taxi ,直接说:Taxi!(的士!)就可以了。
上车以後,先告诉司机目的地:City Hall,please。
)或者说,Please drop me off at Park Street。
(请让我在公园路下车)4、如果对路线熟悉以告诉司机:Can you take the Victory Bridge?(请从胜利挢那条路过去)5、上车後,可以先问一下行车所需的时间:How many minutes does it take to get to the Capital Airport?(到首都机场要几分钟)如果赶时间需要催促司机快些开时,可以说:Would you hurry,please?(能不能快一点?)Can you make it in five minutes?(能否在五分钟内赶到?)当然也可能会提醒司机小心驾驶:Can you slow down a little?(能否慢点开?)或者,Im not in a hurry,so please drive slowly and carefully。
)如果越过了目的地,你可以说:We missed it。
Would you mind turning around?(我们走过头了,请绕回来好不好?)6、到了目的地後付车费时,你要说,Please let me off here。
How much do I owe you?(请让我在这里下车。
付小费的方式可以是:Keep the change。
)Give me three back。
日常用语请问公用电话在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the payphone?请问洗手间在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the toilet?请问____餐厅怎么去?Could you please tell me how do I get to____restaurant?请问出租车站(的士站)在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the Taxi stop?-冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)-赌场(Casino)-____酒店(____Hotel)-布里斯本国际机场(Brisbane International Airport)-黄金海岸机场(Gold Coast Airport)生病(Illness)我不舒服,我病了。
I'm not feeling well. I feel sick.请带我去看医生。
Please take me to a doctor.请送我去医院。
Please take me to the hospital.我需要中文翻译。
I need a Chinese interpreter.机场(Airport)请问行李提取处在哪里?Could you please tell me where I can get my baggage? 请问去黄金海岸的巴士站在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the bus station that goes to Gold Coast?请问____航空公司办理登机手续的服务台在哪里?Could you please tell me where is____’s check-incounter?请问从几号登机口登机?Could you please tell me at which gate I should be boarding?您好,我想转机。
Hello, I am just transferring.对不起,我不会说英语。
Sorry, I don’t speak English.你能帮我吗?Can you help me?我的航班号是______,时间是________.My flight No.××××,the time is×××.感谢您的服务Thank you for your excellent service.出租车(的士)(Taxi)请载我去____。
Please take me to____.请问多少钱?How much is it please?不用找钱。
Keep the change.公共汽车(巴士)(Bus)去____多少钱。
How much is it to____please?到____站请叫我。
Please let me know once the bus arrives at____.酒店(饭店)(Hotel)我要办理酒店住宿登记。
My name is____.我的房间号码是____,请____点叫醒我。
My Room No.is____. Please give me awake-up call at____o'clock.请送____个枕头,____床被子/毯子到____号房间。
My room No.is____.Could I have____pillow, ___blanket.我想去____,请帮我安排出租车(的士)。
I want to go to____.Could you please call a Taxi for me.我要退房。
We don't have a reservation, there are____of us.我们有预约(订位),用____名字订位的。
We have a reservation in the name of____. "吃喝玩乐"杂志已帮我们订了位,用____名字订位的。
"The Chinese Magazine" has already booked a table for us in the name of____.我想喝____。
May I have a glass of____,please?-红葡萄酒(Red Wine)-白葡萄酒(White Wine)-啤酒(Beer)-可口可乐(Coke)-雪碧(Lemonade)-橙汁(Orange Juice)-冰水(Ice Water)-中国茶(Chinese Tea)-奶茶(White Tea)-咖啡(Coffee)龙虾多少钱1公斤?Could you tell me how much is the lobster per kilo? -皇帝蟹(King Crab)-泥蟹(Mud Crab)-石斑(Coral Trout)我想点菜。
Could we order please?你们的招牌菜是什么?What is your chef's special?请添点饭。
Could I have more rice,please.请结帐。
May I have the bill,please.请给我收据。
Could I have a receipt please.飞机上食品及用品常用词汇购物常用词汇旅行常用词汇酒店常用词汇。