历史年代表 及 英语常用句子
英国历史年表英国历史(前55~ )1 罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年2 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年3 诺曼底王朝1066~11544 金雀花王朝1154~13995 兰卡斯特王朝1399~14616 约克王朝1461~14857 都铎王朝1485~16038 斯图亚特王朝1603~17149 汉诺威王朝1714~191710 温莎王朝1917~罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年公元前55年:朱利叶斯•凯撒(Julius Caesar)第一次率军入侵不列颠公元43年:罗马皇帝克劳迪厄斯(Claudius)率军征服不列颠盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年公元597年:圣•奥古斯丁到达不列颠,使当地人皈依基督教公元832~860:肯尼斯•麦克阿尔平统一皮克特人和苏格兰人诺曼底王朝1066~1154公元1066年:诺曼底公爵威廉征服英格兰公元1086年:发布《末日审判书》金雀花王朝1154~1399公元1154年:亨利二世继承王位,金雀花王朝开始公元1215年:英王约翰被迫签署由封建贵族提出的《大宪章》公元13世纪初:牛津大学和剑桥大学创立公元1277~1288:英格兰征服威尔士公元1337~1453:英法"百年战争"公元1387~1394:乔叟写作《坎特伯累故事集》兰卡斯特王朝1399~1461公元1413年:苏格兰第一所大学圣安德鲁斯大学成立公元1455~1487年:约克家族与兰卡斯特家族之间的"玫瑰战争"约克王朝1461~1485公元1477年:威廉•卡克斯顿出版印刷第一本书都铎王朝1485~1603公元1485年:亨利七世即位公元1536年:英格兰与威尔士合并公元1558年:英国女王伊丽莎白一世即位,统治英国达45年之久公元1564年:莎士比亚诞生公元1588年:击败西班牙无敌舰队斯图亚特王朝1603~1714公元1603年:苏格兰王詹姆士六世加冕成为英格兰的詹姆士一世,统一了英格兰和苏格兰公元1620年:对新教徒的镇压激化,一批新教徒乘"五月花号"抵达美洲公元1642~1651年:英国内战爆发公元1649年:查理一世被处决,克伦威尔宣布共和政体公元1660年:查理二世复辟公元1676年:格林尼治天文台设立公元1685年:牛顿发现万有引力定律公元1694年:英格兰银行成立公元1698年:伦敦股票交易所成立公元1707年:英格兰、苏格兰合并,形成"大不列颠王国"汉诺威王朝1714~1917公元1721~1742年:罗伯特•沃尔浦成为英国第一任首相公元1760~1830年:工业革命公元1775~1783年:美国独立战争公元1801年:合并爱尔兰,"大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国"成立公元1837~1901年:维多利亚时代公元1859年:达尔文发表《物种起源》公元1914~1918年:第一次世界大战温莎王朝1917~公元1921年:爱尔兰独立公元1928年:弗莱明发现青霉素公元1939~1945年:第二次世界大战公元1952年:伊丽莎白女王二世加冕美国年代表1607.5 英国伦敦公司在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦建立第一个永久居留地。
Alphabet的词源即为希腊语的alpha(a)beta(B). 罗马字字母表的确立得力于公元前800—500年间十分活跃的伊特拉斯坎人。
关于英文字母起源世界上存在着许多讲法,但比较常见的讲法(根据Funk《Word ori gins》一书)是起源于希伯来语。
人类非物质文化遗产代表作:羌年Qiang New Year festivalThe Qiang Year is a traditional festival of the Qiang people in Sichuan Province. It is celebrated on the first day of October of the lunar calendar every year to offer thanks and worship to heaven for prosperity, reaffirm their harmonious and respectful relationship with nature, and promote social and family harmony. During the festival, the Qiang people worship the gods and pray for prosperity. Under the careful guidance of Shibi (priest), the villagers wore festival costumes and held solemn mountain worship ceremonies, killing sheep and sacrificing gods.羌年是中国四川省羌族的传统节日,于每年农历十月初一举行庆祝活动。
Then, under the leadership of Shibi, the villagers will dance skin drums and Salang dances. During the activity, Shibi sang the traditional epic of the Qiang nationality, while people sang, drank and enjoyed themselves. On New Year's Eve, the head of each family presides over worship ceremonies, offerings and offerings.然后,村民们会在释比的带领下,跳皮鼓舞和萨朗舞。
[ 关键词】 历史年代表
中 国是 世 界 四大 文 明 古 国 中光 荣 的一 员 , 中华 民族 的 灿 烂 文 明有 数 千 年 的历 史 , 世 界 上 最 为古 老 辉 煌 的古 文 明之 一 。中 是 华 民族 从 史 书 上 有 所 记 载 的 夏 朝 ( 元 前 2 世 纪 — — 公 元 前 1 公 l 6 世纪 ) 开始 , 沧海 桑 田, 生生不 息 , 直至今 日仍 屹立于现代 文明之 林 。在 历 史 绵 长 、 文 悠 久 的 中 国 , 山 多易 主 , 延 百 代 , 代 人 江 绵 朝 更 替 频 繁 。随 着世 界迫 切 了解 中 国 的步 伐 进 一 步 加 快 , 老 的 东 古 方 文 明慢 慢 揭 开 了她 神秘 的 面 纱 , 中 国丰 厚 的 历 史 文 化 积 淀 吸 引着 世 界 的 目光 。于是 中 国历 史 词 汇 的正 确 翻译 , 能 否 更 好 地 对 传 递 中 国丰 富 的历 史 文化 显 得 至 关 重 要 。历 史 年 代 表 是 历 史 进 程 和朝代变更 的缩影 ,因此历史年代表 的正确 翻译在传播 中 国 历史文化 、 促进 中西方 了解交流方面有着重要的作用。 中 国有 句俗语 :江 山易改 ,秉性 难移 ” “ ,强 调人要 改变 习 性是非常困难 的, 比起 江 山 的 改 朝 换 代 要难 多 了 , 这 也 可 看 出 从 中国古代朝代变迁更替 的频繁 。历 史年代表 以朝 代出现 的顺 序 排 列 , 晰 地 记 录 了朝 代 的名 称 、 续 的 时 问 。有 些 历 史 年 代 表 清 持 会简单地介绍 国号 、 建都于某地 、 历多少代 、 共 多少王等 等。 朝 代 名 大 多 数都 是汉 语 中 的常 用 词 汇 , 都应 以专 有名 词 看 待 。因 但 此在翻译过程 中 , 有的朝代名都应 以专有 名词 的译 法为准。最 所 常 见译 法 主要 有 以下 几 种 :
the spring and autumn period, jin strife and offer the son of jin ChongEr male fled to chu. ChuCheng king shelter and feasted him, as he promised JinChu war jin will wince (a shekel for three miles). Later in ChongEr QinMu male under the help of the ruling. Return to jin Jin support 475-221 B.C. and chu conflict, the two armies in the city which meet, ChongEr wince, to lure him deep and win.中国历史英语作文篇2Not much is known about this first Chinese dynasty -- in fact, until fairly recently, most historians thought that it was a myth. But the archeological record has proven them wrong, for the most part. What little is known indicates that the Xia had descended from a wide-spread Yellow River valley Neolithic culture known as the Longshan culture, famous for their black-lacquered pottery. Even though no known examples of Xia-era writing survive, they almost certainly had a writing system that was a precursor of the Shang Dynasty's "oracle bones."Qin Shihuangdi had a great many accomplishments, not the least of which was the linking together of many of the old packed-earth defensive walls of the old principalities into the Great Wall of China. This is not to say that he built the massivemasonry construction that today is called the Great Wall of China; what is today called the Great Wall was actually built close to two thousand years later, during the Ming dynasty.However although China was once a very advanced civilization she was now falling behind Europe in technology. Soon she would be weaker than the European powers.Worse the British found it increasingly hard to pay for tea and other goods with silver. So they exported large amounts of opium to China. Imports of opium were banned in 1800 and in 1813 smoking opium was made illegal. However the British soon joined forced with Chinese smugglers. The British ships anchored off the coast and Chinese boats took tea out to them. They brought British goods back to the shore. Increasingly the British resorted to exchanging opium for tea. Soon there were many opium addicts in China.A revolutionary military uprising, the Wuchang Uprising, began on 10 October 1911, in Wuhan. The provisional government of the Republic of China was formed in Nanjing on 12 March 1912. The Xinhai Revolution ended 2,000 years of dynastic rule in Chi中国历史英语作文篇3在我国古代,国家有时统一,有时分裂,中国一词的含义在不同时代也不同,大致统一时期略指全国,分裂时多指中原。
1. 掌握地质年代表中基本的英文表达方法。
地球的历史分为不同级别的地质年代单位,级别由高至低分别是:Eon (宙)、Era(代)、Period (纪)、Epoch(世)、Age(期);对应的年代地层单位是:Eonothem(宇)、Erathem(界)、System(系)、Series(统)、Stage (阶)。
2. 第1级地质年代单位是宙。
地球的地质历史分为4个宙:Hadean(冥古宙,4600~3850Ma)、Archean(太古宙,3850~2500Ma)、Proterozoic (元古宙,2500~542Ma)、Phanerozoic (显生宙,542Ma至今)。
过去把冥古、太古和元古宙合称为Cryptozoic Eon(隐生宙),认为前寒武纪是没有生命的,此名称现已作废。
3. 元古宙分为3个代:Paleoproterozoic(古元古代)、Mesoproterozoic(中元古代)、Neoproterozoic(新元古代)。
其中新元古代从老到新又可细分为:Tonian(拉伸纪)、Cryogenian(成冰纪)、Ediacaran (埃迪卡拉纪)。
4. 显生宙分为3个代:Paleozoic(古生代)、Mesozoic(中生代)、Cenozoic(新生代)。
5. 古生代(542~250Ma)分为6个纪:Cambrian(寒武纪,542~ 488Ma)、Ordovician (奥陶纪,488~444Ma)、Silurian(志留纪,444~416Ma)、Devonian(泥盆纪,416~360Ma)、Carboniferous(石炭纪,360~300Ma)、Permian(二叠纪,300~250Ma)。
英语语法英语语法的春天1: “语法大表”是全世界最简单的英语语法书你认识很多英语单词吗?你知道英语单词里wate r是“水”的意思、sky是“天”的意思吗?你知道英语里有70多万个单词吗?(哇!这么多,这怎么记得过来!)不要怕,英语单词的数显虽然庞大,但90%以上的单词都是日常生活中不常用的专业单词(如医学里的“肺尘症”pneumoconiosis、化学里的“氯酸盐”chlorate等等)。
早在1786年英国焚文学者咸廉·琼斯爵英语士(55T willia m J。
中国年和龙年的英文句子1. Happy Chinese New Year, and may all your dreams come true in the Year of the Dragon!祝你中国新年快乐,愿你在龙年里梦想成真!2. Happy Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon!中国新年快乐,龙年大吉!3. The dragon year brings with it a wave of prosperity and good fortune, as if the mighty creature itself is blessing us with its presence.龙年带来了一波繁荣和好运,仿佛强大的龙本身正在用它的存在祝福我们。
4. The dragon year brings with it a sense of mystery and power, symbolizing strength, nobility, and prosperity in traditional Chinese culture.龙年带来了神秘的力量和荣耀,象征著力量、高贵与繁荣的传统中国文化。
5. As the year of the dragon approaches, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes for a prosperous and healthy new year.随着龙年的到来,我想向你们致以最热烈的问候和最美好的祝愿,祝你们新的一年繁荣昌盛、身体健康。
6. In the dragon year, let us celebrate the beauty of diversity, embracing our differences and learning from one another.在龙年里,让我们庆祝多样性的美丽,拥抱我们的差异,并从彼此身上学习。
元旦来历的英语句子The Origin of New Year's DayNew Year's Day is celebrated on January 1st of each year and marks the beginning of a new calendar year. It is a time when people around the world bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with joy, hope, and resolutions. The celebration of New Year's Day can be traced back to ancient times and has evolved through various cultures and traditions.The earliest recorded celebration of New Year's Day dates back to ancient Babylon, over 4,000 years ago. The Babylonians celebrated the New Year during the vernal equinox, which occurred in late March. They believed that the New Year signaled the victory of their sky god Marduk over the evil goddess Tiamat. The festival, called Akitu, lasted for 11 days and consisted of religious rituals, processions, and the crowning of a new king.In ancient Rome, the celebration of New Year's Day was closely linked to the worship of Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions. Janus was depicted with two faces, one looking to the past and the other to the future. On New Year's Day, the Romans would exchange gifts, make sacrifices to Janus, and make resolutions for the coming year. They believed that by paying tribute to Janus, they would receive his blessings and have a successful year ahead.The adoption of January 1st as the official start of the New Year can be attributed to the influence of the Roman calendar. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar, which was based onthe solar year and consisted of 365 days with an extra day added every four years. January was named after Janus, and Caesar chose January 1st as the New Year's Day to honor the god.The celebration of New Year's Day spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, with various customs and traditions emerging in different countries. In England, for example, the day was known as "the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ" and was observed with church services and festive gatherings. In Scotland, the celebration of Hogmanay became an important part of Scottish culture, with traditions such as first-footing and the burning of the "ba'."During the 16th century, the Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in an effort to correct the inaccuracies of the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar and designated January 1st as the official start of the New Year. Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian calendar immediately, but it took several centuries for Protestant and Eastern Orthodox countries to follow suit.In modern times, the celebration of New Year's Day has become a global event, with people from all cultures and backgrounds coming together to welcome the New Year in their own unique ways. Fireworks, parties, and countdowns are common traditions, along with the making of New Year's resolutions. These resolutions often involve personal goals and aspirations for self-improvement, such as exercising more, eating healthier, or spending more time with loved ones.New Year's Day is not only a time for celebration and reflection, but it also holds symbolic importance as a fresh start and an opportunity for new beginnings. It is a day when people can leave behind the troubles and challenges of the past year and look forward to a more prosperous and fulfilling future.In conclusion, the celebration of New Year's Day has a long and rich history that spans across different cultures and time periods. From the ancient Babylonians and Romans to the modern-day global celebrations, the traditions and customs associated with New Year's Day continue to evolve and adapt. As we celebrate the arrival of each New Year, we honor the past, embrace the present, and anticipate the possibilities of the future.。
关于元旦的名言和来历英文New Year's Day, also known as "元旦" in Chinese, is a celebration that marks the beginning of a new year. It is a time when people reflect on the past year and look forward to the future. Throughout history, many famous people have shared inspiring quotes and sayings about New Year's Day. In this article, we will explore the origins of New Year's Day and delve into some of the meaningful quotes associated with this special occasion.The celebration of New Year's Day dates back thousands of years. The earliest recorded New Year's festivities can be traced back to ancient Babylon around 2000 B.C. The Babylonians celebrated the new year with a 12-day religious festival called Akitu. During this festival, a new king would be crowned or the current king's rule would be renewed. The ancient Babylonians believed that what happened during the first days of the year set the tone for the rest of the year, so they made sure to engage in various activities such as making resolutions, paying off debts, and returning borrowed items.In ancient Rome, New Year's Day was initially celebrated on March 1st. It wasn't until 153 B.C. that the Roman Senate declared January 1st as the official start of the new year. This change was made to align the Roman calendar with the solar year. During the Roman Empire, New Year's Day became a time of public festivities, including games, parades, and the lighting of fires. However, it wasn't until the Julian calendar was introduced in 46 B.C. that January 1st became universally recognized as the first day of the year.Now that we have explored the origins of New Year's Day, let's delve into some inspiring quotes and sayings associated with this special occasion:1. "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah WinfreyThis quote by Oprah Winfrey reminds us that the new year is an opportunity for a fresh start. It encourages us to learn from our past mistakes and embrace the coming year with positivity and determination.2. "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." - Brad PaisleyBrad Paisley's quote emphasizes the idea that each new year brings endless possibilities. It reminds us that we have the power to shape our own story and make the most out of the coming year.3. "The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." - Melody BeattieMelody Beattie's quote reminds us of the importance of setting goals. It encourages us to reflect on what we want to accomplish in the new year and take proactive steps towards achieving our aspirations.4. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. LewisC.S. Lewis's quote serves as a reminder that age should never be a barrier to pursuing our dreams. It encourages us to continue setting goals and dreaming big regardless of our age.5. "The new year means nothing if you're still in love with your comfort zone." - Rachel WolchinThis quote by Rachel Wolchin reminds us that growth and progress often come from stepping outside of our comfort zones. It encourages us to embrace new challenges and embrace change in the coming year.6. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam LevensonSam Levenson's quote serves as a reminder that time keeps moving forward, and so should we. It encourages us to stay committed to our goals and keep pushing forward, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.7. "New Year's Day is every man's birthday." - Charles Lamb Charles Lamb's quote reminds us that New Year's Day is not just a celebration of the calendar year; it is also an opportunity for personal growth and renewal. It encourages us to approach the new year as a chance to reinvent ourselves and become better individuals.In conclusion, New Year's Day is a time of reflection, celebration, and new beginnings. Throughout history, many wise individuals have shared enlightening quotes and sayings about this special occasion. Whether it be embracing change, setting goals, or staying committed to personal growth, these quotes serve as reminders of the potential and possibilities that come with a new year. As we enter into the coming year, let us remember these words of wisdom and seize the opportunities that await us. Happy New Year!。
1.era 年代,时代2.epoch 纪元3.age 时期,年龄4.period 时期,阶段5.century 世纪6.decade ⼗年7.score years ⼆⼗年8.a quarter century 四分之⼀世纪9.half a century 半个世纪10.ancient times 古代11.modern times 近代12.present 现在13.past time 过去14.future 未来15.solar calendar 阳历16.lunar calendar 阴历17.year 年18.leap year 闰年19.this year 今年st year 去年21.next year 明年22.the beginning of the year 年初23.the end of the year 年末24.during the year 在这⼀年⾥25.all the year round ⼀年到头26.tow years later 两年之后27.for many years 多年28.over the years 历年29.year in year out 年复⼀年30.season 季节31.the four seasons 四季32.spring 春季33.summer 夏季34.autumn 秋季35.winter 冬季36.month ⽉37.this month 本⽉st month 上个⽉39.next month 下个⽉40.in a month ⼀个⽉后41.within a month ⼀个⽉内42.month by month 逐⽉43.leap month 闰⽉44.January ⼀⽉45.February ⼆⽉46.March 三⽉47.April 四⽉48.May 五⽉49.June 六⽉50.July 七⽉51.August ⼋⽉52.September 九⽉53.October ⼗⽉54.November ⼗⼀⽉55.December ⼗⼆⽉56.week 周,星期57.weekend 周末58.Sunday 星期⽇59.Monday 星期⼀60.Tuesday 星期⼆61.Wednesday 星期三62.Thursday 星期四63.Friday 星期五64.Saturday 星期六65.day ⽇,⽩天66.today 今天67.yesterday 昨天68.tomorrow 明天69.the day before tomorrow 前天70.the day after tomorrow 后天71.next morning 明天早晨72.next day 明天73.two days from now 两天后74.in a day or two ⼀两天后75.one day 某⽇76.all day long ⼀天到晚77.by the day 逐⽇计算78.day after day 每天79.every other day 每隔⼀天80.dawn 黎明,破晓81.daybreak 黎明82.morning 早晨,上午83.forenoon 午前,上午84.noon 中午85.afternoon 下午86.evening 晚上,傍晚87.dusk 黄昏88.night 夜⾥89.midnight 半夜,午夜90.hour ⼩时91.o’clock 点钟92.quarter ⼀刻钟93.minute 分94.second 秒95.time 时间96.date ⽇期97.now 现在98.at present ⽬前99.in the future 将来100.in future 今后101.in the near future 最近,不久102.recently 新近tely 近来104.instantly ⽴即105.at once 马上106.in time 及时107.on time 按时108.meanwhile 同时109.moment ⼀会⼉110.shortly ⽴刻,不久111.occasionally 偶然112.now and then 偶尔,不时113.holiday 节⽇,假⽇114.anniversary 周年115.birthday ⽣⽇。
年份的英语知识点总结IntroductionThe concept of "year" is fundamental to understanding the passage of time in English and is essential for communication in daily life. In English, understanding the vocabulary related to years, the structure of the calendar, and how to talk about different years is important for communication and comprehension. This summary will cover the key knowledge points related to years in the English language, including vocabulary, grammar, and cultural aspects.Vocabulary1. Year: The basic unit of time measurement that is based on the Earth's orbit around the sun, typically consisting of 365 days, with an additional day added every four years (leap year).2. Calendar: A system for organizing and dividing time, typically based on the motion of celestial bodies such as the sun and moon, used to mark days, weeks, months, and years.3. Months: The 12 divisions of the year, including January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.4. Seasons: The four periods of the year marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, including spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter.5. Dates: The specific day of the month, typically indicated by a combination of the month, day, and year (e.g., January 1, 2023).6. Holidays: Special days or periods of celebration and observance, such as New Year's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, etc.7. Decades: Periods of ten years, typically referred to by the first three numbers (e.g., the 1980s).8. Centuries: Periods of 100 years, typically referred to by the first two numbers (e.g., the 20th century).9. Millennium: A period of 1000 years, typically referred to in historical or futuristic contexts (e.g., the next millennium).10. Time: Words and phrases used to discuss the passage of time, including past, present, future, now, then, later, soon, etc.Grammar1. Tenses: The different forms of verbs used to indicate the time of an action or state, including past, present, and future tenses (e.g., I went, I am going, I will go).2. Relative clauses: Phrases used to provide additional information about a noun, including phrases related to specific years (e.g., the year when I was born).3. Prepositions: Words used to indicate location, time, or relationships, including prepositions used with specific years (e.g., in 2022, during the 1990s).4. Articles: Words used to indicate specific or nonspecific nouns, including articles used with specific years (e.g., the year 2021, a year to remember).5. Count and non-count nouns: Distinctions between nouns that can be counted or measured and those that cannot, including nouns related to time and years (e.g., a year, time, years).6. Adverbs of time: Words used to indicate when an action or event occurs, including adverbs used to discuss specific years (e.g., I was born in 1990).7. Verb forms: The different forms of verbs used to indicate the time, mood, and aspect of an action or state, including forms used to discuss events in specific years (e.g., I have lived here since 2010).Cultural Aspects1. New Year's traditions: Different cultures and countries have unique traditions and customs for celebrating the start of a new year, including parties, fireworks, special foods, and superstitions.2. Historical events: Significant events in history are often identified by specific years, such as wars, revolutions, inventions, discoveries, and political changes.3. Generational experiences: Different generations have unique experiences and memories associated with specific years, including music, fashion, technology, and social and political movements.4. Future predictions: Discussions about the future often involve speculations and predictions about upcoming years, including technological advancements, social changes, and environmental concerns.5. Personal milestones: Individuals often mark important events and milestones by specific years, such as graduations, marriages, births, deaths, and career achievements. ConclusionUnderstanding the vocabulary, grammar, and cultural aspects related to years is essential for effective communication in English. By knowing how to talk about years, including specific dates, historical events, and personal experiences, learners can improve their language skills and broaden their cultural knowledge. Whether discussing the past, present, or future, the concept of "year" is a central aspect of the English language that permeates all aspects of life and communication.。
历史比较经典的句子英文1. "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill2. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana3. "The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." - Friedrich Hegel4. "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." - Karl Marx5. "In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of mankind." - Edmund Burke6. "History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside." - John F. Kennedy7. "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey8. "The past is never dead. It's not even past." - William Faulkner9. "History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul." - John Dalberg-Acton10. "History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." - Maya Angelou。
小升初英语常识翻译:Theoriginof"nin"(年的来历)英语是与世界沟通的语言,英语常识则是人们用英语沟通的最基础内容,为了提高大家的小升初英语考试的成果,以下是XX为大家整理的关于小升初英语考试的小升初英语常识翻译:Theoriginofnin(年的来历)Once upon time ,there ws monster clled "nin'。
It hit people nd stole peoples things .So ,people ll hte it nd wnted to kill it .Becuse of the monster ws frid of the color of red ,so ,people will mde the house red when the Spring Festivl is coming to get rid of the monster . This hbit hs been hnded down until now .So ,tody ,everybody will mke their house red during the Spring Festivl !Is tht interesting ?春节和年的概念,最初的含意来自农业,古时人们把谷的生长周期称为"年',《说文。
但古时的正月初一被称为"元旦',直到ZG 近代辛亥革命胜利后,南XX临时政府为了顺应农时和便于统计,规定在民间使用夏历,在政府机关、厂矿、学校和团体中实行公历,以公历的元月一日为元旦,农历的正月初一称春节。
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中国的一、原始社会(约170万年前到约公元前21世纪)约170万年前元谋人生活在云南元谋一带约70-20万年前北京人生活在北京周口店一带约1.8万年前山顶洞人开始氏族公社的生活约0.5-0.7万年前河姆渡、半坡母系氏族公社约0.4-0.5万年前大汶口文化中晚期,父系氏族公社约4000多年前传说中的炎帝、黄帝、尧、舜、禹时期二、奴隶社会(公元前2070年到公元前476年)夏公元前2070年到公元前1600年公元前2070年禹传予启,夏朝建立商公元前1600 年到公元前1046年公元前1600年商汤灭夏,商朝建立公元前1300年商王盘庚迁都殷西周公元前1046年到公元前771年公元前1046年周武王灭商,西周开始公元前841年国人暴动公元前771年犬戎攻入镐京,西周结束春秋公元前770年到公元前476年公元前770年周平王迁都洛邑,东周开始三、封建社会(公元前475年到公元1840年)战国(公元前475年到公元前221年)公元前356年商鞅开始变法秦(公元前221年到公元前206年)公元前221年秦统一,秦始皇确立郡县制,统一货币、度量衡和文字公元前209年陈胜、吴广起义爆发公元前207年巨鹿之战公元前206年刘邦攻入咸阳,秦亡公元前206年—公元前202年楚汉之争西汉(公元前202年到公元8年)公元前202年西汉建立公元前138年张骞第一次出使西域公元8年王莽夺取西汉政权,改国号新东汉(25年到220年)25年东汉建立73年班超出使西域105年蔡伦改进造纸术132年张衡发明地动仪166年大秦王安敦派使臣到中国184年张角领导黄巾起义200年官渡之战208年赤避之战三国(220年到280年)220年魏国建立221年蜀国建立222年吴国建立230年吴派卫温等率军队到台湾263年魏灭蜀265年西晋建立,魏亡西晋(265年到316年)280年东晋灭吴316年匈奴攻占长安,西晋结束东晋(317年到420年)317年东晋建立383年淝水之战南北朝(420年到589年)420年南朝宋建立494年年到北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳隋(581年到618)581年隋朝建立589年隋统一南北方605年开始开通大运河611年隋末农民起义开始,山东长白山农民起义爆发唐(618年到907年)618年唐朝建立,隋朝灭亡627年-649年贞观之治713年-741年开元盛世755年-763年安史之乱875年-884年唐末农民战争五代(907年到960年)907年后梁建立,唐亡,五代开始916年阿保机建立契丹国北宋(960年到1127年)960年北宋建立1005年宋、辽澶渊之盟1038年元昊建立西夏11世纪中期毕升发明活字印刷术1069年王安石开始变法1115年阿骨打建立金1125年金灭辽南宋(1127年到1276年)1127年金灭北宋,南宋开始1140年宋、金郾城大战1206年成吉思汗建立蒙古政权元(1271年到1368年)1271年忽必烈定国号元1276年元灭南宋明(1368年到1644年)1368年明朝建立,元朝结束1405年-1433年郑和七次下西洋16世纪中期戚继光抗日倭1553年葡萄牙攫取澳门居住权1616年努尔哈赤建立后金1628年明末农民战争爆发清(1636年到1911年)1636年后金改国号为清1644年李自成建立大顺政权,农民军攻占北京,明亡1662年郑成功收复台湾1673年三藩叛乱开始1684年清朝设置台湾府1689年中俄签订《尼布楚条约》1771年土尔扈特部重返祖国1839年林则徐虎门销烟1840年-1842年鸦片战争1842年中英《南京条约》签订19世纪四五十年代中国无产阶级产生1851年金田起义、太平天国建立1856年-1860年第二次鸦片战争1858年《爱珲条约》《天津条约》的签订19世纪六七十年代中国民族资产阶级产生1860年《北京条约》的签订19世纪60到90年代洋务运动1864年天京陷落、太平天国运动失败1883年-1885年中法战争1894年-1895年甲午中日战争1895年中日《马关条约》签订19世纪90年代帝国主义在中国强占“租借地”划分“势力范围” 1898年戊戌变法1900年义和团运动高潮,八国联军侵略中国1901年《辛丑条约》签订1905年中国同盟会成立1911年黄花岗起义、保路运动、武昌起义四、近代史民国(1912年到1949年)1912年中华民国建立1913年二次革命1915年新文化运动、护国运动开始1916年袁世凯恢复帝制失败1919年五四运动爆发1921年中国共产党成立1923年京汉铁路工人大罢工1925年五卅惨案、五卅反帝运动爆发1926年国民革命军出师北伐1927年南京国民政府建立,南昌起义1928年井冈山会师1931年九·一八事变1934年红军长征开始1936年西安事变1937年卢沟桥事变,日军南京大屠杀1940年百团大战1941年皖南事变1947年发动“反饥饿、反内战、反迫害”的爱国运动_____________________________________________________________ 世界的大约三百万年前地球上出现人类公元前3100年左右埃及形成统一的奴隶制国家公元前3000年左右两河流域出现奴隶制城市国家公元前3000年代中期印度河流域哈拉帕文化公元前2100年左右埃及奴隶河贫民大起义公元前1894年古巴比伦王国建立公元前1000年左右努比亚建立奴隶制国家公元前594年雅典的梭伦改革公元前六世纪居鲁士统一波斯,佛教在印度产生公元前539年波斯占领巴比伦公元前525年波斯灭埃及公元前509年罗马成立贵族专政的奴隶制共和国公元前330年波斯被马其顿灭亡公元前三世纪摩揭陀国统一印度大部分地区公元前73-71年斯巴达克起义公元前27年屋大维建立罗马的元首制,共和国转为帝国公元前后朝鲜半岛出现高句丽奴隶制国家公元初东非阿克苏姆奴隶制国家兴起公元一世纪基督教产生公元三世纪日本大和奴隶制国家兴起313年基督教在罗马取得合法地位四世纪北非发生“阿哥尼斯特”运动378年西哥特人在阿德里亚堡击败罗马军队395年罗马分裂为东西两部410年西哥特人一度占领罗马476年西罗马帝国灭亡,西欧奴隶制度崩溃六世纪初法兰克王国建立622年穆罕默德从麦加出走麦地拉,伊斯兰教纪元八世纪中叶阿拉伯帝国形成646年日本大化改新676年新罗统一朝鲜九世纪早期英吉利王国形成843年查里曼帝国分裂,法兰西、德意志、意大利雏形产生九世纪封建制度在西欧确立962年神圣罗马帝国建立1054年基督教会分裂1066年法国诺曼底公爵征服英国十一世纪中叶加纳王国全盛时期1192年日本幕府政治建立十三世纪埃塞俄比亚封建国家兴起十四世纪马里王国全盛时期,意大利出现资本主义萌芽十四至十六世纪欧洲文艺复兴运动1337年英法百年战争开始1358年法国农民起义1381年英国瓦特。
泰勒起义1453年东罗马帝国灭亡,英法百年战争结束十五世纪桑海兴起十五世纪晚期英法中央集权国家形成,圈地运动开始1480年俄罗斯摆脱蒙古控制14-15世纪欧洲出现资本主义萌芽14世纪末朝鲜王朝建立1487-1488迪亚士远航到达非洲南部沿海1492哥伦布远航到达美洲1497-1498达伽马远航到达印度1519-1522麦哲伦船队环球航行16世纪早期印度莫卧儿帝国建立1520-1570西欧宗教改革1566-1581尼德兰革命1600英国东印度公司建立17世纪初期荷兰侵入印度尼西亚,法,英,荷开始在北美掠夺殖民地;德川幕府开始统治日本1640英国资产阶级革命开始1688英国光荣革命,资产阶级和新贵族的统治确立17世纪英法成为贩卖奴隶的主要国家1689俄国彼得一世开始改革17时机后半期法国路易十四开始改革17时机后半期牛顿力学体系确立18世纪中期普鲁士腓特烈二世改革18世纪中后期奥地利特雷西亚女皇和约瑟夫改革18世纪60年代英国工业革命开始1775-1783北美独立战争1776北美大陆会议发表《独立宣言》,宣布美利坚合众国独立1785瓦特的改良蒸汽机投入使用1789.7法国资产阶级革命开始1792.9法兰西第一共和国成立1793.6-1794. 7法国雅各宾派专政1794法国热月政变1799拿破仑发动“雾月政变”1804海地宣布独立1804拿破仑称帝,法兰西第一帝国开始1810-1826拉丁美洲反对西班牙殖民统治的独立运动1815维也纳体系的确立1830法国七月革命1831,1834法国里昂工人起义19世纪30年代法拉第证明了电磁感应现象1836-1848英国宪章运动1844德意志西西里工人起义1848.2《共产党宣言》发表1848-1849 1848年欧洲革命1853-1856克里米亚战争1857-1859印度民族大起义19世纪中期达尔文创立生物进化论学说1861俄国农奴制改革1861-1865美国内战1864第一国际成立1868日本明治维新开始1870-1871普法战争19世纪70年代初意大利统一最终完成1871德意志统一最终完成1871.3-5巴黎公社19世纪70年代第二次工业革命开始1881-1899苏丹马赫迪反英大起义1882德意奥三国同盟形成19世纪80年代法国最终确立了对越南的统治1889第二国际建立19世纪末20世纪初主要资本主义国家完成向帝国主义过渡20世纪初世界殖民体系最终形成20世纪初爱因斯坦提出相对论1903俄国社会民主工党第二次代表大会1905-1908印度民族解放运动的高涨1907英法俄协约的最后形成1910日本正式吞并朝鲜1910-1917墨西哥资产阶级革命1914-1918第一次世界大战(20世纪初到20世纪90年代)1917.11.7(俄历10月25日)俄国十月社会主义革命1918.11德国十一月革命爆发1918-1922印度民族解放运动高涨1919-1922土耳其凯末尔革命1919.3.1朝鲜三一运动1919.3匈牙利苏维埃共和国建立共产国际建立1919.1-6巴黎和会1921.11-1922。
2华盛顿会议1922.10墨索里尼在意大利上台1922.12苏联成立1925.10洛迦诺会议1929-1933资本主义世界经济危机1931.9.18日本帝国主义侵华的九一八事变1933.1希特勒在德国上台1933.3罗斯福就任美国总统,实行新政1935共产国际第七次代表大会1935-1936埃塞俄比亚抗击意大利侵略的民族解放运动1936-1939西班牙反对法西斯的民族革命战争1937.7.7中国全面抗日战争的开始1938.9慕尼黑会议1939.8苏德互不侵犯条约1939.9第二次世界大战全面爆发1940.6法国投降1940秋不列颠之战1940.9德意日三国同盟条约签订1941.6苏德战争爆发1941.12太平洋战争爆发1941 秋大西洋宪章1942 初《联合国家宣言》形成反法西斯同盟1942 莫斯科保卫战1942.6中途岛战役1942.7-1943。