全国青少年机器人技术等级考试全真模拟题(一)一、单选题(共30题,每题2分,共60分)1. 关于晶体三极管描述不正确的有?A. 晶体三极管有三只引脚,分别叫做B(基极)、C(集电极)和E(发射极)B. 晶体三极管根据构造结构不同,分为NPN和PNP两种类型C. 晶体三极管有三只引脚,分别叫做B(基极)、P(阳极)和N(阴极)D. 晶体三极管可用于开关电路和放大电路2. 在流程图中表示判断条件的是?A. B.C. D.3. 想要让一个变量a每次都增大到自己的二倍,下列程序正确的是?A. a=2a;B. 2a;C. a=2*a;D. a==2*a;4. 下列关于顺序结构说法正确的是?A. 顺序结构的执行顺序是自上而下,依次执行B. 顺序结构的程序设计是最复杂的C. 顺序结构中只要没有延时函数或模块,程序都是同时执行的D. 顺序结构是指在程序中需要反复执行某个功能而设置的一种程序结构5. 下列那个选项中属于分支结构?A. for语句B. switch语句C. while语句D. do while 语句6. 关于PWM,以下说法正确的有?A. 当占空比为10%是,等效输出电压为4.5VB. 可以利用PWM管脚实现模拟信号输入C. PWM是指在数字系统中,通过调整占空比来实现模拟输出D. UNO主控板,A0-A5管脚具有PWM模拟输出功能7. 二进制数11+1=?A. 100B. 101C. 110D. 1118. 下列关于if语句说法正确的是?A. if语句只能适合单分支结构B. if语句可以变形为if-else 或者if-else if-elseC. 使用if语句就可以实现重复执行某一段功能D. if语句的执行顺序是自上而下,依次执行9. 如下图所示分支结构中说法正确的是?A. 该switch中没有default所以结构是错误的B. 当a==1时,先执行语句1,再执行语句2;再执行语句3;再执行语句4C. 当a==2时,先执行语句2,再执行语句3;再执行语句4D. 当a==3时,执行语句3后,跳出{},这段程序执行完毕10. 执行下列所示程序,输出a为?A. a=3B. a=2C. a=1D. a=011. 下列分支结构中格式正确的是?A.B.C.D.12. pinMode(pin,mode)函数设置数字引脚的工作模式,以下说明正确的有?A. 引脚的工作模式有:INPUT、OUTPUT两种B. 引脚的工作模式有:INPUT、OUTPUT、INPUT_PULLUP三种C. 引脚的工作模式有:INPUT、OUTPUT、HIGH三种D. 引脚的工作模式有:HIGH、LOW两种13. analogWrite(pin,val)函数中,val的值的说明不正确的有?A. Val值的范围0-255B. Val值为255时,引脚完全打开,管脚输出高电平C. Val值为255时,引脚完全关闭,管脚输出低电平D. 当val值为255时,和digitalWrite(pin,HIGH)效果一致14. 下列关于变量类型的说法正确的是?A. float代表的是浮点型,它可以保留到小数点后七位B. int代表的是整数型,可是表示真分数C. char表示的字符型,也可以表示一个字节大小的数字D. bool是布尔型,这种类型也可以取0-255的整数15. 下列关于程序三种基本结构说法正确的是?A. 顺序结构可以通过判断不同的情况,执行不同的内容B. 选择结构又称作分支结构,这种结构可以实现一定功能的循环C. 循环结构可以实现重复执行某个功能D. 只有循环结构中会用到break16. 获取电位器模块的返回值,以下选择正确的是?A. digitalRead(A0)B. digitalRead(3)C. digitalWrite(5)D. analogRead(A0)17. 关于pulseIn()函数,下列说法正确的是?A. pulseIn()函数用于向管脚输出高低电平B. pulseIn()函数用来读取一个管脚的脉冲(HIGH或LOW)C. pulseIn()函数只能读取管脚的高电平脉冲D. pulseIn()函数的返回值是0或者118. 如下图所示变量运算,说法正确的是?A. 程序结束后,a的值为2.5B. 程序结束后,a的值为2C. 变量c为整数型;a和b为浮点型D. 程序结束后,b的值为419. 关于多分支结构说法正确的是?A. 当表达式1成立时,执行语句1;再执行语句2,语句3B. 当表达式1不成立时,执行语句2;不执行语句1,语句3C. 表达式1成立,表达式2 也成立时,执行语句2D. 表达式1不成立,表达式2成立时,执行语句2;不执行其他语句20. 关于setup()函数和loop()函数,以下说法正确的是?A. 程序编写时,setup()函数和loop()函数可以缺失B. setup()函数里面的程序,在程序执行时通常放置程序的初始化程序C. loop()函数里面的程序,在程序运行时只运行一次,通常放置主执行程序D. 程序运行时,先运行loop()函数内的程序,然后运行setup()函数内的程序21. 下列选项中关于break和continue说法正确的是?A. 在循环结构中break是结束本次循环,continue是结束整个循环B. 在循环结构中break和continue用于结束整个循环C. 在循环结构中break和continue是结束本次循环D. 在循环结构中break是结束整个循环,continue是结束本次循环22. 下列选项中,说法不正确的是?A. 日常生活中如果路口遇到红灯,需要停车等待;如果是绿灯,则要开车通过;这段描述在程序中,属于分支结构B. 自动门看到人可以自动开启,在程序中属于分支结构C. S弯巡线小车是利用while循环结构判断是否遇到黑线的D. 使用蜂鸣器播放声音可以使用循环结构23. 使用UNO主控板控制小车的速度连续变化,可以使用引脚?A. 0B. 1C. 3D. A024. 下列程序中,没有实现了让变量a自动加1的效果的是?A. a+1;B. a=a+1;C. a+=1;D. a++;25. 下列关于变量的说法正确的是?A. 变量可以随时改变B. 在声明变量时,必须赋予初始值C. 程序中变量不仅值可以变化,名称可以随意变化D. 程序中变量只能用于计数26. 下列选项中关于循环结构说法错误的是?A. 循环结构可以减少源程序重复书写的工作量,用来描述重复执行某段算法的问题B. 循环结构中一般会标明循环的条件,不是无止境的循环C. 循环结构中,if语句最常用D. 循环结构while和do while的区别是:while先判断循环条件再执行内容;do while则先执行内容再判断循环条件27. 如下图所示循环结构,循环的次数为?A. 3B. 2C. 1D. 028. 下列程序书写格式正确的是?A.BC.D.29. 下列选项中不属于程序三种基本结构的是?A. 顺序结构B. 选择结构C. 总线结构D. 循环结构30. 下列关于变量定义正确的是?A. float a=0;B. int 2a=0;C. int a*=0;D. int a=0;b=0;二、多选题(共5题,每题4分,共20分)31. 如下列程序中,书写格式正确的有?A.B.C.D.32. 下列选项中说法正确的是?A. float代表的是浮点型,它可以保存七位有效数字B. 在声明变量时,可以根据需要赋初值或者不赋初值C. a--,指的是将变量自动减1D. a*3,指的是将变量扩大三倍33. 如果下图所示变量运算,程序结束后输出值正确的是?A. a=2B. a=2.5C. b=3.5D. b=4.534. 下列关于变量的运算说法错误的是?A. a++;指的是将变量a自动加1B. a--;指的是将变量自动减2C. a=a+1;这个等式不成立D. a=a*2;指的是将变量a增大235. 关于下图分支结构说法错误的是?A. 满足表达式执行语句2,不满足执行语句1B. 满足表达式执行语句1,不满足执行语句2C. 满足表达式先执行语句1,再执行语句2D. 不满足表达式先执行语句2 ,再执行语句1三、判断题(共10题,每题2分,共20分)36. 自定义函数可以将简化复杂的程序,或者减少工作量。
大学四级全套试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. A) 教授的讲座B) 学生的日常对话C) 天气预报D) 电影评论2. A) 他错过了公交B) 他迟到了C) 他没有带伞D) 他忘记带书3. A) 去图书馆B) 去商店C) 去电影院D) 去公园4. A) 她对历史感兴趣B) 她喜欢数学C) 她擅长物理D) 她对科学感兴趣5. A) 他们计划去度假B) 他们计划去旅行C) 他们计划去露营D) 他们计划去徒步二、阅读理解(共40分)1. 根据文章内容,作者认为最有效的学习方法是什么?A) 重复练习B) 团队合作C) 独立思考D) 定期复习2. 文章中提到的“绿色生活”指的是什么?A) 减少污染B) 节约资源C) 保护环境D) 以上都是3. 根据文章,以下哪项不是作者提倡的健康生活方式?A) 定期锻炼B) 健康饮食C) 熬夜工作D) 保持乐观4. 作者为什么反对过度使用社交媒体?A) 它会导致隐私泄露B) 它会影响人际关系C) 它会导致注意力分散D) 以上都是5. 文章中提到的“可持续发展”是什么意思?A) 经济的持续增长B) 环境的持续改善C) 社会的持续发展D) 经济、环境和社会的协调发展三、完形填空(共20分)1. The new policy will come into _______ next month.A) effectB) affectC) factD) impact2. The company has decided to _______ the project due to budget constraints.A) postponeB) cancelC) delayD) abandon3. Despite his young age, he has a deep _______ of the world.A) insightB) outlookC) foresightD) hindsight4. The book is a _______ of the author's experiences in the war.A) recordB) reflectionC) accountD) portrayal5. She was _______ by the news of her friend's success.A) delightedB) shockedC) surprisedD) disappointed四、翻译(共10分)1. 随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
大学英语四级练习卷+答案解析 (1)
大学英语四级试卷(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1.When Pilot Officer Peter Thwaites was away on business,his neighbour gave his wife_____with the housework.A.an aidB.a helpC.a handD.a lift2.It is bad manners to______other people behind their backs.A.do upB.do byC.do away withD.do down3.Samuel has curly hair but his twin sister’s is quite__________.A.evenB.straightC.unevenD.regular4.If we let our eyes glide_____the lines of a book,we will probably be unable to come up with an understanding of what we have read.A.acrossB.inC.fromD.with5.At the party the_______shy Chelsea felt comfortable enough to offer to give the guests a piano solo.A.alwaysB.ordinarilyC.neverpletely6.Present at the Christmas party were the two princesses and their________ husbands and the Duke of Edinburgh.A.respectableB.respectfulC.respectiveD.respected7.Jean is slow but he brother,on the contrary,is quick at_______the point of an argument.A.snatching B.capturing C.grabbing D.grasping8.In an attempt to get to the_____of the problem,the reporter interviewed every eye-witness.A.rootB.gistC.baseD.center9.The narrow,sunless hall smelled_______of slake cabbage.A.uninterestinglyB.unpleasantlyC.uninvitedlyD.unpleasingly10.In the headmaster’s office,exercise—books kept________owing to the fact that he had marked very little recently.A.heaping onB.growing upC.piling onD.piling up11.Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets_____in transit.A.misusedB.mishandledC.mistakenD.mislaid12.Our side my office window,there is a fire_______on the right.dderB.escapeC.stepsD.stairs13.The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter kit’s mouth_____.A.wetB.oozeC.waterD.moisten14.When Langston waited to be saved by Jesus,he saw the lighted candles on the altar_____in the draught from the opening window.A.flickeringB.flutteringC.shiveringD.wavering15.Marilyn will not be able to come to the Christmas party as she is_______ with a cold.id downid outid byid up16.Little_______a year ago that I would be studying here today in Britain.A.I thoughtB.thought IC.I did thinkD.did I think17.Not until______himself seriously ill.A.he had completed the task did he findB.had he completed the task did he findC.he completed the task had he foundD.did he complete the task he had found18.In vain_______to get in touch with the Embassy.A.they triedB.tried theyC.did they tryD.they have tried19.Seldom_____him fly into such a rage since I knew him.A.I sewB.I have seenC.had I seenD.have I seen20.Only by carrying out an open-door poling______.A.our country can be developedB.can be our country developedC.can our country developD.our country can develop二、翻译(共计10分)1.电影开演半小时了。
英语四级练习题一、听力理解(共15题,每题1分)Section A1. What is the man's major?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Mathematics2. Why does the woman want to go to the library?A. To borrow a book.B. To return a book.C. To study for an exam.D. To meet a friend.Section B3. What is the main topic of the lecture?A. Climate change.B. Renewable energy.C. Fossil fuels.D. Environmental protection.4. What is the speaker's opinion about the future of renewable energy?A. It will replace fossil fuels completely.B. It is too expensive to be widely adopted.C. It has a promising future.D. It is not environmentally friendly.Section C5-15. (略)二、阅读理解(共20题,每题2分)Passage 1The article discusses the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise for maintaining good health. It also emphasizes the role of sleep and stress management in overall well-being.6. What does the article suggest is crucial for health?A. A balanced diet.B. Regular exercise.C. Adequate sleep.D. All of the above.7. According to the article, what can lead to poor health?A. Lack of sleep.B. Excessive stress.C. Both A and B.D. None of the above.Passage 2The passage explores the impact of technology on education, highlighting both the benefits and the challenges it presents.8-15. (略)Passage 3This passage examines the role of social media in modern society, discussing its influence on interpersonal relationships and the spread of information.16-20. (略)三、写作(共1题,30分)Task: Write an essay of about 120-150 words on the topic "The Influence of Social Media on Young People."四、翻译(共1题,20分)Task: Translate the following paragraph from English to Chinese.In recent years, the rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes to our daily lives. The advancement in communication technology has made it possible for us to stay connected with friends and family no matter where we are in the world.注意:听力部分的答案需要根据实际听力材料来确定,而阅读理解部分的答案则需要根据文章内容来选择。
Answer s for BOOK FourUnit 1Part II Readin g Compre hensi on (Skimmi ng and Scanni ng)10. the infants from their eldersPart III Readin g Compre hensi on (Readin g in Depth)Sectio n A11. J) 12.G) 13.A) 14.C) 15.E) 16.H) 17.L). 18. N). 19. F) 20. I)Sectio n B21----25. B D B C D 26----30. A D D B APart IV Vocabu laryand Struct ure31----35 C D D A B 36----40 BA DC B 41----45 C D A C A46----50 A A C B C 51----55 D A C A D 56----60 D C C D BPart V Cloze61---65. A A A D C 66---70. B A D C D 71---75. C B B C A 76---80. D C C B DPart VI Transl ationSectio n A81. He made some routin e observ ation s upon the unheal thy effect of the nightbreeze at that season. Then as his gaze reache d out into the darkne ss, hebeganto talk.82. His wordsbecame a meanin gless succes sionof verbs, nouns, adverb s, and adject ives; she only drankin the tonesof his voice. She wanted to reachouther hand in the darkne ss and touchhim---whichshe mighthave done if she had not been a respec table woman.83. He seated himsel f upon the benchbeside her, withou t a suspic ion that she mightobject to his presen ce.Sectio n B84. 她思绪从未这么乱过,就像头顶飞着的蝙蝠一样,忽东忽西。
4级模拟试题一、听力理解Section A1. 根据对话,男士为什么迟到了?A) 交通堵塞B) 闹钟没响C) 忘记时间D) 找不到地点2. 女士在对话中提到了什么活动?A) 看电影B) 去图书馆C) 参加派对D) 健身Section B3. 根据短文,哪个部门最近很忙?A) 市场部B) 财务部C) 人力资源部D) 研发部4. 短文中提到的项目预计何时完成?A) 一个月内B) 两个月内C) 三个月内D) 四个月内Section C5. 演讲者在演讲中主要讨论了什么主题?A) 环境保护B) 教育改革C) 科技发展D) 社会公平6. 演讲者提到了哪个国家作为例子?A) 美国B) 中国C) 英国D) 澳大利亚二、阅读理解Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of online education has surged. According to a recent survey, more than half of the students prefer online courses over traditional classroom settings. This trend has been attributed to the flexibility and convenience that online education offers. However, there are also concerns about the quality of education and the lack of interaction between students and teachers.Questions:7. What is the main reason for the surge in online education?A) Cost-effectivenessB) Flexibility and convenienceC) Better quality of educationD) Greater availability of courses8. What is the concern regarding online education?A) Technical difficultiesB) High costC) Quality of educationD) Lack of student participationPassage 2The use of renewable energy sources has been on the rise globally. Governments and private sectors are investing heavily in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Despite the initial costs, the long-term benefits of using renewable energy are significant. It not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Questions:9. What is the main advantage of renewable energy?A) Low initial costB) Long-term cost savingsC) High energy outputD) Wide availability10. What is the environmental benefit of using renewable energy?A) Increased biodiversityB) Reduced greenhouse gas emissionsC) Improved air qualityD) All of the above三、完形填空The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. It has made our lives more convenient and has opened up new opportunities for learning and business. However, with the growth of the internet, there are also concerns about privacy and security. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to protect our personal information.11. The internet has changed our lives in many ways, making them ______.A) more difficultB) more convenientC) less interestingD) more challenging12. As the internet grows, we need to be ______ about our privacy.A) concernedB) indifferentC) ignorantD) confused四、翻译将下列句子从中文翻译成英文:13. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
1. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Call the post office.B. Pay the phone bill.C. Check the mail.2. What does the woman imply?A. She will put up posters.B. She is not familiar with the poster.C. She will ask someone else for help.3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Rainy.B. Cloudy.C. Sunny.4. What does the man mean?A. He hasn't found his keys yet.B. He will help the woman find her keys.C. The woman can use his keys.5. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Office supplies.B. Work arrangements.C. A new employee.请听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel.B. In a bookstore.C. In a library.7. What does the man need?A. A book about the city.B. A fiction book.C. A guide on local restaurants.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
大学英语英语四级练习卷(含答案) (1)
大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解Water problems in the future will become nore intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urbanwastes,primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decease substantialy the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce large volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensifieD. This will involve ever-increasingquantities of agricultural chemicals, From this , it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem. There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be dwindleD. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazarD. This involves the processing of solid wastes "prior to " disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or efflunets,to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal. A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of thewastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement . Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients containeD. Efflunets from otherprocessing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste products into marketable byproducts. Other industries are potential eonomic uses for waste products.1.The purpose of this is ______.A.to alert the reader to the dwindling water supplyB.to explain industrial uses of waterC.to acquaint the reader with water pollution problemsD.to demostrate various measures to solve the pollution problem2.Which of the following points is NOT INCLUDED in the ?A.In dustrial development incudes the simplification of complex chemical processes.B.Diluting wastes needs certain amount of waterC.Demands for water will go up along with the expanding populationD.Intensive cultivation of land requires more and more chemicals3.The reader can conclued that________.A.countries of the world will work together on polution problemsB.byproducts from wastes lead to a more prosperous marketplaceC.science is making great progress on increasing water suppliesD.some industries are now ,aking economic use of wastes4.The author gives substance to the through the use of _______.A.interviews with authorities in the field of water controlsB.opinions and personal observationsC.definitions which clarify important termsD.strong arguments and persuasions5.The words "prior to "(para.2) probably mean______.A.afterB.duringC.beforeD.beyond二、完型填空完型填空(一)Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that goes into the collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is (1) I became an animal collector in the first (2). The answer is that I have always been interested inanimals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any (3) was not the conventional “mamma”or “daddy”, (4) the word “zoo”, which I would (5) over and over again with a shrill (6) until someone, in groups to (7) me up, would take me to the zoo. When I (8) a little older, welived in Greece and I had a great(9) of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my sparetime(10) the countryside in search of fresh specimens to (11) to my collection of pets. (12) on I went fora year to the City Zoo, as a student (13) , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears,bison and ostriches, (14) were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I (15) had enough money of myown to be able to (16) my first trip and I have beengoing (17) ever since then. Though a collector's jobis not an easy one and is full of (18), it is certainly a job which will appeal (19) all those who loveanimals and (20) .1.A.how B.where C. when D. whether2.A.region B.field C. place D. case3.A.clarity B.emotion C. sentiment D. affection4.A.except B.but C. except for D. but for5.A.recite B.recognize C. read D. repeat6.A.volume B.noise C. voice D. pitch7.A.close B.shut C. stop D. comfort8.A.grew B.was growing C. grow D. grown9.A.many B.amount C. number D. supply10.A.living B.cultivating C. reclaiming D. exploring11.A.increase B.include C. add D. enrichter B.further C. then D. subsequently13.A.attendant B.keeper C. member D. aide14.A.who B.they C. of which D. which15.A.luckily B.gladly C. nearly D. successfully16.A.pay B.provide C. allow D. finance17.A.normally B.regularly C. usually D. often18.A.expectations B.sorrows C. excitement D. disappointments19.A.for B.with C. to D. from20.A.excursion B.travel C. journey D. Trip完型填空(二)To others and themselves the British have a reputation for being conservative——not in the narrowpolitical sense, but in the sense of adherence to accepted ideas and unwilling to question them.Thereputation comes partly from their 1 .For 900 2 they have suffered 3 invasion nor revolution (except in1649 4 1688) nor disastrous defeat in 5 .Their monarchy (君主政体) survives 6 serious question.Underits normal 7 political arrangements have been 8 stable that, except for the 9 interruptions in theseventeenth 10 , they have been adopted throughout 11 centuries to meet changing needs without violent12 .Britain, in 1978, was 13 in managing without 14 written constitution; some fragmentary definitionsof 1688 still 15 .There had been 16 quarrels, social and economic as well 17 political, but the quarrelshad been 18 , usually 19 compromise.The underlying 20 had not been broken.nguage B.future C.history D.literature2.A.centuries B.years C.minutes D.seconds3.A.neither B.as C.or D.either4.A.too B.but C.or D.and5.A.home B.study C.peace D.war6.A.and B.without C.with D.neither B.people C.leadership D.enemy8.A.so B.very C.too D.such9.A.two B.one C.no D.couple10.A.month B.day C.year D.century11.A.a B.any C.the D.few12.A.changes B.change C.altered D.changedmon B.popular C.unique D.angry14.A.two B.a C.some D.their15.A.survive B.surviving C.survives D.survived16.A.bitter B.happy C.pleasant D.unhappy17.A.for B.as C.to D.at18.A.settling B.settles C.settle D.settled19.A.for B.at C.to D.by20.A.continue B.continuity C.continuous D.continued三、翻译1、所有的窗户都开着,他就睡着了。
大学英语英语四级练习卷(及含答案) (5)
大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解阅读理解(一)The United States is a federal union of 50 states.The capital of national government is in Washington,D.C.(District of Columbia).The federal constitution sets up the structures of the national government and lists its powers and activities.The constitution gives Congress the authority to make laws which are necessary for the common defense and the good of the nation.It also gives the federal government the power to deal with national and international problems that involve more than one state.All powers that are not given to the federal government by the constitution are the responsibility of the individual states.The federal government has three branches--the executive,the legislative,and the judicial.The legislative brandch makes the laws,executive branch carries out the laws,and judicial branch interprets the laws.The President heads the executive branch and the Supreme Court heads the judicial branch.The legislative branch includes both houses ofCongress--the Senate and the House of Reprsentatives.The constitution limits the powers of each branch and prevents one branch from gaining too much power.For example,Congress can pass a Law the President may sign it.Nevertheless,the Supreme Court can declare the law unconstitutionaland nullify it.All government in the United States is "of the people,by the people and for the people".The people elect the President and the members of Congress.However,the President appoints the heads of federal departments and the Supreme Court judges.Every citizen votes in secret.Consequently,no one knows for whom and indevidual votes.The people believe that their government should provide a frameword and order within which they are left free to run their own lives.1.Who makes the laws?A.The Congress.B.The Federal government.C.The President.D.The supreme Court.2.The capital of the United States lies in _____.A.the state of the COlumbiaB.none of the fifty statesC.the state of New YorkD.the state of Washington3.Based on what you can know from the ,which of the following statements is true?A.The heads of federal departments are elected by the people.B.The President sets up the structures of the federal governmentC.The judicial branch has the authority to explain the laws.D.The constitution gives all powers to the federal government.4.The constitution limits the powers of each branch of the federal government because _____.A.the U.S. has fifty statesB.the individual states have their own governmentsC.the federal government has three branchesD.any one branch should not have too much power5.The main point of this is ______.A.the three branches of the U.S. governmentB.American governmentC.the Federal ConsititutionD.the people should be left free to run their own lives阅读理解(二)Kite flying is the sport of sending up into the air,by means of the wind , a light frame covered with paper,plastic or cloth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. Kites have a long history of practical application and many different types of kite have been debeloped to serve various purposes.The ancient Chinese used bird-kites to carry ropes across rivers and valleys. The current folding kite which will dive excitingly is an improved type of such a kite. With its long flat body and single pair of bird-like wings,it looks just like a large bird in the air. The modernversion is usually made of tissue-paper rather than the traditional silk. Man-lifting kites were developed in ancient times, again by the Chinese, for getting information from walled cities and army camps. In fact , as recently as world 2 ,German U-boats flew kites from their towers to lift people into the air to watch the lanD. These kites ,which are no longer in existence,were made of light-weight cloth.They were much larger and stronger than the Chinese ones. Their design,however, was simply that of the cutter kite. Smaller in size,this type of kite is still very popular as a toy for children, being easy to make with a diamond-shaped frame,no wings and brown-paper covering. Box-kites are another type of kite found in toy shops today. The first box-kite,named for its box-like body,was developed in the nineteenth century to test theories of flight and this type of cotton-covered kite greatly assisted the success of early aeroplane.These kites are the ancestors of a heavier version of the box-kite,which consists of two main sections,placed side by side. Developed for the peacetime purpose of fishing in strong sea wind,it is the only modern kite described which has practical value . A long-lasting plastic material has to be used for this kite,which carries fishing lines.1.The ancient Chinese bird-kites were usually made of light frames covered with_____.A.silkB.paperC.clothD.plastic2.The kites used by German U-boats in would war 2 for the military purpose were made of _____.A.brown paperB.plastic materialC.light-weight clothD.traditional silk3.The ancient Chinese man-lifting kites were used_____.A.to carry ropes across rivers and valleysB.for the military purposeC.as toy for childrenD.for fishing in strong sea wind4.Which of the following statements is not ture?A.The frame of a kite is attached to long string held in the hand or wound on drum.B.The ancestor of the double box-kite.C.The cutter kite has a diamond-shaped body but no wings.D.The current folding kite is developed to test theories of flight.5.The best title for this may be______.A.The ancestors of modern kitesB.The history of the chinese kitesC.different types and uses of kitesD.the different between ancient and modern kites.二、完型填空完型填空(一)Dalton wondered why the heavier and lighter gases in the atmosphere did not separate as oil andwater do.He finally concluded that the constituent 1 must exist in the form of 2 particles or atoms andthat these 3 be completely mixed together in the 4 .This threw a new light in 5 laws ofdefiniteproportions.It was 6 necessary to suppose that the atoms 7 combinesintossmall groups of uniform 8 andso form more complex substance;9 the mystery of this law was 10 .Dalton suggested, for example, thatcarbon monoxide 11 formed bythe one with one 12 of atoms of carbon and oxygen, 13 carbon dioxideresults from a single 14 of carbon uniting with two atoms 15 oxygen.Assuming this to be true, 16 thedefinite proportions of Prout's law (17 all chemical compounds the different constituents 18 enter inunvarying proportions) would naturally 19 the relative weights of the many 20 kinds of atoms.1.A.gases B.pieces C.things D.gas2.A.timely B.trimmed C.tiny D.topical3.A.ought B.could C.will D.must4.A.sky B.atmosphere C.oxygen D.environment5.A.various B.many C.the D.those6.A.only B.too C.that D.extremely7.A.should B.were C.get D.could8.A.construct B.structure C.piece D.feature9.A.but B.also C.thus D.nevertheless10.A.solved B.discovered C.broked D.told11.A.must B.been C.were D.is12.A.putting B.pairing C.placing D.preparing13.A.while B.when C.therefore D.also14.A.piece B.type C.atom D.measure15.A.from B.in C.of D.for16.A.then B.so C.by D.that17.A.from B.in C.to D.for18.A.are B.wouldn’t C.always D.never19.A.describe B.unit C.mix D.reveal20.A.different ual C.important D.chemical完型填空(二)Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person who is ___1___only among those with whom he is acquainte D. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, ___2___ embarrasse D. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to ___3___ the truth of this.Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive.___4___, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, ___5___ broken, makes the offender immediately the object of ___6___.It has been known as a fact that the a British has a ___7___ for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it ___8___. Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom ___9___ forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and ___10___ to everyone. This may be so.___11___ a British cannot have much ___12___ in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong ___13___ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate---or as inaccurate---as the weathermen in his ___14___.Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references ___15___ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are ___16___ by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard instead of "Good morning, how are you?" ___17___ the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. ___18___ he wants to start a conversation with a British but is ___19___ to knowswheresto begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will ___20___ an answer from even the most reserved of the British.1. A. relaxed B.frustrated C. amused D. exhausted2. A. yet B.otherwise C. even D. so3. A. experience B.witness C. watch D. undergo4. A. Deliberately B.Consequently C. Frequently D. Apparently5. A. unless B.once C. while D. as6. A. suspicion B.opposition C. criticism D. praise7. A. emotion B.fancy C. likeliness D. judgement8. A. at length B.to a great extent C. from his heart D. by all means9. A. follows B.predicts C. defies D. supports10. A. dedication passion C. contemplation D. speculation11. A. Still B.Also C. Certainly D. Fundamentally12. A. faith B.reliance C. honor D. credit13. A. if B.once C. when D. whereas14. A. propositions B.predictions C. approval D. defiance15. A. about B.on C. in D. to16. A. started B.conducted C. replaced D. proposed17. A. Since B.Although C. However D. Only if18. A. Even if B.Because C. If D. For19. A. at a loss B.at last C. insgroups D. on the occasion20. A. stimulate B.constitute C. furnish D. provoke三、单词拼写1.Mr. Li moved to the seashore in his f______(四十来岁).2.H______(听到) the good news, we all jumped with joy.3.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c_______(舒服).4.W_______(星期三) is the fourth day of a week.5.Walking every day keep me f_____(健康) than before.参考答案:一、阅读理解:阅读理解(一)答案:ABCDB阅读理解(二)答案:ACBDC二、完型填空1.【答案】A 根据上文中的 heavier and lighter gases 可以确定,本空中应填入“组成的气体”,即 constituent gases。
英语四级练习题(打印版)### English Level 4 Practice Test (Printable Version)Section A: Listening ComprehensionPart I: Short ConversationsListen to the following dialogues and choose the best answer.1. Dialogue 1:- M: Have you finished your homework?- F: Yes, I have. I'm going to the library now.- Q: What is the woman going to do next?A. Go to the libraryB. Stay at homeC. Do her homework2. Dialogue 2:- M: I heard you got a new job. Congratulations!- F: Thank you! I start next week.- Q: What can we infer about the woman?A. She lost her job.B. She is starting a new job.C. She is celebrating her job anniversary.3. Dialogue 3:- M: Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? - F: I'd love to, but I have to study for my exam.- Q: Why can't the woman go to the concert?A. She is not interested.B. She has to study.C. She is busy with work.Part II: Long ConversationsListen to the conversation and answer the following questions.4. Conversation 1:- M: What time is the meeting tomorrow?- F: It's scheduled for 9:00 AM.- Q: When is the meeting?A. 8:00 AMB. 9:00 AMC. 10:00 AM5. Conversation 2:- M: Did you manage to book the tickets?- F: Yes, but I had to pay extra for the rush service.- Q: Why did the woman pay extra?A. She booked the tickets late.B. The tickets were expensive.C. The tickets were sold out.Section B: Reading ComprehensionPart I: Reading PassagesRead the following passages and answer the questions.6. Passage 1:- "The invention of the internet has revolutionized theway we communicate and access information."- Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The internetB. Communication methodsC. Access to information7. Passage 2:- "Despite the heavy rain, the marathon runners continued their race with determination."- Q: How did the runners feel about the rain?A. They were discouraged.B. They were determined.C. They were indifferent.Part II: Vocabulary and GrammarChoose the best word or phrase to complete the sentences.8. The new policy will come into effect on the first day of next month.A. take effectB. make effectC. come to effect9. She is allergic to cats and dogs.A. allergic toB. allergic forC. sensitive to10. The company is undergoing a major restructuring.A. undergoingB. undergoing toC. under goingSection C: WritingPart I: Sentence TransformationRewrite the sentences as instructed.11. The movie was so interesting that I watched it twice. (Rewrite in passive voice)- The movie was so interesting that it was watched twice by me.12. He didn't go to the party because he was too tired. (Rewrite in negative form)- He was too tired to go to the party.Part II: Essay WritingWrite an essay on the following topic.13. Topic: The Importance of Learning English in Today's World- Begin with an introduction to the topic.- Discuss the various reasons why English is important. - Conclude with your personal opinion on the matter.Answer Key:1-5: A, B, B, B, A6-7: A, B8-10: A, A, APlease print this test and complete it within the given time limit. Good luck!。
英语四级练习题一、听力理解(共15分)1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。
- A: What time is it now?- B: It's half past eight.- Q: What time is it according to B?- A. 8:00 B. 8:30 C. 9:002. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。
- A: How was your trip to the museum?- B: It was great. I learned a lot about history.- Q: What did B do?- A. Visited a museum B. Watched a movie C. Attended a lecture3. 听下面短文,选择正确答案。
- The speaker talks about the importance of saving water. - Q: What is the main idea of the passage?- A. The importance of water conservationB. The history of water usageC. The process of water purification二、阅读理解(共20分)Passage 1In recent years, the number of people who prefer to work from home has increased significantly. The reasons for this trendare varied, including flexibility, comfort, and the ability to avoid commuting.Questions:4. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The trend of working from homeB. The benefits of commutingC. The disadvantages of working in an office5. What are the reasons mentioned for the increase in remote work?A. Flexibility, comfort, and avoiding commutingB. High salaries and job securityC. Better office facilities and locationPassage 2The invention of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and learn. It has made information more accessible and has connected people across the globe.Questions:6. What impact has the internet had on society?A. It has made communication more difficultB. It has made information less accessibleC. It has made communication easier and information more accessible7. What is not mentioned as an effect of the internet?A. Improved global connectivityB. A decline in the quality of educationC. Greater access to information三、词汇与语法(共25分)8. The _______ of the old building is a matter of concern for the local community.A. destructionB. constructionC. conservation9. She _______ the letter and put it in the mailbox.A. sealedB. openedC. read10. The _______ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.A. completionB. initiationC. cancellation四、完形填空(共20分)In a small village, there was an old man who was known forhis wisdom. One day, a young boy approached him with a question. "How can I become wise like you?" The old mansmiled and said, "Experience is the best teacher."11. The old man was _______ for his wisdom.A. famousB. unknownC. disliked12. The young boy _______ the old man for advice.A. avoidedB. ignoredC. approached13. The old man believed that wisdom comes from _______.A. booksB. experienceC. luck五、翻译(共20分)14. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英文。
大学英语四级模拟考试(试题册)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Descriptions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay. You should start with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the impact of electronic products on family reunion. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what wassaid. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After eachquestion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答。
英语听力练习册四级Listening is an essential skill for English learners, and practicing it regularly can significantly improve one's proficiency. This practice book is designed for students who have reached level 4 in English and are looking to enhance their listening skills. It includes a variety of listening exercises that cover different topics and scenarios, from everyday conversations to academic lectures.Chapter 1: Everyday Conversations- Exercise 1: Listen to a dialogue between two friends discussing their weekend plans and answer multiple-choice questions.- Exercise 2: Identify the main points from a conversation at a coffee shop and fill in the blanks.Chapter 2: News Broadcasts- Exercise 1: Listen to a news report about a local event and summarize the key information in your own words.- Exercise 2: Analyze the tone and purpose of a news segment on a global issue.Chapter 3: Academic Lectures- Exercise 1: Listen to a lecture on environmental science and take notes on the main ideas presented.- Exercise 2: Evaluate the arguments made in a debate on renewable energy sources.Chapter 4: Interviews- Exercise 1: Listen to an interview with a successful entrepreneur and identify the key factors that contributed to their success.- Exercise 2: Understand the context and background of an interviewee in a cultural exchange program.Chapter 5: Radio Programs- Exercise 1: Follow along with a radio drama and answer comprehension questions about the plot and characters.- Exercise 2: Listen to a radio talk show discussing current affairs and note the different opinions expressed.Chapter 6: Podcasts- Exercise 1: Engage with a podcast on technology trends and discuss the implications for society.- Exercise 2: Reflect on a podcast episode about personal development and list the strategies suggested for self-improvement.Chapter 7: Test Your Skills- Exercise 1: Complete a listening comprehension test that includes a mix of the types of materials covered in the book. - Exercise 2: Listen to a series of short audio clips and match them with the correct descriptions.This book is equipped with answer keys and additional resources to support learners in their journey to improve their English listening skills. It encourages activelistening and critical thinking, preparing students for more advanced levels of English language proficiency.。
2023年12月英语四级(CET-4)练习题及参考答案2023年12月大学英语四级(CET-4)练习题及参考答案1. This kind of medicine has the power to _______poison.A.splashB.resistC.adoptD.occupy2. He is easily _______ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defendedB.affordedC.createdD.offended3.I am _______ to believe that he won’t come back to see his wife again.A.inclinedB.puzzledC.accompaniedD.performed4.Before you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have _______ it or not.A.sunkB.sighedC.soughtD.sealed5.After talking for nearly ten hours, he _______ to the government’s pressure at last.A.expressedB.yieldedC.decreasedD.approved6.My hands and feet were ________ with cold as I waited for the bus.A. cliffB.stillC.stiffD.stick7.This problem is beyond his ability and he can not ________ it.A.slipB.packC.gainD.solve8.When you buy the spare parts for your car, try to get the _______ ones from the authorized dealer.A.genuineB.generousC.geniusD.gentle9.If you use _______, you can get a higher quality picture.A.waxB.shameC.gooseD.slides10.Who _______ this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.A.frightensB.differsC.displays答案:1.B2.D3.A4.D5.B6.C7.D8.A9.D 10.D21.The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A. distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _______, not foreign.A. domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder23.He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.A. measureB.maintainC.shelter24.He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A. resolvedB.resortedC.requestedD.reserved25.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A. researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________ from the earthA. withdrawnB.vanishedC.foundD.hung27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.A. countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting28.Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A. guardB.accomplishC.roarD.endure29.Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.A. favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.A. exhaustedB.mountedC.wrappedD.restored答案:21.A 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A41.Students with _______ problems may apply for student loans.A.economicB.financialC.maleD.economical42.Both sugar and salt can ______in water.A.desertB.absorbC.dissolveD.involve43.I have not heard anything from him since his _______.A.departureB.faultC.foundationD.acciptance44.Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A.conductB.stoopCmitD.sweat45.Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.A.connectedB.sustainedC.associatedD.suspended46.This morning in the class, our teacher lost his _______ at last because he could not stand any more.A.temperB.terrorC.verseD.contain47.It is not ---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A. continuousB.difficultC.convenientD.sufficient48.When traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.ApassBpressCplseD.campus49.As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.A.ruinB.restrainC.importD.impose50.If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _______ to call me for helpA.hesitateB.despairC.urgeD.request答案:41.B 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.D46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.A大学英语四六级单词都有哪些四级词汇大多数都是高中词汇,高中要求的单词量是4500,大学四级要求的词汇量是6000,其中的4500个就是高中词汇,只是有些词变了一个意思或者是用法变,另外还需要1500个单词。
英语四级练习题一、听力理解(共15分)1. 听下面短对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问题的最佳选项。
- 例:What does the woman want to do?A) Go to the library.B) Go to the cinema.C) Stay at home.2. 听下面长对话,回答1-3题。
- 例:Why did the man call the woman?A) To ask for directions.B) To invite her to a party.C) To discuss a project.3. 听下面短文,回答4-5题。
- 例:What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of environmental protection.B) The benefits of urban development.C) The impact of technology on society.二、阅读理解(共20分)1. 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。
- 例:What is the author's opinion on the new policy?A) It is effective.B) It is controversial.C) It is unnecessary.D) It is overdue.2. 阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否正确(True or False)。
- 例:The company has been in business for over a century.A) True.B) False.3. 阅读下面短文,回答问题。
- 例:What is the main reason for the decline in the number of bees?A) Loss of habitat.B) Climate change.C) Pesticide use.D) Disease.三、词汇与语法结构(共25分)1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
四级练习题星火一、阅读理解1. 根据文章,作者认为四级考试中最重要的部分是什么?A. 听力理解B. 阅读理解C. 写作能力D. 口语表达2. 文章中提到了哪些四级考试的备考策略?- 每天进行英语阅读- 定期练习听力- 参加模拟考试- 复习四级词汇3. 四级考试中,哪部分内容的准备需要特别注意?A. 词汇记忆B. 语法理解C. 阅读理解D. 写作练习二、词汇与结构4. 根据题目要求,以下哪个选项是正确的四级词汇用法?A. "The company is in the red."B. "He is green in his new job."C. "She is a blue-eyed girl."D. "The company is in the black."5. 以下哪个句子的结构是正确的?A. "I have been studied English for two years."B. "I have been studying English for two years."C. "I have studied English for two years."D. "I am studying English for two years."三、完型填空6. 阅读下面的短文,从所给的选项中选择最佳答案填入空白处。
Nowadays, many students are preparing for the CET-4 exam. They spend a lot of time every day _______ (6) English. They believe that _______ (7) is the key to success in the exam.A. readingB. writingC. speakingD. listeningE. practiceF. strategyG. vocabularyH. pronunciation四、翻译7. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英文。
大学英语英语四级练习卷(答案) (6)
大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解阅读理解(一)The United States is on the verge of losing its leading place in the world's technology. So says more than one study in recent years. One of the reasons for this decline is the parallel decline in the number of U.S. scientists and engineers. Since 1976,employment of scientists and engineers is up 85 percent. This trend is expected to continue. However, the trend shows that the number of 22-year-olds--the near term source of future PH.D.s-is declining. Further adding to the problem is the increased competition for these candidates from other fields-law,medicine,business,etC. While the number of U.S. PH.D.s in science and engineering declines,the award of PH.D.s to foreign nationals is increasing rapidly. Our inability to motivate students to pursue science and engineering careers at the graduate level is compounded because of the intense demand industry has for bright Bachelor's and Master's degree holders. Too often, promising PH.D.candidates, confronting the cost and financial sacrifice of pursuing their education,find the attraction of industry irresistible.1.The U.S.will come to lose its leading place in technology probably because ________.A. the number of PH.D. degree holders is decliningB. the number of scientists and engineers is decreasingC. the number of 22-year-ilds is decliningD. scientists and engineers arenot employed2.The field of science and engineering is facing a competition from ________ .A. technologyB. foreign nationalsC. such fields as law, medicine and businessD. postgraduatesrge-scale enterprises now need _______.A. bright graduates and postgraduatesB. new inventionsC. advanced technologyD. engineers4.Many promising postgraduates are unwilling to pursue a PH.D. degree because _________.A. they are not encouraged to be engaged in scienceB. industry does not require PH.D. holdersC. they have financial difficultiesD. they will spend much time and energy completing PH.D.5.PH.D. candidates "find the attraction of industry irresistible" means that _________.A. they find industry is attracting more and more college studentsB. they don't think they can prevent themselves from working for industryC. they cannot resist any attraction from all sidesD. they cannot work for industry any longer阅读理解(二)Flying over a desert area in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour's flight one of the scientists wrote in his book, 'Look here for probable metal' Scientists in another airplane, flying over a mountain region,sent a message to other scientists on the ground,'Gold possible.' Walking across hilly ground, four scientistsreported,'This ground should be searched for metals.' From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word,'Uranium'. None of the scientists had X-ray eyes: they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth's surface. They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of location minerals in the ground---using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie beneath the ground on which the trees and plants are growing. This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of bushes and trees that grow on the surface.At Watson Bar Creek, a brook six thousand feet high in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada,a mineral search group gathered bags of tree seeds. Boxed were filled with small banches from te trees. Roots were dug and put into boxes. Each bag and box was carefully markeD. In a scientific laboratory the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes and tested .Each small part was examined to learn whether there were minerals in it. Study of the roots , branches,and seeds showed no silver. But there were small amounts of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds. The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches. If the trees had not indicated that there was gold in the ground, the scientists would not have spent money to pay for digging into the deeper. They did dig and found more fold below. They dug deeper. They found large quantities of gold.1.Scientists were flying over a desert or hilly wasteland or a mountain region in order to search for _____ in the ground.A.goldB.silverC.metalsD.minerals2.The study of trees,branches and roots indicates that_______.A.there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the seeds.B.there were small amounts of gold in the roots than in the branchesC.there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk than seeds growing on the ends of branches.D.there were more gold in the branches than in the roots3.Which is the best title ?A.Scientists searching for metals with sepcial powerB.New methods of searching for mineralsC.Gold could be found by trees and plantsD.A new method of searching for minerals---using trees and plants4.Which of the following is not mentioned as part of a tree that can help find minerals?A.leavesB.rootsC.branchesD.seeds5.The scientists were searching for minerals by using ______.A.X-rayB.magic powerC.a special instrumentD.trained eyes二、完型填空完型填空(一)If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths andweaknesses. Success or (1) in your work would depend, to (2) great extent, (3) your ability to use yourstrengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. (4) the utmost importance is your attitude. A person (5)begins a job convinced that he isn't going to like it or is (6) that he is going to ail is exhibiting aweakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure (7) his belief thathe is probably as capable (8)doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerfulattempt (9) it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well.(10) the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously aweakness. A book-keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw (11)hopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize (12) the strength and overcome the (13) that youbring to the job of learning. But insgroupsto measure your development, you must first (14) -- stock ofswheres you stand now. (15) -- we get further along in the book, we’ll be (16) -- in some detail withspecific processes for developing and strengthening (17) -- skills. However, (18) -- begin with, youshould pause (19) -- examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical toyour success or failure in school: your (20) --, your reading and communication skills, and your studyhabits.1.A.improvement B.victory C. failure D. achievement2.A.a B.the C. some D. certain3.A.in B.on C. of D. to4.A.Out of B.Of C. To D. Into5.A.who B.what C. that D. which6.A.ensure B.certain C. sure D. surely7.A.onto B.on C. off D. in8.A.to B.at C. of D. for9.A.near B.on C. by D. at10.A.Have B.Had C. Having D. Had been11.A.being B.been C. are D. is12.A.except B.but C. for D. on13.A.idea B.weakness C. strength D. advantage14.A.make B.take C. do D. give15.A.as B.till C. over D. out16.A.deal B.dealt C. be dealt D. dealing17.A.learnt B.learned C. learning D. learn18.A.around B.to C. from D. beside19.A.to B.onto C. into D. with20.A.intelligence B.work C. attitude D. weakness完型填空(二)The rocket engine, with its steady roar like that of a waterfall or a thunderstorm, is an impressive symbol of the new space age.Rocket engines have 1 powerful enough to shoot astronauts 2 the earth's gravitational pull and 3 them on the moon.We have now become 4 space.Impressive and complex 5 it may appear, the rocket, which was 6 in China over 800 years 7 , is a relatively simple device.Fuel that is 8 in the rocket engine changes 9 gas.The hot and rapidly 10 gas must escape, but it can do so only 11 an opening that 12 backwar D.As the gas is 13 with great force, it 14 the rocket in the 15 direction.Like the kick of a gun 16 it is fired, it 17 the laws of nature 18 by Sir Isaac Newton when he discovered that“ 19 every action, there is 20 equal and opposite reaction.”1.A.shown B.been C.appeared D.proved2.A.against B.despite C.beyond D.from3.A.send nd C.take D.carry4.A.travelers B.astronauts C.researchers D.explorers5.A.that B.so C.as D.sometimes6.A.made B.discovered C.developed D.invented7.A.in advance B.before C.earlier D.ago8.A.round B.contained C.stored D.burned9.A.as B.into C.for D.the10.A.heating B.escaping C.expanding D.conducting11.A.in B.at C.by D.through12.A.turns B.goes C.faces D.directs13.A.transmitted B.dispersed C.erected D.radiated14.A.attracts B.leads C.pulls D.pushes15.A.same B.other C.opposite D.wrong16.A.that B.when C.if D.although17.A.states B.proves C.follows D.breaks18.A.described B.discussed C.considered D.made19.A.like B.as C.with D.for20.A.no B.an C.another D.theCloze三、翻译1. 电影开演半小时了。
大学英语英语四级练习卷(及答案) (1)
大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解阅读理解(一)The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photograph’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art as distinct from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteenth century, the defence of photography was identical with the struggle to establish it as a fine art. Against the charge that photography was a soulless, mechanical copying of reality, photographers asserted that it was instead a privileged way of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and no less worthy an art than painting.Ironically, now that photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or irrelevant to label it as such. Serious photographers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themselves—anything but making works of art. They are no longer willing to debate whether photography is or is not a fine art, except to proclaim that their own work is not involved with art. It shows the extent to which they simply take for granted the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism: the better the art, the more subversive it is of the traditional aimsof art.Photographers’ disclaimers of any interest in making art tell us more about the harried status of the contemporary notion of art than about whether photography is or is not art. For example, those photographers who suppose that, by taking pictures, they are getting away from the pretensions of art as exemplified by painting remind us of those Abstract Expressionist painters who imagined they were getting away from the intellectual austerity of classical Modernist painting by concentrating on the physical act of painting. Much of photography’s prestige today derives from the convergence of its aims with those of recent art, particularly with the dismissal of abstract art implicit in the phenomenon of Pop painting during the 1960’s. Appreciating photographs is a relief to sensibilities tired of the mental exertions demanded by abstract art. Classical Modernist painting—that is, abstract art as developed in different ways by Picasso, Kandinsky, and Matisse—presupposes highly developed skills of looking and a familiarity with other paintings and the history of art. Photography, like Pop painting, reassures viewers that art is not hard; photography seems to be more about its subjects than about art.Photography, however, has developed all the anxieties andself-consciousness of a classic Modernist art. Many professionals privately have begun to worry that the promotion of photography as anactivity subversive of the traditional pretensions of art has gone so far that the public will forget that photography is a distinctive and exalted activity—in short, an art.1. What is the author mainly concerned with? The author is concerned with[A]. defining the Modernist attitude toward art.[B]. explaining how photography emerged as a fine art.[C]. explaining the attitude of serious contemporary photographers toward photography as art and placing those attitudes in their historical context.[D]. defining the various approaches that serious contemporary photographers take toward their art and assessing the value of each of those approaches.2. Which of the following adjectives best describes “the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism” as the author represents it in lines 12—13?[A]. Objective [B]. Mechanical. [C]. Superficial. [D]. Paradoxical.3. Why does the author introduce Abstract Expressionist painter?[A]. He wants to provide an example of artists who, like serious contemporary photographers, disavowed traditionally accepted aims of modern art.[B]. He wants to set forth an analogy between the Abstract Expressionist painters and classical Modernist painters.[C]. He wants to provide a contrast to Pop artist and others.[D]. He wants to provide an explanation of why serious photography, like other contemporary visual forms, is not and should not pretend to be an art.4. How did the nineteenth-century defenders of photography stress the photography?[A]. They stressed photography was a means of making people happy.[B]. It was art for recording the world.[C]. It was a device for observing the world impartially.[D]. It was an art comparable to painting.阅读理解(二)Nearly two thousand years have passed since a census decreed by Caesar Augustus become part of the greatest story ever told. Many things have changed in the intervening years. The hotel industry worries more about overbuilding than overcrowding, and if they had to meet an unexpected influx, few inns would have a manager to accommodate the weary guests. Now it is the census taker that does the traveling in the fond hope that a highly mobile population will stay long enough to get a good sampling. Methods of gathering, recording, and evaluating information have presumably been improved a great deal. And where then it was the modest purpose of Rome to obtain a simple head count as an adequate basis for levying taxes, now batteries of complicated statistical series furnishedby governmental agencies and private organizations are eagerly scanned and interpreted by sages and seers to get a clue to future events. The Bible does not tell us how the Roman census takers made out, and as regards our more immediate concern, the reliability of present day economic forecasting, there are considerable differences of opinion. They were aired at the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the American Statistical Association. There was the thought that business forecasting might well be on its way from an art to a science, and some speakers talked about newfangled computers and high-falutin mathematical system in terms of excitement and endearment which we, at least in our younger years when these things mattered, would have associated more readily with the description of a fair maiden. But others pointed to the deplorable record of highly esteemed forecasts and forecasters with a batting average below that of the Mets, and the President-elect of the Association cautioned that “high powered statistical methods are usually in order where the facts are crude and inadequate, the exact contrary of what crude and inadequate statisticians assume.” We left his birthday party somewhere between hope and despair and with the conviction, not really newly acquired, that proper statistical methods applied to ascertainable facts have their merits in economic forecasting as long as neither forecaster nor public is deluded into mistaking the delineation of probabilities and trends for a prediction of certainties of mathematical exactitude.1. Taxation in Roman days apparently was based on[A]. wealth. [B]. mobility. [C]. population. [D]. census takers.2. The American Statistical Association[A]. is converting statistical study from an art to a science.[B]. has an excellent record in business forecasting.[C]. is neither hopeful nor pessimistic.[D]. speaks with mathematical exactitude.3. The message the author wishes the reader to get is[A]. statisticians have not advanced since the days of the Roman.[B]. statistics is not as yet a science.[C]. statisticians love their machine.[D].computer is hopeful.4. The “greatest story ever told” referred to in the passage is the story of[A]. Christmas. [B]. The Mets.[C]. Moses. [D]. Roman Census Takers.二、完型填空完型填空(一)Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children.And they must have 1 how difficult it is to write a 2 children’s book.Either the author has aimed too 3 , so that the children can’t follow what is in his (or more often, her) story, 4 thestory seems to be talking tothe readers. The best children’s books are 5 very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the 6 who hears thestory and the adult who 7 it.Unfortunately, there are in fact 8 books like this, 9 the problem of findingthe right bedtime story is not 10 to solve. This may be why many of books regarded as 11 of children’s literature were in fact written for 12 .“Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland”is perhaps the most 13 of this.Children, left for themselves, often 14 the worst possible interest in literature.Just leave a child inbookshop o 15 and he will 16 willingly choose the books written in an imaginative way, or have a look at most children’s comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the 17 of teachers and right-thinkingparents.Perhaps we parents should stop trying to brainwash childrensintos 18 our taste in literature.After allchildren and adults are so 19 that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the 20 books.So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise over that bedtime story.1.A.hoped B.realized C.told D.said2.A.short B.long C.bad D.good3.A.easy B.short C.high D.difficult4.A.and B.but C.or D.so5.A.both B.neither C.either D.very6.A.child B.father C.mother D.teacher.7.A.hears B.buys C.understands D.reads8.A.few B.many C.a great deal of D.a great number of9.A.but B.however C.so D.because10A.hard B.easy C.enoughD.fast11.A.articles B.work C.arts D.works12.A.grown ups B.girls C.boys D.children13.A.difficult B.hidden C.obvious D.easy14.A.are B.show C.find D.add15.A.school B.home C.office D.library16.A.more B.less C.able D.be17.A.lovingness B.interests C.objections D.readings18.A.receiving B.accepting C.having D.refusing19.A.same B.friendly C.different monmon B.avarage C.different D.Same完型填空(二)A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide--the division of the world into theinfo(information) rich and the info poor. And that __1__ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this loomingdanger twenty years ago. What was less __2__ then, however, were the new, positive __3__ that work against thedigital divide.__4__,there are reasons to be __5__.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more __6__, it is in the interest of business to universalizeaccess-after all, the more people online, the more potential __7__ there are. More and more __8__, afraid their countries will be left __9__, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be __10__ together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will __11__ rather than widen in the years ahea D. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for __12__ world poverty that we've ever ha D.Of course, the use of the Internet isn't the only way to __13__ poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has __14__ potential.To __15__ advantage of this tool, some poor countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices __16__ respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an __17__ of their sovereignty might well study the history of __18__ (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn't have the capital to do so. And that is __19__ America's Second Wave infrastructure-__20__ roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment.1. A) divide B) information C) world D) lecture2. A) obscure B) visible C) invisible D) indistinct3. A) forces B) obstacles C) events D) surprises4. A) Seriously B) Entirely C) Actually D) Continuously5. A) negative B) optimistic C) pleasant D) disappointed6. A) developed B) centralized C) realized D) commercialized7. A) users B) producers C) customers D) citizens8. A) enterprises B) governments C) officials D) customers9. A) away B) for C) aside D) behind10. A) netted B) worked C) put D) organized11. A) decrease B) narrow C) neglect D) low12. A) containing B) preventing C) keeping D) combating13. A) win B) detail C) defeat D) fear14. A) enormous B) countless C) numerical D) big15. A) bring B) keep C) hold D) take16. A) at B) with C) of D) for17. A) offence B) investment C) invasion D) insult18. A) construction B) facility C) infrastructure D) institution19. A) why B) where C) when D) how20. A) concerning B) concluding C) according D) including三、翻译1、 The train was delayed on account of snow.翻译:__________________________________________________.2. You need to check in on hour before the flight.翻译:___________________________________________________3. Thoughts can also be expressed by means of musiC.翻译:________________________________________________________4、The shop is now licensed to sell cigarettes.翻译:__________________________________________________.5、You mustn’t let the body temperature drop too low.翻译:________________________________________________________参考答案:一、阅读理解:阅读理解(一)答案祥解1. C. 说明当代严肃的摄影家对摄影作为艺术的态度,并把他们这些态度放在历史的进程来观察。
大学英语英语四级练习卷(及答案) (4)
大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解阅读理解(一)Why the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at the culmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousand years—and why in the following two hundred years a knowledge of natural and mathematical science has accumulated, which so vastly exceeds all that was previously known that these sciences may be justly regarded as the products of our own times—are questions which have interested the modern philosopher not less than the objects with which these sciences are more immediately conversant. Was it the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the use of the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin? Was the long period one of arrested development, and is the modern era one of normal growth? Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents—to the influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in the omnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence?The explanation which has become commonplace, that the ancients employed deduction chiefly in their scientific inquiries, while the moderns employ induction, proves to be too narrow, and fails upon close examination to point with sufficient distinctness the contrast that is evident between ancient and modern scientific doctrines and inquiries. For all knowledge is founded on observation, and proceeds from this by analysis, by synthesis and analysis,by induction and deduction, and if possible by verification, or by new appeals to observation under the guidance of deduction—by steps which are indeed correlative parts of one method; and the ancient sciences afford examples of every one of these methods, or parts of one method, which have been generalized from the examples of science.A failure to employ or to employ adequately any one of these partial methods, an imperfection in the arts and resources of observation and experiment, carelessness in observation, neglect of relevant facts, by appeal to experiment and observation—these are the faults which cause all failures to ascertain truth, whether among the ancients or the moderns; but this statement does not explain why the modern is possessed of a greater virtue, and by what means he attained his superiority. Much less does it explain the sudden growth of science in recent times.The attempt to discover the explanation of this phenomenon in the antithesis of “facts” and “theories” or “facts” and “ideas”—in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their too exclusive attention to the latter —proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge of vagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are not coordinate species. Theories, if true, are facts—a particular class of facts indeed, generally complex, and if a logical connection subsists between their constituents, have all the positive attributes of theories. Nevertheless, this distinction, however inadequate it may be to explain the source of true method in science, is well founded, and connotes an important character in true method. A fact is a proposition of simple. A theory, on theother hand, if true has all the characteristics of a fact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. To convert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the full characteristics of a fact."1. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is"[A]. Philosophy of mathematics. [B]. The Recent Growth in Science.[C]. The Verification of Facts. [C]. Methods of Scientific Inquiry."2. According to the author, one possible reason for the growth of science during the days of the ancient Greeks and in modern times is"[A]. the similarity between the two periods.[B]. that it was an act of God.[C]. that both tried to develop the inductive method.[D]. due to the decline of the deductive method."3. The difference between “fact” and “theory”"[A]. is that the latter needs confirmation.[B]. rests on the simplicity of the former.[C]. is the difference between the modern scientists and the ancient Greeks.[D]. helps us to understand the deductive method."4. According to the author, mathematics is"[A]. an inductive science. [B]. in need of simple verification.[C]. a deductive science. [D]. based on fact and theory."5. The statement “Theories are facts” may be called."[A]. a metaphor. [B]. a paradox.[C]. an appraisal of the inductive and deductive methods.[D]. a pun.阅读理解(二)On the 36th day after they had voted, Americans finally learned Wednesday who would be their next president: Governor George W. Bush of Texas.Vice President Al Gore, his last realistic avenue for legal challenge closed by a U. S. Supreme Court decision late Tuesday, planned to end the contest formally in a televised evening speech of perhaps 10 minutes, advisers said. They said that Senator Joseph Lieberman, his vice presidential running mate, would first make brief comments. The men would speak from a ceremonial chamber of the Old Executive office Building, to the west of the White House.The dozens of political workers and lawyers who had helped lead Mr. Gore’s unprecedented fight to claw a come-from-behind electoral victory in the pivotal state of Florida were thanked Wednesday and asked to stand down. “The vice president has directed the recount committee to suspend activities,”William Daley, the Gore campaign chairman, said in a written statement. Mr. Gore authorized that statement after meeting with his wife, Tipper, and with top advisers including Mr. Daley.He was expected to telephone Mr. Bush during the day. The Bush campaign kept a low profile and moved gingerly, as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next steps.Yet, at the end of a trying and tumultuous process that had focused world attention on sleepless vote counters across Florida, and on courtrooms formMiami to Tallahassee to Atlanta to Washington the Texas governor was set to become the 43d U. S. president.The news of Mr. Gore’s plans followed the longest and most rancorous dispute over a U. S. presidential election in more than a century, one certain to leave scars in a badly divided country.It was a bitter ending for Mr. Gore, who had outpolled Mr. Bush nationwide by some 300000 votes, but, without Florida, fell short in the Electoral College by 271votes to 267—the narrowest Electoral College victory since the turbulent election of 1876.Mr. Gore was said to be distressed by what he and many Democratic activists felt was a partisan decision from the nation’s highest court.The 5-to –4 decision of the Supreme Court held, in essence, that while a vote recount in Florida could be conducted in legal and constitutional fashion, as Mr. Gore had sought, this could not be done by the Dec. 12 deadline for states to select their presidential electors.James Baker 3rd, the former secretary of state who represented Mr. Bush in the Florida dispute, issued a short statement after the U. S. high court ruling, saying that the governor was “very pleased and gratified.”Mr. Bush was planning a nationwide speech aimed at trying to begin to heal the country’s deep, aching and varied divisions. He then was expected to meet with congressional leaders, including Democrats. Dick Cheney, Mr. Bush’s ruing mate, was meeting with congressmen Wednesday in Washington.When Mr. Bush, who is 54, is sworn into office on Jan.20, he will be only the second son of a president to follow his father to the White House, after JohnAdams and John Quincy Adams in the early 19th century.Mr. Gore, in his speech, was expected to thank his supporters, defend his hive-week battle as an effort to ensure, as a matter of principle, that every vote be counted, and call for the nation to join behind the new president. He was described by an aide as “resolved and resigned.”While some constitutional experts had said they believed states could present electors as late as Dec. 18, the U. S. high court made clear that it saw no such leeway.The U.S. high court sent back “for revision” to the Florida court its order allowing recounts but made clear that for all practical purposes the election was over.In its unsigned main opinion, the court declared, “The recount process, in its features here described, is inconsistent with the minimum procedures necessary to protect the fundamental right of each voter.”That decision, by a court fractured along philosophical lines, left one liberal justice charging that the high court’s proceedings bore a political taint.Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in an angry dissent:” Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the law.”But at the end of five seemingly endless weeks, during which the physical, legal and constitutional machines of the U. S. election were pressed and sorely tested in ways unseen in more than a century, the system finally produced aresult, and one most Americans appeared to be willing at lease provisionally to support.The Bush team welcomed the news with an outward show of restraint and aplomb. The governor’s hopes had risen and fallen so many times since Election night, and the legal warriors of each side suffered through so many dramatic reversals, that there was little energy left for celebration."1. The main idea of this passage is"[A]. Bush’s victory in presidential election bore a political taint.[B]. The process of the American presidential election.[C]. The Supreme Court plays a very important part in the presidential election.[D]. Gore is distressed."2. What does the sentence “as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next step” mean"[A]. Bush hopes Gore to join his administration.[B]. Bush hopes Gore to concede defeat and to support him.[C]. Bush hopes Gore to congraduate him.[D]. Bush hopes Gore go on fighting with him."3. Why couldn’t Mr. Gore win the presidential election after he outpolled Mr. Bush in the popular vote? Because"[A]. the American president is decided by the supreme court’s decision.[B]. people can’t directly elect their president.[C]. the American president is elected by a slate of presidential electors.[D]. the people of each state support Mr. Bush."4. What was the result of the 5—4 decision of the supreme court?"[A]. It was in fact for the vote recount.[B]. It had nothing to do with the presidential election.[C]. It decided the fate of the winner.[D]. It was in essence against the vote recount."5. What did the “turbulent election of 1876” imply?"[A]. The process of presidential election of 2000 was the same as that.[B]. There were great similarities between the two presidential elections (2000 and 1876).[C]. It was compared to presidential election of 2000.[D]. It was given an example.阅读理解(三)Asked to name their favorite city, many Amerians would select San Francisco began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay.The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico. San Francisco sprang into a city overnight because of the nearby discovery of gold in 1848.A great rush to California took place.Wagon trains plodded their dangerous way across 2000 miles of prairie and mountains,while hundreds of sailing vessels made the equally hazardous trip around the Horn.The vessels disgorged thousands of passengers -- then the crews deserted teir ship and hundreds of vessels were left to rot in thebay.Within two years,California had enough population to become a state and San Francisco was for many years the hub of that newly-arrived population.The city’s present popularity is due to an excellent climate, an easy style of living ,good food,and numerous tourist attractions. The city is famous for its cable cars which "clang and bang" up the steep hills,and for its excellent seafood stals along the wharf. Most visitors arriving from nations in the Pacific Basin spend several days getting to know the town.1.According to this article, who were the first Californians?A.deserters from sailing shipsB.spanish ranchersC.gold minersD.tourists2.san francisco’s appeal includes all of the following factors____.A.attractive lifestyle,good seafood,desirable weatherB.tourist attactions,extreme seasons,cable carsC.wagon trains,gold mining,good climateD.cable cars,pleasent climate,flat terrain3.san francisco today is a thriving city because of ____.A.heavy industryernmental headquartersC.goldminingD.trade and tourism4.In waht year did California become an American state?A.1850B.1852C.1846D.1848二、完型填空完型填空(一)If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths andweaknesses. Success or (1) in your work would depend, to (2) great extent, (3) your ability to use yourstrengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. (4) the utmost importance is your attitude. A person (5)begins a job convinced that he isn't going to like it or is (6) that he is going to ail is exhibiting aweakness which can only hinder his success. On the otherhand, a person who is secure (7) his belief thathe is probably as capable (8) doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerfulattempt (9) it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well.(10) the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously aweakness. A book-keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw (11)hopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize (12) the strength and overcome the (13) that youbring to the job of learning. But insgroupsto measure your development, you must first (14) -- stock ofswheres you stand now. (15) -- we get further along in the book, we’ll be (16) -- in some detail withspecific processes for developing and strengthening (17) -- skills. However, (18) -- begin with, youshould pause (19) -- examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical toyour success or failure in school: your (20) --, your reading and communication skills, and your studyhabits.1.A.improvement B.victory C. failure D. achievement2.A.a B.the C. some D. certain3.A.in B.on C. of D. to4.A.Out of B.Of C. To D. Into5.A.who B.what C. that D. which6.A.ensure B.certain C. sure D. surely7.A.onto B.on C. off D. in8.A.to B.at C. of D. for9.A.near B.on C. by D. at10.A.Have B.Had C. Having D. Had been11.A.being B.been C. are D. is12.A.except B.but C. for D. on13.A.idea B.weakness C. strength D. advantage14.A.make B.take C. do D. give15.A.as B.till C. over D. out16.A.deal B.dealt C. be dealt D. dealing17.A.learnt B.learned C. learning D. learn18.A.around B.to C. from D. beside19.A.to B.onto C. into D. with20.A.intelligence B.work C. attitude D. weakness完型填空(二)The rocket engine, with its steady roar like that of a waterfall or a thunderstorm, is an impressive symbol of the new space age.Rocket engines have 1 powerful enough to shoot astronauts 2 the earth's gravitational pull and 3 them on the moon.We have now become 4 space.Impressive and complex 5 it may appear, the rocket, which was 6 in China over 800 years 7 , is a relatively simple device.Fuel that is 8 in the rocket engine changes 9 gas.The hot and rapidly 10 gas must escape, but it can do so only 11 an opening that 12 backwar D.As the gas is 13 with great force, it 14 the rocket in the 15 direction.Like the kick of a gun 16 it is fired, it 17 the laws of nature 18 by Sir Isaac Newton when he discovered that“ 19 every action, there is 20 equal and opposite reaction.”1.A.shown B.been C.appeared D.proved2.A.against B.despite C.beyond D.from3.A.send nd C.take D.carry4.A.travelers B.astronauts C.researchers D.explorers5.A.that B.so C.as D.sometimes6.A.made B.discovered C.developed D.invented7.A.in advance B.before C.earlier D.ago8.A.round B.contained C.stored D.burned9.A.as B.into C.for D.the10.A.heating B.escaping C.expanding D.conducting11.A.in B.at C.by D.through12.A.turns B.goes C.faces D.directs13.A.transmitted B.dispersed C.erected D.radiated14.A.attracts B.leads C.pulls D.pushes15.A.same B.other C.opposite D.wrong16.A.that B.when C.if D.although17.A.states B.proves C.follows D.breaks18.A.described B.discussed C.considered D.made19.A.like B.as C.with D.for20.A.no B.an C.another D.theCloze三、翻译1. 电影开演半小时了。
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第一章分数练习册(2课时)1、 写出下面各数五分之二、 三分之一、 十分之一、 十七分之八、 二十五分之十、 一百分之六十三、六十分之二十九、 三十六分之二十、 九分之九2、 读出下面各数91、76、65、118、5916、100033、1001003、 用分数表示涂色部分( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )4、适当的部分涂上色表示下面的分数41 85 53 64第二章常见的量的简单换算练习册1、填空1千克=()公斤;1千克=()克;1吨=()千克;1吨=()公斤;7吨=()公斤;8公斤=()克;1000克=()公斤;2000千克=()吨;1分米=()厘米;1厘米=()毫米;1米=()厘米;2公里=()米;6公里=()千米;5米=()分米;6分米=()厘米;1000米=()千米;900厘米=()米;10米=()厘米;200分米=()米;2公里=()分米=()厘米;1小时=()分钟;1分钟=()秒;2小时=()分钟;120秒=()分钟;半分钟=()秒;2小时=()刻钟;15分钟=()刻钟;30分钟=()刻钟;3刻钟=()分钟;2、小红和妈妈一同去超市买东西,她们买了1千克糖、5千克大米、4千克油和2千克青菜。
A. 30岁B. 45岁 c. 65岁(2 )183比()小得多。
A 185 B129 C1480第五章画图凑数法练习册(4课时)1、一只鸡有一个头2只脚,一只兔有一个头4只脚,如果一个笼子里关着的鸡和兔共有10个头和32只脚,你知道笼子里有几只鸡、有几只兔吗?2、一只鸡有一个头2只脚,一只兔有一个头4只脚,如果一个笼子里关着的鸡和兔共有9个头和28只脚,你知道笼子里有几只鸡、有几只兔吗?3、一辆自行车有2个轮子,一辆三轮车有3个轮子,车棚里放着自行车和三轮车共10辆,数数车轮共有28个,问自行车几辆,三轮车几辆?4、一辆自行车有2个轮子,一辆三轮车有3个轮子,车棚里放着自行车和三轮车共8辆,数数车轮共有20个,问自行车几辆,三轮车几辆?5、一只蛐蛐6条腿,一只蜘蛛8条腿,现有蛐蛐和蜘蛛共8只,共有58条腿,问蛐蛐几只?蜘蛛几只?6、笼中有兔又有鸡,数数腿34,数数头有12,问有几只鸡几只兔?7、笼中有兔又有鸡,数数腿38,数数头有15,问有几只鸡几只兔?8、今有五分和一角的两种汽车票,共8张,总钱数是6角,问每种各几张?9、今有5元和10元的两种纸币,共12张,总钱数是100元,问5元纸币,10元纸币各几张?10、小白兔采蘑菇。
一共用了68只碗,问一共有多少个学生?10、小明今年5岁,爸爸今年30岁,爷爷今年60岁,当三人年龄之和是110岁的时候,小明、爸爸、爷爷各有多少岁?第七章枚举法练习册(2课时)1、用数字卡片2、3、5,可以组成多少个不同的三位数?2、用数字1、2、3、4可以组成多少个不同的没有重复的两位数?3、用数字0、5、7、8组成的四位数有多少个?4、用数字0、5、7、8组成的三位数有多少个?5、5个茶杯的价钱分别是7角、6角、5角、4角和3角,3个茶杯的价钱分别是8角、7角、5角,如果一个茶杯配一个茶盘,一共可以配成多少种不同价钱的茶具?6、妈妈从家到单位上班,要经过电影院,从家到电影院有2条路,从电影院到单位有4条路,妈妈从家到单位上班有多少种不同的走法?7、用1角、2角和5角的邮票,可以组成多少种不同的邮资?8、现有人民币:5角1张,2角3张,1角6张,如果从中取出6角钱,有多少种不同的取法?9、现有人民币:5元1张,2元4张,1元9张,如果从中取出9元钱,有多少种不同的取法?10、小亮给3个小朋友写信,由于粗心,把信装入信封时都给装错了,结果3个小朋友收到的都不是给自己的信,请问小亮装错的情况共有多少种可能?第八章找规律练习册(2课时)1、先计算下面的前几个算式,找出规律,在继续往下写出算式(写出2个即可)并写出得数:9×9+7=8898×9+6=888987×9+5=88889876×9+4=……2、先计算下面的前几个算式,找出规律,在继续往下写出算式(写出2个即可)并写出得数:1×1=111×11=121111×111=123211111×1111=……3、找出规律,在继续往下写出算式(写出2个即可)并写出得数:19+9×9=100118+98×9=10001117+987×9=1000011116+9876×9=111115+98765×9=……6、观察数列的前面几项,找出规律,写出该数列的第80项来?1234、2341、3412、4123、……7、观察数列的前面几项,找出规律,写出该数列的第59项来?12345、51234、45123、34512、23451、……8、:把写有1到100这100个号码的牌子,写下面那样依次分发给四个人,你知道第52号牌子会落到谁的手里?小明小英小芳小军1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 ……9,另一条末端画;……一直照此画下去(见下图),问第六代的共有多少个?第一代第二代第三代10、从1开始,每隔2个数写出一个数,得到一列数,求:(1)这列数的第8个数是多少?(2)这列数的第50个数是多少?第九章平均数初步练习册(2课时)1、哥哥有8块糖,弟弟有4块糖,哥哥给弟弟几块,两人的糖同样多?2、天空中飞来两排大雁,前排16只,后排10只。