










目录安全图例 (6)安全须知 (7)第一章功能和基本特点 (13)1.1变频器 (13)1.2电机 (15)第二章检验程序、元件标识和标准规格 (17)2.1到货检验程序 (17)2.1.1概述 (17)2.1.2变频器类型标定 (17)2.1.3名牌 (18)图名牌标识 (18)图固件和插卡修改级别名牌 (18)图名牌位置 (18)2.2元件标识 (19)图 2.2.1:频率变频器基本设置r (19)2.3标准规格 (20)2.3.1允许环境条件 (20)环境 (21)2.3.2AC输入/输出连接 (21)2.3.3AC输入 (21)2.3.4AC输出 (21)表2.3.4.1列出了功率减少因素值 (22)图在实现转换频率功能时变频器的功率 (23)表2.3.4.2-A过载容量(尺寸1007至4370) (24)表2.3.4.2-B过载容量(尺寸5450至81600) (25)2.3.6精度 (26)表最大/最小输出频率 (26)2.3.5输入/输出和编码器的规格 (26)表转矩规格 (27)表2.3.6.2速度参考值/反馈分辨率和最大限值 (27)表调速器带宽 (27)第三章机械安装导则 (28)3.1尺寸和装配方法 (28)图3.1.1变频器尺寸(型号1007-3150) (28)图3.1.2装配方法(型号1007-3150) (28)表3.1.1变频器尺寸及重量对照表(型号{}1007-3150) (29)图3.1.3变频器尺寸(型号4220-81600) (29)图3.1.4装配方法(型号4220-81600) (30)表3.1.2变频器尺寸及重量对照表(型号4220-81600) (30)图3.1.5键盘定位 (30)3.2功率损失、散热、内置风扇和建议采用的机柜最小冷却开口 (31)表3.2.1散热和空气流量要求 (31)表3.2.2建议采用的机柜最小冷却开口 (31)3.2.1冷却风扇电源 (32)图3.2.1AVy7900,AVy71100和AVy71320型号配备的UL型风扇接线图 (32)图3.2.2AVy6750和AVy81600型号配备的UL型风扇接线图 (32)图 3.2.3外部接线举例 (33)3.3安装固定间隙 (34)图3.3.1最大倾斜角 (34)图3.3.2安装间隙 (34)第四章接线程序 (35)4.1通向接头 (35)4.1.1撤除外盖 (35)图4.1.1:撤除变频器外盖(1007-3150型) (35)图4.1.2:撤除变频器外盖(4185-81600型) (36)4.2电源部分 (36)4.2.1.电源部分端子布置/电缆横截面 (37)表4.2.1.11007-3150型电源部分端子 (37)表4.2.1.24185-81600型电源部分端子 (37)表4.2.1.3电源端子用电缆最大横截面 (38)表4.2.1.4调节器部分的插入端子所允许的最大电缆横截面积 (39)表4.2.1.5最大控制电缆的长度 (39)4.3调节部分 (40)4.3.1RV33-4调节卡开关及跳线 (40)表4.3.1.1调节卡上的发光二级管及测试点 (40)表4.3.1.2调节卡RV33上的跳线及和双向开关 (41)4.3.2寄存器部分端子分配 (42)表4.3.2.1插入式端子条分配 (42)4.4控制部分的电压 (43)图4.4.1-A控制部分的电势,数字输入/输出NPN连接...................................................,.. (43)图4.4.1-B控制部分的电势,数字输入/输出PNP连接 (44)4.5编码器 (45)表4.5.1推荐的连接编码器的电缆截面积及其长度 (46)表4.5.2通过跳线S11-S23的编码器设置 (46)表4.5.3编码器连接 (46)表4.5.4用于正弦或数字编码器的高密度XE连接器的分配 (49)4.5.1XFR连接器分配(EXP-RES)扩展板可选,用于提高分辨率) (49)4.5.2编码器模拟 (50)4.6配线表 (51)图4.6.1标准配线表 (51)4.6.1扩展板连接 (52)图4.6.2公共输出连接器管理 (52)图4.6.3隔离输出连接器管理 (53)4.7电路保护 (54)4.7.1电源部分的外部保险丝 (54)表4.7.1.1AC输入侧的外部保险丝类型 (54)4.7.2DC输入侧电源部分外部保险丝 (55)表4.7.2.1DC输入侧的外部保险丝类型 (55)4.7.3内部保险丝 (55)内部保险丝 (55)4.8扼流圈/过滤器 (56)4.8.1交流输入扼流圈 (56)表4.8.1.1:3相交流输入扼流线圈 (56)4.8.2输出扼流圈 (56)表4.8.2.1推荐的输出扼流圈 (57)4.8.3抑制滤波器的干涉 (57)4.9制动单元 (58)图4.9.1.1内部制动单元和外部制动电阻器的连接 (58)4.9.1内部制动单元 (58)图4.9.1.1内部制动单元和外部制动电阻器的连接 (58)4.9.2外部制动电阻器 (59)表4.9.2.1外部标准电阻器的列表和技术资料 (59)图4.92.2典型三角形轮廓的限制操作制动循环 (59)图4.9.2.3TBR/TC=20%情况下制动循环 (60)图4.9.2.4三角形轮廓普通制动循环 (61)表4.9.2.2不同的主电路的制动阈值 (62)表4.9.2.3内部制动单元技术资料 (62)4.10调节器电源的缓冲 (63)表4.10.1DC回路缓冲时间 (63)图4.10.1通过附加内部电路电容器缓冲调节电压 (64)4.11DC侧放电时间 (65)表4.11.1DC回流放电时间 (65)第五章串行接口说明 (67)图5.1RS485串行接口 (67)5.1RS485串行接口连接器描述 (68)表5.1.1用于RS485串行接口的插头XS连接器命名 (68)第六章键盘操作 (69)6.1LED和键盘 (69)6.2进入菜单项 (71)6.3使用键盘帮助 (71)6.4变频器主菜单 (72)第七章通过键盘调试 (73)7.1AVy-AC/AC4调试(同步马达)调试创建程序 (73)7.1.1磁场定向模式 (75)7.1.2无传感器矢量模式 (85)7.1.3电压/频率控制 (86)7.2AVy-BR/BR4(无电刷电机)调试创建调试模式 (99)第八章电梯时序 (115)图8:1:标准命令时序 (116)图8:2:启动详解 (117)图8.3:停机详解 (118)图8.4:方向命令和接触器控制信号之间的关系 (119)第九章参数 (121)9.1参数图列 (121)9.2参数说明 (122)第十章故障诊断 (206)图10.1发光二极管状态和键盘 (206)10.1调节报警事件清单 (207)表10.1.1调节报警事件 (208)10.2配置清单和数据库错误报警事件 (210)10.2.1配置错误 (210)10.2.2数据库错误(DB错误) (211)10.2.3所有自动调谐程序的错误代码清单...............................................................................................213表10.2.3.1:自动调谐程序的错误信息...............................................................................................................213第十一章电磁兼容性(EMC )导则、符合EC 标准声明...............................................214第十二章参数索引 (217)安全标志图例注意!表示基本的或重要的程序、条件或声明。

伦茨中文使用手册 ppt课件

伦茨中文使用手册 ppt课件

9400 Servo Drives
First without engineer Engineer with single drive, basics of TA Structured project, further TA FB editor Multi axis applications Online alternatives
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Exercise 1: Detect the drive status
by means of LEDs and keypad 通过指示灯和面板检测驱动器状态
1. Switch on the supply voltages (24 V and 400 V)
2. Make the left drive rotate:运转左侧驱动器
9400 Servo Drives
First without engineer
Engineer with single drive, basics of TA Structured project, further TA FB editor Multi axis applications Online alternatives
FB editor
Multi axis applications
– Extension module Ethernet (扩展模块-以太网) – Memory module MM330 (存储模块-MM330) – Safety module SM0 (安全模块-SM0)
Online alternatives
How to go online 如何连接



Appendix A Status IndicatorsThis appendix explains how to interpret the status indicators on your CompactLogix controllers.1769-L3xx Controllers Status Indicators These are the 1769-L3xx CompactLogix controller status indicators. Topic Page 1769-L3xx Controllers Status Indicators131 RS-232 Serial Port Status Indicators133 ControlNet Indicators133 EtherNet/IP Indicators135Indicator Condition InterpretationRUN Off The controller is in program or test mode.Steady green The controller is in run mode.FORCE Off•No tags contain I/O force values.•I/O forces are inactive (disabled).Steady amber•I/O forces are active (enabled).•I/O force values may or may not exist.Flashing amber One or more input or output addresses have been forced to an On or Off condition, but the forces have not beenenabled.BAT Off The battery supports memory.Steady red•The battery is:•not installed.•95% discharged and should be replaced.I/O Off•There are no devices in the I/O configuration of the controller.•The controller does not contain a project.Steady green The controller is communicating with all the devices in its I/O configuration.Flashing green One or more devices in the I/O configuration of the controller are not responding.Flashing red•The controller is not communicating with any devices.•The controller is faulted.Appendix A Status IndicatorsOKOff No power is applied.Flashing red•The controller requires a firmware update.• A major recoverable fault occurred on the controller. To clear the fault, perform this procedure.a.Turn the controller keyswitch from PROG to RUN to PROG.b.Go online with RSLogix 5000 programming software.• A nonrecoverable major fault occurred on the controller. In this case, the controller:a.initially displays a steady red status indicator.b.resets itself.c.clears the project from its memory.d.sets the status indicator to flashing red.e.produces a major recoverable fault.f.generates a fault code in the RSLogix 5000 project.The fault code displayed in RSLogix 5000 programming software, and the subsequent fault recovery method, depends on whether you have installed a CompactFlash card in the controller.Steady redThe controller detected a nonrecoverable major fault, so it cleared the project from memory. To recover from a major fault, perform this procedure.1.Cycle power to the chassis.2.Download the project.3.Change to Run mode.If the OK status indicator remains steady red, contact your Rockwell Automation representative or local distributor.Steady green Controller is OK.Flashing greenThe controller is storing or loading a project to or from nonvolatile memory.Indicator Condition Interpretation Code Condition Fault recovery method60CompactFlash card is not installed.1.Clear the fault.2.Download the project.3.Change to Remote Run/Run mode.If the problem persists:1.Before you cycle power to the controller, record the state of the OK and RS232 status indicators.2.Contact Rockwell Automation support. See the back cover.61CompactFlash is installed.1.Clear the fault.2.Download the project.3.Change to Remote Run/Run mode.If the problem persists, contact Rockwell Automation support. See the back cover.Status Indicators Appendix ACompactFlash IndicatorThis is the CompactFlash card status indicator present on all CompactLogix controllers..RS-232 Serial Port Status IndicatorsThese are the RS-232 serial port status indicators present on all CompactLogix controllers.ControlNet IndicatorsThe ControlNet indicators are only on the 1769-L32C and 1769-L35CR controllers.Use these indicators to determine how your CompactLogix 1769-L32C or 1769-L35CR controller is operating on the ControlNet network:•Module Status •Network Status These indicators provide information about the controller and network when thecontroller is connected to ControlNet via the BNC connectors.ATTENTION: Do not remove the CompactFlash card while the controller is reading from or writing to the card, as indicated by a flashing green CF status indicator. This could corrupt the data on the card or in the controller, as well as corrupt the latest firmware in the controller.Indicator Condition Interpretation CFOff There is no activity.Flashing green The controller is reading from or writing to the CompactFlash card.Flashing redCompactFlash card does not have a valid file system.Indicator Condition InterpretationDCH0Off Channel 0 configuration differs from the default serial configuration.Steady green Channel 0 has the default serial configuration.CH0Off No RS-232 activity.Flashing green RS-232 activity.CH1(1769-L31 only)Off No RS-232 activity.Flashing greenRS-232 activity.Table 34 - ControlNet Network Status Indicator StatesStatus Indicator State InterpretationSteady The indicator is on continuously in the defined state.Alternating When viewed together, two indicators alternate between two defined states; the two indicators are always in opposite states, out of phase.FlashingWhen viewed independent of another, an indicator alternates between the two defined states; if both indicators are flashing, they flash together, in phase.Appendix A Status IndicatorsModule Status (MS) IndicatorThese are the ControlNet module indicators.IMPORTANTKeep in mind that the Module Status indicator reflects the module state (for example, self-test, firmware update, normal operation but no connection established). The network status indicators, A and B, reflect network status. Remember that the host is able to engage in local messaging with the card although it is detached from the network. Therefore, the Module Status indicator is flashing green if the host has successfully started the card. Note, however, that until the host removes reset, all communication port status indicators.When you view the indicators, always view the Module Status indicator first to determine the state of the communication port. This information may help you to interpret the network indicators. As a general practice, view all indicators (Module Status and Network Status) together to gain a full understanding of the daughtercard’s status.Indicator ConditionRecommended Action Off The controller has no power.Apply power.The controller is faulted.Make sure that the controller is firmly seated in the slot.Steady red A major fault has occurred on the controller.1.Cycle power.2.If the problem persists, replace the controller.Flashing redA minor fault has occurred because a firmware update is in progress.Normal operation - No action is required.A node address switch change has occurred. The controller’s node address switches may have been changed since power-up. Change the node address switches back to the original setting. The module will continue to operate properly.The controller uses invalid firmware.Update the controller firmware with the ControlFlash Update utility.The controller’s node address duplicates that of another device.1.Remove power.2.Change the node address to a unique setting.3.Reapply power.Steady green Connections are established.Normal operation - No action is required.Flashing green No connections are established.Establish connections, if necessary.Flashing red/greenThe controller is diagnosing a problem.Wait briefly to see if problem corrects itself.If problem persists, check the host. If the daughtercard cannot communicate with the host, the card may remain in self-test mode.Status Indicators Appendix ANetwork Channel IndicatorsThese are the ControlNet network channel indicators.Channel B is only labelled on the 1769-L35CR controller. The 1769-L32C controller only has channel A but uses the second indicator in some status indicator patterns as described below.EtherNet/IP IndicatorsThe EtherNet/IP indicators are only on 1769-L32E and 1769-L35E controllers.Module Status (MS) IndicatorThese are the EtherNet/IP module indicators.Indicator Condition Recommended Action Off A channel is disabled.Program network for redundant media, if necessary.Steady green Normal operation is occurring.Normal operation - No action is required.Flashing green/offTemporary network errors have occurred.1.Check media for broken cables, loose connectors, and missingterminators.2.If condition persists, refer to the ControlNet Planning and Installation Manual, publication 1786-6.2.1.The node is not configured to go online.Make sure the network keeper is present and working and the selected address is less or equal to the UMAX (1).Flashing red/offMedia fault has occurred.1.Check media for broken cables, loose connectors, and missing terminators.2.If condition persists, refer to the ControlNet Planning and Installation Manual, publication 1786-6.2.1.No other nodes are present on the network.Add other nodes to the network.Flashing red/green The network is configured incorrectly.Reconfigure the ControlNet network so that UMAX is greater than or equal to the card’s node address.Off You should check the MS indicators.Check the MS indicators.Steady red The controller is faulted.1.Cycle power.2.If the fault persists, contact your Rockwell Automation representative or distributor.Alternating red/green The controller is performing a self test.Normal operation - No action is required.Alternating red/offThe node is configured incorrectly.Check the card’s network address and other ControlNet configuration parameters.(1)UMAX is the highest node address on a ControlNet network that can transmit data.Indicator ConditionRecommended Action Off The controller does not have power.Check the controller power supply.Flashing green The port is in standby mode; it does not have an IP address and is operating in BOOTP mode.Verify that the BOOTP server is running.Steady green The port is operating correctly.Normal operation - No action is required.Steady redThe controller is holding the port in reset or the controller has faulted. 1.Clear the controller fault.2.If the fault will not clear, replace the controller.The port is performing its power-up self test.Normal operation - No action is required.A nonrecoverable fault has occurred.1.Cycle power to the controller.2.If the fault will not clear, replace the controller.Flashing red The port firmware is being updated.Normal operation - No action is required.Appendix A Status IndicatorsNetwork Status (NS) IndicatorThese are the EtherNet/IP network indicators.Link Status (LNK) IndicatorIndicator ConditionRecommended ActionOff The port is not initialized; it does not have an IP address and is operating in BOOTP mode.Verify that the BOOTP server is running.Flashing greenThe port has an IP address, but no CIP connections are established.•If no connections are configured, no action is required.•If connections are configured, check connection originator for connection error code.Steady green The port has an IP address and CIP connections (Class 1 or Class 3) are established.Normal operation - No action is required.Steady red The port has detected that the assigned IP address is already in use.Verify that all IP addresses are unique.Flashing red/greenThe port is performing its power-up self test.Normal operation - No action is required.Indicator ConditionRecommended ActionOff The port is not connected to a powered Ethernet device. Therefore, the port cannot communicate on Ethernet. 1.Verify that all Ethernet cables are connected.2.Verify that Ethernet switch is powered.Flashing green The port is performing its power-up self-test.Normal operation - No action is required.The port is communicating on Ethernet.Steady greenThe port is connected to a powered Ethernet device. Therefore, the port can communicate on Ethernet.。



The BRAUN High Safety Protection System Series E16x356 is TÜV certified for SIL3 acc. IEC 61508:2010 and is API 670 Ed.5 and API 612 Ed.7 compliant. It provides protection against overspeed and detects reverse direction. Also up to six other trip criteria such as emergency stop, boiler protection, etc. can be included in the trip string.Due to its globally unique and true 2oo3 architecture, the system will tolerate one faulty signal within each trip criterion without trip being released.The TMR (Triple Modular Redundancy) design ensures highest safety and availability for the monitored machine, i.e. the system will bring the machine into a safe state once it has reached a critical condition.The E16 Protection System consists of three Monitors E1668 for the evaluation of speed and external trip signals, one Test Generator E1698 and a system backplane; all mounted into a 19” rack.The E16 Protection System permanently monitors the speed sensors for their correct function. During its complete useful lifetime of 20 years, the system does not require any external proof tests. It is completely maintenance-free and therefore has minimized TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).All active components (including the trip relays) are directly located on the Monitors and thus can be replaced during operation. The protection system offers in total six 2oo3 Trip Outputs, thereof three for a solenoid trip block and three for other purposes.E16 – The most secure TMR Protection System worldwideKEY FEATURESSIL3 / IEC 61508:2010 certified API 670 Ed.5 compliant API 612 Ed.7 compliantTotal Response Time to Trip < 15 ms Useful Lifetime and Proof Test Interval = 20 yearsTriple speed measurement and monitoring by each Monitor Variable Overspeed setpoint depending on acceleration Direction detectionEvaluation of external Trip Criteria signals by up to 6 voters per Monitor All Trip Outputs formed with safety relay contacts in 2oo3 technique Trip Output Monitoring to solenoid with Trip-LockUp to 5 additional speed setpoints in 2oo3 techniqueSensor signal repeater outputs, free floating, and push/pull Automatic test and monitoring of 2oo3 solenoid trip blockThe only protection system worldwide where all relays or other active compo- nents are located on the MonitorsBENEFITSMaintenance-free during Lifetime, therefore minimized TCOHighest safety at maximum availability due to true 2oo3 architecture for each trip criterion within each Monitor Extremely low PFD value (Probability of Failure on Demand), less than 1 % of allowable value for a SIL3 loop Replacement of all active components during operation possible (hot swap and highest availability)E16A356 System Front ViewHigh Safety TMR Protection Systemsfor Rotating Equipment with SIL3 requirements Series E16x356E16Specifications of E16x356Power Supply 3x 24 Vdc / 0.5 A, total power consumption < 20 watts(2x 85…265 Vuc on request)Speed Signal Inputs Versions for: BRAUN A5S… Sensors Eddy Current Sensors (EC) Magnetic Pick-Up Sensors (MPU)Control Signal Inputs High Level: +24 Vdc (+18…+48 Vdc) Low Level: 0 Vdc (-20…+3 Vdc)Reference: negative pole of power supplyResponse Time to Trip Total response time from signal input to Trip Outputs in case of Overspeed Trip or external Trip Criteria: < 15 milliseconds Accuracy +/- 0,1 RPMAlarm Outputs Maximum load capacity: 0.1 A / 50 Vdc Display Monitors: 5 digits with red LED figures Data Interface Dual port PROFIBUS DP, up to 12 Mbit/s RS232 for Parameter ConfigurationProtection Grade IP 20 for E16A and E16E, IP 65 / NEMA 4 for E16GConnectors Pluggable spring cage connector, Phoenix Combicon FK-MLP1,5/…ST-3,5(Screw terminal connectors on request)Operating Conditions Ambient temperature: 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)Relative humidity max. 95%, non-condensingTrip Outputs All Trip Outputs are 2oo3 voted circuits (2-out-of-3)2oo3 voting is done by wiring of safety relay contacts (located on Monitors) on system backplane 3 load circuits for solenoid trip block, 3 signal circuits to DCS, PLC or coupling relays Maximum load capacity of load outputs: 3 A / 24 V for DC13 loads Maximum load capacity of signal outputs: 0.1 A / 50 VdcFor inductive type loads spark extinguishing means must be provided Safety Data (IEC61508) PFDavg = 8,41*10-6 at T1 (Proof Check Interval) = 20 years, System Type B; HFT = 1; Architecture 2oo3, Service Time 20 years Weight3,0 kg (E16A), 3,7 kg (E16E), 13,0 kg (E16G)Dimensions (W x H x D) 220 x 195 x 222 mm (E16A), 483 x 133 x 218 mm (E16E), 410 x 510 x 270 mm (E16G)Optional Accessories IS-RS232-E16: CD-ROM with Interface Software for OEM,IS-RS232-E16-L2: CD-ROM with Interface Software for Enduser,L3D05: Connection cable between E16 and PC with RS232Conformity to Standards Directives Standards 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive) EN 61326-1, EN 61326-3-2 2014/35/EU (Low Voltage Directive) EN 61010-1 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive) EN 50581SIL3 acc. IEC 61508:2010, API 670 Ed.5, API 612 Ed.7, EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 55011 Class AFeatures of E16 SeriesOrdering Key for Systems E16x356.abcE16 x 3 5 6 .a b cExamples:E16A356.021 : Bulkhead Mount Version, without Analog Output, with 6 Voters, Speed Signal Inputs for BRAUN A5S… Sensors, 2 PROFIBUS Interfaces per Monitor E16A356.112 : Bulkhead Mount Version, with Analog Output, with 1 Voter,S peed Signal Inputs for Eddy Current Sensors (EC), 2PROFIBUS Interfaces per MonitorE16A356.013 : Bulkhead Mount Version, without Analog Output, with 1 Voter, Speed Signal Inputs for Magnetic Pick-up Sensors (MPU), 2 PROFIBUS Interfaces per Monitor E16E356.121 : Rack Mount Version, with Analog Output, with 6 Voters, Speed Signal Inputs for BRAUN A5S… Sensors, 2 PROFIBUS Interfaces per Monitor E16E356.211 : Rack Mount Version, with Analog Output certified SIL3, with 1 Voter, Speed Signal Inputs for BRAUN A5S… Sensors,2 PROFIBUS Interfaces per MonitorView of Monitor Main Board with incorporated trip relays. There are no relays on the backplane.Mechanical Designx = A : Bulkhead Mount Versionx = E : 19" Rack Mount Version 3HE/84TEx = G : NEMA 4 Version with front window (Bulkhead Mount)Voterb = 1 : 1 Voter (for 3 signals) in each Monitor for external trip criterion b = 2 : 6 Voters (for 18 signals) in each Monitor for external trip criteria Analog Outputa = 0 : without Analog Outputa = 1 : 1 Analog Output in each Monitora = 2 : 1 Analog Output certified SIL3 in each MonitorSpeed Signal Inputsc = 1 : Speed Signal Inputs and power supply for BRAUN A5S… Sensors c = 2 : Speed Signal Inputs and power supply for Eddy Current Sensors (EC)c = 3 : Speed Signal Inputs for Magnetic Pick-up Sensors (MPU)View of E16 Configuration Software,compatible up to Windows 10.BRAUN GMBH Industrie-ElektronikEsslinger Strasse 26 · D-71334 Waiblingen · Germany Phone: +49(0)7151/9562-30 · Fax: +49(0)7151/9562-50Application Example (by SIEMENS Germany)PROTECTION SYSTEMS SPEED SENSORS TACHOMETERS PORTABLE TACHOMETERSE 16x 356_B r o c h u r e _E N _2018_01_30BRAUN – Speed Monitoring and Protection Systems for Rotating EquipmentBRAUN Industrial Electronics develops, produces and sells an array of "Rotating Equipment" protection systems for use in industrial applications worldwide with the focus on overspeed protection. These systems comply with the highest standards of safety and availability.As a globally leading technology provider with over 50 years of experience, BRAUN has been continually meeting and mastering the challenges associated with protecting the facilities of companies within the power generation, oil, gas, and chemical industries. Our protection systems are installed in more than 100 countries around the world and are mainly used in safety-critical applications with rotating parts.For our OEM customers, BRAUN is both a solution oriented systems provider and a reliable partner.Our solutions comprise a variety of products for the detection and monitoring of speed and related parameters. Always matching the requirement. Always the perfect solution for safety and availability.。





打开RSlinx后,直接点击图标,即上图标注出的Configurate drives,或者是通过Communications>Configurate drives,将下拉箭头展开,出现如下界面:由于本例演示的是通过编程电缆走串口,故选择RS-232 DF1 devices,之后选择Add New按钮点击OK注意在Comm下,若是编程电缆直接和电脑的串口相连,则用默认的COM1,若是采用了USB转串口,则需根据实际情况选择相应的串口,确认Comm后,点中Auto-Confiture,系统会自动组态,组态成功后会出现如下的提示:点击OK确认后会在对话框中出现所添加的设备类型。



若是想了解模块的详细信息,可以对着所需的模块右击,然后选择Device Properties,即下图所示的步骤,可以看到模块的Revision,这便于在RSlogix5000进行I/O Configuration时选择模块的Revision。



具体操作步骤如下:在串口组态时出现的模块信息下,选中“01,1769-L32E Ethernet Port”右击,选择Module Configuration。



处理器CompactLogix控制器可以通过本地I/O或者分布式扩展I/O(经DeviceNet 或Ethernet/IP)实现实时控制。


1.控制器:1769-L31●用户内存:512KB;●具有2个内置的RS-232口;●本地扩展I/O容量达到3组16个I/O模块;●支持多层网络的无逢集成和数据路由,这意味着用户可以方便地自动实现跨多层网络的远程设备访问、组态和诊断;●支持4个可组态任务;2.控制器:1769-L32E●用户内存:750KB;●本地扩展I/O容量达到3组16个I/O模块;●支持多层网络的无逢集成和数据路由,这意味着用户可以方便地自动实现跨多层网络的远程设备访问、组态和诊断;●支持100Mbps EtherNet/IP联网,可实现分布式实时I/O控制;●允许背板RPI为1ms的快速I/O扫描;●支持6个可组态任务;3.控制器:1769-L35E●用户内存:1.5MB;●本地扩展I/O容量达到3组30个I/O模块;●支持多层网络的无逢集成和数据路由,这意味着用户可以方便地自动实现跨多层网络的远程设备访问、组态和诊断;●支持100Mbps EtherNet/IP联网,可实现分布式实时I/O控制;●允许背板RPI为1ms的快速I/O扫描;●支持8个可组态任务;一、I/O模块1. 数字量输入模块:1769-IQ16、1769-IQ32●输入点数:16点或32点;●电压类型:24VDC;●输入信号延迟时间:on→off=2ms;●工作电压:10~30VDC;●最大导通状态电流:2mA;●最大断开状态电流:1.5mA;●5V时背板电流:115mA;或170mA;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;2. 数字量输出模块:1769-OB8、1769-OB16、1769-OB32●输出点数:8点;或16点;或32点;●电压类型:24VDC;●工作电压:20.4~26.4VDC;●5V时背板负载电流:145mA;或200mA;或300mA;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;3. 数字量输出模块:1769-OW8、1769-OW16●输出点数:8点;或16点;●输出触点类型:继电器常开触点;●工作电压:5~265VAC和5~125VDC;●背板负载电流:125mA@5V和100mA@24V;或205mA@5V和180mA@24V;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;4. 模拟量输入模块:1769-IF4、1769-IF8●输入路数:4路;或8路;●电压范围:0~5V、0~10V、±10V;●电流范围:4~20mA, 0~20mA;●分辨率:14位或16位;●精度(25℃):≤0.35%满量程(电流);●背板负载电流:105mA@5V和50mA@24V;或120mA@5V和70mA@24V;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;5. 模拟量输出模块:1769-OF2、1756-OF8C、1769-OF8V●输出路数:2路电流或电压;或8路电流;或8路电压;●电压范围:0~5V、0~10V、±10V;;●电流范围:4~20mA, 0~20mA;●分辨率:14位或16位;●精度(25℃):≤0.35%满量程(电流);●背板负载电流:120mA@5V和120mA@24V;或145mA@5V和160mA@24V;或145mA@5V和125mA@24V;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;6. RTD热电阻输入模块:1769-IR6●输入路数:6路;●支持100Ω、200Ω、500Ω、1000Ω铂电阻,100Ω、120Ω、200Ω、500Ω镍电阻,10Ω铜电阻;●分辨率:16位;●背板负载电流:100mA@5V和45mA@24V;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;7热电隅输入模块:1769-IT6●输入路数:6路,加上2个冷端传感器●5V时背板电流(mA):100 mA●24V时背板电流(mA):40 mA●转换类型,输入:Sigma-Delta●输入滤波:具有多重频率的可编程陷波滤波器●常模抑制比:选择10HZ或50HZ滤波器时,在50HZ频率下为85dB(最小值);选择10HZ或60HZ滤波器时,在60HZ频率下为85dB(最小值)●共模抑制比:选择10HZ或50HZ滤波器时,在50HZ频率下为115dB(最小值);选择10HZ或60HZ滤波器时,在60HZ下为115dB(最小值)●非线性,输入:±0.03%满量程●可重复性,输入:±0.03%●诊断类型:按位报告超上限或超下限和开路●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;7热电隅输入模块:1769-IT6输入路数:6路二、专用模块1.高速计数器模块:1769-HSC●计数数量:2个积分增量式编码器输入或4个单独计数输入;●计数器最大工作频率:1MHz;●输入点数:2个积分增量式编码器输入或4个单独计数输入;●输出点数:4个5 30VDC输出;●背板负载电流:425mA@5V;●具有光耦隔离功能;●具有可拆卸端子块;●具有CSA、UL、CE认证;三、通讯模块1. 设备网通讯模块:1769-SDN、1769-ADN四、其它五、软件六、模块特价,欢迎询价+Q:980623155。

罗克韦尔自动化 1769 CompactLogix 控制器 用户手册

罗克韦尔自动化 1769 CompactLogix 控制器 用户手册

1769 CompactLogix 控制器用户手册产品目录号 1769-L31、1769-L32C 、1769-L32E 、1769-L35CR 、1769-L35E用户手册重要用户须知固态设备具有与机电设备不同的运行特性。

Safety Guidelines for the Application ,Installation andMaintenance of Solid State Controls (固态控制设备的应用、安装与维护安全指南,出版号:SGI-1.1,可向您当地的罗克韦尔自动化销售处索取或通过 /literature/ 在线访问) 介绍了固态设备和硬接线机电设备之间的一些重要区别。








Allen-Bradley 、Rockwell Automation 、Rockwell Software 、CompactLogix 、ControlFLASH 、Logix5000、RSLinx 、RSLogix 、PanelView 、PhaseManager 、ControlLogix 、PanelView 、Ultra 、PowerFlex 、FlexLogix 、PLC-5、DriveLogix 、SLC 、MicroLogix 和 T echConnect 都是罗克韦尔自动化公司的商标。



CompactLogix 1768-L43, 1768-L45 Compact GuardLogix 1768-L43S, 1768-L45S
SoftLogix 5800 1789-L10, 1789-L30, 1789-L60
• 1768-L43: 16; 32 programs/task
• 1768-L45: 30; 32 programs/task
• Drives, motors, and accessories (use the Motion Analyzer tool)
4 Compact GuardLogix Integrated Safety
Page 20
Select: • A 1768 Compact GuardLogix controller for integrated safety
• 48 ControlNet
• 48 ControlNet
• 128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP • 128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP
Backup via DeviceNet SERCOS interface

• SERCOS interface • Analog encoder input
• 1756-L71: 2 MB • 1756-L72: 4 MB • 1756-L72S,
1756-L72SXT: 4 MB + 2 MB safety • 1756-L73, 1756-L73XT: 8 MB • 1756-L73S: 8 MB + 4 MB safety • 1756-L74: 16 MB • 1756-L75: 32 MB

AL3151 Ethernet交换机用户手册说明书

AL3151 Ethernet交换机用户手册说明书

Ethernet switch
ETH Switch PFL IoT 6P IP69K
XD2 1 2 3 4 5
+ 24 V DC (US) GND (UA) GND (US) + 24 V DC (UA) FE
ifm efector, inc. • 1100 Atwater Drive • Malvern • PA 19355 — We reserve the right to make technical alterations without prior notice. — EN-US — AL3151-00 — 03.02.2021 —
Ethernet switch
ETH Switch PFL IoT 6P IP69K
Mechanical data
Sealing material
Accessories Items supplied
Remarks Remarks Pack quantity
[V] [V] [mA]
unmanaged switch for field applications for TCP/IP networks; for EtherNet/IP networks; for Modbus TCP networks
voltage supply
8...32 DC; (US; to SELV/PELV) 12 / 24
ifm efector, inc. • 1100 Atwater Drive • Malvern • PA 19355 — We reserve the right to make technical alterations without prior notice. — EN-US — AL3151-00 — 03.02.2021 —

Bosch 1769A双胎轮拖车说明书

Bosch 1769A双胎轮拖车说明书

Sheet No.Issue Date: Rev. B March 3, 2016© Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Inc.Form No. 5328451 of 2Parts List andOperating Instructionsfor: 1769AThe dual wheel dolly is a lifting device characterized by a pair of laterally spaced lifting members, which areused to raise, remove, transport, and replace automotive wheel and tire assemblies.655 Eisenhower DriveOwatonna, MN 55060 USA Phone: (507) 455-7000Tech. Serv.: (800) 533-6127 Fax: (800) 955-8329Order Entry: (800) 533-6127 Fax: (800) 283-8665International Sales: (507) 455-7223 Fax: (507) 455-7063Website: 12345678910111213141516171819202122232427717282526232122172324Parts List & Operating InstructionsForm No. 532845, sheet 1 of 2, backItem No.QuantityDescription1 4 Nut2 4 Flat Washer34 Bolt 4 4 Straps5 1 Jack6 1 Jack Handle7 3 Handle Sleeve8 1 Pin9 1 Crank Handle 10 1 Cotter Pin11 1 Crank Assembly 12 1 Bearing 13 1 Screw Rod 14 1 Pin15 1 Screw Rod Outer Tube 16 4 Screw 17 16 Washer 18 1 Rear Caster 19 4 Lock Washer 20 4 Nut, 8 mm 21 5 Nut, 12 mm 22 5 Lock Washer 23 10 Flat Washer24 5 Bolt, 12 mm x 110 25 1 Vertical Weldment 26 1 Horizontal Weldment 27 2 Front Caster28 8 Screw, 8 mm x 18 29 1 Chain (Not shown)ItemNo. Qty. DescriptionCaster, Rear/Crank Assembly No. 532849: 8 1 Pin9 1 Crank Handle 10 1 Cotter Pin11 1 Crank Assembly 12 1 Bearing 13 1 Screw Rod 14 1 Pin15 1 Screw Rod Outer Tube 16 4 Screw 17 8 Washer 18 1 Rear Caster 19 4 Lock Washer 20 4 Nut, 8 mmCaster, Front No. 532848:17 4 Washer27 1 Front Caster28 4 Screw, 8 mm x 18ChainNo. 212905:29 1 Chain Handle Kit No. 532846:6 1 Jack Handle7 1 Handle SleeveHardware Kit No. 532850: 1 4 Nut2 4 Flat Washer34 Bolt 4 4 Straps7 3 Handle Sleeve 8 1 Pin10 1 Cotter Pin 12 1 Bearing 14 1 Pin 16 4 Screw 17 16 Washer19 4 Lock Washer 20 4 Nut, 8 mm 21 5 Nut, 12 mm 22 5 Lock Washer 23 10 Flat Washer24 5 Bolt, 12 mm x 110 28 8 Screw, 8 mm x 18Hydraulic Jack No. 532847: 5 1 JackItemNo. Qty.DescriptionWARNING: To prevent personal injury and/or equipment damage,• Study, understand, and follow all instructions before operating this device. If the operator cannot read or understand these instructions, the operating instructions and safety precautions must be read and discussed in the operatorʼs native language.• Wear eye protection that meets OSHA and ANSI Z87.1 standards.• Inspect the dolly before each use; do not use the dolly if it is damaged, altered, or in poor condition.• No alterations can be made to this product.• Only attachments and/or adapters supplied by the manufacturer shall be used.• Do not exceed rated capacity.• Use only on a hard, level surface.• Lifting device only. Immediately after lifting, support the load with appropriate means.• Before moving the load: center the load on the dolly; secure the load with the restraint chain; and lower the dolly completely.• The use of this wheel dolly is limited to the removal, transportation, and installation of wheel assemblies. Do not lift or support vehicles with this wheel dolly.• Stay clear of a lifted load.•The owner of the dolly is responsible for ensuring that procedures are followed according to federal, state, and local safety regulations.This guide cannot cover every situation, so always do the job with safety first.Sheet No.Issue Date: Rev. B March 3, 2016© Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Inc.2 of 2Item numbers refer to the parts list illustration.1. Attach the two front casters (27) to the horizontal weldment using four 8 mm x 18 screws (28) and washers(17) for each caster.2. Attach the rear caster (18) to the screw rod outer tube assembly (15) by placing four washers (17) on thetop of the assembly plate; thread a bolt (16) through each washer, and then through the assembly and caster plates; hold each bolt in place with a flat washer (17), a lock washer (19), and an 8 mm nut (20). 3. Place the crank assembly (11) over the screw rod outer tube assembly. Insert a pin (8) through the crankhandle (9) and the screw rod (13); hold the pin in place with a cotter pin (10).4. Slide the horizontal weldment (26) into the vertical weldment (25) u-channel. Bolt the weldments togetherusing two 12 mm x 110 bolts (24) and two flat washers (23) on the top of the u-channel, and two flat washers (23), two lock washers (22), and two 12 mm nuts (21) on the bottom. 5. Attach the crank assembly to the top of the u-channel using two 12 mm x 110 bolts (24) and two flatwashers (23) on the top of the crank assembly and two flat washers (23), two lock washers (22), and two 12 mm nuts (21) on the bottom of the u-channel.6. Secure the crank assembly to the vertical and horizontal weldments with another 12 mm x 110 bolt (24)passing through the bottom of the crank assembly, through the side of the u-channel, and into the horizontal weldment; hold bolt in place with two flat washers (23), a lock washer (22), and a 12 mm nut (21). See illustration above. 7. Attach straps (4) to the horizontal weldment and then the vertical weldment using two bolts (3), two flatwashers (2), and two nuts (1), on each pair of straps. See illustration above. 8. Place the jack between the raised stops on the crank assembly. 9. Attach the jack handle (6) to the jack.10. Place handle sleeves (7) on the jack handle and on each end of the vertical weldment bar.Outer Tube AssemblyScrew RodCAUTION: The greatest single cause of failure in hydraulic units is dirt. Keep the service jack clean and well lubricated to prevent foreign matter from entering the system. If the jack has been exposed to rain, snow, sand, or grit, it must be cleaned before it is used.• Completely retract the jackʼs cylinder before adding or replacing oil. If itʼs necessary to add oil, remove the filler plug, and fill the reservoir with Chevron AW Hydraulic Oil MV or equivalent. Do NOT use brake fluid, alcohol, glycerine, detergent, motor oil, or dirty oil, because these fluids can damage the internal seals of the jack and its cylinder. Do not mix types of oil.• Grease the wheels and pivot points on a regular maintenance schedule.• If the lifting action of the hydraulic system feels “spongy,” bleed air out of the system by completely openingthe release valve (CCW), while holding down the end of the jack cylinder. Rapidly operate the pump handle several times.Removing Wheel(s)1. Raise the vehicle so the wheel(s) needed to be removed is clear of the ground. Keep the axle(s) horizontal to make it easier to slide the wheel(s) on and off.2. Place jack stands under the vehicle, and block the vehicle.3. Lower the dollyʼs lifting arms by turning the valve on the hydraulic jack counterclockwise. Position the dolly under the wheel(s).4. Raise the lifting arms by closing the valve (turn clockwise) and pumping the jack handle until the arms are supporting the weight of the wheel(s).5. Loop the chain around the wheel(s), and snug the chain before fastening it to the connecting points.6. Carefully slide the wheel(s) off the axle by pulling the dolly away from the vehicle. Avoid damaging the bearing and seals.Replacing Wheel(s)1. Load the wheel(s) onto the dolly, and securely loop the chain around the wheel(s).2. Align the dolly with the axle.3. Carefully slide the wheel(s) onto the axle by pushing the dolly toward the vehicle. Note: To align the wheel(s) with the mounting studs, rotate one of the lifting arm rollers, which will rotate the wheel.4. Remove the chain.。



快速入门和用户手册(产品目录号 1769-L23E-QB1B 、1769-L23E-QBFC1B 和1769-L23-QBFC1B )1769 CompactLogix 一体式控制器重要用户信息固态设备具有与机电设备不同的运作特性。

Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (应用、安装和维护固态控制器的安全指南,出版号:SGI-1.1,可从当地的罗克韦尔自动化销售办事处索取或通过在线索取) 描述了固态设备和硬接线机电装置之间的一些重要区别。








ArrayAllen-Bradley、CompactLogix、Compact I/O、Data Highway II、Data Highway Plus、FactoryTalk、FactoryTalk View Studio、Logix5000、NetLinx、MicroLogix、PanelView Plus、POINT I/O、PLC-5、PowerFlex 40、RSLinx、RSLinx Classic、RSLinx Enterprise、RSLogix 5000、RSNetWorx、RSNetWorx for EtherNet/IP、RSNetWorx for DeviceNet、Rockwell Automation、SLC 500、SLC 5/03 和 TechConnect 是罗克韦尔自动化公司的商标。

罗克韦尔 CompactLogix 5370控制器 说明书.

罗克韦尔 CompactLogix 5370控制器 说明书.
任何情况下,对于因使用或操作本设备造成的任何间接或连带损失,罗克韦尔自动化有限公司概不 负责。
本手册中的示例和图表仅供说明之用。由于任何具体的安装都存在很多差异和要求,罗克韦尔自动化 公司对于依据这些示例和图表进行的实际应用不承担任何责任和义务。
对于因使用本手册中所述信息、电路、设备或软件而引起的专利问题,罗克韦尔自动化有限公司不承 担任何责任。
EtherNet/IP 网络 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 DeviceNet 网络 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
安装、调节、投入使用、操作、装配、拆卸和维护等活动均要求由经过适当培训的人员遵照适用法规 执行。
安装概要 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 安装安全数字卡. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 安装系统 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30



工业大学电气控制与PLC技术课程设计(论文)题目:基于罗克韦尔PLC的交通灯控制系统设计院(系):专业班级:学号:学生姓名:指导教师:(签字)起止时间:2015.7.6-2015.7.17课程设计(论文)任务及评语院(系):教研室:注:成绩:平时20% 论文质量60% 答辩20% 以百分制计算摘要为解决公路交通信号灯控制问题将是保障交通有序、安全、快速运行的重要环节。



关键词:PLC;交通灯;控制系统;设计目录第1章绪论 (1)第2章课程设计的方案 (3)2.1课程设计要求 (3)2.2系统组成总体结构 (3)第3章硬件设计 (5)3.1控制器的选择 (5)3.2C ONTROL L OGIX通信模块 (7)3.3C ONTROL L OGIX I/O模块 (7)3.4主电路图设计 (8)第4章软件设计 (9)4.1程序流程图 (9)4.2编程步骤 (11)4.3程序设计 (18)第5章系统测试与分析 (20)第6章课程设计总结 (24)参考文献 (25)第1章绪论随着社会的发展和进步,城市交通的畅通问题日益突出,一方面十字路口多、人员流动大、道路窄、车辆增加快,容易造成道路交通的阻塞;另一方面又要在有限的时间内既快有保证车辆和行人的安全,针对此要求,设计了PLC控制的带倒计时显示的十字路口交通灯信号系统。




Engine Room LVL 5 电源用户手册说明书

Engine Room LVL 5 电源用户手册说明书

ENGINE ROOM ™ LVL 5Grazie per aver acquistatoun alimentatore Engine RoomLVL 5. Date energia allavostra catena di effettiutilizzando il presentemodello, progettato con stileper offrire la massima ener-gia, praticità e le massimeprestazioni, con cinque usciteisolate. Se volete organizzarei propri effetti in modoprofessionale ed efficiente,allora significa, che è arrivatoil momento di utilizzare ildispositivo Engine Room.1. Uscita Isolata con Tensione StabileCinque uscite isolate con tensione stabili da 9 Vcc e 500 mA.2. LED di Stato Dell’UscitaLED di stato della corrente in uscita a due colori. Il verdeindica che la corrente rispetta le specifiche, il rosso indica unsovraccarico di corrente.3. Ingresso di Alimentazione IECTensione di alimentazione di rete da 100V-240V, per potere utilizzare il dispositivo in qualsiasi partedel mondo.KIT ACCESSORI/CAVI PER ENGINE ROOM™ LVL 5L’alimentatore Engine Room LVL 5 viene fornito assieme ad un kit di accessori/cavi, contenenti un assortimento di cavi, tra cui:•Cavo da 60cm (2 X 24”), connettore a barile da 2,1 mm •Cavo da 45cm (4 X18”), connettore a barile da 2,1 mm •Cavo da 30cm (12”), connettore a barile da 2,1mm•Cavo da 45cm (18”), connettore a barile da 2,5mm-2,1mm(verde)•Cavo da 45cm (18”), connettore a barile da 2,5mm-2,1mm, con polarità inversa (rosso)•Cavo da 45cm (18”), connettore a barile da 3,5mm TS-2,1mm •Cavo da 45cm (18”), connettore a barile da 2,1mm con clip per la batteria da 9V•Cavo di alimentazione IEC lungo 2 m (78,7”)•Quattro piedini in gomma con adesivoTIPOUSCITE CON TENSIONI STABILI DIMENSIONIPESO PR60149V 500mA Larghezza: 85 mm (3,35”) Altezza: 42 mm, (1,65”) Profondità: 93 mm (3,66”) 375 g (0,82 lbs.)Le specifiche del prodotto sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso.UN PRODOTTO DELLAFENDER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CORPORATIONCORONA, CALIF. U.S.A.Fender® è un marchio registrato di FMIC.Copyright © 2021 FMIC. Tutti i diritti riservati.PN 7720485000 REV. AIl manuale è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue sul sito web/support。


4.7.1 上电自动轮询仪表 ............................. 17 4.7.2 显示电池电量 ..................................... 17 4.7.3 轮询 ..................................................... 17 4.7.4 F4 按键................................................ 18 五 常见故障排除 ........................................................ 20 5.1 手持器不能找到仪表 .................................... 20 5.2 按手持器电源开关无显示 ............................ 20 5.3 不支持设备的特殊功能 ................................ 20 附录 1 HART®通信信息 .......................................... 21 附录 2 ROSEMOUNT 1151 树形菜单 .................... 22
二 技术指标.................................................................. 6 2.1 外形尺寸 .......................................................... 6 2.2 HART®接口部分 ............................................. 6 2.3 电池的使用 ...................................................... 7 2.4 环境温度要求 .................................................. 7 2.5 液晶显示屏 ...................................................... 7





1769-OV16接线‎图:1769-OW16接线‎图:一、RSLINX‎组态介绍AB的PLC‎程序下载与监‎控等操作必须‎要以RSLI‎N X为桥梁,RSLINX‎软件如果安装‎后,应该是开机启‎动,在电脑右下角‎有一个图标,如果没有的话‎,就在开始→罗克韦尔→RSLINX‎中找到RSL‎INX Classi‎c,打开之后,点击红色方框‎处的按钮,如下图所示:出现如下对话‎框,在下拉菜单中‎选择Ethe‎rnet device‎s:出现下面对话‎框,如图所示,点击OK:出现如下对话‎框:填入IP地址‎,注意这个IP‎地址应该和电‎脑网络连接里‎面的IP地址‎为同一个网段‎。

另外,如果一定要改‎P L C的IP‎地址,则在下图中点‎击m odul‎e config‎u ratio‎n位置改正:之后点击打开‎RSWHO,系统会自动刷‎新,如果连接正常‎的话,就会显示出当‎前连接的设备‎。

二、Factor‎y T alk View Studio‎介绍(1)打开软件之后‎,出现如下图所‎示对话框:选择Mach‎i ne Editio‎n,进入编辑页面‎:(2)建立的程序默‎认存储在C:\Docume‎n ts and Settin‎g s\All Users\Docume‎n ts\RSView‎Enterp‎r ise\ME\HMI projec‎t s里面,在建立程序的‎时候是不可以‎选择路径的。


凯斯乐项目选‎用的触摸屏是‎P a nelv‎iew plus 600系列触‎摸屏,型号是271‎1P-T6C20D‎,尺寸是320‎*240(Panelv‎i ew plus 400和60‎0系列都是3‎20*240),所以在工程设‎置中如下图选‎择:(4)编辑画面在“显示”单击鼠标右键‎,选择新建,则可以新建一‎个画面。





1 编码控制钮2 电流及参数显示表3 电压表4 极性控制钮5 工艺控制钮6 输出控制钮7 脉冲控制钮8 工序控制钮 9 气体/电极力控制钮 10 交流波型控制钮 11 电流和点焊时间控制钮 12 存储按钮 13 电源开关1-2 编码控制钮1-3 电流控制钮1 A 电流控制按钮2 编码控制钮3 电流表注:当脉冲功能起作用时,按下电流控制按钮,转动编码器,以设定焊接电流或峰值电流。

1-4 电流及参数显示表1-5 电压表1-6 极性控制钮1-7 工艺控制钮1-8 高频启弧和高频TIG 启动程序提升启弧:当提升启弧按钮灯亮,按下列步骤启弧,在焊接开始处把钨极触及工件,用焊枪触发开关、脚控器或手控器接通输出和保护气。





提升启弧用于DCEN或AC TIG 工艺。


应用:当需要非接触启弧时,高频启弧用于DCEN GTAG工艺。

1-9 输出控制钮1 输出控制按钮按下按钮,直到希望参数的LED灯亮。






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这个前言包括下列主题:●使用本手册的对象●如何使用本手册●相关的出版物●本手册中的规定●罗克韦尔自动化的支持如果用户负责设计、安装、编程或排错使用Allen-Bradley CompactLogix TM控制器的控制系统,请使用本手册。






●数字编号列表提供了按顺序的步骤或分等级的信息●斜体字型是对用户强调目录第一章CompactLogix简介 (9)本章内容: (9)加载控制器固件 (10)使用ControlFlash加载固件操作系统 (11)使用AutoFlash加载固件操作系统 (12)使用CompactFlash卡加载固件操作系统 (13)使用CompactFlash (13)开发程序 (15)定义任务 (17)定义程序 (19)定义例程 (19)选择系统内务处理的百分率 (20)安装、组态及监视本地I/O (24)本章内容: (24)安装本地I/O模块 (24)确定I/O规划 (26)估计RPI (26)系统电源预计 (27)确定何时控制器升级I/O (29)组态CompactBus (30)组态本地I/O模块 (32)通讯格式 (33)不支持保持最后状态和用户自定义安全状态 (34)发送模块组态信息 (36)组态控制器对连接失败的响应 (37)访问I/O数据 (38)使用别名简化标签名 (40)I/O模块的直接连接 (40)监视I/O模块 (40)显示故障数据 (41)终端盖检测和模块故障 (43)使用通用格式组态I/O模块 (44)为模块输入组态信息 (46)与EtherNet/IP网络上的设备通讯 (49)本章内容: (49)为EtherNet/IP网络组态用户的系统 (49)步骤1:分配IP地址 (50)步骤2:组态Ethernet通讯驱动 (55)在EtherNet/IP网络上的控制器连接 (57)组态分布式I/O (57)在I/O组态中添加远程EtherNet/IP适配器 (58)访问分布式I/O (59)添加与远程1769-L35E控制器 (61)生产者和消费者数据 (62)生产者和消费者标签的最大数量 (62)生产者和消费者标签的大小限制 (63)消费标签 (64)发送信息 (65)与其它基于Logix的控制器通讯 (65)在EtherNet/IP网络上与其它控制器通讯 (66)映射地址 (68)使用MSG指令发送Email (69)步骤1:组态邮件中转服务器 (71)步骤2:创建MSG指令发送email。

(72)输入email的文本 (73)可能的email状态代码 (73)实例1:CompactLogix控制器和分布式I/O (75)控制分布式I/O (75)Compact1需要的全部连接 (75)实例2:控制器到控制器 (76)生产者和消费者标签 (76)发送MSG指令 (77)Compact1需要的全部连接 (78)实例3:从CompactLogix控制器到其它设备 (79)向其它基于Logix的控制器发送MSG指令 (79)向PLC-5E处理器发送MSG指令 (80)向带有1761-NET-ENI模块的MicroLogix 1500 控制器发送MSG指令82Compact1需要的全部连接 (84)实例4:接收其它设备的信息 (84)与DeviceNet链路上的设备通讯 (85)本章内容: (85)为DeviceNet链路组态用户的系统 (85)实例1:控制DeviceNet设备 (86)步骤1:组态1769-ADN适配器 (87)步骤2:建立1769-SDN的扫描列表 (89)步骤3:为CompactLogix控制器创建工程 (94)步骤4:输入程序逻辑 (96)实例2:从Ethernet 向DeviceNet转发信息 (97)通过网桥维护DeviceNet设备 (98)控制器向DeviceNet设备发送MSG指令 (99)通过网桥发送MSG指令 (100)与串行链路上的设备通讯 (101)本章内容: (101)缺省的通讯组态 (101)系统协议选项 (102)使用通道0缺省通讯按钮 (102)为串行链路组态用户的系统 (103)步骤1:组态硬件 (104)步骤2:组态控制器的串行口 (105)步骤3:组态串行通讯驱动 (109)实例1:工作站直接连接到CompactLogix控制器 (110)组态DF1点对点站点 (110)实例2:工作站远程连接到CompactLogix控制器 (112)主/从通讯方式 (112)组态DF1从站 (114)组态DF1主站 (114)实例3:CompactLogix控制器连接到条形码阅读器 (118)将ASCII设备连接到控制器 (118)组态用户模式 (120)编程ASCII指令 (120)实例4:通过串行口转发信息 (121)与DH-485链路上的设备通讯 (123)本章内容: (123)为DH-485链路组态用户的系统 (124)步骤1:组态硬件 (125)步骤2:组态控制器的DH-485口 (126)规划DH-485网络 (127)DH-485令牌循环 (127)网络初始化 (128)节点数量和节点地址 (128)安装DH-485网络 (129)DH-485网络的接地和终止 (132)CompactLogix诊断 (134)本附录内容: (134)模块信息 (135)TCP/IP组态 (135)诊断信息 (136)封装统计 (137)等级1(CIP)数据包统计 (137)等级1(CIP)信息传送 (138)等级3(CIP)信息传送 (138)CompactLogix系统规范 (140)本附录内容: (140)CompactLogix控制器 (140)认证 (141)时钟精确度 (142)尺寸 (142)控制器LEDs (143)RS-232串行口LEDs(通道0) (144)CompactFlash卡LED (144)EtherNet/IP:模块状态(MS)指示器 (144)EtherNet/IP:网络状态(NS)指示器 (145)EtherNet/IP:链路状态(LNK)指示器 (145)电池寿命 (146)当LED点亮后的电池持续时间 (146)在CompactLogix控制器中动态内存分配 (148)信息 (149)RSLinx标签最优化 (149)趋势 (150)DDE/OPC主题 (150)每个PLC的最大信息连接 (150)点选“使用连接向ControlLogix处理器中写信息” (151)优化吞吐量所需的连接数 (151)第一章CompactLogix简介本章内容:CompactLogix控制器是Logix控制器家族的一部分,它通过下列内置的组件提供了小型的、强大的、有效的系统:●1769-L35E控制器有一个RS-232串行口和一个EtherNet/IP端口。

该控制器支持Logix 指令集。

●RSLogix5000编程软件支持每一款Logix控制器●Compact I/O模块提供了紧凑的DIN导轨或面板安装的I/O系统●1769-SDN通讯接口模块提供了在DeviceNet上的点对点的通讯、I/O控制和远程设备组态。

1769-ADN adapter with Compact I/O modules 1769-ADN适配器和Compact I/O模块Series 9000 photoeye 9000系列光眼800E push button with DriveLogix 800E按钮和DriveLogixDeviceNet network DeviceNet网络1769-L35E CompactLogix with 1769-SDN1769-L35E CompactLogix 和1769-SDNEtherNet/IP network EtherNet/IP网络personal computer 个人计算机1769-L30 CompactLogix with 1761-NET-ENI1769-L30 CompactLogix和1761-NET-ENI1-2 CompactLogix简介与1769-L20和1769-L30控制器相比,1769-L35E控制器在性能和容量上有很大改进。


它提供:●增加的用户内存可达1.5Mbytes●多达8个任务(1769-L20、-L30控制器支持4个任务)●CompactFlash卡用于非易失内存存储●扩展I/O容量达到30个I/O模块●增加的背板容量和吞吐量使得可以混用或匹配数字量模块、模拟量模块以及专用模块●支持背板信息传递●支持EtherNet/IP包括分布式I/O的控制●增强的I/O性能允许在某些环境下可以使用1ms 的背板RPI。




