
中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案(一)中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案I. Phrase Translation1. CIF: 到岸价(Cost Insurance and Freight)2. Dow Jones Industrial Average: 道琼斯工业平均指数3. The Renaissance: 文艺复兴4. meteor storm: 流星雨; 流星雨风暴5. intangible asset: 无形资产6. insurance policy: 保险单,保单7. immune system disorders: 免疫系统疾患;免疫系统病变; 疫系统紊乱8. exchange rate: 汇率9. fiscal deficit: 财政赤字10. Silicon Valley: 硅谷11. brain drain: 人才流失12. Oedipus complex: 恋母情结; 俄狄浦斯情结13. Force Majeure: 不可抗力14. multilateral cooperation: 多边合作15. epidemic disease: 流行病1.半导体: semiconductor2.知识产权: intellectual property; intellectual property rights3.酸雨: acid rain4.人均国内生产总值: GDP per capita; per capita gross domestic product5.外资企业: foreign-owned enterprise6.自由撰稿人: free-lancer7.温室效应: greenhouse effect8.贸易顺差: trade surplus9.货币贬值: currency devaluation; currency depreciation10.高血压: hypertension; high blood pressure11.违约责任: liability for breach of contract12.可再生能源: renewable energy; renewable energy sources; renewable energy resources13.主权国家: sovereign state; sovereignty14.扩大内需: expand domestic demand15.民意调查: poll; opinion poll; opinion surveyII. Passage translationSection A English to ChineseThe Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power (Excerpt)By Thomas de QuincyWhat is it that we mean by literature? Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held toinclude everything that is printed in a book. Little logic is required to disturb that definition. The most thoughtless person is easily made aware that in the idea of literature one essential element is some relation to a general and common interest of man—so that what applies only to a local, or professional, or merely personal interest, even though presenting itself in the shape of a book, will not belong to Literature. So far the definition is easily narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes a station in books not literature; but inversely, much that really is literature never reaches a station in books. The weekly sermons of Christendom, that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popular mind—to warn, to uphold, to renew, to comfort, to alarm—does not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent. The Drama again—as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeare’s plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stage—operated as a literature on the public mind, and were (according to the strictest letter of that term) published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published as things to be read; and they were published in this scenical mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing.参考译文:我们所说的“文学”是什么呢?人们,尤其是对此欠考虑者,普遍会认为:文学包括印在书本中的一切。

2011年中山大学翻译硕士真题回顾百科知识与汉语写作第一部分:25题,每题1分1 Over the hill最合适的翻译?风光不再曾经沧海难为水一山更比一山高过了这个村没这个店答案:风光不再2釜底抽薪的釜意思?斧锅盾答案:锅3“你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥”中说的阳关通向哪里?西域中原关东山海关答案:西域4清明上河图哪个朝代?唐宋明汉答案宋5长恨歌里“天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧”写的谁西施貂蝉王昭君杨玉环答案杨玉环6 “Lemon maket”什么意思?次品市场期货市场股票市场答案:次品市场7“蚁族”什么意思?住在城乡结合部的人农民工低收入群居的大学生答案:低收入群居的大学生8股票中的“猴市”什么意思?持续上涨市场方向不明显风险较大,上涨和下降幅度大答案:风险较大,上涨和下降幅度大9 2010诺贝尔文学奖略撒哪国人?答案:秘鲁10文艺复兴核心是什么?科学和民主追求自由宗教改革人文主义答案:人文主义11六艺中的“御”是指什么?驾车烹饪答案:驾车12词语“小康”出自哪本典籍?大学中庸诗经论语答案:诗经13包容性增长含义不包括?可持续增长在经济增长过程中保持平衡强调投资和贸易自由化,反对投资和贸易保护主义共同富裕答案:强调投资和贸易自由化,反对投资和贸易保护主义14Memorandum of Understanding的翻译?国家信用评价体系体谅备忘录谅解备忘录答案:谅解备忘录15对于Glocalization下面不正确的理解?可以翻译为全球在地化可以翻译为在地全球化强调地方化和全球化之间的张力全球化与本土化相反相成,互相促进答案:可以翻译为在地全球化16一个丈夫打死了不忠诚的妻子,律师为他找了一个人类学专家,专家说,丈夫打自己不忠诚的妻子是文化传统。

第1卷:基础英语Part 1: Grammar and V ocabulary. (30 POINTS)01. ____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.A. Unpopular has as white beenB. Unpopular as white has beenC. Unpopular has been as whiteD. White has been as unpopular02. What the government should do urgently is to take actions to ____ the economy.A. brookB. blushC. broodD. boost03. Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years ____.A. that will comeB. to comeC. that are comingD. coming04. We expect Mr. Smith will ____ Class One when Miss White retires.A. take toB. take upC. take offD. take over05. Tom hardly seems middle-aged, ____ old.A. let aloneB. less likelyC. much worseD. all else06. All was darkness ____ an occasional glimmer in the distance.A. exceptB. no more thanC. besidesD. except for07. The prospect of increased prices has already ____ worries.A. irritatedB. provokedC. inspiredD. hoisted08. Her father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing ____.A. aidB. helpC. supportD. tool09. From the cheers and shouts of ____, I guessed that she was winning the race.A. stimulusB. hearteningC. urgingD. encouragement10. Although the model looks good on the surface; it will not bear close ____A. temperamentB. scrutinyC. contaminationD. symmetry11. It is the first book of this kind ____ I’ve ever read.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. when12. The kid is reaching ____ a bottle from the shelf when I came in.A. toB. forC. atD. in13. The police chief announced that the case would soon be inquired ____.A. intoB. ofC. afterD. about14. Her grandfather accidentally ____ fire to the house.A. putB. setC. tookD. got15. ____ can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fiction.A. AnybodyB. EverybodyC. SomebodyD. Nobody16. The ____ outcome of contest varies from moment to moment.A. aptB. likelyC. liableD. prone17. Anyone going into a bar, whether they ____ suspicion or not, will be asked to takea test, which highlights any drug use.A. ariseB. riseC. raiseD. arouse18. His accent is ____ to people in that small town.A. typicalB. peculiarC. characteristicD. special19. Stealing a book or a toy is a minor ____ which, if left uncorrected, will get worse.A. offenseB. guiltC. crimeD. sin20. This book comes as a____ to him who learns a lot from it.A. revelationB. replacementC. resolutionD. revolution21. He managed to save ____ he could to tend the homeless boy.A. what little timeB. so little timeC. such little timeD. how little time22. After reviewing the troops, ____ visiting general commented that he had finally seen the kind of ____ soldier that the nation needs.A. a/aB. a/theC. the/-D. the/the23. I never think of fall ____ I think of the hardships I have experienced when I was a child.A. thatB. whenC. butD. and24. Within decades, PAN-type research will transform the Internet into the Life Net, acomprehensive ____ environment for human habitation.A. sensoryB. sensibleC. sensitiveD. sensational25. Outside people were cheering and awaiting the arrival of the New Year while inside Harry was lying severely ill in bed feeling thoroughly ____.A. ignobleB. compassionateC. unconsciousD. wretched26. For most companies and factories, the fewer the injury ____, the better their workman’s insurance rate.A. proclamationsB. confirmsC. declarationsD. claims27. I am ____ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.A. excessivelyB. muchC. certainlyD. exceedingly28. It was requested that all of the equipment ____ in the agreed time.A. erectedB. be erectedC. would be erectedD. will be erected29. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____ miracle.A. is workingB. worksC. will be workingD. worked30. Within two hours his complexion____ color and his limbs became warm.A. took onB. took toC. took upD. took downPart 2: Readings. (40 POINTS)Passage AChildren as young as four will study Shakespeare in a project being launched today by the Royal Shakespeare Company.The RSC is holding its first national conference for primary school teachers to encourage them to use the Bard’s plays imaginatively in the classroom from reception classes onwards. The conference will be told that they should learn how Shakespearian characters like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream are “jolly characters”and how to write about them.At present, the national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeareuntil secondary school. All it says is that pupils should study “texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions”and “myths, legends and traditional stories”. However, educationists at the RSC believe children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger age. “Even very young children can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays,”said Mary Johnson, head of the learning department. “It is just a question of pitching it for the age group. Even reception classes and key stage one pupils (five-to-seven-year-olds) can enjoy his stories.”For instance, if you build up Puck as a character who skips, children of that age can enjoy the character. They can be inspired by Puck and they could even start writing about him at that age.It is the RSC’s belief that building the Bard up as a fun playwright in primary school could counter some of the negative images conjured up about teaching Shakespeare in secondary schools. Then, pupils have to concentrate on scenes from the plays to answer questions for compulsory English national-curriculum tests for 14-year-olds. Critics of the tests have complained that pupils no longer have the time to study or read the whole play—and therefore lose interest in Shakespeare.However, Ms. Johnson is encouraging teachers to present 20-minute versions of the plays—a classroom version of the Reduced Shakespeare Company’s Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) which told his 37 plays in 97 minutes—to give pupils a flavor of the whole drama.The RSC’s venture coincides with a call for schools to allow pupils to be more creative in writing about Shakespeare. Professor Kate McLuskie, the new director ofthe University of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Institute—also based in Stratford—said it was time to get away from the idea that there was “a right answer”to any question about Shakespeare. Her first foray into the world of Shakespeare was to berate him as a misogynist in a 1985 essay but she now insists this should not be interpreted as a criticism of his works—although she admits: “I probably wouldn’t have written it quite the same way if I had been writing it now. What we should be doing is making sure that someone is getting something out of Shakespeare.”she said. “People are very scared about getting the right answer. I know it’s different but I don’t care if they come up with a right answer that I can agree with about Shakespeare.”01. What is this passage mainly concerned with? ____A. How to give pupils a flavor of Shakespeare drama.B. The fun of reading Shakespeare.C. RSC project will teach children how to write on Shakespeare.D. RSC project will help four-year-old children find the fun in Shakespeare.02. What’s Puck’s characteristic according to your understanding of the passage? ____A. Rude, rush and impolite.B. Happy, interesting and full of fun.C. Dull, absurd and ridiculous.D. Shrewd, cunning and tricky.03. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ____A. RSC insists on teaching Shakespeare from the secondary school.B. Pupils should study “texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions”required by the national curriculum.C. The national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeare until secondary school now.D. RSC believes children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger age.04. Ms. Johnson encourages teachers to present 20-minute versions of the plays in order to ____.A. introduce them into the world of ShakespeareB. deal with the final examination on ShakespeareC. give pupils a flavor of the whole dramaD. strengthen the students with the knowledge of Shakespeare05. Which of the following is NOT true according to the last paragraph? ____A. Professor Kate McLuskie once scolded Shakespeare in her essay.B. Professor Kate McLuskie insisted on her view on Shakespeare till now.C. Professor Kate McLuskie has changed her idea now.D. Ms. Kate thinks it was time to get away from the idea that there was “a right answer”to any question about Shakespeare.Passage BSome believe that in the age of identikit computer games, mass entertainment and conformity on the supermarket shelves, truly inspired thinking has gone out of the window. But, there are others who hold the view that there is still plenty of scope for innovation, lateral thought and creative solutions. Despite the standardization of modern life, there is an unabated appetite for great ideas, visionary thinking and inspired debate. In the first of a series of monthly debates on contemporary issues, we ask two original thinkers to discuss the nature of creativity. Here is the first one. Yes. Absolutely. Since I started working as an inventor 10 or 12 years ago, I’ve seen a big change in attitudes to creativity and invention. Back then, there was hardly any support for inventors, apart from the national organization the Institute of Patentees and Inventors. Today, there are lots of little inventors’clubs popping up all over the place, my last count was 19 nationally and growing. These non-profit clubs, run by inventors for inventors, are an indication that people are once again interested in invention.I’ve been a project leader, a croupier, an IT consultant and I’ve written a motor manual. I spent my teens under a 1950s two-tone Riley RME car, learning to put it together. Back in the Sixties, kids like me were always out doing things, making go-karts, riding bicycles or exploring. We learned to overcome challenges and solve problems. We weren’t just sitting at a P1ayStation, like many kids do today.But I think, and hope, things are shifting back. There’s a lot more interest in design and creativity and such talents are getting a much higher profile in the media. It’s evident with TV programmes such as Channel4’s Scrapheap Challenge or BBC2’s The Apprentice and Dragon’s Den, where people are given a task to solve or face the challenge of selling their idea to a panel.And, thankfully, the image of the mad scientist with electrified hair working in the garden shed is long gone—although, there are still a few exceptions!That’s not to say there aren’t problems. With the decline in manufacturing we are losing the ability to know how to make things. There’s a real skills gap developing. In my opinion, the Government does little or nothing to help innovation at the lone-inventor or small or medium enterprise level. I would love to see more money spent on teaching our school kids how to be inventive. But, despite everything, if you have a good idea and real determination, you can still do very well.My own specialist area is packaging closures—almost every product needs it. I got the idea for Squeeze open after looking at an old tin of boot polish when my mother complained she couldn’t get the lid off. If you can do something cheaper, better, and you are 100 percent committed, there is a chance it will be a success.I see a fantastic amount of innovation and opportunities out there. People don`t realize how much is going on. New materials are coming out all the time and the space programme and scientific research are producing a variety of spin-offs. Innovation doesn’t have to be high-tech: creativity and inventing is about finding the rightsolution to a problem, whatever it is. There’s a lot of talent out there and, thankfully, some of the more progressive companies are suddenly realizing they don’t want to miss out—it’s an exciting time.01. What is the debate concerned with? ____A. What should we do to inspire people’s creativity?B. Will people’s invention and inspiration be exhausted in the future?C. Is there still a future for invention and inspiration?D. Who will be winner of the future technology?02. According to the opinion of the interviewer ____.A. the future for invention dependsB. there is still a future for invention and inspirationC. there is no future for invention and inspiration in modern societyD. the future for invention and inspiration is unclear03. Which of the following is NOT true about the kids in the sixties? ____A. Out doing things, making go-karts.B. Riding bicycle and exploring.C. Sitting before computers to play games.D. Like to overcome challenges and solve problems.04. Which of the following is the suggestion of the interviewer to the problem? ____A. The government should spend more money helping innovation.B. The kids should cultivate their love of science and invention.C. More inventors’clubs should be set up.D. Invention courses are necessary to children.05. What’s the central idea of the last paragraph? ____A. We should miss out the exciting time.B. A variety of spin-offs are produced by the scientific research.C. The nature of innovation.D. The nature of talent.Passage CFor the executive producer of a network nightly news programme, the workday often begins at midnight as mine did during seven years with ABC’s evening newscast. The first order of business was a call to the assignment desk for a pre-bedtime rundown of latest developments.The assignment desk operates 24 hours a day, staffed by editors who move crews, correspondents and equipment to the scene of events. Assignment-desk editors are logistics experts; they have to know plane schedules, satellite availability, and whom to get in touch with at local stations and overseas broadcasting systems. They are required to assess stories as they break on the wire services—sometimes even before they do—and to decide how much effort to make to cover those stories.When the United States was going to appeal to arms against Iraq, the number of correspondents and crews was constantly evaluated. Based on reports from the fieldand also upon the skilled judgments of desk editors in New York City, the right number of personnel was kept on the alert. The rest were allowed to continue working throughout the world, in America and Iraq ready to move but not tied down by false alarms.The studio staff of ABC’s “World News Tonight”assembles at 9 a.m. to prepare for the 6:30 “air”p.m. deadline. Overnight dispatches from outlying bureaus and press services are read. There are phone conversations with the broadcast’s staff producers in domestic bureaus and with the London bureau senior producer, who coordinates overseas coverage. A pattern emerges for the day’s news, a pattern outlined in the executive producer’s first lineup. The lineup tells the staff what stories are scheduled; what the priorities are for processing film of editing tape; what scripts need to be written; what commercials are scheduled; how long stories should run and in what order. Without a lineup, there would be chaos.Each story’s relative value in dollars and cents must be continually assessed by the executive producer. Cutting back satellite booking to save money might mean that an explanation delivered by an anchor person will replace actual photos of an event. A decline in live coverage could send viewers away and drive ratings down, but there is not enough money to do everything. So decisions must be made and made rapidly—because delay can mean a missed connection for shipping tape or access to a satellite blocked by a competitor.The broadcasts themselves require pacing and style. The audience has to be allowed to breathe between periods of intense excitement. A vivid pictorial report followed byless exacting materials allows the viewer to reflect on information that has just flashed by. Frequent switches from one anchor to another or from one film or tape report to another create a sense of forward movement. Ideally, leading and tags to stories are worked out with field correspondents, enabling them to fit their reports into the programme’s narrative flow so the audience’s attention does not wander and more substance is absorbed.Scripts are constantly rewritten to blend well with incoming pictures. Good copy is crisp, informative. Our rule: the fewer words the better. If a picture can do the work, let it.01. What does the word “rundown”possibly mean? ____A. The rehearsal of tomorrow’s programme.B. A working report or summary to his superior or head.C. An explanation of the programme.D. Preparation for the programme.02. What is the function of the third paragraph? ____A. To lustrate the important role and function of the assignment desk.B. To give us a brief introduction of their working conditions.C. To exemplify the cooperation of all sections in the company.D. To emphasize the mission of the correspondent.03. All the following can be employed to make the report more effective EXCEPT ____.A. providing more vivid pictures and detailsB. changing the style to cater for the audience’s appetiteC. more live coverage to replace the linguistic explanationD. interval shifts of the materials of the coverage04. What will the executive producer mostly be concerned with? ____A. The cost and the effect.B. The truth of the coverage.C. The audience’s interest.D. The form of the coverage.05. What is the text mainly about? ____A. Ways to cut down the cost of the coverage.B. How to make the report more attractive.C. To describe the work of the executive producer.D. To introduce the style and feature s of the news programme.Passage DIt’s nothing new that English use is on the rise around the world, especially in business circles. This also happens in France, the headquarters of the global battle against American cultural hegemony. If French guys are giving in to English, something really big must be going on. And something big is going on.Partly, it’s that American hegemony. Dither Bench mol, CEO of a French e-commerce software company, feels compelled to speak English perfectly because the Internet software business is dominated by Americans. He and other French businessmen also have to speak English because they want to get their message out to American investors, possessors of the world’s deepest pockets.The triumph of English in France and elsewhere in Europe, however, may rest on something mare enduring. As they become entwined with each other politically and economically, Europeans need a way to talk to one another and to the rest of the world. And for a number of reasons, they’ve decided upon English as their common tongue. So when German chemical and pharmaceutical company Hoechst merged with French competitor Rhone-Poulenc last year, the companies chose the vaguely Latinate Aventis as the new company name—and settled on English as the company’s common language. When monetary policymakers from around Europe began meeting at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt last year to set interest rates for the new Euro land, they held their deliberations in English. Even the European Commission, with 11 official languages and a traditionally French-speaking bureaucracy, effectively switched over to English as its working language last year.How did this happen? One school attributes English’s great success to the sheer weight of its merit. It’s a Germanic language, brought to Britain around the fifth century A. D. During the four centuries of French-speaking rule that followed Norman Conquest of 1966, the Language morphed into something else entirely. French words were added wholesale, and most of the complications of Germanic grammar were shedwhile few of the complications of French were added. The result is a language with a huge vocabulary and a simple grammar that can express most things more efficiently than either of its parents. What’s more, English has remained ungoverned and open to change—foreign words, coinages, and grammatical shifts—in a way that French, ruled by the purist Academia Francoise, has not.So it’s a swell language, especially for business. But the rise of English over the past few centuries clearly owes at least as much to history and economics as to the language’s ability to economically express the concept win-win. What happened is that the competition—first Latin, then French, then, briefly, German—faded with the waning of the political, economic, and military fortunes of, respectively, the Catholic Church, France, and Germany. All along, English was increasing in importance: Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, and London the world’s most important financial center, which made English a key language for business. England’s colonies around the world also made it the language with the most global reach. And as that former colony the U.S. rose to the status of the world’s preeminent political, economic, military, and cultural power, English became the obvious second language to learn.In the 1990s more and more Europeans found themselves forced to use English. The last generation of business and government leaders who hadn’t studied English in school was leaving the stage. The European Community was adding new members and evolving from a paper-shuffling club into a serious regional government that would need a single common language if it were ever to get anything done.Meanwhile, economic barriers between European nations have been disappearing, meaning that more and more companies are beginning to look at the whole continent as their domestic market. And then the Internet came along.The Net had two big impacts. One was that it was an exciting, potentially lucrative new industry that had its roots in the U.S., so if you wanted to get in on it, you had to speak some English. The other was that by surfing the Web, Europeans who had previously encountered English only in school and in pop songs were now coming into contact with it daily.None of this means English has taken over European life. According to the European Union, 47% of Western Europeans (including the British and Irish) speak English well enough to carry on a conversation. That’s a lot more than those who can speak German (32%) or French (28%), but it still means more Europeans don’t speak the language. If you want to sell shampoo or cell phones, you have to do it in French or German or Spanish or Greek. Even the U. S. and British media companies that stand to benefit most from the spread of English have been hedging their bets—CNN broadcasts in Spanish; the Financial Times has recently launched a daily German-language edition.But just look at who speaks English: 77% of Western European college students, 69% of managers, and 65% of those aged 15 to 24. In the secondary schools of the European Union’s non-English-speaking countries, 91% of students study English, all of which means that the transition to English as the language of European businesshasn’t been all that traumatic, and it’s only going to get easier in the future.01.In the author’s opinion, what really underlies the rising status of English in France and Europe is ____.A. American dominance in the Internet software businessB. a practical need for effective communication among EuropeansC. Europeans’eagerness to do business with American businessmenD. the recent trend for foreign companies to merge with each other02. Europeans began to favor English for all the following reasons EXCEPT its ____.A. inherent linguistic propertiesB. association with the business worldC. links with the United StatesD. disassociation from political changes03. Which of the following statements forecasts the continuous rise of English in the future? ____A. About half of Western Europeans are now proficient in English.B. U. S. and British media companies are operating in Western Europe.C. Most secondary school students in Europe study English.D. Most Europeans continue to use their own language.04.The passage has discussed the rise in English use on the Continent from thefollowing perspectives EXCEPT ____.A. economicsB. national securityC. the emergence of the InternetD. the changing functions of the European Community05. The passage mainly examines the factors related to ____.A. the rising status of English in EuropeB. English learning in non-English-speaking E. U. nationsC. the preference for English by European businessmenD. the switch from French to English in the European CommissionPassage EThe role of governments in environmental management is difficult inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, however, governments act in an even more harmful way. They actually subsidize the exploitation and consumption of natural resources. A whole range of policies, from farm-price support to protection for coat-mining, do environmental damage and (often) make no economic sense. Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus: a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy. Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to confront the vested interest that subsidies create.No activity affects more of the earth’s surface than farming. It shapes a third of the planet’s land area, not counting Antarctica, and the proportion is rising. World food output per head has risen by 4 percent between the 1970s and I980s mainly as a result of increases in yields from land already in cultivation, but also because more land has been brought under the plough.All these activities may have damaging environmental impacts. For example, land clearing for agriculture is the largest single cause of deforestation; chemical fertilizers and pesticides may contaminate water supplies; more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods tend to exacerbate soil erosion; and the spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests or diseases in future. Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United States, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soil’s productivity. The country subsequently embarked upon a programme to convert 11 percent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. Topsoil in India and China is vanishing much faster than in America.Government policies have frequently compounded the environmental damage that farming can cause. In the rich countries, subsidies for growing crops and price supports for farm output drive up the price of land. In the late 1980s and early 1990s some efforts were made to reduce farm subsidies. The most dramatic example was that。

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(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.【北京第二外国语学院2014翻译硕士】近年来,人们对儿童“读经”有不同意见。

北京外国语大学1.《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham 、姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究出版社。
5. 有关英语八级考试的书籍,以及英美政治、经济、文化等方面百科知识的书籍湖南师范大学暂无,复试科目为:听力、英语写作南京大学暂无,可用近年来国内出版的英语专业高级阅读、翻译、写作教材,以及任何大学语文教材南开大学暂无,参考《全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试指南》,外研社同济大学翻译硕士英语:暂无参考书,建议考生多阅读国内外英文报刊杂志,扩大词汇量,扩宽视野,培养中西文化比较意识。
中南大学翻译硕士英语,暂无英语翻译基础:1.《英汉—汉英应用翻译教程》,方梦之编,上海外语教育出版社,2004年2.《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南编,清华大学出版社,2008年汉语写作与百科知识:1.《应用文写作》,王首程主编,高等教育出版社,2009年中山大学翻译硕士英语:1.英美概况部分参见《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册,朱永涛编,高等教育出版社,2005;2.其它部分不列参考书汉语写作与百科知识: 参照教指委公布的考试大纲北京航空航天大学翻译硕士英语:不根据某一教科书命题英语翻译基础:1. Dictionary of Translation Studies 上海外语教育出版社(2004年)2.《翻译研究词典》外语教学与研究出版社(2005年)3.《英汉互译实用教程》武汉大学出版社(2003年)汉语写作与百科知识:不根据某一教科书命题北京师范大学1.庄绎传,《英汉翻译简明教程》。

中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答(三)中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答案I. Phrase Translation1. 中小企业: small and medium enterprises2. 洗钱:money laundering3. 人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB4. 次贷危机: Subprime mortgage crisis5. 水土流失: water and soil loss6. 贸易顺差: trade surplus7. 企业社会责任: Corporate Social Responsibility8. 主权信用评级: sovereign credit rating9. 贩卖人口: human trafficking10. 美国驻华大使: American Ambassador to China11. 温室效应: Green House Effect12. 投资回报率: Return On Investment13. 供应链: Supply Chain14. 劳动密集型产业: labor-intensive industry15. 防止核扩散条约: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; nuclear non-proliferation treaty16. capital chain: 资金链17. humanitarian intervention: 人道主义干涉18. credit facilities:信贷措施;信贷服务19. exclusive interview: 独家采访20. clean governance:廉洁从政;廉政21. poll:投票;民意测验;民意调查22. double-dip recession:双底衰退;二次衰退;双谷经济衰退22. the State Council:(中国)国务院23. debt limit:债务限额;债务上限;债务额度24. a Palestinian proposal to apply for statehood:巴基斯坦申请建国的提议;巴勒斯坦建国提案25. social security:社会保障;社会保险27. an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale:里氏9.0级地震28. a cease-fire agreement:停火协定;停战协定29. oil leak:漏油30. organizing committee:组织委员会II. Passage translationSection A English to ChineseAll parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like a clean glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair. Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them—a mother’sapproval, a father’s nod—are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand: their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.Through it all, despite it all, Eddie privately adored his old man, because sons will adore their fathers through even the worst behavior. It is how they learn devotion. Before he can devote himself to God or a woman, a boy will devote himself to his father, even foolishly, even beyond explanation.参考译文:所有的父母都会伤害孩子。
[考研类试卷]翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(应用文写作)历年真题试卷汇编2一、应用文写作1 【北京外国语大学2014翻译硕士】所谓旅游广告,就是风景名胜游览地的某些企事业单位,为了广泛介绍本地的名胜景致和独特的风光,招揽更多的旅游者,增加由旅游带来的各种经济收益,通过广播电视、报刊杂志等媒体进行广泛宣传的一种应用文体。
2 【首都师范大学2012翻译硕士】根据所给提示写一则翻译公司的招聘广告:(限450字以内)1.公司主要从事人文社会科学类文本的英汉互译;2.对译员的基本要求。
(其它相关内容不限)3 【北京科技大学2012翻译硕士】以下是某外语培训机构的人才理念:我们深谙人才是企业坚若磐石的百年根基、决胜市场的制胜法宝。
4 【暨南大学2011翻译硕士】阅读以下关于iPhone的简介及相关信息,然后自拟题目,写一篇iPhone的广告词,字数不超过400字。

中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题(六)中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题I. Phrase Translation1.寻租行为: rent-seeking (behavior)2.全国人民代表大会: the National People’s Congress3.标普500指数:S&P 500,Standard & Poor’s 500 index4.知青:Educated youth5.蓝筹股:blue chip (stock)6. “苍蝇”“老虎”一起打:cracking down on both tigers and flies;To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies”at the bottom and the “tigers”higher up.7.需求曲线: demand curve8.紧缩政策: deflation policy9.哥本哈根计划:Copenhagen Accord (《哥本哈根协议》主要是就各国二氧化碳的排放量问题,签署协议,根据各国的GDP大小减少二氧化碳的排放量。
)10.海上丝绸之路:Maritime Silk Road11.金砖五国:BRICS,(Brazil、Russia、India and China)12.附加费: surcharge13.出口配额: export quotas14.东南亚国家联盟: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations15.增值税: value-added tax1.IPO: 首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings)2. Muslim Brotherhood: 穆斯林兄弟会3. OTC Drug: 非处方药(Over-The-Counter Drug)4. Universal Suffrage: 普选,普选权5. Hedge Fund: 对冲基金6. Bilateralism: 双边主义7. Air Force One: 空军一号(美国总统的专用座机)8. CPI: 居民消费价格指数Consumer Price Index9. Kyoto Protocol: 京都议定书10. Air Defense Identification Zone: 防空识别区11. Occupy Central: 占领中环12. Liaison Office: 联络处;联络办公室13. Implicit Cost: 隐性成本14. Heal a Breach: 消除分歧15. Oil-for-Food: 石油换食品PART II TRANSLATION [120 MIN] (2×60=120 POINTS)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [60 MIN]Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.主席先生:2000年以来,联合国确立的千年发展目标,为实现人类生存和发展作出了重要贡献,然而全球发展道路依然漫长。

中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答案(四)中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答案I. Phrase Translation1. credit rating:信用评级2. market access:市场准入3. disaster relief:赈灾;灾难援助4. insurance policy:保险单,保单5. deficit spending:赤字开支6. landfill gas:堆填区沼气7. small and medium Enterprises (SMEs):中小企业8. energy conservation;节约能源;节能9. subprime mortgage crisis:次贷危机;美国次贷危机10. methanol-fueled cars:甲醇汽车11. news briefing:新闻发布会12. a level playing field:公平竞争的环境13. defense budget:国防预算14. nuclear plant:核电厂;核电站15. administrative transparency:政务透明;政务信息透明度16.粮食安全:food security17.弱势群体:disadvantaged groups; vulnerable groups; the disadvantaged18.三农问题:issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers; issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area19.医疗改革:health care reform20.小微企业”〔小型、微型企业):small and micro businesses21.税级:tax bracket22.救助基金:rescue fund;bailout fund23.养老保险:endowment insurance24.积极的财政政策:a proactive fiscal policy25.农村留守人口:rural left-behind population26.防腐剂:preservative ; aseptic27.调控房价:housing prices control28.最低生活标准:minimum living standard;29.人均收入:per capita income ; average per capita income30.城乡差距:urban-rural gap ; rural-urban disparityII. Passage translationSection A English to ChineseMan, viewed morally, is a strange amalgam of angel and devil. He can feel the splendor of the night, the delicate beauty of spring flowers, the tender emotion of parental love, and the intoxication of intellectual understanding. In moments of insight visions come to him of how life should be lived and how men should order their dealings one with another. Universal love is an emotion which many have felt and which many more could feel if the world made it less difficult.This is one side of the picture. On the other side are Cruelty, greed, indifference and over-Weening pride. In pursuit of political aims men will submit their opponents to long years of unspeakable anguish. We know What the Nazis did to Jews at Auschwitz. In mass cruelty, the expulsions of Germans ordered by the Russians fall not very far short of the atrocities perpetuated by the Nazis. And how about our noble selves?We would not do such deeds, oh no! But we enjoy our juicy steaks and our hot rolls While German children die of hunger because our governments dare not face our indignation if they asked us to forgo some part of our pleasures. lf these were a Last Judgment asChristians believe, how do you think our excuses would sound before that final tribunal?Section B Chinese to English香港虽为弹丸之地,但却是七百多万市民的安居之所。

中山大学翻译硕士英语真题2011年(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:30.00)1.Scarcely ______ when she started complaining to me of the terrible living conditions on the campus.(分数:1.00)A.I arrivedB.I had arrivedC.did I arrivedD.had I arrived √解析:Scarcely是带有否定意义的词,当位于句首时需要局部倒装,故排除A项。
2.At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to ______ because the textile technology was not that advanced.(分数:1.00)e up withe throughe overe by √解析:come by得到;从旁走过。
come up with提出;想出;赶上。
come through经历;安然度过;获得成功。
come over过来;顺便来访;抓住。
3.______ the action stopped did we have time to think what might have happened.(分数:1.00)A.Only ifB.If onlyC.Only when √D.When only解析:放于句首的only修饰when引导的时间状语从句时,主句应进行部分倒装。
only if只要…就。
if only 要是…多好。
only when只有当…才能。
4.______ the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.(分数:1.00)A.In consideration of √B.In comparison withC.In light ofD.In contrast to解析:in consideration of考虑到,鉴于。

PART I GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [60 MIN] (1×30=30 POINTS)There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C AND D. Please choose the correct answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET 2.1. Scarcely ____ when she started complaining to me of the terrible living conditions on thecampus.A. I arrivedB. I had arrivedC. did I arrivedD. had I arrived2. At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to ____ because the textile technology was not thatadvanced.A. come up withB. come throughC. come overD. come by3. ____the action stopped did we have time to think what might have happened.A. Only ifB. If onlyC. Only whenD. When only4. ____ the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.A. In consideration ofB. In comparison withC. In light ofD. In contrast to5. ____ of the tires on the motorcycle looks any better than the other.A. Not anyB. No oneC. NoneD. Neither6. The air crash led to the ____ of the diplomatic relations between the two countries.A. suspicionB. suspenseC. suppressionD. suspension7.____ he has created striking stage settings for the Martha Graham dance company, artist IsamuNoguchi is more famous for his sculpture.A. Bur forB. NeverthelessC. In spite ofD. Although8. There is no other man in history than Jefferson who ____ the ideas of democracy with suchfullness, persuasiveness and logic.A. foresawB. foreshadowedC. formulatedD. fortified9. Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language_____.A. as other peopleB. as other people’sC. like other peopleD. like other people’s10. In the long run, English learning, difficult as it is, is ____ to a leaner in his or her careerdevelopment.A. profitableB. advantageousC. prominentD. rewarding11. It is vitally important that you ____ the international conference on cross-culturalcommunication.A. shall attendB. must attendC. attendD. might attend12. The one pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.A. resulted fromB. stemmed fromC. turned outD. derived from13. You’d rather not go to the picnic, ____ you?A. shouldB. hadC. mustD. would14. ____ he’s already heard the news.A. Chances areB. Chance isC. Opportunities areD. Opportunity is15. Though this car is more elegant in appearance, its quality ____ that less fancy one.A. more inferior thanB. is more inferior toC. is inferior toD. is more inferior than16. You can step inside our store for a wide variety of personalized ____products for business andpersonal use.A. stationaryB. writingC. stationeryD. written17. If the man is only interested in your appearance, ____ just shows how shallow he is.A. asB. whichC. whatD. that18. Listening to the thrilling stories made my fleshA. climbB. itchyC. creepD. move19. The chairman suggested that everyone be present at the meeting ____ tomorrow morning.A. that heldB. being heldC. to be heldD. held20. A short ____ of stairs adjoins each entrance door and leads down to the central sleeping area.A. lightB. delightC. flightD. fight2t. We passed the examination, ____.A. and so he didB. and neither did heC. and so did heD. but he did22. The road is laid ahead of him, a ____ gray line stretching to the horizon.A. constantB. repeatedC. continuousD. wide23. We are ____ with these experienced technicians.A. too pleased to workB. too pleased workingC. only too pleased to workD. only too pleased working24. “Where can I find Jim?”“He is ____ his work. He won’t leave the lab until 6:00 p.m.”A. onB. overC. atD. under25. All the communists____ the people instead of being served by the people.A. are supposed to serveB. are opposed to servingC. are subjected to servingD. object to serving26. I told him how to get there, but perhaps I ____ him a map.A. should have givenB. ought to giveC. had to giveD. must have given27. After ____ seemed an endless night, it was time for them to open the boxes of presents.A. itB. thatC. whatD. there28. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of JesusChrist.A. in accordance withB. in terms ofC. in favor ofD. in honor of29. The prisoner stood there ____.A. with his hands cuffedB. with his hands cuffingC. with his cuffed handsD. with his cuffing hands30. The new edition of the encyclopedia ____ many improvements, which is the result of thepersistent effort of all the compilers.A. embeddedB. embodiedC. enchantedD. enclosedPART II READING COMPREHENSION [60 MIN] (1.5×20+2×5=40 POINTS)In this section there are five reading passages followed by a told of 20 multiple-choice questions and 5 short answer questions. Please read the passages and then write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.TEXT AAustralia’s frogs are having trouble finding love. Traffic noise and other sounds of city life, such as air conditioners and construction noise, are drowning out the mating calls of male frogs in urban areas, 1eading to a sharp drop in frog populations. But, in the first study of its kind, Parris, a scientist at the University of Melbourne has found that some frogs have figured out a way to compensate for human interference in their love lives.A male southern brown tree frog sends out a mating call when he’s looking for a date. It is music to the ears of a female southern brown tree frog. But, add the sounds of nearby traffic and the message just is not going out. Parris spent seven years studying frogs around Melbourne. She says some frogs have come up with an interesting strategy for making themselves heard.“We found that it’s changing the pitch of its call, so going higher up, up the frequency spectrum, being higher and squeakier, further away from the traffic noise and this increases the distance over which it can be for heard,” Parris said.The old call is lower in pitch. The new one is higher in pitch.Now, that may sound like a pretty simple solution. But, changing their calls to cope with a noisy environment is actually quite extraordinary for frogs. And while the males have figured out how to make themselves heard above the noise, Parris says it may not be what the females are looking for.“When females have a choice between two males calling, they tend to select the one that calls at a lower frequency because, in frogs, the frequency of a call is related to body size. So, the bigger frogs tend to call lower,” she explained. “And so they also tend to be the older frogs, the guys perhaps with more experience, they know what they’re doing and the women are attracted to those.”Frog populations in Melbourne have dropped considerably since Parris began her research, but it is not just because of noise. Much of Australia has been locked in a 10-year drought, leaving frogs fewer and fewer ponds to go looking for that special someone.31. Parris is the first person who made study for ____A. frog’s populationB. frog’s love livesC. frog’s mating calls and living environmentD. the effects of human noises on frog32. Why do some frogs change the pitch of its calls?A. To be different from others.B. To attract a female frog.C. To tend out messages.D. To go against traffic noises.33. Female frogs may not be attracted by the new call because____.A. it is strange and unusualB. they are used to the old callC. the male frogs don’t know how to attract themD. lower frequency has special physical meaning34. What does the word “considerably” in the last paragraph mean?A. immediatelyB. directlyC. carefully”D. much35. According to Parris, what are the reasons for the dropping of the frog’s population inMelbourne?A. Air conditioners and construction noise.B. The urban noises and the lack of rainfall.C. The change of the frequency of the mating call.D. Fewer ponds.TEXT BA closer observer of the small screen once called it a “vast wasteland of violence, sadism and murder, private eyes, gangsters and more violence - and cartoons.” That is how Newton Minow, a US television regulator, described it in 1961.Since than television language has become more colourful, violence more explicit and sex more prevalent. Lady Chatterley’s Lover has moved from the banned book shelf to a classic BBC serial.Concern over such changing standards has shaped our view of television—and masked its broader influence in developing countries.To illustrate its effects, Kenny cites the case of Brazil. When television there began to show a steady diet of local soaps in the 1970s, Brazilian women typically had five or more children and were trapped in poverty. As the popularity of the soaps grew, birth rates fellAccording to researchers, 72% of the leading female characters in the main soaps had no children and only 7% had more than one. One study calculated that such soaps had the same effect on fertility rates as keeping girls in school for five years more than normal.It is not just birth rates that are affected. Kenny notes: “Kids who watch TV out of school, according to a World Bank survey of young people in the shanty towns of Fortaleza in Brazil, are considerably less likely to consume drugs.”Television appears to have more power to reduce youth drug use than the strictures of an educated mother and Brazilian soaps presenting educated urban woman running their own businesses are thought to be compelling role models.Television can also improve health, In Ghana a soap opera line that warned mothers they were feeding their children “more than just rice” if they did not wash their hands after defecating was followed by a seemingly permanent improvement in personal hygiene.Why do such changes happen? Simple, says Kenny: soap operas, whether local versions of Ugly Betty or vintage imports of Baywatch, open up new horizons. “Some hours could he better spout planting trees, helping old ladies across the road or playing cricket,” he said. “But watching TV exposes people to new ideas and different people. With that will come greater opportunity, growing equality and a better understanding of the world. Not bad.”36. What does “it” refer to in the first paragraph?A. The small screen.B. A vast wasteland.C. Television language.D. Lady Chatterley’s Lover.37. Why does the anther mention Lady Chatterley’s Lover?A. To show television has great influence on our daily life.B. To show that television’s content has new changes.C. To show that violence and sex are accepted by the audience.D. To show the standards of TV regulation have changed38. What is the meaning of “mask” in the third paragraph?A. suggestB. coverC. discoverD. reveal39. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the effects of TV?A. Lower birth rate.B. Less poor young people.C. Less drug users.D. Better sanitation habits.40. The main idea of this passage is ____.A. the effects of TV in developing countriesB. people begin to receive more informationC. TV has opened up new horizonsD. the changes of TV languageTEXT CShe was glad of the lake. It’s soft; dark water helped to soothe and quiet her mind. It took her away from the noisy, squawkish world of the cat-walk and let her lie untroubled at its side, listening only to the gentle lapping of its waves.She felt at peace. Alone. Unhindered and free. Free to do nothing but watch and listen and dream.London, Paris, New York - names, only names. Names that had once meant excitement, then boredom, then frustration then slavery. Names that had brought her to the edge of a breakdown and left her doubting her own sanity.But here everything was at peace. The lake, the trees, the cottage. Here she could stay for the rest of her life. Here she would be happy to die.Across the sun hurried a darkening filter of cloud. The ripples on the water, chased by a freshening wind, pushed their way anxiously from the far side of the lake until they almost bounced at her feet. And in the East there was thunder.Quickly she gathered her things together and made for the cottage. But already the rain flecked the water behind her and pattered the leaves as she raced beneath the trees. Sodden and breathless, she ran for the cottage door, and, as she opened it, the storm burst.And there on the hearth, haggard and unwelcome, stood a man.“Hello!”I was an odd way to greet a complete stranger who had invaded her home, but it was all she could think of to say. A casual greeting to someone who seemed to be expecting her, waiting for her. Maybe it was the way they did things down here?“I suppose you had to shelter from the storm too?” she asked.The man said nothing.She ought to have been angry at this rude intrusion on her privacy, but anger somehow seemed pointless. It was as if the cottage was his, the hearth was his, and she had come out of the storm to seek refuge at his door. She watched him, cautiously; waiting for an explanation. He said nothing. Not a word“Did you get wet?” she askedHe stood, huddled by the open fire, gazing at the dying embers.She walked over, brushing against him as she bent to stir the logs into life, but still he did not move. The flames burst forth, lighting up the sadness in his dark eyes.“And kneeled and made the cheerless grate blaze up and all the cottage warm...”The words, spoken by him in a quiet, toneless voice, took her by surprise.“Pardon?” she saidBut he seemed not to hear.She tried once more.” Ii look as if it’s set in for the evening. Would you like to sit down for a while?”His eyes followed her as she moved to take off her coat and brush out her hair.“...and from her form withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl, and laid her soiled gloves by, untied her hat and let the damp hair fall...”Poetry. He was quoting poetryHe looked vaguely like a poet; lean, distressed, with a certain bitterness in his eyes and hopelessness in his form. And his voice was deep and languid, like the middle of the lake where the water ran darkest.Yet those ware not his lines. The words were not created by him. They were somehow familiar. Half remembered. Surely she had heard them before?41. What does she think of the lake?A. Dark.B. Alone.C. Free.D. Soft42. We can conclude that the main character “She” is a ____.A. modelB. teacherC. singerD. banker43. As to names her profession brought her, she felt all the following EXCEPT ____.A. confinedB. fed upC. agitatedD. stirred44. She wished to stay by the lake for the rest of her life because ____.A. she liked the beautiful scenery thereB. she enjoyed the solitude thereC. she could withdraw from societyD. she might encounter a stranger45. Which of the following can NOT describe the man?A. DesperateB. ThinC. MiserableD. ConspicuousTEXT DGot milk? If you do, take a moment to ponder the true oddness of being able to drink milk after you’re a baby.No other species but humans can. And most humans can’t either.The long lists of food allergies some people claim to have can make it seem as if they’re just finicky eaters trying to rationalize likes and dislikes. Not so. Eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish soy and gluten all can wreak havoc on the immune system of allergic individuals, even causing a deadly reaction called anaphylaxis.But those allergic reactions are relatively rare, affecting an estimated 4% of adults.Milk’s different.There are people who have true milk allergies that can cause deadly reactions. But most people who have bad reactions to milk aren’t actually allergic to it, in that it’s not their immune system that’s responding to the milk. Instead, people who are lactose intolerant can’t digest the main sugar—lactose—found in milk. In normal humans, the enzyme that does so—lactase—stops being produced when the person is between two and five years old. The undigested sugars end up in the colon, where they begin to ferment, producing gas that can cause cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea.If you’re American or European it’s hard to realize this, but being able to digest milk as an adult is one weird genetic adaptation.It’s not normal. Somewhat less than 40% of people in the world retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood. The numbers are often given as close to 0% of Native Americans, 5% of Asians, 25% of African and Caribbean peoples, 50% of Mediterranean peoples and 90% of northern Europeans. Sweden has one of the world’s highest percentages of lactase tolerant people.Being able to digest milk is so strange that scientists say we shouldn’t really call lactose intolerance a disease, because that presumes it’s abnormal, instead, they call it lactase persistence, indicating what’s really weird is the ability to continue to drink milk.There’s been a lot of research over the past decade looking at the genetic mutation that allows this subset of humanity to stay milk drinkers into adulthood.A long-held theory was that the mutation showed up first in Northern Europe, where people got less vitamin D from the sun and therefore did better if they could also get the crucial hormone (it’s not really a vitamin at all) from milk.But now a group at University College London has shown that the mutation actually appeared about 7,500 years ago in dairy farmers who lived in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe, in what was known as the Funnel Beaker culture.The paper was published this week in PLOS Computational Biology.The researchers used a computer to model the spread of lactase persistence, dairy farming, other food gathering practices and genes in Europe.Today, the highest proportion of people with lactase persistence live in Northwest Europe, especially the Netherlands, Ireland and Scandinavia. But the computer model suggests that dairy farmers carrying this gene variant probably originated in central Europe and then spread more widely and rapidly than non-dairying groups.Author Mark Thomas of University College London’s dept of Genetics, Evolution and Environment says, “In Europe, a single genetic change...is strongly associated with lactase persistence and appears to have people with it a big survival advantage.”The European mutation is different from several lactase persistence genes associated with small populations of African peoples who historically have been cattle herders.Researchers at the University of Mary land identified one such mutation among Nilo-Saharan-speaking peoples in Kenya and Tanzania. That mutation seems to have arisen between 2,700 to 6,800 years ago. Two other mutations have been found among the Beja people of northeastern Sudan and tribes of the same language family in northern Kenya.46. According to the third sentence of Paragraph 3, which of the following items is INCORRECT?A. Anaphylaxis may cause people to die.B. Eggs can damage all the allergic individuals’ immune system.C. One who is allergic to gluten can not eat com.D. Tuna may cause a person who is allergic to fish to die.47. Which of the following is the CORRECT explanation of “enzyme” (Para. 6)?A. A kind of chemical hormone that is produced by human body.B. A kind of protein that act as catalyst in diagnosing lactose.C. A kind of fungus that can be used to decompose lactose.D. A kind of gene that is called lactase.48. What is the relationship between “lactase” and “lactose” according to the passage?A. Lactase is indispensable to decomposing lactose.B. They both can act as a kind of enzyme.C. Lactase is the physical form of lactose.D. Lactase can be used to synthesize lactose.49. According to Mark Thomas, we can infer that______.A. in Europe, people with longevity must not be lactase persistence.B. a genetic mutation on lactase persistence changed people’s life.C. the European people benefit from genetic change.D. the Europeans have superior survival advantage to other human races.50. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?A. To stop people from drinking milk.B. To refute the theory that milk is good for health.C. To introduce us a new discovery on genetic mutation.D. To infer the declination of the cattle industry.TEXT EGeorge had stolen some money, but the police had caught him and he had been put in prison. Now his trial was about to begin, and he felt sure that he would be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trail. Of course, he didn’t tail anybody, but he managed to see his friend secretly one day. He said to him, “Jim, I know that the jury will find me guilty of having stolen the money. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking it - that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong recommendation for mercy to their statement that they consider me guilty.”“Well, George,”answered Jim, “I shall certainly try to do what I can for you as an old friend, but of course I cannot promise anything. The other eleven people on the jury look terribly strong-minded to me.” George said that he would quite understand if Jim was not able to do anything for him, and thanked him warmly for agreeing to help.The trial went on, and at last the time came for the jury to decide whether George was guilty or not. It took them five hours, but in the end they found George guilty, with a strong recommendation for mercy. Of course, George was very pleased, but he didn’t have a chance to see Jim for some time after the trial. At last, however, Jim visited him in prison, and George thanked him warmly and asked him how he had managed to persuade the other members of the jury to recommend mercy. “Well, George,” Jim answered, “as I thought, those eleven men were very difficult to persuade, but I managed it in the end by tiring them out. Do you know, those fools had all wanted to find you not guilty!”51. How do you define “jury”?52. What did George expect Jim to do?53. What did Jim do to help George?54. How lung did the jury spent on making a decision?55. Who do you think is the biggest fool?PART III WRITING [60 MIN] (30 POINTS)Plagiarism in graduation thesis is becoming an indisputable fact. What do you think about it? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view on the following topic:Plagiarism in Graduation ThesisIn the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.参考答案及解析PART I GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY1.D 句意:我一到她就向我抱怨校园里恶劣的生活条件。
[考研类试卷]2011年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷.doc[考研类试卷]2011年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、音标题1 Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.(10 points)Example: find—/faind/, beneath—/bi'ni:θ/corpora2 sociologist3 chef4 debris5 nasal6 embedding7 antonymy8 facial9 annotated10 phonetics二、填空题11 Lyons predicted in the seventies by pointing out that linguistics is______, rather than speculative or intuitive; it operates with publicly variable date obtained by means of observation or experiment.12 Phonetic similarity means that the______of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance.13 Words can be classified into variable words and invariable words. As for variable words, they may have ______ changes. That is, the same word may have different grammatical forms but part of the word remains relatively constant.14 In their book ______ written in 1923,C. K. Ogden and I.A.Richards presented a " representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favoured. " There are 16 major categories of them, with sub-categories all together, numbering 22.15 Hyponymy is a matter of class membership. The upper term in this sense relation, i. e. the class name, is called ______, and the lower terms, the members, Hyponyms.16 Charles Darwin, the founder of Evolution Theory, was one of the first keeping the diary of his son's ______.17 And the Firthian tradition in this respect was further developed by the founder of systemic-functional linguistics, M.A.K. Halliday, whose contributions to sociolinguistics could be better seen from his understanding of language from a socially ______ or interactional perspective, his functional interpretation of grammar as a resource for meaning potential, and his linguistic model in the study of literature.18 For some reasons, much of the research on writing has concentrated on the preparation and revision processes rather than on the sentence generation and lexical access processes that have been the focus of______language production.19 As Carter and Simpson(1989)observed that "if the 1960s was a decade of formalism in stylistics, the 1970s a decade of functionalism, and the 1980s a decadeof______stylistics. "20 As a compromise between the "purely form-focused approaches" and the "purely meaning-focused" approaches, a recent movement called ______ seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning.21 While Firth inherited the tradition by taking up some of______'s and Malinowski's views, he developed their theoriesand put forward his own original points of view.22 Mood is made up of two parts: the "Subject" and the "______" element.23 In spite of the dominant influences of Transformational Generative Grammar in the American linguistic scholarship, it has been challenged by a number of rebels, among whom, are Fillmore with his ______and other with Generative Semantics.24 The idea of______was first developed by Roman Jacobson(1896 - 1982)in the 1940s as a means of working out a set of phonological contrasts or oppositions to capture particular aspects of language sounds.25 Tone refers to the pitch on a syllable of a word. When pitch is related to a sentence, it is called ______.三、名词解释26 Logical subject27 Sentence28 Performatives29 Orientational metaphor30 SPEAKING31 Free indirect thought32 Blog33 Applied linguistics34 Mental processes35 Error analysis四、举例说明题36 Phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound and morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in grammar.37 In Chinese tone changes are used in the way that affects the meanings of individual words.38 Endocentric construction is one whose distribution isfunctionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i. e. , a word or a group of words, which serve as a definable centre or head.五、简答题39 What are the similarities and differences between a phrase and a clause?40 What are the characteristics of Grice's "conversational implicature" ?41 What does Halliday's Systemic Grammar aim to do?。

2011年中山大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. WritingV ocabulary1.Scarcely ______ when she started complaining to me of the terrible living conditions on the campus.A.I arrivedB.I had arrivedC.did I arrivedD.had I arrived正确答案:D解析:Scarcely是带有否定意义的词,当位于句首时需要局部倒装,故排除A项。
2.At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to ______ because the textile technology was not that advanced.A.come up withB.come throughC.come overD.come by正确答案:D解析:come by得到;从旁走过。
come up with提出;想出;赶上。
come through 经历;安然度过;获得成功。
come over过来;顺便来访;抓住。
3.______ the action stopped did we have time to think what might have happened.A.Only ifB.If onlyC.Only whenD.When only正确答案:C解析:放于句首的only修饰when引导的时间状语从句时,主句应进行部分倒装。
only if只要…就。
if only要是…多好。
only when只有当…才能。
4.______ the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.A.In consideration ofB.In comparison withC.In light ofD.In contrast to正确答案:A解析:in consideration of考虑到,鉴于。