下半年公共英语五级考试经典阅读资料P r e s i d e n t C l i n t o n’s d e c i s i o n o n A p r.8t o s e n dC h i n e s e P r e m i e r Z h u R o n g j i p a c k i n g w i t h o u t a na g r e e m e n t o n C h i n a’s e n t r y i n t o t h e W o r l d T r a d e O r g a n i z a t i o n s e e m e d t ob e a m a s s i v e m i sc a l c u l a t i o n. T h e P r e s ide n t t o o k a d r u b b i n gf r o m m u c h o f t h e p r e s s, w h i c h h a d b r e a t h l e s s l y r e p o r t e d t h a t a d e a l w a s i n t h e b a g. T h e C a b i n e t a n d W h i t H o u s e s t i l l a p p e a r e d d i v i d e d,a n d b u s i n e s s l e a d e r s w e r e c h a r a c t e r i z e d a s f u r i o u s o v e r t h e l o s t o p p o r t u n i t y. Z h u c h a rg e d th a t C li n t o n l a c k e d“t h e c o u r a g e” t o r e a c h a na c c o r d. A n d w h e n C l i n t o n l a t e r t e l e p h o n e d t h e a n g r y Z h u t o p l e d g e a r e n e w e d e f f o r t a t n e g o t i a t i o n s, t h e g e s t u r e w a s w i d e l y p o r t r a y e d a s a f l i p-f l o p.I n f a c t,C l i n t o n m a d e t h e r i g h t d e c i s i o n i nh o l d i n g o u t f o r a b e t t e r W T O d e a l. A l o t m o r e h o r s e t r a d i n g i s n e e d e d b e f o r e a f i n a l a g r e e m e n t c a n b e r e a c h e d. A n d w i t h o u t t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n’s g o a l o f a“b u l l e t-p r o o f a g r e e m e n t” t h a t b u s i n e s sl o b b y i s t s c a n e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y s e l l t o aR e p u b l i c a n C o n g r e s s, t h e w h o l e p r o c e s s w i l l e n d u p i n p a r t i s a n a c r i m o n y t h a t c o u l d h a r m r e l a t i o n s w i t h C h i n a f o r y e a r s.T H E H A R D P A R T.M a n y b u s i n e s s l o b b y i s t s,w h i l e d i s a p p o i n t e d t h a t t h e d e a l w a s n o t c l o s e d,a g r e e t h a t b e t t e r t e r m s c a n s t i l l b e h a d.A n d T r e a s u r y S e c r e t a r y R o b e r t E.R u b i n,N a t i o n a l E c o n o m i cC o u n c i lD i r e c t o r G e n e B.S p e r l i n g,C o m m e r c eS e c r e t a r y W i l l i a m M.D a l e y,a n d t o p t r a d en e g o t i a t o r C h a r l e n e B a r s h e f s k y a l l a d v i s e d C l i n t o n t h a t w h i l e t h e C h i n e s e h a d m a d e a r e m a r k a b l e n u m b e r o f c o n c e s s i o n s,“w e’r e n o t t h e r e y e t,” a c c o r d i n g t o s e n i o r o f f i c i a l s.N e g o t i a t i n g w i t h Z h u o v e r t h e r e m a i n i n g i s s u e s m a y b e t h e e a s y p a r t. A l t h o u g h C l i n t o n c a n s i g n a l U.S.a p p r o v a l f o r C h i n a’s e n t r y i n t o t h e W T Oh i m s e l f,h e n e e d s C o n g r e s s t o g r a n t B e i j i n gp e r m a n e n t m o s t-f a v o r e d-n a t i o n s t a t u s a s p a r t o f a b r o a d t r a d e a c c o r d. A n d t h e t e m p t a t i o n f o r m e d d l i n g o n C a p i t a l H i l l m a y p r o v e o v e r-w h e l m i n g.Z h u h a db a r e l y l a n d e d b e f o r e S e n a t e M a j o r i t y L e a d e r T r e n t L o t t(R-M i s s)d ec l a r ed h i m se lf s k e p t i c a l t h a tC h i n a d e s e r v e d e n t r y i n t o t h e W T O.A n d S e n a t o r sJ e s s e A. H e l m s (R-N.C.) a n d E m e s t F. H o l l i n g s (D-S.C.)p r o m i s e d t o i n t r o d u c e a b i l l r e q u i r i n gc o n g r e s s i o n a l a p p r o v a l o f a n yde a l.T h e h i d d e n m e s s a g e f r o m t h e s e t h r e et e x t i l e-s t a t e S o u t h e r n e r s: G e t m o r e p r o t e c t i o n f o r t h e U. S. c l o t h i n g i n d u s t r y. H o p i n g t o s m o o t h t h e w a y, t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n t r i e d, b u t f a i l e d, t o b u d g e Z h u o n t e x t i l e s. A l s o l e f t i n t h e l u r c h: W a l l S t r e e t, H o l l y w o o d, a n d D e t r o i t. Z h u r e f u s e d t o o p e n u p m u c h o f t h e l u c r a t i v e C h i n e s e s e c u r i t i e s m a r k e t a n di n s i s t e d o n“c u l t u r a l” r e s t r i c t i o n s o n A m e r i c a n m o v i e s a n d m u s i c. H e a l s o b l o c k e d e f f o r t s t o a l l o w U.S.a u t o m a k e r s t o p r o v i d e f l e e t f i n a n c i n g.B I G J O B.A l r e a d y,b u s i n e s s l o b b y i s t s a r eb l a n k e t i n g C a p i t o l H i l l t o p r e s a l e a n y e v e n t u a la g r e e m e n t,b u t w h a t t h e y’v e h e a r d s o f a r i s n’t e nc o u r a g i n g. R e p u b l i c a n s, i n c l ud i n g L o t t, s a y t h a t“t h e t i m e j u s t i s n’t r i g h t” f o r t h e d e a l.T r a n s l a t i o n: W e’r e d e t e r m i n e d t o m a k e i t l o o k a s i f C l i n t o n h a s c a p i t u l a t e d t o t h e C h i n e s e a n d i s i g n o r i n g h u m a n,r e l i g i o u s,a n d l a b o r r i g h t sv i o l a t i o n s;t h e t h e f t o f n u c l e a r-w e a p o n st e c h n o l o g y;a n d t h e s a l e o f m i s s i l e p a r t s t oA m e r i c a’s e n e m i e s.B e i j i n g’s f i e r c e c r i t i c s w i t h i n t h e D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y,s u c h a s S e n a t o r P a u l D.W e l l s t o n e o f M i n n e s o t a a n d H o u s e M i n o r i t y l e a d e r R i c h a r d A.G e p h a r d t o f M i s s o u r i,w o n’t h e l p,e i t h e r.J u s t h o w t o u g h t h e l o b b y i n g j o b o n C a p i t o l H i l l w i l l b e b e c o m e c l e a r o n A p r. 20, w h e n R u b i n l e c t u r e d 19c h i e f e x e c u t i v e s o n t h e n e e d t o d i s c i p l i n e t h e i r R e p u b l i c a n a l l i e s.W i t h b u s i n e s s a n d t h e W h i t eH o u s e s t i l l t r a d i n g c h a r g e s o v e r w h o i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e d e f e a t o f f a s t-t r a c k t r a d e n e g o t i a t i n gl e g i s l a t i o n i n 1997, w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r w o n’t b e e a s y.A n d R e p u b l i c a n s-w i t h a w i n k-s a y t h a t t h e y’l le v e n t u a l l y e m b r a c e C h i n a’s e n t r y i n t o t h e W T O a sa f a v o r t o C o r p o r a t e A m e r i c a.T h o u g h n o t l o n gb e f o r e t h e y t o r t u r e C l i n t o n.B u t Z h u i s o u t o n a l i m b,a n d i f C o n g r e s s o v e r d o e s t h ec r i t i c i s m,h e m a y b e f o r c ed b y d o me s t i c c r i t i c s t o r e n e g e.B u s i n e s s m u s t m a k e t h i s m u c h d e a r t o b o t h i t s G O P a l l i e s a n d t h e W h i t H o u s e:T h i s h i s t o r i c d e a l i s t o o i m p o r t a n t t o r i s k l o s i n g t o a n y m o r e p a r t i s a n s q u a b b l i n g.T h e s t r i v i n g o f c o u n t r i e s i n C e n t r a l E u r o p e t o e n t e r t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n m a y o f f e r a n u n p r e c e d e n t e d c h a n c e t o t h e c o n t i n e n t’s G y p s i e s(o r R o m a n)t o b e r e c o g n i z e d a s a n a t i o n,a l b e i t o n e w i t h o u t a d e f i n e d t e r r i t o r y. A n d i f t h e y w e r e t o a c h i e v e t h a t t h e y m i g h t e v e n s e e k s o m e k i n d o f f o r m a l p l a c e-a t l e a s t a t o t a l p o p u l a t i o n o u t n u m b e r s t h a t o f m a n y o f t h e U n i o n’s p r e s e n t a n d f u t u r e c o u n t r i e s. S o m e e x p e r t s p u t t h e f i g u r e a t 4m-p l u s; s o m e p r o p o n e n t s o f G y p s y r i g h t s g o a s h i g h a s15m.U n l i k e J e w s, G y p s i e s h a v e h a d n o k n o w n a n c e s t r a l l a n d t o h a r k b a c k t o.T h o u g h t h e i r l a n g u a g e i sr e l a t e d t o H i n d i,t h e i r t e r r i t o r i a l o r i g i n s a r e m i s t y.R o m a n i a n p e a s a n t s h e l d t h e m t o b e b o r n o n t h e m o o n.O t h e r E u r o p e a n s(w r o n g l y)t h o u g h t t h e m m i g r a n t E g y p t i a n s,h e n c e t h e d e r i v a t i v e G y p s y.M o s t p r o b a b l y t h e y w e r e i t i n e r a n t m e t a l w o r k e r s a n d e n t e r t a i n e r s w h o d r i f t e d w e s t f r o m I n d i a i n t h e 7t h c e n t u r y.H o w e v e r,s i n c e c o m m u n i s m i n C e n t r a l E u r o p ec o l l a p s ed a de c a d e a g o,t h e n o t i o n of R o m a n e s t a n a s a l a n d l e s s n a t i o n f o u n d e d o n G y p s y c u l t u r e h a sg a i n e d g r o u n d.Th e I n t e r n a ti o n a l R o m a n y U n i o n,w h i c h s a y s i t s t a n d s f o r 10m G y p s i e s i n m o r e t h a n 30c o u n t r i e s,i s f o s t e r i n g t h e i d e a o f“s e l f-r a l l y i n g”.I t i s t r y i n g t o p r o m o t e as t a n d a r d a n d w r i t t e n f o r m o f t h e l a n g u a g e; i t w a v e s a G y p s y f l a g (g r e e n w i t h a w h e e l) w h e n i t l o b b i e s i n s u c h p l a c e s a s t h e U n i t e d B a t i o n s; a n d i n J u l y i t h e l d a c o n g r e s s i n P r a g u e,T h e C z e c h c a p i t a l. W h e r e P r e s i d e n t V a c l a v H a v e l s a i d t h a t G y p s i e s i n h i s o w n c o u n t r y a n d e l s e w h e r e s h o u l d h a v e a b e t t e rd e a l.A t t h e c o n g r e s s a S l o v a k-b o r n l a w y e r, E m i l S c u k a, w a s e l e c t e d p r e s i d e n t o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l T o m a n y U n i o n.L a t e r t h i s m o n t h a g r o u p o f e l e c t e d G y p s y p o l i t i c i a n s,i n c l u d i n g m e m b e r s o f p a r l i a m e n t,m a y o r s a n d l o c a l c o u n c i l o r s f r o m a l l o v e r E u r o p e (O S C E), t o d i s c u s s h o w t o p e r s u a d e m o r e G y p s i e s t o g e t i n v o l v e d i n p o l i t i c s.T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l R o m a n y U n i o n i s p r o b a b l y t h e m o s t r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e o u t f i t s t h a t s p e a k f o r G y p s i e s,b u t t h a t i s n o t s a y i n g a l o t.O f t h es e v e r a l h u n d r e d d e l e g a t e s w h o g a t h e r e d a t i t sc o n g r e s s, f e w w e r ede m o c r a t i c a l l y e l e c t e d; o d d l y, n o n e c a m ef r o m H u ng a r y, wh o s e G y p si e s a r e p e r h a p s t h e w o r l d’s b e s t o r g a n i z e d,w i t h s o m e450G y p s y b o d i e s a d v i s i n g l o c a l c o u n c i l s t h e r e. T h e u n i o n d i d, h o w e v e r,a n n o u n c e i t s a m b i t i o n t o s e t u p ap a r l i a m e n t,b u t h o w i t w o u l d a c t u a l l y b e e l e c t e d w a s l e f t u n d e c i d e d.S o f a r,t h e E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n i s w a r y o fe n c o u r a g i n g G y p s i e s t o p r e s e n t t h e m s e l v e s a s an a t i o n.T h e m i g h t,i t i s f e a r e d,o p e n a P a n d o r a’s b o x a l r e a d y c o n t a i n i n g B a s q u e s,C o r s i c a n s a n d o t h e r a w k w a r d p e o p l e s.B e s i d e s,a c k n o w l e d g i n gG y p s i e s a s a n a t i o n m i g h t b a c k f i r e,j u s t w h e ns e v e r a l c o u n t r i e s, p a r t i c u l a r l y H u n g a r y, S l o v a k i aa n d t h e C z e c h R e p ub l i c, a r e b e g i n n i n g t o t r e a t t h e mb e t t e r, i n o r d e r t o q u a l i f y f o r E U m e m b e r s h i p.“T h e E U’s w h o l e p r e m i s e i s t o o v e rc o m ed i f fe r e n c e s, n o t t o h i g h l i g h t t h e m,” s a y s a n e r v o u s E u r o c r a t.B u t t h e i d e a t h a t t h e G y p s i e s s h o u l d w i n s o m e k i n d o f s p e c i a l r e c o g n i t i o n a s E u r o p e’s l a r g e s t c o n t i n e n t w i d e m i n o r i t y,a n d o n e w i t h a t e r r i b l e h i s t o r y o f p e r s e c u t i o n,i s c a t c h i n g o n .G y p s i e s h a v e s u f f e r e d m a n y p o g r o m s o v e r t h e c e n t u r i e s. I n R o m a n i a,t h e c o u n t r y t h a t s t i l l h a s t h e l a r g e s t n u m b e r o f t h e m (m o r e t h a n 1m), i n t h e 19t h c e n t u r y t h e y w e r e a c t u a l l y e n s l a v e d. H i t l e r t r i e d t o w i p e t h e m o u t,a l o n g w i t h t h e J e w s.“G y p s i e s d e s e r v e s o m e s p a c e w i t h i n E u r o p e a ns t r u c t u r e s,” s a y s J a n M a r i n u s W i e r s m a, a D u t c h m a n i n t h e E u r o p e a n P a r l i a m e n t w h o s u g g e s t s t h a t o n e o f t h e c u r r e n t c o m m i s s i o n e r s s h o u l d b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r G y p s y a f f a i r s. S o m e p r o m i n e n t G y p s i e s s a y t h e y s h o u l d b e m o r e d i r e c t l y r e p r e s e n t e d, p e r h a p s w i t h a q u o t a i n t h e E u r o p e a n P a r l i a m e n t.T h a t,t h e ya r g u e,m i g h t g i v e t h e m ab o o s t.T h e r e a r e m o v e s a f o o t t o h e l p t h e m t o g e t m o n e y f o r,a m o n g o t h e r t h i n g s,a G y p s y u n i v e r s i t y.O n e b i g s n a g i s t h a t E u r o p e’s G y p s i e s a r e,i n f a c t, e x t r e m e l y h e t e r o g e n e o u s. T h e y b e l o n g t o m a n y d i f f e r e n t,a n d o f t e n a n t a g o n i s t i c,c l a n s a n dt r i b e s, w i t h n o c o m m o n l a n g u a g e o r r e l i g i o n, T h e i r s e l f-p r o c l a i m e d l e a d e r s h a v e o f t e n p r o v e dq u a r r e l s o m e a n d c o r r u p t.S t i l l,s a y s,D i m i t r i n a P e t r o v a,h e a d o f t h e E u r o p e a n R o m a R i g h t s C e n t e r i n B u d a p e s t,G y p s i e s’ s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e o fs u f f e r i n g e n t i t l e s t h e m t o t a l k o f o n e n a t i o n;t h e i r p o t e n t i a l u n i t y, s h e s a y s, s t e m s f r o m“b e i n g r e g a r d e d a s s u b-h u m a n b y m o s t m a j o r i t i e s i nE u r o p e.”A n d t h e y h a v e b e g u n t o b e a b i t m o r e p r a g m a t i c.I n S l o v a k i a a n d B u l g a r i a,f o r i n s t a n c e,G y p s yp o l i t i c a l p a r t i e s a r e t r y i n g t o f o r m e l e c t o r a lb l oc k s t h a t c o u ld w i n se a t s i n p a r l i a m e n t.I nM a c e d o n i a, a G y p s y p a r t y a l r e a d y h a s s o m e-a n d e v e n r u n s a m u n i c i p a l i t y.N i c h o l a s G h e o r g e,a n e x p e r t o n G y p s y a f f a i r s a t t h e O S C E, r e c k o n s t h a t, s p r e a d o v e r C e n t r a l E u r o p e, t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 20 G y p s y M P S a n d m a y o r s,400-o d d l o c a l c o u n c i l o r s,a n d a g r o w i n g n u m b e r o f b u s i n e s s m e n a n d i n t e l l e c t u a l s. T h a t i s f a r f r o m s a y i n g t h a t t h e y h a v e t h e p e o p l e o r t h e c a s h t o f o r g e a n a t i o n. B u t, w i t h t h e G y p s y q u e s t i o n o n t h e E U’s a g e n d a i n C e n t r a l E u r o p e, t h e y a r e m a k i n g g r o u n d.W h y t h e i n d u c t i v e a n d m a t h e m a t i c a l s c i e n c e s, a f t e r t h e i r f i r s t r a p i d d e v e l o p m e n t a t t h ec u l m i n a t i o n o f G r e e k c i v i l i z a t i o n,ad v a n ce d s os l o w l y f o r t w o t h o u s a n d y e a r s-a n d w h y i n t h ef o l l o w i ng t w oh u n d r e d y e a r s a k n o w l e d g e o f n a t u r a la n d m a t h e m a t i c a l s c i e n c e h a s a c c u m u l a t e d, w h i c h s o v a s t l y e x c e e d s a l l t h a t w a s p r e v i o u s l y k n o w n t h a t t h e s e s c i e n c e s m a yb e j u s t l y r e g a r d e d a s t h ep r o d u c t s o f o u r o w n t i m e s-a r e q u e s t i o n s w h i c h h a v e i n t e r e s t e d t h e m o d e r n p h i l o s o p h e r n o t l e s s t h a n t h e o b j e c t s w i t h w h i c h t h e s e s c i e n c e s a r e m o r ei m m e d i a t e l y c o n v e r s a n t.W a s i t t h e e m p l o y m e n t o f a n e w m e t h o d o f r e s e a r c h,o r i n t h e e x e r c i s e o f g r e a t e r v i r t u e i n t h e u s e o f t h e o l d m e t h o d s, t h a t t h i s s i n g u l a r m o d e r n p h e n o m e n o n h a d i t s o r i g i n? W a s t h e l o n g p e r i o d o n e o f a r r e s t e d d e v e l o p m e n t,a n d i s t h e m o d e r n e r a o n e o f n o r m a l g r o w t h? O r s h o u l d w e a s c r i b e t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f b o t h p e r i o d s t o s o-c a l l e d h i s t o r i c a l a c c i d e n t s-t o t h e i n f l u e n c e o f c o n j u n c t i o n s i n c i r c u m s t a n c e s o f w h i c h n oe x p l a n a t i o n i s p o s s i b l e,s a v e i n t h e o m n i p o t e n c e a n d w i s d o m of ag u i d i n g P r o v i d e n c e?T h e e x p l a n a t i o n w h i c h h a s b e c o m e c o m m o n p l a c e, t h a t t h e a n c i e n t s e m p l o y e d d e d u c t i o n c h i e f l y i n t h e i r s c i e n t i f i c i n q u i r i e s,w h i l e t h e m o d e r n se m p l o y i n d u c t i o n,p r o v e s t o b e t o o n a r r o w,a n df a i l s u p o n c l o s e e x a m i n a t i o n t o p o i n t w i t hs u f f i c i e n t d i s t i n c t n e s s t h e c o n t r a s t t h a t i se v i d e n t b e t w e e n a n c i e n t a n d m o d e r n s c i e n t if i cd o c t r i ne s a n d i n q u i r i e s.F o r a l l k n o w l e d g e i sf o u n d e d o n o b s e r v a t i o n, a n d p r o c e e d s f r o m t h i s b y a n a l y s i s, b y s y n t h e s i s a n d a n a l y s i s, b y i n d u c t i o na n d d e d u c t i o n, a n d i f p o s s ib l e b y v e r i f ic a t i o n, o rb y n e w a p p e a l s t o o b s e r v a t i o n u n d e r t h e g u i d a nc e o fde d u c t i o n-b y s t e p s w h i c h a r e i n d e e d c o r r e l a t i v e p a r t s of o n e m e t h o d;a n d t h e a n c i e n t s c i e n c e sa f f o r d e x a m p l e s o f e v e r y o n e o f t h e s e m e t h o d s, o r p a r t s o f o n e m e t h o d,w h i c h h a v eb e e n g e n e r a l i z e d f r o m t h e e x a m p l e s o f sc i e n c e.A f a i l u r e t o e m p l o y o r t o e m p l o y a d e q u a t e l y a n y o n e o f t h e s e p a r t i a l m e t h o d s,a n i m p e r f e c t i o n i n t h e a r t s a n d r e s o u r c e s o f o b s e r v a t i o n a n de x p e r i m e n t,c a r e l e s s n e s s i n o b s e r v a t i o n,n e g l e c t of r e l e v a n t f a c t s,b y a p p e a l t o e x p e r i m e n t a n do b s e r v a t i o n-t h e s e a r e t h e f a u l t s w h i c h c a u s e a l lf a i l u r e s t o a s c e r t a i n t r u t h,w h e t h e r a m o ng th ea n c i e n t s o r t h e m o d e r n s;b u t t h i s s t a t e m e n t d o e s n o t e x p l a i n w h y t h e m o d e r n i s p o s s e s s e d o f a g r e a t e r v i r t u e,a n d b y w h a t m e a n s h e a t t a i n e d h i ss u p e r i o r i t y. M u c h l e s s d o e s i t e x p l a i n t h e s u d d e n g r o w t h o f s c i e n c e i n r e c e n t t i m e s.T h e a t t e m p t t o d i s c o v e r t h e e x p l a n a t i o n o f t h i s p h e n o m e n o n i n t h e a n t i t h e s i s o f“f a c t s” a n d“t h e o r i e s” o r“f a c t s” a n d“i d e a s”-i n t h e n e g l e c t a m o n g t h e a n c i e n t s o f t h e f o r m e r,a n d t h e i r t o o e x c l u s i v e a t t e n t i o n t o t h e l a t t e r-p r o v e s a l s o t o b e t o o n a r r o w,a s w e l l a s o p e n t o t h e c h a r g e o f v a g u e n e s s. F o r i n t h e f i r s t p l a c e, t h e a n t i t h e s i s i s n o t c o m p l e t e.F a c t s a n d t h e o r i e s a r e n o tc o o rd i n a te s p e c i e s. T h e o r i e s, if t r u e, a r e f a c t s-a p a r t i c u l a r c l a s s o f f a c t s i n d e e d,g e n e r a l l yc o m p l e x,a nd i f a l o g i c a l c o n ne c t i o n s u b s i s t sb e t w e e n t h e i rc o n s t i t u e n t s, h a v e a l l t h e p o s i t i v e a t t r i b u t e s o f t h e o r i e s.N e v e r t h e l e s s,t h i s d i s t i n c t i o n,h o w e v e ri n a d e q u a t e i t m a y b e t o e x p l a i n t h e s o u r c e o f t r u e m e t h o d i n s c i e n c e,i s w e l l f o u n d e d,a n d c o n n o t e s a n i m p o r t a n t c h a r a c t e r i n t r u e m e t h o d.A f a c t i s a p r o p o s i t i o n o f s i m p l e. A t h e o r y, o n t h e o t h e r h a n d, i f t r u e h a s a l l t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a f a c t,e x c e p t t h a t i t s v e r if i c a t i o n i s p o s s i b l e o n l y b y i n d i r e c t, r e m o t e, a n d d i f f i c u l t m e a n s. T o c o n v e r t t h e o r i e s i n t o f a c t s i s t o a d d s i m p l e v e r i f i c a t i o n, a n d t h e t h e o r y t h u s a c q u i r e s t h e f u l lc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a f a c t.O n t h e 36t h d a y a f t e r t h e y h a d v o t e d, A m e r i c a n s f i n a l l y l e a r n e d W e d n e s d a y w h o w o u l d b e t h e i r n e x t p r e s i d e n t:G o v e r n o r G e o r g e W.B u s h o f T e x a s.V i c e P r e s i d e n t A l G o r e,h i s l a s t r e a l i s t i ca v e n u e f o r l e g a l c h a l l e n g e c l o s e db y a U. S. S u p r e m e C o u r t d ec i s i o n l a t e T u e sd a y,p l a n ne d t o e n d t h ec o n t e s t f o r m a l l y i n a t e l e v i s ede v e n i n g s p e e c h of p e r h a p s10m i n u t e s,a d v i s e r s s a i d.T h e y s a i d t h a t S e n a t o r J o s e p h L i e b e r m a n,h i sv i c e p r e s i d e n t i a l r u n n i n g m a t e,w o u l d f i r s t m a k eb r i e fc o m m e n t s.T h e m e n w o u ld s pe a kf r o m ac e r e m o n i a l c h a m b e r o f t h e O ld E xe c u t i v e of f i c eB u i l d i n g,t o t h e w e s t o f t h e W h i t e H o u s e.T h e d o z e n s o f p o l i t i c a l w o r k e r s a n d l a w y e r s w h o h a d h e l p e d l e a d M r. G o r e’s u n p r e c e d e n t e d f i g h t t o c l a w a c o m e-f r o m-b e h i n d e l e c t o r a l v i c t o r y i n t h e p i v o t a l s t a t e o f F l o r i d a w e r e t h a n k e d W e d n e s d a y a n d a s k e d t o s t a n d d o w n.“T h e v i c e p r e s i d e n t h a s d i r e c t e d t h e r e c o u n t c o m m i t t e e t o s u s p e n d a c t i v i t i e s,” W i l l i a m D a l e y, t h e G o r e c a m p a i g n c h a i r m a n,s a i d i n a w r i t t e ns t a t e m e n t.M r. G o r e a u t h o r i z e d t h a t s t a t e m e n t a f t e r m e e t i n g w i t h h i s w i f e,T i p p e r,a n d w i t h t o p a d v i s e r si n c l u d i n g M r.D a l e y.H e w a s e x p e c t e d t o t e l e p h o n e M r. B u s h d u r i n g t h e d a y. T h e B u s h c a m p a i g n k e p t a l o w p r o f i l e a n d m o v e d g i n g e r l y,a s i f t o l e a v e s p a c e f o r M r.G o r e t oc o n t e m p l a t e h i s n e x t s t e p s.Y e t,a t t h e e n d o f a t r y i n g a n d t u m u l t u o u sp r o c e s s t h a t h a d f o c u s e d w o r l d a t t e n t i o n o ns l e e p l e s s v o t e c o u n t e r s a c r o s s F l o r i d a,a n d o nc o u r t r o o m s f o r m M i a m i t o T a l l a h a s s e e t o A t l a n t a t o W a s h i n g t o n t h e T e x a s g o v e r n o r w a s s e t t o b e c o m e t h e 43d U.S.p re s i d e n t.T h e n e w s o f M r. G o r e’s p l a n s f o l l o w e d t h e l o n g e s t a n d m o s t r a n c o r o u s d i s p u t e o v e r a U.S.p r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n i n m o r e t h a n a c e n t u r y, o n e c e r t a i n t o l e a v e s c a r s i n a b a d l y d i v i d e d c o u n t r y.I t w a s a b i t t e r e n d i n g f o r M r.G o r e,w h o h a d o u t p o l l e d M r. B u s h n a t i o n w i d e b y s o m e 300000 v o t e s, b u t, w i t h o u t F l o r i d a, f e l l s h o r t i n t h e E l e c t o r a l C o l l e g e b y 271v o t e s t o 267-t h e n a r r o w e s t E l e c t o r a l C o l l e g e v i c t o r y s i n c e t h e t u r b u l e n t e l e c t i o n o f 1876.M r. G o r e w a s s a i d t o b e d i s t r e s s e d b y w h a t h e a n d m a n y D e m o c r a t i c a c t i v i s t s f e l t w a s a p a r t i s a nd e c i s i o n f r o m t h e n a t i o n’s h i g h e s t c o u r t.T h e 5-t o -4 d e c i s i o n o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t h e l d, i n e s s e n c e,t h a t w h i l e a v o t e r e c o u n t i n F l o r i d ac o u ld be c o n d u c t e d i n l e g a l a n d c o n s t i t u t i o n a lf a s h i o n, a s M r. G o r e h a d s o ugh t, t hi s c o u l d n o t b e d o n e b y t h e D e c. 12 d e a d l i n e f o r s t a t e s t o s e l e c t t h e i r p r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t o r s.J a m e s B a k e r3r d,t h e f o r m e r s e c r e t a r y o f s t a t e w h o r e p r e s e n t e d M r.B u s h i n t h e F l o r i d a d i s p u t e, i s s u e d a s h o r t s t a t e m e n t a f t e r t h e U. S. h i g h c o u r t r u l i n g, s a y i n g t h a t t h e g o v e r n o r w a s“v e r y p l e a s e d a n d g r a t i f i e d.”M r. B u s h w a s p l a n n i n g a n a t i o n w i d e s p e e c h a i m e d a t t r y i n g t o b e g i n t o h e a l t h e c o u n t r y’s d e e p, a c h i n g a n d v a r i e d d i v i s i o n s. H e t h e n w a s e x p e c t e d t o m e e t w i t h c o n g r e s s i o n a l l e a d e r s,i n c l u d i n gD e m o c r a t s. D i c k C h e n e y, M r. B u s h’s r u i n g m a t e, w a s m e e t i n g w i t h c o n g r e s s m e n W e d n e s d a y i n W a s h i n g t o n. W h e n M r.B u s h,w h o i s54,i s s w o r n i n t o o f f i c e o n J a n.20,h e w i l l b e o n l y t h e s e c o n d s o n o f ap r e s i d e n t t o f o l l o w h i s f a t h e r t o t h e W h i t e H o u s e, a f t e r J o h n A d a m s a n d J o h n Q u i n c y A d a m s i n t h e e a r l y 19t h c e n t u r y.M r.G o r e,i n h i s s p e e c h,w a s e x p e c t e d t o t h a n k h i s s u p p o r t e r s, d e f e n d h i s h i v e-w e e k b a t t l e a s a n e f f o r t t o e n s u r e,a s a m a t t e r o f p r i n c i p l e,t h a t e v e r y v o t e b e c o u n t e d, a n d c a l l f o r t h e n a t i o n t o j o i n b e h i n d t h e n e w p r e s i d e n t. H e w a s d e s c r i b e d b y a n a i d e a s“r e s o l v e d a n d r e s i g n e d.”W h i l e s o m e c o n s t i t u t i o n a l e x p e r t s h a d s a i d t h e y b e l i e v e d s t a t e s c o u l d p r e s e n t e l e c t o r s a s l a t e a s D e c.18,t h e U.S.h i g h c o u r t m a d e c l e a r t h a t i t s a w n o s u c h l e e w a y.T h e U.S.h i g h c o u r t s e n t b a c k“f o r r e v i s i o n”t o t h e F l o r i d a c o u r t i t s o r d e r a l l o w i n g r e c o u n t s b u t m a d e c l e a r t h a t f o r a l l p r a c t i c a l p u r p o s e s t h e e l e c t i o n w a s o v e r.I n i t s u n s i g n e d m a i n o p i n i o n, t h e c o u r t d e c l a r e d,“T h e r e c o u n t p r o c e s s,i n i t s f e a t u r e s h e r ed e s c r i b e d,i s i n c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e m i n i m u mp r o c e d u r e s n e c e s s a r y t o p r o t e c t t h e f u n d a m e n t a lr i g h t o f e a c h v o t e r.”T h e m o s t o b v i o u s p u r p o s e o f a d v e r t i s i n g i s t oi n f o r m t h e c o n s u m e r o f a v a i l a b l e p r o d u c t s o rs e r v i c e s.T h e s e c o n d(31)___i s t o s e l l t h ep r o d u c t.T h e s e c o n d p u r p o s e m i g h t b e m o r e i m p o r t a n t t o t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s t h a n t h e(32)___.T h em a n u f a c t u r e r s g o b e y o n d o n l y t e l l i n g c o n s u m e r sa b o u t t h e i r p r o d u c t s.T h e y a l s o t r y t o p e r s u a d ec u s t o m e r s t o b u y t h e(33) ___b y c r e a t i n g ade s i r e(34) ___i t.B e c a u s e of a d v e r t i s e m e n t,c o n s u m e r s t h i n kt h a t t h e y w a n t s o m e t h i n g t h a t t h e y d o n o tn e e d.A f t e r b u y i n g s o m e t h i n9,t h e p u r c h a s e r c a n n o t a l w a y s e x p l a i n w h y i t w a s(35)___.E v e n(36)___—t h e p u r c h a s e r p r o b a b l y d o e s n o t k n o w w h y h e o r s h e b o u g h t s o m e t h i n g,t h em a n u f a c t u r e r s(37)___.M a n u f a c t u r e r s h a v ea n a l y z e d t h eb u s i n e s s o f(38)___a n d b u y i n9.T h e yk n o w a l l t h e d i f f e r e n t m o t i v e s t h a t i n f l u e n c e ac o n s u m e r’s p u r c h a s e--s o m e r a t i o n a l a n d(39)___e m o t i o n a l.F u r t h e r m o r e,t h e y t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f t h i s(40)___.W h y(41)___s o m a n y p r o d u c t s d i s p l a y e d a t t h e。
公共英语考试W S K五级模拟冲刺题及答案(2)R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t a n d f i l l e a c h o f t h en u m b e r e d s p a c e s w i t h O N E s u i t a b l e w o r d.W r i t e y o u r a n s w e r s o n A N S W E R S H E E T l.“D o w n-t o-e a r t h”m e a n s s o m e o n e o r s o m e t h i n g t h a t i s h o n e s t.r e a l i s t i c a n d e a s y t o d e a l w i t h.I t i s a p l e a s u r e t o f i n d(31)___w h o i s d o w n-t o-e a r t h.Ap e r s o n w h o i s d o w n—t o-e a r t h i s e a s y t o t a l k(32) ___a n d a c c e p t s o t h e r p e o p l e a s e q u a l s.Ad o w n-t o-e a r t h p e r s o n i s j u s t t h e(33) ___of s o m e o n e w h o a c t s i m p o r t a n t o r p r o u d.D o w n-t o-e a r t h p e r s o n s m a y b e(34)___m e m b e r s o f s o c i e t y,o f c o u r s e.B u t t h e y d o n o t l e t t h e i ri m p o r t a n c e“(35)___t o t h e i r h e a d s”.T h e y d o n o t c o n s i d e r t h e m s e l v e s t o b e b e t t e r p e r s o n s t h a n(36) ___o f l e s s i m p o r t a n c e.S o m e o n e w h o i s f i l l e d w i t h h i s o w n i m p o r t a n c e a n d p r i d e,(37)___w i t h o u tc a u s e,i s s a id t o h a v e“h i s n o se i n t h e a i r”.T h e r e i s(38)w a y a p e r s o n w i t h h i s n o s e i n t h e a i r c a n b e d o w n-t o-e a r t h.A m e r i c a n s(39) ___ a n o t h e r e x p r e s s i o n t h a t m e a n s a l m o s t t h e s a m e a s“d o w n—t o-e a r t h”.T h e e x p r e s s i o n i s“b o t h—f e e t—o n-t h e—g r o u n d”.S o m e o n e(40)___b o t h—f e e t—o n—t h e-g r o u n d i s a p e r s o n w i t h a g o o d u n d e r s t a n d i n g(41)___r e a l i t y.H e h a s w h a t i sc a l l e d“c o m m o n s e n s e,”h e m a y h a v ed re a m s,(42) ___h ed oe s n o t a l l o w t h e m t o b l o c k h i s k n o w l e d g e o f(43) ___i s r e a l.T h e o p p o s i t e k i n d o f(44)___i s o n e w h o h a s h i s “h e a d—i n-t h e—c l o u d s”.A m a n w i t h h i sh e a d-i n-t h e—c l o u d s i s a d r e a m e r(445)___m i n d i s n o t i n t h e r e a l w o r l d.(46) ___,s u c h a d r e a m e r c a n b e b r o u g h t b a c k t oe a r t h.S h a r p w o r d sf r o m t e a c h e r c a n u s u a l l y(47)___a d a y-d r e a m i ng s t u d e n t d o w n-t o-e a r t h.U s u a l l y.m e p e r s o n w h o i s d o w n—t o-e a r t h i sv e r y(48)___t o h a v e b o t h f e e t o n t h e g r o u n d.(49) ___w e h a v e b o t h o u r f e e t o n t h e g r o u n d,w h e n w e a r e d o w n-t0—e a r t h,w e a c t h o n e s t l y a n d o p e n l y(50)___o t h e r s.O u r l i v e s a r e l i k e t h e g r o u n d b e l o w u s,s o l i d a n d s t r o n g.答案解析31.s o m e o n e【解析】由本文的第一句话“‘D o w n-t o-e a r t h’m e a n s s o m e—o n e o r s o m e t h i n gt h a t i s h o n e s t,r e a l i s t i c a n d e a s y t o d e a l w i t h.”可知“D o w n—t o—e a r t h”指的是诚实,现实、平易近人的那些人。
以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的最新公共英语五级备考试题阅读理解训练及答案,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are demeaning to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of the whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a large, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual oneself? If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in school, eliminates all envy and competition in a matter of dress, such that a poor person who cannot afford good-quality clothing, why would anyone strive to be better? It is only a short step from forcing everyone to wear the same clothing to forcing everyone to drive the same car, have the same type of house, eat the same type of food. When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed. Why would parents bother to work hard so that their children could have a better life than they had when they know that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life that they had? Uniforms also hurt the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly. Thousands of persons are employed in designing,creating, and marketing different types of clothing. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Salespersons would be superfluous as well: why bother to sell the only items that are available? The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry which in turn would have a ripple effect on such industries as advertising and promotion. Without advertising, newspapers, magazines, and television would not be able to remain in business. Our entire information and entertainment industries would founder.1、The author’s viewpoint on uniforms can best be described as __________.A. practicalB. hystericalC. radicalD. critical(本题分值:1.5分)【正确答案】C2、Judged from its style, this passage might be found in __________.A. a children’s comics bookB. an editorial in a paperC. a sociology textbookD. a political platform(本题分值:1.5分)【正确答案】B3、It can be inferred that the author believes that __________.A. individuals have no self-worth when they become part of an organizationB. individuals are more important than organizationsC. individuals are not so important as organizationsD. individuals are the same important as organizations(本题分值:1.5分)【正确答案】B4、The author brings in the example of a parent striving to make life better for his children to make the point that __________.A. parents have responsibilities for their childrenB. uniforms would be less expensive than clothing for childrenC. uniforms cause dissension between parents and childrenD. individual motivation would be destroyed by uniforms(本题分值:1.5分)【正确答案】D5、The last word of the passage "founder" probably means __________.A. collapseB. shrinkC. disappearD. establish(本题分值:1.5分)【正确答案】A【最新公共英语五级备考试题阅读理解训练及答案】。
国家公共英语五级(阅读理解)练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.Travel is at its best a solitary enterprise: to see, to examine, to assess, you have to be alone and unencumbered. Other people can mislead you; they crowd your meandering impressions with their own; if they are companionable they obstruct your view, and if they art-boring they corrupt the silence with non-sequiturs, shattering your concentration with “Oh, look, it’s raining,”and “You see it lots of trees here. “ Traveling on your own can be terribly lonely (and it is not understood by Japanese who, coming across you smiling wistfully at an acre of Mexican butter cups tend to say things like “Where is the rest of your team?”), I think of evening in the hotel room in the strange city. My diary has been brought up to date; I hanker for company: what do I do? I don’t know anyone there, so I go out and walk and discover the three streets of the town and rather envy the strolling couples and the people with children. The museums and churches are closed, and toward midnight the streets are empty. If I am mugged, I will have to apologize as politely as possible, “I am sorry, sir, but I has nothing valuable on my person.” Is there a surer way of enraging a thief and driving him to violence? It is hard to, we clearly or to think straight in the company of other people. Not only do I feel, self-conscious, but the perceptions that are necessary to writing are difficult to manage when someone close by is thinking out loud. I am diverted, but it is discovery, not diversion, that I seek. What is requited is the lucidity of loneliness to capture that vision, which, however banal, seems in my private mood to be special and worthy of interest. There is something in feeling abject that quickens my mind and makes it intensely receptive to fugitive might also be verified and refined; and in any case I had the satisfaction of finishing the business alone. Travel is not a vacation, and it is often the opposite of a rest, “Have a nice time,” people said to me at my send-off at South Station, Medford. It was not precisely what I had hoped for. I craved a little risk, some danger, an untoward event, a vivid discomfort, an experience of my own company, and in a modest way the romance of solitude. This I thought might be mine on that train to Limon.1.Traveling companions are a disadvantage, according to the writer, because they ______.A.give you the wrong impression about the journeyB.distract you from your readingC.intrude on your private observationsD.prevent you from saying what you think正确答案:C解析:mislead obstruct,corrupt,shattering这些例子都可以得出这样的总结。
2023年全国英语等级考试五级真题及答案2023年全国英语等级考试五级真题及答案Part I Listening Comprehension (25%)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.1. A) In a clothing store.B) In a bank.C) In a library.D) In a supermarket.2. A) The woman already has plans for the evening.B) The woman would like to go with the man.C) The woman doesn't like concerts.D) The woman prefers classical music.3. A) The woman doesn't care for travelling.B) The woman prefers to travel by plane.C) The woman enjoys seeing different places.D) The woman has never been on a plane.4. A) She doesn't know how to swim.B) She doesn't have time to go swimming.C) She doesn't enjoy swimming as much as before.D) She rarely goes swimming now.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.Conversation One5. A) The woman has already bought a ticket.B) The woman is unable to attend the concert.C) The woman's friend couldn't get a ticket.D) The woman wants to buy a ticket for her friend.6. A) $50.B) $25.C) $15.D) $65.7. A) The concert is sold out.B) There are still tickets available for the concert.C) The man can help the woman get a refund.D) The man also wants to buy a ticket for the concert.8. A) Go to the concert together.B) Attend a different concert.C) Have dinner together.D) Go to the movies instead.Conversation Two9. A) The weather.B) Their work schedules.C) The traffic condition.D) Their colleague's wedding.10. A) Rainy.B) Windy.C) Snowy.D) Sunny.B) Cancel the meeting.C) Finish the meeting earlier.D) Hold the meeting indoors.12. A) They've already booked a meeting room.B) They'll have to move the meeting outdoors.C) They're waiting for further information.D) They have to cancel the meeting.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.Passage One13. A) A spicy dish.B) A traditional dessert.C) A famous cake.D) A popular soup.B) The unique architecture in the city.C) The diversity of its local cuisine.D) The cultural festivals held annually.15. A) It offers an unforgettable dining experience.B) It is famous for its amazing beaches.C) It has a rich history and cultural heritage.D) It is influenced by various culinary traditions.Passage TwoQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) It helps to develop essential skills.B) It provides practical work experience.C) It enhances students' employability.D) It prepares students for college life.17. A) Learn about other cultures.B) Improve their language skills.C) Make more friends.D) Enjoy a relaxing break.18. A) Assist their teachers in class.B) Complete a project independently.C) Shadow professionals in their field of interest.D) Work part-time to earn extra pocket money.Passage ThreeQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) It was composed during the Ming Dynasty.B) It is one of the best-loved Chinese operas.C) It tells the story of an ancient love affair.D) It is known for its beautiful musical scores.20. A) Ji'er.B) Zhaojun.C) Wang Zhaojun.D) Kong Mingsi.21. A) The customs and traditions of Ancient China.B) The story of a legendary female musician.C) The beauty standards during the Tang Dynasty.D) The role of music in Chinese cultural heritage.Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 22 to 31 are based on the following passage.America's National Toy Hall of Fame has been ___22___ inspiring and interactive toys since 1998. Each year, a collection of finalists is ___23___, and the final inductees are selected based on their ___24___, longevity, and ability to foster creativity and imagination. Here are a few ___25___ inductees that have left a lasting impact on generations of children.1. Lego: As one of the most ___26___ and recognized toy brands in the world, Lego has been a favorite of both kids and adults ___27___ its creation in 1932. The iconic interlocking bricks allow endless possibilities and ___28___ in building structures.2. Barbie: Introduced in 1959, Barbie has become a cultural ___29___. With her wide range of careers and stylish outfits, Barbie has empowered generations of young girls to ___30___ their dreams and embrace diversity.3. Play-Doh: This modeling compound first hit the shelves in the 1950s, and it has since become a beloved toy for children ___31___ the world. Play-Doh encourages hands-on creativity and is often used for sculpting and art projects.A) choice B) chosen C) record D) renowned E) recognize F) famous G) expanded H) selected I) recognizing J) diversity K) famous L) around M) manufactures N) launching O) inspiredSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in oneof the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Questions 32 to 41 are based on the following passage.[A] 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the National English Level Examination in China. To celebrate this milestone, the examination board has prepared a series of exciting events and improvements for candidates.[B] One significant change is the introduction of an online practice platform. Candidates can now access a wide range of practice materials, including sample test papers, listening exercises, and interactive reading comprehension tasks. The platform aims to provide a more convenient and efficient way to prepare for the examination.[C] In addition to the traditional paper-based examination, a computer-based test format will be offered as an alternative option. This change not only meets the needs of candidates who are more comfortable with computer-based assessments but also aligns with the current trend of online examinations.[D] To enhance the examination experience, a new mobile application will be launched. Candidates can download the app to stay updated with the latest examination news, access study resources, and even take short quizzes for self-assessment.[E] Furthermore, a series of workshops and seminars will be organized in major cities across the country. These events will feature experienced examiners who will provide valuable tips and strategies for different sections of the examination. Candidates will have the opportunity to interact with experts in the field and gain insights into effective test-taking techniques.[F] Recognizing the importance of feedback, the examination board has designed a comprehensive feedback system. After the examination, candidates will receive detailed feedback reports, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This personalized feedback aims to assist candidates in identifying their weaknesses and developing effective study plans.[G] In commemoration of the 25th anniversary, a series of celebratory events will be held throughout the year. From special exhibitions showcasing the history of the examination to inspiring keynote speeches by influential figures in the education sector, these events aim to foster a sense of pride and achievement among candidates who have successfully completed the examination in previous years.32. The introduction of the online practice platform.33. The availability of a computer-based test format.34. The launch of a new mobile application.35. The organization of workshops and seminars.36. The design of a comprehensive feedback system.37. The celebration of the 25th anniversary.38. The convenience and efficiency of the online platform.39. The opportunity to interact with experienced examiners.40. The provision of detailed feedback reports.41. The fostering of a sense of pride and achievement.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 42 to 46 are based on the following passage.The increasing popularity of online shopping has impacted traditional retail stores significantly. Consumers nowadays enjoy the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their homes and having products delivered directly to their doorsteps. This shift in consumer behavior has led to the decline of physical stores and mall traffic. However, experts argue that physical retail stores still have their advantages and will continue to play a vital role in the shopping experience.In physical stores, customers have the opportunity to see, touch, and try on products before making a purchase. This tactile experience is especially important for certain items like clothing, footwear, and cosmetics, where fit, texture, and color accuracy are crucial factors in the decision-making process. In addition, physical stores give customers the chance to interact with knowledgeable sales associates who can provide personalized assistance, recommend products, and answer questions.Furthermore, retail stores offer immediate gratification. Customers can take their purchase home immediately instead of waiting for it to be shipped. This instant availability of products is appealing and satisfies the desire for immediate ownership. Physical stores also provide an environment for social interaction. People can meet friends, enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee, and spend a day out while browsing the products in a physical store. This social aspect cannot be replicated in an online shopping experience.42. What impact has online shopping had on traditional retail stores?43. What do physical stores offer that online shopping cannot replicate?44. What advantages do physical stores have for certain items?45. What is an appealing aspect of physical stores for customers?46. What social aspect do physical stores provide?Passage TwoQuestions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.Living in a digital age, the ability to speak English has become more essential than ever. English is the global language of communication,business, and travel, and having a high level of proficiency in English can open up countless opportunities.Firstly, English proficiency greatly enhances employment prospects. In today's global economy, many multinational companies require employees to have strong English skills. English is often the language used in international conferences, business negotiations, and presentations. Having excellent English communication skills can give individuals a competitive edge and increase their chances of being hired by prestigious multinational corporations.Secondly, English is the key to accessing a wealth of information. A significant amount of knowledge, research articles, books, and online resources are available in English. Being able to comprehend and communicate in English allows individuals to stay informed, engage in intellectual discussions, and access reputable sources of information in various fields.Lastly, English proficiency enables individuals to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. English is the bridge between individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds, enabling them to share their ideas, opinions, and experiences. It promotes multicultural understanding and fosters global collaboration.47. What is the importance of English proficiency in the digital age?48. How does English proficiency benefit employment prospects?49. What resources are available in English?50. What does English proficiency enable individuals to do?51. What does English act as a bridge between?。
国家公共英语(五级)笔试历年真题试卷汇编2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:M: What first spark your interest in sailing?W: It wasn’t really a conscious decision. It all just kind of happened. I’m the youngest of the four in my family and I started sailing with my brothers and my parents. I began racing when I was ten or eleven with my brother. Then we moved up into bigger boats and started helming, which was very exciting.M: What do you love about it?W: Everything, really. I love being outdoors and I love the freedom of just being able to jump in a boat and sail. But there are so many different parts of sailing. You have to concentrate on the tides and currents and weather. Just by sailing under a cloud, you will get more wind. There is a lot to learn about aerial dynamics.M: Where is your favorite place to sail?W: The west coast of Scotland where I grew up. I guess home is always your love, but it’s definitely the most beautiful sailing I’ve ever done. It can also be the most dangerous because it’s so tidal and the weather hits the coast there pretty badly. Second is New Zealand, particularly the North Island. I’ve sailed and cruised around there. That’s beautiful.M: What was it like sailing on your own? Did you get lonely?W: Yes, I did sometimes. But it’s quite funny because you are so busy all the time that days just disappear. You try to feed in as much as you can in daylight, and at night, you have to make everything secure. But if you get really lonely, you can always pick up the phone and speak to someone.M: What was the worst moment on the Around Alone race?W: Having to climb the mast on the second leg. I broke the main hauling yard, which is the rope that hauls the main sail at the top of the mast. It’s snapped right at the top, so I had to go up and replace it. As you can imagine, at the top of the mast, the yacht’s motion is really exaggerated. It’s very dangerous and you don’t want to go up there too often.M: Was there a time during the race when you thought you might not get back?W: A couple of times I thought: Why am I doing this? But there was never a time when I thought that’s it—I’m fish food, having said that. There are so many moments when you get up a bit slack about fitting the safetyharness because it’s a real pain to keep moving alone. If you trip or follow over board, that’s it. You are going to watch the boat sail off into the distance on autopilot. You either stay on the boat or you die. M: Do you ever get enough sleep sailing alone?W: You go into a state of exhaustion, so you sleep in bursts never more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. In really rough weather, you just try to lie down for 10 minutes. You rarely sleep but your body somehow gets some energy back, because your life revolves around sailing, keeping the boat fast, navigating, eating, sleeping and it’s a constant routine. You only spend a few minutes doing anything at a time. M: Would you do the Around Alone race again?W: No, I’ve done it once and I have proved to myself that I can. The problem is that it’s a big chunk of your life and there’re so many other things I want to do, although I’m very lucky to be only 29 and have done the equivalent of a few around the world.The following is an interview with Emma Richards, one of Britain’s most successful sailors and the youngest person to complete the Around Alone race in May 2003. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the interview only once. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1 to 10.1.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A2.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A3.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B4.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B5.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A6.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B7.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A8.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A9.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A10.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:BPart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:As scientists predict the dawn of a new agricultural revolution, up to 50% of the industry’s professionals are approaching retirement age. Employers say they are already losing some of their most senior staff, and in some cases have been forced to bring in staff from overseas to address the skills shortage. Professor Jim Gordan, the secretary of the Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture, says, coupled with declining university enrollments, the loss of senior agriculture professionals means Australia is seeing a brain drain when it is needed most. He alsocomments that a generation is coming to the end of their working life and there is a bit of a gap there in terms of their successors. That gap is pretty wide in terms of the availability replacements. For example, a number of universities have been trying to employ lecturers in agricultural economy and it’s really, really hard to find people who are suitable. Earlier this month in a speech to international conference, the former Primary Industry’s Minister John Kerin highlighted an urgent need to address this very alarming situation. He points out that government agricultural agencies are being cut down. Agricultural research development is lessening. Agricultural education is slimming down quite rapidly at tertiary level and physical infrastructure is being underinvested. This is at a time when we are facing unprecedented agricultural production and environmental challenges. The state and federal agricultural agencies agree that a mass of losses of senior professionals is potential scenario for the industry. When contacted by the media, the federal department for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and several state agencies said they were aware of the projection and had funding grands and graduate programs and place to address the situation.11.What is happening in Australia’s agricultural industry?A.Many people are disqualified.B.Few senior positions are offered.C.Aging staff is posing a threat to its future.D.Senior staff leave for overseas employment.正确答案:C12.What is Professor Gordan’s concern?A.Lack of interest in agriculture.B.Shortage of agricultural talents.C.Existence of the generation gap.D.Reluctance to teach agricultural economy.正确答案:C13.What problem does Mr. Kerin point out?A.Environmental pollution caused by agriculture.B.Insufficient investment in higher education.C.Diminishing number of agricultural institutions.D.Imbalance between research and production.正确答案:C听力原文:W: What big mistakes do consultants make?M: They charge by the hour. As a solo consultant you should only “ bill on value” and you should only deal with an economic buyer—somebody who can write a check for you. Don’t deal with a middleman. I used to think that most consultants were undercapitalized and that wastheir big problem. What I know now is that the main problem is self-esteem. It doesn’t matter what their age, gender, or culture is. Most consultants do not see themselves as their clients’ peers, but as subordinates. They are submissive and they come to the job head in hand. If you want to make six figures, you can’t have that mentality.W: What is the challenge through the self-employed?M: Becoming self-employed as a consultant aggravates the problem most people have. When you work in a company, someone else can be the front man and you can hide and just poke your hand out when you have something you feel strong about it. When you rode on your own, the poor self-esteem issues rise to the surface and one third of people don’t have good support systems among their spouses and friends. Instead of encouraging them, these people are saying: Go back to work. You are never going to make it on your own.W: What do you mean by “bill on value”?M: Get an agreement with the buyer on objectives and metrics. If you are going to help save the company a million dollars or improve their market position by 2. 5 million dollars, you can get a 10% or better return, so you can make 100, 000 or 250, 000 dollars for those jobs. When you are talking to the right buyers, they don’t blink these figures. Don’t deal with a trainer or a HR person. Deal with the person who was authorized to spend that money.14.What is the problem with consultants?A.They do not have a middleman.B.They do not have sufficient capital.C.They are too humble to their clients.D.They focus on a six-figure salary.正确答案:C15.What does Weiss say about self-esteem?A.Self-esteem matters a lot when one works in a company.B.Self-esteem enables people to confront someone superior.C.Self-esteem is built up on a support system.D.Self-esteem plays a bigger role for the self-employed.正确答案:D16.What does “bill on value” mean?A.Helping a company improve its market share by 10 percent.B.Knowing what the company is planning to achieve.C.A consultant’s income depends on how much he helps a company make or save.D.A consultant should have a clear idea about who has the final say on expenses.正确答案:D听力原文:W: A safe hospital is one that is able to withstand the emergencies, withstand floods, earthquakes and strong wind and continue to provide appropriate life-saving functions to protect people, to save life and limbs, to reduce the suffering of people from disasters.M: Emergencies in 2008 affected 211 million people worldwide and killed almost a quarter of a million. Health facilities also suffered. In China, 11, 000 health facilities were damaged or destroyed in the 2008 earthquake. More than half of the 16, 000 hospitals in Latin America and Caribbean are in areas of high risk for disasters.W: To commemorate world health day this year, WHO is advocating a series of best practices that can be implemented in any resource setting to make hospitals safe during emergencies. Apart from choosing a safe location for building health facilities and providing solid construction, good planning and carrying out emergency exercises in advance can help maintain critical functions.M: In some countries up to 80% of the health budget is spent on building hospitals and other health facilities. Rebuilding a hospital that has been destroyed virtually doubles the initial cost. Get a costs little to make existing hospitals function again in extreme events.W: Experience in Latin America and Caribbean shows that to put a damaged but structurally sound facility will cost no more than 1% of the hospital’s budget but will protect up to 90% of that investment.M: Health facilities are vulnerable to other emergencies too. Armed conflicts often target health services and cut access to care as does poor preparation for disease outbreaks. Under investment, poor planning and construction and the absence of emergency planning as well as training prevent health facilities from doing their life-saving work.17.How many people lost their lives worldwide in emergencies in 2008?A.11, 000.B.16, 000.C.250, 000.D.11, 000, 000.正确答案:C18.Which is one of the best practices WHO is advocating?A.To train doctors and nurses.B.To recruit volunteers.C.To equip hospitals with advanced facilities.D.To do drills in preparation for emergencies.正确答案:D19.Which of the following is suggested by the two officials?A.To spend 80 percent of the total health budget on hospitals.B.To make use of the existing facilities in emergencies.C.To increase the original budget for hospital construction.D.To rebuild the hospitals that have been destroyed.正确答案:B20.What causes hospitals to lose their normal functions?A.Inadequate investment.B.Large-scale outbreaks of diseases.C.Lack of experienced surgeons.D.Outdated health facilities.正确答案:APart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:W: You have a set introduction for every show. Recite it for me and explain what it says about your regard for dirty jobs and manual labor.M: My name is Mike Rowe. And this is my job: I explore the country, looking for people who aren’t afraid to get dirty, hard-working men and women who do the kinds of jobs that make civilized life possible for the rest of us. Now get ready to get dirty. That’s the mission statement for the show. We are finding people who are doing work that most of us go out of our way to avoid. I spend a day with them as an apprentice, trying to keep up with them and have a few laughs. The success of the show, I believe, is a result to those underlining themes about work that we constantly come back to, not just because of the exploding toilets and misadventures in animal husbandry.W: There are a lot of things going on in your show. You introduce the audience to jobs that are unseen, even unknown, for the millions of Americans leading nice, clean, suburban lives. At the same time, you highlight the skill, the dignity, the humor of the people who do these jobs. Is it intentional that you have those dual themes?M: It was very deliberate. The show started as a small segment on a local show in San Francisco. I was able to experiment quite a bit with what audiences responded to before I ever took the program to a network. I learned from doing these smaller profiles that there was a real mix between the interest the audience would have in the job itself and in the people who are performing the work. There is no dignity in work alone. The dignity is in the people. You can’t do a show about work that highlights the good parts of it unless you also include a show about people that highlights the good parts of them.W: How many different dirty jobs have you done since the show has been on? And can you give me a list?M: I finished my 200th a couple of months ago. We are now in the fourth season of the show and when we began, the intention was to do 12 programs, 12 jobs. I ran out of ideas around 50, and ever since, we’ve turned the programming of the show over to the viewers. Most of the ideas come in from people who actually watch the show.W: I heard you say on the program once, “As my grandfather said, never trust a fellow with clean shoes. “ Did he really say that? What did he do?M: My grandfather is the reason Dirty Job is on the air. He had aseventh-grade education but was one of those fellows born hard-wired with an innate understanding of construction and technical trades. He built my first car. He built the house I was born in without a blueprint. By the time he was 50, he was a master plumber, master electrician, a bricklayer, a stone mason. At the base of his brain, he just knew how stuff worked mechanically and technically. I didn’t get that gene.W: You’ve been an actor, a singer, a TV performer , all pretty clean jobs. When you are the age of deciding what to be when you grew up, did you make a conscious choice to get a clean job?M: I made a deliberate choice when I was 18 years old. My grandfather lived right next door to us, and he was as present in my life as my dad. I couldn’t do all the things that my grandfather could do. I had an appreciation and respect for the kind of work he did, but I decided to go as far from it as I could and try and find something that came as easily to me as construction came to him.W: You also had said on the show that some of the happiest people you’ve ever met go home every day smelling bad because they work with stuff like sewage and garbage. Are you saying that workers you meet in dirty jobs are generally happier people than you meet in cleaner professions?M: It’s a generalization, but I’ll stand by it. Happiness is a tough, subjective thing to define. But I will say that after a couple hundred of these experiences, the thing I find is balance in the lives of people I’ve met. People with dirty jobs have a balance in their lives that I don’t see in my friends who are actuarial accountants and investment bankers. They start their day clean: they wind up coming home dirty, but somehow, they seem to be having a better time than the rest of us.You will hear an interview with Mike Rowe, host of the American TV show Dirty Jobs. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing no more than three words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview twice. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21 to 30.21.正确答案:dirty jobs22.正确答案:avoid23.正确答案:unseen, even unknown24.正确答案:San Francisco25.正确答案:job and people26.正确答案:5027.正确答案:From the viewers28.正确答案:construction29.正确答案:his grandfather30.正确答案:BalanceSection II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Pay and productivity, it is generally assumed, should be related. But the relationship seems to weaken【C1】______people get older. Mental ability declines【C2】______age. That is the same for the brainy and the dim—and not【C3】______for humans: it is measurable even【C4】______fruit flies.【C5】______ minds that keep lively will suffer less than the lazy. In general, the more education you have, the more productive your old【C6】______will be. Some【C7】______decline faster than others. According to most studies, people’s numerical and reasoning abilities are【C8】______their best in their 20s and early 30s.【C9】______ abilities —those that depend on knowledge—may improve with age. For most workers, decreased abilities will【C10】______to lower productivity: only a minority will find know-how and knowledge outweighs their failing powers. Even those employees who remain highly productive will be likely to shine only in a narrow【C11】______. Academics notice this. It is less clear that employers do. Studies of supervisors’ratings show no clear correlation【C12】______age and perceived productivity. When other employees’ views are【C13】______into account though, the picture changes: these ratings suggest that workers in their 30s are the【C14】______productive andhardworking, 【C15】______scores falling thereafter. That is【C16】______up by studies of work samples, which find lower productivity among the oldest employees.A study for America’s Department of Labor showed job performance peaking at 35, and【C17】______declining. It varied by industry: the fall was【C18】______in footwear, but faster in furniture. Intellectual occupations are harder to measure, but the picture is the same. Academics seem to publish【C19】______ as they age. Painters, musicians and writers show the same tendency. Their output peaks in their 30s and 40s. The only【C20】______is female writers, who are most productive in their 50 s.31.【C1】正确答案:as解析:此空上一句意为:“人们普遍认为工资和生产率应该是相关的。
全国英语等级考试五级阅读题材料part 1Study less. Test more.少学多练Get your nose out of that book. Avoid the classroom. Whatever it is you want to be the best at, be doing it. Here's Dan Coyle:Our brains evolved to learn by doing things, not by hearing about them. This is one of the reasons that, for a lot of skills, it's much better to spend about two thirds of your time testing yourself on it rather than absorbing it. There's a rule of two thirds. If you want to, say, memorize a passage, it's better to spend 30 percent of your time reading it, and the other 70 percent of your time testing yourself on that knowledge.不要死盯着书本,也不要去教室。
Dan Colye (《一万个小时天才理论》作者) 认为,我们大脑通过练习来学习,而不仅仅是靠听,大部分技能,要花三分之二的时间来练习,不仅仅是单纯的学习。
Naps are steroids for your brain小睡更有助于大脑活跃If you're not getting enough sleep, you're not learning as well as you could be. In fact, research shows there is a correlation between student grades and average amount of sleep.如果你睡不够,你也会学不好。
公共英语五级(p e t s)备考阅读练习(2)S h a m s a n d d e l u s i o n s a r e e s t e e m e d f o r s o u n d e s tt r u t h s,w h i l e r e a l i t y i s f a b u l o u s.I f m e n w o u l d s t e a d i l y o b s e r v e r e a l i t i e s o n l y,a n d n o t a l l o wt h e m s e l v e s t o b e d e l u d e d, l i f e, t o c o m p a r e i t w i t h s u c h t h i n g s a s w e k n o w, w o u l d b e l i k e a f a i r y t a l e a n d t h e A r a b i a n N i g h t s’ E n t e r t a i n m e n t s.I f w er e s p e c t e d o n l y w h a t i s i n e v i t a b l e a n d h a s a r i g h t t o b e,m u s i c a n d p o e t r y w o u l d r e s o u n d a l o n g t h e s t r e e t s.W h e n w e a r e u n h u r r i e d a n d w i s e,w ep e r c e i v e t h a t o n l y g r e a t a n d w o r t h y t h i n g s h a v e a n y p e r m a n e n t a n d a b s o l u t e e x i s t e n c e,--t h a t p e t t yf e a r s a n d p e t t y p l e a s u r e a r e b u t t h e s h a d o w o fr e a l i t y. T h i s i s a l w a y s e x h i l a r a t i n g a n d s u b l i m e.B y c l o s i n g t h e e y e s a n d s l u m b e r i n g, b y c o n s e n t i n g t o b e d e c e i v e d b y s h o w s, m e n e s t a b l i s h a n d c o n f i r m t h e i r d a i l y l i f e o f r o u t i n e a n d h a b i t e v e r y w h e r e, w h i c h s t i l l i s b u i l t o n p u r e l y i l l u s o r y f o u n d a t i o n.C h i l d r e n, w h o p l a y l i f e, d i s c e r n i t s t r u e l a w a n dr e l a t i o n s m o r e c l e a r l y t h a n m e n, w h o f a i l t o l i v e w o r t h i l y,b u t w h o t h i n k t h a t t h e y a r e w i s e r b ye x p e r i e n c e, t h a t i s, b yf a i l u r e. I h a v e r e a d i n a H i n d o o b o o k, t h a t“t h e r e w a s a k i n g’s s o n, w h o, b e i ng e x p e l l e d i n i n f a n c y f r o mhi s n a t i v e c i t y, w a s b r o u g h t u p b y a f o r e s t e r,a n d,g r o w i n g u p t om a t u r i t y i n t h a t s t a t e, i m a g i n e d h i m s e l f t o b e l o n g t o t h e b a r b a r o u s r a c e w i t h w h i c h b e l i v e d. O n e o f h i s f a t h e r’s m i n i s t e r s h a v i n g d i s c o v e r e d h i m,r e v e a l e d t o h i m w h a t h e w a s, a n d t h e m i s c o n c e p t i o n o f h i s c h a r a c t e r w a s r e m o v e d, a n d h e k n e w h i m s e l f t o b e a p r i n c e. S o s o u l, f r o m t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s i n w h i c h i t i s p l a c e d,m i s t a k e s i t s o w n c h a r a c t e r,u n t i l t h e t r u t h i s r e v e a l e d t o i t b y s o m e h o l yt e a c h e r,a n d t h e n i t k n o w s i t s e l f t o b e B r a h m e.”W e t h i n k t h a t t h a t i s w h i c h a p p e a r s t o b e. I f a m a n s h o u l d g i v e u s a n a c c o u n t o f t h e r e a l i t i e s h e b e h e l d, w e s h o u l d n o t r e c o g n i z e t h e p l a c e i n h i sd e s c r i p t i o n.L o o k a t a m e e t i n g-h o u s e,o r ac o u r t-h o u s e,o r a j a i l,o r a s h o p.O r ad we l l i n g-h o u s e, a n d s a y w h a t t h a t t h i n g r e a l l y i s b ef o r e a t r u eg a z e, a n d th e y w o u l d a l l g o t o pi e c e s i n y o u r a c c o u n t o f t h e m. M e n e s t e e m t r u t h r e m o t e, i n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f t h e s y s t e m, b e h i n d t h e f a r t h e s t s t a r,b e f o r e A d a m a n d a f t e r t h e l a s t m a n.I ne t e r n i t y t h e r e i s i n d e e d s o m e t h i n g t r u e a n d s u b l i m e.B u t a l l t h e s e t i m e s a n d p l a c e s a n d o c c a s i o n s a r e n o w a n d h e r e. G o d h i m s e l f c u l m i n a t e s i n t h e p r e s e n t m o m e n t, a n d w i l l n e v e r b e m o r e d i v i n e i n t h e l a p s e o f a l l a g e s. A n d w e a r e e n a b l e d t o a p p r e h e n d a t a l l w h a t i s s u b l i m e a n d n o b l e o n l y b y t h e p e r p e t u a li n s t i l l i n g a n d d r e n c h i n g o f t h e r e a l i t y t h a ts u r r o u n d s u s.T h e u n i v e r s e c o n s t a n t l y a n do b e d i e n t l y a n s w e r s t o o u r c o n c e p t i o n s; w h e t h e r w e t r a v e l f a s t o r s l o w, t h e t r a c k i s l a i d f o r u s. L e t u s s p e n d o u r l i v e s i n c o n c e i v i n g t h e n. T h e p o e t o r t h e a r t i s t n e v e r y e t h a d a s f a i r a n d n o b l e a d e s i g n b u t s o m e o f h i s p o s t e r i t y a t l e a s t c o u l d a c c o m p l i s hi t.1. T h e w r i t e r’s a t t i t u d e t o w a r d t h e a r t s i s o n eo f[A].a d m i r a t i o n.[B].i n d i f f e r e n c e.[C].s u s p i c i o n.[D].r e p u l s i o n2.T h e a u t h o r b e l i e v e s t h a t a c h i l d.[A].s h o u l d p r a c t i c e w h a t t h e H i n d o o s p r e a c h.[B]. f r e q u e n t l y f a c e s v i t a l p r o b l e m s b e t t e r t h a n g r o w n u p s d o.[C].h a r d l y e v e r k n o w s h i s t r u e o r i g i n.[D].i s i n c a p a b l e o f a p p r e c i a t i n g t h e a r t s.3. T h e a u t h o r i s p r i m a r i l y c o n c e r n e d w i t h u r g i n g t h e r e a d e r t o[A]. l o o k t o t h e f u t u r e f o r e n l i g h t e n m e n t. [B].a p p r a i s e t h e p r e s e n t f o r i t s t r u e v a l u e.[C].h o n o r t h e w i s d o m o f t h e p a s t a g e s.[D]. s p e n d m o r e t i m e i n l e i s u r e a c t i v i t i e s.4.T h e p a s s a g e i s p r i m a r i l y c o n c e r n e d w i t hp r o b l e m o f[A].h i s t o r y a n d e c o n o m i c s.[B].s o c i e t y a n d p o p u l a t i o n.[C].b i o l o g y a n d p h y s i c s.[D].t h e o l o g y a n dp h i l o s o p h y.V o c a b u l a r y1.s h a m虚伪2.d e l u s i o n欺骗3.f a b u l o u s荒诞无稽的,不存在的4.e x h i l a r a t i n g令人高兴的5.s u b l i m e崇高的6.s l u m b e r睡眠7.H i n d o o印度8.B r a h m a婆罗门(贵族)9.c o m e,f a l l,g o t o p i e c e s崩溃,垮台10.c u l m i n a t e达到顶点11.l a p s e时间的推移/消逝12.a p p r e h e n d领悟,理解13.i n s t i l l(慢慢地)滴注,灌输14.d r e n c h浸泡,使湿透15.p o s t e r i t y子孙后代16.l o o k t o指望,注意难句译注1. I f m e n w o u l d s t e a d i l y o b s e r v e r e a l i t i e s o n l y,a n d n o t a l l o w t h e m s e l v e s t ob e d e l u d e d,l i f e,t oc o m p a r e i t w i t h s u c h t h i n g s a s w e k n o w,w o u ld be l i k e af a i r y t a l e a n d t h e A r a b i a n N igh t s’E n t e r t a i n m e n t s.[结构简析]虚拟条件句,主句中t o c o m p a r e i tw i t h… k n o w是插入语,也有假设之意。
公共英语五级-阅读理解(二)(总分:30.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、练习一(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part ARead the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)As industrialisation came to define Western life in the 19th century, industry employed photography to portray its successes and strengths. For example, in 1857 British photographer Robert Howlett took pictures of the British steamship Great Eastern, the largest vessel of its day, and of its designer and engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He depicted both ship and man as heroic exemplars of the age.In addition to recording the construction of railroads, ships, buildings, and bridges, photography proved useful to medicine and the fledgling social sciences, such as ethnology, psychology, and sociology. Doctors wanted before-and-after pictures of wounded Civil War soldiers to study the effects of surgery. Psychologists studied photographs of mental patients in an attempt to visually discern their disorders. Fields as dissimilar as biology and astronomy demanded whole catalogues of new photographs to record and classify a rapidly expanding body of knowledge. American photographer Edward S. Curtis produced a 20-volume ethnographic survey of the native peoples of North America. Like much early scientific photography, Curtis's work suffered from his own cultural biases in this case, an overly romantic view of how Native Americans should look. He supplied his subjects with props and costumes that were not always authentic, and his photographs are no longer considered accurate as documentation.The development of faster cameras n the 1870s spurred scientists and others to use photography in the systematic study of human and animal movement. In 1878 Muybridge used a series of photographs of a galloping horse to demonstrate to an amazed world that the animal lifts all four feet off the ground at once. His work inspired Philadelphia painter Thomas Eakins to take up the camera so he could more accurately depict motion in his paintings. French physiologist Etienne-Jules Marey also followed Muybridge's example and devised a special camera to record sequential photographs on a single plate. Marey used this method to develop insights into the flight of birds, human movement, and the workings of the human eye. His experiments helped prepare the way for airplane flight, motion pictures, and modern athletic training.In the last quarter of the 19th century the camera helped record the plight of the dispossessed, displaced, and overlooked. One of the earliest attempts to document urban poverty was made by Scottish photographer Thomas Annan, who aimed his camera at the empty, unsanitary alleyways of Glasgow in 1868. City officials commissioned Annan's documentation to justify replacement of Glasgow's unsavory slums with new development. John Thomson went a step further with candid photographs of poor people themselves, published in a series called Street Life in London (1877). In the United States, Danish-born journalist Jacob Riis saw the virtue of photographs as well as words in his campaign to improve the lot of poor city dwellers in New York City. He first hiredphotographers to accompany him into the slums, and later began taking pictures himself. Riis illuminated dark, airless interiors with bright bursts of light that he produced by igniting magnesium flash powder. He showed the pictures at public lectures and later published them in a book entitled How the Other Half Lives (1890). Riis's tireless advocacy helped bring about better conditions for some slum dwellers, and initiated the use of photography as a powerful tool in the fight against poverty.(分数:5.00)(1).What can be best said about photography as reviewed in this text?(分数:1.00)A.It has been historically extensive and influential. √B.It has been more closely related to industry than to social sciences.C.It has been useful as an instrument for historical records.D.It has been visually impressive and powerful.解析:(2).Which of the following best reflects the comment of the author on Curtis's photographic work?(分数:1.00)A.Slightly ironical.B.Somewhat critical. √C.Totally supportive.D.Culturally biased.解析:(3).According to this text, improvement of camera speed resulted in(分数:1.00)A.the experiment of aircraft flight.B.accuracy in movie production.C.detailed depiction of movements. √D.delicate recording of images.解析:(4).It can be seen from this text that cities in their early growth(分数:1.00)A.helped improve photographic work.B.created anti-city feelings.C.were not successful as expected.D.were not without their ills. √解析:(5).What was the main aim of Jacob Riis's photographic career?(分数:1.00)A.To bring about social changes. √B.To disclose urban poverty.C.To show his special photographic technique.D.To practice both as a journalist and a photographer.解析:四、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)The government of Britain has for many centuries been shared by the supreme authorities: the Monarch (i.e. the King or Queen), the Lords (i.e. the hereditary nobility) and the Commons (i.e. the ordinary people). The story of its development has been the story of a gradual shifting of supremacy from the first of these authorities to the third in other words a gradual progress towards democracy. Thus the Monarchy today is left without any power at all.This statement may seem surprising in view of the great affection which the British have for QueenElizabeth, the great ceremonies connected with her, the great state functions over which she presides, the oath of loyalty made to her by Parliament, and the many great decisions made in her name and requiring her authority. It is the Queen who approves the appointment of Ministers and the formation of a Cabinet; it is the Queen who summons Parliament and who introduces the new session with a speech from the Throne in which she summarizes the government's programme; it is the Queen who gives her assent to Bill before they become law, who concludes treaties and declares war, who makes appointments to all offices of State and Church, who dismisses Parliament when the government has been defeated or has reached the end of its term, and who chooses a new Prime Minister. Indeed, she is informed and consulted on every aspect of national life. And yet it remains true that she has no power. For in practice, she acts only on the advice of her Ministers, and must be completely impartial.This is of course not very easy to understand, and you may want to know what would happen if the Queen refused to give her assent to something she disagreed with. But the case would never arise. The Queen never refuses her assent, because she knows this would be unconstitutional. In any case she had no means of enforcing her will.What is then the use of having a queen? Some British people would answer: no use at all. Some think the Monarchy is a useless relic of bygone age, and a tremendous waste of public money too. But these arguments are comparatively weak. Most British people regard the monarchy as a long-established tradition, which, with all its colour and pageantry and with all the feelings of personal respect which it inspires, they would be most unwilling to lose. More than this, the monarch is the only unchangeable symbol of British itself. Politicians come and go according to the elections won or lost, and at any given moment every politician always has many determined opponents among those who do not belong to his own party. But the Monarch is always there, above party quarrels, representing the nation as a whole, and lending dignity and significance to all things done in her name.(分数:5.00)(1).What is mainly discussed in this text?(分数:1.00)A.The role of the Monarch in Britain.B.The outdated royal system in Britain.C.Who actually rules Britain.D.The Queen as the most powerful person. √解析:(2).A new Prime Minister is chosen by(分数:1.00)A.Parliament. √B.the Cabinet.C.the Monarchy.D.all Ministers.解析:(3).We can infer from the text that(分数:1.00)A.the Queen is not satisfied with her situation.B.the Queen's rule is only in name, not in practice. √C.the Queen still has her say in the government.D.the Queen is ill-informed of the national life.解析:(4).If the Queen disagreed with a certain policy, she would(分数:1.00)A.refuse to give her assent to it.B.consult with the Ministers about it.C.enforce her will. √D.approve it nevertheless.解析:(5).The system of the Monarchy is considered(分数:1.00)eful by a few British.B.a useful relic by politicians.C.a long-established tradition by most British.D.an insane waste of money by the author. √解析:五、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:5.00)As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct acts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers, who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers, who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding the cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth on hundred weight of cotton, to how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties' desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or is not keen on fish. Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacturing of a product could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage, even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on end would involve obvious disadvantages, imaging a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.It is clear that many essential characteristics of an advanced economic system -widespread exchange, division of labor and accumulation of capital -are closely linked with the use of money. Without money to facilitate exchange, production and saving, it would be impossible for an economy to develop beyond the primitive level which survives in communities still conducting their economic affairs on a barter basis.(分数:5.00)(1).Using money as a medium of exchange means that(分数:1.00)A.you have to sell something in order to buy something.B.you have to buy something in order to sell something.C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something. √D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person.解析:(2).Specialization is encouraged because(分数:1.00)A.people can use their money to buy whatever they want.B.people do not need to make a complete product for exchange. √C.people make an intangible contribution to the manufacture of a product.D.people cannot use their money to buy whatever they want.解析:(3).Any exchange under a barter economy would(分数:1.00)A.be neither simple nor quick. √B.have no value.C.be both simple and quick.D.be determined by simplicity and speed.解析:(4).One difficulty in saving under a barter economy would be that(分数:1.00)A.it would be difficult to imagine money.B.some people do not make complete products, so they could not save them. √C.some products would be too small to save.D.people are only engaged in one stage of manufacturing.解析:(5).An advanced economy(分数:1.00)A.still exists in some places.B.cannot possibly exist.C.depends on widespread exchange, division of labor and accumulation of capital. √D.does not depend on the use of money.解析:六、Part B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Too many people are haunted by five dismal words: "But it's too late now." An unfaithful husband would like to salvage his marriage. "But it's too late now." An office worker, fired because of her drinking problem, wishes she could conquer her alcoholism and begin again. "But it's too late now."Few families are without some broken personal relationships. At first those involved may be unwilling to hold out an olive branch. Then, when some time has passed, they may feel it's too late to offer an apology or try to make amends.16. ______Not long ago I came upon an article about the distinguished musician Robert Shaw, who was retiring as music director and conductor of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Years earlier, when I was the new pastor of Marble Church in New York City, Shaw cameto me and suggested we have a group of young people sing at our church services. He led such a chorale and was willing to make it available.17. ______Unfortunately, some of the members of the congregation, including two of the elders who were strong traditionalists, thought the singing was too much of a departure from the accepted way of doing things at Marble Church. They made their displeasure known to me in unmistakable terms.18. ______Almost half a century passed. In all that time I never saw or spoke to Shaw. But then, as I read the article, my conscience reminded me I had made a mistake that still was unrectified.When I got home, I wrote a letter to Robert Shaw telling him that I had been wrong and was sorry.19. ______What a lift I got from that! What happy evidence it was that even after many years a word of apology is never too late.20. ______Because it never is.A. This struck me as an idea that would appeal to the younger members of our congregation. So I told him to go ahead.The people who sang were spirited and enthusiastic, and I thought they added a new and welcome dimension to our worshipservices.B. Why not search your mind and see if there is some past episode that calls for a word of reconciliation, some personal problem unsolved, some good deed !eft undone?Even if a long time has elapsed, don't assume it's too late.C. I sayto suchpeople:"Nonsense! It's nevertoo late to make a fresh start."D. Finally, against my better judgement, I told Shaw that I was sorry, but we would have to terminate the arrangement.He was disappointed, but said he understood. This incident would always bother me. I had failed to have the courage of my convictions.E. As we had to make the church hall available for other purposes, one day I came to Shaw and made this clear Without a word, he made his way to me and gave me his hand, leaving me puzzled as to whether this was a gesture of agreement or disappointment.F. Almost at once a reply came from this great man of music, thanking me for the generosity, grace and candidness of my letter and claiming that the fault had been as much his as min(分数:5.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:D)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:F)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:七、Part C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Note: When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order. Some choices may be required more than once.A= Caribou Indians B= The Coastal Indians C= Plain IndiansWhich group of Indians ...· hunt animals by driving them into falling off the cliffs? 21. ______· wore nothing but a piece of cloth around the waist? 22. ______· lived in houses easily packed up and moved? 23. ______· depend their main catch for food and clothing? 24. ______ 25. ______· joined their lodging places? 26. ______· could have adopted white man's clothing? 27. ______ 28. ______· built their houses with the skins of animals? 29. ______· were highly advanced in house-building? 30. ______CARIBOU INDIANS Caribou (Indian for reindeer)roam in herds from one feeding-ground to the next in the forests and on the plains extending to the Arctic coasts of North America; they are hunted by the Eskimos in the summer and by the Indians farther south in the winter. Before the days of guns the Indians caught them in traps or pitfalls, they drove them over soft snow and pursued them on snow-shoes, or they drove them into the water and speared them from their sprucebark canoes. For a big drive they set up rows of stakes and drove them into ambushes or enclosures or into narrow gorges from which they could not escape. By these means they killed many more caribou than they could eat, so they stored the dried flesh in pits or caches. Much of the flesh was pounded into pemmican and packed in fat, in which condition it would keep for months.These Indians made their shirts, leggings or trousers, and moccasins of skins. Women wore much the same clothes as the men, only of softer materials -often doeskin -and their clothes were more richly decorated with shells, dyed porcupine quills, or feathers. Wealthy men wore robes of beaver, wolf, bear, or coyote fur. But most Indians have come in contact with trading-posts and have adopted white man's clothing.During the winter many Indians lived in solid wooden houses, sometimes partly underground for warmth; and in some parts they built a large "ceremonial lodge", 40 or 50 feet long, for feasts, dances, and great occasions. In many parts there were no permanent settlements, and the Indians, when they were hunting, lived in their bark wigwams which were easily moved from camp to camp. THE GOASTAL INBIANS These Indians depended mainly on fish, and especially on salmon. These fish came up the river once a year to spawn, crowding in such masses that the Indians could scoop them up in buckets. They also caught them in nets, harpooned them, or took them in staked enclosures. The fish were dried and smoked, sometimes made into a paste and stored in finely plaited baskets to keep until the next salmon "run". The Indians built large houses of spruce or fine planks from the great forests which run down almost to the coast. The villages generally consisted of thirty or more houses set in a line facing the sea along a sheltered part of the coast. The houses used to be large, solid, and rectangular, 40 to 50 feet long, in which several related families lived together. In early days these houses were built without nails, by fitting and tying the timbers together; and reed mats made partitions inside. In front they set up their 'totem poles', carved with the crests of the animals which were linked in mythical tales with the particular clan and family.Closing-fitting clothing was not needed in this mild coastal region -men often went barefoot, wearing nothing but a loincloth. Cloaks were made of skins, fiber matting, and beautiful blankets woven of wool and hair. Women had long garments of dressed skins, often decorated with beads and shells. Traders, railways, and industries such as fishing, canning, mining, and lumber have, in recent years, invaded the region and altered native life: now European houses and clothes are replacing native styles.PLAIN INDIANS These tribes whose names are famous in story hunted the bison, called 'buffalo', on the treeless prairies of North America, between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains. They were tall, well-built, and muscular, proud of their physical fitness and of their ability to bear pain and hardships without complaint. Down to the middle of the last century herds of bison roamed the prairies in great numbers and provided the Indians with plenty of food. They stalked them and surrounded them on horseback, shooting them with bows and arrows. They trapped them in various ways. A common plan was to set up rows of stakes or piles of stones in a V-shape, converging to a point at the edge of a cliff. The younger men would lure or urge the herd towards the trap,and when within the lines they were stamped over the cliff, to fall, injured into an enclosure below, where they were easily slaughtered. Men, women, and children helped in cutting up the animals and carrying the loads back to camp.Bison skins, carefully cured, scraped, and softened, were used to cover tents (tepees), for bags, and for men's robes. For shirts, leggings, and moccasins the lighter skins of deer were preferred.A thick piece of bison skin supported on sticks was the cooking-pot, and this was heated in the same way as that used by Caribou Indians. The hair of the bison was used for stuffing, its paunch as a water-bucket, its sinews for string, its horns for spoons, and its bone for tools.(分数:10.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A/C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C/A)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:。
公共英语五级阅读考前热点材料汇集(2)B e i n g a n e x p e r t a t s o m e t h i n g r e a l l y p a y s o f f. J u s t h o w g o o d a r e t o p p e r f o r m e r s c o m p a r e d t o e v e r y b o d y e l s e? R e s e a r c h s h o w s i n h i g h c o m p l e x i t y j o b s l i k e p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d s a l e s r o l e s,t h e t o p10p e r c e n t p r o d u c e80p e r c e n t m o r e t h a n a v e r a g e a n d700p e r c e n t m o r e t h a n t h e b o t t o m 10 p e r c e n t. B u t a s I’m s u r e y o u’r e a w a r e, b e c o m i n g t h e b e s t a i n’t e a s y.A sB o b b y K n i g h t o n c e s a i d,“E v e r y b o d y h a s t h e w i l l t o w i n;f e w p e o p l e h a v e t h e w i l l t o p r e p a r e t ow i n.”想要成为某方面的专家,那确实需要花费一番功夫。
PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TESTfor SchoolsReadingSample TestTime45 minutesINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESDo not open this question paper until you are told to do so.Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they arenot already there.Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.Answer all the questions.Read the instructions on the answer sheet.Write your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESQuestions 1 – 32 carry one mark.PV2 500/2414/0 Copyright © UCLES 2018 Cambridge English Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International (Entry 3)2Part 1Questions 1 – 5For each question, choose the correct answer.1A All campers must reserve a place in advance.B Groups bigger than four are not allowed onthis site.C Groups of more than three should contactthe campsite before arriving.2A Those who don’t pay punctually won’t beable to go to Oxford.B There are very few places left on the Oxfordtrip.C This is the last chance for students toregister for the Oxford trip.3A You must have signed permission to takepart in sports day.B You have to limit the number of sports dayraces you take part in.C You need to write your name here to getmore information about sports day.3 Turn over ►4A It is essential to have more actors even ifthey haven’t acted before.B It is important for all actors to have trainingbefore being involved in the play.C It is necessary to find a new director to trainthe actors.5A Students must write detailed notes on thisweek’s experiment.B Students should check that their work lastterm was done accurately.C Students need to look at previous work whiledoing an experiment.Part 2Questions 6 – 10For each question, choose the correct answer.The young people below all want to do a cycling course during their school holidays. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight cycling courses.Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people below.6 Nancy is fourteen and cycles quite well. She needs to learn how to cycle safely from her home to school on busy city roads. She’s only free at the weekends.7 Markus is an excellent cyclist and he wants the excitement of riding on countryside and woodland tracks. He’d also like to learn more about looking after his bike. He can’t attend a morning course.8 Ellie is nine and knows how to ride her bike, but isn’t confident about starting and stopping. She’d love to meet other cyclists with a similar ability and have fun with them.9 Leo can’t cycle yet, and wants to learn on his own with the teacher. He’d prefer a course with sessions twice a week. He’d also like some practical information about cycling clothes and equipment.10 Josh is eleven and a skilled cyclist. He’s keen to learn to do exciting cycling tricks in a safe environment. He’d like to be with people of a similar age.4Cycling CoursesA Two Wheels Good!Mountains! Rivers! Forests!Our ‘off-road’ course offers you thechance to get out of the city. You’llneed very good cycling skills andconfidence. You will be with othersof the same ability. Expert advice onkeeping your bike in good conditionalso included.Mondays 2.00 pm–6.00 pm or Fridays3.00 pm–7.00 pm. B On Your Bike!Can’t ride a bike yet, but reallywant to? Don’t worry. Ourbeginners-only group (4-10pupils per group) is just whatyou’re looking for. Excellentteaching in safe surroundings.Makes learning to cycle fun,exciting and easy.Mondays 9.00 am–11.00 am andThursdays 2.00 pm–4.00 pm.C Fun and GamesDo you want some adventure? Findout how to do ‘wheelies’ (riding on onewheel), ‘rampers’ (cycling off lowwalls), ‘spins’ and much more… Weoffer a secure practice ground,excellent trainers and loads of funequipment. Wear suitable clothes.Only for advanced cyclists.(Age 11–12)Saturdays 1.00 pm–4.00 pm. D Pedal PowerA course for able cyclists. Wespecialise in teaching riders of allages how to manage difficultsituations in heavy traffic in townsand cities. We guarantee that by theend of the course, no roundabout orcrossroads will worry you!Saturdays 2.00 pm–4.00 pm.E Cycling 4 UNot a beginner, but need plenty ofpractice? This course offers practicalhelp with the basics of balancing andusing your brakes safely. You’ll be in agroup of pupils of the same level.Improve your cycling skills and enjoyyourself at the same time! Open to allchildren up to the age of ten.Sundays 10.00 am–12.00 pm.F Bike DoctorsHave you been doing too many tricks onyour bike? Taken it up mountains andthrough rivers? Then it probably needssome tender loving care. Bike Doctorsteach you to maintain and repair yourbike. (Some basic equipment required.)Ages 11-19 Tuesdays 9.00 am–12.00 pm orWednesdays 3.00 pm–6.00 pm.G Safety FirstWe teach cycling safety for the city centreand country lane biker. We’ll teach you theskills you need to deal with all the vehiclesusing our busy roads. All ages welcome from10+. Thursdays 9.00 am–11.00 am. H Setting OutA course for absolute beginnersneeding one-to-one instruction to getoff to a perfect start. We also giveadvice on helmets, lights, what towear and much more. A fantasticintroduction to cycling! Mondays andTuesdays 9.00 am–11.00 am.5Turnover►Part 3Questions 11 – 15For each question, choose the correct answer.Play to win16-year-old Harry Moore writes about his hobby, tennis.My parents have always loved tennis and they’re members of a tennis club. My older brother was really good at it and they supported him – taking him to lessons all the time. So I guess when I announced that I wanted to be a tennis champion when I grew up I just intended for them to notice me. My mother laughed. She knew I couldn’t possibly be serious, I was just a 4-year-old kid!Later, I joined the club’s junior coaching group and eventually took part in my first proper contest, confident that my team would do well. We won, which was fantastic, but I wasn’t so successful. I didn’t even want to be in the team photo because I didn’t feel I deserved to be. When my coach asked what happened in my final match, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t believe I’d lost – I knew I was the better player. But every time I attacked, the other player defended brilliantly. I couldn’t explain the result.After that, I decided to listen more carefully to my coach because he had lots of tips. I realised that you need the right attitude to be a winner. On court I have a plan but sometimes the other guy will do something unexpected so I’ll change it. If I lose a point, I do my best to forget it and find a way to win the next one.At tournaments, it’s impossible to avoid players who explode in anger. Lots of players can be negative – including myself sometimes. Once I got so angry that I nearly broke my racket! But my coach has helped me develop ways to control those feelings. After all, the judges have a hard job and you just have to accept their decisions.My coach demands that I train in the gym to make sure I’m strong right to the end of a tournament. I’m getting good results: my shots are more accurate and I’m beginning to realise that with hard work there’s a chance that I could be a champion one day.611 Harry thinks he said that he was going to be a tennis champion in order toA please his parents.B get some attention.C annoy his older brother.D persuade people that he was serious.12 How did Harry feel after his first important competition?A confused about his defeat.B proud to be a member of the winning team.C ashamed of the way he treated another player.D amazed that he had got so far in the tournament.13 What does Harry try to remember when he’s on the court?A Don’t let the other player surprise you.B Follow your game plan.C Respect the other player.D Don’t keep thinking about your mistakes.14 What does Harry say about his behaviour in tournaments?A He broke his racket once when he was angry.B He stays away from players who behave badly.C He tries to keep calm during the game.D He found it difficult to deal with one judge’s decisions.15 What might a sports journalist write about Harry now?AHarry needs to believe in his ownabilities and stop depending ongood luck when he plays.BHarry has really grown up since hisfirst tournament and discoveredthat tennis is a battle of minds notjust rackets.CHarry looked exhausted when hefinished his last match so maybehe should think about working out.DHarry could be a great player buthe needs to find a coach to takehim all the way to the bigcompetitions.7Turnover►Part 4Questions16 – 20Five sentences have been removed from the text below.For each question, choose the correct answer.There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.Planting treesby Mark Rotheram, aged 13This spring, our teacher suggested we should get involved in a green project and plant some trees around the school. Everyone thought it was a great idea, so we started looking online for the best trees to buy. 16 If we wanted them to grow properly, they had to be the right type – but there were so many different ones available! So our teacher suggested that we should look for trees that grew naturally in our part of the world. 17 They’d also be more suitable for the wildlife here.Then we had to think about the best place for planting the trees. We learnt that trees are happiest where they have room to grow, with plenty of space for their branches. The trees might get damaged close to the school playgrounds, for example. 18 Finally, we found a quiet corner close to the school garden – perfect!Once we’d planted the trees, we knew we had to look after them carefully. We all took turns to check the leaves regularly and make sure they had no strange spots or marks on them.19 And we decided to check the following spring in case the leaves turned yellow too soon, as that could also mean the tree was sick.We all knew that we wouldn’t be at the school anymore by the time the trees grew tall, and that was a bit sad. But we’d planted the trees to benefit not only the environment, but also future students at the school. 20 And that thought really cheered us up!8A So we tried to avoid areas where students were very active.B However, our parents did offer to help with the digging!C That could mean the tree had a disease.D But we soon found that choosing trees was quite complicated.E It can be quite good for young trees, though.F We knew they’d get as much pleasure from them as we had.G But at least we were doing it in the right season.H That way, the trees would be used to local conditions.►over 9TurnPart 5Questions 21 – 26For each question, choose the correct answer.This car runs on chocolate!Scientists have built a 300kph racing car that uses chocolate as a fuel! The project is (21) ………… to show how car-making could (22) ………… environmentally friendly. The car meets all racing car (23) ………… apart from its fuel. This is a mixture of waste chocolate and vegetable oil, and such ‘biofuels’ are not (24) ………… in the sport yet. It has to be mixed with normal fuel so that all parts of the car keep working.Carrots and other root vegetables were used to make some parts inside and outside the car. Even the mirrors are made from potatoes! The sides of the car (25) ………… a mixture of natural materials from plants as well as other recycled materials.The project is still young, so the scientists have not yet found out how ‘green’ the car is. They are planning many experiments to compare its (26) ………… against that of normal racing cars.21 A intended B wished C decided D insisted22 A develop B move C become D arrive23 A levels B standards C grades D orders24 A allowed B let C ruled D agreed25 A store B involve C collect D contain26 A operation B performance C display D technique10Part 6Questions 27 – 32For each question, write the correct answer.Write one word for each gap.Our new skatepark!by Jack FletcherIs there a great skatepark in your town? We’ve now got the (27) ………… fantastic skatepark ever, and it’s all because of my friends and me!Our old skatepark was full of broken equipment, so none of us ever went there. But we all agreed that (28) ………… we had a better skatepark in our town, we’d use it. And teenagers might come (29) ………… other towns to join us, too.So I set up an online questionnaire to find out (30) ………… local people wanted. I asked them whether we should improve our old skatepark (31) ………… build a completely new one. People voted to build a new one.Then we held some events to get money to pay for it. In the end we collected half the cost, and the local council paid the rest. It (32) ………… finally finished last month. So come and try it – you’ll have a great time!BLANK PAGE。
Just how tough the lobbying job on Capitol Hill will be become clear on Apr. 20, when Rubin lectured 19chief executives on the need to discipline their Republican allies. With business and the White House still trading charges over who is responsible for the defeat of fast-track trade negotiating legislation in 1997, working together won’t be easy. And Republicans-with a wink-say that they’ll eventually embrace China’s entry into the WTO as a favor to Corporate America. Though not long beforethey torture Clinton. But Zhu is out on a limb, and if Congress overdoes the criticism, he may be forced by domestic critics to renege. Business must make this much dear to both its GOP allies and the Whit House: This historic deal is too important to risk losing to any more partisan squabbling.
公共英语五级阅读文章一From Boston to Los Angeles, from New York City to Chicago to Dallas, museums are either planning, building, or wrapping up wholesale expansion programs. These programs already have radically altered facades and floor plans or are expected to do so in the not-too-distant future.In New York City alone, six major institutions have spread up and out into the air space and neighborhoods around them or are preparing to do so.The reasons for this confluence of activity are complex, but one factor is a consideration everywhere -- space. With collections expanding, with the needs and functions of museums changing, empty space has become a very precious commodity.Probably nowhere in the country is this more true than at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which has needed additional space for decades and which received its last significant facelift ten years ago. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen its collections.Deaccessing -- or selling off -- works of art has taken on new importance because of the museum's space problems. And increasingly, curators have been forced to juggle gallery space, rotating one masterpiece into public view while another is sentto storage.Despite the clear need for additional gallery and storage space, however, "the museum has no plan, no plan to break out of its envelope in the next fifteen years," according to Philadelphia Museum of Art's president.从波士顿到洛杉机,从纽约到芝加哥、到达拉斯,所有的博物馆或者正在筹划、建造或者正在完成大规模的扩建计划。
公共英语五级阅读文章一Evolution and WheelsIn the past, evolutionary biologists contemplating the absence of wheels in nature agreed that the explanation was not undesirability: wheels would be good for animals, just as they are for us. Animals were prevented from evolving wheels, the biologists reasoned, by the following dilemma: living cells in an animal's body are connected to the heart by blood vessels, and to the brain by nerves. Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel, a wheel made of living cells would twist its artery vein and nerve connections at the first revolution, making living impracticable. However, there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwarted by the insoluble joint problem. The theory fails to explain why animals have not evolved wheels of dead tissue with no need for arteries and nerves. Countless animals, including us, bear external structures without blood supply or nerves - for example, our hair and fingernails, or the scales, claws, and ho rns of other animals. Why have rats not evolved bony wheels, similar to roller skates?Paws might be more useful than wheels in some situations, but cats' claws are retractable: why not retractable wheels?We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma: nature's failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.进化与轮子从前,研究自然界没有轮子的进化论生物学家都同意不能用无此需要来解释这种现象:轮子对于动物会像对于我们人类一样有好处。
2023年全国英语等级考试五级真题训练2023年全国英语等级考试五级真题训练Section 111 Reading prehension( 50 minutes)Part ARead the following texts and answer the questions which acpany., them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1As long as her parents can remember, 13-year-old Katie Hart has been talking about going to college. Her mother, Tally, a financial-aid officer at a California University, knows all too well the daunting thing of paying for a college education. Last year the average yearly tuition at a private, four-year school climbed 5.5 percent to more than $17, 000. The Harts have started saving, and figure they can afford a public university without a problem. But what if Katie applies to Princeton ( she' s threatening), where oneyear' s tuition, room and board-almost $ 34, 000 in 2023-will cost more than some luxury cars? Even a number cruncher like Tally admits it' s a little scary, especially since she' 11 retire and Katie will go to college at around the same time.The best way to prepare is to start saving early.A new law passed last year makes that easier for some families. So-called 529 plans allow parents to sock away funds in federal-tax-free-investment accounts, as long as the money is used for “qualified educaion expenses” like tu ition, room and board. The plansaren' t for everyone. For tax reasons, some lower and middle ine families may be better off choosing other investments. But saving is vital.When' s the best time to start? “Sometime, ”says Jack Joyce of the College Board, “between the maternity ward and middle school. ”Aid packages usually e in some bination of grants, loans and jobs. These days 60 percent of all aid es in the form of low-interest loans. All students are eligible for “unsubsidized” federal Stafford loans,which let them defer interest payments until after graduation. Students who can demonstrate need can also qualify for federal Perkins loans or “subsidized” Staffords, where the gover____ent pays the interest during school. Fortunately, this is a borrower' s market. “Interest rates are at their lowest level in the history of student loans, ” says Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of Finaid. Kantrowitz expects rates to fall even further when they' re reviewed this summer.Traditional scholarships, academic or athletic, are still a part of many families' planning. Mack Reiter, a 17-year-old national wrestling chion, gets so many recruiting letters he throws most away. He' 11 almost certainly get a free ride. Without it, “we would really be in a bind, ” says his mothe r, Ja. For everyone else, it' s worth the effort to pick through' local .and national scholarship offerings, which can be found Ol Web sites like college-board, .A. The difficulty of paying the tuition.B. The far-sight of the parents.C. The promising future of Katie.D. The increasing tuition in the university.52. What can we infer from the second paragraph?A. Some families are too poor to pay the full amount of the tuition.B. The parents do not favor the form of loans.C. Paying the tuition makes the parents feel humble.D. Those who are in great need may not get what they need.53. The last paragraph suggests that __A. many recruiting letters failed to provide Mack Reiter with scholarshipsB. Mack Reiter wanted to help his family go out of the troubleC. traditional scholarships are a good solution to the tuition problems in some familiesD. Mack Reiter was very proud of his national wrestling chionship54. What does the author mean by “better off” ( Line 4, Paragraph 3 ) ?A. Richer.B. Wiser.C. Happier.D. Luckier.55. Which of the following is true according tothe text?A. The Harts prefer a public university to aprivate one.B. It is much easier to pay the tuition at present.C. All students can get the aid package.D .Traditional scholarships are still attractiveto some families.Text 2It was late in the afternoon, and I was puttingthe final touch on a piece of writing that I wasfeeling pretty good about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor had frozen. I tried to shut the puter down,andit seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked (用力猛拉) the battery out:Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a delicate and crucial undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my puter back on, it informed me that afile had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD.“My puter is telling me a file is corrupted andit wants to fix itself, but I don' t have the Windows Setup CD. ”It quickly became clear that the woman was not a puter technician. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper, a human shield for the technicians. Her sole duty, as far as I could tell, was to raise global stress levels.To make me disappear, the woman:gave me the phone number for Windows' creator, Microsoft. This is like giving someone the phone number for, I don' t know, North America. Besides, the CD worked; I just didn't have it. No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place. She was calm and resolutely polite.When my voice hit a certain decibel (分贝), I was passed along, like a hot, irritable potato, to a technician.“You don' t have the Windows Setup CD, ma' am, because you don' t need it, ” he explained cheerfully.“Windows came preinstalled on your puter!”“But I do need it. ”“Yes, but you don't have it. ” We went on like this for a while. ,Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system. “Of course, you' d lose all your e-mail, your documents, your photos. ” It w as like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache. “You might be able to recover them, but it would be expensive. ” He sounded delighted. “And it' s not coveted by the warranty ( 产品保证书) !” The safe began to seem like a good idea, provided it was full.56. Why did the author shut down her puter abruptly?A. She had saved what she had written.B. She couldn't move the cursor.C. The puter refused to work.D. The puter offered to repair itself.57. Which of the following is the author' sopinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre?A. She sounded helpful and knowledgeable.B. She was there to make callers frustrated.C. She was able to solve her puter problem. ,D. She was quick to pass her along to a technician.58. According to the passage, the solution offered by the technician was __A. effectiveB. economicalC. unpracticalD. unacceptable59. “It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache” in the last but one paragraph means thatA. the technician's proposal would make thingseven worseB. the technician' s proposal could eventually solve the problemC. files stored on her puter were like a safeD. erasing the entire system was like curing a headache60. It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the Global Support Centre and the local repair shop lie in all the following EXCEPTA.efficiencyB. locationC. Setup CDsD. attitudeText 3Women' s minds work differently from men' s. At least, that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter or frustration or a joke. Now the biologists have moved into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women. But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.There is, however, a definite structural variation between the male and female brain. The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most plexintellectual processes-the link between the two halves of the brain.Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions, and that the corpus callosum enabled them to work together. For most people, the left half is used for wordhanding, analytical and logical activities; the right half works on pictures, patterns and forms. We need both halves working together. And the better the connections, the more harmoniously the two halves work. And, according to research findings, women have the better connections.We shah' t know for a while, partly because wedon' t know of any precise relationship between abilities in school subject and the functioning of the two halves of the brain, and we cannot understand how the two halves inter-act via the corpus callosum. But this striking difference must have some effect and, because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect, we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing.61. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. Biologists are conducting research where psychologists have given up.B. Brain differences point to superiority of one sex over the other.C. Results of scientific research fail to support popular belief.D. The structural difference in the brain between the sexes has long been known.62. According to the passage it is monly believed that brain differences are caused by __ factors.A. biologicalB. psychologicalC. physical I D ] social63. “these differences” in paragraph 5 refer to those in __A. skills of men and womenB. school subjectsC. the brain structure of men and womenD. activities carried out by the brainA. the brain structure as a wholeB. the functioning of part of the brainC. the distinction between the sexesE D] theeffects of the corpus callosum65. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To outline the research findings on the brain structure.B. To explain the link between sex and brain structure.C. To. discuss the various factors that causebrain differences.D. To suggest new areas in brain research.Section HI Reading prehension《共计35分,权重35%) PartA(每题1分,共计l5分)Textl短文赏析本文采用提出问题分析问题的形式,指出支付高昂的大学学费对很多家庭来说都有些力不从心,以及一些助学贷款及其他资助工程所起的作用。
第一篇"The headmaster wants you in his office." The ( 1) boy to whom a friend says one of these things gets to ( 2) about and suddenly everyone around ( 3) and shouts, "April Fool!" ( 4) this is April 1, or All fools' Day. In Britain and in some other countries, it is ( 5) to play tricks on people on that day. Children are ( 6) to play harmless jokes on their friends until twelve o'clock at night. Usually they ( 7) to trick other children (child的复数形式) into ( 8) foolish things. It is not only children ( 9) like such jokes. Grown-ups also enjoy tricking others. Even newspapers and radios (10) try to fool the (11) with a clever April Fools' story (故事,新闻报道).Some time ago, for example, a very (12) BBC TV program did a ten-minute (13) about spaghetti (实心面条) trees in Italy (意大利). The reporter (记者) said that (14) the recent bad weather, trees weren't (15) as much spaghetti as they (16) did. He said the (17) of spaghetti would (18). A lot of TV viewers who didn't know what spaghetti is made of actually (19) the story. Some housewives hurried to buy (20) food that was going to become in short supply.1.clever poor good excited2.frighten consider fear worry3.jumps speaks laughs quarrels4.For As Such So5.easy common comfortable moral (道德上的,道德,寓意)6.forbidden let made permitted7.imagine manage try order8.having doing taking making9.whatever however that those10.in time at times all the time for a time11.public readers listeners children12.curious famous popular serious13.report announcement show news14.about with to for15.collecting planting producing gathering16.normally possibly seldom before17.price quantity quality tastee over go off come down go up19.realized believed accepted understood20.a / the all答案:BDCAB DCBCB ADABC AADBC第二篇A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian (意大利的,意大利人) town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One evening he went out for a walk ( 1). It was late and the small street was dark and ( 2). Suddenly he ( 3) some footsteps behind him. He ( 4) his head and saw an Italian young man quickly walk ( 5) him. The man was nearly ( 6) sight when the Frenchman suddenly found his ( 7) was gone. He thought ( 8) it was the Italian who ( 9) his watch. He decided to follow himand force him (10) the watch. Soon the Frenchman (11) up with the Italian. They didn't understand (12) language. The Frenchman threatened (威胁) the Italian (13) signs and pointed to his watch-pocket. (14) thought that the Frenchman was demanding his (15) watch. The Italian, in the end, (16) his watch to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel the Frenchman told his wife (17) had happened. He was greatly (18) when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. (19) he realized that by mistake he had (20) the Italian of his watch.ually lonely together alone2.clean alone quietly lonely3.looked at saw heard listened to4.raised turned shook threw5.on past over through6.out of in out away from7.clock watch glasses walking-stick8.who which what that9.had taken took got had brought10.to give return to return give back11.kept caught put ran12.each other's each others' the other's others'e in with by14.The Italian An Italian A Frenchman The Frenchman15.lovely gold new own16.gave up giving up giving back gave back17.that what which /18.disappointed moved interested surprised19.Then However So As20.stolen taken robbed bought 答案:DDCBB ABDAC BACAD ABDAC。
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“Gypsies deserve some space within European structures,” says Jan Marinus Wiersma, a Dutchman in the European Parliament who suggests that one of the current commissioners should be responsible for Gypsy affairs. Some prominent Gypsies say they should be more directly represented, perhaps with a quota in the European Parliament. That, they argue, might give them a boost. There are moves afoot to help them to get money for, among other things, a Gypsy university.
One big snag is that Europe’s Gypsies are, in fact, extremely heterogeneous. They belong to many different, and often antagonistic, clans and tribes, with no common language or religion, Their self-proclaimed leaders have often proved quarrelsome and corrupt. Still, says, Dimitrina Petrova, head of the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, Gypsies’ shared experience of suffering entitles them to talk of one nation; their potential unity, she says, stems from “being regarded as sub-human by most majorities in Europe.”
But the idea that the Gypsies should win some kind of special recognition as Europe’s largest continent wide minority, and one with a terrible history of persecution, is catching on . Gypsies have suffered many pogroms over the centuries. In Romania, the country that still has the largest number of them (more than 1m), in the 19th century they were actually enslaved. Hitler tried to wipe them out, along with the Jews.
And they have begun to be a bit more pragmatic. In Slovakia and Bulgaria, for instance, Gypsy political parties are trying to form electoral blocks that could win seats in parliament. In Macedonia, a Gypsy party already has some-and even runs a municipality. Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that, spread over Central Europe, there are now about 20 Gypsy MPS and mayors, 400-odd local councilors, and a growing number of businessmen and intellectuals.
So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. The might, it is feared, open a Pandora’s box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. Besides, acknowledging Gypsies as a nation might backfire, just when several countries, particularly Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, are beginning to treat them better, in order to qualify for EU membership. “The EU’s whole premise is to overcome differences, not to highlight them,” says a nervous Eurocrat.
At the congress a Slovak-born lawyer, Emil Scuka, was elected president of the International Tomany Union. Later this month a group of elected Gypsy politicians, including members of parliament, mayors and local councilors from all over Europe (OSCE), to discuss how to persuade more Gypsies to get involved in politics.
That is far from saying that they have the people or the cash to forge a nation. But, with the Gypsy question on the EU’s agenda in Central Europe, they are making ground.
公共英语五级考Biblioteka 阅读资料(2)The striving of countries in Central Europe to enter the European Union may offer an unprecedented chance to the continent’s Gypsies (or Roman) to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory. And if they were to achieve that they might even seek some kind of formal place-at least a total population outnumbers that of many of the Union’s present and future countries. Some experts put the figure at 4m-plus; some proponents of Gypsy rights go as high as 15m.
However, since communism in Central Europe collapsed a decade ago, the notion of Romanestan as a landless nation founded on Gypsy culture has gained ground. The International Romany Union, which says it stands for 10m Gypsies in more than 30 countries, is fostering the idea of “self-rallying”. It is trying to promote a standard and written form of the language; it waves a Gypsy flag (green with a wheel) when it lobbies in such places as the United Bations; and in July it held a congress in Prague, The Czech capital. Where President Vaclav Havel said that Gypsies in his own country and elsewhere should have a better deal.