09 Performances Test Report-QR-AC-014性能试验报告
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Role Center KPI 追踪指南说明书
Microsoft Dynamics® AXTracing Dynamics AX 2009 Role Center KPI’sSummary: This document explains how to trace the data displayed in a Role Center page KPI to its source in the Microsoft Dynamics AX online transaction processing (OLTP) database.Author:Catherine McDade, Support Escalation EngineerDate Published: January, 2010Table of ContentsIntroduction (3)Terminology (4)KPI walkthrough (9)Description of KPI example (9)Step-by-step (9)Appendix A: Useful links (31)IntroductionThe prominent place of key performance indicators (KPIs) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Role Center pages has prompted questions about where the KPI data is drawn from. This document explains how to trace the data displayed in a KPI to its source in the Microsoft Dynamics AX online transaction processing (OLTP) database.Microsoft Dynamics AX relies on SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for its business intelligence processing. In the following sections, we define terms of importance for SSAS, and then provide an example of how to trace the data for a KPI on a Role Center page.TerminologyKey Performance Indicator (KPI)A Key Performance Indicator is a measurement for gauging business success, or, in other words, ameasure of business metrics against targets. For example, a Sales Amount KPI could show sales from the last quarter and display a green icon if you are at budget, yellow if you are within 5% of budget, and red if you are under 5% of budget.Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)OLAP systems (such as that supported by SSAS) aggregate and store data at various levels across various categories.FactsFacts are predominantly numeric measurements, such as price or quantity, and represent the key business metrics that you want to aggregate and analyze. Facts form the basis of calculations, and you often aggregate them for members of a dimension.DimensionsDimensions form the contexts for the facts, and define the aspects of a business by which the facts are aggregated. For example, Items could be a dimension, while Price and Quantity could be facts of that dimension.Data sourceA data source stores the connection information for an SSAS project and/or database. WithMicrosoft Dynamics AX, the project or OLAP database that you create has a data source that points to your Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP database.Data source viewA data source view contains the logical model of the schema used by an SSAS database object.Data source views can filter, apply calculations, and create joins on objects in the data source. In the OLAP database that Microsoft Dynamics AX creates, most of the data source views are simply views of a specific table, though some views may include a SQL statement that contains filters, calculations, or joins.MeasuresA measure represents a column that contains quantifiable data, usually numeric, that can beaggregated. A measure is generally mapped to a column in a fact table. An example of a measure would be Sales Amount or Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).CubeCubes store summarized fact and dimension data in structures that are multidimensional (that is, containing more than the two dimensions found in spreadsheets and normal database tables).Dimensions define the structure of the cube, and measures provide the numeric values of interest to an end user.Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 ships with the following 10 default cubes:∙Accounts Receivable∙Human Resources Management∙General Ledger∙Production∙Project Accounting∙Purchase∙Sales∙Customer Relationship Management∙Expense Management∙Accounts payableMultidimensional Expressions (MDX)MDX is a query language, analogous to Structured Query Language (SQL), that is used to retrieve multidimensional data from a cube.Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS)An integrated development environment (IDE) based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 and used to create and modify business intelligence solutions. This is the tool that you use to view and/or modify your Dynamics AX OLAP project or database.ProjectIn BIDS, a project is a collection of objects that make up your OLAP database. BIDS stores the objects (cubes, dimensions, etc) as files in the file system. It is recommended that you create a project for your OLAP database so that when you are making changes you are not affecting the database until you deploy.Below is a screen shot of BIDS opened to a project, followed by two screen shots that label the various sections of the BIDS environment.Detail view of BIDS, left side:Detail view of BIDS, right side:KPI walkthroughDescription of KPI exampleThis section walks you through an example of how to determine the origin of KPI values. We will use screen shots as needed to illustrate procedures.Scenario: Your CEO views her Role Center and wants to know where the numbers for the Production Cost KPI are coming from.Step-by-step1.In the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, go to the User profiles form (Administration >Setup > User profiles). On the form find and select CEO in the Profile ID column andthen click the View Role Center button.2. For the Production KPIs click the Manage KPIs link.3. Click the edit button on Production cost (the pencil icon). It will tell you that this ispulling from the Production Cube and the Production Cost KPI.4. To look at the KPI open SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). Ifyou are running SQL Server 2005, BIDS can be found at Start > All Programs >Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Business Intelligence DevelopmentStudio. If you are running SQL Server 2008, BIDS can be found at Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.5. Open your OLAP database (File > Open > Analysis Services Database).6. On the Connect To Database form, select Connect to existing database. Enter thename of the SQL Server Analysis Services Server in the Server field. In the Database field, enter Dynamics AX.Note: By default your OLAP database is named Dynamics AX. If you have applied adifferent name, use that name for Dynamics AX in the step above.7. Open the Production cube in the Solution Explorer section of BIDS. Find ProductionCube, right-click, and select Open.8. Click the KPIs tab.9. In the KPI Organizer, click the Production Cost KPI to open its setup form.10. The Value Expression section tells you what data the KPI is displaying.For this KPI we see that it displays the following:[Measures].[Actual vs. Planned Consumption]“M easures” could be a calculated measure or a measure on the cube structure. It istypically a calculated measure, so click the Calculations tab for the Production cube. 11. On the Calculations tab, find the Script Organizer and click the Actual vs. PlannedConsumption calculation.12.You will see in the Expression section it is doing the following:IF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption]) OR [Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption] = 0,NULL,([Measures].[Cost of Actual Consumption] / [Measures].[Cost of PlannedConsumption]) * 100)13. If we break the above statement down we see that the first part is:[Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption] OR [Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption] = 0, NULLWhat this tells us is that if these values return zero we will report null, otherwise we will do the calculation on the next line. First we need to find out if the above statement would return a zero, as shown in the following steps.14.Begin with the first part of the MDX query, [Measures].[Cost of PlannedConsumption]. On the Calculations tab you should see that Cost of PlannedConsumption breaks down to the following:[Measures].[Planned Cost Amount] + [Measures].[Planned Cost Markup]15. The Planned Cost Amount is another calculated measure that does the following:([Measures].[Cost amount], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])16.Cost amount is not a calculated measure, so we go back to the Cube Structure tab andin the Measures pane find CostCalcuation > Cost amount.17. Right-click Cost amount and select Properties.18. Expand Source, then expand Source again. The TableID is PRODCALCTRANS and theColumnID is COSTAMOUNT.19. To verify where the data is pulled from, go to the Solution Explorer and right-clickDynamics AX under Data Source Views. Select Open.20. On the Dynamics AX data source view tab, find PRODCALCTRANS under Tables.21. Right-click PRODCALCTRANS and select Edit Named Query.22.If you didn’t have an Edit Named Query option, it would mean the data was being pulledthe PRODCALCTRANS table using the following select statement:select costamount from prodcalctransHowever, since this is a named query, we need to find where the COSTAMOUNT column is coming from. To do this, look through the column labeled Column, find COSTAMOUNT, and then look at the Table column to see the source table.23.We see that the COSTAMOUNT column is pulling data from the PRODCALCTRANS table.The SQL statement would be:select costamount from prodcalctrans24.Now we need to trace the second part of the calculated measure, which is [ProductionLevel].[Level].&[1]. Find Production level in the Hierarchies tab underDimensions. Expand Production level and then click Edit Production Level.25.The Production Level hierarchy should appear under Production Level. Right click Leveland select Properties.26.In the Properties window, expand NameColumn and then expand Source. The sourceTableID is PRODCALCTRANS_LEVEL and the ColumnID is COLLECTREFLEVEL.27.We now know the data source that OLAP is using, but we want to find out where data isbeing pulled from in the Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP database. To do this we can open the Dynamics AX option under Data Source Views in Solution Explorer.28.Scroll to PRODCALCTRANS_LEVEL, right-click, and select Edit Named Query29.The SQL statement for this data source is:SELECT DISTINCT COLLECTREFLEVEL FROM PRODCALCTRANS30.We now have enough information to build a SQL statement that would reflect the OLAPquery we saw in step 24 ([Production Level].[Level].&[1]). Adding the level of “1”from the end of the statement yields the SQL statement:select * from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=1bining SQL statements yields:select sum (costamount) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=132.Now return to the second part of the MDX query [Measures].[Planned Cost Markup]from step 14.On the Calculations tab, find Planned Cost Markup. We see that this calculated measure is defined by([Measures].[Cost Markup], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])33.On the Cube Structure tab, navigate to CostCalcuation and then to Cost Markup.34.Right-click and select Properties for Cost Markup.35.In the Properties window, expand Source and then Source again. The displayedTableID is PRODCALCTRANS and the ColumnID is COSTMARKUP.36.Return to the Data Source View and look at PRODCALCTRANS and the Cost Markupcolumn (as in steps 20 through 23). The SQL statement turns out to be:select costmarkup from prodcalctrans37.We already found the SQL for production level.level &1 in steps 24-30. Combiningthat with COSTMARKUP yields:select sum (costmarkup) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=138.Now you can take the sum of COSTAMOUNT and COSTMARKUP (using the results fromsteps 31 and 37) where collectionreflevel=1. If that value is zero, then the KPI is null.39.If the value is not zero, then we continue tracing the KPI using the second part of thestatement from step 12:[Measures].[Cost of Actual Consumption] / [Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption]) * 10040.The Cost of Actual Consumption is a calculated measure that has the followingexpression:[Measures].[Realized Cost Amount] + [Measures].[Realized Cost Adjustment]41.In the first part of the statement, the Realized Cost Amount measure is:([Measures].[Actual cost amount], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])42.Now look up the Actual cost amount measure. To find this measure, go back to theCube Structure tab and find Actual cost amount under CostCalculation.43.If we look at the properties of Actual cost amount we find that the source TableID isPRODCALCTRANS and the ColumnID is REALCOSTAMOUNT.44.This gives us a SQL statement of:select realcostamount from prodcalctransIf we add the production level of 1 (which we already found in steps 24 to 30) the SQL statement for all of step 41 is:select sum (realcostamount) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=145.Go back to step 40 and look at the second part of the statement[Measures].[Realized Cost Adjustment]Realized Cost Adjustment is a calculated measure equivalent to:([Measures].[RealCostAdjustment], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])46.The source of RealCostAdjustment can be found by going back to the Cube Structuretab and finding RealCostAdjustment under CostCalculation.47.If we look at the properties of RealCostAdjustment, we find that the source TableID isPRODCALCTRANS and the ColumnID is REALCOSTADJUSTMENT. Adding the production level of 1, we would see a SQL statement such as:select sum(realcostadjustment) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=148.To derive Cost of Actual Consumption, we would add the results of steps 44 and 47.49.Next we trace the second part of the statement from step 39:[Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption]This results in the expression:[Measures].[Planned Cost Amount] + [Measures].[Planned Cost Markup]50.[Measures].[Planned Cost Amount] is a calculated measure equivalent to:([Measures].[Cost amount], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])51.To find [Measures].[Cost amount], go back to the Cube Structure tab and find Costamount under CostCalculation.52.If we look at the properties of Cost amount, we find that the source TableID isPRODCALCTRANS and the ColumnID is COSTAMOUNT. Adding the production level of 1, we would see the SQL statement:select sum (costamount) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=153.Return to step 49 for the next part of the statement:[Measures].[Planned Cost Markup]This is a calculated measure equivalent to the expression:([Measures].[Cost Markup], [Production Level].[Level].&[1])54.To trace this measure, go back to the Cube Structure tab and find Cost Markup underCostCalculation.31 TRACING DYNAMICS AX 2009 ROLE CENTER KPI ’S55. If we look at the properties of Cost Markup , we find that the source TableID isPRODCALCTRANS and the ColumnID is COSTMARKUP. Adding the production level of 1,we see the SQL statement:select sum (costmarkup) from prodcalctrans where collectreflevel=156. The results for [Measures].[Cost of Planned Consumption] would be the sum of steps 52and 55.57. Therefore, the results for [Measures].[Cost of Actual Consumption] / [Measures].[Cost ofPlanned Consumption]) * 100 This means we have to divide the results from step 48 bythe results of step 56. Then we take that number and multiply it by 100 to get our actualvs. planned consumption which is what gives us the Production Cost KPI.After following these steps you should now know where the data that makes up the Production Cost figure on the KPI is coming from. You should also have learned how to trace a KPI so that you can determine where any KPI is pulling data from.Appendix A: Useful links∙ Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Business Intelligence Cube Reference Guide: /downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=6A685DF3-912D-4545-B990-CD2283C159FB&displaylang=en∙ Role Center reference for Microsoft Dynamics AX: https:///dynamics/ax/using/ax_rolecenterreference.mspxReferences:∙The information above was taken from SQL Server books online. For more information on SSAS please go to /en-us/library/ms130214.aspx32 TRACING DYNAMICS AX 2009 ROLE CENTER KPI ’SThis document is provided “a s-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. You may modify this document for your internal, reference purposes. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success.U.S. and Canada Toll Free 1-888-477-7989Worldwide +1-701-281-6500/dynamics。
performance test report(性能测试)
Model :S/N:1. Panel QualityLuminanc eDate:Pattern CriteriaDot DefectsWhite Bright Dot R,G,B 1dot N ≦ (A 區不能有點)adjacent 2 dots N ≦BlackDark DotR,G,B 1dot N ≦ (A 區不能有點)adjacent 2 dots N ≦ (A 區不能有點)Total amount N ≦ (A 區不能有點)Visual defects Scratch L ≦3mm.w ≦0.1mm.N ≦4Black spotD>0.5mm N ≦0Mura Should not be Judge by6%NDfilterLight Leakageharmful to human2. Optical Test9300'K 6500'KPoint 1Color Chromatic x Color Chromatic y Luminance YPoint 2Color Chromatic xColor Chromatic y Luminance YPoint 3Color Chromatic xColor Chromatic y Luminance YPoint 4Color Chromatic xColor Chromatic y Luminance YPoint 5Color Chromatic x (Center)Color Chromatic yLuminance Y (White)Luminance Y (black)Luminance Average (cd/m 2)△x = x(max)-x(min)Contrast Ratio(CR) ≧480△y = y(max)-y(min)3. Display Performance(shrinking,jittering, noise,Resolution56 Hz 60 Hz 70Hz 72 Hz 75 Hz640 x 350720 x 400640 x 480800 x 600832 x 6241024 x 7681280 x 10244. Display PerformanceResolution 56 Hz 60 Hz 70Hz 72 Hz 75 Hz640 x 350720 x 400640 x 480800 x 600832 x 6241024 x 7681280 x 10245. Audio check6. Others :7.Remark:Approved by: Checked by: Tested by:1/1 Form No: MH3QM029-01(V02)Color Uniformity2.有无杂音 ﹐聲道反3.屏幕有无随音频变化的干扰,图像无色彩失真/干扰4.音量调至最小时应无声最大时应无失真5400K: x= / y= /Bri. Uniformity ≧80%Luminance Y (center) ≧200cd/m2Result1.声音是否均匀变化(与步阶变化同步)Brightness & Contrast => maximumSpec9300k: x=0.283±0.020 y=0.297±0.0206500k: x= 0.313±0.020 y= 0.329±0.020Contrast Ratio (CR)Performance Test ReportLCD Panel :DescriptionEVTDVTPVTMPPass Fail。
1.目的Purpose此项测试依机种规格及功能设计加以检测﹐以了解产品其各项性能及参数是否符合实际要求.2.适用范围Scope凡Monitor厂所设计生产之液晶显示器(LCD Monitor)皆适用3.权责Authority and Responsibility3.1 QRE: 执行测试,并对问题点提报及对策改善追踪;3.2 工程部: 工程问题分析及对策;3.3 研发部: 设计问题分析及对策.4.名词定义Terms Definition4.1 PERFORMANCE TEST:性能测试4.2 BRIGHTNESS UNIFORMITY TEST: 亮度均匀度测试5.作业流程Operation FlowNA6.作业内容Operation Description6.1使用设备6.1.1信号产生器﹕CHROMA 23266.1.2彩色分析仪﹕CA-2106.1.3功率计CP3106.2 设定6.2.1输入电压/频率(主频):220V/全白画面6.2.2温度﹕室温6.3 测试6.3.1 按照LCD MONITOR TEST 表单中各项性能与要求逐次执行各项性能测试﹐并记录于表单6.3.2 LCD Monitor 用CA-210以LCD Panel面垂直为准测试FULL WHITE中央及四周共五点之亮度并计算出采色均匀度;6.3.3 将OSD COLOR FUNCTION分别切换9300k.6500k.之选项,读取大Y与小x,y值;6.3.4将各项测试结果逐项记录于测试表格中;6.3.5测试中若发现不良则将问题反馈之工程分析并追踪对策改善状况7.参考资料Concerned DocumentsNA8.附录Attachment8.1附录一Performance Test Report(MH3QM029-01)﹐共一页。
"perftest"代码可能包含以下几个关键方面:1. 测试设置,代码中可能包含设置测试参数的部分,例如测试的目标服务器、测试的持续时间、并发连接数等。
2. 连接建立,代码可能包含建立与目标服务器的连接的逻辑。
3. 数据传输,代码可能包含发送和接收数据的逻辑。
4. 性能度量,代码可能包含用于度量性能的逻辑。
5. 结果分析,代码可能包含分析和记录测试结果的逻辑。
一、硬件检测结果:1. CPU(中央处理器):Intel Core i7-8700K检测结果:运行正常2. 内存:16GB DDR4检测结果:运行正常3. 硬盘:512GB SSD检测结果:运行正常4. 显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060检测结果:运行正常5. 主板:ASUS ROG STRIX Z370-F GAMING检测结果:运行正常二、软件检测结果:1. 操作系统:Windows 10 家庭版检测结果:正版授权2. 防病毒软件:Windows Defender检测结果:更新及时,无病毒威胁3. 办公软件:Microsoft Office 365检测结果:正版授权4. 浏览器:Google Chrome检测结果:版本更新完善,无插件冲突三、性能评估:根据我们的评估,您的电脑性能良好,能够满足正常的日常使用需求。
四、建议和维护:1. 定期清理电脑内部灰尘,保持良好的散热效果。
2. 及时更新操作系统和软件,以获取最新的功能和安全补丁。
3. 注意避免安装来源不明的软件,以防止病毒和恶意软件的感染。
4. 定期备份重要文件,以防止数据丢失。
performancetest工具结果解析 -回复
performancetest工具结果解析-回复Performancetest工具结果解析Performance testing is a crucial aspect of software development as it provides insights into the performance and scalability of an application. Performance testing involves using various tools and techniques to evaluate system response time, throughput, and stability under different workloads. One such tool widely used for performance testing is Performancetest. In this article, we will delve into the interpretation and analysis of Performancetest tool results.1. Introduction to Performancetest:Performancetest is a comprehensive performance testing tool developed by PassMark Software. It allows testers to assess the performance of their applications by simulating real-world scenarios and generating detailed performance reports. This tool supports a wide array of performance tests, including CPU, disk, memory, 2D and 3D graphics, networking, and more.2. Understanding Performancetest metrics:Performancetest provides a range of metrics that help gauge the performance of an application. Some of the important metricsinclude:2.1 CPU performance:This metric measures the performance of the CPU by performing complex calculations and generating a score. A higher score indicates better CPU performance.2.2 Disk performance:Disk performance evaluates the read and write speeds of a storage device. It determines how quickly data can be accessed from or written to the disk. The metric reports the transfer rate in MB/s, with higher values indicating faster disk performance.2.3 Memory performance:Memory performance tests the speed at which the system can read from and write to the RAM. It measures the memory's latency and throughput. A higher score indicates better memory performance.2.4 2D and 3D graphics performance:This metric assesses the graphical rendering capability of the system. It performs rendering operations and provides a score. A higher score suggests better graphics performance.2.5 Networking performance:Networking performance tests the speed at which data can be transferred over a network connection. It measures the throughput and latency of the network. Higher values indicate better networking performance.3. Interpreting Performancetest results:Performancetest generates detailed reports in tabular and graphical formats, making it easier to interpret and analyze the results. Here's a step-by-step guide to interpreting the results:3.1 Identify the performance metrics being measured:The first step is to identify the metrics being measured in the performance test. Look for the specific metrics mentioned in the results report, such as CPU performance, disk performance, memory performance, and so on.3.2 Analyze the scores or values:Next, analyze the scores or values associated with each metric. Compare the values with industry benchmarks or previous test results to gauge the performance of the application. Higher scoresor values generally indicate better performance.3.3 Look for any anomalies:Check for any significant deviations or anomalies in the results. Anomalies may indicate performance bottlenecks or issues that need further investigation. For example, a sudden drop in network performance could suggest a network configuration problem.3.4 Consider the workload:Consider the workload used during the test and how it relates to the application's real-world usage. If the workload simulated in the test does not align with the expected usage pattern, the results may not accurately reflect the application's performance.3.5 Identify performance limitations:Identify any performance limitations based on the results. This could include CPU bottlenecks, slow disk read/write speeds, memory constraints, graphics rendering issues, or network latency.4. Understanding the implications of results:Interpreting Performancetest results also involves understanding the implications of the findings. Here are a few key considerations:4.1 Scalability:Evaluate how the application performs under different workloads. Determine if the performance remains consistent or degrades as the workload increases. Scalability issues could indicate the need for optimization or infrastructure upgrades.4.2 Performance bottlenecks:Identify the factors causing performance bottlenecks and prioritize their resolution based on impact. This could involve optimizing code, improving database queries, or upgrading hardware resources.4.3 Dependency analysis:Analyze dependencies between different components of the system and identify any bottlenecks or performance issues. For example, slow disk performance may impact overall application performance.4.4 Root cause analysis:If performance issues are identified, conduct a root cause analysis to determine the underlying reasons. This could involve analyzinglogs, profiling the application, or using additional diagnostic tools.In conclusion, Performancetest is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of software applications. Understanding and interpreting the results generated by this tool is crucial for identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing the application. By following a systematic approach and considering various factors, testers can gain valuable insights from Performancetest results and enhance the overall performance of their applications.。
华硕笔记本的非人为硬件故障检查单日期: ________
1. 电源适配器
- 检查电源适配器插头和电缆是否有物理损坏。
- 使用万用表检查适配器的电压输出是否正常。
- 尝试使用另一个合适的电源适配器进行测试。
2. 电池
- 检查电池连接是否安全,确保没有松动。
3. 内存条
- 尝试重新插拔内存条,确保接触良好。
- 如果有多个内存条,尝试单独测试每个内存条。
4. 硬盘
- 使用硬盘健康检测软件检查硬盘是否出现问题。
- 尝试连接硬盘到另一台电脑上,查看是否能被识别。
5. 显卡
- 检查显示屏上是否有异常颜色、条纹或闪屏现象。
- 尝试连接外部显示器,查看是否正常显示。
6. 键盘和触摸板
- 检查键盘和触摸板是否有物理损坏,例如缺失的按键或裂开的触摸板。
7. 音频设备
- 检查音频插孔是否松动或损坏。
8. 网络连接
- 检查有线和无线网络连接是否正常,确保连接到正确的网络。
- 尝试连接其他设备到同一网络,检查是否有网络相关问题。
9. USB 接口
- 尝试使用各个 USB 接口连接外部设备,查看是否能正常识别和使用。
American Educational SystemUnited States of America has one of the most effective educational systems in the world because it ensures quality to the children of the country. The system is highly sophisticated and constructed with special care given to the educational needs of the student community. The Federal Government has enforced strict laws to make sure that each and every person is benefited with basic knowledge regardless of their financial conditions. After completing the post-secondary education, one can move on to pursue the graduate, doctorate and even post-doctorate studies. The American educational system also nurtures extracurricular activities of students, along with providing them a highly competitive curriculum. The education system of USA functions under the U.S. Department of Education. Let's find out more below!美国拥有世界上最有效的教育系统,因为它确保了质量的孩子。
BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 BIOS自检没有问题。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障 BIOS自检没有问题 没有收到BIOS代码。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 没有收到BIOS代码。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 没有收到BIOS代码。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 没有收到BIOS代码。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 没有收到BIOS代码。 没有收到BIOS代码。 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 BIOS自检没有问题。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有CLK信号,无IRDY、FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY信号,无CLK、FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY、CLK信号,无FRAME信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有FRAME信号,无IRDY、CLK信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有CLK、FRAME信号,无IRDY信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 BIOS自检没有问题。有IRDY、FRAME信号,无CLK信号 BIOS故障自检碰到了故障 BIOS自检没有问题 没有收到BIOS代码。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到 没有收到BIOS代码。CLK、IRDY、FRAME三个信号全未检测到
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金属 外观不良 外观检查 铆合不良 不良品 制程不良 来料不良 异色 易损件 间隙過大 刮傷 雜色 掉漆 制程不良 烤漆不良 生產批量 制程 倒角 入庫 交货期 交货 显示器 行频 亮度 对比度 分辨率 响应时间 前框 后壳 支架 底座 按键 液晶屏 升降 旋转 垂直转 倾斜 主板 平台开发计划 设计样品测试 DVT设计 主板电路原理图设计 主板原理图审核 布局 布局检查
Layout Layout check DVT design close meeting DVT layout modify&gerber out Creat BOM v0.1 BOM check DVT PCB return DVT assemble First samples shipping(5~10pcs) PCB test Designer decided Supplier DVT test Reliability test Compatibility test Signal test EMC test BIOS fuctiong test DVT samples shipping(100pcs) DVT test(SDV) EVT(SIT) EVT design Schematic design Placement&Layout Design check EVT design close meeting DVT design modify&Gerbor out Creat BOM v1.0 BOM check EVT PCB return EVT assemble Supplier EVT test EVT samples shipping(250~350pcs) EVT test(SIT) PCB Confirm Test Electronic signal test Bug Fix PCB verification report perpare MVT order MVT design&check(TBD) MVT PCB return MVT plan MVT assemble MVT test MVT samples Shipping Manufacturer kickoff
NO.:PS091101上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION顾客:Client:产品名称:Connector Product Name:产品编码:/Part Number版本号:/ Version Number:制定审核EditCheck上海市松江区洞泾镇洞薛路651弄88号徕木:Laimu:Auto Meter Connector(汽车仪表连接器)SEE TABLE/批准Approval邮编:201619上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification目版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart Number录CONTENT0更改记录........................................................................................................................................3 1产品描述Product description.. (4)1.1产品简图Outline drawing ..................................................................................................4 1.2产品组成BOM (5)2总体要求General (5)2.1功能描述Functional description ..........................................................................................5 2.2安装位置Mounting location ................................................................................................5 2.3温度范围Ambient temperature range .................................................................................5 2.4额定范围Rating range ........................................................................................................5 3默认测试条件Default test conditions .............................................................................................5 4产品性能Performance . (6)4.1外观Appearance..................................................................................................................6 4.2结构尺寸Dimension.............................................................................................................6 4.3接触电阻Contact resistance...................................................................................................6 4.4绝缘电阻Insulation resistance...............................................................................................6 4.5耐电压Withstand voltage......................................................................................................7 4.6温升Temperature rise............................................................................................................7 4.7插入力Connector Mating Force.............................................................................................7 4.8拔出力Connector Unmating Force.........................................................................................7 4.9端子保持力Terminal to Connector Retention...........................................................................8 4.10振动Vibration....................................................................................................................8 4.11温度循环Temperature cycling..............................................................................................8 4.12耐高温Heat Resistance.......................................................................................................9 4.13耐低温Cold Resistance.......................................................................................................9 4.14盐雾Salt spray...................................................................................................................9 4.15耐焊接热Resistance to soldering heat.................................................................................10 4.16沾锡性Solderability. (10)上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification0更改记录序号 版本号 更改前描述No.: Version Description Before ModificationNumber123456版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart Number更改后描述 批准 日期Description After ModificationApprovalDatePage 3 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification1产品描述Product description1.1产品简图Outline drawing适用于本规格书的产品系列,如下表:P/N.料号No. No. of PIN Color A1.2产品组成BOM1.2.1接触件:黄铜,底镀镍,整体镀锡;版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart NumberB C D E FContact :Brass, Pure Tin plated over Nickel under plating ; 1.2.2塑料本体:PBT+GF15;Housing :PBT+GF15;2总体要求General2.1功能描述Functional description本产品主要适用于汽车仪表控制模块与线束的电力信号传输与连接。
12V 1A EFT+Surge Test Report
1 Test SummaryIMMUNITYTest Item Test Method Class / Severity PerformanceCriteria ResultElectrical Fast Transients (EFT) IEC 61000-4-4:2012(Power Line)±1.0 kV(signal,Telec,control Line) ±0.5kV,(DC port) ±0.5 kVB Pass Surges IEC 61000-4-5:2014Power Line:±1kVD.M.†. ±2kV C.M.‡Signal and TelecLine:±1kV C.M.‡,(DC port) ±0.5KVB PassRemark:Pass Test item meets the requirementFail Test item does not meet the requirementN/A Test case does not apply to the test objectA.M Amplitude Modulation† Differential Mode‡ Common Mode* U T is the nominal supply voltage2 ContentsPageCOVER PAGE (1)1 TEST SUMMARY (2)2 CONTENTS (3)3 GENERAL INFORMATION (4)3.1 G ENERAL D ESCRIPTION OF E.U.T (4)3.2 D ETAILS OF E.U.T (4)3.3 S TANDARDS A PPLICABLE FOR T ESTING (4)3.4 T EST F ACILITY (4)3.5 S UBCONTRACTED (5)3.6 A BNORMALITIES FROM S TANDARD C ONDITIONS (5)4 EQUIPMENT USED DURING TEST (6)4.1 E QUIPMENT L IST (6)5 IMMUNITY TEST RESULTS (7)5.1 P ERFORMANCE C RITERIA (7)5.2 E LECTRICAL F AST T RANSIENTS (EFT) (8)5.3 S URGES (10)6 PHOTOGRAPHS – TEST SETUP (12)6.1 P HOTOGRAPH –EFT&S URGES I MMUNITY AC M AINS T EST S ETUP (12)7 PHOTOGRAPHS – CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS (13)7.1 EUT–A PPEARANCE V IEW (13)7.2 EUT–O PEN V IEW (15)3.5 SubcontractedWhether parts of tests for the product have been subcontracted to other labs:Yes NoIf Yes, list the related test items and lab information:Test Lab: N/ALab address: N/ATest items: N/A3.6 Abnormalities from Standard ConditionsNone.4 Equipment Used during Test 4.1 Equipment ListSurge, EFTItem Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.LastCalibrationDateCalibrationDue Date1 All ModulesGeneratorSCHAFFNER 6150 34579 Sep.15, 2015Sep.14, 20162CapacitiveCoupling ClampSCHAFFNER CDN8014 25311 Sep.15, 2015Sep.14, 20163Signal and DataLineCoupling NetworkSCHAFFNER CDN 117 25627 Sep.15, 2015Sep.14, 20164 AC Power Supply TONGYUN DTDGC-4 - Sep.15, 2015Sep.14, 2016ResultsTest5 Immunity5.1 Performance CriteriaPerformance criterion A: The apparatus shall continue to operate as intended during the test.No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below a performance level (or permissible loss of performance) specified by the manufacturer, when the apparatus is used as intended. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, then either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation, and from what the user may reasonably expect from the apparatus if used as intended.Performance criterion B: The apparatus shall continue to operate as intended after the test.No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below a performance level (or permissible loss of performance) specified by the manufacturer, when the apparatus is used as intended. During the test, degradation of performance is allowed, however, no change of actual operating state or stored data is allowed. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, then either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation, and from what the user may reasonably expect from the apparatus if used as intended.Performance criterion C: Temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the function is self-recoverable or can be restored by the operation of the controls, or by any operation specified in theinstructions for use.For further details, please refer to EN 55024.5.2 Electrical Fast Transients (EFT)Test Requirement ............: EN 55024 Test Method .....................: IEC 61000-4-4 Test Result .......................: Pass Polarity .............................: Positive & Negative Repetition Frequency ......: 5kHz Burst Duration ..................: 300ms Test Duration ................... : 2 minutes per level & polarity5.2.1 E.U.T. OperationOperating Environment:Temperature .......................:21.6°C Humidity ..............................: 53.4%RHAtmospheric Pressure ........: 102.1kPaEUT Operation:Input Voltage ....................: AC 230V/50Hz Operating Mode ............... : Working mode5.2.2 Block Diagram of Test SetupThe Electrical Fast Transients Immunity test was performed in accordance with the IEC 61000-4-4. For AC Mains or DC Ports:For Signal or Telecommunication Ports:EUT TestGenerator 0.1m wood tableAC Mains>0.5mEUTTestGenerator 0.1m wood table AC Mains Wall>0.5m Clamp5.2.3 Test ResultsTest Port Test Level(kV)Performance Criterion ResultAC Mains ±2.5 B PASS *Remark:* During the test no deviation was detected to the selected operation mode(s)5.3 SurgesTest Requirement ............ : EN 55024Test Method .................... :IEC 61000-4-5 Test Result ...................... :Pass Interval............................. :60s between each surge No. of surges ................... : 5 positive at 0°, 5 negative at 0°.5 positive at 90°, 5 negative at 90°5 positive at 180°, 5 negative at 180°5 positive at 270°, 5 negative at 270°5.3.1 E.U.T. OperationOperating Environment:Temperature ....................:21.9°C Humidity ..........................:53.2%RH Atmospheric Pressure .....:101.4kPaEUT Operation:Input Voltage ................... :AC 230V/50Hz Operating Mode .............. : Working mode 5.3.2 Block Diagram of Test SetupThe Surges Immunity test was performed in accordance with the IEC 61000-4-5. For AC Mains or DC Ports:For Signal or Telecommunication Ports:EUT Test Generator 0.1m wood tableAC Mains>0.5mEUTTestGenerator 0.1m wood table AC Mains Wall>0.5m Clamp5.3.3 Test ResultsTest Port Applied Voltage (kV) PerformancecriterionResultAC Mains (Between Live And Neutral) ±2.5 BPASS *AC Mains(Between Live And Earth)±2 B N/A * AC Mains(Between Neutral And Earth)±2 B N/A *Remark:* During the test no deviation was detected to the selected operation mode(s)6 Photographs – Test Setup6.1 Photograph – EFT & Surges Immunity AC Mains Test Setup7 Photographs – Constructional Details 7.1 EUT – Appearance View7.2 EUT – Open View======End of Report======。
LISTENING AND SPEAKING TESTPart One Listening:Section One:Directions: In this section,you will hear four statements about a picture in your paper. When you hear the statements, you muse select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture and mark the answer on the answer sheet. The statement will not be printed in your paper and will be spoken only one time. Two:Directions: In this section,you will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your paper. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter on your answer sheet.11.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.Section Three:Direction: In this section,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.21. A. Coke. B. Coffee. C. Tea. D. Water.22. A. At a restaurant. B. At a studio. C. At a concert. D. At a theatre.23. A. Relieved. B. Worried. C. Confused. D. Depressed.24. A. The Browns. B. The Browns’ son. C. The postman. D. The neighbour.25. A. At 7:00. B. 7:10. C. 9:00. D. 9:10.26. A. The ring is not hers. B. She doesn’t have gold rings.C. She prefers gold to silver.D. She lost her silver ring.27. A. The screen doesn’t have to be cleaned. B. The keyboard also needs cleaning.C. The man shouldn’t do the cleaning.D. There’s not enough time to clean both.28. A. The driver will sop the bus immediately. B. The guy by the door will help the woman.C. The woman should check the map.D. He will tell the woman when to get off.29. A. She dislikes fireworks. B. She has plans for the evening.C. She doesn’t feel lik e going out.D. She has to get theatre tickets.30. A. They can’t see the stars clearly. B. They’re not in the city tonight.C. They’re looking at the stars from the city.D. They’re talking about movie stars. Section Four:Directions: In this section, you will hear one short passages, and you will be asked three questions. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.31. A. Worried. B. Surprised. C. Satisfied. D. Uninterested.32. A. Worse than she expected B. Just as she expectedC. Better than she expectedD. Not mentioned in the passage33. A. It spoiled Juana's reputation. B. It copied her ideas without permission.C. It bought Juana's dishwashers.D. It wanted to share the dishwasher market.34. A.30% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60%35. A. A successful business case. B. Juana's waterless laundry.C. A case against a global company.D. The worldwide dishwasher market. Section Five:36: The survey says that fifty percent of rural residents have Internet access in America now. F 37: Rural residents have less Internet access than the urban residents in America now. T38: One big obstacle for rural residents is the shortage of choice among Internet providers. T 39: The survey also shows girls are more likely than boys to have their own websites.F40: Less than half of the kids say that they get enough time on line at school. TSection Six:Directions: In this section, you will hear a short lecture given by a socialologist in college and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks the word you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer sheet.The lecture will be given twice.Private CarWith the increase in the general__41__of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to __42__a car. Yet __43__of the development of a private car __44__ from person to person.It gives a much greater degree of comfort and __45__. The owner of a car is no longer forced to __46__ on public transport, and hence no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxis. However, others strongly __47__ to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of __48__ gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people.Whether private cars should be developed in Chicago is a difficult question to answer, yet the __49__ for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be __50__.Part Two:Section One:Directions: In this part ,you will hear a longer conversation between a man and a woman. You will be asked to talk about the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. The conversation will be read only once. You will have 60 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to answer.1.Describe the woman’s problem with her roommate and the suggestions the man makes about how she could deal with it. What do you think the woman should do, and why?Section Two:Directions: Please discribe the pictures on the screen in at least TEN sentences. Please begin with the sentence given. You will have 60 seconds to prepare and 100 seconds to answer.2.Peter’s father just bought a new computer in the shop and brought it home..Section Three:Independent TalkDirections: In this section you should answer the question on the screen with supportive details. You will have 40 seconds to read the question,3 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.3.What is the most interesting class you have ever taken? Explain the aspects of the class that made it interesting. Include details and examples in your explanation.试卷答案Part One:1~5 6~10 cadcb 11~15 babca 16~20 abcac 21~25 daacd 26~30 abcbb31~35 dcbba 36~40 FTTFT41.standard 42. afford 43. opinions 44. vary 45. mobility46. rely 47. object 48. poisonous 49. desire 50. eloiminated.Part Two:1.Answer: the answer will vary ,but may include the following: her roommate uses her thingswithout permisssion; her roommate never cleans the bathroom; she could discuss the problem with her roommate, ask the apartment manager to help, or find another apartment. Then the student should provide his opinion, he can support one of these solutions or provide a solution by himself, only if he can demonstrate clearly. The student’s answer shoul; include because, but, also,so ect..2. Answer: the answer will vary, but it should inculde the basic information of the four pictures. It should piont out that Peter’s father think that he is an computer exper and be very proud because he use computers frequently. However, he can’t turn on the computer and it turn out to be that the computer is not plug into the power, which is found out by peter.3. open听力原文Part One:Section one:5. A. They’re close to the museum. B. They’re leaving the museum.C. They’re looking for the museum.D. They’re in the museum.6. A. The white rose is beautiful. B. The nose is too far to the right.C. Snow covers the ground.D. It has yet to snow.7. A. The woman is walking her dog. B. The woman is crossing the bridge.C. The woman is fishing in the stream.D. The woman is holding a string.8. A. She’s holding up a flower. B. She’s on the first floor.C. She’s covered with flour.D. She’s looking at the flower plants.9. A. The track crosses a stream. B. The training takes place in a stream.C. The train track runs along a stream.D. The track team will travel by rain.10. A. She’s going outside to read. B. She’s sitting outside reading.C.She said she was an outsider.D. She’s gone out to get a book. Section Two:11. Have you been to Eygpt? A.Not yet, but I want to go. B. No, I haven’t . Have you ?C.It was a long time ago.12. When are you supposed to go to England? A. Next Tuesday. B. Sure, if I go there.C. Yes, it’s a big country.13. You haven’t finished that yet, have you? A. No, sorry, I don’t have any left.B.Yes, it was easier than I thought .C. I have, but it’s not done yet.14. Have I shown you my pictures from the birthday party? A. It’ll be on TV tonight.B. No, in the albumC. No, but I’d like to see them.15.How many copies do you need? A. Just two,thanks. B. I think the machine is working now.C. Just leave them on the table there.16.George has been working here for a long time, hasn’t he? A. Yes, for more than ten years.B. At three o’clock.C. Sorry, I’m not wearing a watch.17.I thought you were out of twon. A. I was, but I ordered some more.B. No, my trip was canceled.C. Yes, he just got back.18. Do you like romantic comedies? A. No, I’ve never been to Rome.B. I haven’t seen any movies lately.C. Not really, but I like war movies.19.How has Mr. Patel been doing? A. Great, he was just promoted.B. I think he hate practical jokesC. He’s writing a paper recently.20. Where were you last week? A. Yes, I’ll see you next week.B. I’m going on vacation for a month.C. I went to Germany to see a friend.Section Three:21. W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or something cold, like coke.M: Just a glass of water, please.Q: What does the man want to drink?22. W: The flowers are lovely, aren’t they? And I like the music, too.M: Yeah, the dinner here is also excellent.Q: Where probably are the two speakers?23. M: I just read your blood test report, and everything seems OK.W: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about.Q: How does the woman probably feel now?24. M: I thought I heard someone at the door.W: Just the postman, with the package for our neighbour, the Browns. They are away visiting their son.Q: Who was at the door?25. W: Could you tell me the starting times for both performances?M: The first begins at 7:00 o’clock, and it lasts two hours. The second follows immediately after a ten-minute break.Q: At what time does the second show start?26. M: My wife found a gold ring in our garden after the party. Do you think it might be yours?W: It couldn’t be. Thanks. I wore a silver one last night.Q: What does the woman mean?27. M: I’d better clean the scr een of the computer right now.W: Shouldn’t you clean your keyboard, too?Q: What does the woman imply?28. W: Do you know if this bus stops at Red Square?M: Well, there is a map over there by the door.Q: What does the man mean?29. M: Let’s go watch the fireworks tonight.W: I have tickets to the theatre.Q: What does the woman mean?30. W: Just look at these stars.M: They certainly don’t look so clear and bright from the city.Q: What can be inferred about the two speakers?Secton Four:Joanna Lopes has invented a number of things over the years. One day she had an idea for a dish machine that worked without using water. She went to see several dish washer manufacturers about producing the machine. But none of them were interested. Joanna found investors to support her idea and founded her own production company. She spent millions of dollars on developing her dish washer. And it was put to the market three years later. From then on, sales were very good, better even than Joanna had hopped. But Glob Domestic, one of the companies that she has been to see made its own waterless dish washer. Joanna obtained one and found they use the technical ideas she had developed. She had obtained legal protection for these ideas. So that other companies could not use them. After a long legal process, Glob Domestic was forced to stop ma king its competing dish washer and to pay Joanna several million dollars. Now Joanna’s waterless dish washer has 40℅of the worldwide dish washer market, and this is increasing every year.Question 31: How did the manufacturers fill Joanna’s idea for a dish washer?Question 32: How does the sales of the new dish washer goes?Question 33: Why was Glob Domestic forced to pay Joanna much money?Question 34: What is the market share of Joanna’s dish washer?Question 35: What is the story mainly about?Section Five:Now it’s eight o’clock, time for the morning news.Internet use continues to increase in the United States. According to a new study by American Life Project, fifty two percent of rural residents now have Internet access. That’s an increase of eleven percent since 2000. Rural residents are still behind the urban residents, however. Sixty seven percent of urban residents use the Internet. Of those rural residents who are online, forty five percent say that they surf the Web daily. Only forty percent of urban residents use the Web that often. One big barrier for rural residents is the lack of choice among Internet providers. According to another survey, more than two million American children aged six to seventeen have their ownpersonal websites. This figure, which represents ten percent of the twenty three million young people, who have Internet access from home, is rising rapidly. It is expected to jump to one in four kids by 2008. The survey also shows that boys are more likely than girls to have their own websites. Seventy six percent of kids with broad band Internet access at home say that their home connection is faster than the connection at school. Forty nine percent of kids say that they get too little time on line at school.Section Six:Private CarWith the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car. Yet opinions of the development of a private car vary from person to person.It gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport, and hence no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxis. However, others strongly object to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people.Whether private cars should be developed in Chicago is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be eliminated.Part Two:Secton One:M:How do you like living in the campus apartments?W: Well…it’s OK. I mean, I like the apartment, but my roommate is kind of a problem. Sometimes she uses my things without asking—mostly little things,like paper and toothpaste, but once it was my favorite sweater. And she never cleans the bathroom when it’s her turn.M: Have you sat down with her and had a good talk about these things?W: Maybe if I saw her more oftem. The problem is ,she’s hardly ever home.M: Try leaving her a note.W: I did,but it didn’t help.M: Isn’t there an apartment manager, someone who will help you sort out problems like this? He maybe can set up a meeting with your roommate.W: I didn’t know the manager does that kind of thing. I guess I could find out.M: And if that doesn’t work…if talking it orver doesn’t help, then you should probably just move out, find another place. There’s always someone looking for a roommate.。
AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 Performance Test ReportSep. 10th, 2009 C O N F I D E N T I A LContent1.Introduction (3)2.Test Environment (3)3.Test Results (6)B High Speed Mode (6)B Full Speed Mode (6)4.Conclusion (7)FigureFigure 1.AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 Performance Test Environment (3)Figure 2.The Chariot Test Tool Configuration (4)Figure 3.The Chariot TX Performance Test Diagram (5)Figure 4.The Chariot RX Performance Test Diagram (5)1. IntroductionThis is the AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 performance test report.2. Test EnvironmentThe following is the AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 performance test environment for your reference.Figure 1.AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 Performance Test EnvironmentTested Driver:Tested Tool:NetIQ Chariot Test Tool v5.0The following is the Chariot test script file setting for your reference. You can just change the file_size field to 10M or 100M bytes and use the default settings for other configuration items.Figure 2.The Chariot Test Tool ConfigurationChariot TX/RX Performance Test Diagram:Figure 3. The Chariot TX Performance Test DiagramFigure 4. The Chariot RX Performance Test DiagramPC165 (DUT) Endpoint 1Send 10M/100M bytes file sizePC172 (Trusted PC) Endpoint 23.Test ResultsThe following is the AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 performance test results for your reference.B High Speed ModeThe file_size field of Chariot test tool is set to 100 Mbytes.throughput in the half-duplex mode.* The CPU utilization is dependent on the CPU performance of the tested PC machine. Higher speed CPU machine has a lower CPU utilization.B Full Speed Mode4.Conclusion1.The AX88172A performance should be similar to AX88772A so please refer to theAX88772A performance test results for details.2.The following are the maximum AX88x72A/AX88760/AX88772/AX88178 TX/RXperformance on Windows XP platform for your reference.3.AX88x72A/AX88760 supports the half-duplex backpressure function to improve the RXthroughput in the half-duplex mode. Please refer to Section 3-1 for more details.4.The CPU utilization is dependent on the CPU performance of the tested PC machine. Higherspeed CPU machine has a lower CPU utilization.5.The network throughput value on the real applications should be dependent on the wholesystem such as the CPU performance, the operating system and driver upper protocol latency time, the performance test tool, the multi-tasking operations of operating system, etc.4F, No.8, Hsin Ann Rd., Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.TEL: +886-3-5799500FAX: +886-3-5799558Email: support@Web: 。
A.R.T 参数解析S.M.A.R.T(Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology /自我监测、分析与报告技术)是为了提高硬盘数据的安全性而开发的。
后来网上查看资料,SATA 数据线有弊端: 就是SATA 数据线拔插次数有限, 质量差的,拔插几次就没用了。
Value/Current(当前值) 当前硬盘该属性的值。
Worst (最坏值) 该属性出现过的峰值。
Threshold/Warn(阈值/临界/极限值)硬盘厂商所规定的该属性峰值.如果某个属性超过Threshold 规定的极限值时,就表示你的硬盘可能出现了问题. Raw Values/Data (Raw 值/数据) 。
怎么看这类属性?主要是看Raw 和Worst 的值是否还在临界值之内(>或<临界值)一般使用软件如HDTune 、CrystalDiskInfo 等,一般属性中有黄色或者红色你就要注意了,硬盘可能快坏了,要是还在保修期内,就赶紧备份数据,送去检修。
下面我们来介绍各个属性(按2010年2月11日 维基百科 上的解释)指从磁盘表面读取数据时发生的硬件读取错误的比率,Raw 值对于不同的厂商有着不同的体系,单纯看做1个十进制数字是没有任何意义的。
aecq104 h组测试大纲
一、测试目的:1.1 确定产品的可靠性与稳定性,保证产品正常运行。
1.2 确定产品的安全性,保障用户使用过程中的安全。
1.3 确认产品的性能指标,保证产品达到设计要求。
二、测试范围:2.1 产品整体测试2.1.1 外观测试:检查产品外观是否完整,有无明显瑕疵。
2.1.2 尺寸测试:核对产品尺寸,确保符合设计要求。
2.1.3 结构测试:检测产品结构是否牢固,是否存在松动、裂痕等情况。
2.2 功能测试2.2.1 核心功能测试:测试产品核心功能是否正常运行。
2.2.2 辅助功能测试:测试产品附加功能是否正常运行。
2.3 安全性测试2.3.1 电气安全测试:检测产品电气部分是否符合安全标准。
2.3.2 热安全测试:测试产品在长时间工作下是否存在过热情况。
2.4 性能测试2.4.1 功能性能测试:测试产品在正常使用条件下的性能表现。
2.4.2 环境适应性测试:测试产品在不同环境下的适应能力。
三、测试方法:3.1 实验室测试3.1.1 采用专业测试设备进行各项测试,确保测试数据准确可靠。
3.1.2 固定测试条件,保证测试结果的可比性。
3.2 实地测试3.2.1 针对产品实际使用环境进行测试,模拟用户实际使用情况。
3.2.2 收集用户反馈意见,完善测试内容,确保测试结果真实可靠。
四、测试标准:4.1 相关国家标准:按照国家相关标准进行测试,确保产品符合国家标准要求。
4.2 行业标准:参照行业标准进行测试,确保产品符合行业标准要求。
4.3 公司内部标准:针对公司产品特点,制定公司内部测试标准,确保产品质量符合公司要求。
五、测试流程:5.1 制定测试计划5.1.1 确定测试时间、地点、人员等测试要素。
5.1.2 制定详细的测试方案,确保测试全面有效进行。
5.2 实施测试5.2.1 按照测试计划进行测试,保证测试过程规范有序。
5.2.2 完善测试记录,及时反馈测试结果。
5.3 分析总结5.3.1 对测试结果进行分析,找出存在的问题。
Defender CCR 版本 1.0 详细功能性检查列表(已完成全部组装检查清单)说明书
Defender CCR Detailed Functionality Checklist(After having completed the full assembly checklist)Name:____________________________________________________ Date:__________________________1.Mushroom Valve Check2.Check Remaining Scrubber DurationA.Re-pack scrubber if neededB.Reset stack timer to appropriate time3.Install Analyzed + Labeled Gas Cylinders4.Negative Pressure Test(hold for 1 minuteminimum)A.Open BOVB.Inhale from BOV in CC mode, exhalingthrough nose until counterlungs are fullycollapsedC.Close BOVD.Allow to sit for one minute (minimum);watch for signs of leaks.5.Positive Pressure Test(hold for 1 minuteminimum)A.Close OPVB.Fill loop fully until OPV ventsC.Allow to sit for one minute, watch for signsof leaksD.Open BOV to release pressure, close BOV6.Diluent & Oxygen System Leak Test(holdfor 30 seconds minimum)A.Open diluent & oxygen cylinders slowlyallowing hoses to pressurize, close valvesB.Watch pressure gauges for pressure lost for aminimum of 30 secC.Open diluent & oxygen cylinders7.Turn On SG-1 & SecondaryA.Change to MANUAL Setpoint8.Flush Loop with Oxygen (3 times)A.Slowly open oxygen cylinderB.Close BOVC.Fill loop with oxygen until OPV ventsD.Evacuate loop fullyE.Repeat steps A & B, 2 more timesF.Open and close the BOV to bring loop toambient pressure9.Check CalibrationA.Check for appropriate PO2 (consideringaltitude)B.If needed, perform calibration according touser manualC.Check mV readings (acceptable: 40mV orgreater in 100% oxygen at sea level)10.Check ADV, BOV, and Power InflatorA.Inhale from BOV (being cautious if using ahypoxic diluent)B.Open BOV, inhale from loop until ADVengages (if equipped), dropping loop PO2C.BCD Inflation + deflation mechanisms / airholding11. Check Solenoid & Wrist Display Battery A.Change SG-1 to LOW setpoint B.Solenoid fires, O2 injection verified C.Change SG-1 to MANUAL setpoint D.Check battery status for both SG-1 &Secondary E.If less than 3.7v, recharge before continuing12. Pre-Breathe (5 minutes)A.Change SG-1 to LOW setpointB.Block nose and begin breathing from theDefender CCR (in a safe location/position)C.Observe setpoint maintenance and HUDfunctions D.Pay close attention to how you feel as well ashow the CCR is functioning for a full 5 min If Diving Immediately:Continue with “Pre-Dive Checks”If NOT Diving Immediately:Close O2 + diluent cylinder valves, drain hoses, turn off electronics, and secure unit __________________________________________________________________________________________Pre-Dive Checks:13. Proper weighting?14. HUD and wrist displays on?15. Tank valves open?16. Verify setpoint and loop contents 17. Don the Defender CCR18. CCR Pre-Jump Drill (see card, provided with unit)1.Begin Breathing Unit2.Check: ADV , BOV , Oxy MA V , Dil MA V; Wing & Drysuit Inflator3.Check SPGs: Oxy, Dil; OC Bailout4.Observe Setpoint Maintained5.Enter when readyplete S-Drill7.Remember CCR Diving Rule #1: Always Know Your PO2!。
A2路由器DQA测试报告目录测试环境 .................................................. 错误!未指定书签。
测试设备及环境....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
测试硬件........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
测试软件........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
测试环境........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
一、设置向导 .............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.1静态IP地址....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.2DHCP客户端....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.3PPPOE拨号........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
二、模式设置 .............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
2.1网关模式.......................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.2桥接模式......................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.3无线网络服务提供商............................... 错误!未指定书签。
三、无线 .................................................. 错误!未指定书签。