



软件工程师考试题库(含答案)以下是一些软件工程师考试的常见题目及其答案:1. 什么是软件工程?软件工程是一门系统性、规范性的学科,涉及开发和维护软件的原则、方法和工具。

2. 软件生命周期包含哪些阶段?软件生命周期包含需求分析、设计、编码、测试和维护等阶段。

3. 请解释需求分析阶段的重要性。



4. 请解释软件设计模式是什么。



5. 什么是软件测试?软件测试是检查和评估软件系统是否满足需求和预期的过程。


6. 解释一下集成测试和单元测试的区别。



7. 请简要介绍软件维护的类型。


8. 请说明软件工程师需要具备的技能和素质。







中国海洋大学期末考试试题及参考答案2016-2017 学年第一学期试题名称:软件工程B卷专业年级:计算机学号姓名授课教师名分数一、单向选择题(在每小题列出的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确的答案,并将正确答案的字母填写在题干后的括号内。


本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、总体设计阶段确定了()A 系统的具体实现方案B 系统的逻辑模型C 程序每个模块的处理过程D 系统的数据要求2、影响软件可维护性的决定因素是()A 文档B 可理解性C 可测试性D 可修改性3、系统流程图是用来()A 描绘程序结构的B 描绘系统的逻辑模型C 表示信息层次结构的图形工具D 描绘物理系统的4、判定表比判定树()A 更直观、简洁B 更直观C 更简洁但不够直观D 直观和简洁性相同5、两个模块彼此传递的信息中有控制信息,这种耦合称为()A 数据耦合B 公共环境耦合C 内容耦合 D 控制耦合6、结构化分析方法(SA)是一种面向()的需求分析方法。




















每题2分,共100分)1) 下列病毒类型中,()不能自我复制。

(选择一项)A) 木马型B) 脚本型C) 蠕虫D) 引导型2) 在活动目录中,可以包含其他对象的对象是()。

(选择一项)A) OU(组织单元)B) 用户对象C) 组对象D) 通讯组3) 下列选项关于DNS的说法中错误的是()。

(选择二项)A) DNS是一种在网络中寻找主机的方式B) 域名解析中hosts文件解析优先于DNS服务器解析C) 域名解析中DNS服务器解析优先于WINS服务器解析D) 在网址中,是主机名,WWW是域名4) 在Windows系统中,正确卸载一个应用软件(不包括绿色软件)的方法包括()。

(选择二项)A) 删除软件安装目录B) 使用控制面板中的“添加/删除程序”进行卸载C) 删除桌面、开始菜单中的快捷方式D) 使用软件自带的卸载程序进行卸载5) 下列关于组策略的描述中正确的是()。

(选择二项)A) 组策略可以为用户增加登录和注销脚本,其中注销脚本,即使是强行关机也会在下次开机时执行B) 通过组策略可以把用户的桌面平移到任何一台在域中的机器上C) 组策略彼此矛盾时,之后应用的组策略会覆盖掉前面的策略而生效D) 域控制器策略会把策略发布到域中所有的机器上6) 关于硬盘分区,下列说法错误的是()(选择一项)A) 一块硬盘只能有一个扩展磁盘分区B) 基本磁盘和动态磁盘可以互相转换,转换过程中数据不会丢失C) 扩展分区不可以被指定为激活分区D) 主分区中至少有一个分区具备激活标志7) 下列选项属于同一子网IP地址的是()。

(选择一项)A)与192.168.122.123,子网掩码是255.255.255.128B)与176.233.169.233,子网掩码是255.255.224.0C)与222.228.146.121,子网掩码是255.255.255.128D)与10.220.199.36,子网掩码是255.255.192.08) 为了防止局域网当中的计算机访问本地计算机的共享资源,可以采用如下两种技术是()。



2024年软件资格考试程序员(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(初级)自测试题(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、软件工程的基本原则中,强调通过变更来提高软件可维护性的原则是:A. 单一职责原则B. 开放封闭原则C. 依赖倒置原则D. 迪米特法则2、在软件开发生命周期中,以下哪个阶段不属于软件设计阶段?A. 需求分析B. 系统设计C. 详细设计D. 编码实现3、题目:在软件开发过程中,哪个阶段是确定系统需求和规格说明的阶段?A、需求分析阶段B、设计阶段C、编码阶段D、测试阶段4、题目:在面向对象编程中,下列哪个术语表示将一个对象的方法和数据封装在一起?A、继承B、多态C、封装D、抽象5、在软件开发过程中,以下哪个阶段主要关注软件需求的分析和定义?A. 需求分析阶段B. 设计阶段C. 实现阶段D. 测试阶段6、以下关于面向对象编程(OOP)的描述,哪项是错误的?A. 面向对象编程通过封装、继承和多态实现软件重用。

B. 在面向对象编程中,对象是数据和行为(方法)的封装。

C. 继承是面向对象编程中的一种机制,用于实现代码复用。

D. 面向对象编程中的类是对象的抽象,而对象是类的实例。

7、在面向对象编程中,以下哪个不是面向对象的基本特征?A. 封装B. 继承C. 多态D. 静态8、以下哪个不是Java中的数据类型?A. intC. booleanD. string9、在面向对象编程中,以下哪个原则强调的是将不同的职责分配给不同的对象,以降低对象之间的耦合度?A. 单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle,SRP)B. 开放封闭原则(Open/Closed Principle,OCP)C. 依赖倒置原则(Dependency Inversion Principle,DIP)D. 接口隔离原则(Interface Segregation Principle,ISP)11、以下哪个操作不是C语言中的基本输入输出函数?A. printf()B. scanf()C. getchar()D. putchar()13、题目:以下关于软件开发生命周期的说法中,错误的是:A. 软件开发生命周期包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试和维护阶段B. 需求分析阶段主要是确定用户需求,设计阶段是根据需求进行系统设计C. 编码阶段是将设计转换为程序代码,测试阶段是验证程序的正确性和性能D. 软件开发生命周期中,每个阶段都需要进行文档编写,但文档的详细程度不同15、题目:以下哪个选项不是Java中的基本数据类型?A. intB. floatD. String17、以下关于面向对象程序设计(OOP)的描述中,错误的是:A. 面向对象程序设计是一种程序设计范式,它将数据和行为封装在一起B. 面向对象程序设计中的对象具有属性和方法C. 在面向对象程序设计中,继承是实现代码复用的关键机制D. 面向对象程序设计中的多态是通过方法重载来实现的19、在面向对象编程中,以下哪个是封装的典型体现?A. 数据和方法的分离B. 数据的封装和私有化C. 类的继承D. 方法重载21、在软件开发过程中,以下哪个不是常见的软件开发模型?A. 水晶模型B. 瀑布模型C. V型模型D. 研发模型23、以下哪种说法不属于面向对象程序设计的基本特征?()A. 封装B. 继承C. 多态D. 静态25、在软件开发过程中,以下哪个阶段是需求分析的输出结果?A. 系统设计B. 系统测试C. 程序编码D. 系统实现27、以下哪个选项是关于面向对象编程(OOP)中继承的概念的正确描述?A. 继承允许一个类使用另一个类的成员变量和方法,而不需要重新定义。



小学上册英语第二单元真题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the largest ocean?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific答案: D2.The gas that makes soda bubbly is ______.3. A chemical reaction that forms new substances is called a ______ reaction.4. A __________ is a place that is protected by law.5.She is ________ (kind) to her friends.6.The largest mammal in the ocean is the ______.7.She loves to play ___. (games)8.seas) are smaller than oceans but still large bodies of water. The ____9.The _____ (小鸡) chirps happily as it explores the farm. 小鸡在农场探索时愉快地鸣叫。

10.My dad is an amazing __________ (修理工).11.In the evening, I help my mom ________ (做饭). We prepare a delicious ________ (晚餐) together.12.The chemical symbol for nitrogen is ______.13.What is the capital of Haiti?A. Port-au-PrinceB. Santo DomingoC. NassauD. San Juan答案: A. Port-au-Prince14.The sunflowers are ___ (tall).15.Which insect has colorful wings?A. AntB. ButterflyC. FlyD. Beetle答案:B16.The milk is in the ___. (fridge)17.She is _____ (learning/teaching) new words.18.My toy ________ can transform into a robot.19.The _____ (lattice) supports climbing plants.20.What do we call the process of recycling materials?A. ReuseB. RecoveryC. Waste managementD. All of the above答案:D. All of the above21.Which month has 28 days?A. All of themB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. April答案: C22.The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is ______.23.The _____ (跳棋) game is fun.24.I enjoy watching ________ (动画片) on weekends.25.Listen and number.(听音标号。



2024年招聘电子软件开发岗位笔试题及解答(某世界500强集团)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、以下哪个选项不属于电子软件开发常用的编程语言?A、C语言B、JavaC、HTMLD、Python2、电子软件开发中,以下哪个阶段不属于软件生命周期?A、需求分析B、设计C、编码D、测试与部署3、在C++编程语言中,当一个类被声明为final时,这意味着:A)该类不能拥有任何成员函数B)该类不能派生出子类C)该类的所有成员变量必须是constD)该类只能有一个实例4、关于软件开发生命周期(SDLC),下列哪个阶段通常涉及识别项目需求并定义项目的范围?A)设计阶段B)实现阶段C)测试阶段D)需求分析阶段5、以下关于嵌入式系统开发,描述错误的是:A. 嵌入式系统通常是指用于特定用途的计算机系统B. 嵌入式系统通常使用专用的微控制器或处理器C. 嵌入式系统具有实时性要求,通常需要快速响应D. 嵌入式系统的软件通常是在通用操作系统上开发6、在电子软件开发中,以下哪种编程语言最适合用于开发实时操作系统(RTOS)?A. JavaB. CC. PythonD. Assembly7、以下哪个选项是描述电子软件开发中面向对象编程(OOP)核心概念的正确说法?A. 封装意味着将数据和方法分开存储B. 继承是指将一个类的方法和属性复制到另一个类C. 多态是指使用不同的类对象执行相同的方法D. 抽象是指通过定义接口来隐藏实现的细节8、以下哪种编程范式与电子软件开发中的事件驱动模型最为相关?A. 函数式编程B. 命令式编程C. 面向对象编程D. 面向过程编程9、以下哪个技术不属于嵌入式系统常用的编程语言?A. CB. JavaC. AssemblyD. Python 10、在电子软件开发中,以下哪个术语指的是一种用于保护软件免受未经授权访问或修改的技术?A. 隐写术B. 加密C. 防水D. 程序压缩二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、在软件开发过程中,以下哪些选项是敏捷开发方法论的特点?A. 强调过程和工具B. 遵循详细的计划C. 响应变化胜于遵循计划D. 可工作的软件重于详尽的文档E. 客户协作高于合同谈判2、下列关于版本控制系统Git的说法中,哪几项是正确的?A. Git是一种分布式版本控制工具。

















软件设计师(高档程序员)上午试卷及答案● 常规旳数据加密原则DES采用__(l)__。


(1) A. 56 B. 64 C. 112 D. 128(2) A. 32 B. 64 C. 128 D. 256●在面向对象技术中,多态有多种不同旳形式,其中__(3)__和__(4)__称为通用多态,__(5)__和强制多态称为特定多态.(3) A. 参数多态 D. 过载多态 C. 隐含多态 D. 重置多态(4) A. 重置多态 B. 过载多态 C. 隐含多态 D. 涉及多态(5) A. 参数多态 D. 隐含多态 C. 过载多态 D. 涉及多态● 已知一不拟定旳有穷自动机(NFA)如下图所示,采用于集法将其拟定化为DFA 旳过程如下表达。

I I0I1{S,1,2,3 } {1,3,4,5,Z} {2,3}{1,3,4,5,Z} T1 T3{2,3} {4,5,Z} {2,3}T2 {6} T3T1 {1,3,4,5,6,Z} {5,Z}{6} T3 {5,Z}{5,Z} {6} T3状态集T1 中不涉及编号为__(6)__旳状态;状态集T2 中旳成员有__(7)__;状态集T3 等于__(8)__;该自动机所辨认旳语言可以用正规式__(9)__表达。

(7) A. 1,3,4,5,Z B. 2,3 C. 6 D. 4,5,Z(8) A. {Z} B. {6} C. {4,5,Z} D. { }(9) A. (0|1)* B. (0*|1*)*001 C. (0*|1*)*0(0|1)* D. (0*|1*)0(0|1)*●与正规式(alb)* 等价旳正规式为__(10)__。

(10) A. a*|b* B. a*b* C. (a*b*)* D. (ab)*●算法是对问题求解过程旳一类精确描述,算法中描述旳操作都是可以通过已经实现旳基本操作在限定期间内执行有限次来实现旳,这句话阐明算法具有__(11)__特性。



小学上册英语第六单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Bees help pollinate ______.2.Which of these is a common pet?A. CowB. DogC. HorseD. Sheep3.The ________ was a vital treaty that shaped international relations.4.The teacher is very ___ (kind).5. A ____(urban heat island effect) raises city temperatures.6.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. SaltB7.The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is __________.8.I love to play with my ______.9. A __________ is an area where two oceans meet.10.The capital of Kenya is _____.11.I need to ___ (study/nap) for my test.12.The __________ is a large, flat-topped mountain. (台地)13. (64) is the fastest river in the world. The ____14.I can ______ (play) the guitar.15.What do we call a house for bees?A. HiveB. NestC. DenD. BurrowA16.Planting flowers can be a creative ______ that brings joy. (种花可以是一种富有创意的活动,带来快乐。



小学六年级下册英语第5单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is a shape?A. SquareB. CatC. CarD. Book2.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. SeptemberD. Weekend3.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. SpinachC. OrangeD. Grapes4.Which of these is a day of the week?A. MondayB. DecemberC. WinterD. Chair5.Which word means "a place to live"?A. DogB. HomeC. SchoolD. Car6.I ______ (like) to play soccer after school. Every day, I ______ (practice) with my friends at the playground. Last week, we ______ (have) a match against another school. We ______ (win) the match, and I ______ (feel) very happy. Today, we ______ (plan) to play again, but it ______ (rain).7.Yesterday, I _______ (go) to the park with my friends. We _______ (play) soccer for two hours. After that, we _______ (eat) ice cream and _______ (sit) on the grass. We_______ (talk) about our favorite sports and _______ (make) plans to play again next weekend.8.Which one is used to drink?A. CupB. ForkC. KnifeD. Spoon9.They are ______ to school.A. goB. goingC. goesD. gone10.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. SpoonB. ToothbrushC. KnifeD. Fork11.Lucy is very good at sports. She plays basketball with her friends every day after school. Yesterday, she scored 15 points in the game, which made her feel very __. Her coach was very proud of her and said that she is a natural __. Lucy wants to practice even harder so she can be better at basketball and play in the __ next year.12.How do you say "hello" in English?A. holaB. bonjourC. helloD. ciao13.Which one is the correct spelling?A. applleB. appleC. apleD. appla14.Which of the following is an animal?A. BookB. CarC. CatD. Table15.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. MondayD. Wednesday16.My teacher’s name is Mrs. Lee. She is very kind and always helps us when we need it. She teaches us English, math, and science. Every week, we have a test to see how well we are doing. I always try my best.17.Which of these is a fruit?A. TomatoB. PotatoC. CucumberD. Lettuce18.What do we use to open a door?A. KnifeB. KeyC. ForkD. Plate19.I enjoy playing with my little sister. She is 5 years old and loves dolls. We play together every afternoon. Sometimes, we also play puzzles and draw pictures.20.Which of these is used for eating?A. ForkB. TowelC. ChairD. Shoes21.What do we use to eat pasta?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Chopsticks22.Which one is a drink?A. WaterB. ChairC. TableD. Spoon23.Which of these is not a color?A. RedB. BlueC. TableD. Green24.Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Tiger25.Which of the following is a body part?A. HandB. TableC. PlateD. Chair26.Which one is a form of transportation?A. BookB. CarC. AppleD. Desk27.This is ______ pencil.A. aB. anC. theD. some28.I ______ (not know) the answer to the question, so I ______ (ask) my teacher for help. She ______ (explain) it to me carefully, and then I ______ (understand) it. Now, I ______ (feel) more confident about my studies.29.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. SpoonC. BookD. Dog30.Which of these is a season?A. WinterB. MondayC. SchoolD. Morning31.Which of these animals can hop?A. DogB. RabbitC. ElephantD. Fish32.Our class is learning about the __. We studied how __ help plants grow and how __ help make the air clean. The teacher told us that we should always take care of the __ and keep our environment clean.33.We are studying the seasons in class. My teacher explained how the weather changes during each __. In spring, flowers start to __, and in summer, the sun shines brightly. In fall, leaves turn __, and in winter, it snows and gets __.34.Which animal is known for its big ears?A. DogB. ElephantC. TigerD. Cat35.I ______ (study) for the test yesterday. After I ______ (study), I ______ (feel) ready. The test ______ (be) difficult, but I ______ (do) my best. I ______ (hope) to get a good grade.36.Which of these is a piece of furniture?A. BedB. TableC. ChairD. All of the above37.What do we use to clean the floor?A. MopB. PlateC. KnifeD. Spoon38.Where do fish live?A. In the skyB. In the oceanC. In a treeD. In a house39.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. AppleC. LettuceD. Onion40.What do we use to write?A. SpoonB. PenC. PlateD. Fork41.Which one is used for writing?A. PencilB. PlateC. SpoonD. Hat42.Which of the following is a bird?A. DogB. FishC. ParrotD. Tiger43.Which of these is used to tell the time?A. PhoneB. ClockC. RulerD. Pen44.Which of these is used to write?A. PenB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate45.My mother works at a __. Every day, she wears a __ and helps people with their __. She enjoys talking to different people and making them __. Sometimes, she brings homea __ for me. I like to visit her at work and see all the people there. She works very __.46.Which of these is a type of animal?A. DogB. CarC. KnifeD. Plate47.I ______ (love) going to the zoo with my family. Last weekend, we ______ (visit) the zoo and ______ (see) many animals. We ______ (spend) a lot of time watching the elephants, and we ______ (take) many pictures. My little sister ______ (especially/like) the monkeys because they ______ (be) very funny.48.Which of these is the biggest?A. AntB. ElephantC. DogD. Cat49.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. ChairC. TableD. Spoon50.What is the color of grass?A. GreenB. YellowC. BlueD. Brown(答案及解释)。



小学上册英语第5单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.In a chemical reaction, substances change into new __________.2.The ________ is the southernmost continent.3.What do bees make?A. HoneyB. WaxC. SilkD. NectarA4.Turtles can withdraw into their ______ (壳).5.What do you call the place where you can buy groceries?A. StoreB. MallC. SupermarketD. MarketC6.We have a ______ (丰富的) class schedule.7. A chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen is called a ______ reaction.8. A _______ (小刺猬) is a nocturnal animal.9.The capital of Norway is __________.10.What do we call the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth?A. LakeB. SeaC. OceanD. River11. A _______ is a pure substance made of only one type of atom.12. A rabbit's teeth never stop ______ (生长).13.What is the name of the largest known star?A. BetelgeuseB. UY ScutiC. VY Canis MajorisD. Antares14.The cake is ___ (baking) in the oven.15.The children play _____ at the park. (together)16.My brother is a big fan of ____ (superheroes).17. A saturated fat has no double ______.18.The main product of anaerobic respiration is ______.19.We have a _____ (聚餐) this weekend.20. A ______ is a geological formation consisting of large rocks.21.My _______ (仓鼠) runs fast on its wheel.22.I like to race my ________ (玩具名称) against others.23. A balanced chemical equation has the same number of ______ on both sides.24.My dad is a ________ (工程师).25.Which animal is known for its speed?A. TortoiseB. CheetahC. ElephantD. SlothB Cheetah26.The Atlantic Ocean is located to the _______ of the United States.27.ic sank on its maiden _______. (航行) The Tita28.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Ferdinand MagellanB. Christopher ColumbusC. Marco PoloD. Vasco da Gama29.Where is the Eiffel Tower located?A. LondonB. New YorkC. ParisD. RomeC30.The __________ is a famous archaeological site in Italy. (庞贝)31.She is a friendly ________.32.The _____ (火烈鸟) is a beautiful sight in wetlands.33.The otter is playful in the ________________ (水).34.Many plants can be grown from __________ (种子).35.Where do comets come from?A. The sunB. The Kuiper BeltC. The MoonD. The Earth36. Wall is located in __________. (中国) The Grea37.The _____ (遥控船) sails on the water.38.She paints a _____ (画).39. A compound microscope uses multiple lenses to magnify an ______.40.I like to share ______ with my classmates.41.How many continents are there in the world?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC42.The _____ (cake/pie) is delicious.43.The _____ (root) of the plant absorbs water.44.In winter, I wear ______ (靴子) to keep my feet warm.45.My cousin is a ______. She enjoys playing with dolls.46. A zebra's stripes help it blend into the ________________ (草原).47.The chemical symbol for palladium is ______.48.I enjoy ______ in the park. (playing)49.The ______ teaches us about computer science.50.What is the capital of Italy?A. FlorenceB. RomeC. VeniceD. MilanB51.Ostriches cannot _______ (飞).52.The skunk sprays when it feels _________. (威胁)53.What do we call the system of governing a country?A. EconomyB. PoliticsC. GovernmentD. LawC54.What is 10 - 7?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 455.The capital of Kazakhstan is __________.56.What is a synonym for "happy"?A. SadB. JoyfulC. AngryD. Tired57.The parrot has bright _______ (羽毛).58.The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is _____.59.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January?A. Presidents' DayB. Labor DayC. Martin Luther King Jr. DayD. Memorial DayC60.What is the name of the sweet dessert made from cream and sugar?A. MousseB. GelatoC. PuddingD. Ice CreamA61.The ________ is very friendly.62.How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. FourB63.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) science fairs.64.Chemical equations must be ______ to follow the law of conservation of mass.65.The ________ is a beautiful flower.66.My favorite holiday is _______.67.The first printing press was invented by Johannes ______ (古腾堡).68.The __________ is known for its unique geological features. (黄石公园)69.What is the capital city of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. ParisC. BerlinD. RomeA70.My dad is a __________ (职业培训师).71.In _____ (美国), the Grand Canyon is a popular destination.72. A ladybug is a sign of ______ (好运).73.The flowers in the garden are _______ and cheerful, making me happy.74.What do you call a baby horse?A. ColtB. FoalC. FillyD. MareB75.I enjoy cooking with my mom. We make delicious ______ (晚餐) together.76. A __________ is a substance that helps to speed up a chemical reaction.77.I enjoy playing with my ________ (飞行器) and imagining I am flying through the ________ (云).78.The stars twinkle _____ (brightly/dimly) at night.79.The city of Copenhagen is the capital of _______.80.My brother plays _____ (basketball/soccer) on weekends.81.She has a nice ________.82. A beam of light can be ______ by a mirror.83.I often help my parents _______ (做家务) on Sundays.84.What do you wear on your head?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. BeltB85.What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. RedD. Yellow86.The ____ has a slender body and is often found in the grass.87.The park is _______ for everyone to enjoy.88.The ______ is an excellent athlete.89.My friend is very ________.90.What do we call the study of living things?A. ChemistryB. BiologyC. PhysicsD. Astronomy91.The ______ (老虎) is known for its strength.92.What is the name of the famous waterfall located on the border between the U.S. and Canada?A. Angel FallsB. Victoria FallsC. Niagara FallsD. Iguazu FallsC93.My sister loves to watch ______ (小鸟) outside.94.An exothermic reaction releases ______.95.What do we call the study of climate?A. GeographyB. MeteorologyC. BiologyD. EcologyB96.The __________ is a large city in China known for its skyline. (上海)97.The _______ is the largest planet in our solar system.98.My friend's pet is a _______ (动物). 它很 _______ (形容词).99.The chemical formula for sodium acetate is ______.100.The rat is very ______ (聪明) and quick.。



2022~2023高级软考考试题库及答案1. 软件工程的目标有( )。

A.易于维护B. 低的开发成C.高性能D.短的开发期正确答案:ABC2. 某信息系统项目最终完成的可行性研究报告的主要内容包括以下部分 : ①项目背景和概述②市场前景分析③运行环境可行性分析④项目技术方案分析⑤项目投资及成本分析⑥项目组织及投入资源分析⑦可行性研究报告结论A.风险分析、项目计划B.风险分析、项目评估方法C.市场需求预测、项目计划D.市场需求预测、项目评估方法正确答案:A3. 以下 IP 地址中,属于 B类地址的是( )A.正确答案:D4. 结构化分析方法是一种面向( )的需求分析方法A.对象B.数据结构C. 数据流D.控制流正确答案:B5. 某教授于 2016年6月1日自行将《俏息网络传播权保护条例》译成英文,投递给某国家的核尤朝刊,并于 2016年11月1日发表。

国家相关部门认为该教授的译文质 i 很高,经与该教授协商,于2017年1月5日发文将该译文定为官方正式译文。


A.由于该教授未经相关部门同意而自行翻译官方条例,因此对其译文不挛有著作权B.该教授对其译文自 2016 年 5 月 1 日起一直享有著作权C.该教授对其译文自 2016 年 5 月 1 日至 2017 年 1 月 4 日期间享有著作权D.该教授对其译文自 2016 年 11 月 1 日至 2017 年 1 月 4 日期间莩有著作权正确答案:C6. 网桥作为局域网上的互连设备,主要作用于( )。

A.物理层B.数据链路层C.网络层D.高层正确答案:B7. 需求管理是 CMM 可重复级中的 6 个关键过程域之一,其主要目标是 ______。

A.对于软件需求,必须建立基线以进行控制,软件计划、产品和活动必须与软件需求保持一致B.客观地验证需求管理活动符合规定的标准、程序和要求C.策划软件需求管理的活动,识别和控制已获取的软件需求D.跟踪软件需求管理的过程、实际结果和执行情况正确答案:A8. 项目的成本管理中, () 将总的成本估算分配到各项活动和工作包上,来建立一个成本的基线。



E类综合应用类考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 以下哪项不是计算机病毒的特点?A. 破坏性B. 传染性C. 潜伏性D. 可预防性答案:D2. 在Excel中,下列哪个函数用于计算一组数据的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. MIN答案:B3. 以下哪种网络协议用于网页浏览?A. FTPB. SMTPC. HTTPD. POP3答案:C4. 在Word文档中,如何将选定的文本设置为斜体?A. 按Ctrl+IB. 按Ctrl+BC. 按Ctrl+UD. 按Ctrl+P答案:A5. 在PowerPoint中,下列哪个视图模式允许用户在幻灯片上添加注释?A. 普通视图B. 幻灯片浏览视图C. 幻灯片放映视图D. 大纲视图答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 以下哪些是操作系统的功能?A. 进程管理B. 文件管理C. 内存管理D. 网络管理答案:A、B、C2. 在HTML中,以下哪些标签用于创建列表?A. <ul>B. <ol>C. <li>D. <dl>答案:A、B、C3. 以下哪些是数据库管理系统(DBMS)的基本功能?A. 数据定义B. 数据操纵C. 数据控制D. 数据备份答案:A、B、C4. 在Photoshop中,以下哪些工具用于选择图像的一部分?A. 套索工具B. 魔棒工具C. 裁剪工具D. 钢笔工具答案:A、B、D5. 以下哪些是网络安全的措施?A. 防火墙B. 加密C. 定期更新软件D. 物理隔离答案:A、B、C、D三、简答题(每题5分,共2题)1. 描述一下什么是云计算,并简述其主要优势。



2. 什么是物联网(IoT),并举例说明其在日常生活中的应用。



小学上册英语第2单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The manatee is gentle and eats ______ (水草).2.carbon neutrality) aims for zero net emissions. The ____3. A windmill converts wind energy into ______.4.My cousin is a ______. She loves to draw comics.5.What do you call a group of stars that form a pattern?A. ConstellationB. GalaxyC. NebulaD. Star Cluster6.What do you call the process of taking water from the ground?A. ExtractionB. IrrigationC. DistillationD. FiltrationA7.What do you call the place where you can borrow books?A. BookstoreB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Office8.What is the capital city of Turkey?A. IstanbulB. AnkaraC. BursaD. IzmirB9.What is the name of the first woman to fly in space?A. Sally RideB. Valentina TereshkovaC. Mae JemisonD. Eileen Collins10.The process of using enzymes to break down substances is called ______.11.I want to learn how to ______.12.The U.S. has __________ states.13.The ______ (海豚) is very intelligent.14. A solution that can conduct electricity is called a _______.15.小狼) howls at night. The ___16.What is the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Seal17.The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining).18.Which fruit is yellow?A. AppleB. BananaC. GrapeD. CherryB19.My sister loves her toy _______ (我妹妹喜欢她的玩具_______).20.What do we call the process of water vapor forming clouds?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. Sublimation21.What do we call a person who makes shoes?A. TailorB. CobblerC. WeaverD. Blacksmith22.She is ________ to music.23.What is the main ingredient in cereal?A. MilkB. GrainsC. SugarD. Fruit24.My _____ (阿姨) loves to cook and bake delicious treats. 我阿姨喜欢烹饪和烘焙美味的点心。

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姓名:总分:手机: QQ邮箱:拓胜科技---企业联盟--联合招聘--笔试--试题一单选题(本大题6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1.下列语句执行后,变量a,c的值分别是()。

int x=182;int a,c;c = a/100;a = x%100;A)1, 2 B)2, 1 C) 1.82, 2 D)100,82 E)无法通过编译2.下面哪个表达式可以用来得到X和Y的最大值()A)X>Y?Y:X B)X<Y?Y:X C)X>Y?(X+Y):(X-Y) D)X==Y?Y:X3.应用程序的main方法中有以下语句,则输出的结果是()double x= 1234.1234567;DecimalFormat form1 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");System.out.println("PI="+form1.format(x));A)1234.12 B) 4.12 C) 1234.1234567 D) 1234.004.应用程序的main方法中有以下语句,则输出的结果是()int[] x={122,33,55,678,987};int y=x[0];for(int i=1;i<x.length;i++){if(x[i]>y)y = x[i];}System.out.println(y);A)678 B) 122 C) 987 D) 335. 下列语句序列执行后,K的值是()int x=2,y = 5,k = 0;switch(x%y){case 0: k = x+y;break;case 1: k = x-y;break;case 2: k = x*y;break;default: k=x/y;break;}System.out.println(k);A)2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 06.下面的程序输出的结果是()public class A implements B{public static void main(String[] args) {int i;A c1 = new A();i = c1.k;System.out.println("i="+i);}}interface B{int k = 10;}A)i=0 B) i=10 C) 编译错误 D) i = true二多选题(本大题6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1.下面说法正确的是()A)final 可修饰类,属性变量,方法B)abstract 可修饰类,方法C) 抽象方法只有方法头,没有方法体D) 关键字final和abstract不能同时使用2.下面关于外部类和内部类成员的相互访问的规则中,正确的选项是()A)内部类可以直接访问外部类的成员B)外部类也可以直接访问内部类的成员C)外部类不可以直接访问内部类的成员D)外部类可以通过创建内部类的实例来访问内部类的成员3.下面关于JAVA中输入/输出流的说法正确的是()A)FileInputStream与 FileOutputStream类用读,写字节流B)Reader与 Writer 类用来读,写字符流C)RandomAccessFile 既可以用来读文件,也可以用来写文件D)File 类用来处理与文件相关的操作4.下面关于JAVA中的线程的说法正确的是()A)Java提供了 Thread类,支持多线程机制。

B)一个线程创建并启动后,它将执行自己的run()方法C)要在程序中实现多线程,必须在源程序前面使用import语句显示的导入Thread类D)实现多线程有两种方法:继承线程类Thread;实现Runnable接口5.类B是一个抽象类,类C是一个类B的子类,但不是抽象类,下列创建对象X1的语句中正确的是()A)B X1 = new B()B)B X1 = new C()C)C X1 = new C()D)C X1 = new B()6.关于下面的程序的说法正确的是()1:public class Test1 implements Runnable {2: String name;3: public Test1(String s) {4: = s;5: }6: public static void main(String[] args) {7:Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Test1("111"));8:Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Test1("222"));9:thread1.start();10:thread2.start();11:}12: public void run() {13:System.out.println(name);14:}15:}A) 程序第12-14行的run方法是Runnable接口中的方法B) 程序第9,10行的方法调用的功能是分别启动两个线程对象thread1和thread2C) 程序能编译运行,输出结果有可能是:111 222。

D) 程序能编译运行,但没有任何结果输出。

三填空题(本大题6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1.定义字符串:String s = new String("javaok1"),s1 = s.substring(1,4);,则s的值是____,s1的值是____.2.在一个JAVA源文件中定义了3个类,编译该JAVA源文件时会产生_____个节码文件。


5.JAVA中,_ __是可以用来实现类间多重继承功能的结构。


四阅读程序,回答问题(本大题4小题,每小题5分,共20分)1.1:public class Output {2: public static void main(String[] args) {3: int i = 0;4: for(char ch = 97;ch<113;ch++,i++){5: if(i%8 == 0)6: System.out.println("");7: System.out.println("\t"+ch);8: }9: }10:}(1)程序第5,6行的语句的功能是什么?(2)程序输出的结果有几行?2.1:import java.util.Arrays;2:3:public class SortArray {4: public static void main(String[] args) {5:String[] str = { "size", "abs", "length", "class" }; 6:Arrays.sort(str);7:for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)8:System.out.println(str[i] + " ");System.out.println(str[0]);9: }10:}写出程序运行后的结果3.定义类A和类B如下:public class A {int a = 1;double d = 2.0;void show(){System.out.println("Class A:a="+a+"\td="+d);}}class B extends A{float a=3.0f;String d="Java program.";void show(){;System.out.println("Class B: a="+a+"\td="+d);}}(1)若在应用程序的main方法中有以下语句A a = new A();;则输出的结果如何?(2)若在应用程序的main方法中有以下语句A b = new B();;System.out.println(b.a);则输出的结果如何?4.import java.util.Stack;public class W {static String[] s = { "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁" };public static void main(String[] args) {Stack stk = new Stack();for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++){stk.push(s[i]+" ");}int k = 0;while(k<3){System.out.println(stk.pop());k++;}}}(1)堆栈的操作规则如何?(2)写出程序运行后的结果。


如下所示:String f[] = {"A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"};String s[] = {"黑桃","红桃","梅花","方块"}Card[] deck = new Card[52];类源代码如下:public class Card{private String face;private String suit;public Card(String f , String s) {face = f ;suit = s ;}public String getFace() {return face;}public String getSuit() {return suit;}public String toString() {return face+"of"+suit;}}(1)使用Card类的构造方法给deck数组的52张牌赋值,要求数组中先存放黑桃花色的A,2,3,.....,K;然后是红桃花色的A,2,3,.....,K;梅花花色的A,2,3,.....,K;方块花色的A,2,3,.....,K。
