Impact of gold nanoparticle coating on redox homeostasis




纳米金磁复合微粒表面修饰及在免疫层析中的应用研究中文摘要免疫层析作为临床检测常用的床边诊断(POCT:Point-of-Care Test)技术,具有简单、经济、快速等优点,受到广大医务工作者和患者的亲睐,此外这项技术还广泛应用于家庭和海关,野外勘测等场所。









研究了抗人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)单抗和抗小分子半抗原吗啡的单抗在其表面的固定化,基于双抗体夹心和竞争法的免疫层析原理,分别以固定抗体的纳米金磁微粒为载体,不但实现了吗啡的定性检测,还建立了hCG目视化定性和磁信号定量检测的方法,结果表明:1. 纳米金磁微粒等离子体共振吸收峰在544 nm,饱和磁化强度在38.5 emu/g;1 mg 的金磁微粒可偶联130 µg的牛血清白蛋白。

透射电镜表征呈球形,粒径约30 nm,体系中含较多10 nm左右的四氧化三铁纳米粒子。



双金属纳米颗粒的英文文献2000字左右Dual-metallic nanoparticles have gained increasing attention in various fields due to their unique properties and wide range of applications. These nanoparticles, composed of two different metals, exhibit synergistic effects that enhance their catalytic, optical, and magnetic properties. In this review, we discuss the synthesis, properties, and applications of dual-metallic nanoparticles, focusing on their importance in nanotechnology.Synthesis methods for dual-metallic nanoparticles include chemical reduction, thermal decomposition, and galvanic replacement. These methods allow for control over the size, shape, composition, and structure of the nanoparticles, which ultimately influences their properties and applications. For example, alloying two metals can induce a shift in the surface plasmon resonance of the nanoparticles, leading to enhanced catalytic activity for various reactions.The properties of dual-metallic nanoparticles can be tailored by adjusting the ratio of the two metals, the nanoparticle size, and the synthesis conditions. For instance, bimetallic nanoparticles can exhibit improved stability, selectivity, and activity compared to their monometallic counterparts. The presence of two different metals also enables multifunctionality,allowing for applications in catalysis, sensing, imaging, and drug delivery.In catalysis, dual-metallic nanoparticles have shown great potential as efficient and selective catalysts for a wide range of reactions, including hydrogenation, oxidation, and coupling reactions. The synergistic effects between the two metals enhance the catalytic activity, while the unique structure of the nanoparticles provides a high surface area for catalysis. These properties make dual-metallic nanoparticles ideal candidates for sustainable and green chemistry applications.In addition to catalysis, dual-metallic nanoparticles have been used in other fields such as optoelectronics and photonics. The plasmonic properties of these nanoparticles can be tuned to absorb and scatter light in specific wavelengths, enabling applications in sensing, imaging, and photothermal therapy. Moreover, the magnetic properties of dual-metallic nanoparticles make them promising candidates for magnetic separation, drug delivery, and hyperthermia treatments.Overall, dual-metallic nanoparticles represent a versatile class of nanomaterials with significant potential for a wide range of applications. Their unique properties, tunable nature, and multifunctionality make them promising candidates for variousfields, including catalysis, sensing, imaging, and therapy. With further research and development, dual-metallic nanoparticles have the potential to revolutionize nanotechnology and contribute to the advancement of science and technology.。



金纳米粒子与谷胱甘肽相互作用及其分析应用许文杰1,李正平2,段新瑞2,秦 磊2(1.河北大学医学部,河北保定 071000;2.河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定 071002) 摘 要:通过谷胱甘肽的巯基(-SH )与金纳米粒子的共价结合和氨基(-N H +3)与金纳米粒子的静电作用,使金纳米粒子自组装为有序的网状超分子结构,导致金纳米粒子的最大吸收波长从520nm 红移到668nm ,且在668nm 处的吸光度与谷胱甘肽的浓度在一定范围内呈正比.由此建立了以金纳米粒子为探针,简便、灵敏的测定谷胱甘肽的分析方法.本方法线性范围为0.01~0.20mg/L ,检出限3.0μg/L (3σ,9.8nmol/L ).关键词:金纳米粒子;谷胱甘肽;紫外可见分光光度法中图分类号:O 657.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2007)03-0265-05Study on Interaction B et w een G old N anopar ticlesan d G luta thione an d Its A nalytical ApplicationX U We n 2jie 1,LI Zheng 2ping 2,D UA N X in 2rui 2,QI N Lei 2(1.Healt h Science Cent er ,Hebei University ,Baodi ng 071000,China ;2.College of Chemist ry and Envi r onment al Science ,Hebei University ,Baoding 071002,China )Abstract :Through t he covalent combi nat ion wit h t he -SH group and t he electrostatic i nteraction wit h t he -N H +3group of glut at hione ,gol d nanoparticles can self 2assemble and form a supermolecular network st ruct ure.As a result ,absorption peak of gold nanoparticles shift s from 520nm to 668nm ,and t he abs orbance of gold nanoparticles at 668nm is proport ional to glut at hione c oncent rat ion in a cert ain range.Based on t his study ,a rapi d ,si mple ,sensitive met hod for glut at hione determi nation using gol d nanoparticles as a probe has been est ab 2li shed.There i s a good linear relat ionship between t he abs orbance at 668nm and gl utat hione concentration in t he range f rom 0.01mg/L to 0.20mg/L ,t he correspondi ng detect ion limit i s 3.0μg/L (3σ,9.8nmol/L ).K ey w or ds :gold nanoparticles ;glut at hione ;ult raviolet 2visi ble spect rophotomet ry谷胱甘肽(G SH )是一种在动植物细胞中普遍存在的含有巯基的三肽,能保护细胞不受到自由基、过氧化物等物质的氧化损伤,是细胞生理过程中非常重要的生物活性物质.谷胱甘肽的测定对于细胞生物学研究及人类健康都具有重要的意义[1-2].目前,已有许多有关谷胱甘肽分析方法的报道[2],主要包括分光光度法,荧光及生物发光分析法,这些方法都基于谷胱甘肽的氧化反应或与发色团、荧光团的衍生反应以及酶催化反应,且大部分方法需要高效液相色谱的分离[3-4].最近,以生物物质引发的纳米粒子自组装已成为一个非常活跃的研究领域.笔者研究发现,通过谷胱甘 收稿日期63 基金项目教育部自然科学基金重点项目(5) 作者简介许文杰(6),男,河北易县人,河北大学医学部副教授,主要从事医学生物学教学与研究第27卷 第3期2007年 5月河北大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Hebei U niversit y (Nat ural Science Edition )Vol.27No.3May 2007:200-04-0:20020:192-.肽的巯基与金纳米粒子表面的共价结合和氨基与金纳米粒子表面的静电作用,可导致金纳米粒子的有序自组装,形成网状的超分子结构,由此使金纳米粒子的最大吸收波长(λma x )由520nm 红移至668nm.在研究谷胱甘肽引导的金纳米粒子自组装的基础上,建立了简便、灵敏的测定谷胱甘肽的新方法.1 实验部分图1 金纳米粒子的透射电子显微镜照片Fig.1 TEM ima ge o f gold nanop a r ticles 1.1 主要仪器和试剂TU 21901紫外可见分光光度计(北京普析通用仪器有限责任公司);J EM 2100SX 透射电子显微镜(J EOL ,日本);pHS 23C 数显p H 计(上海伟业仪器厂);A G 245电子天平(METL ER TOL EDO ,瑞士);QL 2901涡旋混合器(江苏海门市麒麟医用仪器厂).氯金酸(AuCl 3HCl 4H 2O ,国药集团化学试剂有限公司);谷胱甘肽(G SH ,日本);人血清白蛋白(HAS ,Sigma);明胶(天津一洋生物制品有限责任公司);牛血清白蛋白(B SA ,北京元亨圣马生物技术研究所).谷胱甘肽配制成100mg/L 储备液,于4℃冰箱中保存且每天更新.谷胱甘肽工作液由储备液逐级稀释得到.Brit ton 2Robinson (B 2R )缓冲溶液用于控制溶液的pH 值.实验用水均为二次蒸馏水,试剂均为分析纯.金纳米粒子按Frens [5]和Natan [6]的方法制备.所有玻璃器皿均用铬酸洗液浸洗,然后洗净、烘干.将100mL 0.1g/L 氯金酸加热至沸腾,搅拌下迅速加入3.5mL 10g/L 柠檬酸三钠水溶液,继续加热同时迅速搅拌,7~8min 后,移去热源,冷却至室温后稀释至吸光度为1.000后备用.该金纳米粒子的浓度表示为1X.透射电子显微镜照片表明该金纳米粒子的粒径为16.6nm (见图1),其最大吸收波长为520nm.1.2 实验方法在10mL 比色管中,依次加入0.5mL p H =3.29的B 2R 缓冲溶液,1.5mL 浓度为1X 的金纳米粒子胶体溶液和一定浓度的谷胱甘肽,用二次蒸馏水稀释至5mL ,用涡旋搅拌器混合均匀.所得溶液在室温放置1h 后用紫外-可见分光光度计在350~700nm 波长范围内扫描吸收光谱或在668nm 处测量吸光度.2 结果与讨论2.1 金纳米粒子自组装和吸收光谱金纳米粒子在溶液中呈良好的单分散状态(见图1).由于金纳米粒子表面等离子体的激发,其溶液显红色,并在520nm 处出现最大吸收峰[7](如图2所示).谷胱甘肽的巯基可以和金纳米粒子表面形成稳定的-S -Au 共价键;在实验条件下,谷胱甘肽的氨基带正电荷(即-N H 3+),金纳米粒子表面由于吸附柠檬酸负离子带负电荷.因此,1个谷胱甘肽分子可以通过形成共价键和离子间静电作用,同时与2个金纳米粒子表面结合,从而引起金纳米粒子间有效的长距离自组装.在合适的条件下,向金纳米粒子溶液中加入谷胱甘肽,由图3可以清楚地看出,在谷胱甘肽作用下,金纳米粒子自组装为有序的超分子网状结构.在此超分子结构中,由于邻近的金纳米粒子之间的表面等离子体共振耦合,最大吸收峰发生较大的红移[7],如图2所示,在668nm 形成了一个新的最大吸收峰,同时可以明显地观察到溶液由红色变为蓝色662河北大学学报(自然科学版)2007年.1.金纳米粒子;2.金纳米粒子和谷胱甘肽;B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;p H =3.29;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L 图2 紫外可见光谱Fig.2 UV 2V is spectraB 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;pH =3.29;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L图3 谷胱甘肽和金纳米粒子透射电子显微镜照片Fig.3 TEM image of gold nanopar t iclesand glutat hio ne 1.金纳米粒子;2.金纳米粒子和谷胱甘肽;B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;p H =3.29;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X ;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L ;波长668nm 图4 p H 值的影响Fig.4 Effect of p H2.2 溶液pH 值对金纳米粒子自组装的影响在保持金纳米粒子和谷胱甘肽浓度一定的条件下,在1.98~4.10内通过改变加入的B 2R 缓冲溶液改变pH 值,在668nm 测量体系吸光度.溶液的p H 值是影响谷胱甘肽分子及金纳米粒子表面吸附的柠檬酸分子的电荷分布的决定因素,并由此影响谷胱甘肽与金纳米粒子表面的静电作用及金纳米粒子的自组装.如图4所示,由金纳米粒子自组装所产生的668nm的吸光度在低pH 值时随p H 值升高而缓慢增加,并在p H 为3.29时达到最大;当pH 值大于3.29时,此吸光度随pH 值升高而急剧下降.谷胱甘肽氨基的p K a 值为9.70,在实验的pH 值范围(1.98~4.10)内带正电荷(即-N H 3+).谷胱甘肽2个羧基的p K a 值均大约为3.70,即p H 小于3.70时,谷胱甘肽分子带正电荷,但随pH 值的升高其所带的正电荷数减少,不利于谷胱甘肽分子与金纳米粒子表面的静电作用;另一方面,柠檬酸羧基的p K a1,p K a2分别为3.13和4.76,pH 值升高,其羧基的H +电离,有利于金纳米粒子表面的静电作用.在p H 为3.29,柠檬酸分子的第1个羧基已基本完全电离,而谷胱甘肽分子的羧基电离很少,此时金纳米粒子表面的静电作用最强,由此产生的668nm 的吸光度达到最大.当pH 大于3.70时,谷胱甘肽分子所带净电荷为负,它与金纳米粒子表面的静电作用不复存在.此时加入谷胱甘肽的金纳米粒子溶液在668nm 时的吸光度与金纳米粒子溶液本身已无差别.由以上讨论可知,谷胱甘肽和金纳米粒子溶液在668nm 时的吸光度随p H 值的变化的实验数据证明了谷胱甘肽与金纳米粒子表面的静电作用是形成金纳米粒子自组装的重要因素,由此本实验应控制在p H 值3.29.图5是谷胱甘肽和金纳米粒子溶液在668nm 的吸光度随缓冲溶液(pH 为3.29)浓度变化的曲线.从图5可以看出,在缓冲溶液浓度很小时,由于缓冲容量不足,不足以调节溶液达到所需值,所以吸光度随缓冲溶液浓度升高而增加;当缓冲溶液浓度较大时,由于溶液离子强度过高,干扰了谷胱甘肽与金纳米粒子表762第3期许文杰等:金纳米粒子与谷胱甘肽相互作用及其分析应用pH面的静电相互作用,导致吸光度随缓冲溶液的浓度升高而降低.在缓冲溶液浓度为4mmol/L 时,吸光度达到最大,所以在实验中缓冲溶液的浓度选择为4mmol/L.2.3 金纳米粒子浓度的影响在体系中加入0.50mL B 2R 缓冲溶液(pH =3.29),在保持谷胱甘肽浓度一定的条件下,变化金纳米粒子溶液的浓度,然后在668nm 处测量体系吸光度.如图6所示,金纳米粒子浓度很低时,溶液中金纳米粒子的密度小,不易形成有效的金纳米粒子长距离自组装,谷胱甘肽和金纳米粒子溶液在668nm 的吸光度随金纳米粒子浓度的升高而迅速增加.但如果金纳米粒子浓度过高,降低了单个金纳米粒子表面结合的谷胱甘肽分子数,也不利于金纳米粒子自组装的形成,因此吸光度随金纳米粒子浓度的升高而迅速降低.在本文实验条件下,金纳米粒子浓度为0.3X 时,由金纳米粒子自组装产生的668nm 吸光度达到最大.所以测定谷胱甘肽时,选择金纳米粒子浓度为0.3X.1.金纳米粒子;2.金纳米粒子和谷胱甘肽;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L ;pH为3.29;波长668nm图5 B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度的影响Fig.5 Effect o f B 2R buff er concentr at ion 1.金纳米粒子;2.金纳米粒子和谷胱甘肽;B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;p H =3.29;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L ;波长668nm 图6 金纳米粒子浓度的影响Fig.6 E ff ect of gold nanopar t icles co ncentra tion2.4 金纳米粒子自组装的稳定性在上述实验得出的最佳条件下,按照实验方法,在668nm 处测量体系吸光度随时间的变化.由金纳米粒子自组装产生的吸光度随时间的变化如图7所示.在实验条件下,谷胱甘肽与金纳米粒子混合后,在668nm 产生的吸光度随时间快速增加,在40min 后达到最大,并且至少稳定90mi n ,由此表明自组装过程在40min 内就能完成,而自组装的稳定性完全能满足谷胱甘肽测定的需要.2.5 标准曲线及检出限 在以上选定的最佳条件下,按照实验方法,研究了谷胱甘肽的浓度与吸光度之间的关系,由此绘制的标准曲线如图8所示(图8中的数据均为3次测量结果的平均值).谷胱甘肽的质量浓度在0.01~0.20mg/L 的范围内与吸光度值有良好的线性关系,其线性方程为A =0.092+1.36c ,线性相关系数为0.9988.相应检出限为3.0μg/L (3σ,9.8nmol/L ).本方法的灵敏度比以前报道的电化学方法[8-10]高至少1个数量级,比基于衍生反应的分光光度法高3倍多[2],与基于荧光衍生的高效液相色谱法[3,4]和生物发光法[11]相当,但本方法不需要高效液相色谱分离和昂贵的酶制剂和生物发光试剂,具有灵敏度高、操作简单、试剂仪器简单的显著优点.862河北大学学报(自然科学版)2007年 B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;pH =3.29;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L ;波长668nm 图7 金纳米粒子自组装的稳定性 Fig.7 Influence of incubat ion timeon the sta bility of a ssemblies B 2R 缓冲溶液浓度4mmol/L ;pH =3.29;金纳米粒子浓度0.3X ;谷胱甘肽质量浓度0.2mg/L ;波长668nm图8 测定谷胱甘肽的标准曲线 Fig.8 C a libr at ion curves f or glutat hio ne deter m i nat ion参 考 文 献:[1]王镜岩,朱圣庚,徐长法.生物化学[M ].北京:高等教育出版社,2002.[2]ANNA PAS TOR E ,GIOR GIO FEDER ICI ,ENR ICO B ER TINI ,et al.Anal ys is of glutathione :implication in red ox and detox 2ification [J ].Clin Chim Acta ,2003(333):19-39.[3]ROGER A WINTER ,JANUSZ ZU K OWS KI ,NU RAN ERCAL ,et al.Anal ysis of glutathione ,glutathione disulfide ,dys 2tein e ,homocysteine ,and other biological thiols by high 2performance liquid chromatography following derivatization by N 2(12Pyrenyl )maleimide [J ].Anal Bioche m ,1995(227):14-21.[4]KEVIN J LEN TON ,HEL 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DETECTION OF DNA-GOLD NANOPARTICLE HYBRIDS ON PATTERNED SURFACESA. M. Weld1, H.B. Yin2, T. Melvin1, 21Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, S017 1BJ,UK 2School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, S017 1BJ,UKamw@An optical diffraction based sensor has been developed for thedetection of DNA-gold nanoparticle hybrids. Silicon substrates were patterned with oligonucleotide sequences in the form of a one-dimensional diffraction grating. Complementary sequences are detected by hybridisation with an oligonucleotide functionalised gold nanoparticle label. Detection of the gold nanoparticles is achieved by examining the diffraction efficiency of the diffraction gratings formed by laser illumination.I. INTRODUCTIONA wide range of microarrays have been created for the analysis of DNA sequences. Commercially available systems have been developed containing arrays of up to 10000 different DNA sequences [1]. Many of these systems use fluorescence detection. Known DNA oligonucleotides are immobilised on a surface and act as probes for gene sequences. Samples are fluorescently labelled and the hybrids are located and quantified from the fluorescent images.Much effort has been made to develop non-fluorescent methods such as forming DNA-nanoparticle aggregates or holography. Mirkin and co-workers have developed a colourimetric DNA detection assay [2]. DNA labelled gold nanoparticles act as probes and hybridise with complementary linker strands forming aggregates. This is observable by a change in colour of the nanoparticle-DNA solution from red to blue as aggregation occurs and particles become closer together, red-shifting the plasmon absorption band.Interference based detection of oligonucleotides has been developed by Jenison et al [3]. Capture oligonucleotides were attached to optically coated silicon, which appears gold in white light. After successful hybridisation with DNA target sequences labelled with biotin, a biotin antibody was added causing precipitation of a thin film. The colour of the reflected light was dependant upon the film thickness – as a result of destructive interference. A diffraction based approach will offer potential for creating a highly sensitive DNA biosensor.II. DIFFRACTION-BASED DNA SENSORA diffraction-based sensor for detecting DNA oligonucleotide sequences has been developed. A silicon wafer is patterned with oligonucleotide capture sequences in a diffraction grating pattern with a period of 20.0 microns. Target sequences are attached to gold nanoparticle probes. Successful hybridisation is detected by illuminating the sample with a laser and measuring the diffraction pattern produced.III. METHODSA. Micropatterning of Silicon with oligonucleotidesFor the development of this sensor device, silicon wafers have been patterned with diffraction gratings featuring a 20.0 micron period (shown in figure 1). Methods for preparing DNA patterns on silicon substrates have previously been reported [4, 5].Figure 1) 20.0 micron period DNA grating on siliconB. Gold Nanoparticle HybridisationGold nanoparticles were functionalised with DNA oligonucleotide sequences. For the purpose of establishing the methodologies for optical detection of the nanoparticle labels, the sequences used were complementary to the oligonucleotides immobilised on the silicon wafer. The gold nanoparticles were hybridised directly to the DNA grating on the silicon wafer. The gold nanoparticles were placed on to the DNA grating in a hybridisation solution under a small cover-slip and incubated at room temperature in a humid chamber for 3 hours.C. Diffraction AnalysisFabricated DNA gratings on silicon were optically characterised by illumination with 1.0mW HeNe lasers with wavelengths of 632.8nm and 543.5nm. The incident laser beam was p-polarised (electric field vector parallel to the plane of incidence) and aligned at the Brewster angle for thebuffer environment of the DNA grating to minimise reflection from the surface. The diffraction order intensities were measured by scanning through the angular range of the first six diffraction orders with a power meter at an observation distance of 20.0cm. The experimental layout is shown in figure 2). A CCD camera was used to capture images of the diffraction pattern.After hybridisation of the DNA gratings with gold nanoparticles, the diffraction orders were measured again. The diffraction data was analysed to examine the change in light distribution resulting from successful hybridisation of gold nanoparticles.Figure 2) Experimental layout for diffraction analysis of DNAgratingsFigure 3) Diffraction pattern captured by scanning a CCD camera in an arc for a 20.0 micron DNA grating on silicon with hybridised 50nmgold nanoparticles. On the left is the m=0 diffraction order, with the diffraction orders m=1-7 to the rightIV. RESULTSThe DNA patterned lines made up a diffraction grating of DNA on the silicon wafer with a period of 20.0 microns. The difference in reflectivity between the DNA covered regions and bare silicon yielded a weak diffraction pattern when monitored using the analysis method described above. Upon hybridisation with gold nanoparticles of 1.4nm, 10nm and 50nm diameters, the diffraction efficiency ratio of the first order to the zeroth reflection (I1/I0) was observed to increase from 0.5% to 3.6, 6.4% and 9.5% respectively (see figure 4). The intensity of the diffraction orders was higher when gold nanoparticles hybridised to the grating, enabling detection of the DNA sequences. A typical diffraction pattern image is shown in figure 3).10nm gold nanoparticles were found to give the highest intensity diffraction due to their larger size than the 1.4nm particles. 50nm particles did not hybridise very well due to their weight.Figure 4) Diffraction efficiencies for DNA gratings with different size hybridised gold nanoparticlesV. CONCLUSIONSDNA diffraction gratings have been fabricated on silicon wafers. Successful hybridisation of complementary DNA sequences labelled with gold nanoparticles was detected by increased diffraction efficiencies of the DNA gratings. This work will be extended to give quantification of the number of particles hybridised to the grating related to the intensities of the diffraction orders. The diffraction sensor will be developed further to enable the simultaneous analysis of a number of DNA sequences from genomic samples of specific relevance to hereditary disease.REFERENCES[1] Mike May, Genotyping Scales Up and Packs in the Data, Genomics &Proteomics, Vol. 3, No. 9, 2003, p46-48[2] J. J. Storhoff, C. A. Mirkin, Programmed Materials Synthesis withDNA,Chem. Rev., 1999, Vol. 99, p1849-1862[3] Robert Jenison, Shao Yang, Ayla Haeberli, Barry Polski, Interference-based detection of nucleic acid targets on optically coated silicon, Nature Biotechnology, Vol 19, 2001, p62-65[4] H. B. Yin, T. Brown, R. Greef, J. S. Wilkinson and T. Melvin,Chemical modification and micropatterning of Si(1 0 0) with oligonucleotides, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 73-74, 2004, p830-836[5] H. B. Yin, T. Brown, R. Greef, S. Mailis, R. W. Eason, J. S. Wilkinson,T. Melvin, Photo-patterning of DNA oligonucleotides on silicon surfaces with micron-scale dimensions, SPIE, Vol 5461, 2004。



the Maxwell equations, which facilitated the calculation of the extinction and scattering efficiencies of small metal particles. Later, Stratton9 introduced a more formal approach, which is commonly used today.10,11 In addition to the theoretical work, a sizable amount of experimental data have been collected, and the influence of particle size, shape, dielectric environment, and surface coatings on the extinction and scattering cross sections of small metal particles have been discussed.11-15
313. (3) Henglein, A.; Meisel, D. Langmuir 1998, 14, 7392-7396. (4) Brust, M.; Fink, J.; Bethell, D.; Schiffrin, D. J.; Kiely, C. J. Chem. Soc., Chem.
Centre for Nanoscale Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Crown Street L69 7ZD, U.K., and School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Crown Street L69 7ZB, U.K.

bsa合成金纳米簇 吸收峰 -回复

bsa合成金纳米簇 吸收峰 -回复





第一步:什么是bsa合成金纳米簇?bsa是指牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin)的缩写,是一种常见的蛋白质。





第三步:bsa合成金纳米簇的实验步骤是什么?1. 准备工作:将bsa溶液和金盐(如黄金盐)溶液分别制备好,并反复通过精密过滤器以去除杂质。

2. 混合反应:将bsa溶液与金盐溶液按一定比例混合,并轻轻搅拌。


3. 进一步生长:在适当的温度和时间条件下,金纳米簇种子会进一步生长,形成更大的纳米颗粒。

4. 纯化处理:通过离心和溶液置换等操作,将纳米簇从溶液中分离出来,并去除杂质。

5. 补充:为了提高样品的稳定性和可操作性,可以对纳米簇样品进行后续处理,如修饰表面等。

6. 表征:利用吸收光谱、透射电镜等技术对合成的金纳米簇进行表征,包括吸收峰的测定。




Gold Nanoparticles Are Taken Up by Human

Gold Nanoparticles Are Taken Up by Human

Toxicity of nanoparticles Gold Nanoparticles Are Taken Up by Human Cells but Do Not Cause Acute Cytotoxicity**Ellen E.Connor,Judith Mwamuka,Anand Gole, Catherine J.Murphy,and Michael D.Wyatt*A series of gold nanoparticles were examined for uptake and acute toxicity in human leukemia cells.The results indi-cate that although some precursors of nanoparticles may be toxic,the nanoparticles themselves are not necessarily detri-mental to cellular function.Nanoscience and nanotechnolo-gy hold great promise for many applications,including bio-medical uses.Yet despite the huge potential benefit of nano-materials in the realm of biomedical and industrial applica-tions,very little is known about potential short-and long-term deleterious effects of such nanomaterials on human and environmental health.[1–3]Specifically,there is very little information on the effect of size,shape,and surface func-tional groups on the bioavailability,uptake,subcellular dis-tribution,metabolism,and degradation of many of the nanomaterials being explored.Recent reports have begun to examine these issues for carbon nanotubes,[4–6]CdSe nanoparticles,[7–10]and gold nanoparticles.[11–14]Here we report an investigation of the cellular uptake and cytotoxici-ty of gold nanoparticles with human cells.The present stud-ies were undertaken in order to determine the interactions of a series of defined nanoparticles containing a variety of surface modifiers and stabilizers with an established human cancer cell line.The nanoparticle library consisted of gold spheres with average diameters of 4,12,or18nm,and containing a va-riety of surface modifiers.Cysteine and citrate-capped4-nm nanoparticles and glucose-reduced12-nm nanoparticles were synthesized as previously described(the synthesis of the various nanoparticles employed in this study,along with the materials used,are given in the Supporting Informa-tion).[15–17]For the18-nm nanoparticles,the surface modifi-ers were citrate,biotin,and cetyltrimethylammonium bro-mide(CTAB).[18]The nanoparticle library was tested for cytotoxicity using the K562leukemia cell line.[19]Following three days of continuous exposure to the nanoparticles,cell viability was determined using the MTT assay.[20]In this assay,cells that properly metabolize a dye(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)undergo visible color changes that are monitored spectrophotometrically;cells that are in-capable of metabolizing the dye remain colorless.The18-nm nanoparticle preparations with citrate and biotin surface modifiers did not appear to be toxic at concentrations up to 250m m(gold atoms)under these conditions(Figure1A).In contrast,the gold-salt(AuCl4)precursor solution was over 90%toxic at a concentration of200m m(Figure1A).that the gold-salt precursor solution was adjusted to a pH value of7prior to the cytotoxicity experiment.The nanoparticle preparations with glucose or cysteine surface modifiers,or with a reduced gold surface,were not toxic at concentrations up to25m m.To further confirm the lack of toxicity,cell numbers were counted on days2–5during con-tinuous exposure to a25m m concentration of18-nmcitrate-Figure1.Survival curves for human K562cells exposed to nanoparti-cles.Cells were continuously exposed to nanoparticles for3days. Cell viability was measured by the MTT assay.The data are plotted as the percentage of surviving cells compared to untreated controls.a)Plot showing the survival of cells exposed to the AuCl4precursor solution(~)or to18-nm nanoparticles containing citrate(^)or biotin(&);b)plot showing the survival of cells exposed to CTAB alone(&),18-nm nanoparticles with CTAB(^),or18nm nanoparti-cles with CTAB that were washed three times prior to incubation with the cells(~).[*]Dr.E.E.Connor,Prof.M.D.WyattDepartment of Basic Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of South Carolina700Sumter Street,29208Columbia SC(USA)Fax:(+1)803-777-8356E-mail:wyatt@J.Mwamuka,Dr.A.Gole,Prof.C.J.MurphyDepartment of Chemistry&BiochemistryUniversity of South Carolina,29208Columbia SC(USA)[**]This work was made possible by NSF grantCHE-0336350Supporting information for this article is available on the WWWunder or from the author.small2005,1,No.3,325–327DOI:10.1002/smll.200400093 2005Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,D-69451Weinheim325capped nanoparticles.No difference was seen in either the growth rate of the untreated control cells or the cells ex-posed to the nanoparticles (see Supporting Information,Fig-ure S1).The preparation of 18-nm nanoparticles that contained CTAB displayed significant toxicity (Figure 1B).CTAB alone showed a similar toxicity (Figure 1B).It was thus nec-essary to determine whether unbound CTAB or the CTAB-modified nanoparticles caused the observed cytotoxicity.Therefore,CTAB-modified nanoparticles were centrifuged and washed with deionized water three times to remove un-bound CTAB.The washed CTAB-modified nanoparticles were found to be not toxic under the conditions examined,which suggests that CTAB bound to the gold nanoparticles does not cause toxicity (Figure 1B).NMR studies of the washed CTAB-modified nanoparticles indicated that all of the remaining CTAB was associated with the nanoparticles (data not shown).The lack of detectable cytotoxicity raised the question of whether the nanoparticles were capable of being taken up into the cells.In order to assess the extent of the uptake of gold nanoparticles into cells,the nanoparticle concentration in the cell culture media was monitored by visible spectros-copy at time points from 1to 24h post-exposure (Fig-ure 2C).The cells were exposed to 18-nm citrate-capped nanoparticles at a concentration of 25m m for time pointsfrom 15min to 24h.The concentration of the gold nanopar-ticles in the media dropped to a plateau within 1h of the in-itial exposure,which suggests that the nanoparticles were rapidly taken up into cells (Figure 2C).Control experiments with a media that lacked cells suggested against adsorption of the gold nanoparticles onto serum proteins or the cell culture plates (data not shown).The presence in cells of the 18-nm citrate-capped gold nanoparticles was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)of the cells follow-ing exposure.Figure 2A and B shows electron micrographs at different magnifications of a cell that contains gold nano-particles following exposure (to 18-nm citrate-capped nano-particles)for 1h.The nanoparticles are clustered in a sub-cellular location that we speculate are endocytic vesicles,al-though further experiments would be necessary to conclu-sively demonstrate this.Interestingly,the images taken at higher magnifications show that the gross morphology of the nanoparticles has not changed dramatically,that is,the nanoparticles appear as 18-nm spheres even after being taken up by the cells (Figure 2B).Further experiments will be required to determine what,if any,changes to the sur-face groups on the nanoparticles have occurred after being exposed to the cellular environment.Taken together,the data suggest that spherical gold nanoparticles with a variety of surface modifiers are not in-herently toxic to human cells,despite being taken up into cells.The results with the CTAB-capped nanoparticles and the gold-salt solution indicate that although some precursors of nanoparticles might cause toxicity,the nanoparticles themselves are not necessarily detrimental to cellular func-tion.Many more variables require further testing,including shapes other than spheres,and different functional groups on the surfaces of the nanoparticles.The long-term effects of the presence of nanoparticles would also have to be stly,it will be important to determine whether nanoparticles are themselves modified by the cellular envi-ronment,thus potentially altering the properties of the nanoparticles for biosensing,imaging,or delivery applica-tions.Keywords:biomolecules ·gold ·human cells ·nanoparticles ·toxicology[1]V.L.Colvin,Nat.Biotechnol.2003,21,1166–1170.[2]R.Dagani,Chem.Eng.News 2003,81,30–33.[3]R.F.Service,Science 2003,300,243.[4]D.B.Warheit,urence,K.L.Reed,D.H.Roach,G.A.Rey-nolds,T.R.Webb,Toxicol.Sci.2004,77,117–125.[5]m,J.T.James,R.McCluskey,R.L.Hunter,Toxicol.Sci.2004,77,126–134.[6]N.W.S.Kam,T.C.Jessop,P.A.Wender,H.Dai,J.Am.Chem.Soc.2004,126,6850–6851.[7]B.Ballou,gerholm,L.A.Ernst,M.P.Bruchez,A.S.Wagg-oner,rson,W.R.Zipfel,R.M.Williams,S.W.Clark,F.W.Wise,W.W.Webb,X.Wu,H.Liu,J.Liu,K.N.Haley,J.A.Tread-way,rson,N.Ge,F.Peale,Bioconjugate Chem.2004,15,79–86.Figure 2.Electron micrographs at different magnifications of a cell containing nanoparticles.Cells were exposed to nanoparticles for 24h,fixed with osmium tetroxide,sectioned,and visualized with a Hitachi H-8000electron microscope.a)Image at 8000 magnifica-tion of a representative cell with nanoparticles subcellularly local-ized.The small box represents the area magnified in (b);b)image at 60000 magnification of gold nanoparticles within cells.The inset is a 150000 magnification of the gold nanoparticles.c)visiblespectroscopy plot (measured at 526nm)of the concentration of gold nanoparticles in cell culture media following incubation with the cells (data is compared to the initial concentration).The media was exposed to 18-nm citrate-capped nanoparticles for the times shown.Following exposure,the cells were removed from the media by centri-fugation at 300g.Cells were grown in cell culture media lacking phenol red for the absorbance experiments.3262005Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,D-69451Weinheimsmall 2005,1,No.3,325–327communications[8]A.M.Derfus,W.C.Chan,S.N.Bhatia,Nano Lett.2004,4,11–18.[9]rson,W.R.Zipfel,R.M.Williams,S.W.Clark,M.P.Bru-chez,F.W.Wise,W.W.Webb,X.Wu,H.Liu,J.Liu,K.N.Haley,J.A.Treadway,rson,N.Ge,F.Peale,Science2003,300,1434–1436.[10]X.Wu,H.Liu,J.Liu,K.N.Haley,J.A.Treadway,rson,N.Ge,F.Peale,M.P.Bruchez,Nat.Biotechnol.2003,21,41–46.[11]M.Thomas,A.M.Klibanov,A2003,100,9138–9143.[12]achenko,H.Xie,D.Coleman,W.Glomm,J.Ryan,M.F.Anderson,S.Franzen,D.L.Feldheim,J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003,125,4700–4701.[13]achenko,H.Xie,Y.Liu,D.Coleman,J.Ryan,W.Glomm,M.K.Shipton,S.Franzen,D.L.Feldheim,Bioconjugate Chem.2003,14,482–490.[14]J.F.Hillyer,R.M.Albrecht,J.Pharm.Sci.2001,90,1927–1936.[15]N.R.Jana,L.Gearheart, C.J.Murphy,Langmuir2001,17,6782–6786.[16]K.M.Mayya, A.Gole,N.Jain,S.Phadtare, ngevin,M.Sastry,Langmuir2003,19,9147–9154.[17]A.Gole,A.Kumar,S.Phadtare,A.B.Mandale,M.Sastry,Phys.mun.2001,19,19.[18]N.R.Jana,C.J.Murphy,Adv.Mater.2002,14,80–82.[19]L.C.Andersson,K.Nilsson,C.G.Gahmberg,Int.J.Cancer1979,23,143–147.[20]J.Carmichael,W.G.DeGraff,A.F.Gazdar,J.D.Minna,J.B.Mitch-ell,Cancer Res.1987,47,936–942.Received:October4,2004small2005,1,No.3,325– 2005Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,D-69451Weinheim327。



金纳米粒子对骨科相关细胞增殖与代谢作用的研究进展林 琛,邢更彦【摘要】 金纳米粒子(gold nanoparticles,AuNPs)已在不同的领域表现出了很好的研究与应用前景,如化学、生物与医药等。

其中,在骨科学领域亦表现出了独特的生物效能,尤其对骨科学相关细胞的作用,如成骨细胞、破骨细胞、软骨细胞及人骨髓间充质干细胞(human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells,hMSCs)等。

不同直径、不同官能团修饰的AuNPs 可以不同程度地影响这些细胞的生物效应表达,同时也可获得细胞内的相关信息。

【关键词】 金纳米粒子;骨细胞;骨科学【中国图书分类号】 R87Advances in the effect of AuNPs on proliferation and metabolism of orthopedic-related cellsLIN Chen and XING Gengyan. Clinical School of General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Anhui Medical University, Beijing 100039, ChinaCorresponding author: XING Gengyan, E-mail: xgy7766@【Abstract 】 Research on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has showed commendable results and application prospects in chemistry, biology and medicine. It also showed promise as a biomaterial for tissue engineering in orthopaedics cells, such as osteablast, osteoclast, chondrocyte and human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and so on. The AuNPs with different particle sizes and functional groups influence cell viability differently, and simultaneously obtain cell information.【Key words 】 AuNPs; osteocyte; orthopedicsDOI :10.13919/j.issn.2095-6274.2017.04.014作者单位:100039 北京,安徽医科大学武警总医院临床学院通信作者:邢更彦,E-mail:xgy7766@纳米科技与纳米技术在许多领域均有着广泛的影响,包括生物医学的应用,如银纳米粒子(silver nanoparticles,AgNPs)、C60(fullerene)、量子点(quantum dots)等。



实验研究CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS 由于在生物医学领域的广泛应用,纳米材料已经成为目前的研究热点。





资料与方法试剂与仪器:氯金酸、碳酸钾、硼氢化钠购自国药集团化学试剂有限公司;抗坏血酸(AA)、表儿茶素(EC)、2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine (TEMP)、3-Carbamoyl-2,5-dihydro-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1H-pyrrol-1-yloxyl(CTPO)购自Sigma 公司;ESR 自旋捕获剂5,5-Dimethyl -1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO)、5-tert-Butoxycarbonyl -5-meth-yl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide(BMPO)购自Dojin-do Molecular Technologies 公司;实验用水均为超纯水装置净化的3次去离子水,电阻率>18.2MΩ·cm。

纳米颗粒的形貌使用FEI 公司的Tecnai G2Spirit BioTWIN 透射电子显微镜(TEM)表征;紫外-可见光谱使用岛津公司的UV-3600紫外光谱仪测定;活性氧自由基使用Bruker 公司的电子自旋共振光谱(ESR)检测。

金纳米颗粒的制备:分别配制1%的氯金酸溶液(溶液1)、0.2mol/L 的碳酸钾溶液(溶液2)和0.02mol/L 硼氢化钠溶液(溶液3)。



环境检测中银纳米颗粒应用英语Silver Nanoparticle Applications in EnglishSilver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have gained significant attention in various fields due to their unique properties and versatile applications. In this document, we will explore the applications of silver nanoparticles in different sectors, focusing on their uses in the medical, environmental, and electronic industries.Medical Applications:Silver nanoparticles exhibit excellent antimicrobial properties, making them suitable for use in the medical field. They have been extensively employed in wound dressings and bandages to prevent infection and promote healing. The small size and large surface area of AgNPs enhance their antimicrobial efficacy by facilitating direct contact with bacteria and other microorganisms. Additionally, silver nanoparticles have shown potential in drug delivery systems, where they can enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of various medications.Environmental Applications:The unique properties of silver nanoparticles also make them valuable in environmental applications. AgNPs have been studied for their potential in water purification, as they can remove pollutants and kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Their catalytic properties make them effective in reducing organic contaminants and improving water quality. Furthermore, silver nanoparticles have been explored for their use in air purification to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic gases.Electronic Applications:Silver nanoparticles possess excellent electrical conductivity and have become an essential component in the electronic industry. They are used in printable or flexible electronics, such as conductive inks, sensors, and displays. AgNPs provide a cost-effective and efficient solution for manufacturing conductive patterns on various substrates. Their ability to form stable conductive films makes them highly suitable for applications in printed electronics.In conclusion, silver nanoparticles offer a wide range of applications in different industries. Their antimicrobial properties make them valuable in the medical field, where they can be used in wound dressings and drug delivery systems. Additionally, AgNPs have environmental applications, including water and air purification. Furthermore, silver nanoparticles play a crucial role in the electronic industry, particularly in the development of printable or flexible electronics. Overall, the unique properties of silver nanoparticles make them a promising material for various innovative applications.。

Biomedical applications of gold nanoparticles

Biomedical applications of gold nanoparticles

Biomedical applications of goldnanoparticles黄金纳米颗粒在生物医学中的应用在造纸、电子、化学等领域中,金属纳米颗粒常被使用。

















The Chemical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles

The Chemical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles

The Chemical Properties of GoldNanoparticlesIntroductionGold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a promising material in various fields due to their unique chemical and physical properties. In recent years, AuNPs have gained attention for their potential applications in biomedical sciences such as cancer therapy, drug delivery, and imaging. In this article, we will discuss the chemical properties of AuNPs and how they affect their behavior in different applications.Size and Shape DependenceThe size and shape of AuNPs play a crucial role in determining their chemical properties. Small particles (less than 10 nm) exhibit a high surface area-to-volume ratio, leading to enhanced reactivity. As the particle size increases, the surface area-to-volume ratio decreases, resulting in lower reactivity.The shape of AuNPs also influences their chemical properties. For instance, spherical nanoparticles are more stable than other shapes and have a uniform surface, allowing for better surface chemistry modification. However, certain shapes such as nanorods or nanocubes have different surface energies and can exhibit unique optical properties.Surface ChemistryThe surface of AuNPs is essential for determining their chemical behavior. AuNPs have a high affinity for thiol molecules, leading to the formation of a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on their surface. The SAMs can serve as a template for further surface modification such as the attachment of biomolecules for targeted drug delivery or imaging.AuNPs also have a high affinity for oxygen-containing functional groups such as carboxylic acids, alcohols, and amines. These functional groups can be used to attach various molecules, polymers, or biomolecules to the surface of AuNPs. The surface chemistry of AuNPs can be manipulated to create various properties, allowing for applications in imaging, sensing, and drug delivery.Optical PropertiesAuNPs have unique optical properties, including surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which is the collective oscillation of electrons on the surface of the nanoparticle. SPR results in the absorption and scattering of light, leading to a change in color and intensity. The SPR wavelength depends on the size and shape of the particles, allowing for tunable optical properties for various applications such as sensing and imaging.AuNPs also exhibit enhanced fluorescence when excited by light due to their electromagnetic field enhancement effect, making them useful in bioimaging and sensing applications.ConclusionIn conclusion, AuNPs have unique chemical properties that make them suitable for various biomedical applications. The size and shape of the particles, along with their surface chemistry, influence their properties, allowing for tunable behaviors. AuNPs' unique optical properties, such as SPR and electromagnetic field enhancement effect, make them useful in sensing and imaging applications. Future research is needed to explore the potential of AuNPs in various biomedical applications.。



第32卷第4期光散射学报Vol.32No.4 2020年12月THE JOURNAL OF LIGHT SCATTERING Dec.2020文章编号:1004-5929(2020)04-0348-07金纳米颗粒在全血环境中近场增强特性李俊平,刘书宜皮p飞,王廷云(上海大学特种光纤与光接入网省部共建重点实验室,特种光纤与先进通信国际合作联合实验室#上海先进通信与数据科学研究院,上海200444$摘要:局域表面等离子共振不仅可以扩宽材料的光谱响应范围,还可以增强局部电场从而使待测分子的拉曼信号增强,在生命科学领域发挥着重要作用&本文建立了单个金纳米颗粒(gold nanoparticle,AuNP$和双个金纳米颗粒在全血环境中的模型,并采用三维有限元方法系统地研究颗粒尺寸、间隙以及全血消光系数对金纳米颗粒近场增强的影响。




该研究为全血环境中药物分子和生物标志物的表面增强拉曼散射灵敏性检测实验提供一定的理论指导&关键词:全血环境;金纳米颗粒;近场增强;有限元法中图分类号:O614微23文献标志码:A doi:10微3883/j issn1004-5929.202004009Near-field Enhancement Characteristics of Gold Nanoparticles inWhole Blood EnvironmentLI Junping,CHEN Na",LIU Shupeng,CHEN Zhenyi,PANG Fufei,WANG Tingyun(Key laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access NeVorks,Joint International Research laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Advanced Communication,Shanghai Institute for Advanced Communicationand Data Science,Shanghai University,Shanghai200444$Abstract:Localized surface plasmon resonance(LSPR)not only broadens the spectral re-sponseWangeofmateWials butalsoenhancesthelocalelectWicfieldsoastoenhancetheRa-man signal of the molecule to be measured,playing an important role in the life sciences.In thispaper the model of single gold nanoparticle(AuNP$and doublegold nanoparticles(AuNPs$inwholebloodenvironmentisestablishedandthethree-dimensionalfiniteelement methodisusedtosystematica l ystudye f ectofparticlesize gapandwholebloodextinctioncoe f icientonnear-fieldenhancementofAuNPsJThesimulationresultsshowthatinsingle AuNP modelofthewholebloodenvironment astheparticlesizeincreases theplasmonres-onance peak red-shifts,and the local electric field is the largest when the size ­pared wEth aEr medEum theAuNPresonancepeakEnwholeblood medEumred-shftsandthelocalelectrEcfeldenhances.Thee f ectofextEnctEoncoe f EcEentofwholebloodonlocalelec-trEcfEeldwasverysma l andthedE f erenceoflocalelectrEcfEeldenhancementEslessthan收稿日期:2019-12-27;修改稿日期:2020-12-03基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(1575120)作者简介:李俊平(1994—),男,硕士,主要从事光纤拉曼传感研究,E-mail:lijunping@通讯作者:陈娜(1982—),女,教授,主要从事特种光纤及光纤传感方面的研究,E-mail:na.chen@第4期李俊平:金纳米颗粒在全血环境中近场增强特性34A0.1V/m.In the double AuNPs model of whole blood environment,as the gap between thetwo particles decreases,the plasmon resonance peak blue-shifts and the local electric field in­creases.When the distance between the two particles is1nm,the Raman enhancement fac­tor can be as high as1011.This study provides theoretical guidance for surface-enhanced Ra­man scattering(SERS)sensitivity testing of drug molecules and biomarkers in the whole bloodenvironmenN.Key words:whole blood enhancement;AuNPs;near-field enhancement;finite-element method1引言当贵金属纳米颗粒(Nanoparticles,NPs)与光相互作用时,如果入射光子频率与贵金属颗粒传导电子的整体振动频率相匹配,纳米颗粒对光子能量产生很强的吸收作用,这种现象称为局域表面等离子共振(Localized surface plasmon reso­nance,LSPR)(1]&贵金属NPs在表面能量发生耦合产生局域电场增强,局域场的产生能够增强介质的线性或非线性响应&贵金属NPs被广泛应用于光子学2,化学3,太阳能电池⑷,生命科学5和生物分析等领域在生物检测领域,贵金属NPs产生的强局域场可以提高生物分子检测的灵敏度。



一次科技创新实践经历英语作文In the realm of technology, innovation is not just about having a groundbreaking idea; it's about bringing that idea to life, testing it, and refining it until it can make a genuine impact. My journey through a technological innovation practice was both challenging and exhilarating, marked by a series of trials, errors, and ultimately, triumphs.The project began in a university lab, where my team and I were tasked with developing a sustainable energy solution. We aimed to create a solar panel that could efficiently harness sunlight even on cloudy days. The concept was simple, yet the execution was anything but. We had to delve into the intricacies of photovoltaic cells, understand the nuances of light absorption, and experiment with various materials to find the perfect combination that would give us the highest energy output.Our initial prototypes were far from successful. The energy conversion rates were dismal, and the costs were prohibitively high. However, we were driven by the potential impact of our work. With each failed attempt, we learned something new, and with each iteration, we inched closer to our goal. We spent countless hours in the lab, often working late into the night, fueled by a blend of caffeine and sheer determination.The breakthrough came unexpectedly. While testing a new type of nanoparticle coating, we discovered that it significantly increased the solar panel's efficiency. This coating allowed for better light absorption and reduced the reflection losses that were common in traditional panels. It was a moment of pure joy and validation for all the hard work we had put in.From there, it was a matter of refining the technology. We worked on scaling up the production process, ensuring the durability of the panels, and making them cost-effective for widespread use. The final product was a testament to the power of perseverance and innovation. It was not just a solar panel; it was a beacon of hope for a cleaner, more sustainable future.Reflecting on this experience, I realize that innovation is not a solitary pursuit. It thrives on collaboration, on the exchange of ideas, and on the collective desire to push the boundaries of what is possible. It requires an environment that fosters creativity and encourages risk-taking. Most importantly, it demands resilience—the ability to face setbacks with a resolve to move forward.This journey has taught me that the path to innovation is unpredictable. It is filled with obstacles, but each one presents an opportunity to learn and grow. The experience has not only shaped my understanding of technology but also my approach to problem-solving and my outlook on life. It has instilled in me a belief that with passion and persistence, any challenge can be overcome, and any dream can be realized.In conclusion, the practice of technological innovation is a dynamic and transformative process. It is a dance between imagination and reality, where the steps are not always clear, but the rhythm of progress keeps us moving forward. It is a reminder that the future is not something we enter; it's something we create, one innovation at a time. Through this practice, I have not only contributed to the field of sustainable energy but have also embarked on a lifelong journey of discovery and invention. And for that, I am eternally grateful. 。



correlates of response to nivolumab in Japanese patients withesophageal cancer[J]. Cancer Sci, 2020,111(5):1676-1684. [111]Huang J, Xu B, Mo H,et al. Safety, activity, and biomarkers of SHR-1210, an Anti-PD-1 antibody, for patients with advancedesophageal carcinoma[J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2018,24(6):1296-1304.[112]Wang X, Zhang B, Chen X,et al. Lactate dehydrogenase and baseline markers associated with clinical outcomes of advancedesophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated withcamrelizumab (SHR-1210), a novel anti-PD-1 antibody[J].Thorac Cancer, 2019,10(6):1395-1401.[113]Xu J, Zhang Y, Jia R,et al. Anti-PD-1 antibody SHR-1210 combined with apatinib for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,gastric, or esophagogastric junction cancer: an open-label,dose escalation and expansion study[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2019,25(2):515-523.智能化金纳米颗粒自组装及其生物医学的应用进展朱明芮 毛秋莲 赵燕 史海斌苏州大学放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室,苏州大学医学部放射医学与防护学院,江苏省高校放射医学协同创新中心,苏州 215123通信作者:史海斌,【摘要】 金纳米材料形貌多样,因具有独特的光学性质及良好的生物相容性特点,近年被广泛应用于生物医学基础研究。

Gold Nanoparticles Biomedical Uses

Gold Nanoparticles Biomedical Uses

Gold Nanoparticles Biomedical Uses Gold nanoparticles have gained significant attention in the field of biomedical research due to their unique properties and potential applications. These nanoparticles, typically ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers, have shown promise in various biomedical uses, including drug delivery, imaging, diagnostics, and therapy. Their small size, biocompatibility, and ease of functionalization make them attractive candidates for a wide range of biomedical applications. In this response, we will explore the diverse uses of gold nanoparticles in the biomedical field, as well as the challenges and ethical considerations associated with their use. One of the most prominent biomedical uses of gold nanoparticles is in drug delivery. These nanoparticles can be functionalized with drugs or therapeutic agents and targeted to specific cells or tissues in the body. Their small size allows for easy penetration of biological barriers, and their surface chemistry can be modified to enhance their circulation time in the body. This targeted drug delivery approach has the potential to improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of various drugs, including chemotherapy agents and anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, gold nanoparticles can be used to deliver nucleic acids, such as DNA or RNA, for gene therapy applications, offering a promising avenue for the treatment of genetic disorders and other diseases. In addition to drug delivery, gold nanoparticles have shown promise in biomedical imaging. Their unique optical properties, particularly their strong surface plasmon resonance, make them excellent contrast agents for various imaging modalities, including optical imaging, computed tomography (CT), and photoacoustic imaging. By functionalizing gold nanoparticles with targeting ligands, researchers can specifically label and visualize diseased tissues or specific cell types in vivo, aiding in the early detection and monitoring of diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, the ability to tune the optical properties of gold nanoparticles by controlling their size and shape offers opportunities for multiplexed imaging and theranostic applications, where imaging and therapy are combined in a single platform. Moreover, gold nanoparticles have been exploredfor their potential in biomedical diagnostics. Their unique electronic and optical properties make them excellent candidates for the development of biosensors anddiagnostic assays. By functionalizing gold nanoparticles with biomolecules such as antibodies, DNA, or aptamers, researchers can create highly sensitive and specific detection platforms for various biomarkers, pathogens, and analytes. These nanoparticle-based diagnostic assays have the potential to revolutionize point-of-care testing, enabling rapid and accurate detection of diseases and infections in resource-limited settings. Furthermore, gold nanoparticles have shown promise in photothermal therapy, a non-invasive therapeutic modality that utilizes light-absorbing agents to generate localized heat and destroy diseased tissues. When irradiated with near-infrared light, gold nanoparticles can efficiently convert light energy into heat, leading to localized hyperthermia and thermal ablation of cancer cells or tumors. This approach offers a targeted and minimally invasive alternative to traditional cancer therapies, with the potential for reduced side effects and improved patient outcomes. However, despite the promising potential of gold nanoparticles in biomedical applications, several challenges and ethical considerations need to be addressed. One of the primary concerns is the safety of these nanoparticles in biological systems. While gold is generally considered biocompatible, the long-term effects of gold nanoparticles on human health and the environment are not fully understood. Additionally, the potential for nanoparticle toxicity, biodistribution, and clearance from the body are important factors that need to be thoroughly investigated to ensure the safe and effective use of gold nanoparticles in biomedical applications. Moreover, the ethical implications of using nanotechnology in medicine, particularly in the context of drug delivery and gene therapy, raise important considerations regarding patient consent, privacy, and equity of access to these advanced technologies. As researchers continue to explore the potential of gold nanoparticles in biomedical applications, it is crucial to engage in transparent and inclusive discussions about the ethical, social, and regulatory aspects of nanomedicine to ensure that the benefits of these technologies are equitably distributed and responsibly managed. In conclusion, gold nanoparticles hold great promise for a wide range of biomedical applications, including drug delivery, imaging, diagnostics, and therapy. Their unique properties and ease of functionalization make them attractive candidatesfor the development of advanced biomedical technologies. However, it is essentialto address the challenges and ethical considerations associated with their use to ensure the safe and responsible translation of these technologies from the laboratory to the clinic. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and engaging in open dialogue with stakeholders, researchers can harness the full potential of gold nanoparticles in biomedical research while upholding the highest standards of safety, ethics, and equity.。


This article describes the biosynthesis of spherical gold nanoparticles and gold nanoplates in high yield by a single-step, room-temperature reduction of aqueous AuCl4-ions with no pH adjustment, using an extract from S. algae cells. Time courses of particle morphology and optical properties were tracked systematically from 1 to 96 h after the beginning of the bioreductive reaction. The yield of gold nanoplates prepared with S. algae cell extract was compared with that of gold nanoplates prepared with whole cells of S. algae. The mechanisms involved in gold nanoplate formation were further demonstrated based on experimental results.
Bacterial strain and growth conditions
S. algae ATCC 51181 was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The Fe(III)-reducing bacterium S. algae were cultured anaerobically in ATCC medium 2, which contains sodium lactate(乳酸钠) as an electron donor and Fe(III) citrate as an electron acceptor. For anaerobic incubation, 250 mL of the liquid medium was added to a 500 mL screw-cap flask and bubbled with N2 for 30 min. The bacterial strain was grown anaerobically at 25 oC for a day.
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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 438 (2012) 107–116Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectInternational Journal ofPharmaceuticsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j p h a rmPharmaceutical NanotechnologyImpact of gold nanoparticle coating on redox homeostasisJ.Tournebize a ,A.Boudier a ,O.Joubert a ,H.Eidi a ,G.Bartosz b ,1,P.Maincent a ,P.Leroy a ,A.Sapin-Minet a ,∗a CITHEFOR,EA 3452,«Cibles thérapeutiques,formulation et expertise préclinique du médicament »,Faculty of Pharmacy,Universitéde Lorraine,Nancy,France bDepartment of Molecular Biophysics,University of Lodz,Lodz,Polanda r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 4May 2012Received in revised form 12July 2012Accepted 17July 2012Available online 24 July 2012Keywords:Gold nanoparticles Redox statusReduced glutathione S -nitrosoglutathione Macrophages Cell uptakea b s t r a c tGold nanoparticles (AuNP)hold great potential for biomedical applications.This study was aimed at examination of the effect of AuNP coating on the redox status of their environment.Two kinds of AuNP were tested,similar by shape and size,but with different surface coatings:either stabilized with citrate or functionalized with dihydrolipoic acid (Au@DHLA NP).Interestingly,whereas citrate-stabilized AuNP interact in vitro with reduced glutathione (GSH)and S -nitrosoglutathione,Au@DHLA NP do not interfere with both biomolecules.Albumin exhibits higher affinity toward citrate-stabilized AuNP than Au@DHLA NP,increasing their hydrodynamic diameter (8.0-and 1.3-fold,respectively).Furthermore,the AuNP coating affects also their internalization by macrophages (which was two fold higher for citrate-stabilized AuNP),following an exposure to a subtoxic NP concentration (10nM,80%viability).Citrate-stabilized AuNP were found to decrease the intracellular GSH level (ca.20%),with no increase in reactive oxygen species production.Furthermore,these AuNP did not induce apoptosis (as shown by caspase-3activity and nfkb2transcription factor),and also did not activate gene expression related to oxidative stress (ncf1)and inflammatory response (tnf ˛).The present data highlight that the functionalization of AuNP with DHLA decreases their reactivity with biomolecules and cells,resulting in a promising medical platform.© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.1.IntroductionGold nanoparticles (AuNP)are some of the most widely used nanomaterials due to their unique physico-chemical properties such as excellent absorbance and scattering of light,simple synthe-sis methods and ease of surface modification with many bioactive molecules (Paciotti et al.,2004).Gold NP are widely utilized for analytical purposes and are expected to be employed in therapy.They have been used,e.g.for sensitive detection of reactive oxygenAbbreviations:AuNP,gold nanoparticles;Citrate-stabilized AuNP,gold nanopar-ticles stabilized with citrate ions;DHLA,dihydrolipoic acid;Au@DHLA NP,gold nanoparticles capped with dihydrolipoic acid;GSH,reduced glutathione;GSNO,S -nitrosoglutathione;BSA,bovine serum albumin;ROS,reactive oxygen species;NDA,naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxyaldehyde;DAN,2,3-diaminonaphthalene;DCFH 2-DA,2 ,7 -dichlorofluorescin diacetate;DCF,dichlorofluorescein;TEM,transmission electronic microscopy;D h ,hydrodynamic diameter;PBS,phosphate-buffered saline;K sv ,fluorescence quenching constants;DMEM,dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium;FCS,fetal calf serum;ICP-MS,inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy;qRT-PCR,reverse transcription quantitative real time PCR;DLS,dynamic light scattering;RNS,reactive nitrogen species;ABTS,2,2 -azino-di(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate;ANOVA,one-way analysis of variance;nfkb2,nuclear factor-kappa B transcription factor;ncf1,neutrophil cytosolic factor 1;tnf ␣,tumor necrosis factor-alpha.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+33383682297;fax:+33383682301.E-mail (A.Sapin-Minet).1Guest Professor at Universitéde Lorraine.species (ROS)(Lee et al.,2009),cysteine (Li and Li,2009),Cu 2+(Lee et al.,2010)and Pb 2+(Chai et al.,2010),for monitoring of nucle-ase (Zhao et al.,2008)and hyaluronidase activity (Lee et al.,2008),and lastly for labeling of proteins and cells (Lin et al.,2009).Gold NP have been proposed for cancer imaging and death induction of cancer cells (Loo et al.,2005),for intracellular gene regulation (Rosi et al.,2006)but also as a vehicle for TNF-␣delivery to tumor cells (Paciotti et al.,2004).A phase I clinical trial showed that high doses of TNF-␣linked to AuNP could be safely given to 30patients with various advanced solid tumors (Libutti et al.,2010).Recently,Swiss Regulatory Agency approved a phase I clinical trial study with insulin-coated AuNP for oral administration to healthy volunteers (Alan,2011).Despite the potential use of AuNP in therapy,recent litera-ture contains conflicting data regarding AuNP cytotoxicity and disturbances of redox status.Size (Pan et al.,2007),surface func-tionalization or coating (Goodman et al.,2004;Hauck et al.,2008;Shukla et al.,2005;Takahashi et al.,2005),shape (Hutter et al.,2010)are some of decisive parameters that possibly induce cell damages (Alkilany and Murphy,2010;Soenen et al.,2011;Unfried et al.,2007).Related to AuNP concentration used,studies suggested the oxidative stress as a key mechanism leading to toxicity (Gao et al.,2011;Jia et al.,2009;Karakoti et al.,2010;Pan et al.,2009;Zhao et al.,2011).Looking over the cytotoxicity assays commonly used,the studies cited above determined membrane damages or metabolic irregularities of cells after exposure to high (and often0378-5173/$–see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V./10.1016/j.ijpharm.2012.07.026108J.Tournebize et al./International Journal of Pharmaceutics438 (2012) 107–116unrealistic for a therapeutic approach)concentrations of AuNP. Therefore,deleterious effects following one or repetitive expo-sure to low amounts of AuNP are difficult to reveal and the use of early-warning signals becomes mandatory.In particular,redox homeostasis alterations and beginnings of oxidative stress are likely early events that can be observed at sub-lethal concentrations and under short exposure to AuNP.To the best of our knowledge,there is no systematic study of the impact of AuNP on redox homeostasis using sub-lethal con-centrations.Based on the above facts,we proposed to study two kinds of AuNP with considerable interest for biological applica-tions and able to carry a pharmaceutical molecule.They differ in surface coating,being either stabilized with citrate(citrate-stabilized AuNP)or functionalized with a dithiol,i.e.dihydrolipoic acid(Au@DHLA NP).In a previous study,we observed that a con-centration of10nM of either citrate-stabilized AuNP or Au@DHLA NP,which corresponds to80%of viability,did not activate nor inhibit NO-production by macrophages(Leroy et al.,2011).The aim of this study was to refine these preliminary observations, studying consequences of the exposure to AuNP with different coatings and at sub-lethal concentrations,onto redox homeosta-sis.To identify early-warning signals of an oxidative stress,an integrative approach was lead.First,effects of AuNP coating on redox-regulating molecules interactions,including:reduced glu-tathione(GSH),S-nitrosoglutathione(GSNO)and bovine serum albumin(BSA)were studied in cell-free conditions.Secondly,the effect of AuNP coating on macrophage uptake,and modifications of redox status biomarkers such as reactive oxygen species(ROS), GSH,and mRNA expression related to apoptosis(nfÄb2),oxidative stress(ncf1)and inflammatory response(tnf˛)in the cells were measured.2.Materials and methods2.1.Reagents and standardsAll reagents and solvents were of analytic grade and used without further purification.Tetrachloroauric acid trihy-drate(HAuCl4·3H2O),␣-lipoic acid,bovine serum albumin (BSA,fraction V),reduced glutathione(GSH),naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxyaldehyde(NDA),S-nitrosoglutathione(GSNO), 2,3-diaminonaphthalene(DAN),2 ,7 -dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH2-DA),dichlorofluorescein(DCF),and2,2 -azino-di(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate(ABTS)were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich(France).Phosphate-buffered saline(PBS) solution was prepared as follows:[Na2HPO4]=4×10−2M, [KH2PO4]=4×10−3M,and[NaCl]=1×10−1M,final pH was adjusted to7.4.Ultrapure deionized water(>18.2M cm)was used for the preparation of all solutions.2.2.Synthesis of gold nanoparticles(citrate-stabilized AuNP andAu@DHLA NP)Before synthesis,all the glassware was thoroughly washed with aqua regia(3:1,HCl/HNO3)and rinsed with ultrapure deionized water prior to use.Citrate-stabilized AuNP were prepared as pre-viously reported(Brown et al.,1999).Briefly,at room temperature, 1mL of1%(w/v)HAuCl4·3H2O in water was added to90mL of water.After1min of stirring,2.0mL of a38.8mM sodium citrate solution in water were added.One minute later,1.0mL of a freshly 0.075%(w/v)NaBH4solution in a38.8mM sodium citrate solution was quickly injected into the reactionflask.The reaction medium was stirred for an additional5-min period and the resulting deep red colloidal solution was immediately stored in the dark at 4◦C.Gold nanoparticles capped with dihydrolipoic acid(Au@DHLA NP)were prepared as follows:a600␮moles of␣-lipoic acid in 10mL of0.5M aqueous NaOH solution was added to25mL of freshly prepared citrate-stabilized AuNP.The reaction mixture was stirred for24h at room temperature(20–23◦C)before dialysis.The non-reacted␣-lipoic acid remaining in the solution after the cap-exchange was removed by dialysis against PBS for48h using a dialysis bag made of regenerated cellulose with a molecular weight cut-off of10kDa(Roth®,France).The dialysis medium was changed once to fresh PBS after24h.The resulting Au@DHLA NP solution was stored in the dark at4◦C.2.3.Physico-chemical characterization of gold nanoparticlesA double-beam UV-visible spectrophotometer(model Uvikon932,Kontron)was used for spectra recordings and absorbance measurements.Molar concentrations of AuNP were calculated using molar absorbance values previ-ously reported(i.e.εcitrate-stabilized AuNP=1.2×107M−1cm−1,εAu@DHLA NP=0.5×107M−1cm−1)(Tournebize et al.,2011).Transmission electronic microscopy(TEM)images were recorded using a Philips CM20instrument with a LaB6cathode operating at200kV.Gold NP solutions were deposited onto a400 mesh carbonfilm copper grids.The average diameter of the gold core was calculated for each AuNP sample by counting ca.200 individual particles from the TEM images.The hydrodynamic diameter(D h)and zeta potential( )of AuNP were measured using a Zetasizer Nano ZS(Malvern Instruments, UK)and these measurements were performed at20◦C using low volume polystyrene and disposable capillary cells,respectively.All D h values reported are volume averages,based on three indepen-dent measurements realized on three AuNP batches.Zeta potential measurements were carried out in ultrapure water(implying pre-liminary dialysis of Au@DHLA NP for24h).All surface charges reported are averages based on three independent measurements realized on three AuNP batches.2.4.Interaction of gold nanoparticles with reduced glutathioneand S-nitrosoglutathioneAliquots of either GSH or GSNO solutions at a concentration of 72␮M were prepared in PBS and ultrapure deionized water,respec-tively.Then,550␮L of AuNP solution at afinal concentration of5, 10,20,and30nM were mixed with50␮L of72␮M of GSH or GSNO. Samples were kept at room temperature(20–23◦C)for5min.For the measurement of the remaining GSH,50␮L of HCl(0.6M) were added to samples previously described,and the resulting mixture was centrifuged at42,000×g for20min at4◦C.The super-natant(600␮L)was mixed with50␮L of NaOH(1M),140␮L of borate buffer(1M,pH9.2),and10␮L of NDA(5.4mM)prepared in ethanol and the mixture was incubated for an additional10-min period at4◦C.Fluorescence intensity was read at exc=472nm and em=528nm(Lewicki et al.,2006)in a spectrofluorimeter(Hitachi F-2000,France).Concentrations of GSH were calculated using a calibration curve in the range of1.5–7.5␮M.For the measurement of the nitric oxide(•NO)released from GSNO,60␮L of DAN(105␮M)prepared in HCl(0.6M)were added to each diluted sample(2–10times)and the resulting mixture was centrifuged at42,000×g for20min at4◦C.The supernatant (600␮L)was mixed with40␮L of NaOH(1M).Fluorescence inten-sity was read at exc=375nm and em=415nm(Cook et al.,1996) in a spectrofluorimeter(Hitachi F-2000,France).Concentrations of •NO were calculated by using a calibration curve of nitrite in the range of0.05–0.5␮M.J.Tournebize et al./International Journal of Pharmaceutics438 (2012) 107–1161092.5.Protein binding assayAliquots(500␮L)of a BSA solution prepared in PBS at a con-centration of106mg L−1were mixed with AuNP prepared in PBS (500␮L);the resulting mixtures were kept at37◦C for1h.The interaction between BSA and AuNP was monitored by measur-ing the intrinsic tryptophanfluorescence of BSA( exc=280nm, em=355nm)(Pramanik et al.,2008).Stern–Volmer equation (I o/I=1+K sv[AuNP])was applied to calculate thefluorescence quenching constants(K sv)of the different kinds of AuNP.I o and I represent thefluorescence intensity in the absence and presence of AuNP,respectively.Hydrodynamic diameters of AuNP(10nM) incubated with or without BSA were measured in PBS.2.6.Reactivity studies between gold nanoparticles and2,2 -azino-di(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate)(ABTS)An ABTS•+stock solution was prepared by mixing 5.4mM ABTS with 1.7mM potassium persulfate in PBS,which was placed in the dark at room temperature for16h to give a dark blue solution.Molar concentrations of ABTS•+were cal-culated using molar absorbance value reported previously(i.e.ε734nm=1.5×104M−1cm−1)(Re et al.,1999).The interaction between ABTS•+and AuNP was studied as follows:1125␮L of Au@DHLA NP(in PBS)and citrate-stabilized AuNP(in water)were reacted with375␮L of200␮M ABTS•+solution in PBS.After2-h incubation at room temperature(20–23◦C),the reaction medium was analyzed by spectrophotocolorimetry at734nm.2.7.Interaction of gold nanoparticles with cells2.7.1.Cell cultureThe NR8383rat alveolar macrophage cell line was purchased from the American Type Culture Collection(CRL-2192,ATCC,Man-assas,VA).Cells were grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM:GIBCO,Invitrogen®,France)supplemented with15%(v/v) decomplemented fetal calf serum(FCS,Eurobio,Les Ullis,France) and a mixture of antibiotics/antimycotic compounds(0.25␮g mL−1 of amphotericin B,100U mL−1of penicillin and100␮g mL−1of streptomycin)in humidified atmosphere of5%CO2and95%air at 37◦C and split every3or4days.2.7.2.Intracellular distribution of gold nanoparticles under transmission electron microscopyCells were dispensed(1×105cells/well)into a24-well microplate and grown overnight.Next,the tested AuNP suspen-sions at a concentration of10nM were added into the wells.After 24-h incubation,cells were washed three times with PBS solu-tion(pH7.4)andfixed with0.1%glutaraldehyde in0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer(pH7.4),then rinsed for3h in sodium cacody-late buffer and incubated for30min in1%osmium tetroxide in sodium cacodylate buffer,rinsed and dehydrated through a series of ethanol concentrations(50,70,80,90%),for5min at each step,then in100%ethanol for3×20min.The cells were then embedded in the epoxy resin.Cell monolayers on plastic wells were treated twice with100%xylene and semi thin(1.5mm)or ultra thin sections (70–90nm)were performed.Cell sections were deposited onto a 400-mesh carbonfilm copper grid.2.7.3.Uptake study of gold nanoparticles using inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectroscopyTo measure the intracellular concentration of AuNP,cells were dispensed(1×105cells/well)into a24-well microplate and grown overnight.Next,the cells were incubated with the tested AuNP sus-pensions at a concentration of10nM for different time periods(0.2, 0.5,2,6and24h).After incubation,the cells were washed three times with PBS solution(pH7.4),resuspended in0.5mL of ultra-pure water and subsequently lysed by two cycles of freezing for10s in liquid nitrogen and then thawing in a37◦C water bath for60s. The lysates were digested with aqua regia(3:1,HCl/HNO3)prior to measurement of gold content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy(ICP-MS)(Agilent7500cx instrument,Belgium). Gold concentration in the sample was converted to the number of AuNP per liter by using the following Eq.(1),where CAuCl4−corresponds to the value resulting from ICP-MS analysis which is divided by atomic mass of gold(197g mol−1)and n atom correspond to the number of gold atoms per AuNP(4595and1369for citrate-stabilized AuNP and Au@DHLA NP,respectively)(Tournebize et al., 2011).Results were calculated as number of AuNP per mg of protein. n AuNPs=CAuCl4−×NAn atom(1)2.7.4.Intracellular reduced glutathione measurementReduced glutathione measurements were performed as previ-ously described(Lewicki et al.,2006),with some modifications. Briefly,cells were dispensed(5×105cells/well)into a6-well microplate and grown overnight.Gold nanoparticles were added at a concentration of10nM per well.After24-h incubation,cells were washed three times with cold PBS solution(pH7.4),resuspended in1mL of cold lysis solution(3.3%perchloric acid,0.1M HCl and 2mM EDTA)and then broken by vigorous vortexing for2min.Cells lysates were centrifuged at10,000×g at4◦C for15min and the pel-let,containing proteins,was resuspended in500␮L of0.1M NaOH. One hundred␮L of supernatant,400␮L of0.1M HCl and2mM EDTA,and10␮L of NaOH40%(w/v)were mixed.Then,60␮L of this mixture,120␮L of borate buffer(0.4M,pH9.2)and20␮L of NDA solution in ethanol were mixed in a96-black well microplate and incubated in the dark at4◦C for25min.Fluorescence intensity was then measured at485-nm excitation and528-nm emission using a microplate reader(Biotek Synergy,USA).Concentrations of GSH were calculated using a calibration curve in the range of0.7–3.2␮M. Results were calculated as nmol of GSH per mg of protein.Total protein amount in0.1M NaOH solution was determined by Lowry method(Lowry et al.,1951)using BSA as standard for calibration curve.Results are expressed as comparison to untreated cells(neg-ative control)or cells exposed to polymer NP(Eidi et al.,2012)as positive control(Eudragit®RS,concentration equal to100␮g mL−1 corresponding to60%viability).2.7.5.Intracellular ROS measurementThe production of intracellular ROS was measured using 2 ,7 -dichlorofluorescin diacetate(DCFH2-DA).Briefly,cells were dispensed(5×105cells/well)into6-well microplates,grown overnight and AuNP were added(10nM).Negative and positive controls corresponded to untreated cells and polymer NP,respec-tively.After24-h incubation,the cells were washed three times with1mL PBS solution(pH7.4),resuspended in1mL of4␮M DCFH2-DA solution,and incubated for40min at37◦C.Then,the cells were pelleted by centrifugation(300×g for5min at20◦C) and lysed using a lysis buffer(0.5M Tris in HCl,1.5M NaCl,0.1% SDS,1%Triton X-100and1×protease inhibitor cocktail).The con-version of DCFH2to thefluorescent product(DCF)was measured using a microplate reader(Biotek Synergy,France),with485-nm excitation and528-nm emission,and a calibration curve of DCF in the range of7.5–112nM.2.7.6.Detection of caspase-3activityDetection of caspase-3activity in NR8383macrophages was performed using the EnzChek Caspase-3Assay kit#1 (Molecular Probes,Netherlands).Briefly,cells were dispensed (4×105cells/well)and grown overnight into6-well microplates.110J.Tournebize et al./International Journal of Pharmaceutics438 (2012) 107–116After24-h incubation with the various AuNP(10nM),the cells were washed three times in1mL PBS(pH7.4),resuspended in 50␮L of lysis-buffer(200mM Tris,pH7.5,2M NaCl,20mM EDTA, 0.2%Triton X-100),incubated on ice for30min,and centrifuged at600×g for5min at4◦C.Then50␮L of Z-DEVD-AMC substrate was added and incubated for30min.Fluorescence was measured using a microplate reader(Biotek Synergy,France)with340-nm excitation and528-nm emission.Cells treated with10␮M of camp-tothecin for24h served as the positive control.An Ac-DEVD-CHO inhibitor was used to confirm that the observedfluorescence signal in both induced and control cells populations is due to the activity of caspase-3-like proteases.2.7.7.Total RNA extraction,RNA reverse transcription and quantitative RT-PCR(qRT-PCR)Cells were dispensed(5×105cells/well)into6-well microplates and grown overnight.After24-h incubation with AuNP(10nM),the total RNA from cells was isolated using Trizol(Invitrogen®,France) according to established protocols.RNA purity and concentration were determined spectrophotometrically using a BioSpec-nano (Shimadzu,France).Total RNA(1␮g)from control or treated cell samples were reverse-transcribed with50nmol of oligo(dT) using M-MLV reverse transcriptase(RT)(EC,Invit-rogen,France)following manufacturer’s protocol.qRT-PCR was performed with a Stratagene Mx3000p system and Mesa Green qPCR MasterMix Plus for SYBR®(RT-SY2X-03-WOULR,Eurogentec, USA).Briefly,100ng of reverse-transcripted RNA from each sample were mixed with appropriate concentrations of tested gene primers (Table1)and the Mesa Green qPCR Master Mix.MRPSI8a(s18)was used as internal control gene.PCR amplifications were carried out as follows:5min at95◦C;45cycles(15s at95◦C,40s at60◦C and 40s at72◦C).A standard curve was made for each gene and the subsequent slope was used to calculate the PCR reaction efficiency (E=10−1/slope).For each sample,the gene expression level was cal-culated from the threshold cycle(C t),which is the number of cycles necessary for thefirst detection of a PCR product.2.8.Statistical analysisData were compared by t-Student test,one-way analysis of vari-ance(ANOVA)and Tukey HSD post hoc test or Mann–Whitney U-test.For each sample group,the homogeneity of variance was calculated using the Levene’s test.All statistical analyses were per-formed with the SigmaStat3.11software package(Sistat Inc.,USA).A value of p<0.05was considered as statistically significant.3.Results and discussionThe use of AuNP in biomedicalfields requires stability in phys-iological media and no adverse effect toward living organisms. Several recent reports in the literature have shown that the safety of AuNP depends on their physico-chemical characteristics(Goodman et al.,2004;Hauck et al.,2008;Pan et al.,2007,2009;Takahashi et al.,2005).Stability and understanding of interactions with cell compounds and compartments are crucial parameters to propose a platform for drug delivery.Among different types of AuNP,citrate-stabilized AuNP are largely described as potential drug delivery systems(Paciotti et al., 2004;Zhao et al.,2008).Nevertheless,due to the strong reactivity of free electrons present on their surface,citrate-stabilized AuNP are sensitive to environmental factors(such as pH<6,high electrolytes levels,organic solvent)having the tendency to easily aggregate when used in these conditions.To solve this issue,AuNP can be stabilized by a large variety of natural and synthetic surface groups (cysteine,glucose,biotin,dendrimers,cetyltrimethylammonium bromide,etc.)and the most efficient capping agents are thiol-modified ligands(e.g.dithiol(Roux et al.,2005),trithiol species(Li et al.,2002)or multithiolated-␣,␤and␥-cyclodextrin(2–7nm) (Liu et al.,2000)),which renders the AuNP effectively more stable due to the simultaneous anchorage onto AuNP surface of most of the sulfur ends of the molecules.Dihydrolipoic acid(DHLA)is a dithiol obtained by the reduction of␣-lipoic acid;DHLA is an endogenous thiol with a major antiox-idant role(Goraca et al.,2011).It also appears very attractive to limit the aggregation and helps to overcome the lack of stability of AuNP colloids.Gold NP stabilized with DHLA(Au@DHLA NP)have already been reported(Roux et al.,2005).However,to the best of our knowledge,there is no report in the literature about the impact that Au@DHLA NP might have on cell constituents.In the present study,we employed two types of AuNP(citrate-stabilized AuNP and Au@DHLA NP)with the same core particle size to examine whether the surface coating could influence the redox homeosta-sis and modulate the AuNP interactions with low-molecular redox active compounds,i.e.GSH and GSNO,with proteins and with cells.3.1.Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of gold nanoparticlesCitrate-stabilized AuNP werefirst synthesized by reduction of HAuCl4using sodium borohydride in the presence of citrate ions. Next,the as-synthesized AuNP were functionalized with DHLA from the in situ reduction of␣-lipoic acid.An aqueous NP suspen-sion was directly obtained.The size of the obtained particles was determined by a combina-tion of TEM and dynamic light scattering(DLS)ing TEM,the core diameter of citrate-stabilized AuNP and Au@DHLA NP was found to be equal to5.3nm and3.5nm,respectively.A spherical shape,monodisperse and unaggregated distribution dominated in both NP types(Fig.1).Gold NP exhibit D h values equal to6.3±0.5nm and7.3±0.5nm for citrate-stabilized AuNP and Au@DHLA NP,respectively,which were larger than the metallic core diameter.This can be explained by the solvatation layer around the AuNP in aqueous media.The derived DLS size distributions were found to be monomodal with a relative narrow distribution, confirming the absence of aggregation after the capping exchange (Fig.1).The surface charge assessed by zeta potential measurements ( ),which controls the colloidal stability and inter-particle inter-actions,confirms the presence of negative charges on the AuNP surfaces.A significant(p<0.05)decrease of potential values was observed for Au@DHLA NP(−63±2mV)as compared to citrate-stabilized AuNP(−51±1mV),due to the displacement of citrate ions by DHLA,confirming the functionalization of AuNP by this lig-and.Carboxylate groups on the DHLA and citrate structures confer negative charge on AuNP.In addition,Au@DHLA NP were previously synthesized by Roux et al.(2005),mentioning a D h value of5–8nm and a negative charge (−35mV).The difference in the values of potential between our results and previous work could be due to the different ratios [DHLA]/[Au]surface used during synthesis(ratio equal to9instead of222in our study after optimization).3.2.Interactions between AuNP and biomolecules implied onredox status in cell-free conditionsUnderstanding the reactivity between biomolecules and AuNP in cell-free conditions is afirst investigation to predict the AuNP fate in the human body.In this work,AuNP interactions with reduced glutathione(GSH),S-nitrosoglutathione(GSNO)and bovine serum albumin(BSA)were explored,because of their involvement in maintaining the redox homeostasis.J.Tournebize et al./International Journal of Pharmaceutics438 (2012) 107–116111 Table1Primer sequences(forward/reverse)used for qRT-PCR experiments.Primers Forward primer Reverse primernfkb25 -TTCGGAACTGGGCAAATGTT-3 5 -ACACGTAGCGGAATCGAAAT-3tnf˛5 -TAGCCCACGTCGTAGCAAAC-3 5 -TGGTATGAAATGGCAAATCG-3ncf15 -TTCACAACTACGCAGGTGAA-3 5 -TTATCTCCTCCCCAGCCTTC-3s185 -CGCCGCTAGACGTAGAATTCT-3 5 -CATTCTTGGCAAATGCTTTGC-3Glutathione is the most effective agent used by cells for the detoxification of ROS and electrophilic xenobiotics(Sies,1999). Its thiol group can be nitrosylated,leading to GSNO,a major endogenous molecule involved in storage and transport of•NO(Al-Sa’Doni and Ferro,2000).As shown in Fig.2a,a linear(r2=0.9974) dose–response relationship was observed after interaction of citrate-stabilized AuNP and GSH,and a decrease of70%of GSH initial concentration was observed at a concentration of30nM. In contrast,Au@DHLA NP did not react with GSH,even at30nM. Gold NP core affinity for the thiol group of GSH has already been described in the literature and ligand exchange between GSH and citrate-stabilized AuNP are facilitated by the weak electrostatic binding between citrate and AuNP core(Zhao et al.,2011).On the contrary,DHLA established covalent bonds with gold atoms at the NP surface,involving its two thiol groups,and,as a consequence, further ligand exchange will not easily occur.Furthermore,this interaction is also limited by electrostatic repulsion between the carboxyl groups of GSH and DHLA.As the affinity of AuNP to thiol groups is known,the propen-sity to attach the GSH moiety of GSNO through cleavage of S N bond and•NO release is expected.As shown in Fig.2b,a lin-ear(r2=0.9909)dose–response relationship was observed after interaction of citrate-stabilized AuNP with GSNO,and it was found that the higher concentration of citrate-stabilized AuNP is,the higher concentration of•NO is released.The same phe-nomenon was observed by Jia et al.(2009):a release of•NO from GSNO was observed in a lesser extent when interacting with GSH functionalized AuNP in comparison with citrate-stabilized AuNP. Interestingly,citrate-stabilized AuNP were found to exhibit higher (two times)reactivity with GSH when compared to GSNO.This can be explained by the fact that the cleavage of nitrogen sulfur bond in GSNO is restricted by bond-dissociation energy(between22 and32kcal/mol)(Baciu and Gauld,2003).Our experiments imply-ing GSH and GSNO demonstrated considerable higher resistance to redox molecule exchange of Au@DHLA NP compared to citrate-stabilized AuNP.During last decade,albumin(Bovine Serum Albumin)has been the most widely used protein model to evaluate protein–NP inter-actions(Pramanik et al.,2008).Albumin,the main extracellular protein in the blood,participates in the maintenance of aconstant Fig.1.Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of AuNP.(Top)schematic representation of synthesis of AuNP stabilized with citrate(citrate-stabilized AuNP)(1st step) and functionalized with dihydrolipoic acid(Au@DHLA NP)(2nd step).(Bottom)Hydrodynamic and geometric diameters,and potential measurements of AuNP.Values correspond to mean±standard deviation of three batches of AuNP(based on three independent experiments).*p<0.05in relation to citrate-stabilized AuNP when all experiments were compared and the t-Student test were performed for calculations.。
