学术研究6-How to Write a Scientific Paper ?


科技论文写作 how to write a scientific research article for an academic journal

科技论文写作 how to write a scientific research article for an academic journal
1. State the main findings emphasising the new contributions to the research area and the important conclusions that follow from them. 2. Get rid of bad news by outlining the weaknesses of the study 3. But on other hand… outline the strengths of evidence. 4. Put the findings in context. Compare and contrast the findings by detailing the results from previous studies on the same topic. 5. Unanswered questions and outline future research. 6. Implications and take home message referring to study objectives.
1. Decide on the target audience and the journal you plan to submit your manuscript to. Each journal has specific requirements for writing style and these preferences should be followed.
This article details step-by-step instructions on how to write a scientific paper for publication in a medical journal. These instructions are based on a method devised by Tim Albert, a UK-based medical writing specialist who conducts writing and editing work-shops for health professionals (see for details). This method is outlined in Tim Albert’s highly commended books on medical writing1, 2 and details he imparted at the BMJ short course for medical journal editors in Christchurch August 5-6 2004. Relevant details from other writing guidelines compiled by the University of Otago Student Learning Centre3, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors4 and the Cochrane Organisation5 have also been included where appropriate.

How to Write Scientific Paper

How to Write Scientific Paper

How Do I Write A Scientific Paper?A scientific paper is a written report describing original research results whose format has been defined by centuries of developing tradition, editorial practice, scientific ethics and the interplay with printing and publishing services. The result of this process is that virtually every scientific paper has a title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion.科技论文是描述原创研究结果的书面报告,它的格式由数世纪的发展传统,编辑实践,科学道德所确定,并且受印刷和出版服务的影响。


It should, however, be noted that most publications have rules about a paper's format: some divide papers into these or some of these sections, others do not, and the order may be different in different publications. So be prepared to revise your paper in to a publication's format when you are ready to submit.然而,应该注意的是,大多数出版物对文章的格式有规则:一些出版物会把文章分成一些章节,另外一些出版物则不会,并且不同的出版物规则是不同的。

How to write a paper教你怎么发表论文

How to write a paper教你怎么发表论文

Problem Formulation
Formulate the research problem in
professional/Mathematical language
Include background knowledge if necessary
Provide a starting point for the new research results
Very briefly highlight the results in this paper
Approach and/or feature
Organization of this paper
How to write a scientific paper? Prof. Sheng-Guo Wang
Int. J. Systems Science;
Int. J. Mathematical and Computer Modelling; Int. J. Control and Intelligent Systems; Int. J. Optimal Control Applications and Methods; Int. J. Optimal Control Applications and Methods; ASCE J. Engineering Mechanics; Int. J. Computers & Mathematics with Applications; Int. J. Information Science; Int. J. Time-Critical Computing Systems; Int. J. Structural Control; SCI Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS); SIAM Journal On Control and Optimization; and

How to Write Scientific Papers

How to Write  Scientific Papers
How to Write Scientific Papers
Qinyuan Lou 3.11.2011
1. 2. 3.
Individual Sections Submission Modern English Writing Concepts
Individual Sections
Abstract Title Introduction Materials & Methods Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgments References
2.欠缺 (Gap) .
在介绍背景之后,要指出该研究领域中的欠缺点,以铺 垫进行本次研究的理由。下列为常见表达语句: (1)The mechanism … is yet to be fully elucidated. (2)The causes … are not entirely known. (3)Although …, yet its impact is presently unknown.
1317 – 1321)
Initiating and Intensifying Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (The AJM Volume 121, Issue 6, Supplement 1, June 2008, Pages
Beyond Pay for Performance — Emerging Models of Provider-Payment Reform (The New
England Journal of medicine Volume 359:1197-1200)
(3) 句子型 (Sentence type):强有力 : 地传递信息

科研方法:How to Write a Scientific Paper 中文版

科研方法:How to Write a Scientific Paper 中文版

What is a scientific paper?
What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well not have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent.” 科技论文是集假说、数据 和结论为一体的概括性描 述,以此向读者论述。论 文是研究工作的中心部分。 如果你的研究没有写成论 文,也就等同于没有做研 究。有意义但没有发表, 等同于不存在。
How should you construct an outline?
How should you construct an outline? 你应该如何起草你的提要?
The classical 最经典的方法就是找 approach is to start 一页空白的纸,以任 with a blank piece of 何顺序,写下与这篇 paper, and write down, 文章有关的所有重要 in any order, all 观点。 important ideas that occur to you concerning the paper.
The reason for outlines

how to write a scientific paper

how to write a scientific paper

It has been reported that Holocene Monsoon intensity fluctuated significantly as a response to solar activity (references).
As you know ( or it is well known), ….
SCI高被引论文题名分析 -直截了当阐明主要成果
Decoupled warming and monsoon precipitation in East Asia over the last deglaciation

第4句话:“In this study, we…”明确指出本文的研究内容和技术手段
第5-6句话:“The results indicates…”讲述研究得出的主要研究结果。

第7-结束句话:“Comparison …”, 通过与前人成果比较,得出结论。

Zhang et al., 2008, Science



• Read the “Publication Information for Authors” carefully. • Each journal may have different requirements
The correct form of a verb is determined by the subject of the phrase and not the noun that precedes the verb. Example: “The presentation of several symptoms was...” NOT: “The presentation of several symptoms were....” „Presentation‟ is the singular subject of the phrase.
Meaning not clear
Treatment on Wistar rattish hepatoma with endostatin gene and angiostatin gene combining lipiodol via hepatic artery
How about this?
Transhepatic arterial infusion of endostatin gene, angiostatin gene , lipiodol and a combination of these for the treatment of Wistar rattish hepatoma

How to Write Scientific Paper

How to Write Scientific Paper

What is the role of the faculty member supervising the lab?
When should one begin writing?
Before you finish the work!
Others will have published the same thing You will find holes in your story Additional experiments. You will be on to something else
Fetal to adult stem cell transition: knocking sox17 off
Revise and Revise
Rewrite. Remove complex words, long sentence, clarity antecedences, avoid long or one sentence paragraphs. Invite others to critique the ms. Wait a while and re-read the ms. Checking spelling.
How to Write Scientific Paper
Xiao Wei, Ph.D.
Topics for this talk
Why is scientific writing important? What are the key considerations before writing? What about authorship? When should one begin writing? What is sequence in which the elements are written?

How to write a paper

How to write a paper
Materials Synthesis of each product Characterization
In order that it is presented in the results and discussion section Materials application description
The more detail the better. The unnecessary information can get cut during the editing process
+ Experimental examples
Materials section
List of all chemicals Where they came from – the supplier Their purity If they were further purified – by distillation, sublimation, filtration, etc.
Know your top 3 competitors, and why your method is different or advantageous to theirs
+ Making great figures
Data and results are the most important part of a paper
Figures convey this data to the reader
Therefore, figures are the most important part of writing a paper
If your figures look like shit, the editors/reviewers/readers with think your data/paper is shit

How to write a paper

How to write a paper
How to write a scientific paper
Colin Hessel, PhD
+ Outline

Why is writing papers so important? Before you start writing

How to tell how good your results are Knowing your field Reading, reading, reading
+ Figure captions

Captions should supplement the figures They should be as succinct as possible They should not include complicated abbreviations without explanation Poorly constructed figures will need more

Materials Synthesis of each product Characterization

In order that it is presented in the results and discussion section

Materials application description

Figure captions are just as important as the figures Be clear, concise, and don’t use many abbreviations/acronyms

How to write paper

How to write paper

the components of the research generally.
Part 2 Writing the paper
Purpose: Summarize your contributions
Style . What is the problem . What is your work . Features of your work . Advantages of your work . Results Do not write an abstract. That can be done when the paper is complete.
Part 2 Writing the paper
Support (theoretical and experimental)
Purpose: Introduce your work
Theoretical analysis The methods must be described in such a way that another researcher can repeat exactly what is done. . Use references to describe standard or published methods. . Note any deviations that you have introduced in this work.
Part 2 Writing the paper
The title of the paper is the last thing you write. This is because the paper will change as you write it. It’s easier to finalize the title last. Use a working title or original title which can describe

How to write a scientific paper

How to write a scientific paper
them - not during “writing time”
Whom Writing For?
• To please yourself? • Referees - to persuade the toughest one • Journal
- Choose before writing - General vs. subespecialty journal
Use and Misuse of English
• Tense - Previously published work: present tense
impact • State results
• Do before writing • Redraw, redraw, prune clutter • Least non-data-ink • Max 4 lines, all solid • No caption • Reduce to 1 column in journal
Methods Section
• Enough information for an experienced
investigator to repeat your work • Avoid tiresome detail • Cut-and-paste from previous work of
the author(s), not somebody else’s • It is the first section of the paper in
- Reduced xerox copy to check out - Original should be <3x final

how to write a paper

how to write a paper

关于如何写SCI的文章(导师给我们发过来的,大家共享一下!!!)公开2011-12-18 21:09 |(分类:默认分类)一、研究生必备四本俗话说好记性不如烂笔头,所以一定要首先养成做笔记的好习惯!作为研究生下面这几个本子是必不可少的1,实验记录本(包括试验准备本),这当然首当其冲必不可少,我就不多说了;2,Idea记录本,每次看文献对自己有用的东西先记下,由此产生的idea更不能放过,这可是做研究的本钱,好记性不如烂笔头,以后翻翻会更有想法的;3,专业概念以及理论进展记录本,每个人不可能对自己领域的概念都了如指掌,初入门者更是如此,这时候小小一个本子的作用就大了;4,讲座记录本,这本本子可能有些零杂,记录听到的内容,更要记录瞬间的灵感,以及不懂的地方,不可小视!这四本是你必不可少的,不过作为我们这些非英语专业的研究生来说,还有一个应该具备的本子就是英语好句记录本。






在… 模型上,观察… 指标,以探讨… (目的)2. M & M⑴材料的写法和意义; 伦理.⑵程序与指标。

How to write a scientific paper

How to write a scientific paper
2003-10-28 10-70
Scientific Facts of Life
ow many papers do you read every day?
a) Related to your project? b) Unrelated to your project?
ow may chemistry papers are published every day? hat is the number of citations of an average paper?
A Call for Better Artwork from ACS
What Will Reproduce Poorly?
This figure will not reproduce well. The formatting choices here would result in possible loss of critical information or production delays. The following are the highlights of the problems with this figure:
2003-10-2 a Professional Attitude
Membership in a professional society Subscription to at least one scientific journal (Journals are available on the web, but do you browse regularly, as you would with a hard copy issue?) Familiarity with literature not directly related to research. Continually enlarging library with basis reference books, e.g. physical, inorganic, theoretical, etc. Attendance at seminars, scientific meetings; discussion with colleagues; helpfulness. Presentation of research results. Eagerness to publish findings.

【精品】PPT课件 How to Write a Scientific Paper如何撰写科普文章

【精品】PPT课件  How to Write a Scientific Paper如何撰写科普文章

Hale Waihona Puke 【精品】PPT课件 How to Write a Scientific Paper如何撰写科普文章
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃
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What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
at the end, mostly outline. The continuous effort to understand, analyze, summarize, and reformulate hypotheses on paper will be immensely more efficient for you than a process in which you collect data and only start to organize them when their collection is “complete.” 工作结束时,应充分的总 结。最有效率的做法是及 时的理解, 分析, 总结, 形成假说; 而不是等到完 成时才开始收集和整理数 据。
Байду номын сангаас
The reason for outlines. 为什么要写提纲?
All the writing that I do - papers, reports, proposals (and, of course, slides for seminars)- I do from outlines. I urge you to learn how to use them as well. 我写的所有文章,包 括论文,报告, 建议 (当然还有讨论会的 胶片)都从提纲开始。 我也希望你们能学会 使用它。
What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
A paper is not just an archival device for storing a completed research program, it is also a structure for planning your research in progress. If you clearly understand the purpose and form of a paper, it can be immensely useful to you in organizing and conducting your research. 一篇论文并不仅仅是收集 已经得到的研究结果,它 也有助于形成进一步的研 究工作的框架。如果明确 了论文的目的,这对于计 划开展你的研究工作有很 大益处。
The reason for outlines. 为什么要写提纲?
most of the thought goes into the organization of the data and into the analysis. It can be relatively efficient to go through several (even many) cycles of an outline before beginning to write text; writing many versions of the full text of a paper is slow. 而大部份思考是用在整理 和分析数据。在动笔前, 详细讨论几遍写作提纲会 提高写作效率;写很多遍 正文反倒很慢。
What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
A good outline for the paper is also a good plan for the research program. You should write and rewrite these plans/outlines throughout the course of the research. At the beginning, you will have mostly plan; 好的文章提要也是研 究工作的好计划,在 研究的过程中,应该 反复修改这些计划或 提要。研究工作开始 时,应有完善的计划;
How should you construct an outline? 你应该如何起草你的提要?
Ask yourself the obvious questions: “Why did I do this work?” “What does it mean?” “What hypothesis did I mean to test ?” “What ones did I actually test?” “What were the results?” “Did the work yield a new method or compound? What?” “What measurements did I make?” “What compounds? How were they characterized?” 自问一些显而易见的问题: 为什么我要做这项工作? 它意味着什么? 我要验证 哪些假设? 我究竟验证了 哪些假设? 结果如何? 这项工作产生了新方法或 新物质吗?都是什么?我 都做了那些测试?什么化 合物? 它们是如何表征的?
How to Write a Scientific Paper ?
By George M. Whitesides Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
怎样撰写科学论文? 原著: George M. Whitesides (美国) 译者: 张 希,林志宏 PPT编排: 苑立波
The reason for outlines. 为什么要写提纲?
An outline itself contains 提纲本身应该文字简练。 little text. If you and I can 如果大家都同意提纲中的 agree on the details of the 细节部分,那么正文组织 outline (that is, on the 起来就更容易。在我们就 data and organization), 提纲达成一致以前,写正 the supporting text can be 文是没有意义的。 写文章 assembled fairly easily. If 时,大部份时间花在写正 we do not agree on the 文上; outline, any text is useless. Much of the time in writing a paper goes into the text;
What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
Realize that your objective in research is to formulate and test hypotheses, to draw conclusions from these tests, and to teach these conclusions to others. Your objective is not to “collect data.” 要意识到研究的目的 是为了形成并证实假 说,从一些测试中得 出结论,并把结论传 授给别人。你的研究 目的不是简单的收集 数据。
The reason for outlines. 为什么要写提纲?
An outline is a written plan of the organization of a paper, including the data on which it rests. You should, in fact, think of an outline as a carefully organized and presented set of data, with attendant objectives, hypotheses and conclusions, rather than an outline of text. 提纲是一篇论文的行文计 划,应该包括论文所依靠 的数据。事实上,提纲不 仅仅是列出各段的内容, 而是按照目的, 假说, 结论来精心组织数据。
What is a scientific paper?
What is a scientific paper? 什么是科技论文?
A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well not have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent.” 科技论文是集假说、数据 和结论为一体的概括性描 述,以此向读者论述。论 文是研究工作的中心部分。 如果你的研究没有写成论 文,也就等同于没有做研 究。有意义但没有发表, 等同于不存在。
How should you construct an outline? 你应该如何起草你的提要?
Sketch possible equations, figures, and schemes. It is essential to try to get the major ideas written down. If you start the research to test one hypothesis, and decide, when you see what you have, that the data really seem to test some other hypothesis better, don't worry. 展示相关的方程,图表和 示意图。试着写出主要的 观点。如果你的研究开始 是为证实一个假设,然而 当你发现你有的数据仿佛 真的可以更好地验证其它 的假设时,你也不必担心。