MIL-PRF-38534G9 March 2009SUPERSEDINGMIL-PRF-38534F12 April 2006PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONHYBRID MICROCIRCUITS,GENERAL SPECIFICATION FORThis specification is approved for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.This document is a performance specification. It is intended to provide the device manufacturers an acceptable established baseline in order to support Government microcircuit applications and logistic programs. The basic document has been structured as a performance specification that is supplemented with detailed appendices. These appendices provide guidance to manufacturers on demonstrated successful approaches to meeting defense performance requirements. These appendices are included as a performance benchmark and are intended to impose mandatory requirements.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the general performance requirements for hybrid microcircuits, multi-chip modules (MCM) and similar devices, and the verification requirements for ensuring that these devices meet the applicable performance requirements. Verification is accomplished through the use of one of two quality programs (Appendix A). The main body of this specification describes the performance requirements and the requirements for obtaining a Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) listing. The appendices of this specification are intended for guidance to aid a manufacturer in developing their verification program. Detail requirements, specific characteristics, and other provisions that are sensitive to the particular intended use should be specified in the applicable device acquisition specification.Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: Defense Supply Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC-VAS, P. O. Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43218-3990, or emailed to PRF38534@. Since contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at .AMSC N/A FSC 59621.2 Description of this specification. The intent of this specification is to allow the device manufacturer the flexibility to implement best commercial practices to the maximum extent possible while still providing a product which meets the military performance needs. Devices that are compliant to this specification are those that are capable of meeting the verification requirements outlined herein; and are built on a manufacturing line which is controlled by the manufacturer's quality management program and has been certified and qualified in accordance with the requirements herein. The certification and qualification requirements outlined herein are the requirements to be met by a manufacturer to be listed on the (QML). The manufacturer may modify, substitute, or delete the tests and inspections defined herein. This is accomplished by baselining a flow of tests and inspections that will assure that the devices are capable of meeting the generic verifications provided in this specification. This does not necessarily mean that compliant devices have been subjected to the generic performance verifications provided in this specification, just that compliant devices are capable of meeting them. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that their devices are capable of meeting the generic performance verifications applicable to each specified product assurance level.Appendix A defines the quality management program that may be implemented by the manufacturer. Appendix A includes an option to use a quality review board concept, hereafter referred to as the Technology Review Board (TRB) in this document, which may be used to modify the generic verification, design, and construction criteria provided in this specification. Appendix B is not currently being used. Appendix C defines generic performance verifications. These verifications consist of a series of tests and inspections which may be used to verify the performance of devices. They may be used as is or modified as allowed by this specification. Appendix D is not currently being used. Appendix E defines generic design and construction criteria relative to this technology, including rework limitations and major change testing guidance. Appendix F provides statistical sampling procedures. Appendix G provides the guidelines for a Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) Program.1.3 Classification. Five quality assurance levels are provided for in this specification. Four of these classes, in highest to lowest order, are K, H, G and D, as defined below. The fifth class is Class E, the quality level associated with a Class E device is defined by the acquisition document.1.3.1 Class K. Class K is the highest reliability level provided for in this specification. It is intended for space applications.1.3.2 Class H. Class H is the standard military quality level.1.3.3 Class G. Class G is a lowered confidence version of the standard military quality level (H) with QML listing in accordance with, a possibly lower temperature range (-40o C to +85o C), a manufacturer guaranteed capability to meet the Class H conformance inspection and periodic inspection testing, and a vendor specified incoming test flow. The device will meet the Class H requirements for in-process inspections and screening.1.3.4 Class D. Class D is a vendor specified quality level available to this specification. This is a possibly lower temperature range (0o C to +70o C) part with a vendor specified test flow available from a QML listed manufacturer.1.3.5 Class E. Class E designates devices which are based upon one of the other classes (K, H, or G) with exceptions taken to the requirements of that class. These exceptions are specified in the device acquisition document, therefore the device acquisition document should be carefully reviewed by the user to ensure that the exceptions taken will not adversely affect the performance of the system.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.2.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.2DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICATIONSMIL-I-46058 - Insulating Compound, Electrical (For Coating Printed Circuit Assemblies).DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARDSMIL-STD-883 - Test Method Standard Microcircuits.(Copies of these documents are available online at /quicksearch/ or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. The following other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.Handbook H4/H8 - Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Handbook. 1/JEDEC Publication JEP133 - Guide for the Production and Acquisition of Radiation-Hardness- Assured Multichip Modules and Hybrid MicrocircuitsJESD22-A114 - Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity Testing Human Body Model(HBM)NAVSHIPS 0967-190-4010 - Manufacturer's Designating Symbols. 2/QML-38534 - Qualified Manufacturer's List of Products Qualified Under PerformanceSpecification MIL-PRF-38534, Hybrid Microcircuits GeneralSpecification For.(Copies of these documents are available online at /quicksearch/ or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.3 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Performance requirements for Class K devices. Class K devices shall be capable of meeting the Class K tests and inspections of Appendices C and E (see table I). This shall include the incoming inspection flow, the in-process inspection flow, the screening flow, and the conformance inspection and periodic inspection flow. These devices shall be specified over the temperature range of -55o C to +125o C or as specified in the device acquisition document. Manufacturers of these devices shall be fully certified and qualified in accordance with this specification. Verification of these performance requirements shall be performed as described in 4 herein.3.2 Performance requirements for Class H devices. Class H devices shall be capable of meeting the Class H tests and inspections of Appendices C and E (see table I). This shall include the incoming inspection flow, the in-process inspection flow, the screening flow, and the conformance inspection and periodic inspection flow. These devices shall be specified over the temperature range of -55o C to +125o C or as specified in the device acquisition document. Manufacturers of these devices shall be fully certified and qualified in accordance with this specification. Verification of these performance requirements shall be performed as described in 4 herein._________1/ Handbook H4/H8 has been replaced by Defense Logistics Information Services CAGE Code website at https:///bincs/begin_search.asp2/ NAVSHIPS 0967-190-4010 Manufacturer’s Designating Symbols is no longer available. All current product should use Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code. See 3.7.5 (e) for the CAGE Code onlinedatabase website.33.3 Performance requirements for Class G devices. Class G devices shall be capable of meeting the Class H tests and inspections of Appendices C and E, except incoming inspection (see table I). This shall include the in-process inspection flow, the screening flow, and the conformance inspection and periodic Inspection flow. Compliance with the conformance inspection and periodic inspection flow shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer. Actual completion of conformance inspection and periodic inspection tests and inspections are optional and at the manufacturer's discretion. DSCC approval or notification is not required to eliminate conformance inspection and periodic inspection tests and inspections for this class of device; however, it is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that their devices are capable of passing these tests and inspections. These devices shall be specified over the temperature range of -40o C to +85o C or a wider range. Manufacturers of these devices shall be fully certified and QML listed in accordance with this specification. Verification of these performance requirements shall be performed as described in 4 herein.3.4 Performance requirements for Class E devices. Class E devices are devices which meet all of the requirements of one of the other classes (K, H, or G) with some exceptions taken. The device acquisition document shall clearly state which class the device is based upon (K, H, or G) and what exceptions are being taken. The users of these devices should carefully examine the device acquisition document to verify that the exceptions being taken will not adversely affect the system performance. Manufacturers of these devices shall be fully certified in accordance with this specification. Verification of the performance requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph4.3.5 Performance requirements for Class D devices. Class D devices are built and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specified production and testing flow (see table I). These devices shall be capable of meeting the specified electrical tests. However, these devices are not required to meet any of the tests and inspections of this specification. These devices shall be specified over the temperature range of 0o C to +70o C or a wider range. Manufacturers of these devices shall be fully certified and QML listed in accordance with this specification. Verification of these Performance Requirements shall be performed as described in 4 herein.3.6 Performance requirements for Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) devices. Compliant RHA devices shall meet the additional performance requirements of Appendix G. Detailed information for producing and acquiring RHA devices can be found in JEDEC publication JEP133 Guide for the Production and Acquisition of Radiation-Hardness- Assured Multichip Modules and Hybrid Microcircuits.4TABLE I. Performance requirements summary.ClassTest flow orrequirement 1/DE 2/ G 2/ H 2/ K 2/Certification Required Required Required Required(Class H) Required (Class K)QML listing RequiredIAW inspection (appendix C) Manufacturerspecified 3/Manufacturerspecified 3/Applicable(Class H)1/Applicable(Class K) 1/In-process inspections (appendix. C) Manufacturerspecified 3/Applicable(Class H) 1/Applicable1/Applicable1/Screening (appendix. C) Manufacturerspecified 3/Applicable(Class H) 1/Applicable(Class H)1/Applicable(Class K) 1/Conformance inspection and periodic inspection (appendix. C) Manufacturerspecified 3/Guaranteed(Class H) 4/Applicable(Class H)1/Applicable(Class K) 1/Temperature range5/ 0o C to +70o CRequired Iaccordancewith theApplicabledeviceclass andtheAcquisitionDocument-40o C to+85o C-55o C to+125o C-55o C to+125o C1/ For test flow implementation and available flexibility see Design and construction and rework criteria are as specified in Appendix E and shall be utilized in accordance with Manufacturer specified means that the manufacturer does not have to take the generic criteria of this specification into consideration during the establishment of its manufacturing and test flows. The manufacturer's flow may or may not meet the same requirements as the flow of this specification. In addition, the manufacturer may specify that they do not perform the particular test or inspection flow.4/ Guaranteed (Class H) means that the manufacturer is assuring that their devices shall meet the conformance inspection and periodic inspection test flow contained in tables C-Xa, C-Xb, C-Xc, and C-Xd, but may or may not actually perform the tests and inspections specified. Elimination of these tests and inspections does notnecessitate DSCC approval or notification.5/ Classes D and G may be specified at wider temperature ranges. Classes H and K shall be -55o C to +125o C unless otherwise specified in the acquisition document.53.7 General. The manufacturer of devices, in compliance with this specification, shall have and use production and test facilities and a verification program adequate to assure successful compliance with the provisions of this specification and the associated device acquisition specification. Adequacy of a device manufacturer to meet the requirements of this specification shall be determined by the Government qualifying activity. The individual item requirements shall be as specified in the associated device acquisition specification and as specified herein. Only devices which meet all the performance requirements of this specification and the associated device acquisition specification and have been adequately verified shall be marked as compliant and delivered. Monolithic microcircuits may be built to the Class K, H, G, or E performance requirements of this specification; however, monolithic microcircuits offered in compliance with this specification shall be specified on a Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD). Facilities and programs listed on the Qualified Manufacturer's List (QML) may be used for the manufacture of other than compliant devices; however, any use or reference to compliant device marking, Class K, H, G, or E certification status, or this specification in such a way as to state or imply equivalency (and thereby Government endorsement) in connection with noncompliant devices is prohibited and may be cause for revocation of certification or QML status (or both). Terms, definitions, methods, and symbols are in accordance with 6.4. Any defense specification or standard referred to in this specification may be replaced by an equivalent commercial standard as determined by the preparing activity.3.7.1 Implementation of this specification. All devices offered and shipped in compliance with this specification shall meet the performance requirements specified for the applicable device class. The manufacturer shall verify that devices meet the performance requirements of the applicable device class. The manufacturer is responsible for developing a verification program which shall meet this requirement. The appendices of this specification give standard methods for verifying that the devices meet the performance requirements (except for Class D). The manufacturer may address the requirements of this specification as written, adapt them to their products, or develop a new methodology. Prior to the manufacturer being certified, the actual verification program to be used shall be reviewed and approved by DSCC. Any deletions or changes to the test flow shall also be reviewed and approved by DSCC or the manufacturer's DSCC approved Technology Review Board (TRB) prior to implementation. In this manner, a manufacturer may use an alternative method to the method specified in this specification to evaluate their parts if the alternate method verifies the same performance requirement. Furthermore, the manufacturer may eliminate a test or inspection (or decrease the occurrence or sample size of the test or inspection) if it is shown that the test or inspection is not necessary or can be performed less frequently. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to show how their verification program (and any changes to it) meets the requirements of this specification. The manufacturer shall analyze the impact of major changes and their affect on previously approved modifications of tests (test optimization). See table II for clarification.6TABLE II. Implementation summary.Option Definition Typical examples Implementation proceduresMeet requirement as written The manufacturerperforms the test orrequirement as specified.Self explanatory The manufacturer implementsthe test or requirement intointernal documentation, verifiedduring certification.For TRB companies, alternatemethod and appropriatejustification are approved bythe manufacturer's TRB.Alternate method to the requirement The manufacturer assuresthat the intent of therequirement is met, butdoes not perform thetest/requirement exactly aswritten.- Replacement of a test withstatistical process control (SPC)or alternate method.- Historical data analysis showsthat the requirement is met.- Design verification/validationshows that the process is capableof meeting the requirement.- Requirement does not addressnew materials, technologies, ordesigns.For traditional companies,manufacturer proposes thealternate method andjustification to the qualifyingactivity for approval.The manufacturer provesthat the test or requirementis either:Non-value added - Test does not stress the processadequately (e.g., PIND forencapsulated parts).- Historical data analysis showsthat the test does not inducefailures.Elimination is achieved in thesame manner as alternatemethods described above.The product will not complywith the test orrequirement due totechnology limitations.- Configuration of the product (i.e.,size, mass, package) isincompatible with the test method.The exception shall bedocumented in the applicableacquisition document. Productis classified as Class E.Elimination of the requirementApplication has no need of the requirement. The device will not experience theparticular stress in the application.The exception shall bedocumented in the applicableacquisition document. Productis classified as Class E.3.7.2 Device acquisition specification. The preferred device acquisition document for devices built in full compliance with this specification is a SMD. Monolithic microcircuits built in compliance with this document shall be documented on an approved SMD.3.7.3 Design and construction. The design and construction of compliant devices shall address the limitations and guidelines of Appendix E. Lead finish. Appendix E provides the general interface requirements for lead finishes.3.7.4 QML qualification requirements. Hybrid microcircuits furnished under this specification shall be products which are authorized by the qualifying activity for listing on the QML. Qualification testing shall be performed in accordance with the agreed upon qualification plan. (See appendix C for guidance on qualification testing.)73.7.5 Marking of devices. Marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of this specification and the*device procurement specification. The marking shall be legible and complete, and shall meet the resistance tosolvents requirements of method 2015 of MIL-STD-883. When mechanical or laser marking is performed, it shall be clearly visible through those conformal coatings approved for use in MIL-I-46058 (see method 2015 of MIL-STD-883 if contrasting material or ink is used to highlight the trace). Mechanical or laser marked metal surfaces shall meet all applicable microcircuit finishes and shall not degrade the performance requirements of the device. Mechanical orlaser marking shall be approved by the qualifying activity. If any special marking is used, it shall in no way interfere with the marking required herein, and shall be visibly separated therefrom. The following marking shall be included on each microcircuit unless otherwise specified.a. Part or Identifying Number (PIN) (see Index point (see Lot identification code or date code (see Device manufacturer's identification (see Device manufacturer's CAGE CODE. The CAGE CODE online database is available at/bincs/begin_search.asp (see Country of manufacture (see Serialization, when applicable (see Special marking (see Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity identifier (see Certification mark (see otherwise specified, the certification mark, the PIN, the inspection lot identification code, and the ESDidentifier shall be located on the top surface of flat packages or dual-in-line configurations and on either the top orthe side of cylindrical packages (TO configurations and similar configurations). Part or Identifying Number (PIN). Each Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD) microcircuit shall be markedwith the complete PIN, as specified in the SMD. The number sequence for MIL-PRF-38534 is 5962-XXXXXZZHYY, where:5962 - XXXXX ZZ H Y YFederal RHA Device QML Case Leadstock class designator type no. device outline finishdesignator (see class (see designator\ / designator (see\/ (see number3. Device type. The device type shall identify the circuit function as indicated in the SMD. Device class designator. This device class designator shall be a single letter identifying the quality levelin accordance with the SMD. Case outline. The case outline shall be designated by a single letter assigned to each outline withineach SMD. Lead finish. Lead frame or terminal material and finish shall be as specified (see Appendix E). The leadfinish shall be designated by a single letter as follows:8Finish letter Lead finish (see note)A Hot solder dipB Tin-lead plateC Gold plateX Finishes A, B, or C (see note)NOTE: Finish letter "X" shall not be marked on the microcircuit or its packaging. This designation is provided for use in drawings, part lists, acquisition orders, or other documentation where lead finishes A, B, and C are all considered acceptable and interchangeable without preference. For Government logistic support, the A lead finish will be acquired and supplied to the end user when the X is included in the PIN for lead finish. If the PIN is not available with the A lead finish, the same PIN will be acquired except with the C or B lead finish designator as determined by availability. Type C terminal material is a fired on metallization used with leadless chip carriers. Index point. The index point, tab, or other marking indicating the starting point for numbering of leads or for mechanical orientation shall be as specified and shall be applied so that it is visible from above when the microcircuit is installed in its normal mounting configuration. The outline of an equilateral triangle (i.e., !), which may be used as an electrostatic identifier (see, may also be used as the pin 1 identifier. Lot identification code (date code). Devices shall be marked by a unique code to identify the week of final seal. The first two numbers in the code shall be the last two digits of the number of the year, the third and fourth numbers shall be two digits indicating the calendar week of the year. When the number of the week is a single digit, it shall be preceded by a zero. Reading from left to right or from top to bottom, the code number shall designate the year and week, in that order (e.g., 8806 equals week 6 of 1988). Manufacturer's identification. Devices shall be marked with the name or trade mark of the manufacturer. The identification of the equipment manufacturer may appear on the device only if the equipment manufacturer is also the device manufacturer. Manufacturer's designating symbol. When space permits, the manufacturer may mark the CAGE code on devices. The manufacturer's designating symbol or CAGE code number shall be as listed on NAVSHIPS0967-190-4010 or cataloging Handbook H4/H8. NAVSHIPS 0967-190-4010 and Handbook H4/H8 are no longer being maintained. Manufacturing symbols found in NAVSHIPS 0967-190-4010 should no longer be used for current product. All current product should use the current manufacturers CAGE code. CAGE codes can be found using the online database references in 3.7.5.e. The designating symbol shall be used only by the manufacturer to whom it has been assigned and only on those devices manufactured at the manufacturer's plant. In the case of small devices, the manufacturer's designating symbol may be abbreviated by omitting the first "C" in the series of letters. Country of manufacture. The manufacturer shall indicate the country where the device was manufactured(i.e., substrate and element attach, interconnect, seal). At the option of the manufacturer, the country of manufacture marking may be omitted from the body of the device but shall be retained on the initial container. Serialization. Serialization allows traceability of electrical tests results (variables data) to an individual device. Class K serialization. Prior to the first recorded electrical measurement in screening, each Class K device shall be marked with a unique serial number assigned consecutively. Lot records shall be maintained to provide traceability from the serial number to the specific incoming inspection lots from which the elements originated. Class H and G serialization. Serialization of Class H and G devices shall only be required when specified in the device acquisition specification. Special marking. When the size of a package is insufficient to allow marking of special process identifiers on the top surface, the back side of the package may be used for these markings except the ESD identifier shall be marked on the top. Button cap flat packs with less than, or equal to, 16 leads may have the identifier marked on the ceramic. Back side marking with conductive or resistive ink shall be prohibited on nonconductive surfaces. Beryllium oxide package identifier. If a device package contains beryllium oxide, the device shall be marked with this designation: BeO.9。
1. 范围1.1范围。
)2.3 优先序。
允许使用某种玻璃材料时,应向合同负责员提供具体的玻璃光学特性以及设计数据。 放射性材料。
3.2.2 粘着力。
3.2.3 连接材料。
3.2.5 增透膜。
MIL-PRF-19500/376E 31 August 2000SUPERSEDINGMIL-PRF-19500/376D 21 August 1998PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, NPN, SILICON, LOW-POWERTYPES 2N2484, 2N2484UA, 2N2484UB, JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, JANS, JANHC, AND JANKCThis specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers the performance requirements for NPN, silicon, low-power transistors. Four levels of product assurance is provided for each device type as specified in MIL-PRF-19500. Two levels of product assurance are provided for die.1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (similar to T0-18), figures 2 and 3 (surface mount case outlines UA and UB), and figures 4 and 5 (die).1.3 Maximum ratings.P TV CBOV EBOV CEOI CT J and T STGR θJAR θJCTypesT A = +25°CmWV dc V dc V dc mA dc °C °C/W °C/W 2N2484500 (1)6066050-65 to +2003251462N2484UA 650 (2)6066050-65 to +2002101602N2484UB500 (1)6066050-65 to +200325146(1)Derate linearly at 3.08 mW/°C above T A = +37.5°C (2)Derate linearly at 4.76 mW/°C above T A = +63.5°C. 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics.h feC obo|h fe |2V CE(sat) (1)LimitsV CE = 5 V dc I C = 1 mA dc f = 1 kHzI E = 0V CB = 5 V dc 100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 MHzI C = 500 µA dc V CE = 5 V dc f = 30 MHzI C = 1.0 mA dc I B = 0.1 mA dcMin Max250900pF5.02.07.0V dc 0.3(1) Pulsed (see 4.5.1).AMSC N/AFSC 5961DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.The documentation and process conversion measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 31 November 2000.INCH-POUND Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Defense Supply Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC/VAC,Post Office Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43216-5000, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.2Dimensions Symbol Inches Millimeters NoteMin Max Min Max CD .178.195 4.52 4.95CH .170.210 4.32 5.33HD .209.230 5.31 5.84LC .100 TP 2.54 TP 6LD .016.0210.410.537,8LL .500.75012.7019.057,8LU .016.0190.410.487,8L1---.050--- 1.277,8L2.250--- 6.35---7,8Q ---.040---0.865TL .028.0480.71 1.223,4TW .036.0460.91 1.173r ---.010---0.2510α45° TP 45° TP6NOTES:1.Dimension are in inches.2.Metric equivalents are given for general information only.3.Beyond r (radius) maximum, TW shall be held for a minimum length of .011 (0.28 mm).4.Dimension TL measured from maximum HD.5.Body contour optional within zone defined by HD, CD, and Q.6.Leads at gauge plane .054 +.001 -.000 inch (1.37 +0.03 -0.00 mm) below seating plane shallbe within .007 inch (0.18 mm) radius of true position (TP) at maximum material condition (MMC) relative to tab at MMC.7.Dimension LU applies between L 1 and L 2. Dimension LD applies between L 2 and LLminimum. Diameter is uncontrolled in L 1 and beyond LL minimum.8.All three leads.9.The collector shall be internally connected to the case.10.Dimension r (radius) applies to both inside corners of tab.11.In accordance with ANSI Y14.5M, diameters are equivalent to φx symbology.12.Lead 1 = emitter, lead 2 = base, lead 3 = collector.FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions (similar to TO-18).3DimensionsSymbol Inches Millimeters Note Min Max Min Max A .061.075 1.55 1.903A1.029.0410.74 1.04B1.022.0280.560.71B2.075 REF 1.91 REF B3.006.0220.150.565D .145.155 3.68 3.93D1.045.055 1.14 1.39D2.0375 BSC .952 BSC D3---.155--- 3.93E .215.225 5.46 5.71E3---.225--- 5.71L1.032.0480.81 1.22L2.072.088 1.83 2.23L3.003.0070.080.185NOTES:1.Dimensions are in inches.2.Metric equivalents are given for general information only.3.Dimension "A" controls the overall package thickness. When a window lid is used, dimension "A" mustincrease by a minimum of .010 inch (0.254 mm) and a maximum of .040 inch (1.020 mm).4.The corner shape (square, notch, radius, etc.) may vary at the manufacturer's option, from that shown onthe drawing.5.Dimensions "B3" minimum and "L3" minimum and the appropriately castellation length define anunobstructed three-dimensional space traversing all of the ceramic layers in which a castellation was designed. (Castellations are required on bottom two layers, optional on top ceramic layer.) Dimension "B3" maximum and "L3" maximum define the maximum width and depth of the castellation at any point on its surface. Measurement of these dimensions may be made prior to solder dipping.6.Lead 4 = no connection.FIGURE 2. Physical dimensions, surface mount (2N2484UA).4DimensionsInches Millimeters NotesLtrMin.Max.Min.Max.A .046.0560.97 1.42A1.017.0350.430.89B1.016 .024 0.41 0.61 3D .085 .108 2.41 2.74 D1 .071 .079 1.81 2.01 D2 .035 .039 0.89 0.99 D3E .115 .128 2.82 3.25 E3 L1.022.0380.560.964NOTES:1.Dimensions are in inches.2.Metric equivalents are given for general information only.3.Dimensions B2 and B3 are identical to B14.Dimension L2 is identical to L1.FIGURE 3. Physical dimensions, surface mount (2N2484UB).5A- versionNOTES:1.Die size...............................................0.015 x 0.019 inches ± 0.001 inch2.Die thickness.......................................0.010 ± 0.0015 inches3.Top metal............................................Aluminum 15,000Å minimum, 18,000Å nominal4.Back metal..........................................A.Gold 2,500Å minimum, 3,000Å nominalB.Eutectic Mount – No Gold5.Backside.............................................Collector6.Bonding pad........................................B = 0.003 inches, E = 0.004 inches diameter7.Passivation.........................................Si 3N 4 (Silicon Nitride) 2kÅ min, 2.2kÅ nom.FIGURE 4. Physical dimensions, JANHC and JANKC die, A - version.B - versionDie size:.....................................................0.018 x 0.018 inchesDie thickness:............................................0.008 ± 0.0016 inchesBase pad:..................................................0.0025 inches diameterEmitter pad:...............................................0.003 inches diameterBack metal:................................................Gold, 6500 ± 1950 ÅTop metal:.................................................Aluminum, 19500 ± 2500 ÅBack side:..................................................Collector Glassivation:..............................................SiO2, 7500 ± 1500 ÅFIGURE 5. Physical dimensions, JANHC and JANKC die, B - version.61.4 Primary electrical characteristics.NFI C = 10 µA dc, V CE = 5 V dcR g = 10 kΩh FE2h FE5f = 100 Hz f = 1000 Hz f = 10 kHz V CE = 5 V dcI C = 10 µA dc V CE = 5 V dc I C = 1 mA dcMin Max dB7.5dB3dB22005002508002. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 of this specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.2.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).SPECIFICATIONDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-PRF-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for.STANDARDDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices.(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the above specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Document Automation and Production Services (DAPS), Building 4D (DPM-DODSSP), 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.73. REQUIREMENTS3.1 General. The requirements for acquiring the product described herein shall consist of this document and MIL-PRF-19500.3.2 Qualification. Devices furnished under this specification shall be products that are manufactured by a manufacturer authorized by the qualifying activity for listing on the applicable qualified manufacturer’s list (QML) before contract award (see4.2 and 6.3).3.3 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-19500.3.4 Interface and physical dimensions. The interface and physical dimensions shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-19500 and figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 herein.3.4.1 Lead finish. Unless otherwise specified, lead finish shall be solderable in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, and herein.3.5 Marking. Marking shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500. At the option of the manufacturer, marking may be omitted from the body, but shall be retained on the initial container.3.6 Electrical performance characteristics. Unless otherwise specified herein, the electrical performance characteristics are as specified in 1.3, 1.4, and table I.3.7 Electrical test requirements. The electrical test requirements shall be the subgroups specified in table I herein.3.8 Workmanship. Semiconductor devices shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall be free from other defects that will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.4. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:a. Qualification inspection (see 4.2).b. Screening (see 4.3).c. Conformance inspection (see 4.4).4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500 and as specified herein.4.2.1. JANHC and JANKC Qualification. JANHC and JANKC qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500.84.3 Screening (JANS, JANTX, and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table IV of MIL-PRF-19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable.Screen (see tableIVMeasurementof MIL-PRF-19500)JANS level JANTX and JANTXV levels 3c Thermal impedance (see 4.3.2)Thermal impedance (see 4.3.2)9I CBO2, h FE4Not applicable1048 hours minimum48 hours minimum11I CBO2; h FE4;∆I CBO2 = 100% of initial value or 2 nA dc,whichever is greater.∆h FE4 = ±15%I CBO2 ,h FE412See 4.3.1240 hours minimum See 4.3.180 hours minimum13Subgroups 2 and 3 of table I herein;∆I CBO2 = 100% of initial value or 2 nA dc,whichever is greater;∆h FE4 = ±15%Subgroup 2 of table I herein;∆I CBO2 = 100% of initial value or 2 nA dc, whichever is greater;∆h FE4 = ±25%4.3.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: V CB = 10 to 30 V dc:Power shall be applied to achieve T J = 135°C minimum and a minimum power dissipation = 75 percent of maximum rated P T (see 1.3). T A = room ambient as defined in 4.5 of MIL-STD-750.NOTE: No heat sink or forced air cooling on the devices shall be permitted.4.3.2 Thermal impedance (ZθJX measurements). The ZθJX measurements shall be performed in accordance with method 3131 of MIL-STD-750.a. I M measurement current-------------5 mA.b. I H forward heating current -----------50 mA (min).c. t H heating time -------------------------25 - 30 ms.d. t md measurement delay time ------60 µs max.e. V CE collector-emitter voltage ------10 V dc minimum.The maximum limit for ZθJX under these test conditions are ZθJX (max) = 150°C/W for 2N2484, ZθJX (max) = 67°C/W for 2N2484UA and 2N2484UB.94.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, and as specified herein. If alternate screening is being performed in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, a sample of screened devices shall be submitted to and pass the requirements of group A1 and A2 inspection only (table VIb, group B, subgroup 1 is not required to be performed again if group B has already been satisfied in accordance with 4.4.2).4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500 and table I herein.4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table VIa (JANS) of MIL-PRF-19500 and Electrical measurements (end-points) shall be in accordance with group A, subgroup 2 herein. Delta requirements shall be in accordance with table III herein. See for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV group B testing. Electrical measurements (end-points) and delta requirements for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV shall be after each step in and shall be in accordance with group A, subgroup 2 herein. Delta requirements shall be after each step and shall be in accordance with table III herein. Group B inspection, table VIa (JANS) of MIL-PRF-19500.Subgroup Method ConditionB41037V CB = 10 V dcB5 1027V CB = 10 V dc; T A = +125°C ±25°C for 96 hours with P T adjusted according to the chosen T A to give T J = +275°C minimum. Optionally, the test may be conducted forminimum 216 hours with P T adjusted to achieve T J = 225°C minimum, sample size (foroption) n = 45, c = 0. In this case, the ambient temperature shall be adjusted such that aminimum 75 percent of maximum rated P T (see 1.3) is applied to the device under test.(Note: If a failure occurs, resubmission shall be at the test conditions of the originalsample.) Group B inspection, (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV). Separate samples may be used for each step. In the event of a group B failure, the manufacturer may pull a new sample at double size from either the failed assembly lot or from another assembly lot from the same wafer lot. If the new “assembly lot” option is exercised, the failed assembly lot shall be scrapped.Step Method Condition11039Steady-state life: Test condition B, 340 hours, V CB = 10 -30 V dc, T J = 150°C min.,external heating of the device under test to achieve T J = +150°C minimum is allowedprovided that a minimum of 75% of rated power is dissipated. No heat sink or forced-aircooling on the devices shall be permitted. n = 45 devices, c = 021039The steady state life test of step 1 shall be extended to 1,000 hours for each die design.Samples shall be selected from a wafer lot every twelve months of wafer production.Group B, step 2 shall not be required more than once for any single wafer lot. n = 45,c = 0.31032High-temperature life (non-operating), t = 340 hours, T A = +200°C. n = 22, c = Group B sample selection. Samples selected from group B inspection shall meet all of the following requirements:a.For JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV, samples shall be selected randomly from a minimum of three wafers (orfrom each wafer in the lot) from each wafer lot. For JANS, samples shall be selected from each inspection lot. See MIL-PRF-19500.b.Must be chosen from an inspection lot that has been submitted to and passed group A, subgroup 2conformance inspection. When the final lead finish is solder or any plating prone to oxidation at hightemperature, the samples for life test (subgroups B4 and B5 for JANS, and group B for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) may be pulled prior to the application of final lead finish.4.4.3 Group C inspection, Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table VII of MIL-PRF-19500, and in (JANS).and (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) herein for group C testing. Electrical measurements (end-points) shall be in accordance with group A, subgroup 2 herein. Delta requirements shall be in accordance with table III herein. Group C inspection, table VII (JANS) of MIL-PRF-19500.Subgroup Method ConditionC22036Test condition E (not applicable to UA and UB suffix devices).C610261,000 hours at V CB = 10 -30 V dc; power shall be applied to achieve T J = 150°C minimum and a minimum power dissipation P D = 75 percent of maximum rated P T as defined in 1.3herein. Group C inspection, table VII (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-PRF-19500.Subgroup Method ConditionC2 2036Test condition E (not applicable to UA and UB suffix devices).C6Not applicable. Group C sample selection. Samples for subgroups in group C shall be chosen at random from any inspection lot containing the intended package type and lead finish procured to the same specification which is submitted to and passes group A tests for conformance inspection. Testing of a subgroup using a single device type enclosed in the intended package type shall be considered as complying with the requirements for that subgroup.4.4.4 Group E inspection. Group E inspection shall be performed for qualification or re-qualification only. The tests specified in table II herein must be performed to maintain qualification.4.5 Method of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows.4.5.1 Pulse measurements. Conditions for pulse measurement shall be as specified in section 4 of MIL-STD-750.1112TABLE I. Group A inspection.MIL-STD-750LimitInspection 1/MethodConditionsSymbolMinMaxUnitSubgroup 1 2/Visual and mechanical examination 3/2071n = 45 devices, c = 0Solderability 3/ 4/2026n = 15 leads, c = 0Resistance to solvents 3/ 4/ 5/1022n = 15 devices, c = 0Temperature cycling 3/ 4/1051Test condition C, 25 cycles.n = 22 devices, c = 0 Hermetic seal 4/1071n = 22 devices, c = 0Fine leak Gross leakElectrical measurements 4/Group A, subgroup 2Bond strength 3/ 4/2037Precondition T A = +250°C at t = 24 hrs or T A = 300°C at t = 2 hrs; n = 11 wires, c = 0Subgroup 2Collector to emitter breakdown voltage3011Bias condition D; I C = 10 mA dc pulsed (see 4.5.1)V (BR)CEO 60V dcCollector to base cutoff current 3036Bias condition D; V CB = 60 V dc I CBO110µA dc Emitter to base cutoff current 3061Bias condition D; V EB = 6 V dc I EBO110µA dc Collector to base cutoff current 3036Bias condition D; V CB = 45 V dc I CBO25nA dc Collector to emitter cutoff current3041Bias condition D; V CE = 5 V dc I CEO 2nA dc Emitter to base cutoff current 3061Bias condition D; V EB = 5 V dc I EBO22nA dc Collector to emitter cutoff current3041Bias condition C; V CE = 45 V dc I CES 5nA dcForward-current transfer ratio3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1 µA dch FE145See footnote at end of table.13TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued.MIL-STD-750LimitInspection 1/MethodConditionsSymbolMinMaxUnitSubgroup 2 - continued.Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10 µA dc h FE2200500Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 100 µA dc h FE3225675Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 500 µA dc h FE4250800Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1 mA dc h FE5250800Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10 mA dc pulsed (see 4.5.1)h FE6225800Collector to emitter voltage (saturated)3071I C = 1.0 mA dc; I B = 100 µA dc V CE(sat)0.3V dc Base emitter voltage (nonsaturated)3066Test condition B; V CE = 5 V dc;I C = 100 µA dcV BE(ON)0.50.7V dcSubgroup 3High-temperature operation T A = +150°CCollector to base cutoff current 3036Bias condition D; V CB = 45 V dc I CBO310µA dcLow-temperature operation T A = -55°CForward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10 µA dch FE735Subgroup 4Magnitude of common emitter small-signal short-circuit forward-current transfer ratio 3306V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 50 µA dc;f = 5 MHz|h fe |13.0Magnitude of common emitter small-signal short-circuitforward- current transfer ratio 3306V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 500 µA dc;f = 30 MHz|h fe |2 2.07.0Small-signal open-circuit output admittance3216V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1.0 mA dc;f = 1 kHzh oe 40µmhosSmall-signal open- circuit reverse-voltage transfer ratio 3211V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1.0 mA dc;f = 1 kHzh re 8.0 x 10-4Small-signal short- circuit input impedance3201V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1 mA dc;f = 1 kHzh ie3.524k ΩSee footnote at end of table.14TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued.MIL-STD-750LimitInspection 1/MethodConditionsSymbolMinMaxUnitSubgroup 4 - continued.Small-signal short- circuit forward current transfer ratio 3206V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 1 mA dc;f = 1 kHzh fe 250900Open circuit output capacitance3236V CB = 5 V dc; I E = 0;100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 MHz C obo 5.0pFInput capacitance (output open-circuited)3240V EB = 0.5 V dc; I C = 0;100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 MHzC ibo 6.0pF Noise figure3246f = 100 Hz; V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10µA dc; Rg = 10 k Ω;NF17.5dBNoise figure 3246 f = 1 kHz; V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10µA dc; R g = 10 k Ω;NF23dBNoise figure 3246 f = 10 kHz; V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10µA dc; R g = 10 k Ω;NF32dBNoise figure (wideband)3246Noise bandwidth = 10 Hz to 15.7kHz; V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 10 µA dc;R g = 10 k Ω;NF43dBSubgroups 5 and 6Not applicable Subgroup 7 4/Decap internal visual (design verification)2075n = 1 device, c = 01/For sampling plan see MIL-PRF-19500.2/For resubmission of failed subgroup A1, double the sample size of the failed test or sequence of tests. Afailure in group A, subgroup 1 shall not require retest of the entire subgroup. Only the failed test shall be rerun upon submission.3/Separate samples may be used.4/Not required for JANS devices.5/Not required for laser marked devices.TABLE II. Group E inspection (all quality levels) - For qualification only.Inspection MIL-STD-750QualificationMethod ConditionsSubgroup 1Temperature cycling (air to air)Hermetic sealFine leakGross leak Electrical measurements Subgroup 2 Intermittent lifeElectrical measurements Subgroup 3Not applicable Subgroup 4Not applicable Subgroup 5Not applicable 105110711037Test condition C, 500 cyclesSee group A, subgroup 2 and table III herein.Intermittent operation life: V CB = 10 V dc ,6,000 cycles.See group A, subgroup 2 and table III herein.12 devicesc = 045 devicesc = 015TABLE III. Groups B and C delta measurements. 1/ 2/ 3/Step Inspection MIL-STD-750Symbol Limit UnitMethod Conditions1Forward-current transfer ratio 3076V CE = 5 V dc; I C = 500µA dc; pulsed see 4.5.14/∆h FE4±25 percent change frominitial recorded reading2.Collector to emittervoltage (saturated)3071I C = 1.0 mA dc; I B = 100µA dc∆V CE(sat)4/ 5/±50 mV dc change frompreviously measured value.3.Collector to emittercutoff current 3041Bias condition C;V CB = 45 V dc∆I CES4/100 percent of initial valueor 2 nA dc, whichever isgreater.1/The delta measurements for group B, table VIa (JANS) of MIL-PRF-19500 are as follows:a.Subgroup 4, see table III herein, step 2.b.Subgroup 5, see table III herein, steps 1 and 3.2/The delta measurements for herein (group B, JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) are as follows: Steps 2 and 3 of table III shall be performed after each step in herein.3/The delta measurements for group C, table VII of MIL-PRF-19500 are as follows: Subgroup 6, see table III herein, steps 1 and 3 for JANS, step 1 for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV.4/Devices which exceed the group A limits for this test shall not be accepted.5/Applies to JANS level only.165. PACKAGING5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specified in the contract or order (see6.2). When actual packaging of materiel is to be performed by DoD personnel, these personnel need to contact the responsible packaging activity to ascertain requisite packaging requirements. Packaging requirements are maintained by the Inventory Control Points' packaging activity within the Military Department or Defense Agency, or within the Military Departments' System Command. Packaging data retrieval is available from the managing Military Departments' or Defense Agency's automated packaging files, CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible packaging activity.6. NOTES(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)6.1 Intended use. The notes specified in MIL-PRF-19500 are applicable to this specification.6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:a.Title, number, and date of this specification.b.Issue of DoDISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the specific issue of individual documentsreferenced (see 2.2.1).c.Lead formation and finish may be specified (see 3.4.1).d.Type designation and product assurance level.e.Packaging requirements (see 5.1).6.3 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only for products which are, at the time of award of contract, qualified for inclusion in Qualified Manufacturers List QML-19500 whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the contractors is called to these requirements, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification in order that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by this specification. Information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from Defense Supply Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC-VQE, P.O. Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43216-5000.6.4 Suppliers of JANHC die. The qualified JANHC suppliers with the applicable letter version (example JANHCA1N645-1) will be identified on the QML.JANC ordering informationPIN Manufacturer43611341562N2484JANHCA2N2484JANHCB2N2484JANKCA2N2484JANKCB2N24846.5 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes.17。
航空化⼯品件号对应规范标准序号品名包装标准规范1 Mobil Jet Oil II24X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-23699F STD2 Mobil Jet Oil II5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-23699F STD3 Mobil Jet Oil II55GAL/DRUM MIL-PRF-23699F STD4 Mobil Jet Oil 25424X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-23699F HTS5 Mobil Jet Oil 25455GAL/DRUM MIL-PRF-23699F HTS6Mobilgrease 284X2KG/CTN MIL-G-81322E Gr A7Mobilgrease 2816KG/PAIL MIL-G-81322E Gr A8Mobilgrease 334X2KG/CTN MIL-PRF-23827, TY I9Mobilgrease 3316KG/PAIL MIL-PRF-23827, TY I10Mobil Aviation Grease SHC 1006X5LB/CTN CML04-03511Mobil Aviation Grease SHC 10016KG/PAIL CML04-03512Mobil Aviation Grease SHC 10050KG/DRUM CML04-03513Exxon Hyjet IV-Aplus24X1QT/CTN BMS3-11M TY V, GRB &TY IV,CL114Exxon Hyjet IV-Aplus5GAL/PAIL BMS3-11M TY V, GRB &TY IV,CL115Exxon Hyjet V24X1QT/CTN SAE AS1241,BMS3-11 TY V16Exxon Aviation Oil Elite 20W-5012X1QT/CTN MIL-L-2285117Exxon Aviation Oil 20W-5012X1QT/CTN MIL-L-6082E18Mobil Aero HFS5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-8328219Mobil Aero HF5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-560620Mobil DTE 2418L/PAIL21Mobilcut 32118L/PAIL22Exxsol D60(S) Fluid156KG/DRUM23Mobil DTE Light Oil18L/PAIL24Skydrol LD-46X1GAL/CTN BMS3-11M TY IV, CL1, TY V, GR B&C, BAMS564-003 25Skydrol LD-424X1QT/CTN BMS3-11M TY IV, CL1, TY V, GR B&C, BAMS564-003 26Skydrol 500B-424X1QT/CTN BMS3-11 TY IV, CL227Skydrol 56X1GAL/CTN BMS3-11 TY V, GR B28MCS 352B 5.4OZ/EA BAC550629Skykleen 10005GAL/PAIL BAC550430Aeroshell Grease 54X3KG/CTN MIL-G-3545C31Aeroshell Grease 64X3KG/CTN MIL-PRF-24139A32Aeroshell Grease 74X3KG/CTN MIL-PRF-23827C TYPE II35Aeroshell Grease 144X3KG/CTN MIL-G-25537C36AeroShell Grease 154X3KG/CTN15.875KG/PAIL37Aeroshell Grease 224X3KG/CTN MIL-PRF-81322F GR238Aeroshell Grease 334X3KG/CTN MIL-PRF-23827C TY II39Aeroshell Grease 33MS4X3KG/CTN MIL-G-21164D40Aeroshell Grease 33MS17KG/PAIL MIL-G-21164D41AeroShell Grease 43C6X2.95KG/CTN SAE-AMS-G-434342AeroShell Compound 54X3KG/CTN MIL-C-11796C CL343Aeroshell Compound 824X0.79KG/CTN44AeroShell Fluid 120L/PAIL45AeroShell Fluid 1209L/DR46AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 255GAL/DRUM MIL-PRF-7024E Type II47AeroShell Fluid 2F5GAL/PAIL MIL-C-6529C TYPE II48AeroShell Fluid 2XN5GAL/PAIL49Aeroshell Fluid 31GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-7870C50Aeroshell Fluid 35GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-7870C51Aeroshell Fluid 126X1GAL/CTN MIL-PRF-6085D52AeroShell Fluid 186X1GAL/CTN53AeroShell Fluid 311GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-83282D54Aeroshell Fluid 4112X1L/CTN MIL-PRF-5606H55Aeroshell Fluid 416X1GAL/CTN MIL-PRF-5606H56Aeroshell Fluid 414X5L/CTN MIL-PRF-5606H57Aeroshell Fluid 4120L/PAIL MIL-PRF-5606H58AeroShell Fluid 5L-A5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-6086E Light Grade 59Aeroshell Fluid 5M-A5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-6086E Medium GR 60Aeroshell Fluid 5M-A6X1GAL/CTN MIL-PRF-6086E Medium GR 61AeroShell Fluid 61208L/DR MIL-PRF-46170C Type I*62AeroShell Fluid 7118.9L/PAIL MIL-PRF-6083F63Aeroshell LGF5GAL/PAIL BMS 3-32A TY II64AeroShell Fluid S.835020L/PAIL65AeroShell Fluid SSF5GAL/PAIL BMS 3-32A TY I66AeroShell Turbine Oil 25GAL/PAIL67AeroShell Turbine Oil 320L/PAIL AIR 3515/B, O-135, OM-11 68AeroShell Turbine Oil 30824X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-7808 Gr.369AeroShell Turbine Oil 39012X1L/CTN OX-7, DEF STAN 91-9470AeroShell Turbine Oil 39020L/PAIL OX-7, DEF STAN 91-9473AeroShell Turbine Oil 56024X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-23699F HTS74AeroShell Turbine Oil 560208L/DR MIL-PRF-23699F HTS75AeroShell Turbine Oil 75012X1L/CTN AIR 3517, O-149, OX-3876AeroShell Turbine Oil 75020L/PAIL AIR 3517, O-149, OX-3877AeroShell Oil 6512X1QT/CTN J-1966 SAE Grade 3078AeroShell Oil 8012X1QT/CTN J-1966 SAE Grade 4079Aeroshell Oil 10012X1QT/CTN J-1966 SAE Grade 5080Aeroshell Oil 10020L/PAIL J-1966 SAE Grade 5081Aeroshell Oil 100205L/DR J-1966 SAE Grade 5082AeroShell Oil 120205L/DR J-1966 SAE Grade 6083AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W4012X1L/CTN N.A84AeroShell Oil W 15W-5012X1QT/CTN J-1899 SAE Grade Multigrade 85AeroShell Oil W 15W-5020L/PAIL J-1899 SAE Grade Multigrade 86AeroShell Oil W6512X1QT/CTN J-1899 SAE Grade 3087AeroShell Oil W8012X1QT/CTN J-1899 SAE Grade 4088Aeroshell Oil W10012X1QT/CTN J-1899,SAE,Grade 5089Aeroshell Oil W1001GAL/CAN J-1899,SAE,Grade 5090Aeroshell Oil W10020L/PAIL J-1899,SAE,Grade 5091Aeroshell Oil W100205L/DRUM J-1899,SAE,Grade 5092AeroShell Oil W12020L/PAIL J-1899 SAE Grade 6093Shell Cassida LTS400G/CAN N.A94Shell water Detector80PCS/BOX N.A95Nylon Syringe PC N.A96Shell EP 75W9012X1L/CTN N.A97Shell Avgas 100LL200L/DRUM N.A98Shell Helix ULTRA 5W-306X4L/CTN N.A99Shell Tellus Oil 2218L/PAIL100Shell Tellus Oil 4618L/PAIL101Shell Tellus Oil 46208L/DRUM102Shell Clavus G6818L/PAIL103Shell Clavus G68209L/DRUM104Turco 1495-X20L/PAIL AMS 1650105Turco 3878 LF-NC20L/PAIL BAC 5763106Turco 418125KG/BAG AMS 1379107Turco 4215 NC-LT23KG/PAIL BAC 5749110Turco 446020L/PAIL BMS11-7 TYPE I111Turco 4460-BK20L/PAIL BMS 5750112Turco 4848-9220L/PAIL MIL-D-16791 TYPE I113Turco 535120L/PAIL AMS 1375114Turco 580520L/PAIL AMS 1545115Turco 588420L/PAIL MIL-C-85704116Turco 5948 DPM20L/PAIL AMS 1530117Turco 5948 DPM200L/DRUM AMS 1530118Turco 5948 DPM Thick20L/PAIL AMS 1530119Turco 622620L/PAIL BMS 5750120Turco 664620L/PAIL RR-OMAT 1/270121Turco 6776-LO20L/PAIL BAC 5725122Turco 6780200L/DRUM AMS 1534123Turco 678020L/PAIL AMS 1534124Turco 6783-5020L/PAIL MIL-C-85704 Ty II125Turco Ind 7920L/PAIL CCT-LA714126Turco P-D-680 Type I20L/PAIL MIL-PRF-680 TYPE I127Turco P-D-680 Type II20L/PAIL MIL-PRF-680 TYPE II128Turco TT-N-95 Type II20L/PAIL B00083129Turco Lustrite 220L/PAIL AMS 1531130Alodine 60010LB/PAIL MIL-C-5541131Alodine 10011QT/CAN MIL-C-5541132Alodine 1000L25KG/PAIL133Alodine 113212EA/BOX BAC 5719134Alodine 1200S1LB/CAN MIL-C-5541135Alodine 1200S10LB/PAIL MIL-C-5541136Alodine 12015KG/PAIL MIL-C-5541137Alodine 15005KG/PAIL MIL-C-5541138EA 934NA1QT/KIT MMM-A-132 TYPE 1, CLASS 3 139EA 9561QT/KIT 140EA 9561PT/KIT141EA 9601QT/KIT142EA 960F3QT/KIT143EA 9309NA1QT/KIT146EA 93301QT/KIT147EA 93451GAL/KIT148EA 93901QT/KIT BMS8-301 CL1, GR1149EA 93941QT/KIT BMS5-109 TYPE II150EA 9394/C-21QT/KIT151EA 93951QT/KIT152EA 93961QT/KIT MMM-A-132, REV A, TYPE 1, CL 3 153EA 9689 .100 PSF GL36"X150'/RL 154EA 9891RP1PT/KIT155Loctite C5-A1LB/CAN MIL-PRF-907E156Loctite C-200 1.3LB/CAN157Loctite Moly Dry Film Lubricant 1.3LB/CAN158Loctite Moly Dry Film Lubricant10LB/CAN159Loctite Moly 501LB/CAN MIL-T-83483160Loctite 0783150ML/EA MIL-S-22473161Loctite 0803150ML/EA162Loctite 0843150ML/EA MIL-S-22473E GR C163Loctite 0883150ML/EA MIL-S-22473E GR A164Loctite 0893150ML/EA MIL-S-22473E GR A165Loctite 22150ML/EA OMAT8/68B166Loctite 22250ML/EA MIL-S-46163A TYPE II GR M167Loctite 24150ML/EA MIL-S-46163A TYPE I GR J168Loctite 24250ML/EA MIL-S-46163A TYPE II169Loctite 24350ML/EA170Loctite 24819G/EA171Loctite 26250ML/EA MIL-S-46163A TYPE II GR O172Loctite 27050ML/EA MIL-R-46092 TYPE I173Loctite 27150ML/EA MIL-R-46092 TYPEI174Loctite 271250ML/EA MIL-R-46092 TYPEI175Loctite 27250ML/EA176Loctite 27350ML/EA177Loctite 27450ML/EA178Loctite 29050ML/EA MIL-S-22473179Loctite 30750ML/EA182Loctite 33050ML+52ML/KIT183Loctite 40120G/EA184Loctite 40620G/EA185Loctite 41020G/EA186Loctite 41420G/EA MIL-A-36050C TYPE 2 CL2深圳市华迅贸易有限公司完全产品清单 2008/10/19序号品名包装标准规范187Loctite 41520G/EA MIL-A-46050C TYPE I CL III 188Loctite 42520G/EA189Loctite 44420G/EA190Loctite 45420G/EA191Loctite 48020G/EA192Loctite 49520G/EA193Loctite 49620G/EA MIL-A-46050C TYPE I CL II 194Loctite 51050ML/EA195Loctite 51550ML/EA196Loctite 51850G/EA197Loctite 54250ML/EA198Loctite 542250ML/EA199Loctite 54550ML/EA200Loctite 56750ML/EA201Loctite 56950ML/EA202Loctite 57250ML/EA203Loctite 572250ML/EA204Loctite 57750ML/EA205Loctite 58650ML/EA206Loctite 60150ML/EA207Loctite 60350ML/EA208Loctite 60950ML/EA MIL-R-46082B TYPE I 209Loctite 615 3.2OZ/KIT PWA586210Loctite 62050ML/EA MIL-R-46082B TYPE II 211Loctite 638250ML/EA212Loctite 64050ML/EA MIL-R-46082B TYPE II215Loctite 66050MLEA216Loctite 67250ML/EA217Loctite 675250ML/EA MIL-R-46082B TYPE I218Loctite 68050ML/EA219Loctite 755340G/EA220Loctite 767236ML/EA221Loctite 770 1.75OZ/EA222Loctite 485020ML/EA223Loctite 5366310ML/EA224Loctite 5910370G/EA225Loctite 707015OZ/EA226Loctite 7075 4.5OZ/EA227Loctite 7387 1.75OZ/EA228Loctite 740020ML/EA229Loctite 745252ML/EA230Loctite Locquic Primer T 7471 1.75OZ/EA MIL-S-22473E GR T FORM R 231Loctite Primer N 7649 4.5OZ/EA MIL-S-22473E GR N FORM R232LPS 1 Greaseless Lubricant11OZ/CAN MIL-C-23411A233LPS 1 Greaseless Lubricant1GAL/CAN MIL-C-23411A234LPS 1 Greaseless Lubricant5GAL/PAIL MIL-C-23411A235LPS 2 Industrial-Strength Lubricant11OZ/CAN MIL-C-16173D GR 3 CL 1 236LPS 2 Industrial-Strength Lubricant1GAL/CAN MIL-C-16173D GR 3 CL 1 237LPS 2 Industrial-Strength Lubricant5GAL/PAIL MIL-C-16173D GR 3 CL 1 238LPS 3 Heavy-Duty Rust Inhibitor11OZ/CAN MIL-C-16173D GR 2 CL 1 239LPS 3 Heavy-Duty Rust Inhibitor1GAL/CAN MIL-C-16173D GR 2 CL 1 240LPS 3 Heavy-Duty Rust Inhibitor5GAL/PAIL MIL-C-16173D GR 2 CL 1 241LPS CFC Free Electro Contact Cleaner11OZ/CAN MIL-PRF-29608242LPS CFC Free Electro Contact Cleaner1GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-29608 243LPS CFC Free Electro Contact Cleaner5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-29608 244LPS Electro 140o11OZ/CAN245LPS F-104 Fast Dry Solvent15OZ/CAN Airbus ABR 9-0140 TYPE I246LPS PreSolve Citrus Degreaser15OZ/CAN Boeing D6-17487 Rev. H 247LPS Electra-X Nonflamable Contact248LPS INSTANT SUPER DEGREASER20OZ/CAN Boeing D6-17487 Rev. P 249BP Turbine Oil 238024X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-23699F-STD 250BP Turbine Oil 23891QT/CAN Mil-PRF-7808L Gr3251Braycote 23612X1LB/CTN VV-P-236A252Braycote 24835LB/PAIL MIL-C-11796C, Class 3253Brayco 5895GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-8188D254Brayco 59912X8OZ/CTN D50TF6-S1255Braycote 65512X1LB/CTN MIL-T-5544256Braycote 86812X1LB/CTN DOD-L-25681D257Brayco 92255GAL/DRUM MIL-PRF-7024E Type II258Brayco Micronic 7621GAL/CAN259Optimol Paste White T100G/EA260Royco 1MS 1.75LB/CAN MIL-T-83483261Royco 10 1.75LB/CAN262Royco 11MS35LB/PAIL DPM 6480263Royco 13CF 1.75LB/CAN MIL-G-25013E264Royco 13CF35LB/PAIL MIL-G-25013E265Royco 22CF35LB/PAIL MIL-PRF-81322F GR NLGI 2266Royco 22MS 1.75LB/CAN MIL-G-81827A267Royco 22MS35LB/PAIL MIL-G-81827A268Royco 27 1.75LB/CAN MIL-PRF-23827C269Royco 27 6.5LB/CAN MIL-PRF-23827C270Royco 32 1.75LB/CAN MIL-G-6032271Royco 43 6.5LB/CAN SAE-AMS-G-4343272Royco 44 1.75LB/CAN MIL-T-5544B273Royco 465GAL/PAIL MIL-L-46000 (LSA)274Royco 64 6.5LB/CAN MIL-G-21164D275Royco 81MS 1.75LB/CAN DOD-L-25681276Royco 308CA1GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-32033277Royco 3155GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-3150278Royco 3631GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-7870C279Royco 3635GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-7870C280Royco 4815GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-6081281Royco 4825GAL/PAIL MIL-STD-2073-1C282Royco 4835GAL/PAIL MIL-C-6529C TYPE3285Royco 586L&M5GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-6086E L&M286Royco 6341GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-63460287Royco 7175GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-17111288Royco 7561GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-5606H289Royco 7561QT/CAN MIL-PRF-5606H290Royco 7571LB/CAN291Royco 7775GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-87257292Royco 7821GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-83282293Royco 7821QT/CAN MIL-PRF-83282294Royco 78355GAL/DRUM MIL-PRF-6083F295Royco 8081QT/CAN MIL-PRF-7808296Royco 8851GAL/CAN MIL-PRF-6085D297Royco 89924X1QT/CTN MIL-PRF-23699F C/I298Royco 8995GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-23699F C/I299Royco 9505GAL/PAIL MIL-PRF-7024E TYPE 2300Royco C-201 1.75LB/CAN301Royco HF-825 1.75LB/CAN PWA35600302Royco LGF5GAL/PAIL BMS3-32 TYPE2303Royco SSF5GAL/PAIL BMS3-32 TYPE1304PS 5011PT/KIT305PS 870A1/21PT/KIT MIL-PRF-81733 TYPE1 CLA306PS 870A21PT/KIT MIL-PRF-81733 TY1PE CLA307PS 870B1/26OZ/SK MIL-PRF-81733 TYPE II308PS 870B1/21PT/KIT MIL-PRF-81733 TYPE II309PS 870B26OZ/SK MIL-S-81733 TYII310PS 870B21PT/KIT MIL-S-81733 TYII311PS 870C12/206OZ/SK MIL-PRF-81733 TYPE IV12 CL1 GR A 312PS 875B1/26OZ/SK 313PS 875B1/21PT/KIT314PS 875B26OZ/SK BMS5-142315PS 875B21PT/KIT BMS5-142316PS 890A1/26OZ/SK MIL-S-8802 TYPE II317PS 890A1/21PT/KIT MIL-S-8802 TYPE II318PS 890A21PT/KIT MIL-S-8802F TYPE II CLA321PS 890B1/21PT/KIT MIL-S-8802F TYPE I322PS 890B26OZ/SK MIL-S-8802F TYPE II323PS 890B21PT/KIT MIL-S-8802F TYPE II324PS 895B26OZ/SK325PR 1435L/CAN326PR 1482OZ/KIT327PR 4207OZ/KIT328PR 42014OZ/KIT329PR 8926OZ/SK330PR 1005L500ML/KIT331PR 1198 1.8L/KIT332PR 1422A1/26OZ/SK CML09-013333PR 1422A1/21PT/KIT CML09-013334PR 1422A26OZ/SK CML09-013C, MIL-S-8802 TYPE I335PR 1422B1/26OZ/SK336PR 1422B1/21PT/KIT337PR 1422B26OZ/SK338PR 1422B21PT/KIT339PR 1425B26OZ/SK340PR 1428A1/26OZ/SK MIL-S-8784341PR 1428A26OZ/SK MIl-S-8784A ,BMS5-37342PR 1428B1/26OZ/SK343PR 1428 B26OZ/SK Mil-S-8784,BMS5-37344PR 1428 B21PT/KIT Mil-S-8784,BMS5-37345PR 1432GP1PT/KIT BMS5-95KTY1 CLASSF-1346PR 1436GA6OZ/SK CML09-013,MIL-PRF-81733, TY I, CL A 347PR 1436GA1/2130ML/KIT 348PR 1436GA1/26OZ/SK349PR 1436GA26OZ/SK350PR 1436GB6OZ/SK351PR 1436GB1/26OZ/SK352PR 1436GB1/2150ML/KIT353PR 1436GB1/2500ML/KIT354PR 1436GB26OZ/KIT357PR 1436G Sprayable1PT/KIT358PR 1750A26OZ/SK359PR 1750B26OZ/SK AMS3276 CLB360PR 1750B21PT/KIT AMS3276 CLB361PR 1764B26OZ/SK362PR 1770B21PT/KIT363PR 1771B2100ML/EA364PR 1773A2100ML/EA365PR 1773A26OZ/SK366PR 1773B26OZ/SK367PR 1775B26OZ/SK368PR 1776B1/26OZ/SK369PR 1776B26OZ/SK370PR 1776MB26OZ/SK371PR 1826A1/26OZ/SK372PR 1826B1/46OZ/SK373PR 1826B1/26OZ/SK AMS3277374PR 1828B1/26OZ/SK MIL-S-83430 AMS3277,TYII 375Mastinox 6856H160ML/EA376Mastinox 6856K160ML/EA MIL-P-8116B,BMS3-27A 377Mastinox D40160ML/EA CML05-047378ALK-6005GAL/PAIL MIL-C-87936379ACT 655L/CAN380ACT 1435L/CAN381PR 1435L/CAN382ACT 1435L/CAN383T175L/CAN384CV1165L/CAN385ACT 345L/CAN386ACT 655L/CAN387ACT 685L/CAN388ACT 855L/CAN389FE 85M5L/CAN390T1155L/CAN391FE1075L/CAN392T1155L/CAN393EC75/C66155L/CAN394EC75/802 MSRR90645L/CAN395EC75/TN1865L/PAIL396512X310/910X5331GAL/KIT397512X310/910X3771GAL/KIT398513X390/910X6241GAL/KIT399513X377/910X4822GAL/KIT400513X377/910X482/020X364 2 GAL/KIT401513X384/910X456 2 GAL/KIT402513K009 2 GAL/KIT403515K011/910-012 2 GAL/KIT BMS10-11 TYPE1 404515X349/910X533 2 GAL/KIT405528X306/910X4642QT/KIT406528X310/910X4642GAL/KIT407528X30682QT/CAN408IP9064/00005L/CAN409IP9064/63621L/CAN4104125/2047 BAC707 GREY4L/CAN4114125/6407 BLUECELOMER VARNISH4L/CAN4124355/3600 PRIMER PAC33 GREEN5L/CAN CML16-001C 4134360/30315L/CAN CML16-001C 4140701/9000 HARDENER1L/CAN CML16-001C 4150433/9000 THINNER5L/CAN CML16-001C 4168500/52005L/CAN4170613/9000 Hardener2L/CAN4180580/9000 THINNER5L/CAN4195425/0000+0707/9000+0491/90006L/KIT420 5420/2620 Base3L/CAN4210707/9000 Hardener1L/CAN4220491/9000 Thinner5L/CAN423CELOMER5014,5425/0000+0707/9000+0491/900010L/KIT424F5664200+N39/1327+N39/346011L/KIT 425P-9915L/KIT 426CA72332GAL/KIT 427CA8000/B7011GAL/KIT428CA8000/BAC7071GAL/KIT 429CA8000/B900A3GAL/KIT 430CA8000/B16101GAL/KIT 431CA8000/B57734GAL/KIT 432CA8000/BAC70671GAL/KIT 433CA8000/B708461GAL/KIT 434CA8000B1GAL/KIT 435CA8000C1GAL/KIT436CA8000C11GAL/KIT 437CA8000C21GAL/KIT 438CA8000C31GAL/KIT 439CA8001/B0900C5L/CAN440CA77002GAL/KIT 441CA8100/B7074GAL/KIT 442CA8100/70674GAL/KIT 443CA8800/B7014GAL/KIT444CA8800/B7074GAL/KIT 445CA8800/Y60091GAL/CAN 446CA8800/Y60111GAL/CAN 447CA8800/B708461GAL/CAN 448CA8800CT11GAL/CAN 449CA8800Z1GAL/CAN 450Desoclean 45(020X413)1GAL/CAN451EWDY048A/B1GAL/KIT MIL-PRF-85582 Type I, PWA 36519-2 452RTV 601PT/KIT453RTV 881PT/KIT454RTV 881LB/KIT455RTV 102 2.8OZ/EA CP2266456RTV 103 2.8OZ/EA457RTV 106 2.8OZ/EA COMAT08-013458RTV 10610.1OZ/EA COMAT08-013459RTV 108 2.8OZ/EA460RTV 11610.1OZ/EA461RTV 118 2.8OZ/EA462RTV 12810.1OZ/EA463RTV 13310.1OZ/EA464RTV 147A/B 1.1KG/KIT CP2297, CP2298465RTV 157 2.8OZ/EA466RTV 159 2.8OZ/EA467RTV 159 5.4OZ/EA468RTV 162 2.8OZ/EA469RTV 16210.1OZ/CAN470RTV 167 2.8OZ/EA471RTV 6301LB/KIT472RTV 6702300ML/EA473RTV 99101PT/CAN474SS 4004 P1PT/CAN475SS 4044 P1PT/CAN476SS 41551PT/CAN477Q4554 GE Light EA478PSA 52940LB/CAN BAC5010 TY77479SRC 18 1.9LB/CAN BAC5010 TY77480DC 4150G/EA481DC 4 3.6KG/PAIL482DC 4199.5KG/DR483Molykote 331KG/CAN484Molykote 33 M 5.3OZ/EA485Molykote 33 M100G/EA486Molykote 33 L 5.3OZ/EA487Molykote P-37453G/EA COMAT10-129 488Molykote P-37500G/EA COMAT10-129 489DC 44M150G/EA490DC 44M1KG/CAN491DC 55 M Grease100G/EA492DC 55 M Grease1KG/CAN493Molykote M 77500G/CAN494Molykote M 772KG/CAN495Molykote 106500G/CAN496Molykote 1065KG/PAIL497Molykote 1064L/CAN498DC 111100G/EA499DC 111150G/EA500DC 111 3.6KG/CAN501DC 170A/B22LB/KIT502DC 20018KG/PAIL503DC 321312G/EA504Molykote D 321R400ML/EA505Molykote D 321R1KG/CAN506DC 340142G/EA507DC 3409KG/PAIL508DC 510(500CS) 3.6KG/CAN509DC 510(500CS)500ML/EA510DC 5271KG/CAN511DC SYLGARD 57712.1LB/CAN512DC 730 WHITE90ML/EA513DC 732 BLACK3OZ/EA514DC 732 BLACK300ML/EA515DC 732 Aluminium90ML/EA516DC 732 Aluminium139ML/EA517DC 732 CLEAR90ML/EA518DC 732 CLEAR139ML/EA519DC 732 CLEAR300ML/EA520DC732 WHITE90ML/EA521DC732 WHITE300ML/EA522DC 733 Clear300ML/EA523DC 734 Clear3OZ/EA524DC 736300ML/EA525DC 737 Clear300ML/EA526RTV 738 Clear310ML/EA527RTV 738 White90ML/EA528DC 780300ML/EA529DC 786 WHITE300ML/EA530Molykote 1000400ML/EA531DC 1200 CLEAR309G/EA532DC 1200 RED309G/EA533DC 1201348G/EA534DC 1204309G/EA535DC 1205348G/EA536DC 31101LB/CAN537DC 31104KG/PAIL538DC 31201LB/CAN539DC 31205KG/PAIL540Catalyst S409G/EA541DC 3140 Clear493G/EA MIL-A-46146 542DC 3140 Clear90ML/EA MIL-A-46146 543Dow Corning HVG150G/EA 544Dow Corning HVG 3.6KG/PAIL545RTV 3145 GRAY3OZ/EA546RTV 3145 GRAY305ML/EA547RTV 3145 CLEAR3OZ/EA548RTV 3145 CLEAR305ML/EA549Molykote 3400A500G/EA550Molykote 3400A1KG/CAN551Molykote 3402C500G/EA Mil-L-23398D 552DC 7091 white310ML/EA553RTV 98910.05LB/EA MIL-S-23586 TY1 554Molykote Gn Paste1KG/CAN555Molykote G-N PLUS Paste100G/EA CP2444556Molykote G-N PLUS Paste312G/EA CP2444557Molykote G-N PLUS Paste1KG/CAN CP2444558Molykote G-n Metal Assembly312G/EA CP2569559Molykote G-n Metal Assembly500G/EA CP2569560Molykote G-Rapid Plus Paste400ML/EA561Molykote G-Rapid Plus Paste1KG/CAN562Molykote U-N paste1KG/CAN CP2171563Molykote Microsize Powder1KG/CAN564Molykote Supergliss400ML/EA565Molykote DX50G/EA566Molykote DX1KG/CAN567DC 3-6548A/B36.2KG/KIT568DC3-68918LB/CAN569DC 90-006-21LB/KIT570DC 90-006- 1/21LB/KIT571DC93-076-1/21LB/KIT572DC93-076-21LB/KIT573DC 93-006-11LB/KIT574DC93-006-61LB/KIT575PD-9101LG/CAN576PG-6631LG/CAN577P5200340G/EA578LOC 388075ML/EA579DC F CATALYST45G/EA580DC 1-257718.1KG/PAIL581Dow corning BR2400G/EA5823M Scotch Grip 101QT/CAN5833M 86A CLEAR1PT/CAN5843M DP100 Clear/Translucent50ML/EA5853M DP110 Clear/Translucent50ML/EA5863M DP190 GRAY2OZ/EA5873M DP8005 Black12X35ML/CTN5883M Roto Peen Flap Assembly TC 330 I 9/16" X 1"/SH5893M Roto Peen Flap Assembly TC 330 II9/16" X 1.25"/SH 5903M Roto Peen Flap Assembly TC 330 III1" X 2"/SH5913M Petroleum Sorbent Pad T-15117"x19"/PAD5923M EC7761QT/CAN MIL-D-17951E 5933M EC 8471QT/CAN 5943M EC 8475GAL/PAIL5953M Scotch-Weld E110020G/EA5963M EC12525OZ/KIT5973M EC1300L1QT/KIT5983M EC1300L1GAL/KIT5993M SG13571QT/KIT6003M SG13575GAL/PAIL6013M EC1751A/B2OZ/KIT6023M EC1838 B/A1QT/KIT6033M EC18701GAL/CAN6043M EC2216 B/A2PT/KIT BMS5-92 TYPE I 6053M EC2216 B/A2QT/KIT BMS5-92 TYPE I 6063M EC22621QT/KIT 6073M EC2615A/B 1.25OZ/KIT6083M EC2615A/B1QT/KIT6093M EC2616B/A1QT/KIT6103M EC3333 1.25OZ/KIT6113M EC3524B/A1GAL/KIT6123M EC3532B/A2OZ/KIT6133M EC3532B/A1QT/KIT6143M EC3549B/A2OZ/KIT6153M EC3587B/A1QT/KIT6163M EC3901 Red1/2PT/KIT6173M EC39601GAL/KIT6183M 4150S8OZ/CAN6193M EC44195GAL/PAIL6203M EC46931QT/KIT6213M EC46931GAL/CAN6223M CITRUS BASE IDUSTRIAL CLEAER5OZ/EA6233M CITRUS BASE IDUSTRIAL CLEAER18.5OZ/EA6243M Scotch 271"X60YD/RL6253M 480.25"X260"/RL6263M 480.5"X260"/RL6273M 601"X36YD/RL6283M 611"X36YD/RL6293M 691"X36YD/RL MIL-I-19166 6303M 692"X36YD/RL MIL-I-19166 6313M Scotch 701"X10YD/RL6323M 74489G/CAN6333M Super 77467G/CAN6343M Scotch 791"X60YD/RL6353M 2021"X60YD/RL6363M 2022"X60YD/RL6373M 2151"X60YD/RL6383M 2152"X60YD/RL6393M 218 GREEN1"X60YD/RL6403M 23124MMX55M/RL6413M 23148MMX55M/RL6423M 2321/4"X60YD/RL6433M 2321/2"X60YD/RL6443M 2321"X60YD/RL6453M 232 1.5"X60YD/RL6463M 2322"X60YD/RL6473M 2323"X60YD/RL6483M 2341"X60YD/RL6493M 2441"X55YD/RL6503M 2501"X60YD/RL序号品名包装标准规范6513M 2502"X60YD/RL6523M 3611"X60YD/RL6533M 3612"X60YD/RL6543M 3631"X36YD/RL6553M 3632"X36YD/RL6563M 398FR2"X36YD/RL6573M 398FR3"X36YD/RL6583M 398FR4"X36YD/RL6593M 4201/2"X36YD/RL6603M 4203/4"X36YD/RL6613M 4211"X36YD/RL6623M 4212"X36YD/RL6633M 4251/2"X60YD/RL CP2517, CML08-052 6643M 4251"X60YD/RL CP2517, CML08-052 6653M 4252"X60YD/RL CP2517, CML08-052 6663M 4253"X60YD/RL CP2517, CML08-052 6673M 4254"X60YD/RL CP2517, CML08-052 6683M 4271"X60YD/RL6693M 4272"X60YD/RL6703M 4274"X60YD/RL6713M 42712"X60YD/RL6723M 42724"X60YD/RL6733M 4341"X60YD/RL6743M 4342"X60YD/RL6753M 4343"X60YD/RL6763M 4352"X36YD/RL6773M 4361"X36YD/RL6783M 4362"X36YD/RL6793M 467MP2"X60YD/RL6803M 467MP48"X60YD/RL6813M 468MP12"X60YD/RL6823M 468MP1"X60YD/RL6833M 468MP4"X60YD/RL6843M 4703/4"X36YD/RL6853M 4701"X36YD/RL6863M 4701"X36YD/RL6873M 471 Yellow/Black1"X36YD/RL 6883M 471 Yellow/Black2"X36YD/RL 6893M 471 Yellow/Black3"X36YD/RL 6903M 471 Yellow/Black4"X36YD/RL 6913M 471 Yellow/Black6"X36YD/RL 6923M 6001"X72YD/RL6933M 6701"X72YD/RL6943M 850 Black1"X72YD/RL6953M 851 Green1"X72YD/RL 6963M 851 Green2"X72YD/RL 6973M 9501"X60YD/RL6983M 9502"X60YD/RL6993M 95024"X60YD/RL7003M 95048"X60YD/RL7013M 1500 Black18MMx10M/RL 7023M 214248"X55YD/RL7033M 221431"X55YD/RL7043M 23071"X60YD/RL7053M 23072"X60YD/RL7063M 230824MMX55M/RL7073M 230848MMX55M/RL7083M 2310750MMX55M/RL7093M SJ3518 Black1"X50YD/RL 7103M SJ3518 Black2"X50YD/RL 7113M SJ3519 Black1"X50YD/RL 7123M SJ3519 Black2"X50YD/RL 7133M SJ3526 Hook Black2"X50YD/RL 7143M SJ3527 Loop Black2"X50YD/RL 7153M 49301"X72YD/RL7163M 493024"X72YD/RL7173M 49501"X36YD/RL7183M 495012"X36YD/RL7193M SJ5916 4.5"X36YD/RL7203M SJ59169"X36YD/RL7213M SJ8665 FP1-1PC7223M SJ8665 FP22PC7233M SJ8665 FP33-1PC7243M SJ8665 FP110PC7253M 403224.5"X36YD/RL7263M 4737T2"X36YD/RL7273M 4737T23.5"X36YD/RL7283M 49451/2"X36YD/RL7293M 49451"X36YD/RL7303M 494524"X36YD/RL7313M 495224"X36YD/RL7323M 5354 Black3/4"X1/8" X 50 '/RL 7333M Scotch 54131"X36YD/RL7343M Scotch 541324"X36YD/RL 7353M 54901"X36YD/RL7363M 6969(BLACK) 1.89"X60YD/RL 7373M 744720PAD/BOX7383M 84121"X72YD/RL7393M 86633"X36YD/RL7403M 86634"X36YD/RL7413M 866336"X36YD/RL7423M 8663 DL Clear36"X36YD/RL 7433M 86712"X36YD/RL7443M 86713"X36YD/RL7453M 86714"X36YD/RL7463M 86715"X36YD/RL7473M 86716"X36YD/RL7483M PPT 8672 Clear6"X36YD/RL 7493M 86863"X36YD/RL7503M 89513/4"X72YD/RL7513M 94481"X36YD/RL7523M 94482"X36YD/RL7533M 94731"X60YD/RL7543M 94734"X60YD/RL7553M 9495LE48"X60YD/RL 7563M 971312"X36YD/RL7573M 9742 Nozzle EA7583M 048011-055282"/DISC 7593M 048011-055323"/DISC760AV 813.5OZ/CAN761AV 2513.5OZ/CAN762AV 3013.5OZ/CAN763D-5015NS12OZ/⽀764D-5026NS12OZ/⽀765D-5035NS12OZ/⽀766D-5261NS12x12OZ/CTN767D-5263NS12OZ/⽀768D-5460NS12OZ/CAN769D-5665NS12x12OZ/CTN770Cor-Ban 27L12X5.8OZ/CTN 771Cor-Ban 27L1QT/KIT772Cor-Ban 3512X12OZ/CTN773ZIP CHEM D-560012OZ/⽀774ZIP CHEM D-56005GAL/PAIL 775 ZIP CHEM C8005GAL/PAIL777 X-40512OZ/EA778Dapco 18-4F1PT/KIT779Dapco 18-4F1QT/KIT780 Dapco 21006OZ/EA CML09-023 781DAPCO 22006OZ/KIT 782DAPCO1-1004OZ/KIT783Epibond 156A/B6X1QT/CTN784EPOCAST 50A1/98161GAL/KIT785Epocast 50A1/9461QT/KIT786Epocast 1511A/B1QT/KIT787EPIBOND 1534A/B1QT/KIT788EPIBOND 1536A/B1QT/KIT789EPOCAST 1617A/B1QT/KIT790Epocast 1618D/B1GAL/KIT791Epocast 1618D/B6OZ/EA792Epocast 1619 1.3LB/KIT793Epocast 16361QT/Kit794EPOCAST 87005A-B801QT/KIT795AV138M/HV998 1.4KG/KIT796ARALDITE AV 138M 1.0KG/CAN797ARALDITE HV 9980.4KG/CAN798Araldite SV4091KG/CAN799AY103/HY9912KG/KIT800AY103-1/HY991 1.4KG/KIT801LY560 1.0KG/CAN802HY5600.25KG/CAN803AF3024 1.27X560X300MM/SH804AV121N-11KG/KIT805HY951500G/CAN806MY7501KG/CAN807EY30096OZ/EA808AW134+HY994 1.40KG/KIT809ARALDITE AW 134 2B1KG/CAN810ARALDITE HY 9940.4KG/CAN811AV144-21KG/CAN813N39-1794500ML/CAN814Araldite 420A/B 1.4KG/KIT815Araldite 2011 (AW106/HV953U)50ML/KIT816Araldite 2011 (AW106/HV953U)200ML/KIT817Araldite 2011 (AW106/HV953U) 1.8KG/KIT818Araldite 2012 (AW2104+HY2934)4KG/KIT819Araldite 2015 (AV5308+HY5309-1)2KG/KIT820ARALDITE LY 50521KG/CAN821ARADUR 5052 CH0.75KG/CAN822Renlease QZ-51110.75KG/CAN CML05-013A823Renlease QV51101KG/CAN824Uralane 5772A/B6X1QT/CTN DPM 6087; GD 0-73668 TY 1 CL 1 Rev G 825URALANE 5774A/C1QT/KIT 826NASM/MS20995C151LB/RL827NASM/MS20995C201LB/RL828NASM/MS20995C251LB/RL829NASM/MS20995C281LB/RL830NASM/MS20995C301LB/RL831NASM/MS20995C321LB/RL832NASM/MS20995C411LB/RL833MS20995CY201LB/RL834MS20995CY151LB/RL835MS20995NC201LB/RL836MS20995NC321LB/RL837MS20995NC511LB/RL838MS20995N201LB/RL839MS20995N321LB/RL840MS21043-4EA841MS24665-302EA842MS24665-151EA843MS24665-172EA844MS9966-10EA845AS3578-266EA846MS9226-021LB/RL847MS9226-031LB/RL849MS28774-012EA850FM300-2U 0.03 PSF 500 SF/RL851ABS5006-2D2MMX25MMX15M/RL CML08-005C852ABS5006-4D 4MMX25MMX10M/RL CML08-005C ,BMS1-68 Form III 853ABS5006-4F 38MMX4MMX20M/RL CML08-005C 854ABS5006-6A 6MMX9MMX10M/RL CML08-005855ABS5006-6J6MMX200MMX10M/RL 856HCS2101-04-5ML 0.005"X54"X254YD/RL 857HCS2101-04-60V 0.002"X60"X333YD/RL858HCS2102-0460"X100YD/RL 859HCS2102-1060"X50YD/RL 860HCS2103-P 36"X100YD/RL 861HCS2108-P48"X200YD/RL 862HCS2108-NP 48"X200YD/RL 863HCS211246"X300YD/RL 864HCS21141"X72YD/RL865HCS21251/8"X1/2"X25'/RL 866HCS2201 Cab-O-Sil 1GAL/CAN 867HCS22021GAL/CAN 868HCS2202-01 BJO-09301GAL/CAN 869HCS2401-010-0538"X5YD/RL BMS8-79 Class III, Style120870HCS2401-02038"X5YD/RL BMS8-79 Style 1581 Class III 871HCS2401-030-0538"X5YD/RL BMS8-79 CL III STY 7781 REV AE 872HCS2401-030-1038" X 10YD/RL BMS8-79 CL III STY 7781 REV AE 873HCS2401-04038"X120YD/RL BMS8-139 Class 1, Style 120874HCS2401-040-05 38"X5YD/RL BMS8-139 CL 1 STY 120 REV L 875HCS2401-050 38"X60YD/RL BMS8-139 Class 1, Style 1581876HCS2401-050-05 38"X5YD/RL BMS8-139 CL 1 STY 1581 REV L877HCS2401-060-0538"X5YD/RL BMS8-139 CL 1&2 STYLE 7781 REV K878HCS2402-010-0542"X5YD/RL BMS8-168 Style 3K-70-PW , TYPE II & III, CL2879HCS2402-020-0542"X5YD/RL BMS8-212, 3K-70-PWTYIV CL2, REV P 880HCS2402-020-1042"X10YD/RL BMS8-212 3K-70-PW, TYPE IV, CL 2, REV P881HCS2402-030-0542"X5YD/RL BMS8-212 TYPE III, CL 2, REV P COMAT08-059,3K-135-8H882HCS2402-040-05 42"X5YD/RL BMS8-256 Style 3K-70-PW, TYPE IV, CL 2, REV K 883HCS2402-05060"X80YD/RL BMS8-297 Style 3K-70-PW TYPE IV, CL 2884HCS2402-050-0560"X5YD/RL BMS8-297 3K-70-PW , TYPE IV, CL 2885HCS2404-010-0536"X5YD/RL BMS5-101 GR10 KNIT, TYII .06 WT, KNIT SUPPORT CARRIER,BMS5-129 TY4 CL2D GR10 REV L 886HCS2404-03036"X36YD/RL BMS5-129 CLIIA GR5 TY2 WT .03, LOW TACK887HCS2404-040-0536"X5YD/RL BMS5-129 TY II, CL IIB GR10 TY2 WT .06, LOW TACK 888HCS2404-05036"X5YD/RL BMS5-154 Type II Class1&2 Grade 5889HCS2404-050-0536"X5YD/RL ADHESIVE FILM, BMS5-154 TYII CL1&2 GR 5 (WT .05),REV D890HCS2405-0100.050"X1"X25'/RL BMS5-90 TYIII CL1 GR50CORE SPLICE ADHESIVE FOAM 891HCS2406-011 BR1271QT/CAN BMS5-89 TY1 GR A REV R 892HCS2406-011BR1271GAL/CAN BMS5-89 TY1 GR A REV R893HCS2409-01042"X5YD/RL BMS9-8 TYI CL2 GR3 STY3K-135-8H894HCS2409-02042"X5YD/RL BMS9-8 TYI CL2 GR3 STY 3K-70-PW REV K FL1 -CLASS 3 IS ALLOWED WHERE CLASS 2 IS SPECIFIED895HCS2410-01038"X250YD/RL BMS9-3 TYD CL7 ST120, AMS-C-9084 TYIII CL 1&2896HCS2410-02038"X125YD/RL BMS9-3 TYH2 CL7 ST1581 DRY FABRIC, VOLAN BMS9-3 REV R, AMS-C-9084 TY VIII-A CL1&2897HCS2410-03038"X125YD/RL BMS9-3 TYH3 CL7 ST7781, BMS9-3 REV R, AMS-C-9084 TY VIII-B CL 1&2898HCS2410-04038"X125YD/RL BMS9-3 Type H-3 Class 13 Style 7781899Honeycomb 3"X48"X100"/RL BMS4-4, TYPE 3-10N, FORM B EXPANDED PANEL 3.1 3/16 .001N 5052900Aerodur Finish SGL。
Media PartnerPhotonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 12 Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747SPIE Europe thanks the following sponsorsfor their generous supportAttendee Pens Stand #511www.micos.wsCoffee Breaks Stand #420www.klastech.deConference Bags Stand #Exhibitor Lounge Stand #Lanyards Stand #Pastries Stand #511www.micos.wsVertical Banner Stand #231www.hamamatsu.frExhibitor list as of 3 March 2008.AMA Association for Sensor Technology. . . . #209A.T. Wall Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #224AFOP - French Optics and PhotonicsManufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . #124AHF analysentechnik AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #316Alcatel Thales III V Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #329AT -Fachverlag GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #534Avantes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #232Becker & Hickl GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #405Bookham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #317Breault Research Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . #117Brush Ceramic Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #104Carl Hanser Verlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #530Cedrat Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #118CEIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #323CILAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #416Conerefringent Optics SL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #508Crystal Fibre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #306CST - Computer Simulation Technology . . . . #226CVI Melles Griot Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #507Draka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #230EDP Sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #532EKSPLA Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #330Electro Optics Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #430Consortium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #331ePIXnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #431Epner Technology, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #423EQ Photonics GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #223ET Enterprises Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #328European Optical Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #536EuroPhotonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #100Fibercore Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #515Fibercryst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #426FiberTech Optica Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #415Fischer Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #122Flexible Optical BV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #514FRAMOS GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #106Frank Optic Products GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . #105Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut . . . . . . . . . #321Fujian CASTECH Crystals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . #501Gorman-Rupp Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #413GWU-Lasertechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Hamamatsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #231HC Photonics Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Heptagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #521HOLOEYE Photonics AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #309HORIBA Jobin Yvon SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #327id Quantique SA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #405Impex HighTech GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #411Innolume GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #115Institut d’Optique Graduate School . . . . . . . . #437International Society for Stereology. . . . . . . . #529iXFiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #126KERDRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #120Kimoga Material Technology Co., Ltd.. . . . . . #520KLASTECH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #420Laser Components GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #220Laser Focus World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #414Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V . (LZH). . . . . . . . #505LEONI Fiber Optics GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #406Leukos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #123LINOS Photonics France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #307Lovalite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #121Lumera Laser GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #310Lumerical Solutions, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #121M.C.S.E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #128Mad City Labs, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #214Materials Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #435Menlo Systems GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #517Exhibitor ListPhotonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 47473T Advertiser Index Alcatel Thales III-V Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 11CVI Melles Griot Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 4ET Enterprises Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 23EPIC—European Photonics Industry Consortium . . . . . . p. 13KLASTECH—Karpushko Laser Technologies . . . . . . . . . p. 19LINOS Photonics France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17Photoniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5RSoft Design Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 2Space Light srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 21Exhibition Floor PlanMesse Stuttgart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #524MICOS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #511Nature Publishing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #208NEMO (Network of Excellence onMicro-Optics). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #217New Focus, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #317Newport Spectra-Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #205NEYCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #212NIL Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #125NP Photonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Nufern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #428NuSil Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #525Ocean Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #110OLLA Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #429Omega Optical, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #107OpTIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #333Optics & Laser Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #312Optics Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #527OptiGrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #510Optima Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #131OptoIndex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #531Opton Laser International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #130Optronis GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #216OXXIUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #304Phoenix BV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #315Photon Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #204Photonex 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #527Photonic Cleaning Technologies . . . . . . . . . . #421Photonics 4 Life - Network of Excellence . . . #427Photonics Spectra - Laurin Publishing. . . . . . #100Photonik Zentrum Hessen in Wetzlar AG. . . . #222Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co.. . . . . . . #308Point Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #113Quantel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #305Raicol Crystals Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #206Rhenaphotonics Alsace . . . . . #533, 535, 537, 539Royal Society of Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #541RSoft Design Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #320RSP Technology BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #424Santec Europe Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #409Scientec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #412SEDI Fibres Optiques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #313SEMELAB PLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #109Sill Optics GmbH & Co., KG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #221SIOF-Italian Society of Optics and Photonics #516Space Light srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #518Spectroscopy Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #433SphereOptics GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #504Spiricon GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #419Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #211Stanford Computer Optics GmbH . . . . . . . . #114bTaylor & Francis - Contemporary Physics . . . #528Taylor & Francis - Fiber and Integrated Optics #528Taylor & Francis - Informa UK Ltd.. . . . . . . . . #528Taylor & Francis - International Journal ofOptomechatronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #528Taylor & Francis - Journal of Modern Optics . #528THALES Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #506The Institution of Engineering andTechnology (IET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #425Thorlabs GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #517TSP Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #417UCM AG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #116Unice E-O Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #422Universal Photonics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #207VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. . . #129Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA . . . . . . . . . . . #523Xiton Photonics GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501XLITH GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #432Yole Développement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #225ZODIAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #322Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 5The French magazine specializing in Optics-Photonics Photoniques :the magazine of theFrench Optical CommunityPhotoniques,magazine of the French OpticalSociety,establishes links and partnerships betweenall the entities working in Optics-Photonics :at national level with AFOP (French ManufacturersAssociation in Optics and Photonics)and in eachregion of France.Photoniques :The source of information for all the professionals in thefield of Optics-Photonics in France.In each issue :industry news,technical articles written by specialists,new products…A useful and efficient circulation :7500copiesAfter 7years of existence,cooperation and networking withthe specialists of the optic world in France,Photoniques hasbuilt a large qualified database of potential users :researchers,technicians,engineers and managers,fromindustry such as communications,industrial vision,lasers,test and measurements,imaging/displays…Are you interested in the French optics and photonics markets?Photoniques is your partner!How to keep you informed about Optics-Photonics in France?Become a Photoniques reader!123For additionnal information,contact:Olga Sortais :+33134042144o.sortais@ to request an issue of Photoniques and a media kit6 Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747As a new addition to Photonics Europe, the Industry PerspectivesProgramme will provide a series of executive briefi ngs coveringkey technologies and sectors.Come hear key members of Europe’s photonics industrydiscuss their successes, future plans and the way in which theyintend to maximize their market penetration and growth. Hearreviews of the European Innovation landscape highlightinggeographical areas of strengths in areas such as business R&D,knowledge transfer and demonstrate the outcomes from recentsuccessful European-funded industry programmes.Industry Perspectives Programme Included with Conference registration.Individual Sessions can be purchased at the Cashier. Individual sessions, €100. The sessions will deliver a strategic perspective into each application area, allowing you to uncover and confirm the future prospects for your business. Benchmark your aspirations for your business and technology against some of Europe’s leading companies and engage with them as a potential supplier or partner. You will hear presentations from Philips, Audi, PCO, Coherent Scotland, GlaxoSmithKline, Carl Zeiss, Yole Development, Koheras and Fraunhofer on their successes and strategic priorities. Tuesday 8 April Morning SessionPhotovoltaics10.15 to 10.45 hrs.Photovoltaics - Market and Technology TrendsGaëtan Rull, Market Analyst for New Energy Technologies,Yole Développement 10.45 to 11.15 hrs.High Throughput Manufacturing for BulkHeterojunction PVsMarkus Scharber, Head of Materials Group, Konarka 11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Managing JGrowth in the Production of Thin Films(To be confi rmed.)Dr. Immo Kotschau, Director of Research and Development,Centrotherm GmbH 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.End to End Mass Production of Silicon Thin FilmModulesDetlev Koch, Head of BU Solar Thin Films & Senior Vice President,O C Oerlikon Balzers AG Break – 12.30 to 14.00 hrs.Afternoon SessionMEMS/MOEMS14.00 to 14.30 hrs.Market Trends and Technical Advances in M(O)EMSDr. Eric Mounier, Manager for MEMS & Optoelectronics andMicronews Chief Editor, Yole Développement14.30 to 15.00 hrs.Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Polymers (ORMOCER) forOptical InterconnectsDr. Michael Popall, Head of Microsystems and Portable PowerSupply, Fraunhofer ISC15.00 to 15.30 hrs.Future MOEMS and Photonic MicrosystemsDr. Thomas Hessler, Director Axetris, Leister Process Technologies15.30 to 16.15 hrs.Innovations in MOEMS product developmentProf. Hubert Karl, Director, Fraunhofer IPMSWednesday 9 AprilMorning Session Multimedia, Displays and Lighting 10.15 to 10.45 hrs.Plasmonics for Photonics: Challenges and Opportunities Ross Stanley, Section Head: MOEMS & Nanophotonics, CSEM 10.45 to 11.15 hrs.Photonic Microsystems for Displays Edward Buckley, VP Business Development, Light Blue Optics Ltd.11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Matrix-Beam – the antiglaring LED-high beam Benjamin Hummel, Research for Concept Lighting T echnologies, Audi 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.High Brightness OLEDs for Next Generation LightingPeter Visser, Project Manager, OLLA Project, The Netherlands Break –12.30 to 14.00 hrs.Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 7Thursday 10 AprilMorning SessionImaging10.15 to 10.45 hrs.High Resolution Imaging detectors for invisiblelight –Development and IndustrialisationHans Hentzell, CEO, Acreo10.45 to 11.15 hrs.(Presentation to be confi rmed.)11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Raman Spectroscopy, Raman Imaging and FutureTrendsSopie Morel, Sales Manager, Molecular & Microanalysis Division,HORIBA Jobin Yvon 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.World Markets for Lasers and Their Application Steve Anderson, Associate Publisher/Editor-in-Chief,Laser Focus World Break – 12.30 to 14.00 hrs. Afternoon SessionBiomedical and Healthcare Photonics 14.00 to 14.30 hrs.Photonic Systems for Biotechnology Research Karin Schuetze, Director of R&D, Carl Zeiss Microimaging 14.30 to 15.00 hrs.Photonics 4 Life Prof. Jeürgen Popp, Director, IPHT Germany 15.00 to 15.30 ser System Development for Biophotonics Chris Dorman, Managing Director, Coherent Scotland15.30 to 16.15 hrs.Supercontinuum Light - a paradigm shift in lasersources for biophotonicsJakob Dahlgren Skov, CEO, Koheras Husain Imam, Business Development Manager, Koheras Industrial Perspectives ProgrammeWednesday 9 April Afternoon Session OPERA 2015: European Photonics - Corporate and Research Landscape 13.30 to 13.45 hrs.Optics and Photonics in the 7th Framework ProgrammeGustav Kalbe, Head of Sector - Photonics, Information Society andMedia, Directorate General, European Commission 13.45 to 14.00 hrs.OPERA 2015: Aims, Results and link to Photonics 21Markus Wilkens, VDI 14.00 to 14.20 hrs.European Photonics Industry Landscape Bart Snijders, TNO 14.20 to 14.40 hrs.European Photonics Research Landscape Marie-Joëlle Antoine, Optics Valley 14.40 to 15.00 hrs.Resources for Photonics Development Peter Van Daele, IMEC Break – 15.00 to 15.15 hrs. 15.15 to 15.35 hrs.Towards the Future on Optics and Photonics ResearchDr. Eugene Arthurs, SPIE Europe (UK)15.35 to 16.15 hrs.Strategic Opportunities for R&D in EuropeMike Wale, Bookham, UK16.15 to 16.45 hrs.A Sustainable Business Model for Optics andPhotonicsDavid Pointer, Managing Director, Point Source (Pending)16.45 to 17.15 hrs.Final Open DiscussionChaired by: Gustav Kalbe, Head of Sector - Photonics, InformationSociety and Media, Directorate General, European Commission8Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747Photonics Innovation Village Tuesday to Thursday during Exhibition HoursThe Photonics Innovation Village will showcase the latest projects and breakthroughs from optics-photonics researchers at universities, research centres and start-up companies. This is a great opportunity to see how EU R&D and project funds are being used by some of the great young innovators in Europe.A window on creative products developed by universities and research centres. Under the patronage of the European Commission, fi fteen entrants from across Europe complete to win categories ranging from Best Marketability to Best Design, Best Technology, and Best Overall Product.Low power remote sensing system Y. A. Polkanov, Russia (Individual work)New approach is based on use of a low-power radiation source with specifi ed gating, when time of source radiation interruption is equal to a pulse duration of ordinary lidar. We propose to reconstruct the average values of these characteristics over the parts commensurable with the sounding path length. As scanning systems is offered with speed of circular scanning is determined by time of small linear moving of a laser beam. It allows to predict a reduction of the meteorological situation stability from an anticipatory change of the revealed structure character of optical heterogeneities of a atmosphere ground layer atmosphere.Point of care sensor for non-invasive multi-parameter diagnostics of blood biochemistry Belarusian State University, Belarus; Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany; Second Clinical Hospital, Belarus Compact fi bre optical and thermal sensor for noninvasive measurement of blood biochemistry including glucose, hemoglobin and its derivatives concentrations is developed as a prototype of the point-of-care diagnosticdevices for cardiologic, tumour and diabetic patients. Integrated platform for data acquisition, data processing and communication to remote networks has been developed on the pocket PC.Polarization-holographic gratings and devices on their basisLaboratory of Holographic Recording & Processing of Information, Institute of Cybernetics, GeorgiaWe have developed the technology of obtaining of polarization-holographic gratings that have anisotropic profi le continuously changing within each spatial period and also the technology of obtaining of polarization-holographic elements on the basis of such gratings. Special highly effective polarization-sensitive materials developed by us are used for obtaining such gratings and elements. We can present samples of gratings and elements and give a demonstration of their work.Ultra-miniature omni-view camera moduleImage Sensing group of the Photonics Division of CSEM (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique), SwitzerlandA live demonstration with a working prototype of a highly integrated ultra-miniature camera module with omni-directional view dedicated to autonomous micro fl ying devices is presented.Femtosecond-pulse fi bre laser for microsurgery and marking applicationsMultitel, BelgiumMultitel presents a new prototype of an all-fi bred femtosecond amplifi ed laser. The device has been specifi cally developed for micromachining and microsurgery applications and operates at 1.55µm, which corresponds to a high absorption peak of water (molecule contained in large quantity in living tissue and cells). Since no free-space optics is used for pulse compression or amplifi cation the prototype is compact and very stable. Moreover, the seed laser source has a high repetition rate therefore enabling multiphoton absorption applications and use in multi-pulse and burst modes.Flexible artifi cial optical robotic skinsDepartment of Applied Physics and Photonics (VUB-TONA) and Robotics & Multibody Mechanics Research Group (VUB-R&MM) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Thin Film Components Group (UG-TFCG) and Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials Research Group (UG-PBM) of the Universiteit Gent, BelgiumWe will present a paradigm shifting application for optical fi bre sensors in the domain of robotics. We propose fi bre B ragg gratings (FB Gs) written in highly-birefringent microstructured optical fi bres integrated in a fl exible skin-like foil to provide a touch capability to a social pet-type robot for hospitalized children named “Probo”. The touch information is complementary to vision analysis and audio analysis and will be used to detect where Probo is being touched and to differentiate between different types of affective touches such as tickling, poking, slapping, petting, etc.Co-Sponsored by: Location: Galleri de Marbre Under the patronage of the European Commission, Photonics Unit Join us for the Photonics Innovation Village Awards 2008 which will take place on Wednesday, 9th April 2008, from 17.00 hrs. in the Galerie de Marbre.3D tomographic microscopeLauer Technologies, FranceThe 3D tomographic microscope generates 3D high-resolution images of non-marked samples. The demonstration will show 3D manipulation of images obtained with this microscope.Polar nephelometerInstitute of Atmospheric Optics of Tomsk, RussiaMaterial comprising a matrix, apatite and at least one europium composite compound with particle medium sizes more 4-5 micron. The composition for the production of the material comprises (wt. %) apatite 0.01-10.0; composite compound. 0.01-10.0, and the balance is a matrix-forming agent, such as a polymer, a fibre, a glass-forming composition, or lacquer/adhesive-forming substance.High speed Stokes portable polarimeterMIPS Laboratory of the Haute Alsace University, FranceThe implementation of an imaging polarimeter able to capture dynamic scenes is presented. Our prototype is designed to work at visible wavelengths and to operate at high-speed (a 360 Hz framerate was obtained), contrary to commercial or laboratory liquid crystal polarimeters previously reported. It has been used in the laboratory as well as in a natural environment with natural light. The device consists of commercial components whose cost is moderate. The polarizing element is based on a ferroelectric liquid crystal modulator which acts as a half-wave plate at its design wavelength.Diffractive/refractive endoscopic UV-imaging system Institut für Technische Optik (ITO) of the University of Stuttgart, GermanyWe present a new optical system with an outstanding high performance despite of demanding boundary conditions of endoscopic imaging to enable minimal invasive laser-based measurement techniques. For this purpose the system provides a high lens speed of about 10 times the value of a conventional UV-endoscope, a multiple broad band chromatic correction and small-diameter but wide-angle access optics. This was realized with a new design concept including unconventional, i.e. diffractive components. An application are UV-LIF-measurements on close-to-production engines to speed up the optimization of the combustion and produce aggregates with less fuel consumption and exhaust gases like CO2.Light-converting materials and composition: polyethylene fi lm for greenhouses, masterbatch, textile, sunscreen and aerosolUsefulsun Oy, Finland; Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaThe composition for the production of the material comprises (wt. % ) composite compound (inorganic photoluminophore particles with sizes 10-800nm) -0.01-10.0; coordination compound of metal E (the product of transformation of europium, samarium, terbium or gadolinium ) - 0,0-10,0 and the balance is a matrix-forming agent, such as, a polymer, a fi ber, a glass-forming composition or gel, aerosol, lacquer/adhesive-forming substance. The present invention relates to composite materials, in particular to light-converting materials used in agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and light industry.HIPOLAS - a compact and robust laser sourceCTR AG (Carinthian Tech Research AG), AustriaThe prototype covers a robust, compact and powerful laser ignition source for reciprocating gas and petrol engines that could be mounted directly on the cylinder.We have developed a diode pumped solid-state laser with a monolithic Neodymium YAG resonator core. A ring of 12 high power laser diodes pumps the resonator. Due to the adjustment-free design, the laser is intrinsically robust to environmental vibrations and temperature conditions. With overall dimensions of Æ 50 x 70 mm the laser head is small enough to be fi tted at the standard spark plug location on the cylinder head. The dimensions can be reduced for future prototypes. OLLA OLED lighting tile demonstratorOLLA project-consortiumOLED technology is not only a display technology but also suited for lighting purposes. The OLLA project has the goal to demonstrate viability of OLED technology for general lighting applications. The demonstrator tile shown here combines the current results of the project : a large sized (15x15cm2) white OLED stack with high effi cacy (up to 50 lm/W), combined with long lifetime (>10.000 hours).During Photonics Europe, we will show several OLEDs tiles in different colors. The demonstrators are made by the OLLA project-consortium members. The large OLED demonstrator tile was fabricated on the inline tool at Fraunhofer IPMS in Dresden.Analyze-IQNanoscale Biophotonics Laboratory, School of Chemistry,and Machine Learning / Data Mining Group, Department ofInformation Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, IrelandAnalyze-IQ is the next generation spectral analysis software tool for optical and molecular spectroscopies such as Raman, Mid-IR, NIR, and Fluorescence. The Analyze-IQ software is based on patented machine-learning algorithms and a model based approach in which the software learns to recognise the relevant information in complex mixtures from sample spectra. It then uses these models to rapidly and accurately identify or quantify unknown materials such as narcotics and explosives, in complex mixtures commonly found in law-enforcement and industrial applications.Micro-optical detection unit for lab-on-a-chipDepartment of Applied Physics and Photonics (VUB-TONA) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumWe present a detection unit for fl uorescence and UV-VIS absorbance analysis in capillaries, which can be used for chromatography. By usinga micro-fabrication technology (Deep Proton Writing) the optics aredirectly aligned onto the micro-fl uidic channel. This integration enables the development of portable and ultimately disposable lab-on-a-chip systems for point-of-care diagnosis. We will explain the working principle of our detection system in a proof-of-concept demonstration set-up while focusing on some specifi c applications of micro-fl uidics in low-cost lab-on-a-chip systems.Photonics Innovation Village。
厦门法拉电子 金属化聚丙烯膜抗干扰电容器 MKP62规格说明书
Page 1 of 12版本更新记录现有版本日期编写者更改说明金属化聚丙烯膜抗干扰电容器(X2类, 305Vac/275Vac )■ 外形图■ 特点● 金属化聚丙烯 ● 能承受过压冲击● 优异的阻燃性能 ● 用于电源跨线路等抗干扰场合 ■ 安全认证●CQC (中国) IEC 60384-14:2013, X2, 305V ac/275Vac, 0.0010μF~50.0μF, 40/110/56/B 证书号: CQC03001002875●ENEC-VDE (欧盟)EN 60384-14:2013,X2, 305Vac/275Vac, 0.0010μF ~50.0μF, 40/110/56/B 证书号: 40000358● UL-CUL(美国/加拿大) UL 60384-14:2009,CSA E60384-14:09,X2, 305Vac/275Vac, 0.0010μF ~50.0μF,40/110/56/B证书号: E186600, CCN: FOWX2/8●KC (韩国)K60384-14(2006-12), X2, 305Vac/275Vac, 0.0010μF ~3.0μF, 40/110/56/B 证书号: SU03060-12001A/12002/12003/12004W±0.4, H±0.4, T±0.4四引出线四引出线W±0.4, H±0.4, T±0.4方底圆弧底四引出线■技术要求电容器类别X2类气候类别/阻燃等级40/110/56/B工作温度范围-40℃ ~ +110℃额定电压(U R)305Vac/275Vac, 50/60Hz 最大连续直流电压630Vdc电容量范围0.0010μF~25.0μF电容量偏差±10%(K),±20%(M)耐电压引线之间 4.3U R(dc), 2s 极壳之间 2 120Vac, 1min绝缘电阻R≥15 000MΩ , C N≤0.33μFRC N≥5 000s, C N>0.33μF(20℃, 100V ,1min)损耗角正切0.0010μF≤C N<0.010μF ≤20⨯10-4(1kHz,20℃) ≤20⨯10-4(10kHz,20℃) 0.010μF≤C N≤0.47μF ≤10⨯10-4(1kHz,20℃) ≤20⨯10-4(10kHz,20℃)0.47μF<C N≤1.0μF ≤20⨯10-4(1kHz,20℃) ≤40⨯10-4(10kHz,20℃)1.0μF<C N≤10.0μF ≤30⨯10-4(1kHz,20℃) ------------- 10.0μF<C N≤50.0μF ≤40⨯10-4(1kHz,20℃) -------------■产品编码说明18位产品代码如下:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18C 4 2第1~3位 型号代码C42=MKP62第4~5位 交流额定电压Q2=305V P2=275V第6~8位 标称容量举例:103=10×103 pF= 0.01μF第9位 容量偏差K=±10%, M=±20%第10位 引线脚距3=7.5mm 4=10.0mm 6=15.0mm 9=22.5mmB=27.5mm F=37.5mm M=52.5mm第11位 内部特征码第12~15位 引线加工和包装代码第16~18位内部特征码表1 引线加工和包装代码第12位第13位第14位第15位代码说明代码说明代码说明代码说明A 弹带包装 346 F=7.5mmF=10.0mmF=15.0mm0 表示直脚 15产品在连续的两个载带孔之间P3=12.7mm,H=18.5mm (对于P=7.5mm)P3=25.4mm;H=18.5mm (对于P =10/15mm)C 直脚代码说明0 引线长度偏差±0.5mm或标准长度0045标准的引线长度(18mm~26mm)引线长度4.5mmD E M 软绝缘线(多股)硬绝缘线(单股)软绝缘线(多股),外壳带正底安装耳C5K0K2L035mm100mm120mm200mm注1:这里的长度包含剥线长度注2:一般P≥27.5产品才可选用绝缘线方式1234引线长度偏差-5mm~0mm引线长度偏差0 mm~+5 mm引线长度偏差0 mm~+10mm引线长度偏差±5 mmT 3P1=20.3mm±0.5mmP1=20mm±0.5mm4555引线长度4.5mm引线长度5.5mm0 引线长度偏差±0.5mm或标准长度■ 外形尺寸 (mm)305Vac/275Vac # 305Vac/275Vac # 305Vac/275Vac #C N (μF) W H T P d Part numberC N(μF)W H T P d Part numberC N(μF)W H T P d Part number0.0010 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2102-30****+++0.022 17.59.5****+++0.3932.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2394-B0****+++ 0.0012 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2122-30****+++ 0.027 17.59.5****+++0.4732.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2474-B0****+++ 0.0015 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2152-30****+++ 0.033 17.59.5****+++0.5632.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2564-B0****+++ 0.0018 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2182-30****+++ 0.039 17.59.5****+++0.6832.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2684-B0****+++ 0.0022 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2222-30****+++ 0.047 17.59.5****+++0.8232.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2824-BS****+++ 0.0027 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2272-30****+++ 0.056 17.59.5****+++ 1.032.0 18.0 9.0 27.50.8C42Q2105-BS****+++ 0.0033 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2332-30****+++ 0.068 17.59.5****+++ 1.032.0 12.0 18.0 27.50.8C42Q2105-BC****+++ 0.0039 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2392-30****+++ 0.082 17.59.5****+++ 1.232.0 20.0 11.0 27.50.8C42Q2125-BS****+++ 0.0047 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2472-30****+++ 0.10M 17.59.5****+++ 1.532.0 20.0 11.0 27.50.8C42Q2155-BS****+++ 0.0056 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2562-30****+++ 0.10 17.511.0****+++ 1.832.0 22.0 13.0 27.50.8C42Q2185-BS****+++ 0.0068 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2682-30****+++ 0.12 17.511.0****+++ 2.2M32.0 22.0 13.0 27.50.8C42Q2225MBS****+++ 0.0082 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2822-30****+++ 0.15M 17.511.0****+++ 2.2K32.0 25.0 13.0 27.50.8C42Q2225KBS****+++ 0.010 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2103-30****+++ 0.15K 17.512.0****+++★2.232.0 16.0 22.0 27.50.8C42Q2225-BC****+++ 0.012 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2123-30****+++ 0.18 17.512.0****+++ 2.732.0 28.0 14.0 27.50.8C42Q2275-BS****+++ 0.015 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2153-30****+++ 0.22M 17.512.0****+++ 3.332.0 30.0 16.0 27.50.8C42Q2335-BA****+++ 0.018 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2183-30****+++ 0.22K 17.513.5****+++ 3.3M32.0 24.5 15.0 27.50.8C42Q2335MBB****+++ 0.022 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2223-3S****+++ 0.22K 17.512.****+++ 3.3K32.0 28.0 17.0 27.50.8C42Q2335KBB****+++ 0.027 10.5 9.0 4.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2273-3S****+++ 0.22K 17.513.57.515.00.6C42Q2224K6S****+++★3.3M 32.0 16.0 27.5 27.50.8C42Q2335MBC****+++ 0.033 10.5 11.0 5.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2333-3S****+++ 0.27 17.513.57.515.00.6C42Q2274-6S****+++★3.3K 32.0 18.5 31.0 27.50.8C42Q2335KBC****+++ 0.039 10.5 11.0 5.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2393-3S****+++ 0.33M 17.513.57.515.00.6C42Q2334M6S****+++ 3.932.0 29.0 19.0 27.50.8C42Q2395-BA****+++ 0.047 10.5 11.0 5.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2473-3S****+++ 0.33K 17.514.****+++ 3.932.0 33.0 18.0 27.50.8C42Q2395-BS****+++ 0.056 10.5 12.0 6.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2563-3S****+++ 0.33M 17.512.****+++ 4.7M32.0 33.0 18.0 27.50.8C42Q2475MBS****+++ 0.068 10.5 12.0 6.0 7.5 0.6 C42Q2683-3S****+++ 0.33M 17.517.5****+++★4.7M 32.0 18.5 31.0 27.50.8C42Q2475MBC****+++ 0.0047 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2472-40****+++ 0.33K 17.518.57.515.00.8C42Q2334K6A****+++ 4.7K32.0 33.0 18.0 27.50.8C42Q2475KBA****+++ 0.0056 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2562-40****+++ 0.33 17.512.****+++ 4.732.0 30.0 21.0 27.50.8C42Q2475-BB****+++ 0.0068 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2682-40****+++ 0.39 17.514.58.515.00.6C42Q2394-6S****+++ 5.632.0 37.0 22.0 27.50.8C42Q2565-BS****+++ 0.0082 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2822-40****+++ 0.47M 17.514.58.515.00.6C42Q2474M6S****+++ 6.8M32.0 37.0 22.0 27.50.8C42Q2685MBS****+++ 0.010 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2103-40****+++ 0.47M 17.518.57.515.00.8C42Q2474M6A****+++ 1.541.0 22.0 11.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2155-FS****+++ 0.012 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2123-40****+++ 0.47K 17.516.****+++ 1.841.0 22.0 11.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2185-FS****+++ 0.015 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2153-40****+++ 0.56 17.516.****+++ 2.241.0 24.0 13.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2225-FS****+++ 0.018 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2183-40****+++ 0.60 17.519.****+++ 2.242.0 15.0 24.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2225-FC****+++ 0.022 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2223-40****+++ 0.68 17.519.****+++ 2.741.0 24.0 13.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2275-FS****+++ 0.027 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2273-40****+++ 0.82M 17.519.****+++ 3.341.0 26.0 15.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2335-FA****+++ 0.033 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2333-4S****+++ 0.15 26.515.0****+++ 3.342.0 28.0 14.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2335-FS****+++ 0.039 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2393-4S****+++ 0.18 26.515.0****+++ 3.342.0 15.0 24.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2335-FC****+++ 0.047 13.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2473-4S****+++ 0.22 26.515.0****+++ 3.941.0 30.0 16.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2395-FS****+++ 0.056 13.0 11.0 5.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2563-4S****+++ 0.27 26.515.0****+++ 4.7M42.0 19.0 24.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2475MFC****+++ 0.068 13.0 11.0 5.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2683-4S****+++ 0.33 26.515.0****+++ 4.7K41.0 20.0 26.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2475KFC****+++ 0.082 13.0 11.0 5.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2823-4S****+++ 0.39 26.515.0****+++ 4.741.0 30.0 16.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2475-FS****+++ 0.10M 13.0 11.0 5.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2104M4S****+++ 0.47M 26.515.0****+++ 5.641.0 33.5 18.5 37.5 1.0C42Q2565-FS****+++ 0.10K 13.0 12.0 6.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2104K4S****+++ 0.47K 26.516.****+++ 6.841.0 33.5 18.5 37.5 1.0C42Q2685-FS****+++ 0.12 13.0 13.0 7.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2124-4S****+++ 0.56 26.516.****+++ 6.842.0 24.0 32.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2685-FC****+++ 0.15 13.0 13.0 7.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2154-4S****+++ 0.60 26.517.08.522.50.8C42Q2604-9S****+++8.241.0 37.0 22.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2825-FS****+++ 0.18 13.0 14.0 8.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2184-4S****+++ 0.68 26.517.08.522.50.8C42Q2684-9S****+++10.0M41.0 37.0 22.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2106MFS****+++ 0.22M 13.0 14.0 8.0 10.0 0.6 C42Q2224M4S****+++ 0.82 26.518.510.022.50.8C42Q2824-9S****+++10.0K41.0 41.0 26.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2106KFS****+++ 0.010 17.5 9.5 5.0 15.0 0.6 C42Q2103-6A****+++ 1.0 26.518.510.022.50.8C42Q2105-9S****+++10.0K41.5 37.5 27.5 37.5 1.0C42Q2106KFA****+++ 0.012 17.5 9.5 5.0 15.0 0.6 C42Q2123-6A****+++ 1.2 26.520.****+++12.041.0 43.0 28.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2126-FS****+++ 0.015 17.5 9.5 5.0 15.0 0.6 C42Q2153-6A****+++ 1.5M 26.520.****+++15.042.0 45.0 30.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2156-FS****+++0.018 17.5 9.5 5.0 15.0 0.6 C42Q2183-6A****+++ 1.5K 26.522.****+++20.042.0 57.5 30.0 37.5 1.0C42Q2206-FS****+++1.8 26.524.515.522.50.8C42Q2185-9S****+++20.057.0 45.0 30.0 52.5 1.2C42Q2206-MST***+++2.2 26.524.515.522.50.8C42Q2225-9S****+++20.057.0 30.0 44.0 52.5 1.2C42Q2206-MCT***+++2.2 26.529.514.522.50.8C42Q2225-9A****+++25.057.0 50.0 35.0 52.5 1.2C42Q2256-MST***+++备注: 1. “-” 表示电容量偏差,M=±20%,K=±10%2. “****”表示引线加工和包装代码(见表1)3. “#”当额定电压为275Vac时,第4~5位是P2。
HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RH Transmitt
HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RHTransmitter Installation GuideIntroductionThe HT-69 Series Duct Probe Relative Humidity (RH)Transmitters use a highly accurate and reliable thermosetpolymer-based capacitance humidity sensor and state-of-the-art digital linearization and temperature-compensated circuitry to monitor humidity levels in a duct. The humidity sensor is encapsulated in a 60 micron HDPE filter at the end of a 9 in. (230 mm) stainless steel (S/S) probe and a compact enclosure.Figure 1: HT-69 Duct Probe RH Transmitter DimensionsFigure 2: Dimensions of the HT-69 Duct Probe RH Transmitter*241102556A*Part No. 24-11025-56 Rev. A2022-11-11MountingThe transmitter installs directly into any air duct with a minimum width or diameter of 10 in. (25.5 cm).-Select a suitable installation area in the middle of the duct wall.-To achieve the best reading, do not place in an area where air stratification may be present.-Mount the sensor at least 5 ft. (1.5 m) in either direction from elbows, dampers, filters, or other duct restrictions.-Avoid areas that expose the transmitter to vibrations or rapid temperature changes.To install the transmitter, complete the following steps:1.When you select a suitable spot, drill a 0.6 in. (15mm) to 0.75 in. (20 mm) hole for the probe.2.Slide the probe into the drilled hole until the enclosure is flush against the duct. The airflow direction is not important.3.Secure the enclosure to the duct with two No. 10 x 1 in. (25 mm) self-tapping screws (not provided).4.Tighten the screws until the enclosure is tight against the duct so that there is no movement of the enclosure. A foam gasket on the back of the enclosure provides a tight seal against any air leaks. See Step 1 in Figure 3.5.The enclosure includes a hinged cover with a latch.To open the cover, pull slightly on the latch on the right side of the enclosure. At the same time, pull on the cover as shown in Step 2 of Figure 3.6.A 0.5 in. NPT threaded connection hole is in the bottom of the enclosure. Screw the EMT or cable gland connector into the threaded connection holeuntil tight. See Step 3 in Figure 3.Note: Preferably use weatherproof EMT or cable gland fittings. The E-style enclosure includes 0.5 in. NPT to M16 thread adaptor and cable gland fitting.7.Make wire connections as shown in the wire diagram in Wiring .8.Swing the door closed until it securely latches. For added security, install the two provided screws in the integrated screw tabs. See Step 4 of Figure 3.Wiring•Deactivate the 24 VAC/DC power supply before you make all connections to the device to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage.•Use 14 AWG to 22 AWG shielded wiring for allconnections and do not locate the device wires in the same conduit with wiring that supplies inductive loads such as motors. Make all connections in accordance with national and local codes.•Pull at least 6 in. (15 cm) of wire into the enclosure,then complete the wiring connection according to the wire diagram for the applicable power supply and output signal type. See Figure 4.•Place the output switch in the required position to select the required signal output type (mA or VDC), as shown in Step 2 of Figure 4. The factory default setting is 4 mA to 20 mA.•If you select mA, no further output set up is required.If you select VOLT output as shown in Figure 5, place the voltage output switch to the required span position,that is 10 VDC = 0 VDC to 10 VDC. The factory default setting is 0 VDC to 10 VDC. See Step 1 of Figure 4.•Connect the DC positive or the AC voltage hot side to the PWR terminal. For voltage output or AC power,connect the supply common to the COM terminal.The device is reverse voltage-protected and does not operate if you connect it backwards. The device contains a half-wave power supply so the supplycommon is the same as the signal common. See Step 3of Figure 4.•The analog output is available on the OUT terminal.Check the controller Analog Input to determine the correct connection before you apply power as shown in Step 3 of Figure 4.Figure 3: Mounting the HT-69 Duct Probe RH TransmitterFigure 4: Wiring of the HT-60 Duct Probe TransmitterTechnical specificationsTable 1: HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RH Transmitter technical specificationsThe performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For application at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.Product warrantyThis product is covered by a limited warranty, details of which can be found at / buildingswarranty.Software termsUse of the software that is in (or constitutes) this product, or access to the cloud, or hosted services applicable to this product, if any, is subject to applicable end-user license, open-source software information, and other terms set forth at /techterms. Your use of this product constitutes an agreement to such terms. PatentsPatents: https://Single point of contactContact informationContact your local branch office: /locationsContact Johnson Controls: /contact-us© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and。
12.20/6.4D i e s e s D o k u m e n t i s t u r h e b e r r e c h t l i c h g e s c h üt z t ● T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o t e c t e d b y c o p y r i g h t ● R o s e n b e r g e r H o c h f r e q u e n z t e c h n i k G m b H & C o . K GAll dimensions are in mm; tolerances according to ISO 2768 m-HInterfaceAccording to IEC 61169-16, MIL-PRF-39012, CECC 22210DocumentsAssembly instruction 51 P10Material and platingConnector parts Material PlatingCenter contact Brass AuroDur®, gold platedOuter contact Brass Flash white bronze over silver(e.g. Optargen®) Body Brass Flash white bronze over silver(e.g. Optargen®) Dielectric PTFE GasketSilicone Crimping ferrule CopperFlash white bronze over silver(e.g. Optargen®)12.20/6.4D i e s e s D o k u m e n t i s t u r h e b e r r e c h t l i c h g e s c h üt z t ● T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o t e c t e d b y c o p y r i g h t ● R o s e n b e r g e r H o c h f r e q u e n z t e c h n i k G m b H & C o . K GElectrical dataImpedance 50 ΩFrequency DC to 11 GHzReturn loss ≥ 32 dB, DC to 2.5 GHz ≥ 25 dB, 2.5 to 4 GHz≥ 20 dB, 4 to 11 GHz Insertion loss≤ 0.05 dB Insulation resistance≥ 5 x103 M Ω Center contact resistance ≤ 1 m Ω Outer contact resistance ≤ 0.25 m Ω Working voltage500 V rmsPower handling (at 20 °C, sea level, VSWR 1.0) 1000 W @ 1 GHz700 W @ 2 GHzRF-leakage≥ 128 dB up to 1 GHz- Limitations are possible due to the used cable type -Mechanical dataMating cyclesmin. 500 Coupling nut retention≥ 450 N Center contact captivation: axial ≥ 28 N radial ≥ 3 Ncm Coupling test torque max. 1.7 NmRecommended torque 0.7 Nm to 1.1 NmEnvironmental dataTemperature range -55°C to +155°CThermal shock MIL-STD-202, Meth. 107, Cond. B Corrosion MIL-STD-202, Meth. 101, Cond. B Vibration MIL-STD-202, Meth. 204, Cond. B ShockMIL-STD-202, Meth. 213, Cond. I Moisture resistance MIL-STD-202, Meth. 106 RoHS compliantToolingCrimping tool 11W150-000 Crimp insert 11W150-208Suitable cablesRG 142 B/U, RG 223 /U, RG 400 /UWeightWeight24.2 g/pceDraftDate Approved DateRev. Engineering change numberName Date Andreas Fellner20.11.07Chr. Janßen26.01.21d0020-1927S. Huber-Siegl26.01.21While the information has been carefully compiled to the best of our knowledge, nothing is intended as representation or warranty on our part and no statement herein shall be construed as recommendation to infringe existing patents. In the effort to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes judged to be necessary.For the installation of the electrotechnical equipment, particular electrotechnical expertise is required.。
No.220-1, Sec. 2, Nanshan Rd., Lujhu, Taoyuan 33860, Taiwan, R.O.C.SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVALDATE:信昌電子陶瓷股份有限公司CUSTOMER:PART NAME: General Purpose Lead Free &. Halogen Free Chip Resistors CUSTOMER'S DWG NO CUSTOMER'S DWG. NO.CUSTOMER'S PART NO.PDC PART NO.DESCRIPTION.FCF SERIES APPROVED" ˇ"CUSTOMER'SSIGNATURENOTEFULL APPROVEDRESULTACTIONFULL APPROVED CONDITIONAL APPROVED REJECTEDCUSTOMER SIGNATURE FOR ACCEPTANCE OUR ACTION CUSTOMER SIGNATURE FOR ACCEPTANCEPREPARED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BYOUR ACTION SIGNATURE Jenny Tseng Tony Chou Byron TsaiEdition :F C F - R e v . 1 8 . 0 . I 4 0Serial Number : CPDC Email:sales@THICK FILMLEAD FREE CHIP RESISTORS tiConfigurationDimensionsSize L W C D 010050.40±0.020.20±0.020.08±0.030.10±0.03100202010.60±0.030.30±0.030.10±0.050.15±0.05■ Power Derating Curve(unit: mm) Maximum dissipation in percentage of Maximum dissipation in percentage ofPDCTHICK FILMLEAD FREE CHIP RESISTORS■ RatingFCF Series‧LEAD FREE CHIP RESISTORS±5%(J)10ME-24±0.1%(B)E-96±0.25%(C)E-96±0.5%(D)E-96±1%(F)E-96±1%(F)±100110M E-96±2%(G)±200110M E-24±5%(J)±20010M E-243.3M E-96/24±5%(J)0 &. 110M E-24±20050V±1%(F)1FCF0102011/20W25V1M E-96E 2410M E-9610FCF0612061/4W 1/10W150V±100±200±100SizePower Rating at 70℃04021/16WTypeE-960&11200V ±100Standard Resistance Values Max.RCWVMax. Overload VoltageResistance Tolerance (%)TemperatureCoefficient(TCR; ppm/℃)±50E-96FCF0250VFCF05FCF03±0.1%(B)±1%(F)08051/8W±0.5%(D)50V0603±100200V Resistance Range(Ω)Min.Max.11020100V100V300V400V 1M 10M 510KFCF1212101/3W 400V ±1%(F)30V100FCF0A010051/32W15V1M E-960 &. 4.791E-2491E-961M E-240 &. 10 &. 1±1%(F)±5%(J)±200±300±200±3000 &. 4.7100◎ 01005 size maximum resistance R max < 50m Ω and rated current I R ≦ 0.8A◎ 0201,0402,0603 size maximum resistance R max < 50m Ω and rated current I R ≦ 1A◎ 0805,1206,1210,2010,2512 size maximum resistance R max < 50m Ω and rated current I R ≦ 2A◎ Temperature Coefficient of Resistance for 01005,0201 = -200 ~ +600◎ Temperature Coefficient of Resistance for 0402,0603,0805,1206 = -200 ~ +400◎ Temperature Coefficient of Resistance for 2010,2512 = ±300■ Soldering Temperature CurveFCF-Rev 180I40E-24E-24E-9610M E-24FCF20200V1WJumper( 0Ω ) :FCF2525121Ω~10Ω:0 &. 1±2000 &. 110M E-96400V ±1001200V ±5%(J)±1%(F)±5%(J)±1%(F)±200±200±10010M 10M 0 &. 110M1±5%(J)400V20103/4W 0Typical values (solid line).t (s)Process limits (dotted line).WAVE soldering.20025015010050T (℃ .FCF-Rev.18.0.I402/7P D C Email:sales@THICK FILMLEAD FREE CHIP RESISTORS■ Part Number FCF 05FT1002-TypeSizeTolerancePackingGMTCRFCF0A :01005B :±0.1%S :Paper tape 1Kpcs examples:01:0201C :±0.25%T:Paper tape5Kpcs02:0402D :±0.5%V :Paper tape 10Kpcs =10K Ω03:0603F :±1%U :Paper tape 15Kpcs P :50ppm 05:0805G :±2%W :Paper tape 20Kpcs N:100ppm 06:1206J :±5%P:Plastic tape 4Kpcs For 1Ω~10Ω12:1210X :Plastic tape 8Kpcs For 06031% only.20:2010Y :Plastic tape 16KpcsE48/E9625:2512example:=10K Ω(Refer Table 1.)SPECIFICATION■ Resistance MarkingE - 24 SERIES3 digit marking for ±5% E24examples:47347× 103=47K Ω1R5=1.5ΩE - 96 SERIES4 digit marking for E96 examples:1542154× 10 2=15K4Ω22R1=22.1Ω3 digit marking for E96 - 0603examples:02C ( Table 1 )102× 10 2=10K2Ω※ No Marking of 0402、0201、01005.FCF-Rev.18.0.I403/71002:100*102FCF05FT-1002P-=10K Ω103 :10*103- TCR as Rating Table 01C:100*102PDC473154202C Email:sales@■ 0603 1% Marking Table (Table 1)CodeE48E96CodeE48E96CodeE48E96CodeE48E96011001002517817849316316735625620210226182503247457603105105271871875133233275590590041072819152340766040511011029196196533483487761961906113302005435778634071151153120520555365365796496490811832210563748066509121121332152155738338381681681101243422158392826981112712735226226594024028371571512130362326041284732131331333723723761422422857507501413738243624328676815140140392492496344244287787787161434025564453888061714714741261261654644648982582518150422676647590845191541544327427467487487918668662015844280684999288721162162452872876951151193909909221654629470523949312316916947301301715365369595395324174483097254996976Code A B C D E F G H X Y Z Multiplier 10010110 210 310 410 510 610 710-110-210-3■ Standard resistance value.FCF-Rev.18.0.I404/7PDC Email:sales@■ Tape And Reel Package‧Taping specs are according to EIA RS-481Accumulated dimensional tolerance 40±0.2mmSizeA BW FE P1P2P0010050.24±0.030.45±0.038.00±0.203.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.054.00±0.1002010.37±0.050.67±0.058.00±0.203.50±0.051.75±0.102.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.1004020.70±0.10 1.20±0.108.00±0.303.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 2.00±0.10 2.00±0.054.00±0.100603 1.10±0.20 1.90±0.208.00±0.30 3.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.100805 1.65±0.20 2.40±0.208.00±0.30 3.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.101206 2.00±0.20 3.60±0.208.00±0.30 3.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.101210 3.00±0.20 3.60±0.208.00±0.303.50±0.05 1.75±0.104.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.102010 2.80±0.205.50±0.2012.00±0.30 5.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.1025123.50±0.20 6.70±0.2012.00±0.305.50±0.051.75±0.104.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10(unit: mm)FCF-Rev.18.0.I405/71.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-0D1.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-01.50+0.10/-0P 1ADBWEFP 2P 0PDC Email:sales@‧Reel Package(unit: mm)FCF-Rev.18.0.I406/7PDC Email:sales@■ FCF ≧ 1Ω Specification And Test MethodsSPECIFICATIONTEST METHODJ : ±5% , G: ±2% , F: ±1%D: ±0.5% , C: ±0.25% , B: ±0.1%Zero ohm Jumper <50m ΩJ 、G: △R ≦ ± (2% + 0.1Ω)F 、D: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.05Ω)C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω)Over 95% of termination must be covered with Solder J 、G: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.1Ω)F 、D 、C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω)No mechanical damageIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.8Test temperature :25℃ (T1) → -55℃ (T2)25℃ (T1) → +155℃ (T2)R2-R11R1T2-T1T1: 25℃ T2: Test temperatureR1: Resistance at reference temperature (T1) R2: Resistance at test temperature (T2)J 、G: △R ≦ ± (3% + 0.1Ω)F 、D: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.05Ω)C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω)J 、G: △R ≦ ± (3% + 0.1Ω)F 、D: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.05Ω)C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω) J 、G: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.1Ω)F 、D 、C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω)No mechanical damageBetween termination and coatingmust be over 1000M Ω J 、G: △R ≦ ± (1% + 0.1Ω)F 、D 、C 、B: △R ≦ ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω)No mechanical damageFCF-Rev.18.0.I40Bending StrengthIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.33Resistance change after bended on the 90mm PCB.Bend: 3mm for 01005、0201、0402、0603、08052mm for 1206、1210、2010、25127/7Temperature CycleIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.19Repeat 5 cycles as follows-55℃(30 min.) + 25℃(2~3 min.)+155℃(30 min.) + 25℃(2~3 min.)Insulation ResistanceIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.6Test voltage: 100±15VLoad LifeIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.25Permanent resistance change after 1000+48/-0 hours (1.5 hours ON , 0.5 hour OFF) at RCWV or Max.Keep the resistor at 70±2℃ ambient×10 6Load Life HumidityIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.24Maintain the temperature of the resistor at 40±2℃and 90~95% R.H. with the rated voltage applied.Cycle ON for 1.5 hours and OFF for 0.5 hour for 1000+48/-0hours. After 1~4 hour, measure the resistance value.Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR)Refer to the rating table information.TCR (ppm/℃) =×SolderabilityIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.17After immersing flux, dip in the245±2℃ molten solder bath for 3±0.5 sec Resistance to Solder HeatIEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.18With 260±5℃ for 10±1 sec.ITEM DC Resistance IEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.5Measure the resistance value.Short time Overload IEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.132.5×Rated voltage or Max. Overload Voltage for 5 sec.measure resistance after 30 minutes PDC Email:sales@。
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MtronPTI reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and service(s) described herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application.
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MIL-PRF-3098 QPL Crystals
Crystals qualified under MIL-PRF-3098
MtronPTI has been a QPL’d supplier of military quartz crystals since 1967. Crystal designs requiring military approval fall into two categories, those which have been subjected to formal QPL qualification under MIL-PRF-3098 and others too new and/or too limited in quantity to have been so certified. MtronPTI does both in a MIL-STD-790 certified factility.
第 1期 20 0 6年 3月
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美 军标 MI— P F 9 1 F与 L R 一3 06
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钱 渭 。崔照 红 。陈 霖 7 10 ) 2 30 ( 陕西群 力无 线 电器材厂 ,陕西 宝鸡
M I P F 91E作 了一定的修改 。其 中有部分更 改 内容 可能将 对 国内 “有较大的影响,将美军标两版本的差异作一详细介绍,以期为国家军用标准的修订提供前期的参考依据。
关键词 :美国军用标准 ;修订 ;军用继 电器 中图分类号 :T 5 M8 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :10 0 0-63 (0 6 0 -05 0 13 2 0 ) 1 0 4— 4
行 测试 ,并应采 用 下列 细则 和特 殊规定 :
a .连接方法 :测试点应在 引线 端部。应采用
b .测试负载:测试电流在小于或等于额定 电 压下应为 10 A 0 m ,除非额定值 为低 电平 时。低 电
平额定电压时见 6 1 1 . . 。对于低电平 ,电流应为最
去,该条内容的删 除完全符合 目前国际和国内继电
器生产的实际情况。因为产品如果开始鉴定检验 , 其 “ 洁净处 理和微粒检查” 项 目早 已在生产线 上
测试标准:ASTM F2496、ISO 1518-1、ISO 1518-2、GME 60248、D42 1775、MS652-15、DBL 7384-2017 8.10 PV3987ASTM F2495 测定具有复制能力的多功能设备和类似办公成像设备的能耗的试验方法GME 60248 内饰用弹性体和纺织品涂层耐刮擦测试GME 60368 线性摩擦测试GMW 14125 线性摩擦测试MS655-08线性摩擦和耐刮擦测试MS652-15线性摩擦和耐刮擦测试大众PV3906ISO 1518 色漆和清漆抗划伤的测定ISO 105 X12 纺织品色牢度试验第X12部分:耐摩擦色牢度ISO 105 D02 纺织品.色牢度试验.第D02部分:耐摩擦色牢度.有机溶剂法ASTM F1319 印刷品耐磨和耐沾污标准测试方法(摩擦仪法)GB/T 9279色漆和清漆抗划伤试验等技术规格:行程范围:6-150mm可调速度范围:1-100往复/min无级可调PLC编程控制触摸屏操作,可设置速度、往复运动次数等参数满足多种标准要求,可根据用户的需求配备砝码及摩擦头尺寸:532*471*630(W*D*H)电源:220V,50HZ,3A配置:1、主机---------------------------------------------1台2、测试软件1套-------------------------------------标配3、测试臂套件2套-----------------------------------标配4、砝码:400克----9N----500克---10N----2.5N---2N---1N----750克---1000克(各2个)标配5、D42 1775磨头2个(R18,长40mm)----------选配6、CS-10磨头2个----------------------------------选配7、H-18磨头2个-----------------------------------选配8、样品固定架2套---------------------------------标配9、毛刷1把--------------------------------------------标配10、磨头修复砂纸1包(20片)--------------选配11、电源线1根---------------------------------------标配12、使用手册1本------------------------------------标配13、合格证1份---------------------------------------标配。
MIL-C-39012 DIN
MIL-C-39012/16F3 October 1986SUPERSEDINGMIL-C-39012/16E30 September 1982MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEETCONNECTORS, PLUG, ELECTRICAL, COAXIAL, RADIO FREQUENCY,(SERIES BNC (CABLED), PIN CONTACT, CLASS 2)This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.The requirements for acquiring the connectors described herein shall consist of this specification and the latest issue of MIL-C-39012.AMSC N/A 1 of 13 FSC 5935 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL-C-39012/16FMIL-C-39012/16FTABLE I. Dash numbers, cross reference, and dimensions.ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ Applicable ³ ³ Inches ³³Dash number ³ cable ³ Dimensions ³ (millimeters) ³³ À1Ù ³ M17/ # ³ ³ maximum ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ Category A Field serviceable (no special tools required) ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³0101 À4Ù ³ 028-RG058 ³ ³ ³³ ³ 084-RG223* ³ ³ ³³ ³ 128-RG400 ³ ³ ³³ ³ 060-RG142@ ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0102À4Ù ³ 029-RG59*[delta]³ ³ ³³ ³ 030-RGO62[delta]³ ³ ³³ ³ 90-RG71[delta] ³ A ³ 1.250 (31.75) ³³ ³ 97-RG210[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0103À4Ù ³ 054-RG122* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0111À4Ù ³ 111-RG303@* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³118À4Ù ³ 110-RG302*@[delta]³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0220À4Ù ³ 113-RG316@* ³ ³ ³³ ³ 119-RG174 ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0225À4Ù ³ 074-RG213* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÂÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ Category C - Field replaceable (MIL-C-22520 crimp too]) À3Ù ³³ See footnote symbol next to applicable cable for crimp die ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³0013À4Ù ³ 028-RG058*~ ³ ³ ³³ ³ 111-RG303~ ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0014À4Ù ³ 084-RG223*~ ³ ³ ³³ ³ 060-RG142~ ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0015À4Ù ³ 29-RG59*[delta]> ³ A ³ 1.500 (38.10) ³³ ³ 030-RG062[delta]> ³ ³ ³³ ³ 197-RG210[delta]> ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0016À4Ù ³ 054-RG122*& ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0017À4Ù ³ 90-RG71*[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0020À4Ù ³ 110-RG302*@[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0222À4Ù ³ 113-RG316*[SIGMA] ³ ³ ³³ ³ 119-RG174[SIGMA] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ Category D - Field replaceable - defined piece parts À3ÙÀ5ÙÀ2Ù ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³501À4Ù ³ 054-RG122* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³502À4Ù ³ 095-RG180*[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0503À4Ù ³ 060-RG142* ³ A ³ 1.500 (38.10) ³³ ³ 128-RG400 ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³0504À4Ù ³ 028-RG058* ³ ³ ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙSee footnotes on following page.3MIL-C-39012/16FÀ1Ù For cross reference of dash number to superseded part number or type designation, see table IV.À2Ù Not to be used in Army equipment.À3Ù These connectors are assembled, using the applicable crimp tool, tothe specified cables stripped as shown on figure 4.À4Ù These connectors have captivated center contacts.À5Ù Complete connector assembly shall consist of a body, center contact,ferrule and assembly instructions.# The latest version of each cable shall be applicable.* Cable to be used when performing tests requiring cable except as innotes @ and [delta].@ Cable to be used for the +200 deg. C temperature cycling tests.[delta] These are not 50 ohm cables; therefore, when attached to thespecified connectors, VSWR, RF leakage, and insertion loss are notapplicable.[SIGMA] M22520/5-35 Closure B or M22520/5-03 Closure A& M22520/5-41 Closure B or M22520/5-05 Closure BM22520/5-09 Closure A~ M22520/5-19 Closure B or M22520/5-05 Closure AM22520/5-11 Closure AM22520/5-57 Closure A> M22520/5-19 Closure A or M22520/5-07 Closure AM22520/5-13 Closure AM22520/5-59 Closure A45ENGINEERING DATA:Nominal impedance: 50 ohms.Frequency range: 0 to 4,000 MHz.Voltage rating:500 volts rms, maximum working voltage at sea level.125 volts rms, maximum at 70,000 feet.Temperature rating: -65 deg. C to +165 deg. C.REQUIREMENTS:Dimensions and configuration: See figure 1.Force to engage and disengage:Longitudinal force: 3 pounds, maximum.Torque: 2-1/2 inch-pounds, maximum.Coupling proof torque: Not applicable.Inspection conditions: Coupling torque not applicable.Mating characteristics:Reference MIL-STD-348 and figure 2 for dimensions.Outer contact:Test ring ID: .319 maximum, 16 microinch finish.Insertion force: 5 pounds, maximum when inserted a minimum of .093.Contacts with slotted members: Shall contact a .324, minimum diameter ring within .031 of their tip ends.Hermetic seal: Not applicable.Leakage (pressurized connectors): Not applicable.Insulation resistance: Method 302 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B,5,000 megohms, minimum.Center contact retention: 6 pounds minimum axial force. Applicable to captivated-center-contact connectors only.Corrosion (salt spray): Method 101 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B.Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR): From 500 to 4,000 MHz, orapproximately 80 percent of upper cutoff frequency of the cable,whichever is lower; 1.30, maximum.Swept frequency VSWR test setup:Item 6: VSWR shall be less than 1.015+.005 F (F in GHz).Item 16: VSWR shall be less than 1.015+.005 F (F in GHz).Second step of VSWR checkout procedure: VSWR shall be less than 1.045+.019 F (F in GHz).8MIL-C-39012/16FGroup B inspection: VSWR shall be less than 1.1+.01 F (F in GHz).Qualification and group C inspection: VSWR shall not exceed 1.15.Connector durability: 500 cycles, minimum at 12 cycles per minute,maximum. The connector shall meet the mating characteristics and force to engage and disengage requirements.Initial: 5 pounds, maximum.Final: 5 pounds maximum; 1 pound, minimum.Contact resistance: In milliohms, maximum:Initial After environmentÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄCenter contact 1.5 2.0Outer contact .2 Not applicableBraid to body .1 Not applicableDielectric withstanding voltage: Method 301 of MIL-STD-202, 1,500 voltsrms, minimum at sea level.Vibration, high frequency: Method 204 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B. No discontinuity permitted.Shock: Method 213 of MIL-STD-202, test condition G.Thermal shock: Method 197 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B, except testhigh temperature shall be +85 deg. C. High temperature shall be at + 200 deg. C for connectors using +200 deg. C cables (see tables I and III).Moisture resistance: Method 106 of MIL-STD-202. No measurements at high humidity. Insulation resistance shall be at least 200 megohms within 5minutes after removal from humidity.Corona level:Voltage: 375 volts rms, minimum.Altitude: 70,000 feet.RF high potential withstanding voltage:Voltage and frequency: 1,000 volts rms at a frequency from 5 to 7.5 MHz.Leakage current: Not applicable.Cable retention force:Noncrimp assemblies: 40 pounds, minimum.Crimp assemblies:10 pounds, minimum for cables .155 - .189 OD.20 pounds, minimum for cables .190 - .229 OD.30 pounds, minimum for cables .230 - .249 OD.40 pounds, minimum for cables .250 OD and larger.Coupling mechanism retention force: 100 pounds, minimum.RF leakage: -55 dB minimum, tested at a frequency between 2 and 3 GHz. 9MIL-C-39012/16FInsertion loss:.2 dB maximum tested at 3 GHz.Part number: M39012/16 (dash number from table I or "B" number fromtable III).TABLE II. Group qualification.ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ Group ³ Submission and qualification of ³ Qualifies the following ³³ ³ any of the following connectors ³ connectors ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ ³ M39012/16 ³ M39012/16 ³³ ³ ³ ³³ I ³ -0101 ³ -0101 ³³ ³ -0103 ³ -0102 ³³ ³ -0111 ³ -0103 ³³ ³ -0118 ³ -0111 ³³ ³ -0220 ³ -0118 ³³ ³ ³ -0220 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ II ³ -0102 ³ -0102 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ III ³ B0004 ³ B0004 ³³ ³ B0005 ³ B0005 ³³ ³ B0006 ³ B0006 ³³ ³ B0007 ³ B0007 ³³ ³ B0009 ³ B0008 ³³ ³ B0019 ³ B0009 ³³ ³ ³ B0012 ³³ ³ ³ B0019 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ IV ³ B0008 ³ B0008 ³³ ³ B0012 ³ B0012 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ V ³ -0013 ³ -0013 ³³ ³ -0014 ³ -0014 ³³ ³ -0016 ³ -0015 ³³ ³ -0020 ³ -0016 ³³ ³ -0222 ³ -0017 ³³ ³ ³ -0020 ³³ ³ ³ -0222 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ VI ³ -0015 ³ -0015 ³³ ³ -0017 ³ -0017 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ VII ³ -0501 ³ -0501 ³³ ³ -0503 ³ -0502 ³³ ³ -0504 ³ -0503 ³³ ³ ³ -0504 ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ VIII ³ -0502 ³ -0502 ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙNOTE: If a connector manufacturer produces a connector which meets all the requirements for two or more connector part numbers (within the same series), the manufacturer may receive qualification approval for two or more connector part numbers qualifying the one connector. It is not necessary that such connectors be in the same group. Each connector, however, must be markedwith its own appropriate part number. For group qualification, the connectors must be of similar design.10TABLE III. Category B - Nonfield replaceable (special tools may be required).ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ Not for Air Force or Navy use. For OEM use only. ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ Applicable ³ ³ Inches ³³ Dash number ³ cable ³ Dimensions ³ (millimeters) ³³ À1Ù À2Ù À3Ù ³ M17/# ³ ³ maximum ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ M39012/16B0004 ³ 028-RG058* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0005 ³ 084-RG223* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0006 ³ 111-RG303* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0007 ³ 060-RG142@* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0008 ³ 29-RG59*[delta] ³ ³ ³³ ³ 030-RG062[delta]³ A ³ 1.500 (38.10) ³³ ³ 97-RG210[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0009 ³ 054-RG122* ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0012 ³ 90-RG71*[delta] ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³³ M39012/16B0019 ³110-RG302*@[delta]³ ³ ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀ1Ù For cross reference of dash number to superseded part number or type designation, see table IV.À2Ù For maintenance replacements for category B, see table V.À3Ù Inactive for new design.# The latest version of each cable shall be applicable.* Cable to be used when performing tests requiring cable except as in notes @ and [delta].@ Cable to be used for the +200 deg. C temperature cycling tests.[delta] These are not 50 ohm cables; therefore, when attached to thespecified connectors, VSWR, RF leakage, and insertion loss are not applicable.11TABLE IV. Cross reference of part numbers.ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ Preferred part ³ Substitute for part number ³³ number M39012/16 ³ or type designation À1Ù À2Ù ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ ³ ³³ -0101 ³ UG-88/U, M39012/16-0001 ³³ -0102 ³ UG-260/U, M39012/16-0002 ³³ -0103 ³ UG-1033/U, M39012/16-0003 ³³ B0004À3Ù ³ M23329/3-01, M39012/16-0004 ³³ B0005À3Ù ³ M23329/3-02, M39012/16-0005 ³³ B0006À3Ù ³ M23329/3-03, M39012/16-0006 ³³ B0007À3Ù ³ M23329/3-04, M39012/16-0007 ³³ B0008À3Ù ³ M23329/3-05, M39012/16-0008 ³³ B0009À3 ³ M23329/3-06, M39012/16-0009 ³³ -0111 ³ M39012/16-0011 ³³ B0012À3Ù ³ M39012/16-0012 ³³ -0013 ³ ³³ -0014 ³ ³³ -0015 ³ ³³ -0016 ³ ³³ -0017 ³ ³³ -0118 ³ M39012/16-0018 ³³ B0019À3Ù ³ M39012/16-0019 ³³ -0020 ³ ³³ -0501 ³ ³³ -0502 ³ ³³ -0503 ³ ³³ -0504 ³ ³³ -0225 ³ UG-959/U ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀ1Ù The superseded part number or the type designation is for crossreference only. Where a superseded part number or type designation is not given, none was assigned or will be assigned. The part numberM39012/10-XXXX shall be used in all cases for marking and identifyingthe connector.À2Ù The basic type designation includes all letter versions of the specified number, e.g. UG-18/U includes UG-18 A/U, UG-18B/U, etc.À3Ù The new "B" part numbers will be required marking 6 months after thedate of this specification. The previous part number may be used in the interim.TABLE V. Maintenance replacements for category B.ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ Category B ³ Category C ³ Category A ³ Category D ³³ number* ³ dash number ³ dash number ³ dash number ³³ Inactive for ³ ³ ³ ³³ new design ³ ³ ³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ B0004 ³ 0013 ³ 0101 ³ 0504 ³³ B0005 ³ 0014 ³ 0101 ³ --- ³³ B0006 ³ 0013 ³ 0111 ³ --- ³³ B0007 ³ 0014 ³ 0101 ³ 0503 ³³ B0008 ³ 0015 ³ 0102 ³ --- ³³ B0009 ³ 0016 ³ 0103 ³ 0501 ³³ B0012 ³ 0017 ³ 0102 ³ --- ³。
Product features• Radial leaded, time delay with low breaking capacity• Designed to IEC60127-3 Sheet 4• Plastic cap and base, flammability UL 94V0• Protects against harmful overcurrents in primary and secondary applications• Small rectangular-leaded design utilizes less board space• High frequency vibration: MIL-STD-202F, Method 201A ApplicationsPrimary and secondary circuit protection:• Power supplies• Notebooks and laptops• Appliances and white goods• Lighting ballasts• Power adapters• Set top boxes• LED/LCD televisions and displays• Air conditioners• Battery chargersAgency information• UL Recognition: File E19180, Guide JDYX2/ JDYX8 (200 mA - 6.3 A)• VDE: 40015513 (200 mA - 6.3 A)• CCC: 2019010207246964 (200 mA - 6.3 A)• PSE:JET 1641-31007-1008 (1 A – 5 A)JET 1641-31007-1009 (6.3 A)• KC:SU05011-8001 (400 mA – 800 mA)SU05011-8002 (1 A – 2.5 A)SU05011-8003 (3.15 A – 6.3 A)• Semko:1516697 (630 mA, 1 A – 4 A)1124941 (500 mA, 800 mA, 5 A, 6.3 A) Ordering• Use ordering number (see page 6 for details) Packaging suffixes• -AP (1 000 parts Ammo pack, Pitch = 12.7)• -BK (200 parts in a polybag, Lead L = 4.3 ± 0.3)• -BK2 (200 parts in a polybag, Lead L = 21 ± 3.0)SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses Pb HALOGENHFFREE2Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses/electronicsElectrical characteristicsl n1.5l nminimum minute2.1l nmaximum minute2.75l n minimum ms2.75l nmaximum s4l nminimum ms4l nmaximum s10l nminimum ms10l nmaximum ms200 mA – 6.3 A 60240010150320150Product specificationsPart numberCurrent rating (A)Voltage rating (Vac )Interrupting rating at rated voltage¹ (50 Hz) (Aac)Typical DC cold resistance 2 (mΩ)Typical melting 3 I 2t (A 2s)Typical voltagedrop 4 (mV)cURusKCVDECCCSEMKO PSE+JET 1SS-5-200mA 0.2250359600.35212X X X SS-5-400mA 0.425035330 1.67147X X X X SS-5-500mA 0.525035258 1.79152X X X X X SS-5-630mA 0.6325035140 1.51101X X X X X SS-5-800mA 0.825035118 4.21111X X X X X SS-5-1A 1.02503580.87.4094.5X X X X X X SS-5-1.25A 1.252503562.412.893.5X X X X X X SS-5-1.6A 1.625035412371.5X X X X X X SS-5-2A 2.02503531.229.875X X X X X X SS-5-2.5A 2.52503524.340.374.5X X X X X X SS-5-3.15A 3.152503516.86762.5X X X X X X SS-5-4A 4.02504012.88765.4X X X X X X SS-5-5A 5.0250507.3512043X X X X X X SS-5-6.3A6.3250637.417659XXXXXX1. 200 mA to 3.15 A measured at 35 A, 95% - 100% of PF on AC. 4 A – 6.3 A measured at 10 times of rating current 95% - 100% of PF on AC.2. Typical cold resistance measured at < 10% of rated current3. I 2t value is measured at 10I n DC4. Typical voltage drop measured at +20 °C ambient temperature and rated currentDimensions and packaging – mm [in]3Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses /electronics Time vs. current curveT i m e (s )4Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses/electronicsI 2t vs. time curveI 2t (A 2s )5Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses /electronics General specificationsOperating temperature: -40 °C to +125 °C with proper correction factor applied Storage temperature: -10 °C to 40 °C Solderability: EIA-186-9E Method 9High frequency vibration test: Withstands 10-55 Hz per MIL-STD-202F, Method 201A Endurance test: IEC60127-3/4T emperature derating curveNormal OperatingTemperature: +25 °C ±2 °C6Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses/electronicsOrdering codesPart number-AP option-BK option-BK2 optionSS-5-200mA SS-5-200mA-AP SS-5-200mA-BK SS-5-200mA-BK2SS-5-400mA SS-5-400mA-AP SS-5-400mA-BK SS-5-400mA-BK2SS-5-500mA SS-5-500mA-AP SS-5-500mA-BK SS-5-500mA-BK2SS-5-630mA SS-5-630mA-AP SS-5-630mA-BK SS-5-630mA-BK2SS-5-800mA SS-5-800mA-AP SS-5-800mA-BK SS-5-800mA-BK2SS-5-1A SS-5-1A-AP SS-5-1A-BK SS-5-1A-BK2SS-5-1.25A SS-5-1-25A-AP SS-5-1-25A-BK SS-5-1-25A-BK2SS-5-1.6A SS-5-1-6A-AP SS-5-1-6A-BK SS-5-1-6A-BK2SS-5-2A SS-5-2A-AP SS-5-2A-BK SS-5-2A-BK2SS-5-2.5A SS-5-2-5A-AP SS-5-2-5A-BK SS-5-2-5A-BK2SS-5-3.15A SS-5-3-15A-AP SS-5-3-15A-BK SS-5-3-15A-BK2SS-5-4A SS-5-4A-AP SS-5-4A-BK SS-5-4A-BK2SS-5-5A SS-5-5A-AP SS-5-5A-BK SS-5-5A-BK2SS-5-6.3ASS-5-6-3A-APSS-5-6-3A-BKSS-5-6-3A-BK2Ordering codesThe ordering code is the part number replacing the “.” with a “-” plus adding the packaging suffix.Packaging suffixes• -AP (1 000 parts Ammo pack, Pitch = 12.7)• -BK (200 parts in a polybag, Lead L = 4.3 ± 0.3)•-BK2 (200 parts in a polybag, Lead L = 21 ± 3.0)EatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics© 2019 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 2621 PCN19017M December 2019Technical Data 2621Effective December 2019SS-5250 V Subminiature, radial leaded, time-delay fuses Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.T e m p e r a t u r eTimeT T T T Wave solder profileReference EN 61760-1:2006Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 100 °C • Temperature typ. (T styp )120 °C 120 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )130 °C 130 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )70 seconds 70 seconds D preheat to max Temperature150 °C max.150 °C max.Peak temperature (T P )*235 °C – 260 °C 250 °C – 260 °C Time at peak temperature (t p )10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave 10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave Ramp-down rate~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ ~5 K/s max ~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ~5 K/s max Time 25 °C to 25 °C4 minutes4 minutesManual solder+350 °C (4-5 seconds by soldering iron), generally manual/hand soldering is not recommendedEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
MIL 标准的陶瓷电容主要有以下几种类型:
1. MIL-PRF-5536:这是美国国防部制定的用于军事和航空航天领域的陶瓷电容器规范。
2. MIL-PRF-39006:这是美国国防部制定的用于陶瓷电容器的一般规格。
3. MIL-DTL-38519:这是美国国防部制定的陶瓷电容器封装标准。
4. MIL-STD-1275:这是美国国防部制定的关于军用电容器电气性能的标准。
【应知概念】mil-prf-38535k中的质量等级1. 引言1.1 概述本文旨在介绍mil-prf-38535k中的质量等级。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、mil-prf-38535k中的质量等级、结论三个部分。
1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者全面了解mil-prf-38535k中的质量等级,从而加深对该标准的认识和理解。
同时,本文也旨在为mil-prf-38535k 标准提供评价与展望,以促进质量等级的持续改进和发展。
2. mil-prf-38535k中的质量等级2.1 什么是mil-prf-38535k?mil-prf-38535k是一种军用电子元器件标准,由美国国防标准化委员会(DSCC)制定和管理。
2.2 质量等级的定义和分类mil-prf-38535k标准中定义了五个不同的质量等级,分别为:一、二、三、四和S。
1 范围1.1范围本规范建立了一套军用微电路、敏感半导体器件,敏感电阻和相关高档部件的柔性可热封静电防护包装材料的要求。
2 应用文件2.1 概述本节列出的文件由本规范第3、4节作出详细规定与说明。
2.2 政府文件2.2.1 规范、标准和手册下面的规范、标准和手册是本文件的组成部分。
规范联邦文件QQ-S-698 片状和条状低碳钢QQ-A-250/4 铝合金、板状和片状标准FED-STD-101 包装材料的测试程序2.3 非政府出版物下列文件是本规范的扩展部分。
ASQC(美国质量协会)ASQC-Z1.4 程序,检验抽样表(国防部已采用)ASTM-B451 用于印刷板的铜箔,铜棒,铜片和传送带规范ASTM-D257 绝缘材料的直流电阻或传导率(国防部已采用)ASTM-F15 铁-镍-钴封焊合金规范ASTM(美国试验与材料协会)EIA(电子工业协会)EIA-541 静电敏感物体的包装材料标准2.4 优先权当本文件与引用的参考文件发生矛盾时,则本文件优先。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Cable group V
95-RG180 5/ 6/ 7/ A
X503 Cable group VIB
Cable group VIB
60-RG142 5/ 128-RG400 6/
1.500 (38.10)
Cable group VIA 111-RG303 5/ 6/
Cable group VIA 9/
111-RG305 5/ 6/
1.739 (44.17)
Cable group VIB 9/
60-RG142 5/ 128-RG400 6/
1.500 (38.10)
X015 (Superseding –X220 4/)
Cable group VIIA 10/ 110-RG302 5/ 6/ 7/
Applicable cable 2/ M17/
Inches (millimeters) maximum #
Category A – Field serviceable (no special tools required) 3/
X101 (superseding –X111 4/)
See notes at end of table. 3
TABLE I. Dash numbers, cross reference, and dimensions – Continued.
PIN 1/ M39012/16-
Applicable cable 2/ M17/
CONCERN (/simple/PIM%20Paper.pdf). Silver is the preferred plating.
FIGURE 1. General configuration.
FSC 5935
NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for information only. 3. In the mated condition, the longitudinal force of the spring of the coupling mechanism shall exceed the pressure exerted bed the sealing gasket by an amount necessary to insure butting of the outer contacts at the reference plane. 4. Chamfer is optional.
NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for information only. 3. For dimension A, see tables I and III. 4. Dimension .593 inch (15.06 mm) is the largest overall diameter of the connector. 5. Wrench flats are to accommodate standard wrench opening in accordance with FED-STD-H28, appendix 10. 6. All undimensioned pictorial representations are for reference purposes only. 7. Dimension A defines the maximum length of the connector when assembled to the appropriate cable. 8. Series BNC, pin contact interface in accordance with MIL-STD-348.
1/ For cross-reference of dash number to superseded PIN or designation, see table IV. 2/ The latest version of each cable shall be applicable. 3/ These connectors have captivated center contacts.
Cable group IV 11/
54-RG122 6/
Cable group VIIB 10/
90-RG71 6/ 7/
1.500 (38.10)
X222 X501
Cable group IIA 12/ 113-RG316 5/ 6/ 12/ Category D – Field replaceable – Defined piece part 3/ 8/ 13/ 14/
Cable group VI
60-RG142 5/ 128-RG400 6/
Cable group VII
(Superseding –0118 4/)
110-RG302 5/ 6/ 7/
1.250 (31.75)
Cable group IV 54-RG122 6/
Cable group II 113-RG316 5/ 6/
This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
The requirements for acquiring the product described herein shall consist of this specification sheet and MIL-PRF-39012.
MIL-PRF-39012/16H 16 November 2006 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-39012/16G 26 September 1994
Cable group X
Cable group X
127-RG393 5/ 6/
Category C – field replaceable (MIL-DTL-22520 crimp tool) See note next to applicable cable for crimp die 3/ 8/
MIL-PRF-39012/16H TABLE I. Dash numbers, cross reference, and dimensions – Continued. 4/ The superseded PIN is NOT acceptable for Government use. 5/ Cable to be used for the +200°C temperature cycling tests. This cable can be used for tests with the approval of the Qualifying Activity. 6/ Cable to be used when performing test requiring cable except as in 5/ and 7/. 7/ These are not 50-ohm cables; therefore, when attached to the specified connectors, VSWR, RF, leakage and insertion toss are not applicable. 8/ These connectors are assembled using the applicable crimp tool, to the specified cables stripped as shown on figure 4. 9/ M22520/5-19 closure B or MS22520/5-05 closure A. M22520/5-11 closure A. M22520/5-57 closure A. 10/ M22520/5-19 closure A or M22520/5-07 closure A. M22520/5-13 closure A. M22520/5-59 closure A. 11/ M22520/5-41 closure B or M22520/5-05 closure B. M22520/5-09 closure A. 12/ M22520/5-35 closure B or 22520/5-03 closure A. 13/ Complete connector assembly shall consist of a body, center contact, ferrule and assembly instructions. 14/ Not to be used in Army equipment. # Dimensions are in inches. Metric equivalents are given for information only. X Denotes connector body plating material option. The only plating options allowable are Silver or Nickel over brass in accordance with MIL-PRF-39012. Only connectors of the same materials shall be mated to avoid dissimilar metal problems. CAUTION: A NICKEL PLATED BODY IS NOT FOR USE IN APPLICATIONS WHERE PASSIVE INTERMODULATION GENERATION (PIM) MAY BE A