大学英语综合教程第一册Unit 5课后练习答案
新标准大学英语 综合教程1 课后练习答案 Unit 5-10

I, feeling concerned, asked her to phonemethenext day.
2 When Judith fell asleep she was clingingtoherteddy bear.
9 not bright (dim)
5 Completethesentenceswith the correct form of the words in Activity 4.
1 I’ve been faithful to my husband all my life.
2 I’d like to give this as a present.Couldyouwrap it for meinsilverpaper, please?
5 I can’t see very well in here.Thelight’sratherdim.
6 When I saw my reflection in the mirror this morning I got a shock.
6 Answerthequestionsabout the words.
10 to say the opposite of what someonehassaidis true (contradict)
Now check (¸) the reporting verbs which givemostinformationabout emotions.
exclaim, weep, sob, pledge,sigh,contradict
2 If you are having adoze, are you (a) asleep, or (b) working?
全新版大学英语综合教程第1册课后练习答案 上海外语教育出版社

Appendix I(一)Key to Exercises (Units 1-8)Unit 1Part I Pre-reading TaskScript for the recording:Have you ever heard of the pop singer, John Lennon? Here he is singing a song he wrote for his son. It's called Beautiful Boy.Close your eyesHave no rearThe monsterstoneHe'sontherunandyour daddy's hereBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBefore you go to sleep Say alittle prayer1 John Lennon (1940-1980): First became famous as a singer and guitarist in the Beatles, a British rock group, writing many of their most successful hits. Later he left the group, but continued to be popular as a singer and songwriter.1/47Every day in every wayIt's getting better and betterBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyOut on the ocean sailing away I canhardly wait To see you come ofageButIguesswe’ll both justhavetobepatient ‘Causeit's a long way to go A bard row to hoe Yes it's along way to goBut in the meantimeBefore you cross the streetTake my bandLife is what happens to youWhile you're busy making other plansBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBefore you go to sleep Say a littleprayer Every day in every way It'sgetting better and better1 A hard row to hoe: To hoe is to use a special farming tool, a hoe, to clear small weeds and break up the surface of the soil.The row referred to is a row of plants.2/47Appendix I- $9 -Beautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boy Darling,darling, darling Darling SeanYou've just heard John Lennon singing a lullaby to his son Sean. A lullaby is a song we sing to help babies to go to sleep. So he tells Sean "Close your eyes, have no fear, your Daddy's here." Then he looks into the future. He sees his son setting out on life's adventure:Out on the ocean sailing awayAnd he can hardly wait to see his son grow up, to reach eighteen when he comes of age and celebrates becoming an adult. But he knows they'll both have to be patientCause it'a long way to go Ahard row to hoeGrowing up can be difficult. At times it can, as we say, be a hard row to hoe. It's a phrase we use to describe any difficult task.But if growing up is sometimes hard, it is also full of surprises. Things happen when we least expect them:Lire is what happens to youWhile you'rebusymakingotherplansI think you'll find the stories you are going to read in this unit show that John Lennon was right: growing up can be quite an adventure, full of the unexpected.As for John Lennon, sadly he never did live to see his son grow up and come of age, for John was shot dead by a madman in New York while Sean was still only five years old.3/47- 90 -Appendix I Part II Text A4/47Appendix I- 91 -VocabularyI. 1. 1) arguments2) put ... down3) sequence4) rigid5) tedious6) hold back7) reputation8) distribute9) off and on10) vivid11) associate ... with12) congratulations13) finally14) turn in/turn out15) tackle2. 1) George hasbeen assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.2)There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.3)She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.4)When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5)As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.3. 1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to havethe faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.2)Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on outof date ideas.3)I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read tothe class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratulations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.II. Synonyms in Context1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating8. anticipateIII. Collocation1. at2. for3. of4. with5. as6. about7. to8. in, in5/476/47- 92 -Appendix I9. from10. on/upon Structure1.1) Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia. 2) They are said to be building another bridge across the river.3) Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.4) Those love poems were believed to have been composed by an English poet of the sixteenth century.2. 1) as you suggested 2)as I told you to3) exactly as I was4) as you have described them to meComprehensive ExercisesI.Cloze(A)1. hold back 3. tedious 5. recall7. arguments9. turn out/turn in (B) 1. that 3. black 5. at7. different 9. On11. answer 13. wrong 15. ThusII.Translation2.congratulations 4.scanned 6.vivid8.off and on 10.career2. after4. kids/children 6. for/of 8. So 10. she12. assignment/book 14. proved 16.myself7/47Appendix I- 93 -Part III TextBComprehension Check l.b2. a 3. c4. c 5.b6. c Translation(参见 Appendix HI) Language Practice 1. on purpose 3. comprises 5. assumed 7. generally 9. represent 11. voluntary 13. motioned 15. decentPart IV Theme-related Language Learning TasksModel paperA memorable ExperienceOn the morning of the college entrance test I rode a bike to the school where I would take the2. in advance 4. adjusting to 6. think up 8. clashes 10. evil12. in the meantime 14. appeal- 94 -Appendix Iexamination.Less than halfway between my house and the school, disaster struck. My bike hit a nail and the front tyre went flat. I pushed the bike along the streets, looking for a repair shop. Minutes passed but still there was none to be found. When I looked at my watch, I went wild with worry: there were only fifteen minutes left before the examination began, and the nearest bus stop was a long way off. Not knowing what to do, I stood still by the side of the road, tears welling up in my eyes. Then a car pulled in and I heard a voice asking what the matter was. When he heard my story, the driver offered me a lift. Thank to his kindness, I arrived just in time. And so here I am today.( 157 words)Unit 2Part I Pre-reading TaskScript for the recording:Just what are friends for? To have fun with, of course, to share in the good times. Yet most people would say that a real friend is more than just a fair weather friend. A fair weather friend? A fair weather friend is someone who's happy to stay with you when things are going well but leaves as soon as trouble arrives, while a good friend, a true friend, is one who'll stand by you when you find yourself in difficulties. That's certainly what the American pop singer Dionne Warwick thinks. As she tells her friend... you can always count on me, For sure,that's what friends are for,Forgoodtimes,an bad times, I’ 11 beon your side forevermore.But she sings it better than I can say it. So let's listen to her as she sings her song That's What Friends Are For.8/47Appendix I- 95 -That's What Friends Are ForDionne WarwickAnd I never thought I'd reel this way And asfar as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chanceto sayThat I do believe I love youAnd if I should ever go away,Well, then close your eyes and try,To feel the way we do today,/And then if you can remember,Keep smiling, keep shining,Knowing you can always count on me,For sure, that's what friends are for,For good times> and had times,I'll he on your side forevermore,That's what friends are for.Well, you came and opened meAnd now there's so much more I seeAnd so by the way, I thank youAnd then for the times we're apart,Well, then close your eyes and knowThese words are coming from my heartAnd then it you can remember,Keep smiling, keep shining,Knowing you can always count on me,For sure, that's what friends are for,For good times, and had times,I'll he on your side forevermore,That' s what friends are for,Keep smiling, keep shining,Knowing you can always count on me,For sure that's what friends are for,For good times, and had times,I'll he on your side forevermore,9/4710/47- 9t© -Appendix IThat's what mends are tor, Keep smiling, keep shining, Knowing you can always count on me, For sure, that's what friends are tor. For good times, and bad times, I'll be on your side forevermore, That' swhatfriendsare f or.Part II Text APoints for Discussion1. a) He sounded as if he had a cold or something.b) "Thanks," I said, "but I don't want to read your mail. That's pretty personal."c) ... the first sentence reminded me of myself: "I've been meaning to write for some time, but I've always postponed it."d) It then went on to say that he often thought about the good times they had had together when they both lived in the same neighborhood. e) He shook his head: "Time."f) "This is a good part here," I said. "Where it says,your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that." I found myself nodding in agreement. "That must have made you feel good, didn't it?" g) "I know I'd like to receive a letter like that from my oldest friend." lext Organization1. 1) The story begins with the cab driver reading a letter. 2) The letter Tom wrote to his friend Ed.3) Their conversation was centered on the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed. 4) The author got to learn more about their friendship by reading the letter himself. 2.11/47VocabularyI.1. 1) absolutely3) every now and then5) destination7) mostly9) right away11) or something13) went by15) keep in touch2.1) It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2) He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3) She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4) Something has come up and I am afraid I won't be able to accomplish the project on time. 5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3.1) A couple of flights at PudongAirportwere postponed this morning because of the awfulweather. It is estimated that over one thousand passengers were held up.2) My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it.3) Michael is not much of a teacher. He often skips from one subject to another so it is difficult for his students to follow him. Besides he just lets them go ahead with exercises without making sure they have understood what they are expected to do.II.Collocation1. to2. for3. at4. from5. in*6. to7. on8. with2) available 4) are urging/urged 6) know ... by heart 8) hangs out 10) reunion 12) practically 14) going ahead- 9$ -Appendix IIII. Usage1. more or less2. kind of/sort of3. Something4. kind of/sort of5. more or less6. or somethingStructure1. 1) may/might as well watch2)may/might as well pour out3)may/might as well walk4)may/might as well buy2. 1) She looks as if she is worried about it.2)It smells as if it is fresh.3)It sounds as if it is Chinese.4)It feels as if it is made of silk.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. choked up3. practically5. correspondence7. destination9. Mostly11. absolutely(B)1. how3. but5. to7. reply/answer9. asking11.touch13. pieces15. check 2. awful4. neighborhood 6. available8. reunion 10. postponing2. himself4. So6. long8. from10. when12. for14. go16. out12/47Appendix I- 99 -Part III Text BComprehension Checkl.d 3. a 5. c 7. d 2. b 4. d 6. dTranslation(参见 Appendix III)language Practice1. stuff3. dragging5. get rid of7. was peering/peered 9. swung11. extent13. draw on15. Worse still2. uneasy4. highlight6. despair8.soaked10. in good shape 12. rescue14. let... down13/4714/47Appendix I- 101 - Unit 3Part I Pre-reading TaskScript for the recording:This unit begins with an article on science. Before you read it, let me tell you something about its author, Stephen Hawking.Hawking is perhaps the most well-known scientist since Einstein. Like Einstein his work tackles the big questions, questions such as How did the universe begin? Why is the universe the way it is? and How will it end? He is now working on what is sometimes known as the 'theory of everything.' Among other things, this promises to explain what caused the Big Bang that started the universe.But it is not simply the power of Hawking's mind that has led to his fame. For what many people find most striking about him is the contrast between the strength of his mind and the weakness of his body. For for many years Hawking has suffered from an illness that has left him unable to move and to speak normally.Born in England in 1942, Hawking had a normal childhood, and it was not until he was a student at university that his illness started to affect him. Hospital tests showed he was suffering from a disease that weakens control over the muscles. The disease gets worse with time and there is no known cure. But Hawking did not lose heart. As he says, "although there was a cloud hanging over my future, I found, to my surprise, that I was enjoying life more than before. I began to make progress with my research, and I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde. That engagement changed my life. It gave me something to live for."Hawking started research at Cambridge and went on to hold the same post that another great scientist, Newton, once held. Over the years his condition has worsened, but even when he finally lost the ability to speak, he managed to get round the problem. He now uses a computer that enables him to select words which are then turned into speech. "The only trouble," the English scientist says, "is that it gives me an American accent!"15/4716/47- 102 - Appendix IPart II Text A2. 1) The importance of the teaching of science in schools.2) The role mass media can play, especially what television can do.Vocabularyinquired in terms of tend precise grasped sufficient conveyin two minds Winning the match today has ensured their team a place in the Cup Final. Susan was not informed of the reasons why she was dismissed. These computer games entertain as well as educate the learner. No living thing can do without air and water. The election is likely to be held in June.The film's appeal lies in not only the entertainment it provides to the audience but also the questions it raises about the possible contact between human beings and alien civilizations. 2) The decision on the new project is made on the basis of scientific study. The project is2)brief 4)cut...off 6)anyway 8)moreover 10)in the form of 12)initiative 14)fit into1 • 1) 3)5)7)9) 11) 13) 15) 2 1) 2) 3) 4)5) 3.1)17/47Appendix I - 103 -II. Prefixation 1. regained 3. undersupplied 5. precondition 7. mispronounced2. undecided 4. disabled6. foresight 8. enrichIII. Antonyms 2. 1)majority3)increased 5)local7)wrong2) accepted4) weaknesses 6) late 8) falseStructure1) My income is now twice as much as I used to earn two years ago.2) I am wearing only half as much as I usually do because of the warm weather.3) If you had spent half as much time on your studies as your elder sister did, you could have made the honor roll.4) I could eat/could have eaten as much again if the doctor had not told me to go on a diet.1) As is shown by the growth rate of GDP in the last two decades, China's reform and open policy is a great success.2) As is predicted by some newspapers, there will be a substantial cut in tax on imported cars inGood bad modern ancient Rich poor forget remember Dry wet go come Agree differ young oldAttack defend simple difficult Colored colorless like v., n. dislike Long short likely unlikely Early late trust distrust- 104 -Appendix 1the coming year.3)As is proved by the records, China's human rights situation has been steadily improving overthe years.4)The failure of the joint venture was not, as was assumed by outsiders, because of lack ofcapital, but because of poor management.18/47Appendix I105 Part III TextBComprehension Checkl.d 3. a 5. c 7. b 2. b 4. c 6. aTranslation(参见 Appendix III) Language Practice1. outcome 3. yield5. worn down 7. amount 9. proposed 11. Somehow 13. process 15. challenges2. frustrating 4. Failure6. conclusions 8. professional 10. evaluating 12. bulk14. step by stepPart IV Theme-related Language Learning TasksModel paperHow Science Changes Our LivesScience has certainly changed our lives, bringing benefits to some and hardships to others. Computers, for example, have provided some with the comfort of working from home while at the same time throwing others out of work as their jobs are automated. In the future changes are likely to be even much greater as science reaches out to shape life itself. New organisms (有机体) are already being engineered. New genetically modified crops promise benefits from higher yields and less use of harmful chemicals.But once again we cannot be sure that science will only change our lives for the better. The possibility remains that some modern Frankenstein may carelessly or deliberately let loose a new and19/47- 106-Appendix Idangerous form of life. However, we should have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we could prevent this from happening.(146 words)Unit 4Part I Pre-reading TaskScript for the recording:What you are about to hear is an interview with Dr Lee Hertz, the director of a scientific laboratory in Stanford University, California.Interviewer: Dr. Hertz:Interviewer: Dr. Hertz:Interviewer: Dr. Hertz:Interviewer: Dr. Hertz: Interviewer: Dr. Hertz:Interviewer:What does the expression the American Dream mean to you?I guess in one way it's the dream of my grandparents. They turned their backson poverty in Poland and set out with high hopes for a new life in America.So the American Dream means getting out of poverty?Then it did. However, when they got to America, they realized that the dream wasn't going to happen, that the streets were not paved with gold and they hadto struggle to make a living. So the dream became the chance for their childrento succeed.Through?Through hard work and giving their kids an education. They thought that through education their children would have the choice of doing what they wanted. That basically life could be what you made it.And do you believe that?Well, America does give some people the opportunity to be what they want to be. Why just some people? Isn't the American Dream an idea everyone can believe in? Yes, but only because our government wants us to believe it. You could say that the American Dream has been used to support the capitalist system. It keepsmost of the population working and spending their money.How?20/47Appendix I107-Dr. Hertz:Interviewer: Dr. Hertz:Well, all the time TV shows that the dream of a good life can be reached through money. Advertising tells you to buy and buy so that finally you will get there and the dream will come true.So you're saying it's the dream that makes the system work? Yes, because people become gripped by the need to move up in the world, they have to reach the top. They are never satisfied with what they have. The American Dream is at the end of the rainbow. It's not simply about having enough money to buy the things you need. It's about reaching the level of all the other people who have the money to buy more than you can afford. The American Dream may be in your head, but to find it you have to reach into your pocket.Part II Text AMain Events1)Tony worked as a help at Mr. Crawford's house.2)Tony got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawford's factory.3)Tony learned to become a skilled worker.4)Tony bought a house with Mr. Crawford's help.5)Tony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy. VocabularyI. 1.1) wreck3) approaching 2) balance4) handle21/47- 106 -Appendix 15) discard6) have worked out7) Above all8) passed away9) diet10) do with11) confidence12) cleaned up13) property14) weekly15) amuse2. 1) Efforts to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all people in the sunken ship had died.2)I was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world.3)Her request for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and shecould provide no guarantee.4)The home network system on display was found to be very helpful in freeing people from trivialhousework.5)Nothing will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1) You can spend hours wandering around the department stores, leisurely inspecting the items forsale, or hunting for some antiques along the sidewalks, where you'll most likely be amazed by the variety of things on display.2)The local government encourages laid-off workers to learn another trade and become skilledworkers. Besides, it has done a lot to help solve their financial troubles by creating re-employment opportunities and by providing business startup loans.3)For years, the farmer had built up a reputation for kindness by calling on his needy neighborsand trying to be helpful. He was very much respected in the neighborhood and hundreds attended his funeral when he passed away.II. Confusable Words1.1) personal2) personnel2.1) sometime3) some time2) Sometimes4) sometimeIII. Euphemisml.d2. e3.h4. c5.g6. a7. b8.f22/47Appendix 1- 109Structure1.1) Every day, the kids came home from school dusty and hungry.2)The newly-appointed director walked to his office cheerful and confident.3)Ben hurried home, anxious to watch the football league game on TV.4)Jenny opened the door quietly, afraid of waking the baby up. 2,1) "... snow pretty soon,"Correction: "... it's going to snow pretty soon,"2)"When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory."Correction: "When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory."3)"I like a buy a house." Correction: "I'dlike to buy a house."4)"Mr. Craw, I sell my house!"Correction: "Mr. Crawford, I've sold my house!"5)"Mr. Craw, I buy a farm."Correction: "Mr. Crawford, I've bought a farm."Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. create2. sponsored3. amazed4. determination5. away6. capacity7. loan 8. character9. hunting 10. send for(B)1. with2. until3. in4. or5. kids/children6. up7. dream 8. more9. for 10. open11. house 12. don't13. and 14. you23/47-110- Appendix IPart III Text B Comprehension Checkl.a 3. c 5. a 2. c 4. d 6. dTranslation(参见Appendix III) Language Practice1. appointed3. hardship5. fulfill7. take advantage of 9. was motivated 11. afterward 13. surroundings 15. obtain2. divorced4. have come up with 6. opportunity8. be threatening 10. Assure12. sacrifice14. soared24/47Appendix I-111-Part IV Theme-related Language Learning TasksModel paperMy Sister LizSome people are born lucky, some are not. And I believe my sister Liz falls into the first category.She has a beautiful smile which makes her popular among friends. When she does something bad, she smiles her smile and my parents are no longer angry. She eats a lot and never seems to get any fatter. Her favorite food is hamburger, French fries, and ice cream. She does not study hard but always gets good grades. After school she does her homework in five minutes while watching television at the same time. Once she went to a party until very late, completely forgetting about an important exam the next day. For the first time she became quite worried. Early the next morning, however, an unexpected snowstorm forced the school to cancel class that day, and of course the exam was cancelled along with classes. Liz is just that sort of lucky person.(152 words)Unit 5Part I Pre-reading TaskScript for the recording:Everywhere the whole world over people have always felt that music and romance go together. As Shakespeare said, music is the food of love. And so, as we have two love stories for you to read, what better way to start than with a love song? Here, then, is Martina McBride singing to her Valentine.ValentineMartina McBrideIi there were no wordsNo way to speakI would, still near you25/47-112-Appendix IIi there were no tears Nowaytoreelinside I'd stillreel for youAnd eveniithesunrefusedtoshineEven if romance ran out or rhymeYou would still have my heart until the end or timeYou're all I need, my love, my \fclentineAll of my lifeI nave teen waiting for youAll yougivetomeYou've opened my eyesAnd shownmehowtoloveunselfishlyI've dreamed of this a thousand times beforeBut in my dreams I couldn't love you moreI will give you my heartUntil the end of timeYou're all I need, my love, my ValentineAnd even if the sun refused to shine Even if romance ran out ofrhyme You would still have my heart until the end of time Causeall I need is you, my Valentine You're all I need, my love, myValentinePART II Text AText Organization1. 1) Para 2 His interest in her had begun twelve months before in a Florida library.2)Para 7 I'll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened.3)Para 16 It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell's wisdom. 26/4727/47Vocabularyi. 1.13 5 7 911 13 15 2. 12 3 4 5 3.1 2 3 fertile straightensoverseas slim sustainedgrateful more than a little keenThe extent of the human body's response to a drug depends on the amount taken.Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother. A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities. I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn't hear Martin come in. The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball. During the 1880s, several black colleges were founded in the U.S.to broaden educational opportunities for black students and help them make their way in the world.Joy Warren was grateful to the five rescuers for saving her three children from the sinkingcar in response to her cry for help."The food at this hotel disgusts me. Why not dine at the restaurant across the street?" "Well, we haven't reserved a table, but we'll take a chance on its not being full."II. Usage 1. 1) frightened 2) afraid / frightened 2. 1) alike / similar 2) similar 3. 1) alive4. 1) sleeping2) reflected 4) identify6) scheduled, scheduled 8) split 10) glow 12) delicate 14) thrust。

Unit 5 Knowing Y ourselfEnhance Your Language Awareness1 (P.157~P.158)1)reveals 2) behaving 3) handle 4) influenced5)satisfied 6) entertaining 7) inherit 8) affect9)confronted 10) resistance 11) isolated 12) restrict13)optimistic 14) selfish 15) sensitive2.(P.158~P.159)1)summed up 2) have an impact on 3) respond4)expand your horizons 5) falls into 6) at work7)shut myself off 8) in control of 9) free from10)in good shapeCloze ( P. 164)1)indicate 2) responds 3) represent/reflect 4) absolutely5)preference 6) harsh 7) specific 8) traits9)individual 10) immature 11) effort 12) persistent 13)achieve 14) inheritsTranslation ( P.165)1)William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.2)He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep things to himself.3)They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.4)We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.5)We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.6)They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.7)Through reading, not only has he expanded his horizon, but also learned to keep improving his character.8)Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.9)A stable relationship without conflict between husband and wife benefits the children in the family.10)Don’t complain about your fate and make the best of your life.。
最新Unit five 完整答案- 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册

Listening and Speaking 1.Text AReading Comprehension 1.2.Reading and DiscussingLanguage in Use4.•1) proclaim•2) scar•3) speculation•4) discharging•5) clarity •6) contacted•7) compromise •8) grieved •9) affirmed•10) prompted5.6.•1) in hand•2) by hand•3) on hand•4) at hand•5) along the way •6) out of the way•7) in the way•8) on the way to•9) By the way•10) under way7.For reference•1) B•2) A •3) A•4) A •5) A•6) C •7) A•8) C8.1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。
2) 他提醒我们要对上帝心存感激,因为我们终于在一起了。
3) 当我回想过去,令我惊讶的是其实一切都没有改变,尽管看起来我们的生活样样在变。
4) 最值得一提的是我放弃了曾经向妈妈许下的要当医生的诺言。
5) 一路走来,我开始明白:唯一能让我开始自己人生的方式便是放下对母亲离去的那份伤感。
9.Reference translation1) Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.2) Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe book.3) Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have been officially accepted by many universities.4) More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment.5) Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.Text BReading Comprehension1.1) Beyond that2) but then3) In other words4) One; another; another5) Or ratherLanguage in Use2.•1) jealous•2) pursue•3) household•4) rejections•5) permanent•6) frustrating •7) switch•8) delicate•9) gambling•10) progressively3.•1) right now•2) is addicted to•3) No wonder•4) narrow down•5) sign up for•6) What if4.Reference translation1) 那晚回家后,我想了想他对我说的话。

Appendix IKey to Exercises (Units 1-8)Unit 1Appendix I- 91 –Language sense enhancement1 1) warmth 2) put it down3) recapture and hold 4) relive5) however 6) violate7)composition 8) a failing grade9) mind 10) for myselfII. Synonyms in Context1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating8. anticipateIII. Collocation1. at2. for3. of4. with5. as6. about7. to8. in, in9. from 10. on/uponComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(1)1. hold back3. scanned5. vivid7. turn out/turn in(2)1. last2. surprise 2. pulled 4. blowing 5. dressed 6. scene 7. extraordinary 8. image9. turn 10. excitement II. Translation1 1) as it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4) it is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules./ Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./ the local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2. tedious 4. recall 6. off and on 8. careerPart III TextBComprehension Checkl.c 2. a3. c4. d5.b6. dTranslation1. 我耳朵里嗡嗡作响,听不见他们后来讲的话,只东一点西一点渗入只言片语。

BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.1. A [monthly] statement is a general term for a personalized financial record that regularly informs a recipient about the status of his or her account. It is generally mailed to the recipient on or near the same day each month.2. Over a hundred children came to the annual Christmas party which was a good opportunity for them to gather and renew [acquaintances].3. My parents' marriage was a [classic] of its time —those years of the so-called cultural revolution, with no wedding ceremony and no honeymoon.4. Having failed in the examination, Owen didn't dare [look] his father [in the eye].5. Britain still has a bicycle industry; frames and complete bicycles are [manufactured] here, though most of the components are imported.6. The employees of the company are treated right with handsome paychecks and stock [options].7. San Francisco is one of the largest cities in California and a leading center of culture, [finance], and industry in the United States.8. Steve announced just now that he was leaving, but the coach had already started looking around for a [replacement] weeks before.9. Shortly after he learned of the earthquake, the man hurried back to his hometown, searching high and low to find out whether his parents had [survived] the calamity (灾难).10. I was listening for Grace's voice, but it wasn't easy to [pick] it [out] among all the others.11. The survey reveals that an increasing number of young people claim they enjoy [married] life.12. Someone [grabbed at] the letter I was reading. Looking up, I was delightfully surprised to find that it was my former classmate.2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you.1. An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. (survive)Only an eight-month-old baby girl[survived a car crash that killed both her parents].2. Sarah read my poem out to the whole class ─I almost died of embarrassment. (embarrass)I was[almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class].3. The seriously injured pupils will be under the care of doctors and nurses of the Children's Hospital. (care for)Doctors and nurses[of the Children's Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils].4. Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire about the position of Chief Financial Officer. (inquiry)The personnel department has received[several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer].5. We can help you find a solution to all your financial problems if you join our club. (straighten out)We can help you[straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club].plete the following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.1. On further [inquiry], we learned that the earthquake caused heavy casualties (伤亡) and material losses to the inhabitants. Many old people [died of hunger] and thirst after they were trapped for nearly a week. Fortunately most younger [people survived]. (die of, survive, inquiry)2. [Instantly] the news spread among employees of the firm that David had decided to [give up his] current position and [retire]. Thereupon everyone became curious about who would [replace him] as chief [executive] officer. (retire, executive, replace, instantly, give up)3. Brown used to live on his parents. However after [his beloved] father died he had to support himself economically. He did a lot of [odd jobs], including shining shoes, washing dishes, [and all that]. (and all that, beloved, odd)Word FormationA suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new one. Unlike prefixes, a suffix frequently alters the part of speech of the word. For example, the verb replace, by the addition of the suffix -ment, is changed into a noun replacement.Complete the following sentences by adding a suffix to the given base in brackets.1. He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his [embarrassment]. (embarrass)2. Rescue workers continued to search for [survivors], nearly 72 hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. (survive)3. A tiny old lady was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a [newly] opened gallery. (new)4. The reality is that we all have [marketable] skills such as writing, consulting, or designing and selling things. (market)5. Many people are now having trouble making their [monthly] house payments (month)6. A spelling bee is a [competition] in which people try to correctly spell words. (compete)7. The total energy given off by the devastating earthquake was many times more than any [conceivable] chemical reaction could produce. (conceive)8. It shocked me to learn that the young man was released simply because he came from a [respectable] middle-class family. (respect)UsageRewrite the parts in italics with "the + adj.".1. Some Democrats believed they lost the election because poor people didn't turn out to vote. [the poor]2. Those who had died were completely innocent victims of the bomb. [The deceased / The dead]3. The governor has guaranteed health care for pregnant women, preschool children, and disabled people. [the disabled]4. Do you know why French people are skinnier than Americans? It is because French people stop when they're full, Americans stop when the plate is empty (or the TV show ends). [the French]5. The person who was accused denied stealing his student's ideas and publishing them. [The accused]6. In our city living together without getting married is not common among young people. [the young]7. People who are not employed will receive a monthly payment from the local government. [The unemployed]8. Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that crime is due to unemployment.[the latter ... the formerCloze1. Complete the following passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.I hear poor Phil has [died of] (1) a heart attack. Died [instantly] (2), I believe. Mind you, if you were looking for a heart attack victim, he was a [classic] (3) case. You need only [askaround] (4) to hear everyone say that he worked all hours, never taking a break. That sort of person all too often risks not [surviving] (5) long enough to [retire] (6) on a pension. No doubt the chief [executive] (7) is already looking around for Phil's [replacement] (8). I know you can't afford to be sentimental in business, not with [stock] (9) holders breathing down your neck all the time. Still, he must have found it difficult to look Phil's widow [in the eye] (10) at the funeral after allowing him to overwork like that.2. Read the following passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box.One summer evening, shortly after I arrived at my new assignment, my boss walked by my house and saw my wife and children sitting on our front porch. He asked her where I was. My wife told him I was still at the office. When she told this to me, in the corner of my heart I secretly hoped he was [impressed] (1) by my work ethic (职业道德).The next morning, my boss called me. I expected a verbal pat on the back for my [diligence] (2) and hard work. [Instead] (3), he asked me what I was doing so late at the office and inquired if I had been doing that every night since taking over. I told him I had indeed been working late every night.[Contrary](4) to what I expected, he told me anyone could be a workaholic and achieve great things [professionally] (5). Yet he had hired me to [perform] (6) and excel (干得出色) in not one but two areas: my professional and personal life.This incident caused me to do a lot of introspection (沉思). I examined my professional, family and[personal] (7) life and found that they weren't in [balance] (8). So I made a [commitment] (9) to myself to work on achieving a better balance in these three areas. This is what my little voyage of self-discovery [revealed] (10) to me.3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in brackets.1. 我不太清楚哪儿你能找到个好木工(carpenter)——你最好四处打听打听。

1. 那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。
(formal)2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。
3. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。
(anticipate)4. 据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。
(violate)5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。
(avoid, severe)6. 苏珊(Susan)因车祸失去了双腿。
(go by)8.玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她还没有背熟课文。
(all the way)11.自1985年从南京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系。
(kind of, lose touch)12.和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。
(fit into)16.这辆汽车太费油(burn too much gas),而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍。

Exercise 51. possessed2. property3. delicious4. delight5. harvest6. merchant7. buried 8. requests 9. hunt 10. nodded 11. delay 12. hideExercise 61. send for2. to be sure3. time and time again4. all his life5. sent away6. dig up7. set to8. day after day9. pick out 10. in answer to11. were carried awayExercise 71. but because we do not have time2. but because his mother asked him to3. not because he had no experience4. not because she failed in an examination5. not because we like the party, but because we want to say think you to himExercise 81. This is the most delicious Chinese food I have yet had.2. This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done.3. This is the most beautiful music we have yet heard.4. This is the most interesting game she has yet played.5. This is the best way they have yet tried.Exercise 91. Seeing that the old man was dying, the neighbors sent for a doctor without any delay2. A beautiful orchard requires hard work like watering, digging up the weeds, picking out the stones day after day, but the time for harvest always makes one happy.3. He had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed.4. During the hunt, time and time again they thought they had found the treasure buried underground, but in the end, they actually found nothing.5. In answer to the merchant’s request, the restaurant sent away the other guests and set to preparing delicious food just for him.6. “May I carry away these old newspapers?” the worker asked. “To be sure,” he nodded his head.Exercise 141. fortune2. were amazed3. had been cheated4. exchange5. demanded6. content7. seized8. behavior9. earned 10. extra11. spare 12. replaceExercise 151. agree to2. have eaten my fill3. care for4. Long, long ago5. Once more6. settle down7. was reminded of8. straight awayText A 果园里的财宝佚名一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

(完整版)新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册UNIT5~UNIT8习题答案(完整版)新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册UNIT5~UNIT8习题答案Unit 5 > Key to Book ExercisesListen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) The first main point the speaker talks about is ________.A) what personality meansB) when a person’s personality starts to developC) h ow to express one’s personalityD) how to solve personality problems2) According to the speaker, psychologists ________.A) often emphasize the importance of friendshipB) often like to find similarities among peopleC) usually find it hard to explain personalityD) usually interpret personality differently3) People can be roughly put into ________.A) 5 categories B) 4 categoriesC) 3 categories D) 2 categories4) To put people into different categories and compare them, psychologists often ________.A) use tests B) talk to peopleC) observe people D) do a lot of reading5) With the aid of knowledge about personality, we can ________.A) provide more help to each otherB) conduct some research on our ownC) improve our relationship with othersD) have better communication with othersTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1) Different psychologists explain personality in different ways.2) Introverts are people who are quiet or like to spend time at home reading and doing their own things whereas extroverts are those who enjoy going out and spending time with other people.3) If we know a person’s personality, we will be able to understand him / her better, which will help to make our relationship with this person stronger.4) One way to help an introvert is to make him / her feel comfortable when he / she is with a group of people he / she has never met before.5) We can change and improve ourselves if we know our own personality.Text ATask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) Does the writer support the idea that “one’s personality can be summed up in a word”? (Para. 2) What evidence in the text can you find to support your answer?No. The writer does not support the idea. In fact, he says that when we take a closer look at personality, we will see that it is notas simple as that.2) Of the two main factors (heredity and environment) that influe nce one’s personality, which one has a greater influence?The writer does not indicate which of the two factors has a greater influence because no one really knows. In addition, the combination of both influences may vary from one person to another.3) How does family environment affect a child’s personality?Home life affects a child’s growth. A child who feels loved and secure at home is more likely to develop positive traits than those who grow up in a troubled family.4) According to the writer, when is the best time for a person to develop his / her personality? Why?The writer thinks that the best time to develop a person’s personality is during his / her adolescence. This is because it is easier for one to absorb new things when one is learning.2 There are two main ideas about personality in Text A. Point them out and list the supporting ideas that help develop each main idea. Main Idea 1:What is personality or the definition of personality.Supporting Ideas:Three elements of personality: emotional, social, intellectual Main Idea 2:The two factors that influence personality development are heredity and environment.Supporting Ideas:Heredity and its influence; Environment and its influence; Best stage / life phase to develop personalityTask Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following statements and then decide whether eachof them is true or false based on the information in the text. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each statement. 1) T A person’s look and perso nality make him / her unique (独特).2) F Because we experience the same emotions, we express them in almostthe same way.(Though we experience the same basic emotions, we respond to them individually.)3) T People who enjoy being alone instead of being in the company of othersare unsociable.4) F We will not know the true personality of a person just by looking at theway he / she behaves.(We will know the true personality of a person by looking at how he / she behaves as the emotional, social, and intellectual traits of personality become apparent to others through behaviors.)5) T There is a greater possibility that children who grow up in brokenfamilies develop less desirable personalities.6) T Building personality traits is comparable to building any other skills that one wants to learn or cultivate.Read and ExploreChecking Your Vocabulary1 Play detective and find the required word or phrase in TextB according to the clues given. Then, make at least two sentences with each of the words or phrases you have found. The number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears isgiven in brackets.1) A noun meaning “a liking for one thing rather than another”: (Para. 2) Write down the target word here: preferencea. It is really difficult to tell you how much salt to add to this dish as it depends on individual preference.b. Please indicate your preference in the registration form so that the organizer knows which workshop you would like to attend.2) A verb meaning “to increase in size, number, volume, degree, etc.”: (Para. 3)Write down the target word here: expanda. After three years of profit making, he expanded his grocery shop into a supermarket.b. If you do not watch what you eat, your waist will expand.3) A phrase meaning “safe from; untroubled or uncontrolled by”: (Para. 4)Write down the target phrase here: free froma. I am thinking of quitting my job in the city and moving to the countryside to lead a carefree life, free from pollution and stress.b. To be happy is to be free from worries.4) An adjective meaning “chief;main; principal”: (Para. 5)Write down the target word here: primarya. The primary objective of this research is to find out how regularly people in different age groups exercise.b. The police have just arrested the primary suspect of a murder case.5) An adverb meaning “as a result; therefore”: (Para. 5)Write down the target word here: consequentlya. The serious soil pollution is a danger to agriculture andconsequently to human health.b. We are confronted with a lot of problems; consequently no one in our group is free from worry.6) An adverb meaning “connected with or happening in the mind”: (Para. 6) Write down the target word here: mentallya. The boy is physically healthy and strong, but mentally he is not sound and healthy.b. It’s going to be a tough competition, but I’m mentally prepared for it.7) A phrase meaning “to be anxious or worried about sth. or sb.”: (Para. 7)Write down the target phrase here: be / become concerned abouta. My mother has been sick for the past few weeks and I am so concerned about her health.b. The boss is very concerned about the way his secretary carries out her duties.8) A noun meaning “faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group,or cause, etc.”: (Para. 9)Write down the target word here: loyaltya. The prize is seen as a reward for his loyalty to the company.b. Their loyalty to the cause had never been in doubt.9) A phrase meaning “to be satisfied or quietly happy”: (Para. 9)Write down the target phrase here: be content witha. My parents always tell me that in order to be happy, we must learn to be content with what we have.b. James is not content with his current job so he is actively looking for another one.10) A verb meaning “to lose or give up, es pecially for a good purpose or to gain a desirable result”: (Para. 9)Write down the target word here: sacrificea. In some ancient cultures, human beings were sacrificed as gifts to gods.b. Because the talk on mental health is important, I have to sacrifice my lunch to attend it.11) An adjective meaning “giving equal attention to all sides or all opinions”: (Para. 10)Write down the target word here: balanceda. The news report presents a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict.b. In today’s news paper there is a balanced and impartial report of the election campaign.12) An adverb meaning “usually; in the usual or ordinary way”: (Para. 10) Write down the target word here: normallya. I normally go to bed early, but I stayed up last night.b. Though he has failed in the mid-term exam, he is now behaving rather normally.2 Rewrite each of the following sentences with a phrase that appears in Text B. Focus on the italicized parts. The number of the paragraph in which the target phrase appears is given in brackets.1) They did not have enough fund for the research project and they were short of hands then, but they accepted the unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and managed as well as they could. (Para. 3)They did not have enough fund for the research project and they were short of hands, but they managed to make the best of it.2) Joe is unable to get away from a relationship that he doesn’t enjoy. (Para. 6)Joe is stuck in a relationship that he doesn’t enjoy.3) I bought this car six years ago and it is still in good condition; I don’t think I need to buy a new one now. (Para. 7)I bought this car six years ago and it is still in good shape; I don’t think I need to buy a new one now.4) Jenny has made a choice of studying film-making instead of computer science. (Para. 7)Jenny has opted for studying film-making instead of computer science.5) Since the fight with his parents a few days ago, he has stopped listening to them and closed himself off from everything. (Para. 8)Since the fight with his parents a few days ago, he has shut himself off from everything.6) At your age, you should know what you want to do in life and what you want to achieve instead of letting your parents make decisions for you.(Para. 9)At your age, you should be in (total) control of your life instead of letting your parents make decisions for you.7) She got a divorce and finally got rid of the control of her abusive husband. (Para. 9)She got a divorce and finally broke away from her abusive husband.8) The forecasters say more snow is due to come in the near future. (Para. 10)The forecasters say more snow is on the way.Checking Your Comprehension1 Based on the information contained in Text B, match the colors in Column A with the descriptions of personality in Column B. Write down the corresponding letter in the space provided.Column A Column B1) Red b a. sb. who probably likes fairy tales a lot2) Yellow g b. sb. who has a strong will to win3) Green e c. sb. who doesn’t feel safe4) Violet a d. sb. who is happy with whatever he / she has5) Brown c e. sb. who will not give up easily6) Grey h f. sb. who is willing to fight hard to change his / her current life7) Blue d g. sb. who doesn’t like a hectic and bu sy lifestyle8) Black f h. sb. who probably cannot make up his / her mind easily2 Based on the information provided in the text, summarize what each colour says about the person who chooses it as his / her favourite colour. Write down your answers in the space provided.Colour What It RepresentsRed impulsive, sexy and having the will to winYellow ambitious and eager to pleaseGreen persistent, possessive and rather selfishViolet mentally and physically immature, living in a fantasy worldBrown restless and insecureGrey unwilling to make a commitment, choosing to be left aloneBlue sensitive and easily hurtBlack willing to fight against fateOptional Classroom Activities2 Think of a person you know well. He / She could be a family member or a friend. Write down five personality traits that can best describe him / her and give examples to support your description. Personality TraitsHardworkingExamplesHe opened a small grocery shop in a small village.He worked almost 18 hours a day and never took a holiday.Personality Traits KindExamplesHe would allow very poor customers to pay for the things they took on an instalment (分期付款) basis.Personality Traits StrictExamplesHe would not tolerate misbehaviour from his children.He would punish them when they were in the wrong.Personality Traits PersistentAlthough life was tough, he never gave up and persisted in keeping his shop open.Personality Traits SociableHe could get along with almost everyone in his village whether they were children, adults or old people.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.。

Liste ning and Speak ing1.Growi ng UpGrow ing up is by no means a bad thi ng. It allows us to make a1) differenee in the world, to find out who we are, and to live the life we 2)imagined as ehildren. Wedreamed of growing up when we rested our young heads on our downy pillows and looked up with 3) wonder at the glow-i n-the-dark stars stuck to our eeili ng, won deri ng what the world4) looked like beyond our own home, beyond the world that had been someticulously created for us. Yet upon growing up, we find that reality ofte n 5)contends with those very dreams. We find that the6) reality of growing up is perhaps less lovely than we' d envisioned. We find thatthe only thing we really want back is our youth and our7) innocence and the cruel irony is that these are the very things thatwill never 8) return .Text ARead ing Comprehe nsioni.A.My momwas said to be a good momuntil one day in my ninth year, she left my two brothers and me forever. What she did puzzled me and cha nged everything in my life, though I never shed a tear . My dad did what he could to keep our life as no rmal as possible, prompti ng us to rema in grateful to God. The revisiting of the memoryof mymomduring my senior year of high school made me un dersta nd that I n eeded to grieve my moso that I could move on to a new chapter of my life. I couldn ' t find anyone to whom to discharge my emotio ns un til I participated in Kathy Rudy' s Baldwin Scholars freshman seminar in Duke, where I learned to let go of my mother and was able to make sense of some of the thi ngs in my life. Notice of the speculati on of my mother' s death left me shock in gly unaffected, for the grief and the pressures imposed upon mylife by mymom were already released. The whole issue taught me that people n eed to deal with the past by understanding it, then leaving it behind , and most importa ntly, ack no wledgi ng pain as an opport un ity for growth.Read ing and Discuss ingLan guage in Use4.4) dischargi ng5) clarity6) con tacted7) compromise8) grieved9) affirmed10) prompted5.1) If you don' t know what you want, you might end up with something you don' t want .2) It is the time of year whenthe island nations of the Caribbean normallyexpect their hotels and beaches to be crammed with sun-seekers3) I can teach you about kindn ess, but I cannot impose gracious nesson/upon you .4) Whe npare nts find it hard to let go of bitterness or an ger, or if they are depressed about the changes brought on by divorce, they can find help from a coun selor or therapist.5) As the preferred can didate for this job he has no shortco ming other than his lack of experie nee6.3) on hand4) at hand5) along the way6) out of the way7) in the way8) on the way to9) By the way10) un der way7.For reference2) A3) A8) C8.1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。

Vocabulary I. 1. 1) sprinkled 2) in turn 3) reversed 4) repay 5) at sea 6) traditional 7) statement 8) longed for 9) in secret 10) unloaded 11) weep 12) under way 2. 1) stretch out 2) make out 3) hope for 4) turns (it) over 5) put away 6) brings back 7) got to 8) go about 3. 1) d i m i n i s h, p e o p l e a r e w o r k i n g t o i n c r e a s e t h e u s e o f solar energy. 2) We accord high priority to meeting the challenges of economic and environmental development in the region. 3) are exposed to more information than were children of the past, it does not follo w that they automatically become more sophisticated. 4) has been immersed in British history and culture. 5) in a flash on June 1, 2000 when he lost both legs in a serious traffic accident . 4. 1) my sincere ; considerate of ; with gratitude 2) assembled;amid the; in questof;had undergone;swift ;andthe rest II. Collocation 3. thoughtful of 4. confident of 5. conscious of 1, fond of 2. sick of 6. critical of 7. guilty of 8. ashamed of III. Usage 1. T o know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they s ay. 2. It is cooperation, rather than conflict, that will enable you to achieve your su ccess. 3. Ann made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to thi nk. 4. I think I'll stay at home this evening rather than go / going out. 5. Most people are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan / planning for them. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1.1) at sea 2) Turning over 3) reverse 4) got to 5) repay 6) gratitude 7) assem bled 8)immersed in 9) unloading 10) swift 2. 1) instead 2) possessions 3) richer 4) breath 5) cherish 6) special 7) specific 8) shining 9) miracles 10) gift II. Translation 1. 1) Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice. 2) I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science. 3) The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China. 4) Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair. 5) Peter has worked in a law firm for many years.You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help. 2.Amid Amid the the the atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere of of of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving George George George was was was immersed immersed immersed in in in the the the diary diary diary left left left to to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many many of of of the the the specific specific specific things things things his his his father father father did did did on on on his his his behalf. behalf. behalf. George’s George’s George’s father father father used used used to to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. Even today, today, George George George still still still remembers remembers remembers how how how his his his fath fath father er er would would would quote quote quote Aesop’s Aesop’s Aesop’s famous famous famous saying saying “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls” and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it. 。

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一册听力答案及原文(unit5)Unit 5Listening & SpeakingThe Language for Making Requests1. Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor talking about making requests.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Instructor:In our daily life, we need to make requests(要求). In other words, we need toask somebody to do something. We can make polite, hesitant(犹豫的), formal(正), and direct requests. How to make a request depends on whom you are 式的talking. You can use the following correct language in different situations: 1. Could you turn down the TV a little, please? (polite)2. Would you clean the room, please? (polite)3. Do you think you could turn on the light? (polite)4. Would you mind giving me his E-mail address? (polite)5. I wonder if you could possibly shut off (关掉) theradio.(hesitant)6. Can you take it away? (direct)7. Will you throw these old things away? (direct)8. Do me a favor and open the window, will you? (direct)2. Directions: Now you can make requests using the structures you have just picked up in Exercise 1. Practice with a partner and use the appropriate responses given below.1. OK.2. Sure. No problem.3. Yes, of course.4. I’d be glad to.5. All right.6. Never mind.1. I’m sorry. But…2. Oh, but…3. Well, but…Making Requests3.1) Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following wordswhich may be new to you.Do ,用于加强语气,确实dorm 宿舍Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missingwords.Li Ming: Excuse me.Wang Ying: Yes?Li Ming: I was wondering if you could lend me your dictionary. I’m doing myhomework.Wang Ying: I’m sorry. I’m using it right now. Maybe later.Li Ming: Oh, that’s OK. Thanks anyway.Wang Ying: Do you think you could get one at the bookstore? Li Ming: Oh, I do have one. But I left it in the dorm.Wang Ying: I see.Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the followingquestions.1. Where could Wang Ying and Li Ming be ?They could be in the library or in the classroom.2. What did Li Ming ask Wang Ying to do?He asked her if she could lend him her dictionary.3. What did Wang Ying do with the request?She turned it down.4. What did Wang Ying ask Li Ming to do?She asked him to get a copy at the bookstore.5. Did Li Ming do it at Wang Ying’s request? Why or why not?No. Because he did have a dictionary, but left it in the dorm.2) Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the followingwords which may be new to you.stereo 立体声apartment 公寓Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missingwords.Tom Chang: (Li Ming opens the door.) Hi. I’m your new neighbor, Tom Chang. Ilive next door.Li Ming: Oh, hi. I’m Li Ming. So, you just moved in?Tom Chang: Yes. Last week.Li Ming: Do you need anything?Tom Chang: Not right now. But thanks anyway. Li Ming: Uh, any problems?Tom Chang: Well, would you mind turning your stereo down? The walls arereally thin, so the sound goes through to my apartment. It’s so loud Ican’t stand it.Li Ming: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I’ll do it right now.Tom Chang: I appreciate that.Li Ming: Sure.Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the followingquestions.1. Where is Tom Chang living now?He’s living next door to Li Ming.2. What is Li Ming doing now?He’s playing loud music.3. Why is Tom Chang having a word with Li Ming?Because the noise is so loud he can’t stand it.4. What is Li Ming going to do right now?He’s going to turn his stereo down.5. Do you think Tom made a polite request? And why?Yes, because he used the polite language.4. Directions: Write a dialogue with your partner like the ones in Exercise 3. Beginwith Part A and let your partner play the role of Part B. After that, practice the dialogue in class, stating a problem and making arequest using the language you learned in Exercise 1.Listening Practice5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.1. M : Look at the view!W: Beautiful ! There’s nothing like Shanghai at night.A) A park. B) A view(景色).C) A country. D) A window.2. W: So, what was the best thing about your trip?M : Oh, that’s difficult to say.A) A word. B) A problem.C) A trip. D) Difficulties.3. W: And what’s the weather like in Beijing?M: Well, it’s cold in the winter, and hot in the summer.A) Weather. B) Snow.C) Vacation. D) Hometown.4. W: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a child?M : Yeah. That’s me.A) Children. B) Education .C) School. D) Pictures.5. M : The neighborhood sure has changed!W: What was this place like before?A) Noise. B) Neighbors.). C) Neighborhood(居住区). D) Campus(校园6. Directions: Listen to five questions and choose the appropriate answers.1. Excuse me, but could I ask you a question?A) Take it easy. B) Turn it down. C) Oh, which one? D) Sure. What is it?2. Would that be all right?A) Oh great. B) Of courseC) That’s right. D) What’s that?3. Is this seat taken?A) I’d love to. B) Yes, it does. C) No, help yourself. D) Sorry, I didn’t know.4. Are you sure you’ll be okay?A) Yeah, I’m sure. B) Oh, that’s OK.C) Maybe, I’ll. D) Sure do.5. How is everything?A) Everything seems to be going fineB) That’s what I want to say.C) I agree with you. D) That’s for sure.7. Directions: Listen to five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.1. M: O.K. Janet, can you take care of things here? I should only be gone a fewminutes.W: Sure, no problem. I’ll see you later.Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A) A customer and a waitress. B) A boss and a secretary(秘书).C) A librarian and a student. D) A teacher and a student.2. M: Hi. Can I help you?W: Yes, please. Could I have something for a cough? I think I’m getting acold.Q: What does the woman need?A) Milk. B) Sugar.C) Medicine. D) Humor.3. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office is? W: Right behind you. See that sign?Q: Where is the post office?A) Next to the sign. B) Behind the sign.C) Behind the man. D) In front of the man.4. W: Michael, pick up your things. They’re all over the floor.M: In a minute, Mom. I’m on the phone.Q: What’s Michael doing now?A) He’s a sking somebody to do something.B) He’s talking with his mother.C) He’s picking up his things.D) He’s talking on the phone.5. W: Tom! It’s too loud. I can’t study.M: Sorry about that. I’ll turn it down.Q: What’s the woman’s problem?A) Sleep. B) Study.C) Noise. D) Heat(热).8. Directions: Listen to the following short talk and fill in the blanks with themissing words. The talk is given twice.In almost all cultures around the world throughout history, gold has beenvalued and sought as a precious(珍贵的) metal(金属) and acommodity(商品). Ithas been a symbol(象征) of power, wealth(财富) and success.One of the most exciting events in Californian(美国加州的) history occurredon January 24, 1848. John Sutter had a huge land grant(授予物) atthe junction(汇合处) of the American and Sacramento Rivers. He hired James Marshall to build asawmill(锯木厂) at a place the Indians called Coloma. On that cold January morning, Marshall found something shining up from themillrace(推动水车的水流). He picked up several pieces. Were these small nuggets(小块) really gold? Hetested one by smashing it . It flattened(变平) but didn’t break. The woman who cooked for the construction(建造) people tested another in a pot(罐) of lye(碱液).It was gold! With this chance discovery of a few, small gold nuggets on theAmerican River, everything changed in California. Sutter had hopedto keep the news of this discovery quiet while completing hisconstruction. But there was no controlling gold fever(发烧)! People flocked(拥向) to California’s gold. This isthe California Gold Rush.(184 words)9. Directions: Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questionsorally.1. What is gold?It’s a precious metal and a commodity.2. What happened in California in 1848?James Marshall found something shining up from the millrace.3. How did Marshall know what he had found was gold?He tested one by smashing it between two rocks. It flattened and didn’tbreak.4. What did Sutter hope to do when Marshall had found gold?He hoped to keep the news of this discovery quiet while completing hisconstruction.5. What happened after the chance discovery of gold?People flocked to California’s gold.。
大学英语综合教程1 Unit 5课后习题答案

Text ComprehensionI. BII.T T F T TIII.1.Refer to Paragraphs 4,9,12. They are, first, to stand firmly for your convictions in theface of personal pressure; second, always to give others credit that is rightfully theirs;and third, to be honest and open about what you really are2.Refer to Paragraph 8. the author concludes that you can’t give in when you know you areright.3.Refer to Paragraph 9. This example shows that you should appreciate and accept thosewho are smarter and brighter than you are.4.Refer to Paragraph 12. They usually rely on external factors. They do so because,neglecting the development of their inner value and personal growth, only their looks or status can make them feel good.5.Refer to Paragraph 14 They are self-respect and a clear conscience.6.Refer to the last paragraph. A life of principle will always win the day withoutsuccumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, and will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror.IV. 1. Integrity means having one’s own norms and rules of judging what is right, what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. o2. Integrity is rare at present.3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and material were used and locatedduring an operation.4. When you are right, you should insist.5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looks and status. Vocabulary exercisesI. 1. that is current2. difficult to find or obtain3. make an effort to attain4. Insist on/ Stick to; despite/when faced with5. Always recognize and praise rightly other s’ achievement6. behave in a way that is natural, or normalII. 1. appointed 2. politically 3. account for 4. succumbed to5. ensured6. instinctively7. tough8. object9. challenge 10. seductiveIII. D A B C B A C AIV. 1. Morality; morality; ethics; ethics2. demands; asked; asking; demanded3. real; genuine; real; genuine4. preserve; preserve; save; saveV.1. truthful, upright, frank2. outer, external, exterior3. rare, uncommon, scant4. fire, sack, dismiss5. resolutely, determinedly, unyieldingly6. fearless, dauntless, brave, bold7. unpleasant, disagreeable8. unfashionable, old-fashioned, outdatedVI.1. inexperienced2. rightful3. impoliteness4. handful5. heady6. straightening7. sleepy8. beggarGrammar exercisesI.1. Giving instruction.2. Expressing a wish.3. Making a suggestion.4. Giving an order.5. Giving an order and expressing anger.6. Inviting.7. Warning.8. Forbidding.II.1.Take a break.2.Let’s not stay here any longer.3.Stop criticizing others.4.Have another biscuit, please.5.In this play you be the princess and I be the witch.6.Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.7.Don’t you ever be late again!/Never be late again.8.Let us never forget the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.III.1. will/ can/ can’t you2. will/won’t you3. will you4. shall we5. will/could/can you6. will/won’t/can’t you7. will you8. shall weIV. 3 5 4 8 7 2 1 6V.1. another2. another3. others4. other5. another6. the other7. the others 8. another, othersVI.And that is exactly what her parents expected her to be--- a world-famous ballerina. Translation exercisesI.1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。
大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 5 Giving and Receiving 课后习题参考答案

Text AReading Comprehension2. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) D3. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) ALanguage Practice1. 1) guilty译文:有时候我对花时间玩游戏感到非常内疚。
2) further译文:她接受了这项新工作以进一步发展她的事业。
3) foster译文:我们努力在这个部门创造一个开放的交流环境。
4) privileged译文:最后,请允许我再说一遍,此次访问贵国,我们感到特别的愉快和荣幸。
5) remarked译文:所有的朋友都在戏谑地谈论着他结婚后发生的变化。
6) awareness译文:政府正努力提升公众的环保意识。
7) carefree译文:我怀念我们一起泡酒吧的那些无忧无虑的日子。
8) lack译文:因为缺氧,他们夜里无法入睡,还要忍受疼痛的煎熬。
9) accomplish译文:我们现在正让员工寻找达成目标的最好方法。
10) passionate译文:尽管薪酬很低,他对自己的工作仍充满热情。
11) blame译文:经济危机不能全怪政府。
12) comprehend译文:他看起来还不了解情况的严重性。
13) burden译文:不要紧张。
14) uncertainty译文:因为有这么多的不确定性,现在还远不是启动这个项目的好时机。
15) entirely译文:我们不会做任何决定。
2. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) C 7) D 8) A 9) B 10) B3. 1) with identify with 认同2) in be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事3) on down on one’s luck 运气不好4) on have an impact on 对……产生影响5) in involvement in 参与4. 1) overcrowded 过度拥挤的2) superpowers 超级大国3) outnumber (数量上)超过4) extracurricular 课外的5) hyperlink 超链接6) byproducts 副产品7) extrasolar 太阳系之外的8) overload 超负荷5. 注解:本单元的语法内容有关情态动词表示推测,主要关注must和may,以及不同时态下表示推测的方式。

• 2. make one's way: go
• Examples: 1) Early in the morning the hunter made his way into the woods.
2) The old man slowly rose from his seat and made his way
b) Totally absorbed in writing the computer software, Michael
ordered take-out food when he was hungry, slept on the office floor
when tired out.
• 2) take in
• Examples: The more serious drama encourages its
audiences to become better informed and more thoughtful.
8. previous: happening or coming before or earlier
• 4. absorb: 1) (usu. passive) completely hold one's attention (usu.
followed by in)
• Examples: a) I was so absorbed in the detective story that I jumped up when someone patted me on the back.
margins and hence charging greater prices.

Key to Exercises (Units 1-7) Unit 1Part II Text AText organization l.2.VocabularyI. 1. 1) arguments 2) put ... down3) sequence 4) rigid5) tedious 6) hold back7) reputation 8) distribute9) off and on 10) vivid11) associate ... with 12) congratulations13) finally 14) turn in/turn out15) tackle2. 1) George has been assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.2)There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.3)She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.4)When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5)As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.3. 1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to havethe faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.2)Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on outof date ideas.3)I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read tothe class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratulations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.II. Synonyms in Context1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating 8. anticipateIII. Collocation1. at2. for3. of4. with5. as6. about7. to 8. in, in9. from 10. on/uponStructure1. 1) Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia. 2) They are said to be building another bridge across the river.3) Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.4) Those love poems were believed to have been composed by an English poet of the sixteenth century.2. 1) as you suggested 2) as I told you to3) exactly as I was4) as you have described them to meComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. hold back 3. tedious 5. recall7. arguments9. turn out/turn in (B) 1. that 3. black 5. at7. different 9. On11. answer 13. wrong 15. ThusII. Translation2. congratulations 4. scanned 6. vivid8. off and on 10. career2. after4. kids/children 6. for/of 8. So 10. she12. assignment/book 14. proved 16.myselfPart III TextBComprehension Check l.b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5.b 6. cTranslation(参见 Appendix HI) Language Practice 1. on purpose 3. comprises 5. assumed 7. generally 9. represent 11. voluntary 13. motioned 15. decentUnit 2Part II Text APoints for Discussion1. a) He sounded as if he had a cold or something.b) "Thanks," I said, "but I don't want to read your mail. That's pretty personal."c) ... the first sentence reminded me of myself: "I've been meaning to write for some time, but I've always postponed it."d) It then went on to say that he often thought about the good times they had had together when2. in advance 4. adjusting to 6. think up 8. clashes 10. evil12. in the meantime 14. appealthey both lived in the same neighborhood.b)He shook his head: "Time."c)"This is a good part here," I said. "Where it says, your friendship over the years has meant anawful lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that." I found myself nodding in agreement. "That must have made you feel good, didn't it?"d)"I know I'd like to receive a letter like that from my oldest friend."Text Organization1. 1) The story begins with the cab driver reading a letter.2)The letter Tom wrote to his friend Ed.3)Their conversation was centered on the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed.4)The author got to learn more about their friendship by reading the letter himself.2.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-20 From a conversation with the cab driver the author learnedhow much he regretted failing to keep up correspondenceVocabularyI. 1. 1) absolutely3) every now and then5) destination7) mostly9) right away11) or something13) went by15) keep in touch2. 1) It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2) He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3) She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4) Something has come up and I am afraid I won't be able to accomplish the project on time. 5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3. 1) A couple of flights at Pudong Airport were postponed this morning because of the awfulweather. It is estimated that over one thousand passengers were held up.2) My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it.3) Michael is not much of a teacher. He often skips from one subject to another so it is difficult for his students to follow him. Besides he just lets them go ahead with exercises without making sure they have understood what they are expected to do.II. Collocation1. to2. for3. at4. from5. in *6. to7. on8. with2) available 4) are urging/urged 6) know ... by heart 8) hangs out 10) reunion 12) practically 14) going aheadIII. Usage1. more or less2. kind of/sort of3. Something4. kind of/sort of5. more or less6. or somethingStructure1. 1) may/might as well watch2)may/might as well pour out3)may/might as well walk4)may/might as well buy2. 1) She looks as if she is worried about it.2)It smells as if it is fresh.3)It sounds as if it is Chinese.4)It feels as if it is made of silk.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. choked up3. practically5. correspondence 7. destination9. Mostly11. absolutely(B)1. how3. but5. to7. reply/answer 9. asking11.touch13. pieces15. check 2. awful4. neighborhood 6. available8. reunion 10. postponing2. himself4. So6. long8. from10. when 12. for14. go16. outPart III Text B Comprehension Checkl. d 3. a 5. c 7. d 2. b 4. d 6. dTranslation(参见Appendix III) language Practice1. stuff3. dragging5. get rid of7. was peering/peered 9. swung11. extent13. draw on15. Worse still 2. uneasy4. highlight6. despair8.soaked10. in good shape 12. rescue14. let... downUnit 3Part II Text AText Organization2. 1) The importance of the teaching of science in schools. 2) The role mass media can play, especially what television can do.Vocabularyinquired in terms of tend precise grasped sufficient convey in two minds Winning the match today has ensured their team a place in the Cup Final. Susan was not informed of the reasons why she was dismissed. These computer games entertain as well as educate the learner. No living thing can do without air and water. The election is likely to be held in June.The film's appeal lies in not only the entertainment it provides to the audience but also the questions it raises about the possible contact between human beings and alien civilizations. 2) The decision on the new project is made on the basis of scientific study. The project is2) brief 4) cut...off 6) anyway 8) moreover 10) in the form of 12) initiative 14) fit into1 • 1) 3)5)7)9) 11) 13) 15) 2 1) 2) 3) 4)5) 3.1)II. Prefixation 1. regained 3. undersupplied 5. precondition 7. mispronounced2. undecided 4. disabled6. foresight 8. enrichIII. Antonyms 2. 1)majority3) increased5) local 7) wrong2) accepted4) weaknesses 6) late 8) falseStructure1) My income is now twice as much as I used to earn two years ago.2) I am wearing only half as much as I usually do because of the warm weather.3) If you had spent half as much time on your studies as your elder sister did, you could have made the honor roll.4) I could eat/could have eaten as much again if the doctor had not told me to go on a diet.1) As is shown by the growth rate of GDP in the last two decades, China's reform and open policy is a great success.2) As is predicted by some newspapers, there will be a substantial cut in tax on imported cars inGood bad modern ancient Rich poor forget remember Dry wet go come Agree differ young oldAttack defend simple difficult Colored colorless like v., n. dislike Long short likely unlikely Early late trust distrustthe coming year.3) As is proved by the records, China's human rights situation has been steadily improving over the years.4) The failure of the joint venture was not, as was assumed by outsiders, because of lack of capital, but because of poor management. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze(A)1. attitude2. highly3. informed4. bring... about5. rate6. sufficient7. put across8. proportion9. Hence 10. ensure11. audience(B)1. which2. how3. Besides4. that/which5. discoveries6. Another7. through8. other9. an10. affect 11. imagine/tell 12. may 13. supply 14. around 15. make16. livePart III TextBComprehension Checkl.d 3. a 5. c 7. b2. b 4. c 6. aTranslation(参见 Appendix III)Language Practice1. outcome 3. yield5. worn down 7. amount9. proposed 11. Somehow 13. process 15. challenges2. frustrating 4. Failure6. conclusions 8. professional 10. evaluating 12. bulk14. step by stepUnit 4Part II Text AText OrganizationMain Events1)Tony worked as a help at Mr. Crawford's house.2)Tony got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawford's factory.3)Tony learned to become a skilled worker.4)Tony bought a house with Mr. Crawford's help.5)Tony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy. VocabularyI. 1.1) wreck3) approaching 2) balance 4) handle5) discard 6) have worked out7) Above all 8) passed away9) diet 10) do with11) confidence 12) cleaned up13) property 14) weekly15) amuse2. 1) Efforts to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all people in the sunken ship had died.2)I was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world.3)Her request for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and shecould provide no guarantee.4)The home network system on display was found to be very helpful in freeing people from trivialhousework.5)Nothing will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1) You can spend hours wandering around the department stores, leisurely inspecting the items forsale, or hunting for some antiques along the sidewalks, where you'll most likely be amazed by the variety of things on display.2)The local government encourages laid-off workers to learn another trade and become skilledworkers. Besides, it has done a lot to help solve their financial troubles by creating re-employment opportunities and by providing business startup loans.3)For years, the farmer had built up a reputation for kindness by calling on his needy neighborsand trying to be helpful. He was very much respected in the neighborhood and hundreds attended his funeral when he passed away.II. Confusable Words1.1) personal 2) personnel2.1) sometime 3) some time2) Sometimes 4) sometimeIII. Euphemisml.d 2. e3. h4. c5.g6. a7. b 8.fStructure1.1) Every day, the kids came home from school dusty and hungry.2)The newly-appointed director walked to his office cheerful and confident.3)Ben hurried home, anxious to watch the football league game on TV.4)Jenny opened the door quietly, afraid of waking the baby up. 2,1) "... snow pretty soon,"Correction: "... it's going to snow pretty soon,"2)"When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory."Correction: "When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory."3)"I like a buy a house." Correction: "I'dlike to buy a house."4)"Mr. Craw, I sell my house!"Correction: "Mr. Crawford, I've sold my house!"5) "Mr. Craw, I buy a farm."Correction: "Mr. Crawford, I've bought a farm."Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. create2. sponsored3. amazed4. determination5. away6. capacity7. loan 8. character9. hunting 10. send for(B)1. with2. until3. in4. or5. kids/children6. up7. dream 8. more9. for 10. open11. house 12. don't13. and 14. youPart III Text B Comprehension Checkl.a 3. c 5. a 2. c 4. d 6. dTranslation(参见Appendix III) Language Practice1. appointed3. hardship5. fulfill7. take advantage of 9. was motivated 11. afterward13. surroundings 15. obtain2. divorced4. have come up with 6. opportunity8. be threatening 10. Assure12. sacrifice14. soaredUnit 5PART II Text AText Organization1. 1) Para 2 His interest in her had begun twelve months before in a Florida library.2)Para 7 I'll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened.3)Para 16 It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell's wisdom.Vocabularyi. 1.1 3 5 7 911 13 15 2. 12 3 4 5 3.1 2 3 fertilestraightens overseas slim sustainedgrateful more than a little keenThe extent of the human body's response to a drug depends on the amount taken.Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother. A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities. I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn't hear Martin come in. The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball. During the 1880s, several black colleges were founded in the U.S. to broaden educational opportunities for black students and help them make their way in the world.Joy Warren was grateful to the five rescuers for saving her three children from the sinking car in response to her cry for help."The food at this hotel disgusts me. Why not dine at the restaurant across the street?""Well, we haven't reserved a table, but we'll take a chance on its not being full."II. Usage 1. 1) frightened 2) afraid / frightened2. 1) alike / similar 2) similar3. 1) alive4. 1) sleeping2) reflected 4) identify6) scheduled, scheduled 8) split 10) glow 12) delicate 14) thrust2) living 2) asleepIII. Word Family1.1) disappointed2. 1) attractive2)disappointment 2) attract3)disappointing 3) attraction4)disappoint 4) attractively5)disappointingly 5) unattractively6)disappointing 6) unattractiveStructure1. 1) Europa is one of Jupiter's four bright satellites, all named after characters in Greek mythology.2)The woman stood over there, her graying hair pinned up under a worn hat.3)The tourist bus rolled south, the fields it passed green with newly planted rice.4)The principal stormed into the noisy classroom, his face black with anger.2. 1) Please sit down for a moment, and I'll tell the manager you're here.2)Drop a stone into a smooth lake, and the surface will be covered with circular waves movingoutward from the center.3)Bring the flowers into a warm room, and they'll soon open.4)Arrive late once more, and you're fired.Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze(A)1) identifying3) margins5) corresponding 7) more than a little9) grateful11) response(B) 1) before3) believed/thought5) Nor/Neither 2)gripped4)scheduled 6)overseas8) hesitated10)made my way 12going my way 2) thought4)ring6)She7) did9) that/it 11) Jenny/she 13) and 15) had 17) but8) letter 10) the 12) could 14) with 16) tableII. TranslationComprehension Checkl.b 3.d 5. c 2. c 4. b 6. dTranslation(参见Appendix III) Language Practice1. identity 3. came across 5. goodness 7. hope for 9. erect11. for sure 2. are forbidden4. make out6. relief8. other than10. clue(s)12. is coming to an end13. knots14. exchange15. match up toUnit 6Part II Text AText Organization1. Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2.VocabularyI. 1.1) maintaining 3) go (very) far 5) make a deal 7) wiped out 9) convince 11) encountered 13) assessed 15) envy2. 1) There used to be a long / long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or not.2) Kate felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly.3) Something suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay.4) It's a miracle that she survived the air crash when it brought about 109 deaths.2) intelligent 4) has expanded 6) In the interest(s) of 8) surrounding 10) figure out 12) has cooperated 14) (had) switched5) She is determined not to give in until they give her a pay rise.II. Confusable Words1. firstly 3. At first 5. first 7. at first2. first, first4. First/Firstly 6. First8. firstIII. UsagePhrases1.animal intelligence2.zoo keeper3.eye contact4.money supply5.killer whale6.baby whale7.family member8.sea turtle In the phrase, the attributive noun indicates: whosewherethrough whatof whatwhat kindhow oldof whatwhat kind/ whereStructure1.1) Scott arrived at the South Pole on January 18th, only to find that someone had got there beforehim.2)They spent a lot of time negotiating for a pay increase, only to get fired.3)I got to the theater only to find that I had left the ticket at home.4)I went to this St. Valentine's party to have some fun only to discover that everyone there was mymother's age.2. 1) Why pay so much for such a coat? You could have it at half of the price in the supermarketnear our house.2) The central heating system seems to have gone wrong. Why not call the repairman to check it?3)Why argue with him any more? He's made up his mind not to undertake this task.4)"I called and left a message for him several times but he never called back." "Why not try hismobile phone, then? "Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. emergency2. evidence3. original4. sizing up5. negotiates6. reveal7. intelligent 8. make a deal9. dominant 10. in their interest(s)11. deceiving 12. controversy13. judgment 14. explore(B)1. or2. How3. from4. However5. behavior6. when7. doesn't 8. example9. But 10. attention11. Another 12. that13. a 14. every15. associate 16. when17. food 18. LearningPart III Text B Comprehension Checkl.b3.d5. cTranslation(参见Appendix III)Language Practice1. purchase3. display5. shed light on7. typical9. alarmed11. pulled himself together 13. cautious15. accompany 2. d4. b6. a2. took to4. rejected6. magnificent8. Nevertheless10. exhibited/displayed 12. indicate14. observingUnit 7Part II Text AText Organizationi.2.Scenes Paragraphs Main EventsScene 1 Paras 14-27 Anthony jumped from the train, covered Todd, reached outwith one arm to grab Scott and pull him clear of the track.Then he pushed downward on the two children with all hisstrength.Scene 2 Paras 28-33 Anthony got Kate to call the police and ambulance. In themeantime, he was holding Scott for fear that any movementcould worsen the internal injuries he might have.II. Usage1.The sound of the engine became thunderous.2.He exploded: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"3.The fireman sprang through the window into the room.4.He froze when he faced the audience.5.He stared at me in shock.6.Every morning, the policeman on duty will see thousands of cars flash by.7.The plane crashed into the mountainside, killing all aboard.III. Word Formation1. possibility 3. amazement 5. widened 7. fulfillment2. highly4. violation6. neighborhood 8. determinationStructure1.1) making3) to ask5) spending7) to pay2.1) With Christmas only a week away2)With his physical condition improving day by day3)With our GDP growing steadily4)With all the shops closedComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. incident3. instant5. horror7. grab9. loose11. all my strength13. punched(B)1. had3. with5. for7. with9. house2. leaping4. spotted6. calculating 8. clear of10. reach out 12. scraped14. internal2. when4. before6. herself8. on10. other/older2) to kill4) to think6) being spoken8) practicing11. too 13. speak 15. come 17. When 19. of 12. and 14. to 16. out 18. what 20. likeII. TranslationThe instant the professor entered the classroom, the words on the blackboard "Welcome Back Professor" drew his attention. He had been injured in a car accident, and had had several operations ina nearby hospital. The doctor calculated his chances of survival to be no more than 10%. Now, notonly had he recovered from his injury, but he was also able to resume teaching. Every student felt excited at the sight of him, and minutes passed before the class cooled down.Part Text BComprehension Check1. a 3. c 5. a 7. b2. b 4. d 6. dTranslation(#JSL Appendix III) Language Practice1. plunged 3. squeeze 5. hang on 7. presence 9. pressure 11.snapped 13. pray 15. up to2. wrapped 4.shivering 6.collapsed 8.conceal 10.crushed 12. trapped 14. nowhere。

大学英语第三版第一册第五单元课文翻译及练习答案III Vocabulary Activities1.1)g 2)c 3)i 4)a 5)j 6)d 7)b 8)e 9)h 10)f2.1)illustration 2)is illustrated 3) the latter 4) enclosed 5) qualifications6) echoes 7) worldwide 8) laundry 9) ancient 10) favorites 11) package12) minus 13) string 14) odds3.1) set her mind on/ set her mind to 2) working full-time on 3) fit in a4) to my astonishment 5) at random 6) burst into 7) here and there 8) graduated fromIV Enriching your wordpower:1.1) self-supporting 2) self-employed 3) self-respecting 4) self-made 5) self-reliant 6) self-educated2.1) He travelled worldwide.2) The bank has three branches in Liverpool, and over three hundred countrywide.3) The police made a citywide search for the criminals.4) The figures show unemployment falling nationwide last month.5) The rising number of car crimes is a nationwide problem.V.Usage1) frightened horse2) satisfying Chinese meal3) embarrassing moment4) writing table/ writing desk5) worried look/ worried expression6) excited children7) walking stick8) a very tiring dayVI Structure1.1) I do hope your dream to become a writer will come true.2) It does require a great effort of will to give up smoking.3) Do be more careful next time.4) Now, then! Do stop that noise!5) The young writer did get her novel finished in three weeks.2.1) To her disappointment, her sister had lost the race.2) To his delight, he saw his aunt in good health.3) To his great surprise, he found that someone had broken into his house.4) To our deep regret, we won't be able to attend the dinner party.VII Cloze1.1) illustrate 2) burst into 3) laughter 4) embarrassed 5) genius 6) laundry7) favorite 8) published 9) set your mind to/ set your mind on 10) qualifications2.1)his 2)manuscripts 3)of 4)publisher 5)publishing 6)It 7)But 8)try9)more 10)both 11)on 12)lose 13)threw 14)it 15)shouldn’t16)when17)himself 18)so 19)he 20)finished 21)andVIII.Spot Dictation1) assignment 2) chapter 3) special 4) does 5) changed his life 6) Until7) dreamed of 8) sought advice 9) encouragement 10) started offIX.Translation1) 简从书架上拿了一本杂志,开始东一页西一页地随便翻阅。

新视界大学英语综合教程第五单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading心计商家你有没有想过,为什么世界各地的商场看上去都差不多?这是因为他们已经进行了大量研究来分析购物者的行为。
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II. Usage
1. 1) frightened 2) afraid / frightened
2. 1) alike/ similar 2) similar
16) table 17) but
II. Translation
Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to / Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study . From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas. They often thought of Uncle Li and kept corresponding with him. Whenever he read their letters, Uncle Li's face would broaden into a smile. He felt this to be the most sensible investment in his life.
I. 1
1) fertile 2) reflected 3) straightens 4) identify 5) overseas
6) scheduled, scheduled 7) slim 8) split 9) sustained 10) glow
11) grateful 12) delicate 13) more than a little 14) thrust 15) keen
2) Drop a stone into a smooth lake, and the surface will be covered with circular waves moving outward from the center.
3) Bring the flowers into a warm room, and they'll soon open.
11) response 12)going my way
(B) 1) before2) thought 3) believed/thought 4) ring 5) Nor/Neither
6) She 7) did 8) letter 9) that/it 10) the
11) Jenny/she 12) could 13) and 14) with 15) had
3. A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities.
4. I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn't hear Martin come in.
4) disappoint 4) attractively
5) disappointingly 5) unattractively
6) disappointing 6) unattractive
1. 1) Europa is one of Jupiter's four bright satellites, all named after characters in Greek mythology.
4) The principal stormed into the noisy classroom, his face black with anger.
2. 1) Please sit down for a moment, and I'll tell the manager you're here.
3. 1) alive 2) living
4. 1) sleeping 2) asleep
III. Word Family
1.1) disappointed 2. 1) attractive
2) disappointment 2) attract
3) disappointing 3) attraction
4) Arrive late once more, and you're fired.
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze
1) identifying 2)gripped 3) margins 4)scheduled 5) corresponding
6)overseas 7) more than a little 8) hesitated 9) grateful 10)made my way
2. Joy Warren was grateful to the five rescuers for saving her three children from the sinking car in response to her cry for help.
3) "The food at this hotel disgusts me. Why not dine at the restaurant across the street?"
6. relief 7. hope for 8. other than 9. erect 10. clue(s)
11. for sure 12. is coming to an end 13. knots 14. exchange15. match up to
2) The woman stood over there, her graying hair pinned up under a worn hat.
3) The tourist bus rolled south, the fields it passed green with newly planted rice.
Part III ext B
Comprehension Check
l. b 2. c 3.d 4. b 5. c 6. d
Language Practice
1. identity 2. are forbidden 3. came across4. make out 5. goodness
1. The extent of the human body's response to a drug depends on the amount taken.
2. Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother.
5. The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball.
1. During the 1880s, several black colleges were founded in the U.S. to broaden educational opportunities for black students and help them make their way in the world.
3) Para 16 It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell's wisdom.
Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part Two Paras 2-6 How John Blanchard had fallen in love with Miss Maynell. Part Three Paras 7-15 Miss Maynell put Blanchard to a test. Part Four Paras 16-17 It was wise of Miss Maynell to give such a test. Vocabulary
Unit 5
Text Organization
1. 1) Para 2 His interest in her had begun twelve months before in a Florida library.
2) Para 7 I'll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened.