2010 Contrasting seasonal niche separation between rare and abundant taxa conceals the extent of pro
第34卷 第5期2023年9月广东外语外贸大学学报JournalofGuangdongUniversityofForeignStudiesVol 34 No.5Sep.2023基金项目:大连外国语大学研究生创新项目“扎迪·史密斯小说中的黑人美学忧郁症研究———以《论美》与《摇摆时光》为例”(YJSCX2021-046)。
扎迪·史密斯《摇摆时光》中的黑人美学忧郁症焦子珊 摘要:《摇摆时光》是英国族裔小说家扎迪·史密斯于2016年发表的第五部长篇小说,小说第一次从拥有棕色皮肤且通篇并未提及姓名的“我”的视角出发,通过主人公自身复杂的成长经历,逐渐透露出“我”由于黑人性的丧失而深陷黑人美学忧郁症的现状,这主要表现为对自身的非洲自然特征,尤其是棕色皮肤产生的忧郁感,以及对以音乐、舞蹈为代表的非洲传统艺术形式的排斥,“我”也因此踏上了前往非洲大陆的寻根之旅。
关键词:扎迪·史密斯;《摇摆时光》;黑人美学忧郁症;杂合性黑人美学 中图分类号:I106 4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0962(2023)05-0128-12引 言当代英国族裔小说家扎迪·史密斯(ZadieSmith,1975-)2016年最新发表的长篇小说《摇摆时光》(SwingTime,2016)是其在文学创作中的一次新尝试,小说从一个拥有棕色皮肤且通篇未提及明确姓名的女孩“我”的视角出发,以音乐和舞蹈为媒介,描绘了“我”与同样拥有棕色皮肤的朋友特蕾西在成长过程中产生的身份困惑,在英国与非洲大陆上丧失归属感后选择回到英国黑人社区实现身份扎迪·史密斯《摇摆时光》中的黑人美学忧郁症追寻的故事。
51部2010年好莱坞大片No.1片名:Frozen译名:冰冻上映日期:2月5日主演:凯文·齐格斯导演:亚当·格林类型:恐怖片级别:R出品公司:Anchor Bay FilmsNo.2片名:Dear John译名:亲爱的约翰上映日期:2月5日主演:钱宁·塔图姆、阿曼达·塞弗里德、亨利·托马斯、理查德·詹金斯、凯斯·罗宾森导演:莱塞·霍尔斯道姆类型:浪漫爱情片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.3片名:Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief译名:珀西·杰克森与奥林匹亚之闪电窃贼上映日期:2月12日主演:罗根·勒曼、亚历珊德拉·达达里奥、布兰登·T·杰克逊、皮尔斯·布鲁斯南、乌玛·瑟曼、肖恩·宾、凯文·麦克基德、梅琳娜·卡纳卡罗兹、凯瑟琳·基纳、史蒂夫·库根导演:克里斯·哥伦布类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.4片名:Valentine’s Day译名:情人节上映日期:2月12日主演:朱丽亚·罗伯茨、安妮·海瑟薇、杰西卡·阿尔巴、杰西卡·贝尔、詹妮弗·加纳、雪莉·麦克莱恩、布莱德利·库柏、阿什顿·库彻、凯茜·贝茨、杰米·福克斯、帕特里克·德姆西、托弗·格雷斯、奎恩·拉蒂法、乔治·洛佩兹、埃里克·丹、泰勒·斯威夫特、泰勒·洛特纳、艾玛·罗伯茨导演:盖瑞·马歇尔类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:出品公司:新线公司No.5片名:The Wolfman译名:狼人上映日期:2月12日主演:本尼西奥·德·托罗、安东尼·霍普金斯、艾米莉·布朗特、雨果·维文导演:乔·约翰斯顿类型:恐怖片级别:出品公司:环球公司No.6片名:Shutter Island译名:孤岛上映日期:2月19日主演:莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥、马克·拉法罗、本·金斯利、米歇尔·威廉姆斯导演:马丁·斯科西斯类型:惊悚片级别:出品公司:派拉蒙公司No.7片名:The Ghost Writer译名:捉刀手上映日期:2月19日主演:皮尔斯·布鲁斯南、伊万·迈克格雷格、奥利维娅·威廉姆斯、汤姆·威尔金森、蒂莫西·赫顿、金·卡特尔导演:罗曼·波兰斯基类型:惊悚片级别:出品公司:Summit EntertainmentNo.8片名:The Crazies译名:杀出狂人镇上映日期:2月26日主演:莱阿·米歇尔导演:布瑞克·埃斯纳尔类型:恐怖片级别:R出品公司:Overture FilmsNo.9片名:Cop Out译名:警察搭档上映日期:2月26日主演:布鲁斯·威利、特雷西·摩根、西恩·威廉姆·斯考特、亚当·布劳迪导演:凯文·史密斯类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.11片名:Alice in Wonderland译名:爱丽丝梦游仙境(3D立体电影)上映日期:3月5日主演:米雅·瓦斯科斯瓦、约翰尼·德普、海伦娜·伯汉姆·卡特、安妮·海瑟薇、迈克尔·辛、马特·卢卡斯、阿兰·里克曼导演:蒂姆·伯顿类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:迪士尼公司No.12片名:Remember Me译名:记住我上映日期:3月12日主演:罗伯特·帕廷森、艾米莉·德瑞文、皮尔斯·布鲁斯南、克里斯·库柏导演:阿兰·考特类型:社会生活片级别:出品公司:Summit EntertainmentNo.13片名:She’s Out of My League译名:我配不上她上映日期:3月12日主演:杰伊·巴鲁切尔、艾丽斯·伊芙导演:类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:R出品公司:梦工厂公司No.14片名:Green Zone译名:绿区上映日期:3月12日主演:马特·戴蒙、格里格·金尼尔、艾米·瑞恩、布兰登·格里森、杰森·伊萨克斯导演:保罗·格林格拉斯类型:惊悚片级别:R出品公司:环球公司No.15片名:Our Family Wedding译名:我们家的婚礼上映日期:3月12日主演:福瑞斯特·惠特克、亚美利加·弗雷拉导演:类型:喜剧片级别:PG-13出品公司:福克斯探照灯No.16片名:Hot Tub Time Machine译名:热浴盆时光机上映日期:3月19日主演:约翰·库萨克、罗伯·考德瑞、克雷格·罗宾逊、克拉克·杜克导演:斯蒂夫·平克类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:米高梅公司No.17片名:The Runaways译名:逃亡乐队上映日期:3月19日主演:克里斯汀·斯图尔特、达科塔·范宁导演:类型:传记片级别:R出品公司:Apparition公司No.18片名:The Bounty Hunter译名:赏金猎人上映日期:3月19日主演:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、杰拉德·巴特勒导演:安迪·特南特类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.19片名:Season of the Witch译名:女巫季节上映日期:3月19日主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇、朗·普尔曼导演:多米尼克·塞纳类型:惊悚片级别:PG-13出品公司:狮门公司No.20片名:Chloe译名:珂洛伊上映日期:3月26日主演:朱丽安·摩尔、利亚姆·尼森、阿曼达·塞弗莱德导演:类型:惊悚片级别:出品公司:索尼古典公司No.21片名:How to Train Your Dragon译名:驯龙记(3D立体电影)上映日期:3月26日配音:杰伊•巴鲁切尔、杰拉德•巴特勒、亚美莉卡•费雷拉、乔纳•希尔、克里斯托弗•明兹•普拉塞导演:彼德•哈斯汀斯、克里斯•桑德斯类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:梦工厂公司No.22片名:Clash of the Titans译名:泰坦之战上映日期:3月26日主演:萨姆·沃辛顿、杰玛·阿特登导演:路易斯·莱特里尔类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.23片名:The Last Song译名:最后一支歌上映日期:4月2日主演:麦莉·塞拉斯、利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯、格里格·金尼尔、凯莉·普莱斯顿导演:朱丽·安娜·罗宾森类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:PG出品公司:试金石公司No.24片名:Repo Men译名:追讨人上映日期:4月2日主演:裘德·洛、福里斯特·惠特克、里夫·施莱伯导演:米盖尔·萨波奇尼克类型:科幻片级别:R出品公司:环球公司No.25片名:Furry Vengeance译名:动物复仇记上映日期:4月2日主演:布兰登·弗雷泽、波姬·小丝导演:罗杰·昆宝类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:Summit EntertainmentNo.26片名:Date Night译名:约会之夜上映日期:4月9日主演:史蒂夫·卡洛尔、蒂娜·菲、马克·沃尔伯格、詹姆斯·弗朗哥、莉顿·梅斯特、泰吉·汉森、Common、克里斯汀·韦格导演:肖恩·利维类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.27片名:The Losers译名:失败者上映日期:4月9日主演:杰弗瑞·迪恩·摩根、克里斯·埃文斯、杰森·帕特里克、佐伊·萨尔达娜导演:塞尔文·怀特类型:动作片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.28片名:Kick-Ass译名:海扁王上映日期:4月16日主演:艾伦·约翰逊、尼古拉斯·凯奇、克洛伊·莫尔茨、克里斯托夫·梅兹·普莱瑟、马克·斯特朗导演:马修·沃恩类型:动作片级别:出品公司:狮门公司No.29片名:Death at a Funeral译名:葬礼上的死亡(美国版)上映日期:4月16日主演:克里斯·洛克、特雷西·摩根、马丁·劳伦斯、詹姆斯·马斯登、佐伊·萨尔达娜导演:尼尔·拉布特类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.30片名:The Back-Up Plan译名:备用计划上映日期:4月16日主演:詹妮弗·洛佩兹、艾历克斯·奥洛林导演:阿兰·珀类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:出品公司:CBS FilmsNo.31片名:Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps译名:华尔街2:钱永不眠上映日期:4月23日主演:迈克尔·道格拉斯、萨·拉伯夫、哈维尔·巴登导演:奥利佛·斯通类型:社会生活片级别:出品公司:20世纪福克斯No.32片名:A Nightmare on Elm Street译名:新猛鬼街上映日期:4月30日主演:杰克·厄尔·哈利导演:萨缪尔·拜耶类型:恐怖片级别:出品公司:新线公司NO.33片名:Letters to Juliet译名:给朱丽叶的信上映日期:5月7日主演:阿曼达·塞弗里德、克里斯托弗·艾根、瓦妮莎·雷德克里夫、盖尔·加西亚·伯纳导演:盖瑞·温尼克类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:出品公司:Summit EntertainmentNo.34片名:Iron Man 2译名:钢铁侠2上映日期:5月7日主演:小罗伯特·唐尼、格温妮斯·帕特罗、唐·齐德勒、斯佳丽·乔安森、米基·洛克、萨姆·洛克威尔、塞缪尔·杰克森导演:乔·法夫罗类型:科幻动作片级别:PG-13出品公司:派拉蒙公司No.35片名:Shrek Forever After译名:史瑞克4(3D立体电影)上映日期:5月21日配音:迈克•迈尔斯、卡梅隆•迪亚兹、艾迪•墨菲、安东尼奥•班德拉斯、乔•汉姆、凯西•格里芬导演:迈克•米歇尔类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:梦工厂公司No.36片名:Robin Hood译名:罗宾汉上映日期:5月14日主演:拉塞尔·克罗、凯特·布兰切特、凯文·杜兰、斯考特·格瑞姆斯、阿兰·多伊尔、马克·斯特朗、威廉·赫特、瓦妮莎·雷德克里夫、丹尼·休斯顿导演:莱德利·斯考特类型:古装动作片级别:出品公司:环球公司No.37片名:Sex and the City 2译名:欲望城市2上映日期:5月28日主演:莎拉·杰西卡·帕克、辛西娅·尼克森、金·卡特拉尔、克里斯汀·戴维斯、查里斯·诺斯、麦克斯·瑞恩导演:迈克尔·帕特里克·金类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:出品公司:新线公司No.38片名:Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time译名:波斯王子:时间之沙上映日期:5月28日主演:杰克·吉伦哈尔、杰玛·阿特登、阿尔弗雷德·莫利纳、本·金斯利导演:迈克·纽威尔类型:奇幻片级别:PG-13出品公司:迪士尼公司No.39片名:The A-Team译名:天龙特攻队上映日期:6月11日主演:利亚姆·尼森、布莱德利·库柏、杰西卡·贝尔、沙尔托·科普雷导演:乔·卡纳汉类型:动作片级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.40片名:The Karate Kid译名:功夫梦上映日期:6月11日主演:成龙、贾登·史密斯、泰拉吉·P·汉森导演:哈洛德·兹瓦特类型:动作片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.41片名:Jonah Hex译名:乔纳·海克斯上映日期:6月18日主演:乔什·布洛林、约翰·马尔科维奇、梅根·福克斯、威尔·阿奈特、迈克尔·香农导演:吉米·哈沃德类型:动作片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.42片名:Knight & Day译名:侠骨柔情上映日期:7月2日主演:汤姆·克鲁斯、卡梅伦·迪亚兹、彼得·萨斯加德、维奥拉·戴维斯、奥利维耶·马丁内兹、保罗·达诺、玛姬·格雷斯导演:詹姆斯·曼高德类型:动作喜剧片级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.43片名:Toy Story 3译名:玩具总动员3(3D立体电影)上映日期:6月18日配音:汤姆•汉克斯、蒂姆•艾伦、琼•库萨克、乔迪•班森、迈克尔•基顿、蒂莫西•道尔顿导演:李•安克里奇类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:迪士尼公司No.44片名:Grown Ups译名:长大成人上映日期:6月25日主演:亚当·桑德勒、克里斯·洛克、凯文·詹姆斯、罗伯·施奈德、大卫·斯帕德、莎玛·海雅克、玛丽亚·贝罗、玛雅·鲁道夫导演:丹尼斯·杜根类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.45片名:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse译名:暮光之城3:月食上映日期:6月30日主演:克里斯汀·斯图尔特、罗伯特·帕丁森、泰勒·洛特、布莱斯·达拉斯·霍华德导演:大卫·斯莱德类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:Summit EntertainmentNo.46片名:The Last Airbender译名:降世神通:最后的气宗上映日期:7月2日主演:诺亚·金杰、杰克逊·拉斯波恩、妮可·佩尔茨、戴夫·帕特尔导演:M·奈特·沙亚马兰类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:派拉蒙公司No.47片名:Marmaduke译名:大丹麦狗马默杜克上映日期:July 4th主演:欧文•威尔逊、阿曼达•塞弗里德、杰瑞米•皮文、朗•普尔曼、李•佩斯、史蒂夫•库根、威廉姆•H•迈西、乔治•洛佩兹导演:汤姆•戴类型:真人结合电脑动画级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.49片名:Inception译名:盗梦空间上映日期:7月16日主演:莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥、玛丽昂·歌迪亚、西里安·墨菲、艾伦·佩吉、约瑟夫·高登·莱维特、迈克尔·凯恩、渡边谦、汤姆·哈迪导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰类型:科幻动作片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.50片名:The Sorcerer’s Apprentice译名:魔法师的学徒上映日期:7月16日主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇、杰伊·巴鲁切尔、阿尔弗雷德·莫利纳、特蕾莎·帕尔默、托比·凯贝尔、莫妮卡·贝鲁奇导演:乔恩·图泰尔泰博类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:迪士尼公司No.51片名:Salt译名:特工绍特上映日期:7月23日主演:安吉丽娜·朱莉、里夫·施莱伯导演:菲利普·诺耶斯类型:动作片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.52片名:Little Fockers译名:拜见小福克上映日期:7月30日主演:本·斯蒂勒、罗伯特·德尼罗、欧文·威尔森、杰西卡·阿尔巴导演:保罗·威茨类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:环球公司No.53片名:Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore译名:猫狗大战2(3D立体电影)上映日期:7月30日主演:克里斯蒂娜•艾伯盖特、迈克尔•克拉克•邓肯、尼尔•帕特里克•哈里斯、詹姆斯•马斯登、贝蒂•米德勒、尼克•诺特、乔•潘托连诺、克里斯•奥唐纳导演:布拉德•佩顿类型:真人结合电脑动画出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.54片名:Beastly译名:野兽上映日期:7月30日主演:凡妮莎·哈金斯、阿历克斯·派迪弗、玛丽·凯特·奥尔森导演:类型:浪漫爱情片级别:出品公司:CBS FilmsNo.55片名:Step Up 3D译名:舞出我人生3(3D立体电影)上映日期:8月6日主演:瑞克·马拉姆布瑞导演:乔恩·朱类型:歌舞片级别:出品公司:试金石公司No.56片名:Eat, Pray, Love译名:吃、祈祷和爱上映日期:8月13日主演:朱丽娅·罗伯茨、詹姆斯·弗朗哥、理查德·詹金斯、哈维尔·巴丹、维奥拉·戴维斯、比利·克里杜普导演:瑞恩·墨菲类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.57片名:The Expendables译名:敢死队上映日期:8月13日主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙、米基·洛克、李连杰、杰森·斯坦森、福瑞斯特·惠塔克、本·金斯利、杜夫·朗格、凯瑞斯玛·卡朋特、史蒂夫·奥斯丁、布里特妮·墨菲、阿诺德·施瓦辛格、布鲁斯·威里斯导演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙类型:动作片出品公司:狮门公司No.58片名:Priest译名:牧师上映日期:8月20日主演:保罗·贝特尼、凯姆·吉冈特、Maggie Q、卡尔·乌班、克里斯托弗·普拉默导演:斯考特·斯图尔特类型:恐怖片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.59片名:Piranha 3D译名:食人鱼3D(3D立体电影)上映日期:8月主演:伊丽莎白·休导演:亚历山大·阿嘉类型:恐怖片级别:出品公司:帝门公司No.60片名:Alpha and Omega译名:阿尔法和欧米伽(3D立体电影)上映日期:10月1日配音:贾斯汀•朗、海顿•潘妮蒂尔、克里斯蒂娜•里奇、丹尼•格劳佛、丹尼斯•霍普导演:类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:狮门公司No.61片名:Let Me In译名:生人勿进上映日期:10月1日主演:科迪·斯密特·麦菲、科洛·莫瑞兹、理查德·詹金斯导演:马特·里弗斯类型:恐怖片级别:出品公司:Overture Films片名:Going the Distance译名:横跨美国的恋爱上映日期:10月8日主演:德鲁·巴里摩尔、贾斯汀·朗导演:类型:浪漫喜剧片级别:出品公司:新线公司No.63片名:MegaMind译名:超级大坏蛋(3D立体电影)上映日期:11月5日配音:布拉德•皮特、威尔•法瑞尔、蒂娜•菲、本•斯蒂勒、乔纳•希尔导演:汤姆•麦克格雷斯类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:梦工厂公司No.64片名:Due Date译名:分娩日上映日期:11月5日主演:小罗伯特·唐尼、米歇尔·莫纳汉、扎克·加利费安纳基斯导演:托德·菲利普斯类型:喜剧片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.65片名:Rapunzel译名:长发公主(3D立体电影)上映日期:11月12日配音:曼迪•摩尔、扎克瑞•莱维、唐娜•墨菲导演:布莱恩•霍华德、内森•格莱诺类型:CG动画片级别:出品公司:迪士尼公司No.66片名:The Fighter译名:斗士上映日期:主演:马克·沃尔伯格、克里斯蒂安·贝尔、艾米·亚当斯、梅丽莎·里奥导演:大卫·O·拉塞尔类型:体育片级别:出品公司:派拉蒙公司No.67片名:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I译名:哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上)上映日期:11月19日主演:丹尼尔·拉德克里夫、艾玛·沃特森、鲁伯特·格林特、阿兰·里克曼、拉尔夫·费因斯、比尔·奈伊导演:大卫·叶茨类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:华纳兄弟公司No.68片名:The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader译名:纳尼亚王国传奇:黎明踏浪号上映日期:12月10日主演:本·巴恩斯、乔吉·亨利、斯坎达·凯恩斯、利亚姆·尼森导演:迈克尔·埃普特类型:奇幻片级别:出品公司:二十世纪福克斯公司No.69片名:Tron: Legacy译名:电子世界争霸战2(3D立体电影)上映日期:12月17日主演:加勒特·赫德兰、杰夫·布里奇斯、奥利维亚·王尔德、碧儿·加勒特导演:约瑟夫·科金斯基类型:科幻动作片出品公司:迪士尼公司No.70片名:The Green Hornet译名:青峰侠上映日期:12月22日主演:塞斯·洛根、周杰伦、卡梅伦·迪亚兹、尼古拉斯·凯奇导演:米歇尔·甘德瑞类型:动作片级别:出品公司:索尼公司No.71片名:The Eagle of the Ninth译名:失踪的第九军团上映日期:主演:钱宁·塔图姆、杰米·贝尔、唐纳德·萨瑟兰、马克·斯特朗、塔哈·拉希姆导演:凯文·麦克唐纳类型:历史片级别:出品公司:焦点公司。
2010年最好听的英文歌曲(100首)《Obsession》深沉,抒情琴音清亮流转伴着深情的灵魂唱腔,让节奏蓝调类型音乐全面的融入都会意境,若能带点异国的动感节拍,还有一点诱惑挑情的韵味就更迷人了!来自墨西哥,现定居於圣地牙哥的Frankie J 就是一位让人动心又能搔到听觉性感带的Urban R&B新进歌手!歌曲成绩Frankie J描述一段难以挽回的分手恋情的首支单曲"Don`t Wanna Try"突破Billboard层层排行关卡,率先攻破Billboard 流行单曲销售榜TOP10,再克TOP40电台排行榜TOP14,最后挺进流行单曲榜TOP19。
音乐历程Frankie J两岁时就搬往圣地牙哥居住,祖父与父亲都是音乐人的成长环境,让他从小就喜欢唱歌提供家庭娱乐,西班牙文是他的母语,最早接触的音乐都是cumbias、rancheras(墨西哥传统民俗音乐)、bandas(侧重铜管乐器的墨西哥舞曲)这些拉丁音乐节奏,不过,Run DMC、Kurtis Blow、The Fat Boys、Michael Jackson、Brian McKnight、Stevie Wonder、K-Ci&Jo Jo也都是Frankie J的音乐养分泉源。
高校时,开始在校园会场与才艺大赛展露歌艺,15岁时,被加拿大独立舞曲厂牌挖掘,并定位为拉丁freestyle歌手,几首单曲推出后,主流大厂开始注意到这个新的声音,97年被舞曲制作人Jellybean Benitez(麦当娜出道时的制作拍档)的Hola厂牌网罗,后因厂牌经营不善导致专辑未能正式作发行,99年转而加入一支德州乐团担任主唱与创作,更一起做巡回演唱,一唱就是三年半。
而其中像是Billboard拉丁音乐奖典礼场合以及电视节目的演唱更增加了他的曝光率,2002年的冬季,Frankie J作好单飞的准备进录音室完成专辑《What`s A Man To Do?》。
完型1. [A] affected2. [B] up3. [C] act4. [B] perplexing5. [C] accounts6. [B] matter7. [D] as long as8. [A] awareness9. [C] enough10. [D] by11. [C] subject12. [A] contrary to13. [A] evidence14. [D] misleading15. [B] for example16. [A] duly17. [D] continued18. [C] However [原文是but, 但根据考生回忆,考试原文空格后有个逗号,并且只有however 一个表转折的词。
(but后不用逗号)]19. [B] tended20. [D] hitting常规阅读21. [B] English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews.22. [A] free themes.23. [D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.24. [A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.25. [D] Prominent Critics in Memory26. [C] the possible restriction on their granting27. [D] It may change the legal practice in the U.S.28. [C] change of attitude29. [B] are often unnecessarily issued30. [A] A looming threat to business-method patents31. [B] discuss influentials' function in spreading ideas32. [D] requires solid evidence for its validity33. [A] the power of influence goes with social interactions34. [C] are influenced and then influence others35. [C] the readiness to be influenced36. [A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules37. [D] the weakening of its independence38. [C] act on their own in rule-setting39. [B] exaggerated the real value of their assets40. [D] sympathy排序41. B42. F43. D44. G45. A争议题解析23. Which of the following would shaw and Newman most probably agree on?[A] It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals.[B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.[C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.[D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.【其他答案】[C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.【点点答案】[D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.【解析】我们根据题干中的Shaw 和Newman定位到原文第三段,注意,题干是问:Shaw 和Newman最可能同意什么?也就是在问shaw 和Newman的观点是什么。
• Modern Era: In recent decks, science fiction films have continued to evolve and expand in scope, tapping more complex themes and ideas Films such as "Blade Runner" (1982), "The Matrix" (1999), and "Interstellar" (2014) have pushed the gene forward with their innovative visual effects and thought-provoking narratives
• "Frankenstein" (1931): Based on Mary Shelley's novel, this film by James Whale tells the story of a scientific who created a monster in his laboratory, only to have it turn on him and write havoc It explores themes of scientific responsibility and the nature of monostability
In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny become the degenerated symbol(堕落的象征 ) .
she degenerate(堕落) in life ,even drug.
第10页/共ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ7页
Gump’s growth experience
Primary school
High school
Join the army
Gump played football for 5years, he become a star, and graduated.
What’s your feeling about Forrest Gump?
• Thank you!
-- Jenny returns --Gump Responds by going on running across American.
Married Jenny
Gump and Jenny had a son. At last ,they married .But Jenny was sick, she has some kind of virus, finally, she died.
• Forrest Gump • Gump’s Moma • Jenny • Bubba
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I h st me o e r c a g n , e a ln l s ln d n t i i f a h n i g r c l g a l p e di y i r p r sma eb u n u t i l d a we e p c o s o e o t d y o ri d s ra me i , x e t h w t
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嚣 ;封 面 文 章 , ・ ;
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W on e f l e iw: 0 e i I a e d ru v e 2 1 i M d a m g R 0n
叠 本刊编辑部/ dtr l p E i i t o a De
影节 这是继2 0 年之后 09 Ge o s r G o e法国灰雁伏特加第 y
宣传工作 曾2 次徒步进出璺脱 8
8 次徒步雅鲁藏布大峡
二次携手这一全球展映规模最大的电影节 此发 G e o s法国灰雁伏特 ̄S h o s俱乐部 ry G oe H co H u e
谷 他搜集整理的珍贵历史资料和图片.填补 了中国文化 史中珞瀹 文化的空 白 对研究珞巴族 话 ,民歌 谚语 门巴族的历史 神
持 续开放 了五晚
独家支持电影节顶级专属派对 俱乐部
文化旅 游 信息
冀文正雅鲁藏 布大峡谷摄影展开 展
近日 I 文正雅鲁藏布大峡谷摄影展在西藏林芝雅鲁 I 藏布犬峡谷派镇景区接待中心展出 冀文正 中国摄彩家协 会会员 1 5 年他 以十八 军 4 9
随军干部的 身份首次进^ 墨艘 并在此长 期从事民政 和
2 1 多伦多国际 电影节 00 奢 华蓝色风暴再度 席卷
华 气息的V1 酒廊 P
章有 ” r ’s et at g o k 的顶级伏特加 Wol B s d T si V d a n
《 巴族 民间故 珞 《 巴族风情 珞
品牌G e G o e 法国灰雁 多年来 青咪于国际一流电影盛 ry os 事 从奥斯卡 英国B F A 戛纳 AT 此番又再度亮相多伦 为星光熠 熠
还特 推出了大峡谷~小时徒 不仅可着雪山.
节 期间举办 作为中国重庆国际服装节 系列活动的重要
人围西部分赛区的2 名精英设计师以优秀的作品 为 O
剧中能力:核能,情绪激动时易失控而引发核爆。 扮演者:Matthew John Armstrong 1973年8月28日出生于芝加哥,美国演员。在进入电视圈前,他活跃在芝加哥 的舞台上;荧屏处女作是CBS剧集Turks。参演Crossing Jordan时与其制片人兼 编剧Tim Kring偶遇并获得肯定,之后在Heroes剧中获得了Ted这个角色。有趣 的是,他的妻子Ashley Crow同样也在Heroes中扮演了Claire养母Sandra Bennet。 因为他的发型和面部特征,据说他一直被误认为著名汽车保险公司GEICO的一 系列商业广告中扮演野人的演员。 部分出演信息:2003 Studio City(Tom Mason) 2002-2005 American Dreams(Pete Pryor,E27) 2005 House M.D.(Kalvin,E1) 2006 E-Ring(Genuzzi,E1)
剧中能力:通过画画预见未来。最初需要在吸毒的情况下完成,后面不需要毒瘾, 可自行控制。 扮演者:Santiago Cabrera 1978年5月5日出生在委内瑞拉首都,为智利籍演员,现居伦敦。其最为人熟 知的角色有Heroes里的画家Mendez和BBC电视剧梅林传奇(Merlin)中的Lancelot。 他的成长足迹可以说遍布世界各地,童年大部分时间在伦敦、马德里、多伦多 和罗马尼亚度过。在他15岁时全家人回到智利,那时他还是高中校足球队的队 长,在高中戏剧老师的鼓励下他开始尝试表演。在伦敦戏剧中心经过3年磨砺, 他在结束年的Battlefield Britain,Judge John Deed,Spooks等英剧中初次扮演 小角色。从戏剧学校毕业后,Cabrera的第一次演出在北安普敦皇家剧场,出 演奥赛罗中的Montano。 部分出演信息:2004 TOCA Race Driver2(Cesar Maques,video game) 2005 Empire(Octavius) 2011 Covert Affairs(Xavier,S2E17) 2012 For Greater Glory(Father Vega) 2012 Dexter(Jason Price)
两年,重逢Photokina 2010
及E 0 mm 4 S 1 S  ̄ 寄予 了佳能 站稳长焦镜头霸 主的野 F6 0 F L I I U M. J I
图文 / 海 盗
2O O : : 1
P o k a2 1在 德国科 隆上 演。相 比今年 上半 年P A 0 0 h t i 0 0 o n M 2 1
和 日本 首届CP  ̄影像大 展 的平淡 .P t ia 2 0 ho okn 01 尚未 开幕 就已 经吸 引了足 够 多的 目光 。毕竟 .在 2 0 年 的喧 嚣过 后 . 08 影像市 场已经 沉寂 很久 。 随 着两 年~发 的大 戏的 序幕 徐徐 拉开 ,各 方诸侯 也轮 番 登 场 。相 比于 往眉 .本 届展 会 我们 没有 看 到小卡 片 机 的集
这 发展 会 上 虽没 有 太 牌相 机 亮 相 ,但 却 依 『 日不乏 看 点 和惊 喜 .让我 们重 新 看到 了百 家争 呜 的热 闹场面 。尼 康 D7 0 0 0、 佳能 E 0D、索尼 a5 OS 6 5、宾得 K 、松 下GH 一5 2、奥林 巴斯 E 、三 星Nx1 0、适马 s 、富 士X1 —s 0 01 00 …・ 些 产品 的问 这
康下 半年的市场争夺战底气十
世 . 很 多摄 影爱 好者 口水流 了一地 的 同时 ,也 给 今年 稍显 让 冷 清的数 码影 像市场 注入 了新的 生机 和活力 。
佳 能 E S 6 D的 问 O 0
《礼拜天》的叙事途径:视觉符号与“对峙”手法的运用摘要:由导演Patrick Doyon执导的动画微电影《Dimanche》于2011年在加拿大上映,获得了第84届奥斯卡最佳动画短片提名,以及第39届安妮奖最佳动画短片提名。
收稿日期:2023-08-30作者简介:赵 谦,北京电影学院中国电影文化研究院助理研究员,研究方向:纪录电影美学、创作与传播,电影文化。
张 柳,北京电影学院中国电影文化研究院硕士研究生,研究方向:电影文化。
新左派、辩士与文献剧:山姆·格林的“现场纪录片”创作研究赵 谦,张 柳/北京电影学院中国电影文化研究院,北京 100088摘 要:“现场纪录片”是美国导演山姆·格林所创的一种纪录电影———现场演出形式。
关键词:新左派;辩士;文献剧;现场纪录片中图分类号:J952 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-444X(2023)06-0027-08国际DOI编码:10.15958/j.cnki.gdxbysb.2023.06.004 山姆·格林(SamGreen)在当今美国纪录片创作领域是重要而且特别的一位。
凝视存在:评21世纪美国非裔电影《藩篱》与《月光》1. 引言1.1 背景介绍作为美国电影史上具有重要地位的非裔导演,布拉德利·库珀先生近年来凭借其执导的影片《藩篱》和《月光》成为了媒体和观众瞩目的焦点。
2. 正文2.1 《藩篱》的剧情与主题《藩篱》的剧情围绕着一个年轻的非裔女性斯泰西生活在一个政治动荡的时代,她的家人和社区都被贫困和暴力所困扰。
2.2 《月光》的剧情与主题《月光》的剧情围绕着一个黑人男孩沿着成长的三个阶段展开,从青少年时代到成年阶段。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突2 浅谈中西体态语的差异3 逆向思维在外语学习中的应用4 论《喜福会》中女性的反抗精神5 《法国中尉的女人》中对维多利亚时代的批判6 A Tentative Study of Affective Factors in Second Language Acquisition7 浅析《藻海无边》中安托瓦内特的悲剧8 试析商务英语的修辞特征及其汉译9 语结与英语长句的翻译10 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语11 从概念隐喻看寓言的语篇连贯12 Humor and Satire in Running for Governor13 Analyses of the Morels’Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers14 Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning15 从中国特色词汇的翻译看其文化内涵16 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同17 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知18 从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义19 论奥斯卡王尔德童话中的唯美主义20 析乔治艾略特在《织工马南》中的语言特色21 Satan in Paradise Lost as a Tragic Hero22 从好莱坞电影看美国的文化霸权23 会话原则在国际商务谈判中的运用24 中英数字词语文化内涵对比研究25 An Analysis of Language Features of English News Headlines26 试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观27 探析《玛莎.奎斯特》中玛莎性格的根源28 分析广告英语中的修辞手段29 荒诞与抵抗——《局外人》中莫尔索的荒诞表现之原因分析30 从翻译角度浅析英语写作中的中式英语问题31 英语专业学生英语口语学习动机调查研究32 英汉称呼语的对比研究33 从歧义和语用角度分析幽默34 论英语专业八级口语测试的内容效度35 Cultural Approaches to the C-E Translation of Chinese Brand Names36 论网络自主学习与英语课堂教学的契合37 东西方恐怖电影的文化差异38 汉英翻译中的多余词现象39 从养老模式的异同看中西“孝”价值观40 浅析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的女性意识41 奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》中对于新柏拉图主义的应用42 基于学习共同体的自主学习模式研究43 The Narrative Strategies of O. 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Contrasting seasonal niche separation between rare and abundant taxa conceals the extent of protist diversityVIOLA NOLTE,*RAM VINAY PANDEY,*STEFFEN JOST,†RALPH MEDINGER,†‡BIRGIT OTTENWA¨LDER,§JENS BOENIGK†and CHRISTIAN SCHLO ¨TTERER**Institut fu¨r Populationsgenetik,Veterina ¨rmedizinische Universita ¨t Wien,Veterina ¨rplatz 1,A-1210Vienna,Austria,†Austrian Academy of Sciences,Institute for Limnolgy,Herzog Odilostraße 101,A-5310Mondsee,Austria,‡University of Innsbruck,Faculty of Biology,Technikerstraße 15,A-6020Innsbruck,Austria,§Eurofins Medigenomics GmbH,Anzingerstr.7a,D-85560Ebersberg,GermanyAbstractWith the advent of molecular methods,it became clear that microbial biodiversity had been vastly underestimated.Since then,species abundance patterns were determined for several environments,but temporal changes in species composition were not studied to the same level of ing massively parallel sequencing on the 454GS FLX platform we identified a highly dynamic turnover of the seasonal abundance of protists in the Austrian lake Fuschlsee.We show that seasonal abundance patterns of protists closely match their biogeographic distribution.The stable predominance of few highly abundant taxa,which previously led to the suggestion of a low global protist species richness,is contrasted by a highly dynamic turnover of rare species.We suggest that differential seasonality of rare and abundant protist taxa explains the—so far—conflict-ing evidence in the ‘everything is everywhere’dispute.Consequently temporal sampling is basic for adequate diversity and species richness estimates.Keywords :2nd generation sequencing,454protist diversity,species turnover,temporal sampling Received 14September 2009;revision received 1February 2010;accepted 12February 2010IntroductionMolecular biology has filled in some of the blanks about the natural history of microbial plankton,disclosing that four out of six eukaryotic kingdoms largely com-prise protists (Cavalier-Smith 1998;Adl et al.2005).Cultivation independent environmental surveys demon-strated an underestimation of protist diversity by orders of magnitude (Diez et al.2001;Lopez-Garcia et al.2001;Moon-van der Staay et al.2001)and stimulated protist diversity research within the last decade.Although molecular data have revealed the vast scope of micro-bial diversity in virtually all habitats (Green et al.2004;Slapeta et al.2005),the fundamental conflict betweenubiquitous and endemic distribution patterns,as basic to the ‘everything is everywhere’dispute (Finlay 2002;Telford et al.2006;Foissner 2007;Cermeno &Falkowski 2009),is far from being solved.Two main hypotheses about the causes of non-ran-dom distribution of micro-organisms continue to obtain conflicting experimental support:the idea that ‘every-thing is everywhere’(Beijerinck 1913;Baas-Becking 1934)is based on the assumption that the enormous dispersal capabilities of micro-organisms allow them to spread into virtually any habitat (Finlay 2002).Absence of taxa is caused by unfavourable local conditions that prevent them from getting established everywhere (Cer-meno &Falkowski 2009).In a contrasting model,the rate of dispersal of micro-organisms is not sufficiently high to overcome historical dispersal limitations and human influence.This allows for existence of endemic taxa many of which remain to be discovered (Telford et al.2006;Foissner 2007).The debate about the biogeography of micro-organ-isms is centred on spatial distribution patterns andCorrespondence:Jens Boenigk,Fax:+4362323578;E-mail:jens.boenigk@oeaw.ac.at and Christian Schlo ¨tterer,Fax:+431250774390;E-mail:christian.schloetterer@vetmeduni.ac.atRe-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out at /authorresources/onlineopen.html.Ó2010Blackwell Publishing LtdMolecular Ecology (2010)19,2908–2915doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04669.xmost studies sample microbial assemblages at a single time point to assess whether relative abundances of taxa differ among habitats.Despite that seasonal niche separation could lead to an omission of taxa in environmental surveys,seasonal-ity of protists has insufficiently been addressed.Fre-quency shifts in the composition of protist communities were mostly studied at higher taxonomic levels(Tamig-neaux et al.1997;Arau´jo&Godinho2008),in highly abundant taxa(Rynearson et al.2006;Aguilera et al. 2007)or suffered from too shallow sequencing(Massana et al.2004).Massively parallel sequencing techniques now allow temporal surveys with sufficiently deep taxon sampling. However,high throughput sequencing approaches so far focused on phylogenetic relationships in protists (Burki et al.2009)or species richness and spatial distri-bution(Amaral-Zettler et al.2009;Stoeck et al.2009)of protists largely ignoring the potential seasonality of pro-tist community composition.Aquatic protists are pres-ent at millions of cells per litre and double every few hours to days.Extreme short-term variation of abun-dance pattern is therefore to be expected,but may differ between distinct groups of protists or habitats. Materials and methodsSampling and sample preparationWe collected10samples from the Lake Fuschlsee (Salzkammergut,Austria)in roughly3-week intervals (March2007–October2007).Each temporal sample was collected at the same sampling site(47°48¢26¢¢N, 13°15¢34¢¢E):integrated samples covering the upper 10m of the water column were collected within the pelagic zone with a sampling tube.We pooled three integrated samples prior to further processing.Subs-amples of100mL werefiltered onto0.2l m polycar-bonatefilters for high-throughput sequencing.Filters were air dried and frozen at–80°C until further processing.Sample preparation for454pyrosequencingGenomic DNA was extracted with the DNeasy Tissue kit (Qiagen)for each temporal sample.Filters were trans-ferred to a2mL tube and incubated for1–3h in buffer ATL of the DNeasy Tissue kit(Qiagen)supplemented with Proteinase K.DNA was subsequently extracted fol-lowing the instructions of the supplier.We used HPLC-purified PCR primers,which carry sequences specific for the small subunit(SSU)of the rRNA gene(fw:ATTA GGGTTCGATTCCGGAGAGG,rv:CTGGAATTACCGC GGSTGCTG)and a5¢-tail for the454sequencing(adapter A:GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAG,adapter B:GCCTTG-CCAGCCCGCTCAG).The forward primer also con-tained a4bp tag for each of the temporal samples inserted between the454-adapter A and the SSU-specific part.The forward primer was based on the established broad eukaryotic primer Sogin2f(Auinger et al.2008) while the reverse primer was newly designed.PCR prim-ers were designed in conserved regions of the SSU rRNA gene to target eukaryotes.Hence,we aligned sequences from representative taxa covering all major freshwater protists.Primer specificity was tested by analysing clone libraries based on Sanger sequencing and later by analy-sis of the454dataset.The primers target all eukaryotic supergroups;some lineages may,however,not be tar-geted as it is generally known for broad eukaryotic primer sets(Stoeck et al.2006).The primers amplify a 180–200bp fragment of the SSU rRNA gene including the V3region.PCR was carried out with0.4U Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase(Finnzymes Oy,Finland), 200l M dNTPs and0.25pmol of each primer.The cycling profile consisted of1min denaturation at98°C,followed 22PCR cycles(98°C for10s,65°C for15s,72°C for20 s)with afinal extension step of7min at72°C.In order to minimize recombinant PCR products,we only performed22PCR cycles as recommended by Qiu et al.(2001)and compensated for the lower yield by pooling the products of10independent PCRs.The pooled PCR products of each temporal sample were gel-purified using QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit(Qiagen, Hilden,Germany)and quantified on an agarose gel.We pooled10ng from each temporal sample and sequenced one test lane(for titration purpose)and one full picotiterplate on a454Roche FLX sequencer. Sequences have been deposited in GenBank(accession number SRA008706.3).Bioinformatic analysesAdapter and primer clipping.The high rate of insertion–deletion errors inherent to the454pyrosequencing process required the development of an adapter and primer clipping software,which is specifically designed to account for these sequencing artefacts.We performed a pattern search to allow for mutations in homopoly-mers within the adapter B sequence during trimming but required the PCR primer sequences to be mutation free,otherwise the read was discarded.Reads for which an indel was identified at the transition to between read and PCR primer were removed.The detailed clipping algorithm of our CANGS package is described else-where(Pandey et al.2010)and is available from http://i122server.vu-wien.ac.at/pop/software.html.H I G H S E A S O N A L P RO T I S T A B U N D A N C E T U R N O V E R2909Ó2010Blackwell Publishing LtdQualityfiltering.In addition to primer clipping,we removed all sequences that did notfit the following criteria:(i)no Ns;(ii)quality score>24,when averaged across the read after clipping adapters and primers; (iii)minimum sequence length of200bp(including PCR primers);and(iv)at least two copies of the read present in the entire data set before clipping primers. This procedure eliminated approximately37%of all sequences.Taxonomic classification.In order to minimize the com-putational burden for genetic distance calculation and BLAST analysis,wefirst identified all non-redundant sequences and recorded their abundance in the com-plete as well as in each monthwise data set.In this step, we treated gaps as informative character and recorded sequences differing by a gap as two different non-redundant sequences.We blasted all non-redundant sequences against the NCBI database and retrieved the taxonomic classification of the best hit.In the case of multiple hits with identical E-values,we selected the most detailed taxonomic classification.Analysis of taxon-specific variation.We used sequences affiliated with the Spumella morphotype to analyse taxon-specific temporal variation in abundance.The Spumella morphotype consists of colourless,non-scaled taxa within the C subcluster of the Chrysophyceae. Sequences belonging to the Spumella morphotype were identified by blasting all454sequences against the NCBI database.All sequences which were identical to or differed by a single base substitution(99.4%similar-ity)from known Spumella-sequences were included in the analysis.Rarefaction analysis.We used the Analytic Rarefaction software(/~strata/software/)for rarefaction calculations.Statistical analysisEach monthwise sample was represented by a different number of sequence reads.In order to compare the abundance pattern between months we randomly selected the same number of sequences from each month (matching the sample with the lowest number of reads, i.e.14226sequence reads after trimming and qualityfil-tering).Sequence gaps were not considered,as they could either be a sequencing artefact or a biological vari-ant.For the analysis of seasonal turnover we defined each non-redundant sequence as a separate OTU.We blasted each non-redundant sequence of one sample against all non-redundant sequences of each of the other samples and used a BLAST similarity cutoff of100%to identify non-redundant sequences of a given month in each of the other months.The procedure is implemented in the CANGS software package described in Pandey et al.(2010).For each monthwise sample we determined the number of distinct OTUs(i),the frequency of each of these OTUs in other samples(N)and the number of reads for this OTU in the whole dataset(n).We further calculated the mean sequence abundance of the OTUs considering only samples in which these were present (A=n⁄N).Based on the10seasonal samples we calcu-lated mean and SD for N and A for OTUs which were found in1(2,3,…,9,10)samples,respectively.Differ-ences between the number of OTUs present in a differ-ent number of months were tested in a one way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s Posthoc test(SigmaPlot11). Sequences with abundance>10within the complete dataset were selected for a subsequent analysis of abun-dance heterogeneity between samples.For each sequence the counts in a given sample were log-trans-formed.These log-transformed counts were sorted in decreasing order and the slope m was calculated for each regression of the log-transformed counts vs.order rank.We subsequently calculated the correlation statis-tics for these slopes(m)as a function of the number of samples in which the respective sequence was observed using the SigmaPlot11software.The slope refers to the decrease in abundance between(ranked)samples and indicates therefore the strength of the shifts in abun-dance for the respective sequence.Error bars indicate the variation within a ranked sample.Results and discussionRichness of protist taxa estimated from single samples is unreliable due to seasonal variation.Between March2007 and October2007we collected10samples from Lake Fuschlsee in approximately3week intervals.Each sam-ple covered the upper10m of the water column.We obtained447910raw sequence reads of which,after stringent qualityfiltering,a total of279336sequences could be analysed.In order to test the stability of protist community composition,we werefirst interested in dif-ferences between the taxonomic richness across seasons. We performed rarefaction analysis for every seasonal sample and found that in none of our samples the rare-faction curve showed full saturation.Interestingly,esti-mates of taxa richness for our rarefaction analysis were similar in all samples ranging from673to1239(Fig.1). We repeated the rarefaction analysis using the pooled data set and obtained an approximately four-fold higher taxonomic diversity than from the analysis of a single month(Fig.1).According to this analysis,the protist community does not only undergo quantitative fluctuations within a stable set of taxa that are present2910V.N O L T E E T A L.Ó2010Blackwell Publishing Ltdthroughout the entire year.Instead,taxa present in 1month can be entirely absent in the following and replaced by a different set of previously absent taxa. This analysis suggests that biodiversity is not ade-quately represented by a single sample;instead,to obtain reliable estimates of biodiversity in a given habi-tat it is important to cover the entire season.Seasonal succession reflects lineage-specific geographic centres of distribution.Despite similar estimates of taxon rich-ness,the abundance pattern of individual taxa changed dramatically between samples.We focused on sequences affiliated with the Spumella morphospecies complex to analyse the seasonal turnover of their abun-dance.Spumella spp.are heterotrophic chrysophytes observed worldwide and at high frequencies in fresh-water habitats(Preisig et al.1991).The recent recovery of identical18S rRNA genotypes from lakes in different parts of the world(Boenigk et al.2005)lends support to the idea that microbial taxa are ubiquitously distrib-uted.There is,however,evidence that very closely related Spumella lineages differ in their response to tem-perature(Boenigk et al.2007).Three different major tax-onomic lineages of the Spumella morphotype can be distinguished within the chrysophyceaen C-cluster (Andersen et al.1999;Boenigk et al.2005)(Fig.2a).The biogeographic distribution of these lineages suggests that they are adapted to different climatic conditions: strains affiliated with the C2subcluster originate mainly from cold environments,i.e.from Antarctica and from high mountain regions;strains belonging to the C1 subcluster are prevalent at temperate sites whereas strains affiliated with the C3subcluster are found in warm temperate to tropical regions(Fig.2b).Despite a potentially broader geographic distribution of some members of these subclusters,each has a distinct centre of distribution in different climatic zones.Consistent with their capacity to grow under poten-tially suboptimal climatic conditions,we detected repre-sentatives of each of the three lineages in the454 sequence data set.However,we noted substantial sea-sonal changes in the abundance for all major representa-tives of these lineages.Interestingly,the seasonal abundance pattern reflected the geographic distribution of the lineages.Spumella-likeflagellates were present in Lake Fuschelsee throughout the year(Fig.2d),but we observed lineage-specific differences with respect to sea-sonality.Lineage C2,which is dominant in cold environ-ments,was the most abundant one in the early season (Fig.2c).Lineage C3,described for warm temperate to tropical sites,was most abundant in late summer and early autumn.These results demonstrate that despite a potentially broad distribution of specific protist lineages both,geographical region(i.e.broad climatic conditions) and seasonal variation in environmental factors,are crit-ical for the occurrence at a given site at a given time. Seasonal niche differentiation was not only observed at the level of broader lineages but we also noted a similar phenomenon on the basis of single genotypes.For instance,the two most abundant sequences affiliated with the C1lineage differ by a single base pair and the genotype,which is abundant in spring is being replaced by the second one later in the year.Systematic differential seasonality between rare and abundant taxa conceals the richness of protist communities.Seasonal changes in frequency have been described in protist communities,but were so far observed only in highly abundant taxa or recorded at higher taxonomic levels (Massana et al.2004;Aguilera et al.2006;Lepe`re et al. 2006;Rynearson et al.2006).The high seasonal turnover in taxa composition in our data set is not a specific phe-nomenon observed only for few taxa,but is characteris-tic of all taxa present at low frequency.The dataset was dominated by(i)taxa,which were present in most sam-ples;and(ii)taxa restricted to few samples.Taxa pres-ent in an intermediate number of samples were less abundant.Only about11%of the OTUs were detected in all samples while25%of the sequences were restricted to a single sample.OTUs,which were detected in multiple samples were more likely to have a high abundance(Fig.3a)and taxa which were pres-ent over a longer seasonal period tended to have more stable population abundances(Pearson’sproduct–2912V.N O L T E E T A L.A BCDFig.2Spatial and seasonal distribution pattern of unpigmentedflagellates affiliated with the Spumella morphotype(chrysophycean clusters C1,C2,C3).(A)Neighbour-joining tree showing the affiliation of18S rRNA gene sequences from‘Spumella-like’isolates to the Chrysophyceae sensu stricto[modified from Findenig et al.(unpublished)].The numbers at the nodes of the tree indicate per-centage of bootstrap values for each node out of100bootstrap resamplings(values above60are shown).The scale bar indicates2% estimated sequence divergence.Within the Chryophyceae sensu stricto,Spumella-like strains are affiliated with different subclusters and are most probably polyphyletic(Andersen et al.1999;Boenigk et al.2005).Three major different major taxonomic lineages of the Spumella morphotype can be distinguished within the chrysophyceaen C-cluster.Each of these lineages is indicated by a separate col-our.(B)Biogeographic distribution of the three lineages based on isolated strains.Strains may occur also in other climatic zones but the observed pattern suggests different centres of distribution:the subcluster C2(blue)comprisesflagellates from different cold to temperate sites.The subcluster C1includes mostly isolates originating from soil,mainly from temperate to moderately warm habi-tats.The subcluster C3comprises exclusively freshwater isolates from temperate to warm habitats and(Boenigk et al.2006).(C)Rela-tive abundance pattern of the three major taxonomic lineages of the Spumella morphotype during the sampling period.All sequences previously described for the three clades were blasted against our454data,but only a subset was detected.Different shadings in each cluster indicate sequences that were detected in the454data set(either matching perfectly or differing by a single base pair dif-ference).Sequences in the cluster with a frequency lower than0.01%were grouped together.Species from cold environments were more abundant early in the year,while species from warmer environments were more frequent later in the year.Hence,the temporal abundance pattern matches the previously described biogeographic distribution.(D)Abundance of Spumella-likeflagellates in Lake Fuschlsee based on microscopical analysis.Data of the microscopical analysis were taken from Medinger et al.(2010).Ó2010Blackwell Publishing Ltdmoment:r=0.426;P<<0.001;Fig.3b).These abundant and stable communities are suggestive of a low taxon richness with a moderate seasonal turnover,a pattern that,until recently,has been considered characteristic for microbial eukaryotes(Corliss1999;Finlay2001). This pattern is sharply contrasted by the extreme sea-sonality and pronouncedfluctuation of taxon abun-dance for the majority of taxa.These latter taxa are, however,comparatively rare.The extreme cases of a pronounced seasonality,i.e.month-specific sequences, were occurring only at a very low frequency encom-passing on average1.7%of the reads in a sample.Inter-estingly,the month-specific sequences accounted for 25%of the total OTU richness.Most importantly,we have no evidence that these low frequency,month-spe-cific sequences are technical artefacts(see Supporting Information).These data indicate that a‘rare biosphere’as recognized in prokaryotes by Sogin et al.(2006),is also present in the larger and far less abundant pic-oeukaryotes and undergoes previously unknown dynamic changes.ConclusionsIn this report we applied massively parallel sequencing of the eukaryote SSU rRNA gene to estimate OTU rich-ness and monitor changes in taxon abundance from a temporal sample collection.Like previous reports on microbial biodiversity(Stoeck et al.2009)we found that the higher sequence coverage substantially increased the estimates of taxonomic diversity when compared to morphological analyses or shallow sequencing of clone libraries.The major surprise of our study was,however, that patterns of protist seasonality systematically dif-fered between rare and abundant taxa and that a large proportion of the biodiversity is detected only in a restricted number of samples:about50%of the OTUs are detected in no more than three samples(of10)and 25%are confined to one sample.Our rarefaction analysis suggested that the total abundance of taxa would be substantially underesti-mated if we had restricted the analysis to a single sam-ple.While it is not known if the same applies to previous biodiversity estimates,which were based on samples collected at a single time point from a given location(Finlay&Clarke1999;Green et al.2004;Stoeck et al.2009),it appears highly likely that a broader sea-sonal sampling would have increased the taxonomic diversity even further.Our seasonal analysis revealed another interesting insight,which could resolve the long-standing debate about the portioning of species diversity.While the clas-sic view was that species composition does not differ substantially among—physicochemically similar—habi-tats(Darling et al.2000;Finlay2002),recent molecular studies challenged this view,by detecting considerable sequence diversity and differentiation amonggeograph-ically close populations and possibly endemic taxa (Lefranc et al.2005;Rynearson&Armbrust2005;Ryne-arson et al.2006;Stoeck et al.2007).Through the use of massively parallel sequencing we were able to analyse a substantially larger number of protist sequences.This extensive data set showed that a small number of highly abundant taxa are present throughout the entire year,while most taxa are rare and highly restricted.As morphological analyses inherently focus on abun-dant taxa,a restricted set of taxa is identified in all sam-ples leading to the conclusion that species composition does not differ between habitats.Given that OTUs at low to intermediate frequency form a considerable frac-tion of the entire samples shallow sequencing will detect a small number of unique sequences.The num-ber of sequenced clones in such studies,however,was generally too low to achieve reliable frequency esti-mates and it had therefore not been possible to recog-nize the strong seasonality of the majority of OTUs. Recent studies indicated that rather than‘everything’, only generalist taxa may indeed be ubiquitously distrib-uted since they can achieve large population sizes and thereby high dispersal rates(Pither2007).Our data suggest a systematic difference in the seasonal distribu-tion of abundant and rare taxa,but it is currently unknown whether the abundant taxa with low seasonal turnover in our data set correspond to environmental generalists.Extending biodiversity studies by temporal sampling could provide support for either hypothesis,ubiqui-tous dispersal of micro-organisms or the existence of endemic taxa.Without seasonal sampling many rare taxa may be missed due to their strong seasonality and seasonal sampling might lead tofinding that indeed everything is everywhere but not at all times. On the other hand,taxa which are temporally highly restricted might be candidates for endemic species present not only in a narrow temporal but also in a restricted spatial rangeHence,we propose that the basic distribution pattern of microbes,including central aspects of the‘everything is everywhere’dispute,can only be deciphered by sys-tematically linking a stringent seasonal sampling with extensive sequence coverage.While this request exceeds the capabilities of morphological surveys,molecular approaches based on high-throughput sequencing tech-niques are promising to meet this claim. 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