英语简介 千与千寻 英文PPT
Brave and perseverant
The river god step with mud, dirty and stink
Find love
Haku is badly hurt
Haku prevents sen
Be kind to others
New scene at night
• Her parents become pigs
• Find a job in the bathhouse
pulling out rubbish from the river god
• Stopping No-face’s crazy action.
Helping Haku remember his real name
desire, greed
identity, connection
rapacity, evil force
“river god”
Pollution, bad environment
Our analysis Function of symbols
Easy to understand
Reflect reality
Add multiple themes
An empty town
They find much delicious food in the town, immediately her parents plunge into the delicious food.
在大城市生活的白领一族们,工作日中总是被大量的的工作任务、人际关系所裹挟,常常因为七七八八的事情压得我们透不过来气。 实际上,不管是工作还是生活,帮助我们取得成功的并非是意志,而是行动。 以至于很多人会在失落时忘却,时常违背了自己少年时期的志向。 总是自认为通情练达,自认为精明。 从前的我们多单纯,多纯粹。 而现在,丢弃了单纯与纯粹的我们,也总算是看透了,想穿了。 但也正因为如此,逐渐就变成了少年时间的自己最憎恨的那种人。
从这个意义上讲,距离就等于理解,就是温情,就是关心。 带着对自己思考后肯定的回答,我安稳的睡去。
迪士尼乐园,在这片最神奇而真实的土地上,总有一些属于你自己的magic moment,我们虽然知道它不是生活的避难所,但总还是想让这份美好永驻。
头顶上是浩瀚的星空 眼前是闪烁的灯火
远离了呼啸而过的地铁呼啸声;远离了川流不息的车流声; 等到了一个此时此刻,用我的五官感受到了一个真正美好寂静的夜晚,属于自己的夜晚。
Chihiro ,who has a listless (没精 神的)disposition(性格倾向), must start working at the huge bathhouse to survive. And she can only survive in this world if she accepts two conditions:to work for witch Yu-baaba, an avaricious (贪财的) witch who rules the huge bath house at the center of the town and to be deprived(剥夺) of her name, working under her new name,Sen(千).
A hard working, optimistic 10-year-old girl who matures greatly in the film. She is forced to change her name to “Sen”.
He helps Sen more than any one else and per forms magic and also transforms into a dragon.
The film tells us a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.
Yu-baaba (汤婆婆)
Rules over the bathhouses with an iron first. She loves money and her big baby .She hates her twin sister and abiding to the rules.
千与千寻中英法字幕Un film du STUDIO GHIBLIUne coproduction Tokuma - Studio Ghibli - NTVDentsu - Disney Tohoku Shinsha - Mitsubishi Shoji"保重啊,千寻! 后会有期!"Bonne chance, Chihiro Au revoir[Girl] "I'll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friend, Rumi."千寻Chihiro !千寻[Man] Chihiro. Chihiro, we're almost there.Chihiro,马上就到罗!nous arrivons.[Woman] This really is in the middle of nowhere.好偏僻的地方啊C'est vraiment la campagne !买个东西都要跑好远的路I'm gonna have to go to the next town to shop.Pour les courses, il n'y a que la ville voisine.住惯了就好了We'll just have to learn to like it.Quand on sera installés, ce sera le paradis.你看!那是小学耶Look, Chihiro, there's your new school. Looks great, doesn't it?Tiens ! Voilà l'école primaire...千寻啊!你的新学校Chihiro, ta nouvelle école.[Woman] It doesn't look so bad.学校看起来挺漂亮的Elle est jolie, non ?It's gonna stink. I liked my old school.以前的学校比较好…Celle d'avant était mieux.[Gasps]啊…妈…妈妈Mom! My flowers are dying.Maman ! Mes fleurs ont fané !花快死掉了I told you not to smother them like that.都是你一直捏着它才会这样子的Tu n'as pas cessé de les serrer dans tes mains.We'll put them in water when we get to our new home.到家以后浇点水就会没事了On coupera les tiges dans l'eau et elles revivront.第一次收到花就是送别的花I finally get a bouquet, and it's a good-bye present. That's depressing.C'est triste que mon premier bouquet soit pour me dire adieu !怎么这么可怜嘛!谁说的啊?Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday. Don't you remember?Mais tu as re?u une rose pour ton anniversaire !上次生日你不是也收到玫瑰花了吗Yeah, one. Just one rose isn't a bouquet.那才一朵耶Juste une ! Une rose, c'est pas un bouquet !一朵怎么能叫花啊?Hold on to your card. I'm opening the window.卡片掉了Ta carte est tombée.我要开窗户了J'ouvre la fenêtre.And quit whining. It's fun to move to a new place. 今天我们会很忙Secoue-toi. On a beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui ! 你最好安分一点It's an adventure.千与千寻的神隐LE VO YAGE DE CHIHIROWait. Did I take the wrong turn?奇怪Je me suis trompé de route ?难道走错路了吗?这可奇怪了This can't be right.C'est bizarre...走那条路吧!- Look, there's our house. - Huh?Ce doit être là-bas, regarde !啊?[Mother] It's that blue one on the end.会不会是角落那间蓝色的房子啊La maison au toit bleu.Oh, you're right. I must have missed the turnoff.就是那间C'est elle !是我们走过头了吧J'ai tourné trop t?t.This road should get us there.这一条应该也可以到啊J'ai envie d'essayer par ici.[Mother] Don't take a shortcut. You always get us lost.哎呀!不要啦Arrête ! Tu vas encore te perdre !每次这样都迷路- Trust me. It's gonna work. - [Chihiro] What are those stones?试试看嘛J'essaie juste un peu.- They look like little houses. - They're shrines.那间象房子的是什么?- C'est quoi, ces petites maisons ? - Des oratoires.是神明的家,叫做石祠Some people think little spirits live there.爸爸!爬得动吗?- Dad, I think we're lost. - We're fine. I've got four-wheel drive.Papa, tu sais où tu vas ?没问题Fais-moi confiance. On a une 4X4.这部车是四轮传动的喔- [Grunts] - Sit down, please, sweetie.千寻!小心点!坐好了Assieds-toi.[Grunting, Yells]- [Yells] - [Mother] Honey.! Honey.!- [Chihiro Yells] - Slow down! You're gonna kill us.老公,你慢一点好不好! 啊?Chéri, arrête de t'entêter !那不是隧道!?What's that?Un tunnel !这是栋什么建筑物啊?- What's this old building? - It looks like an entrance.C'est quoi, ce batiment ?害我差一点看错了?a m'a l'air d'un portail.老公Honey, get back in the car. We're going to be late. Chéri...我们回去吧!老公faisons demi-tour. Chéri !Chihiro.千寻Chihiro !Oh, for heaven's sake.真是的!This building's not old. It's fake.想不到是水泥做的Quoi ! Du ciment ?这栋建筑物还蛮新的嘛These stones are just made of plaster.Il est récent ce batiment ![Wind Howling]- [Gasps] - [Car Door Opens, Closes]- [Footsteps] - The wind's pulling us in.这阵风好怕人喔…Il aspire le vent.- What is it? - Let's go in. I want to see what's on the other side.是什么?C'est quoi ?进去看看嘛?Allons voir. Il y a un passage.说不定可以穿过去喔I'm not going. It gives me the creeps.我不喜欢这里,爸!回去啦J'ai peur. Partons, Papa !干嘛啊!胆子真的那么小啊Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Chihiro.Encore ! Quelle froussarde tu fais !去看一下就好啦- Let's just take a look. - The movers will get to our house before we do.On va juste voir.待会搬家公司的人来了怎么办啊Les déménageurs vont arriver.It's all right. They've got the keys. They can start without us.这你放心!我已经把钥匙给他了Et alors ? Ils ont les clés. Ils doivent tout installer, non ? 他们会帮我们弄好的- All right.Just a quick look. - Forget it. I'm not going.这么说是没错啦不要!我不去喔!Si bien s?r, mais...Non !Je ne viens pas !Come on, you guys. Let's get out of here.走了啦!爸爸!Partons, papa !Come on, honey. It'll be fun.快过来啦!不要紧的啊Viens ! N'aie pas peur !我不要进去I'm not going!Je n'irai pas !- [Whimpers, Gasps] - [Footsteps]千寻,你在车子里面等我们好了Chihiro,just wait in the car then.Attends-nous dans l'auto.[Inhales] But, Mom!妈妈Maman !- [Footsteps Departing] - Wait for me!等我啦Attends !Everybody, watch your step.小心看着走Attention où vous marchez.千寻别黏的这么紧Chihiro, don't cling like that. You'll make me trip.Chihiro, tu m'empêches de marcher !妈妈怎么走啊What is this place?这里是哪里?Où sommes-nous ?- Oh, do you hear that? - [Rumbling]你们听到了吗?Ecoute ! Tu entends ?嗯…[Water Dripping]电车的声音- It sounds like a train. - We must be near a train station.Un train !这里好像离车站很近喔La gare est peut-être proche.走吧!看看就知道了Come on. Let's go check it out.Allons-y. On verra bien.[Wind Howling]这里居然也有房子耶- What are those weird buildings? - I knew it.Que font ces maisons ici ?当然有啦Je m'en doutais...这大概是主题公园的残骸,没错It's an abandoned theme park. See?ce sont les vestiges d'un parc à thème.They built them everywhere in the early '90s.90年代的时候到处都在开发Au début des années 90, il y en a eu beaucoup.Then the economy went bad, and they all went bankrupt.后来发生了泡沫经济,大家都倒了Avec la crise, ils ont périclité.This must be one of them.这一定也是当时的建筑Ce doit en être un. S?r !Where are you going? You said just a quick look. 干嘛?还要走下去啊?Quoi ! Tu continues ?爸爸!我们回去了啦!Papa, on repart !Now let's go back.[Rumbling]哎呀!Hey!Allez ![Wind Howling][Whimpers]Did you hear that building? It was moaning.妈妈!那间房子在叫耶Maman, ce batiment gémit !It's just the wind.是风的声音吧?C'est le vent.Oh, what a beautiful place.这里的空气真好Comme on est bien, ici !We should have brought our lunch. We could have had a picnic.刚才应该把车上的三明治也一块带下来的On aurait d? prendre les sandwiches.[Water Trickling]Look. They were planning to put a river here.这里大概原来是一条河Ils avaient prévu une rivière.嗯?Hmm?- [Grunts] - Hey, you smell that?你们有没有闻到香味啊?Vous ne sentez rien ?好像有人在烧好吃的东西呢- Something smells delicious. - Yeah, and I'm starving.?a sent rudement bon !真的好香啊C'est vrai !说不定这里还有摊贩呢,去看看Maybe this theme park's still in business. Let's go.Ils sont peut-être encore ouverts ?千寻!走快一点Chihiro, hurry it up.Chihiro, dépêche-toi !Wait a minute.等等人家啦Attendez-moi ![Grunting]Hmm. [Sniffing]Over there.[Sniffing]This way.往这走C'est par là.真想不到这里全都是卖吃的Incroyable ! Rien que des restaurants ! How strange. They're all restaurants. 可是一个人也没有Where is everybody?Il n'y a personne.啊?Ah, there it is.在那里!C'est là-bas !喂!快来啊!Hey, I found it![Sizzling]Hey, you gotta see this. In here.快来!就这Par ici !哇!这么丰富啊Ahh, look at this.C'est fantastique !有人在吗?Hello in there! Does anybody work here?S'il vous plait ! Il y a quelqu'un ?请问有人在吗?千寻你也过来!很好吃喔- Come in, Chihiro. It looks delicious. - Mm-mmm.Chihiro, viens donc. ?a a l'air bon.请问有人在吗?Anybody?S'il vous plait !Don't worry, honey. We can pay the bill when they get back.别叫了Ne t'inquiète pas. On paiera quand ils reviendront.等一下有人来了再付钱就是了Good plan. Hey, that looks great.说的也是!有这么多的好东西C'est vrai. ?a a l'air bon par là-bas.I wonder what this is called.这卤的是什么鸡肉?Quel oiseau ?a peut bien être ?Oh, it's delicious. Chihiro, you have to taste this.真是好吃!千寻,真的很好吃喔C'est délicieux ! Chihiro, viens te régaler.I don't want any. We're gonna get in trouble. Let's just get out of here.我不要!Non !回去啦!人家老板会骂的!Partons ! On va se faire gronder !Don't worry. You've got Daddy here.不要紧!有爸爸在你怕什么Ne t'inquiète pas.Je suis là, moi !He's got credit cards and cash.信用卡还是现金,随他收J'ai de l'argent et ma carte.Mmm.千寻也来吃一点嘛,连骨头都好软啊- Chihiro, you have to try this. It's so tender. -Mm-mmm.Viens manger Chihiro. Même les os sont fondants.- Mustard? - Thank you.芥末Moutarde !谢谢Merci.- [Mother] Mmm. - [Grunting, Slurping][Snorting]Come on, you guys. You can't.妈妈!爸爸!Maman ! Papa ![Snorting, Grunting][Water Rushing]That's weird.好奇怪C'est bizarre...[Water Rushing Continues][Rumbling]BAINS[Chihiro] It's a bathhouse.[Rumbling]There's the train.是电车!Un train ![Gasps][Gasps]啊?- You shouldn't be here. Get out of here now! - [Rumbling]你不能来这里,快回去!Interdit de venir ici. File !- What? - It's almost night.天马上就要黑了!La nuit va tomber. Rentre vite !Leave, before it gets dark.趁天黑之前快离开[Rumbling Continues]They're lighting the lamps. Get out of here.灯光亮了!快点!Ils allument les lampes. File !You've gotta get across the river. Go! I'll distract them. 我帮你拖一下时间!Je vais les distraire. Traverse la rivière !赶快往河川那头走![Buzzes]What's up with him?他是谁啊?C'est qui, ce gar?on ?Mom! Dad!爸爸Papa !Come on! Quit eating. Let's get out of here!爸爸!回去啦!Papa, partons !回去啦!爸爸!Partons, papa ![Gasps]- [Gasps] - [Smacking][Squeals, Groans][Screaming][Squeals]Mom! Dad! Where are you? 爸爸!Papa ! Maman !妈妈![Gasping] Mommy!妈妈…Maman ![Screams][Panting][Screams]不是河!Water?De l'eau ![Gasps]What?不会吧…C'est pas vrai !I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming! 是我在做梦C'est un rêve ! Un rêve ! Come on. Wake up! Wake up!醒过来!醒过来!Réveille-toi ! Réveille-toi !Wake up.醒过来…Réveille-toi...It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Go away. 这是做梦、做梦C'est un rêve... un rêve.马上消失Away. Disappear.Disparaissez tous ! Filez !消失掉、消失掉Filez ![Gasping]I'm see-through! [Grunting]变成透明的了!On voit à travers ![Gasps] It's just a bad dream.做梦!一定定做梦!C'est un rêve... s?rement un rêve. [Rumbling][Gasping][Screams]我不要…[Panting]- Oh! - [Chattering][Chattering Continues][Woman] You're thriving. Ah,yes.- Looking forward to a relaxing time. - Quite a long journey.- [Woman] I hope they have-- - [Chattering][Gasps]Don't be afraid. I just want to help you.别害怕,我跟你是同一边的N'aie pas peur.Je suis un ami.No! No! No!不要、不要、不要Non ! Non ! Non !Open your mouth and eat this.把嘴张开,把它吃下去Ouvre la bouche et avale.You have to eat some food from this world, or else you'll disappear.不吃这个世界的东西Tu dois manger un produit d'ici pour survivre. 你会渐渐消失的不要!Non !No! [Gasps]不要紧Don't worry. It won't turn you into a pig.N'aie pas peur.吃了也不会变成猪Tu ne deviendras pas un cochon.- [Whimpers] - Chew it and swallow.嚼碎了吞下去Mache et avale.[Whimpering][Whimpering Continues]好孩子,没关系了There you go. You're all better.Très bien. Tu es sauvée.你再摸摸看See for yourself.Touche-moi.- I'm okay. - You see?摸得到了…?a marche !对吧?Tu vois ! Viens !来!跟我来- Now, come with me. - Where are my mom and dad? 我爸爸跟我妈妈呢?Mes parents, où sont-ils ?他们不会真的变成猪了吧?They... didn't really turn into pigs, did they?Ce ne sont pas des cochons ?You can't see them now, but you will.不急,总有一天你会见到他们的Tu les reverras, je te le promets.- [Wind Howling] - Don't move.别出声Silence !她飞来飞去是在找你That bird's looking for you. You've gotta get out of here. On te cherche !没时间了!快跑!Le temps presse. Courons ![Gasps] My legs! I can't stand up.我站不起来!怎么办?Je ne tiens pas debout ! Non !我没有力气了Help! What do I do?Je n'ai plus de jambes !冷静一点,深呼吸一口气Calme-toi. Respire un bon coup.[Inhales]In the name of the wind and water within thee, unbind her.土木水火金Au nom du vent et de l'eau qui sont en toi... libère-toi !以风跟水之名听我命令- Get up. - [Gasps]站起来!Lève-toi ![Wind Rushing][Squealing]- [Man] Welcome. Welcome. - [Chattering]Always nice to see you. Welcome back.- Welcome. Welcome. - [Chattering Continues][Man] You have to hold your breath while we cross the bridge.过桥的时候Tant qu'on est sur le pont, ne respire pas.憋住气不能呼吸Even the tiniest breath will break the spell, and then everyone will see you.不能让他们闻到你的味道Le moindre souffle不然法术消失romprait le charme et alerterait les commis.店里的人就会发觉我们了- [Chattering Continues] - [Man] Wonderful to see you.- [Woman] Nice to see you. - Welcome back.I'm scared.好怕人…J'ai peur.Now just stay calm.什么都不要想Calme-toi.Welcome. Welcome. Always nice to see you.欢迎光临Bienvenue ! Vous êtes les premiers !您来得真早Welcome back. Welcome. Welcome.欢迎光临Bienvenue. Bienvenue.欢迎光临- I'm back from my mission. - Ahh, welcome. 我办完事情回来了- Travail terminé. - Bon retour, messire.是!欢迎你回来Welcome back, Master Haku.现在可以吸气了- Take a deep breath. - [Inhales]Inspire un bon coup.慢一点Hold it.Bloque ta respiration.来…大爷这边请[Chattering]好,来了大爷欢迎光临,请进请进里面的,又来了两位了欢迎光临,我们等您好久了Welcome. Welcome.Heureux de vous revoir. Vous nous avez manqué ! Welcome back. Good to see you.- [Whimpering] - Hang on. Almost there.再撑一下,就快到了Tiens bon, on arrive.Master Haku!白先生Messire Haku !Where have you been?你去哪里了?Où étiez-vous ?[Gasps] Wha-- A human?人…有人味!Quoi ! Un humain ?Let's go!快跑!Cours ![Gasping, Laughing][Gasping Continues][Grunts] Huh? Huh? Huh?[Chattering]什么味道…Master Haku! Master Haku!白先生!白先生!Messire Haku !你有没有闻到? 有人类进来了Prenez garde ! Un humain s'est infiltré ![Man] Hurry. Boy, boy, boy, it stinks up the place. 是人类的臭味!好臭!?a pue l'humain !被他们发现了- They know you're here. - I'm sorry. I took a breath. Repérée !对不起,我憋不住了Pardon, j'ai respiré.没关系,那条路真的太长了No, Chihiro, you did very well.Non, Chihiro, tu as été super.Listen carefully to what I tell you to do.我告诉你接下来应该要怎么做Ecoute bien ce que je vais te dire.待在这里他们会抓到你You can't stay here. They'll find you...Tu ne peux rester ici.and you'll never get to rescue your parents.我先出去挡他们一下Je vais les occuper, profites-en pour filer.你趁机会赶快离开这I'll create a diversion while you escape.不要、你不要走No! Don't leave me. I don't wanna be alone.Non ! Reste avec moi. Reste !求你不要离开我You don't have any choice if you want to help your parents.想要在这里生存下去Si tu veux survivre, tu n'as pas le choix.你只有这一条路This is what you have to do.这也是为了救你爸妈Sans oublier tes parents !They did turn into pigs. I wasn't dreaming.这不是梦,他们真的变成猪了Je n'ai pas rêvé. Ce sont bien des cochons.你先静下来Ne bouge pas.Don't worry.等外面安静一点以后[Haku Narrating] Now, when things quiet down, go out through the back gate.Quand ce sera calme, sors par la petite porte du fond.你从那边那个门逃出去顺着楼梯走到底之后Prends l'escalier et descends jusqu'en bas.Go all the way down the stairs until you reach the boiler room...右手边是锅炉室的入口Tu verras l'entrée de la chaufferie, là où est lachaudière.where they stoke the fires.也就是生火的地方There you'll find Kamajii, the boiler man.里面有个锅炉爷爷Tu y trouveras Kamaji.你去找锅炉爷爷Kamajii?Tu dois le voir.锅炉爷爷Kamaji ?Tell him you want to work here.去拜托他让你在他那里工作Tu dois lui demander du travail.Even if he refuses, you must insist.他要是拒绝的话,你就求他Même s'il refuse, insiste.If you don't get a job, Yubaba will turn you into an animal.在这里如果不工作Si tu ne travailles pas, Yubaba te changera en animal.就会被汤婆婆变成动物Yubaba. Huh?汤婆婆是谁?Yubaba ?看到她,你就知道了You'll see. She's the witch who rules the bathhouse.Tu verras. C'est la sorcière qui nous régente.她是主管这里的魔女Kamajii will try to turn you away or trick you into leaving...她会找机会引诱你Kamaji fera tout pour te décourager de travailler,说想要回家不想工作but just keep asking for work.你千万不能这么说mais tu dois te battre.It'll be hard work, but you'll be able to stay here.你要说再辛苦也愿意等工作的机会Ce sera dur mais ta chance viendra.这样她就没办法对你下手Même Yubaba sera neutralisée.- Then, even Yubaba can't harm you. - Mm-hmm.嗯!- Master Haku? - Master Haku, where are you?白先生、白先生Messire Haku !I have to go. Don't forget, Chihiro, I'm your friend.不走不行了Je dois y aller.千寻,别忘了N'oublie pas, Chihiro. Je suis un ami.我是站在你这边的How did you know my name's Chihiro?你为什么知道我的名字Comment sais-tu mon nom ?I've known you since you were very small.你很小的时候我就认识你Je te connais depuis toujours.Good luck, and whatever you do, don't make a sound. 我的名字叫做白龙Moi, je m'appelle Haku.- [Chattering] - [Man] Master Haku.我在这,别叫了Calm down. I'm coming.Me voici !白先生,汤婆婆她…[Man] Master Haku, Yubaba wants to see you. Messire Haku, Dame Yubaba vous...I know. It's about my mission, right?我知道了,所以我才出去的Je sais.J'étais en mission pour elle.喔!这样!There's a human someplace. We must find him. Let's go this way.Wait for me. Wait for me. Wait.Come on. Everything's fine.[Chattering][Sighing][Train Approaching][Gulps, Exhales][Screams][Sighing][Sighing Continues][Screaming][Screaming Continues]- [Panting] - [Creaking][Chattering][Chattering Continues][Grunts][Grunting]- [Metal Scraping] - [Rumbling][Hissing, Rumbling][Metal Clattering][Sizzling][Gasps][Bell Dings][Gasps, Whimpers]- [Steam Hissing] - [Gasps] [Whimpers][Sizzling][Metal Scraping][Scraping Continues]请…请问…Uh, hello. Excuse me.S'il vous plait.老先生…Excusez-moi.[Gulping]请问…Uh, hello?S'il vous plait.您是…您是锅炉爷爷吗?Uh, hello. Are you Kamajii? Dites... vous êtes M. Kamaji ? Eh?Huh? [Moans][Whimpers] Haku told me to come here and ask you for work.是白先生要我来这里找你C'est Haku qui m'a dit de venir. Je veux travailler ici.你能不能让我在这里工作- Could you give me a job? - [Ringing][Sighs][Groans] Four bath tokens at once.嘿!这倒是新鲜啦Comme ?a, sans fa?ons ?白怀出来,工作啦- [Clanging] - Come on. Get to work, you little runts.Allez, petiots ! Au boulot !Yeah, I'm Kamajii...我是锅炉爷爷Je suis Kamaji, le Vieux du Four,slave to the boiler that heats the baths.是负责烧洗澡水的爷爷l'esclave qui chauffe l'eau des bains.Move it, ya stupid soot balls.白怀出来,动作快一点Allez, petiots ! Plus vite !Please, I've gotta get a job here.求求你,让我在这里工作Laissez-moi travailler ici !不要,找人手够了I don't need any help.Besoin de personne. Les boules de suie ne manquent pas.The place is full of soot. I just cast a spell on them...看看这里面一堆煤灰替换人手要多少就有多少J'ai tout le renfort qu'il faut.and I've got all the workers I need.- [Squeaking] - Oh. Sorry.对不起喔!Excusez-moi.[Squeaking]Wait.Just a second.Attendez...让我一下[Squeaking Continues]- Out of the way. - [Gasps]闪一边去?te-toi de là ![Bell Dinging]- [Squeaks] - [Squishes]- [Gasps] - [Squeaking] [Squeaking Continues] [Grunting][Grunting Continues][Pops][Squeaks]这个要怎么办?What should I do with this?Qu'est-ce que je fais de ?a ? [Sighs] Should I leave it here? 就放在这里吗?Je le pose là ?你都拿起来了,还不赶快工作Finish what you started, human. Finis ce que tu as commencé ! 嗯?[Grunting][Whimpers, Yells]好热[Panting][Squeaking]- Hmm? - [Squeaking Continues][All Squeaking][Squeaking Continues]好啦!吵什么吵Hey, you runts. You wanna turn back into soot?Dites, les petiots ! Vous voulez redevenir suie ordinaire ?你们想回去当地上的蟾蜍吗?你也不要以为好玩And you, back off. You can't just take someone else's job.Et toi, l'écervelée, ne prends pas le boulot d'autrui !就把别人的工作抢去做了他们不工作的话If they don't work, the spell wears off. They turn back into soot.Sans travail, les petiots disparaitront.魔法全都会消失我们这里没有你的工作There's no work for you here, got it? Try somewhereelse.J'ai rien pour toi, ici. Va voir ailleurs.你到别的地方去吧[Squeaking][Squeaking Continues]干嘛!你们又有意见啦You soot balls got a problem? Get back to work!Qu'y a-t-il ? Vous n'êtes pas contents ?工作去!回去工作!Allez, au boulot !Chow time. What's going on?A table !吃饭啦Quoi ? Encore la bagarre ?怎么?又吵架啦Are you guys fighting again? [Scoffs]- [Mumbles] - Where's your other bowl?Arrêtez donc !犯不着那么生气吧- Oh. Ahh. - From yesterday?Où est ton bol ?碗呢?I keep telling you to leave it out, Kamajii.Je t'ai déjà dit de le préparer !我不是叫你先拿出来的吗?吃饭啦On mange ! Repos !Meal time! Take a break.休息[All Squeaking][Squeaking Continues]- [Gasps] - [Gasps]嗯?A human! You're in trouble. You're the one everyone's looking for.有人类耶Un humain ! ?a craint !就是她Ils se disputaient à ce sujet là-haut.难怪刚刚楼上又吵又闹的- She's my granddaughter. - Granddaughter?是我的小孙女C'est ma petite-fille.Petite-fille ?小孙女?She said she wants to work here...她说想在这里工作Elle veut travailler mais j'ai assez de monde ici.but I've got all the help I need.可是我这边人手够了Will you take her to see Yubaba? She's a tough little girl.Tu ne pourrais pas l'amener à Yubaba ?小玲啊你帮帮…带他去汤婆婆那里好吗?I think she can handle it.Elle plaidera sa cause.接下来她自己会看着办No way. I'm not gonna risk my life.Pas question !Je veux pas mourir !我才不要呢!那我不就死定了What if I give you this roasted newt? Hmm?Tu en veux ?这个怎么样啊Du triton grillé... de qualité supérieure.烤蝾螈耶是上等货色喔!It's a good one.If you want a job, you'll have to make a deal with Yubaba.Pour travailler, Yubaba doit te signer un contrat.反正在这里工作一定要跟汤婆婆签约She's the head honcho here.Va donc tenter ta chance.你自己去试试运气吧Give me that! Come on, little girl. You better follow me.Bon ! Suis-moi.走!小女生,跟我来吧[Gasps]- Can't you even manage a "Yes, ma'am" or a "Thank you"? - Yes, ma'am.喂!我跟你说了半天Tu sais dire ''Entendu'' ou ''Merci'' ?你都不会说声谢谢呀谢谢Entendu.What a dope. Hurry up.真是反应迟钝Quelle lourdingue ! Dépêche !—快点—是- Yes, ma'am. - [Door Slides]Entendu.[Scoffs] You don't need your shoes or your socks.Pas besoin de chaussures !还拿鞋子干嘛- Just leave 'em. - Yes, ma'am.去!把袜子也脱掉Entendu.是[Squeaking, Shuffling]Thank the boiler man, you idiot. You know, he's really sticking his neck out for you.喂!你跟锅炉爷爷说谢谢了吗?Tu as dit merci à Kamaji ?多亏他照顾你呀Il t'a aidé, non ?嗯?[Cries Out] Thank you, Mr. Boiler Man.Merci beaucoup.谢谢爷爷您的照顾Good luck.祝你好运Good luck!We have to go all the way to the top floor. That's where Yubaba lives.汤婆婆在这一栋楼顶的阁楼里Yubaba habite tout en haut, par derrière.[Cranking, Grinding]Get over here.你快一点,好不好?Dépêche-toi !嗯- You wanna lose your nose? - [Gasps]小心你的头Tu vas perdre ton nez.[Faint Chattering]真不知道他怎么想的嘿!阿郎最近怎么样了跟澡堂那小子混在一块了[Man] More appetizers.哎哟!现在这些年轻人真是的是的,怎么劝也劝不听嘛[Man #2] Not spicy enough.对啊- We're halfway there.Just stay close. - Okay.这是换第二道电梯罗- On change encore une fois. - Entendu.喔!Here we go.On arrive.到罗![Gasps] The radish spirit.Bon... bonjour.欢迎光临[Talking, Indistinct]Sorry, sir. This elevator doesn't go any higher.你大概弄错了Monsieur, cet ascenseur ne va pas plus haut. Cherchez-en un autre.这个电梯不上楼的You'll have to take another one. Thank you.请您搭别的电梯[Footsteps Squeaking, Thudding]大爷那就将就点吧好[Squeaking, Thudding]- He's following us. - Just don't look at him.他跟来了- On nous suit. - Regarde devant toi.不要东张西望的[Squeaking Continues]太好了哈哈- Step out to the right, please, gentlemen. - [Chattering] Nous voici arrivés.茶馆楼层到了I don't think they're big enough.来了、来了他来了C'est le salon sur votre droite.Your rooms are right this way.喝茶,请往右手边走- [Sniffs] Hmm. Rin? - What?Lin ?小玲Oui.你好[Gasps]What's that smell? [Sniffing]好像有什么味道Tu ne sens rien ?- It's human. You smell just like a human. - Oh, really? 人类…是人类的味道?a sent l'humain. Tu pues l'humain.是人类吗?Ah oui ?Where's it coming from, Rin? Come on.有味道、有味道Je le sens, je le sens. ?a sent la chair fraiche.很好吃的味道You're hiding something, aren't you? [Sniffs]你身上藏着什么东西啊Tu nous caches quelque chose.- Show it to me. - Is this what you smell?给我老实招出来Dis-moi la vérité.是这个味道吧Cette odeur... ?[Gasps] Roasted... newt!炭烤蝾螈?给我Un triton grillé... aboule !No way, frog. I'm saving every last bite for myself.不能给你Pas question ! Les ainées ont la priorité.是姊妹们拜托我去找来的Please,just a little bit. Just give me a leg.求求你,给我一点点就好Je t'en prie ! Un petit bout, une patte, au moins !一只脚就好- [Straining] - If you wanna go up, pull the lever on your right.想上楼的客人Ceux qui désirent monter, appuyez sur le levier.请自己先按关门钮吧[Frog] Gimme, gimme, gimme. How could you be so cruel?- [Straining] - [Frog] Can't you share?Let me suck on the tail. Please.!。
●the author of the cartoon ●the characters in the cartoon ●the plot of the story ●summary ●film appreciation
the author of the cartoon
• Miyazaki Hayao • He was born on
Finally,she wins everyone's admiration and succeeds in rescuing her parents.
But,in the end,the future of them is still a secret
• Don't lost ourselves in the chase, don't forget the past unconsciously.
prize for the best director,writer and original music 4 oscars • Beyond the Titanic,with two billion dolars income • Oscar best animated film awards • the first anime film to win an Acadamy Award and the first(and so far only)non-English speaking animation to win
Chihiro wonders off and approaches a large building.The building is a bathhouse for god and spirits.
千与千寻 英文版
Spirited Away
When yubaba 's minions, yubaba 's crow servant hovers in the sky to catch Chihiro, white dragon with Chihiro escaped, but he has to leave, Chihiro but rely on pulling him, white Dragon said to her, want to survive here, you only have to go it alone. And doesn't work here, will be yubaba into animal.ຫໍສະໝຸດ Spirited Away
Strangely deserted town street, both sides is delicious food. Chihiro's parents unable to the temptation of food, don't care about food master is not here. Take food to eat. Chihiro can’t prevent parents act, this made her uneasy, she had to in the empty street in the walk, wandering.
At last she help Haku had found his real name, and save us, save her parents ... ...
Spirited Away
Spirited Away
SpIrIted Away
B u t in fa c t , h e ca n n e v e r a ffo rd re la tiv e s , lo v e rs ,d re a m an d so on.
Y o u m a y g a in th e tru e lo v e w ith in th e p e rio d .
T h e trip fille d w ith to o m a n y u n k n o w n , a n d
a re n o t su re o f th e d e s tin a tio n . B u t it d o e s n
m a tte r a s lo n g a s yo u r d re a m h a s b e e n o n th
A g e n e ra l is p ro fits
C o n fu s e , b u t is a ls o a v kin d p e rs o n , ju s t lik e L
S o m e b o d y w h o is g u a n d lo n e ly . In h is o p in io n , e v e ry th in g w ill g iv e in th e m o n e y , in c lu d in g th e h e a rt .
Hayao miyazaki's animations bring us too much touch, whether it’s beautiful pictures or moving music.
What’s more, his work makes us
learn to think about our lives and the relationship between the
Chihiro and her family are on their way to their new house in the countryside . She feels very unhappy since apart from familiar school and friends.
On the way to their new home,Chihiro and her parents lose their way, they go into an ampty town through an entrance. they discover an open-air restaurant filled with food but with no workers or customers present.
the plot of the story
Chihiro is a ten-yearold girl. Qian yu Qianxun is a story which starts from her. When Chihiro with her parents was moving from this city to another city, wonderful journey took place.
Immediately her parents plunge into the delicious food. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. In the town, Chihiro senses danger and uncomfortable. She persuades her parents to leave there quickly,but they pay no attention to her.
千与千寻 英语介绍
Name: Haku Appearance is about twelve years old, can be the incarnation of the dragon ,kind but controlled. Forget his name,can’t return to the real world.
Some details
The name is the contract of self. When people made a covenant with the rules of society, often ignored and loss of the contrant of self and self.
Introduction to the main characters
Name: Chihior(laziness,disgusted ,timid) Sen (brave, inspire unlimited potential) Age: 10 Four grade primary school student.
Something you have to know
1.Don't let yourself desire. 不要放纵自己的欲望 2.To be strong、brave, and equal treatment to every life. 要坚强、勇敢,平等对待每一个生命
3.Know what they really need is , money is not all the people need. 明白自己真正需要的是什么,金钱并不是人所需要的全部。
Some details
Spoiled irony to future generations.
《千与千寻》英语作文Spirited Away is a beautiful and enchanting film that takes viewers on a magical journey through the spirit world. The animation is stunning, with vivid colors and intricate details that bring the fantastical world to life.One of the most memorable characters in the film is Chihiro, a young girl who finds herself trapped in thespirit world after her parents are turned into pigs.Chihiro's journey is one of self-discovery and growth, as she learns to navigate this strange and wondrous world and find her inner strength.The film is filled with symbolism and deeper meanings, exploring themes of greed, environmental destruction, and the importance of staying true to oneself. It is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant story that stays with viewers long after the credits roll.The music in Spirited Away is also worth mentioning, asit perfectly complements the visuals and helps to create a sense of wonder and magic. The haunting melodies and ethereal sounds enhance the emotional impact of the film and add another layer of depth to the storytelling.Overall, Spirited Away is a masterpiece of animation that has rightfully earned its place as one of the greatest animated films of all time. Its timeless story, memorable characters, and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the art of storytelling.。
Forget his name, could not return to the real world. Is a white dragon, kindhearted, controlled
Ten-year-old girl Chihiro and her parents moved to the countryside. That way, they lost their way.
They take a shortcut down a mysterious forested pathway
The achievements
Japan's history of box office championship Golden Bear ofal Film Festival The 75th Annual Oscar for best animated feature film award.
That‘ all, Thank you
千与千寻的英 语简介
Today, I will introduce a classic movie.
• Do you know this old man?
• He is the author of the movie I would like to introduce.
Spirited Away 《千 与 千 寻》
After watching ,the feeling
C: Yes, one. Just one rose isn’t a bouquet.
M: Hold on to your card. I’m opening the window and quit whining. It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.
M: The movers will get to our house before we do.
F: It’s alright. They’ve got the keys. They can start without us.
M: Alright. Just a quick look.
C: Forget it. I’m not going. Come on you guys, let’s get out of here.
-Good plan. Hey that looks great.
-I wonder what this is called. Oh…It’s delicious. Chihiro, you have to taste this.
-I don’t want any. We’re gonna get in trouble. Let’s just get out of here.
-Don’t be afraid! I just wantta help you.
-Open your mouth and eat this. You must eat some food from this world or else you’ll disappear.
YuBaba and Zeniba
They are twins but Yubaba only pursues interests and she is the manager of the bathhouse.She has a giant spoiled baby. Zeniba is a gentle and kind elder.She helps Chihiro a lot.
desire, greed
identity, connection
“river god”
Pollution, bad environment
1.The harmony between man and nature 2. The irony of human greed. 3.The emphasis of the value of labor 4. The process of growing up.
Hayao Miyazaki is a responsible director, because t here are so many thoughts a bout human and society in his works.
His animated film mainly consists of two themes, one is man and nature, the other is personal growth.
Spirited away
About the author
Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. Today he is one of the greatest animation directors in Japan.
千与千寻 电影赏析 英文版
汤婆婆和钱婆婆:Yubaba and Zeniba
• Yubaba: Essence is good, but only pursue interests
• Zeniba: Life's leader
• • • • • • • • •
无面人:孤独,被汤屋所带坏,被千寻救赎 青蛙:贪欲,无知,物质崇尚者 宝宝:被溺爱的孩子们 3个头:没有思想的人 纸人:受人控制,不会长久 小铃:善良,友好,努力工作 煤虫:工作才能生存 钱婆婆的灯:引路人 车上的影子:失去自我
The deepest impression
The achievements
• Japan's history of shadow box championship
• American animation film, Annie extravaganza prize for the best director, writer and original music 4 oscars
10岁的千寻与父母一起搬家到了乡下,没想到在搬家的途中,一家人发生 了意外。 他们进入了汤屋魔女控制的奇特世界——在那里不劳动的人将会被变成动 物。父母在幻境里因为触犯规则而变成了猪,千寻孤独的留在幻境里。为 了不被变成动物,千寻在那里拼命地工作 。每天都发生很多奇幻的事情, 令她对生活有很多新体验。这个平凡小女孩是在完全被动的窘境里爆发出 生命无可抗拒的生存意愿…
谢谢பைடு நூலகம்赏!
《千与千寻》是日本国宝动画巨匠宫崎骏 勇夺奥斯卡的杰作,影片剧情大致可以概括 为一个冒险故事。
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• To have a principle and adhere to it,to have a target and never stop.
• Let the children leave the shelter of parents and grow up independently,it will be possible that the children will get the ability and the maturity of thought.
Chihiro wonders off and approaches a large building.The building is a bathhouse for god and spirits.
New scene at night
Her parents become pigs
Pulling out rubbish from the river spirit
Finally,she wins everyone's admiration and succeeds in rescuing her parents.
But,in the end,the future of them is still a secret
• Don't lost ourselves in the chase, don't forget the past unconsciously.
Stoping the No-face's crazy action and taking him to a warm home.
Helping him remember his real name
Saving Kaku with the medcine which can save her parents.
January 5,1941,in Tokyo. • Studio Ghibli
• He has won a lot of prizes.
works of .Miyazaki Hayao
The achievements
• Japan's history of shadow box championship • American animation film, Annie extrvaganza
main characters
the characters in the cartoon
Chihiro 获野千寻
At the very beginning it seems she is really childish and immature.
In the adventure for saving her parents , she gradually became brave and independent.
the characters in the cartoon
Haku 小白
a river from real world a white dragon and be controled by Yubaba
the characters in the cartoon
Yubaba 汤婆婆
Zeniba 钱婆婆
●the author of the cartoon ●the characters in the cartoon ●the plot of the story ●summary ●film appreciation
the author of the cartoon
• Miyazaki Hayao • He was born on
They are twin sisters,but with totally different personalities.
the characters in the cartoon
No-face 无脸人
He is lonely and longing for the love and company. No-face represents the loneliness in human's heart.
prize for the best director,writer and original music 4 oscars • Beyond the Titanic,with two billion dolars income • Oscar best animated film awards • the first anime film to win an Acadamy Award and the first(and so far only)non-English speaking animation to win
• We should protecou for your attention
On the way to their new home,Chihiro and her parents lost their way,they go into an ampty town through an entrance.
the ampty town
They find much freshly-cooked food in the town.The parents greedily help themselves.While Chihiro refused.