Effect of silicate pretreatment, post-sealing and additives on corrosion resistance of phosphat




concrete panels. The panels will all be pretensioned in the trans-verse direction during fabrication and post-tensioned together in the longitudinal direction after place-ment. The advantage of using pre-stressed panels is a significant in-crease in the durability of the pavement, with a significant re-duction in required pavement thickness. For example, an 8 in. thick precast, prestressed pave-ment can be designed for the same design life as a 14 in. thick contin-uously reinforced concrete pave-ment by simply adjusting the pre-stress level in the pavement. This adjustment will not only result in significant material cost savings but will also allow for more flexi-bility when pavements are con-structed in areas with overhead clearance restrictions, such as un-der bridges.The proposed concept consists of three different types of panels, as shown in Figure 1. The base panels (Figure 1a) are the “filler”panels between the joint panels and central stressing panel(s). The central stressing panel (Figure 1b) is a panel similar to the base pan-el, with the addition of pockets cast into the panel. These pockets will allow the post-tensioning strands to be stressed at the center of the slab, rather than at the an-chorage, which will be cast into the joint panels. The joint panels (Figure 1c) will contain an expan-sion joint detail (Figure 2), similar to that of bridge expansion joints, which will absorb the significant expansion and contraction move-ments of the pavement with daily and seasonal temperature cycles.A typical panel assembly is shown in Figure 3. The slab length (between expansion joints) will be varied by an increase in the num-ber of base panels between the joint panels and central stressing panels. After all of the panels are set in place, the post-tensioning strands will be inserted into the ducts via the central stressing pockets and threaded through all of the panels to self-locking,spring-loaded post-tensioning an-chors cast into the joint panels.The use of self-locking anchorswill allow the strands to simply bepushed into the anchors fromsome point along the pavement,most likely from small pocketscast into the joint panels.After the post-tensioningstrands are tensioned from thecentral stressing pockets, thepockets will be filled with a fast-setting concrete, which will havesufficient strength by the timetraffic is allowed back onto thepavement. The strands will thenbe grouted in the ducts via inlets/vents located at the expansionjoints and at the stressing pockets.The intermediate joints betweenthe individual panels will then besealed with a low-viscosity, liquidsealant. If needed, the pavementcan then be diamond-ground tosmooth out any major irregulari-ties, and any major voids beneaththe pavement can be filled bystandard grout injection or expan-sive polyurethane foam.To obtain a smooth riding sur-face over the assembled pave-ment, continuous shear keys willbe cast into the panel edges, asshown in Figure 1, to ensure exactvertical alignment of the panels asthey are set in place. Additionally,the panels will be placed over athin, 1 to 2 in. thick, asphalt level-ing course, which should providea smooth, flat surface on whichthe panels can be placed to mini-mize the amount of voids beneaththe panels. A single layer of poly-ethylene sheeting will also beplaced over the asphalt levelingcourse to reduce the friction be-tween the leveling course and theprecast panels.Through the feasibility studydescribed above, the researchersdeveloped a feasible concept for aprecast concrete pavement. Thisconcept should meet the require-ments for both expedited con-struction and increased durability,which will result in both tremen-dous savings in user costs and anincreased design life.With respect to expedited con-struction, the proposed concepthas many features that will allowfor construction to take place dur-ing overnight or weekend opera-tions. First, the asphalt levelingcourse can be placed well in ad-vance of the precast panels. Thiswill allow for the entire asphaltleveling course to be placed at onetime, rather than just prior to theplacement of the precast slabs.Traffic on the leveling courseshould not have a detrimental ef-fect as long as the panels areplaced within a reasonable amountof time after the leveling course.Second, neither the stressingpockets nor the post-tensioningducts must be filled or groutedprior to exposure to traffic. Thepockets can simply be temporarilycovered and the strands can begrouted during a subsequent con-struction operation. Finally, tem-Figure 2. Expansion joint detail to be cast into the joint panels.6"2"1/4" Ø Stainlessporary precast ramps can simply be placed at the end of the slab to provide a transition for traffic onto and off the new pavement. These ramps can then be reused during subsequent operations.User delay costs can be sub-stantially reduced by limiting con-struction to an overnight or week-end timeframe. As an example, the computer program QUEWZ was used to compute and compare user delay costs for precast pave-ment construction and for conven-tional pavement construction. For conventional pavement construc-tion, wherein traffic is diverted through the construction zone for 24 hours per day until construc-tion is complete, the user delay costs were computed as approxi-mately $383,000 per day. On the other hand, precast pavement con-struction, wherein traffic is only diverted from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. dai-ly, results in user delay costs of only $1,800 per day. Although it may not be possible to place as much precast pavement as con-ventional pavement during one day, the savings in user costs far outweigh any additional construc-tion time.In addition to expedited con-struction, precast pavement also offers enhanced durability. First, the panels will be cast in a con-trolled environment at a precast yard. This will allow for flexibili-ty with the concrete mix, making the use of lightweight, high per-formance, and other concretes possible. Second, because pre-stressing will be incorporated, cracking in the pavement can be prevented. This will reduce, if not eliminate, spalls and punchouts during the design life of the pave-ment. Prevention of cracking will also protect the post-tensioning strands in the pavement. The cast-in-place prestressed pavement constructed in 1985 on Interstate35 in McLennan County, Texas, isa testament to the increased dura-bility of prestressed pavements. Finally, because the precast pan-els will generally be thinner than conventional pavements, and be-cause there will be a great deal of control over the temperature gra-dient in the precast panels during casting, “built-in curl” will be sig-nificantly reduced, if not eliminat-ed. This will greatly reduce tem-perature curling stresses in the pavement.The Researchers Recommend...The proposed concept appears to be a feasible method for expe-diting construction of portland cement concrete (PCC) pave-ments. However, the true feasibil-ity of this concept will be realized only through actual implementa-tion. Therefore, a staged imple-mentation strategy is recommend-ed for testing these concepts and slowly introducing this new con-struction technique into current practices.Staged implementation will begin with small pilot projects aimed at refining the proposed concepts and streamlining the construction process. The pilot projects should be constructed on pavements that can be closed dur-Figure 3. Typical panel assembly.ing construction with a very mini-mal impact on traffic, such as cer-tain frontage roads or rest area roads. Any necessary laboratory testing should be completed prior to the construction of the pilot projects to ensure the viability of certain aspects, such as the spring-loaded anchors and strand place-ment procedures.The pilot projects will be fol-lowed by rural implementation, wherein the construction process will be further streamlined under simulated time constraints. As with the pilot projects, rural imple-mentation should be undertaken on pavements that will not have a very significant impact on traffic if problems occur during construc-tion. Rural implementation should take place, however, on a road that will experience significant traffic loading, such as a rural interstate.Finally, after rural implementa-tion, urban implementation will present the most challenges to pre-cast pavement construction. Urban implementation should take place on an urban intersection or major arterial where road closure must be limited to overnight or weekend operations. By the time urban im-plementation is undertaken, how-ever, the construction process should be fully streamlined to ac-commodate strict time constraints.Implementation will ultimately determine the feasibility of the precast concrete pavement con-cepts presented in this report. In the end, a simple concept that is easily adaptable to existing tech-niques yet not restricted by current practices will ensure the viability of precast concrete pavements.DisclaimerFor More Details …Research Supervisor: B. Frank McCullough, Ph.D., P.E., phone: (512) 232-3141,email:************************.eduTxDOT Project Director:Gary Graham, P.E., phone: (512) 467-5926,email:*****************The research is documented in the following report:Report 1517-1, The Feasibility of Using Precast Concrete Panels to Expedite HighwayPavement Construction, Draft January 2001To obtain copies of the report, contact: CTR Library, Center for Transportation Research,phone:(512)232-3138,email:*************.This research was performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official view or policies of the FHWA or TXDOT.This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation, nor is it intended forconstruction, bidding, or permit purposes. Trade names were used solely for information and not for product endorsement. The engineer in charge was Dr. B. Frank McCullough, P.E. (Texas No. 19914).。



第44卷第1期2021年1月河北农业大学学报JOURNAL OF HEBEI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITYVol.44 No.1Jan.2021电解水替代强碱提取大豆渣可溶性 多糖工艺优化研究袁 森,杜明星,李博生(北京林业大学 生物科学与技术学院,北京 100083)摘要:豆渣为大豆加工的剩余物,利用率低,电解水(Electrolyzed Water,EW)是1种酸碱温和,环境友好的溶剂。


以电解水不同程度代替传统工艺中所用的NaOH,在单因素试验的基础上,应用正交分析法得到了电解水提取大豆渣多糖最佳工艺条件:提取温度65℃、提取时间70 min、提取pH =11、料液比1∶10,所得大豆渣可溶性多糖提取率为8.71%;优化实验中得到了当EW∶NaOH(V∶V)=4∶6时综合提取效果最好,提取率为12.08%。


关 键 词:豆渣;电解水;提取;可溶性多糖中图分类号:TS214.9开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文献标志码:AOptimization of extraction of soluble polysaccharides from soybeanresidue by electrolyzed water replacing strong alkaliYUAN Sen, DU Mingxing, LI Bosheng(College of Biological Science and Technology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China) Abstract: Okara is the remainder of soybean processing with a low utilization rate. Electrolyzed water (EW) is anenvironment-friendly solvent with mild acid-base. This experiment used okara as the raw material to explore andoptimize the extraction method of soluble polysaccharides from okara with electrolyzed water instead of strong alkali.The electrolysis water was used to replace the NaOH, which was used in the traditional process. On the basis of singlefactor test, the orthogonal process was adopted to obtain the optimal process conditions for the extraction of soybeanresidue polysaccharides from electrolysis water: extraction temperature 65 ℃, extraction time 70 min, extraction pHof 11, material-to-liquid ratio of 1∶10, and the extraction rate of soluble polysaccharides from soybean residue was8.71%. The optimization experiment showed that when EW∶NaOH (V∶V)=4∶6, the comprehensive extraction effectwas the best, and the extraction rate was 12.08%. The extraction rate of this method is similar to that of the traditionalalkali extraction method, but it reduces the use of strong alkali by 40%. It is an economical and environment-friendly收稿日期:2020-07-02基金项目: 国家林业与草原局重点项目(2017-01).第一作者: 袁 森(1995-),男,河南开封人,硕士研究生,主要从事农产品加工及贮藏工程研究.E-mail:***********************通信作者: 李博生(1956-),男,北京人,博士,教授,主要从事螺旋藻及微藻藻种选育和产业发展研究.E-mail: ****************本刊网址:http: // hauxb. hebau. edu. cn: 8080 /CN/ volumn / home. shtml文章编号:1000-1573(2021)01-0085-06DOI:10.13320/ki.jauh.2021.001186第44卷河北农业大学学报我国是大豆种植和加工的主要国家之一,近年来,我国自产和进口大豆总量约为9000余万t,在大豆工业生产过程中会产生30%左右的豆渣,因此,豆渣的综合利用显得尤为重要[1-3]。



of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Solar and Photovoltaics Engineering Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt. 3 Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK. 4 Materials Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 5 Imaging and Characterization Lab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. * These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to O.M.B. (email: osman.bakr@.sa).


valuated the modulatory role of nitric oxide(NO)in the regulation ofstress sus-
ceptibility and adaptation.Albino rats were screened as“high”and“low”emo-
GABA levels in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of rats following stress
and-re-stress in an animal model of PTSD
Brand Linda1*,MyburghJacolene2,Rheeders Malie2,Harvey BrianH2.1.Di-
arms of the elevated plus maze(EPM)and(b)NOx levels in brain ho-
mogenates.The NO precursor,L-arginine reversed both RS-induced behav-
ioral and biochemical changes,whereas,the NOS inhibitor,L-NAME,pro-
The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic(PK/PD)relationship of di-
azepam in rats with anxiety after exposure to repeated stress.
Rheeders Malie*,Brand Linda,Myburgh Jacolene,Harvey Brian.Division of

piezoelectric effect 原理英文

piezoelectric effect 原理英文

piezoelectric effect 原理英文Piezoelectric Effect: Understanding the Principle Behind a Key TechnologyIntroductionThe piezoelectric effect is a fascinating phenomenon that has found wide-ranging applications in various fields, from sensors and actuators to medical devices and consumer electronics. This effect occurs in certain materials that exhibit a unique property – the generation of an electric charge in response to mechanical stress or the opposite effect, the generation of mechanical strain in response to an applied electric field. Understanding the principle behind the piezoelectric effect is crucial for harnessing its potential and developing innovative technologies. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of the piezoelectric effect and explore its implications in modern science and industry.Historical BackgroundThe piezoelectric effect was first discovered by French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880. They observed that certain crystals, such as quartz and Rochelle salt, produced electric charges when subjected to mechanical pressure. Thisphenomenon sparked a wave of research into the properties of piezoelectric materials and laid the foundation for the development of piezoelectric technology. Over the years, scientists have identified a wide range of materials that exhibit piezoelectric behavior, including ceramics, polymers, and composites.Principle of the Piezoelectric EffectAt the heart of the piezoelectric effect lies the concept of polarization, where the positive and negative charges within a material become displaced in response to an external stimulus. In piezoelectric materials, such as quartz or lead zirconate titanate (PZT), the crystal structure is asymmetric, with positive and negative charges distributed unevenly along certain axes. When a mechanical force is applied to the material, the crystal lattice deforms, causing the charges to shift and creating an electric field. This leads to the generation of an electric charge on the surface of the material, known as the direct piezoelectric effect.Conversely, when an electric field is applied to a piezoelectric material, the charges within the crystal lattice rearrange, resulting in a change in shape or mechanical strain, known as the inverse piezoelectric effect. This bidirectionalrelationship between mechanical stress and electric field forms the basis of piezoelectric transduction, where energy is converted between mechanical and electrical forms.Applications of the Piezoelectric EffectThe piezoelectric effect has revolutionized a wide range of industries, enabling the development of innovative devices and technologies. Some of the key applications of piezoelectric materials include:1. Sensors and Actuators: Piezoelectric sensors are widely used in industrial applications, such as measuring pressure, force, and acceleration. Likewise, piezoelectric actuators are employed in precision positioning systems, ultrasonic motors, and vibration control devices.2. Energy Harvesting: Piezoelectric materials can convert mechanical vibrations or ambient vibrations into electrical energy, making them ideal for energy harvesting applications in wearable devices, wireless sensors, and self-powered systems.3. Medical Devices: Piezoelectric transducers are used in medical imaging technologies, such as ultrasound andnon-destructive testing. Piezoelectric bone conduction devicesand piezoelectric actuators are also used in hearing aids and implantable medical devices.4. Consumer Electronics: Piezoelectric materials are found ina variety of consumer electronics products, including piezoelectric buzzers, acoustic sensors, and haptic feedback devices in smartphones and tablets.Future Prospects and ChallengesAs the demand for miniaturized, energy-efficient devices continues to grow, the piezoelectric effect holds great promise for future technological advancements. Researchers are exploring new materials, such as flexible and bio-compatible polymers, for unique applications in wearable electronics, biomedical implants, and energy-efficient devices. However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as improving the performance and durability of piezoelectric materials, optimizing energy conversion efficiency, and reducing costs for large-scale production.ConclusionThe piezoelectric effect is a powerful phenomenon that has transformed the way we interact with technology and the world around us. By understanding the principles behind this effectand exploring its diverse applications, we can unlock new opportunities for innovation and create a sustainable future. As we continue to push the boundaries of material science and engineering, the piezoelectric effect will undoubtedly play a key role in shaping the technologies of tomorrow.。



药物替代疗法英语作文高中Title: Alternative Medicine: A Controversial Approach。

Introduction:Alternative medicine, also known as complementary or integrative medicine, has gained significant attention in recent years as a substitute for conventional medical treatments. While some advocate for its effectiveness and holistic approach, others remain skeptical due to the lack of scientific evidence and potential risks associated with certain practices. This essay delves into the controversial topic of alternative medicine, examining its principles, benefits, drawbacks, and the need for a balanced perspective.Body:I. Understanding Alternative Medicine。

A. Definition and Scope。

1. Definition of alternative medicine。

2. Various forms and practices: acupuncture, herbal medicine, chiropractic care, etc.B. Principles and Philosophy。


Coating 涂料
Cobwebbing 裂痕
Cocos 可可色
60 砂光 Sandin g 61 砂纸 Sandpa per 62 抛光 Polishi ng 63 补土 Putty 64 布印 Smudg e
65 漂白 Bleach 66 喷台 Spray booth 67 喷枪 Spray gun 68 喷漆 柜 Booth 69 空气 喷涂雾枪 Air spray gun 70 有气 喷涂 Air spray 71 无气 喷涂 Airless spray 72 喷均 匀 Spray overail
Consistency 稠厚度 Contractive color 收缩色 Col color 寒 色,冷色
Cooling agent 冷却剂
Covering power 覆盖力
Cracking 龟 裂,裂纹 Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚 树脂胶
Crimping 皱纹
Cure 硬化
19 下涂 P20rim涂e膜r G21el格丽 丝22,光釉滑彩 涂23装PE 硬24化P剂E 硬25化间剂隔 时26间干燥 时27间干燥 时28间干太燥长 时29间气太干短 F3l0as干h燥 房31K预il干n 房32R常e温干33燥自A然ir 干34燥可时使间 用35时橡间木 油 Oak 36 油性 着色剂 Oil stain 37 快干 着色剂 Nuglaz e 38 吐纳, 调色剂 T3o9n香er蕉 水,稀释 剂 Thinne r
[ɡæs] [iˈkwipmənt]
thickness gloss
running pinhole cratering oranger peel polishing mark hanger

The effect of surfactants on materials properties

The effect of surfactants on materials properties

The effect of surfactants on materialspropertiesSurfactants are compounds that play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and performance of materials in a wide range of industrial applications. These materials include polymers, paints, cosmetics, detergents, and even pharmaceuticals. Surfactants can affect the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of materials. Their key role is to reduce the surface tension of liquids and solids, enable emulsifications and suspensions, and enhance wetting and spreading of the materials. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which surfactants affect materials properties.1. Surface TensionSurfactants can be characterized as amphiphilic molecules, meaning that they have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions. The hydrophobic part of the molecule prefers to stay away from water while the hydrophilic part is attracted to water. This property of surfactants disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules and reduces the surface tension of liquids at the interface with air or other surfaces. This effect is critical in enhancing emulsification and wetting of materials.2. EmulsificationEmulsions are dispersed mixtures of two immiscible liquids such as oil and water. Surfactants can stabilize the emulsions by forming a layer around the dispersed droplets that prevents them from coalescing. The surfactant molecules adsorb at the oil-water interface, reducing the interfacial tension and promoting the formation of small droplets. The choice of surfactant depends on the nature of the materials and the desired stabilityof the emulsion.3. SuspensionSurfactants can also stabilize suspensions of solid particles in liquids. The surfactant molecules adsorb at the surface of the solid particles and form a protective layer thatprevents the particles from agglomerating. This effect is essential in the production of cosmetics, paints, and other products that require stable suspensions.4. WettingWetting is the ability of a liquid to spread on a surface. Surfactants can enhance wetting by reducing the contact angle between the liquid and the surface. This effect is due to the reduction in surface tension and adsorption of the surfactant molecules at the interface, which promotes spreading of the liquid. Surfactants are widely used in cleaning agents, personal care products, and agricultural formulations that require efficient dispersal and wetting.5. RheologySurfactants can affect the rheology of materials by altering their flow properties and viscosity. The surfactant molecules adsorb at the surface of the materials, creating a barrier that inhibits flow. This effect depends on the concentration and type of surfactant used and has significant implications for the processing and performance of materials.6. StabilitySurfactants play a critical role in stabilizing materials such as emulsions, suspensions, and foams. The surfactant molecules form a protective layer around the dispersed phase or bubbles, preventing them from coalescence or rupture. This effect is essential for the shelf life and performance of products such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.ConclusionThe effect of surfactants on materials properties is multifaceted and complex. The properties of surfactants such as hydrophobicity, surface activity, and interfacial behavior have significant implications for the performance and stability of materials in various applications. The choice of surfactant, its concentration, and interaction with other components of the material are critical factors that determine the properties of the final product. Understanding the role of surfactants in materials science is essential for designing and processing materials with specific properties for various applications.。



化学词汇电容器油Capacitor oil 抗氧化剂antioxidant 防锈剂antirust黏度viscosity 透明度transparency 抗氧化安定性antioxidation stability运动黏度中心值Kinematic viscosity center value 凝点solidifying point 防锈性rust preventing characteristic 伺服阀servo valve 闪点flash point 抗乳化性能anti-emulsification performance 减压阀depressurized valve抗泡沫性能foam preventing performance 外观颜色appearance color绝缘液体介质insulating liquid media 界面张力interfacial tension水溶性酸碱water-soluble acid or alkali 活性硫activated sulfur苛性钠caustic soda(NaOH) 击穿电压breakdown(striking) voltage 体积电阻率volume resistivity 芳香烃aromatic hydrocarbon抗燃油fire resistant oil 馏分fraction 液压系统hydraulic system 自燃点auto-ignition temperature 抗燃液压油fire resistant hydraulic oil合成型(磷酸脂,芳香脂,卤化物) Synthetic (Phosphate esters, aromatic esters, halides)水垫层water stratum 水合型(水-乙二醇)Hydrate (water-glycol)酯化产物esterifying production 腐蚀corrosion(corrosive) 挥发性V olatility 芳基aryl 烷基alkyl 介电性能Dielectrical performance 润滑剂lubricant电阻率resistivity 抗磨性anti-wear characteristic 热氧化安定性thermal oxidation stability 热安定性Thermal stability 热分解Thermolysis 脱气性Degasification 中性酯Neutral ester 热氧化分解thermal oxidation decomposing铜合金copper alloy 起泡沫性foaming characteristic 相容性Compatibility体积弹性模数V olume elastic modulus 可压缩体积compressible volume 溶剂效应solvent effect 有机化合物organic compound聚合材料polymeric material 橡胶、涂料Rubber and paint 精滤装置meticulous filtering device水解安定性Hydrolyzing stability 介质medium 合成液synthetic liquid 分子量molecular weight 分子结构molecular structure 石油基petroleum base 辐射安定性Radiation stability 比热specific heat 受辐射的设备irradiated equipment 对流特性convection characteristic 可燃性combustibility 溶解度solubility闭式齿轮油closed gear oil 压缩机油compressor oil 叶片泵vane pump润滑脂grease 中负荷开式齿轮油medium load open gear oil柱塞泵piston pump 蜗轮蜗杆油worm wheel and worm shaft oil过滤性filterability 滴油回转式oil drop rotary 倾向性orientation增压油泵boost oil pump 喷射泵jet pump 杂质impurity排烟风机Smoke exhaust fan 雾化atomization 劣化deterioration悬浮状suspension 悬浮物suspended matters 乳化状emulsion溶解状Dissolution 有机酸organic acid 皂化物sponified substances催化作用catalysis 挥发性可燃物volatile combustible substances不可缺少indispensable 低分子碳氢化合物low molecular hydrocarbons倾点pour point 水溶性酸water-soluble acid 相对密度relative density水的存量water stock 结晶crystallize 导电性electric conductivity无机酸inorganic acid 固体纤维纸solid fiber paper 流动性fluidity模拟试验simulation test 实验室laboratory 油泥oil sludge试油testing oil 介质损耗角正切值tangent value of media loss angle余切cotangent 吸附剂sorbent 余角complement angle热虹吸过滤器thermosiphon filter 隔膜密封装置diaphragm seal device电容率capacitivity 炭黑carbon black 胶体colloid 乙炔C2H2虫胶shell-lac 鱼腥味Fishy smell 霉气味Moldy smell散热heat radiation 相角phase angle 四球试验机Four-ball tester磨痕直径grinding crack diameter 无卡咬负荷nonseizure load烧结负荷sintering load 曲轴箱crankcase 剪切速率shear rate边界泵送温度borderline pumping temperature 下降率dropping rate聚合物polymer 轮轴承wheel and axle 高扭矩后桥high torque back axle线性linearity 原水Raw water 除盐demineralization, desalting预处理pretreatment 后置处理post-treatment 再生regeneration澄清池clarification basin 环形annular 絮凝(剂)flocculant重力无阀过滤器Gravity valveless filter 虹吸siphon 滤层filter layer联通管connecting pipe 冲洗水箱flushing tank 无烟煤anthracite石英砂quartz sand 浊度Turbidity 反洗强度Backwash intensity水头损失head loss 排水阀drainage valve 排气阀exhaust valve 正洗Washing 透明transparency 活性碳Activated carbon 吸附过滤器absorbent filter游离free 氯chlorine 铯cesium(Cs) 溴bromine 有机物organic matter玻璃钢fiber glass reinforced plastic (FRP) 筒体Cylinder 碳钢carbon steel斗形bucket shape 支管branch pipe 电渗析Electrodialysis (ED)半透膜semipermeable membrane 选择透过性selective permeability溶质粒子solute granule 冶金metallurgy 电解质electrolyte 凝聚剂flocculant自来水tap water 电渗析器electrodialyzer 交换膜exchange membrane电镀plating 隔室compartment 提纯purification 黄泥yellow mud 泡花碱(硅酸钠)sodium silicate聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide 助凝剂coagulant aid 渗透Osmosis矾花(铝钒絮凝剂)alum floc 细菌bacteria 孔径aperture反渗透Reverse osmosis 苦咸水brackish water 补给水make-up water 淡水fresh water 晶体crystal 柠檬酸C6H8O7 (citric acid)清洗混合液cleaning mixture阻垢剂scale inhibitor硅垢Silicate scale消毒(杀菌)液disinfectant按比例pro rata压力容器pressure vessel清洗剂cleaning agent 四钠盐(乙二胺四乙酸)EDTA 黏泥slime氢氧化铁Fe(OH)3 压脂层compact layer 放空管vent pipes三聚磷酸钠Na5P3O10(STP) 窥视孔inspection hole 污垢fouling结晶crystallization 平衡equilibrium 重碳酸盐bicarbonate 石灰lime(Ca(OH)2) 石灰石limestone(CaCO3) 石膏gypsum(CaSO4) 软化softening 藻类algae黏液Viscous liquid 分泌excrete 养分nutrient电化学腐蚀electro-chemical corrosion 软垢mild scale 铁细菌iron bacteria 碳酸氢盐hydrocarbonate厌氧菌anaerobe 水垢附着Scale adhesion冷却水池cooling basin碳酸盐carbonate 浓缩水concentrated water浓缩倍数concentrated cycles 溶解固体dissolved solid 超滤ultrafiltration直流式循环水冷却系统once-through circulating water cooling system可溶性气体soluble gas 截留retention, retain 微滤microfiltration纳滤Nano filtration 透过permeate 碳酸氢盐hydrocarbonate 分散剂dispersant 金属腐蚀metallic corrosion 添加剂additive 腐蚀介质corrosive medium缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor 富营养化eutrophication 磷phosphor氧化性保护膜protective oxide film 钝化passivation 处理剂treating agent配方formula 除垢descaling 耐蚀材料corrosion resistant material聚丙烯polypropylene (PP) 防腐anticorrosion 石墨graphite阴极保护cathodic protection 屏蔽shield 缓冲作用buffer action 锡tin噬菌体bacteriophage 零排污(放)zero blowdown(discharge)非氧化性杀生剂Non-oxidizing biocide 硫化物sulfide 絮凝flocculation 静压差static pressure difference 铜盐copper salt 结合力binding force回收率recovery rate 含盐的saline 蛋白质protein 挂片coupon离子化ionization 液化liquefaction 型煤briquette洗涤液scrubber liquor 洗涤塔scrubbing tower硫磺sulfur除尘器dust collector 装机容量installed capacity电子束electron beam 未反应的unreacted 吸收塔absorption tower吸收剂absorbent 消石灰lime hydrate 溶解度solubility 碱度alkalinity露点dew point 自由基free radical 中间产物intermediate product中和反应neutralizing reaction 次氯酸盐hypochlorite 硫化物sulfide溴化物bromide 裂解cracking 氢氧化物hydroxide 盐酸hydrochloric acid硫酸sulfuric acid 碳酸carbonic acid 磷酸phosphoric acid 絮凝物floc扬程delivery head 曲轴箱crankcase 剪切速率shear rate 滚筒roller高温分解pyrolysis 线端line terminal 负载分接点load tap电容率,介电常数permittivity (capacitivity) 析气性gassing properties放电electric discharge 白土activated clay 导流室diversion chamber活性(度) activity 脱水dewater 水白色water-white 视镜sight glass最大反洗膨胀高度处maximum height of bed expansion during backwash穹弧形arch 钢衬胶steel with rubber lining 多孔板perforated plate压差differential pressure 药剂drug 加药量,剂量dosage, dose降解degradation 分解decompose 溶解dissolve 酸根acidic radical铝aluminum(Al) 钙calcium(Ca) 铜copper(Cu) 铁iron(Fe)铅lead(Pb) 钠sodium(Na) 锡tin(Sn) 锌zinc(Zn)银silver(Ag) 镁magnesium(Mg) 铯cesium(Cs) 锰manganese(Mn)镍nickel(Ni) 碘iodine(I)磷phosphor(P) 硅silicon(Si) 硫sulfur(S) 溴bromine(Br)碳carbon(C) 汞mercury(Hg) 金gold(Au) 氧oxygen(O)氯chlorine(Cl) 氢hydrogen(H) 氮nitrogen(N) 帕斯卡Pascal(Pa)氟fluorine(F) 试纸test paper 全固形物total solid 化合价valence matter可再生的regenerable 酸洗acid cleaning 过饱和supersaturation, oversaturation)微生物microorganism & microbiology 一氧化物oxide 二氧化物dioxide 三氧化物trioxide 四氧化物quadroxide, tetroxide 五氧化物pentoxide六氧化物hexoxide 七氧化物heptoxide 二价的divalent三价的trivalent 四价的quadrivalent 五价的pentavalent六价的hexavalent 七价的heptavalent化学制水Chemical water making清水池Clear water pond加絮凝剂Add flocculation加还原剂Add reducing agent阻垢剂antisludging agent高效纤维球过滤器High-efficiency fiber ball filter活性炭过滤器Active carbon filter反渗透(RO)装置Reverse osmosis (RO) device 除碳器Decarbonizator 混合离子交换器Mixed ion exchanger除盐水箱Demineralization water tank 工业水泵Industrial pump菌类funguses氯的化合物hydride氧的化合物oxide 渗透膜osmotic membrane反渗透装置reverse osmosis device脱盐设备demineralization equipment.除碳口decarburization opening混床mixing bed阴阳离子anions and cations电子率electron rate浊度Turbidity回收率Recovery rate电导率Conductivity集中式水汽取样装置Centralized steam sampling device加氯处理装置Chlorination Plants水除盐装置Water Demineralisation Plant除油系统Oil removal system蓄水池/集水池Retention / Collecting basin蓄水罐Retention tank反应堆净化器Reactor clarifier污泥稠化器Sludge thickener污泥脱水滤池Sludge dewatering filter重力砂滤池Gravity Sand FiltersPH值调解池PH adjustment tanks腐蚀剂供给系统Caustic feed system酸供给系统Acid feed system 凝结剂供给系统Coagulant feed system生活废水处理装置Sanitary Waste Water Treatment Plant厂饮用水系统Potable Service Water System化学加药系统Chemical Dosing System 热回收蒸汽发生器HRSG磷酸盐Phosphonate消防系统Fire Protection System消防栓Hydrants消火栓箱hose cabinets消防立管Standpipes软管系统hose systems喷水灭火系统Sprinkler systems固定水喷雾系统Water spray fixed systems气体灭火系统Gaseous extinguishing systems推车式灭火器Wheeled 手提式灭火器portable fire extinguishers防火涂料Fire retardant coatings密封垫gaskets排放监测系统Emission Monitoring System水预处理装置The water pre-treatment plant排水Aqueous Discharges疏水、放气和疏水器Drains, Vents and Traps。



任国媛,郭启新,王静,等. 雪地茶甲醇提取物体外抑菌活性及其稳定性研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2022,43(1):147−154. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021050011REN Guoyuan, GUO Qixin, WANG Jing, et al. Antibacterial Activity and Stability of Methanol Extract from Thamnolia subuliformis in Vitro [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(1): 147−154. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021050011雪地茶甲醇提取物体外抑菌活性及其稳定性研究任国媛1,郭启新2,王 静1,丁海燕1,*(1.大理大学公共卫生学院, 大理大学预防医学研究所, 云南大理 671000;2.大理州质量技术监督综合检测中心, 云南大理 671000)摘 要:为初步探究雪地茶体外抑菌活性及其稳定性,采用平板打孔法测定雪地茶甲醇提取物对常见致病菌的体外抑菌活性,以金黄色葡萄球菌作为指示菌,测定不同温度、pH 、紫外照射时间等因素对抑菌稳定性的影响,使用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇分级萃取甲醇提取物,确定其抑菌活性物质的极性,并测定其松萝酸含量。


其中,对金黄色葡萄球菌的最小抑菌浓度和最小杀菌浓度分别为0.625、10 mg/mL ;抑菌稳定性实验结果表明,温度对雪地茶甲醇提取物的抑菌活性无显著影响(P >0.05),100 ℃处理30 min 后仍具有较高的抑菌活性;紫外光照射40 min 及50 min 的处理组抑菌活性显著下降(P <0.05),但抑菌率仍保持在90%以上;pH 对雪地茶甲醇提取物的抑菌稳定性影响最大,当pH 接近生理中性时(pH=6.0),其抑菌活性与对照组(pH=4.83)无显著差异(P >0.05),表现出较高抑菌活性,当pH 较高(8.0、10.0)或较低(2.0、4.0)时,处理组的抑菌活性极显著下降(P <0.05),且随着pH 的升高或降低而降低;雪地茶甲醇提取物中松萝酸含量为0.8613%,乙酸乙酯萃取物中松萝酸含量为0.9379%。

压力限制肿瘤增长翻译 中英

压力限制肿瘤增长翻译 中英



众所周知当生长细胞中的DNA发生突变时就会形成肿瘤并发展为癌症, .但是这种发展是如何受到肿瘤周围环境的影响仍是一个需要讨论的课题。




肿瘤在这种自由的状态下会继续生长两周或者三周, 直到达到细胞的死亡和分裂刚好平衡的稳态。

糖分的严厉打击为了找出在这个生长过程中是什么影响到了压力, 小组在此方案中加入了很多糖分这些糖分由于颗粒太大而无法穿过袋子的微小孔洞所以仍在袋子外面,造成了一种浓度的不平衡,而使其迫切的要解决掉袋子外的溶液以努力恢复其浓度的平衡,袋子外较大浓度的溶液随即对袋子产生了力度的压迫,并且这种压迫被里面的肿瘤所感应到。





Heat transfer in a porous saturated wavy channel withasymmetric convective boundary conditions

Heat transfer in a porous saturated wavy channel withasymmetric convective boundary conditions

mechanical and physiological situations. Some interesting studies relevant to this topic are given by ELSHEHAWEY et al [2−3], HAYAT et al [4−5], HAROUN et al [6−7], ELMABOUD and MEKHEIMER [8] and KUMARI and RADHAKRISHNAMACHARYA [9]. The study of heat transfer in fluid flows through porous medium has received attention in recent years because of its numerous applications such as separation processes in chemical industries, transpiration cooling, transport processes in aquifers, storage of nuclear waste materials transfer, filtration and ground water pollution. Examples of natural porous media are human lung, gall bladder with stones, bile duct, rye bread, wood, beach sand, sandstones, lime stones and the small blood vessels. In some pathological situations, the distribution of fatty cholesterol and artery clogging blood clots in the lumen of coronary artery can be considered to be equivalent to a porous medium. MEKHEIMER et al [10−11] studied the effects of magnetic field and space porosity on peristaltic flow with heat transfer. Moreover, OGULU [12] discussed the effect of heat generation on low Reynolds number fluid and mass transport in a single lymphatic blood vessel with uniform magnetic field. An attempt for mixed convective heat and mass transfer effects in a non-Newtonian fluid with temperature-dependent



论著·临床论坛CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS 中国社区医师2018年第34卷第16期痤疮是临床中常见的皮肤疾病,在临床中具有比较高的发病率,病程往往比较长[1]。








两组患者在年龄、性别等一般资料上差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。











电镀可行性技术指南英文回答:Electroplating Feasibility Technology Guide.Introduction:Electroplating is a widely used process in various industries, including automotive, electronics, and jewelry. It involves depositing a layer of metal onto a substrate using an electric current. This process provides numerous benefits, such as enhancing the appearance, improving corrosion resistance, and increasing durability. In this guide, I will discuss the key factors to consider when evaluating the feasibility of electroplating.1. Substrate Compatibility:One of the crucial aspects to assess is the compatibility of the substrate material with theelectroplating process. Not all materials can be electroplated, as the process requires a conductive surface. Metals like copper, nickel, and zinc are commonly used as substrates. For example, if I want to electroplate a pieceof jewelry made of stainless steel, I need to ensure that a conductive layer, such as copper, is applied before the electroplating process.2. Surface Preparation:Proper surface preparation is essential to achieve a high-quality electroplated finish. The substrate surface must be thoroughly cleaned and free from any contaminants, such as oil, grease, or oxide layers. Various cleaning methods, such as degreasing, acid cleaning, or abrasive blasting, can be employed depending on the substrate material. For instance, before electroplating a car part, I need to remove any dirt or grease using a degreasing agent and then proceed with acid cleaning to eliminate any oxide layers.3. Plating Bath Composition:The composition of the plating bath plays a significant role in the success of the electroplating process. It consists of metal salts, additives, and a conductive electrolyte solution. The choice of plating bath depends on the desired metal coating and the substrate material. For example, if I want to electroplate a piece of jewelry with a gold coating, I would use a gold plating bath containing gold salts and suitable additives.4. Current Density and Plating Time:The current density and plating time are critical parameters that determine the thickness and quality of the electroplated layer. The current density refers to the amount of current applied per unit area of the substrate surface. It is essential to maintain the appropriate current density to ensure uniform plating. The plating time is the duration for which the substrate is exposed to the electric current. Both parameters need to be carefully controlled to achieve the desired plating thickness and avoid issues like uneven coating or overplating.5. Post-Plating Finishing:After the electroplating process, post-platingfinishing steps may be required to achieve the desired appearance and properties. These steps can include polishing, buffing, or applying a protective coating. For instance, if I electroplate a metal component for a high-end electronic device, I may need to polish the plated surface to achieve a mirror-like finish and then apply a clear protective coating to prevent scratches or tarnishing.Conclusion:Electroplating offers numerous advantages in terms of enhancing the appearance and properties of various products. However, it is crucial to evaluate the feasibility of electroplating based on factors like substrate compatibility, surface preparation, plating bath composition, current density, plating time, and post-plating finishing requirements. By considering these factors, one can ensure successful electroplating processesthat meet the desired quality standards.中文回答:电镀可行性技术指南。



国际脑血管病杂志2021 年4 月第 29 卷第4 期Int J Cerebrovasc Dis, Apri!2021,Vol. 29, No. 4• 303 ••综述•经颅直流电刺激对卒中后认知损害的影响王媛1赵丽晶1刘红英2刘锦澍1宋天娇1陈东明21吉林大学护理学院康复治疗学教研室,长春130021 ;2吉林大学第一医院康复医学科,长春130021通信作者:陈东明,Email:chendm@【摘要】卒中后认知损害(post-stroke cognitive impairment,PSCI)是由卒中引起的一系列综合征,包括注意力、语言功能、执行功能、视觉空间认知、情景记忆和T.作记忆等1项或多项功能受损。

PSC I的传统治疗方法包括药物治疗和认知训练,治疗方式有限且维持效果不佳,因此迫切需要一种辅助治疗方法以提高其治疗效果。

经频直流电刺激(transcranial direct current stimulation,tDCS)是一种安全成熟的非侵人性脑刺激技术,通过放置在头皮上的电极产生微弱的直流电(1〜2 mA),改变神经元静息膜电位,调节大脑皮质兴奋性,从而达到治疗目的。

文章综述了tDCS对P SC I的影响,期望为其康复治疗提供参考和指导。

【关键词】卒中;认知障碍;经颅直流电刺激;卒中康复DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4165.2021.04.012Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on post-stroke cognitive impairmentWang Yuan', Zhao Lijing1, Liu Hongying2, Liu Jinshu1, Song Tianjiao1, Chen Dongming2'Department o f Rehabilitation Therapy, School o f Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;'Department o f Rehabilitation Medicine, the First Hospital o f Jilin University, Changchun 130021, ChinaCorresponding author: Chen Dongming, Email:**************.cn【Abstract】Post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is a series of syndromes caused by stroke,involving impairment of one or more cognitive functions, such as attention, language function, executivefunction, visuospatial cognition, episodic memory and working memory, etc. The traditional treatmentmethods of PSCI include drug therapy and cognitive training. The treatment modalities are limited and themaintenance effect is not good. Therefore, an auxiliary treatment method is urgently needed to improve itstherapeutic effect. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a safe and mature non-invasive brainstimulation technique, which generates weak direct current (1-2 mA) through electrodes placed on the scalpto change the resting membrane potential of neurons, regulate the excitability of the cerebral cortex, so as toachieve the purpose of treatment. This article reviews the effect of tDCS on PSCI, and hopes to providereference and guidance for its rehabilitation treatment.【Key wo r ds】Stroke; Cognition disorders; Transcranial direct current stimulation; Stroke rehabilitationDOI : 10.3760/cma.j.issn. 1673-4165.2021.04.012卒中后认知损害(post-stroke cognitive impairment,PSCI)是卒中的主要并发症之一,是指由卒中引起的从轻度认知损害到痴呆的一系列综合征+2]。



Alkali degreasing 碱液脱脂法alkali cleaner 碱液脱脂剂ion exchange 离子交换法solution control, both control 槽液管理emulsion edgreasingcleaner 乳化脱脂法剂chemical decaling ;chemical derusting 化学除锈剂chemical degreasing 化学脱脂法chemical conversion coating 化学成膜rust cause on phosphate coating 黄锈磷化处理中chromate coaring, chronating 铬酸处理钝化chromate coating chromating 铬酸盐处理sodium silicate 硅酸钠descaling 打锈descaling,derusting 除锈同酸洗、酸蚀acid pickling,pickling 酸洗同除锈acid pickling in hibitor 酸性阻蚀剂sankblasting ,blast cleaning 喷砂deionized water rinsing 纯水洗shot blasting 喷丸fresh water rinsing 新鲜水洗steam phosphating 蒸气磷化处理spray pretreatment system 喷射式前处理total acid 总酸度accelerator 促进剂degreasing 脱脂cleaner 脱脂剂phosphoric acid cleaning 脱脂,除锈二个合一处理剂blue color 灰蓝色vapor degreasing 三氯乙烯脱脂蒸气trichloroethylene 三氯乙烯parchlorlerhylene,carbontetrachlchlcride 四氯乙烯half dip pretreatment system 半浸式前处理P ratio P比phosphating chemicals 磷化处理剂chemical conversion coating 皮膜处理coating weight 膜重surface treatment 表面预处理surface conditioning 表面调整surface conditioner 表面调整剂flood spray pretreatment system 溢流喷射式前处理full dip pretreatment system 全浸式前处理pretreatment 前处理pretreament chemicals 前处理剂drying off 烘干水份free acid 游离酸度solvent degreasing 溶剂脱脂precleaning 预洗净hot water prerinsing 预热水洗ziue phosphating phosphatetreatment 锌盐磷化处理zinc phosphating coating 锌盐磷化膜iron phosphating coating 铁盐磷化膜anodic electro deposition 阳极电泳anode earth method 阳极接地法spitting spray ,fluttering 气喘、喷流间断wet on wet 湿碰湿top coat 涂面漆air spraying 空气喷涂air blow 吹风airless spraying 无空气喷涂over spray 过喷涂membrane system electro deposition 隔膜电极电泳涂装over coating 重叠涂装wet sanding with gasoline 汽油打磨cathodic electro deposition 阴极电泳涂装dry sanding 干打磨gun distance 喷枪距离spray gun velocity 喷枪移动速度mechanical sanding 机械打磨surface preparation 表面准备同底材面调整electrostatic air atomixing spray metode 空气雾化式静电涂装mill scale 黑皮黑色氧化皮finish sanding 修饰性打磨substrate 底材基底primer coating 涂底漆dipping,dip coating 浸涂spraying ,spray coating 喷涂atomizing fan pattern 喷涂影spot repair 局部修补three coat three bake 涂三次烘三次slipper dipping 拖式浸涂electrostatic coating 静电涂装electrostatic powder coating 静电粉末涂装electrostatic rotary atomizing spray method 静电雾化式静电涂装法all pattying 统刮腻子application trial 试涂装turn-over 更新期pad application,padding 揩涂paint mixing 调制color matching 调色throwing power 泳透力electro phoresis 电泳electro osmosis 电渗electrodeposition,electrocoating ED 电泳涂装sanding,grinding 打磨painting,coating ,finishing 涂装interval between coats,coat interval 涂装间隔paint system ,coating system 涂装体系paint process 涂装工艺painting sepctification 涂装技术要求transfer efficiency 涂着效率color sealer 同色封底涂层surface coating ,sealer coating 涂中涂层repainting 重新涂装spreading rate 涂布面积比brush application ,brushing,brush coating 刷涂work 被涂物atomizing 雾化detail sanding ,defect sanding 局部打磨flow coating 淋涂electrophorectic powder coating 粉末电泳涂装法knifing ,knife application 刮涂touch up 修补涂装hot spraying ,hot spray coating 热喷涂masking 遮盖polishing 抛光mettalic coating 金属闪光漆涂装utra filtrationUF 超滤flridized powder bed coating 流化床涂装application by roller,roller coating 辊涂darkinfrared drying ,infrarde drying,infrarde baking 暗红外干燥wet film 湿涂膜sand dry ,surface dry 表干baking,thermosetting 加热干燥drying 干燥forced drying 强制干燥dry-hard,dry-through,hard dry,dry through,baking 完全干燥,完全固化ultra violer curing 紫外线固化干燥set to touch ,dust free,dry to touch 触指干燥air drying cold curing 自然干燥常温干燥curing by polymerization 聚合干燥drying by evaporation 蒸发干燥同挥发干燥setting ,flash off 晾干electoro beem curing ,radiation curing 电子束固化辐射干燥hot air drying couvection drying 热风干燥,对流干燥tack free ,tack dry 半固化干燥指触干燥baking stoving 烘干acrylic resin paint 丙烯酸树脂涂料acryl lacquer 热塑性丙烯酸涂料application solid 施工固体份amine content 胺浓度alkyd resin paint 醇酸树脂涂料cobwebbing 拉丝现象etching grimer 腐蚀底漆同磷化底漆,活性底漆enamel 磁漆non aqueous dispersion paint 非水分散型涂料oil surfacer 油性二道浆ash content 灰分cathodic electrod eoposition 阴极电泳涂料flexibility 弹性,可弯曲性nonvolatile contentmatter,solids content,heating residue 不挥发分skinning 结皮性bake schedule 干燥时间pigment volume,pigment volume concentration 颜料体积比率pigment content 颜料分P、W、Cdilution stability 稀释稳定性redueed paint 稀释好的涂料caking 凝结性coulomb efficiency 库仑效率clear 清漆clear lacquer 硝基清漆synthetic resin paint 合成树脂涂料guide coat 二道浆anticorrosive coating ,rust inhibiting paint ,corrosion resistant coating,antirust paint防锈涂料primer 底漆涂料chassis black paint 底盘黑涂料zinc rich primer 富锌底漆water borne paint 水性粉笔料水系涂料water soluble resin paint ,water soluble resin coating 水溶性树脂涂料stomeguard coating 抗石击性涂料compatiblity ,compotible 相溶性spray mist compatibiliity 抗漆雾污染性touch up primer 局部修补底漆thixotropic ,thixotropy 触变性antichippimg paint,chip resistant paint 抗崩裂性shelf life ,storage stability,canstability 贮藏稳定性grainning,bitty,seed 细度、粒度flat paint ,flat oikl paint ,mat paint 无光涂料electrocoating ,coating for electrodeposition 电泳涂料film forming agent ,film forming ingredient ,film former,film forming material 涂膜主要成分color surfacer 同色涂料coating ,paint 涂料virgin paint ,UN-cut paint 原漆two component paint 双组份涂料nitrocellulose lacquer,nitrocellulose coating 硝基漆thermosettingthemoplastic acrylic paint 热固塑性丙烯酸树脂涂料consistency 稠度viscosity 粘度high solid lacquer 高固体份硝基漆high solid paint 高固体分型涂料binder 基料putty 腻子light curing coating 光固化涂料vehicle 漆料phenolic coating ,phenolic resin paint 酚醛树脂涂料unsaturated polyester paint 不饱和聚脂涂料primer surfacer 底漆二道浆blocking 粘结、结块powder paint 粉末涂料anti-corrosion wax ,anti-rust wax 防锈蜡pot life ,pot stability 活化期、活化寿命polyester putty 聚酯腻子water dispersible paint 水分散型涂料millbase ,milling base 研磨色浆solventless coating ,solvent free paint 无溶剂型涂料metallic enamel,metallic paint ,metallic pigmented paint 金属闪光色磁漆thermosetting paint 烘烤型涂料oil paint 油性涂料oil length 油度lacquer 硝基清漆lacquer enamel 硝基磁漆bituminous paint 沥青涂料leveling 流平性varnish 清漆acrylate resins 丙烯酸系树脂acrylic acid 丙烯酸acryl modified slkyd resin 丙烯酸改性的醇酸树脂asphalt bitumen 沥青amino resin 氨基树脂alkyd resin 醇酸树脂epoxy resin 环氧树脂oil free alkyd resin 无油醇酸树脂external plastici zation 外部增塑化drying oil 干性油hilsonite 天然硬沥青glycerin 甘油gel time ,time for gelation 胶化时间saponification value ,saponification number 皂化价safflower oil 红花油carbooxyl acid 脂肪酸nitrocellulose 硝化棉silicone resin 有机硅树脂polybasic acid 多元酸polyhydric alcohol polyol 多元醇natural resin oil 天然树脂油internal plasticization 内部塑化thermisettig property 热固性thermoplastic ,thermoplasticity,thermal plasticity 热泪盈眶可塑性castor oil 蓖麻油phenol resin 酚醛树脂nondrying oil 不干性油blown asphalt 氧化沥青ployester 聚醋polybutadience 聚丁二烯methacrylic acid 甲基丙烯酸iodine value ,iodine number 碘值asbestin 石棉粉aluminium flake powder,aluminium pigment powder 铝粉aluminium flake paste,aluminium pigment paste 铝粉膏tinting shade,reduce shade 色光、色头red lead 红丹carbon black 碳黑pigment 颜料oil absorption value 吸油量clay 白土、陶土rust preventing pigment, rust inhibiting pigment 防锈颜料extender filler ,extender pigment 填料、体质颜料talc 滑石粉white tiianium pigment 钛白color pigment strength 着色颜料力lead pigment 铅系颜料titanum dioxide 二氧化钛permanent red 永固红fast yellow 耐晒黄dispersion 分散red iron oxide 铁红inorganic pigment 无机颜料organic color pigment 有同颜料leafing 漂浮sellosolves solvent 醇醚溶剂alcoholssolvent 醇系溶剂isopropyl alcohol 异丙醇etherssolvent 醚系熔剂esters solvent 酯系溶剂ethyl alochol 乙醇diluent 稀释剂xylene 二甲苯ketones solvent 酮系溶剂high boiling point solvent, high boiler ,slow solvent 高沸点溶剂ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯aliphatic hydrocarbons solvent 脂肪族系碳氢化合物溶剂cosolvent 助溶剂cellosolve 溶纤剂cellosolve acetate 乙酸溶纤剂solvent naphtha 煤焦油溶剂kerosene ,kerosine 煤油toluene 甲苯butyl alcohol ,butanol 丁醇mineral spirit,petroleum spirit 白醇methyl ethyl ketone 甲乙酮amine 胺surface active agent surfactant 表面活性剂plasticizer 增塑剂reducidility 稀释剂metallic soap ,metal soap 金属皂harder ,curing abent 固化剂antioxdant ,oxidant inhibitor 防止氧化剂ultrviolet absorber 紫外线吸收剂dibutyl phthalate 苯甲酸二丁酯thinner 稀料antistatic agent 静电防止剂antisag agent 流挂防止剂antisetlle agent 沉淀防止剂flatting agent 消光剂paint thinner 涂料用稀料lacquer thinner 硝基漆用稀料retarder ,retarder solvent 防潮剂rheology control 流变性控性paper tack stick 粘性纸胶带dry sandpaper 干打磨用砂纸crape masking 纸质遮盖用胶带abrasive paper sandpaper 打磨砂纸abrasive colth ,sanding cloth 打磨砂布washing solvent flame retarding solvent 清洗用溶剂water proof abrasion sandpaper 耐水性砂纸heat stabe maskingtape 耐热遮盖用胶带tack rag 粘性纱布tackrag varnish 粘灰清漆paint remover 脱漆剂polishing compound 抛光剂poly net 打磨网masking tape 遮盖用胶带hiding power,obiterating power ,covering power ,opacity 遮盖力top coat,finish coat ,finishing coat 面漆层overcoatability 涂面漆的适应性recoatability 重复涂装的适应性glass transition point 玻璃化点specular gloss,specular reflection 镜面光泽度grindability 打磨性pentrability 浸透性distinctness of image 鲜映性alkaliproof ,alkali resistance 耐碱性overbake resistance 耐过烘性salt water resistance 耐盐水性gasoline resistance 耐挥发油性durability 耐久性flexibility ,elasticity 耐弯曲性weather resistance, weathering property,weatherproof 耐候性acidproof ,acid resistance 耐酸性impact resisrance 耐冲击性corrosion resistance 耐蚀性water resistance,waterproof 耐水性washability 耐洗净性chiping resistance 耐崩裂性heat resistance 耐热性boiling water resistance 耐沸水性abrasion resistance 耐摩耗性chemical resistance 耐药品性oil resistance ,oilproof 耐油性solvent resistance 耐溶剂性gloss 光泽flat 无光泽stain resistance 涂膜污染性appearance of paint film,paint film appearance 涂膜的外观surface of paint film 涂面semigloss 半光泽abhesion 附着力elusion ,bleeding 溶出degradation 裂解ageing 老化oildeaetting,oil cratering 油缩孔water slaining marke 雨水痕迹bubble ,bubbling bubble trace on ED film 气泡电泳气泡peeling off wet Ed film 电泳湿漆膜脱落ED cratering 电泳缩孔pinpole on ED film 电泳针孔discollration 掉色off color 色差mottling 色不均flooding 色分离wet contamination 湿污染pecking 啄伤gas checking,gas crazing 气体裂纹blushing 白化pigment sedimentation 颜料沉降sanding scratch 打磨器纹sealing failure 涂密封胶不良bleeding 底层污染stain,spot,spotting 粘污crinkling,shrivelling,wrinkling,rivelling 起皱suction ,absorption 吸收water bubbling 水泡hiding failure 遮盖不良scrack 划伤low distinctness of image 鲜映性低intercoat adhesion failure 层间剥落fading 退色dripping 流痕sagging run curtaining 下沉sag 流挂wrinkle 皱纹起皱chipping 碎落chalking 粉化thin Edcoating ,no ED coating 泳透性差dulling,loss of gloss,matting 失光flashing 光泽不匀sand scratch 打磨划伤too much film thickness 涂膜过厚peeling 涂膜剥落dry contamination 干污染dirt ,seed 涂料颗粒cratering,fish eye 涂料缩孔,鱼眼sagging,runing 流淌bleeding 渗色thin paint 涂得太薄skips 漏涂peeling 剥离crawling,fish eye,cratering 缩孔鱼眼ding and dent 钣金凹凸soldering pinhole 焊药针孔pinhole 针孔blistering 膨泡bunp,cluster 颗粒blushing 发白blistering 起泡mar 触伤痕hair cracking 鬓状裂纹sanding scratch 砂纸纹cratering 凹坑discorloration 变色swelling 膨润shading 模糊阴影comet star pineple 星状不平break line failure 保护不良metallic seeding 金属颗粒after tack 返粘under baking 未烘干透grinding scratch 锉刀纹orange peel 桔皮solvent popping ,pin holes 气泡孔cracking,hair craching,checking ,craging,alligateying crocodiling 裂纹鬓状裂纹浅裂纹龟裂鳄鱼皮裂纹filiform corrosion test 丝状腐蚀性试验hiding chart 遮盖力试验纸wet film thickness gauge 湿漆膜厚度量远规Erichsen film distensibility meter 杯突试验机Elcometer 永久磁性测厚仪salt spray testing ,salt spray test 盐水喷雾试验pencil hardness test 铅硬度试验carbon arc 碳弧灯appearance inspection 外观检查dilution stability test 稀释稳定性试验dilytion test,reducibility test 稀释试验xenone lamp 氙气灯coulomb efficiency test 库仑效率试验bending test 弯曲试验gravelometer 石击崩裂试验法cryptoneter 遮盖力测验法Krebs -Stomer viscometer,Stomer viscometer 斯端马粘度计cross cut 交叉横割constant temperature and humidity cabinet 恒温恒湿箱gloss meter 光泽计color difference meter 色差计test panel 试验板test piece,coupon,specimen 试验样板outdoor wethering test ,outdoor exposure test 自然曝晒试验imact test,impact testing ,chip test 冲击试验impact tester 冲击试验仪sampler 取样器Sward hardness rocker 斯惠特硬度计scab corrosion test 疤形腐蚀试验accelerated weathering test,accelerated weathering ,artificial weathering 人工耐候性试验accelerated weathering tester 人工耐候性试验机over bake resistance test 耐过烘性试验hot water resistance test 耐温水试验weathering test ,weathering 耐候性试验humidity resistance test 耐湿试验humidity box 耐湿试验盒chemical resistance test 耐药品性试验diamond shot test 金刚石冲击试验法throwing power 泳透性试验grind gauge ,fineness gauge 细度刮板Du-pot impact tester 杜邦式冲击试验heat cycle test 热循环试验exposure rack 曝晒试验Broodfield viscometer B型粘度计portable distinctness of image glossmeter 鲜映测计PGDspecific gravity cup 比重杯specified achromatic light 标准光源film applicator 涂膜涂布器Ford cup ,Ford viscosity cup 福特杯compound corrosion test 复合腐蚀试验CCTtack free test ,print test 不粘性试验film thickness gauge 漆膜厚度计pressure feed type spray gun 压送式喷枪pressurw tank ,pressure feed paint container 油漆增压箱rubber patten 子橡胶磨块patten 木质磨块colors changer 换色装置water curtain 水幕air cap 空气帽air cleaner 空气静化器air compressor 空气压缩机air sander 气动打磨机air duster 气动除尘器air transformer 空气压力调整器airless spray gun 无气喷枪airless apraying equipment 无气喷涂装置auto roll filter 自动滚筒式过滤器auto absorber 自动吸水器orbital sander 眼眶形打磨机pressure cup 加压杯rotary air sander 转动型气动打磨机reverser clean 转动式清洁器stirring equipment 搅拌装置rotary atomizing electrostatic spraying equipment 旋杯式静电喷涂装置steel spatrla 钢刮刀heating oil separater 加热油水分离装置dryspray booth 干式喷漆室wood spatula 木刮勺supply duct 供气风管supplying fan 供气风机air supply house 空调装置high voltage regulator 高压发生器surge chamber 缓冲容器side room 侧调漆间robot by C.Pteaching method CP式机械手automatic air duster 自动吹风装置automatic solution machine 自动溶液管理装置automatic sanding machine 自动湿打磨装置automatic washing machine 自动水洗装置automatic apray machine 自动喷涂机automatic electrostatic spray machine 自动静电涂装装置automatic dust off machine 自动除尘装置automatic spray 自动涂装装置bravity spray gun 重力式喷枪deionized water generator 纯水装置pad 托盘板dipping tank 浸槽water washing spray booth 水洗式喷漆室scraper 刀spray gun 喷枪spray system pretreatment equipment 喷射式前处理装置spray booth 喷漆室electrostatic coating equipment 静电涂装装置electrostatic powder coating equipment 静电粉末涂装装置semifolw sealing 半浮动涂密封胶side reciprocator 侧喷机duct 风筒管touching tracer 修整追踪装置double action sander 双动打磨机DC power equipment 直流电源disc sander 盘式打磨机hand electrostatic spray gun 手提式静电喷枪hand electrostatic spray equipment 手提式静电喷涂装置ceiling filter 顶棚过滤器electrocoating equipment 电泳涂装装置painting robot 涂装机械手cup of spray gun 涂料杯paint circulating system 涂料循环输漆系统mixing room 调漆室spray gum tip 涂料喷嘴needle 针阀exhaust air washing system 排气洗净装置brush 刷子式机械手full dip pretreatment system equipment 全浸式前处理装置top reciprocator 平面涂装机knife,spatula 刮刀ultra filtration equipment 超滤装置UFlight projector 光投影器robot by remoto teaching method 远距离式教式机械手continuous settling equipment 连续沉淀装置darkfar infrared oven 暗远红外线烘干室air seal 风幕oven 炉干燥机indirect hot air oven 间接加热式热风烘干室drying oven 干燥室infrared oven 红外线干燥室enthalpy heat exchanger 全热泪盈眶交换器hot air converction oven 对流炉direct hot airoven 直接加热式热风烘干炉hot air oven 热风炉hot air circulating equipment 热风循环装置burner house 燃烧室heat pump 热泵radiation panel heater 辐射板setting room 晾干室baking oven 烘干室cooling unit 强冷室color specification 色的规格colorrendition 演色color chart 色卡cool color 冷色saturation ,chroma 彩色度鲜艳度、饱和brightness 亮度shade 修色color difference 色差color scheme 色彩设计hue 色相metamerism 条件等色solid color 本色master color 造型色板warm color 暖色tinting 调色tint 着色tone analysis 色调分类color standard panel 标准颜色板flip-flop 闪光spectrophotometer 分光光度计spectral reflection faetor 分光反射率relative spectral distribution 分光分布achromatic color 无彩色value of lightness 明度metallic color 金属闪光色chromatic color 有彩色ionomer resin 离子树脂acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂acrylonitrile butadiene styrene frepolymer resin 丙烯腈,丁二烯苯乙烯树脂ABSurethane resin 聚氨酯树脂fiberglass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强树脂FRPpolyvinyl chloride resin 聚氯乙烯树脂PVC vigid polypropylene resin 硬质聚丙烯树脂硬PPhotrolled steel sheet 热轧钢板polyamide resin 聚酰氨树脂PA polystyrene resin 聚苯乙烯树脂PS zinc fusing glavanized steel sheet 热镀锌钢板zinc alloy fusing galvanized steel sheet 热熔合金化镀锌钢板high tensile coldrolled steel sheet 冷轧高强度钢板SAPHcoldrolled steel sheet 冷轧普通碳素结构。

SIHA 红色分离剂 peas 蔬菜保持剂说明书

SIHA 红色分离剂 peas 蔬菜保持剂说明书

Technical Data Sheet Fining / StabilizationSIHA® Pea ProteinSIHA Pea Protein fining agent is a new vegantreatment agent for fining and clarification of must,wine and fruit juices. It is made from peas and is anatural plant protein.The specific qualities of SIHA Pea Protein fining agent:-Vegan-GMO-free-Allergen-free according to regulation (EU) No1169/2011-Excellent clarifying and stabilizing propertiesApplicationSIHA Pea Protein fining agent should be rehydrated in10 times the quantity of cold water, before adding tothe beverage to be treated. Slowly pour the powderinto the cold water while stirring, in order to avoidclumping. A subsequent swelling time of approx. 4 – 6hours increases the efficacy. Excessive stirring canlead to increased foaming. Direct addition of dryproduct to the beverage is not recommended, since itcould result in premature flocculation.Ensure homogeneous distribution in the batch. Theprepared solution should be used within 24 hours.It is highly recommended to determine the requiredbentonite dosage in a preliminary test.The following quantities are recommended guidevalues, although it is advisable to carry out pre-trials(higher dosages may lead to sensory impairment of theproduct).Wine 0.83 – 2.5 (10 – 30)Flotation 0.42 – 1.67 (5 – 20)Fruit juice 0.83 – 2.5(10 – 30)Combination with bentonite improves the clarificationeffect and the stability of the clarified juice. Additionalcombination with silica sol (ratio 1:2.5 to 1:5 SIHA PeaProtein fining agent : Levasil® BF30) can improve theresult, although this should be tested in a pre-trial.The following fining sequence is recommended:1. SIHA Pea Protein fining agent2. BentoniteIf bentonite is added before SIHA Pea Protein finingagent, the clarification result can improve, although therequired dosage of SIHA Pea Protein fining agent isincreased. Silica sol should always be added last.An extended stirring time of 30 – 60 minutes after allfining agents have been added will improve the finingresult.For clarification with flotation a previous use ofpectinase e.g. SIHAZYM Flot is stronglyrecommended. The effectiveness should be checkedby a pectine test.SafetyWhen used and handled correctly, there are no knownunfavorable effects associated with this product.Further safety information can be found in the relevantMaterial Safety Data Sheet, which can be downloadedfrom our website.StorageSIHA Pea Protein fining agent is produced withextreme diligence. It should be stored in a cool, dryand odor-free place. Once opened, packs should beused up quickly.Delivery InformationSIHA Pea Protein fining agent is sold under article no.97.111 and is available in the following package size: 11.02 lb (5 kg) bucket44.08 lb (20 kg) sack Certified QualitySIHA Pea Protein fining agent is monitored regularly during the production process to ensure consistently high quality.Strict controls are also carried out immediately before and during final packing.North America44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344(North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle EastAuf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0 ChinaNo. 3, Lane 280,Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335Shanghai, P.R. ChinaTel: +86 21 5200-0099Singapore4 Loyang Lane #04-01/02Singapore 508914Tel: +65 6825-1668BrazilRua Clark, 2061 - Macuco13279-400 - Valinhos, BrazilTel: +55 11 3616-8400For more information, pleaseemail us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2016 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks andregistered trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners. All information and recommendations appearing inthis brochure concerning the use of products describedherein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However,it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability forhis own use of such products. Since the actual use byothers is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed orimplied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use orthe results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liabilityarising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is theinformation herein to be construed as absolutely complete,since additional information may be necessary or desirablewhen particular or exceptional conditions or circumstancesexist or because of applicable laws or governmentregulations.EN1 B 4.2.712-2016。

time-consuming pre-treatment of samples

time-consuming pre-treatment of samples

time-consuming pre-treatment of samplesTime-consuming pre-treatment of samples is a necessary step in many scientific experiments and industrial processes. This step involves preparing the samples to be analyzed or processed, which can include procedures such as washing, centrifugation, digestion, and filtration.The purpose of pre-treatment is to remove any impurities or interfering substances that may affect the accuracy of the analysis or processing. Additionally, pre-treatment can help to improve the yield of the desired product and ensure that the sample meets the requirements of the subsequent steps in the process.However, pre-treatment can be a laborious and time-consuming task, especially when performed manually. This is why many laboratories and industries are turning to automated pre-treatment systems to streamline the process and reduce the risk of human error.Automated pre-treatment systems can handle large volumes of samples efficiently and accurately, without the need for manual intervention. They typically involve specialized equipment such as automated sample processors, robotic arms, and automated pipetting systems. Thesedevices can perform a wide range of pre-treatment procedures, including washing, digestion, and centrifugation, according to the specific requirements of the sample.By automating the pre-treatment process, laboratories and industries can save time and resources, reduce the risk of contamination and errors, and improve the overall efficiency of their operations. Moreover, automated pre-treatment systems can help to ensure that samples are properly prepared for analysis or processing, leading to more accurate results and higher-quality products.In conclusion, although time-consuming, pre-treatment of samples is an essential step in many scientific experiments and industrial processes. Automating this process can help to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and ensure that samples are properly prepared for subsequent steps in the analysis or processing chain.。



涂装术语—涂膜缺陷99条油缩孔oil dewetting/cratering雨水痕迹water slaining气泡bubble/bubbling电泳气泡bubble trace on ED film 电泳湿漆膜剥落peeling off wet ED film电泳缩孔ED cratering电泳针孔pinhole on ED film丝状锈蚀filiform corrosion掉色discoloration色差off color色不均mottling|| 'mɑtl /'mɒtl]色分离flooding湿污染wet contamination水痕迹water marke啄伤pecking气体裂纹gas crecking/crazing白化blushing颜料沉降pigment sedimentation‚sedɪmen'teɪʃn]气泡bubble|| 'bʌbl]陷穴点蚀createring/pitting银粉不匀poor aluminum crientation/mottling发糊dulling/bloom/clouding/cloudiness/hazing尘埃dust/dirt锈rust/corrosion打磨器纹sanding scratch涂密封胶不良sealing failure底层染污bleeding沾污stain/spot/spotting起皱crinkling/shrielling/wrinkling/rielling吸收suction/absorption水泡water bubbling盖底不良hiding failure划伤scrack鲜映性低low distinctness of image层间剥离intercoat adhesion failure退色fading流痕dripping[drɪp]下沉sagging run curtaining流挂sag[sæg]皱纹起皱wrinkle|| 'rɪŋkl]碎落chipping粉化chalking泳透性差thin/no ED coating失光dulling/loss of gloss/matting光泽不匀flashing打磨划伤sand scratch涂膜过厚too mach film thickness涂膜剥落peeling[pɪːl]干污染dry contamination涂料缩孔、鱼眼cratering/fish eye涂料颗粒dirt/seed流淌sagging/running渗色bleeding涂得太薄thin paint漏涂skips剥离peeling缩孔鱼眼crawing/fish eye/cratering钣金凹凸ding and dent焊药针孔soldering pinhole针孔pinhole膨泡blistering润swelling模糊(阴影)shading星状不平comet star pineple保护不良break line failure金属颗粒metallic seeding返粘after tack未烘干透under baking锉刀纹grinding scratch桔皮orange peel气泡孔solent popping/pin holes裂纹/开裂cracking、发状裂纹hair cracking、浅裂纹checking、龟裂craging、裂开cracking、鳄鱼皮状裂纹alligatering crocodiling crocodile[croc·o·dile || 'krɒkədaɪl]n.鳄鱼; 鳄鱼皮还有吗范围本标准规定了中性盐雾(NSS),乙酸盐雾(AASS)和铜加速乙酸盐雾(CASS)试验使用的设备,试剂和方法。



2023 年第 9 卷第 1 期Vol.9, No.1, 2023中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing1例腹膜透析患者重度水肿合并心力衰竭的护理体会周革霞, 李倩, 赵静, 李艳爽, 赵妍, 赵丁燕, 刘丽姮(首都医科大学附属北京中医医院 肾病科, 北京, 100010)摘要: 本文总结1例腹膜透析患者重度水肿合并心力衰竭的护理经验,通过肾病一体化治疗方案改善患者容量超负荷症状,同时开展饮食干预、加强腹膜透析相关理论知识与操作的培训并联合中药灌肠、中药超声透药、五行音乐等中医护理特色技术,有助于促进患者康复。

关键词: 腹膜透析; 水肿; 心力衰竭; 延续性护理; 中药灌肠; 中医护理中图分类号: R 473.5 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2709-1961(2023)01-0013-05Nursing of a peritoneal dialysis patient withsevere edema complicated with heart failureZHOU Gexia ,LI Qian ,ZHAO Jing ,LI Yanshuang ,ZHAO Yan ,ZHAO Dingyan ,LIU Liheng(Department of Nephropathy , Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated toCapital Medical University , Beijing , 100010)ABSTRACT : This paper summarized the nursing measures for a peritoneal dialysis patient with severeedema complicated with heart failure. The integrated treatment of nephropathy was used to relieve the fluid overload. Comprehensive nursing interventions such as dietary guidance , enhancing the patient ’s awareness and practice of peritoneal dialysis were carried out. In addition , Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ) nursing technology including TCM enema , Chinese herbal medicine penetration , five -element music therapy were performed to improve the recovery of the patient.KEY WORDS : peritoneal dialysis ; edema ; heart failure ; extended care ; Traditional Chinese Medicine enema ; Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing 腹膜透析(PD )患者由于残余肾功能减退、腹膜转运功能降低,其肾脏和透析治疗对水钠清除能力下降,发生容量超负荷的风险较大[1]。

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