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end up with sth以…告终,结束 end up (in) doing sth以…告终, 33 talk sb into doing sth = persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb wk.baidu.comnto doing sth 说服某人作某事 34 be confused about 对…感到困惑 35 look up 查阅 36 on a regular basis 在通常情况下 37 in one’s+整十的基数司的复数形式 某人几十多岁 32
45 be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 46 get ahead 走在前面 47 as a result 因此,所以 48 in terms of 就…而言,在…方面 49 determine to do sth 决定做某 事 50 be deteremined to do sth 下定 决心作某事
51 leave…behind 忘带,留下 52 in a hurry 匆忙 53 forgive sb for sth宽恕某人某事 54 lead to 导致,通向 55 be popular with sb 受某人的欢迎 56 the first time 第一次(可做连词) 57 come up with…提出,想出 58 care about 关心 59 tell sb off 斥责,责怪 60 pick up 捡起;让某人搭车; 偶然学会;染上 习惯; 恢复健康,好转;收听
70 a good/better understanding of… 很好,更好的理解 71 on (the) one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

1. it is believed/reported/said…+that从句 =sb is believed/reported/said= to do to be doing to have done 人们认为,据说,据报道 2. the+比较级+主语+谓语,the+比较级+主+谓 3. The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didn’t matter. 4. If jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I would never have experienced such true friendship.
6. have a gift(n.)\talent for… be gifted/talented in 在某方面有天赋 be gifted/talented with 具有….天赋 7. draw up 起草;拟定;
8. deserve to be done =deserve doing 值得被 9. fail to do sth未能作成某事 10. accuse sb of sth sb be accused of sth (因某事)控告某人(某事) 11. have a desire for sth/to do sth desire for sth 渴望得到某事物 desire to do sth 渴望作某事
12 be satisfied with… 13 be kind to sb=be good to sb 对某人友善 14 be good at…擅长… be good for…对…有好处 15 go abroad 出国 16 give sb a hug给某人一个拥抱 17 be upset at/by/about… 对…感到沮丧 be upset that-clause(从句)
38 be open to …对…开放,容易接受 39 there is no/little doubt …毫无疑问 40 have nothing to do with…与…无关 41 have something to do wih…与…有关 42 have a lot/much to do with …与…有很大 关系 43 compared to/with…与…相比 44 be involved in… 参加…与…有关
27 can not help doing sth 禁不住要做某事 28 can not help (to) do sth 不能帮着做某事 29 can’t help but do sth 不得不…,禁不住 30 judging by/from… 从…判断(做状语) 31 devote…to (doing) sth 把…投入到… be devoted to (doing) sth 专心于,献身于
17 find fault with sb 挑某人的毛病 18 break out (战争,地震,火灾等不好的事 情的) 爆发,发生 19 break down (机器等的) 出故障 身体垮掉 谈判失败 分解
20 be allergic to 对…过敏,反感,不喜欢 20 be anxious about…对..忧虑,担心 21 with anxiety 着急的 22 glare at (因生气)怒视 23 glance at 瞥一眼 24 stare at 盯着…看,凝视 25 be grateful to sb for (doing) sth 因某事情向某人表示感谢 26 be guilty about…对…感到内疚不安 be guilty of… 犯…罪
1.gain/put on weight 增重 2.concentrate on… 全神贯注于… 3. associate sth with sth be associated with… 4. senior high (school) 高中 5. connect sth to sth be connected to… 把…和…联系在一起
61 give up (doing sth) 放弃(作某事) 62 give in (to sb)(向某人)屈服 63 on one’s own独自地 64 deal with 处理,解决 65 except for 除了 66 separate…from… 把…和…分离开 67 be separated from… 68 a certain+ n.(单) certain+ n.(复)某个,某些 69 refer to 查阅,参考;指的是;提 及,涉及
5. as +原级, if not+ 比较级+than 即使不比…, 至少也一样。 6 have/has been+ doing现在完成进行时 7 The singing was so loud that I could even recognize the song. 8 but grandma is always trying to make him eat vegetables like carrots and peas. 9 It is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.