






变量的用法和中英文对照例句如下:1. 声明变量 (Declare a variable):- 英文:We can declare a variable using the keyword "var". - 中文:我们可以使用关键字"var"来声明一个变量。

2. 初始化变量 (Initialize a variable):- 英文:To initialize a variable, we assign a value to it.- 中文:要初始化一个变量,我们需要给它赋一个值。

3. 变量的命名 (Naming variables):- 英文:It is important to choose meaningful names for variables.- 中文:为变量选择有意义的名称很重要。

4. 变量的赋值 (Assigning values to variables):- 英文:We can assign values to variables using the assignment operator "=".- 中文:我们可以使用赋值运算符"="将值赋给变量。

5. 使用变量 (Using variables):- 英文:We can use variables in calculations or to store intermediate results.- 中文:我们可以在计算中使用变量或者用它们来存储中间结果。

6. 变量的类型 (Types of variables):- 英文:In programming, variables can have different types such as integer, float, string, etc.- 中文:在编程中,变量可以有不同的类型,比如整数、浮点数、字符串等。



影子变量(Shadow Variables)是Vensim模型中的一种特殊类型变量。












Flash常用函数命令用法1、gotoAndPlay(scene, frame)参数scene 播放头将转到的场景的名称。

frame 播放头将转到的帧的编号或标签。



示例当用户点击 gotoAndPlay 动作所分配到的按钮时,播放头将转到第 16 帧并开始播放。

on(release) {gotoAndPlay(16);}2、gotoAndStop(scene, frame)参数scene 播放头将转到的场景的名称。

frame 播放头将转到的帧的编号或标签。



示例当用户点击 gotoAndStop 动作所分配到的按钮时,播放头将转到第 5 帧并且影片停止播放。

on(release) {gotoAndStop(5);}3、on(mouse Event) {statement(s);}参数statement(s) 发生 mouse Event 时要执行的指令。

mouse Event 是称作“事件”的触发器。


可以为 mouse Event参数指定下面的任何值:- press 在鼠标指针经过按钮时按下鼠标按钮。

- release 在鼠标指针经过按钮时释放鼠标按钮。

- release Outside 当鼠标指针在按钮之内时按下按钮后,将鼠标指针移到按钮之外,此时释放鼠标按钮。

- rollout 鼠标指针滑出按钮区域。

- rollover 鼠标指针滑过按钮。

- dragOut 在鼠标指针滑过按钮时按下鼠标按钮,然后滑出此按钮区域。

- dragOver 在鼠标指针滑过按钮时按下鼠标按钮,然后滑出此按钮,再滑回此按钮。

- key Press (“key”) 按下指定的 key。

Types of Variables

Types of Variables

Types of VariablesBinary variable Obsevations (i.e., dependent variables) that occur in one of two possible states,often labelled zero and one. E.g., “improved/not improved” and “completedtask/failed to complete task.”Categorical V ariable Usually an independent or predictor variable that contains values indicatingmembership in one of several possible categories. E.g., gender (male or female),marital status (married, single, divorced, widowed). The categories are oftenassigned numerical values used as lables, e.g., 0 = male; 1 = female. Synonymfor nominal variable.Confounding variable A variable that obscures the effects of another variable. If one elementary read-ing teacher used used a phonics textbook in her class and another instructorused a whole language textbook in his class, and students in the two classes weregiven achievement tests to see how well they read, the independent variables(teacher effectiveness and textbooks) would be confounded. There is no way todetermine if differences in reading between the two classes were caused byeither or both of the independent variables.Continuous variable A variable that is not restricted to particular values (other than limited by theaccuracy of the measuring instrument). E.g., reaction time, neuroticism, IQ.Equal size intervals on different parts of the scale are assumed, if not demon-strated. Synonym for interval variable.Control variable An extraneous variable that an investigator does not wish to examine in a study.Thus the investigator controls this variable. Also called a covariate.Criterion variable The presumed effect in a nonexperimental study.Dependent variable The presumed effect in an experimental study. The values of the dependentvariable depend upon another variable, the independent variable. Strictlyspeaking, “dependent variable” should not be used when writing about nonex-perimental designs.Dichotomous variable Synonym for binary variableDiscrete variable V ariable having only integer values. For example, number of trials need by a stu-dent to learn a memorization task.Dummy V ariables Created by recoding categorial variables that have more than two categories intoa series of binary variables. E.g., Marital status, if originally labelled 1=married,2=single, and 3=divorced, widowed, or separated, could be redefined in termsof two variables as follows: var_1: 1=single, 0=otherwise. V ar_2: 1=divorced,widowed, or separated, 0=otherwise.For a married person, both var_1 and var_2 would be zero. In general, a cate-gorical variable with k categories would be recoded in terms of k - 1 dummyvariables. Dummy variables are used in regression analysis to avoid the unrea-sonable assumption that the original numerical codes for the categories, i.e., thevalues 1, 2, ..., k, correspond to an interval scale. Use: to place cases in specificgroups.Endogenous variable A variable that is an inherent part of the system being studied and that is deter-mined from within the system. A variable that is caused by other variables in acausal system.Exogenous variable A variable entering from and determined from outside of the system being stud-ied. A causal system says nothing about its exogenous variables. Independent variable The presumed cause in an experimental study. All other variables that mayimpact the dependent variable are controlled. The values of the independentvariable are under experimenter control. Strictly speaking, “independent vari-able” should not be used when writing about nonexperimental designs. Interval variable Synonym for continuous variableIntervening variable A variable that explains a relation or provides a causal link between other vari-ables. Also called by some authors “mediating variable” or “intermediary vari-able.” Example: The statistical association between income and longevity needsto be explained because just having money does not make one live longer. Othervariables intervene between money and long life. People with high incomes tendto have better medical care than those with low incomes. Medical care is anintervening variable. It mediates the relation between income and longevity. Latent variable An underlying variable that cannot be observed. It is hypothesized to exist inorder to explain other variables, such as specific behaviors, that can beobserved. Example: if we observe the voting records of members of the House ofRepresentatives on spending bills for the military, foodstamps, law enforce-ment, and promoting business investment, we might find underlying patternsthat could be explained by postulating latent variables such as conservatism andliberalism.Manifest variable An observed variable assumed to indicate the presence of a latent variable. Also known as an indicator variable. W e cannot observe intelligence directly, for it isa latent variable. W e can look at indicators such as vocabulary size, success inone’s occupation, IQ test score, ability to play complicated games (e.g., bridge)well, writing ability, and so on.Manipulated variable Synonym for independent variable.Mediating variable Synonym for intervening variable. Example: Parents transmit their social status to their children directly, but they also do so indirectly, through education: viz.Parent’s status ➛ child’s education ➛ child’s statusModerating variable A variable that influences, or moderates, the relation between two other vari-ables and thus produces an interaction effect.Nominal variable Synonym for categorical variable.Ordinal variable A variable used to rank a sample of individuals with respect to some character-istics, but differences (i.e., intervals) and different points of the scale are notnecessarily equivalent. Examples: anxiety might be rated on a scale “none,”“mild,” “moderate,” and “severe,” with numerical values of 0, 1, 2, 3. A patientwith an anxiety score of 1 is ranked as less anxious than a patient with a score of3, but patients with scores 0 and 2 do not necessarily have the same differencesin anxiety as patients with scores of 1 and 3.Outcome variable The presumed effect in a nonexperimental study. Synonym for criterion vari-able.Polychotomous vari-ables V ariables that can have more than two possible values. Strictly speaking, this includes all but binary variables. The usual reference is to categorical variables with more than two categories.Predictor variable The presumed “cause” on a nonexperimental study. Often used in correlational studies. For example, SAT scores predict first semester GPA. The SAT score isthe predictor variable.Treatment variable Synonym for independent variable。

1.3 - Variables

1.3 - Variables

In this example, you create an array that you name students, and you store three different names in it. You can then retrieve the stored values by using the various operations of the Array object. You can use several other functions of the Array object in your program. You will learn more about these functions later.
Let’s Summarize…
Congratulations! Now you know how to:
Create and name variables, and write statements that contain variables. Use variables to store text or numbers. Use arrays to store multiple values of the same type.
Use variables to store text or numbers.
Use arrays to store multiple values.
What is a Variable?
You can use a variable to store different kinds of information, such as text or a number. A variable can contain different values at different points in time. Most variables can contain only one value at a time. However, special variables, which are called arrays, can contain more than one value. Let’s look at a program in which you create a variable to store the user’s name. In this example, your program asks the user to type his or her name. Your program uses a variable that is called "name“ to store the information.



因变量和自变量(Dependent variable and dependent variable)In a function relation, a particular number changes with the number of other (or other) variables that are called dependent variables. Such as: Y=f (X). This expression means that the Y varies with the X. Y is the dependent variable, and X is the independent variable. Simpler and easier to interpret: how to understand what variables and arguments are, is actually simple. To put it plainly, the independent variable is the cause, and the dependent variable is the result". For example, the market generally sell 10 yuan a pound of pork, because of the storm in recent days and the price of 2 yuan. The price of setting up my pork is Y, the price of pork is 10, and the price is X yuan. This can be written in function: Y=10+X. How much money does it affect when I buy pork (Y) because of the price increase (X)?. Here, X is the independent variable, and Y is the dependent variable. For a function in which the independent variable and the dependent variable are sometimes mutual, that is, the independent variable of the variable, the amount of variation caused by another quantity, then this quantity is called the dependent variable. Therefore, in practical problems, we should pay attention to whose change has caused the change. At the time, distance, speed range speed of the road, by the time the changes caused by the time it is commonly referred to as the independent variable and speed as the dependent variable, independent variable in mathematical function in general and type variables can be this is a function and its inverse function transformation.brief introductionIn psychological experiments, independent variables aremanipulated and manipulated by the experimenter. The term "independent variable" comes from mathematics. In mathematics, y=f (x). In this equation, the argument is x, and the dependent variable is y. Applying this equation to the study of psychology, the independent variable refers to the factors or conditions that cause the change of the dependent variables, so the independent variable is regarded as the reason of the dependent variable. An independent variable has a continuous variable and a class variable. If the independent variable manipulated by the experimenter is a continuous variable, the experiment is a functional experiment. If the independent variable manipulated by the experimenter is a categorical variable, the experiment is of a factor type. In psychological experiments, an obvious problem is to have an organism as a subject (symbol O) reacting to stimulus (symbol S) (symbol R), that is, S - O - R. Obviously, the stimulus variable here is the independent variable. In mathematical equations, a variable that can affect other variables is called an independent variable. Independent variables have a wide range of applications, ranging from mathematics, functions to computers and programming. If x takes any quantity, y has only one quantity corresponding to the X, then x is called the independent variable of the function accordingly. Or, if y is a function of X, then x is the argument of this function.Edit this paragraph in broad senseAny system (or model) is composed of various variables, when we analyze these systems (or model), can influence the choice of some variables on other variables, so we choose these variables as independent variables, affected by the quantityis called the dependent variable. For example, we can analyze the effects of breathing on the maintenance of life in the human body, then breathing is the independent variable, and the state of life maintenance is considered as dependent variable. Systems and models can be a two yuan function, so simple, can also be the whole society is so complex.Edit the type of argument in this paragraph(1) stimulation argument: if different reaction subjects is different from characteristics of the stimulus, such as light intensity, sound size quoted, we put the result of this kind of independent variable called stimulation variables. (2) environmental characteristics, independent variables: the characteristics of the environment when the experiment is conducted, such as temperature, whether there is audience presence, whether there is noise, day or night, etc., can be used as independent variables. Time is a very important and independent variable, especially in memory experiments. You can even say that there is hardly any memory experiment without using time as independent variable. (3) the characteristic variable of the subject: the various characteristics of a person,Such as age, gender, occupation, education, introversion and extroversion, personality traits, left or right handedness, and high or low self-evaluation can be used as independent variables. (4) temporary differences between subjects: the temporary differences of the subjects are usually caused by the arrangement of the main test, that is, by the different instructions given by the main test.Edit this paragraph dependent variable and independent variableAn independent variable is a manipulated variable, and a variable is a variable that is measured or recorded. The difference between these two terms of language seems to confuse many readers, as some readers say, "all variables are dependent."". But once you recognize the difference, you'll find the difference is essential. The independent and dependent variables the word is mainly used for the experimental study of variables were manipulated, in this sense, the independent reaction in the research object form, characteristic, purpose is independent of the other variables are "dependent on" manipulation of variables or experimental conditions change. In other words, they are responses to what the object will do. In conflict with the nature of this definition, the term is also used in the study of the object being divided into the experimental groups according to the original attributes of the object rather than the manipulation of the independent variables. In experiments comparing men and women with white blood cells, sex is referred to as independent variable, whereas white blood cell count as dependent variable.Causation: the dependent variable varies with the argument。



{ public void paint(Graphics g)
int width; int height;
Rectangle r;
r = g.getClipBounds(); width = r.width - 1;
height = r.height - 1;
g.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); g.drawLine(0, 0, width, height); g.drawLine(width, 0, 0, height); }
变量要先在程序中 定义(或声明)之后 才能使用,要给每个
you can use them, and you must give each variable a specific type. For example, you might declare one variable to have a type that allows it to hold numbers, and another variable to have a type that allows it to hold a person's name.
Lesson 16
Warm-up Exercises
1. How many types of variables are there in Java? 2. Which type is the Rectangle class? 3. What is called the initializing?
variables 变量 define(declare)定义,声明 strongly typed language 强类型语 言 initializing,initialize 初始化 primitive 基本,原始

gitlab-ci variables用法

gitlab-ci variables用法

gitlab-ci variables用法GitLab CI/CD是一个功能强大、灵活且易于使用的持续集成和持续交付平台。


在GitLab CI/CD中,variables(变量)是一种非常有用的功能,可以在持续集成和持续交付过程中存储和使用数据。

本文将深入探讨GitLab CI/CD variables的用法,并为您提供一步一步的指导。

1. GitLab CI/CD Variables简介在GitLab CI/CD中,variables是一种键值对(key-value pair),可以存储所需的任何数据,并在CI/CD过程中使用。





2. 创建与定义variables在GitLab CI/CD中,variables可以在多个级别进行定义,包括全局、项目和作业级别。

下面是如何创建和定义variables的步骤:2.1 全局级别全局级别的variables适用于所有项目和作业,可以在GitLab的设置中定义。





点击"Add variable"按钮,输入变量的键名和值,然后点击保存。

2.2 项目级别项目级别的variables适用于特定的GitLab项目,可以在项目的CI/CD 配置文件中定义。



4. Concepts, indicators and variables
Concepts are converted into variables through indicators(指标) - a set of criteria reflective of a concept. Concepts Indicators Variables Decision level
1. The definition of a variable
An image, perception or concept that is capable of measurement - hence capable of taking on different values - is called a variable. In other words, a concept that can be measured is called a variable.
Change variables
Outcome variables
(dependent variables) (independent variables) Variables that affect the relationship (extraneous variables) (外在变项) Fig. Types of variables in a casual relationship
Morality(死亡率) Independent variable
The extent of the use of contraceptives(避孕) Intervening variables
Fertility (出生率) Dependent variable



CSS变量(CSSVariables)使⽤的⽅法和好处CSS变量(CSS Variables)使⽤的⽅法和好处CSS⾃定义变量有过编程基础的⼈对变量⼀词应该不陌⽣。

CSS 变量,即由⽹页的作者或⽤户定义的实体,⽤来指定⽂档中的特定变量。

更准确来说,应称之为 CSS ⾃定义属性,不过为更好理解称之为 CSS 变量。

然⽽学过CSS的⼈都知道,CSS 中是没有变量⽽⾔的,要使⽤ CSS 变量,只能借助 SASS 或者 LESS 预编译器。

但现在,我们可以直接在CSS中定义和使⽤变量,接下来我们来看⼀个例⼦:/*声明⼀个变量*/:root{--bgColor: #90ffc1;}上⾯代码中,借助了结构性伪类中的 :root{ } 中,在全局 :root{ } 中定义了⼀个 CSS 变量,命名为 --bgColor,名字前⾯⼀定要注意符号(--),定义变量(通过var(定义义变量名)来调⽤。

)后,接下来咱来设置⼀个颜⾊为#90ffc1的div//CSS:root{--bgColor: #90ffc1;}.box {background:var(--bgColor);}//HTMLCSS⾃定义变量效果如图CSS 变量的层叠与作⽤域CSS 变量是⽀持继承的,不过这⾥说成级联或者层叠更好在 CSS 中,⼀个元素的实际属性是由其⾃⾝属性以及其祖先元素的属性层叠得到的,CSS 变量也⽀持层叠的特性,当⼀个属性没有在当前元素定义,则会转⽽使⽤其祖先元素的属性。


同名属性:root{--bgColor: pink;}.box {margin:20px auto 0;width: 200px;height: 200px;--bgColor: blue;}这时⽣效的是--bgColor:bl ue,⽽不是--bgColor:pinkcss变量的层叠与作⽤域⽰意图注意: CSS 变量并不⽀持 !important:root{--bgColor: pink !important;(不⽀持!important)}.box {margin:20px auto 0;width: 200px;height: 200px;--bgColor: blue;}CSS 变量的组合CSS 变量也可以进⾏组合使⽤,先看看下⾯例⼦::root{--first-word:"this";--second-word:"is";--third-word:"CSS Variable";--word-color:skyblue;}.box:before{content:var(--first-word)' 'var(--second-word)' 'var(--third-word);display: block;color:var(--word-color);}上⾯boxd 的内容将会显⽰为:this is CSS Variablecss变量⽰意图CSS 变量&& calc( )CSS 变量可以和calc( ) ⼀起使⽤,来看看下⾯这个例⼦::root{--f-size: 14px;}.box {font-size: calc(var(--f-size) * 2);color:skyblue;text-align: center;}CSS 变量结合 calc(),得到的最终结果是font-size:28pxCSS 变量&&calc()⽰意图CSS 变量的好处代码更加简单明了,不重复⼀个⽹页会使⽤到很多重复的样式(⾊彩,字体的⼤⼩,间距),如果采⽤了变量来声明,会减少浏览器的渲染机制,从⽽⼤⼤提⾼效率/*你需要的统⼀样式*/:root {--f-color:#ffbc9d;--t-indent:18px;--f-size:14px;}.p1 {color:var(--f-color);text-indent:var(--t-indent);font-size: var(--f-size);}.p2 {color:var(--f-color);text-indent:var(--t-indent);font-size: var(--f-size);}我是p1我是p2}⼩伙伴们肯定会觉得这是在搞事情,会认为直接给⽗级⼀个样式不就可以了吗,简单粗暴,但由于这⾥CSS 改变的样式属性较少,当数量达到⼀定程度,使⽤ CSS 变量会是更好的选择,有利于后期更改精简代码,减少冗余,代码更直观,有利于响应式开发:root {--max-width:1200px;--min-fs:20px;--color:skyblue;}.box {width:var(--max-width);height:300px;font-size:var(--min-fs);color:var(--color);}@media screen and (min-width:600px) {:root {--min-fs:18px;--color: #d0ff99;}}⾄于CSS变量的兼容性可查询 https:///#search=css%20var~~原⽂链接 https:///s?id=1585257753956355378&wfr=spider&for=pc。

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