Electronic Distribution of Airplane Software and the Impact of Information Security on Airp




Abbreviation Term3D Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A AirA AlternateA AmberA AmpereA AreaA-D Airbus DeutschlandA-E Airbus EspanaA-F Airbus FranceA-UK Airbus UKAA Airworthiness AuthoritiesAA Arithmetical AverageAAAH Airbus Approved Abbreviations HandbookAAC Airline Administrative CommunicationsAADC Analog Air Data ComputerAAL Above Aerodrome LevelAAMG Airbus Application Management GroupAAP Additional Attendant PanelAAP Aft Attendant PanelABBR AbbreviationABCD Airbus Collective Data DictionaryABCU Alternate Braking Control UnitABD Airbus Directive and ProcedureABM AbeamABM APU Build-up ManualABNORM AbnormalABRN AirborneABS Autobrake SystemABS VAL Absolute ValueABSORB AbsorberABV AboveAC Advisory CircularAC Airplane Characteristics for Airport PlanningAC Alternating CurrentACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance SystemACC Active Clearance ControlACC Area Control CentreACCEL Acceleration/AccelerateACCESS AccessoryAbbreviation TermACCLRM AccelerometerACCU AccumulatorACCUR AccuracyACD Airframe Certification DocumentACD Airworthiness Certification DossierACDB Aircraft Component Data BaseACE Airbus Concurrent EngineeringACE Altimeter Control EquipmentACFT AircraftACFU Aircraft Check Follow UpACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor ACJ Advisory Circular-JointACK AcknowledgeACM Abbreviated Component Maintenance ManualACM Aircraft Configuration MatrixACM Aircraft Conversion ManualACMB Aircraft Configuration Management Board ACMM Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual ACMM Aircraft Configuration Meta ModelACMP Airframe Condition Monitoring ProcedureACMR Aircraft Configuration Management RulesACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring SystemACMT Aircraft Component Management TeamACN Aircraft Classification NumberACOB Automatic Call Out BoxACOC Air Cooled Oil CoolerACP Altimeter Check PointACP Area Call PanelACP Audio Control PanelACQ AcquireACQN AcquisitionACR Avionics Communication RouterACRT Additional Cross Reference TableACS AccessACS Alternating Current SupplyACT ActiveACT ActivityACT Additional Center TankACTD ActuatedACTG ActuatingACTIV ActiveAbbreviation TermACTN ActionACTR ActuatorACTVT ActivateACU Antenna Coupler UnitACVR Alternating Current Voltage RatioAD AerodromeAD Airplane DatumAD Airworthiness DirectiveADAM Airbus Spares Distribution and Materials System ADAU Auxiliary Data Acquisition UnitADB Area Distribution BoxADC Air Data ComputerADC Airbus Delivery CentreADCL Airworthiness Directives Compliance ListADCN Avionics Data Communication NetworkADCOMS Advanced Configuration Management SystemADD Addition, AdditionalADD Aircraft Description Data BaseADD Aircraft Design DeclarationADD BY Added ByADF Automatic Direction FinderADG Air Driven GeneratorADI Attitude Director IndicatorADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference SystemADIRU Air Data/Inertial Reference UnitADJ AdjustADJMT AdjustmentADM Air Data ModuleADO Airbus Documentation OfficeADOPT Airbus Design and Operational Philosophy in Training ADPM Aircraft Deactivation Procedures ManualADPTN AdaptationADPTR AdapterADR Advisory RouteADR Air Data ReferenceADRES Aircraft Documentation Retrieval SystemADRS AddressADS Air Data SystemADS Automatic Dependent SurveillanceADU Align Display UnitADV AdvisoryAbbreviation TermAEB Airline Engineering BulletinAECMA The European Association of Aerospace IndustriesAEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering CommitteeAERO Aviation Routine Weather ReportAES Aircraft Earth StationAESS Aircraft Environment Surveillance SystemAESU Aircraft Environment Surveillance UnitAEVC Avionics Equipment Ventilation ComputerAEX Access AuthorizedAF All FreighterAF Audio FrequencyAF DME Arc to Fixed WaypointAFB Antifriction BearingAFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFCS Automatic Flight Control SystemAFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched EthernetAFECU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control UnitAFFECTD AffectedAFFIRM AffirmativeAFIS Airbus In-Flight Information ServicesAFL Auto FlushAFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management ComputerAFN ATS Facilities NotificationAFR AirframeAFS Automatic Flight SystemAFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network AFTR AfterAFU Artificial Feel UnitAGB Accessory GearboxAGB Angle GearboxAGC Automatic Gain ControlAGE Aircraft Ground EquipmentAGG Airbus General GuideAGL Above Ground LevelAGMT AugmentAGW Actual Gross WeightAH Ampere HourAHP Anti-Hijacking PanelAHRS Attitude and Heading Reference SystemAHRU Attitude and Heading Reference UnitAI Anti-IcingAbbreviation TermAIB Airbus IndustrieAIBU Advanced Integrated Ballast UnitAIC Access Illustration CardsAIC Airbus Integrated CompanyAICC Aviation Industry CBT CommitteeAICU Anti Ice Control UnitAID Aircraft Installation DelayAIDA Airbus Industrie Drawing AccessAIDS Aircraft Integrated Data SystemAIG Accident InvestigationAIL AileronAIM Aircraft Integrated MaintenanceAIM-FANS Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future Air Navigation SysAIMS Airbus Improvement Management SystemAIMS Airbus Industrie Material SpecificationAIMS Airbus Inventory Management SystemAIM/CRM Airbus Integrated Management/Cockpit Resource ManagementAINA Airbus North AmericaAINS Aircraft Information Network SystemAIP Aeronautical Information PublicationAIP Attendant Indication PanelAIPS Airbus Process SpecificationAIQI Airbus Industrie Quality InstructionAIR Aircraft Inspection ReportAIRCOND Air ConditioningAIRMAN Aircraft Maintenance AnalysisAIS Aeronautical Information ServiceAIS Audio Integrated SystemAISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAITM Airbus Test MethodAL AirlineALERFA Alert PhaseALF Aft Looking ForwardALHP Airframe Life-History ProgramALIGN AlignmentALIGND AlignedALLWD AllowedALPHA Angle-of-AttackALPHANUM AlphanumericalALS Approach Light SystemAbbreviation TermALSCU Auxiliary Level Sensing Control UnitALT AltitudeALT ACQ Altitude AcquireALT TO Alternate ToALTM AltimeterALTN Alternate, AlternativeALTU Annunciator Light Test UnitALU Arithmetic and Logic UnitAM Airbus Means and Methods DocumentAM Amplitude ModulationAMB AmbientAMC Acceptable Means of ComplianceAMJ Advisory Material-JointAMM Aircraft Maintenance ManualAMM AmmeterAMP AmperageAMP AmpereAMPL AmplifierAMS Aeronautical Material SpecificationsAMS Aerospace Material SpecificationAMS Aircraft Modification StatusAMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System AMU Audio Management UnitAN Air NavigationANCE AnnounceAND Aircraft Nose DownANI Analog InputANLG AnalogicANN AnnunciatorANN LT Annunciator LightANNCE AnnounceANNCMT AnnouncementANO Analog OutputANPT Aeronautical National Taper Pipe ThreadsANSA At Nearest Suitable AirportANSI American National Standards InstituteANSU Aircraft Network Server UnitANT AntennaANU Aircraft Nose UpAO Access OpeningAOA Angle-Of-AttackAbbreviation TermAOAS Angle of Attack SensorAOC Air Operator's CertificateAOC Airline Operational ControlAOD Audio on DemandAOG Aircraft On GroundAOHX Air/Oil Heat ExchangerAOLS Airbus On-Line ServicesAOM Aircraft Operating ManualAOP Airbus Operational PlanAOT All Operator TelexAP Airborne PrinterAP Airbus ProcedureAP AutopilotAPASHE Aircraft Publication Automated Shipping Expedite APC Area Positive ControlAPI Application Programming InterfaceAPLC Aircraft Power Line ConditionerAPM Aircraft Performance Monitoring ProgramAPM Airport Planning ManualAPM ARINC Processing ModuleAPP AppearanceAPP Approach Control-Approach Control Office APPR ApproachAPPROX ApproximatelyAPPU Asymmetry Position Pick Off UnitAPQ Airline Pre-QualificationAPS Aircraft Prepared for ServiceAPS Auxiliary Power SupplyAPU Auxiliary Power UnitAPU AFE APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control UnitAP/FD Autopilot/Flight DirectorAQP Advanced Qualification ProgramAR As RequiredAR Audio ReproducerARG Arresting Gear or HookARINC Aeronautical Radio IncorporatedARM Aircraft Recovery ManualARM Airworthiness Review MeetingARMD ArmedARMG ArmingAbbreviation TermARMT ArmamentARN Aircraft Registration NumberARND AroundARO After Receipt OrderARP Aerodrome Reference Point - Airport Reference PointARP Aerospace Recommended PracticeARPT AirportARR Arrival, ArrivingART Active Repair TimeARTCC Air Route Traffic Control CentreARTCLD ArticulatedARTF ArtificialARU Audio Reproducer UnitAS AirscoopAS AirspeedASA All Speed AileronASAP As soon as possibleASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCO Airbus Service Company Inc.ASD Accelerate Stop DistanceASDC Airline Service Data CollectionASE Airborne Support EquipmentASE Airbus Supplied EquipmentASF Amperes per Square FootASG Airbus Security GroupASI Airspeed IndicatorASIC Application Specific Integrated CircuitsASM Aircraft Schematics ManualASM American Society for MetalsASMA Aircraft Systems Maintenance AidsASN Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)ASP Audio Selector PanelASPSU Autonomous Standby Power Supply UnitASR Airport Surveillance RadarASSY AssemblyASYM Asymmetric(al)AT AutothrottleAT AutothrustATA Actual Time of ArrivalATA Air Transport Association of AmericaATAM Airbus Takeoff Analysis ModuleAbbreviation TermATB ATA 100 BreakdownATC Air Traffic ControlATCA Air Traffic Control BoardATCDB Aircraft Technical Characteristics Data BaseATCH Attach(ment)ATCI Air Traffic Control and InformationATCK AttackATCRB Air Traffic Control Radar BeaconATCSS Air Traffic Control Data Link Signalling SystemATD Actual Time of DepartureATD Aircraft Technical DefinitionATE Automatic Test EquipmentATEC Automatic Test Equipment ComplexATI Air Transport IndicatorATIMS Air Traffic and Information Management System ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems ATM Air Traffic ManagementATM Aircraft Transportability ManualATM Available Ton-MileATMG Airbus Technical Management GroupATMS Advanced Text Management SystemATN Aeronautical Telecommunications NetworkATO Authorization to OfferATR Austin Trumbull RadioATRCCS Automatic Turbine Rotor Clearance Control System ATS Air Traffic ServiceATS Airbus Technical SpecificationATS Autothrottle SystemATS Autothrust SystemATSU Air Traffic Service UnitATT AttitudeATT Attitude ReferenceATTEN AttenuationATTND AttendantATZ Aerodrome Traffic ZoneAUD AudioAUDSWTGSYS Audio Switching SystemAUDSWTGUNIT Audio Switching UnitAUTH AuthorizeAUTO AutomaticAbbreviation TermAUTOCAL AutocalibrationAUTOLAND Automatic LandingAUW All-Up WeightAUX AuxiliaryAVAIL AvailabilityAVAIL AvailableAVG AverageAVIONICS Aviation ElectronicsAVNCS AvionicsAVRS Audio/Video Recording SystemAWB Air WaybillAWG American Wire GageAWG Audible Warning GeneratorAWL Aircraft Wiring ListAWLS All Weather Landing SystemAWM Aircraft Wiring ManualAWS American Welding SocietyAWY AirwayAX Access AuthorizedAX Longitudinal AccelerationAY Lateral AccelerationAZ AzimuthAZ Vertical AccelerationAZFW Actual Zero Fuel WeightA.ICE Anti-ice, Anti-icingA.T.I.S Airbus Technical Information SystemA/BRK AutobrakeA/C AircraftA/COLL Anti-CollisionA/D Analog to Digital Converter (conversion) A/D Analog/DigitalA/DC Analog-to-Digital ConverterA/F Auto FlightA/G Air to GroundA/L AirlineA/N AlphanumericA/N SIZE Alpha Numeric SizeA/R Audio ReproducerA/S AirspeedA/S Auto StabilizationA/SKID Anti-SkidAbbreviation TermA/STAB Auto StabilizerA/T Adjustment/TestA/THR AutothrustA/XFMR AutotransformerB BlueBAABI Basic Approved ATA Breakdown IndexBAF BaffleBAFO Best and Final OfferBAL Basic Assembly Languagebar10² kPaBARC Barometric Altitude Rate ComputerBARO BarometricBAT Battery (Electrical)BBRG Ball BearingBC Baggage Container TrainBCD Binary Coded DecimalBCDS BITE Centralized Data SystemBCL Battery Charge LimiterBCN BeaconBCRC Bulk Crew Rest CompartmentBCRU Battery Charge and Rectifier UnitBCU Brake Control UnitBCWP Budgeted Cost of Work PerformedBCWS Budgeted Cost of Work ScheduledBDD BITE Description DocumentBDLI Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrt Industrie BEA Bureau d'Enquête AccidentBEL CRK BellcrankBER Beyond Economical RepairBETW BetweenBEV BevelBEW Basic Empty WeightBFD Bi-Folding DoorBFDAS Basic Flight Data Acquisition SystemBFE Buyer Furnished EquipmentBFEMS BFE Management SystemBFO Beat Frequency OscillatorBFR BufferBG Build Group (Assembly Group)BGC Build Group ComponentBGM Boarding MusicAbbreviation TermBGS Build Group Stack-UpBH Block HoursBHD BulkheadBIST Built-in Self TestBITE Built-in Test EquipmentBIU BITE Interface UnitBK BlackBK UP Back UpBKFLW BackflowBL BleedBLC Basic Lines CatalogBLES Brake Life Extension System BLG Body Landing GearBLK BlackBLK BlockBLKT BlanketBLOW BlowerBLST BallastBLT BoltBLV Bleed ValveBLW BelowBLWG BlowingBM BeamBMC Bleed Monitoring Computer BMS Bulletin Météo SpécialBND BondedBNDG BondingBNDRY BoundaryBNR BinaryBNR Binary WordsBO Blocking OscillatorBO Body OdourBOH Brake-Off WeightBOT Begin of TapeBOT BottomBP Bottom PlugBR BrownBRC BraceBRD BraidBRDG BridgeBRG BearingAbbreviation TermBRK BrakeBRKNG BrakingBRKR BreakerBRKS BrakesBRKT BracketBRT Bright, BrightnessBSCU Braking/Steering Control UnitBSHG BushingBSU Beam Steering UnitBT Bus TieBTC Bus Tie ContactorBTL BottleBTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring UnitBTN ButtonBTR Bus Tie RelayBTU British Thermal UnitBU Battery UnitBUS BusbarBYDU Back-Up Yaw Damper UnitBYP BypassB/B Back-BeamB/C Business ClassB/D Bottom of DescentC Celsius, CentigradeC ClearC CloseC Cold (Electric Point)C ComparatorC ConvertibleC Cyanc Equal MarginC-MOS Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor C of A Certificate of AirworthinessCA CableCA Cable AssemblyCAA Civil Aviation AuthorityCAATS Computer Assisted Aircraft Trouble Shooting CAB CabinCAB PRESS Cabin PressurizationCAD Computer Aided DesignAbbreviation TermCADETS Computer Assisted Documentation Education Tutorial SystemCAG Circulation Aérienne GénéraleCAGE Commercial and Government EntityCAGE Commercial And Government EntityCAI Combustion Area InspectionCAL Calibration, CalibratedCALC Cargo Acceptance and Load ControlCAM Cabin Assignment ModuleCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAN CanopyCAN Controller Area NetworkCANC CancelCANC CancellationCANCD CancelledCANTIL CantileverCAO Cargo Aircraft OnlyCAOA Corrected Angle Of AttackCAOM Cabin Attendant Operating ManualCAP CapacitorCAPLTY CapabilityCAPT CaptainCAR CargoCAR Civil Aviation RequirementsCARE Common Airbus Requirements EngineeringCARE Continuing Airframe - Health Review and EvaluationCARP CarpetCAS Calculated Air SpeedCAS Calibrated Air SpeedCAS Collision Avoidance SystemCAS Computed Air SpeedCAT CategoryCAT Clear Air TurbulenceCATCH Complex Anomaly Tracking and SearchCAUT CautionCAUT LT Caution LightCBAL CounterbalanceCBIT Continuous BITECBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring SystemCBMU Circuit Breaker Monitoring UnitCBO Cycles between OverhaulAbbreviation TermCBORE CounterboreCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Cost Breakdown StructureCBSV Cycles Between Scheduled VisitsCC Current ComparatorCCC Component Change CardCCC Crash Crew ChartCCCP Compressor Cavity Control PressureCCG Cabin Configuration GuideCCITT Consultative Committee International Telegraphy & TelephCCOM Cabin Crew Operating ManualCCQ Cross Crew QualificationCCR Credit Card ReaderCCR Customer Change RegisterCCRC Cabin Crew Rest CompartmentCCRM Cabin Crew Rest ModuleCCS Cabin Communications SystemCCW Counter ClockwiseCD Cold DrawnCD Control DisplayCD Count DragCD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only MemoryCD-WD Component Data Working DocumentCDAM Centralized Data Acquisition ModuleCDBT Component Design and Build TeamCDDS Component Documentation Data SystemCDE Consumption Data Exchange CardCDIM Component Data Instruction ManualCDL Configuration Deviation ListCDP Compressor Discharge PressureCDS Cold Drawn SteelCDS Component Documentation StatusCDS Control and Display SystemCDT Cabin Door TrainerCDU Center Drive UnitCDU Control and Display UnitCE Central EntityCECAM Centralized Cabin MonitoringCED Cooling Effect DetectorCEET Cabin Emergency Evacuation TrainerCEL Component Evolution ListAbbreviation TermCELLI Ceiling Emergency LED LightCEO Chief Executive OfficerCEPT Council of European Posts and Telegraphs CER Contrôle Essais et RéceptionCEV Centre d'Essais en VolCEV Clutch Electro ValveCF Course to a Fixed WaypointCFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit CFDS Centralized Fault Display SystemCFE Customer Furnished EquipmentCFH Cubic Feet per HourCFIT Controlled Flight Into TerrainCFM Cable Fabrication ManualCFM Cubic Feet per MinuteCFMI CFM InternationalCFP Computerized Flight PlanCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced PlasticCFS Cabin File ServerCFS Cold Finished SteelCG Center of GravityCGCS Center of Gravity Control SystemCGM Computer Graphics MetafileCH Centre HatrackCH CharacterCH ChargeCHAM ChamferCHAN ChannelCHAS ChassisCHG ChangeCHK CheckCHM ChimeCHMBR ChamberCHRG ChargeCHRO ChronometerCI Cast ironCI Configuration ItemCI Conversion InstructionCI Cost IndexCI Course to an InterceptCi CurieAbbreviation TermCICS Customer Information Control SystemCICS/VS Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data SystemCIM Continuous Image MicrofilmCIN Change Identification NumberCINS Cabin Information Network SystemCIT Compressor Inlet TemperatureCIU Camera Interface UnitCK CheckCKD CheckedCKPT CockpitCKT CircuitCL Center LineCL Check ListCL ClimbCL ClipCL ClutchCLB ClimbCLCTR CollectorCLD ClosedCLDB Component Location Data BankCLG CeilingCLG Centerline Landing GearCLK ClockCLM Component Location ManualCLN ClinometerCLNG CeilingCLOG CloggingCLOGD CloggedCLP ClampCLPR ClapperCLR ClearCLR ALT Clearance AltitudeCLRD ClearedCLRNC ClearanceCLS Cargo Loading SystemCLS Cargo Loading System ManualCLSD ClosedCLSG ClosingCLTM Component Location Training ManualCLV ClevisAbbreviation TermCM Call MaintenanceCM CentimetersCM Collective ModificationCM Configuration ManagementCM Conversion ManualCM Crew MemberCMC Central Maintenance ComputerCMD CommandCMEU Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit CMFLR Cam FollowerCMI Computer Managed InstructionCMIT Component Management and Integration TeamCML Consumable Material ListCMM Calibration Memory ModuleCMM Component Maintenance ManualCMMM Component Maintenance Manual ManufacturerCMMV Component Maintenance Manual VendorCMP Customer Maintenance ProgramCMPLRY ComplementaryCMPLTD CompletedCMPNT ComponentCMPS CPLR Compass CouplerCMPTG ComputingCMPTR ComputerCMRLR Cam RollerCMS Cabin Management SystemCMS Central Maintenance SystemCMS Code Matière SociétéCMS Component Maintenance SheetCMT Cabin Management TerminalCMV Concentrator and Multiplexer for VideoCNA Common Nozzle AssemblyCNCT ConnectCNCTD ConnectedCNCTN ConnectionCNCTR ConnectorCNCTRC ConcentricCNCV ConcaveCND ConduitCNSU Cabin Network Server UnitCNTNR ContainerAbbreviation TermCNTOR ContactorCNTR CounterCNTRTR ConcentratorCO CompanyCO Cut-OffCO RTE Company RouteCOAX CoaxialCOC Customer Originated Change COHO Coherent OscillatorCOL ColumnCOM CommonCOM CommunicationCOM Company Organization Manual CombL Combustible LiquidCOMDL Coding ModuleCOML CommercialCOMP CompassCOMP CompensatorCOMPSN CompensationCOMPT CompartmentCOMPT TEMP Compartment TemperatureCOMPTR ComparatorCOMTN CommutationCOND ConditionCOND ConditionedCOND ConditioningCONDTN ConditionCONDTR ConditionerCONFIG ConfigurationCONFIRMD ConfirmedCONSUMPT ConsumptionCONT Continue, ContinuousCONT ContourCONT ControllerCONV ConverterCOO Chief Operating OfficerCOOL Cooling, CoolerCOORD CoordinateCOORD CoordinationCOPI CopilotCORA Customer Order AdministrationAbbreviation TermCORCTD CorrectedCORR CorrectCORR CorrugateCORR CorrugationCor.M Corrosive MaterialCOS CosineCOT CotterCOTS Commercial Off-The-ShelfCOUNT CounterCOV CoverCOWL CowlingCP Clock PulseCPC Cabin Pressure ControllerCPCP Corrosion Prevention and Control program CPCS Cabin Pressure Control SystemCPCU Cabin Pressure Control UnitCPDLC Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications CPF Central Programme FunctionCPIOM Core Processing Input/Output ModuleCPL CoupleCPLD CoupledCPLG CouplingCPLR CouplerCPMS Cabin and Passenger Management System CPMU Cabin Passenger Management UnitCPNY CompanyCPRSR CompressorCPT CaptureCPT CompartmentCPU Central Processing UnitCR Cold RolledCR CruiseCRC Camera Ready CopyCRC Continuous Repetitive ChimeCRC Crew Rest CompartmentCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckCRE Corrosion-ResistantCRES Corrosion-Resistant SteelCRG CargoCRI Certification Review ItemAbbreviation TermCRK CrankCRL CollarCROSSFEEDR CrossfeederCRR Component Reliability ReportCRS Cold Rolled SteelCRS CourseCRSN CorrosionCRT Cathode Ray TubeCRU Cabin Router UnitCRU Card Reader UnitCRZ CruiseCS Cabin Cleaners StepsCS Call SwitchCS Center SparCS CentistokesCSD Constant Speed DriveCSE Course Set ErrorCSF/L Continuous Safe Flight/LandingCSI Cycles Since InstallationCSIP Customer Satisfaction Improvement ProgrammeCSK CountersinkCSKH Countersunk HeadCSL ConsoleCSM Computer Software ManualCSM/G Constant Speed Motor/GeneratorCSN Catalog Sequence NumberCSS Cockpit System SimulatorCST Cabin Service TrainerCSTG CastingCSTR ConstraintCSU Command Sensor UnitCSV Cycles Since Last Shop VisitCT Center TapeCT Current TransformerCTA Control AreaCTDP Cabin Trainer Data PackagesCTF Central Test FacilitiesCTF.P Central Test Facility ResponseCTF.Q Central Test Facility QuestionsCTK Capacity Tonne KilometreCTK Center TankAbbreviation TermCTL CentralCTL ControlCTR CenterCTR ContourCTR Control ZoneCTRD CenteredCTSK CountersunkCTU Cabin Telecommunications Unit CTWT CounterweightCU Control Unitcu CubicCUDU Current Unbalance Detection Unit CUR CurrentCVL Configuration Variation ListCVR Cockpit Voice RecorderCVT Center Vent TubeCVU Crypto Voice UnitCW ClockwiseCWG Cockpit Working GroupCWLU Cabin Wireless LAN UnitCWS Control Wheel SteeringCWY ClearwayCY Calendar Year - Current YearCY CycleCYL CylinderC/B Circuit BreakerC/L Check ListC/M Command/MonitorC/M Crew MemberC/O Change OverC/S Call SignC/SSR Cost/Schedule Status ReportDA Drift AngleDABS Discrete Address Beacon SystemDAC Digital to Analog ConverterDAC Drawing Aperture CardDADC Digital Air Data ComputerDADS Digital Air Data SystemDAF Damping Augmentation FunctionDAMP DampingdaN Load (DecaNewton)Abbreviation TermDAR Digital AIDS RecorderDAS/STC Designated Alteration Station/Supplemental Type Certific DB Data BasedB DecibelDBBS Data Base Bulletin ServiceDBC Data Bus CommunicationDBD Data Basis for DesignDBLR DoublerdB(A)A-Weighted DecibelDC Direct CurrentDC Domain CoordinatorDCD Data Control and DisplayDCD DecodeDCD Double Channel DuplexDCDR DecoderDCDU Datalink Control and Display UnitDCP Display Control PanelDCR Dock on Crew RestDCS Designated Certification SpecialistDCS Direct Current SupplyDCS Double Channel SimplexDCU Direction Control UnitDCV Directional Control ValveDCVR Direct Current Voltage RatioDDA Digital Differential AccumulationDDCU Dedicated Display and Control UnitDDI Design Drawing InstructionDDI Documentary Data InsertDDM Difference in Depth of ModulationDDM Digital Data ModuleDDP Declaration of Design and PerformanceDDRMI Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic IndicatorDDTS Digital Data Technology StandardsDDV Direct Drive ValveDEC DeclinationDECEL DecelerateDECOMPRESS DecompressionDECR DecreaseDEDP Data Entry and Display PanelDEF DefinitionDEFDARS Digital Expandable Flt Data Acquisition & Recording SysAbbreviation TermDEFL DeflectDEFUEL DefuelingDEG DegreeDEGRADD DegradedDEL Delay MessageDEL DeleteDEL BY Deleted byDELTA P Differential PressureDEM Digital Electronic ModuleDEMOD DemodulatorDEP Data Entry PanelDEP DepartureDEPLD DeployedDEPRESS DepressurizationDEPT DepartmentDES DescendDES DescentDES Digital Equipment SimulatorDEST DestinationDET Detection, DetectorDETECTD DetectedDETNG DeterminingDEU Decoder/Encoder UnitDEVN DeviationDEW Delivery Empty WeightDEX Access DemandedDF Direction FinderDFA Delayed Flaps ApproachDFDAMU Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition UnitDFDR Digital Flight Data RecorderDFDRS Digital Flight Data Recording SystemDFIDU Dual Function Interactive Display UnitDFT DriftDG Directional GyroDGAC Direction Generale de l'Aviation CivileDGI Digital InputDGO Digital OutputDGTL DigitalDH Decision HeightDI Data Input。



Here's the real reason to turn on airplane modewhen you fly为什么乘坐飞机时手机要调成飞行模式?真实原因是……英文新闻:Here's the real reason to turn on airplane mode when you fly We all know the routine by heart: "Please ensure your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to airplane mode."Window shades need to be up so we can see if there's an emergency, such as a fire. Tray tables need to be stowed and seats upright so we can get out of the row quickly. Laptops can become projectiles in an emergency. Aviation navigation and communication relies on radio services, which has been coordinated to minimize interference since the 1920s.The digital technology currently in use is much more advanced than some of the older analog technologies we used 60 years ago. Research has shown personal electronic devices can emit a signal within the same frequency band as the aircraft's communications and navigation systems, creating what is known as electromagnetic interference.Radio frequency bandwidth is limited. The aviation industry points out that the 5G wireless network bandwidth spectrum is remarkably close to the reservedaviation bandwidth spectrum, which may cause interference with navigation systems near airports that assist with landing the aircraft.重点词汇1. emergency英 [ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi] 美 [ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi]n. 突发事件;紧急情况2. electromagnetic英 [ɪˌlektrəʊmæɡˈnetɪk]美 [ɪˌlektroʊmæɡˈnetɪk]adj. 电磁的中文新闻:为什么乘坐飞机时手机要调成飞行模式?真实原因是……这句常规提醒我们都烂熟于心:“请确保您的座椅靠背垂直,餐桌和遮光板收起,笔记本电脑放在头顶的行李架上,手机调成飞行模式。



ESSENTIAL(基础) ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航空工程英语基础LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体一、生词二、1.the B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机。



0.The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and section 48 .波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48.0.Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors.41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。


Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.43部分包括客舱和前货舱。



主题:犯罪术语英语翻译1.blackmail 敲诈,勒索black market :黑市2.break-in 非法闯入bribery :行贿受贿3.child abuse credit-card fraud :信用卡欺诈4.domestic violence drunk driving :酒后驾驶5.embezzlement 贪污juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪6.pickpocket :扒手accomplice :同案Any person who takes part in a crime.参与犯罪的每个人。

adult business district :红灯区A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。

agricrime :农业犯罪Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment. "agricultural crime"的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。

armed robbery :武装抢劫The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。

arrest warrant :逮捕证A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime. 对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。



ESSENTIAL(基础) ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航空工程英语基础LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体一、生词二、1.the B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机。



0.The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and section 48 .波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48.0.Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors.41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。


Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.43部分包括客舱和前货舱。



民航英语等级考试题库及答案一、单选题1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a delay in a flight?A. Weather conditionsB. Air traffic congestionC. Aircraft maintenance issuesD. Passengers' preference for window seats答案:D2. What is the standard speed measurement used in aviation?A. Kilometers per hourB. Miles per hourC. KnotsD. Mach number答案:C3. In aviation, what does the term "V1" refer to?A. Takeoff decision speedB. Rotation speedC. Stopping speedD. Approach speed答案:A4. What is the primary purpose of the transponder in an aircraft?A. To communicate with air traffic controlB. To receive weather updatesC. To navigate using GPSD. To identify the aircraft to air traffic control答案:D5. Which of the following is NOT a type of aircraft turbulence?A. Clear air turbulenceB. Convective turbulenceC. Mechanical turbulenceD. Static turbulence答案:D二、填空题6. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) uses the _______ language as the standard for communication between pilots and air traffic control.答案:English7. The term "ETOPS" stands for Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards, which is a set of regulations that allow twin-engine aircraft to fly up to _______ nautical miles from the nearest airport suitable for an emergency landing.答案:1808. The _______ is the part of the airport where aircraft are parked, maintained, and loaded or unloaded while not in use.答案:apron9. The _______ is the altitude at which an aircraft can maintain level flight without using thrust.答案:cruise altitude10. The _______ is the process of reducing the speed of an aircraft to prepare for landing.答案:descent三、阅读理解题阅读以下段落,并回答问题。



CRI Cost Reduction InitiativeCSA Create-Same-AsCSEO Customer Serial Engineering OrderCSV Contour Surface VerificationCT Contour TemplateCTE Coefficient of Thermal ExpansionCUM CumulativeCVG Change Verification GroupDBI Digital-Based InspectionDCAC Define and Control Aircraft Configuration DCMC Defense Contract Management CommandDCN Drawing Change NoteDD Department of DefenseDDA Drawing Departure AuthorizationDDC Digital Data CoordinatorDER Designated Engineering RepresentativeDEV DeviationDIM Digital Inspection MediaDJ Drill JigDLT Developed Layout TemplateDM Data ManagementDMT Discrepant Material TagDMU Digital Mock UpDNC Distributed Numerical ControlDOD Department of DefenseDPD Digital Product DefinitionDPJ Drill JigDQI Dallas Quality InstructionsDR Discrepancy ReportDR Data ReleaseDRB Design Review BoardDRD Draw DieDS Design SpecificationDS Discrepancy SheetDS Design Standard (for tool designs)DTC Design to CostEBOM Engineering Bill of MaterialE-BOM Engineer BOMEC Effectivity CodeECD Estimated Completion DateECN Engineering Change NoticeECP Engineering Change ProposalEL Engineering LiaisonELECT Electronic TimekeepingELR Engineering Liasion RequestELR Engineering Liaison RequestEMD Engineering Mylar / Master DataEMIS Engineering Management Information SystemEO Engineering OrderEOF End of FieldEOP Edge of PartERACTS Engineering Request and Change Tracking System ERR Engineering Rapid ResponseERRWT Engineering Rapid Response Withholding TagERS Enhanced Reference SystemF3CK Form, Fit, or Function CheckFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationFAI First Article InspectionFAIM First Article Inspection MillenniumFAIR First Article Inspection ReportFAITS First Article Inspection Tracking SystemFAJ Factory Assembly JigFAJ Floor Mounted Assembly jigFAR Federal Aviation RegulationFC Fracture CriticalFD Form DieFIFO First-in/First-outFN Find NumberFO Firing OrderFO Fabrication Order/OutlineFOA Fabricate on AssemblyFOB Free On BoardFOD Foreign Object DebrisFOD Foreign Object DamageFOE Foreign Object EliminationFTO Fabrication Tool OrderGAC Gulfstream Aerospace CorporationGDAT (GD&T)Geometric Dimensioning and TolerancingGIV Gulfstream IVGO General Order, Account/Charge Number or Network Activity GSl Global Sourcing InitiativeGSS Grumman Standard SpecificationGV Gulfstream VHB Hydropress BlockHR Human ResourcesHVS Hardware Verification SheetHW/SW Hardware and/or SoftwareI&R Interchangeability and ReplaceabilityI&R Interchangeable and ReplaceableI&T Identification & TraceabilityICD Interface Control DocumentID IdentificationID Identification NumberIE Industrial EngineerIE Industrial EngineeringII Interchangeable ItemIM Inspection MediaIOF Incomplete Operation FormIOS Inspection Operation SheetsIPT Integrated Product TeamIPTL Integrated Product Team LeaderIPTM Integrated Product Team MemberIR&D Independent Research and DevelopmentIRAN Inspect and Repair As NecessaryIRR Initial Reliability RequirementISO International Standards OrganizationIT Interim TestIT Information TechnologyITT Incorrect Tool TagJD Joggle DieJIT Just In TimeJSF Jefferson Street FacilityKC Key CharacteristicKPP Key Process ParameterLAN Local Area NetworkLBL Left Buttock LineLCS Low Cost Scrap (Automated in MESNC)LD Long DistanceLH Left HandLJ Locating JigLMC Least Material ConditionLUNO Line Unit NumberMBD Model Base DefinitionMBOM Manufacturing Bill of MaterialM-BOM Manufacture BOMMCD Master Control DrawingMCR Manufacturing Change RequestMCS Manufacturing Control SystemMCSI Manufacturing Control System IMCSII Manufacturing Control System IIMDAY Manufacturing DayMDR Material Discrepancy ReportME Menufacturing EnginnerME Manufacturing EngineeringMECO Manufacturing Engineer Change OrderMEDS Manufacturing and Engineering Distribution SystemMEMO MemorandumMEP Manufacturing Engineering ProcedureMES Manufacturing Execution SystemMESNC Manufacturing Execution System NonconformanceMESOW Manufacturing Engineering Statement of WorkMFG ManufacturingMG Master GageMG Master GeometryMGUD Master Geometry Undimensioned DrawingMIL-HDBK Military HandbookMIL-STD Military StandardMIPS Master Integrated Program ScheduleMIS Material Information SystemMIT Miscellaneous ToolMLOT Master Layout TemplateMMC Maximum Material ConditionMMUD Manufacturing Master Undimensioned DrawingMOD Modification (Formated as OIS or MOT/MOI)MOP Manufacturing Organization ProcedureMOT/MOI Manufacturing Operations Transmittal / Manufacturing Operations Instruction MP Measurement PlanMPCD Mfg Process Control DocumentMPK Methyl Propyl KetoneMPP Manufacturing Process ProcedureMPP Material Process ProceduresMQ Material QualityMR Manufacturing RequirementsMRB Material Review BoardMRP Material Review PlanMRR Material Review ReportMS MicrosoftMS Military SpecificationMS Military StandardMSERRWT Multiple-Ship Engineering Rapid Response Withholding Tag MSF Marshall Street FacilityMSF(W)Marshall Street Facility (West)MSWT Multiple-Ship Withholding TagMTA Military Transport AircraftMTDD Master Tool Digital DatasetMTE Measurement and Test EquipmentMTO Materiel Technical OperationsN/A Not ApplicationN/A Not ApplicableN/EAT Nacelle/Engine Affordability TeamN/R Non-RecurringNAS National Aerospace StandardNASA National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNATO North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNC Numerically ControlledNC NonconformanceNC Numerical ControlNCAD Northrop Computer Aided DesignNCAL Northrop Computer Aided LoftingNCD Nonconformance DiscrepancyNCMF Numerical Control Mill FixtureNCR Nonconformance RecordNCSL National Conference of Standards LaboratoriesNDI Nondestructive InspectionNDT Nondestructive Testing (or Test)NG Northrop GrummanNIST National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program OEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOIL Operation and Instruction LogOILVC Operation and Inspection Log Verification CopyOIR Operation and Inspection RecordOIS Operation and Inspection SheetOJT On Job TrainingOLT Optical Laser TechnologyOPS OperationsOS Operation ScreenOSIR Operation Sheet Interface RecordOTP Optical Tooling PointsP.O.Purchase OrderP/N Part NumberPA Product AcceptancePA Procedures AnalystPA Procurement AgentPAP Product Acceptance PlanPAS Planning Action SheetPBD Pierce Blank DiePC Production ControlPC Personal ComputerPC Fracture CriticalPCE Process Control EngineeringPCI Process Control InstructionPCM Photo Contact MasterPCM Planning Control MasterPCMM Portable Coordinate Measuring Machine PCU Production Control UnitPD Product DesignPD Program DirectivePDD Product Definition DataPDM Product Data ManagerPDP Product Development ProcedurePDP Product Documentation ProcedurePDP Product Design PracticePDR Preliminary Design ReviewPE Production EngineeringPE Production Engineering (Planning)PEQ Production Engineering QualityPL Parts ListPLI Preload IndicatingPM Program ManagerPMO Program Management OfficePMP Performance Management ProcessPMS Performance Measurement SystemPMS Program Master SchedulePN Part NumberPO Purchase OrderPPC Proposed Planning ChangePRA Preliminary Review AuthorityPSD Process Spec DeparturePSDL Picture Sheet Data ListPT Integrated Process TeamPT Profile TemplatePTI Periodic Tool InspectionPTIM Periodic Tool Inspection ManualPWM Pulse Width ModulationQA Quality AssuranceQAB Quality Alert BulletinQAMT Quality Advanced Measurement Technologies QAPM Quality Assurance Program Management QCA Quality Corrective ActionQCRS Quality Calibration Recall SystemQDTP Quality Digital Technologies Procedure QE Quality EngineerQE Quality EngineeringQI Quality InstructionQID Quality Inspection DataQIP Quality Inspection PlanningQP Quality ProceduresQP Quality ProvisionQPL Qualified Products ListQPP Quality Program PlanQSR Quality System RecordR&D Rework & DeviationR&D Research and DevelopmentR&D Rework and DeviationR&R Repeatability and ReproducibilityR/T Receiver/TravelerR3Rework, Repair, and Re-fabricationRA Records AdministratorRA Release AuthorityRAWO Repair Action Work OrderRD Reference DataRDD Reduced Dimension DrawingRF Rapid FlowRFC Request for CalculationRFC Request for CalibrationRFD Request for DeviationRFDD Request for Digital DataRFI Request For InformationRFID Request for Inspection DataRFP Request for ProposalRFPC Request for Planning ChangeRH Right HandRI Replaceable ItemRIAPO Replaceable/Interchangeable at Attach Points Only RIPM Reference installation Planning MasterRM Records ManagementRM Risk ManagementRMM Records Management ManualRMS Root Mean SquareRN Root NumberRN/RFC Recall Notice/Request for CalibrationRO Read OnlyRPR PepairRT Rejection TagRTE Request to EngineeringRTM Request to MaterielRTME Request to Manufacturing EngineeringRTV Return to Vendor/SupplierRWK ReworkS/N Serial NumberSCCF Supplier Change Coordination FormSCML Supplier Custom Module ListSCP Supplier Change PackageSCR Supplier Change RequestSD Standard DesignSDR Systems Design ReviewSE Support EquipmentSE Systems EngineeringSI Système Internationale (International System of Units) SIR Supplier Information RequestSMPL Supplier Module Parts ListSMPL Supplier Module Part ListSMR Spherically Mounted RetroreflectorSMRR Supplier Material Review RecordSMX Trademark of Spatial Metrix CorporationSN Serial NumberSNN Supplier Nonconformance NotificationSO Special OrderSOAR Supplier Quality Assurance RequirementsSPA Special Process AuthorizationSPC Standard Process ControlSpec SpecificationSPT Sample Part TemplateSQAR Supplier Quality Assurance RequirementsSQR Supplier Quality RequirementsSQR Supplier Quality RepresentativeSQS Supplier Quality SupportSQSR Supplier Quality Surveillance ReportSRP Standard Repair ProcedureSS Standard SpecificationSSEQ Ship SequenceSSP Supplier Specification PrecisSTA StationStd StandardSTFB Stretch Form BlockSW Stop workSWA Shop Work AuthoritySWA Shop Work AuthorizationTAC Traditional Aim CompensationTAR Tooling Action RequestTBD To Be DefinedTCU Tracker Control UnitTD Tool DesignTDAR Tool Design Action RequestTDC Tool Design ChangeTI Tool InstructionTIRF Tool Inspection Record FolderTIRL Tool Inspection Record LogbookTISTLUT TMO Tooling Inspection SystemTool Limited Use TagTool Material Order TMR Tracker Mounted ResetTQD TRN Tool Quality DocumentTool Revalidation NoticeTSS Tooling Spec SheetTSSTWA Tooling Scheduling SystemTool Work AroundTWO Tool Work OrderUD UDM UGII Undimensioned DrawingUndimensioned Drawing MasterUniGraphics II UDD Un-Dimensioned DrawingUI UNIX Ultrasonically InspectedWorkstation Login SoftwareUSERID User IdentificationUT Utility TemplateUT VAC VAI Ultrasonic TestingVariance at CompletionVought Aircraft Industries VAII Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.VAII Vought Aircraft Industries IncorporatedVIPVIW Verification Inspection PlanVought Information WebVP Vice PresidentVRM WA Vought Records ManagementWork AroundVSSP Vought Supplier Specification PlanWA Work AuthorizationWARF WIP WIP Work Action Request FormWeight Improvement ProgramWork In Process WM White MasterWO Work OrderWOSN Work Order Serial NumberWOSN Shop Work Authority Serial NumberWT Withholding TagBH Boeing HelicopterIDS Integrated Defense Systemsuctioncast铸件stiffenerforge锻件stringersqueeze out life挤出寿命structureseal密封structure components shotpeen喷丸tailpress break闸压taper ratiostretch拉伸trailing edgeshrink缩水,缩小turboextract提取turbo-prop evaporate蒸发weaponfeed进给webrevolution旋转windshieldvibration振动,颤动wingchatter振动,颤动wingspanchatter mark振动印记lubricant润滑油break press闸压加强肋motion动,移动evaporate 长桁normal法向的结构parallel平行的结构组成parasite drag寄生阻力尾部,尾翼perpendicular垂直的;正交的根稍比pitch俯仰尾缘pressure压力涡轮property特性,性质,性能涡桨quasi准的武器roll滚转腹板shear force剪切力风挡skin friction蒙皮摩擦机翼stable稳定的,平稳的翼展stall失速steady稳定的;可靠的stow收回(扰流片)symmetrical对称的take off起飞taper ratio根稍比temperature温度theory理论torque扭矩trailing edge尾缘turbulence涡流,湍流vector向量,矢量velocity速度vertical垂直的,竖直的airworthiness适航navigation导航trail flight试飞strain张力stress应力pressure压力fluid流体theoretical理论蒸发theorycriteriaconcept fundamental philosophyrationallogichypothetical primary preliminary prerequisite appendix attachment accessoryinternalexternalwith respect to attribute tobe attributable to conventional。



ESSENTIAL(基础)ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航空工程英语基础LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体二、1.the B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机。



0.The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and section 48 . 波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48.0.Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors.41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。


Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.43部分包括客舱和前货舱。



第一章测试1.international specification——国际规范。

()A:错B:对答案:B2.technical documentation——技术文档。

()A:错B:对答案:B3.controlled language——受控语言。

()A:对B:错答案:A第二章测试1.AUXILIARY POWER UNIT CAN not provide ()A:OXYGENB:AIR CONDITIONINGC:ENGINE STARTD:ELECTRICAL POWER答案:A2.What is the title of the chapter 12 ? ()A:SERVINGB:APUC:FUELD:ENGINE答案:A3.“Line Replaceable Units” means _________in Chinese.()A:生产线更换件B:航线可更换件C:航线修理装置D:线条更换器答案:B4.防尘导电帽()?A:connector coverB:conductive bagC:StaticideD:conductive dust cap答案:D5.parking and mooring ()A:停放和系留B:系留和停放C:停放和滑行D:停放和牵引答案:A第三章测试1.牛顿第三运动定理的英文表述是:For every action there is an unequal andopposite reaction.()A:错B:对答案:A2.目前使用的飞机推进系统有哪几种?()。

A:蒸汽动力系统 Steam power systemB:活塞发动机与螺旋桨系统 Piston engine and propeller systemC:喷气式推进系统 Jet engine systemD:柴火能源系统 Firewood energy system答案:BC3.飞机两种推进系统的相同点有哪些?()A:产生推力的方式B:推进效率C:能量转换都是将燃料的化学能Chemical energy转换成动能Kinetic energy D:作用对象相同Same Action Object答案:CD4.活塞加螺旋桨推进系统和喷气式推进系统的不同点有哪些?()A:重量不同B:使用燃料不同C:Action methods 推进方法不同D:Working processes 工作过程不同答案:CD5.Piston engine convert the fuel chemical energy into rotating kinetic energy.()A:对B:错答案:A第四章测试1.Which of the following statements about airplane communication systems istrue? AA:It computes and displays the ai rplane’s movement with respect to theearth’s surface.B:It is used for speech communications and for data communications.C:It senses the environment, acceleration and angular rate, and radio inputs.答案:B2.Where is the communication system located?(多选) ABCA:It is located in passenger cabin.B:It is located in the flight compartment.C:It is located in forward equipment center.答案:C3.Which one is not the non-normal conditions that relate to fuel quantity ? ()A:fuel imbalance aB:low fuel.C:Fuel particlesD:fuel configuration答案:C4.Which one is not a component of a basic hydraulic system?()A:a filterB:pumpsC:a brakeD:reservoir答案:C5.What does Yaw Damper System mean in Chinese?A:维修管理系统B:自动驾驶系统C:自动驾驶D:偏航阻尼器系统答案:D第五章测试1.THE FAILURE OF PSE’S COULD RESUL T IN THE CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OFTHE AIRPLANE. ()A:对B:错答案:A2.Repairable damage:Structural damage is serious and needs to be repaired,which is called repairable damage.()A:错B:对答案:B3.Visual method: it is a basic method to determine the scope and degree ofinjury. Most injuries are found through visual method, which is divided intogeneral visual examination and detailed visual examination.()A:对B:错答案:A4.Nondestructive inspection: The extent and extent of damage can beaccurately determined. For inaccessible structures, NDT is often the onlymethod to determine the extent and extent of damage.()A:对B:错答案:A5.Corrosion refers to the chemical or electrochemical reaction between metaland the surrounding environment (medium) caused by damage ormetamorphism.()A:错B:对答案:B第六章测试1.ignition()?A:照明B:识别C:点火D:指示答案:C2.选择呼叫代码()?A:Serial numberB:Registry numberC:Aircraft Effectivity codeD:Selcal code答案:D3.Which is not the aircraft performance ()?A:AttitudeB:SpeedC:AltitudeD:Range答案:A4.“PSEU” means _________in Chinese.()A:大气总温B:临近开关电子组件C:外界温度D:冲压涡轮答案:B5.The thrust reverser system reverses the direction of the fan exhaust andprovides additional braking of the airplane. The reverser can be deployed __with hydraulic pressure available.()A:on the groundB:during approachC:before touchdownD:inflight答案:A第七章测试1.以下哪个是地面呼叫驾驶舱的英文()A:Ground to captB:GroundC:Capt to ground答案:A2.机头朝南意为: Face(nose) to north ()A:对B:错答案:B3.ENG NO.2 exhaust fire是什么意思()A:2号发动机漏油B:2号发动机起火了C:2号发动机启动答案:B4.判断题Ground to capt,the leakage out of the limit,we will tow back theaircraft。



犯罪类词汇:同案any person who takes part in a crime.参与犯罪的每个人。

business district :红灯区a neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。

:农业犯罪sort for agricultural crime. the theft of crops and /or farm equipment.“agricultural crime”的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。

robbery :武装抢劫the act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。

warrant :逮捕证a document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。

:纵火the crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。

:暗杀a murderer. a person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person.谋杀者。


:袭击the act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。



Chapter 1 – Brief History of AviationChapter 2 – DeregulationChapter 3 – Structure of the IndustryChapter 4 – Airline EconomicsChapter 5 – How Aircraft FlyChapter 6 – SafetyChapter 7 – SecurityChapter 8 – AirportsChapter 9 – Air Traffic ControlChapter 10 – Airlines and the Environment5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks) 6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage) 11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe) 21章空调(Air Conditioning)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章.防火(Fire Protection)27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机吊舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)安定面56章窗户(Windows)57章机翼(Wings)70章标准施工—发动机(Standard Practices—Engines) 71章动力装置(Power Plant( Package))72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))01 INTRODUCTION05 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS07 LIFTING AND SHORING08 LEVELING AND WEIGHING09 TOWING AND TAXIING10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS12 SERVICING - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)20 STANDARD PRACTICES - AIRFRAME21 AIR CONDITIONING22 AUTO FLIGHT23 COMMUNICATIONS24 ELECTRICAL POWER25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS26 FIRE PROTECTION27 FLIGHT CONTROLS28 FUEL29 HYDRAULIC POWER30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION31 INDICATING / RECORDING SYSTEMS32 LANDING GEAR33 LIGHTS34 NAVIGATION35 OXYGEN36 PNEUMATIC37 VACUUM38 WATER / WASTE39 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS 41 WATER BALLAST45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS)46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER51 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERAL52 DOORS53 FUSELAGE54 NACELLES / PYLONS55 STABILIZERS56 WINDOWS57 WINGS60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTOR61 PROPELLERS / PROPULSORS62 MAIN ROTOR(S)63 MAIN ROTOR DRIVE(S)64 TAIL ROTOR65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE66 ROTOR BLADE AND TAIL PYLON FOLDING67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL72 ENGINE72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN 72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL74 IGNITION75 BLEED AIR76 ENGINE CONTROLS77 ENGINE INDICATING78 EXHAUST79 OIL80 STARTING81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES)82 WATER INJECTION83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN)84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION91 CHARTS5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage)11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)BMS3-33润滑脂的介绍20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe)21章空调(Air Conditioning)空调出口温度高原创]关于737-300/500的空调空中超温,会有那些原因引起呢(专业贴)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)737NG的Y/D故障分析供大家参考23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)IDG和GEN B2972电源及APU自动关车排故思路之分析25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章防火(Fire Protection)有关737灭火瓶...... 火警探测27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)737飞机燃油浮子电门29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)液压问题关于液压保险在液压管路的作用和位置请教液压系统故障30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)如何延长飞机轮胎的使用寿命前轮磨损谁能说说金属刹车片和碳刹车片的优缺点请问哪位对防滞刹车结构熟悉的,简单介绍一下,谢谢那里有资料,网上有吗请教:飞机换轮子的时候为什么要转动轮子一起B737-300飞机使用自动速度刹车时,AUTO SPEED BRAKE 跳开关跳开33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)一起引气故障导致的增压故障(B737NG)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)APU启动不起来了! 维护灯亮51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机短舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)56章窗户(windows)[讨论]玻璃上裂纹深度的测量57章机翼(wings)70章标准施工---发动机(Standard Practices---Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant (Package))IAEV2500系列发动机试车总结72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)737反推故障79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))ATA Specification 22001 *Reserved for Airline Use2 *Reserved for Airline Use3 *Reserved for Airline Use4 *Reserved for Airline Use5 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS-00 General-10 Time Limits-20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks-30 & -40 Reserved-50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks6 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS7 LIFTING & SHORING-00 General-10 Jacking-20 Shoring8 LEVELING & WEIGHING-00 General-10 Weighing and Balancing-20 Leveling9 TOWING & TAXIING-00 General-10 Towing-20 Taxiing10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE & RETURN TO SERVICE -00 General-10 Parking/Storage-20 Mooring-30 Return to Service11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS-00 General-10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings-20 Exterior Placards and Markings-30 Interior Placards12 SERVICING-00 General-10 Replenishing-20 Scheduled Servicing-30 Unscheduled Servicing13 *Unassigned14 *Unassigned15 *Unassigned16 *Unassigned17 *Unassigned18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) -00 GENERAL --10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS-20 NOISE ANALYSIS19 *Unassigned20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME-90 *Reserved for Airline Use21 AIR CONDITIONING-00 General-10 Compression-20 Distribution-30 Pressurization Control-40 Heating-50 Cooling-60 Temperature Control-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant22 AUTO FLIGHT-00 General-10 Autopilot-20 Speed-Attitude Correction-30 Auto Throttle-40 System Monitor-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating23 COMMUNICATIONS-00 General-10 Speech Communications-15 SATCOM-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling -30 Comfort-40 Interphone-50 Audio Integrating-60 Static Discharging-70 Audio & Video Monitoring-80 Integrated Automatic24 ELECTRICAL POWER-00 General-10 Generator Drive-20 AC Generation-30 DC Generation-40 External Power-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution -60 DC Electrical Load Distribution 25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Galley-40 Lavatories-50 Additional Compartments-60 Emergency-70 Available-80 Insulation26 FIRE PROTECTION-00 General-10 Detection-20 Extinguishing-30 Explosion Suppression27 FLIGHT CONTROLS-00 General-10 Aileron & Tab-20 Rudder & Tab-30 Elevator & Tab-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-50 Flaps-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -70 Gust Lock & Dampener-80 Lift Augmenting28 FUEL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dump-40 Indicating29 HYDRAULIC POWER-00 General-10 Main-20 Auxiliary-30 Indicating30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION-00 General-10 Airfoil-20 Air Intakes-30 Pitot and Static-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors -50 Antennas and Radomes-60 Propellers/Rotors-70 Water Lines-80 Detection31 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Instrument & Control Panels-20 Independent Instruments-30 Recorders-40 Central Computers-50 Central Warning Systems-60 Central Display Systems-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR-00 General-10 Main Gear and Doors-20 Nose Gear and Doors-30 Extension and Retraction-40 Wheels and Brakes-50 Steering-60 Position and Warning-70 Supplementary Gear33 LIGHTS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -40 Exterior-50 Emergency Lighting34 NAVIGATION-00 General-10 Flight Environment-20 Attitude & Direction-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-40 Independent Position Determining -50 Dependent Position Determining -60 Flight Management Computing35 OXYGEN-00 General-10 Crew-20 Passenger-20 Passenger-30 Portable36 PNEUMATIC-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating37 VACUUM-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating38 WATER/WASTE-00 General-10 Potable-20 Wash-30 Waste Disposal-40 Air Supply39 *Unassigned40 *Unassigned41 WATER BALLAST-00 General-10 Storage-20 Dump-30 Indication42 *Unassigned43 *Unassigned44 CABIN SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Cabin Core System-20 Inflight Entertainment System -30 External Communication System -40 Cabin Mass Memory System-50 Cabin Monitoring System-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM-00 General-5 thru -19 CMS/Aircraft General -20 thru -49 CMS/Airframe Systems -45 Central Maintenance System-50 thru -59 CMS/Structures-60 thru -69 CMS/Propellers-70 thru -89 CMS/Power Plant45INFORMATION SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Airplane General Information Systems -20 Flight Deck Information Systems-30 Maintenance Information Systems-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems -50 Miscellaneous Information Systems47 *Unassigned48 *Unassigned49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER-00 General-10 Power Plant-20 Engine-30 Engine Fuel and Control-40 Ignition/Starting-50 Air-60 Engine Controls .-70 Indicating-80 Exhaust-90 Oil50 Cargo and Accessory Compartments-00 General-10 Cargo Compartments-20 Cargo Loading Systems-30 Cargo Related Systems-40 Available-50 Accessory-60 Insulation51 Standard Practices, General-00 General-10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness-20 Processes-30 Materials-40 Fasteners-50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures -60 Control-Surface Balancing-70 Repairs-80 Electrical Bonding52 DOORS-00 General-10 Passenger/Crew-20 Emergency Exit-30 Cargo-40 Service and Miscellaneous-50 Fixed Interior-60 Entrance Stairs-70 Monitoring and Operation-80 Landing Gear53 FUSELAGE-00 General-10 thru -90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections54 NACELLES/PYLONS-00 General-10 thru -40 (As Required) Nacelle Section -50 thru -80 (As Required) Pylon55 STABILIZERS-00 General-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-20 Elevator-30 Vertical Stabilizer-40 Rudder56 WINDOWS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Door-40 Inspection and Observation57 WINGS-00 General-10 Center Wing-20 Outer Wing-30 Wing Tip-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices-60 Ailerons and Elevons-70 Spoilers-80 (as required)-90 Wing Folding System58 *Unassigned59 *Reserved for Airline Use60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER/ROTOR61 PROPELLERS/PROPULSION-00 General-10 Propeller Assembly-20 Controlling-30 Braking-40 Indicating-50 Propulsor Duct62 ROTOR(S)-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Rotor head(s)-30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) -4063 ROTOR DRIVE(S)-00 General-10 Engine/Gearbox couplings-20 Gearbox(es)-30 Mounts, attachments-40 Indicating64 TAIL ROTOR-00 General-10* Rotor blades-20* Rotor head-30 Available-40 Indicating65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE-00 General-10 Shafts-20 Gearboxes-30 Available-40 Indicating66 FOLDING BLADES/PYLON-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Tail pylon-30 Controls and Indicating67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL-00 General-10 Rotor-20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control) -30 Servo-control System68 *Unassigned69*Unassigned70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES71 POWER PLANT-00 General-10 Cowling-30 Fireseals-40 Attach Fittings-50 Electrical Harness-60 Air Intakes-70 Engine Drains72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN-00 General-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor)-20 Air Inlet Section-30 Compressor Section-40 Combustion Section-50 Turbine Section-60 Accessory Drives-70 By-pass Section-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Controlling-30 Indicating74 IGNITION-00 General-10 Electrical Power-20 Distribution-30 Switching75 AIR-00 General-10 Engine Anti-Icing-20 Cooling-30 Compressor Control-40 Indicating76 ENGINE CONTROLS-00 General-10 Power Control-20 Emergency Shutdown77 ENGINE INDICATING-00 General-10 Power-20 Temperature-30 Analyzers That-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST-00 General-10 Collector/Nozzle-20 Noise Suppressor-30 Thrust Reverser-40 Supplementary Air79 OIL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Indicating80 STARTING-00 General-10 Cranking81 TURBINES-00 General-10 Power Recovery-20 Turbo-Supercharger82 WATER INJECTION-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dumping and Purging-40 Indicating83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES-00 General-10 Drive Shaft Section-20 Gearbox Section84 Propulsion Augmentation -00 General-10 Jet Assist Takeoff85 *Unassigned86 *Unassigned87 *Unassigned88 *Unassigned89 *Unassigned90 *Unassigned91 CHARTS92 *Unassigned93 *Unassigned94 *Unassigned95 *Reserved for Airline Use96 *Reserved for Airline Use97 WIRING REPORTING-00-00 General-01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower-02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top-03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers-04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons-05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing-06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing-07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment -08-00 Zone 800 Doors-09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys-20-00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices -21-00 Air Conditioning - General-21-10 Compression-21-20 Distribution-21-30 Pressurization Control-21-40 Heating-21-50 Cooling-21-60 Temperature Control-21-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control-22-00 Auto Flight - General-22-10 Autopilot-22-20 Speed - Attitude Correction-22-30 Auto Throttle-22-40 System Monitors-22-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating-23-00 Communications - General-23-10 Speech Communications-23-15 SATCOM-23-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-23-30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort -23-40 Interphone-23-50 Audio Integrating-23-60 Static Discharging-23-70 Audio and Video Monitoring-23-80 Integrated Automatic Tuning-24-00 Electrical Power - General-24-10 Generator Drive-24-20 AC Generation-24-30 DC Generation-24-40 External Power-24-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-24-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution-25-00 Equipment/Furnishings - General-25-10 Flight Compartment-25-20 Passenger Compartment-25-30 Galley-25-40 Lavatories-25-60 Emergency-25-80 Insulation-26-00 Fire Protection - General-26-10 Detection-26-20 Extinguishing-26-30 Explosion Suppression-27-00 Flight Controls - General-27-10 Aileron & Tab-27-20 Rudder & Tab-27-30 Elevator & Tab-27-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-27-50 Flaps-27-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -27-70 Gust Lock & Dampener-27-80 Lift Augmenting-28-00 Fuel - General-28-10 Storage-28-20 Distribution-28-30 Dump-28-40 Indicating-29-00 Hydraulic Power - General-29-10 Main-29-20 Auxiliary-29-30 Indicating-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection - General-30-10 Airfoil-30-20 Air Intakes-30-30 Pitot and Static-30-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-30-50 Antennas And Radomes-30-60 Propellers/Rotors-30-70 Water Lines-30-80 Detection-31-00 Indicating/Recording Systems - General-31-10 Instrument and Control Panels-31-20 Independent Instruments-31-30 Recorders-31-40 Central Computers-31-50 Central Warning Systems-31-60 Central Display Systems-31-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems -32-00 Landing Gear- General-32-10 Main Gear and Doors-32-20 Nose Gear and Doors-32-30 Extension and Retraction-32-40 Wheels and Brakes-32-50 Steering-32-60 Position And Warning-32-70 Supplementary Gear-33-00 Lights - General-33-10 Flight Compartment-33-20 Passenger Compartment-33-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -33-40 Exterior-33-50 Emergency Lighting-34-00 Navigation - General-34-10 Flight Environment Data-34-20 Attitude & Direction-34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-34-40 Independent Position Determining -34-50 Dependent Position Determining-34-60 Flight Management Computing-35-00 Oxygen - General-35-10 Crew-35-20 Passenger-35-30 Portable-36-00 Pneumatic - General-36-10 Distribution-36-20 Indicating-37-00 Vacuum - General-37-10 Distribution-37-20 Indicating-38-00 Water/Waste - General-38-10 Potable-38-20 Wash-38-30 Waste Disposal-38-40 Air Supply-44-00 Cabin Systems - General-44-10 Cabin Core System-44-20 In-flight Entertainment System-44-30 External Communication System-44-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-44-50 Cabin Monitoring System-44-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System-45-00 Central Maintenance System (CMS) General -45-05 CMS/Aircraft General-45-20 CMS/Airframe Systems-45-45 Central Maintenance System-45-50 CMS/Structures-45-60 CMS/Propellers-45-70 CMS/Power Plant-46-00 Information Systems - General-46-10 Airplane General Information Systems-46-20 Flight Deck Information Systems-46-30 Maintenance Information Systems-46-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems-46-50 Miscellaneous Information Systems-49-00 Airborne Auxiliary Power - General-49-10 Power Plant-49-20 Engine-49-30 Engine Fuel And Control-49-40 Ignition And Starting-49-50 Air-49-60 Engine Controls-49-70 Indicating-49-80 Exhaust-49-90 Oil-50-00 Cargo And Accessory Compartments General -50-10 Cargo Compartments-50-20 Cargo Loading Systems-50-30 Cargo Related Systems-50-40 Available-50-50 Accessory Compartments-50-60 Insulation-52-00 Doors - General-52-10 Passenger/Crew-52-20 Emergency Exit-52-30 Cargo-52-40 Service-52-50 Fixed Interior-52-60 Entrance Stairs-52-70 Door Warning-52-80 Landing Gear-53-00 Fuselage - General-54-00 Nacelles/Pylons - General-54-10 Nacelle Section-54-50 Pylon-55-00 Stabilizers - General-55-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-55-20 Elevator-55-30 Vertical Stabilizer-55-40 Rudder-56-00 Windows - General-56-10 Flight Compartment-56-20 Passenger Compartment-56-30 Door-56-40 Inspection and Observation-57-00 Wings - General-57-10 Center Wing-57-20 Outer Wing-57-30 Wing Tip-57-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices-57-50 Trailing Edge and Trailing Edge Devices-57-60 Ailerons-57-70 Spoilers-57-90 Wing Folding System-61-00 Propellers/Propulsors - General-61-10 Propeller Assembly-61-20 Controlling-61-30 Braking-61-40 Indicating-61-50 Propulsor Duct-62-00 Rotors-63-00 Rotor Drives-64-00 Tail Rotor-65-00 Tail Rotor Drive-66-00 Folding Blades/Pylon-67-00 Rotors Flight Control-71-00 Power Plant - General-71-10 Cowling-71-20 Mounts-71-30 Fire seals-71-40 Attach Fittings-71-50 Electrical Harness-71-60 Air Intakes-71-70 Engine Drains-72-00 Engine Turbine/Turbo Prop Ducted Fan/Unducted Fan-72-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted GearDriven Propulsor)-72-20 Air Inlet Section-72-30 Compressor Section-72-40 Combustion Section-72-50 Turbine Section-72-60 Accessory Drives-72-70 By-pass Section-72-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted) -73-00 Engine Fuel And Control - General -73-10 Distribution-73-20 Controlling-73-30 Indicating-74-00 Ignition - General-74-10 Electrical Power Supply-74-20 Distribution-74-30 Switching-75-00 Air - General-75-10 Engine Anti-Icing-75-20 Cooling-75-30 Compressor Control-75-40 Indicating-76-00 Engine Controls - General-76-10 Power Control-76-20 Emergency Shutdown-77-00 Engine Indicating - General-77-10 Power-77-20 Temperature-77-30 Analyzers-77-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems -78-00 Exhaust - General-78-10 Collector/Nozzle-78-20 Noise Suppressor-78-30 Thrust Reverser-78-40 Supplementary Air-79-00 Oil - General-79-10 Storage-79-30 Indicating-80-00 Starting - General-80-10 Cranking98 *Reserved for Airline Use99 *Unassigned100 *Do not use101 *Do not use102 *Do not use103 *Do not use104 *Do not use105 *Do not use106 *Do not use107 *Do not use108 *Do not use109 *Do not use110 *Do not use111 *Do not use112 *Do not use113 *Do not use114 *Do not use115 Flight Simulator Systems。



航空英语阅读材料(飞机各主要系统概述)ATA21 - Air Conditioning System(空调系统)一INTRODUCTION(介绍)This chapter covers the air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization systems.(这一章包括了空调、通风和增压系统)The basic airflow through the pressurized part of the fuselage starts with the pneumatic system. (从引气系统开始基本的气流通过了机身的增压区域)Hot, high pressure air is supplied to two packs.(热的高压力的气体提供给PACK组件)The packs are responsible for basic temperature regulation.(PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)From the packs the air is distributed throughout the aircraft.(从PACK出来的空气被分配到飞机内)The pressurization system controls the airflow overboard to maintain the cabin pressurization within safe limits.(增压系统控制排往机外的气流以保持客舱压力在安全限制内)二BASIC AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION(基本空气调节系统介绍)The pneumatic system supplies air to each pack. (引气系统给PACK组件供气)The packs are responsible for BASIC temperature regulation. (PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)Temperature regulated pack discharge air is sent to the mixer unit.(调节好温度的空气从PACK组件出来,并供往混合组件)At the mixer unit, the air is mixed with air re-circulated from the main cabin.(在混合组件内与从客舱来的再循环气体混合)This reduces the overall bleed demand and saves fuel.(这样可以减少总的引气量并节省燃油)From the mixer, the air is distributed to the cockpit and the forward and aft cabin zones.(空气从混合组件供往驾驶舱、前客舱、后客舱)Some of the air from the pneumatic system is used for the OPTIMIZED temperature regulation system. (从引气体统来的另一部分气体用于优化温度调节系统)This hot air is mixed with the air from the mixer to adjust the temperature in each zone independently.(这部分热空气与从混合组件来的空气混合来单独的调节每个区域)The air isdistributed throughout the cabin and finally discharged overboard through the outflow valve to maintain pressurization.(空气分配到客舱,最终通过外流活门排往机外以维持增压)三PACK INTRODUCTION(空调组件介绍)The Single Aisle family is equipped with two air conditioning packs located in the wing root area forward of the landing gear bay. (单通道系列的飞机在大翼根部起落架舱前部安装有两部空调组件)The packs supply dry air to the cabin for air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization.(空调组件提供干的空气用于空调、通风、增压)The main component of each pack assembly is the Air Cycle Machine.(每一个空调组件的主要部件是空气循环机)Hot air from the pneumatic system is supplied to the pack through the pack Flow Control Valve (FCV). (从引气系统来的热空气供到流量控制活门)The FCV adjusts the flow rate through the pack and is the pack shut-off valve.(流量控制活门调节通过空调组件的流量并且作为空调组件的关断活门)The pack temperature control system controls the pack outlet temperature and sets its maximum and minimum limits. (空调组件的温度控制系统控制出口温度、设定其最大和最小限制)The system includes two Pack Controllers (PCs). (系统包括两部PACK控制器)Each PC controls one pack and has two computers, one primary and one electrically independent secondary computer. (每个控制器控制一个空调组件,每个控制器都是双通道的:一个主通道和一个独立供电的次级通道)When the primary computer is operational, the system is fully functional. (主通道操作时系统有全部的功能)If the primary fails, some functions are lost as the secondary computer takes control.(主通道失效时,次级通道接替控制,但会时区一部分功能)During normal operation, the Zone Controller (ZC) sends the required pack outlet temperature to both PCs. (正常工作时,区域控制器给PACK控制器发送所需的PACK出口温度命令)To control the pack outlet temperature, the PC modulates the BYPASS VALVE and the RAM-AIR INLET doors. (PACK控制器通过调节旁通活门和冲压空气进口门来控制PACK出口的温度)For maximum cooling, the ram-air doors are fully open and the bypass valve is fully closed. (为了最大冷却冲压空气进口门全开,旁通活门全关)For maximum heating, the ram-air doors are nearly closed and the bypass valve is fully open. (为了最大制热冲压空气进口门全关,旁通活门全开)During takeoff and landing, the ram air inlet doors will be driven fully closed to stop the ingestion of foreign matter.(在起飞过程中,冲压空气进口门完全关闭以防止吸入外物)四ZONE TEMPERATURE REGULATION SYSTEM INTRODUCTION(区域温度调节系统介绍)The packs supply the mixer unit. (PACK组件给混合组件供气)Three separate aircraft zones are supplied from the mixer unit: - cockpit,- forward cabin,- aft cabin.(从混合组件给不同的三个区域供气:驾驶舱、前客舱、后客舱)Two cabin recirculation fans are installed to reduce the bleed air demand and therefore save fuel. (两个循环风扇的安装可以减少供气量并节省燃油)These fans establish a recirculation flow of air from the cabin zones to the mixer unit. (从客舱到混合组件的空气通过循环风扇形成了一个循环系统)In normal operation, there are no ECAM indications associated with the cabin fans.(正常操作时,ECAM上没有相应风扇的指示)The ZC controls and monitors the temperature regulation system for the cabin zones. (区域控制器控制并监控客舱区域)On the overhead AIR COND panel, the flight crew selects the desired individual compartment temperature.(在头顶面板的空调面板上,机组可以选择希望得到的单独舱内的温度)The hot air system for cabin temperature control has a hot air valve and three trim air valves controlled by the ZC. (客舱温度控制的热空气系统有一个热空气活门和三个配平活门,都由区域控制器控制)The ZC compares the demand to the actual temperature in each zone.(区域控制器比较在每个区域的要求温度和实际温度)The ZC then sends the pack outlet temperature demand to both PCs to satisfy the coldest demand.(然后区域控制器给两个PACK控制器发送PACK出口温度的命令以满足最低温度的要求)For the zones, which require warmer temperature, the ZC signals the TRIM VALVES to open. (对于需要加热的区域,区域控制器命令配平空气活门打开)Hot air mixes with the pack discharge air and the temperature increases.(热空气和PACK出口的空气混合同时温度上升)In the case of any duct overheat, the hot air valve and the trim air valves will automatically close to isolate the system. (如果管道超温,热空气活门和配平活门自动关闭并隔离系统)The system can be reset when the overheat disappears.(过热消失的时候系统被重置)五Ventilation System(通风系统)1 GENERAL(概述)There are two ventilation systems on the Single Aisle (SA) family, avionics ventilation and lavatory and galley ventilation.(单通道系列的飞机包含两套通风系统:电子设备通风和厕所厨房通风)The avionics ventilation system supplements the air conditioning system to supply cooling air to the avionics equipment.(电子设备冷却系统给电子设备提供冷却空气,作为空调系统的补充)This equipment includes the avionics compartment, the flight deck instruments and the circuit breaker panels.(这套系统包括电子设备舱、飞行舱设备、跳开关面板)2 AVIONICS VENTILATION(电子设备通风)A blower fan and an extraction fan circulate the air through the avionics equipment.(通过一个鼓风扇和一个抽风扇使电子设备的空气循环)Note: these fans operate continuously as long as the A/C electrical system is supplied. (注意:这两个风扇飞机一供电就持续工作)The Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer (AEVC) controls the fans and the configuration of the skin valves in the avionics ventilation system based on flight/ground logic and fuselage skin temperature.(根据飞行或是地面逻辑和蒙皮温度,电子设备通风计算机控制电子设备通风系统的风扇和蒙皮活门的构型)There are 3 configurations for the skin air inlet and outlet valves:(对于蒙皮进口和出口活门有三种构型)- open circuit: both valves open (on ground only),(仅仅在地面的开环构型:两个活门都开)- closed circuit: both valves closed (in flight or low outside air temperature on ground).(在飞行中或者在地面高温度时的闭环构型:两个活门都关)The air is cooled in the skin heater exchanger. (空气通过蒙皮热交换器冷却)- intermediate circuit: inlet closed, outlet partially open (smoke removal in flight or low ventilation airflow condition).(在低流量或者飞行中有烟雾时的中间构型:进口全关,出口半开)3 LAVATORY AND GALLEY VENTILATION(厕所和厨房通风)The lavatory and galley ventilation system is completely automatic.(厕所和厨房通风完全自动控制)Conditioned cabin air is supplied through the lavatory and galley areas and is removed from these areas by an extraction fan. (经过调节的客舱空气供到厨房厕所后,通过抽风扇排走)The fan pulls air through the ceiling into an extraction duct. (风扇通过天花板的抽风扇管路抽走空气)The air is then discharged overboard through the outflow valve.(然后空气通过外流活门排往机外)Note: the extraction fan runs continuously, provided electrical power is available.(注意:只要有电,排风扇就持续运转)六Cargo Ventilation and Heating System(货舱通风和加热系统)On the Airbus single aisle family, the forward and aft cargo compartments can have a ventilation system.(在空客单通道系列飞机里,前后货舱都有通风系统)In addition, a heating system may be installed in either or both compartments. (此外,在一个货舱或者两个货舱内都可以安装加热系统)Note that the heating system will only be installed along with a ventilation system.(注意,加热系统只能在通风系统的基础上安装)Air from the main cabin is drawn down into the cargo compartment by the extract fan or by differential pressure in flight.(空气空过抽风扇或者是在飞行中通过压差从客舱进入到货舱)After circulating through the compartment, the air is discharged overboard.(在货舱循环后,空气排往机外)The operation of the two isolation valves and the extract fan is controlled automatically by the cargo Ventilation Controller (VC). (两个隔离活门和抽风扇都由货舱通风控制器自动控制)One VC is able to control either or both compartments.(一个控制器可以控制一个或两个舱)For the heating of the cargo compartment, the pilots select the desired compartment temp and hot bleed air is mixed with the air coming from the main cabin to increase the temperature if necessary. (驾驶员可以选择想要的货舱温度,如果有必要,从客舱来的空气和热空气混合增加温度值)The supply of hot air is controlled by the Cargo Heating Controller. (热空气由货舱加温控制器控制)Each heated compartment has a dedicated Cargo Heating Controller. (每个货舱都有专门的加热控制器)Note that there is NO direct air conditioning supply to the cargo compartments. (注意,没有直接的空调供往货舱)The pilots cannot add "cold" air to the compartments.(驾驶员不能加冷空气给货舱)七Pressurization System(增压系统)The pressurization system on the Single Aisle (SA) family normally operates automatically to adjust the cabin altitude and rate of climb to ensure maximum passenger comfort and safety.(单通道系列飞机的增压系统正常都是自动控制调节客舱高度和升降率以最大确保旅客的舒适性和安全性)The pressurized areas are:- the cockpit,- the avionics bay,- the cabin,- the cargo compartments.(增压区域包括:驾驶舱、电子舱、客舱、货舱)The concept of the system is simple.(系统的概念很简单)Air is supplied from the air conditioning packs to the pressurized areas.(空气从空调的PACK组件供往增压区域)An outflow valve is used to regulate the amount of air allowed to escape from the pressurized areas.(一个外流活门用来控制逃离增压舱的空气)Automatic control of the outflow valve is provided by two Cabin Pressure Controllers (CPCs). (两部客舱增压控制器自动控制外流活门)Each CPC controls one electric motor on the outflow valve assembly.)每一部增压控制器在活门上都有自己的一套电马达)The CPC interface with other A/C computers to optimize the pressurization/depressurization schedule.(增压控制器与飞机的其他计算机连接来优化增压或者卸压的安排)There are two automatic pressurization systems. (有两套自动的增压系统)Each CPC and its electric motor make one system.(每一部增压控制器和其电马达构成了一套系统)Only one system operates at a time with the other system acting as backup in case of a failure. (同一时间只有一套系统工作,另一套系统备份,失效时接替工作)The system in command will alternate each flight.(在飞行中系统交替工作)A third motor is installed for manual operation of the outflow valve in case both automatic systems fail.(如果两个自动控制都失效了,还有第三套人工马达可以人工操作外流活门)To protect the fuselage against excessive cabin differential pressure, safety valves are installed on the rear pressure bulkhead. The safety valves also protect against negative differential pressure.(为了保护机身过大的压差,在增压舱的后隔板上安装有两个安全活门,安全活门可以保护过大的负压差)ATA22 - Auto Flight System(自动飞行系统)GENERAL(概述)The Auto Flight System (AFS) is divided into four main parts:(自动飞行系统分为4个部分)- Flight Management (FM),(飞行管理)- Flight Guidance (FG),(飞行引导)- Flight Augmentation,(飞行增稳)- Fault Isolation and Detection System (FIDS).(故障隔离和探测系统)The first two functions are accomplished by the Flight Management and Guidance Computers (FMGCs).(前两个功能由飞行管理和引导计算机完成)The other two functions are accomplished by the Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs).(另外两个功能由飞行增稳计算机完成)The AFS calculates the position of the aircraft using several aircraft sensors.(自动飞行系统使用几个飞机的传感器计算飞机的位置)In addition, the system has the capability of storing flight plans in its memory, which are predetermined by the airline.(此外,自动飞行系统有在其内存中存储飞行计划的能力,该飞行计划由航空公司预先做好)A flight plan describes a complete flight from departure to arrival, it includes vertical information and all intermediate waypoints. (这个飞行计划描述了从离场到到场的一个完整的飞行)Knowing the position of the aircraft and the desired flight plan (chosen by the pilot), the AFS is able to compute the orders sent to the flight controls and engines so that the aircraft can follow the flight plan.(直到了飞机的位置和驾驶员预先选择的飞行计划,自动飞行系统可以计算出给飞控和发动机的命令值,保证飞机可以按飞行计划飞行)FLIGHT MANAGEMENT/FLIGHT GUIDANCE(飞行管理/飞行引导)The FM part has several functions linked to the flight plan such as lateral and vertical guidance associated with performance computation.(飞行飞行管理的几个功能与飞行计划相关联,例如:与性能计算相关的横向和纵向引导)The FG part has 3 functions:(飞行引导有3个功能)- Autopilot (AP),(自动驾驶)- Flight Director (FD),(飞行指引)- Autothrust (A/THR).(自动油门)The FMGC functions, FM and FG are controlled from the MCDUs and the Flight Control Unit (FCU).(飞行管理和引导计算机的功能:飞行管理和引导可以从多功能控制显示组件和飞行控制组件来控制)Basically, the MCDUs provide the long term interface between the crew and the FMGCs (e.g. flight plan selection and modification) (基本上多功能控制显示组件在机组和飞行管理引导计算机之间提供长期的接口,例如飞行计划的选择和更改)while the FCU provides the short term interface (e.g. engagement of the autopilot, flight director and A/THR functions).(飞行控制组件提供短期的接口,例如:自动驾驶、飞行指引、自动油门的接通)Besides the MCDUs and the FCU, the main displays presenting Flight Management and Guidance information are the EFIS displays.(而且,多功能控制显示组件和飞行控制组件的主要显示是电子飞行仪表系统上的显示,这些显示有飞行管理和引导的信息)AUTOPILOT/FLIGHT DIRECTOR(自动驾驶/飞行指引)The main AP and FD functions are:(自动驾驶和飞行指引的功能有)- stabilization of the aircraft around its center of gravity when the AP/FD system holds vertical speed or flight path angle and heading or track,(当自动驾驶飞行指引来保持垂直速度、飞行航向角度、方向或轨迹时飞机围绕重心的稳定性)- acquisition and holding of a flight path,(获得并保持飞行航线)- guidance of the aircraft at take off,(飞机起飞的指引)- automatic landing and go around.(自动着陆和复飞)The AP function gives orders to control:(自动驾驶功能发出命令控制)- the position of the control surfaces on the three axes (pitch, roll and yaw),(飞控舵面在三个方向的位置,俯仰、滚转、偏航)- the nose wheel steering.(前轮转弯)The FD function generates optimum guidance orders used in manual controls.(飞行指引的功能是产生最合适的引导命令用于人工控制)The FDis also used to monitor the AP when it is engaged.(当自动驾驶接通时,飞行指引也监控自动驾驶)The FD symbols are displayed on the PFDs.(飞行指引在主飞行显示器上显示)AUTOTHRUST(自动推力)The A/THR system fulfills the following functions through the control of the thrust:(自动推力系统通过控制推力完成以下功能)- speed or mach hold (either FMGCs computed or from throttle levers position),(根据FMGC的计算或者推力杆的位置保持速度和马赫数)- thrust hold (either FMGS computed or from throttle lever position),(根据飞行管理引导系统或者推力杆的位置保持推力)- thrust reduction during descent and during flare in final approach,(在下降和最终进近平飞时的减推力)- protection against insufficient speed linked to excessive angle of attack.(大攻角保护,以防止失速)To fulfill the A/THR functions, the FMGCs communicate with the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) via the FCU and the Engine Interface Units (EIUs).(为了实现自动推力功能,飞行管理引导计算机通过飞行控制组件和发动机接口组件与FADEC相联)FLIGHT AUGMENTATION(飞行增稳)The flight augmentation part fulfills the following functions:(飞行增稳包含以下内容)- rudder trim,(方向舵配平)- yaw damper,(偏航阻尼)- rudder travel limitation,(方向舵行程限制)- flight envelope protection,(飞行包线保护)- FIDS.(故障隔离和探测系统)For flight envelope protection, the FAC computes:(为了飞行包线保护,飞行增稳计算机计算如下参数)- the various speeds for aircraft operation (e.g. flaps limit speed),(飞机操作时的各种速度限制)- the excessive angle of attack and windshear detection,(大攻角保护和风切变探测)- the low energy warning, indicating to the crew that the aircraft is quickly decelerating and that thrust will have to be increased to recover a positive flight path angle through pitch control.(低功率警告,给机组指示飞机正快速减速同时通过配平手轮修正飞行航向)The FIDS function is only active in FAC 1.(仅有飞行增稳计算机1号有故障隔离和探测功能)FAC 1 is connected to the BITE of all the AFS computers and communicates to the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS).(飞行增稳计算机1号与自动飞行计算机的BITE相连,并与CFDS 系统通讯)ATA 23 - Communications System(通讯系统)GENERAL(概述)The single aisle aircraft communication system has two sub-systems:(单通道飞机的通讯系统包含2个子系统)- radio communication,(无线电通讯)- on-board communication.(机上通讯)The radio communication systems are used for communications to and from the aircraft.(无线电通讯系统用于飞机进出的通讯)The on-board internal communication system is divided into 4 functions:(机上通讯系统分为4个功能)- service interphone (on ground only) for maintenance technician communication with cockpit or cabin thanks to several jack connectors around the A/C.(由于有围绕飞机的数个插孔,因此维护技术人员可以通过勤务内话与驾驶舱和客舱通讯)- Flight interphone for cockpit internal communication and also with the ground mechanic,(飞行内话用于驾驶舱的通讯,也可以用于地面技术人员与驾驶舱的通讯)- Passenger Address (PA) from the cockpit or from cabin crew stations for passenger announcements,(旅客地址系统用于从驾驶舱或者客舱的机组区域对旅客通知)- cabin interphone for cabin crew or cabin crew/pilots communication.(客舱内话用于客舱之间或者客舱和驾驶舱的通讯)RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM(无线电通讯系统)The radio communications system lets the crew communicate with ground stations through VHF, VHF Data Radio (VDR), HF, High Frequency Data Radio (HFDR) and SATCOM if installed.(无线电通讯系统让机组与地面通过甚高频、甚高频数据的无线电、高频、高频数据的无线电、卫星进行通讯)VHF1 and VHF2 used for flight crew voice communications(VHF1号和2号用于飞行员语音通讯)VDR3 used for ACARS and as voice backup(VHF Data Radio,VHF3号的无线电数据用于ACARS和语音备份)HF used when A/C beyond VHF range(当超出VHF频段时,可以使用HF)ON-BOARD COMMUNICATIONS(机上通讯)The on-board communication system is divided into 4 functions.(机上通讯分为四个功能)Flight interphone(飞行内话)PA(passenger announcement旅客广播)Cabin interphone system(客舱内话)Service interphone(勤务内话)ATA 24 - Electrical Power System(电源系统)GENERAL(概述)There are two identical engine driven generators called Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs). (有两个整体驱动发电机称为IDG)They are used as the main power source to supply the A/C electrical network.(他们作为飞机电网的主电源)The IDG basically contains, in a common housing, a generator and a Constant Speed Drive (CSD). (IDG基本组成:一个共有的客体、一个发电机、一个恒速驱动装置)The CSD gives a constant input speed to the generator, which is required for a constant output frequency.(由于发电机需要输出恒定的频率,恒速驱动装置给发电机一个恒速输入)Each generator supplies 115V 400Hz AC to its own bus:- generator 1 supplies AC bus 1,- generator 2 supplies AC bus 2. (每一个发电机给自己的汇流条提供115伏400赫兹的交流电,1号发电机给交流1号供电,2号发电机给交流2号供电)This supply is known as split operation, which means that the AC power sources are never connected in parallel.(这种供电是分离供电,意味着交流电源绝不能并行供电)Each AC bus supplies a Transformer Rectifier (TR):- AC bus 1 supplies TR 1,- AC bus 2 supplies TR 2.(每一个交流汇流条给一个变压整流器供电)The TRs convert 115V AC into 28V DC to supply their associated DC buses, DC 1 and DC 2.(变压整流器将115伏的交流电转换成28伏的直流电供给相应的直流1号汇流条和直流2号汇流条)DC bus 1 then supplies the DC BAT bus.(直流1号汇流条给直流电瓶汇流条供电)The DC battery bus can charge the batteries or receive power from the batteries as a backup supply, if no other power sources are available.(直流电瓶汇流条可以给电瓶充电,作为备份供电同时可以从电瓶接受供电)The electrical system also includes two ESSential (ESS) Buses. (电源系统还包含两个重要汇流条)One is the AC ESS bus fed by AC bus 1 and the other is the DC ESS bus fed by DC bus 1. (一个交流重要汇流条由交流1号汇流条供电,另一个直流重要汇流条由直流汇流条1号供电)These buses are used to supply the most critical A/C systems.(这些汇流条组成了最基本的飞机电源系统)The entire electrical network can also be supplied by the APU generator.(整个飞机电网也可以通过APU的发电机供电)On the ground, the aircraft electrical network can be supplied by an external power source.(在地面飞机电网也可以用地面电源供电)Any one of the power sources can supply the entire electrical network. (任何一种电源都可以给整个的飞机电网供电)As no parallel connection is allowed on this A/C (split operation), we have to give priorities to the different power sources in supplying the bus bars.(在飞机上不允许并行供电,不通电源的供电优先顺序是)AC 1 and AC 2 buses are supplied in priority by their own side generator, then the external power, then the APU generator and then by the opposite generator.(交流汇流条1和2分别由相应侧的发电机供电,然后是地面电源,然后是APU发电机,最后是相反侧的发电机)ABNORMAL CONFIGURATION(非正常构型)The electrical system has an ESS TR, which supplies the DC ESS Bus in abnormal or emergency configuration.(电源系统有一个重要变压整流器,在非正常或者应急构型时给直流重要汇流条供电)In abnormal configuration (loss of TR1 or TR2) the ESS TR is supplied by the AC ESS Bus.(在非正常构型下,无论是失去变压整流器1还是2,重要的边压整流器都由交流重要汇流条供电)EMERGENCY CONFIGURATION(紧急构型)The hydraulic power to drive the Emergency Generator (EMER GEN) is given by a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) via the blue hydraulic system.(冲压涡轮通过蓝液压系统驱动了一个应急发电机)RAT located in belly fairing, extends automatically when AC BUS 1 and 2 are lost.(冲压涡轮位于机腹,当交流1号额2号都失去时自动放出)Then, the EMER GEN supplies the DC ESS through AC ESS directly TR. (然后通过重要的变压整流器,交流重要汇流条可以给直流重要汇流供电)BATTERY ONLY CONFIGURATION(仅有电瓶的构型)In emergency configuration with emergency generator not available, BAT 1 supplies the AC ESS BUS via the static inverter and BAT 2 supplies the DC ESS BUS.(在紧急构型下如果应急发电机不可用,电瓶1号通过静变流机给交流重要汇流条供电,电瓶2号给直流重要汇流条供电)ATA26 - Fire Protection System(防火系统)The A320 family fire protection systems have:(A320系列的防火系统包括)- fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines and APU,(带火警探测和灭火的发动机APU系统)- smoke detection for the avionics equipment and compartment,(电子设备舱的烟雾探测系统)- smoke detection and fire extinguishing for the cargo compartments and lavatories,(对于货舱和厕所的烟雾探测和灭火系统)- portable fire extinguishers for the flight compartment and the cabin.(驾驶舱和客舱的手提灭火瓶)ENGINE FIRE PROTECTION(发动机防火系统)The engine fire protection is fulfilled by two sub-systems: the FIRE detection system and the FIRE extinguishing system.(发动机防火系统包含两个子系统:火警探测和灭火系统)The engines have individual fire detection systems.(每台发动机有独立的火警探测系统)Each system has two identical detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel.(每个系统有并联的独立的两个探测环路A和B)Each loop is made of 3 detector elements. (每个环路有3个探测原件)Both loops are monitored by a Fire Detection Unit (FDU). (两个环路都由火警探测组件监控)The FDU sends FIREand FAULT signals to the Flight Warning Computer (FWC) for display on ECAM.(火警探测组件给飞行警告计算机传送火警和故障的信号用于ECAM的指示)The guarded FIRE P/B switches give FIRE indication and the means to isolate affected systems. (带保护盖的火警手柄可以给出火警指示同样可以隔离受影响的系统)When the FIRE P/B is released out, fuel supply, hydraulic supply, electrical power and bleed supply are cut off. (当火警手柄释放时,燃油、液压、电源、引气都被切断)This also arms the extinguishing system.(这也是让灭火系统待命)Each engine is equipped with 2 fire bottles located in the pylon.(每个发动机在吊架内都装有两个灭火瓶)Each bottle is discharged by an associated AGENT P/B switch. (每个灭火瓶都有相应的灭火剂的按钮)The P/B switches are located on the overhead FIRE panel.(这个按钮位于头顶的火警面板上)The TEST buttons are used to test the respective fire detection and extinguishing system operation.(测试按钮可以测试各自的火警探测和灭火系统)The overhead FIRE panel handles both detection and extinguishing functions. (火警面板包含了探测和灭火功能)In addition to the indications on the FIRE panel, the ENG panel located on the pedestal is equipped with a red FIRE indicator light for each engine.(除了火警面板的指示之外,在中央操纵台的发动机面板上也有火警等用于指示每台发动机的火警)APU FIRE PROTECTION(APU防火)The APU fire protection is fulfilled by two sub-systems: the FIRE detection system and the FIRE extinguishing system. (APU防火系统包含两个子系统:火警探测和灭火系统)The detection system has two identical detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel. .(探测系统有并联的独立的两个探测环路A和B)Each loop has a single detector element. (每个环路有1个探测原件)Both loops are monitored by a FDU. (两个环路都由一个火警探测组件监控)The FDU sends FIRE and FAULT signals to the FWC for display on ECAM .(火警探测组件给飞行警告计算机传送火警和故障的信号用于ECAM的指示)The guarded FIRE P/B switches give a FIRE indication and the means to isolate affected systems. (带保护盖的火警手柄可以给出火警指示同样可以隔离受影响的系统)When the FIRE P/B is released out, fuel, electrical power and bleed supply are cut off and the APU is immediately shut down. (当火警手柄释放时,燃油、电源、引气都被切断)This also arms the extinguishing system. (这也是让灭火系统待命)For the APU, there is just one fire extinguisher bottle. (对于APU来讲只有一个灭火瓶)It is discharged bya single AGENT P/B switch. (它由一个灭火剂释放电门控制释放)On the ground, an APU FIRE will trigger an APU automatic shutdown and discharge the bottle automatically.(在地面,APU火警将触发APU的自动管段和灭火瓶的自动释放)The TEST button is used to test the fire detection and extinguishing system operation. (测试按钮可以测试各自的火警探测和灭火系统)In case of an APU FIRE detected on the ground, an auto-extinguishing system will automatically shut down the APU and discharge the fire bottle into the APU compartment.(如果APU在地面探测到火警,自动灭火系统将自动关断APU并在APU舱自动释放灭火瓶)The auto-extinguishing system can be tested through the maintenance test panel located on the overhead panel.(在头顶的维护测试面板可以测试自动灭火系统)AVIONICS COMPARTMENT SMOKE DETECTION(电子舱烟雾探测)The A320 family aircraft has a cooling system for the avionics equipment. (A320系列的飞机在电子设备舱装有冷却系统)The cooling system is controlled and monitored by the Avionics Equipment Ventilation Controller (AEVC). (由电子设备通风计算机控制并监控冷却系统)The air is circulated through the system by a blower fan (cool air supply) working together with an extraction fan (warm air removal).(通过一个鼓风扇供冷气,通过一个抽风扇排热气,达到空气循环的目的)The extraction airflow is downstream of the avionics equipment, so the avionics SMOKE detector is installed in the extraction duct and will detect smoke coming from the computers and control boxes. (由于出口气流在电子设备的下游,因此烟雾探测器安装在出口管路用于探测从计算机和控制盒出来的气体)The detector is monitored by the AEVC. (电子设备通风计算机监控探测系统)The AEVC signals the FWC to show the AVIONICS SMOKE warning in the cockpit.(电子通风计算机给飞行警告计算机电子舱烟雾的警告)CARGO COMPARTMENT SMOKE PROTECTION(货舱烟雾探测)The cargo compartments are protected by both smoke detection and fire extinguishing systems.(货舱防火包括探测和灭火两部分)Each cargo compartment has cavities, and each cavity holds 2 smoke detectors. (每个货仓都有腔室,每个腔室装有两个探测器)The cargo compartments are ventilated by an air extraction system. (货舱由一个抽风系统进行通风)Air continuously circulates through the compartment and across the。



ABCU〔Alternative Breaking Control Unit〕备用刹车掌握组件ACARS〔Aircraft Communication Addressing and Report System〕飞机通信寻址与报告系统ACCU〔Accumulator〕蓄压器AIB〔Audio Interface Box〕音频接口盒ALARM ACKNOWLEDGED 警告确认按钮ADF〔Automatic Direction Finder〕自动方位搜寻器/自动定向机ADIRS〔Air Data Inertial Reference System〕大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU〔Air Data Inertial Reference Unit〕大气数据惯性基准组件ADR〔Air Data Reference〕大气数据基准AFDS〔Autopilot Flight Director System〕自动驾驶飞行指引系统AFM〔Aircraft Flight Manual〕飞机飞行手册AMPS〔Ampere,AMPS 是复数形式〕安培〔电流单位〕A/P〔Automatic Pilot〕自动驾驶APL〔Airplane〕飞机APO〔Auto Power Off Device〕自动电源关断装置APU〔Auxiliary Power Unit〕关心动力装置ARPT〔Airport〕机场Ashtray /ˈæʃˌtre/烟灰缸ASIC〔Application Specific Integrated Circuit〕专用集成电路A/SKID&N/W STRG 防滞与前轮转弯掌握电门A/T〔Auto Throttle〕自动油门ATD〔ActualTime Departure〕实际离港时间A/W〔AccessWay〕通道AWG〔American Wire Gauge〕美国线规BARO〔Barometric〕大气压力BAT DISCHARGE电瓶放电BC〔Battery Chargers〕电瓶充电器BFEBSCU〔Breaking and Swerve Control Unit〕刹车和转弯掌握组件Captain 机长〔Pilot In Command〕CAN〔Controller Area Network〕掌握器局域网络CB〔Contact Block〕接触块,接点排CB〔CircuitBreaker〕电路跳开关CCD〔Cursor Control Device〕光标掌握装置CDB〔Common Database〕公用数据库CDU〔Control Display Unit〕掌握显示组件CE〔Symbol for European Compliance〕CH〔Channel〕C/L〔Check List〕检查单CMB〔Control Monitor Board〕监视掌握板CPDSP〔Compact PCI Digital Signal Processor〕外设部件的数字信号处理器CPMONCPPDM〔〕CSV〔Comma Separated Values〕逗号分隔值〔文件格式〕CPICPS〔Cycles Per Second〕~次/秒〔频率单位〕CPSIO〔Compact PCI Sound & Audio Input / Output〕外设部件音频/音响输入/输出CPTMCTS〔Commercial Training Solutions〕Current Rating 额定电流CVR〔Cockpit Voice Recorder〕驾驶舱话音记录器C/W〔Control Wheel〕驾驶盘DB〔Daughter Board〕子板DBU〔Digital Buffer Unit〕数字式缓冲装置DECEL〔Decelerate〕减速DEU〔Display Electric Unit〕显示电子装置DFCS〔Digital Flight Control System〕数字式飞行操纵系统DiGIT〔Distributed Graphical Interface Tool〕-a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool that providesa touch-screen orientated Human MachineInterface (HMI).DMC〔Datapath Micro Computer〕数据通道微处理器DMC〔Digital Motor Controllers〕数字式发动机掌握器DOF〔Degree Of Freedom〕自由度DOME WHITE 顶部白光DPS〔Distributed Power Supply〕分布式供电源Drawbridge 开合桥,活动吊桥DS〔Downstream〕下游DSP〔Display Select Panel〕显示选择面板D-sub〔D-subminiature[adj.超小型的,微型的]〕即VGADual Lock 联动拉手,双锁扣DVI〔Digital Visual Interface〕数字视频接口DU〔Display Unit〕显示组件ECAM〔Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring〕电子集成飞机监控系统〔AIRBUS〕ECB〔Electronic Control Box〕电子掌握盒ECL〔Electric Control Loading〕EEPROM〔Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory〕电可擦可编程只读存储器EFB〔Electronic Flight Bag〕电子飞行包EFIS〔Electronic Flight Instrument System〕电子飞行仪表系统EGT〔Exhaust Gas Temperature〕排气温度EDB〔Electronic Load Unit Dynamic Brake〕电子式负荷装置动态制动器EICAS〔Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System〕发动机指示机组警告系统〔Boeing〕EID〔Electronic Load Unit Identification〕电子式负荷装置识别ELAC〔Elevator Aileron Computer〕升降舵副翼计算机EMA〔Electro-Mechanical Actuators〕电动机械作动筒EMC〔Electro-Magnetic Compatibility〕电磁兼容性EMI〔Electro Magnetic Interference〕电磁干扰EMM〔Electro-Mechanical Motion〕电动机械运动EMO〔Emergency Motion Off〕紧急运动关断EMS〔Electro-Mechanical Susceptibility〕电磁敏感性EPO〔Emergency Power Off〕紧急电源关断回路EPR 〔Engine Pressure Ratio〕发动机压力比ETA〔Estimated Time of Arrival〕估量到达时间E/WD〔Engine/Warning Display〕发动机/警告显示FAIL〔Failed/Failure〕失效FBW〔Fly By Wire〕电传操纵FC〔Flight Compartment〕驾驶舱FCC〔Flight Control Computer〕飞行掌握计算机FCOM 〔Flight Crew Operation Manual〕飞行机组操作手册FCU 〔Flight Control Unit〕飞行掌握组件F/D〔Flight Director〕飞行指引仪FDAU〔Flight Data Acquisition Unit〕飞行数据采集组件FEA〔Finite Element Analysis〕有限元分析FFS〔Full Flight Simulator〕全动模拟机Feed Valve进给阀,进水阀,给气阀Flash Light=Torch 手电筒FLSCU〔Fuel Level S Control Unit〕燃油面探测掌握装置Fly-by-wire 电传操纵F/O〔First Officer〕副驾驶FOB〔Fuel Oil Board〕机载燃油量FPGA〔Field Programmable Gate Array〕现场可编程门阵列FPV〔Flight Path Vector〕飞行航迹向量FREQ〔Frequent〕频率FTA〔Fault Tree Analysis〕故障树分析Full Face Mask 全罩式面罩GPIM〔General Purpose Interface Module〕通用接口模块GPM〔Gallon Per Minute〕~加仑/分钟〔流量单位〕GPS 〔Global Positioning System〕〔全球定位系统〕GPU 〔Ground Power Unit〕地面电源装置GPWS〔Ground Proximity Warning System〕地面迫近警告系统GUI〔Graphical User Interface〕图形用户界面Hand Microphone 手持话筒Handset Stowage 手持听筒Hat Holder 帽夹Hat Stowage 帽子存放处Headset〔尤指带麦克风的〕头戴式受话器,耳机HDAC〔Hydraulic Accumulator〕HOST〔Host Computer〕HPU〔Hydraulic Power Unit〕液压工作站Hz〔Hertz〕赫兹IBUTTON〔Information Button〕信息纽扣IDG〔Integral Drive Generator〕整体驱动发电机IDLE 慢车IFB〔Interface Board〕接口板IG〔Image Generator〕图像发生器IGBT〔Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor〕绝缘栅双极晶体管IN/SEC〔Inches Second〕英寸/秒IOM〔Input / Output Module〕IOS〔Instructor’s Operator〕S t教a t员i o操n纵台IPT〔Integrated Procedures Trainer〕综合程序训练器IR〔Inertial Reference〕惯性基准ITMS〔Integrated Terminal Management System〕终端综合治理系统JAA〔Joint Air Agency〕联合航空当局Jack Panel 插座面板Jet Pump 喷射泵Knots ~海里/小时〔~节〕KRST-复位继电器KSRA-安全继电器LBS 磅LE〔Leading Edge〕〔机翼〕前缘LED〔Light Emitting Diode〕发光二极管LGCIU〔Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit〕起落架掌握接口组件Line Maintenance 日常维护LPM〔Liter Per Minute〕~升/分钟〔流量单位〕LPS〔Lesson Plan Studio〕课程打算工作室LRU〔Line Replaceable Unit〕—An item that is replaced either on the simulator or if not possibleas a shop or bench procedure to an assembly 现场可更换部件LTK Pumps〔Left Tank Pumps〕左油箱燃油泵MCC〔Motion Control Card〕运动掌握卡MCL〔MotionControl Logic〕运动规律掌握MCL〔Motion andControl Loading〕运动和操纵负荷MCDU〔Multipurpose Control & Display Unit〕多功能掌握显示组件MDA〔Motion Drive Algorithm〕运动驱动算法Medical Kit 医药用品MENGD〔Motion Engaged Signal〕运动信号MPIC〔Multi Purpose Interface Card〕多功能接口卡MSB〔Most Significant Bit〕最高有效位MTRS〔备用工作电门,以米和英尺显示高度和MCP 选择高度〕计量电门N/A〔Not Applicable〕不适用Navigation Light 航行灯NDB〔Non Direction Beacon〕无方向信标台NDT〔Navigation Data Tool〕NSA〔Non Simulated Area〕OEM〔Original Equipment Manufacturer〕原始设备制造商PBE〔Protective Breathing Equipment〕防护呼吸面罩PCI〔Peripheral Component Interconnect〕外设部件互连标准PCM〔Power Conditioning Module〕功率调整模块PCU〔Power Control Unit〕动力掌握组件PDU〔Power Distribution Unit〕电力安排单元PEDALS 脚蹬PFC〔Power Factor Correction〕功率因数补偿PLUG-AND-PLAY即插即用Port Wing 左翼Portable OXY Bottle 手提式氧气瓶P/S〔Power Supply〕供电源PSI〔Pounds per Square Inch〕~磅/平方英尺〔压力单位〕〔1BAR=14.5PSI=0.1MPa〕PTC〔Positive Temperature Coefficient〕正温度系数QRH〔Quick Reference Handbook〕快速检查单QTG〔Qualification Test Guide〕品质测试指南RainRepellent Bottle 拨水剂瓶Restraint Kit 座椅安全带设备RTP〔Radio Turning Panel〕RIBBON CABLE 扁平电缆RJ〔Registered Jack〕注册的插座RLS〔Remote Light Sensor〕远距光传感器RM〔Relay Module〕继电器模块RMI〔Rotary Magnetic Indicator〕无线电磁指示器RMS〔Root Mean Square〕均方根R&R〔Removaland Replacement〕拆卸与更换RTH〔Return toHome〕RTP〔Radio Turning Panel〕RTX〔Real-time Extension〕实时系统扩展SAT〔Static Air Temperature〕静温SBC〔Single Board Computer〕单板计算机SD〔System Display〕系统显示Secondary Circuit Breakers 关心电路跳开关SERCOS(Serial real time Communication System)串行实时通信系统SERCOS(Serial real time Communication Specification)串行实时通信协议Signaling Kit 信号盒Smoke Hood 防烟面罩SOV〔Shut Off Valve〕关断活门STA (Scheduled Time Arrival) 打算到达时间Stowage〔船或飞机上〕存放物品处TAT〔Total Air Temperature〕机外温度=〔SAT+动温〕TAXI〔Taxiway〕滑行道TB〔Terminal Block〕接线端子TCAS〔Traffic Collision Avoidance System〕空中防撞系统TE〔Trailing Edge〕后缘TERR〔Terrain〕地形TFC〔Traffic〕交通Thermistor/θɜ:”mɪst / 热敏电阻UL〔Underwriters Laboratory〕美国一家进展安全认证的企业UNLK〔Unlock〕UPS〔Uninterruptible Power Supply〕不连续电源UTC〔Universal Time Coordinated〕国际协调时VAC〔Volts Alternating Current〕沟通电压VDC〔volts Direct Current〕直流电压VGA〔Video Graphics Array/Adapter〕视频图像阵列/适配器VOR〔VHF Omnidirectional Range〕甚高频全向信标WPT 〔Waypoint〕航路点WXR〔Weather Radar〕气象雷达X-Bleed 交输活门XPDR〔Transponder〕应答机YAWDAMPER偏航阻尼器。



英语作文我会折纸飞机了In the realm of childhood ingenuity, where creativity takes flight, there lies a timeless art form that has captured the hearts and imaginations of young and old alike: the art of paper airplane construction. It is an activity that transcends generations, fostering a sense of wonderand providing a glimpse into the boundless possibilities of imagination.As a child, I was captivated by the allure of paper airplanes. I would spend countless hours meticulously crafting these airborne wonders, experimenting withdifferent designs and techniques in pursuit of the ultimate flight performance. The process of folding and shaping the paper, transforming it from a mere sheet into a soaring masterpiece, was a magical experience in itself.With each successful launch, I felt a surge of exhilaration as the airplane took to the skies, gliding gracefully through the air. The wind became my canvas, andthe airplane my brush, as I guided its flight with a gentle toss or a deft adjustment. It was a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the boundless joy that can be found in simple pleasures.As I grew older, my fascination with paper airplanes never waned. I continued to refine my techniques, learning new folds and designs that pushed the limits of flight performance. I discovered the intricate art of origami, where paper was transformed into breathtaking three-dimensional creations, from graceful cranes to intricate dragons.The beauty of paper airplanes lies not only in their ability to fly but also in the endless possibilities they offer for customization. From the simplest dart plane to the most elaborate delta wing, each design has its own unique characteristics and flight patterns. The choice of paper, the weight distribution, and the angle of the wings all contribute to the airplane's performance, making it a never-ending source of experimentation and discovery.Paper airplanes have also played a significant role in scientific exploration. In the early days of aviation, engineers and scientists used paper airplanes to test aerodynamic principles and develop new designs for heavier-than-air flying machines. The Wright brothers themselves used paper airplanes extensively in their experiments, refining their designs until they achieved the first successful powered flight in 1903.Today, paper airplanes continue to inspire andcaptivate people of all ages. They are a symbol ofchildhood wonder, creativity, and the enduring power of human imagination. Whether you are a seasoned paperairplane aficionado or a novice just discovering the joy of flight, the world of paper airplanes offers endless possibilities for exploration, discovery, and sheer delight.As I reflect on my own journey with paper airplanes, I am filled with gratitude for the countless hours of joy and inspiration they have brought me. They have taught me the importance of perseverance, the value of experimentation, and the boundless power of human creativity. And so, Iinvite you to embrace the magic of paper airplanes, to let your imagination soar, and to experience the timeless joy of flight.。



四级阅读手机信号影响飞机Every time you fly,there will be a gentle voice telling you to turn off all electronic devices.A common rumor is that turning off mobile phones and other electronic devices is because the signals they send will interfere with the flight of the aircraft,and there will even be a risk of crash.So,what is the truth?In China,the 118mhz frequency band is used for aviation signals,while the 900MHz frequency band is used for domestic GSM mobile phones.The WiFi signal frequency is higher,and they differ greatly.Theoretically,they cannot interfere with each other,and the impact on flight safety is also extremely low.In addition,due to the different modulation methods,even if there is little possibility of interference,the probability of affecting flight safety is very low.Moreover,the current aircraft communication equipment and flight navigation equipment have strong anti-interference ability and will not be easily affected by the signals sent by mobile phones.As early as 1992,the Federal AviationAdministration(FAA)requested the independent industrial standards organization RTCA(Aeronautical Radio Technical Committee)to conduct research and investigation on the safetyof electronic products used in aircraft.RTCA finally did not find that the electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones and other electronic products can directly interfere with the on-board equipment.。



遥控飞机模型制作作文英语Title: Crafting a Remote-Controlled Airplane Model。

Building a remote-controlled airplane model can be an exciting and rewarding experience. From selecting the right materials to fine-tuning the controls, each step contributes to the final masterpiece. In this essay, we'll delve into the process of creating a remote-controlled airplane model and explore the skills and techniques involved.1. Planning and Research:Before diving into the construction process, it's essential to conduct thorough research and planning. This involves selecting the type of airplane model you want to build, understanding its aerodynamics, and gathering necessary materials and components. Consider factors such as wingspan, weight distribution, and propulsion system to ensure optimal performance.2. Gathering Materials:The materials required for building a remote-controlled airplane model vary depending on the design and complexityof the project. Common materials include balsa wood, foam board, carbon fiber rods, servos, motors, propellers, and electronic speed controllers (ESCs). Quality components are crucial for durability and performance, so it's essentialto invest in reputable brands.3. Construction Process:The construction process typically begins with assembling the airframe. This involves cutting and shaping the balsa wood or foam board according to the chosen design. Precision is key to ensure proper alignment and symmetry. Once the basic structure is in place, components such as servos, motors, and ESCs are installed according to the aircraft's specifications.4. Testing and Calibration:After the assembly is complete, it's time to test the aircraft's functionality. This includes checking thecontrol surfaces for proper movement, testing the motor and propulsion system, and calibrating the remote control transmitter. Testing should be conducted in a controlled environment to ensure safety and avoid damage to the aircraft.5. Fine-Tuning and Adjustment:Fine-tuning is an ongoing process that involves making adjustments to optimize the aircraft's performance. This may include balancing the aircraft for stable flight, adjusting control surface deflections for responsiveness, and fine-tuning the power system for efficiency. Patience and attention to detail are crucial during this phase to achieve the desired flight characteristics.6. Maiden Flight:The culmination of the building process is the maidenflight, where all the hard work and preparation are put to the test. Before the flight, it's essential to perform a pre-flight checklist to ensure everything is in order. Once airborne, observe the aircraft's behavior and make any necessary adjustments to achieve smooth and stable flight.7. Maintenance and Upkeep:Like any mechanical device, remote-controlled airplane models require regular maintenance to ensure longevity and optimal performance. This includes cleaning the airframe, checking for wear and tear, and replacing any damaged components. Proper storage and transportation also play a role in preserving the aircraft between flights.In conclusion, building a remote-controlled airplane model is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a passion for aviation. By following the steps outlined above and continually honing your skills, you can create a masterpiece that takes to the skies with grace and precision. So, roll up your sleeves, unleash yourcreativity, and soar to new heights with your custom-built aircraft!。


















文章第一段提到In the last l5 years,pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference.由此可以选出正确答案。


文章第二段提到most are reluctant to enforce a total ban,given that many passengers want to work during flights.很多乘客想在飞机上工作,所以他们不愿乘坐那些有禁令的飞机。


对麦克斯维鱼眼的成像特性的研究 Maxwell's fish eye

对麦克斯维鱼眼的成像特性的研究  Maxwell's fish eye

Progress In Electromagnetics Research,Vol.108,307–322,2010CAN MAXWELL’S FISH EYE LENS REALLY GIVE PERFECT IMAGING?F.Sun and S.He†Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic ResearchJORCEP[KTH-ZJU Joint Research Center of Photonics]Zhejiang University(ZJU),Zijingang CampusEast Building#5,Hangzhou310058,ChinaAbstract—Both explicit analysis and FEM numerical simulation are used to analyze thefield distribution of a line current in the so-called Maxwell’sfish eye lens[bounded with a perfectly electrical conductor (PEC)boundary].We show that such a2D Maxwell’sfish eye lens cannot give perfect imaging due to the fact that high order modes of the objectfield can hardly reach the image point in Maxwell’sfish eye lens. If only zeroth order mode is excited,a good image of a sharp object may be achieved in some cases,however,its spot-size is larger than the spot size of the initial objectfield.The image resolution is determined by thefield spot size of the image corresponding to the zeroth order component of the objectfield.Our explicit analysis consists very well with the FEM results for afish eye lens.Time-domain simulation is also given to verify our conclusion.Multi-point images for a single object point are also demonstrated.1.INTRODUCTIONMaxwell’sfish eye was proposed by Maxwell in1854[1].Maxwell’sfish eye gives a good image with equal light paths from the viewpoint of geometrical optics[1–3].Recently,Leonhardt claimed that Maxwell’s fish eye can give perfect imaging in wave optics and he modified the originalfish eye lens,which is infinitely large,so that the device becomesfinite[bounded with a perfectly electrical conductor(PEC) boundary][4,5].Leonhardt gave an explicit solution with very small spot sizes of the object and imagefields for such afish eye lens with Received10September2010,Accepted20September2010,Scheduled23September2010 Corresponding author:Sailing He(sailing@kth.se).†Also with Department of Electromagnetic Engineering,School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology(KTH),S-10044Stockholm,Sweden.308Sun and He a line current source in the object point and a drain at the image point [4].However,this configuration is not practical for imaging.For example,we do not know beforehand the distribution of fluorescent points in bio imaging,and thus we cannot determine where to put the drains in order to achieve an image of excellent resolution.If we put many drains beforehand,it may degrade the image resolution,particularly when some drains are located along the line connecting the object and the image (this has been proved in our other numerical simulation,which will be included in another paper).Apparently this is not a conventional concept for imaging.In a conventional image,we consider a very sharp field distribution (produced by some kind of source)and see if a lens can give a very sharp field distribution at another space point (without any drain).In this paper,we study the imaging properties (in a conventional sense)of Maxwell’s fish eye lens in the framework of wave optics.We show that perfect imaging can not be achieved due to the fact that high order modes of the object field will decay quickly before reaching the image point in Maxwell’s fish eye lens.The image resolution is determined by the image field spot size corresponding to the zeroth order component of the object field and is related to the structure of Maxwell’s fish eye and the location of the object.We also study the influence of the radius of Maxwell’s fish eye (normalized to the wavelength)and the location of the object to the image resolution.Both explicit analysis and numerical simulation are given and they agree very well.2.MODE ANALYSIS IN MAXWELL’S FISH EYE LENS Maxwell’s fish eye lens has the following refraction index profile [2]:n =2n 0/ 1+(r/R 0)2 (1)where n 0and R 0are the refraction index constant and radius of the reference sphere,respectively,and r = x 2+y 2is the distance between a space point (x,y )and the center of Maxwell’s fish eye lens.The Helmholtz equation for field E k corresponding to a source at point (0,0)(with a vacuum wave number k =ω/c =2π/λ0)in 2D space can be written as:1r ∂∂r r ∂E k (r,θ)∂r +1r 2∂2E k (r,θ)∂θ2+n 2k 2E k (r,θ)=g (r,θ)(2)where g (r,θ)is the source term and g (r,θ)=0(when r =0).Through variables separation E k (r,θ)=U k (r )Θ(θ),we can obtain the followingProgress In Electromagnetics Research,Vol.108,2010309 general solution to Eq.(2)E k(r,θ)=+∞m=0[a m P m v(ζ(r))+b m P m v(−ζ(r))]e imθ≡+∞m=0E m k(r)e imθ(3)whereζ(r)=r2−R20/r2+R20(4)R20n20k2=v(1+v)(5) Here P m v(ζ(r))is the associated Legendre functions.We can see that thefield distribution in Maxwell’sfish eye lens can be expressed as a superposition of different order modes.m=0and m=0represent the zeroth order mode and the high order modes,respectively,and the high order modes correspond to high angular frequency components. Different sources may excite different modes.3.ZEROTH ORDER MODE IN MAXWELL’S FISH EYE LENSIn this section,we achieve an analytical solution for a line current placed at any point within Maxwell’sfish-eye lens without any drain. We set a line current at point(x0,y0)that can only excite the zeroth order mode in Maxwell’sfish eye lens.The Helmholtz equation for field E k in2D space can then be written as:∆x,y E k+n2k2E k=δ(x−x0,y−y0)(6) We shall consider Eq.(6)in domain D={(x,y)|x2+y2<R20} and assume that(x0,y0)∈D.Let S={(x,y)|x2+y2=R20}denote the boundary of D.Note that the radius of PEC boundary R always equates to the radius of the reference sphere R0,except in Section5. Let function E k(x,y)satisfy on S the PEC boundary condition:E k|S=0(7)Maxwell’sfish eye is obtained by projecting a spherical surface onto a plane[4].Translation of the source point on the plane corresponds to rotation of the source on the spherical surface. To express it mathematically,we introduce a subset of M¨o bius transformations on the complex plane corresponding to rotations on the spherical surface.Solution to the problem of Eqs.(6)and(7) gives Green’s function to the Helmholtz equation with PEC boundary condition,and this can be easily found through the construction made by Leonhardt in[4],namely,through introducing complex plane z=x+iy and M¨o bius transformation:w(z)=−z∞(z−z0)/(z−z∞)(8)310Sun and Hewhere z 0≡x 0+iy 0=R 0exp(iχ)tan γand z ∞=−R 20/z ∗0=−R 0exp(iχ)cot γ.Furthermore,let v =v (k )be a root of Eq.(5)and function ξ(w (z ))be determined byξ(w (z ))=(|w (z )|2−R 20)/(|w (z )|2+R 20)(9)The solution to the problem of Eqs.(6)and (7)is given by E k (z )=[P v (ξ(w (z )))−P v (ξ(w (R 20/z ∗))]/4sin vπ(10)where the intensity P v (ζ)is the Legendre functions and z ∗=x −iy .Indeed it was demonstrated in [4]that both P v (ξ(w (z )))and P v (ξ(w (R 20/z ∗)))are solutions to the source-free Helmholtz equation for z =z 0and,moreover,P v (ξ(w (z )))/4sin(vπ)∼ln |z −z 0|/2πas z →z 0and is a bounded smooth function outside a small vicinity of z 0,while the second term in (10)is a bounded smooth function everywhere in D [6].Thus,E k (z )given by Eq.(10)fulfills the necessary singularity corresponding to a line current at z 0.On the other hand,on boundary S ,we have z =R 20/z ∗,and thus E k =0.Therefore,Eq.(10)gives a solution to the problem of Eqs.(6)and (7).Point R 20/z ∗∞∈D is the image of point z 0.All rays emitted from z 0will be focused (after reflection on S )at the image point.This explains the fact that was noted numerically (see below)that the electric field has a local maximum at the image point.For example,if we choose R 0=5λ0,n 0=1and λ0=0.2m (the wavelength in vacuum),and set a line current at z 0(−0.5m,0),we can use Eqs.(8),(9)and (10)to obtain the following field distribution in Maxwell’s fish eye lens:E k (z )= P v 3r 2+8r cos θ−35r 2+5 −P v −3r 2+8r cos θ+35r 2+5/4sin vπ(11)The results of our analytical solutions (11)agree well with FEM simulation results as shown in Fig.1.Our FEM simulation result is a stationary configuration without a drain at the image point.In this special stationary configuration,we found that the time-averaged power outflow of the line current at the object point is zero due to the PEC boundary,i.e.,a line current at the object point radiates energy in the first half period (like a source)and absorbs energy in the second half period (like a drain)in the stationary state.We can see the spot size [i.e.,full width at half magnitude (FWHM)]around the image point is FWHM =0.2925λ0=0.468λ,which is larger than the spot size FWHM =0.1825λ0=0.292λaround the source point.Here λ=λ0/n is the “local”wavelength at point z 0(±0.5m,0)in Maxwell’s fish eye lens.For comparison,we also show in Fig.1Leonhardt’s analytical solution for a special situation when one sets a drain at theProgress In Electromagnetics Research,Vol.108,2010311 image position with the same intensity of the original source of line current[4]:E k(z)=14sin(vπ){[P v(ξ(z))−P v(ξ(R20/z∗)]−e iπv[P v(−ξ(z))−P v(−ξ(R20/z∗)]}(12)The solution(12)given in[4]corresponds to a linear combination of delta-function sources localized at2points:z0(source location) and R20/z∗∞(drain location)inside the PEC boundary(equivalent to a linear combination of delta-function sources localized at4points: z0,z∞,R20/z∗0and R20/z∗∞in the whole unbounded space),and is not a Green’s function for Eqs.(6)and(7).From Fig.1,we see that Maxwell’sfish eye lens can still give a good image if only the zeroth order mode is excited without any drain.However,the spot-size of the imagefield is still larger than the spot size of the initial sourcefield (indicating that it can not give a perfect image).Adding a drain at the image point[4]may sharpen the image spot size,and even recover the object shape for a very special excitation of objectfield of only zeroth order mode.However,it is not practical to add drains in a real imaging application,as mentioned earlier.Furthermore,a simple line(a)(b)Figure 1.The absolute value of the normalizedfield distribution around the line current(a)and its image(b)along x direction:blue dashed line is from the FEM simulation result when we set a line current at(−0.5m,0);green line is our analytical result of Eq.(11); red line is Leonhardt’s analytical result of Eq.(12)for a situation when one sets a line current source at(−0.5m,0)and a drain at(0.5m,0). The parameters for thefish eye lens are R0=5λ0and n0=1.The incident wavelength isλ0=0.2m.312Sun and He drain can not produce enough high order modes to make the image as sharp as one wishes(for perfect image)though it can help to recover roughly a very special objectfield distribution(of afinite spot size and zeroth order mode)around the image position.We will not discuss the situation of drains in this paper.We should note that for a given structure of Maxwell’sfish eye lens,if the position of the line current changes,the spot size around the image point will also change.The results are shown in Fig.2. As abs(x0)/λ0increases,the spot size(FWHM)of the image has an over-all increasing trend(as the refractive index at the image point becomes smaller),however,with some small oscillating behavior locally (due to the introduction of the PEC boundary,as explained at the end of Appendix).If we increase the size of thefish eye lens without changing the normalized position of the line current,the spot size of the imagefield around the image point will decrease.This is due to the increase of local refraction index when we increase the size of the fish eye lens(see Eq.(1)).Note that the spot size of the imagefield in Fig.2is normalized byλ0(instead of the“local”wavelengthλ).The smallest spot size of the image in Fig.2for x0=0.5λ0and R0=5λ0 is FWHM=0.225λ0=0.445λc,and thus still more or less diffraction-limited.We know that one can obtain two kinds of Green functions by solving the stationary wave equation in Maxwell’sfish eye medium filled in the whole space without any boundary.One is the retardedFigure2.Spot size of the imagefield around the image point(−x0,0) when the position of the line current(x0,0)varies along the x direction with y0=0.The horizontal axis indicates the normalized position of the image.Lines of different colors indicate different sizes of thefish eye lens.Progress In Electromagnetics Research,Vol.108,2010313 Green function which is casual,and the other is the advanced Green function which is not causal[7].Only the retarded Green function is physically meaningful in Maxwell’sfish eye mediumfilled in the whole space without any boundary.However,when we set a PEC boundary in Maxwell’sfish eye medium,the advanced Green function is associated to the wave reflected from the PEC boundary and thus is also meaningful.Thefield distribution produced by a line current in Maxwell’sfish eye with PEC boundary should be the superposition of an advanced Green function and a retarded Green function.Our analytical solution Eq.(10)is therefore causal and meaningful.Our results in Figs.1and2do not have the problem of causality,either, as thefish-eye lens is analyzed here in its steady state by the FEM method.To verify that our analytical solution is causal,we made the following FDTD simulation:We set a line source with a single frequency(λ0=0.2m)at position(−0.5m,0)to produce a continuous wave(excitationfield,but not the totalfield)in a2Dfish eye bounded with PEC at a radius of1m.The simulation result is shown in Fig.3. The electricfield propagates from the source to the image point and(a)(b)Figure3.The normalized integration of the absolute value of the electricfield over one time-harmonic period.The results are calculated with the FDTD method in2D Maxwell’sfish eye bounded with the PEC at the radius of1m,and plotted along the straight line passing both the source and image points.We set a line source at position (−0.5m,0)to produce a single frequency wave withλ0=0.2m.(a) During one period t=41.6667ns∼42.3333ns.The spotsize around the image is FWHM=0.464λ,which is larger than the spotsize around the object FWHM=0.4060λ.(b)During another period t=333.3333ns∼334.0000ns.The object and image have a large crosstalk(adjacent peaks).314Sun and He starts to form a good image at time t=10.3333ns.Then thefield forming the sharp image will behave like a new source and propagate back to the source point forming a new source due to the“confocus”property of the lens bounded with PEC.This process repeats again and again.After about42ns,wefind thefield in Maxwell’sfish eye keeps the harmonic oscillation for quite a long time.The normalized integration of the absolute value of the electricfield over one time-harmonic period(indicating the local magnitude of thefield)is shown in Fig.3(a).From thisfield distribution one sees that the spotsize around the image is FWHM=0.464λ(consistent with our earlier analysis in frequency domain),which is bigger than the spotsize around the object FWHM=0.4060λ.We note that the spotsize around the object is bigger than our earlier analysis in frequency domain. The reason for this is that the source in our FDTD simulation is not strictly monochromatic due to the turn-on process of the source(even we have used a hypertangential envelope with a temporal width of 10time units).Consequently,a beat effect is introduced.As we can see at the time around the beat nodes,there is no image[e.g.,at t=333.3333ns the object and its image are submerged by adjacent peaks;see Fig.3(b)].At a time around a peak of the beat,it can form a good image[e.g.,at t=41.6667ns;see Fig.3(a)].As time alternates from node to peak of the beat,thefield distribution in the fish eye lens will alternate from a situation of an image to a situation that no image can be formed.After a very long time,the source will be quite close to a monochromatic one,and thus thefield distribution willfinally converge to our FEM results.To shed more light on the imaging performance of Maxwell’s fish eye bounded with PEC,we make some additional numerical simulations in time domain with the FDTD method.We set a line source at position(−0.5m,0)to produce a narrowly localized Gaussian(a) t = 0.2833 ns(b) t = 0.3333 nsProgress In Electromagnetics Research,Vol.108,2010315(c) t = 3.3333 ns(d) t = 6.2917 ns(e) t = 10.9250 ns(f) t = 22.0580 ns Figure4.Electricalfield distribution(along the straight line passing both the source and image points)calculated with the FDTD method at different times in2D Maxwell’sfish eye bounded with the PEC at the radius of1m.We set a line source at position(−0.5m,0) to produce a Gaussian wavepacket with time-varying function J(t)= exp[−(t−t0)2/∆2]cos[ω(t−t0)],where t0=0.3333ns,∆=0.0167ns andλ0=2πc/ω=0.2m.(a)At time t=0.2833ns the electricfield starts to appear around the source location.(b)At t=0.3333ns the pulsefield reaches its maximum around the source location with spatial spot size FWHM=0.0496λc.(c)At t=3.3333ns:the electricfield propagates from the source toward the image.(d)At t=6.2917ns, the electricfield just reaches the image location.(e)t=10.9250ns: a good image is formed and the electricalfield at the image location reaches its maximum with a spatial spot size FWHM=0.2408λc.(f) t=22.0580ns:the electricalfield around the image location decreases as it propagates back to the source location forming a new peak there with FWHM=0.1328λc due to the confocus property.316Sun and He wavepacket with pulse function J(t)=exp[−(t−t0)2/∆2]cos[ω(t−t0)] in the2Dfish eye bounded with the PEC at the radius of1m.We choose pulse width∆=0.0167ns,t0=0.3333ns andλ0=2πc/ω= 0.2m.The simulation results are shown in Fig.4,from which we can see that a wavepacket can be formed around the image point (0.5m,0).When the pulsefield reaches its maximum at the image point,the spot size is FWHM=0.1505λ0=0.2408λc(see Fig.4(e); this indicates temporary subwavelength imaging(at some early time), which will disappear eventually when thefield becomes stable),which is much larger than the initial spot size FWHM=0.0310λ0=0.0496λc around the source point(see Fig.4(b)).Hereλc=λ0/n is the“local”central wavelength at point z0(±0.5m,0)in Maxwell’sfish eye lens. Thus,a narrow wavepacket cannot give an equally narrow focus at the image point in a2D Maxwell’sfish eye lens.Then the electrical field around the image location starts to decreases as it propagates back to the source location forming a new peak there with FWHM =0.0830λ0=0.1328λc(at time t=22.0580ns,see Fig.4(f))due to the confocus property of the lens bounded with PEC.The smearing effect may be due to the tail of the free-space2D Green function.According to our earlier analysis,even for a time-harmonic line current which can only produce single-frequency zeroth order mode field in the2Dfish eye bounded with PEC,we cannot obtain an equally sharpfield spot at the image point(see Fig.1)as compared to the initial sourcefield.Since a pulse wavepacket of sourcefield contains many frequency components,different frequency components form image spots of different sizes(as we have explained earlier, see Fig.2).Consequently,the superposition of different frequency components at the image point will form a wavepacket of larger spot size as compared to the spot size of the initial sourcefield(a narrowly localized wavepacket).This time-domain simulation result,which is obviously causal,is consistent with our earlier frequency-domain analysis in the present paper:When one sets only a line current without any drain in2D Maxwell’sfish eye with PEC boundary,one can still obtain a good image spot which,however,is wider than the initial sharp spot size around the source point.4.CASE FOR OBJECT FIELDS WITH HIGH ORDER MODESIn this section,we study numerically(instead of analytically)the propagation of high order modes in Maxwell’sfish eye.First we show that if we put at the center of the original Maxwell’sfish eye(withoutPEC)a source(e.g.,δ(r)f(θ))that can produce high order mode of angular momentum,we cannot get an image spot for those high order modes.The dispersion relationship in a cylindrical coordinate system whose origin is located at the center of Maxwell’sfish eye can be written as[8]:k2r+k2θ=n2k2(13) where k r is the radial component of the wave vector,and kθis the tangential component of the wave vector.Considering the conservation of angular momentum for the m-th order mode,we haverkθ=m(14) When m=0,from Eq.(14)we can see that kθincreases toward the center.Consequently,we can see from Eq.(13)that radial component k r varies from a real value to an imaginary value as r→0.The turning point of k r=0is the radius of the caustic.Inside the caustic,k r is an imaginary number and the angular momentum state becomes evanescent(i.e.,decays quickly)along the radial direction. The detailed information carried by the high order modes can hardly propagate to the farfield without great damping.Only the zeroth order mode(m=0),which does not have the caustic,can propagate to the farfield in Maxwell’sfish eye.Thus,if we put at the center of Maxwell’sfish eye a special source that can excite only(or mainly) high order mode,thefield cannot go to the farfield,and consequently a subwavelength image can not be formed.If we transform this source position to another point of Maxwell’sfish eye or add PEC boundary to Maxwell’sfish eye,the situation remains the same:subwavelength image can not be achieved.We can use FEM simulation to verify this in Maxwell’sfish eye with PEC boundary at R0=10λ0and n0=1.Our simulation is for TE wave in2D space withλ0=0.2m.We set a small circle (with radius r0)located at z0(−0.5,0)with boundary condition E=3exp(iγθ )V/m to introduce some high order mode.Wefirst choose r0=10−3λ0andγ=0and the simulation result is shown in Fig.5.Note that thefield generated by boundary condition E=3V/m on this small circle will contain some high order mode(and thus the objectfield is quite sharp as compared to Fig.1(a)),as the zeroth order mode produced by a line current at(−0.5m,0)is not a circle (see Appendix).Since it also contains some zeroth order mode,a good image spot can still be formed.However,if we changeγ=0toγ=5, the situation will be completely different.The simulation result is shown in Fig.6.Boundary condition E=3exp(i5θ )V/m on a small circle gives more energy to high order modes(the objectfield is very sharp in Fig.6(a)).These high order modes cannot propagate to thefarfield(the ratio of thefield magnitude around the object to that around the image position is about E o/E i∼105).Consequently,good image can not be achieved,as shown in Fig.6(b).(a)(b)Figure5.EM simulation results for the absolute value of thefield distribution around the object(a)and its image(b)along x direction for Maxwell’sfish eye lens with R0=5λ0and n0=1.The objectfield is excited with boundary condition E=3exp(iγθ )V/m at a small circle located at(−0.5m,0)withγ=0and r0=10−3λ0.Here we chooseλ0=0.2m.(a)(b)Figure6.FEM simulation results for the absolute value of thefield distribution around the object(a)and its image position(b)along x direction for the same Maxwell’sfish eye lens.We have setγ=5 (while keeping the other parameters the same as those for Fig.5to excite more energy to high order modes.(a)(b)Figure7.FEM simulation results for the absolute value of thefield distribution in the modifiedfish eye with R=10λ0,R0=5λ0,λ0=0.2m,and n0=1(a)when we set a line current at z0 (−1.85m,0);(b)when we set a line currents at z0(−1.75m,0).5.MULTI-POINT IMAGES IN MAXWELL’S FISH EYE LENSWefind that if the radius of PEC boundary R does not equate to the radius of the reference sphere R0,some interesting phenomenon may happen.Fig.7shows that multi-point images can be formed when we set a line current in a special structure of Maxwell’sfish eye lens with radius of PEC boundary R=10λ0and the radius of the reference sphere R0=5λ0.This phenomenon may have some other applications such as multi-point laser direct writing in parallel.6.CONCLUSIONSMaxwell’sfish eye lens of some special structures can give a good image for a line current(without any drain)that excites only zeroth order mode.However,as we have shown in the present paper,such a Maxwell’sfish eye lens cannot give perfect imaging since high order modes of the objectfield are evanescent modes and can hardly reach the far-field image point.Good image can not be achieved when the objectfield contains mainly high order modes.The image resolution is determined by thefield spot size of the image corresponding to the zeroth order component of the objectfield.Both explicit analysis and FEM numerical simulation have been performed and they agree very well with each other.The dependence of the spot size of the image on the position of the line current and the lens size has also been given.Time-domain simulation has also been carried out and the numerical results are consistent with our analysis.The present2D results can be generalized to the3D case.ACKNOWLEDGMENTAn earlier version of this work can be found on ArXix: /abs/1005.4119,which was submitted on May22, 2010.After the present work was completed,we noticed several other comments on[4]have appeared[9,10].The authors are grateful to Prof.Vladimir Romanov for many valuable discussions and Xiaocheng Ge for great help in numerical simulation.We also thank Dr.Yi Jin, Pu Zhang,Yuqian Ye,Yingran He,and Jianwei Tang for some helps. The work is partly supported by the National Basic Research Program, the National Natural Science Foundations of China,and the Swedish Research Council(VR)and AOARD.APPENDIX A.This appendix is used to explain the shape of zeroth order mode in Maxwell’sfish eye lens and help understand the results in Figs.2and5. From the viewpoint of transformation optics[4],we know if we set a line current at the North Pole N on a spherical surface an image spot can be formed at the South Pole S on the spherical surface.According to the symmetry,thefield produced by a line current and its image should be the zeroth order mode of circular symmetry on the spherical surface. When we make a transformation from a spherical surface to a plane, the electricfield distribution will also be transformed.The zeroth order mode on the spherical surface is also transformed into the zeroth order mode in Maxwell’sfish eye.We can use a stereographic projection[4] to transform a spherical surface to a plane.However,when the zeroth order mode is centered at different positions on the spherical surface, we have different projection shapes on the plane.That is the reason why we have different shapes of the zeroth order mode at different places of Maxwell’sfish eye and the modified one bounded with the PEC.A circle on a spherical surface may be transformed to an ellipse on the plane.We assume the radius of the zeroth order mode around the line current or its image on the spherical surface is R zero.Considering the symmetry of a spherical surface,we can assume the center of this zeroth order mode is on the x-z plane.If we make a stereographic projection of this circle on the spherical surface to the plane,we willFigure A1.Stereographic projection.The zero order mode with circular symmetry on the spherical surface will be projected into a modal field of ellipse shape on the 2D plane.obtain an ellipse function:(x −x 0)2a 2+y 2b2=1(A1)where a = D +C 24B /B,b = D +C 24B /A,x 0=−C 2B (A2)and where A = cos θ0+ R 20−R 2zero 2,B = 1+cos θ0 R 20−R 2zero 2−R 2zero sin 2θ0,C =2R 20sin θ0cos θ0+2sin θ0 R 20−R 2zero ,D =R 2zero −R 20sin 2θ0.Here R 0is the radius of the reference sphere,R zero is the radius of the zeroth order mode around the line current or its image on the reference sphere,(x 0,0)is the center of the projected elliptic disk on the plane around the line current or its image.θ0is the angle between the z axis and the line connecting the center of the zeroth order mode and the origin (see Fig.A1).If we know the radius of the zeroth order mode on the spherical surface (denoted by R zero ),we can use Eq.(A2)to calculate the size of the zeroth order mode in 2D Maxwell’s fish eye.Let a and b denote the half widths along the x and y directions,respectively.According to Eqs.(A1)and (A2),we can see if the object is near the original point (i.e.,θ0is small)and R zero R 0,the zeroth order mode is of circular shape (a ∼b ).If the object is far from the origin (i.e.,θ0is large),the zeroth order mode will become an ellipse (a =b ).Note that the projected spot on the plane will be inside the circle with radius R 0。



2332018年30期总第418期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS正确理解是表达的基础——民航文本翻译文/陈姝元【摘要】翻译包括理解和表达这两个环节,而理解是第一步,正确理解原文是翻译的先决条件。




【关键词】理解;民航;翻译【作者简介】陈姝元(1994- ),女,汉族,吉林人,研究生,中国民航大学,民航英语翻译。





例1:brief1.Passenger briefing. Before flight is conducted aboveflight level 250, a crewmember shall instruct the passengers on the necessity of using oxygen in the event of cabin depressurization and shall point out to them the location and demonstrate the use of the oxygen-dispensing equipment.2.Job Brief: To analyze and control the chemical and process.“brief”这一词在民航中很多情况下可译为“做简令”。

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Electronic Distribution of Airplane Software and theImpact of Information Security on Airplane Safety Richard Robinson, Mingyan Li, Scott Lintelman (Boeing Phantom Works),Krishna Sampigethaya, Radha Poovendran (NSL, University of Washington), David von Oheimb, Jens-Uwe Bußer, Jorge Cuellar (Siemens Corporate Technology)Abstract.The general trend towards ubiquitous networking has reached therealm of airplanes. E-enabled airplanes with wired and wireless networkinterfaces offer a wide spectrum of network applications, in particular electronicdistribution of software (EDS), and onboard collection and off-board retrievalof airplane health reports. On the other hand, airplane safety may be heavilydependent on the security of data transported in these applications. The FAAmandates safety regulations and policies for the design and development ofairplane software to ensure continued airworthiness. However, data networkshave well known security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers tocorrupt and/or inhibit the transmission of airplane assets, i.e. software andairplane generated data. The aviation community has recognized the need toaddress these security threats. This paper explores the role of informationsecurity in emerging information technology (IT) infrastructure for distributionof safety-critical and business-critical airplane software and data. We presentour threat analysis with related security objectives and state functional andassurance requirements necessary to achieve the objectives, in the spirit of thewell-established Common Criteria (CC) for IT security evaluation. Theinvestigation leverages our involvement with FAA standardization efforts. Wepresent security properties of a generic system for electronic distribution ofairplane software, and show how the presence of those security propertiesenhances airplane safety.1 IntroductionSafety concerns with airplane software have been extensively studied [10], [15], [17]. The FAA stresses the criticality of some of the software onboard airplanes through well established guidance assuring their proper design and development for continued airworthiness, e.g. RTCA/DO-178B [1] Level A safety-critical software. Yet the guidance does not even address the issue of software distribution and its security. Nowadays, airplane software is still distributed manually using disks and other storage media, and since security is not a primary objective, embedded systems onboard airplanes check (using CRCs) only for accidental modifications of software to be loaded. However, the proposed use of networks to distribute software electronically from ground to onboard systems raises unprecedented challenges to ensuring airworthiness [7], [11]. In particular, while the electronic distribution of software (EDS) reduces overhead and improves efficiency and reliability of airplane manufacturing, operation and maintenance processes, these benefits come only at the cost of exposing the airplane to potential attacks, in particular via data networks. TheFAA has recognized that current guidance and regulations for airplane software do not cover the requirements needed to address these vulnerabilities [4], [5].1.1 Safety vs. SecurityAlthough information security requirements are warranted, assessing their impact on airplane safety is non-trivial. It is clear from the established FAA guidance in [1] and elsewhere that the regulatory community is concerned about assuring the design and implementation of certain software components and that they consider that safety may be affected if such components were to become corrupted. Therefore, security vulnerabilities in an EDS may present opportunities for attackers seeking to directly lower airplane safety, e.g. by corrupting safety-critical software distributed onboard, or to impede usability of onboard systems, e.g. by corrupting less critical software such as DO-178B [1] Level D. One must assume that international terrorists, as well as criminals pursuing economic damage, are capable today of employing advanced technologies for attacks. Thus it is now necessary to assess the impact of information security attacks against airplane safety and to develop strategies for mitigating the associated vulnerabilities. There is a body of literature that presents arguments for commonality among the safety and security disciplines [8], [9], [12], [16], but it remains an open question how to integrate the two fields. While indeed security affects safety, it is not clear how to express the relevant security considerations, and how to accommodate security risks and mitigations in the context of a safety analysis. There exist as yet no formal or agreed guidelines for certifying or assessing safety critical systems together with their security needs. In particular two questions remain open:•How to integrate the mainly discrete methods applied in security analysis into the quantitative, probabilistic approaches typical of reliability analysis?•How to combine the analysis of security, which refers to non-functional properties, with the functional SW correctness analysis in order to achieve a defined overall system safety level?We believe that more research in this area is needed. Besides our necessarily limited contributions, we would like to benefit from any scientific advances there.1.2 Our ContributionsThe contributions of this paper are two-fold.•We present security requirements for a generic EDS system, called Airplane Assets Distribution System (AADS). Our approach is based on the Common Criteria (CC) [3] methodology, identifying threats to AADS from an adversary attempting to lower airplane safety, deriving objectives to cover the threats, and stating functional requirements to cover the objectives.•We assess the implications of information security threats on airplane safety. Our approach is based on the Information Assurance Technical Framework [2] to analyze the CC Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) necessary and sufficient to address threats against the integrity of software of highest criticality.2 Airplane Assets Distribution System (AADS)The electronic distribution of airplane information assets, i.e. software and data, can be modeled by a generic system that we call the Airplane Assets Distribution System (AADS). Figure (a) illustrates the AADS model with the entities and flow of assets. Not all entities interact directly with all others. Note that functional overlaps are possible, with a single entity assuming roles of multiple entities, e.g. an airplane manufacturer can be a supplier for some software. The nature and content of interactions change depending on the lifecycle state of a specific airplane, which can be: in development, assembly, testing, use, resale, etc. The responsibility of the AADS for an asset begins when it takes over the asset from its producer, e.g. supplier or airplane, and ends when it delivers the asset at its destination, i.e., embedded systems such as a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) in an airplane, or at the consumer of airplane-generated data. The path between the producer and the destination of the asset is referred to herein as the end-to-end path. Each of the links in this path must fulfill the security objectives given in Section 3.2.1 AssumptionsProcesses in each entity in the AADS are assumed to be operating as designed and expected. In particular, the AADS is assumed to be administered in a proper way. Access privileges must be assigned and managed appropriately at each entity. Passwords and private keys are kept secret, and certificates are properly managed and protected. Each supplier is accountable to produce safety-assured software as per [1]. The networks used for asset distribution are assumed to be robust against well known denial of service attacks. It is worth noting that software distribution via physical media is generally adequate to meet requirements for timely software delivery to an aircraft. Finally, it is assumed that airplane owners are capable to manage the software configurations of airplanes reliably and correctly, and that airplanes produce status information accurately..2.2 Adversary ModelAn adversary in the AADS model is assumed to be capable of passive network traffic analysis as well as active traffic manipulation, node impersonation, and insider attacks. The objective of the adversary is to actually lower the safety margins of airplanes (as in the case of international terrorists) and/or to induce safety concerns and disturb business (as would be expected of sophisticated hackers or international criminal organizations).For purposes of the present analysis, we consider the scope of adversarial attacks to be limited to security attacks over data networks. The process of loading software on LRUs within an airplane is assumed to be sufficiently protected with specific physical, logical, and organizational inhibitors, checks, and control. Loading is only performed at specified times, for example, when the airplane is in maintenance mode, and by authorized personnel using authorized equipment. Moreover, certain checks are in place to enable detection of corrupted software, e.g. checking the list of parts to be loaded with a configuration list provided by the airline, and if software is compatible with the destination LRU hardware and software environment. Furthermore, it can be assumed that due to software and hardware redundancies (e.g. several code instances executing in parallel on different system platforms on the airplane), most unintentional or unsophisticated corruptions or misconfigurations in safety-critical software are detectable at least when loaded into an LRU. Therefore, to effectively cripple a safety-critical function in the airplane, the representation of software must be modified at several positions. This significantly increases the effort needed from the adversary.Based on the motivation and impact of adversarial attacks over networks, we can classify security threats as described next.2.3 Safety ThreatsThe adversary can attack the AADS to threaten airplane safety. We identify the following specific threats that could amount to sabotage of the airplane.Asset Corruption. The contents of distributed software can be altered or replaced (in an undetectable manner) to provoke accidents. This type of corruption to airplane-loadable software is sometimes referred to as coherent corruption, emphasizing a distinction from arbitrary bit-substitutions, which generally would render a software component unloadable. Airplane-generated data can be also corrupted to threaten airplane safety, e.g. by altering safety-related reports contained in airplane-generated data.Software Misconfiguration. In order to cause havoc, a mismatch between the airplane’s intended and actual configuration can be provoked by preventing delivery of software, deleting software, or injecting inappropriate software during distribution.Asset Diversion. Software can be diverted to an unsuitable honest destination in order to provoke accidents, e.g. by disturbing the execution of other software at that destination.Asset Staleness. The revocation and update of software that need to be changed for safety reasons can be blocked and delayed, thus impeding the distribution processes.2.4 Business ThreatsThe adversary can attack the AADS to induce unjustified airplane safety concerns or to cause flight delays, and thereby present threats to business of airplane manufacturer and/or owner.Asset Unavailability. Assets can be made inaccessible or unusable, for example by jamming asset distribution to disrupt airplane service.Late Detection. Assets can be intentionally corrupted so that the tampering is detected late enough for the airplane to be put out of service. For example, when tampering of software is not detected during distribution from ground systems to airplane, but is detected only upon final load at the destination LRU in the receiving airplane. Software corruption that is detectable by an LRU, or whose installation renders the LRU non-functional, is distinct from that referred to above as coherent corruption. False Alarm. Assets can be tampered to cause economic damage from misleading safety concerns. In particular,, corruption of configuration reports might cause an airplane to appear as if incorrectly configured, creating unwarranted flight delays from the misleading safety concerns.Repudiation. Any entity in the AADS could deny having performed security-relevant actions, e.g. deny having distributed or received some software.3 Securing AADSThe threats listed in the previous section must be countered and mitigated by appropriate security objectives, which in turn must be implemented using suitable mechanisms. This section presents the security objectives to counter the security threats listed above, followed by an overview of the mechanisms proposed to achieve them, as well as a brief rationale why they should be sufficient for this purpose.3.1 Safety-relevant Security Objectives1.Integrity. For every asset that is accepted at its destination, its identity andcontents must not have been altered on the way—it must be exactly the same as at the source of the distribution. This includes protection against injection of viruses and other malicious code.2.Correct Destination. An airplane must accept and receive only those assets forwhich it is the true intended destination.test Version. Assets must be accepted only in the latest announced version.4.Authenticity. For every security-relevant action, the identity of entitiesinvolved must be correct. This applies in particular to the alleged source of an asset.5.Authorization. Whenever an entity performs a security-relevant action, it musthave the authorization or privilege to do so. Otherwise the action must be denied.6.Timeliness. Required software installations and updates must be capable ofbeing performed and confirmed by appropriate status reports within a specified period of time, otherwise a deliberate decision must be made whether the respective airplane is still considered airworthy.3.2 Business-relevant Security Objectives7.Availability. All necessary assets must be available in a time window adequateto support regulatory requirements and business needs.8.Early Detection. The fact that attackers have tampered with assets must bedetected as early as possible; that is, by the next trusted entity handling it. In particular, a tampered part should be detected well before actually being loaded by its destination LRU.9.Correct Status Reporting. Status information concerning asset disposition, inparticular reports listing the current airplane software configuration, must be kept intact during transport in order to avoid false alarms claiming, for instance, missing parts.10.Traceability. For every security-relevant action, as well as unsuccessfulattempts to perform such actions, all relevant information must be kept for a period of time sufficient to support regulatory requirements and business needs, such as general short-term security audits. This information includes the identity of entity involved, the action type with essential parameters, and a timestamp.11.Nonrepudiation. To support forensics, for instance after an airplane crash,entities must not be able to deny their security-relevant actions. Evidence for this must be long-lived: at least 50 years.Table 1 (see overleaf) shows which security objectives mitigate which threats. The mechanisms employed in the AADS to address the above objectives are described next.Table 1: Security threats and objectives to cover them.3.3 Securing Distributed Assets Using Digital SignaturesDigital signatures constitute the main mechanism to secure distributed assets in the AADS. We note that the choice of using digital signatures, as opposed to other integrity protection solutions such as keyed hashes and virtual private networks (VPN), is made in order to additionally provide nonrepudiation of origin as well as data authenticity and data integrity across multiple AADS entities. The message sent from a source to destination appears as follows:(1)signmetadataassetasset,metadata,(,)sourcesign denotes a signature with the private key of entity X, and metadata whereXdenotes additional information associated with the asset or its handling. Common examples include the destination (or a class of destinations) constituting the intended delivery target for assets, and timestamps or similar tags that can be used to inhibit later replay. Using the public key of the source and the hash function, the receiver can check all the information received. In this way, the signature ensures the integrity of the asset and the metadata, thus covering also freshness and the correctness of the destination.A major challenge remains with respect to authenticity (and the related authorization requirement): how does the receiver reliably know the public key of the source? The management of identities and associated keys and certificates is an important task[13], requiring implementation of key management facilities or availability of a PKI.A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) [6] consists of a Registration Authority (RA) toauthorize key/certificate requests from entities, a Certification Authority (CA) to generate and issue asymmetric key pairs and corresponding digital certificates for requesting entities and to determine validity of certificates, and a Certificate Repository to store and distribute certificates. An airline may assign the role of RA and/or CA to a trusted third party, e.g. a government agency or commercial vendor. Alternatively, an airline can implement its own PKI and itself function as RA and CA.Relying on a PKI, the source can simply append to its message a standard digital certificate, source cert , provided by a CA trusted by the receiver:),,,(period validity id K id sign cert CA source source CA source = (2)where X id is an identifier for entity X and source K is the public key of source . The receiver can check the certificate, needing to know only the public key of the CA, and thus obtain and verify the authenticity of source K .Yet a PKI is a complex system, which in turn needs to be certified, which is a major undertaking in itself. Driven by the considerations briefly shared in section 4.2, we are currently investigating light-weight alternatives to PKI.The verification of asset signatures can be end-to-end or entity-to-entity, as follows.Entity-to-entity integrity protection . For every signed asset, each intermediate entity verifies and re-signs it, and then forwards it to the next entity along the desired path for that asset. Depending upon business requirements, and state of an asset’s life-cycle or workflow, re-signing may constitute replacement of an existing signature or addition of a new one. In an entity-to-entity arrangement, localized key management capabilities suffice to establish trust and authenticity.End-to-end integrity protection . Each asset, signed by its producer, is verified at each intermediate entity as well as by the final destination. The end-to-end architecture may be argued to have stronger security properties than the entity-to-entity architecture.Implementing an end-to-end architecture requires distributed entities to have access to information about more identities than merely those of their immediate neighbors. Generally, this means making use of a mature public key infrastructure. The main security advantage of end-to-end architecture is that the final receiver need not trust intermediate entities but just the first sender whom it can authenticate directly. Intermediate entities cannot undetectably tamper with data in transit.As the life-cycle of AADS-distributed parts evolves, the practical lifetime of signatures must be considered. The cryptanalytic capabilities available to attackers improve over time, and the potential for compromise of secret keys increases. Signature lifetimes may be extended via periodic refreshment or replacement of signatures. New signatures can be based on longer keys and improved cryptographic algorithms, as they become available.3.4 Other security mechanismsSecurity-relevant actions like releasing, approving, ordering, receiving, and loading software, as well as issuing and revoking certificates must be authorized. This can be achieved, for instance, via role-based access control or certificate-based capabilities.In order to support traceability, all security-relevant actions, as well as unsuccessful attempts to perform such actions, are timestamped and logged. Logs must be implemented with tamper-proof storage.High availability can be achieved with host and network protection mechanisms, for instance efficient filtering, channel switching, and redundant storage and bandwidth.3.5 Coverage analysisThe security mechanisms given in sections 3.3 and 3.4 suffice to cover required EDS security objectives given in sections 3.1 and 3.2, as described below. A more in-depth examination of the requirements coverage is contained in [14].The integrity and authenticity of assets is guaranteed by the digital signature of the source and the corresponding public key or certificate(s), with the validity period of the signatures extended by refreshing them. Checking signatures as soon as possible during transmission (i.e. at each intermediate entity) contributes to early detection of improper contents. In the source signed asset, the timestamp together with version numbers ensures that an outdated asset is not accepted, satisfying latest version, in accordance with the principle that airlines must be responsible for managing the configurations of the aircrafts they own. Further, by including the intended destination among signed meta-data with distributed assets, diverted assets are not accepted, meeting correct destination. None of the above mechanisms can mitigate insider attacks, though appropriate access controls ensure that critical actions are initiated by authorized personnel only.Signatures for integrity protection of status information and authorization of status-changing actions contribute to correct status reporting of information on assets. Signatures and audit logs are sufficient for achieving nonrepudiation and traceability. Although availability cannot be fully guaranteed in AADS, existing techniques can be used to mitigate jamming attacks. Backup mechanisms, such as traditional physical transfer of storage media using bonded carriers, can be used to reduce impact of non-availability of assets or asset distribution. Timeliness relies on availability, timestamping and organizational measures: in case of asset uploads being due, the providers must notify the respective receivers in a timely way and specify the new version numbers as well as a deadline by which the assets must have been loaded. Moreover, they must make sure that the assets are available for being pulled by the receivers during the required period of time.4 Assurance Levels and Impact on SafetyIn this section we present our analysis of the implications of security threats to the safety of airplanes, and determine the minimum assurance levels that must be met by AADS. Moreover, we mention pragmatic considerations on achieving them.4.1 Determination of Assurance LevelsThe Threat Level for the expected threat source on airplane safety, according to [2], is that of international terrorists, i.e. T5 - sophisticated adversary with moderate resources who is willing to take significant risk. Some software is of ultimate criticality for flight safety and is assigned RTCA/DO-178B [1] Level A1, and thus according to [2] have Information Value V5 - violation of the information protection policy would cause exceptionally grave damage to the security, safety, financial posture, or infrastructure of the organization. Since the failure of parts with software Level A is catastrophic, so too can be the effect of not achieving the integrity and authenticity protection that should be guaranteed by the AADS distributing such software. According to [2], the above assigned Threat Level T5 and Information Value V5 together imply selection of EAL 6.To address security concerns emerging from business threats, an assurance level of EAL 4 is sufficient, as follows. The Threat Level according to [1] for the expected business Threat Source is that of organized crime, sophisticated hackers, and international corporations, i.e. T4 - sophisticated adversary with moderate resources who is willing to take little risk. Attacks against the availability of assets can cause major damage to airlines from the business perspective, by putting individual airplanes out of service. Moreover, one must be able to counter attacks against software that have a highly visible effect to passengers, in particular if they affect more than one airplane. For example, a hacker could corrupt Level D or Level E software e.g. controlling the cabin light or sound system, for which generally no strong defense may exist. In this way the attacker could create anomalies to provoke safety concerns. This can cause severe damage to the reputation of both the airline and the airplane manufacturer, in particular as it might appear that little confidence can be put on their ability to protect other, highly critical software in the airplane. This could cause the whole fleet to be grounded, even though mainly for psychological reasons. From scenarios like these, we propose that there are assets that have a business Information Value of V4 - violation of the information protection policy would cause serious damage to the security, safety, financial posture, or infrastructure of the organization. Given a Threat Level T4 and a Information Value V4 for parts, according to [2], EAL 4 is sufficient.1 For software of lower criticality level (B thru E according to [1]), some lower value would be sufficient, but since the AADS should uniformly handle software of all criticality levels, the desired EAL with respect to safety threats should be the one for Level A software.4.2 Pragmatic issuesAn assurance level of EAL 4 permits maximum assurance for the development of the AADS with the use of positive security engineering based on good commercial development practices [3]. Although these practices are rigorous, they do not require significant specialist knowledge, skills, and other economically taxing or time consuming resources.As mentioned in Section 3.3, the state-of-the-art requires the AADS to make use of digital signatures which rely on some form of key management. Unfortunately, the maximum assurance level of current commercially available Public Key Infrastructure is EAL 4, and the practical value of evaluating the system to a level higher than its PKI environment can support is questionable. This could motivate specification of assurance for the AADS at the highest EAL available for PKI, which currently is EAL 4. Yet EAL 4 would be insufficient for the integrity protection needs of Level A software. Moreover, evaluating a whole system as complex as an AADS at an assurance level of EAL 6 would be extremely costly.As a viable solution to the discrepancy just described, we suggest a two-level approach where the mechanisms covering the most critical safety-relevant objectives, namely those which counter the threat of corrupted software (i.e., integrity, authenticity, and authorization), reach EAL 6, while the remaining components are kept at EAL 4. Since the mechanisms requiring EAL 6 include key management, it is necessary to raise the certification of an existing PKI to that level, or to implement the necessary functionality within the highly-critical part of the AADS. Designing the AADS architecture such that the key management for the EAL 6 components is minimized should make the high-level certification effort bearable.5 Conclusions and Future WorkIn this paper, we have studied the safety and security aspects of electronic distribution of software (EDS) and data. We have identified information security threats to airplane safety emerging from attacks on safety-critical software. Additionally, we have found that attacks on less critical (and hence less protected) software controlling onboard utility systems can induce unwarranted and misleading safety concerns, impeding business of airplanes. We have proposed a secure EDS system, Airplane Assets Distribution System (AADS), which addresses the threats and serves as a guideline for design and evaluation of EDS systems implemented for use with airplanes. Further, we have evaluated the impact of security threats on safety, and suggested suitable assurance levels for enabling a Common Criteria security evaluation of EDS system implementations. Concerning the assurance assessment and certification effort for AADS, we have proposed a two-assurance-level approach that addresses integrity protection of safety-critical software while keeping evaluation cost manageable.。
