13 Shh. Baby Bunny Is Sleeping (2) 绘本
最新《跟上兔子》 五年级 第2季 where do babies come from
WHAT DOES LITTLE BIRDIE SAY ?小鸟说什么?What does little birdie say , In her nest at peep of day ?小鸟整天在他的窝里说什么?(Let me fly,mother,let me fly away.)(让我飞吧,妈妈,让我飞吧。
)(Birdie,rest a little longer,till your little wings are stronger.)(小鸟,休息一会儿,直到你的小翅膀变强。
)So she rests a little longer,Then she flies away所以她休息了一会,就飞走了What does little baby say , In her nest at peep of day ?小宝宝在窝里整天说什么(Let me rise and fly away.)(让我起身飞走。
)(Baby,sleep a little longer,till your little limbs are stronger.)(宝贝,多睡一会儿,直到你的小四肢强壮起来。
)If she sleeps a little longer,如果她睡得久一点,Baby too shall fly away婴儿也会飞走Mothers always take care of us , especially when we are babies . But how do we come to our family ? Where do we come from ?母亲总是照顾我们,特别是当我们还是婴儿的时候。
但是我们是怎么来到我们的家庭的呢?我们从哪里来?Bill is reading a book about eggs with his younger sister Jill比尔和妹妹姬尔正在读一本关于鸡蛋的书。
宝宝睡前小故事2目录1. 小恐龙卡卡 (4)2. 白兔奶奶的摇椅 (5)3. 勇敢机智的小黄鹂 (6)4. 守株待兔 (7)5. 我的美丽签名 (8)6. 豆豆兵去打仗 (9)7. 好饿的毛毛虫 (10)8. 驯鹿比尔 (11)9. 没有触角的小蚂蚁 (12)10. 小蝌蚪 (13)11. 仙女耿那丽 (14)12. 冬天的风 (15)13. 雕花弓 (16)14. 小闹钟 (17)15. 车铃不响的自行车 (18)16. 香蕉滑梯 (19)17. 后羿射日 (20)18. 回家喽 (21)19. 小帮手 (22)20. 小狗的故事 (23)21. 小荷花找朋友 (24)目录22. 女娲造人 (25)23. 特别的小飞虫 (26)24. 找星星的梦 (27)25. 得宠的马儿 (28)26. 燕子飞回来了 (29)27. 猪和牛 (30)28. 三个好朋友 (31)29. 要你赔 (32)30. 自惭形秽 (33)31. 耳朵上的绿星星 (34)32. 小乌鸦学艺 (35)33. 月季和玫瑰 (36)34. 山鹰与狐狸 (37)35. 三把小伞 (38)36. 比目鱼 (39)1.小恐龙卡卡小恐龙卡卡的牙齿很厉害,能咬很多硬东西,“咔啦”就把树枝咬断了。
吳敏蘭老師《繪本123 用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》,繪本123-CH1開啟寶寶的閱讀之門第一章0-2歲,打開那扇寶寶的閱讀窗【books for baby】推薦書單,書目如下:1.《Ready to Your Bunny》2.《Black on White》3.《White on Black》4.《Oops! 》5.《Blankies》6.《Waiting for Baby》7.《First Time–Nursery》8.《Cook it! 》9.《Teddy or Train》10.《Funny Faces Fancy Dress》11.《Look at Me, I’m a Monster》12.《What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? 》13.《Giggle Giggle A giggly glove Puppet Book》14.《Old MacDonald Hand Puppet Book 》繪本123-CH2 好玩又沒壓力的來看書!第二章2-3歲,小小孩也愛看的無厘頭書【fun&silly books】推薦書單,書目如下:1《What’s in the Witches’Kitchen?》2《Shark in the Park》3《The Napping House》4《No David》5《Knuffle Bunny》6《Mommy Laid an Egg》7《Not a Box》8《We Are in a Book (An Elephant and Piggie Book)》9《Everyone Poops》10《How Are You Peeling?》繪本123-CH3 你今天吃了什麼+ 從頭到腳動一動+ 衣服變變變第三章3-6歲,幼兒主題書【stories with themes】推薦書單,書目如下:CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Elmer》3《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》4《Freight Train》5《Where is the Green Sheep》6《A Color of His Own》7《Winnie the Witch》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 123來數數8《Ten Black Dots *》9《The Doorbell Rang》10《Mouse Count》11《1,2,3 to the Zoo》12《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?1《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》2《Eat Your Peas》3《Green Eggs and Ham》4《Don't Forget the Bacon》5《Today is Monday》6《Goldilocks》7《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動8《From Head to Toe》9《Go Away Big Green Monster》10《Funny Bones》11《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變12《Froggy Gets Dressed》13《Caps for Sale》14《Yuk!》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園1《Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?》2《We Are Going On a Bear Hunt》3《The Very Busy Spider》4《The Grouchy Ladybug》5《The Seals on the Bus》6《I Went Walking》7《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙8《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》9《The Carrot Seed》10《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》11《Little Cloud》12《Planting a Rainbow》13《When Sophie Gets Angry》14《The Tiny Seed》5-6歲,晚安故事大集合【bedtime story】+你準備好上學了嗎?【school&friends story】推薦書單,書目如下:CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合1《Good Night Moon》2《Again!》3《Ten in Bed *》4《Good Night Gorilla》5《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》6《Monkey Puzzle》7《Guess How Much I Love You》8《Now One Foot, Now The Other》9《Love You Forever》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?10《David Goes to School》11《Splat the Cat》12《Yo! Yes?》13《How Do Dinosaurs Go to School》14《Chrysanthemum》15《How Do YOU Feel》繪本123-CH6+7 環遊世界走透透+ 經典繪本永流傳5-6歲,環遊世界走透透【multicultural story】+經典繪本永流傳【classics to keep】推薦書單,書目如下:CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透1《This is the Way We Go to School》2《Handa's Surprise》3《Me on the Map》4《Dim Sum for Everyone》5《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳6《Madeline》7《Curious George》8《Where the Wild Things Are》9《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》10《Olivia》第一至第七章推薦書中,各組精選3本而成的超值體驗組,共33冊,書目如下:繪本123-CH3-CH7精選體驗組CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》3《A Color of His Own》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數4《Ten Black Dots *》5《The Doorbell Rang》6《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?7《Eat Your Peas》8《Don't Forget the Bacon》9《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動10《From Head to Toe》11《Funny Bones》12《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變13《Froggy Gets Dressed》14《Caps for Sale》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園16《The Grouchy Ladybug》17《The Seals on the Bus》18《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙19《The Carrot Seed》20《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》21《Little Cloud》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合22《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》23《Monkey Puzzle》24《Now One Foot, Now The Other》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?25《Splat the Cat》26《Chrysanthemum》27《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透28《This is the Way We Go to School》29《Me on the Map》30《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳31《Curious George》32《Where the Wild Things Are》33《Olivia》CH1 開啟寶寶的閱讀之門1.《Ready to Your Bunny》2.《Black on White》3.《White on Black》4.《Oops! 》5.《Blankies》6.《Waiting for Baby》7.《First Time–Nursery8.《Cook it! 》9.《Teddy or Train》10.《Funny Faces Fancy Dress》11.《Look at Me, I’m a Monster》12.《What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? 》13.《Giggle Giggle A giggly glove Puppet Book》14.《Old MacDonald Hand Puppet Book 》CH2 好玩又沒壓力的來看書!1《What’s in the Witches’Kitchen?》2《Shark in the Park》3《The Napping House》4《No David》5《Knuffle Bunny》6《Mommy Laid an Egg》7《Not a Box》CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》到33《Olivia》2《Elmer》3《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》4《Freight Train》5《Where is the Green Sheep》6《A Color of His Own》7《Winnie the Witch》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數8《Ten Black Dots *》9《The Doorbell Rang》10《Mouse Count》11《1,2,3 to the Zoo》12《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?1《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》2《Eat Your Peas》3《Green Eggs and Ham》4《Don't Forget the Bacon》5《Today is Monday》6《Goldilocks》7《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動8《From Head to Toe》9《Go Away Big Green Monster》10《Funny Bones》11《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變12《Froggy Gets Dressed》13《Caps for Sale》14《Yuk!》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園1《Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?》2《We Are Going On a Bear Hunt》3《The Very Busy Spider》4《The Grouchy Ladybug》5《The Seals on the Bus》6《I Went Walking》7《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙8《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》9《The Carrot Seed》10《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》11《Little Cloud》12《Planting a Rainbow》13《When Sophie Gets Angry》14《The Tiny Seed》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合1《Good Night Moon》2《Again!》3《Ten in Bed *》4《Good Night Gorilla》5《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》6《Monkey Puzzle》7《Guess How Much I Love You》8《Now One Foot, Now The Other》9《Love You Forever》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?10《David Goes to School》11《Splat the Cat》12《Yo! Yes?》13《How Do Dinosaurs Go to School》14《Chrysanthemum》15《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透1《This is the Way We Go to School》2《Handa's Surprise》3《Me on the Map》4《Dim Sum for Everyone》5《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳6《Madeline》7《Curious George》8《Where the Wild Things Are》9《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》10《Olivia》CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》3《A Color of His Own》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數4《Ten Black Dots *》5《The Doorbell Rang》6《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?7《Eat Your Peas》8《Don't Forget the Bacon》9《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動10《From Head to Toe》11《Funny Bones》12《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變13《Froggy Gets Dressed》14《Caps for Sale》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園16《The Grouchy Ladybug》17《The Seals on the Bus》18《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙19《The Carrot Seed》20《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》21《Little Cloud》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合22《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》23《Monkey Puzzle》24《Now One Foot, Now The Other》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?25《Splat the Cat》26《Chrysanthemum》27《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透28《This is the Way We Go to School》29《Me on the Map》30《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳31《Curious George》32《Where the Wild Things Are》33《Olivia》。
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Molly系列共8辑全50册(文档+mp3音频)51.Barefoot 的唯美绘本动画【52-300】留空301.200多G的英文儿歌童谣绘本动画视二、动画、视频、电影、动漫1.[高清动画合集]Animation.BluRay.720P.Pack-Tbmovie159部720P高清动画合集几乎涵盖了2012年前你能想到的所有欧美动画片BluRay HDTV电影2.50部最适合儿童学英语的高清动画片2.ABC Bakery美语烘焙屋全套48DVD 12期214集全3.Arthur4.BBC5.Bill Nye theScience Guy6.diego7.Dinosaur Train 恐龙列车8.Famous 5 On TheCase9.Horrid Henry10.How and Why11.I Can Cook 1-4季含字幕12.KID'S ABC13.Little Bear14.Little PimEnglish for Little Kids15.Maisy小鼠波波和他的朋友们-英文字幕16.Meet the SightWords 等7DVD17.Olivia 小猪奥莉微Season 1 Nick Jr(TV series)18.PBSKids-Zoboomafoo 野生动物系列19.Secret_Millionaire_Club巴菲特神秘俱乐部20.Sofia the First 小公主苏菲亚第一季第二季21.Super Why22.TALK TO_YOUR_CHILD_IN_ENGLISH23.Team_Umizoomi 数数城的小兄妹1-4季(部分字幕)24.Your baby canread25.Where the WildThings Are DVD视频26.《托马斯和朋友们》(THOMAS AND FRIENDS)双语版第1季到第4季27.阿罗Harold系列28.爱探险的朵拉Dora the Explorer29.安徒生童话清晰版30.巴布工程师Bob the Builder31.贝贝熊32.本和霍利的小王国-Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom23集AVI33.彼得兔34.彩色乐园Get Squiggling35.创意英语Richard Scarry's双字幕可切换36.大红狗Clifford the Big Red Dog37.大熊贝儿蓝色的家38.单词世界Word World39.迪斯尼(迪士尼)40.电影学英语系列:双字幕(Learn EnglishbyDouble-Caption Movies41.丁丁历险记英文动画42.动物玩玩乐园The Busy World of Richard Scarry43.粉红猪小妹Peppa Pig44.国家地理百年纪念典藏45.哈利波特Harry Potter46.海绵宝宝SpongeBob SquarePants(章节书和中文动画见相关目录)47.好奇猴乔治Curious George48.洪恩49.洪恩小小幼儿英语50.花园宝宝51.花园宝宝英文50集52.火车宝宝Chuggington53.降世神通.最后的气宗st.Airbender54.卡由Caillou动画片55.蓝精灵1-9季56.蓝色斑点狗系列Blue's Clues57.蓝色小考拉动画35集英音BBCPenelope58.马达加斯加的企鹅行动第一辑The Penguins ofMadagascar59.麦克斯和卢比Max and Ruby(含绘本及第一季字幕)60.猫老大Top Cat61.米菲61.米菲62.米奇妙妙屋63.哪咤传奇儿童英语64.牛津阅读树配套动画The Magic Key神奇之钥65.女巫麦格和小猫莫格Meg and Mog_Megs66.培生阅读67.奇先生妙小姐68.巧虎英语69.清华附小推荐给学生的60部经典电影70.清华幼儿英语2007版71.清华幼儿英语语感启蒙第1-4册(旧版)72.少儿英语教学分级电影73.神奇校车74.世界经典动画短片合集75.适合亲子共看的电影84部(葛欣推荐)[01.波普先生的企鹅Mr.Poppers.Penguins02.查理和巧克力工厂03.大闹天宫04.地球上的星星05.放牛班的春天06.蝴蝶07.龙猫宫崎骏08.美丽人生09.千与千寻宫崎骏10.尼斯湖怪深水传说11.天堂电影院12.听见天堂13.夏洛的网Charlottes Web14.小绅士Little Men15.小淘气尼古拉Le petit Nicolas16.小猪巴比Babe17.新纽扣战争War of the Buttons18.彼得潘Peter Pan19.中央车站Central Station20.阿拉丁Aladdin21.宝莲灯22.卑鄙的我1-2 Despicable Me23.冰河世纪Ice.Age 1-3部24.超人特工队25.虫虫特攻队A Bug's Life26.穿靴子的猫Puss.In.Boots27.[丛林大反攻三部合集]Open.Season. 28.丁丁历险记29.飞屋环游记30.非常小特务4 Spy Kids All the Time in theWorld31.风中奇缘32.公主和青蛙The Princess And The Frog33.功夫熊猫1-234.怪兽大战外星人35.怪物公司36.怪物史莱克1-437.海底总动员38.葫芦兄弟39.花木兰1-240.霍顿与无名氏Horton Hears A Who41.浪漫鼠德佩罗42.里约大冒险43.料理鼠王44.邻家特工The Spy Next Door45.马达加斯加1-346.美女与野兽Beauty And The Beast47.蜜蜂总动员Bee Movie48.魔发奇缘Tangled49.木偶奇遇记50.鲨鱼黑帮Shark Tale51.闪电狗Bolt52.圣诞营救计划The Flight Before Christmas53.狮子王The Lion King 1-354.睡美人Sleeping Beauty55.泰山Tarzan56.玩具总动员Toy Story 1-357.拜见罗宾逊一家Meet the Robinsons58.小叮当1-3 Tinker Bell59.小鹿斑比1-2 Bambi60.飞天巨桃历险记James And The Giant Peach61.鬼妈妈62.极地特快The Polar Express63.九色鹿64.狂野大自然The Wild65.了不起的狐狸爸爸The Fantastic Mr Fox66.没头脑和不高兴67.魔女宅急便68.邪恶新世界2 Happily N'Ever After 269.辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie70.驯龙高手How To Train Your Dragon71.爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice In Wonderland72.博物馆惊魂夜1-273.藏獒多吉The Tibetan Dog74.穿条纹睡衣的男孩The Boy in the Striped Pajamas75.当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness76.借物少女艾莉缇The Borrower Arrietty77.绿野仙踪The Wizard of Oz78.小鬼当街Baby's Day Out79.勇敢者的游戏jumanji80.忠犬八公的故事Hachiko A Dog's Story81.纳尼亚传奇3.The.Chronicles.Of.Narnia.The.Voyage.Of.The.Dawn.Tre ader82.小鞋子83.汤姆·索亚历险记84.雪孩子]76.双语不用教77.探索频道制造的原理(Discovery How It's Made)78.天线宝宝80.万能阿曼Handy Manny81.威比猪Wibbly Pig82.我的兔子朋友My Friend Rabbit83.我们一家都是狮Between the Lions84.小公主A Little princess85.小狗卡皮Kipper86.小鸟趣事多87.小鼠波波和她的朋友們[13DVD+配套4CD]88.小兔彼得和他的朋友89.小小救生队Fireman Sam90.新版新概念英语1-4册全部视频和课本91.信谊视听之旅中英双语92.星际宝贝Lilo And Stitch93.学乐Scholastic94.驯龙高手95.英文绘本动画40个带字幕(麦斯的圣诞节、雪人、母鸡萝丝去散步、卖帽子、给姑妈笑一个、下雪天、小熊可可、彼得的口哨、小乔逃跑了、彼得的椅子、我的名字chrysanthemum、最奇妙的蛋、莫里斯的妙妙袋、阿利的红斗篷、爱音乐的马克、千变万化、派克的小提琴、神奇变身水、床底下的怪物、巫婆奶奶、阿虎开窍了、驴小弟变石头、神秘的蝌蚪、大猫来了、国王的新衣、田鼠阿佛、鱼就是鱼、鳄鱼柯尼利斯、这是我的、小黑鱼、月下看猫头鹰、快乐的婚礼、老鼠牙医-地嗖头、为什么蚊子老在人们耳朵边嗡嗡叫、快乐的猫头鹰、月亮,生日快乐、晚安,猩猩、好吵的罗拉、三个强盗、野餐)96.芝麻街97.走遍美国98.最专业美国外教Shane 口语听力课Daily Dictation美式843集99.埃及王子100.冰河世纪102.动物总动员3D101.冰河世纪:猛犸象的圣诞节104.怪兽电力公司103.功夫熊猫105.海底总动员106.蓝精灵DVDR5英文原声中英双字幕107.蓝精灵圣诞特别版108.了不起的狐狸爸爸(中英)109.料理鼠王-中英字幕]110.魔发奇缘(国英粤台)111.汽车总动员2112.星银岛(国英粤)113.洪恩奇境英语之海蒂114.生活会话篇海蒂115.diego_1-6116.英文睡美人狐狸与猎狗猫儿历险记森林王子森林王子2 小美人鱼小美人鱼2117.穿靴子的猫BD中英双字1280高清118. 180部儿童英文高清动画片可选中英双字幕给孩子看电影动画有这一个就够了001.无敌钢铁侠002.无敌破坏王(2012)003.仙履奇缘1950004.仙履奇缘2美梦成真005.仙履奇缘3时间魔法006.小鸡快跑(2000)007.夏洛特的网008.小鹿斑比1009.小鹿斑比2010.邪恶新世界011.幻想曲2000012.极地特快013.精灵旅社(2012)014.小叮当:夏日风暴015.野兽家园016.钟楼怪人017.太空堡垒暗影编年018.玩具总动员1019.玩具总动员2020.玩具总动员3021.玩具总动员之夏威夷假期022.小红帽后现代版2023.星银岛024.蜜蜂总动员025.狮子王1026.狮子王2027.狮子王3028.小飞象029.奇妙仙子与精灵杯大赛030.汽车总动员1031.汽车总动员2032.忍者神龟033.圣诞颂歌034.守护者联盟035.双鼠记036.泰山1037.太空犬038.猫和老鼠:飙风天王039.猫和老鼠:胡桃夹子的传奇040.猫和老鼠:绿野仙踪041.猫和老鼠与福尔摩斯042.美食从天降043.牧场是我家044.纳尼亚传奇:魔幻王国:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱045.玛丽和马克思046.猫狗大战1047.猫狗大战2048.匹诺曹049.汽车闯天关050.拯救小英雄051.老太太与死神052.料理鼠王053.绿野仙踪054.马达加斯加1055.马达加斯加2:逃往非洲056.马达加斯加3057.美女与野兽058.加菲猫059.精灵鼠小弟1060.精灵鼠小弟2061.科学怪狗062.空中大灌篮063.狂野大自然064.蓝精灵065.里约大冒险066.虫虫特工队067.地下理想国068.辛巴达七海传奇069.星河战队:入侵070.驯龙高手071.战鸽快飞072.阿拉丁1073.阿拉丁2074.埃及王子075.艾尔文与花栗鼠2076.艾尔文与花栗鼠3077.白雪公主1937078.拜见罗宾逊一家079.卑鄙的我080.怪物史莱克1081.怪物史莱克2082.怪物史莱克3083.怪物史莱克4084.狐狸与猎狗2:终生的朋友085.花木兰1086.花木兰2087.拯救小兔088.超级大坏蛋089.超人特工队090.风中奇缘1091.风中奇缘2092.公主与青蛙093.怪兽电力公司094.怪物大战外星人095.海底总动员096.海绵宝宝历险记097.爱丽丝梦游仙境098.超狗任务099.穿靴子的猫100.大丹麦狗马默杜克101.丁丁历险记102.怪兽屋103.变形金刚大电影104.查理和巧克力工厂105.超人大战极英盟106.超人与蝙蝠侠:启示录107.彼得潘1108.彼得潘2109.别惹蚂蚁110.冰河世纪1111.冰河世纪2112.冰河世纪3113.冰河世纪4114.大雄兔115.勇敢传说118.森林王子2119.石中劍120.星际宝贝121.熊的傳說122.亚特兰帝斯:失落的帝国123.飞屋环游记124.机器人历险记125.神奇太空裤126.剃刀边缘127.月球野餐记128.凯尔经的秘密129.鲨鱼黑帮130.疯狂原始人131.快乐的大脚2132.快乐的大脚133.消失的天猫座134.南方公园电影版135.圣诞夜惊魂136.泰若星球137.鼠来宝1138138.功夫熊猫139139.功夫熊猫2140140.加菲猫Ⅱ141.魔法保姆麦克菲142.鬼妈妈(2D版)143.南极大冒险144.小鬼当家1145.亚瑟和他的迷你王国146.豚鼠特工队147.圣诞狗狗148.闪电狗149.冲浪企鹅150.亚瑟和他的迷你王国3 151.阿童木152.魔发奇缘153.鼠国流浪记154.逃离地球155.木偶奇遇记156.神奇海盗团157.浪漫的老鼠158.辛普森一家159.睡美人160.霍顿与无名氏161.魔法保姆麦克菲2 162.老爸向前冲163.小鬼当家2164.丛林大反攻165.通灵男孩166.了不起的狐狸爸爸167.飞鸟娱乐168.尼斯湖水怪169.雾都孤儿170.蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起171.捕鼠记172.小屁孩日记3173.仙镜之桥174.犬八公的故事175.飞机总动员176.火星救母记177.小美人鱼1178.小美人鱼2179.小美人鱼3180.冰雪奇缘)119.憨豆系列120.baby signingtime 手语时间121.猫和老鼠五十周年珍藏版国粤英三语动画10DVD mkv格式13.6GB122. 9部适合孩子观看的圣诞电影和动画片中英双语双字幕123. 双语儿童动画剧辛普森一家The Simpsons 1-25季124.全球著名儿童动画少儿版125.Bigfoot PresentsMeteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks1-10126.Sid the ScienceKid 西德科学小子127.小大人系列little mammoth series 15AVI 中英双语128.Barbie芭比系列28部中英双语双字幕+和芭比一起歌唱14首歌129. 【儿童教管绝招】超级保姆51部高清视频合集130.汤米环保之旅131. 纪录片:BBC英国广播公司132. 小马宝莉(中文+英文)133.10部小孩绝对会爱看的英文原版动画片(附视频+字幕+绘本下载)134.帕丁顿熊4Paddington.2014.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-RARBG 135.Splat the Cat系列(2本pdf+11本的mp3+1个动画)136.动画电影学习版137. 100部经典儿童电影推荐(分四个年龄段)138.芭蕾小精灵安吉莉娜Angelina Ballerina139.芭蕾舞鼠安吉丽娜Angelina Ballerina140.迪斯尼电影75部141.波西·杰克逊与神火之盗Percy Jackson And TheOlympians The Lightning Thief142.10部优秀的儿童电影查理的巧克力工厂、上帝也疯狂、哈尔的移动城堡、别惹蚂蚁、地球上的星星、可爱的动物、何处是我朋友的家、小马王、霍顿与无名氏、机器人历险记143.Discovery婴儿成长【144-300】留空301.小小爱因斯坦302.迪斯尼神奇英语新版全32集(3-12岁启蒙英语)+教材303.《数学城小兄妹》TeamUmizoomi全2季共39集英文版304.学英文入门美剧查莉成长日记四季全Good Luck Charlie305.真人科普类知识纪录片Come Outside系列共37集306.小熊查理Little Charley Bear26集307.迪斯尼自然出品的生态、唯美纪录片七部合辑【英文视频】308.60秒学英语(2014年145集)309.海底小纵队英文版1-3季310.新世纪走遍美国311.英语过山车312.大胡子爷爷讲故事教英语RMVB三、儿歌、童谣、读经、诵读1、英文儿歌童谣1.Ralph's_World2.Rock Me Baby3.Super Simple Songs4.Wee Sing5.迪斯尼英文儿歌97首6.迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列Disney Children's Favorites Songs7.鹅妈妈Mother Goose Club - Click Play All!8.洪恩巴迪英文童谣9.洪恩英文儿歌50首MP310.金宝贝早教音乐11.朗文歌曲Songs And Chants 51首+乐谱歌词12.乐智小天地巧虎的律动欢唱学英语歌13.巧虎泡泡英语歌曲14.双语快乐儿歌-英文童谣之伦敦桥15.听儿歌(完整版)16.推荐英文儿歌20首17.我的第一本中文+ 英文歌曲视频18.小书虫英语童谣视频19.英文儿歌3CD转MP3+歌词20.英文儿歌274首mp321.英文经典歌谣一起唱22.英文童谣精装精选特辑144首23.英文flash儿歌24.鹅妈妈童谣(英文MP3音频+歌词文档)25.Barefoot singalong系列19首儿歌绘本视频【26-300】留空301.500首经典童谣500首经典欧美儿歌2、英文读经诵读1.儿童西方文化导读MP32.莎士比亚-仲夏夜之梦3.莎士比亚《莎翁十四行诗》4.英语导读1000句四、分级、教材、读物、学习1.A Closer Look(PDF+MP3)2.EarlyReads PDF+MP33.Harcourt4.Heinemann 海尼曼5.Hello Reader故事城堡1-4级(PDF文档+MP3 适合3-10岁儿童)6.Home School Books7.Houghton Mifflin8.Jack and Jill杰克和吉尔阅读9.JumpStart10.learn to read11.Let's Read and Find out Science12.Love English13.Macmillan Readers 麦克米兰有声分级读物系列14.MathStart15.On Our Way To English16.Penguin Readers Level 0-6 99 books pdf& mp317.Reader rabbit 美国聪明兔系列18.Reading a-z 少儿英语分级教材20.SCOTT FORESMAN 系列分级读物21.Sight Word Kids22.Tell Me more23.Words Family24.Write Source G1-G6(MP3+PDF)25.从零开始学英语26.迪斯尼动画故事150册(原版绘本+原声音频)27.典范英语28.国家地理儿童百科29.机灵狗30.加州教材31.加州教材Mcgraw-Hill Reading Wonders 2014版32.加州中学教材33.美国科学教材10个MP3 Gk --G2 原汁原味儿童配音34.美国亚马逊最畅销的小学课程学习互动式软件35.美国在家上学联盟G1-G6 Homeschooling Reference Materials36.牛津系列37.轻松英语名作欣赏系列-外研社(小学版+中学版)MP3+PDF38.趣趣英语预备级至6级MP3及卡片39.体验英语少儿阅读文库40.童话盒子1-3级-外研社41.新版少儿阶梯英语42.新东方Password Readers系列分级读物-无资源43.新课标英汉对照名著故事屋44.英文文档、音频、教材45.英文自然拼音46.英语理论学习47.谢孟媛英语初级、中级文法及发音篇48. 学之源满分英语全套49. 【小学英语】30课时玩转小学语法50.清华语感启蒙全套51.英语语法动画139课52.8套正音教材推荐53.低幼数学数字启蒙Numtums英文版英文字幕第1+2季51集全54.清华幼儿英语阅读启蒙教程55.不能错过的英语启蒙(安妮鲜花,外研社)56. 1-14岁经典原版英文读物,美国孩子的“家常书”57.美吉姆音乐全部16套【58-300】留空301. 优贝早教总动员_英语全30集302. 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[Golden Kite Award] Tony Abbott –Firegirl18.Around the World in 80 Days - JulesVerne[Read by Jim Dale]19.[鲁宾逊漂流记原版未删节有声小说] Robinson Crusoe20.少儿获奖英文小说MP3音频20本21.多伦的秘密Secrets of Droon22.Ready, Freddy MP323.Rotten School清晰16本PDF文档+2个MP324.My Father's Dragon三部曲(MP3音频+PDF文档)25.My Weird School+Daze26.Winnie-the-Pooh(MP3音频+PDF文档)27.小间谍哈瑞特Harriet the Spy英语有声书28.Diary of a Wimpy Kid小屁孩日记1-5(PDF+MP3)29.Famous Five30.Jenny Nimmo - The Red King (CharlieBone) (1-8)MP3+文档31.Nate the Great系列(MP3音频+PDF文档)32.Junie B. Jones(PDF文档+MP3音频)33.哈利波特英文34.Little House 小木屋35.老鼠记者Geronimo Stilton36. 遗产The Inheritance Cycle系列有声书MP3音频+文档Ages 12 up37.棚车少年1-4季(The Boxcar Children)MP3音频+文档7 - 10 years 英文章节书2、自然拼音1.学乐Scholastic 每日一练自然拼读练习册2.BBC-Alphablocks视频3.The Complete Book of Phonics4.phonics kids5.Jolly Phonics6.Hooked on Phonics7.学而思自然拼读1-3级8.Super Phonics9.跳跳蛙自然拼读法LeapFrog10.Fun With Phonics11.Super Simple ABC‘s Phonics Fun12.Real Kids Readers13.Zoophonias Kids14.A Progressive Phonics Book15.[我爱拼音]DK-I+LOVE+PHONICS16.跟美国语言专家学习26个字母的标准发音(有口型视频对比)17.学习英语音标的flash18.丽声唱学自然拼读19.我的第一套自然拼读故事书(PDF+MP3)20.【美音】Phonics自然拼读启蒙动画片《Kid'sABC》(共24集+字幕+游戏手册等)21.沃利的单词魔法Nick Jr. Wallykazam Season 1。
1Penelope is polite .............................2Playing with colours ...........................3Penelope sings ...............................4It's delicious ...............................5Penelope tidies her room .........................6hide and seek ................................7Grandpa's birthday . ...........................8penelope makes biscuits ..........................9Milo and Madeline ..............................10Penelope takes a nap1 Penelope is polite第一个场景At schoolPenelope had lots of fun at school today. It's time to go home now. Oh, that's my mum. Mum.Penelope.Let's go home.Is she going to leave just like that? Shouldn't you say anything to your teacher and your friends before you go home? Penelope, what do you say? Uh? Oh, I forgot. Bye~.That's right.You say goodbye when you leave.Bye, Penelope. See you tomorrow.Bye bye.You have to be polite, Penelope.第二个场景In the gardenHey, wait. Uh? Oh.Oh, no! Penelope stepped on the kitten's tail.Is she all right?Uh? You are OK?Penelope, when you are sorry, what do you say?I say...Do you know what to say?I'm sorry. It tickles.That's right.You say I'm sorry when you do something wrong.第三个场景In the living roomPenelope, it's Lily Rose on the phone.Oh, I'll ask her to play with me.Hello, Lily Rose.Hello, Penelope.No greeting?Greeting? Ah, ah...oh...Good evening.Em? Good evening?That 's for the evening.Oops, I made a mistake. Good afternoon.Good afternoon, Penelope.That's right.You should say good afternoon.第四个场景In the bedroomI can't find it. Where is it?Penelope, it's time to go to bed.Mum, Dad, Max's missing. Max's missing.Is he?Yes.Again ?I can't sleep without Max.Oh...We'll help you find him.Dad, have you found him?Not yet. Oh.En, now, let's see. Here is your bunny.Yes. Dad, you 've found him.And here we are.Now what do you say to Dad for finding bunny for you?Uh, thank you!You are welcome.Yes, that's right. You should say thank you. 第五个场景Still in the bedroomI've learnt lots of greetings today.If I see kitten in the morning, I say good morning.That's right.If dad gives me the last piece of chocolate cake, I say thank you.If I scare someone when I sneeze ,I say I'm sorry.And when you leave school, what do you say then?I say goodbye.Very good. You've learnt a lot today, haven 't you, Penelope? But what doyou say now?Uh..Not thank you, not I'm sorry. Uh... Good night!Good night!Penelope learnt a lot of greetings today.14 Playing with coloursSe01Penelope and her friends are going to play with colours today. What is playing with colours?Colour ,colour, colour, colour, what colour?What colour do you like ,tell us please?Yellow. Yellow.Yellow, where is it?Let 's look around.Yeah!Do you think you can find something yellow?This isn 't yellow. And this isn 't yellow either.I found something. This is yellow. Yellow!I found something too. Yellow!Wow, ouch! Yellow, wait!Oh, yellow. I found something.I see. This is how they play with colours. So ,everyone found something yellow. It looks fun.SE02Colour ,colour, colour, colour, what colour?What colour do you like ,tell us please?Blue!Blue! I found blue!En ,blue ,blue. ⋯Oh, yeah, blue!This isn 't blue. This isn 't either.Lily rose, there 's something blue. Look!Wow! Yes, blue!SE03Colour,colour, colour, colour, what colour?What colour do you like ,tell us please?Green!Green! Green! Yeah!I found something too.Hey, wait, wait ⋯But butterflies are not green. And dragonflies aren 't green either. En? Green!SE04Colour ,colour, colour, colour,what colour?What colour do you like ,tell us please?Red!Red! En ⋯This isn 't red. And this isn 't red either.But this book is red.Wow! You found something, daddy. I want to find something too.Oh, you will. It 's right here, somewhere.Right here? But where could it be?Can you find something red? I wonder where it is.Look! Uh?Look at your face in the mirror.Oh,yes. I 've forgot. Yes, I found it. My nose is red!Did you find it to? Playing with colours is fun.3Penelope sings01Penelope is going for a walk. I learnt a song at school today. Really?How did it go?She looks proud.Sing for Mum and Dad.02 Hop and hop and...uh...hop and hop and...uh...which animal hops? Erm... elephants!Hop and hop and A hopping elephant.An elephant? Really?But can elephants hop?Aren't they too heavy?What do you think?Hop and hop and...oh,wait, that's not right.Hoping? Uh... a rabbit!Hop and hop and a hopping rabbit.Hop and hop and a hopping rabbit.03Swim and swim and ...swim and swim and a swimming cats.A cat?A poor little cat.But cats don 't like water.I wonder who swims? Swimming...fish!Swim and swim and a swimming fish.04Fly and fly and a flying camel.Wow..A flying camel?Really?But can camels fly?Mmm...What flies? Flying...Butterfly!Fly and fly and a flying butterfly.05Wiggle wigle, a wiggling sheep.The sheep?Really?But do sheep wiggle?Wiggling...snake!Ah...Mmm...Wiggle wiggle a wiggling snake.06Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.Swim and swim, a swimming fish.Fly and fly,a flying butterfly.Wiggle wiggle, a wiggling snake.Haha..what a lovely singer you are!Oh, my penelope.Heehee...Hop hop swim swim fly fly and wiggle wiggle Now who runs?Do you know?Penelope! Come here!Coming, Dad , Mum.Yes, it's Penelope. Heehee... Haha...Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.Swim and swim, a swimming fish.Fly and fly,a flying butterfly.Wiggle wiggle, a wiggling snake.Run run run. She runs so fast.Look at how Penelope runs.Run run runI run so fast.Look at how I run so fast.4It's deliciousNearly.What is Penelope doing?Oops. Which one should I try?Maybe this chocolate,or I'll have this sweet.Well, aren't you going to have dinner soon, Penelope?Are you allowed to eat sweet before dinner?What do you think? Oh.Penelope, dinner is ready.But dad, I'm going to have a sweet now.If you eat that sweet now, you won 't be able to eat your dinner.That's right.If you eat sweet before dinner, you'll be too full to enjoyyour meal.Now, come sit at the table. Oh, well.Bon appetie. Let's eat.What are they having dinner for today?This is nice.You love cheese quiche, don't you, Penelope.Yes, I love cheese quiche.But this soup...But you haven 't even tried the soup yet? No...Penelope doesn't seem to like the soup.Is that anything you don't like eating?Ah, I'm full.I hope you'll not too full for dessert.Dessert?What are we having, Mum?I made yummy custard. Wow, custard, custard. I love custard.(Don 't get so excited, you 'll fall off the chair.)I love,love custard.You can have custard when you finish the soup.Oh, no.Oh, dear.There 's still a lot left.But I can't eat it, I'm full. But if I don't eat it ,I can't have any custard. Uh, yes, hehe.What if I swop my bowl with dad's .Maybe hewon't notice.Or maybe... What if I give the soup to the hungry cat, then I can eat the pudding.That's a great e e on. Penelope. Penelope.What's the matter?You see, I 've had a great idea.A great idea?What is it?La la la (Why don't you tell us?)It's a secret.What a checky girl she is!You should have the soup your mother made for you, penelope.Come on, Penelope.Here, I'll help you.Ok.You're very lucky , kitty.She only has to eat what she likes. Well, I'm sorry your plan didn't work out,but don't be disappointed. Your dessert is waiting for you, as soon as you finish yourmeal,Penelope.5Penelope tidies her roomOoh. Oh,Max! Here we go! Beep.beep. beep!Elephant and giraffe! Watch out !Beep! Beep!What a mess! Is your room like this too?I wonder what I should play with next.Oh, dear! Look at this mess.Mum, mum. Let's play with rings.Penelope, why don't you tidy your room first? And then we play with those . Tidy up? It 's not that mess!Well, I am going to go and clean and tidy the living room. Why don 't youtidy your room as well, Penelope?Tidy up, tidy up.Nows he's carrying books. Do you know where to put the books? That 's right.You put the books on the bookshelf.Oh, no! Oh, I found this sketch book. I am going to finish this cat. Kitty kitty, pretty kitty, enenen. Finished! Next, I am going to add a butterfly. Penelope, have you tidied your room yet?Oh, I forgot. I was tidying my room.You forgot, Penelope?Tidy up, tidy up. The sketch book and crayons go here .Oh,oh no. I don't like tidying up. I have got an idea.Oh, I wonder what Penelope 's idea is!I can hide all the toys under the blanket. Then tidying would be easy. It 's a great idea. I will do it.Penelope, what are you doing?I had a great idea.Oh, what is it? Tell us Penelope.It 's a secret.What are you up to Penelope?Oh, It 's nice and clean. Thanks to mum and dad. Next time you will do itall by yourself, won 't you Penelope?6Hide and seekIt 's beautiful day. Penelope and her friends are having fun at the farm.Lily Rose, Cesarine, Aladin, and Stromboli are all here.Let 's play hide and seek. OK.Rock! Paper! Scissors! Rock! Paper! Scissors!So you are it!You are it.OK, I 'm it. I 'll find you all.(OK!)Hurry up! Let 's hide!So do you think Penelope can find everyone?Where did they go?Where is everyone hiding?Do you know?Er, where are they? Erm... Anybody there? Let 's see...I can't see anyone.Oh, I forgot max.Oh, I found Stombli.Is there anyone here?Ah... “ Shh... ” Go away!Ha-ha, do you know whose tail that is?“ Shh... ” Ah,Who is that? Oh, I found Aladin.Do you think anyone is hiding here? Have a look.Oh! I found Lily Rose!Only one more to find now.Who 's still hiding?I can 't see anyone here. I found Cesarine.Haha, you found me.Oh, no. Look the pigs!Oh-oh, now what 's Penelope done?Oh, stop, wait. Come back.My godness. There you are. Oh, I am glad.Oh, where is Penelope?Is she hiding now? Let 's go find her.YesStop! Wait!Wait!Stop!Ouch! Wait!I got you!Oh I think I hear Penelope.Really? where is she? Where is she?Oh, we all found Penelope !Penelope and her friends have fun playing hide and seek !7Grandpa's birthdayLala ⋯.Mum looks like she is in a good mood.Mum? I am hungry.Just a second, Penolope. I am preparing for a party.Party?It 's grandpa 's birthday today.Grandpa's birthday ?Look, Penelope. This is the present for grandpa.Present? What 's inside?Do you have to wait until grandpa comes?I see. I 'v got a great idea.What is it?I won 't tell you.What is her great idea? Can you guess?I am going to give grandpa a present too. I will give him my sweets. I hope he'll like them.Ahh? It 's empty. Oh, I ate them yesterday.You are careless, Penelope?Oh, that 's right! Grandpa loves hats. Erm,maybe this is too small. How about mine? I will have to wrap it.Oh, no. The woolly hat is being unravelled.Oh, what happened?That 's not good to give to grandpa.What can I give him? Oh, I can draw a picture of grandpa. That 'sgreat!He will love it.Grandpa has a kind of round face.Round, round, nice face. His isn 't pointy. Ahh? Do they look like this?His nose is also round- shaped. Oh, so cute! Next his eyes. Smiling, smiling away, finished!Hello, Penelope!Oh, grandpa! Grandpa!Have you been a good girl?Yes.So let 's all celebrate grandpa 's birthday together.Oh, yes.Happy birthday grandpa!Oh, thank you!What is it?Nice pullover.I have a present too.This is for you.A present from you?Yes! Happy birthday grandpa!Thank you!Wow, what a lovely picture!Did I draw it well?Yes, very well done. It looks like exactly like you. It 's very cute. Oh, is it supposed to be her?Oh, I will put this in my room. Then I can see you everyday.It tickles.Grandpa is very happy. Penelope is also very happy.Cheers to grandpa. Yes!Birthday parties are fun. Aren 't they Penelope?8Penelope makes biscuitsEggs, butter, flour, sugar. Lily Rose and Cesarine are in Penelope's house. What are they doing?Let 's make some biscuits. OK.So they are going to make some biscuits.What do you do first? Do you know? Egg.What do you do with the egg?Yes, you crack it. Oh!Nice looking egg.Oh, wow.It looks like a sun.After the egg. What 's next? Butter.Yes, cream the butter well. Then you add the sugar. Right, now you add the flour. Slowly!Carefully! Oh, no! You did it again, Penelope!Phew! Oh, you are white!What do we do next?We mix it again.OK, let me do it this time.More, more, you need to mix the butter well.It tastes like a biscuit.And next?Make it flat.Make it flat.Make it flat.This is fun.Don't overdo it.Now it 's time to cut biscuits out.Quack, quack, it 's a duck.Twinkle, twinkle, a star.A, B, P.Oh, it 's P. P is for penelope.Oh, they 've made lots of them.Wow, how long will it take?Well, I think they will be ready by the time we finish cleaning up. OK.After making biscuits, you have to clean up the kitchen.That way the biscuits taste better.Oh, she can smell the biscuits already.They smell good.They will be ready soon.Soon, soon.Be careful, Penelope!Are they ready?Yes, they look just right. Wow.Wow.Quack, quack, it 's delicious.Yes, they are so good.Twinkly, twinkle.Twinkly, twinkle. They are yummy.They did a good job.You have fun, Penelope.9Milo and MadelineSomeone's at the door.Yes. Just a moment please.Oh!Goodness me! They look exactly the same.Mile and Madeline!Hello! Hello!Hello, Penelope!Hello. It is Penelope's auntie Mary Cesarine and her twin cousins Milo and Madeline.It 's nice to see you both.Erm..Which one is Milo and which one is Madeline?Yeah! Let's play. Let's play.Erm..Let's play hide and seek.Yeah! Let's play hide and seek.Where are they?and They're playing hide and seek.Penelope is trying to find Milo Madeline.Ah, got you, Milo.No, I'm not Milo. I'm Madeline.I'm Milo.Oh. I made a mistake.They're drawing pictures now.I've got some biscuits for you. Wash your hands first all right? OK. Can you see what Milo and Madeline are drawing?That's funny. It's Milo's face.No, this is Madeline.This is Milo.Even their pictures look the same.This is just like Madeline.This is just like Milo.Wait, biscuits. Biscuits.Very good. Very good!I'll have some too.Wasn't she supposed to do something before eating the biscuits? Do you remember what it was?They are very good.Yeah!Oh, I forgot to wash my hands.You mustn't forget Penelope.Now they're playing with wooden blocks.This is very tall. Very tall. Let's make it taller.Wow! Make it taller. Wow! A-qiu!Oops that was unlucky.Don't cry, please don't cry.Look! Oh!What are they drawing this time? Can you guess?Oh, who could it be?Done! Look! It's you! Funny.Funny.They have lots of fun, but it's time to go home now.I don't want to go home. I want to go on playing with Penelope.We will see her again.Ok. Bye, Penelope.See you.See you.Bye-bye.It looks if Peneple has a twin brother.Penelope has a lot of fun playing with the twins today.10Penelope takes a napOK,everyone, time for a little nap.OK.This is comfy.They all seem to be looking forward to a nap. How about you? Do youlike taking a nap?Oh, Penelope can't get to sleep.Hey, I can't sleep.Count sheep, I know, go to sleep, my mummy told me that. Count sheep? Good night.Count sheep...Does it work? Have you ever tried it?One , two, three, four, five...en...what's after five? After five (I)can't remember.Do you know what comes after five? Yes. It's six.Hey, I counted sheep, but I can't sleep.How about ducks?Ducks?One, two, three, four, five...精品文档10欢。
1.《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》:读完就能记住所有字母BillM artin Jr、JohnArcham bault、LoisEhlert著,BeachLaneBooks出版这是非常经典的字母故事书,通过一首字母表的韵律歌,描述所有的字母想爬到一棵椰子树上的情景,故事非常有趣,单词也相当押韵,读起来朗朗上口,是初学语言的小朋友的最爱,也是英语启蒙首选。
2.《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》:“毛毛虫”引导孩子不挑食Eric Carle著,PenguinUS出版这本书是Eric Carle最受孩子欢迎的童书之一,名气非常大。
多维阅读第2级—Rabbit and Frog 兔子和青蛙
What did the frog say? What did the frog jump over?
What did the rabbit look at? What did the rabbit say?
What happened to the rabbit? What did the rabbit say?
• What sound does the word log start with?
Which word says looked? What’s the difference between look and looked?
What suffix did we add to the words looked and jumped? What about looking and jumping?
More discussions
• What do you think of the frog and the rabbit? Why?
• What do you want to say to them? • Do you think that the rabbit should try to
jump over the pond? Why? Why not?
1. Listen to the audio and read the story. 2. Tell the story to your parents and classmates. 3. Write a new story about the rabbit and the frog.
Read and answer 阅读并回答问题
What’sadnitdhimethaeoreoekosn?t?the cover?
《跟上兔子》 五年级 第2季 where do babies come from
WHAT DOES LITTLE BIRDIE SAY ?小鸟说什么?What does little birdie say , In her nest at peep of day ?小鸟整天在他的窝里说什么?(Let me fly,mother,let me fly away.)(让我飞吧,妈妈,让我飞吧。
)(Birdie,rest a little longer,till your little wings are stronger.)(小鸟,休息一会儿,直到你的小翅膀变强。
)So she rests a little longer,Then she flies away所以她休息了一会,就飞走了What does little baby say , In her nest at peep of day ?小宝宝在窝里整天说什么(Let me rise and fly away.)(让我起身飞走。
)(Baby,sleep a little longer,till your little limbs are stronger.)(宝贝,多睡一会儿,直到你的小四肢强壮起来。
)If she sleeps a little longer,如果她睡得久一点,Baby too shall fly away婴儿也会飞走Mothers always take care of us , especially when we are babies . But how do we come to our family ? Where do we come from ?母亲总是照顾我们,特别是当我们还是婴儿的时候。
但是我们是怎么来到我们的家庭的呢?我们从哪里来?Bill is reading a book about eggs with his younger sister Jill比尔和妹妹姬尔正在读一本关于鸡蛋的书。
Let’s learn
Lingling: Ann: Lingling: Ann: Lingling: Ann:
Look, Ann. This is my new room. Wow. There are two toy bears on your bed. There is a big desk beside the bed. Look. There is a cat on the floor. Her name is Betty. What’s your room like? There is a closet and a shelf in my room. There are many books on the shelf. I want to have a shelf, too.
I like skating. I often skate in winter. Sometimes, I play with the snow and make a snowman.
Look at me! Can you find me? I’m a snowman now. What’s your favourite season, my dear friends?
play football on the street
climb ovalk
Let’s learn
Policeman: Boy:
Don’t play football on the street. Play on the playground, please. OK.
Policeman: Boy:
Don’t climb over the fence. Use the crosswalk, please. All right. Thank you.
Lesson 1
My favorite season is spring.
spring warm and windy
fly kites
summer hot and sunny
autumn cool
climb mountains
winter cold play with the snow
Dear: Cat:
I like running. Can I run with you, Mr Deer? OK! I’m too tired. I don’t like running.
Cat: Oh, I can’t do anything.
Let’s pronounce
Let’s sing
draw pictures
Let’s learn
Lingling: Steven: Lingling: Sally:
Do you have a hobby? Yes, I like playing football. What about you? I like singing. What’s your hobby, Sally? I like dancing. And Peter likes swimming.
computer room
Let’s r A: Lingling:
Welcome to our school. Your school is beautiful. Thank you.
Visitor B: Lingling:
Is there a library in your school? Yes, there is.
W h e n d o y o u g e t u pI often get up at 7 o’clock.When do you start class in SpainUsually at 9 o’clock.I always start class at 8 o’clockWhat do you do on the weekendI often clean my room and wash my clothes. Sometimes I play ping-pong with Zhang Peng Today is Sunday What do you do on the weekendI often go shopping with my mum.When do you finish class in the morningWe finish class at 1 o’clock. Then we eat lunch at home.Wow When do you go back to school after lunch At 2:30. Classes start a t 3 o’clock.When do you usually eat dinner in Spain Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock.Wow That’s too lateWhen do you get upI get up at 5 o’clock.When do you go to bedAt 6 o’clock in the morning. I work at night. When do you do morning exercisesAt 7 o’clock.Why are you shopping todayMy mum worked last night. So I’m shopping today.Good girl So what do you do on the weekendI often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.That sounds like a lot of fun.Yes,but I am also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner.You are so busy You need a robot to help you What do you on the weekendI often go shopping.What do you do on the weekendI usually clean my room.Robin’s playMy name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face,and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too.I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday.Friday is good at sports. He often wins.It’s Saturday now. Zoom, I’m always very busy. WhyLet me see. From Monday to Wednesday. I usually collect nuts in the afternoon.What elseOn Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun. On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.What do you usually do on the weekendI often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. I’ll play the pipa.WhenSaturday, at 12 o’clock. Oh noWhich season do you like bestAutumn.WhyBecause the colours are prettyWhich season do you like bestWinter. I can sleep all day. How about youI like spring best. There are beautiful flowers everywhere.Look at my picture.Miss White. I like summer best, because the Children’s Day.What do you often do in summerI often go swimming.Do you like music, childrenYes, it’s very beautiful. What is itThe Four Seasons. Today we’ll draw the seasons. Which season do you like best, MikeWinter. I like snow.I like snow, too. Which season do you like best, Wu YifanSpring. It’s pretty.Yes, it is.Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture.Good job I like the trees. The colours are very prettyYes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful Which season do you like best, Miss WhiteSummer.WhyBecause I like summer vacationWelcomeThank you. Merry ChristmasMerry ChristmasWhat do you usually do on Christmas DayI usually go to the beach and swim in the sea You swim in the winterChristmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas.Which season do you like bestSummer. L like sunny days.Wow A white ChristmasLet’s make a snowman.GreatSay”cheese”CheeseWhen is Tree Planting DayIt’s in March.When is Dragon Boat FestivalIt’s usually in June.My mum will make zongzi then. I hope you can come and share some with us.That’s very kind of you.When is the school trip this yearIt’s in May.Is the singing contest in May, tooYes.Hooray for MayWe have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.When is the partyIt’s in April. We ha ve a school trip, too. When is thatIt’s in May.CoolI like autumn. I really like the colours.I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn.Great When is the trip this yearIt’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall. Cool I love the great wallEaster PartyWHEN: April 12th, 7 .WHY: Easter PartyWHERE: Wu Yifan‘s homeWHAT: We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny RSVP: Will you come to the party Please send me an email at by March 23rd.Look at my summer vacation planIt’s April now. The summer vacation is still three month away.Early planning is always good.In July I’ll visit my grandparents. They live in XinJiang.What will you do thereWe’ll go to Grape Valley. The grapes there are very sweet Grapes are my favourite fruitIn August, I’ll go to Huangshan Mountain. The tree there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful are beautifulThat sounds greatYou have a great plan, but what will you do this weekendThis weekendThere will be a maths test Monday. So please study hard.Oh my goodness I forgotHi, SarahIt is autumn in April here in Sydney. Autumn is my favorite season It is warm in the day and cool at night. Many people visit us in autumn because they like the weather.When you come, you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It is the largest event in Australia.What is the weather like in April in your city What do you often doAll the bestStellaWhen is Mother’s DayIt’s on the second Sunday in May.Happy birthday, MumThank you.When is Mid-Autumn Day this year September 27th.What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn DayWe eat mooncakes. My family will also eat a birthday cake.There are some special days in April.What are theyApril Fool’s Day and Easter.When is April Fool’s DayIt’s on April 1st.And EasterIt’s on April 5th this year.Wow I love AprilWhen is your birthdayMy birthday is on April 4th.That’s my mother’s birthday, tooCool What will you do for your mumI’ll cook noodles for her.Chinese noodles are deliciousPlease come then. We can have a birthday party for both of you.TWO NEW KITTENSApril 15thMy cat has two new kittens. They are pink because they are very young. They still can’t see. April 21thThe kittens are six days old. They make noises when they are hungry. They have white fur now. They are cute.April 26thTheir eyes are open They are blue.May 3rdThe kittens can walk now. They can play with RobinThe singing test will be on May 4th.I can’t sing well.Don’t worry. Practice make perfect.Will you come to the party Today is Rabbit’s birthday.Sorry, I can’t. I want to practice my song. Will you play football with me after lunch Sorry, I can’t. I want to practice my song. Let’s watch TV together. The show is very funny Sorry. I need more practice.Good job, Zoom.Thank you, Miss Bird.I’ll go swimming tonight. Will you goOf courseHey Whose dog is thatOh, it’s mine. He’s sleeping. He’s very tired.Wow What a beautiful painting Is it yours No. it’s his.What’s thatIt’s a rabbit. It’s mine.I see. Why is it jumpingIt’s playing with its friends.Whose carrots are theseThe carrots are theirs.The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours Yes, they are.Wow The picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is itIt’s Zhang Peng’s.Look There is a picture of Shanghai, too.It’s Yifan’s.Oh, yes it’s his.Who’s storybooks are theseThey are mine.Whose book is thisIt’s Mike’s. It’s his.Where is Fido nowHe’s in the kitchen.Is he drinking waterNo, he isn’t. He’s eating.Can I play with him nowYes, can you take him to the parkOf course Come hereWoof, woofHere comes a tiger.Where is itShh. Be quiet.Ah-chooWhose tail is that It’s running so it the tiger’sYes, it is.I see two monkeys.Where are theyShh. They are climbing.Wow they are fast, too.What are they doingWhy are they looking at usI don’t know.Look They’re taking pictures, too.That’s cute. They’re copying usShhHaha. Look They’re eating lunch They’re so cute.Yes, they areDum-de-dum…Work quietlyZoom Keep your desk cleanSorry.Keep to the right, please.Where is AmyShe’s listening to music in the classroom. Look at the pandaWhat are they doingHaha. They’re eating lunch They’re so cute. Oh, yes They like bamboo.What’s the little monkey doingIt’s playing with its motherDo you see any elephantsYes Look there The elephant is drinking water. My name is Tom. What’s your nam eShh. Talk quietly. I’m John. I can show you the English books.ThanksHere they are.OK. Can I read the books hereYes, of course.Anything elseYes. Keep your desk clean.OK. I will. Thanks.zai gan shen me neSorry. What are you sayingI’m spea king Chinese.Oh. Hello What are you doingI’m drawing a picture. Have a look.It’s lovelyAre you cookingYes. I’m cooking rice. Asako is making sushi. Can I playing music with youSure. Please take turns.Are you from chinaYes, I am.You are so cool Can you teach meSureAre you doing kung fuYes, I can. I’ll show you.I love the film.Yes. The gorilla is greatWow The gorilla is eating a banana.It’s so big and strong.What’s that noiseI’m eating popcorn.It’s so excitingYes, it is.Shh Talk quietlySorryLook at the sign.Oh, noWhose water bottle is thisThis is Fido’s. The green one is his. Where is mineYours is over there. The red one is yours. eat breakfasthave …classplay sportsexercisedo morning exerciseeat dinnerclean my roomgo for a walkgo shoppingtakedancingtake a dancing class whenafterstartusuallySpainlate..whyshopworklastsoundalsobusyneedplayletterliveislandalwayscavego swimming winspring summerautumnwinterseasonpicnicgo on a picnic pickpick apples snowmanmake a snowman go swimming whichbestsnowgood jobbecause vacation allpink lovely leaffall paint January February March April MayJuneJuly August September October November December fewa few thingmeetsports meet Eastertripyearplantcontestthe Great Wall national National Day American Thanksgiving Christmas holidaygamerolllook for chocolate bunnyRSVPbyfirstsecondthirdfourthfifthtwelfth twentieth twenty-first twenty-third thirtieth specialfoolkittendiarystillnoisefuropenwalkmineyourshisherstheirsoursclimbingeatingplayingjumpingdrinkingsleepingeachothereach otherexcitedlikedoing morning exercises having classeating lunchreading a booklistening to music keepkeep to the rightkeep your desk clean talk quietlyturntake turnsbambooitsshowanythingelse exhibition sayhaving a look sushiteachsure Canadian Spanish。
14 在……吼
Unite 1
24 上一个的
25 听起来好像
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
中文 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 季节 野餐 去野餐 摘 摘苹果 雪人 堆雪人 去游泳
这是谁的? 3
他在喝水么? 4
Unite 6
它们在干什么? 1
那只小猴子在干什么? 2
3 嘘,小声讲话。
4 保持桌面整洁。
英文 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It's Zhang Peng's. Is he drinking water? No,he isn't.He's eating.
英文 snowman make a snowman go swimming
四下英语绘本读物 I am a Bunny 课件
A In the summer, I like to lie in the sun and
watch the birds.
B Then I curl up in my 动能帮助
hollow tree and dream about spring.
fall n.秋天 v.落下
I love snow. I want to make a big snowman.
And, when winter comes, I watch the snow falling
from the sky.
Then I curl up in my hollow tree and
dream about spring.
In spring, I watch
the insects.
I blow the dandelion seeds into the air.
When it rains, I keep dry under a toadstool.
......... ..
What about the bunny’s life?
pick flowers
chase the butterflies
lie in the sun
watch the birds
watch the frogs
and watch the birds.
英文绘本I am a bunnny 拓展精读
一本英文绘本,与孩子一起领略四季的美:《I am a bunny》拓展精读Picture oneI am a bunny.我是只兔子。
My name is Nicholas.我的名字Nicholas。
I live in a hollow tree.我住在一棵树洞里。
This is the bunny这是那只兔子。
This is the hollow tree.这是那棵树洞。
It must be his home.那肯定是兔子的家。
We can also see some birds in the tree.我们还能看树上还住着小鸟What is Mumy bird doing?鸟妈妈在干什么呢?Oh, Mumy bird is feedind her three baby bird s with a worm. The baby birds are hungry. Oh,鸟妈妈在给她的宝宝喂虫子。
They are litle bunny’s neighbors.它们是小兔子的邻居。
Picture twoIn the spring, I like to pick fowers春天,我喜欢摘花。
Look, the bunny is holding a yellow fower in his hands.看,小兔子手里拿着一朵黄色的花。
We can see some white fowers and yellow fowers in the picture.我们还可以在上看到白色和黄色的花Which fower is white?哪朵花是白色的呢?Let's fip on.我们继续翻页吧。
Picture threeI chase the buterfies and the buterfies chaseme.我追蝴蝶,蝴蝶也会追我。
Chase the buterfes means follow the buterfies to catch them.Here the bunny is playing with buterfies.在这里小兔子正在和蝴蝶玩。
一、单选题1.( 10分 ) (2021五下·期中)找出下列单词中不同种类的一项(1)A.exerciseB.dinnerC.breakfastD.dinner(2)teB.earlyC.workst(3)A.DecemberB.ChristmasC.NovemberD.September(4)A.summerB.autumnC.winterD.letter(5)A.seasonB.snowmanC.meetD.best2.( 2分 ) (2021五下·期中)You'll eat a birthday cake ____the party.A. inB. atC. forD. on 3.( 2分 ) Shh. The baby is sleeping.A. Please keep quiet.B. Take turns.C. Keep the desk clean. 4.( 2分 )—What _____ you often do on the weekend?— I often ___________.A. are, playing ping-pongB. are, play ping-pongC. do, play ping-pong 5.( 2分 ) December is the __________________ month of the year.A. twelveB. twelfthC. twentieth6.( 分值: )— Look! The small cat is _________________.— Oh, __________________ cat is sleeping now.A. mine, yourB. my, yoursC. mine, hers7.( 分值: )选出不同类的单词()A. workerB. libraryC. teacher8.( 分值: ) It's sunny ________ hot today.A. orB. andC. but9.( 分值: )选出画线部分发音不同的单词()A. whyB. whoC. whatD. where 10.( 分值: ) 选出画线部分发音不同的—项()A. brotherB. blackC. brown二、选词填空11.( 5分 ) 根据图片,选择并写上合适的内容将语篇补充完整。
阅读的作用已取得大家共识。通常,孩子小的时候,一般亲子共读 家长都能做到,但随着孩子年龄的增长,作业多,辅导班多,孩子们 自然而然地就放下了课外书。趁疫情假期长,辅导班上不了,课堂作 业也少,请让孩子重新养成读书的习惯。
在新高考中考背景下,几乎所有学科的考试首先检测的是学生的阅 读素养,即阅读的速度和提取关键信息的能力。而阅读速度和阅读能 力是从大量的阅读中习得的,只要阅读跟得上,孩子不会差到哪里去。
2.In _____, the leaves(叶子) fall are yellow . A.fall B. autumn
• 1.In winter , I watch the _______. A. rain B. snow
2.In _____, the leaves(叶子) fall are yellow . A.fall B. autumn
一个假期的家里蹲,造就了很多的大厨。反正闲着也是闲着, 没事就参考下网上的食谱,学着做个菜,包个包子什么的。对于 孩子来说,这更是一个学习做家务,锻炼自理能力的好时机。
从食材选择,到营养搭配,再到色香味俱全,一点一点地陪孩 子做,然后再放手让孩子自己去做,弥补生活自理能力弱的短板, 孩子定会受益终生。
四、用心陪伴Байду номын сангаас子
平时,因为工作,生计等原因,家长们总是早出晚归,和孩子很 难有整段的时间聊一聊,玩一玩。现在趁疫情期间,家长不能外出 工作,就用心的陪伴孩子。
当然,这个陪伴不是你玩你的手机,他玩他的平板,相对无言。而 是参与到孩子的活动中去。比如,拿起手机,联机一起打个游戏 。
英语绘本《跟上兔⼦》HeyPiggyHey Piggy 教学设计Step1 Morning greetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going read a picture book together.And the name of the story is . (学⽣说出) 贴标题,中间偏右T:Hey Piggy!Do you know piggy? What is Piggy?S: It's a pig. It's a little pig. It's a baby pig.Step 2 Think and sayT: Look the picture here. Try to say something about the piggy.Ss: The Piggy is riding on the cloud. He is flying. …T: Is this a cloud? After we learn the story we can get the answer.(快节奏⼀⼆两步)Step 5 Read and thinkT: What happened between the Piggy and Dandelion? Do you want to know the answers? Try to read through the book and try to use 3-4 sentences to summarize the whole story. Ss:…(根据学⽣的反馈,进⾏板书)meet --- good time--- departure (say goodbye)Step 6 Read and learnT:We know what is story mainly about. Let's come to the first part. How do they meet each other? Try to read from 4-9.S: A gentle spring wind brings them together. (Try to do the action) (飞蒲公英) T: What happened then? Let's read!Ss: Read !T: They look at each other for a long time. (Act with one child.)T: huge means…Ss: Very, very bigStep 7 Read and actT: How do they meet? Do you know? Let’s act it out!Work in two! With actions. Add your own sentences.Only choose one group to show.Step 8 Read and learnYou did a good job. Is Piggy talking big? Does he really know a lot of cool places?S:Yes.T: He took Dandelion to the cool places by his little bike. Where did they go?Ss read and find the places.Ss: the elm tree, the golden beach, the forest, the cliffT: That is to say the little Piggy really knows many cool places. Let me put it on the blackboard.The big elm tree, the golden beach, the forest, the cliffT: Do you know cliff? Ss: Yes.Step 9 Imagine and sayT: Are they really cool places? Let’s talk about the first cool place.What can they see? They can see…What can they do? They can (do)…What can they hear? They can hear…How do they feel? They feel…Ss: Say something about picture one. (进⾏追问。
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How did Little Bunny feel at that time?
Listen and read the story
What did Little Bunny do when Baby Bunny was sleeping?
What did Mama and Papa and Granny do to Little Bunny
What is the story about?
Little Bunny has a little sister, Baby Bunny.
Little Bunny
Baby Bunny
One day, Little Bunny stayed at home
What did Little Bunny do? What did Mama do to Little Bunny?
Do you have a brother or sister? How do you feel about him or her?
What can you see from the cover? Who writes the story? Who draws the picture?
View and guess What is the story about?
They said:” Shhh. Baby Bunny is sleeping.
• What will you say to Little Bunny? • What did you learn from this story?
父母永远都是 爱我们的
家人、朋友之 间要互相理解
How did Little Bunny feel?
Little Bunny was not happy It seemed all anyone cared about was Baby Bunny.
What did Little Bunny do?
That night, when Little Bunny went to bed, he fluffed his favorite pillow. He snuggled under his quilt. He fell asleep. But not for long.
What did Papa do to Little Bunny?
“Shhh,” said Papa. “Baby Bunny is sleeping”
What did Little Bunny do? What did Granny do to Little Bunny?
Later, Little Bunny began to practice on Papa’s drums. “Shhh,” said Granny. “Baby Bunny is sleeping.”
Little Bunny was watching is favorite cartoon. Mama came in and turned down the sound “Shh,” she said. “Baby Bunny is sleepig.”
What did Little Bunny do?
What happened?
Baby Bunny was crying so loud you coul hear her all over the house
What did Mama, Papa and Granny do?
Little Bunny got out of bed. He marched down to Baby Bunny’s room. He peeked in the door. He saw Mama and Papa and Granny. They were standing around Baby Bunny’s crib saying, “Shhh. Little Bunny is sleeping.”