



美国文学作者作品Edwards: 爱德华兹The Freedom of the Will 《论意志自由》Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended 《论原罪》The Nature of True Virtue 《论真实德行的本原》名篇:Personal Narrative 《自述》Sinners in the hands of an Angry God 《愤怒上帝手中之罪》Benjamin Franklin:本杰明·富兰克林Poor Richard’s Almanac《穷理查德年历》Autobiography 《自传》Washington Irving:华盛顿·欧文A History of New York《纽约外传》The Sketch Book 《见文札记》名篇:Rip Van Winkle《瑞普·温·凡克尔》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 《睡谷传奇》James Fenimore Cooper:詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏Leatherstocking Tales 《皮袜子故事集》The Pioneer 《拓荒者》The Prairie 《大草原》The Last of Mohicans《最后的莫希干人》The Pathfinder《探路人》The Deerslayer 《猎鹿者》Ralph Waldo Emerson:拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Nature 《论自然》Self-Reliance 《论自立》Essays 《随笔集》名篇:The American Scholar 《美国学者》(has been regarded as “American Declaration of Intellectual Independence”被誉为美国思想的独立宣言)The PoetHenry David Thoreau:亨利·戴维·梭罗Walden 《瓦尔登湖》Nathaniel Hawthorne:纳撒尼尔·霍桑The Scarlet Letter《红字》The House of the Seven Gables 《七个尖角阁的房子》Mosses from an Old Manse《古厦青苔》The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》The Marble Faun 《玉石神像》Ethan Brand 《伊桑布兰德》Young Goodman Brown 《好小伙子布朗》Dr. Heidggeger’s Experiment 《海德格博士的体验》The Ambitions Guest 《野心勃勃的客人》The Greast Stone Face 《巨石脸》Herman Melville:赫尔曼·梅尔维尔Moby Dick《白鲸》Omoo《欧穆》Mardi《玛地》Typee 《泰比》Redburn 《雷德本》White Jacket 《白外衣》Pierre《皮埃尔》Billy Budd《比利伯德》Benito Gereno《班纳托西兰尼》Walt Whitman:沃尔特·惠特曼Leaves of Grass《草叶集》Songs of Myself《自我之歌》There was a Child Went Forth《有个小孩走过来》I Sing the Body Electric《我歌唱带电的肉体》Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking《走出永不休止地摇动着的摇篮》Emily Dickenson:艾米莉·狄金森My Life Closed Twice before Its Close《我的生命已结束过两次》Because I Can’t Stop for Death《因为我不能等待死亡》I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I died《我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声》Mine—by the Right of the White Election《我的丈夫—选择如意情人的权利》Wild Nights—Wild Nights《暴风雨夜》William Dean Howells:豪威尔斯The Rise of Silas Lapham《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》Henry James:亨利·詹姆斯The American《美国人》Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》The Portrait of a Lady《贵妇的画像》The Ambassadors《专使》The Wings of Dove《鸽翼》The Golden Bowl《金碗》Harriet Beecher Stowe:哈丽叶特·比切·斯托Oldtown Folks《老城的人们》Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Bret Harte:布勒特·哈特The Luck of Roaring Camp《咆哮营的幸运儿》Hamlin Garland:哈姆林·加兰Main-Traveled Roads《大路条条》Sarah Orne Jewett:萨拉·奥恩·朱亚特Deephaven《深深拥有》Kate Chopin:凯特·肖邦Bayou Folk《路易斯安娜移民》A Night in Acadie《爱克迪之夜》The Awakening《觉醒》Mark Twain:马克吐温The Gilded Age《镀金时代》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆索亚历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·芬历险记》Mysterious Stranger《神秘的陌生人》The Innocents Abroad《傻子出国记》Mark Twain Autobiography《马克吐温自传》Stephen Crane:斯蒂芬·克莱恩A Girl of the Streets《街头女郎麦琪》The Open Boat《海上扁舟》The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》The Black Riders《黑骑手》Frank Norris:弗兰克·诺里斯McTeague《麦克提格》The Octopus《章鱼》The Pit《深渊》The Responsibilities of the Novelist《小说家的责任》Theodore Dreiser:西奥多·德莱塞Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》The Financier《金融家》The Titan《巨人》The Stoic《斯多葛》The Genius《天才》An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》Jack London:杰克·伦敦The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》White Fang《白牙》The Sea Wolf《海狼》Martin Eden《马丁·伊登》The People of the Abyss《深渊中的人们》The Iron Heel《铁蹄》O·Henry:欧·亨利The Gift of the Magi《麦琪的礼物》After Twenty Years《二十年后》The Furnished Room《带家具出租的房间》Cope and the Anthem《警察与赞美诗》The Last Piece of Ivy Leaves《最后一片常春藤叶》Upton Sinclair: 厄普顿·辛克莱The Jungle《丛林》Ezra Pound:埃兹拉·庞德Cathay《华夏集》The Cantos《诗章》Hugh Selwyn Mauberley《休·塞尔温·毛伯利》T·S·Eliot:艾略特The Waste Land《荒原》Four Quartets《四个四重奏》Ash Wednesday《圣灰星期三》Hollow Man《空心人》The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 《杰·阿尔弗雷德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》Wallace Stevens华莱士·史蒂文斯Harmoniun《风琴》Collected Poems《诗集》Best-known poems: The Emperor of Ice-Cream《冰激凌皇帝》Anecdote of the Jar《坛子的故事》Sunday Morning《星期天早晨》The Idea of Order at Key West《基维斯特的秩序观念》William Carlos William威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯Paterson《帕特森》Robert Frost罗伯特·弗罗斯特Poetry Anthology:A Boy’s Will《少年意志》North of Boston《波士顿以北》Mountain Interval《山间》New Hampshire《新罕普什尔》West-Running Brook《西流的溪涧》A Further Range《又一片牧场》A Witness Tree《一株作证的树》Well-known poem: The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》Carl Sandburg卡尔桑德堡Chicago Poems《芝加哥诗抄》Cornhuskers《剥玉米的人》The American Songbag《美国民歌集成》The Prairie Years《草原年代》The War Years《战争年代》The People, Yes《人民,是的》Complete Poems《诗歌全集》E·E·Cummings肯明斯The Enormous Room《巨大的房子》Hart Crane哈特·克兰The Bridge《桥》Marianne Moore玛丽安·穆尔Collected Poems《诗集》F·Scott Fitzgerald费茨杰拉德This Side of Paradise《人间天堂》The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》Tender is the Night《夜色温柔》Tales of the Jazz《爵士乐时代的故事》The Beautiful and the Damned《漂亮冤家》The Last Tycoon《最后的大亨》Flappers and Philosophers《轻佻女郎与哲学家》Ernest Hemingway海明威The Sun Also Rises《太阳照常升起》Death in the Afternoon《午后之死》The Old Man and the sea《老人与海》Green Hills of Africa《非洲青山》A Farewell to Arms《永别了武器》For Whom the Bell tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》。

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第26章 多种族文学(2))【圣才出

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第26章 多种族文学(2))【圣才出

第26章多种族文学(2)I.Fill in the blanks.1.The most famous of the Asian American writers is_____,whose The Woman Warrior:Memories of a Childhood among Ghosts won_____for nonfiction for 1976and established her as a preeminent contemporary American writer.【答案】Maxine Hong Kingston,the National Books Critics Circle Award【解析】美国最著名的亚裔作家是汤婷婷(Maxine Hong Kingston),她的第一部作品是回忆录式的小说《女勇士》(The Woman Warrior:memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts),此书于1976年出版后,获当年美国全国书评界奖。



2.Another important Asian American writer is Amy Tan,whose first novel,_____, made quite a stir on the contemporary American literary scene and brought Asian American literature to the intensive scrutiny of readers and critics alike.【答案】The Joy Luck Club【解析】著名华裔美国女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的第一部小说《喜福会》一经出版就在美国文坛上引起很大轰动,并引起读者和评论家们对亚裔美国文学的强烈关注。




小说(德莱塞 ;辛· 刘易斯 ;薇拉· 凯瑟 ) “哈莱姆文艺复兴” (休斯;卡伦;理查德· 赖特 ) 左翼文学与反法西斯文学 (约翰· 里德 ;多斯· 帕索
斯 ;斯坦贝克 ;海明威;海尔曼 ) “南方文艺复兴” (威廉· 福克纳 ) 戏剧的“黄金时代” (奥尼尔 ) “新批评” (注重对文学作品本身进行精密分析, 在现代诗歌的分析上有其独到之处,他们摆脱了过 去仅仅介绍背景知识与发挥个人印象的批评方式。 但这一流派总的倾向是忽视文学作品的社会意义, 割断作品与历史、社会背景的关系)
American Puritanism
was a religious reform movement that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. Under siege from church and crown, it sent an offshoot in the third and fourth decades of the seventeenth century to the northern English colonies in the New World– a migration that laid the foundation for the religious, intellectual and social order of New England.
is a highly strict religious doctrine. The Puritans were determined to find a place on the new continent where they could worship God in the way they thought true Christians should. also has its practical aspect. The Puritans had to work hard in order to make a living and be ready for any misfortunes and tragic failures that might lie in wait for them.

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第14章 菲茨杰拉德

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第14章 菲茨杰拉德

第14章菲茨杰拉德•海明威I.Fill in the blanks.1.Set in Spain during the Civil War,the novel_____stated again Hemingway’s view of love found and lost,and described the indomitable spirit of the common people.(人大2006研)【答案】For Whom the Bell Tolls【解析】海明威的小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bell Tolls)以西班牙内战为背景,该小说陈述了海明威对爱与失去的观点,描写了普通人不屈不饶的精神。

2.F.Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel_____,with its portrayal of casual dissipations of “flaming youth”,was an immediate commercial success.【答案】This Side of Paradise【解析】1920菲茨杰拉德发表第一部长篇小说《人间天堂》,一举成名。


3.F.Scott Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the1920s decade in his masterpiece novel_____.【答案】The Great Gatsby【解析】《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是美国作家弗朗西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德所写的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的小说,被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征。




《美国文学简史》考研常耀信版考研复习笔记和考研真题第1章殖民地时期的美国1.1 复习笔记I. American Puritanism(美国清教主义)The settlement of North American continent by the English began in the early part of the seventeenth century. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. In 1620, the ship Mayflower carried about one hundred Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The first settlers in America were quite a few of them Puritans. They came to America out of various reasons. They carried with them American Puritanism which took root in the New World and became the most enduring shaping influence in American thought and American literature.英国向北美的移民活动开始于17世纪上半叶。





常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第12章 艾略特

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第12章 艾略特

第12章艾略特•史蒂文斯•威廉斯I.Fill in the blanks.1.In1927,T.S.Eliot announced that he was a royalist in_____,a classicist in_____, and an Anglo-Catholic in_____.(国际关系学院2007研;首师大2008研)【答案】politics;literature;religion【解析】艾略特宣称自己在政治上是个保皇派,文学上是古典主义者,宗教上是英国天主教徒。

2.Eliot’s_____is a morality play in verse dealing with the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket by knights of Henry II.(人大2006研)【答案】Murder in the Cathedral【解析】艾略特的《大教堂的谋杀案》是一部道德剧,讲述了亨利二世的骑士暗杀托马斯·贝克特大主教的故事。

3._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.(人大2006研)【答案】Wallace Stevens【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是美国20世纪的著名诗人。


4.The Waste Land was written by_____.(大连外国语学院2008研)【答案】T.S.Eliot【解析】艾略特,英国著名现代派诗人和文艺评论家,《荒原》是其代表作。

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第22章 纽约派诗人

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第22章 纽约派诗人

第22章纽约派诗人•沉思型诗歌•黑山派诗人I.Fill in the blanks.1.The Black Mountain Poets are so called because these poets are associated with _____,or with_____.【答案】Black Mountain College;Black Mountain Review【解析】黑山派诗歌是美国当代的一个诗歌流派。


II.Multiple Choice1.Which of the following poets is NOT a member of the New York School?A.William BurroughsB.John AshberyC.Frank O’HaraD.Kenneth Koch【答案】A【解析】威廉·勃洛斯是垮掉派作家之一。

2.Which of the following poets is NOT member of the Black Mountain poets?A.Robert CreeleyB.Robert DuncanC.Theodore RoethkeD.Charles Olson【答案】C【解析】西奥多·罗特克是自白派诗人之一。

III.Explain the following terms.1.Black Mountain poetsKey:A loosely associated group of poets that formed an important part of the avant-garde of American poetry in the1950s,publishing innovative yet disciplined verse in the Black Mountain Review(1954-57),which became a leading forum of experimental verse.Their experimental yet disciplined style took its impetus from the essay“Projective Verse”(1950)by Charles Olson.The Black Mountain School is linked with Charles Olson’s theory of“projective verse,”which insisted on an open form based on the spontaneity of the breath pause in speech and the typewriter line in writing.The group grew up around the poets Robert Creeley,Robert Duncan,and Charles Olson while they were teaching at Black Mountain.2.The New York SchoolKey:Unlike the Beat and San Franciso poets,the poets of the New York School are not interested in overtly moral questions,and,in general,they steer clear of political issues.They have the best formal educations of any group.The majorfigures of the New York School are John Ashbery,Frank O’Hara,and Kenneth Koch.They are quintessentially urban,cool,nonreligious,witty with a poignant, pastel sophistication.Their poems are fast moving,full of urban detail, incongruity,and an almost palpable sense of suspended belief.New York City is the fine arts center of America and the birthplace of Abstract Expressionism,a major inspiration of this poetry.Most of the poets worked as art reviewers or museum curators,or collaborated with painters.Perhaps because of their feeling for abstract art,which distrusts figurative shapes and obvious meanings,their work is often difficult to comprehend,as in the later work of John Ashbery (1927-),perhaps the most influential poet writing today.。



第二部分模拟试题第1章常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)模拟试题及详解(一)I.Fill in the blanks1.Thomas Paine’s second most important work_____was an impassioned plea against hereditary monarchy.【答案】The Rights of Man【解析】1791年3月,托马斯·潘恩在伦敦出版《人权论》,激烈抨击埃德蒙·伯克(Edmund Burke,1729—1797)的《法国革命感言录》(Reflections on the Revolution in France)(1790)。


2._____was regarded as the first great prose stylist of American romanticism.【答案】Washington Irving【解析】华盛顿·欧文是美国著名作家,他被誉为美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家。

3.In_____,Whitman’s own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growing America.【答案】Song of Myself【解析】在惠特曼的《自我之歌》中他将自己早期的经历同一个正在成长中的美国等同起来。

4.The great work_____not only demonstrates Emersonian ideas of self-reliance but also develops and tests Thoreau’s own transcendental philosophy.【答案】Self-Reliance【解析】富兰克林的《论自立》不仅表现了爱默生关于自立的思想,同时也表达了他的超验主义思想。



After this rough beginning, Robert went
on to become a great poet. He married Elinor White and had 2 kids. Robert never in truth had any jobs, except being a poet, but he published many poems in his lifetime. Robert won four Pultizer awards and read The Gift Outright (全心的奉献)at the inauguration of John. F. Kennedy. He died on January 29, 1963 of a heart attack. He was 88 years old.
Birches After Apple-Picking Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening The Road Not Taken
Frost's poems are
critiqued in the "Anthology of Modern American Poetry", Oxford University Press, where it is mentioned that behind a sometimes charmingly familiar and rural façade, Frost's poetry frequently presents pessimistic and menacing undertones which often are not recognized nor analyzed.



常耀信《美国⽂学简史》笔记和考研真题详解(弗罗斯特桑德堡卡明斯哈特克兰穆尔)【圣才出品】第13章弗罗斯特?桑德堡?卡明斯?哈特?克兰?穆尔13.1 复习笔记I. Robert Frost (1874-1963)(罗伯特·弗罗斯特)1. Life(⽣平)Robert Frost was born in San Francisco and spent his early childhood in the Far West. At the death of his father, when Frost was eleven, the family moved to New Hampshire. After graduating from high school, he entered Dartmouth College. In 1913 his first book A boy’s Will came out in London. His second volume North of Boston came out in 1914. The next year, Frost came back to the United States which recognized him as its bard. He won the Pulitzer Prize four times and received commendations by the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Poetry Society of America respectively in 1938 and 1941. He received honors from forty-four institutions, and became the nation’s unofficial Poet Laureate when invited to read his poe m at President Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961.罗伯特·弗罗斯特出⽣于旧⾦⼭,在美国西部度过了童年。



《美国文学史》各章节知识点指南时间:2011年2月使用教材:《美国文学史》(第二版)常耀信著Chapter 1 Colonial America★1607 Jamestown, Virginia:the first permanent English settlement in America★1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts: the second permanent English settlement in America★Captain John Smith: the first American writer writing in English★Anne Bradstreet: the first American woman poetMajor work: The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)Contemplations (9) on P. 17 (熟悉这首诗歌)To My Dear and Loving Husband《致我亲爱的丈夫》★Philis Wheatley: the first black woman poet in American literature★Edward Taylor: the most famous poet in the colonial periodHuswifery on P. 19 (熟悉这首诗歌)★Roger Williams: The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience (1644)Translated the Bible into the Indian tongue★John Winthrop: ―Model of Christian Charity‖(〈基督慈善之典范〉)The History of New England (two volumes, 1825, 1826)(〈新英格兰史〉) 1630 --- 1649 in diary★Thomas Paine: Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Rights of Man, The Age of Reason ★Philip Freneau: Poet of the American RevolutionThe Wild Honeysuckle, The Indian Burying Ground, The Dying Indian: TomoChequi★Charles Brockden Brown: the first important American novelistWieland, Edgar Huntly, Ormond, Aurthur MervynChapter 2 Edwards, Franklin, Crevecoeur★the 18th century: Age of Reason and Enlightenment★Jonathan Edwards: America’s first systematic philosopherThe Freedom of the Will, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God★Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac熟悉37页的引文★Hector St. John de Crevecoeur: Letters from an American FarmerChapter 3 American Romanticism, Irving, Cooper★Washington Irving: the first American writer to win international acclaimThe Sketch Book: Rip V an Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow★James Fenimore Cooper: Leatherstocking Tales (五个故事的题目)Natty Bumpo (人物形象)Chapter 4 New England Transcendentalism, Emerson, Thoreau★Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature (the Bible and manifesto of New England Transcendentalism)The American Scholar (America’s Declaration of IntellectualIndependence)★Henry David Thoreau: Walden, or Life in the WoodsChapter 5 Hawthorne, Melville★Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter, Twice-Told Tales, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, The Marble Faun, Young Goodman Brown★Herman Melville: Moby Dick, Omoo, Mardi, Redburn, White Jacket, PierreChapter 6 Whitman, Dickinson★Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass; free verse; Song of Myself★Emily Dickinson: Of the 1775 poems, only 7 poems were published in her lifetime.熟悉教材中98至102页所选的诗歌Chapter 7 Edgar Allan Poe★Edgar Allan Poe: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Philosophy of Composition, The Poetic Principle, The Raven,To Helen熟悉教材中107页所选的The Raven中的部分诗行Chapter 8 The Age of Realism, Howells, James★William Dean Howells: The Rise of Silas Lapham, Criticism and Fiction★Henry James: important writings listed on P. 125the international themeChapter 9 Local Colorism, Mark Twain★Hamlin Garland: Crumbling Idols, Veritism (真实主义)★Bret Harte: The Luck of Roaring Camp★Mark Twain: 主要作品, vernacular literature, colloquial style★Harriet Beecher Stowe 斯托夫人& her Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》★Louisa May Alcott 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特& her Little Women 《小妇人》★Kate Chopin 凯特·肖班& her The Awakening 《觉醒》Chapter 10 American Naturalism, Crane, Norris, Dreiser, Robinson★Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (the first naturalistic novel in American literature), The Red Badge of Courage (the first anti-war novel in American literature),Famous short stories: The Open Boat, The Bride Comes to the Yellow Sky★Frank Norris: The Octopus, McTeague★Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt, the Desire Trilogy, The Genius★Edwin Arlington Robinson: Richard Cory★Jack London: The Call of the Wild, White Fang, The Sea Wolf, Martin Eden★O. Henry (William Sidney Porter): famous for his short stories such as The Gift of the Magi★Upton Sinclair: The Jungle, the Muckraking MovementChapter 11 The 1920s, Imagism, Pound★The first American Renaissance: the first half of the 19th century★The second Renaissance: the 1920s★The three principles of the Imagist Poetry★熟悉四首意象派诗歌:In a Station of the Metro, Oread, The Red Wheelbarrow, Fog, 并会分析其中的第一和第四首★Ezra Pound: The Cantos, Hugh Selwyn MauberleyChapter 12 T. S. Eliot, Stevens, Williams★T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land (五个部分的题目), The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 其他主要作品founder of New Criticism: depersonalization, objective correlative★William Carlos Williams: PatersonChapter 13 Frost, Sandburg, Cummings, Hart Crane, Moore★Robert Frost: New England poet, lyrical poet, the unofficial poet laureate, won the Pulitzer Prize four timesThe Road Not Taken (熟悉此诗), Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,Mending Wall, Apple-picking <<摘苹果>>★Carl Sandburg: Fog, The Harbor (two famous Imagist poems)★ E. E. Cummings: the most interesting experimentalist in modern American poetry★Hart Crane: The BridgeChapter 14 Fitzgerald, Hemingway★F. Scott Fitzgerald: the spokesman of the Jazz AgeThe Great Gatsby★Ernest Hemingway: Hemingway hero with ―grace under pressure‖, the iceberg principle“I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eights of it under water for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that doesn’t show. ”冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上。



第26章多种族文学(2)26.1 复习笔记I. Native American Literature(美国本土印第安文学)1. Brief Introduction(简介)For a long time the image of the American Indian in American literature has been a distorted one. Whatever portrayal of them there is in mainstream literature has been once or twice removed from the truth. As the Native American writer N. Scott Momaday puts it, “There was at one time a real danger of the Indian simply being frozen as an image in the American mind.” For a long time now, the Native Americans have been telling their own stories from their own perspectives, and they have succeeded in dislodging that image so that it has become something vital and real. In 1968 N. Scott Momaday published his House Made of Dawn and won the Pulitzer Prize. This led to what has become known as “The Native American Renaissance”around the end of the 1960s. Today books by Native American writers fill the bookstores, and their literature has become a distinct ingredient of American literature.很长一段时期内,美国文学中的印第安人一直是一种被歪曲的形象。



常耀信《美国⽂学简史》(第3版)章节题库-第⼗三章⾄第⼗四章【圣才出品】第13章弗罗斯特·桑德堡·卡明斯·哈特·克兰·穆尔Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.In Robert Frost’s______,the speaker tells us how the course of his life was determined when he came upon two roads that diverted in a wood.【答案】The Road not Taken【解析】《未选择的路》是美国著名诗⼈罗伯特·弗罗斯特的著名诗篇。


2.Robert Frost poetry focused on the landscape and people in_______.【答案】New England【解析】弗罗斯特的抒情诗主要描写了⼤⾃然和农民,尤其是新英格兰的景⾊和北⽅的农民。

3._____combined traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm,forming his own characteristic.【答案】Robert Frost【解析】弗罗斯特将传统诗歌形式与美国本⼟⼝语体结合起来,形成了独特的诗歌特点。

4.At one time,Sandburg’s reputation mainly rested on a multi-volume biography of_____including The Prairie Years and The War Years.【答案】Abraham Lincoln【解析】卡尔·桑德堡(Carl Sandburg)美国现代诗⼈及传记作家。



第7章埃德加·爱伦·坡Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.In consideration of the beauty of poems,_____concludes that“the death of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.”[天津外国语学院2007研]【答案】Edgar Allan Poe【解析】爱伦·坡认为,美的效应在于使灵魂激动而变得高尚;无论哪种美,其最高形式必然使敏感的灵魂悲泣。



2._____is regarded as the father of psychoanalytic criticism and the detective story. [首师大2008研]【答案】Edgar Allan Poe【解析】爱伦·坡被认为是精神分析批评之父和侦探小说的鼻祖。

3._____is generally thought of as the true beginner of the short stories because he was the first writer who formulated poetics of the short stories.【答案】Edgar Allan Poe【解析】爱伦·坡被视作短篇小说的真正始祖因为他是第一个在小说中赋予了诗意的作家。

4._____is usually acknowledged as the originator of detective stories.He is also credited with developing many of the standard features of detective fiction.His detective M August Dupin of Murders in the Rue Morgue and The Purloined letter is the forerunner of a long line of fictional detectives who are eccentric and brilliant.【答案】Edgar Allan Poe【解析】爱伦·坡被视作侦探小说的鼻祖。



第10章美国自然主义·克兰·诺里斯·德莱赛·罗宾森Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.Dreiser’s novel_____,a commercial and critical failure when first published in 1900,was reissued in1907and won high praise for its grim,naturalistic portrayal of American society.[人大2006研]【答案】Sister Carrie【解析】德莱赛的《嘉莉妹妹》在1900年首次出版时在商业上和文学批评界是失败的,在1907年重新被发现,因其对美国社会的自然描写赢得了很高的评价。

2.Naturalism stresses the determinism of_____and_____.[国际关系学院2009研]【答案】heredity;social environment【解析】自然主义强调遗传和社会环境决定论。

3._____is the novel into which Jack London put most of himself.[人大2006研]【答案】Martin Eden【解析】杰克·伦敦名作《马丁·伊登》(Martin Eden)是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说。

4.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to another school of realism:American_____.【答案】naturalism【解析】达尔文的进化论对美国思想和19世纪法国文学产生深远影响,从而产生了美国自然主义这一新的学派。

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第3章 美国浪漫主义

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第3章 美国浪漫主义

第3章美国浪漫主义•欧文•库柏I.Fill in the blanks.1.“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”was written by_____.(大连外国语学院2008研)【答案】Washington Irving【解析】短篇小说《睡谷传说》(“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”),是华盛顿·欧文的代表作《见闻札记》(The Sketch Book)中最著名的两篇故事中的一篇。

另一篇是《瑞普·凡·温克尔》(“Rip Van Winkle”)。

2.Ichabod Crane,the schoolmaster,is a character in the short story_____collected in The Sketch Book.(首师大2008研)【答案】“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”【解析】Ichabod Crane是一个小学校长,欧文的《睡谷传奇》中的人物。

3.The Romantic period in the American literary history covers the time between the end of the_____century to the outbreak of the_____.It started with the publication of Irving’s_____and ended with Whitman’s_____.This period is also called_____.【答案】18th;Civil War;The Sketch Book;Leaves of Grass;the American Renaissance【解析】美国浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,是美国文学史上最重要的时期。


常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第21章 自白派

常耀信《美国文学简史》(第3版)【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】(第21章 自白派

第21章自白派•垮掉的一代I.Fill in the blanks.1.In the1950s,there was a widespread discontentment among the postwar generation,whose voice was one of protest against all the mainstream culture that America had come to represent.This generation was known as the_____ generation.(天津外国语学院2009研)【答案】beat【解析】垮掉的一代:第二次世界大战后风行于美国的文学流派。



2.Author_____Title_____.(南京大学2009研)What thoughts I have of you tonight,Walt Whitman,for I walked down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.【答案】Allen Ginsberg;A Supermarket in California【解析】题目选自金斯堡的A Supermarket in California。

3.The publication of Robert Lowell’s Life Studies marked the coming of the age of _____,which represents a new mode of perception and a way of writing.【答案】Postmodernism【解析】罗伯特·洛威尔(Robert Lowell)《人生探索》(Life Studies)是一部里程碑式的诗集,它的发表标志着后现代主义(Postmodernism)时代的到来。



美国文学史常耀信版美国文学Part 1. Colonial America浪漫主义American Romanticism(1815-1865)早期浪漫主义early romanticism——Irving欧文, Cooper库柏, Bryant布莱恩特先验主义transcendentalism and symbolic representation——Emerson 爱默森,Margaret Fuller玛格丽特福勒,Thoreau 梭罗三位重要的小说家——Hawthorne 霍桑,Melville 梅尔维尔,Poe 坡二位重要的诗人——Whitman 惠特曼,Dickinson 狄更生现实主义American Realism(1865-1914)带有地方色彩的写作local color writing——Mark Twain马克吐温现实主义literary realism——James 詹姆士,Howells 豪斯尔斯自然主义literary naturalism——Garland 加兰特,Grane 格雷恩,Frank Norris 弗兰克诺里斯,Jack London 杰克伦敦,Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞现代主义American Modernism(1914-1945)现代主义在欧洲American modernism in Europe——Gerturde Stein 格特鲁德斯坦因,Ezra Pound 艾兹拉庞德,Amy Lowell 艾米洛威尔,H.D.(Hilda Doolittle) 杜丽埃尔战时的现代派小说modern fiction between the wars——William Faulkner 威廉福克纳,Hemingway 海明威,Fitzgerald 费兹杰罗,Passos 帕索斯,Steinbeck 斯坦贝克现代派诗歌modern American poetry——T.S. Eliot 艾略特,Wallace Stevens 史蒂文斯,William Carols Williams 威廉姆斯,E.E.Cummings 卡明斯Thomas Paine托马斯•潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代Philip Freneau菲利普•弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended The Nature of True VirtueBenjamin Franklin本杰明•富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Moneyoor Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传Part 2. American RomanticismWashington Irving华盛顿•欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯•费尼莫尔•库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者Part 3.New England TranscendentalismRalf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河Henry David Threau亨利•大卫•梭罗1817-1862 Wadden,or Life in the Woods华腾湖或林中生活;Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利•沃兹沃思•朗费罗1807-1882 The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌----美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗;Voices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens民谣及其他诗;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems布鲁茨的钟楼及其他诗;Tales of a Wayside Inn路边客栈的故事---诗集:An April Day四月的一天/A Psalm of Life人生礼物/Paul Revere’s Ride保罗•里维尔的夜奔;Evangeline伊凡吉琳;The Courtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯•斯坦迪什的求婚----叙事长诗;Poems on Slavery奴役篇---反蓄奴组诗Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔•霍桑1804-1864Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事;Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔:Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼•布朗;The Scarlet Letter红字;The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子--------心理若们罗曼史;The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇;The Marble Faun玉石雕像Herman Melville赫尔曼•梅尔维尔1819-1891 Moby Dick/The White Whale莫比•迪克/白鲸;Typee泰比;Omoo奥穆;Mardi玛地;Redburn雷得本;White Jacket白外衣ierre皮尔埃iazza广场故事;Billy Budd比利•巴德Walt Whitman沃尔特•惠特曼1819-1892 Leaves of Grass草叶集:Song of the Broad-Axe阔斧之歌;I hear America Singing我听见美洲在歌唱;When Lilacs Lost in the Dooryard Bloom’d小院丁香花开时;Democratic Vistas民主的前景;The Tramp and Strike Question流浪汉和罢工问题;Song of Myself自我之歌Emily Dickinson埃米莉•迪金森1830-1886 The Poems of Emily Dichenson埃米莉•迪金森诗集-----“Tell all the truth and tell it slant”迂回曲折的,玄学的Edgar Allan Poe埃德加•爱伦•坡1809-1849(以诗为诗;永为世人共赏的伟大抒情诗人-----叶芝)Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque怪诞奇异故事集;Tales故事集;The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌;Ligeia莱琪儿;Annabel Lee安娜贝尔•李-----歌特风格;首开近代侦探小说先河,又是法国象征主义运动的源头Tamerlane and Other Poems帖木儿和其他诗;Al Araaf,Tamerlane and Minor Poems艾尔•阿拉夫,帖木儿和其他诗;The Raven and Other Poems乌鸦及其他诗:The Raven乌鸦;The City in the Sea海城;Israfel 伊斯拉菲尔;To Hellen致海伦Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽特•比彻•斯托1811-1896 Uncle Tom’s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋;A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp德雷德阴暗大沼地的故事片;The Minister’s Wooing牧师的求婚;The Pearl of Orr’s Island 奥尔岛的珍珠;Oldtown Folks老城的人们Part 4. The age of RealismWilliam Dean Howells 威廉•狄恩•豪威尔斯1837-1920 The Rise of Silas Lapham赛拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹;A Modern Instance现代婚姻; A Hazard of Now Fortunes时来运转;A Traveller from Altruia从利他国来的旅客;Through the Eye of the Needle透过针眼----乌托邦小说;Criticism and Fiction;Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 小说创作与小说阅读23、Henry James享利•詹姆斯1843-1916 小说:Daisy Miller苔瑟•米乐;The Portrait of a Lady贵妇人画像;The Bostonians波士顿人;The Real Thing and Other Tales真货色及其他故事;The Wings of the Dove鸽翼;The Ambassadors大使;The Golden Bowl金碗评论集:French Poets and Novelists法国诗人和小说家;Hawthorne霍桑;Partial Portraits不完全的画像;Notes and Reviews札记与评论;Art of Fiction and Other Essays小说艺术Part 5. Local ColorismMark Twain马克•吐温(Samuel Longhorne Clemens)---美国文学的一大里程碑The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙;The Innocent’s Abroad傻瓜出国记;The Gilded Age镀金时代;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆•索耶历险记;The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利•费恩历险记;A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court亚瑟王宫中的美国佬;The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊;Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc冉•达克;The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg败坏哈德莱堡的人How to Tell a Story怎样讲故事---对美国早期幽默文学的总结Part 6. American NaturalismStephen Crane斯蒂芬•克莱恩1871-1900 Magic:A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅姬(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运);The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章;The Open Boat小划子;The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky新娘来到黄天镇Frank Norris弗兰克•诺里斯1870-1902 Moran of the Lady Letty茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰(romantic);Mc-Teague麦克提格(naturalistic);The Epic of the Wheat(realistic)小麦诗史(The Octopus章鱼,The Pit小麦交易所);A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事Theodore Dreiser西奥多•德莱塞1871-1945 Sister Carrie嘉莉姐妹;Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic);An American Tragedy美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说);Nigger Jeff黑人杰弗Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊1869-1935 Captain Craig克雷格上尉---诗体小说;The Town Down the River河上的城镇;The Man Against the Sky衬托着天空的人;Avon’s Harvest沃冯的收成;Collected Poems诗集40、Jack London杰克•伦敦1876-1916 The Son of the Wolf狼之子,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤;The Sea-wolf海狼;White Fang白獠牙;The People of the Abyss深渊中的人们;The Iron Heel铁蹄;Marti Eden马丁•伊登;How I become a Socialist我怎样成为社会党人;The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争;What Life Means to Me 生命对我意味着什么;Revolution革命;Love of Life热爱生命;The Mexican墨西哥人;Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下Upton Sinclair厄普顿•辛克莱尔1878-1968 Spring and Harvest春天与收获;The Jungle屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家);King Coal煤炭大王;Oil石油;Boston波士顿;Dragon’s Teeth龙齿Part 7. The 1920sImagism Ezra Pound艾兹拉•庞德1885-1972 The Spirit of Romance罗曼司精神;The Anthology Des Imagistes意像派诗选;Cathay华夏(英译中国诗);Literary Essays文学论;Hugh Swlwyn Mauberley;A Few Don’ts by Imagiste意像派戒条;Personage面具;Polite Essays文雅集;The Cantos of Ezra Pound庞德诗章(109首及8首未完成稿)Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯•艾略特1888-1965 Prufrock and Other Observations普罗夫洛克(荒原意识);The Waste Land荒原(The Burial of the Dead死者的葬礼;A Game of Chess弈棋;The Fire Sermon火诫;Death by Water水边之死;What the Thunder Said雷电之言);名诗:Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三;Four Quarters四个四重奏诗剧:Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案;Family Reunion大团圆;Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会Wallace Stevens华莱士•史蒂文斯1879-1955 Harmonium风琴;The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉他的人;Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction关于最高虚构的札记(Peter Quince at the Clavier彼得•昆斯弹风琴;Sunday Morning礼拜天早晨);The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦;Collected Poems诗集。



* To seek a new Garden of Eden
* To build “City of God on earth”
Puritans came to America out of various reasons, but it should be remembered that they were a group of serious, religious people, advocating highly religious and moral principles. It is true that they wished to escape religious persecution—and the English government regarded its American colony as an ideal dumping ground for the undesirables, but they were also determined to find a place where they could worship in the way they thought true Christians should. They regarded themselves as God's chosen people, they were meant to reestablish a commonwealth based on the teachings of the Bible, restore the lost paradise, and build the wilderness into a new Garden of Eden.
American Puritanism
Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The first settlers who became the founding fathers of the American nation were quite a few of them Puritans. It is a religious and political movement. Through it, one sees emerging the right of the individual to political and religious independence. As a culture heritage (n.遗 产,继承物,传统), Puritanism did have a profound (a.深度 的深远的;见解深刻的;深奥的) influence on the early American mind. American Puritanism also had an enduring (持久的) influence on American literature.
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美国文学史常耀信版很有用的哦! 2008-08-10 22:02 阅读206 评论0字号:大中小美国文学史常耀信版美国文学Part 1. Colonial America浪漫主义American Romanticism(1815-1865)早期浪漫主义early romanticism——Irving欧文, Cooper库柏, Bryant布莱恩特先验主义transcendentalism and symbolic representation——Emerson 爱默森,Margaret Fuller玛格丽特福勒,Thoreau 梭罗三位重要的小说家——Hawthorne 霍桑,Melville 梅尔维尔,Poe 坡二位重要的诗人——Whitman 惠特曼,Dickinson 狄更生现实主义American Realism(1865-1914)带有地方色彩的写作local color writing——Mark Twain马克吐温现实主义literary realism——James 詹姆士,Howells 豪斯尔斯自然主义literary naturalism——Garland 加兰特,Grane 格雷恩,Frank Norris 弗兰克诺里斯,Jack London 杰克伦敦,Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞现代主义American Modernism(1914-1945)现代主义在欧洲American modernism in Europe——Gerturde Stein 格特鲁德斯坦因,Ezra Pound 艾兹拉庞德,Amy Lowell 艾米洛威尔,H.D.(Hilda Doolittle) 杜丽埃尔战时的现代派小说modern fiction between the wars——William Faulkner 威廉福克纳,Hemingway 海明威,Fitzgerald 费兹杰罗,Passos 帕索斯,Steinbeck 斯坦贝克现代派诗歌modern American poetry——T.S. Eliot 艾略特,Wallace Stevens 史蒂文斯,William Carols Williams 威廉姆斯,卡明斯Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans 纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended The Nature of True VirtueBenjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Moneyoor Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传Part 2. American RomanticismWashington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie 大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者Part 3.New England TranscendentalismRalf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature 论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河Henry David Threau亨利?大卫?梭罗1817-1862 Wadden,or Life in the Woods 华腾湖或林中生活;Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack RiversHenry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利?沃兹沃思?朗费罗1807-1882 The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌----美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗;V oices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens民谣及其他诗;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems布鲁茨的钟楼及其他诗;Tales of a Wayside Inn路边客栈的故事---诗集:An April Day四月的一天/A Psalm of Life人生礼物/Paul Revere’s Ride保罗?里维尔的夜奔;Evangeline伊凡吉琳;The Courtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯?斯坦迪什的求婚----叙事长诗;Poems on Slavery奴役篇---反蓄奴组诗Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔?霍桑1804-1864Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事;Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔:Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼?布朗;The Scarlet Letter红字;The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子--------心理若们罗曼史;The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇;The Marble Faun玉石雕像Herman Melville赫尔曼?梅尔维尔1819-1891 Moby Dick/The White Whale莫比?迪克/白鲸;Typee泰比;Omoo奥穆;Mardi玛地;Redburn雷得本;White Jacket 白外衣ierre皮尔埃iazza广场故事;Billy Budd比利?巴德Walt Whitman沃尔特?惠特曼1819-1892 Leaves of Grass草叶集:Song of the Broad-Axe阔斧之歌;I hear America Singing我听见美洲在歌唱;When Lilacs Lost in the Doorya rd Bloom’d小院丁香花开时;Democratic Vistas民主的前景;The Tramp and Strike Question流浪汉和罢工问题;Song of Myself自我之歌Emily Dickinson埃米莉?迪金森1830-1886 The Poems of Emily Dichenson埃米莉?迪金森诗集-----“Tell all the truth and tell it slant”迂回曲折的,玄学的Edgar Allan Poe埃德加?爱伦?坡1809-1849(以诗为诗;永为世人共赏的伟大抒情诗人-----叶芝) Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque怪诞奇异故事集;Tales 故事集;The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌;Ligeia莱琪儿;Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔?李-----歌特风格;首开近代侦探小说先河,又是法国象征主义运动的源头Tamerlane and Other Poems帖木儿和其他诗;Al Araaf,Tamerlane and Minor Poems艾尔?阿拉夫,帖木儿和其他诗;The Raven and Other Poems乌鸦及其他诗:The Raven乌鸦;The City in the Sea海城;Israfel 伊斯拉菲尔;To Hellen致海伦Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽特?比彻?斯托1811-1896 Uncle Tom’s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋;A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp德雷德阴暗大沼地的故事片;The Minister’s Wooing牧师的求婚;The Pearl of Orr’s Island奥尔岛的珍珠;Oldtown Folks老城的人们Part 4. The age of RealismWilliam Dean Howells 威廉?狄恩?豪威尔斯1837-1920 The Rise of Silas Lapham赛拉斯?拉帕姆的发迹;A Modern Instance现代婚姻; A Hazard of Now Fortunes时来运转;A Traveller from Altruia从利他国来的旅客;Through the Eye of the Needle透过针眼----乌托邦小说;Criticism and Fiction;Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading小说创作与小说阅读23、Henry James享利?詹姆斯1843-1916 小说:Daisy Miller苔瑟?米乐;The Portrait of a Lady贵妇人画像;The Bostonians波士顿人;The Real Thing and Other Tales真货色及其他故事;The Wings of the Dove鸽翼;The Ambassadors大使;The Golden Bowl金碗评论集:French Poets and Novelists法国诗人和小说家;Hawthorne霍桑;Partial Portraits不完全的画像;Notes and Reviews札记与评论;Art of Fiction and Other Essays小说艺术Part 5. Local ColorismMark Twain马克?吐温(Samuel Longhorne Clemens)---美国文学的一大里程碑 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙;The Innocent’s Abroad傻瓜出国记;The Gilded Age镀金时代;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆?索耶历险记;The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利?费恩历险记;A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court亚瑟王宫中的美国佬;The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊;Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc冉?达克;The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg败坏哈德莱堡的人How to Tell a Story怎样讲故事---对美国早期幽默文学的总结Part 6. American NaturalismStephen Crane斯蒂芬?克莱恩1871-1900 Magic:A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅姬(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运);The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章;The Open Boat小划子;The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky新娘来到黄天镇Frank Norris弗兰克?诺里斯1870-1902 Moran of the Lady Letty茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰(romantic);Mc-Teague麦克提格(naturalistic);The Epic of the Wheat(realistic)小麦诗史(The Octopus章鱼,The Pit小麦交易所);A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事Theodore Dreiser西奥多?德莱塞1871-1945 Sister Carrie嘉莉姐妹;Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic);An American Tragedy美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说);Nigger Jeff黑人杰弗Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊1869-1935 Captain Craig克雷格上尉---诗体小说;The Town Down the River河上的城镇;The Man Against the Sky衬托着天空的人;Avon’s Harvest沃冯的收成;Collected Poems诗集40、Jack London杰克?伦敦1876-1916 The Son of the Wolf狼之子,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤;The Sea-wolf海狼;White Fang白獠牙;The People of the Abyss 深渊中的人们;The Iron Heel铁蹄;Marti Eden马丁?伊登;How I become a Socialist 我怎样成为社会党人;The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争;What Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么;Revolution革命;Love of Life热爱生命;The Mexican墨西哥人;Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下Upton Sinclair厄普顿?辛克莱尔1878-1968 Spring and Harvest春天与收获;The Jungle屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家);King Coal煤炭大王;Oil石油;Boston波士顿;Dragon’s Teeth龙齿Part 7. The 1920sImagism Ezra Pound艾兹拉?庞德1885-1972 The Spirit of Romance罗曼司精神;The Anthology Des Imagistes意像派诗选;Cathay华夏(英译中国诗);Literary Essays文学论;Hugh Swlwyn Mauberley;A Few Don’ts by Imagiste意像派戒条;Personage面具;Polite Essays文雅集;The Cantos of Ezra Pound庞德诗章(109首及8首未完成稿)Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯?艾略特1888-1965 Prufrock and Other Observations普罗夫洛克(荒原意识);The Waste Land荒原(The Burial of the Dead 死者的葬礼;A Game of Chess弈棋;The Fire Sermon火诫;Death by Water水边之死;What the Thunder Said雷电之言);名诗:Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三;Four Quarters四个四重奏诗剧:Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案;Family Reunion大团圆;Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会Wallace Stevens华莱士?史蒂文斯1879-1955 Harmonium风琴;The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉他的人;Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction关于最高虚构的札记(Peter Quince at the Clavier彼得?昆斯弹风琴;Sunday Morning礼拜天早晨);The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦;Collected Poems诗集。
