



High-Speed Interconnect Solutions Rugged Electrical, Optical, and Hybrid Solutions for Mission-Critical Aerospace and Defense ApplicationsContacts and Insert Modules▪▪▪▪▪Our premier solution: Drop-in Size 8 octaxial contacts with outstanding high-speed signal integrity –now for both AWG#26 and AWG#24 wire! ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Type I ▪▪▪Type II ▪▪▪Aerospace-grade wire for optimal protocol performance▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪PlugReceptaclePlugReceptacleStraight Right Angle Straight Right AngleAdvanced-performance micro-miniature IAW D38999▪▪▪▪▪“Better than QPL” MIL -DTL-38999 high-speed solution ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪The next-generation mil-aero rectangular for high-speed datalink applicationsSingle-ended Point-to-point Ochito-to-COTSCircular and rectangular connector packagingThe faster ruggedized 4/8 pole interconnect system for Ethernet data applications▪▪▪▪▪Improved environmental sealing, grounding, and a broader range of wire termination options for RJ45 and USB —now for SuperSpeed 3.0▪▪▪▪DriveThru ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Signature Twinax contact module optimized for high-bandwidth USB 3.1 gen 2, USB-C, SATA, PCIe, Display Port and HDMI▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Bypass high-loss board traces with low insertion loss / low latency jumpers▪▪▪Miniaturized Micro-D Connector / TwistPin contact solution with 10+ Gb/sec. performance per differential pair▪▪▪Smallest and lightest aerospace-grade high-speed connector solution▪▪▪Glenair mil-qualified 29504/4 and /5 termini ▪▪▪Nearly double the density of M28876 and D38999▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Unique terminus design for rapid integration ▪▪▪▪▪Ultra high-density, multiple termination (MT) commercial interconnect in a ruggedized mil-aero package ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Heavy ion, proton, and gamma radiation tested devices (consult factory for exact tests and results)Absence of air in space requires cooling design changeFor high-speed signal/video applications such as Gigabit Ethernet, DVI, SMPTE 3G, HD-SDI etc.High-Speed Interconnect Solutions Rugged Electrical, Optical, and Hybrid Solutions for Mission-Critical Aerospace and Defense Applications。



2-2 开断原理
接触器主触头在陶瓷的真空灭弧室中操作,灭弧室的真空度高 达1.33X10-4Pa。
接触器分闸时,真空灭弧室的动静触头快速地开断。在分闸过 程中高温触头 产生的金属蒸汽使电弧持续到电流第一次过零点。 在电流过零点时,金属蒸汽迅速凝结使动静触头之间重新建立起很 高的电介质强度,维持很高的瞬态恢复电压值。
在电动机保护选择熔断器时,应确定使用条件: 额定电压:必须大于工作电压。 额定电流:用于直流起动的熔断器额定电流的使用按如下公式: ly=NInδ 其中: N: 起动电流与满载电流之比,通常N=6; In:电动机满载电流;
Iy:在起动时间内的电流值; δ:综合系数 如表。(n=每小时启动次数)
分闸操作是通过接通组合电器分闸电磁铁电气回路完成分闸操 作,同时解除手车机械联锁合闸电气回路联锁。
2-3-4 联锁
组合电器主回路处于合闸状态时,主回路合闸位置(辅助)开 关与合闸电磁铁线圈电气回路之间联锁而不能合闸。该联锁可实现 当组合电器处于合闸状态时合闸电磁铁线圈不能通电的要求。组合 电器主回路状态与分闸电磁铁线圈电气回路之间的联锁。该联锁可 实现当接触器处于分闸状态时分闸电磁铁线圈不能通电的要求。当 组合电器过流时,熔断器通过机械联锁紧急分闸操作。组合电器处 于合闸状态,任何情况下都可以通过手动按钮或者通过有独立电源 供电的分闸电磁铁对组合电器进行紧急分闸操作。
熔断器符合GB/T15166.2《交流高压熔断器 限流式熔断器》标 准的规定,熔断器安装在熔断器盒中,串联在交流真空接触器和负 载回路中。熔断器对变压器、电动机、电压互感器、电容器起到限 流保护。短路保护通过熔断器实现,它由交流高压真空接触器和熔 断器的联锁配合来实现。



功率因素控制器BLR_CX使用说明书目录1 安装2 参数设定3 调试步骤4 报警功能5 通讯6 OPTION “L”:配置风扇控制和2个目标功率转换功能7 OPTION “LT”:风扇控制和2个由温度控制的目标功率转换8 OPTION “M”:测量值显示功能9 OPTION “K”:两用可编程控制开关10 出厂设置11 接线1 安装同所有的电力设备一样,在安装功率因素控制器时须遵守一定的规范。

当移开面板上的AEG 标牌来调节功能开关和切换开关时,要确保你身上没有带任何的静电电荷。












可选择的CT变比适用于”M”模式(增加了数据的显示)2 参数设定在可移动标志牌后面有一个多功能开关H3和两个按钮+,-。

OPTION “L”(风扇控制)有两个额外的切换开关(S1,S2),用来选择四个不同温度门限。

OPTION M(万用表功功能)控制器面板有两个键用来选择切换数据。

通过+/- 按钮来调整控制器参数的大小,通过多功能开关(H3)来选择功能配置。


多功能开关(H3)0 控制器关闭正在运行的程序会在20秒后自动停止。


unigear zvc金属封闭式开关设备 熔断器一接触器 安装使用说明书

unigear zvc金属封闭式开关设备 熔断器一接触器 安装使用说明书

—U n iG ea r Z V C 金属封闭式开关设备熔断器一 接触器—安装使用说明书UniGear ZVC 金属封闭式开关设备熔断器 一 接触器• 安全的防护能力• 卓越的产品质量• 灵活的解决方案•经济的运维成本— 目录005 006 006 007008 009 009 010 – 011 012 – 013 014 – 015 016 – 017 0181 概述2 标准和规范3 型式试验报告4 技术规范5 外形尺寸与重量6 收货与检查7 储存与检查8 基本结构9 安装10 操作11 维护12 故障处理• 开关设备只能安装于适合电气设备工作的户内场所• 确保由专业人员来进行安装、操作和维护• 必须保证安装、操作和维护过程符合标准和法规的要求• 严格遵守本操作手册的规定• 不要超出开关设备在正常工作条件下的额定参数• 确保操作人员可方便的得到本指导手册,且拥有能执行正确操作的技能• 应特别注意说明书中标有如下危险标志的注意事项正确可靠的操作确保您和他人的安全!如有任何需求,请联系ABB 客户服务人员。

—安全第一 !4U n i G e a r Z V C 金属封闭式开关设备 安装使用说明书UniGear ZVC 是三相交流,空气绝缘的户内开关设备,用于操作、控制和保护额定电压7.2 kV 及以下、额定电流400 A 及以下的电动机和变压器。


UniGear ZVC 结构紧凑,易于维护,创造性的使开关柜小型、轻便,有效地地提高了配电室的空间利用率。

UniGear ZVC 外壳由2 mm 厚的热镀锌板制成。

结构设计形式为金属封闭式,防护等级为IP4X ,采用真空开断技术,以及将导体浇铸在环氧树脂内,确保开关柜具有较长的使用寿命。




第五章交流接触器5.1 用途和分类5.1.1 用途交流接触器是一种用于远距离频繁地接通和断开交流50Hz(或60Hz),电压至380V(或660/690V,有的主电路还可至1000V/1140V)的主电路及控制电路的电器,其主要控制对象是交流电动机,也可控制其他电力负载,如电热器、照明灯、电焊机、变压器和电容器组等。



5.1.2 分类5.1.2.1 按结构形式分a、直动式;b、转动式; 按极数分:a、二极;b、三极;c、四极;d、五极;(只有转动式) 按有无吹弧线圈分a、有吹弧线圈;b、无吹弧线圈; 其他方式分(略)5.1.3 接触器的使用类别及典型负载5.1.3.1 使用类别见表5.1表5.1交流接触器的使用类别5.1.3.2典型负载不同的用电设备其负载性质和通断过程的电流变化相差很大,因此对接触器的要求也有所不同5. 电热元件负载对电热元件负载中用的线绕电阻元件,其接通电流可达额定电流的1.4倍,例如用于室内供暖,电烘箱及电热空调等设备。



这类负载被划分在AC-1使用类别中。 照明装置当接通照明装置中的白炽灯负载时,有较大的冲击电流产生,约为额定电流的15倍,若考虑到容许电压升高10%,电流也将相应增加,其使用类别被划分在AC-5b中。


它们被划分在AC -5a 中。 低压变压器负载当接通低压变压器时,会出现一个持续时间甚短的峰值电流,可达变压器额定电流的15-20倍,它与变压器的绕组布置及铁心特性有关。

Omega 产品说明书:磁性接触器、特殊用途接触器、高功率温度控制

Omega 产品说明书:磁性接触器、特殊用途接触器、高功率温度控制

EN-MC2 relay enclosure, $53, shown smaller than actual size.
Mounting Holes: Keyhole slots and regular holes are embossed to facilitate mounting on uneven wall surfaces Knockouts: NEMA 1 (IP10) enclosures have ample knockouts for wiring General: Enclosures are drawn steel with a baked gray acrylic lifetime finish
MC3-3-75-240, $237.
Shown slightly smaller than actual size.
MC2-3-50-240, $109.
99 120 Vac coil, 40 Amp, 3-pole magnetic contactor
99 240 Vac coil, 40 Amp, 3-pole magnetic contactor
109 240 Vac coil, 50 Amp, 3-pole magnetic contactor
sm To download information and



目录1 概述 (2)1.1 总则 (2)1.2 可提供的形式 (2)1.3 应用领域 (2)1.4 依据标准 (2)1.5 使用条件 (2)1.6 主要技术特性 (3)1.7 结构及原理 (3)1.7.1 主体结构 (3)1.7.2 灭弧原理 (4)1.7.3 动作原理 (4)2 熔断器选用说明(仅供参考) (4)2.1 熔断器 (4)2.2 电动机保护熔断器的选用 (4)2.3 变压器保护熔断器的选用 (4)2.4 熔断器使用 (5)3 技术参数.............................. 5 3.1 技术参数 (5)3.2 机械特性参数 (6)3.3 操动机构技术参数 (6)4. 外形尺寸 (7)4.1 固定式接触器 (7)4.2 手车式接触器 (7)5 电气原理图 (8)5.1固定式接触器的电气原理图 (8)5.2 手车式接触器的电气原理图 (9)5.3 图中所表示的操作状态 (11)5.4 说明 (11)6 安装、调试与操作 (11)7 维护与保养 (12)8 运输与储存 (12)9 随机文件及附件 (13)10 订货须知 (13)11 安全注意事项 (13)1 概述1.1 总则由澳大利亚通用电气设备有限公司生产的新一代电磁操动机构的三相接触器——VCR193真空接触器,主要用于额定工作电压12kV以下,额定频率50Hz/60Hz的三相交流系统中需要大量分、合闸操作循环的场合,同时又是特别适用于频繁操作的理想电器。





1.2 可提供的形式VCR193真空接触器具有电气自保持和机械自保持两种配置,可提供以下两种结构形式:⏹固定式⏹手车式(配置熔断器支座)手车式接触器主要由固定式接触器和特定的底盘手车组成。

AEG 全系列产品手册.pdf说明书

AEG 全系列产品手册.pdf说明书

全系列产品手册德国现代工业的先驱全球电气技术的领导者AEG 于1887年在德国柏林成立,很多创造和发明来自于AEG :•第一个长距离交流电力输配系统在德国运行•第一个三相电站-奥博斯普瑞发电站•第一条长途电气轨道在德国投入运行•第一台带温度控制及压缩机系统的电冰箱• 第一条高压直流HVDC 长距离输电线路贯穿整个非洲大陆•第一台鼠笼型转子异步电动机• 第一个128兆瓦蒸汽发电厂(1915),为当时世界最大容量机组•1938年首个以SF6为绝缘介质的专利•第一个序列化生产中压真空灭弧装置•第一台自由喷射式空气断路器•第一台环氧树脂浇注式干式变压器• 迄今世界最大的柴油发电机电源油路总路开关 德国制造 AEG Oil aircuit breakerType CO301-30/400 MOD自1937年建厂以来一直使用良好,92年新建变配电大楼后停止使用。

胜利矿(1926~2010)抚顺信和纱厂(1933~1992)上海中国驻德国大使蒋作宾参观AEG 工厂(1928)绵阳风洞群CRH 高铁车载电力保障ConocoPhillips 海上石油平台上海通用汽车工厂华星光电澳门威尼斯人酒店根植中国,源远流长目录12013914034121044226064329084534094637104738114849中压产品系列US3.0气体绝缘环网柜MAST 自动电源转换系统SecoVac 系列VL 真空断路器SecoVac 系列VB2 Plus 真空断路器SecoVac 系列VB2 Plus G-15发电机出口真空断路器SecoVac 系列iVB 智能真空断路器SecoVac 系列WCH 真空接触器SecoVac 系列CR193真空接触器低压产品系列MEAT 自动电源转换系统MEG 空气断路器M-PACT 空气断路器Record Plus TM 塑壳断路器Record C Plus 塑壳断路器Elfa 微型断路器AT10自动转换开关E9SPD 浪涌保护器工控产品系列AIC 低压变频器MC 电动机保护器AE 综合保护装置MS10智能仪表TDG 电力电容器FCR 滤波电抗器PFC 功率因数控制器EFC 可控硅投切开关ASW 有源电力滤波器AEG 全系列产品01产品概述产品特点US3.0全绝缘环网柜,适用于12~24kV 以下配电系统,以灵活多变的功能组合方式,为环网供电、双辐射供电、以及电缆馈电网络的工商业区和农村乡镇等供电负荷大、密度高的地区提供各种系统化解决方案。

Appleton 接触器和电机启动器说明书

Appleton 接触器和电机启动器说明书

Electrical ComponentProtection SolutionsAppleton™ Contactors and Motor StartersElectrical control products engineered to increase production efficiencies.Superior Electrical Apparatus Protectionand ControlAvoid downtime and keep the process flowing with our full line of contactors and motor starters.Pumps, motors and lighting systems are critical parts of the process in oil exploration, refining and transportation. Appleton contactors and motor starters by Emerson provide safe and efficient control and protection of such systems in hazardous locations. NEC and CEC certified solutions ensure material keeps flowing even in wet and corrosive environments. From traditional explosionproof cast enclosures to flameproof PlexPower™ enclosures, Emerson’s range of designs, materials and options provide the flexibility to meet any of your application requirements.Rely on the protection, durability, ease of installation and low maintenance costs provided by Appleton Contactors and Motor Starters.Contactors and Motor Starters Selection GuidePlexPower™ Contactor and Motor StarterOverviewAppleton PlexPower Factory Sealed, full voltage contactorsand starters provide disconnecting means, circuit protection,and motor running protection. These combination and non-combination contactors and starters are available with singleand multiple contactors and starters. Designed for use in areaswhere hazardous materials are handled or stored.Features• No external conduit or cable seals required thusmaking installations faster, easier, and less costly.• Individual breaker, contactor and motor starterhousings to minimize the downtime and costsassociated with maintenance in hazardous locations.• Accommodate non-proprietary off-the-shelf breakers,contactors and motor starters, making replacementsreadily available from multiple sources.• Standard configurations feature Schneider™ TeSys™N Series contactors.• The lighter weight stainless steel contactor and motorstarter enclosure with quarter turn latches, can bequickly opened in the field for easier servicing. • For multiple contactor or motor starter panels, each contactor or motor starter can be individually padlocked in either the “On” or “Off” position. • For contactor only options, only resistive loads are supported.• Ground and/or neutral bars provided as standard.• External/internal ground lug provided as standard.• Drain/breather provided as standard.• Gland plate at the bottom of enclosure can be easily field punched for cable or conduit entries. Additional gland plates available for sides and top can be ordered. • Standard configuration includes external actuation.Schneider is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.AEB Series Bolted Motor Starters and ContactorsOverviewSuited for hazardous and wet environments, the AppletonAEB Series delivers our explosionproof, dust-ignitionproof andwatertight engineering capabilities into bolted, full voltagemotor starter configurations. These starters offer the mostrobust power handling features and capacity available forcombination and non-combination needs. The Appleton AEBis formed from copperfree aluminum with stainless steelhardware and mounts components on a galvanized steelremovable pan.Features• Copperfree cast aluminum.• Precision machined flame path between box and cover.• Bolt on slotted mounting feet.• Stainless steel, captive Quad-Lead® cover bolts (disengage in 1-1/2 turns).• External stainless steel breaker operating handle.• Ground lug package and installation instructions for termination of ground wire included.• Four point control terminal block, NEMA 1B with wire markers.• Breaker operators can be locked in the “ON” or “OFF”position (combination starters only).• Four plugged 3/4” NPSM outlets drilled and tapped for control devices.• Standard outlets top and bottom.• Plugged 1/2” outlets top and bottom for optional breather/drain.• Components are mounted on a galvanized steel removable pan.• Enclosures are designed to accept Cutler-Hammer™, or Square D™ motor starters/circuit breakers.•O-ring gasket insures watertight integrity. Cutler-Hammer is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.Square D is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.AELB Series 65 kAIC Bolted Motor Startersand ContactorsOverviewExplosionproof, dust-ignitionproof, watertight Appleton AELBSeries 65 kAIC bolted molded case circuit breakers are thehighest interrupt rated enclosure in the industry. Designed foroverload and short circuit protection and control of motors.They are ideal for use in areas where hazardous materials arehandled or stored.Features• 65,000 AIC. Highest interrupt rated enclosure in the industry.• Copperfree cast aluminum.• Precision machined flame path between box and cover.• Bolt on slotted mounting feet.• Stainless steel, captive Quad-Lead® cover bolts (disengage in 1-1/2 turns).• External stainless steel breaker operating handle.• Ground lug package and installation instructions for termination of ground wire included.• Four point control terminal block, NEMA 1B with wire markers.• Breaker operators can be locked in the “ON” or “OFF”position (combination starters only).• Four plugged 3/4” NPSM outlets drilled and tapped for control devices.• Standard outlets top and bottom.• Plugged 1/2” outlets top and bottom for optional breather/drain.• Components are mounted on a galvanized steel removable pan.• Enclosures are designed to accept Cutler-Hammer™, or Square D™ motor starters/circuit breakers.•O-ring gasket insures watertight integrity. Cutler-Hammer is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.Square D is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.ES Bolt-On Series Line Starter EnclosuresOverviewExplosionproof, dust-ignitionproof Appleton ES Bolt-On Seriesline starters combine thermal magnetic circuit breakers andmagnetic motor starters to provide across the line starting andstopping of polyphase AC motors, branch circuit protection,disconnect means, and motor running overcurrent protection.The Bolt-On Series incorporates compact, ruggedly builtenclosures with hinged, removable covers secured by stainlesssteel bolts.Features• Precision machined flame path between box and cover.• All starters are 3-pole and equipped with overload protection.• Optional accessories provided for start-stop control, either remotely or on the enclosure.• Removable hinged cover with captive, hex head bolts allow fast, easy release of cover with a few turns on each. • Covers are hinged on left side and are removable. Provides easy access to interior for installation and maintenance. The hinged cover may be left in place to help protect the explosionproof machined surface during routine maintenance.• Breaker handles are rugged and positive operating.The breaker actuator is designed to self-locate on thebreaker handle. This unique feature prevents damage tothe breaker toggle if the door is closed without aligninghandle with breaker toggle position.• Enclosures have two tapped and plugged openings in the cover (3/4” N.P.S.M.) for installation of push buttons, pilot lights, selector switches and other accessories.• Accessories may be factory or field installed.• Compact enclosure design. Four removable mounting lugs have pear shaped holes, permitting easy installation for rack or individual mounting.• Standard conduit openings are located top and bottom.• Plugged 1/2” outlets top and bottom for optional breather/drain.• Interior components are mounted on easily removable pan. Complete removal of this assembly gives full access to enclosure interior for wire pulling.The world’s leading manufacturing and process facilities turn to Emerson as the trusted source of electrical products.。



Definite purpose contactors and startersHistory and backgroundThe concept for definite purpose (DP) contactors and starters originated in the 1950s at therequest of several large heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) OEMs. Until this time, these OEMs had used NEMA T rated contactors and starters in their equipment. However, these NEMA rated devices were very robust and expensive and they were outlasting the equipment in which they were installed. The HVACR OEMs called in several electrical control companies, including Eaton (known as Cutler-Hammer at this time), and asked them to design a line of contactors and starters that would have a much lower electrical life and a reduced cost based on this performance, while maintaining the high quality of the NEMA rated products. This new line became known as definite purpose contactors and starters because they were designed for specific requirements and a specific market.MarketThe market for DP ontactors and starters is primarily a North American market. OutsideNorth America, IEC rated contactors and starters are used for similar HVACR applications. The 2015 market for DP control in the Americas was estimated at $166 million.Target market segments and applicationsWhile DP control products were originallydesigned for the HVACR industry, over the years their use has expanded to many other market segments. A good rule of thumb for DPs is if a customer has an application that “heats, cools, refrigerates, controls, or moves air”, then they are probably a good candidate for DP contactors or starters.DP contactors can be grouped into two maincategories depending on the application: compact single- and two-pole DP contactors (20 A to40 A) and standard frame DP contactors (15 A to 360 A). Compact DP contactors are the product of choice for the unitary central air conditioning units installed in many homes. Standard frame DP contactors are used in the larger commercial/industrial air conditioning units that you see mounted on the rooftops of industrial plants, hotels, hospitals, office buildings, and other commercial and industrial installations.Application expansionEaton DP contactors have expanded outside of the HVACR space and are now being used in various industrial machinery and commercialapplications. Some examples of current applications are compressors, condensers, mobile equipment, telecommunication devices, food industry, and industrial equipment, etc.The following is a listing of other Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and NAICS code numbers where DP contactors/starters aretypically applied.Compact single-pole with shuntCompact two-pole Standard (50 mm) DP contactor2Application Paper AP0351002EEffective December 2020Definite purpose contactorsand startersEATON SIC numbers where DP contactors are typically appliedT able 1. Four-digit SIC numbersSIC codesDescription2449Hot tubs, manufacturing3088Hot tubs, plastic/fiberglass manufacturing 3563Air gas compressors manufacturing3564Fans/blowers/air purification manufacturing3567Industrial processing furnace/oven manufacturing 3581Automatic vending machine manufacturing3582Dry cleaning and pressing machine manufacturing 3585Air conditioning and heating equipment manufacturing 3629Battery chargers rectifying/non-rotating manufacturing 3842Whirlpool baths/equipment manufacturing3548Welding and cutting apparatus, gas or electric manufacturing 3634Humidifiers, electric, portable manufacturing 3582Washing machines, commercial manufacturing 3639Water heaters, electric, manufacturing 3556Ovens, bakery manufacturing 3821Ovens, laboratory manufacturing 3556Meat grinders3589Garbage disposers, commercial manufacturingT able 2. Six-digit SIC numbersSIC codesDescription308802Hot tub and spa manufacturers 356701Ovens—industrial manufacturers 358101Vending machine manufacturers358298Commercial—laundry dry clean machine manufacturers 369402Battery charging equipment manufacturers 363908Water heaters—manufacturers399934Tanning salon equipment—manufacturers 358501Air conditioning equipment—manufacturers358598Air conditioning/heating/refrigeration equipment manufacturers 356301Compressors—air—manufacturers356398Air and gas compressors—manufacturers 354801Welding equipment supplies—manufacturers 356498Industrial and commercial fans and blowers 356401Fans—industrial and commercial manufacturers 356402Air cleaning and purifying equipment 355605Ovens—bakers—manufacturers 356413Ventilating equipment manufacturers 356789Industrial process—furnaces/ovens358903Compactors—waste—industrial/commercial manufacturers 358512Marine refrigeration and air conditioning manufacturers 358513Air conditioner room units—manufacturers 356303Spraying equipment—manufacturers 358203Pressing machine—manufacturers 363410Water jet cutting3Application Paper AP0351002EEffective December 2020Definite purpose contactors and starters EATON Industry standardsAir Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute (ARI)The Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute Standard 780/790, definite purpose and limited duty definite purpose magnetic, although it has been withdrawn, this specification is written into most specifications and is the main design standard for definite purpose contactors. Conformance to this standard is self-certified and completely voluntary. In addition to its recommendations on design, ARI 780/790 also defines performance requirements and additional testing not covered in the UL T and CSA T standards.Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA)UL and CSA are mainly concerned with the safety of electricalproducts and the requirements for DP contactors. The UL standards used to evaluate DP products are covered in UL Standard 508 and UL 60947-4-1 for industrial control equipment. The CSA standards used to evaluate DP products are covered in CSA C22.2 No. 14and/or CSA 60947-4-1 for industrial control equipment. Conformance is mandatory in order to apply the UL and/or listing or recognition marks to products or equipment. Contact the Technical Resource Center (TRC) (877-386-2273, *************)forfurtherinformation related to North American certification agency compliance.IEC standards and CE markMany of the DP contactors have been self-certified and tested to IEC 60947-4-1, EN 60947-4-1 and carry AC-1, AC-3, AC-4, and AC-8a ratings.DEMKODEMKO is a danish third party test facility owned by Underwriters Laboratories. Contact the TRC for additional information on which products have Demko approvals.CCCCCC is the China Compulsory Certification mark. Contact the TRC for additional information on which products have CCC approvals.CompetitionThe main competitors for DP contactors and starters are:• ABB (GE)• Hartland Controls • Siemens• Schneider Electric •Rockwell AutomationEaton DP starters and contactors have been enhanced with features that improve the customers’ ease of doing business with Eaton. The enhancements alongside the robust, yet compact, design provide customers the highest quality product in the easiest fashion. The following is a list of enhancements as well as established features that make this product best in class.For competitive cross-reference, contact the Technical Resource Center(877-386-2273,*************).DP contactors2D barcodeA 2D barcode has been added to the label on all standard 15–50 A two- and three-pole contactors. This allows a customer or end-user to scan in the barcode and be quickly linked to the product page for specification sheets, catalogs, or to find a nearby location to replace the unit. The 2D barcode will make finding product information or replacement products as simple as using your cell phone camera.Short-circuit current ratings (SCCR)Standard DP contactors may be used with non-time delay or time-delay fuses. Contact the Technical Resource Center (877-386-2273, *************)forinformationrelatedtoULSCCRapprovals.Technical information can also be referenced in the catalog (CA08102001E, Vol05_Tab04) for product-specific certifications and ratings.Current ratingsEaton 50 mm 15–50 A two- and three-pole DP contactors have the best-in-class ampere range for their frame size. With a total range of 15–360 A for DP contactors, Eaton has the largest range amongst DP contactors and the potential to be a solution for various applications.Enclosed housingEaton standard DP contactors have plastic side shields on the sides of the contactor to cover the openings for side-mounted accessories. These side shields can be easily removed by hand or with ascrewdriver when adding accessories such as side-mounted auxiliary contacts. There are no exposed coils with Eaton compact or standardDP contactors, making the environment as safe as possible.50 mm DP contactorReversing DP contactorEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2020 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. AP0351002E / Z24294December 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Definite purpose contactorsand startersApplication Paper AP0351002EEffective December 2020Quiet operationDP contactors are used heavily in residential areas and officesettings, making noise a factor in operation. External contaminants on the surface of the contactor magnets can cause the contactor to buzz or hum at increased levels because the magnets are not able to close completely or close unevenly. To eliminate or minimize noise, Eaton compact (single- and two-pole, 20–40 A) and standard (two- and three-pole, 15–50 A) DP contactors have a housing designed to seal it as much as possible to prevent external contaminants from getting onto the magnet surfaces.Removable contact inspection coverEaton DP contactors are easy to maintain and inspect. They are designed with a removable inspection cover that enables maintenance personnel to inspect for contact wear and replace the contactor based on their maintenance schedule.Universal metal mounting plateEaton’s mounting plate is a universal mounting plate and permits replacement of most competitor contactors.DIN rail mount capabilityAvailable as a factory-installed option, 15–50 A DP contactors are offered with a DIN rail mounting adapter. The DIN rail mounting adapter replaces the metal mounting plate and mounts to the housing with the same four screws as the metal mounting plate.Reversible coil terminalsThe coil terminals of Eaton 15–75 A standard DP contactors can be rotated 180 degrees from the top of the contactor to the bottom to permit easy wiring for those customers who prefer to wire from the bottom. This can be done easily in the field or as a factory-installed option.DP starter with C306 overloadDP starter with electronicoverload (C440)Line and load terminalsEaton standard size DPs (15–50 A) offer more line and load terminal options than any of our competitors. Binding head screw terminals, screw/pressure plate terminals, and box lugs are offered. Also, horizontal (side-by-side) or vertical (in-line) quick connect terminals are available for any of the line and load lugs. Box lugs are offered with either a Posidriv screw or with a hex socket Allen head screw, giving our customers more wiring and assembly options. Overall, there are 14 different terminal options to fit any project need.DP startersDP starters are available in single- or three-phase motor operations from 15 to 75 A. The starters will use either a bi-metallic overload or an electronic overload. The electronic option (A30, B30) hasselectable ground fault and/or phase unbalance detection alongside the capacity for communication modules and a remote reset. The bi-metallic ambient compensated overload options have trip-free mechanisms and selectable manual or automatic reset options. The XT series (A27, B27) has a Class 10 trip where the Freedom series (A25, B25) has a Class 10 or 20 and the A30 class has 10, 20, and 30 settings.For more information, visit/dp。

SKRGA 系列圆孔接触器说明书

SKRGA 系列圆孔接触器说明书
10 to 55 to 10Hz/min., the amplitude is 1.5mm for all the frequencies, in the 3 direction of X, Y and Z for 2hours respectively
Shall be in accordance with the individual specification.
Operation force
See the relevant pages for respective product
Ground terminal
Operating temperature
2. Soldering conditions differ depending on reflow soldering machines. Prior verification of soldering condition is highly recommended.
Conditions for Auto-dip
6.2mm Diameter Round Terminal (Radial Type)
SKRG Series
Round terminal vertical type with excellent PC board mounting performance.



1Eaton control relays product trainingControl relays offeringGeneral purposeTimingTerminal blockSafetySolid stateAlternatingWhat is a relay?•Electrically operated switches that allow one electrical circuit to control one or more other circuits by opening and closing its contacts in response to energizing or de-energizing its coil •Relays are either electromechanical (EMR) or solid-state (SSR)•General purpose relays are electromechanical switches that are usually operated by a magnetic coil and operate with AC or DC at common voltages such as 12 V, 24 V, 48 V, 120 V and 230 V, and can control currents ranging from 2 A to 30 A• A relay involves two circuits: the energizing circuit and the contact circuit. The coil is on the energizing side. The relay contacts are on the contact side• A timing relay is a simple form of time-based control, allowing the user to open or close the contacts based on a specified timing functionWhy choose Eaton relays?Eaton has a robust offering of EMR and SSR relays to fit a wide range of application ranges and needsGeneral Purpose TimingTerminal Block Solid State Alternating•Frame–Contains and supports theparts of the relay•Coil–Wire is wound around a metal core, and causes an electromagneticfield when energized with a current •Armature–The moving part of the relay that opens and closes the contacts,using a spring to return to the originalposition•Contacts–The conducting part of the switch that makes (closes) or breaks(opens) a circuitRelay in rest state Relay in engaged state Relays involve two circuits: theenergizing circuit and the contactcircuitWhen the coil is energized, the electromagnetic field attracts a ferrous plate on the armature•Contacts–come in a number of configurations, depending on the number of breaks, poles, and throws in the relay•Pole–the number of completely isolated circuits that a relay can pass through a switch •Break–the number of separate places or contacts that a switch uses to open or close a single circuit•Throw–the number of closed contact positions per pole that are available on a switch •Examples:•SPDT –can carry current through one circuit and can control two independent circuits •DPDT –can carry current through two circuits and can control two independent circuitsRelay overviewGeneral Purpose Timing Terminal Block Solid StateAlternating Application: controlcircuits (for relaycircuits or I/O)Plug-in interface,various mountingoptions1-30A ; 6 –240Vac6 –110Vdc coil;SPDT –4PDTApplication: repeatcycles (temporalbased control)Selector switchesto easily set to 0.5s–100 hours4 function, SPDT7 function SPDT-DPDTApplication: highswitching capacity,long lifePlug-in interface,relays that connectto terminal blocks12Vdc –120Vac ;LED indicator withrobust safetyfeaturesApplication: highswitching speedsand capacity, longlifeNo movingmechanical parts,low noiseUp to 75A ; isolatedinput and outputterminal ; flexiblemounting optionsApplication: forduplex loadsOptimization ofload by equalizingthe run time of twoloads10 A SPDT/DPDT;2 LED indicators;optional selectorswitch to lock insequenceD1 Series D2 Series D3 Series D4 Series D5 Series 15A Compact relay,plain cover and full-featured optionsPlug-in interface, panelor DIN rail mountingoptions12 Vdc –240 VacSPDT; Coil resistance180 –15,720 OhmsRated UL508 –100,000electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA12 / 6A Compact relay,plain cover and full-featured optionsPlug-in interface, panel,flange, and DIN railmounting options12 Vdc –240 VacDPDT and 4PDT; Coilresistance 160 –15,570OhmsRated UL508 –200,000electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA10A Compact relay,plain cover and full-featured options8-or 11-octal plug-ininterface, panel or DINrail mounting options12 Vdc –240 VacDPDT and 3PDT; Coilresistance 72 –10,000OhmsRated UL508 –100,000electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA5 / 10A Compact relay,plain cover and full-featured optionsPlug-in interface, panelor DIN rail mountingoptions12 Vdc –240 VacSPDT and DPDT100,000 electricaloperationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA10A Compact relay,plain cover and full-featured optionsPlug-in interface, panelor DIN rail mountingoptions12 Vdc –240 VacDPDT and 3PDT; Coilresistance 72 –10,000OhmsRated UL508 –100,000electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSAD7 SeriesD8 SeriesD9 SeriesAccessories15A Arc barrierequipped relay, plain cover and full-featured optionsPlug-in interface, panel or DIN rail mounting options12 Vdc –240 Vac DPDT, 3PDT, 4PDT; Coil resistance 84.5 –15,720 Ohms 100,000 electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA25 / 30A power relay, plain cover and full-featured options Plug-in interface, panel, DIN rail, and flange mounting options 12 Vdc –240 Vac SPST-NO, DPST-NO; Coil resistance 75 –21,000 Ohms 100,000 electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSA8 / 25A 3-phase motor relay, plain cover and full-featured options Plug-in interface, panel, DIN rail, and flange mounting options12 Vdc –240 Vac 4PST-NO, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, DPST-NO/DPST-NC; Coil resistance 72 –6,050 Ohms100,000 electrical operationsRoHS/UL/CE/CSAMOD module system adds functionality without messy wiringProtection diode, LED indicator, R/C suppressor, MOV suppressorMetal/ plastic ejector/ hold-down clips, bus jumpers Flange mount adapters for panel mounting caneliminate need for sockets Plastic ID clips for easy circuit identificationTiming & multifunction relaysUniversal TR Series XR Series D85 Series ESR5 Safety SeriesD26 Series Ultra-compact 17.5 –35mm size with timingrange from 0.05 sec –100 hours in a singleunitDIN rail or panel mountoptions24 –240 Vac/VDC 4and 7 function SPDT;12-240 Vac/Vdc 7function DPDTRoHS/CE/cUL/IECCompact 6A screwterminals, with optionalgold-plated contactsDIN rail mount, LEDstatus indicator12 Vdc –230 Vac,SPDT, DPDT ; 5 –6 msresponse timeSolid state and highcurrent relay optionscUL/CE10A 8-and 11-pinrelays for duplex loadsDIN rail or panel mount,LED status indicators12 Vac –240 Vac,SPDT, DPDT ; selectorswitch optional100,000 electricaloperationsUtilizes D3 socketsRoHS/CE/UL/cRUusUltra-reliable andcompact 24 Vac/Vdc –230 Vac/Vdc Single,Dual Channel safetyrelaysApplication specificdevices for e-stops,rope pulls, two-handcontrols, light curtains,gate enable devices,and safety switchesGlobal marketability –UL/cUL/cULus/TUVRhinelandNEMA 600 VacMultipole withconvertible contacts –max 12 NO or 8 NCand 4 NO polesMechanical latch andpneumatic timerattachment optionsLegacy productperforming through fivedecades –frequentlyused in nuclear powerplantsUL/CSASolid state relaysD93 Series D96 Series D99 SeriesAccessories10 –75A Compact, heavy-duty “hockey puck” stylerelaysIsolated I/O terminalsprotects from electricalnoise; snubber circuitryprotects from transientsZero cross, Triac,MOSFET switching types24 –280 Vac/ 3 –200 VdcSPST-NO ; 8.3 msresponse timeUR/CSA/CE8 –15A Compact, ultra-thin 17.5 mm style relayswith integrated heat sinkIsolated I/O terminalsprotects from electricalnoise; snubber circuitryprotects from transientsZero cross, random, DCswitching types24 –280 Vac/ 3 –50 VdcSPST-NO ; up to 5 msresponse timeUR/CSA/CE10 –40A heavy duty, longlife relays with integratedheat sinkIsolated I/O terminalsprotects from electricalnoise; snubber circuitryprotects from transientsZero cross switching type24 –280 Vac/ 48 –600Vac SPST-NO ; 8.3 –10ms response timeUL/CSA/CEHeat sink for D93 seriesSSR, pre-drilled andtapped for dissipationrequirements up to 50AThermal transfer pad forD93 series uses adhesiveto attach to the SSR anddissipate heat without theuse of greaseApplicationsApplications with frequentswitching –ovens, HVAC,compressors, pumps,packaging machineryApplications with highshock and vibration –mobile applicationsApplications requiring lowacoustical or electricalnoise –medical equipmentTypical applicationsRelays are widely used to switch (and other similar applications):•Starting coils•Heating elements•Pilot lights•Audible alarms•Dishwashers•Refrigerators•Heating and air conditioning systems Relays control the operation of (and other similar applications):•Machine tools•Industrial assembly lines•Commercial equipmentHow to select Eaton relays•See guide at right for leadingpart number by application•Example catalog trees aboveFor more information about control relays Please visit the following links for technical and product information:•Product Information•Product Training•。

ZUA 2000 多用途接触器说明书

ZUA 2000 多用途接触器说明书
In particular, this instrument has the following features: • Easy to handle • Reliable results • Easy to dismantle and reassemble for cleaning
2 Safety information
© Zehntner GmbH Testing Instruments Page 4
1 Description of device
The ZUA 2000 is an applicator for universal use, with gap height adjustable from 0 μm bis 3‘000 μm (0 mil – 118.11 mil) for preparing uniform films or wedge-shaped layers up to a difference of 3’000 μm (118.11 mil) on flat substrates.
ZUA 2000 Universal Applicator
Instruction manual

Exclusion of liability ....................................................................................................... 4 1 Description of device ............................................................................................... 5 2 Safety information ................................................................................................... 5



1-2-1 技术参数
序号 1
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
额定绝缘 压(峰值)
11 保持方式
12 机械寿命 电气自保持 机械自保持
13 电寿命
熔断器符合GB/T15166.2《交流高压熔断器 限流式熔断器》标 准的规定,熔断器安装在熔断器盒中,串联在交流真空接触器和负 载回路中。熔断器对变压器、电动机、电压互感器、电容器起到限 流保护。短路保护通过熔断器实现,它由交流高压真空接触器和熔 断器的联锁配合来实现。
2-4 真空灭弧室
在陶瓷外壳的真空灭弧室内,封装一对由耐磨损、低截流材料 组成的触头,既能满足开断性能,又能减少由于截流引起的过电 压,并提高真空灭弧室的寿命。真空灭弧室内的波纹管起着隔绝大 气又使动触头能轴向移动的功能,因而不能转动动导电杆使波纹管 扭曲损坏。
注意:真空灭弧室必须不能受外力冲击,否则将使整台接触 器损坏!
8 16
δ 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3
短路电流:熔断器具有短路限流特性,负载只承受较小的短路电 流。
交流真空接触器与熔断器配合,可以避免使用较大的熔断器, 同时能够对变压器低压绕组和低压绕组与二次侧断路器之 间连接母线故障进行保护。变压器保护熔断器可以按照下表选用:
手车式组合电器推入开关柜中应按如下步骤操作: 将手车摇进手柄插入推进孔中,顺时针摇动为推进(逆时针摇 动为退出)。推进总行程约为200mm,在分闸状态下,应顺利进入工 作位置或试验位置,请中速转动手柄20圈,当听到“嗒”的位置开 关机构动作声时即为到位(切忌用力过大而损伤推进机构)。 如在操作中遇到问题,先按照本页下表确定原因。如不能解 决,请与制造厂联系,切勿自行对组合电器拆装。 调试与操作中的各项工作应由受过专门培训、详细了解本真空 接触器-熔断器组合电器性能的人员进行。工作中必须考虑相应的 保护和预防措施。 无故障操作的前提之一是按IEC63201和GB/T14808-2001标准及 本说明书相应的规定,在正常工作条件下使用高压真空接触器-熔 断器组合电器。 检查组合电器的完整性,以避免机构件、紧固件、外部接口、 绝缘件、操作按钮等的损坏,并仔细核对产品铭牌所示的数据和技 术参数,以确认产品参数的正确性。确保无任何其它有危害性的环 境影响。若有此现象,通电前应先排除以恢复到正常的工作条件。 清除污垢,尤其是绝缘件表面的脏污。这些可能是由于在运输 或储存过程造成的脏污会影响产品绝缘性能。 在试验位置接上二次插头通上电源对组合电器进行合、分闸的 试操作,并观察接触器分、合闸位置指示和计数器的动作情况。 保证本说明书放置在操作者便于取到的位置。

GE CR460系列磁性操作灯光接触器说明书

GE CR460系列磁性操作灯光接触器说明书

gThe GE CR460 Series is a magnetically operated lighting contactor, and is available in either an open or an enclosed form. These contactors are field configurable for up to twelve poles, with a maximum of eight normally closed “NC” poles.Figure – 1 Mechanically Held Contactor1MAIN BASE1.1 DescriptionThe base of the lighting contactor (see Figure 1) has provisions to accept power poles at positions “1” to “6”. Provisions are also provided for up to 2 “NO” and 2 “NC” auxiliary contacts.1.2Installation1. Remove all packing material from the base and all the kits.2. Contactor must be mounted in the vertical position on asturdy support.3. Additional over-current protection may be required. Referto the National Electrical Code or local electrical code as required.4. Refer to Table D on page 3 for the wire size and therequired torque for the coil terminals.2POWER POLES: CR460XP31 / 322.1 DescriptionPower poles are available in both single pole (CR460XP31)and double pole (CR460XP32) versions. A maximum oftwelve poles may be installed on the base. Positions “1” to “4”on the base can be configured as either normally open “NO” or “NC” while positions “5” and “6” can be configured as “NO”only.2.2 Removal and Conversion of Power Poles1. If installed ensure that all power is disconnected.2. For multiple possible configurations of the power pole,refer to the Table A below.3. Remove block by pulling the clip as shown (see Figure 2).Rotate block 180 degrees to convert from NO to NC.Figure – 22.3 Installation of Power Poles1. Check moving carrier to assure free movement2. Install the block by sliding foot into slot; pull the clip, andposition block onto base. Release the clip.CR460 LIGHTING CONTACTOR SERIESGE Lighting ContactorsMain BaseContact3. Check for the lettering on the base. “NO” should bevisible if the power pole is assembled as normally open, or “NC”, if it is assembled a normally closed (see Figure 3).Figure – 32.4TerminationPower poles can accept wires from #14 to #8 AWG (either solid or stranded) as single or combination of two wires (refer to Table B below for valid wire combination). Refer to Table D on page 3 for the required torque.Table B3AUXILIARY CONTACTS: CR460XB1/XB23.1 DescriptionThe auxiliary contact blocks are available in both single pole (CR460XB1) and double pole (CR460XB2) versions.Auxiliary contacts can be added on either side of the base (see Figure 1). When added to the LEFT side of base, the auxiliary block functions as “NO”, and when added to the RIGHT side of base it functions as “NC”. Refer to Table D on page 3 for wire size and required torque.4 CONTROL MODULE KITSThe base (electrically held) can be converted to a mechanically held type by adding the control module kit.IMPORTANT : The control module kits are for use with the coils up to 277 Vac maximum. Use a control power transformer for higher voltages.Conversion from an electrically held to a mechanically held type is possible by adding the “control module kit” to the base.4.1 DescriptionControl modules kits are available both for 2-wire and 3-wire control with a wide range of control voltage inputs. Figure 4shows the components in 2-wire control module kit. A 3-wire kit includes an additional single-pole auxiliary contact block.Refer to the Ordering Detail section for more information on the control module kits and the control voltages available.Figure – 44.2Installation1. Disconnect all power and mount the control module on thecontactor as shown in Figure 1 (3-wire control type).2.Mount the latch and the latch cover as shown in Figure 5.Figure – 53. Be sure the latch is firmly in place with the wire facing outand the slot positioned with tab inserted.4. Operate contactor manually, using manual operation tabson side, prior to installing cover to insure correct installation.Note : Once latch cover has been installed, it may not be removed.5. For 2-wire control, the auxiliary contact block isassembled to the right side of the base for “NC”.IMPORTANT : Latch and electronic module must be used together to ensure proper operation. Failure to do so will void warranty.4.3WiringFollow the schematic (Figure 6) for 2 and 3-wire control.Refer to Table D on page 3 for wire size and required torque.Note: For 2-wire control, ensure the two wires coming from the control module are connected across a NC auxiliary contact.8 AWG 10 AWG12 AWG14 AWG Size Type Stranded StrandedSolid StrandedSolid StrandedSolid 8 AWG Stranded X X X X X X X StrandedXX X X X X 10 AWG SolidXX X X X StrandedX X X X 12 AWG SolidXX X StrandedX X 14 AWG SolidXLatchLatch CoverElectrical ModuleAux. ContactFigure – 65COIL KITS5.1 DescriptionA wide range of coils is available for both electrically held and mechanically held lighting contactor. Refer to the Ordering Detail section for more information about the coil kit catalog numbers and voltages available.Note: For mechanically held lighting contactor, only use coil rated up to 277 VAC maximum. Use control power transformer for higher voltages.5.2Installation1. Disconnect all power. Replace and mount the coil on thecontactor as shown in Figure 7.2. For mechanically held contactors, remove all wires fromthe control module and remove the coil cover along with control module.Figure – 7Table C5.3 WiringCoil terminal can accept wires from #18 AWG to #14 AWG (either solid or stranded) as single or combination of two wires (Refer to Table C below for valid wire combination). Refer to Table D below for required torque.Table D* #8 AWG is stranded only for the power pole.Ordering detailsCoil Kits:CR460XCC 24V 60Hz /20V 50Hz coil CR460XCD 28V 60Hz / 24V 50Hz coil CR460XCJ 115-120V 60Hz / 110V 50Hz coilCR460XCL 200-208V 60Hz coilCR460XCS 230-240V 60Hz / 220V 50Hz coil CR460XCN 265- 277V 60Hz / 240V 50Hz coilCR460XCT 347V 60Hz coilCR460XCU 460-480V 60Hz / 440V 50Hz coil CR460XCY575-600V 60Hz / 550V 50 Hz Control Module Kits:CR460XMB 2 wire 24 Vac 60/50 Hz CR460XMC 2 wire 110-120 Vac 60/50 Hz CR460XMD 2 wire 200-277 Vac 60/50 HzCR460XME 2 wire 12-18 Vdc CR460XMM 3 wire 24 Vac 60/50 Hz CR460XMN3 wire 110-120 Vac 60/50 Hz CR460XMP 3 wire 200-277 Vac 60/50 HzCR460XMR 3 wire 12-18 VdcPower Pole Kits:CR460XP31Single Power Pole CR460XP32Double Power PoleAuxiliary Contact Kits:CR460XB1 1 NO/NC CR460XB22 NO/NCNote : These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are notcovered sufficiently for the Purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to the nearest General Electric sales office.#14 A W G #16 A W G #18 A W G Size TypeSolid Stranded Solid Stranded Solid Stranded SolidX X X X X X #14 A W GStranded X X X X XSolidX X X X #16 A W GStranded X X XSolidX X #18 A W GS trandedXWiring DiagramsCR460L Electrically Held ContactorCR460M Mechanically Held ContactorgGE Industrial Systems General Electric Company41 Woodford Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062DEH-40460 0202©2002 General Electric Company。



Caution: Before installing in a nuclear application, determinethat the product is intended for such use.Warning: Disconnect power before installing or servicing.DescriptionThe auxiliary contact units (sometimes called electrical interlocks)have been designed to install along side the contactor.The double circuit basic block provides a 1 N0-1 NC circuit and iscompletely enclosed. The basic block is also furnished with 1 NO or1 NC contact. Contacts are heavy pilot-duty rated and are of double­break design.Single circuit adder blocks easily install from the front of a contactoror starter.Figure 1. Adder block (ri g ht). Basic block (left)Contact RatingsContinuous Inrush Continuous InrushAC Volts Current Current DC Volts Current CurrentAmperes Amperes Amperes Amperes115 6.0 60 125 1.1 ......230 3.0 30 250 0.5 ......460 1.5 15 ......575 1.2 12 ......Kit IdentificationCatalog Number Description ContactConfigurationCR305X100A Basic Block 1 NOCR305X100B Basic Block 1 NCCR305X100C Basic Block 1 NO-1 NCCR305X100D Adder Block 1 NOCR305X100E Adder Block 1 NCNOTE: One adder block may be added to each basic block.Installation (Basic Contact Block)The auxiliary contact kit comes complete with bracket and is easilyinstalled in this manner:1.Remove power from device.Figure 2.2.Press against coil while pulling up slightly on coil retainers andmove retainers away from coil.3. Withdraw magnet assembly, coil, molded cover, and movable armfrom device.4.Slide the angled flanges on auxiliary contact bracket into thekeyed slots in the molded base as shown in Figure 2.5.Reassemble device by reversing procedure.Figure 3.(Adder Contact Block)The adder contact block is readily assembled to the basic block inthe following steps:1.Remove power from device.2.Align the hex screws with the captive nuts in the basic block.Also, align the contact plunger of the basic block and of the adderblock.3.Slide the two blocks together and tighten screws as shown inFigure 3.These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with install ation, operation, or maintenance, Should further information be desired or shoul d particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the Purchaser's purposes, the matter shoul d be referred to the nearest ABB sales office.GEH-4758 Installation Instructions For NEMA Size 0 and 1300-Line Auxilliary Contacts CR305X200-or 300-Line Starters And Contactors-,7Figure 4Tables 1 and 2Location Of Additional Auxiliary ContactsNEMA Sizes O and 1, 300-Line three-pole, non-mechanical interlock­!ld devices can handle up to four extra auxiliary contacts in any combination of normally open and normally closed circuits. The various contact configurations, the mounting locations of basic and adder blocks to make up these configurations, relative to the position of the contactor or starter, are shown in Table 1.LEFTr--,IwIt---1IX III y I L--...J BACKJ:. CD6RIGHT r--, ITIf---�I z III i y I I.. __ J BACKTable 1-Extra Auxiliary ContactTable 2-Kits For Field Modification-Order In Quantities Shown By Catalog NumberFinal SuffixContact LocationLetter Of Catalog Number wX yzTuA (Or None)B -II-C .'.:::f-D -II-�E -II--II-F ..::::+k .'.:::f-G -II--II-�H � -II-..:::::+ J -II--II--II-K .:::+k::.:::::+k �L -II--II--II--II-M �� .:::+k::� N-II-� -II-� p-II--II-� -II-R� -II-��CD Standard holding interlock.0 Both NO and NC contacts must be of same polarity.1 NO1 NC 1 NO-1 NC 1 NO 1 NC Adder Adder X100AX100BX100C 0X100DX100E11111111 11121 212222211111121S Q C 912014M 0201 G E H -4758C , N o v e m b e r 2020—ABB Inc.305 Gregson Drive Cary, NC 27511.—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB Inc. does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB Inc. Copyright© 2020 ABB All rights reserved。

Eaton Moeller PKZ0系列辅助接触器说明说明书

Eaton Moeller PKZ0系列辅助接触器说明说明书

Eaton 073235Eaton Moeller® series PKZ0 Standard auxiliary contact, 2N/O+1N/C, screw connectionGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZ0 Accessory Standard auxiliary contact073235401508073235870 mm 90 mm 15 mm 0.039 kgCE CSACSA-C22.2 No. 14 ULUL File No.: E36332UL Category Control No.: NLRV CSA File No.: 165628 IEC/EN 60947-4-1 UL 508CSA Class No.: 3211-05Product NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications3.5 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.NoneMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Side mountingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility.55 °C50,000 Operations0 WIs the panel builder's responsibility.-25 °CDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be eaton-motorstarters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-characteristic-curve-005.epsDA-DC-00004878.pdfDA-DC-00004883.pdfDA-DC-00004960.pdfDA-DC-00004879.pdfDA-DC-00004892.pdfDA-DC-00004882.pdfDA-DC-00004890.pdfDA-DC-00004950.pdfDA-DC-00004921.pdfDA-DC-00004885.pdfDA-DC-00004891.pdfDA-DC-00004961.pdfDA-DC-00004920.pdfDA-DC-00004889.pdfDA-DC-00004880.pdfDA-DC-00004918.pdfDA-DC-00004910.pdfDA-DC-00004915.pdfDA-DC-00004914.pdfDA-DC-00004916.pdfDA-DC-00004952.pdfDA-DC-00004884.pdfDA-DC-00004887.pdfDA-DC-00004881.pdfDA-DC-00004886.pdfDA-DC-00004919.pdfDA-DC-00004911.pdfDA-DC-00004912.pdfDA-DC-00004935.pdfDA-DC-00004962.pdfDA-DC-00004937.pdfDA-DC-00004953.pdfDA-DC-00004888.pdfRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingLamp holder10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting method10.2.5 Lifting10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.8 Connections for external conductorsAmbient operating temperature - maxLifespan, electricalStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageAmbient operating temperature - min10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.5 Protection against electric shock Characteristic curve Declarations of conformityevaluated.440 V, Between auxiliary contacts and main contacts, According to EN 61140Motor protective circuit-breaker3.5 AScrew connectionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.1Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0.04 W2 A0.75 - 1.5 mm²5 A, 600 V AC, (UL/CSA)1 A, 250 V DC, (UL/CSA)Accessories0 W DA-DC-00004945.pdfDA-DC-00004944.pdfDA-DC-00004913.pdfDA-DC-00004917.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-contact-nhi-accessory-wiring-diagram.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-dimensions-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-3d-drawing-003.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-3d-drawing-005.epsIL03407011ZDA-CS-nhi_pkz0DA-CD-nhi_pkz0DA-DC-00004545.pdfDA-DC-00004245.pdfDA-DC-00004109.pdfDA-DC-00004316.pdfDA-DC-00004246.pdfDA-DC-00004244.pdfDA-DC-00004108.pdfDA-DC-00004554.pdfSafe isolationUsed withRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V Electric connection type10.13 Mechanical function10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Terminal capacity (solid/flexible with ferrule)Switching capacity (auxiliary contacts, general use) Product categoryNumber of switches (fault signal)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid Diagramas de cableado DibujosInstrucciones de instalación mCAD modelReportes de certificacionesHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 60 V1 ARated operational current (Ie)1 A at AC-15, 440 V 500 VShort-circuit protection rating without welding10 A gG/gL, Fuse, Auxiliary contacts10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Connection typeScrew connectionRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 220 V, 230 V0.25 ATerminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)18 - 14, Screw terminals10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIRated operational voltage (Ue) at DC - max250 VRated operational voltage (Ue) at AC - max500 VPollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)6000 V AC10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Todos los derechos reservados. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.2Top mounting0.5 AQ300, DC operated (UL/CSA) A600, AC operated (UL/CSA)2 A10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.7 InscriptionsNumber of contacts (normally open contacts)Model Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 110 V Number of contacts (change-over contacts)Switching capacity (auxiliary contacts, pilot duty)Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 24 V。

Schneider Electric C25 Series定义式接触器说明书

Schneider Electric C25 Series定义式接触器说明书

Definite PurPose ContaCtorsl Open Style with Metal Mounting Platel 1-, 2- and 3-Pole Models l 25 to 75 A Capacityl Kits for Side Auxiliary Contact l NEMA 1 Enclosure AvailableDefinite purpose (DP) contactors aredesigned to improve control of refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and resistance heating applications. The complete line offers everything from compact DPs to the smallest 50 ampere DP contactor in the world anaverage of 20% smaller than the competition. Always looking for new ways to improve the customer experience, the 50 mm (2") DP contactor with an innovative sealed housing is designed to keep out contaminants and lower noise. Building on that success, the new series of Compact DPs are now available in a sleek new sealed design. Continuing to innovate and upgrade products, we offer the perfect definite purpose solution for your HVACR applications.New Compact Models Definite Purpose ContactorsThe new 30 ampere, single- and double-pole, Type C25 compact DP contactors feature a compact, efficient design with a low VA coil and straight through wiring. These devices are economically priced, UL recognized/CSA certified, are current rated and hp/kW rated with magnet coils rated Class F, 155°C (311°F) [most are Class B, 130°C (266°F)] and designed with low VA current ratings for less energy consumption. With the ability to be mounted vertically, horizontally or tabletop, the new series of compact DPs will meet all your definite purpose application needs.C25BNB230AC25DND330AC25FNF375BC25DNJ350AC25CNB130AComPaCt seriesLightiNg Duty RAtiNgSC25CNB130AC25BNB230ASPECifiCAtiONSCOMPACt MODELSuL Recognized Components: UL File number E1491, Guides NLDX2 and NLDX8CSA Certified Components: CSA C22.2 No. 14-05, File number 238083 Class 3211 84iEC: 60947-4-1EN: 60947-4-1ARi: 780/790 Standard RohS: Compliantinsulation Voltage: 690VCurrent Rated and hp/kW Rated Contacts: Double breakMagnet Coil: Class F, 155°C (311°F)Contact Arc Covers: Standard on all contactorsContactors are Marked with Line and Load terminal Designations Operating temperature Range: -13 to 158°F (-25 to 70°C)tERMiNAL WiRE RANgEhex Washer head Screws: 16-10 AWG, 30 lb-in torque rating Box Lugs:16-10 AWg: 35 lb-in torque rating 8 AWg: 40 lb-in torque rating 6-4 AWg: 45 lb-in torque ratingMounting Position: Vertical, horizontal or tabletopiEC/CE RAtiNgS (iEC 60947-4-1, EN 60947-4-1)C25FNF375AC25DNJ350AStANDARD SERiESuL Recognized Components: UL File #E-1491, Guide NLDX2CSA Certified Components:File #LR353, Class 3211 04, 481301 and 122201iEC: 60947-4-1EN: 60947-4-1RohS Compliance: 25 to 50 A only Magnet CoilClass B: (C25E, F, G, H and K), 130°C (266°F)Class f: (C25D and L), 155°C (311°F) Class h: (C25D), 180°C (356°F) (Available as factory installed option)Contacts: Double break Coil terminals: 10-14 AWG Ambient temperature: 65°C (150°F) maximumApprovals: UL recognized, CSA certified and conform to ARI 780 CE mark terminal Wire Range#8–32 Screw/Pressure Plate: 1-Conductor: 14–8 AWG 2-Conductors: 14–8 AWGBox Lugs—15 to 50 A: #2 posidrive screw or 5⁄32 hex socket screw upper Level: 14-4 AWG (1-conductor)Lower Level: 14-6 AWG (1-conductor)Box Lugs—75 Aupper Level: 14–2 AWG Lower Level: 14–6 AWGNote: The box lugs on the 25–75A device can accept two conductors per pole.C25DND330ALightiNg Duty RAtiNgSstanDarD seriesC25DNJ350AC25BNB230AC25DND330A。

Eaton Moeller NHI 辅助接触器说明书.pdf_1702729030.832091

Eaton Moeller NHI 辅助接触器说明书.pdf_1702729030.832091

Eaton 072894Eaton Moeller® series NHI Standard auxiliary contact, 2N/O+1N/C,screw connectionGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series NHI AccessoryStandard auxiliary contact072894401508072894868 mm90 mm15 mm0.038 kgCSA Class No.: 3211-05CEUL 508CSA-C22.2 No. 14UL Category Control No.: NLRV IEC/EN 60947-4-1CSAULUL File No.: E36332CSA File No.: 165628Can be retrofitted on the right side of motor-protective circuit-breakersNHI21-PKZ0Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog NotesModel CodeScrew connection Interlocked opposing contacts 50,000 OperationsTop mountingSide mountingIII3Accessories6000 V ACMotor protective circuit-breaker-25 °C 55 °C 0.75 - 1.5 mm²18 - 14, Screw terminals1 A at AC-15, 440 V 500 V 3.5 A2 A0.5 A0.25 A Screw connection< 2 λ, < 1 failure at 100,000,000 Operations (at Uₑ = 24 V DC, Umin = 17 V, Imin = 5.4 mA)Electric connection type Features Lifespan, electricalModelMounting methodOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeProduct categoryRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Used withAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Terminal capacity (solid/flexible with ferrule) Terminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)Rated operational current (Ie)Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 110 VRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 220 V, 230 V Connection typeControl circuit reliabilityNumber of contacts (change-over contacts)2 A1 A500 V250 V440 V, Between auxiliary contacts and main contacts, According to EN 6114010 A gG/gL, Fuse, Auxiliary contacts 120 W0 W0.04 W3.5 A0 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to beRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 24 V Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 60 V Rated operational voltage (Ue) at AC - max Rated operational voltage (Ue) at DC - max Safe isolationShort-circuit protection rating without welding Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of contacts (normally open contacts)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesevaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Save time and space thanks to the new link module PKZM0-XDM32ME Motor Starters in System xStart - brochureSwitching and protecting motors - catalogProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motorseaton-motorstarters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-characteristic-curve-005.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-dimensions-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-3d-drawing-003.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-auxiliary-contact-nhi-accessory-3d-drawing-005.epsDA-CE-ETN.NHI21-PKZ0IL03407011ZIL03402034ZIL03801004ZWIN-WIN with push-in technologyDA-CS-nhi_pkz0DA-CD-nhi_pkz0eaton-manual-motor-starters-contact-nhi-accessory-wiring-diagram.eps10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function Brochures Catalogues Characteristic curve DrawingseCAD model Installation instructionsInstallation videos mCAD modelWiring diagramsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

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