《I have a pen pal》PPT课件5
人教版六年级上册英语第四单元Unit 04 I have a pen pal绿色卡通ppt课件模板
Let’s wrap it up
Underline the verbs and fill in the blanks.强调动词填空
Jane has a cat.
The cat loves to sleep.
这只猫很爱睡觉 .
Every afternoon Jane studies Chinese and does her
Read, answer and write!
Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 P.M. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy : 334 5567
Goal! Goal! Goal ! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club ! See you on the playground ! John@
Let’s read together ! What is your hobby? Do you like reading? I have great books . We can share! Call Mike : 443 5678
Science Club, YOUR club! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room ! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. robin@
Your hobbies
I like … and …. My hobbies are ….
Your Partner’s hobbies
《I have a pen pal》PPT课件9
Stamps show(邮票展) There is a stamps show on Sunday.
Kite show
Painting show
Bike show
Flower show
Painting Show Time: Saturday Place: Museum
Pay attention(注意):
• 主格
• 宾格
• Now let me tell you. • Can I speak to him /her , please? • Can he go with us? • Where are my keys? I can’t find them.
What’s his/her hobby She/He likes… Her/His hobby is ...
playing the violin collecting stamps
riding a bike
making kites
playing basketball
• She likes making kites . (根据答句写问句) What’s her hobby?
1.抄写Let’s talk 两次。 2.背诵Let’s talk. 3.完成练习册。预习新课并听录音三次
你被拒绝的越多,你就成长得越快;你学的越多,就越能成功。 危机二字的正解是危险和机会,但大多数人只看到危险,鲜有人看到机会,所以成功赚到大钱的人并不多。 不要试图交到一个完美的朋友,也不要交到很多朋友。 生活充满了选择,而生活的态度就是一切。 美德是这个世界上惟一不会凋谢的花朵。 不论成功还是失败,都是系于自己。——朗费罗 不要试图交到一个完美的朋友,也不要交到很多朋友。 天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。——陆游 萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。 信念是一把无坚不摧的利刃。 己所不欲,勿施于人。——《论语·颜渊》 当一个人真正觉悟的一刻,他放弃追寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富。
《I have a pen pal》20 图文
谁都渴望能实现人生价值的生活 。能跟 身边人 桐花万 里路, 比翼齐 双飞, 是人人 期盼的 人生美 景。然 而,有 下 度假照 ,就会 有一溜 烟儿的 点赞。 赞,是 因为这 些空闲 得来不 易。
大多时候,女人一天的24小时,1 440分 钟,都 挤不出 留给自 己的时 间。工 作、老 人、孩 子、家 务,晚 上躺在 床上筋 疲力尽 ,还要 顺便考 虑一下 明天的 早餐和 周末要 不要去 早市买 条鱼… …凡俗 琐碎的 生活, 是当下 许多女 人正在 经历的 日子。
What are you doing?
Now,I'm writing an email(正在写电子邮件) to my new pen pal in Anstralia(澳大利亚).
节俭=会过日子。这个等式在过去 可能是 成立的 。但是 如今, 大部分 国人已 经摆脱 物质上 的困窘 ,吃饱 穿暖基 本都不 成问题 。我们 实在不 该再把 节省作 为生活 的准则 ,作为 衡量女 人会不 会过日 子的唯 一标准 。某次 我去理 发,随 口聊到 度假, 说过年 想一家 三口去 海岛, 我那从 来都 有型有 款的发 型师, 忽然就 像拉开 另一个 世界的 大门一 样,问 我:“ 你有小 孩了? ”然后 他对我 说,他 和他老 婆想要 一个小 孩,可 发现这 事远远 没有那 么简单 ,经过 近两年 的尝试 仍不成 功,已 经变成 一种巨 大的困 扰。
当年,她是才貌双全的校花,婚 后,为 了照顾 家庭换 了一份 清闲的 工作。 江先生 出国进 修3年, 婆婆卧 床不起 ,小儿 6岁, 艰难的 日子都 是她一 人咬牙 走过。
差距、背叛、新欢逼宫。太阳底 下无鲜 事,但 在自己 身上重 演一遍 ,对于 他们来 说还是 刻骨铭 心。
I have a pen pal公开课课件
A Let's talk
Let’s listen!
like +v.ing
Pair work:
--What are your hobbies?
--I like …
What are Miss Wu’s hobbies? Miss Wu likes… She likes…
3.His/Her favourite colour/food is…
Who’s he/she?
Task 2:
Interview(采访) !
请根据实际情况来采访教室里的老师和同学们, 询问他们的hobbies。总结,然后在组里说一 说!
Please use the polite language(礼貌用语) as follows!!!
B. in the city
Let’s talk P38 点此超链接
Read and find out. What are Peter’s hobbies?
reading stories swimming
doing kung fu singing
Peter likes __r_ea_d_i_n_g_s_t_o_ri_e_s_.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Group work:
Task 1: Guess:Who is my best friend?
1.My best friend is tall/short/funny…
2.He/She likes dancing/climbing mountains…
1.( T)Peter likes basketball。
Let’s listen!
like +v.ing
Pair work:
--What are your hobbies?
--I like …
What are Miss Wu’s hobbies? Miss Wu likes… She likes…
3.His/Her favourite colour/food is…
Who’s he/she?
Task 2:
Interview(采访) !
请根据实际情况来采访教室里的老师和同学们, 询问他们的hobbies。总结,然后在组里说一 说!
Please use the polite language(礼貌用语) as follows!!!
B. in the city
Let’s talk P38 点此超链接
Read and find out. What are Peter’s hobbies?
reading stories swimming
doing kung fu singing
Peter likes __r_ea_d_i_n_g_s_t_o_ri_e_s_.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Group work:
Task 1: Guess:Who is my best friend?
1.My best friend is tall/short/funny…
2.He/She likes dancing/climbing mountains…
1.( T)Peter likes basketball。
人教版六年级英语上册《I have a pen pal》PartA PPT课件
Oliver: What are Peter’s hobbies? Zhang Peng: He ... He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows!
Oliver: That’s interesting. Zhang Peng: He likes ...
Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”!
3. What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies?
He likes singing.
Language points
1. He likes reading stories. 2. He lives on the farm. 3. So sometimes he reads to the cows.
likes playing ________ pipa.
A. /, the
B. the, the C. /, /
三、看表格,补全句子。 1. ____L_i_ly___ and __M_a_r_y____ like flying kites. 2. Bill _____l_ik_e_s_l_is_t_en_i_n_g_t_o_____ music. 3. Bob likes ___p_la_y_in_g_f_o_o_tb_a_l_l ___. 4. Lily, Bob and Bill ___d_o_n_’t_l_ik_e______ playing basketball.
Read after the tape.
dancing singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu
Oliver: That’s interesting. Zhang Peng: He likes ...
Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”!
3. What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies?
He likes singing.
Language points
1. He likes reading stories. 2. He lives on the farm. 3. So sometimes he reads to the cows.
likes playing ________ pipa.
A. /, the
B. the, the C. /, /
三、看表格,补全句子。 1. ____L_i_ly___ and __M_a_r_y____ like flying kites. 2. Bill _____l_ik_e_s_l_is_t_en_i_n_g_t_o_____ music. 3. Bob likes ___p_la_y_in_g_f_o_o_tb_a_l_l ___. 4. Lily, Bob and Bill ___d_o_n_’t_l_ik_e______ playing basketball.
Read after the tape.
dancing singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu
《I have a pen pal》PPT课件3
11、 Her hobby is reading stories.
12、 Amy can draw cartoons.
13、 I often climb mountains on the weekend.
14、 Yes, I like taking a trip.
15、 No, my father doesn’t like watching TV.
John: Hey, Yifan. What are you doing?
Wu Yifan: I am writing an email to his new pen ve in Sydney?
Wu Yifan: No, he doesn’t. He live in Canberra.
W: Sure, does he study primary school. M: Yes, he is 11 years old. W: Great, I will write an e-mail to him today.
Canberra (堪培拉)
·· Sydney
Canberr a
doing word puzzles
Wu Yifan: Sure. Why not?
John: Cool!
1、What is Wu Yi fan doing now?
He is writing an email to his n.ew pen pal.
2、What’s his name?
His name is John.
3、Where is he from?
His name is John, too .
John: Really? Does he like doing word puzzles
六年级英语I have a pen pal课件5(PPT)5-2
二百。 【赑】(贔)[赑屃]()〈书〉①形用力的样子。②名传说中的一种动物,像龟。旧时大石碑的石座多雕刻成赑屃形状。 【筚】(篳)
Please read this passage:
I have a good friend, MingMing. She is active. She likes singing and dancing. She likes playing basketball, too. On the weekend she often goes to the library and books. Sometimes she climbs mountains and flies kites in the park. She is very happy.
时有膨胀现象。用来制低熔合金,也用于核工业和医工业等方面。 【秘】(祕)①译音用字,如秘鲁(国名,在南美洲)。②()名姓。 【狴】[狴犴]
(’)〈书〉名①传说中的一种走兽,古代常把它的形象画在牢狱的门上。②借指监狱。 【萆】同“蓖”。 【萆薢】名多年生藤本植物,叶略呈心脏形,根
状茎横生,圆柱形,表面黄褐色,可入。 【梐】[梐枑]()名古代官署前拦住行人的东西,用木条交叉制成。 【庳】〈书〉①低洼:陂塘污~。②矮:宫
(賁)〈书〉装饰得很美的样子。 【荜】(蓽)同“筚”。 【荜】(蓽)见下。 【荜拨】名多年生藤本植物,叶卵状心形,雌雄异株,浆果卵形。果穗可
入。 【荜路蓝缕】ǚ同“筚路蓝缕”。 【柲】〈书〉戈戟等兵器的柄。 【毖】〈书〉谨慎小心:惩前~后。 【哔】(嗶)[哔叽](ī)名密度比较小的斜
香。②()名姓。 【畀】〈书〉给;给以:~以重任|投~豺虎。 【閟】*(閟)〈书〉①闭门;闭。②谨慎。 【泌】①泌阳(),地名,在河南。②()
在后来和二外公的一次交谈中,我才得知这个小队只剩下十多个老人和几个小孩子在家,其它年轻人都外出打工挣钱去了。这是当下农村很普遍的一个现象,农村的条件和廉价的农作物根本留不住 年轻人。九天游戏
舅舅又问外公:“想不想跟你两兄弟聊会天嘛?”外公沉默了一会儿,点了点头。舅舅掏出手机,打电话给在玉米地里搬包谷的幺外公。二外公就在屋外的坝子里推晒玉米粒,听到后放下推耙便赶紧 进来了。过了一会儿,幺外公也来了,这是他们三兄弟几年来首次见面。
二外公和三外公坐在外公身旁,外公躺在椅子上,竟像来没有见过外公哭过一次。”我们都知道,外公害怕死亡,他本能的求生意志要求 他活下来。
自从外公做了膀胱结石手术后的这一两年,我发现外公不怎么开心了,一直闷闷不乐,他和舅娘的关系一直处得不好,基本不怎么说话。外公和外婆也不怎么说话。外公应该是出现了抑郁状态。以 前外公身体好时,经常出去和一些同龄的大爷大妈们聊天,这几年也认识了一些人。自从外公身体变差后,他就很少出门了。舅舅和舅娘一天到晚守在店里,少了与人的交流,又没有什么爱好可以打发 时间,自然而然的心情不好了。
舅舅又问外公:“想不想跟你两兄弟聊会天嘛?”外公沉默了一会儿,点了点头。舅舅掏出手机,打电话给在玉米地里搬包谷的幺外公。二外公就在屋外的坝子里推晒玉米粒,听到后放下推耙便赶紧 进来了。过了一会儿,幺外公也来了,这是他们三兄弟几年来首次见面。
二外公和三外公坐在外公身旁,外公躺在椅子上,竟像来没有见过外公哭过一次。”我们都知道,外公害怕死亡,他本能的求生意志要求 他活下来。
自从外公做了膀胱结石手术后的这一两年,我发现外公不怎么开心了,一直闷闷不乐,他和舅娘的关系一直处得不好,基本不怎么说话。外公和外婆也不怎么说话。外公应该是出现了抑郁状态。以 前外公身体好时,经常出去和一些同龄的大爷大妈们聊天,这几年也认识了一些人。自从外公身体变差后,他就很少出门了。舅舅和舅娘一天到晚守在店里,少了与人的交流,又没有什么爱好可以打发 时间,自然而然的心情不好了。
六年级上册英语课件-Unit4 I have a pen pal
2.Act with emotion and action.
Is this a true story?
1.Read the story . 2.Act the story in a group. 3.If you like squirrels ,watch a film--Ice Age.
If you are little squirrels or Monkey King, what will you say?
Monkey King,
Ah,___. I like eating___.
Have some ___. Oh no,___. I don’t like eating__
I like… I don’t like…
Zac liked his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels.
Why does Zac like his new tail?
A.Because it’s beautiful. B.Because it woks like an umbrella,it helps Zac .
Whose tail is it?
It’s the monkey’s tail.
Whose tail is it?
It’saarasbhboitr’ts tail.
Whose tail is it?
It’s the squirrel’s tail.
Why is the squirrel’s tail bushy?
Monkey King! Do you like my…
Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. The Monkey King likes reading books,so he doesn’t like Zac’s
Is this a true story?
1.Read the story . 2.Act the story in a group. 3.If you like squirrels ,watch a film--Ice Age.
If you are little squirrels or Monkey King, what will you say?
Monkey King,
Ah,___. I like eating___.
Have some ___. Oh no,___. I don’t like eating__
I like… I don’t like…
Zac liked his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels.
Why does Zac like his new tail?
A.Because it’s beautiful. B.Because it woks like an umbrella,it helps Zac .
Whose tail is it?
It’s the monkey’s tail.
Whose tail is it?
It’saarasbhboitr’ts tail.
Whose tail is it?
It’s the squirrel’s tail.
Why is the squirrel’s tail bushy?
Monkey King! Do you like my…
Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. The Monkey King likes reading books,so he doesn’t like Zac’s
《I have a pen pal》PPT课件5
B : What are his hobbies? 他的爱好是什么呢?
A : He likes doing kung fu and swimming. 他喜欢功夫和游泳。
B : Does he live on the South Island? 他住在乡村吗?
A : Yes , he does. He lives on a farm. 不, 他不是。他住在城市。
A Let’s talk
doing kung fu
playing sports
climbing mountains
listening to music
watching TV
playing the pipa
drawing cartoons
动词后面添加 ing,一般有三种常见的情况:
(1) 在动词后面直接添加,如climb→climbing, play→playing等;
在本课like doing sth … 句型中需要用 到动名词形式。
What is your hobby? I like climbing mountains.
Hale Waihona Puke doing sportsclimbing mountains
listening to music watching TV
(2) 动词去掉最后不发音的字母e,再加ing, 如:ride→riding,dive→diving等;
(3)重读闭音节结尾,动词双写最后一个字母, 然后再添加ing, 如:
A : He likes doing kung fu and swimming. 他喜欢功夫和游泳。
B : Does he live on the South Island? 他住在乡村吗?
A : Yes , he does. He lives on a farm. 不, 他不是。他住在城市。
A Let’s talk
doing kung fu
playing sports
climbing mountains
listening to music
watching TV
playing the pipa
drawing cartoons
动词后面添加 ing,一般有三种常见的情况:
(1) 在动词后面直接添加,如climb→climbing, play→playing等;
在本课like doing sth … 句型中需要用 到动名词形式。
What is your hobby? I like climbing mountains.
Hale Waihona Puke doing sportsclimbing mountains
listening to music watching TV
(2) 动词去掉最后不发音的字母e,再加ing, 如:ride→riding,dive→diving等;
(3)重读闭音节结尾,动词双写最后一个字母, 然后再添加ing, 如:
《I have a pen pal》PPT课件(第2课时)
SShheehhaass mmeeddiuiumm Lleennggtthh hhaaiirr..
She has medium length hair.
She has short hair.
知识讲解 Type of hair
She has She has long Hair. short hair.
Favorite color Your Birthday
Favorite books
Favorite vacation
Favorite flower+scent Favorite food
I am looking forward to meeting my pen pal.
Find her pen pal!
Let's learn about describing people.
知识讲解 Type of hair
知识讲解 Type of hair
SShheehhaass lolonnggHhaairir..
She has short hair.
HHeehhaassnnoohhaairi.r. ==lileieisisbbaaldld. .
Robert Age Family Father Mother Grade Favorite subject Hobbies Pet
My father is a Realtor and my mother owns a boutique. What does your parent do? We have a cute cat. Her name is Terry. She loves to eat fish. Do you have a pet?
孩子,有时候妈妈真的被生活的重压压得喘不过气,有时候妈妈会被你的无理取闹弄得整个人都快疯了。有时,妈妈会很不快乐,为什么别的孩子那么正常,而我的孩子却连一声妈妈也没有叫过? 孩子,我每天都不断的重复“妈妈”这个词,真的希望有一天我睡醒了,你会坐在我的身边,搂着我的腰,甜甜的说:“妈妈早上好!”孩子,我无数次做着这样的梦,梦里你在田间追赶着我,大声喊 着:“妈妈,妈妈,别跑那么快,等等我!”孩子,虽然我时常伤心不已,可是我知道既然我生下了你,就必须对你负责!对你,不仅仅是责任,还有血浓于水的亲情,朝夕相处的患难之情,妈妈又怎 么舍得为了自己的所谓安稳的生活而放弃你呢?孩子,妈妈永远永远都不会放弃你,直到妈妈到了天堂为止!开心8手机登录网站
生活本应该是美的,我却总觉得她是经过了刻意的修饰。在刻意的世界里,我有些无奈,无奈得往往只剩下自己。大概在人的一生中有些话最好说给自己,有些话只能说给自己吧!ag8网址 二、 理智尚清醒时,也曾感觉理顺过几次!可现实思索曾经却产生了孤独,于是我默默在孤独中,然而孤独却是最让人误解的东西,甚至自己都找不回自己! 大概,我想我是不会懂得沉默有时也是一种侮辱,于是我什么都不在乎,于是我什么都无所谓,于是还有许多人羡慕我的宽容和洒脱,于是自己却生活得很辛苦,很辛苦! 看着形容过的曾经,我笑了,笑的有些痴!最深的摧残大概是看不见的,我的笑就是我的哭! 三 、 有些人有事没事总喜欢寻找安慰,我想我没有那么无趣。可我又不得不安慰自己,为现实的懦弱寻找借口:畏惧美丽,是我最美丽的人生体验。忍人所不能忍,不是因为懦弱,而是因为你看得更远! 曾经,我呼唤着,可我却用曾经来理解现实。解释感情的人,大概总是备受感情折磨的人。日子只好我一个人编织,模仿他人我是不会的,可我真的有些害怕日复一日地模仿自己! 也曾试着警告过自己,别把自己湮没在平庸之海。我原谅曾经的一切,但我不会忘却。现实我不拥有我喜欢的,那就喜欢我所
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A Let’s talk
doing kung fu
playing sports
climbing mountains
listening to music
watching TV
playing the pipa
drawing cartoons
动词后面添加 ing,一般有三种常见的情况:
(1) 在动词后面直接添加,如climb→climbing, play→playing等;
在本课like doing sth … 句型中需要用 到动名词形式。
What is your hobby? I like climbing mountains.
doing sports
climbing mountains
listening to music watching TV
B : What are his hobbies? 他的爱好是什么呢?
A : He likes doing kung fu and swimming. 他喜欢功夫和游泳。
B : Does he live on the South Island? 他住在乡村吗?
A : Yes , he does. He lives on a farm.
plaing the pipa
drawing cartoons
Sentences: He likes doing kungfu and swimming.
Bye bye!
感谢您的阅读! 为 了 便于学习和使用,本 文档下载后内容可随意修 改调整及打印 , 欢 迎 下 载 !
Unit 4
I have a pen pal
Main scene A Let’s learn
Words :
•hobby ['hɔbi] (爱好) •pen pal 笔友
Main scene Grammar :
A : Oliver ,this is my pen pal Peter. Oliver , 这是我的笔友Peter 。
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(2) 动词去掉最后不发音的字母e,再加ing, 如:ride→riding,dive→diving等;
(3)重读闭音节结尾,动词双写最后一个字母, 然后再添加ing, 如:
一般有两种作用: • 1、表示现在进行时态的需要。 • 2、动名词形式。
不, 他不是。他住在城ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。
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