

Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus Certifie

Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus Certifie

Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus Certified for CanadaAccessories, "Inrush Limiter SITOP Series", Model(s) 6EP1967-2AA00 Accessories , Model(s) 6EP4134-3AB00-0AY0, 6EP4134-3AB00-1AY0, 6EP4134-3AB00-2AY0, 6EP4136-3AB00-0AY0, 6EP4136-3AB00-1AY0, 6EP4136-3AB00-2AY0, 6EP4137-3AB00-0AY0, 6EP4137-3AB00-1AY0, 6EP4137-3AB00-2AY0Industrial control equipment, miscellaneous apparatus , Model(s) 6EP1333-1AL12, 6EP1333-3BA00, 6EP1333-3BA00-8AC0, 6EP1334-1AL12, 6EP1334-3BA00, 6EP1334-3BA00-8AB0, 6EP1336-2BA10, 6EP1336-3BA00, 6EP1336-3BA00-8AA0, 6EP1336-3BA10, 6EP1337-3BA00, 6EP1424-3BA00, 6EP1433-0AA00, 6EP1434-2BA10, 6EP1436-2BA10, 6EP1436-3BA00, 6EP1436-3BA00-8AA0, 6EP1436-3BA01, 6EP1436-3BA10, 6EP1437-2BA20, 6EP1437-3BA00, 6EP1437-3BA00-0AA0, 6EP1437-3BA00-8AA0, 6EP1437-3BA10, 6EP1437-3BA20, 6EP1456-2BA00, 6EP1456-3BA00, 6EP1457-3BA00, 6EP1457-3BA00-0AA0, 6EP1961-3BA01, 6EP1962-2BA00, 6EP1964-2BA00Industrial control equipment, miscellaneous apparatus, current monitors , Model(s) 6EP1961-2BA00Industrial control equipment, miscellaneous apparatus, hold-up modules , Model(s) 6EP1961-3BA00Industrial control equipment, miscellaneous apparatus, redundance modules , Model(s) 6EP1961-3BA20, 6EP1961-3BA21Industrial control equipment, miscellaneous apparatus, signaling modules , Model(s) 6EP1961-3BA10Miscellaneous apparatus, power supplies, open type , Model(s) 6EP1311-1SH02, 6EP1311-1SH03, 6EP1311-1SH12, 6EP1311-1SH13, 6EP1321-1SH02, 6EP1321-1SH03, 6EP1321-5BA00, 6EP1322-1SH02, 6EP1322-1SH03, 6EP1322-5BA10, 6EP1331-1SH02, 6EP1331-1SH03, 6EP1331-5BA00, 6EP1331-5BA10, 6EP1332-1SH04, 6EP1332-1SH42, 6EP1332-1SH43, 6EP1332-1SH51, 6EP1332-1SH52, 6EP1332-1SH61, 6EP1332-1SH71, 6EP1332-5BA00, 6EP1332-5BA10, 6EP1332-5BA20, 6EP1351-1SH02, 6EP1351-1SH03, 6EP1352-1SH02, 6EP1352-1SH03, 6EP1536-3AA00Miscellaneous apparatus, Power Supply Accessories, open type , Model(s) 6EP1931-2DC21, 6EP1931-2DC31, 6EP1931-2DC42, 6EP1931-2EC01, 6EP1931-2EC11, 6EP1931-2EC21, 6EP1931-2EC31, 6EP1931-2EC42, 6EP1931-2FC21, 6EP1931-2FC42, 6EP1933-2EC41, 6EP1933-2EC51, 6EP1935-5PG01Power supplies , Model(s) 6EP1321-1LD00, 6EP1332-1LD00Power supplies, open type, "AS-Interface Series", Model(s) 3RX9501-0BA00, 3RX9501-1BA00, 3RX9501-2BA00, 3RX9502-0BA00, 3RX9503-0BA00, 3RX9511-00AA00, 3RX9512-00AA00, 3RX9513-00AA00Power supplies, open type, "SITOP Series", Model(s) 6EP1322-2BA00, 6EP1322-2BA10, 6EP1323-2BA00, 6EP1332-2BA20, 6EP1333-2AA01, 6EP1333-2AA01-0AA0, 6EP1333-2BA01, 6EP1333-2BA20, 6EP1334-2AA01, 6EP1334-2AA01-0AA0, 6EP1334-2AA01-0AB0, 6EP1334-2AA01-0AC0, 6EP1334-2BA01, 6EP1334-2BA20, 6EP1332-1LB00, 6EP1333-1LB00, 6EP1334-1LB00Switch mode power supplies, open type, "SITOP EVS", Model(s) (SITOP EVP 100)6EP1232-1AA10, (SITOP EVP 150)6EP1233-1AA00, (SITOP EVP 300)6EP1234-1AA00, (SITOP EVP 60)6EP1232-1AA00Switch mode power supplies, open type, "SIYOUNG Power", Model(s) (SIYOUNG Power 100)6EP0123-2AAO-0AB0, (SIYOUNG Power 150)6EP0123-3AAO-0AB0, (SIYOUNG Power 300)6EP0123-4AAO-0AB0, (SIYOUNG Power 60)6EP0123-2AAO-0AA0Switching Power Supplies , Model(s) 6EP1322-1LD00, 6EP1331-1LD00, 6EP1332-1LD10, 6EP1333-1LD00, 6EP1334-1LD00NMTR7.E197259Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus Certified for CanadaPage BottomSee General Information for Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus Certified for CanadaSIEMENS AGE197259OESTERREICHSIMEAPOSTFACH 83, SIEMENSSTRASSE 901211 VIENNA, AUSTRIALast Updated on 2013-05-20Questions? Print this page Terms of Use Page Top© 2013 UL LLCWhen the UL Leaf Mark is on the product, or when the word "Environment" is included in the UL Mark, please search the UL Environment database for additional information regarding this product's certification.The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2013 UL LLC".。



论著与临床研究镜像综合征6例临床分析—减少或避免妊娠期严重并发症的探讨李涵,顾宁,江源,戴毅敏*作者单位:210008江苏南京,南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院妇产科作者简介:李涵,毕业于复旦大学,硕士,医师,主要研究方向为围产医学*通信作者,E-mail:nj_daiyimin@ 126. com【摘要】目的探讨镜像综合征的临床特征、诊断治疗以及妊娠结局。


结果①2015年1月至2018年1月期间,胎儿水肿孕妇42例,2例(4. 8%)接受胎儿治疗,6例(14.3%)诊断为铣像综合征。


②母体临床特征以及并发症:6例均出现水肿(1+ ~3 + ),稀释性贫血[血红蛋白:(90.0 ± ll.U V L,红细胞压积:(27.8 ± 2.9)%]、蛋白尿和低蛋白血症[白蛋白:(28.0 ± 3.8) g/L]。



5例胎盘增厚[(53.3± 6.2 )m m]。

6例胎盘的平均重量为(649.0 ±127. 8)g,是同孕周胎盘重量的(174.0 ±44.4)%。

④母儿围产结局:7例围产儿中,2例胎死宫内,3例新生儿死亡,2例健存,总的围产儿死亡率71.4% (5/7例)。

⑤病因:胎儿因素占66.7%(4例),分别为先天性乳糜胸或乳糜腹3例,胎儿颈部血管瘤1例;胎盘因素和双胎并发症各1例(16. 7% ),分别为:绒毛膜血管瘤1例,双胎输血综合征1例。










本文将对水力振荡器及旋转导向系统的技术现状以及两种工具兼容使用的情况进行分析,旨在为大位水力振荡器与旋转导向系统兼容性分析董云峰 中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术湛江分公司 广东 湛江 524057摘要:大位移井能够达到钻遇多套砂体的目的,增大井筒与储层接触面积,在油气田钻井中取得了显著的应用效果。




2023年10月第26卷第20期中国管理信息化China Management InformationizationOct.,2023Vol.26,No.20 JYKJ管理体系下激励机制存在的问题与对策苏维钰(国家电投集团江苏电力有限公司,南京210000)[摘 要]JYKJ管理体系(计划-预算-考核-激励)是国家电投集团公司(以下简称“集团公司”)治理体系的重要组成部分,是集团公司战略落地的重要抓手和机制保障。




[关键词]JYKJ管理体系;激励机制;集团公司doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673 - 0194.2023.20.040[中图分类号]F272.92 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-0194(2023)20-0123-031 相关内容概述1.1 激励定义激励,顾名思义就是激发与鼓励。




1.2 激励理论1.2.1 马斯洛需求层次理论根据马斯洛需求层次理论(见图1)可知,组织首先需要满足员工的生理及安全需求,然后在这个基础上再满足其情感、归属需求,最后需要满足其尊重与自我实现的需求[2]。



收稿日期:2020 09 30作者简介:王喜荣(1984 ),男,陕西榆林人,副教授,主要从事农业经济等研究㊂基金项目:榆林市科技计划项目(2019-96-2)陕西农民收入现状及提升对策研究基于四个乡镇的调查分析王喜荣,高㊀霞,魏㊀娟(榆林学院管理学院,陕西榆林719000)摘㊀要:在陕西的农村,由于农民的文化程度低㊁农作物科技含量低㊁剩余劳动力转移慢㊁预防自然灾害能力弱等原因,农民的收入普遍较低,通过对陕西的四个乡镇的调查,发现陕西农村存在收入来源单一㊁收入水平低㊁收入水平不稳定㊁农民增产不增收的问题㊂应通过提高农民的文化水平㊁农村剩余劳动力的转移㊁加快农村基础设施的建设㊁加快农业的信息化普及㊁加强对农民的知识技能培训㊁转变农民观念等措施切实提高农民的收入水平㊂关键词:陕西;农民;收入;劳动力转移中图分类号:F323.8㊀文献标志码:A㊀文章编号:1008-3871(2021)03-0067-04DOI :10.16752/ki.jylu.2021.03.012㊀㊀笔者对陕西省的西安市周至县马召镇㊁商洛市柞水县杏坪镇㊁宝鸡市陇县新集川乡和延安市黄陵县田庄镇等四个不同地区进行调查,调查方式主要是去农民家里走访,与农民面对面攀谈,问问题并观察㊂调查对象主要是在家务农㊁搞副业的 农村农民 和在外打工的 城市农民 的家属等㊂一㊁陕西农民收入情况调查(一)秦岭脚下的小镇 马召马召镇属于西安市周至县,周至素有 金周至 的美誉,在我们调查的四个地点中相比较而言条件是比较好的㊂108国道穿过马召镇,108国道有很多大型运货车辆,有很多农民就沿街道在公路旁边开商店赚钱㊂干这些的好像并不是真正意义上的农民,但是一个事实摆在我们面前:如今只靠种地是不可能过下去的㊂离街远一点儿的就不一样了,像中兴村,大部分中年劳力都出去打工,主要分布在浙江㊁江苏以及上海,主要在塑料厂㊁麻袋厂及鞋厂工作㊂最后再说说土地上的收入,马召镇除了粮食作物以外,种植最多的就是奇异果猕猴桃,还有粮食作物小麦和玉米,每家两三亩,每年除过家里人吃,也能落一千多元,当然出外打工的在粮食收入方面就多一点了,因为他们大部分时间在外,只在农忙时回来,或者干脆让亲戚帮着一收就了事,就吃不了家里多少粮食,一年能落两千多元㊂(二)被山围起来的古镇 杏坪杏坪镇是商洛市柞水县的乡镇之一,四面环山,其主要的收入来源是造皮纸和农民外出打工㊂在家造纸的劳力约有1/3,主要是中老年劳力㊂皮纸是一种很粗糙的纸张,用途主要是铺在棺材里,酒厂和养蚕也都用到它,初学毛笔字的人用的那种 毛边纸 也就是皮纸㊂捞皮纸的主要原料是构树皮,主要制作程序为泡㊁拌㊁蒸㊁洗㊁捣㊁切㊁捞㊂泡是放水里泡,春夏季节泡上2~3天,秋冬季节泡上5~6天㊂拌是用石灰拌,蒸就是放在锅里蒸,洗就是蒸过之后泡洗掉石灰,然后捣薄再弄到一起,切成小块儿放在水池子使其和水充分混合,然后用捞纸工具捞㊂一个男劳力一天大约能捞1500张纸,卖给贩子一张1毛钱,除去一天的成本费40元(构树皮㊁石灰㊁柴),一天收入约110元㊂可是这种活比较累,由于造纸和天气情况紧密联系在一起,再加上消耗体力比较大,所以一个月最多也只能干半个月,剩余的时间就忙农活,月收入就在1300左右㊂除了在家造纸,还有大约2/3的劳动力(多为青壮年)外出打工㊂(三)陕甘交界的新集川乡㊀2021年05月第31卷㊀第3期榆林学院学报JOURNAL OF YULIN UNIVERSITYMay.2021Vol.31No.3新集川乡,属于宝鸡市陇县,相对而言是所调查的四个地点中最贫困的一个地区,交通不方便,一天只有一两趟车进县城,还是从旁边甘肃始发,路过时停在村旁按几声喇叭,人们就知道车来了,去县城的人就走出家门,乘车进城,进一趟城要坐将近两小时的大巴车,车要翻越几座小山㊂这儿外出打工的人很少,大部分劳动力在家里种烤烟㊂每一户大约有五六亩烤烟地,一亩地一年收湿烟叶一千斤左右,烤干后就只有400多斤了㊂每斤平均价格为3.5元,一亩烟叶一年卖1400元,五亩就是7000元,而这些都是毛收入,要是把打药,施专用肥,烧烤用的电,煤等这些必需的成本算下来,纯收入不过4000元每年㊂而烤烟地里的活可是够累的,从开始的育苗,移植到锄草㊁打药㊁施肥㊁打杈再到成熟之后的采烟叶,串烟,烧烤,基本上每天都有农活要干,每天都闲不着㊂(四)黄土高原的田庄镇陕西省黄陵县田庄镇地形相对比较平坦,交通也便利,耕地的质量也比较高,只要辛勤劳作就不会没有饭吃㊂村子大概有70户人家,共有350人,耕地有300亩,主要的耕作制度是两年三收㊂一年中最重要的收入来源是苹果,这里的农民家家户户都种植一部分苹果树,苹果的收入一户人家大约8000元左右,还会收到产量㊁天气㊁供求等影响,每年都不均衡㊂有一部分人外出打工,但外出打工只是在闲暇的时间去县城,很少出远门,每户大概有两三人,而且大多家庭都有已经上学的学生㊂因此,教育投资就是一项比较大且必须的投入;另外就是农药,化肥以及日常开支㊂与城市相比,农村收入普遍较低㊂总之,不管是陕南㊁陕北还是关中地区,所有的农村农民收入水平较低,收入来源单一,日常消费支出较大,生活比较困难㊂二㊁陕西农民收入存在的问题通过调查可以发现,虽然以上这四个地区各有各的具体情况,但在收入上,都存在一些普遍的问题㊂(一)收入来源单一不管是马召镇种猕猴桃的或在街头摆摊的,还是杏坪镇捞皮纸的,新集川乡种烟的,都面临一定威胁㊂西汉高速已经开通,108国道已经不再是车辆去汉中及四川的必经之路,马召街道的车流量在不断减少,路旁的生意就淡了㊂再看杏坪,捞纸的利用率不再像以前那么高了,城里人死后多采用火化的方式,纸的流向多为农村,而如今政府提倡火化,很多农村人也已转变了观念,不再使用棺材,也就用不着皮纸了[1]㊂(二)收入水平不高从我们调查的数据显示,四个地区中,马召和杏坪两镇收入水平接近,每户年收入约一万三千元,新集川乡就差一些,每户年收入不过四五千元㊂四个地区年收入平均下来约为一万元,这在21世纪的中国,维持日常开销和孩子的上学费用(中学和大学),是比较艰难的㊂特别是新集川,若要供养大学生,只能依靠助学贷款和借债㊂农民除了日常开销之外,就算有剩余的钱,也不会考虑其他方面,如旅游㊁娱乐等消费,因为他们要攒钱翻修或重建房子,这就得压他们好些年[2]㊂新集川乡娶媳妇的礼金数量更是惊人,就算不重建房子,孩子的婚事也是笔不小的开支㊂(三)需投入的劳动多拿杏坪镇的捞纸来说,劳动者一天除了吃饭之外,要在泥池旁边不停歇地劳作近十个小时,虽然不是太重的体力劳动,但一天下来,对人的耐力和精力也是极大考验,体质和毅力不过硬的人是不能胜任这样的劳作的[3]㊂至于新集川乡的情况就更差一些,种烟从育苗开始,除草㊁施肥㊁打杈㊁收烟㊁烤烟,没有一样活是轻松的,到了收获季节,就算下雨也要抢时间劳作,不然半年的劳作就全白费了㊂(四)收入不稳定农民的收入易受天气等其他因素影响,收入不稳定 杏坪镇的捞纸做成后要及时晒干,如遇阴雨天气,就不能做了,因为做了也晒不了,所以阴雨天人们都停工,但要是天本来好好的,到中午或半下午忽然风雨袭来,前半天捞的纸就泡汤了㊂而在新集川乡,季节变换对烤烟的影响很大,如在变换前未收完,剩余的这些烟叶就算烤出来也是劣等品,一般只能卖到三四毛钱每斤㊂正是由于这些原因,使得这些地区的收入不稳定㊂(五)农业增产不增收据调查,1997年之后粮食产量逐年增加,可价格却一再下跌㊂1998年的价格是每担55元;1999年是每担53元;2012年到2012年的幅度是36~40元㊂这些数据表明:粮食下跌的速度快于产量增长的速度㊂在2004年之前,农民还要上缴农业税㊂后㊃86㊃榆林学院学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年第3期(总第155期)来虽然不交农业税了,但是农产品的价格上涨幅度一直很慢,直到2018年农产品价格仍然不好,有大批滞销[4]㊂三㊁陕西农民的收入低的成因(一)农村居住人口的文化程度低农村教育在全面建设小康社会中具有基础性㊁先导性㊁全局性的重要作用,1985年七届全国大会上通过的‘政府工作报告“中向世人承诺,到2000年我国基本上普及九年制义务教育,基本扫除青壮年文盲[5];那么历时15年的工作是否达到了预期目标呢?教育部曾在2000年对外宣布:全国98%的市县通过了 双基 达标验收,也就是说:我国基本上普及了九年制义务教育,基本上扫除了青壮年文盲㊂舆论因此称赞我国的 双基 工作取得了举世的成就㊂可是实际情况是什么呢?在过去的三十多年中,我们没有看到过关于扫除文盲的学习培训,在调查中这方面的信息也很少㊂(二)农作物的科技含量低农民的知识文化水平低,所以也就限制了他们的创新能力当然他们也不知道如何科教兴农㊂中央的文件总是在说要推进农业科技革命促进传统技术和高新技术的结合,加快优良品种和使用技术的开发和推广,大幅提高农业科技创新能力,提高农产品技术含量,向科技要效益降低生产成本,把推进科技进步作为农业生产增产,农民增收的战略举措来抓,然而这些美好的愿望要靠谁来实现呢?应该靠的是一些真正有知识有技术的专业人员来实现㊂可是根据调查,农民从来没有看见专业技术人员去村里进行指导㊂(三)农村剩余的劳动力转移力度不大经调查发现,剩余的劳动力外出务工仅仅局限在周遍的地区,也知道在农活空闲的时候㊂即便在外打工,农活忙的时候也一定回赶回来的㊂而且他们做的也只是一些体力活㊂比如修路㊁建房㊁挖水渠等等;政府在这方面也没有鼓励与引导措施㊂要发展乡镇企业也没有这方面的一些具体的对策㊂(四)预防抵制自然灾害的能力弱根据调查,在过去的二十年之中(1998~2018年)每年都有大大小小的冰雹出现㊂而且大多都集中在周围的几个村子,也就是所谓的冰雹带上,对农民造成的损失惨重㊂不仅苹果㊁核桃等遭到损失,黄豆㊁玉米等收成也大大减少㊂虽然也有领导来视察,但是灾民却没有拿到任何的救济金,而且在2004年之前农业税㊁特产税等税费也要按时上交㊂农民缺乏社会保障,需独立承担市场和自然的双重风险,不难想象农民生活的艰难㊂当然除了上述原因,还有其他的一些原因如年龄结构的老龄化㊁农村的整个社会风气等㊂四㊁陕西农民收入增长的路径(一)提高农民的文化水平笔者认为没有必要进行专门的培训,针对他们的特点,可以随意安排时间也可以固定在农活较闲时进行讲解和传授技术㊂现在的家庭基本上都有孩子上学,那么对于一些简单的知识完全可以由他们的孩子进行教导㊂当然这就要培养孩子有足够的热心㊁耐心和毅力,而要达到这一点,就需要老师的配合(只局限于在家上学的孩子)㊂这样父母可以学到知识,而且孩子的知识可以得到巩固㊂在此基础上,培养他们的创新意识,创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉,那么对于农村㊁农民也是同样的道理㊂地方政府可以实行优惠政策吸引一些有文化㊁有专业水平的农作物科技人员,也可鼓励大学生下乡实习㊂加强农业科技进步,加强农业设施建设,调整农业产业结构,转变农业增长式,提高农业综合生产能力,发展高产㊁高效㊁生态㊁安全㊁绿色农业,健全农业技术推广,及时了解农产品市场动态,及时采取措施,增加农民收入㊂(二)加强农村剩余劳动力的转移力度从农村实行和农民的需要出发,发展特色经济,按照有利于增加农户和企业贷款,有利于改善农村金融服务的要求,加快改革和创新农村金融体制,推进农村城镇化,要多渠道转移农村富余劳动力,拓展农村劳动力就业的空间㊂按照 政策引导,有序流动,加强管理,改善服务 的方针,作好农民工流动就业的各方面工作㊂加快城镇化进程,推进农村人口向城镇转移,是促进国民经济良性循环和省会协调发展的一大战略㊂(三)加快农村基础设施的建设当地政府表示,今后教育㊁卫生经费新增加的部分主要用于发展农村教育㊁卫生事业,重点加强农村义务教育,完善政府投资为主的经费保障体系,继续改善农村办学条件,加大财政对农村义务教育的投入,坚强农村卫生基础设施和卫生队伍的建设,推进㊃96㊃王喜荣,高㊀霞,魏㊀娟:陕西农民收入现状及提升对策研究 基于四个乡镇的调查分析新型农村合作医疗制度试点,探索建立医疗救助制度,改善农村定点医疗机构条金和服务质量㊂对于农村,特别是西部地区农村来说,加大农村基础设施的建设具有更加突出的重要意义㊂加快乡村道路的建设,加快完善农村电网,逐步解决农村引水困难的安全问题大力普及农村沼气,积极发展适合农村特点的清洁能源㊂(四)加快农业的信息化普及马召镇有猕猴桃,但大多数种植者不了解市场的需求状况,只能卖给外地或加工厂的收购者,获取的利润较低㊂如果农民有了对市场行情的准确了解,就会根据自己产品的实际质量和数量选择适当的销售时机和销售方向,不会再像以前一样在果子成熟之后就直接低价交给贩子,这样,农民的获利空间就更大了㊂(五)加强对农民的知识技能培训农民知识水平限制了他们拓宽收入渠道,增加收入㊂如果农民都有一技之长,男性学一些修电器㊁家具,操作车床,女性学制作一些手工艺品,这样他们就能在农闲时候创造一些额外收入,这些当然是农民拓宽收入渠道,增加收入的好方法㊂种地方面,普及一些科学的管理农田的方法,实现科学选种,科学栽培,科学管理,让土地的价值充分体现㊂加大对农民工的知识灌输,这样他们才能科学劳动,减轻身体负担,增加技能型收入㊂(六)转变传统观念农民有时的确是保守的,养个女儿嫁出去就要大量礼金,挣的钱省吃俭用就是为了盖房子,给孩子完婚㊂有人说,这些小农思想就是束缚农民进步的枷锁,笔者不这么认为㊂要礼金,是因为他们缺钱;给孩子盖个好房子,娶好媳妇,不也是大多数人的心愿吗?所以,农民的一些观念是要转变,如保守㊁不敢放手投资做事等,但更需要做的,是增加他们的收入,只有他们富起来了,他们才敢放手去做别的事,有了钱,就不必再为一些钱而为儿女的婚事讨价还价,有了钱,也就不用再捏着攒着了,观念自然也就转变了,当然,这也需要一定的引导教育㊂参考文献:[1]王玉斌,李乾.农业生产性服务㊁粮食增产与农民增收 基于CHIP数据的实证分析[J].财经科学, 2019(3):92 104.[2]蓝海涛,王为农,徐圣伟,等.新常态下突破农民收入中低增长困境的新路径[J].宏观经济研究,2017(11):128 138.[3]全世文,黄波.中国农民收入可持续增长的长效路径分析[J].世界农业,2018(1):4 12.[4]姚旭兵,黄光强.城镇化对农民收入增长的影响[J].城市问题,2015(6):97 103.[5]李昌平.乡村振兴最核心的任务是增加农民收入[J].人民论坛,2018(7):211 213.(责任编辑:季潇濛) Research on the Investigation of Farmers Income and the Income Growth Path of Farmers in Shaanxi in the New PeriodWANG Xi-rong,GAO Xia,WEI Juan(School of Management,Yulin University,Yulin719000,China) Abstract:In the rural areas of Shaanxi,the income of farmers is generally low.Because of the low education level of farmers,the low scientific and technological content of crops,the slow transfer of surplus labor force and the weak ability to prevent natural disasters.Through the investigation of four villages and towns in Shaanxi,it is found that the rural areas of Shaanxi have the problems of single income source,low income level,unstable income level and no increase of farmers production and income.We should raise the income level of farmers by means of strengthe-ning the farmers cultural level,transferring the surplus labor force in the countryside,speeding up the construction of rural infrastructure,speeding up the information of agriculture,strengthening the training of farmers knowledge and skills,and changing the concept of farmers,and so on.Key words:Shaanxi;farmers;income;labor transfer㊃07㊃榆林学院学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年第3期(总第155期)。



热带农业科技Tropical Agricultural Science &Technology 2024,47(1):17-22西番莲研究进展杨朴丽,刘忠妹,许木果,丰玉云,张阳梅,赵志平(云南省热带作物科学研究所,云南景洪666100)摘要摘要::综述西番莲地理分布、产量、营养成分、加工利用、栽培现状及产业发展情况等方面的国内外研究进展,同时提出西番莲产业发展中存在的问题,以期为其进一步开发利用提供参考。

关键词关键词::西番莲;地理分布;营养价值;加工利用;产业发展中图分类号:S667.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-450X (2024)01-0017-06The Progress in Research of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)YANG Puli,LIU Zhongmei,XU Muguo,FENG Yuyun,ZHANG Yangmei,ZHAO ZhipingYunnan Institute of Tropical Crops,Jinghong 666100,ChinaAbstract:It summaries the current status of passion fruit like geographical distribution,yield,nutritional components,pro-cessing and utilization,cultivation and industrial development at home and abroad in this paper.Meanwhile,it points out the problems existed in the industrial development,and would thus provide reference for the further development and utili-zation.words Key words::Passiflora edulis ;geographical distribution;nutritional value;processing and utilization;industrial development————————————收稿日期:2023-05-29基金项目:云南省乡村振兴科技专项-服务型科技特派员作者简介:杨朴丽(1987-),女,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事热带作物栽培。



摘 要 为了明确农业专业学位研究生双导师制运行的限制因素,以调查问卷和访谈的形式就黑龙江八一农 垦大学植物保护学科双导师制建设和运行情况进行剖析。



植物保护学科;专业学位;双导师;农业硕士 文献标识码:B 1671-489X(2020)16-0019-03Analysis on Construction and Operation of Double Tutorial Sys -tem for Agriculture Professional Master: Taking Plant Protec -tion Discipline in Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University as //JIN Yongling, GAO Yugang, GUO Yongxia, WANG In order to clarify the limiting factors of the operation of double tutorial system for agriculture professional masters, the paper analyzed the construction and operation of double tutorial system for plant protection discipline in Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Univer-sity by means of questionnaire and interview. The double tutorial sys-tem of plant protection discipline has been in operation for more than ten years, and has achieved certain results, diff erent subjects affi rmed the necessity of double tutorial system. However, there are still some problems such as unreasonable age structure of mentors, less fi nan-cial support, insuffi cient communication between tutors inside and outside the school, and training mode that does not meet the needs of application-oriented talents. The discovery of these problems will help us to dig into the root causes of the double tutorial system ope-10.3969/j.issn.1671-489X.2020.16.019农业专业学位硕士研究生双导师制建设和运行问题剖析* ——以黑龙江八一农垦大学植物保护学科为例◆金永玲 高玉刚 郭永霞 王丽艳 张海燕ration problems, and fi nd the corresponding solutions, so as to promote the more effi cient implementation of the double tutorial system, im-prove the quality of students training of, and meet the needs of mo-dern agricultural production.Key words plant protection discipline; professional degree; double tutorial system; agriculture master1 前言我国研究生教育自1978年恢复招生以来,经过40余年的发展,取得巨大成就。



第52卷第1期河南农业大学学报V@52 No. 12018 年 2 月Journal of Henan Agricultural University Feb.2018文章编号:1000 -2340(2018)01 -0085 -06瞬时弹射式蒸汽爆破对玉米秸秆化学结构的影响马鹏#,冯冲#,刘会丽2,于政道3(1.郑州工程技术学院,河南郑州450044 ;2.郑州师范学院,河南郑州450044;3.河南农业大学机电工程学院生物质能源河南省协同创新中心,河南郑州450002)摘要:对玉米藉肝瞬时弹射式蒸汽爆破(Instant Catapult Steam Explosion , IC SE)预处理的效果进行了研冗。


热重试验表明:在IC S E处理下,最大失重速率比热喷放及碱堆沤2种预处理方式分别高19. 7E和21.2E,热解终了时残留物的质量分数比热喷放及碱堆沤2种预处理方式分别低31. 8E和26. 4E。


傅立叶红外光谱试验表明:ICSE样品谱线比其他样品谱线发生了更为明显位移,表明IC SE处理能够相对于其他预处理方式更加明显的改变玉米秸秆有机官能团。

X射线衍射试验表明&ICSE比热喷放玉米秸秆结晶度下降了29.4E,比碱处理堆沤降低了26. 1E ,峰数减少,化学组成和结构变化最为明显。

关键词:瞬时弹射式蒸汽爆破;玉米秸秆;化学结构中图分类号:S216 文献标志码:AEffects of ICSEonchem ical structure of cornstrawMA P en g1,FEN G C hong1,L I U H u ili2,YU Z hengdao3(1. Z hengzhou I nstitu te of T ech o n lo g y,Z hengzhou 450044,C h in a; 2. Z hengzhou N orm al U n iv ersity,Z hengzhou 450044,C h in a;3. M echanical and E lectrical E n g in eerin g C ollege of H enan A griculturalU n iv ersity,B iom ass E nergy C ollaborative I nnovation C en ter of H enan P ro v in c e,Z hengzhAbstract: A com parative study o n the effect of p retreatm en t of silage m aize stallcs b y( I n stan t C atapultSteam E x p lo sio n,I C S E) w as carried out. T he m echanism of I CSE p retreatm en t on the corn stallcs ch em­ical c h a ra c te ristic s,m icrostructure and physicochem ical properties of I CSE was studied by com parisonw ith the p retreatm en t m ethods of therm al spray and alk alin e retting. TGA test shows th at I CSEa 19.7%in crease in m axim um w eight loss rate com pared witli boiling flow and a 21.2%p ared witli allcali re ttin g,a 31. 8%d ecrease in pyrolysis resid u e m ass fraction com pared w ith boilingflow an d a 26.4%d ecrease com pared w ith alk ali retting. FT I R t e s t shows th at I C S E s a m p le"s spectrumhas m uch m ore obvious d isp lacem en t than the oth er sa m p le s,in d icatin g th a t I CSE could change m oreobviously in corn stalks organic functional groups. X RD test shows th a t I CSE achieves a 29. 4%d e­crease in degree of corn stallcs polym erization com pared witli boiling flow an d a 26. 1%d ecrease com­p ared witli allcali retting. I CSE has the biggest change in chem ical structure.Key words:in stan t cata p u lt steam explosion ;corn s ta lk s; chem ical structure目前,中国面临着资源短缺、环境污染、生态系统退化的严峻形势,解决这些问题的有效方法之一收稿日期:2017 -03 -25基金项目:河南省高等学校重点科研项目(17A630066)作者筒介:马鹏(1980 —),男,河南正阳人,副教授,博士,主要从事生物质能源方面的研究。

Channel coordination for a newsvendor problem with return and quantity discount.

Channel coordination for a newsvendor problem with return and quantity discount.

Channel coordination for a newsvendor problem with return and quantity discountYa-Hui Lin∗Department of Industrial Engineering and ManagementChin Min Institute of TechnologyToufen,MiaoliTaiwan,35153R.O.CJen-Ming ChenTieh-Chun ChiangInstitute of Industrial ManagementNational Central UniversityJhongli,TaoyuanTaiwan,32001,R.O.C.AbstractThis paper deals with an area of emerging research:managing a supply chain which produces and sells afixed lifetime product in the marketplace.The newsvendor supply chain problem is formulated as a Stackelberg game:the manufacturer is the leader who designs a contract or a trade term,and the retailer is the follower who determines the order quantity and selling price.In addition,the perishable retailing problem is formulated as a two-period inventory system where thefirst period represents the inventory of new-arrival items and the second period represents the inventory of aged items that are out of season but still usable.We develop profit-maximization models by taking into account the return policy and quantity discount that are offered by the manufacturer to the retailer.It can be shown that the supply chain forged with such policies is effective in reducing the effect of double marginalization.With properly designed contracts,the inefficiency caused by double marginalization can be completely eliminated and,as a result,the supply chain is coordinated which leads to Pareto improvements among the channel participants.Keywords and phrases:Newsvendor problem,quantity discount,return policy,channel coordina-tion,Pareto improvement.∗E-mail:rosalin828@——————————–Journal of Information&Optimization SciencesVol.31(2010),No.4,pp.857–873c Taru Publications。



学术研讨泗水地瓜全产业链标准体系构建研究■ 王 爽1 郭 斌2 李 倩1 杨瑞瑞2 孟露露1 潘婷婷1简 真2 王艳华2 任春霖3(1.山东省标准化研究院;2.泗水县农业农村局;3.济南大学)摘 要:地理标志产品是乡村振兴的有效抓手,标准化在支撑地理标志产品发展中发挥着基础保障和引领作用。


关键词:泗水地瓜,全产业链,标准体系DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2024.06.013Research on the Construction of the Standards System for Whole IndustryChain of Sishui Sweet PotatoWANG Shuang1 GUO Bin2 LI Qian1 YANG Rui-rui2 MENG Lu-lu1 PAN Ting-ting1JIAN Zhen2 WANG Yan-hua2 REN Chun-lin3(1. Shandong Institute of Standardization; 2. Sishui County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Areas; 3. University of Jinan)Abstract:Geographical indication products were the effective tool of rural revitalization, and standardization plays a basic and leading role in supporting the development of geographical indication products. Based on the analysis of the present situation and demand of standardization of Sishui sweet potato industry, this paper clarifi es the construction idea of standards system, and puts forward the framework of the standardization system of the whole industry chain of Sishui sweet potato, and provides specifi c suggestions on the dynamic optimization and perfection of the standards system. Keywords: Sishui sweet potato, whole industry chain, standards system0 引 言山东是粮食生产、储备、流通和加工转化大省,其中以甘薯为代表的薯类作物种植面积位居第三位,甘薯对于保证我国粮食和能源安全、促进乡村产业振兴具有重要意义[1]。

Research on the Strategy of Integration of Ideolog

Research on the Strategy of Integration of Ideolog

Research on the Strategy of Integration of Ideological and Political Theories Teaching into English Grammar T eachingJingjing LiuTaizhou University, Foreign language schoolAbstract: Under the background of the new era, not only the situation of social development has changed dramatically, correspondingly, industry development and social development has also put forward higher requirements for talents construction. How to promote the cultivation of students’ core literacy through educational reform and the use of effective teaching models is an important mission of education in the new development situation. Obviously, the cultivation of core literacy means paying attention to students’ physical and mental health, cultivating good habits, as well as strengthening their ideological and moral education, in addition to the cultivation of learning ability. This means that it is necessary to take advantage of the main channel of the subject to infiltrate the ideological education step by step. English is an important basic subject, and grammar teaching is an extremely important part of it, which is also a difficult part for students to overcome in English learning. In order to better improve the quality of grammar teaching, teachers should make efforts to build students’ confidence in learning and cultivate their core literacy. In addition to the existing teaching methods, we can also integrate ideological and political theories teaching in all courses into English grammar teaching, use the ideological guidance of ideological and political theories teaching in all courses to enhance students’ learning enthusiasm, and influence students all the time with the concept of ideological and political theories teaching in all courses.Keywords: Ideological and political theories teaching in all courses; Junior high school English; Grammar teaching; integration strategiesAbout the author: Jingjing Liu ( June, 1978) , Female, Han, From Zhang Jiagang, Suzhou city, Jiangsu Province, MA in English Linguistics, Lecturer, Majoring in English Curricu-lum and Teaching Theory and Foreign Literature.Funded project: Key topics of education and teaching reform research in Taizhou Univer-sity in 2020:Practical research on curriculum ideology and politics in middle school En-glish teaching from the perspective of whole-person education(2020JGB05).Taizhou College Party Building and Ideological and Political School-level Special Proj-ects:Research on the teaching reform strategy of “English Grammar” integrating ideologi-cal and political elements.(SZKT2022-26).Journal of International Education and Development Vol.6 No.6 2022DOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250015.202206061. IntroductionEnglish as a language subject is an important component of the school teaching program. Under the new background of more and more obvious characteristics of informatization and globalization, learning English well and having good English application and expression skills is one of the important skills that students need to master in order to better adapt to social life and work in the future. English not only has good cultural attributes, but also has more comprehensiveness in English teaching under the background of the new era. At present, through the infiltration of ideological and political education into subject teaching, the formation of ideological and political theories teaching integration has become an important way to actively explore and practice teaching reform under the concept of quality education. This paper briefly introduces the positive role of integrating ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching as well as the effective strategies of integrating ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching for reference.2. The Positive Role of Integrating Ideological and Political Theories T eaching into English Grammar T eachingIn the new era, we are at new journey and we have new tasks. As the future builders and successors of the country, elementary and secondary school students should possess not only good learning ability, but also excellent quality, patriotism, selfless contribution spirit, good cooperation ability and other comprehensive qualities which are one of the important criteria to measure high quality talents. This is also one of the important tasks of cultivating students’ core literacy in the concept of educational reform under the background of the new era. On the one hand, junior high school students have certain thinking ability, but their ability of self-restraint and self-management is still insufficient, and they are easily influenced by the surrounding environment, people and things; their ideals and beliefs are not firm enough and their thoughts are easily shaken, which requires giving play to the ideological guiding role of ideological and political education to help students establish correct three views and the basic ability to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, we should use the home-court advantage of English subject and integrate ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching. By combining the character and thinking characteristics of secondary school students in the new era, adhering to the student-oriented principle, and taking moral education as the starting point, from the design of integrating ideological and politicalJournal of International Education and Development Vol.6 No.6 2022 theories teaching into English teaching, the specific implementation of integrating ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching, the timely summary and evaluation of ideological and political theories teaching in all courses, and the understanding of the integration effect of ideological and political theories teaching, we can realize the integrated education of ideological and political theories teaching, and put the integration of ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching in place, so as to promote the long-term development of students. Persistently explore effective methods of ideological and political education in English teaching, and cultivate students to form good ideological literacy. Create conditions and lay a foundation for the development of students and high-quality talents to promote the development of society.3. The Effective Path of Integrating Ideological and Political Theories T eaching into English Grammar T eaching(1) Do a good job in the integrated design of integrating ideological and political theories teaching into language teachingTeachers should integrate ideological and political elements into English grammar teaching, cultivate students’ core literacy through the infiltration of ideological and political theories teaching, and form a general pattern of collaborative education. The prerequisite is to realize the integrated pattern of ideological and political theories teaching which means that the curriculum design should be strengthened to effectively implement the teaching activities of ideological and political theories teaching with scientific curriculum design as a guide. The first is to do a good job in the corresponding curriculum design and analysis of the combination of ideological and political theories teaching and English grammar teaching, including the analysis of current students’ learning attitudes, goals, methods, paths and needs in English grammar. The second is to understand the students’ ideological situation, including their level of ideological and political awareness, their interest in learning English courses and their goals, etc. The third is to analyze the relevant contents of grammar teaching, including the content design of the course, resource selection, and the main contents of the ideological and political education, teaching time schedule, course plan arrangement, etc. Analysis is an important prerequisite for effective development of teaching design, and only when the actual situation is understood can the teaching design be more relevant and operable. This is also the key to achieving moral education and the implementation of collaborative education. Only under the premise of in-depth analysis, ideological and political theories teaching can better meet the current development of the situation on the ideological leadership of students. The fourth is to reflect the relevance and operability of the curriculum design, the goals of English grammar teaching include but are not limited toJournal of International Education and Development Vol.6 No.6 2022students’ English oral communication skills, expression skills, language and culture, cooperation skills, etc. Then, the curriculum design needs to highlight these contents and combine English grammar teaching with the core literacy cultivation requirements of students. The design of teaching strategies should be combined with the teaching objectives and students’ actual situation, and built on certain steps and rhythms, in order to play a good educational effect of moral education.(2) Innovate teaching forms and integrate from multiple perspectivesThe integration and infiltration of ideological and political theories teaching nglish teaching should become a normalization of teaching, not just to accomplish tasks related to teaching reform. Integrating ideological and political education into English grammar teaching not only pays attention to students’ emotional changes and makes relevant integration planning in combination with students’ actual situation, but also actively seeks diversified ways of ideological and political theories teaching integration. For example, in English language teaching, there are reading teaching and writing teaching, besides, there are practical teaching. In the selection of English teaching resources, there are textbook resources and Internet resources. Then, when conducting ideological and political theories teaching, it needs to be synchronized with the teaching plan and teaching resources, and is no longer limited to a certain class or some specific content. It needs to think from different perspectives, find corresponding teaching integrated methods and integrate from multiple aspects, so as to form a multi-level combination of ideological and political theories teaching and English grammar teaching, form an all-round teaching system and the integrated construction of ideological and political theories teaching in all courses. There are some specific aspects: first, use life scenes, life materials and life experience as the starting point. In English grammar teaching materials, there are often places, characters and scenes, so these scenes or contents can be replaced with real life situations as the entry point of ideological and political education. English subject has certain instrumental attributes. Learning English can promote better human communication. Life scenes can effectively evoke a sense of familiarity and intimacy among students, and the combination of English knowledge and life reality can make the application of knowledge more intuitive and more conducive to promoting the transformation and application of language among students. The integration of ideological and political theories teaching into English grammar teaching, through practice as an opportunity, combined with the relevant teaching content, step by step infiltration of ideological and political education, for example, we can use English questions to make students associate and think from a moral point of view, and let students discuss and debate. The material can be diversified and the scope can be wider, from clothing, food, housing and transportation to develop students’ ability to distinguish right from wrong and inhibit temptation, so as to form students’ good core literacy.Journal of International Education and Development Vol.6 No.6 20224. ConclusionIn conclusion, with the continuous progress of social development, as well as the real needs of building a harmonious society, cultivating high-quality talents through education is the way to adapt to the development of the times, and to achieve better development of students. And the cultivation of high-quality talents, first of all, should start from the ideology. Good quality and moral quality is the prerequisite for the development of everything. Therefore, we should make full use of the advantages of the subject and carry out the ideological and political education step by step in junior high school grammar teaching. As an English educator, we should actively give full play to our role advantages and educational functions, cultivate students’ ideological quality and moral sentiment in a variety of educational forms in the process of English grammar teaching, and implement the concept of quality education.References[1] Qiu Xiaolan. “Preliminary Study on the Teaching Method of Ideological andPolitical Theories Teaching in All Courses Mini-case of “Management” Course--Based on Constructivist Scaffolding Teaching Method” [J]. Journal of the col-lege of northwest adult education,2022(01):60-66.[2] Huo Junyan. “Exploration and Practice of College English Writing Online LiveStreaming Class Under the Threshold of Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses” [J]. Overseas English,2021(24):145-46.[3] Li Xiaoli. “Research on the Path of Improving the Teaching Effect of CollegeEnglish Courses Under the Background of Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses” [J]. Journal of Fuyang V ocational and technical Col-lege,2021,32(04):48-51.[4] Qin Zhansong. “Research on the Implementation Path of “Ideological and Polit-ical Theories Teaching in All Courses” Education in English in Secondary V oca-tional Colleges” [J]. Campus Psychology,2021,19(02):190-93.[5] Yu Rong. “A Brief Discussion on Improving the Effectiveness of English Gram-mar Review Class in Junior High School-- Take A Lesson of English Grammar Review Class as An Example” [J]. Overseas English,2019(02):169-70.。

The Split Common Fixed Point Problem for Nonexpans

The Split Common Fixed Point Problem for Nonexpans

The Split Common Fixed Point Problem for Nonexpansive Mapping and Quasi--Strict Pseudo-contraction Mapping in Banach SpaceXuejiao Zi, Lili Yang, Shaorong YangDepar tment of General Education, The College of Ar ts and Sciences•KunmingAbstract: In this article, we obtain a solution of split common fixed point problem for nonexpansive mapping and quasi--strict pseudo-contraction mapping by proposing an iterative scheme in Banach space. The strong convergence theorem of the sequence produced by our iterative scheme is proved.Keywords:Split common fixed point problem; Nonexpansive mapping; Quasi--strict pseudo-contraction mapping; Banach spaceDOI: 10.47297/taposatWSP2633-456910.20210202Funded project: This work was supported by the Scientific Reserch Foundation of College of Arts and Sciences Yunnan Normal University (No. 18KJYYB011).1. IntroductionThe split feasibility problem (SFP) was proposed for modeling inverse problems [1]. It is considered the problem as follows:find a pointand. (1.1)Where is a bounded linear operator. and be nonempty closed and convexsubsets of finite-dimensional Hilbert spacesand , respectively.Ifandare replaced by the fixed point sets of nonlinear operators and , respectively. (The fixed point sets of S and Yare represented byand)Then (1.1) is called the split common fixed problem (SCFPP):find a pointwithand. (1.2)Many conclusions of weak and strong convergence theorems on SFP in Hilbert space have been obtained by continuous research of authors, see for instance [5-9]. Last several years, some studies of SFP have attempted to generalize from Hilbert space to Banach space, for example, in [10-12], authors introduced different iterative schemes to find solution of SFP and gained the strong convergence theorems with the condition of semi-compactness on the operators. In 2018, Ma et al.[13] introduced iterative scheme converges strongly to a solution of following split feasibility and fixed point problem absence the assumption of semi-compactness on the operator:find a pointsuch thatand. (1.3)Vol.2 No.2 2021Where andbe two real Banach space and Q be a nonempty closed and convex subsetofbe a quasi-- nonexpansive mapping.In this article, enlightened by the research of [13], our main purpose is to use shrinking projective method to construct an iterative scheme and find a solution of the split common fixed point problem (1.2) in Banach space. The strong convergence theorem of the sequence produced by the constructed scheme is proved without the assumption of semi-compactness on the operators.2. PreliminariesThroughout this article, we suppose U be a real Banach space. is the dual space ofis called strictly convex iffor allwith. Themodulus of convexity of U is a function asfor any . We say U is uniformly convex if, and forany.The modulus of smoothness of U is a functionasIf as , we say U is uniformly smooth. Suppose that be a invariantreal number andis known as -uniformly smooth if there is a constant andfor any. Every -uniformly smooth Banach space is uniformly smooth iswell-know.Letdenotes the generalized duality pairing between U and.The normalized mappingis defined byL is uniformly norm-to-norm continuous on each bounded subset of U when U is uniformly smooth Banach spaces.Let U is a strictly convex, smooth and reflexive Banach space. Consider the following function defined in [14,15]:It is evident from (2.4) thatandTheory and Practice of Science and TechnologyandLet C be a closed and convex subset of U, In [14], the mapping , which is described the generalized projection, is defined byThat is , where is the unique solution to the minimization problem.Lemma 2.1([15]) Suppose be a nonempty closed convex subset of strictly convex, smooth and reflective Banach space U . Then we have:Definition 2.2 Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of smooth Banach spac U a mapping is called:(i) Nonexpansive, if(ii) quasi--strict pseudo-contraction mapping, if and there is a constantwith .Definition 2.3 A mapping is known as closed if for any sequence withand as , then .Lemma 2.4([16]) Let and be two sequences of a uniformly convex and smoothBanach space U. If and either or is bounded, then .Lemma 2.5([17]) Let C be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of strictly convex, smooth, and reflective Banach space U let and . ThenLemma 2.6([18]) Suppose U be a 2-uniformly smooth Banach space and the best smoothness constants . Then we have that:3. Main ResultsTheorem 3.1 Suppose be a 2-uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth real Banachspace, its the best smoothness constant Let be a strictly convex, smooth and reflectiveBanach space. and be the normalized mapping of and , respectly. Let be aclosed quasi--strict pseudo-contraction mapping and be a nonexpansivemapping and Let be a bounded linear operator with its adjointLet and be a sequence generated by:Vol.2 No.2 2021with the following conditions hold:Proof. The proof is shown in following five steps.Step 1:We prove that and are closed and convex for anyFor is closed and convex based on Let is closed and convex forfor any ,due toWe get is closed and convex ofSince is closed and convex. Let is closed and convex for. For ,we obtainOwing to and are continuous and linear in , we haveis closed and convex.Step 2:We prove that .Let , it follows assumption that is a 2-uniformly smooth and 2-uniformly convexreal Banach space. We know is 2-uniformly smooth real Banach space andWhere is the normalized duality mapping of . By Lemma 2.6 and (3.1), we obtainTheory and Practice of Science and TechnologyFurthermore, it follows from Lemma 2.5 thatSubstituting (3.5) into (3.4), and by the assumption of , we haveSo, which implies next, we showNote that Let for , then for any ,according to the definition of S, we haveFurthermore, from (2.7), we obtainThese imply thatIt follows from (2.6) and (3.7), we getVol.2 No.2 2021From (2.7), we getBy (3.8) and (3.9), we havethen, which implies for all Thus, Thereforis well defined.Step 3:We verify that is a cauchy sequence.Let by Lemma 2.1, we knownThis implies that is bounded. In addition, by the construction , we get and for any . From Lemma 2.1, we obtainSince and for all we haveTherefore, is nondecreasing. So, the limit exists. From (3.11) wehaveaccording to Lemma 2.4, we obtain thathence is a cauchy sequence in .Step 4:We show that andFrom (3.14), we haveby (3.13) , the definition of and we getTheory and Practice of Science and Technologyfrom Lemma 2.4, we haveby (3.15) and (3.17), we knowsince we getby (3.15) (3.17)and (3.19), we obtainfrom Lemma 2.4, we haveFrom (3.6), we known thatSince is a 2-uniformly smooth and 2-uniformly convex real Banach space, isuniformly continuous from norm-to-norm. By (3.18), we haveAlso from (3.22) and the condition(2), we haveFrom (3.1) , we know thatfrom (3.18), (3.21) and condition (1), we haveowing to is norm-to-norm uniformly continuous, we know thatVol.2 No.2 2021Step 5:now we prove thatSince is a cauchy sequence, there is a such that By the closedness ofS and (3.18) (3.26) thatIn addition, from Lemma 2.5, we obtainand by N is a bounded linear operator. So, according to (3.23),thus, So we haveSuppose from and we havewhich implies thatWe have by the definition of Therefor,Here we complete the proof of Theorem 3.1.Remark 3.2 Theorem 3.1 extends the rusult of [13] from SFP to SCFPP and the nonlinear operator from quasi nonexpansive mapping extends to quasi strict pseudo-contraction mapping.References[1] Y. Censor, T. Elfving, A multiprojection algorithm using Bregman projection in a product splace, Numer. Al-gorithms, 8(1994), 221-39.[2] Y. Censor, T. Elfving, N. Kopf, T. Bortfeld, The multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its applications,Inverse Probl., 21(2005), 2071-84.[3] Y. Censor, A. Motova, A. Segal, Pertured projections and subgradient projections for the multiple-sets splitfeasibility problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 327(2007), 1244-56.[4] C. Byrne, Iterative oblique projection onto convex subsets and the split feasibility problems, Inverse Probl.,18(2002), 441-53.[5] A. 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原住民空间融合下的历史文化街区活力提升策略□ 陆 明,蔡籽焓[摘 要]历史文化街区既是体现城市历史文化及风貌特色的空间载体,又是体现城市空间品质及活力特色的重要场所,而以原住民为活力主体的空间提升是活化历史文化街区的根本内在动力。


[关键词]街道活力;空间品质;原住民空间融合;历史文化街区;哈尔滨[文章编号]1006-0022(2017)11-0017-07 [中图分类号]TU984 [文献标识码]A[引文格式]陆明,蔡籽焓.原住民空间融合下的历史文化街区活力提升策略[J].规划师,2017(11):17-23.Vitality Upgrade For Historical And Cultural Blocks Based On Inhabitant Spatial Integration/Lu Ming, Cai Zihan[Abstract] Historical and cultural blocks are the spatial carrier of urban history and culture, and the important space where embodies urban spatial quality and vitality. Vitality upgrade based on inhabitant is the internal impetus for activating these blocks. Based on inhabitant spatial integration concept, the paper analyzes the vitality effect factors, sets up a factors system, and takes Harbin Chinese Baroque historical and cultural blocks as an example, discusses the vitality upgrade strategies, realizes the inhabitant social integration goal.[Key words]Street vitality, Spatial quality, Inhabitant spatial integration, Historical and cultural blocks, Harbin0引言历史文化街区既是体现城市历史文化及风貌特色的空间载体,又是体现城市空间品质及活力特色的重要场所,尤其是在我国大力推进城市存量规划的阶段,理性选择提升街区空间环境品质的规划保护策略是保证历史文化街区可持续发展及活力提升的关键。



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赵琳,姜雨,兰韬,等. 硫酸软骨素钠质量安全标准及关键控制点研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2022,43(19):7−13. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022030218ZHAO Lin, JIANG Yu, LAN Tao, et al. Review on Quality Safety Standards and Critical Control Points of Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(19): 7−13. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022030218· 青年编委专栏—食品及相关产品质量安全及法规标准(客座主编:兰韬、田明) ·硫酸软骨素钠质量安全标准及关键控制点研究进展赵 琳1,姜 雨2,兰 韬1,吴 琦1,张梦妍1,尹秀文2,刘洪宇2, *,云振宇1,*(1.中国标准化研究院农业食品标准化研究所,北京 100191;2.国家市场监督管理总局食品审评中心,北京 100160)摘 要:硫酸软骨素钠是从动物软骨组织中提取的天然酸性黏多糖,主要作为一种抗骨关节炎药品和保健食品在世界范围内被广泛应用。






错"设备与工艺FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY2021年第1期2021年 2月Feb.2021 No1•铸造工艺・doi :10.16666/]i.issnl004-6178.2021.01.004铸态QT700-2的生产控制孟兴堂,吕猛,姚钦仁(太重集团榆液液压工业有限公司铸造分公司,山西 榆次030600)摘 要:生产实践发现由于造型冷却条件的限制,采用潮模砂生产铸态QT700-2牌号产X 存在机械性能不达标的情况。


关键词:化学成分;合金化;孕育;QT700-2中图分类号:TG251 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-6694( 2021 )01-0008-02Production Control of QT700-2 CastingMENG Xing-tang, LV Meng , YAO Qin-ren(Casting Branch of Yuci Hydraulic Industry Co ” Ltd., Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group, Yuci Shanxi 030600, China )Abstract : Due to the limitation of molding cooling conditions, the mechanical properties of QT700-2 castings produced by greensand molding are not up to standard. Casting QT700-2 can be produced stably by adjusting chemical composition, adopting alloyingmethod, wire feeding spheroidizing method and strengthening inoculation.Key words : chemical composition , alloying, inoculation , QT700-2球墨铸铁是20世纪50年代发展起来的一种 新型的铸铁材料,因其有较高强度、优良的韧性以及耐磨性等优点被广泛应用球墨铸铁按是否经 过热处理分为铸态球墨铸铁和热处理态球墨铸铁。



General Purpose Butyl SealantProduct DescriptionTremco® Butyl Sealant is formulated from a blend of butyl rubber and polyisobutylene to form an economical, flexible sealant.Basic UsesTremco Butyl Sealant is used for sealing joints in applications such as curtainwall joints, metal panel joining, bedding thresholds, secondary glazing seals, and areas where a seal is required against Tremco Neoprene or EPDM gaskets.Features and Benefits•Excellent primerless adhesion to most common substrates such as wood, metal, glass, concrete, and masonry surfaces.• Up to 10% movement capability.•Good exterior grade, weather resistant caulk.• Economical flexible sealant.AvailabilityImmediately available from your local Tremco Field Representative, Tremco Distributor or Tremco Warehouse.Coverage Rates35 linear feet of joint per 10.1-oz (300-mL) cartridge for a 1/4” x 1/4” joint. For specific coverage rates that include joint size, and usage efficiencies, visit our website usage calculator at .Packaging10.1-oz (300-mL) cartridgesColorsWhite, Aluminum Stone, BlackLimitations•Do not apply Tremco Butyl Sealant over damp or contaminated surfaces. •Do not apply to joints where movement will exceed ±10%.•Always utilize the accompanying MSDS for information on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and health hazards.Substrate PreparationSurfaces must be sound, clean, and dry. All release agents, existing waterproofing, dust, loose mortar, laitance, paints, or other finishes must be removed. This can be accomplished with a thorough wire brushing, grinding, sandblasting, or solvent washing, depending on the contamination. Tremco recommends that surface temperatures be 40 °F (5 °C) or above at the time the sealant is applied. If sealant must be applied in temperatures below 40 °F, please refer to the Tremco Guide for Applying Sealants in Cold Weather that can be found on our website at . Applicable Standards•Tremco Butyl Sealant meets or exceeds the requirements of the following specifications:•Conforms to U.S. Federal Specification TT-S-001657, Type 1• ASTM C1311•CAN/CGSB 19-GP-14M, QPL 81002ApplicationApply Tremco Butyl Sealant with conventional caulking equipment filling the joint from the bottom first. Immediately tool the sealant with a spatula to ensure intimate contact with the joint walls. Dry tooling is always preferred, although xylene can be used in limited amounts to slick the spatula if needed.For window and door perimeter fillet bead applications, a 1/4" (6 mm) minimum surface area is recommended.PrimingTremco Butyl Sealant adheres to common construction substrates without primers; however, Tremco always recommends that a mock-up or field adhesion test on the actual materials being used on the job be conducted to verify adhesion. The field adhesion test can be found in Appendix X1 of ASTM C1193, Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants.Joint DesignTremco Butyl Sealant may be used in any vertical or horizontal joint designed in accordance with accepted architectural/engineering practices. Joint width should be 4 times anticipated movement, but not less than 1/4” (6 mm). Joint BackingClosed cell or reticulated polyethylene backer rod is recommended as joint backing to control sealant depth and to ensure intimate contact of sealant with joint walls when tooling. Where depth of joint will prevent the use of a backer rod, an adhesive backed polyethylene tape (bond breaker tape) should be used to prevent three-sided adhesion. All backing should be dry at time of sealant application.Sealant DimensionsW = Sealant width, D = Sealant depth, C = Contact area.EXPANSION JOINTS - The minimum width and depth of any sealant application should be 1/4” x 1/4” (6 mm x 6 mm).The depth (D) of sealant may be equal to the width (W) of joints that are less than 1/2" wide. For joints ranging from 1/4 to 1" (6 to 25 mm) wide, the sealant depth should be approximately one-half of the joint width.The maximum depth (D) of any sealant application should be 1/2" (13 mm). For joints that are wider than 1" (25 mm) contact Tremco's Technical Service Department, or your local Tremco field representative.WINDOW PERIMETERS- For fillet beads, or angle beads around windows and doors, the sealant should exhibit a minimum surface contact area [C] of 1/4" (6 mm) onto each substrate.Cure TimeTremco Butyl Sealant generally cures at a rate of 1/16” per day at 75 °F (24 °C) and 50% RH. It will be tack free in one day. The cure time will increase as temperatures and/or humidity decrease. A good rule of thumb is one additional day for every 10 °F decrease in temperature.Clean UpExcess sealant and smears adjacent to the joint interface can be carefully removed with xylene or mineral spirits before the sealant cures. Any utensilsused for tooling can also be cleaned with xylene or mineral spirits. Page 1 of 2WarrantyTremco warrants its Products to be free of defects in materials, but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on-site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or implied including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, withrespect to Tremco Products. Tremco’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace, or refund the purchase price of the quantity of Tremco Products proven to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage.PROPERTYTEST METHODTYPICAL VALUESBubble Formation TT-S-001657 Pass Tenacity TT-S-001657 Pass SlumpTT-S-001657 PassExtrudability TT-S-001657 1.5 to 3.0 s/mL Tack Free Time TT-S-001657 Pass, <24 hr Shrinkage5 to 10%Please refer to our website at for the mostup-to-date Product Data Sheets. NOTE: All Tremco Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are in alignment with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling ofChemicals (GHS) requirements.0316/BUTYLDS-ST3735 Green RdBeachwood OH 44122216.292.5000 / 800.321.79061451 Jacobson AveAshland OH 44805419.289.2050 / 800.321.6357220 Wicksteed Ave Toronto ON M4H1G7 416.421.3300 / 800.363.3213 1445 Rue de CoulombBoucherville QC J4B 7L8 514.521.9555Page 2 of 2。

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for i=1,5 do
CC.Person_S["出招动画帧数" .. i]={50+2*(i-1),0,2};
CC.Person_S["出招动画延迟" .. i]={60+2*(i-1),0,2};
for i=1,10 do
CC.Person_S["武功" .. i]={126+2*(i-1),0,2};
CC.Person_S["武功等级" .. i]={146+2*(i-1),0,2};
for i=1,4 do
function SetGlobalConst()
-- Windows 键码定义,msdn
CC.OSCharSet=-1; --OS 字符集,-1 系统判断,0 GB, 1 Big5
CC.FontName="SimSun"; --显示字体
CC.ScreenW=640; --显示窗口宽高
CC.Person_S["携带物品" .. i]={166+2*(i-1),0,2};
CC.Person_S["携带物品数量" .. i]={174+2*(i-1),0,2};
CC.ThingSize=190; --每个人物数据占用字节
for i=1,CC.TeamNum do
CC.Base_S["队伍" .. i]={24+2*(i-1),0,2};
for i=1,CC.MyThingNum do
--定义记录文件R×结构。 lua不支持结构,无法直接从二进制文件中读取,因此需要这些定义,用table中不同的名字来仿真结构。
CC.TeamNum=6; --队伍人数
CC.MyThingNum=200 --主角物品数量
CC.Base_S={}; --保存基本数据的结构,以便以后存取
GAME_DEAD =6; --死亡画面
GAME_END =7; --结束
CC={}; --定义游戏中使用的常量,这些可以在修改游戏时修改之
CC.SrcCharSet=0; --源代码的字符集 0 gb 1 big5,用于转换R×。 如果源码被转换为big5,则应设为1
C_WHITE=RGB(236, 236, 236); --游戏内常用的几个颜色值
C_ORANGE=RGB(252, 148, 16);
C_GOLD=RGB(236, 200, 40);
-- 游戏状态定义
GAME_START =0 --开始画面
CC.FightPicFile="data\\fight%03d"; --此处为字符串格式,类似于C中printf的格式。
CC.Person_S["武功音效延迟" .. i]={70+2*(i-1),0,2};
-- 游戏中颜色定义
C_STARTMENU=RGB(132, 0, 4) -- 开始菜单颜色
C_RED=RGB(216, 20, 24) -- 开始菜单选中项颜色