



The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).
值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛 的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流 的核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此, 物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。
How a bottle of Coca Cola coke moves to an end consumer 一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的
If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola coke, he can choose to:
go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at ex-factory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or
B选择是个人零散客户最常用的选择,在此种方式下,客户支付 较高的零售价,在享有较低的总成本的同时,还可以换取 购物的轻松并免除到厂家取货的耗时旅程。



Aspen Plus的基本操作1、Aspen plus的启动(1)选择【开始】→【程序】→【AspenTech】→【Aspen engineering Suite 】→【AspenPlus 11.1】→【Aspen Plus User Interface】,如下图所示:(2)启动Aspen Plus 对话框后,弹出Aspen Plus Startup对话框。



流程区单元模块区单元模块区可分为:Mixers/splitters 混合器/分流器Separators 分离器HeatExchangers 热交换器(或称为换热器)Columns 塔(精馏塔、吸收塔)Reactors 反应器Pressure Changers 压力转换设备Manipulators 流股调节器Solids 固体操作设备2、模拟流程的设置步骤:(1)当选定了合适的单元模块,就可以放到流程区去。



(4)在红色标记处,确定所需要连接的物流,当整个流程结构确定以后,红色标记消失,按Next 按钮,系统提示下一步需要做的工作。


3、物流数据及参数的输入(1) 输入流程的数据参数时,有两种方式可以进行输入。

a. 点击后,在跳出的对话框中选择确定,即可进入数据参数输入对话框“Data Browser”;b. 打开数据浏览器(data browse) ,也可进入数据参数输入对话框“Data Browser”ASPEN Plus为了使用户了解哪些参数需要输入,并以红色标记显示。

(2)在项目建立(set up)栏中,主要输入模拟流程的名称、物流单位以及使用的名称等。



具体 详细
长期计划: 产品与市场发展规划;资源发展计划;生产战略计划;和 财务计划
中期计划: 生产大纲和主生产计划
短期计划: 物料需求计划;生产能力需求计划;总装配计划以及实施 过程中的作业进度计划和控制工作
八 主生产计划的概念;如何制定与实施
MPSmaster product scheme将总体计划中的系列 产品分解为每一个具体时段的最终产品的生产数量 实 质上是产品的出产进度安排
十二 配送合理化的判断标志 P277
1 库存标志 库存总量:总量+用户配送后的库存量<配送前的各用户
库存量之和 库存周转:库存周转总是快于各的库存周转 2 资金标志 资金总量:占用资金总量减少为合理 资金周转:快为合理 资金投向的改变:分散改为集中为合理 3 成本和效益
MPS所需要的信息:主生产计划大纲;预计的需求;可 用的原材料和配件;制造/采购提前期;生产准备/更换时 间;原则是利用最少的项目数进行排产;只列出相关的重 大项目;如财务;生产能力等
1根据生产预测;已收到的客户定单;配件预测;订货政策及 批量;制定出主生产计划
2粗能力计划RCCP—Rough Cut Capacity Planning;对能 力和需求进行平衡
终送到消费者手中的这一过程被看成是一个环环相扣 的链条;这就是供应链
供应链管理:supply chain management 对整个供应链系统进行计划;协调;操作;控制和优
化的各种活动和过程;其目标就是要将顾客所需要的正 确产品right product能够在正确的时间right time;按照 正确的数量right quantity正确的质量right quality和正 确的状态right status送到正确的地点right place;并使 总成本最小

第1讲 物流管理概论PPT课件

第1讲  物流管理概论PPT课件

仓储 保管
运输 配送
装卸 搬运
现代 包装
流通 加工
物流 信息
❖ 第二次世界大战期间,“Logistics”作为美国军队使用的军 事术语,指军队的后勤保障系统包括物资、人员和设备的获 得、维护和运输,如同汉语中的“兵站”之意。战争开始前 ,军事后勤部门要为参战人员提供弹药及装备,战争开始后 ,军事物资和装备必须保持可以供应的状态,美国少校琼西• 贝克称“那个与军备的移动与供应相关的战争艺术的分支就 叫‘物流’” 。
从P.D到Logisticபைடு நூலகம்时代
运输 储存 装卸 包装 流通加工 信息处理
Industry Logistics/Business Logistics
Trade off 物流系统化
生产 销售物流 Logistics化
Logistics Model
采购 物料管理 实物配送
顾客 服务
仓储物 料搬运
物料计 信息系 划控制 统支持
工作顺序 Work Sequence
物料流 Material Flow
三个业务功能 Business Function17
6个学科 Disciplines
❖ 1950年代,通用汽车公司在追求从遍布各地的零部件工厂采 购运输零部件到组装工厂的物流合理化和效率化过程中,第 一次导入“Logistics”概念,二次世界大战期间积累的大量 军事后勤保障理论、经验,形成和丰富了“运筹学”的理论 与方法,并广泛运用于民用领域,形成和发展了现代“物流 学”,把军事用语的“Logistics”作为企业一个新的管理思 想、理念和技术引入企业经营管理中。



第一章现代物流概述本章主要内容:一 物流的概念二 物流的分类三 物流的地位与作用四 物流的学科属性及其理论体系五 物流的发展趋势六 物流、商流、信息流、资金流教学目的和要求:要求学生能深刻理解物流的概念;了解物流的产生和发展;了解物流的分类方法;了解传统物流向现代物流概念的转变背景;掌握现代物流与传统物流的区别;理解物流的作用及商流、物流、信息流、资金流四者的关系 ;了解物流研究的学科属性以及理论体系;1、物流的概念1.1物流概念的产生物流起源于军事后勤(L ogistics),其含义是指军队的后勤保障,即将粮食、服装、军火等军需物资与人员,按时、按量、按质地补充到指定的地点。


后来,随着经济的发展,其含义不断地发生变化,由最初的实体分销(配)(Physical Distribution)转变为Logistics,之后又被理解为供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)过程的一部分。

美国营销学者阿奇·萧(Arch W.Shaw)被学术界认为是世界上第一个使用物流概念的人,1915年在其题为“Some Problems in Market Distribution”论文中首次使用了物流概念。

后来,美国另一位营销学者弗莱德·克拉克(Fred E.Clerk)于1924年在其“Principle of Marketing”的营销学著作中也使用了物流概念1[1]。





在该报告中首次使用了“Physical Distribution”一词,并将其译成日文“物的流通”。



美国福特汽车公司的创始人——亨利·福特 一直有一个梦想,就是要成为一个完全自给自足 的行业巨头。于是,除了规模庞大的汽车制造产 业,还在底特律建造了内陆港口和错综复杂的铁 路、公路网络。为了确保原材料供给,福特还投 资了煤矿、铁矿、森林、玻璃厂,甚至买地种植 制造油漆的大豆。他还在巴西购买了250万英亩 的土地,建起了一座橡胶种植园,以满足他的汽 车王国对橡胶的巨大需求。此外,他还想投资于 铁路、运货卡车、内河运输和远洋运输,这样整 个原材料供应、制造、运输、销售等都纳入他所 07.03.2019 22 控制的范围。
截至2007年12月31日,中远集运的船队共经营144艘船 舶,总运力达435,138标准箱。在全球超过40个国家 和地区的140多个港口挂靠,经营74条国际航线、12 条国际支线、20条中国沿海航线及62条珠江三角洲 和长江支线。 中远集运在全球范围内拥有广泛的销售和服务网络,共 拥有 400多个境内境外销售和服务网点。这些全球 性的航线网络和销售、服务网络,使得本集团可以 为客户提供优质的“门到门”服务。 中国远洋经营 419艘干散货船,其中202艘属公司拥有,217艘属 租入运力。总运力达32,981,460载重吨,为全球最 大的干散货船队。 中远太平洋在全球投资经营27个码头项目,总泊位达 140个,世界排名第五。 佛罗伦拥有和代管的集装 箱队达1,519,671标准箱,集装箱租赁业务占全球市 场份额约13.2%,位居世界第二。
07.03.2019 14
从历史方面来看,企业物流仍然是全社会物 流活动的重点,专业化、系统化、全程化的 现代物流服务需求已初见端倪,但传统物流 仍占主体地位。
1.中国长期计划经济的影响 2.中国的改革开放 3.公司改革对物流的需求 4. 第三方物流崭露头角,但份额明显毫无优势



物流专业的演讲稿(三篇)物流专业的演讲稿(三篇)Ladies and gentlemen:Hallo ! It's my pleasure to make a speech here .My name is xxx, a fresh man , and I major in internationallogistics .Today my speech is something about international logistics.How much do you know about it Some say the assignment of it is to transport some goods form one country to another , others say it is more eplicated than domestic logistics , and still others say it is an action of business.To some extent , they are right , but they are not peletaly right .International logistics is not just transporting something , what's more , it can bridge the gap among different counties .As time gose by , international logistics is playing a more and moreimportant part in our country , the largest developing socialist country in the world .For one thing , not only is international logistics good for the circulation of the goods , but it also prmotes the developments of trades in many fields ,such as transportation service , service industy and so on .For another , through international logistics we can strengthen our cultural exchanges with other couies , learn form each other , and enhance our friendships .When I enter this college , when I acquire more and more knowledgeabout international logistics , when I realize that international logisics makes great differences on our country . I have made up my mind to be a great professional person .I deeply know "Rome is not built in one day ". I will keep working on it , and I firmly believe that I willbetter day after day !My speech is over . Thank you for your attention !尊敬的各位评委、领导及在场的朋友,大家下午好!非常荣幸能参加本次的演讲比赛。






二、物流基本概念1. 物流定义:物流是指通过合理的组织和规划,将货物从生产或采购地点以最低的成本和最短的时间送达客户手中的过程。

2. 物流要素:物流活动涉及物品、信息、设备和人力资源等要素,其中物品是核心要素,信息和设备则用于支持物品的流动和控制,人力资源则是实施物流活动的驱动力之一。

三、物流网络1. 运输方式:物流网络中的运输方式主要包括公路运输、铁路运输、航空运输和水路运输。


2. 仓储设施:物流网络中的仓储设施包括仓库、货场和配送中心等。


四、物流管理1. 供应链管理:供应链是指一系列与产品的流动和价值创造相关的活动。


2. 库存管理:库存是指企业储存的货物。



3. 运输管理:运输管理涉及运输计划、路线选择、运输合同和运输跟踪等活动,旨在优化货物的运输过程,并提高运输效率和服务质量。

4. 信息系统:物流管理中的信息系统用于收集和处理与物流活动相关的信息。


五、物流解决方案1. 仓储物流:仓储物流是指在仓库中对货物进行储存、分类和管理的物流活动。


2. 大型项目物流:大型项目物流是指对大规模工程项目中的物资和设备进行运输和配送的物流活动。



物流专业英语课后习题答案Exercises 1Part II Vocabulary exercises1. B2. C3. D4.B5. D6. B7. A8. C9. C 10. BII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French.According to the French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin whohad served in Napoleon’s army before joining the Russians and who laterfounded the Military Academy of St. Petersburg, first used the term in theearly 19th century. So in a military sense, the term ‘logistics’ encompassestransport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance.2.Logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that managementmust first understand what those requirements are before a logisticsstrategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. As will bediscussed in more detail later, customer service is the most importantoutput of an organization’s logistics system. This focus on customersatisfaction will be emphasized through the text just as it should be in thefirm.Part III Vocabulary exercises1. B2. D3. A4.C5. D6.D7.A8.A9.C 10. AII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point oforigin to a point of consumption and can involve raw materials beingbrought into the production process and/or finished goods being shippedout to the customer.2.Since these inputs can have a direct impact on both the cost and quality ofthe final product/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital tothe overall success of the logistics effort. In addition, the move away fromlocal sourcing in favor of global buying has complicated this entire processdramatically in recent years.Part IIII Vocabulary exercises1. D2.C3.B4.D5. A6. C7. D8. D9. B 10. CII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Cost has a relation to service. They go hand in hand. As you define yourservice against your costs or costs against service, the give and takedevelops into your operating costs and budgets. Then you have to makesure that the cost can be managed. Otherwise costs can go out of control,or seem to.2.Logistics is a process, which runs from the vendor's door through to thecustomer's. It interacts with almost every group within the company andwith many companies outside the company, including its customers.Effective logistics revolves around five key issues--movement of product,movement of information, time/service, cost and integration. Each of thisis critical to the success of logistics and to creating value-added to thecompany and improving competitiveness.Exercises 2Part II Vocabulary exercises1. A2. B3. B4.B5.A6. B7. B8.B9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15.DPart III Vocabulary exercises1. A2.C3.A4. D5.A6. D7.B8. B9. D 10. B II Structure1. C2. C3.C4.D5.CPart IIII Vocabulary exercises1.A2. B3. C4. A5. A6.C7.A8. CII Structure1.C2. C3. C4. A5. BExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:. The Public sector ______an important role in transport, through the construction, ownershipand control of roads, railroads and in most countries.(A) do (B) get (C) play (D) plays2. This does not only relate to the handling techniques, _______to the equipment itself.(A) and (B) which (C) but also (D) too3. A ship may be moved from one trade or route to another, _______a port cannot be moved.(A) that (B) which (C) while (D) why4. The high cost of provision, longevity and scale economies associated _______the fixed componentscreate tendencies towards monopoly control, while the ease of entry, flexibility and lack of scale effetstend to stimulate competition in the mobile sector.(A) on (B) in (C) to (D) with5. Public authorities are most often responsible (1) planning, construction and maintenance of the fixed elements of transport, the infrastructure. It is assumed that their main (2) is to secure the international trade to and from a region or a country. But the investments they are willing to undertake must in most cases be demonstrated to have a viable economic basis through projections of cargo flows and (3) national gains. The careful planning and (4) of road and port projects are examples of this. The shipowners, as the suppliers of ships, will have similar interests in evaluating the cargo flow to and from a specific area. But as they operate internationally and their ships most likely serve other regions or countries, at least in liner operations, their considerations will have a wider scope within some profit motive. They may not be willing to add capacity to a service to cater for local needs.(1) (A) on (B) in (C) to (D) for(2) (A) objective (B) object (C) objectively (D) objecting(3) (A) result (B) resulting (C) results (D) resulted(4) (A) evaluation (B) improvement (C) development (D) increaseII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1. mobile, relate, infrastructure,influenced, link, consists,(1) The _____elements are also generally cheap.(2) This does not only ______to the cargo handling techniques, but also to the equipment itself.(3) It is the features of the fixed and mobile components of transport that have_______the present institutional arrangements in the industry.(4) A particularly important ________ between transport and development is in international interaction.(5) A transport system _______of inland transport, ports and ocean going vessels.(6) The importance of building up a transport that involves considerable cost has made this a widely accepted public task.Part IIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. The capability to efficiently transport large tonnage over long distance is the main reason _____ continue to handle significant inter-city tonnage and revenue.(A) motor carrier (B) water transport (C) railroads (D) pipelines2. _______is the oldest mode of transportation(A) Motor carrier (B) Water transport (C) Railroads (D) Air transport3. _____ can not be transported by pipelines.(A) gas (B) general cargo (C) liquid (D) slurry4. One ______aspect of air transport is the high cost.(A) prohibitive (B) limited (C) obstacle (D) advantage5. There has been an increasing _ (1)__ on these vehicles both in developed and in developing country. The construction of motorway and trunk road network, the concentration of manufacture into bigger production units and the general trend towards containerization have supported and (2) to this trend. Road transport shares the road or highway (3) other user. The (4) of roads are normally financed either through direct taxes (toll roads), by petrol or other indirect taxes or by combination.(1) (A) to rely (B) rely (C) relied (D) reliance(2) (A) lead (B) led (C) leading (D) to lead(3) (A) with (B) on (C) and (D) in(4) (A) build (B) building (C) manufacture (D) constructII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:. unique, complementary, extremely, ranks, shifted, reduced,(1). The basic nature of a pipeline is ______in comparison to all other modes of transport.(2) Water transport _______ between rail and motor carrier in respect to fixed cost.(3) The replacement of steam by diesel power ______ the railroads’ variable cost per ton-mile.(4) In many situations road and rail transport may be seen as ______ rather than a competitor.(5) Port and freight station are places where goods are _____from one mode of transport to another.(6) The main advantage of water transportation is the capacity to move large shipments.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. According to the passage, transport economics is influenced by _______factors.(A) five (B) six (C) seven (D) eight2. ______ is a major influence on transportation cost since it directly contribute to variable cost, such as labor, fuel and maintenance.(A) Product density (B) Stowability (C) Market (D) Distance3. Items with standard rectangular shapes are much easier to stow ______odd-shaped items(A) with (B) than (C) to (D) at4. The bill of lading serves as a receipt and documents commodities and quantities______.(A) ship (B) shipped (C) shipping(D) to ship5. The multi-modal transport operator (MTO) acts (1) the principal for the performance of the multi-modal transport contract and, in (2) capacity undertakes to contract and provide for the different modes of transport and other services required for expeditious, efficient and safe transport of goods from the place where he takes the goods in charge to the place where he deliver the goods (3) the contract. In the execution of the contract he has necessarily to engage the services of several carriers such as shipowners, road operators, railways, airlines or inland water way operators in addition to non-carriers like terminal operators, warehouses, container freight stations, groupage or consolidation depots, container (4) organizations or freight forwarders.(1) (A) on (B) as (C) to (D) at(2) (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where(3) (A) according to (B) due to (C) because (D) in addition to(4) (A) lending (B) borrowing (C) owning (D) leasingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:Applied , decreases, arrange, delivery, lists, required(1) Special handling equipment may be for loading or unloading trucks, railcars, or ships.(2) Transportation cost per unit of weight ________as load volume increases.(3) The shipping manifest ______ individual stops or consignees when multiple shipments are placed on a single vehicle.(4) The primary task of forwarding is to ______ international transport of general cargo on behalf of others.(5) Export rates may reduce total cost if to domestic origin or destination line-haul transport.(6). In many situations the place of ______ of a cargo may not be known at the time of loading. A typical example is oil.Answers:Part I I.1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.CBDC II. (1)mobile (2)relate (3)influenced (4)link(5)consists(6) infrastructurePart II I.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.DBAB II. (1)unique (2)ranks (3)reduced(4)complementary(5)shifted (6) extremelyPart III I.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.BAAC II.(1)required (2)decreases (3)lists (4)arrange(5)applied(6)deliveryChapter IV ExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Contract warehousing, which is ______ from the public warehouse segment,provides benefits of both the private and public alternative.(A)to evolve (B)evolving (C)develop (D)development2. A private warehouse is operated by the firm _______ the product.(A)owning (B)own (C) have (D) has3. Public warehouses frequently offer operating and management expertise ______ warehousing istheir core business.(A)because of (B)since (C)that (D) which4. There are contract warehouses capable of _______ total logistics responsibility for enterprises that desire only to manufacture and market.(A) assume (B) assuming (C) respond (D) responding5. The major benefits of private warehousing (1) control, flexibility, cost, and other (2) benefits. Private warehouses provide more control since the enterprise has absolute decision-making authority over all activities and priorities in the facility. This control (3) the ability to integrate warehouse operations with the (4) of the firm’s logistics.(1) (A) include (B) includes (C) include to (D) is to include to(2) (A) perception (B) intangible (C) tangible (D) advantage(3) (A) facilitates (B) available (C) have (D) provide(4) (A) other (B) that (C) rest (D) allII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:standardized, specialized, combines, substantial, results, application,(1) Public warehouse operators generally offer relatively _______ service to all clients(2) A warehouse requires _______ material-handling activities.(3) Firms with very _______ customers or products are often motivated to develop their own warehouse facilities.(4) Contract warehousing _______ the best characteristics of both private and public operations.(5) This ______ in high-volume operations that can spread fixed costs and justify more efficient handling equipment.(6) ABC analysis is an inventory _______ of what is known as the Pareto Principle. Part 2Practice:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1 _____are utilized in the combination with four-wheel trailers on a continuous power basis.(A) Forklift truck (B) Towlines (C) Conveyors (D) Carousels2. A pallet or slip sheet forms a platform upon _____ master cartons are stacked.(A) that (B) which (C) where (D) why3. It is not as economical _______ the towline because it requires greater labor participation and is often idle.(A) on (B) at (C) such (D) as4. Typical application _____ selection of individual packages in pack-and repack and service parts operation.(A) involve (B) involving (C) involves (D) to involve5. The holding of the inventory is risk with because of the capital's investment and the potential for _(1)__. First, investment for inventory cannot be used _(2)__ other goods or assets that could improve the enterprise performance. Alternatively, funds supporting inventory investment must be borrowed, (3) the firm' s interest expense. A second form of risk is the possibility that the product will be pilfered or become obsolete. These factors and the relative magnitude of assets that are inventory-related contribute substantially to the risk of most enterprises. It is important to understand that the nature and extent of risk vary (4) on an enterprise' s position in the distribution cha nnel.(1) (A) lack (B) over time (C) obsolescence (D) broken(2) (A) to obtain (B) get (C) have (D) obtain(3) (A) rising (B) raising (C) increasing (D) developing(4) (A) depend (B) to depend (C) depends (D) dependingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:advancements, indicates, merchandise, automated, installation, development(1) Forklift trucks are most effectively utilized in shipping and receiving, and to place _______ in high cube storage.(2) Considerable ________ have been made in automated-guided vehicle system.(3) A series of lights or a “light tree” in front of each pick location _______ the number if items to pick from each location.(4) A number of _______ decoupling devices have been perfected that route trailers from the main line to selected shipping docks.(5) In-floor _______ is costly to modify and difficult to maintain from a housekeeping viewpoint.(6) An exciting and revolutionary technological ______ for managing a firm’s operation is the Internet.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. _____ we may think of service as not having inventory , that is not the case.(A) since (B) but (C) although (D) so2. Finished goods inventory is completed awaiting shipment.(A) cargo (B) goods (C) product (D) things3. _____ inventory is the minimum inventory necessary to keep a perfect system running.(A) WIP (B) MROs (C) ABC analysis (D) JIT4. It is not realistic to monitor inexpensive items with the same intensity _______ very expensive items.(A) with (B) so (C) as (D) to5. E-commerce is revolutionizing the way operations managers achieve (1) efficiencies. Economical collaboration can (2) decision-making and reduce costs. Cost reduction can occur in transaction (3) , purchasing efficiencies, inventory reduction, scheduling, and logistics. Stragglers won’t just be left behind---they will be eliminated. Operations personnel (4) use e-commence to their advantage will overpower their rival.(1) (A) bigger (B) greater (C) less (D) smaller(2) (A) improve (B) rise (C) lift (D) increase(3) (A) working (B) making (C) processing (D) doing(4) (A) that (B) who (C) which (D) whereII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:common, technologies, lack, consideration, benefits, generated,(1) Scale economies refer to the ability to reduce material-handling and storage cost through application of advanced _______.(2) The most ______ value-added service relate to packaging.(3) Operation of early warehouse illustrated the ______ of concern with material-handling principles.(4) Service ________ gained through warehouses in a logistical system may or may not reduce costs.(5) Supply requests are ______ as a pick list at the inventory center.(6) Management of service inventory deserves some special ________Answers:Part I: I.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.ABAC II. (1)standardized (2)substantial (3)specialized(4)combines(5)results (6)applicationPart II: I.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.CABD II.(1)merchandise (2)advancement (3)indicates(4)automated(5)installation (6)developmentPart III: I.1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.BACA II.(1)technologies (2)common (3)lack(4)consideration(5)generated (6)benefitsExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Prior (1) the 1980s, a significant portion of the information flows between functional areas (2) an organization and between logistics organization were paper-based.(1) (A) in (B) at (C) to√ ( D) on(2) (A) within√ (B) with (C) in (D) to2.However, firms that are embarking logistics management initiatives now recognize the vital importance of information and the technologies that make this information available.(A)on (B)upon√ (C)in (D)at3.Through a of agreements with giant retail customer ,P&G has made a major commitment to the development of dedicated customer teams to handle these major accounts.(A)lot (B)number (C)serious (D)series√4.Continuing through the supply chain, P&G orders to its supplier, 3M, indicated the mostof all.(A)Alternation (B)variability√ (C)change (D)difference5.Several interorganizatonal come into play when addressing information sharing across the logistics.(A)Dynamics√ (B)initiative (C)purpose (D)determinantII. Put the words or phrases in the box under the correct headings.III.. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.phenomenon, impacts, access, objective, distorted,facilitate(1) Four causes of this .phenomenon, were identified.(2) In fact, distorted information from one end of logistics to the other can lead to tremendous inefficiencies.(3) A primary objective of these teams is to facilitate the sharing of information between the firms.(4) This consolidation impacts the entire supply chain.(5) Fewer and fewer firms control access to customer trading areas.2. capabilities, demonstrate, impeded, deliberate, approach, technique(1) Just-in-time, or JIT, is a philosophy as much as it is a technique .(2) The conventional approach to meeting customer requirements is based upon some form of statistical inventory control.(3) This approach also impeded efforts to develop and capitalize on successful interorganizational ventures.(4) The Wal-Mart and P&G experience demonstrate how information sharing can be utilized for mutual advantage.(5) However , only as the variety of available information technologies and capabilities began to emerge.3.transactions, unreliable, accurate, crucial, resources, bullwhip, executives (1) Timely and accurate information is more critical now than at any time in the history of American business.(2) Information is a crucial factor in the manager’s abilities to reduce inventory and humanresources requirements to a competitive level..(3) Distorted information throughout the logistics is a common result from what logistics executives at P&G and other organizations have termed the bullwhip effect.(4) These paper-based transactions and communications were slow, unreliable and error prone.Part III. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.order cycle time ( )2.order status information( )3.background information( )4.IOIS ( )5.documentation quality ( )6.business systems planning ( )A . Interorganizational Information SystemB. Time from customer order to delivery. Standards should be defined against customer’s stated requirements.C. Procedures or hot line for informing customers of potential problems on stock availability or delivery.D. Identification of problems and decisions associated with an organizational process and determines what information is needed to address them.E. The error rate on invoices, delivery notes and other customer communications, and also the documentation “user friendly” is necessary.F. Information required by decision makers in the member organizations to effectively and efficiently perform their roles within the logistics.II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.The participants indicated that current approaches used to share information internally, and with suppliers and customers, are in themselves to improving cycle-time performance..A. detestB. detachC. detersiveD. deterrents√2.Clearly, the main point of for improving cycle-time performance across the supply chain was “informating”.A. leverage √B. letupC. liableD. legal3.A (1) theme in the cycle-time problems discussed by the participating organizations was a critical (2) of information.(1)A. recurrence B. recurring √ C. repeated D. recycle(2)A. lacking B. wanting C. lack √ D. shortage4.To the information process, the research team decided to explore the development of an IOIS.A. facilitate √B. pushC. implementD. enhance5.This is not valid.A. assuranceB. supposeC. assumption √D. assuringIII. Read this articles about the logistics information system. Are this statements true(T) or false(F)?Increasingly, it seems that successful companies have one thing in common—their use of information and information technology (IT) to achieve quick response. Information systems are re-shaping the organization and also the nature of the linkages between organizations. Information has always been central to the efficient management of logistics but now, enabled by technology, it is providing the driving force for competitive logistics strategy.We are now starting to see the emergence of integrated logistics system that link the operations of the business, such as production and distribution, with the s upplier’s operations on the one hand and the customer on the other. These systems are often referred to generically as Enterprise Planning Systems or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Already it is the case that companies can literally link the replenishment of product in the marketplace with their upstream operations and those of their suppliers through the use of shared information. The use of these systems has the potential to convert supply chains into demand chains in the sense that the system can now respond to known demand rather than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast.1. Because of the good linkages between organizations, a logistics enterprise can response quickly.( )2.The efficient management of logistics mainly depends on the IT system.( )3.Production scheduling is the driving force of the competitive logistics strategy.( )4. Production and distribution are the emergence of integrated logistics system. ( )5. The use of shared information enable the logistics company to convert supply chains into demand chains. ( )6.Responding to known demand will be more efficient than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast. ( )Part IIII. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. Today , a laptop computer weighing 5 pounds exceeds all of the power of an old mainframe by several order s of .A. capacityB. magnitude √C. volumeD. content3. The of new telecommunications and computer technology has also made real-time, on-line communications throughout the entire logistics a reality.A. increaseB. inflationC. raiseD. proliferation√4.One of the major of traditional logistics is the lack of planning between logistics partners.A. weakness √B. defectC. faultD. fallingA. collaborationB. collaborative √C. collaborationismD. corporation5.Many organizations are some form of IOIS.A. accomplishB.implementing √C. enforceD. complete6.What makes these systems so important is the caused by inaccurate forecasts.A. instability √B. wavyC. volatilityD. unsteadinessII. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.Global inventory management2.Intercompany information access3.Total logistics management4.Global sourcing5.Data capture6.Data interchangeA. consolidation of the purchasing function across organizational lines, facilitating leverage and component standardization across business units.B. integrating all transportation ordering and manufacturing system.C. ability to locate and track the movement of every item.D. between affiliates and nonaffiliated through standard telecommunications channels.E. ability to acquire data about an order at the point of origin, and to track products during movement and as their characteristics change.F. clarity of production and demand information residing in organizations both upstream and downstream throughout the value chain.III. Complete the missing information of the following form of the “Functions of a logistics information system” with the given phrases.D. system performanceE. internal dataF. customer order statusG. production schedulingH. inventory availabilityI. carrier performancePart IVI. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.How to best value from information technology resources is a major challenge facing both business and IT manager.A. wringB. distortionsC. extractD. extort√2.The development of software applications to logistics management is currently a hotbed of activity, promising continued growth into the future.A. relevantB. applicableC. significantD. pertinent√3. This software provides an end-to-end enterprise resource planningsolution .incorporating the most advanced supply chain planning available.A. capabilities √B. abilitiesC. fitnessD. competency4. EDI improves productivity through faster information transmission as well as reduced information entry .A. reduplicateB. redundantC. redundancy √D. redundantly5.The great advantage of this approach was that it made the internet virtually .A. undeservedB. indestructible √C. indistinctD. indestructiveII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.profitable, potential , maintenance, utilized, tremendouslyA.EDI is also tremendously beneficial in counteracting the bullwhip effect described earlier in this chapter.B. The Internet offers tremendous potential for logistics members to share information in a timely and cost-effective manner.C.GE is now the most profitable U.S. company from the electronic commerce.D. Electronic commerce i s the term used to describe the wide range of tools and techniques utilized to conduct business in paperless environment.E. In the development and maintenance of the logistics’ information systems, both hardware and software must be addressed.2. significant, meld, numerous, exaggerations, replenishment1.GE will also release software to meld traditional EDI with the Internet,2.Electronic commerce is having a significant effect on how organizations conduct business.3.The benefit of EDI are numerous .4.They have implemented EDI to support their continuous replenishment program with many of their customers.5.Through the use of EDI, logistics partners can overcome the distortions and exaggerations in supply and demand information.3.scanning, legacy, maintained, coupon, sponsoredanizations adopt distributed computing architectures while they leverage their isolated legacy systems.2.In most cases, a data warehouse is a consolidated database maintained separately from an organization’s producti on system database.3.Separate production systems may track sales and coupon mailings.。



二“军事后勤”与物流服务理念-物流服务是“为满足客户需求所实施的一系列物流活动过程及-其产生的成果”GB/ 18345-2006-。-该成果包括-1供方为客户提供人员劳务活动完成的结果;-2供方为客户提供通过人员对 物付出劳务活动完成的结果;-3供方为客户提供实物实用活动完成的结果-随着服务理念的深化,物流服务出现了层次 变化,从物流的-基本服务延伸到增值服务、高水平的“零缺陷”服务和高投入高产-出的高端服务。
三、物流的社会属性-物流社会属性是由一定的社会生产关系决定的属性。在不同的-社会、经济形态中,物流除受到它 身运动规律的影响之外,也常-常受到物资所有者、物流组织者、物流供给方和物流需求方意志的-影响。-物流的社会 性体现和推动了现代物流理念的产生和不断发展。
一物流是市场的延伸理念-这一理念,今天人们又赋予了其新的内涵:-1通过为用户提供物流服务来开拓市场:-2将 流功能和物流设施的建设,视为潜在的市场机会;-3物流被视为市场竞争的手段和策略:-4物流被视为企业的核心竞 力之一。
三物流价值与利润理念-物流既独立于商品市场,又包含于商品市场。当我们从市场供-求配置资源的财富观认识物流时 物流实际上是商品市场的延伸,-它不仅实现和转移价值,而且不断地创造着更多的社会价值。
四精益物流理念-精益物流的内涵是运用精益思想对企业物流活动进行管理,其-基本原则:-1从客户的角度而不是从 业或职能部门的角度来研究什么-可以产生价值;-2按整个价值流确定供应、生产和配送产品中所有必需的步-骤和活 ;-3创造无中断、无绕道、无等待、无回流的增值活动流:-4及时创造仅由客户拉动的价值:-5不断消除浪费,追 完善。-精益物流的目标可概括为企业在提供满意的客户服务水平的同-时,把浪费降到最低程度。
五物流一体化理念-1.从纵向一体化到横向一体化-纵向一体化即表现为企业对制造资源的占有要求和对生产过程-的 制要求。-横向一体化是指形成从供应商到制造商,再到分销商的贯穿所-有企业的“链”。



外贸物流英语词汇外贸物流英语词汇大全alternate tiers row pattern 交错码放AGV: Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导引车,无人搬运车anchoring 膨胀螺丝as/rs (automatic storage retrieval system) 自动存取机/系统 (自动存取仓储系统自动仓库系统)assembly packaging 集合包装average inventory 平均存货battery 电瓶beam 橫撑,横梁belt conveyor 皮带式输送机(带)block pattern row pattern 整齐码放bonded warehouse 国际物流中心保税仓库brick pattern 砌砖式码放buffer stock 缓冲储备cantilever shalving 悬臂架cargo freight 货物carrying 搬运chain conveyor 链条式输送机(带)charger 充电机cold chain system 冷冻链系统common carrier 公共承运人consolidation 装运整合container terminal 集装箱中转站contract carrier 契约承运人contract logistics 契约物流counterbalance truck 平衡式电动(柴油、电动、瓦斯)堆高机cycle inventory 周期存货delivery 配送depalletizer 托盘拆垛机devanning 拆箱diagonal bracing 斜撑dock leveller 月台调整板dock shelter 月台门封(充气式,非充气式)double-deep pallet racking 双层深式重型物料钢架drive-in pallet racking 直入式重型物料钢架dry cargo 干货dunnage 填充electronic data interchange 电子资料交换ediexport processing zone 加工出口区fill rate 供应比率battery 电瓶beam 橫撑,横梁belt conveyor 皮带式输送机(带)block pattern row pattern 整齐码放bonded warehouse 国际物流中心保税仓库brick pattern 砌砖式码放buffer stock 缓冲储备cantilever shalving 悬臂架cargo freight 货物carrying 搬运chain conveyor 链条式输送机(带)charger 充电机floor utilization percentage 地面面积利用率flow(dynamic) racking 重型流力架flow(dynamic) rack shelving 轻型(料盒、纸箱)流力架forklift truck 叉车four-way reach truck 四向式电动堆高机frame 支柱组frame feet 脚底板frame joint 柱连杆freight container 货物集装箱general cargo 一般货物hand pallet truck 油压拖板车horizontal bracing 橫撑industrial door 工业门industrial vehicle 工业车辆intermodal transportation 复合一贯运输lashing 捆扎加固levelling plate 垫片lgv 激光引导无人搬运车load efficient 装载效率loading and unloading 装卸logistical utilities 物流效用logistics 物流materials handling 物料搬运mezzanines floor 积层架mini-load as/rs 料盒式自动仓库系統mobile dock leveller 月台桥板mobile shelving 移动柜net unit load size 净单元货载尺寸operation area 理货区order picking truck 电动拣料车order picking 指令拣选order shipped complete 订货完成率packaged cargo 包装货物packaging 包装pallet 托盘,(木质)栈板pallet container 栈板笼架pallet pool system 通用托盘系统pallet racking 传统式重型物料钢架palletization 托盘化palletizer 托盘堆垛机palletizing pattern 托盘装载方式pick up 货物聚集picking 拣货,拣选作业pictorial marking for handling 货运标识pinwheel pattern 针轮式码放plan view size 平面尺寸plastic bin 物料盒plastic pallet 塑胶栈板platform 物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model 物流标准powered pallet truck 电动拖板车powered stacker 自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking 后推式重型物料钢架rack 货架rack notice 标示牌reach truck 前伸式电动堆高机returnable container 通用容器roll container 笼车roller conveyor 滚筒式输送机(带)safety pin 插销safety stock 安全储备scrubber 洗地机shed 临时周转仓库shelving 轻量型物料钢架shuttle car 梭车slat conveyor 条板式输送机(带)slotted-angle shelving 角钢架sorting 分类special cargo 特殊货物spot stock 现场储备stacker crane 自动存取机高架吊车stacking 堆垛stockout frequency 缺货频率storage 存储support bar 跨梁surface utilization percentage 表面利用率sweeper 扫地机table trolley 物流台车third part logistics 第三方物流third party logistics service provider 第三方物流服务商transit inventory 中转存货transportation 运输transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸tray conveyor 盘式输送机(带)truck terminal 卡车货运站turntable 转盘(变更输送方向)unit load 单元货载unit load system 单元货载系统upright 支柱upright protectors 护脚value added network(VAN) 加值网络vanning 装运vertical conveyor 垂直输送机very narrow aisle truck 窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse 仓库wcs (warehouse control system) 仓储控制系统wms (warehouse management system) 仓储管理系统。

物流专业英语 Unit 1

物流专业英语 Unit 1

• What is logistics? 什么是物流? • Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods. 狭义上讲,物流是商品的高 效流动与存储。
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals. 然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义, 该定义受到物流专业人士的广泛接受。 “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” “物流是供应链的一部分,它对产品、服务和相关 信息从原产地到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及 存储进行规划、实施和控制,以满足客户的要求。”
Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost. B选择是个人零散客户最常用的选择,在此种 方式下,客户支付较高的零售价,在享有较 低的总成本的同时,还可以换取购物的轻松 并免除到厂家取货的耗时旅程。























通过信息化手段,降低车 辆空驶率,减少资源浪费。
制定绿色物流战略 建立绿色物流管理 加强绿色物流技术 开展绿色物流培训 参与绿色物流国际
将绿色物流理念融入企业战 略规划,明确发展目标。
制定绿色物流管理制度,明 确各部门职责。
投入研发力量,推动绿色物 流技术创新和应用。
物流专业知识讲座培 训课件pptx
• 物流概述与发展趋势 • 供应链管理与优化策略 • 仓储管理与库存控制技巧 • 运输配送网络设计与优化方案 • 第三方物流服务模式探讨 • 绿色物流理念与实践应用
以降低对环境的污染、减 少资源消耗为目标,利用 先进物流技术规划和实施 运输、储存、包装、装卸、 流通加工等物流活动。
减少物流活动对环境的污 染,保护生态环境。
避开地质不良地区,选 择地势较高、地形平坦、
选择城市近郊或工业区 附近,方便获取配套设
遵循城市总体规划和土 地利用规划,确保选址
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What is logistics? (A)
物流专业英语常用句式Logistics, in its most basic definition, is the efficient flow and storage of goods from their point of origin to the point of consumption.

1.l ogistics n. 物流
2.f low and storage
4.g oods n. 商品,货物,物资
5.p oint of origin原产地,产地
= place of origin
6.p oint of consumption消费地
It is the part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient and effective flow of goods, services and related information.

7.s upply chain供应链
8.p lan, implement and control
9.flow of goods货物流,商品流
10.flow of services服务流
11.flow of information信息流
****The End****
Thank You。
