六种麻蜥核型的研究 The Research on the Karyotypes of Six Species in the Genus Eremias from
关键词:肌萎缩侧索硬化;运动神经元病;临床分型;基因型中图分类号:R744.8 文献标识码:AAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by a rare mutation in the SOD1 gene at p. H44R locus: a case report and lit⁃erature review WANG Yahuan,YANG Si,LIU Hongyu,et al.(Fourth Inpatient Area of Department of Neurology,China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130033, China)Abstract:Objective This study aims to explore the clinical characteristics of common mutation sites in the SOD1 gene and provide assistance for the early identification, diagnosis, and course evaluation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods The clinical data and genetic testing results of a patient with ALS caused by the c.131A>G:p.H44R muta⁃tion in the second exon of the SOD1 gene were retrospectively analyzed and discussed in conjunction with the literature. Results The patient presented with pain and weakness in the right lower limb accompanied by muscle atrophy. No posi⁃tive signs were observed in the sensory system. The electromyogram revealed subclinical neurogenic changes in the unaf⁃fected limbs. Whole-exome sequencing identified a rare mutation in exon c.131A>G:p.H44R of the SOD1gene. Conclusion Early diagnosis of ALS is challenging, and the clinical manifestations vary depending on the gene site muta⁃tions. Genetic testing can assist in diagnosis and has significant identification value in the early stages of the disease.Key words:Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;Motor neuron disease;Clinical classification;Genotype运动神经元病(motor neuron disease,MND)是一组起病隐匿的慢性进行性神经系统变性疾病,病因尚不十分清楚,可能与遗传或环境因素相关。
鞭尾蜥性的诠释*唐业忠 王祖望(中国科学院动物研究所,北京100080)Cnemidophorus A New Overview For Sex .Tang Y ezho ng ,W ang Zuw ang (Institute of Zoology ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100080).Chinese J ournal of Ecology ,2001,20(2):56-60.Sex ua l ev olutio n pla ys an impo rta nt ro le in the adaptation to their env iro nment fo r org anisms .Sexual differ entia-tio n is the basis on which creatur es ex cha ng e their ge nes .Fur ther mo r e ,what is the ex tra v alue o f sex to their str ug gle fo r life in animals ?Co mpa riso n of a ll-female Cnemidophorus with no rmal o nes sho w s so me element of sex tha t mig ht not be previously considered.The mechanisms responsible fo r sex ua l behav ior s o f those liza rds a re la rg ely unique .This paper r eview s the funda ment basis co nt rolling pseudo copulation o f all -female lizards ,which concerns ge netic,endo crine and ex pr essio n of sex ho r mone recepto r g enes in the brain.Key words :Cnemidophorus ,a ll-female species,pseudo copula tion,sex ho rmo nes,sex ho rmo ne r ecepto rs.中图分类号:Q 958.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4890(2001)02-0056-05 *中国科学院“九五”重大项目(KZ951-A 1-105)资助. 作者简介:唐业忠,男,37岁,副教授。
天然产物研究与开发 Nat Prod Res Dev 2019,31 : 1447-1451宁夏密点麻蜥不同部位含药大鼠血清对人胃癌细胞凋亡的影响研究李卫强王骄1,关芳1,艾梦环11宁夏医科大学中医学院;彳宁夏医科大学回医药现代化教育部重点实验室,银川750004摘 要:为探讨宁夏密点麻蜥不同部位含药大鼠血清对人胃癌细胞SGC-7901凋亡影响及其抗癌机制。
研究选取SPF 级雄性SD 大鼠分别以生理盐水、宁夏密点麻蜥不同部位水煎液灌胃,制备含药血清加于胃癌细胞,通过MIT 检测细胞活性,Armexin V-FITC/PI 双染法检测细胞凋亡,Western-blot 检测胃癌细胞Sirtl 和P53蛋白表达。
结果显示, 宁夏密点麻蜥不同部位各组可明显降低Sirtl 和P53蛋白表达水平,抑制细胞增殖,促进凋亡,以尾部组最明显。
综上所述,宁夏密点麻蜥不同部位可能通过抑制SIRT1,降低P53,诱导细胞凋亡,其中以宁夏密点麻蜥尾部抗肿瘤作用 最显著。
关键词:宁夏密点麻蜥;含药血清;人胃癌细胞;细胞凋亡中图分类号:R282.74 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-6880 (2019 )8-1447-05D01:10.16333/j. 1001-6880.2019.8.021Effects of drugs containing serum from rats feeded with Ningxia dense point lizard different body parts onthe proliferarion and apoptosis of human gastric cancer cellsLI Wei-qiang 1,2** , WANG Jiao 1, GUAN Fang 1, Al Meng-huan 1收稿日期:2019-01-16 接受日期=2019-06-06基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81560769,81860807);宁夏自然科学基金(2018AAC03081);宁夏高等学校中医学一流学 科建设资助项目(NXYKXK2017A06)*通信作者 E-mail :lwq200309@ 163. com1 College of Traditional Chinese Medicine ;2Key Laboratory of Hui Medicine Ministry cf Education , Ningxia Medical University , Yinchuan 750004, ChinaAbstract : To explore the effects of drugs containing SD rats serum in the different body parts of Ningxia dense point lizard onthe apoptosis of the line SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cell , and its anticancer mechanism. The SPF male SD rats were ran domly divided into different groups , given corresponding drug intervention to prepare drug containing serum , added to gastriccancer cells , and detected cell viability by MTT ,the cell apoptosis with Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining , and the expres sion of Sirtl and P53 protein in gastric cancer cells by Western-blot. The results showed that the expression levels of Sirtl and P53 proteins could be reduced significantly in different parts of the lizard , inhibiting cell proliferation and promoting apopto sis. In summary , different parts of Ningxia dense point lizard may inhibit Sirtl , reduce P53 ,and induce apoptosis , and the anti tumor effect of Ningxia dense point lizard tail is the most significant.Key words : Ningxia dense point lizard ; containing drug Sserum ; human gastric cancer cells ; cells apoptosis胃癌是一个多基因、多阶段、多因素参与的病理 过程,多数学者认为肠型胃癌发生遵循从慢性浅表性胃炎T 慢性萎缩性胃炎T 肠上皮化生T 异型增生T 胃癌这一过程⑴。
新疆快步麻蜥的鳞片变异与亚种分化汪洋;周鹿;时磊【摘要】对采自新疆境内的塔城地区、伊犁地区、准噶尔盆地、乌鲁木齐市和吐鲁番盆地的快步麻蜥5个地理种群共287号标本进行观测,分析其鳞片变异式样,并在此基础上探讨亚种分化.根据变异率将鳞片分为三类:1)没有变异,如腹部横列鳞数;2)变异率在30%以下,包括上下唇鳞、颔片数等;3)变异率均超过30%,包括股孔数、股孔问鳞数、腹面横列鳞行数和颔片到领围鳞数等.对8个形态学量度指标及7个鳞片数量指标的差异系数进行统计分析,结果显示种群间的各指标均未达到亚种分化的差异显著性标准,暗示研究区域内的快步麻蜥在形态上没有亚种分化.结果表明快步麻蜥东方亚种的有效性有待进一步研究确定.【期刊名称】《四川动物》【年(卷),期】2014(033)001【总页数】6页(P13-18)【关键词】快步麻蜥;鳞片变异;亚种【作者】汪洋;周鹿;时磊【作者单位】新疆农业大学动物科学学院,乌鲁木齐830052;中国科学院动物研究所,北京100101;新疆农业大学动物科学学院,乌鲁木齐830052;新疆农业大学动物科学学院,乌鲁木齐830052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959.6麻蜥属Eremias Fitzinger,1843为典型的草原和荒漠动物,由于复杂的形态变异和生态适应(有卵生和卵胎生两种生殖方式),成为蜥蜴科分类最困难的类群之一(Guo et al., 2011)。
快步麻蜥Eremias velox (Pallas,1771)是麻蜥属分布最广的物种之一(Rastegar-Pouyani et al., 2012),分布于格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦西南部、吉尔吉斯斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗北部以及中国新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等地,多栖息于荒漠,如中国西部沙漠和戈壁地区以及开垦的农田附近最近的研究表明,伊朗高原种群在遗传、地理及形态上均与中亚种群区别明显,可能应视为独立的物种(Rastegar-Pouyani et al., 2012)。
遗传HEREDITAS(Beijing)26(5):669~675,2004研究报告收稿日期:2003 07 28;修回日期:2003 11 25基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程(项目编号:KSCX2-SW-101B)、国家自然科学基金(项目编号:30070090)资助[Supported by Knowledge In-novation Program of the Chinse Academy of Sciences(No. KSCX2-SW-101B)and National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.30070090)]作者简介:戴鑫(1976 ),男,江苏人,硕士学历,专业:动物学。
E-mail:dxjjsea@ 通讯作者:王跃招,男,研究员,专业:动物学。
E-mail:arcib@ 致谢:特别感谢赵尔宓院士的指导以及提供相关资料;感谢吴贯夫老师的指导;感谢所有对本文提供帮助的老师和同事。
丽斑麻蜥(E. argus)、快步麻蜥(E. velox)、敏麻蜥(E. arguta)、密点麻蜥(E. multiocellata)、网纹麻蜥(E. grammica)的核型一致:2 n= 38= 36I+ 2m,NF= 38;虫纹麻蜥(E. vermiculata)2 n= 38= 12V+ 2sI+ 22I+ 2m,NF= 50。
中国麻蜥属的核型可分为3个类型:(1)丽斑麻蜥型(2)山地麻蜥(E. brenchleyi)型(3)虫纹麻蜥型。
关键词:麻蜥属;分类;历史中图分类号: Q959. 6+ 2文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000- 7083(2001) 03- 0135- 04 麻蜥属(Eremias)隶属爬行纲(Reptili-a)有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)蜥蜴科(Lacertidae),其鉴别特征为:头背有对称大鳞;领围明显;背鳞粒状;腹鳞大呈矩形或方形,斜向中线排列;有股孔。
该属是Fitzinger(1834)依据Lacerta velox Pallas(1771)为模式种,根据其腹鳞的不同排列方式从Lacerta中分出建立的。
全世界有29种(Fu, 1999),又一说约50种(赵肯堂, 1999),分布于欧洲东南部、非洲、亚洲西部和中亚地区,北界止于北纬53°,往东到达中国东北和朝鲜。
我国分布有8种(赵肯堂, 1999中国动物志),广布于我国秦岭、淮河一线以北,南界止于江淮平原,以不超过长江为限(引自赵肯堂, 1999)。
Fu(1998)认为Eremias和Ophisops起源于欧洲,它们的祖先大约在800~ 1 000万年以前扩散到非洲和中亚地区。
表1有关麻蜥属在蜥蜴科支序图内所处位置的不同观点观点(opinion)方法(method)作者(author)(Eremias和Ophisops)和非洲蜥蜴科动物构成单系图形态学Arnold(1989)(Eremias和Ophisops)和欧亚蜥蜴科动物构成单系图生物化学Mayer和Benyr(1994) (Eremias和Ophisops)和非洲蜥蜴科动物构成单系图DNA序列分析(核糖体基因、线粒体12S、16S 基因)Fu(1998)2中国现有种分类史我国现有多少种麻蜥,赵尔宓等(1993)认为有10种(E. grammica[网纹麻蜥],E. velox[快步麻蜥], E. vermiculata[虫纹麻蜥], E. przewalskii[荒漠麻蜥], E.multiocellata[密点麻蜥], E. arguta[敏麻蜥], E. brenchleyi[山地麻蜥], E. argus[丽斑麻蜥], E. quadrifrons[四额鳞麻蜥],E. buechneri [喀什麻蜥]);而赵肯堂(1999)认为只有8种(E. quadrifrons为无效种; E. buechneri是E. multiocellata指名亚种的同物异名)。
Brain Research 948(2002)117–121/locate/bresResearch reportW eaker synaptic inhibition in CA1region of ventral compared todorsal rat hippocampal slicesa,b ,b a b *Costas Papatheodoropoulos ,Eftihia Asprodini ,Ioanna Nikita ,Christina Koutsona ,aGeorge Kostopoulos aDepartment of Physiology ,Medical School ,University of Patras ,26500Patras ,Greece bLaboratory of Pharmacology ,Medical School ,University of Thessaly ,41223Larissa ,GreeceAccepted 19February 2002AbstractExtracellular and intracellular recordings were made from slices taken from the dorsal (DH)and ventral (VH)part of rat ing paired-pulse stimulation of Schaffer collaterals,at different interpulse intervals (IPIs),and records of the population spike (PS)we found that the strength and duration of paired-pulse inhibition was much weaker in VH compared to DH slices:at the IPI of 10ms the decrease of PS in VH (40%)was signi ficantly smaller compared to that in DH slices (76%),while at 20ms the decrease of PS in DH slices (60%)corresponded to facilitation in VH slices.Moreover,the amplitude and duration of intracellularly recorded fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (fast-IPSPs)were found signi ficantly smaller in VH (5.260.6mV ,54.865.8ms)than in DH (11.261.1mV ,105610ms)neurons.The smaller and shorter fast-IPSP recorded in VH neurons may at least in part explain the results in paired-pulse inhibition.The demonstrated weaker inhibition may underlie the higher propensity of the ventral hippocampus for epileptiform activity.©2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.Theme :Excitable membranes and synaptic transmission Topic :Postsynaptic mechanismsKeywords :Ventral hippocampus;Septotemporal;Paired-pulse;Inhibition;Inhibitory postsynaptic potential;GABA;In vitro1.Introductionperimental models of epilepsy can demonstrate hyperexcit-ability in the face of intact inhibition [6,11]in most models The hippocampus is one of the brain areas most of convulsive seizures,epileptiform discharges are de-susceptible to epileptiform activity [8].Several in vitro and veloped whenever the strength of inhibition decreases in vivo studies have indicated that differences in this below a certain level [12,19].In the most popular model of susceptibility exist along the longitudinal axis of the rat progressive epilepsy,kindling was observed to develop structure,with its ventral (temporal)part being more prone in linear relationship to an attenuation of paired-pulse to epileptiform discharges than the dorsal (septal)one depression associated with decrease in GABA-mediated [3–5,7,13,18].However,the factors underlying the vul-inhibition in hippocampal CA1region [14].It becomes,nerability of ventral hippocampus in epileptiform activity therefore,essential to examine whether differences in remain elusive.The main output area of hippocampal functional synaptic inhibition between dorsal and ventral formation,the CA1region,is controlled by GABAergic hippocampus do really exist.inhibition mediated through fast and slow inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs)produced by GABA and A GABA receptors,respectively [1].Although some ex-B 2.Materials and methods*Corresponding author.Department of Physiology,Medical School,2 .1.Subjects and slice preparationUniversity of Patras,Patras 26500,Greece.Tel.:130-610-992-389;fax:130-610-997-215.E -mail address :cepapath@med.upatras.gr (C.Papatheodoropoulos).Slices were prepared from the hippocampi of 20adult0006-8993/02/$–see front matter ©2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.PII:S0006-8993(02)02958-X118C.Papatheodoropoulos et al./Brain Research948(2002)117–121male Wistar rats.Animals were deeply anesthetized with where they were maintained at a constant temperature of ether and decapitated immediately after they stopped3260.28C.They were continuously humidified with mixed breathing.The brain was submerged in chilled(2–48C)gas95%O and5%CO,and perfused with ACSF22artificial cerebrospinalfluid(ACSF)and the two hip-containing(in mM):124NaCl;4KCl;2MgSO;2CaCl;42 pocampi were excised ing a McIlwain tissue 1.25NaH PO;26NaHCO;10glucose;at pH7.4,243chopper500m m thick slices were prepared by cutting equilibrated with95%O and5%CO.22transversally the dorsal and the ventral part of hippocam-pus(as shown in insert of Fig.1B).The slices were2.2.Recordingsimmediately transferred in an interface type chamber,Recordings of extracellular and intracellular synapticpotentials were made in CA1stratum pyramidale.Forextracellular recordings a homemade single carbonfiber(diameter7m m)electrode was used.For intracellularrecordings,glass micropipettesfilled with2M potassiumacetate with resistances of80–120M V were used.Synap-tic potentials were evoked by Schaffer collateral stimula-tion using either steel or tungsten made bipolar electrodes,which were placed in CA1stratum radiatum at a distanceof approximately0.5mm from the recording electrode,andelectrical stimuli were delivered at a frequency of0.05Hz.2.3.DrugsDrugs used included the antagonists of ionotropicexcitatory amino acid receptors4-hydroxyquinoline-2-car-boxylic acid(kynurenic acid,1mM),6-cyano-7-nitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium(CNQX,10m M),D-(2)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid(AP5,50m M),andthe antagonists of GABA receptors2-hydroxysaclofenB(200m M),and(3-aminopropyl)(diethoxymethyl)phos-phinic acid(CGP35348,0.5mM).All drugs wereobtained from Tocris,UK.2.4.Statistical analysisValues throughout text are expressed as mean6S.E.M.Paired and unpaired t-tests were used for statistical com-parisons in the same group,and between the two groups ofslices,respectively.parison of paired-pulse inhibition(PPI)between dorsal(DH) 3.Resultsand ventral(VH)hippocampal slices.PPI was studied by pairing oneconditioning stimulus,which evoked a PS,with a second one,of equal3.1.Extracellular recordingsintensity,after an interpulse interval(IPI),and calculating the percentchange of the second PS with respect to thefirst one.(A)Examples offield records in CA1st.pyramidale from one DH and one VH slice The evokedfield potentials from23dorsal hippocampal showing the different suppressing effect of PPI on the second PS.(DH)and23ventral hippocampal(VH)slices were Superimposed traces,of averages of four sweeps,at the IPIs of10,20,40examined and compared.The maximum population spike and80ms are shown.(B)Percentage change of PS at different IPIs(PS)amplitude was similar between DH(5.6560.47mV, produced by paired-pulse stimulation.Symbols indicate mean6S.E.M.n523)and VH(6.260.57mV,n523)slices.In order to from10DH and22VH slices.Asterisks demark the statisticallysignificant differences of mean values between dorsal and ventral slices.quantify the strength of inhibition on pyramidal neuron At short IPIs corresponding to the action of fast-IPSP(8–40ms),VH excitability the orthodromic paired-pulse stimulation(PPS) slices showed much less inhibition of PS than DH ones.At longer IPIs protocol was used.According to this protocol two con-paired-pulse facilitation prevailed,which was much more prominent in secutive stimuli of equal intensity were delivered at DH than VH slices.The insert shows that transverse slices(solid lines)varying interpulse intervals(IPIs)to Schaffer collaterals, were taken from only restricted areas(lines with arrowheads)of the twopoles of hippocampus.with thefirst stimulus(conditioning)evoking a75%of theC.Papatheodoropoulos et al./Brain Research948(2002)117–121119 maximal PS(Fig.1A).The activation of inhibition with value at80ms(38.7610.6%).Facilitation was observedthe conditioning stimulus produces a depression of the also in VH slices between20and100ms.However,at second stimulus(test)PS.The strength of the so-produced longer IPIs a slight but significant(at400–800ms,P, paired-pulse inhibition(PPI)was quantified by calculating0.01)depression of PS was observed.This could be the percent change of second(test)PS with respect to the attributed to the GABA-mediated slow inhibition[9]Bfirst one.Additionally to inhibition,double orthodromic revealed as prominent in VH slices due to the absence of stimulation produces a facilitatory effect in excitatory paired-pulse facilitation in VH slices at long IPIs[17]. postsynaptic potentials,which tends to increase the am-plitude of PS.The time-courses of facilitation and inhibi-3.2.Intracellular recordingstion largely overlap demonstrating,however,differentrelative effectiveness on PS at each IPI.This balance of Two series of intracellular experiments were made in potencies of each phenomenon along IPIs determines the DH and VH neurons.In thefirst series,recordings were interval at which an overall PPI appears to be replaced by made in standard conditions,while in the second,record-paired-pulse facilitation.ings were obtained following blockade of excitation andThe effect of PPS on synaptic responses at IPIs ranging GABA-mediated slow inhibition.Under standard con-Bfrom4to1400ms was tested in10dorsal and22ventral ditions the resting membrane potential(RMP)and the slices.PPS strongly suppressed PS at the very short IPIs of input resistance(Ri)were similar between the two groups 4and6ms,in both DH and VH slices(decrease greater of neurons(262.660.7mV,n517,61.769.4M V,n512 than85%,Fig.1B.The results at IPIs1200and1400ms in DH and264.061.1mV,n513,59.068.0M V,n55in were quite similar to those at1000ms).This suppression VH neurons).Multiphasic postsynaptic potentials consist-could be the result of the relative refractory period on ing of excitatory postsynaptic potential(EPSP),fast-IPSP neuronalfiring.The suppression of PS at the IPIs of10–20and slow-IPSP were elicited by using orthodromic stimula-ms,corresponding to the interval of the most intense action tion subthreshold for action potential.Similar intensities of the fast-IPSP[2],was robust in the DH slices,being were used for stimulation of DH and VH neurons 60%at20ms and reaching a maximum at10ms(11.762.1V and10.862.6V,respectively).Postsynaptic (76.269.6%).On the contrary,VH presented significantly potentials were recorded at a membrane potential(MP)of less inhibition at10ms(4067.7%decrease of PS),and256.960.9mV(n511)in DH and259.261.8mV(n512) facilitation at20ms(comparison of percent inhibition or in VH neurons.Evoked EPSPs,subthreshold for triggering facilitation,at10and20ms,in DH versus VH slices:action potentials,had comparable amplitudes in DH P,0.01).At relatively long IPIs the depressant effect of(6.261.5mV,n511)and VH neurons(7.862.5mV,n57).the GABA-mediated slow inhibition on PS could be However,the peak amplitude of both fast and slow-IPSPs Bexpected[9].However,since slow inhibition is generated was significantly smaller in VH compared to DH neurons mainly in dendrites[2,15],its contribution in controlling(Table1and traces on the left in Fig.2).neuronal excitability/discharge is somewhat restricted[10]In the presence of a cocktail,containing the antagonistsand could additionally be covered by the effect of paired-of excitatory amino acid receptors and GABA receptors,Bpulse facilitation.Thus,at relatively long IPIs($40ms),and using stimulation intensities producing maximal re-when presumably the inhibitory action of the fast-IPSP had sponse,monosynaptic fast-IPSPs were elicited.Under declined,facilitation of PS was evident as the prevalent these conditions the values of RMP(264.061.17mV, event.In DH slices PPS produced significant facilitation of n510in DH and264.960.6mV,n510in VH neurons) PS at the IPIs of80–1400ms(P,0.05),with maximal and Ri(52.763.8M V,n510in DH and53.167.3M V,Table1Intracellular measures in dorsal and ventral hippocampal neuronsPassive properties Fast-IPSP Slow-IPSP RMP Input resistance Reversal potential Peak amplitude Peak latency Duration at half-amplitude Peak amplitude (mV)(M V)(mV)(mV)(mS)(mS)(mV)DH263.1160.657.665.4276.961.3411.261.112.360.620.861.6105.0610.110.160.9c c c a b b b a(27)(22)(14)(11)(11)(10)(11)(11)VH264.460.6555.265.3272.662.22 6.561.3c c c a b b b a(23)(14)(8)(13)(11)(11)(7)(7)a bP,0.01P,0.05P,0.001P,0.05The number of cells is indicated in parentheses.a Measures taken in the absence of drugs.b Measures taken in the presence of antagonists of ionotropic excitatory amino acid receptors and GABA receptors.Bc Measures taken under either a or b conditions.120C.Papatheodoropoulos et al./Brain Research948(2002)117–121Fig.2.Postsynaptic inhibition of CA1pyramidal neurons is reduced in VH slices as compared to DH slices.Recordings(averages of4–5sweeps)weremade in standard ACSF(traces on the left)and in the presence of cocktail containing antagonists of ionotropic excitatory amino acid receptors and GABAB receptors(traces on the right).Fast and slow-IPSPs in VH neurons exhibited smaller amplitude and duration,as compared to DH neurons,when slices wereperfused with standard ACSF(traces on the left).This difference of fast-IPSPs remained in the presence of cocktail-containing ACSF.Artifacts aretruncated for clarity.Subthreshold stimulation strengths were used in standard conditions and stimulations producing maximal responses were delivered incocktail-containing ACSF.Data were obtained from one DH and two VH neurons.n59)were not significantly different when compared to 4.Discussionthose recorded in standard conditions.The input resistanceof the neurons was determined by injecting hyperpolariz-In this study we demonstrated a significant difference of ing current step commands of increasing amplitude(250synaptic inhibition in CA1region between DH and VH ms,20.1to21.0nA)at the resting membrane potential of slices.By using the protocol of paired-pulse stimulation each cell,and calculating the slope of the linear portion of we tested the effect of inhibition on the pyramidal cell the resulting steady-state current–voltage plot.The mean excitability in the two groups of slices.The strength of this value of reversal potential(RP)of fast-IPSPs was slightly effect was quantified by the percent suppression of PS and less negative in VH neurons(273.263.0,n56)than in the range of IPIs at which suppression of PS was observed, DH(277.461.6mV,n57).Since the amplitude of fast-was taken as an index of the duration of PPI.In contrast to IPSPs increases upon membrane depolarization,and is DH slices,in which robust PPI was observed at the IPIs therefore more easily visualized and measured,fast-IPSPs expectedly corresponding to the time-window in which thewere evoked by injecting direct current(d.c.),the MP close inhibitory action of GABA-mediated fast-IPSP is maxi-Ato260mV.The MPs at which fast-IPSPs were recorded in mal(10–20ms),VH slices showed much weaker or even DH and VH neurons were259.260.5mV(n511)and absent PPI at these IPIs,suggesting significant difference 258.161.5mV(n510),respectively.As found in standard in functional GABA-mediated fast inhibition between DHAconditions,the amplitude of fast-IPSPs was significantly and VH slices.In view of the relatively weaker paired-smaller in VH than in DH neurons(Table1and traces on pulse facilitation of PS(and of EPSP[17])in VH com-the right in Fig.2).Since the values of RMP,Ri and RP of pared to DH slices,and given the known overlap in time fast-IPSPs obtained in the presence of cocktail were not between facilitation and inhibition[14]it is assumed that significantly different from those found in standard con-PPI in VH may be even smaller than described here since it ditions,the respective mean values of these measures is relatively less‘covered’by facilitation.Orthodromicindicated in Table1were calculated after grouping the stimulation elicited monosynaptic GABA-mediated fast-Anumbers from both experimental situations.In the presence IPSPs produced in the dendrites and soma of pyramidal of cocktail two additional characteristics of the fast-IPSP neurons,and slow-IPSPs produced by the activation ofwere also attained,its duration measured at half-maximal GABA receptors located mostly on dendrites[2,15].TheBamplitude and the peak latency measured as the time from peak amplitude of both fast and slow-IPSPs was sig-the artefact to peak amplitude.The duration of maximally nificantly smaller in VH compared to DH neurons.Theevoked fast-IPSP was significantly smaller in VH than infinding of smaller in amplitude and shorter in durationDH neurons(see Table1).The peak latency was accord-fast-IPSPs in VH neurons is consistent with the extracellu-ingly shorter in VH neurons but not significantly rly estimated differences in PPI and could effectivelyC.Papatheodoropoulos et al./Brain Research948(2002)117–121121[3]C.Borck,J.G.Jefferys,Seizure-like events in disinhibited ventral explain these differences between DH and VH slices.Theslices of adult rat hippocampus,J.Neurophysiol.82(1999)2130–slow-IPSP having limited effect on neuronal excitability is2142.expected to moderately affect the PS at relatively long IPIs[4]A.C.Bragdon,D.M.Taylor,W.A.Wilson,Potassium-induced epi-in the PPS paradigm.Indeed,neurons from DH slices,at leptiform activity in area CA3varies markedly along the septotem-IPIs80–1000ms,which coincide temporally with the poral axis of the rat hippocampus,Brain Res.378(1986)169–173.[5]R.Elul,Regional differences in the hippocampus of the cat.I. activation of GABA-mediated slow-IPSP,exhibitedBSpecific discharge patterns of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus synaptic facilitation that may mask any possible effect ofand their role in generalized seizures,Electroencephalogr.Clin. GABA-mediated inhibition.In contrast to DH,neuronsB Neurophysiol.16(1964)470–488.from VH slices exhibited no effect of PS.This is in line[6]M.Esclapez,J.C.Hirsch,R.Khazipov,Y.Ben-Ari,C.Bernard, with our previous results demonstrating absence of short-Operative GABAergic inhibition in hippocampal CA1pyramidalneurons in experimental epilepsy,A94 term facilitation of EPSP in VH slices[17].It should also(1997)12151–12156.be noted that the values of amplitude of the GABA-B[7]M.Gilbert,R.J.Racine,G.K.Smith,Epileptiform burst responses in mediated IPSP have been taken only under control con-ventral vs.dorsal hippocampal slices,Brain Res.361(1985)389–ditions,i.e.,without pharmacological isolation this slow391.component of IPSP could be to some extent‘contami-[8]J.D.Green,The hippocampus,Physiol.Rev.44(1964)561–608.[9]M.J.Higgins,T.W.Stone,Bicuculline-resistant paired-pulse inhibi-nated’by the preceding fast IPSP.tion in the rat hippocampal slice,Br.J.Pharmacol.109(1993) The difference in inhibition between DH and VH slices1164–1168.could be attributed to several factors,such as a relatively[10]G.Karlsson,C.Kolb,A.Hausdorf,C.Portet,M.Schmutz,H.R. less extensive inhibitory innervation on pyramidal neurons,Olpe,GABAB receptors in various in vitro and in vivo models of or to differences concerning the GABA receptors(number,epilepsy:a study with the GABAB receptor blocker CGP35348,Neuroscience47(1992)63–68.density,postsynaptic placement,or even affinity for[11]G.K.Kostopoulos,Spike-and-wave discharges of absence seizures GABA).However,no such data are available till now.as a transformation of sleep spindles:the continuing development of Moreover,recent observations from our laboratory showa hypothesis,Clin.Neurophysiol.111(2000)S27–38.lower levels of muscimol binding in CA1st.oriens-[12]K.Krnjevic,GABA-mediated inhibitory mechanisms in relation to pyramidale of VH compared to DH slices(unpublished epileptic discharges,in:H.H.Jasper,N.M.van Gelder(Eds.),BasicMechanisms of Neuronal Hyperexcitability,Alan R.Liss,New data),suggesting differences in the density of GABAAYork,1983,pp.249–280.receptors between the two regions.Although we prepared[13]P.H.Lee,C.W.Xie,D.V.Lewis,W.A.Wilson,C.L.Mitchell,J.S. dorsal and ventral slices identically,we cannot exclude theHong,Opioid-induced epileptiform bursting in hippocampal slices: possibility of selective destruction of distinct inhibitory higher susceptibility in ventral than dorsal hippocampus,J.Phar-ramifications,functionally relevant,in VH slices,which macol.Exp.Ther.253(1990)545–551.[14]F.H.Lopes da Silva,W.Kamphuis,M.Titulaer,M.Vreugdenhil,W.J. could contribute to the differences in inhibition.However,Wadman,An experimental model of progressive epilepsy:the comparative anatomical data supporting a different ramifi-development of kindling of the hippocampus of the rat,Ital.J. cation pattern of inhibitory cells between the dorsal andNeurol.Sci.16(1995)45–57.ventral part of hippocampus are not available until now.[15]N.R.Newberry,R.A.Nicoll,A bicuculline-resistant inhibitory post-Our results broaden the range offindings supporting the synaptic potential in rat hippocampal pyramidal cells in vitro,J.Physiol.(London)348(1984)239–254.concept of differentiation between dorsal and ventral[16]C.Papatheodoropoulos,G.Kostopoulos,Decreased ability of rat hippocampus at the level of local synaptic circuitstemporal hippocampal CA1region to produce long-term potentia-[3,4,7,13,16,17,19],and provide a physiological basistion,Neurosci.Lett.279(2000)177–180.which may explain,to some extent,the propensity of[17]C.Papatheodoropoulos,G.Kostopoulos,Dorsal–ventral differentia-ventral hippocampus for epileptic activity.tion of short-term synaptic plasticity in rat CA1hippocampal region,Neurosci.Lett.286(2000)57–60.[18]R.Racine,P.A.Rose,W.M.Burnham,Afterdischarge thresholds andkindling rates in dorsal and ventral hippocampus and dentate gyrus, ReferencesCan.J.Neurol.Sci.4(1977)273–278.[19]R.D.Traub,es,J.G.Jefferys,Synaptic and intrinsic conduct-[1]B.Alger,Gating of GABAergic inhibition in hippocampal pyrami-ances shape picrotoxin-induced synchronized after-discharges in thedal cells,Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.627(1991)249–263.guinea-pig hippocampal slice,J.Physiol.(London)461(1993) [2]B.E.Alger,R.A.Nicoll,Feed-forward dendritic inhibition in rat525–547.hippocampal pyramidal cells studied in vitro,J.Physiol.(London)328(1982)105–123.。
• 公鼠居住过的笼子、尿液、垫料都可能导致妊娠 的中断,异品系公鼠(尤其是野生型公鼠)比同 品系陌生公鼠对中断妊娠的作用更强。 • 在公鼠气味持续 48 小时的作用下、母鼠在交配后 的前4天,才会出现较高的妊娠中断率。
• 母鼠妊娠5天以后,外源性激素导致妊娠中断率显 著下降,其原因是此时的受精卵已植入子宫。 • 这种陌生公鼠外源性激素中断母鼠妊娠的能力, 称为布鲁斯(Bruce)效应。
交配方法 Mating Systems
一雄一雌法(Monogamous pairs) 一雄多雌法
I. 一雄双雌法 (Trios) 小群交配法(Harem Mating ) 1♂ x ≥ 3♀
1♂ x 1♀
(Polygynious pairs)*
1♂ x 2♀
* 要注意在孕鼠分娩前将孕鼠从交配笼中分出。
and more pups
Day 10, the fur growth is complete and muscular activity is increased
By day 11 the teeth are beginning to erupt and the eyes start to open.
At day 6 the fur is thicker across the shoulders and the coat color may be evident
and more pups
By day 7 the back of the pups is completely covered in fur.
大、小鼠 1. 根据形态鉴定日龄(大、小情况基本一样)
日龄/d 1 3 4 5 外观形态特征 仔鼠裸体鲜红 耳壳露出表皮 脐带瘢痕脱落 能翻身
文献中,秋水仙素处理的剂量高达 15μg/g,6-8h,并得到很好的实验结果。然而秋水仙素的 浓度过高,处理时间过长,也会使染色体过分收缩,不利于形态观察。 2) 低渗处理不足。低渗处理是实验成败的关键,其目的是使细胞体积胀大,染色体松散。如果 低渗过度,细胞会破裂;低渗不足则染色体在一起,分散不开。本次实验在“镜检”时发现, 几乎全部的骨髓细胞内染色体聚集一起,可推断是低渗时间不足。 3) 离心速度或离心时间的影响。离心速度过大或离心时间过长,则会引起细胞破裂;反之,离 心速度过小或离心时间过短,则细胞沉降不下来,则会引起大量细胞的丢失。 实验过程中的离 心操作都是参考教材规范操作,几乎没有细胞破裂,细胞数量也充足,因此可排除离心的影响。 3.2 改进方案探讨 虽然本次实验制备骨髓细胞染色体标本无法得到有效的结果,但经过一番深刻的思考和总结, 我们更加领会到实验中材料准备、秋水仙素处理、低渗,离心和固定操作、滴片和染色的每一个步 骤的精髓,对取得良好的染色体标本也更加有信心和希望。 参考文献 [1] 王金发, 何炎明. 细胞生物学实验教程. 科学出版社, 2010, 91. [2] 罗琛, and 刘楚吾. "虎纹蛙人工养殖的研究初报." 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 15.002 (1992): 收集骨髓细胞:用刀片切开股骨的两端,用盛有生理盐水的注射器插入股骨的上端,冲出
骨髓细胞至离心管中,直至股骨变为白色为止。将收集的骨髓细胞平衡后放入离心机,以 1000 r/min
离心 10 min; 低渗处理:弃上清液,加入 6 ml 蒸馏水,用吸管轻轻吹打成细胞悬浮液,置于 26℃温箱
昆虫领域近几年的science nature cell 文章
昆虫领域近几年的science nature cell 文章以下是昆虫领域近几年发表在Science、Nature和Cell上的一些重要文章:1. "The genomic basis of evolutionary innovation in ants" (Nature, 2020)- 介绍了蚂蚁基因组的研究,包括独特的基因家族和与种群行为和特化适应性有关的基因。
2. "Functional genomics of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), using next-generation sequencing" (Science, 2014)- 使用新一代测序技术对角鲨(Haematobia irritans)进行了功能基因组学研究,揭示了角鲨生长和发育过程中的关键基因。
3. "Mating-induced sexual inhibition in the mosquito Aedes aegypti" (Cell, 2015)- 揭示了埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti)交配后出现的性抑制现象,并探讨了相关的神经机制和分子信号传导途径。
4. "The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization" (Nature, 2015)- 描述了两种重要的大黄蜂(Bumblebee)物种的基因组,研究了原始真社会组织的进化机制和基因调控。
5. "Insecticide resistance mediated by an exon skipping event" (Science, 2010)- 介绍了昆虫抗药性的一种机制,即外显子跳跃事件,该事件会导致昆虫对杀虫剂的耐药性。
的, 易辨认 ; 、 染色体按相对长度 区别。 2 3号
= 二
』 u
● ,
Ⅱ组 : 括 4 包 ~U 号 染 色 体 , 对 长 度 在 4以 上 的 相
二 =二 ● 二 = _= 二 i
^I _ ¨
n 二=== =
端部着丝粒染 色体 , 、 l号染 色 体较 易 辨 别 , 4l 其余 各 号染色体按相对 长度区别。 Ⅲ组 : 括 l ~l 包 2 6号 染色 体 , 相对 长 度在 2以上
摘要 : 对原尾蜥虎进行 了核 型和核仁组织者 ( oRs研究 , N ) 表明原尾蜥虎的 2 =4 , n 6 全部 由 2 3对各 级大小 的端着 丝粒染色体组成 , 染色体 由大至小排列 , 其长度依次递减 , 没有大染色体和小 染色体 的明显界 限。未发 现异形性 染色
体 对 。原 尾 蜥 虎有 一 对 AgNOR 位 于 o2的 端 着 丝 粒 染 色 体 的 近 端 区 . s 关 键 词 : 尾蜥 虎 ; 型 ; 仁 组 织 者 ( ORs 原 核 核 N ) 中 图分 类 号 : 9 3; 9 9 6 Q 5 Q 5 . 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编号 :0 0—7 8 ( 0 2 0 10 0 3 20 )4—0 4 2 2—0 3
l I 物 Scu nJ un l f7 ooy gJ 动 tI ih a o ra lg o  ̄
2 0 1 4 0 22 ( )
原 尾 蜥虎 的核 型 和 AgNORs 究 — 研
宠启 平 叶 英 莫 肖敏 , ,
( . 西 医科大学生物教研 室, 1广 南宁 5 0 2 ; 2 广西 医科 大学电镜 室 ) 30 1 .
Ab s t r a c t :I n o r de r t o c l e a r t he hy br i d i z a t i on b e t we e n Er e mi a s mul t i o c e l l at a a nd E. p r e ze wal s k i i s, we di s t i ngu i s h t h e s a mpl e s f r o m t e n l oc a t i o ns a n d us e t he o ne — wa y ANOVA a n d t he pr i nc i p a l c o mp o ne n t a n al ys i s f r o m mo r p ho l o gi c a l v i e w. Th e r e s ul t s s h ow t ha t t he hy br i d s whi c h f r o m o v e r l a p pi n g a r e a s o f E. mul t i o c e l l at a a n d E. pr z e wal s k i i s, a r e s i mi l a r i n t h e e y e s p o t s a n d t h e bl a c k s t r i pe s ,a s we l l a s t he s a me r e pr o d uc t i v e mo d e t o E. mu l t i o c e l l at a . Ho we v e r ,t h e r e s u l t s o f t he o ne - wa y ANOVA a na l y s i s a nd t he pr i n c i p a l c o mpo ne n t an a l y s i s wi t h 8 mor p ho l og i c a l t r a i t s s ho w t ha t t h e r e i s n O s i gni f i c a nt mo r p ho l og i c a l di f f e r e nc e s be t we e n t he hy br i d s a nd E. pr z e wal s ki i s . The i nt r o g r e s s i v e hy b r i di z a t i on i s mo r ph ol o gi c a l l y v e r i f i e d be t we e n E. mul t i o c e l l a t a a n d E. pr e z e wal s ki i s . Ke y wo r d s: Er e mi a s mul t i o c e l l a t a; Er e mi a s pr z e wal s ki i ; hy br i d i nd i v i d ua l ; mor p ho l o gi c a l d i f f e r e nc e; i nt r og r e s s i v e hy br i d i z a t i on
四川5种杉科植物的核型分析马诗钰;周兰英;熊海燕;蒲光兰;刘焕;蔡利娟【摘要】[目的]对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook)、柳杉(Cryptomeriafortunei Hooibrenk exOtto et Dietr)、日本柳杉(Cryptomeria japonica (Linn.f.)D.Don)、池杉(Taxodium ascendens Brongn)和落羽杉(Taxodium distichum (Linn.) Rich)染色体核型进行分析,并对它们的种间亲缘关系和进化趋势进行探讨,旨在为该科植物进化及分类提供细胞遗传学资料.[方法]采用常规压片法,运用AI细胞遗传工作系统对5种杉科植物的染色体及核型进行研究.[结果]杉木核型公式为:2n=2x=22=20m (2SAT) +2sm,核型类型属于2B型;柳杉和日本柳杉的核型公式为:2n=2x=22=20m+ 2sm,核型类型属于2A型;池杉和落羽杉核型公式为:2n=2x=22=22m,核型类型属于1A型.平均臂比值差异不大,为1.20~1.31;核型不对称系数变化较小,为54.24%~55.57%;最长/最短染色体值为1.36~2.18.柳杉与日本柳杉的亲缘关系较近,池杉与落羽杉的亲缘关系较近,可分为3组:杉木、柳杉和日本柳杉、池杉和落羽杉.进化顺序为杉木>柳杉>日本柳杉>池杉>落羽杉.[结论]杉科植物总体进化程度相对原始,进化速度缓慢,但种间存在广泛变异,以杉木的核型进化程度最高.【期刊名称】《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(042)009【总页数】8页(P63-69,77)【关键词】杉科;核型分析;进化趋势;亲缘关系;四川省【作者】马诗钰;周兰英;熊海燕;蒲光兰;刘焕;蔡利娟【作者单位】四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014;四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014;四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014;四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014;四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014;四川农业大学林学院,四川雅安625014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S791杉科(Taxodiaceae)隶属于裸子植物门(Gymnospermae)松杉纲(Coniferopsida)松杉目(Pinales),科下含10属16种,主要分布于东亚、北美及大洋洲。
[关键词] 人体,寄生虫,虫种,分类学Species and Biological Taxonomy of Human Parasites in the WorldZHANG Jin-Shun , Zhang Ying-Qian(Department of Parasitology, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075029, China)[Abstract]Understanding systematically the parasites in human is a very important basis for prophylaxis and therapy of parasitc diseases. This article collectes the parasites discovered in persons in 608 species (arthropods were not included)including 116 protozoan(including 103 in Kindom Protozoa, 1 in Kindom Chromista, 12 in Phylum Microspora), 3 myxosoma, 1 hydra, 176 nematodes, 23 horsehair worms,10 annelida(4 earthworms, 6 leeches),5 slugs,12 thorny -headed worms, 183 trematodes, 76 cestodes, 3 turbellarian. To the greatest extent, the valid ranks of taxonomy were used. The Chinese translated terms were gaven as possible as we can for convenience use for basic and clinical researchers.[Key Words] Human,Parasite,Species,Taxonomy人体感染的寄生虫包括寄生的原生动物和蠕虫(线虫、绦虫、吸虫和棘头虫),也包括一些节肢动物、环节动物和软体动物[1]。
新疆博乐和伊犁河谷敏麻蜥的种下分类地位探讨龚雄;刘金龙;周天和;宋琪;郭宪光【期刊名称】《四川动物》【年(卷),期】2018(37)4【摘要】敏麻蜥Eremias arguta是麻蜥属Eremias在欧亚大陆分布最广的物种之一,主要栖息在欧洲东部和亚洲中部,从罗马尼亚到蒙古国和中国西部的干旱草原和半荒漠中.先前认为敏麻蜥有6个亚种,我国分布有2个亚种,由于种群间形态变异较大,一些亚种的分类地位尚有争议.本研究采用形态比较和基于线粒体细胞色素b 基因序列的分子系统发育分析,对新疆博乐和伊犁河谷的敏麻蜥4个种群28号样本进行种下分类地位探讨.联合Gen-Bank中的敏麻蜥细胞色素b基因序列,采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推断法构建系统发育树进行亚种界定.采用贝叶斯因子,通过比较限制性和非限制性贝叶斯树的拓扑结构检验有关敏麻蜥亚种分类的几种相互竞争的假设.结果表明,博乐种群的形态特征与伊犁河谷支系一致,雄性的背侧在繁殖季节有醒目的蓝色或绿色眼点.系统进化树也表明,来自博乐的单倍型属于伊犁河谷支系,为一个尚未描述的分类群Eremias arguta ssp..以往有关伊犁河谷种群属于指名亚种E.a.arguta或东方亚种E.a.potanini或乌兹别克斯坦亚种E.a.uzbekistanica的观点均被显著拒绝.伊犁河谷支系最有可能与乌兹别克斯坦亚种和伊塞克湖亚种E.a.darevskii二者构成的支系形成姐妹群,但并没有强的证据拒绝备择假说,即伊犁河谷支系位于树的基础位置,与其余支系形成姐妹群.此外,重建的系统发育树中指名亚种与东方亚种形成了交互单系,尽管自展支持率很低且后验概率不高;其备择假设,即东方亚种嵌在指名亚种支系中,也没有很强的证据拒绝.总之,博乐种群不属于东方亚种,而属于一个单独的伊犁河谷支系,同时,这也是伊犁河谷支系在准噶尔盆地有分布的新纪录;伊犁河谷支系不应该被划分为指名亚种、东方亚种或乌兹别克斯坦亚种,而是属于尚未描述的新亚种;伊犁河谷支系的系统发育位置还不明确,需要采用整合分类学的方法澄清.此外,结合形态变异,本研究还讨论了东方亚种的有效性.【总页数】13页(P387-399)【作者】龚雄;刘金龙;周天和;宋琪;郭宪光【作者单位】中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959.6【相关文献】1.密点麻蜥与荒漠麻蜥间渐渗杂交的形态证据 [J], 万丽霞;张海军;黄棨通;李海娇2.关于密点麻蜥与荒漠麻蜥遗传距离小而形态学差异大的思考 [J], 窦静莉;万丽霞;李宏伟;瞿丹3.基于12S rRNA基因序列探讨崇安地蜥的分类地位 [J], 唐鑫生;陈启龙4.中国八种麻蜥(蜥蜴科,麻蜥属)形态学研究 [J], 戴鑫;陈彬;张正卫;王跃招5.新疆敏麻蜥3个地理种群趾长及趾长比的两性异形 [J], 鸟鹏颖;时磊因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
南京园林植物短体属和半轮属线虫的鉴定滕文凤;谈家金;叶建仁【摘要】A survey on 40 species of rhizosphere parasitic nematode species on garden trees was conducted in Qixia, Jiangning and Pukou districts of Nanjing from October 2009 to July 2010. Two nematode species of Pratylenchus ( P. coffeae and P. vulnus) and one nematode species of Hemicriconemoides (H. strictathecatus) , were observed and identified in rhizosphere soil of garden trees. H. strictathecatus is a new recorded species in Jiangsu Province. Among the 40 species of host plants, Euonymus alatus and Aesculus chinensis are new host plants of P. coffeae, Cotoneaster horizontalis and Taxus chinensis var. mairei are new host plants of P. vulnus, and Sophora japonica var. pendula is a new host plant of H. strictathecatus.%2009年10月-2010年7月,对南京栖霞区、江宁区和浦口区苗圃地的40种园林植物根际寄生线虫进行了初步调查,根据形态特征和测量值鉴定出短体属和半轮属线虫3个种,分别是咖啡短体线虫(Pratylenchus coffeae)、伤残短体线虫(Pratylenchus vulnus)和紧鞘半轮线虫(Hemicriconemoides strictathecatus).其中,紧鞘半轮线虫为江苏省新记录种.在40种寄主植物中,卫矛(Euonymus alatus (8a) 和七叶树(Aesculus chinensis (8a))为咖啡短体线虫的新寄主,红果栒子(Cotoneaster horizontalis (8a))和南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei (8a) 为伤残短体线虫的新寄主,龙爪槐(Sophora japonica var.pendula (8a))为紧鞘半轮线虫的新寄主.【期刊名称】《东北林业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(040)012【总页数】5页(P123-127)【关键词】园林植物;咖啡短体线虫;伤残短体线虫;紧鞘半轮线虫【作者】滕文凤;谈家金;叶建仁【作者单位】江苏省有害生物入侵预防与控制重点实验室(南京林业大学),南京,210037;江苏省有害生物入侵预防与控制重点实验室(南京林业大学),南京,210037;江苏省有害生物入侵预防与控制重点实验室(南京林业大学),南京,210037【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S763.1近年来,南京从可持续发展的战略高度,把绿化造林、发展苗木花卉作为改善生态环境,优化农业产业结构,作为农业增效、农民增收的举措来抓,园林植物种植规模不断扩大,形成了多个著名的园林植物产业区,产业区内的许多产品远销全国二十多个省、市、县,具有较高的知名度,其中一些产品还远销日本、美国、荷兰、加拿大及东南亚等国[1]。
中国云南果蝇属暗果蝇种组的核型分化高建军;渡部英昭;张亚平;青塚正志【期刊名称】《动物学研究》【年(卷),期】2004(025)003【摘要】We examined mitotic chromosomes of three newly found members of the Drosophila obscura species group, D. luguensis, D. dianensis and D. limingi from Yunnan and compared their karyotypes to those of respective related species. D.luguensis possessed a diploid number of 12 chromosomes, comprising 3 pairs of metacentrics (Vshaped), 2 pairs of acrocentrics (rod-like) and 1 pair of micro-chromosomes (dot-like). Both the X and Y were metacentrics. D. dianensis and D. limingi possessed a diploid number of 10 chromosomes, comprising 1 pair of large Vshaped, 1 pair of moderate-sized V-shaped, 2 pairs of submetacentric (J-shaped) chromosomes, and 1 pairs of dot-like chromosomes, with their X chromosomes were J-shaped and Y chromosomes were short rod-like ones. Based upon the results of chromosomal comparisons, geographic information of the sinobscura subgroup, as well inter-specific phylogenetic relationship deduced elsewhere, D. luguensis was considered to retain an ancestral form of the karyotype within this subgroup. The present observations have also implied that D. sinobscura (2n = 12: 2V, 1J, 2R, 1D) might have derived from a sub-lineage of a pre- "sinobscura-hubeiensis" lineage by pericentricinversion of moderate-sized metacentric autosomes and D. hubeiensis (2n = 10: 4V, 1D) from another sub-lineage of the same lineage by centric fusion of 2 pairs of acrocentric autosomes. Similar chromosomal changes of centric fusion, centric fission and/or pericentric inversion might have occurred during the course of species divergences between D. dianensis and D.subsilvestris (2n = 12: 3V, 2R,1D), an European member closely related to D. dianensis, and between D. limingi and D. tsukubaensis (2n = 12: 3V,2R, 1D), an East Asian member near to D. limingi.%观察了新近发现于我国云南的果蝇属暗果蝇种组(Drosophila obscura species group)种类D.luguensis、D.dianensis和D.limingi的有丝分裂中期核型,并将3个种的核型与各自的近缘种类进行了比较.D.luguensis具2n=12条染色体,包括3对中央着丝粒(V形)染色体、2对近端着丝粒(棒状)染色体以及1对微小(点状)染色体.其中X 和Y染色体均为中央着丝粒染色体.D.dianensis和D.limingi具2n=10条染色体,包括1对大的V形常染色体,1对小的V形常染色体,2对J形(亚中着丝粒型)常染色体和1对点状染色体.其中X染色体为J形,Y染色体为短棒状.基于核型比较的结果以及D.sinobscura亚组地理分布的资料,结合种间系统发育关系研究结果,认为D.luguensis可能保留了该亚组祖先种类的核型.D.sinobscura的核型(2n=12:2V,1J,2R,1D)可能由一个pre-"sinobscura-hubeiensis"谱系的一个分支通过臂间倒位演化而来,而D.hubeiensis的核型(2n=10:4V,1D)可能由该谱系的另一分支通过着丝粒融合(2对近端着丝粒常染色体的融合)而形成.推测在D.dianensis和近缘欧洲种D.subsilvestris(2n=12:3V,2R,1D)间、D.limingi和东亚近缘种D.tsukubaensis(2n=12:3V,2R,1D)间的物种分化过程中,可能有相似的染色体变异类型发生.【总页数】6页(P236-241)【作者】高建军;渡部英昭;张亚平;青塚正志【作者单位】中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南,昆明,650223;云南大学,生物资源保护与利用重点实验室,云南,昆明,650091;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100039;北海道教育大学,日本,北海道,002-8502;中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南,昆明,650223;云南大学,生物资源保护与利用重点实验室,云南,昆明,650091;东京都立大学,日本,东京,192-0397【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q969.462.1;Q343.2【相关文献】1.云南拱背果蝇属双齿拱背果蝇种组--四新种记述及地理替代现象(双翅目:果蝇科) [J], 权陆军;张文霞2.黑腹果蝇种组5种核型的报道 [J], 张文燕;张菁;钱远槐;曾庆韬3.果蝇属拱背果蝇亚属七新种:(双翅目:果蝇科) [J], 张文霞;梁醒财4.中国及周边国家的伏绕眼果蝇属叶芒绕眼果蝇复合种组研究(双翅目,果蝇科) [J], 陈宏伟;户田正宪;高建军5.果蝇属条纹果蝇亚属一新种记述(双翅目,果蝇科) [J], 张文霞;李文心;冯原因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1. 选择与获取样本本研究将选择具有代表性的中国果蝇科6属56种,通过实地采集、饲养和培育方法获取。
2. 常规染色技术本研究将使用经典的血液涂片技术对样本进行染色。
3. 核型分析技术针对染色体的形态、大小等特征,本研究将使用核型分析技术,对样本中的染色体进行进一步描述和分类。
三、研究意义1. 丰富了中国果蝇科的遗传学研究本研究将通过研究中国果蝇科6属56种的核型多样性,提供有关种类的基本信息和参考数据,为果蝇种类的进一步遗传学研究提供依据。
2. 对昆虫群体进化和遗传多样性的认识具有参考价值不同种类间的核型变异是昆虫进化历程中比较重要的表现,各种果蝇的核型多样性变化情况反映了昆虫类群体的遗传多样性特征,具有参考价值。
3. 为果蝇作为模式生物在基因组和发育生物学等领域的研究提供数据支持果蝇作为模式生物在生命科学研究中有着非常重要的作用,其核型多样性研究为了解果蝇基因组结构和发育生物学等方面提供了数据支持。
四、研究方法1. 野外种群调查和采集野外种群的调查和采集,需要选择具有代表性的中国果蝇种类,将其放置于适宜的饲养环境中,收集它们的血液样本。
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分布于欧洲 !! 麻蜥属为典型 的 草 原 和 荒 漠 动 物 ! 东南部 $ 非洲 $ 亚洲 西 部 和 中 亚 地 区 ! 北界止于北纬 ! 往 东 到 达 中 国 东 北 和 朝 鲜% 我 国 分 布 有 ) 种! # ( b 广布于我国 秦 岭 $ 淮 河 一 线 以 北! 南界止于江淮平 原! 以不超过长江为限
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遗!传 ! ! " # " # " $ % & ’ (! ) * + + ! " # " " $!" % #$ ! & & ’ , ."
戴 ! 鑫*! 曾晓茂!! 陈 ! 彬(! 王跃招!
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