
滚筒洗衣干衣机使用说明书目录快速入门使用说明服务指南控制面板介绍 ...........................................洗涤剂盒介绍............................................程序/功能介绍 ..........................................智能配网介绍 ...........................................清洁保养..................................................故障现象及处理方法...................................规格及技术参数.........................................售后服务..................................................包修卡.....................................................快速入门..................................................安全警示安全警示 .................................................235 5 10 1011 13 14 15 15执行标准:GB/T4288 GB4706.1 GB4706.24 GB4343.1 GB17625.1 GB19606 GB12021.4 GB4706.20快速入门安全警示使用说明服务指南快速入门注意:.在您使用本机器前,请确保机器已经按照安装说明正确安装好。
2.首次使用,建议您在没有衣物的情况下完成一次“筒自洁”或其他高温程序 洗涤。
1二.开始洗衣三.洗衣结束注意:如果选择默认参数无需操作"设置参数/功能"步骤, 4.关闭机门 插头打开电源设置参数/功能启动当洗衣结束后洗衣机会有声音提示; 带显示屏的机器显示屏黑屏或显示"End"字样。

祝贺您——您选择的干衣机是高品质的西门子家电产品。这款 冷凝式干衣机因具有节能低耗的性能而不同于其它类型的干衣 机。每台干衣机在出厂前都经过了全面细致地检测,以确保其 功能完善并处于最佳的运行状态。
您的干衣机为家用型。 您的干衣机仅能烘干已经用水洗过的纺织品。
9. 将活动档板装回原位,并确保已装好。
湿度传感器 这台干衣机装备有不锈钢外形的湿度传感器。湿度传感器用于测量洗涤物的湿度等级。在使 用较长一段时间后,在湿度传感器的表面可能会有一层薄薄的水垢。 1. 打开机门。 2. 用表面比较粗糙的湿海绵(百洁布)进行清洁。
WT46E301TI 0109
20290 干衣机可以下嵌在厨柜的桌面下。
当您的干衣机出现异常时,在联系客户服务之前,请先参考如下的《异常现象及处理方法》。 如果维修人员上门后发现机器并无故障,那么即便在保修期内,您也必须承担相关的费用。
您可在本页中找到客户服务的联系方式。在上门服务前,技术员需要得到一些相应的机器信 息,才能给您提供更快捷的服务, 请提供:详细的地址和电话号码、故障描述、购机日期、 机器代码 (E-Nr.)、 生产日期 (FD)。这样有助于我们省去不必要的麻烦,同时也可以为您 省去不必要的相关开支。
最大3.0kg 适合烘干可以被快速烘干的织物。
最大3.0kg 适合烘干可以机洗的毛织品。
最大3.5kg 适合烘干可以免熨的人造或混纺织物。

EDH804H5WB中文 滚筒式干衣机用户手册目录想您所想请访问我们的网站:客户关怀与服务2感谢您选购伊莱克斯电器。
在联系我们的授权服务中心时,请确保提供下列信息:型号、PNC 和序列号。
警告/安全警示信息 一般信息和温馨提示 环保信息获取使用建议、手册、故障排除和维修服务信息:1. 安全信息...........................................................................................................32. 安全说明...........................................................................................................53. 产品描述...........................................................................................................74. 控制面板...........................................................................................................75. 程序表...............................................................................................................96. 选项..................................................................................................................107. 设置..................................................................................................................118. 首次使用前准备................................................................................................139. 日常使用...........................................................................................................1310. 提示与技巧.....................................................................................................1411. 保养与清洁.....................................................................................................1512. 故障检修.........................................................................................................1813. 技术参数.........................................................................................................2014. 快速指南.........................................................................................................2115. 环保信息.........................................................................................................2316. 产品中有害物质名称和含量............................................................................2417. 维修服务指南.. (25)中文1. 安全信息1.1 儿童和弱势群体安全注意事项在开始安装和使用本机前,请仔细阅读随附的说明书。

目的:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修规程范围:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修责任人:二车间设备操作人员负责按照本规程进行操作;设备维修人员负责维修和维护;设备部负责本规程的修订内容:1. 设备简介及主要技术参数1.12.操作程序2.1开机前准备:1)检查设备状态标示,确认无异常后更换设备状态标识为“运行中”。
5)根据清洗物品设备程序,程序设定好以后,不需要经常改动,使用过程中sop-sb1002-00 2/2 如需要更改某一数据,直接按“←”,使电脑显示在某一状态的反字体,然后按“+”或“-”健进行更改。
5) 严禁用硬物磕碰操作屏,以免造成设备损坏.3.2维修1)检修设备时一定要切断电源,确认无误后方可进行检修。
海尔滚筒干衣机GDZA3.5-61 说明书

GDZA3.5-61GDZA5-61·打开干衣机前门,将要烘干的衣服 展开抖松后放入,关上前门操作步骤感谢您选择和使用海尔产品。
我们承诺您任何海尔产品需要安装或维护时,海尔将提供“1”:指安装服务“一次就好”“5”:指五项组合服务a 安全测电服务:服务前为您安全测电并提醒讲解到位b 讲解指导使用:指导您正确使用、讲解保养常识,以延长产品寿命,降低能耗c 产品维护保养:产品安装或维修后,对产品维护保养,以延长产品寿命,节约能源d 一站式服务营销:如您有新的购买需求,将向您提供上门设计、送货、安装、维保一条龙服务e 现场清理服务:服务完毕将服务现场清理干净。
欢迎您对我们的服务进行监督,一旦我们的服务承诺未执行到位,请拨打全国统一客服电话4006 999999进行投诉,经核实无误,您将获得100元监督奖金!海尔,期待您的参与!尊敬的海尔用户:“1+5”的成套增值服务:选购更多产品请登录海尔网上商城( 更便捷 更快速 更省钱)本说明书中的图形均为示意图,同时由于产品的改进,您所得到的产品及其配件可能与本说明书中的图示不一致,谨此致歉本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用使用前请仔细阅读说明书请妥善保存,以备参阅海尔滚筒干衣机使用说明书适用型号:该产品执行标准:Q/0212HRE 024-2011 《家用滚筒干衣机》放入衣物1.使用前须知2.安全注意事项3.干衣前准备4.操作步骤5.操作面板说明6.故障排除7.清洁/维护8.保修说明9.干衣时间参考表10.附件11.技术数据目录青岛市308国道609号2011年第3版60操作面板说明·该程序不加热,适合羽绒、毛衣、马 海毛、棉毛衫等衣物。
“关” 的 位 置·干衣机定时旋钮在“关”的位置即是 断电位置。
LittleSwan 滚筒洗衣干衣机使用说明书

TD100Q81Y TG100Q81Y
. 洗衣机在运行时温度较高或水位高于筒口的状态下中途 添衣功能不响应;
惠而浦 WTP902711HS 全自动滚筒干衣机 说明书

打开门。 请把衣物一件件的放入桶内。 关上门并检查衣物有没有卡在门或门框过滤网之间。 旋转旋钮启动电源,选择相应的程序并按启动键“ ”。 5
1. 电源开/关及程序选择旋钮
● 具有开关电源作用。 ● 程序运行结束后,干衣机可自动关机。 ● 可根据不同的衣物类型通过旋钮选择不同的程序。 ● 选择对应程序后,可通过功能键设置程序参数,按“启动/暂停”键,程序开始运行。
WTP902711HS WTP902711HW
扫一扫关注 惠而浦官方微信
注意事项 安装介绍 各部件说明
使用介绍 干衣指南
维护保养 技术参数 常见故障 环保 保修和客户服务
2~3 4 5
5~8 8~9
10~12 13
13~14 15~16
切勿在潮湿的环境使用本产品,并确保产品通风口通畅。 请勿损坏制冷剂回路。 请勿在中途暂停机器取出衣物,必须在衣物冷却后再取出,防止烫伤。 本机不能随意连接到外部电源或公用设施任意开关的电路上,谨防造成人身伤害。 确保滚筒完全停止后再从干衣机中取出衣物。 当干衣机工作时,孩子和宠物应该远离,以确保他们不会被困住受伤。关门前一定要仔细检查滚 筒,以确保他们不会被困住受伤。
本机是为家用设计的,不能用于本设计用途以外的其它用途。 切勿烘干本产品允许以外的织物,且按照每个服装标签上的说明操作。 安装此机器所需的任何电气工作应由有资格的电工或有能力的人进行。 如果本机位于铺有地毯的地面上,请调节调节脚,以便让空气在机器下面自由流通。 请勿爬上干衣机,不要放置有水、液体泄漏的重物、加热装置的物品,以免面板和塑料部件变形。 桶内不可放入锋利的坚硬的物料,如:硬币、别针、钉子、螺丝、石头。因可能导致干衣机的 损坏。 安装本机后,检查本机是否压在其供电电缆或排水软管上。 泡沫橡胶(乳胶泡沫)、浴帽、防水纺织品、以橡胶为衬的物品、装有泡沫橡胶垫的衣服或枕头 等物品不应在干衣机内烘干。 使用之后要切断电源,并对机器进行清理和保养。 请勿使机器过载。请参照说明书建议负载使用。 湿淋淋的衣服不能放在干衣机里。 如果电源线、控制面板、工作台面或底座损坏,切勿使用干衣机。 如果使用了工业化学品(如:易燃的、腐蚀的、导电的清洁液体)进行清洗本产品,请停止使 用本产品。 程序未完全结束请不要直接取出衣物,避免造成烫伤。 请将干衣机安装在可完全打开门、干净的、无水的、无易燃物的环境下使用。 当使用干衣机时,为了将震动和噪音降到最低,应将它放置在一个稳固、平整的表面上。 如果干衣机没有完全平整,需要调整前脚部,逆时针旋转使干衣机下降,顺时针旋转使干衣机 上升,调节到不晃动为止。 必须提供足够的通风空间,以避免从产品倒流出的气体流入点燃其他物质。 混有丙酮、汽油、去污剂、松节油、蜡或除蜡剂等的衣物都应在热水中添加清洁剂洗涤脱水后 才能放入干衣机内烘干。 确保不要把诸如火柴、打火机之类的东西遗忘在衣服里而带入干衣机内。 沾有油类的衣物不能放入干衣机。 本机的后表面与墙壁应至少保持10cm距离。

4、 全新制热技术,采用ptc发热体发热,自 动恒温,可连续工作600小时以上;超温双重干 烧保护,绝对安全。
5、 高效杀菌:干衣机正常工作时,内部温度 最高可达70度,可除菌99.3%
6、 一机多用,轻巧方便::集暖风机、干衣 机和衣柜于一身。体积小,容量大(一次干衣可达10kg),易装卸,
的耗电量,就能让热气升腾到整个室内空间, 取暖效果非常好,让热气吹拂双腿,温暖惬意地 尽情娱乐,真是太方便了。
干衣机的销售渠道目前主要有:电视购物、网 络店铺、书刊邮购、连锁卖场、大型商超、传统 批发,团购礼品
适用功能有:衣物的烘干与消毒;适用范围有 家庭,宿舍,美容院,度假区、高档宾馆等
2)待设备完全停止转动后,打开滚筒门,取出 干燥衣物。
3)每月检查三角带的松紧度,如有松弛现象, 需要张紧。
4)每月检查各导线的连接是否牢固,导线绝缘 皮是否有破损,接地是否可靠
目的:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修规程 范围:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修 责任人:二车间设备操作人员负责按照本规程 进行操作;设备维修人员负责维
1)检查设备状态标示,确认无异常后更换设备 状态标识为 运行中”。

滚筒干衣机使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保存目录安全警示安全警示01产品简介部件名称配件清单使用说明快速入门干衣前准备事项控制面板说明智能配网介绍清洁保养清洁保养安装说明安装干衣机服务指南报警提示故障现象及处理方法规格及技术参数售后服务包修卡04 0405 06 07 1011 1315 15 16 17 1701全警示安装说明清洁保养使用说明服务指南产品简介安全警示使用过程中,请重点关注安全注意事项内容,并运用生活常识谨慎操作。
• 本产品属于I类电器,请使用时注意用电安全!必须使用有可靠接地的电源,电线的地线要直接埋入大地,不能和自来水管、煤气管道等公用设施连接。
如果需要使用接地漏电(接地保护)断路器其符号必须为 , 此符号能确保电源插头与插座匹配。
• 请勿让儿童玩耍包装材料。
123457896• 出于安全使用的原因,请使用由厂家提供的原装零部件和附件。
海尔 HG100-206 10公斤热泵干衣机 使用说明书

产品型号HG100-206目 录1.使用前须知2.安全注意事项3.干衣前准备4.操作步骤正面5.操作面板说明6.故障排除7.清洁/维护8.技术参数9.保修说明反面··智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修滚筒干衣机使用说明书07220V50Hz电源上,电源中一定要有接地线不要与其它电器合用一个接以免干衣机工作时影响其它电器正常工作。
如果确属故障,请与 本公司售后服务部门联系,请勿自行处理。
故障排除机器在运行过程中,由于产品特性,当出现以下声音时,是正常的,请放心使用:压机工作时,偶尔发出的“嗡嗡声”风扇“呼呼”声水泵抽水声机器不启动或中途停止机器不启动显示“e ”原因没有连接电源或电源没电;没有按动电源按键;水盒已满;机门没有关好;衣物已经达到程序设定的烘干程度;滚筒内无负载;烘干时间太长程序设定不正确;过滤网和冷凝器过滤网没有清理;冷凝器或风道堵塞;干衣护理机滚筒内衣物过量;衣物太湿;检查电源连接;倒掉水盒里面的水;正确将机门关上;检查设定程序是否正确;检查滚筒内是否有衣物;确保程序设定正确;清理过滤网;减少滚筒内的衣量;衣物放入滚筒之前要充分脱水;检查风道,去除堵塞;排除方法现象显示屏剩余时间停止或跳变剩余时间根据以下因素不断调整负载温度;负载种类;负载数量;环境温度;对自动烘干程序,烘干时间自动调整为正常现象;按动电源键;代码释义显示代码排除方法请联系维修中心F32NTC2断路或短路重新开机,若故障未消除,请联系维修中心NTC3断路或短路请联系维修中心FC2电脑板与显示板通讯线断开请联系维修中心检查水盒是否已满,未满,请联系维修中心F2排水泵或水位开关故障F33加热异常或制冷剂泄漏F4重新开机,若故障未消除,请联系维修中心总线自身故障FC0取下海绵,用湿毛巾清理线屑6.此代码为正常显示,无需处理即“AUTO”,代表自动运行模式中。
海尔 GBN100-636 10公斤热泵干衣机 使用说明书

洗衣机使用说明书型号GBN100-636• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 部件介绍1 1.1.1. 正面1 1.1.2. 背面1 1.1.3. 附件2 1.2. 特殊功能2 1.2.1. 特殊功能2 1.3. 技术参数2 1.3.1. 技术数据21.3.2. 产品尺寸及安装要求32. 使用说明5 2.1. 注意事项5 2.1.1. 标志和说明5 2.1.2. 电气要求:电源插头、插座、电源线5 2.1.3. 运输安装要求5 2.1.4. 放置场景要求5 2.1.5. 使用要求6 2.1.6. 烘干衣物要求6 2.1.7. 清洁保养要求6 2.1.8. 儿童、特殊人群注意事项6 2.2. 干衣准备6 2.2.1. 干衣检查6 2.2.2. 干衣常识9 2.2.3. 干衣注意事项9 2.3. 干衣操作10 2.3.1. 基本操作10 2.3.2. 操作面板10 2.3.3. 程序指南11 2.3.4. 衣物重量参考12 2.4. 安装说明12 2.4.1. 安装注意12 2.4.2. 安装调整142.5. 清洁维护153. 售后服务20 3.1. 保修说明20 3.2. 故障排除20 3.2.1. 疑问解答20 3.2.2. 代码释义213.3. 有害物质声明211. 产品介绍1.1. 部件介绍1.1.1. 正面正面说明书中所有图示均为示意图。
1.1.2. 背面背面品为准。
1.1.3. 附件说明书中所有图示均为示意图。
1.2. 特殊功能1.2.1. 特殊功能特殊功能童锁功能:• 童锁设置:在程序运行和预约情况下,同时按下“熨烫提醒”和“防皱”两个按键持续3秒,完成童锁设置;• 童锁解除:再次同时按下“熨烫提醒”和“防皱”持续3秒。
卡萨帝干衣机 CD Z389WU1说明书

使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读说明书请妥善保存,以备参阅本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用CD Z389WU1干衣机卡萨帝为了精确实现您的格调生活,对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。
CD Z389WU1 为家用直排滚筒式干衣机。
12关于本产品的安全注意事项.........................................................3本产品的外观及部件介绍. (5)干衣机各部分构件名称(正面)............................................5干衣机各部分构件名称(背面)............................................6附件.....................................................................................6本产品使用前的安装设置. (7)注意事项..............................................................................7连接电源..............................................................................7连接伸缩管..............................................................................8放置与安装.......................................................9干衣前准备.................................................................................12使用本产品的基本操作步骤........................................................14本产品的干衣方式及功能介绍. (16)控制面板..............................................................161.开机操作............................................172.选择专业烘程序...........................................................184.选择特有功能..............................................................20物联网远程控制...................................................................23本产品的日常保养与维护...........................................................25有疑问?先看这儿!..................................................................26(若对干衣机有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。


2.1 待机状态........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2 门开状态........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.3 用户参数设置................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.4 编程状态........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.5 运行状态........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.6 报警状态........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.7 密码说明........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
三、全自动工业烘干机衣物干衣机电气连接示意图.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
电子产品指南 干衣机操作指南说明书

FAQs• What can I do to optimize the drying performance?After ensuring your lint filter is clean, check to make sure the cycleand settings selected are the right ones for your load type. Avoidoverloading your dryer as items need room to tumble freely and use the DRY BOOST option to increase the drying temperature for select drying cycles. • Is it normal for my dryer to make sounds or noises?Some sounds are part of your dryer’s normal operations. Youmay hear the suspension rollers or exhaust system moving airthrough the cycle. For gas models, you may hear a clicking sound as the gas valve opens and closes to control the gas flow. Check your Use & Care Manual to learn more.• How do I add a forgotten item to the load?To add an item to the dryer, press START/PAUSE, add the item, close the door and press START/PAUSE again to resume the cycle.• A waxy build-up from fabric softener sheets may form on the lint filter or moisture sensing bars. Clean the filter periodically with warm, soapy water, and dry thoroughly before replacing.Important Reminder:Regularly check the entire outdoorexhaust and venting system andclean any lint build up.BALANCED DRYLUX CARE DRY* Please note your model may look slightly different than pictured.PERFECT STEAM WRINKLE RELEASE EXTENDED TUMBLEANTI-STATIC CONTROL LOCKDELAY TIME DRUM LIGHT BALANCED DRY LUX CARE DRYPOWERTEMP HIGH SANITIZE NORMAL LOW ECO DRYHIGH MAX NORMAL LOW DAMPAUTO 75 MIN 60 MIN 45 MIN 30 MINOPTIONSSELECTTIMEDRYLEVELDRYSTARTPAUSE CANCELDRY BOOSTALLERGEN HEAVY DUTY NORMALACTIVEWEAR MIXED LOAD TOWELSDELICATES 15 FAST DRY AIR DRY TIME DRY INSTANT REFRESHMINCLEAN LINTPeace of Mind & ProtectionUnlock exclusive benefits by registering your product with us. Review your registration card for all the ways to register or visit us online directly.Press the POWER button to turn on your unit.Turn the cycle selector in either direction or press the cycles button (depending on your model) to scroll to the desired cycle.ALLERGENAvailable on 500 & 600 series, for allergen reduction, not for delicate items.BULKYAvailable on 300 & 400 series, for large loads and durable fabrics.HEA VY DUTYFor large loads and durable fabrics.NORMAL (ECO FRIENDLY)For everyday loads including cotton, linen or sheets. Select the Dry Boost option if needed.ACTIVEWEARAvailable on 500 & 600 series, for lightweight, synthetic, athletic and stretch fabrics.MIXED LOADAvailable on 500 & 600 series, for mixed fabric loads.TOWELSAvailable on 300, 500 & 600 series, for drying loads of towels.FAST DRYDries small loads consisting of a few items in 15, 18, or 20 minutes depending on your dryer model.DELICATESFor knit and delicate fabrics.AIR DRY (no heat)Available on 600 series, for small loads of delicate items.TIME DRYVarious drying times and temperature settings can be selected.INSTANT REFRESHA vailable on 400, 500 & 600 series, uses steam to refresh fabrics, remove odors and reduce static.We recommend familiarizing yourself with product features and terminology in your Use & Care Manual. (877) 435-328710200 David Taylor Drive Charlotte, NC 28262electroluxappliances.ca (800) 265-83525855 Terry Fox WayMississauga, ON L5V 3E4Turn on your dryerSelect a cycleSelect cycle settingsSelect optionsGetting StartedStart loadLearn MoreTEMPPress the TEMP button to select the desired dry temperature setting.SANITIZEAvailable on 400, 500 & 600 series,for removing harmful bacteria from yourclothing or other items. Check fabric care labels to prevent damage.HIGHFor most cotton fabrics.NORMALFor wrinkle free, easy care, lightweight fabrics and bulky loads.LOWFor delicate fabrics.ECO DRY (NO HEAT)Use with a time dry cycle to dry items containing feathers, down, foam rubber, plastics or rubber-like materials.DRY LEVELSelect to choose the desired dryness level. The dryness levels include MAX (on select models), high, normal, low, and damp. Select damp for items you wish to partially dry before hanging or ironing. Not all dryness levels are available with every cycle.DRY TIMEPress the DRY TIME button to choose a dry time of 30–75 minutes for a manual dry time cycle.AUTOAutomatically dries at the selectedtemperature to the desired dryness level.Close the door and press the START/PAUSE button.ANTI-STATICAvailable on 500 & 600series, injects steam just prior to cycle end to reduce static.EXTENDED TUMBLESelect to extend tumble time for 30 minutes without heat if the dried load won’t be promptly removed at cycle end.DRUM LIGHTSelect to enable or disable the drum light option.DRY BOOSTIncreases the dryingeffectiveness for heavier fabrics or bulky loads by increasing the drying temperature by less than 20°F (>1°C). (Varies based on cycle selection).WRINKLE RELEASE Select to help prevent wrinkles and tangling bytumbling the dry load without heat for 5 minutes out of every 10 minutes.CONTROL LOCKSelect to lock the controls between cycles Repeat to deactivate.DELAY TIMEUse delay time to delay the start of the drying cycle to a time convenient to your schedule or during off-peak energy hours.* Your model may look slightly different than pictured. See your Use & Care Manual for more information on each cycle, setting & option.Press the OPTIONS button, turn the cycle selector in either direction to scroll to the desired option then press SELECT to set.PERFECT STEAM™Available on 400, 500 & 600 series, injects steam prior to cool down to reduce wrinkles and static.。

user manual用户手册Tumble Dryer滚筒干衣机EDE 77550WElectrolux. Thinking of you.Share more of our thinking at ContentsImportant safety information 2 Product description 4 Control Panel 4 Before first use 5 Sorting and preparing laundry 5 Programme chart 6 Daily use 8Cleaning and maintenance 10 What to do if (11)Machine settings 12 Technical data 13 Installation 13 Environment 16 Service 17Subject to change without noticeImportant safety informationImportant!In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety.General safety•It is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to modify this product in any way.•This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.•Make sure that small pets do not climb into the drum. To avoid this, please check into the drum before using.•Any objects such as coins, safety pins, nails, screws, stones or any other hard, sharp material can cause extensive dam-age and must not be placed into the ma-chine.•In order to avoid danger of fires caused by excessive drying, do not use appliance todry the following items: Cushions, quilts and the like (these items accumulate heat).•Items such as foam rubber (latex foam), shower caps, waterproof textiles, rubber backed articles and clothes or pillows fit-ted with foam rubber pads should not be dried in the tumble dryer.•Always unplug the appliance after use, clean and maintenance.•Under no circumstances should you at-tempt to repair the machine yourself. Re-pairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or serious malfunction-ing. Contact your local Service Centre. Al-ways insist on genuine spare parts.•Items that have been soiled with substan-ces such as cooking oil acetone, petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine, wax-es and wax removers should be washed in hot water with an extra amount of deter-gent before being dried in the tumble dry-er.•Danger of explosion: Never tumble dry items that have been in contact with in-flammable solvents (petrol, methylated spirits, dry cleaning fluid and the like). As these substance are volatile, they could cause an explosion. Only tumble dry items washed with water.•Risk of fire: items that have been spotted or soaked with vegetable or cooking oil constitute a fire hazard and should not be placed in the tumble dryer.•If you have washed your laundry with stain remover you must execute an extra rinse cycle before loading your tumble dryer.2 electrolux•Please make sure that no gas lighters or matches have accidentally been left in pockets of garments to be loaded into ap-plianceWarning!Never stop a tumble drybefore the end of the drying cycleunless all items are quickly removedand spread out so that the heat isdissipated.Risk of fire!•Risk of electric shock! Do not spray down the appliance with jets of water.•The final part of a tumble dryer cycle oc-curs without heat (cool down cycle) to en-sure that the items are left at a temperature that ensures that items will not be dam-aged.•Ensure you have adequate ventilation in the installation room to avoid the back flow of gases into the room from appliances burning other fuels, including open fires. Installation•This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when moving it.•When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre.•All packing and transit bolts must be re-moved before use. Serious damage can occur to the product and to property if this is not adhered to. See relevant section in the user manual.•Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a quali-fied electrician or competent person.•Care must be taken to ensure that the ap-pliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable.•If the machine is situated on a carpeted floor, please adjust the feet in order to al-low air to circulate freely.•After having installed the appliance, check that it is not pressing or standing on its electrical supply cable or/and inlet hose.•If the tumble dryer is placed on top of a washing machine, it is compulsory to use the stacking kit (optional accessory). Use•This appliance is designed for domestic use. It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed.•Only wash fabrics which are designed to be machine dried. Follow the instructions on each garment label.•Do not dry unwashed items in the tumble dryer.•Do not overload the appliance. See the relevant section in the user manual.•Clothes which are dripping wet should not be placed in the dryer.•Garments which have been in contact with volatile petroleum products should not be machine dried. If volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken to ensure that the fluid is removed from the garment be-fore placing in the machine.•Never pull the power supply cable to re-move the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.•Never use the tumble dryer if the power supply cable, the control panel, the work-ing surface or the base are damaged so that the inside of the tumble dryer is ac-cessible.•Fabric softeners, or similar products should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions.•Caution - hot surface : Do not touch the door light cover surface when the light is switched on.1)•Hot surface: Do not touch the back of the appliance while it is operating! Child safety•This machine is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision.•Children often do not recognise the haz-ards associated with electrical appliances. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.•The packaging components (e.g. plastic film, polystyrene) can be dangerous to chil-dren - danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.•Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach.•Make sure that children or pets do not climb into the drum.1) Only dryers equipped with internal drum light.electrolux 3Product description1Control panel 2Door3Fluff filter4Rating plate 5Adjustable feet6Sideways vent outlets / back vent outlet 7Ring nut8Lamp for inside lightControl Panel1Programme knob and "O" (OFF) switch 2Function buttons 3START PAUSE button 4FILTER light4 electrolux5DELAY (DELAY START ) button 6DisplayWhat is shown in the displayBefore first useIn order to remove any residues which may have been produced during production, wipe the dryer drum with a damp cloth or carry outa brief drying cycle (ca. 30 min.) with damp cloths in the machine.Sorting and preparing laundrySorting laundry •Sort by fabric type:–Cotton/linen for programmes in COT-TONS programme group.–Mixtures and synthetics for pro-grammes in SYNTHETICS programme group.•Important! Do not place in the appliance any wet laundry which is not specified on the care label as being suitable for tumble-drying.This appliance can be used for all wet laundry items which are labelled as suitable for tum-ble-drying.•Do not dry new, coloured textiles together with light-coloured laundry items. Textile colours may bleed.•Do not dry cotton jersey and knitwear with the EXTRA programme. Items may shrink!•Wool and wool-like textiles can be dried using the WOOL CARE programme.Preparing laundry•To avoid laundry becoming tangled: close zips, button up duvet covers and tie loose ties or ribbons (e.g. of aprons).•Empty pockets. Remove metal items (pa-per clips, safety pins, etc).•Turn items with double-layered fabrics in-side out (e.g. with cotton-lined anoraks,the cotton layer should be outermost).These fabrics will then dry better.Important! Do not overload the appliance.Observe max. loading volume of 7 kg.electrolux 56 electroluxProgramme chartelectrolux 71) In accordance with IEC611212) select DELICATE option 3) AutomaticDaily useSwitching machine onTurn the programme selector to any pro-gramme. The machine has been switched on.Door opening and laundry loading 1.Open loading door:Push against the loading door (pushpoint)2.Load your laundry (do not force it in).Caution! Do not jam laundry in between the loading door and rubber seal.3.Close loading door securely. Lock mustaudibly lock.Selecting the programmeUse the programme selector to set the pro-gramme you require. The estimated time to end of the programme appears in the LCD in h:mm format (hours:minutes).during the cycle time elapses by steps of one minute; less than 1 hour the leading zeros are not shown (ex. “59”, “5”, “0”);Selecting additional functionsYou can choose from the additional func-tions:button 1 -DELICATEbutton 2 -LONG ANTICREASE button 3 -BUZZER button 4-TIME button 6-DELAYDELICATEPressing this button allows drying to be per-formed at a lower temperature, for delicate items. The corresponding pilot light comes on. This option can also be used for time controlled drying.LONG ANTICREASEA long anti-crease phase lengthen the anti-crease phase (30 min.) at the end of the dry-ing additionally by 60 minutes. The drum ro-tates at intervals during this phase. This keeps the laundry loose and free of creases.Phase lasts in total 90 minutes. The laundry can be removed at any time during the anti-crease phase.When the option is active, the LONG ANTI-CREASE light is on.8 electroluxBUZZERWhen the drying cycle has finished, an inter-mittent audible signal will sound. By depress-ing button BUZZER the acoustic signal is switched off in the following cases:•when selecting the programme•when depressing the buttons•when the programme selector dial is turned to another position during the pro-gramme or when you depress an option button during the cycle•at the end of the programme.The corresponding light comes on.TIMEUse the Time button to select the pro-gramme duration after setting the TIME pro-gramme. You can select a programme du-ration from 20 min. to 3 hours in 10-minute steps.1.Turn the programme selector to the TIMEprogramme.2.Press the TIME button repeatedly untilthe desired programme duration isshown in the display, e.g. fora programme of 20 minutes.If the programme duration is not selected, the duration is automatically set to 10 mins. DELAYWith the DELAY button, you can delaythe start of a programme by between 30minutes (30') and a maximum of 20hours (20h).1.Select the programme and additionalfunctions.2.Press the DELAY button as many timesas necessary until the required time of the delay appears on the display, e.g.H if the programme is to be started in 12hours.If the display is showing H andyou press the button again, the time de-lay will be cancelled. The display willshow 0 and then the duration of the se-lected programme.3.To activate the delay timer, press theSTART PAUSE button. The amount oftime remaining until the programme is set to start is continuously displayed (e.g.15h, 14h, 13h, … 30' etc).Setting child lockThe child lock can be set to prevent a pro-gramme being accidentally started or a pro-gramme in operation being accidentally changed. The child lock function locks all buttons and the programme knob. The child lock can be activated or deactivated by hold-ing down the BUZZER and TIME buttons si-multaneously for 5 seconds.–Before programme is started: Appli-ance cannot be used–After programme is started: Pro-gramme in operation cannot bechangedThe icon appears in the display to indicate that the child safety device is activated. The child safety device is not deactivated once the programme comes to an end.If you want to set a new programme, you must first deactivate the child safety device. Starting the programmePress the START PAUSE button. The pro-gramme is started.The programme phase is shown in display by appropriate icons. From left to the right, from drying ,anticrease , to cooling . Changing programmeTo change a programme which has been se-lected by mistake once the programme has started, first turn the programme selector to " O"- OFF position. The programme is can-celled.The programme can no longer bechanged directly once the programmehas started. If nevertheless there is anattempt to change the programme onthe programme knob or if an functionbutton (excluding the BUZZER button)is pressed, led above START/PAUSEbutton starts flashing temporarily in yel-low. The drying programme is not how-ever affected by this (laundry protection). Drying cycle complete / removing laundryOnce the drying cycle is complete, display shows a blinking " 0 ", under anti-crease and filter icon appear dash. If the BUZ-ZER button has been pressed, an acousticelectrolux 9signal sounds intermittently for about one mi-nute.The drying cycles are automatically fol-lowed by an anti-crease phase which lasts around 30 minutes. The drum ro-tates at intervals during this phase. This keeps the laundry loose and free of crea-ses. The laundry can be removed at any time during the anti-crease phase. (The laundry should be taken out towards the end of the anti-crease phase at the latest to prevent creases from forming.) If LONG ANTICREASE (Long anti-crease) function has been selected,the anti-crease phase is lengthened by 60 minutes.1.Open door.2.Remove laundry.3.Remove filter after clothes has been re-moved. Clean the filter.Warning! Before You place the filter,please check it there is nothing inside the filter seat.4.Turn the programme selector to "O"(OFF) .Important! Clean the filter after each drying cycle.5.Close the door.Open loading door and remove laundry.2.Remove the filter which is built into thelower part of the loading aperture.Open the filter pressing the button,among two slots on fingers. Clean the fil-ter using dump hand or cloth. After a pe-riod of time, a patina due to detergent residue on laundry forms on the filters.When this occurs, clean the filter with warm water using a brush.Close the filter and do not forget to put it back.Warning! Before You place the filter,please check it there is nothing inside the filter seat.4.The filter can be positioned only to one side. If position is wrong, the filter over-hangs.If the filter will not snap into place, the loading door cannot be closed.10 electroluxCleaning the doorClean periodically the interior part of the door to remove any fluff. Accurate cleaning en-sures correct drying.Cleaning the drumCaution! Do not use abrasives or steel wool to clean the drum.Lime in the water or cleaning agents may form a barely visible lining on the inside of the drum. The degree to which the laundry has been dried is then no longer detected reliably. The laundry is damperthan expected when removed from the dryer.Use a standard domestic cleaner (e.g.vinegar-based cleaner) to wipe down the inside of the drum and drum ribs.Clean operating screen and housingCaution! Do not use furniture cleaners or aggressive cleaning agents to clean the machine.Use a damp cloth to wipe down the op-erating screen and housing.What to do if ...Troubleshooting by yourselfIf, during operation, the error code E... plus number or letter) appears on the LCD: Switchgramme. Press the START PAUSE (START /PAUSE) button If the error is still displayed,please inform your local Service Force Centre and quote the error code.electrolux 11Changing the bulb for interior lighting Only use a special bulb which is designed specially for dryers. The special bulb can be obtained from your local Service Force cen-tre.Warning! When the appliance isswitched on, the interior lightingswitches itself off after 4 minutes whenthe door is open.Warning! Do not use standard bulbs!These develop too much heat and maydamage the machine!Warning! Before replacing the bulb,disconnect the mains plug.1.Unscrew cover above the bulb (this canbe found directly behind the loading aper-ture, at the top; refer to “Description ofmachine” section.)2.Replace defective bulb.3.Screw cover back down.Check the correct positioning of o-ring gas-ket before screwing back the door light cov-er. Do not operate the dryer when missing o-ring gasket on door light cover.Warning! For safety reasons, the covermust be screwed down tightly. If this isnot done, the dryer must not beoperated.Machine settingsBUZZER SIGNAL permanent off1.Turn the programme selector to any pro-gramme.2.Press simultaneously theLONG ANTI-CREASE and BUZZER buttons and hold down for approx. 5 seconds.3.The buzzer is by default always off. Youcan use BUZZER button to activate ordeactivate sound but machine does not memorize your selection.Water hardnessWater contains, a variable quantity of lime-stone and mineral salts of which quantities vary according to geographical locations thus varying its conductivity values. Relevant variations of the conductivity of the water compared to those prefixed by the factory could slightly influence the residual humidity of the laundry at the end of the cycle. Your dryer allows you to regulate the sensitivity of the drying sensor based on conductivity val-ues of the water.1.Turn the programme selector to any pro-gramme.2.Press simultaneously the BUZZER andSTART PAUSE buttons and hold downfor approx. 5 seconds. The current set-ting is on the display: – low con-ductivity <300 micro S/cm, –medium conductivity 300-600 micro S/cm, – high conductivity >600 mi-cro S/cm3.Press the START PAUSE button sequen-tially until you set desired level.4.To memorize setting press simultaneous-ly the BUZZER and START PAUSE but-tons or turn knob to "O" (OFF) position12 electroluxTechnical datamethods.2) in accordance with EN 61121 InstallationImportant! The appliance must be moved in vertical position for transport.Appliance positioning•It is recommended that, for your conven-ience, the machine is positioned close to your washing machine.•The tumble dryer must be installed in a clean place, where dirt does not build up.•Air must be able to circulate freely all round the appliance. Do not obstruct the front ventilation grille or the air intake grilles at the back of the machine.•To keep vibration and noise to a minimum when the dryer is in use, it should be placed on a firm, level surface.•Once in its permanent operating position, check that the dryer is absolutely level with the aid of a spirit level. If it is not, raise or lower the feet until it is.•The feet must never be removed. Do not restrict the floor clearance through deeply carpets, strips of wood or similar. This might cause heat built-up which would in-terfere with the operation of the appliance.electrolux 13Important! The hot air emitted by the tumble dryer can reach temperatures of up to 60°C. The appliance must therefore not be installed on floors which are not resistant to high temperatures.When operating the tumble dryer, the room temperature must not be lower than +5°C and higher than +35°C, as it may affect the performance of the appliance.Warning! Should the appliance bemoved, it must be transported vertically.Warning! The appliance must not beinstalled behind the lockable door, asliding door or a door with a hinge on the opposite side to that of the appliance. Removing transport safety packaging Caution! Before use all parts of thetransport packaging must be removed.1. Open loading door.2. Pull off adhesive strips from inside ma-chine on top of drum.3. Remove foil hose and polystyrene paddingFitting the vent hoseTo simplify the installation, there is a choice of vent outlets: one at the back, the others in the left and right-hand side. Connect the hose to whichever is the more convenient by pulling the ring nut (A) from the vent outlet at the back, screwing it on to the hose and pushing it firmly back into place. The unused vents should now be sealed with the specialIf the hose is long and the room temperature low, the moisture might condense to water inside the hose. This is an unavoidable nat-ural phenomenon. To prevent this water from Iying in the hose or flowing back into the tum-ble dryer, it is advisable to drill a small hole (via. 3 mm) in the lowest point of the hose and to place a small container below it. (See pic-ture, point B).14 electroluxOnce connected to the dryer, run the vent hose to the desired outlet point, ensuring that the run’s overall length is less than 2 m, and that it contains no more than two bends. As to the outlet itself, if you have decided on a fixed wall/window grille, a good local build-er’s merchant should be able to supply you with the necessary fittings and installation advice.Warning! It is important not to connectthe vent hose to, for example, a cookerhood, or a chimney or flue pipe designed to carry the exhaust from a fuel burningNote that to avoid condensation problems, it is essential that the dryer be fitted with the flexible hose to carry its “exhaust” at least beyond the kitchen units; preferable outside the kitchen. In order to prevent the appliance from overheating, it is important that the steam exhaust is unobstructed. Therefore, in case of a permanent hose fitted to an exterior wall or ceiling, it must be ensured an exhaust capacity of at least 150 m3/h. If the dryer is fitted next to kitchen units, make sure that the vent hose is not squashed. If the hose is par-tially squashed, drying efficiency will be re-duced, resulting in longer drying times and higher energy consumption. If the hose is completely squashed, the safety cut-outs with which the machine is fitted may operate. When operating the tumble dryer, the room temperature must not be lower than +5°C and higher than +35°C, as it may affect the performance of the appliance.Door reversalTo make it easier to load or unload the laun-dry, the door can be reversed. The door must only be reversed by an authorised service engineer. Please contact your local Service Force Centre. The engineer will carry out the door reversal at your cost.Electrical connectionDetails on mains voltage, type of current and the fuses required should be taken from the rating plate. The rating plate is fitted near the loading aperture (see “Product description”chapter).Connect the machine to an earthed socket, in accordance with current wiring regula-tions.Warning!The manufacturer declinesany responsibility for damage orinjury through failure to comply withthe above safety precautions.Should the appliance power supplycable need to be replaced, this mustbe carried out by an authorised serv-ice engineer or a qualified electri-cian. .The appliance is supplied with a 13 amp plug fitted. In the event of having to change the fuse in the plug supplied, a 13 amp ASTA approved BS 1363/A fuse must be used.electrolux 15The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:1Blue - Neutral2cord clamp3Brown - Live4Green and Yellow - EarthThe wire coloured green and yellow must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter «E» or by the earth symbol or col-oured green and yellow.The wire coloured blue must be connected to the terminal «N» or coloured black.The wire coloured brown must be connected to the terminal marked «L» or coloured red. Upon completion there must be no cut, or stray strands of wire present and the cord clamp must be secure over the outer sheath.Warning!A cut off plug inserted intoa 10 amp socket is a serious safety(shock) hazard.Ensure that the cut off plug is dis-posed of safely.Warning!The plug must beaccessible after installing themachine.Permanent connectionIn the case of permanent connection it is necessary that you install a double pole switch between the appliance and the elec-tricity supply (mains), with a minimum gap of 3 mm between the switch contacts and of a type suitable for the required load in compli-ance with the current electrical regulations. The switch must not break the yellow and green earth cable at any point.Special accessoriesStacking kitA special stacking kit is available through your dealer, to enable the mounting of the dyer on top of a front loading washing ma-chine with cover’s depth between 48 and 60 cm. Read carefully the instructions suppliedwith the kit.packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. Packaging materialThe packaging materials are environmentally friendly and can be recycled. The plastic components are identified by markings, e.g. >PE<, >PS<, etc. Please dispose of the packaging materials in the appropriate con-16 electroluxtainer at the community waste disposal fa-cilities.Warning! When disposing of oldappliances, remove the mains cable and dispose of together with the plug.Remove the door hook and ensure it is no longer lockable to prevent young children being trapped inside.Environmental tips•In the dryer, laundry becomes fluffy and soft. Fabric softeners are not therefore•Your dryer will function most economically if you:–always keep the ventilation slots on the base of the dryer unobstructed;–use the loading volumes specified in the programme overview;–clean the filter after each drying cycle;–spin the laundry well before drying. Ex-ample: Consumption data – depending on spinning speed – for 7 kg of laundry,dried using the COTTONS STORAGE DRY programme.ServiceIn the event of technical faults, please first check whether you can remedy the problem yourself with the help of the operating in-If you were not able to remedy the problem yourself, please contact the Customer Care Department or one of our service partners.In order to be able to assist you quickly, we require the following information:– Model description– Product number (PNC)– Serial number (S No. is on rating plate stuck to the product - to find it see chapter Product description ))– Type of fault– Any error messages displayed by the ap-plianceSo that you have the necessary reference numbers from your appliance at hand, we recommend that you write them in here:Model descrip-tion: PNC: S No:electrolux 17。

OWNER'S MANUAL COMMERCIAL DRYER Please read this manual carefully before operatingyour dryer and retain it for future reference.MODELTD-V10137EP/NO : MFL62512816PRODUCT FEATURESOUTSTANDING PERFORMANCEThe dryer features the largest capacity, quick drying times, quiet operation, and anenergy-saving system.STAINLESS STEEL DRUMStainless steel drum doesn’t rust.ARTISTIC DESIGNModern front panel look and big clear glass door make your dryer look stylishEASY OF USEAn entire selection of user-friendly functions makes operating the dryer easy.ULTRA CAPACITYThe larger drum enables better tumbling and less tangling and wrinkling of the laundry.CONTENTSPART 1. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (3)PART 2. SPECIFCATIONS (8)PART 3. IDENTIFICATION (9)PART 4. OPERATING YOUR DRYER (11)PART 5. PROGRAMMING MODE (12)PART 6. ERROR MODE (17)PART 7. POWER FAIL RECOVERY (17)PART 8. DEFAULT DRYER SETTINGS (17)2•Read all instructions before using the dryer.•Before use, the dryer must be properly installed as described in this manual.•Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your dryer. Itemscontaminated with cooking oils may contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause a load to catch fire.•Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed in,soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.•Do not reach into the dryer if the drum or any other part is moving.•Do not repair or replace any part of the dryer or attempt any servicing unless specifically recommended in this Use and Care Guide or inpublished user-repair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry out.•Do not tamper with controls.•Before the dryer is removed from service or discarded, remove the door to the drying compartment.•Do not allow children to play on or in the dryer. Close supervision of children is necessary when the dryer is used near children.•Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static unless recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.•Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam rubber or similarly textured rubber-like materials.•Keep area around the exhaust opening and adjacent surrounding areas free from the accumulation of lint, dust, and dirt.•The interior of the dryer and exhaust vent should be cleaned periodically by qualified service personnel.•Do not install or store the dryer where it will be exposed to the weather.•Always check the inside of the dryer for foreign objects.•Clean lint screen before or after each load.•Do not dry unwashed items in the tumble dryer.•Items that have been soiled with substances such as cooking oil,acetone, alcohol,petrol,kerosene,spot removers, turpentine, waxes and wax removers should be washed in hot water with an extra amount of detergent before being dried in the tumble dryer.•Items such as foam rubber(latex foam), shower caps, waterproof textiles,rubber backed articles and clothes or pillows fitted with foam rubber pads should not be dried in the tumble dryer.•Fabric softeners, or similar products, should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions.•The final part of a tumble dryer cycle occurs without heat(cool down cycle) to ensure that the items are left at a temperature that ensures that the items will not be damaged.BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONSREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USEFor your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk offire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using this appliance,follow basic precautions, including the following:WARNING:WARNING Never stop a tumble dryer before the end of the drying cycle unless all items arequickly removed and spread out so that the heat is dissipated.WARNING:•The lint trap has to be cleaned frequently, if applicable.•Lint must not to be allowed to accumulate around the tumble dryer. •Adequate ventilation has to be provided to avoid the back flow of gases into the room from appliances burring other fuels, including open fires.•The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision.•Young Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with appliance.3•Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this appliance or any other appliances.•Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas supplier.1.Do not try to light a match or cigarette, or turn on any gas or electrical appliance.2.Do not touch any electrical switches. Do not use any phone in your building.3.Clear the room, building, or area of all occupants.4.Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions carefully.5.If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USEWHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINkING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACTThis act requires the governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state tocause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels.Properly adjusted dryers will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized further by properly venting the dryer to the outdoors.4For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk offire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.WARNING— Improper connection ofthe equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or serviceWARNINGTo reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using thisappliance, follow basic precautions, including the following:WARNING5READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USEFor your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the riskof fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.WARNING GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONSThis appliance must be grounded. In the event of malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric current. This appliance must be equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.person if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance.If it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.This appliance must be connected to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system or an equipment-grounding conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment-grounding terminal or lead on the appliance.Electrical shock can result if the dryer is not properly grounded.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION•Properly ground dryer to conform with allgoverning codes and ordinances.Follow details in the installation instructions. Electrical shock can result if the dryer is not properly grounded. •Before use, the dryer must be properly installed as described in this manual.Electrical shock can result if the dryer is not properly grounded.•Install and store the dryer where it will not be exposed to temperatures below freezing or exposed to the weather.•All repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicer unless specificallyrecommended in this Owner’s Guide. Use only authorized factory parts.Failure to follow this warning can cause serious injury, fire, electrical shock, or death.•To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not install the dryer in humid spaces.Failure to follow this warning can cause serious injury, fire,electrical shock, or death.•Connect to a properly rated, protected, and sized power circuit to avoid electrical overload.Improper power circuit can melt, creating electrical shock and/or fire hazard.•Remove all packing items and dispose of all shipping materials properly.Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, fire, or burns.•Place dryer at least 18 in. above the floor for a garage installation.Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, fire, or burns.•Keep all packaging from children.Packaging material can be dangerous for children. There is a risk of suffocation.6READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USEFor your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the riskof fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using thisappliance, follow basic precautions, including the following:WARNING:SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATIONExhaust/Ducting:•Gas dryers MUST be exhausted to the outside.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•The dryer exhaust system must be exhausted to the outside of the dwelling. If the dryer is not exhausted outdoors, some fine lint and large amounts of moisture will be expelled into the laundry area.An accumulation of lint in any area of the home can create a health and fire hazard.•Use only rigid metal or flexible metal 4-in.diameter ductwork inside the dryer cabinet or for exhausting to the outside. Use of plastic or other combustible ductwork can cause a fire.Punctured ductwork can cause a fire if it collapses or becomes otherwise restricted in use or during installation.•Ductwork is not provided with the dryer, and you should obtain the necessary ductwork locally. The end cap should have hingeddampers to prevent backdraft when the dryer is not in use.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•The exhaust duct must be 4 in. (10 cm) in diameter with no obstructions. The exhaust duct should be kept as short as possible. Make sure to clean any old ducts before installing your new dryer.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•Rigid or semi rigid metal ducting isrecommended for use between the dryer and the wall. In special installations when it is impossible to make a connection with the above recommendations, a UL-listed flexible metal transition duct may be used between the dryer and wall connection only. The use of this ducting will affect drying time.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•DO NOT use sheet metal screws or otherfasteners which extend into the duct that could catch lint and reduce the efficiency of the exhaust system . Secure all joints with duct tape.For complete details, follow the Installation Instructions. Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•Do not open the dryer door during steam cycles.Failure to follow these instructions can result in a burn hazard.•Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•Do not fill the steam feeder with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances.Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire or death.•Do not touch the steam nozzle in the drum during or after the steam cycle.Failure to follow these instructions can result in a burn hazard.•Do not fill the steam feeder with hot water (over 86°F / 30°C). Failure to follow these instructions can result in a burn hazard.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR STEAM FUNCTIONS7READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USESAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSFor your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the riskof fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.WARNING SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONNECTING ELECTRICITYTo reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using thisappliance, follow basic precautions, including the following:WARNING:•Do not, under any circumstances, cut orremove the ground prong from the power cord.To prevent personal injury or damage to the dryer,the electrical power cord must be plugged into a properly grounded outlet.•For personal safety, this dryer must beproperly grounded.Failure to do so can result in electrical shock or injury.•Refer to the installation instructions in this manual for specific electrical requirements for your model.Failure to follow these instructions can create an electrical shock hazard and/or a fire hazard.•This dryer must be plugged into a properly grounded outlet. Electrical shock can result if the dryer is not properly grounded. Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.Failure to follow these instructions can create an electrical shock hazard and/or a fire hazard.•The dryer should always be plugged into its own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard from overheated wires.•Never unplug your dryer by pulling on the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.The power cord can be damaged, resulting in a risk of fire and electrical shock.•Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become frayed or otherwisedamaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.The power cord can melt, creating electrical shock and/or fire hazard.•When installing or moving the dryer, be careful not to pinch, crush, or damage the power cord.This will prevent injury and prevent damage to the dryer from fire and electrical shock.8Type: Electric or Gas DryerRating: Please refer to the rating label regarding detailed information.Size: 27 x 29.9 x 38.7 (inch)Capacity: IEC 7.3 cu. ft. (22.5 lbs.)Weight:126 Ibs (57.2 kg)Specifications subject to change by manufacturer.NONCOIN TYPE (TD-V10137E)1. DISPLAY LED2. CYCLE BUTTON3. START BUTTON4. STATUS LED5. CYCLE LED9The START LED flashes when the full vend price has been satisfied then the cycle has been chosen or the machine is paused.The START LED flashes when a card is inserted to add time to the current cycle.3•cycle is in operation.•cycle is in operation.45Press the cycle button to Select the desired cycle Use this cycle to get high heat for heavy fabrics,The Display shows the vend price, remaining time,and programming options.Error codes are also displayed here.CYCLE LED STATUS LED11OPERATING YOUR DRYERThe display LED shows each cycle price and cycleLED toggle.Press the desired cycle and the start button. Thedisplay LED will show the remaining time and theselected cycle starts.You cannot change the cycle while the machine is running.But if the door is opened, the cycle isended and then the cycle can be changed.After the COOL DOWN of cycle, the machine stops and LED display shows End. If you press any key or open the door, the dryer defaults to the ready mode.Press cycle button, display led shows firstlycycle time ’10’.You can only increase the cycle time by pressingsame cycle button. But if display led shows ‘1:40’,the cycle time return ’10’ by pressing one moresame cycle buttonThe cycle time will be set from ’10’(10 minute)to ‘1:40’(100 minute).The last 2 minutes of the remaining time are always for the cool down portion.NoteYou can enter programming modeonly for Idle state and pause state.How to enter "Programming mode"You can change Dryer vend price, cycle time and Cycle parameters, etc.How to use button You can check machine information or change setting on Program setup or Diagnostic test.There are two methods that you can enter programming mode.- Noncoin type1)Push the WHITES AND COLORS and DELICATESbutton at the same time2)Push the PERMANENT PRESS button 3times.3)Push the START button.4)’LqC1’ will show on the display.13• Do not use , .• It is only used in inspecting the machine.Note 1. Push and hold theWHITES AND COLORS and DELICATES at the same time. After that push PERMANENT PRESS button for 3 times. Push START button.2. Press WHITES AND COLORS button to move the upper level.3. Press PERM PRESS(+)or DELICATES(-)button if you want to be at the same level.4. Press START button to enter the details of Set up, Diagnostic Tests mode.is to set price value, time value and vend type etc.consists of line test, reset, free cycle and kill cycle.Is to collect the usage data.Algorithm Flow Chart shows how to control programming mode.Before program set, check the structure of programming mode.This program has been added for testing the dryer and detecting errors.Pressing the START button cycles to the next test function.NoteDuring LqC1 test, if no buttons are pressed for 4 minutes, machine will be turned off automatically. Do not use .14After a factory reset, all values are reset to the default values.Note• Dryer default value- Drying time 45 Minute- Top off time 15 Minute1516ERROR MODEMeaning of Error Codes that LED displays during occurrence or problem.Dryer error codePOWER FAIL RECOVERYIn case of power failure the machine stops running but the time display remains on, showing the time just before power failure.Press the START button after the power is restored, then the machine will restart.DEFAULT DRYER SETTINGS171819。
海尔 GBNE9-876 9公斤热泵干衣机 使用说明书

禁止过度弯曲、拉扯、缠绕、捆扎电源线当电源线或电源插头损坏时,请联系本公司的特约维修点或售后部门的专业维修人员进行维为避免危险,电源线请联系我公司特约维修点或售后部门干衣机仅能烘干经水洗过的纺1.说明书×1注意:10.请确保进风口隔栏处的气流不受阻碍,请勿阻塞或封闭进风口隔栏;产品型号GBNE9-876 GBNE9-936目 录1.使用前须知2.安全注意事项3.干衣前准备4.操作步骤正面5.操作面板说明6.故障排除7.清洁/维护8.技术参数9.保修说明反面·使用前请仔细阅读本说明书·本公司保留说明书解释权·产品外观请以实物为准·阅后请与发票一并妥善保存·如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知·本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用··1)水管接头处需插接牢固;2)连接后水管的离地高度不能超过1m;3)如果水管过长可以剪掉。
版次: 2021年 第1版专用号 0180501012厂家代码: V 1 3 0 2 6:青岛海尔洗衣机有限公司地址: 青岛市高科技工业园海尔工业园内智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修滚筒干衣机使用说明书检查水盒是否已满,未满,请联系维修中心干衣机不启动或中途停止原因没有连接电源或电源没电;没有按动电源按键;水盒已满;干衣机门没有关好衣物已经达到程序设定的烘干程度;滚筒内无负载烘干时间太长程序设定不正确;过滤网和冷凝器过滤网没有清理;冷凝器或风道堵塞;干衣机滚筒内衣物过量;衣物太湿;环境温度过低;检查电源连接;倒掉水盒里面的水;正确将干衣机门关上检查设定程序是否正确;检查滚筒内是否有衣物确保程序设定正确;清理过滤网;减少滚筒内的衣量;衣物放入滚筒之前要充分脱水;把干衣机置于室内;检查风道,去除堵塞代码释义显示代码排水泵、浮子开关故障请联系维修中心 出现以下情况时,有时未必是故障。

2.2开机操作: 1)将墙上配电箱内控制全自动干衣机的电源开关打开,设备接通电源。
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目的:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修规程范围:全自动干衣机的操作、维护、维修责任人:二车间设备操作人员负责按照本规程进行操作;设备维修人员负责维修和维护;设备部负责本规程的修订内容:1. 设备简介及主要技术参数1.12.操作程序2.1开机前准备:1)检查设备状态标示,确认无异常后更换设备状态标识为“运行中”。
5)根据清洗物品设备程序,程序设定好以后,不需要经常改动,使用过程中sop-sb1002-00 2/2 如需要更改某一数据,直接按“←”,使电脑显示在某一状态的反字体,然后按“+”或“-”健进行更改。
5) 严禁用硬物磕碰操作屏,以免造成设备损坏.3.2维修1)检修设备时一定要切断电源,确认无误后方可进行检修。
体积小,容量大(一次干衣可达 10kg),易装卸,便于商贸,旅行四、干衣机卖点推介1、只要一台电器的支出,就等于买进了烘干机、取暧器、杀菌器、衣帽架、空气净化器几样电器,真是物超所值。
4、 .秋冬季节,喜欢棋牌活动的朋友聚会打牌,还可以把主机放在牌桌下方,小巧方便,不占位置,只要空调20-30% 的耗电量,就能让热气升腾到整个室内空间,取暖效果非常好,让热气吹拂双腿,温暖惬意地尽情娱乐,真是太方便了。
效率也分为很多种,比如机械效率(mechanical efficiency)、热效率(thermal efficiency )等。