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The input report to management review during 2012Y
1.2012年公司目标完成情况分析报告(包括顾客满意度) (2)
2.2011-2012年环境目标指标和管理方案完成情况统计分析 (5)
The report on the status of environment objective achieved during 2012
3.2012年进料质量分析报告 (8)
The analysis report of incoming material quality in 2012Y
4.2012Y客户抱怨处理汇总 (12)
Claim Information analysis in 2012Y
5.2012年公司生产过程质量分析报告 (14)
The report on the product process quality in 2012 year
6.生产工艺和产品质量改进报告 (17)
The report on the technical and product improvements
7.2012公司环境绩效 (19)
Environmental performance in 2012
8.合规性评价结果报告 (29)
The report of evaluation of legal compliance
9.2012年人力资源状况分析及培训效果评价 (30)
Human resource status analysis and training effectiveness appraisal of year 2012
10.管理体系内部审核报告 (33)
Management system internal audit report
11.上年(2011年)管理评审输出跟踪验证 (34)
Following-up and verification the output for management review last year
12.2012年TLC认证管理评审输入报告 (35)
Input report for TLC in 2012
13.纠正预防措施执行状况 (36)
The implementation of corrective and preventive actions
1. 2012年公司目标完成情况分析报告
The report on the status of quality objective achieved during 2012 The status of Quality objective公司质量目标完成状况统计图(2012年)
1.1. XX
2.Negative plate scrap:
原因Stat. the reason for scrap in front the third for plates
1.1.3. 原因占前三位的统计
Stat. the reason for scrap in front the third for Pos.plates
explanation 分析说明:
a. 2012年1月-11月XX 报废率平均值为0.12%,在目标值0.40%内,较去年同期升高0.02%。

The average of pos. plate scrap rate from Jan to Nov of 2012 is 0.12%,less than the target value 0.40%,and comparison with last year as the same time is raised by 0.02%.
b. 本年度XX 报废主要原因为排管原因报废,占整个报废比例的75%。

gauntlet scrap is the main reason for Pos. plate scraps of this year
1.2. Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction score ≥9.0(10score)
Explanation 分析说明

Last year, The score is reduceing.
b.顾客满意度分值的分析 产品的顾客满意度分值的分析




2. 2011-2012年环境目标指标和管理方案完成情况统计分析
The report on the status of environment objective achieved during 2012
Comparison of environment objective achieved between 2011 and 2012
1.1单位产品水的消耗The water consumption of unit products
1.3 12年1-11月排放污水中铅的总量以及污水排放中Pb的浓度Total lead content in the waste water discharged
2、分析说明Data analysis:
①统计2012年1月~2012年11月共计消耗水量为73948吨,产量为651892KWh,单位产品水耗0.113吨/ KWh (11年1月-11月总计消耗水量为84358吨,产量为580090KWh,单位产品水耗0.145吨/ KWh),单位产品水耗较11年同期下降:22.1%。


②统计2012年1月~2012年11月共计电耗14586900度, 产量为651892KWh,单位产品电耗22.4度/ KWh(11年1月-11月总计消耗电量为13506350度,产量为580090KWh,单耗23.2度/ KWh),单位产品电耗较11年同期下降了3.45%。



③统计2012年1月~2012年11月排放污水中铅的总量为 14.68Kg,铅浓度平均值为0.235mg/L(2011年全年排放污水中铅的总量为11.48Kg,铅浓度平均值为0.196mg/L)铅排放总量较11年上升(21.80%)27.9%,铅排放平均浓度较11年上升(16.60%)19.9%。


④统计2012年1月~2012年11月共计报废极板40684kg,产量为651892KWh,极板报废率为0.062 kg/kwh,(2011年1月-11月共计报废极板22165kg,产量为580090kwh,极板报废率为0.038 kg/kwh),极板报废率较2011年上升23.2%。


建议: Suggestion
在极板报废率及上, 需要对各个生产工序加强管理,以减少报废极板的产生量。

3. 2012年XX(武汉)公司进料质量分析报告
The analysis report of incoming material quality in 2012Y
Incoming material batch qualified rate (%)
1、完成状况统计对比图表(Dec.of last year-Oct.of next year)
Above diagram shows that lids and containers are with the most unqualified batches. The following table contains
Total 7163 batches of Arrival Goods of 2011year(2011.1—2011.11)with 40 unqualified batches.
Total 7544 batches of Arrival Goods of current year(2012.1—2012.11)with 35 unqualified batches.
其中不合格批次主要集中在产品的外壳和中盖,共计25批次,占不合格批次的71.40%(25/35=71.4%),Deliveries of lids and containers occupied the most number of unqualified batches of deliveries-amounting to 25 unqualified batches and taking up 71.4%of total unqualified deliveries.


二、2012年纠正措施和效果验证corrective actions and effect verification

Corrective actions had been taken for all material nonconformities and result in the reduction of unqualified materials. The qualification rate of materials all reaches target value in 2010.

4. 2012Y客户抱怨处理汇总
Claim Information analysis in 2012Y
1、Stat. of claim for Reserve power battery in 2012

●Responsibility analysis
●Analysis cause
Cause analysis
2、Stat. of claim for motive power battery in 2012
●Claim affairs and Lost Cost in 2012 (1-11 month)
●Responsibility analysis
Analysis cause
The data from the monthly report for after-sale service
5. 2012年公司生产过程质量分析报告
The report on the product process quality in 2012 year
一、Comparisons of plate CPK between 2011and 2012
1.Process capability(for example P555 and P445 in paste filling and pasting):Target Cpk≥0.9 1.1 Process capability for Neg.
1.13 Comparison of P555-1/2 neg CPK in pasting between 2011and 2012
1.14 Comparison of P555-1/1 neg CPK in pasting between 2011 and 2012
1.2 Comparison of P445-19T CPK Between 2011and 2012
2、Data analysis 数据分析
过程能力指数Process capability:


对于P445, P555,XX工序的过程能力指数的平均值达到了目标值。

Corrective and preventive actions for process quality control of year 2010:

A quality meeting was held for each month. Quality problems were analyzed for the month and corrective and preventive actions were taken to enhance the process quality control capacity.
6. 生产工艺和产品质量改进报告
The report on the technical and product improvements

2.产品开发Product development

Technical department:
7. 2012公司环境绩效
Environmental performance in 2012
一、公司重大环境因素有:Significant environmental aspects
1、废水(工业污水(铅));Industrial waste water discharge (lead-containing)
2、废气(包括铅烟、铅尘);Lead fume, lead dust emission
3、酸雾的排放;Sulfuric acid fog emission
4、含铅固废;Lead containing solid wastes disposal
5、水的消耗;water consumption
6、电的消耗;power consumption
7、硫酸的泄漏spillage of sulfuric acid
8、氢氧化钠溶液的泄漏spillage of sodium hydroxide solution
explosion of acetylene cylinder/hydrogen gas cylinder/oxygen cylinder, natural gas explosion
10、火灾fire disaster
11、环保设施出现故障failure of environment protection facilities
●以上1-3种污染源每年一次由东西湖环保局指定的监测中心站来公司进行监测The above 1-3 polluting
sources are monitored on site by the monitoring center designated by Dongxihu Environmental Protection Bureau annually.



Monitoring points: 3 sampling points at waste water treatment inlet, outlet and master discharge mouth;
12 sampling points at waste gas, process waste gas emitting sources, among them 7 at lead smoke and dust emitting points, 3 at acid mist discharge tower, 1 at coating process, 1 at cooking oil mist discharge point in the kitchen room.

The lead containing solid wastes of the
company have been collected and transferred to qualified company for disposal regularly.
●对于1、2、4公司制订了环境目标指标进行控制管理;The company has established environmental
objectives for the control of1.2.4.

For above 9-13 points the company has worked
out Emergency response plans and conducted corresponding drills periodically.

The waste water treatment is carried out in accordance with the Integrated Waste water Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).

The treated waste water of the company enters into the pipelines of the zone via master discharge mouth and runs into Dongdahu Lake in the end. According to the classification of environmental function zone, the receiving water body of company’s treated waste water is Dongdahu Lake. The category III of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB-3838) is the criterion. Total lead pollutant emission concentration shall comply with the middle standard limit value of Table 1 in Integrated Waste water Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) i.e. total lead emission concentration≤1.0mg/L. Other pollutants emission shall comply with the 1st class limit value of Table 4 in Integrated Waste water Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).

Waste gas emission shall comply with related requirements of Integrated Air Pollutant Discharge Standard (GB16297-1996)
公司所处地区环境空气质量为二类区;污染物排放执行GB16297-1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》表2中二级标准限值The environmental air quality of the area where the company is located is classified as 2nd class area. The pollutant emission shall comply with 2nd class limit value of Table 2 in Integrated Air Pollutant Discharge Standard (GB16297-1996)

The noise emitting shall observe the emission standard for industrial enterprises noise at boundary (GB12348-2008)
The area where the company is located is classified as 2nd class area according to sound environment classification. And the 2nd class limit value specified in the emission standard for industrial enterprises noise at boundary (GB12348-2008) shall be observed.
三、监测结果统计如下:Statistics of monitoring results
2.铅烟(尘)废气监测结果统计Monitoring results of lead smoke (dust)
铅烟尘排放浓度对比comparison of emission concentration for lead smoke between 2012 and 2011 测试位置Monitoring spot:设施出口Outlet of
3.喷塑粉尘监测结果Spray coating powder monitoring results 3.1喷塑粉尘排放浓度对比
comparison of emission concentration for spray coating powder
comparison of emission concentration for spray coating powder
4.厂界噪声监测结果统计Monitoring results of noise at enterprise boundary
5.含铅危险固体废弃物Hazardous lead containing solid waste
6.一般固体废弃物general solid wastes
7.少量的危险废弃物small quantity of hazardous wastes

Above statistics shows that company’s emission s of waste water, waste gas and noise meet related national standards.
2、一般废弃物(可回收)公司采取委外废品公司处理;The company has a contract with general wastes treatment company for the disposal general wastes (recoverable).

The company has
a contract with the Environmental Hygiene Management Brigade of Dongxihu District for the disposal of general wastes (nonrecoverable, e.g. domestic wastes)
a. 不可回收危险废弃物如办公用油墨、复印机的硒鼓、IT设备及零配件等全部由供货商进行登记回收。

The supplier is responsible for register and disposal of its own nonrecoverable hazardous wastes such as printing ink, Se drum and certain components of IT equipments.
b. 少量的危险废弃物如废油漆、废环氧胶、废机油等进行分类回收统一交武汉汉氏环保工程公司处理,

数量如下: Small quantity of hazardous wastes such as waste paints, waste epoxy glue and waste machine oil was sorted and collected before transferred to Wuhan Hanshi Environmental Protection Engineering Company for disposal. The company has signed a waste disposal and treatment contract with Wuhan Hanshi. The dispoal of hazardous wastes shall observe The quintuplicate-sheet administration regulation for the transfer of hazardous wastes.
四.化学品管理情况Management of chemicals
①建立化学品清单,包括使用部门、危险类别、存放地点、管理责任人;A list of chemicals has been worked out. The list includes use departments, class of risk, storage location and responsible person.
②在化学品使用区张贴了“危险品”、“防火”、“防爆”、“有害”等警示标签,提醒员工注意;For raising
operators’ attention, warning signs (Danger!,Fire risk!, Explosion risk!, Hazardous!) have been put up in areas where chemicals are used.
③发放MSDS,让员工学习并熟悉相关化学品的安全特性及相关应急与救援措施;Material MSDS has been
distributed among operators for getting acquaintance of safety features of related chemicals as well as emergency response and rescue measures.
④每月定期检查化学品存放、使用情况;The storage and use of chemicals are inspected monthly.

Chemical wastes have been sorted
and stored according to their classification and transferred to qualified disposal companies by the
Environmental supervisor of the company.
五.紧急情况的控制The control of emergency accident
1. 应急预案的演练Drills of Emergency preparedness and response
2.现场安全环境检查check the workplace safety and environment 情况如下表See the following table:
8. 合规性评价结果报告
The report of evaluation of legal compliance

The company has carried through the Evaluation of legal compliance for year 2012.

Conclusion of Evaluation: Through the evaluation of company’s emission management system for waste water, waste gas, noise and solid wastes (hazardous wastes and chemicals), the operational management of waste treatment facilities and fire fighting equipments as well as the assessment of energy consumption and relative measuring data, the company environmental behaviors (production activities and service activities) are in compliance with national and local laws and regulations.
For details see the Legal compliance evaluation report of XX Battery Systems (Wuhan) Co.LTD. 环境管理体系运行评价总结:The operational evaluation of EMS
通过建立运行ISO14001环境管理体系,全体员工的环境意识有了很大的提高,为顺利开展ISO14001提供了人力资源保障;The environmental awareness of all employees has been greatly enhanced by the establishment and operation of ISO14001 environmental management system of the company. These actions offered a guarantee of human sources for the smooth implementation of ISO14001 environmental management system.

The environmental policy, objectives, targets and programs of the company are appropriate.

The operation of company’s environmental management system is sufficient and effective.
9. 2012年人力资源状况分析及培训效果评价
Human resource status analysis and training effectiveness appraisal of year 2012
一、2012年人力资源现状Human resources state of year 2011
1 自2012年12月底,公司实际在册人数450人,其中女员工87人,比例为19.3%,男员工363人,

By the end of December 2011 the number of actual registered employees of the company reached 450 Among them 87 are female employees, 363 are male employees and the percentage is 19.3% and 80.7% prospectively.
1.1 按学历划分:classification by education degree
本科及以上学历:94 with bachelor‘s degree (BS or BA) and above
大专学历:67 with associate degree
中专(高中)学历:101 technical school (or senior high school)
初中及以下学历:188 junior high school or below
1.2 按职能划分:classification by functions
管理人员:153 administration personnel
专业人员:79 professional personnel
直接生产人员:244 direct production people
2 2012年1至12月新进员工87人(其中一线生产员工66人,其他员工21人)From Jan. to Dec.,2012
the number of new recruiting employees amounted to 87(among them 66 are direct production people and 21 of other positions )
3 2012年1至12月辞职79员工(其中直接生产人员辞职68人, 其他员工辞职11人, 月度流失率平均

From Jan. to Dec. 2012 totaling116 employees left the company (among them 107 are
direct production people and 9 of other positions. The monthly resignation rate is 1.3%).
二、2012年人力资源特点Human resource characteristics of year 2010



今年的月度流失率平均1.3%, 属正常范围内。

From Jan. to Dec., 2012 totaling 79 employees left the company (among them 68 are direct production people and covering 86% of all resignations). The main reasons of resignation: working environment is harmful to the health, relative lower wages etc. Besides, very few employees were dismissed by the company because of severe violation of company rules. The monthly average resignation rate is 1.3% and within the normal range.
三、今后的改善措施Improvement measures for the future
1.加强对员工招聘时的筛选strengthen the screening when recruiting new employees
2.在分配方式激励机制上想法留住员工Increase the retention of employees by improving the pay
structure and incitement mechanism
3.不断改善工作环境,加强员工职业卫生意识continuously improve working environment and enhance
the occupational health awareness among employees.
4.关心新进员工,为新员工提供免费宿舍及餐饮Care about the new employees, to provide free
accommodation for new employees
Training effectiveness appraisal of year 2012
根据2012年度的培训计划,完成了共计46项的培训,内容涵盖了企业文化、安全管理(安全生产、消防安全等)、产品(包括核电)生产工艺与技术、核电安全文化和核质保体系、海关新政、国际焊接工艺认证、特种作业操作培训(叉车、电工等)、企业战略、法律法规、精益生产、清洁生产审核员、职业卫生、财务报表及分析、项目管理等14多个方面,全年培训员工达到769人次,培训员工覆盖率达到77%以上,大致为以下:According to the training plan o f 2012 all together 46 training courses covering 14 scopes have been completed. These courses include corporate culture,safety management(production safety;fire-fighting), battery (include Nuclear rank battery)production process and technology, nuclear ind ustrial safety culture and quality assurance system;new policy of CIQ;international of welding technology, Strategic enterprise management;Legal lectures;Lean production ; Cleanness production Audit training occupation health Finance statistic licenseetc;p roject management,The total training volume amounts to 769person-times and covers 77% of all employees. See the following table for

2 无证书的培训,人事行政部与相关主管负责对其培训后效果的跟踪,一般为期3个月。

3 大型的公共培训,由人事行政部收集学员的反馈意见结合考试的方式来跟踪培训效果。


The company applies 3 appraisal approaches for the evaluation of training effects:
1、The trainees of external training shall pass the examination held by relevant training organizations and obtain the certificate.
2、For non-certification training HR &Admin. Department and relevant department manager shall follow up the training effects for a period of 3 months normally.
3、The large scale public training. The appraisal method: collect the feedbacks of trainees and hold an examination to follow up the training effects. Through the above mentioned trainings related personnel have enhanced his/her competence and professional skills.
10. 管理体系内部审核报告
11. 上年(2011年)管理评审输出跟踪验证Following-up and verification the output for management review last year
12. 2012年TLC认证管理评审输入报告
Input report for TLC in 2012
13. 纠正预防措施执行状况
The implementation of corrective and preventive actions
Corrective and preventive actions for incoming inspection, process inspection, final inspection and customer complaint

The above mentioned corrective and preventive actions can be found respectively in “Incoming material quality analysis report”,” process quality analysis report”, “quality target analysis” and “customer complains analysis”.
2012年质量管理体系内审2012 QMS internal audit 2012年环境管理体系内审2012 EMS internal audit
Quantity of Nonconformities
13 6
己关闭项closed nonconformities 13 6 未关闭项not closed nonconformities 2 0 company has modified and improved 8 documents and 2 record forms
Corrective and preventive actions for nonconformities detected in the second
客户名称Customer Name CROWN US
Audit Date 2012.9.
不合格项数量Quantity of
not closed nonconformities

The results of these audit been fully recognized by the customers.
第三方名称Third Party TUV audit for QEMS
Second follow-up audits
Hubei export quality license
5 3
5 0
结论conclusion OK 正在实施中

During Jan-Dec. 2012, TUV and Hubei commodity inspection and testing bureau conducted supervision and audit on XX Wuhan. They identified total 29 non conformities. The corrective and preventive actions for these nonconformities have been followed up and verified by third party. All nonconformities are closed.

Aiming at the above nonconformities the company has modified and improved 4 documents and 3 record form.

The company has made causes analysis and taken corrective and preventive actions for all nonconformities and got good results.

Relevant departments offer active support and cooperation in the establishment and implementation of corrective and preventive actions for quality problems involving multiple departments.
公司开始成立质量反馈激励制度Promoting principl e for Quality Prevention

