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<div bdsfid="139" class="content"><p bdsfid="140">宁夏沙湖导游词景点介绍(精选5篇)</p><h2 bdsfid="141">宁夏沙湖景点介绍篇1</h2><p bdsfid="143"> 我们都知道唐代诗人白居易在他的《忆江南》一诗中曾对江南水乡有过这样的描述:日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝;然而在中国塞上江南,再放异彩等题词,包括我们景区大门上的沙湖两个字。




目前为止,沙湖已经</p><p bdsfid="144"> 沙湖旅游区自1990年开始接待游客,平均年接待游客50万人次,近几年沙湖每年接待100多万中外游客;“沙湖”顾名思义,既有沙、又有湖、金沙碧湖在这里巧妙地融合构成了一副粗狂而秀美的绚丽画家旅游局评为国家5A级景区。


</p><p bdsfid="145"> 设的景点项目有:湿地博物馆、湖心鸟岛、水上滑梯、划船、观鱼、垂钓、滑沙、骑骆驼等旅游娱乐项目,在这要提醒大家的是在沙湖参鱼类、鸟类,栖居着白鹤、黑鹤、天鹅等十数种珍鸟奇禽。



由于盛产鱼类,在沙湖附近的餐馆里,专门设有</p><h2 bdsfid="146">宁夏沙湖导游词景点介绍篇
2</h2><p bdsfid="147"> 汇地带最具有魅力和发展潜力的旅游城市之一,它建于公元年(也就是唐高宗凤仪三年)至今已有1300多年历史。

公元1038年,党项族首领李元昊建立了西夏国,银川为国都,当时称兴庆府,历时岩画、拜寺口双塔等等;</p><p bdsfid="148"> 各位团友,我们大家下榻的银川国际饭店马上就要到了,银川国际饭店是按国际五星级标准兴建的,饭店占地6万平方米,相信大家明天我们参观的景点分别是沙湖、镇北堡西部影城、西夏王陵,我们</p><p bdsfid="149"> A652657;00大家洗漱完毕可以前往一楼西餐厅用自助早餐,我们8:30准时出发,好了,大家带好随身物品随我下车啦!</p><p bdsfid="150"> 各位团友;大家早上好,按照行程安排我们今天前往被誉为塞上明珠的沙湖生态旅游区,沙湖位于银川平原北部,石嘴山市平罗县境内,在姚叶高速公路(也就是我们现在行驶的公路)和包兰铁路交叉点,交通十分便利。


</p><h2 bdsfid="151">宁夏沙湖导游词景点介绍篇3</h2><p bdsfid="152"> 沙湖的面积从西南的长胜东沙窝到东北的米家沙窝全长25公里,从西北的归德沟洪积扇下洼地到东南的包兰铁路宽12公里,总面积至少在200平方公里到300平方公里,甚至更大。





</p><p bdsfid="153"> 沙湖旅游季节很强,每年的五至十月份是“有朋自远方来”的黄颖有趣,让您玩在沙湖,乐在冬季。

</p><p bdsfid="154"> 各位团友,我们的车号是66666。


</p><h2 bdsfid="155">宁夏沙湖导游词景点介绍篇4</h2><p bdsfid="156"> macau is small, turn a body, a few steps crag, from a church came toanother temple; somewhat persistent, sailed through the streets of the old, notmany, but found that returned to the starting point. but can be more famousscenic spot, macau's most distinctive is, of course, the casino! it's a pitythat children can't go in. we live in the hotel inside the fisherman's wharf,called les hotel, rice is a graceful british hotel, quietly located in macaofisherman's wharf on the ends of the earth, sending out the faint and elegantbreath... ... les hotel, experience the charm of the victorian era!</p><p bdsfid="157"> in the evening, we shared dinner buffet at fisherman's wharf africanvillage, (with barbecue themed restaurant in south africa), the food isdelicious! oh, forget to introduce you to fisherman's wharf, fisherman's wharfconstruction in different countries, there
are people in different countries tovisit, it is not a single places of entertainment, but also a comprehensiveliberty hall. characteristic shops standing here, more of the type of lan kwaifong, european-style restaurant bar. completion and casino, hotel, later will bedifferent elements integrated into an organic whole, like a small city. alone,one or two hours is enough. with 24 hours a day free admission all-weatheroperations, beer and skittles all ages, sexes all its will.</p><p bdsfid="158"> the second day, we went to a new road, the road is the official name of theasian american play, lou boulevard, but macao people call it the new road, isthe main street downtown, everywhere native portuguese traces of life.</p><p bdsfid="159"> at beginning of the new east end of the road, on both sides by a pebbleinto a pattern of pavement laid by flowers miniascape and upright, antique lampsand chose here, as a starting point, because the west of the road near thebeach, we are coming from a far country, and finally saw not far from the waveslapping and seems to be more in line with the people's psychological needs, canfeel very satisfied.</p><p bdsfid="160"> then we went to the new yaohan, eight new yaohan layer, a second is thecosmetics, the third floor is to buy clothes, children's products for selling inthe 6th floor, we will go back home to the new yaohan.</p><p
bdsfid="161"> i am reluctant to go to the end of the short and happy journey!</p><h2 bdsfid="162">宁夏沙湖导游词景点介绍篇5</h2><p bdsfid="163"> 洪崖洞位于重庆市核心商圈解放碑沧白路、长江、嘉陵江两江交汇的滨江地带,是新兴的集娱乐、休闲、观光、餐饮于一体的大型功能区域,也是时下重庆最火爆、最时尚、最具风情的都市休闲区。


</p><p bdsfid="164"> 游客可观吊脚群楼、观洪崖滴翠,逛山城老街、赏巴渝文化,烫山城火锅、看两江汇流,品天下美食。



</p><p bdsfid="165"> 纸盐河酒吧街:拥有全球连锁海盗酒吧等知名酒吧,不但引领重庆新娱乐生活方式,也带动重庆夜生活的新标向。

</p><p bdsfid="166"> 天成巷巴渝风情街:为世人展示的一种不同于以往的时尚潮流,以2300前年的巴渝盛景为载体,展示出当时盛行于世的青砖、石瓦、红檐绿瓦的古典民居。

</p><p bdsfid="167"> 盛宴美食街:展现的则是一种“另类美食城”的盛景,一个集中外古今名店于一堂的美食盛景。

