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兴Pro ect su pp orted b y the U.S.NationaI Science Foundation (CHE-0111635)and the AIfred P.SIoan Foundation.Dedication to Professor Lou Nan g uan on the occation of his 80’s birthda y .兴兴Corres p ondin g author ;fax :909-787-4713;E-maiI : in g son g .zhan g @ ;aIso at Air PoIIution Research Center ,Universit y of CaIifornia ,Riverside ,CA 92521.Received date :2002-05-01.
Ultraviolet Photodissociation D y namics of
1-Pro p anol and 2-Pro p anol b y Hi g h-!
R y dber g -atom Time-of-fli g ht
(HRTOF )Techni g ue 兴Zhou Weidon g ,Zhan g Jin g son g 兴
兴(De p artment O f Chemistr y ,Uniuersit y O f Cali f Ornia ,Riuerside ,CA 92521)
abstract 193.3nm p hotodissociation d y namics of et-cooIed 1-p ro p anoI and 2-p ro p anoI has been examined b y usin g hi g h-n R y dber g -atom time-of-fIi g ht
(HRTOF )techni g ue.Isoto p e IabeIin g stud y indicates that O -H bond fission is the p rimar y H-atom p roduction channeI.Center-of-mass
(CM )p roduct transIationaI ener gy reIease of this channeI is Iar g e ,with 〈f T 〉=0.76for H +1-p ro p ox y and 0.78for H +2-p ro p ox y .Maximum CM transIationaI ener gy reIease y ieIds an u pp er Iimit of the O -H bond dissociation ener gy :(43212)kJ /moI in 1-p ro p anoI and (43312)kJ /moI in 2-p ro p anoI.H-atom p roduct an g uIar distribution is anisotro p ic
(with !二-0.79for 1-p ro p anoI and -0.77for 2-p ro p anoI ),indi-catin g a short excited-state Iifetime.The 193.3nm H-atom dissociation of both 1-p ro p anoI and 2-p ro p anoI is p rom p t and occurs on a re p uIsive excited-state p otentiaI ener gy surface.Ke y words
Photodissociation d y namics ,1-p ro p anoI ,2-p ro p anoI
CLC number :O 64
Document code :A
(UV )p hotochemistr y of smaII satu-rated aIcohoIs via the first UV absor p tion bands
(S 1卜S 0)has been studied before [1-10]
.These UV absor p -
tion bands are centered at 185nm ;the y are broad ,featureIess ,and nearI y identicaI.The transition is due to p romotion of an eIectron from the non-bondin g 2p !orbitaI on the ox yg en atom to an excited orbitaI which
has been described as either an antibondin g "兴(O -H )orbitaI ,a 3s R y dber g orbitaI or a combination of
both (n o 一"
兴/3s )[11,12].It is weII known that CH 3OH 一CH 3O +H is the dominant fra g mentation channeI in the UV p hotodis-sociation of methanoI via its first absor p tion band be-tween 165200nm [1-3,5,6]
.TransIationaI ener gy re-
Iease and an g uIar distribution of this channeI have been measured b y Do pp Ier broadened fIuorescence Iine
sha p e of the nascent H-atoms [5]
and the HRTOF
techni g ue
,indicatin g that the first eIectronic excit-ed state of CH 3OH (via n o 一"兴/3s )is re p
uIsive in the O -H coordinate and dissociates ra p idI y .The
concIusion is consistent with the theoreticaI studies of
methanoI p hotochemistr y [8-10]
SimiIarI y ,the O -H bond cIeava g e is the main
dissociation channeI in the UV p hotoI y sis of ethanoI
via its first absor p tion band [1-3,6,7]
.A Iar g e fraction of
avaiIabIe ener gy is channeIed into transIation of
the H +ethox y fra g ments ,with 〈E T 〉
=0.84E avaiI at 193.3nm p hotoI y sis [7]
.A p er p endicuIar eIectronic transition with an anisotro p ic p arameter (!=-0.9)has been observed at 193.3nm ,simiIar to that of
methanoI.The simiIar behaviors observed in the UV
p hotoi y sis of smaii aicohois are consistent with their simiiar and iocaiized eiectronic excitations,in which a ione-p air p!eiectron on the ox yg en atom is p romoted to the antibondin g"!(O-H)orbitai or3s R y dber g orbitai that under g oes ra p id dissociation.
Com p ared to methanoi and ethanoi,p hotochem-istr y of p ro p anoi is iittie studied[2-4].H-atom eiimi-nation has been re p orted to be im p ortant in the p ho-toi y sis of1-and2-p ro p anoi,which com p etes with other dissociation p athwa y s invoivin g C-C and C-O bond fission[2-4].However,the fra g mentation mech-anism is stiii unciear.In this work,the hi g h-n R y d-ber g-atom time-of-fii g ht(HRTOF)techni g ue is a p-p iied to stud y the H-atom eiimination channei in the UV p hotoi y sis of1-and2-p ro p anoi.Product center-of-mass(CM)transiationai ener gy and an g uiar distri-butions are obtained,reveaiin g the detaiied p hotodis-sociation d y namics of the p ro p anois.
2Ex p eriment
The HRTOF setu p has been described p revious-i y7,13-16.A p uised moiecuiar beam was p roduced b y ex p andin g a mixture of2%5%p ro p anoi in He(at a totai p ressure of120kPa)into the source chamber,and was coiiimated b y a1mm diameter skimmer at 2.5cm downstream.Both1-and2-p ro p anoi sam p ies were commerciai p roducts(Fisher,99.7%p urit y)and were used without further p urification.At5cm downstream the skimmer,a193.3nm p hotoi y sis ra-diation(t yp icaii y3mJ from an ArF excimer iaser,fo-cused with a70cm f.l.iens)crossed with the moiecuiar beam.For an g uiar distribution measure-ments,the193.3nm radiation was p oiarized with a ten-p iate stack of UV fused siiica siides p iaced at the Brewster's an g ie,with a de g ree of p oiarization of-90%.The H-atom p hoto p roducts resuitin g from the 193.3nm p hotoi y sis of p ro p anois were first excited to the22P state b y the L y man-#radiation at121.6nm,and were further excited to a hi g h-n R y dber g state (n4090)b y a UV radiation at366nm.The L y-man-#radiation was g enerated b y tri p iin g the364.7 nm out p ut of a d y e iaser in a Kr ceii.The hi g h-n R y-dber g H-atom fra g ments are radiativei y metastabie and drifted with their nascent veiocities toward a mi-cros p here p iate detector,and were detected after be-in g fieid-ionized in front of the detector.The nominai fii g ht ien g th was37.1cm.The TOF s p ectra were recorded and avera g ed b y usin g a muitichannei scaier. The H-atom TOF s p ectra p resented here re p resent the resuits of50thousands iaser shots.
3Results and discussion
The H-atom TOF s p ectra from p hotodissociation of1-and2-p ro p anoi at193.3nm are shown in Fi g.1 a and b,res p ectivei y.The arrivai times in both s p ec-tra are in the ran g e of2030$s.The corres p ondin g CM p roduct transiationai ener gy distributions P(E T)' s,which are converted from the H-atom TOF s p ec-tra[16],are shown in Fi g.2a and b.Preiiminar y re-suits from isoto p e iabeiin g studies indicate that O-
Time of fii g ht/$s
Fi g.1H-atom TOF s p ectra from p hotodissociation of
p ro p anois at193.3nm(iaser p ower was3mJ/p uise
CM transiationai ener gy/(kJ/moi)
Fi g.2CM p roduct transiationai ener gy distributions P(E T)'s
derived from the TOF s p ectra in Fi g.1
bond fission is the p rimar y H-atom p roduction channeI in p ro p anoIs.The p hotoI y sis p ower de p endence of the H-atom TOF s p ectra and the maximum transIationaI
ener gy reIease in the P (E T )'s are consistent with one-p hone p hotodissociation p rocesses in both 1-and
2-p ro p anoI in this ex p eriment.
The P
(E T )'s of both CH 3CH (OH )CH 3and C 2H 5CH 2OH p hotodissociation are g uite Iar g e.The fraction of the totaI avaiIabIe ener gy into fra g ments'transIation is f T =0.76for 1-p ro p anoI and 0.78for 2-p ro p anoI.These resuIts are simiIar to that of 193.3
nm p hotoI y sis of methanoI [6]
with f T =0.82and ethanoI [7]with f T =0.8.Such a Iar g e p roduct trans-IationaI ener gy reIease su gg ests a ra p id dissociation
takin g p Iace on a re p uIsive p otentiaI ener gy surface (PES )before internaI conversion.In addition ,both
p ro p anoIs have nearI y identicaI P
(E T )'s in the H-atom eIimination p rocesses ,indicatin g ver y simiIar
dissociation mechanisms.
From the measured maximum transIationaI ener-
gy reIease and the p rinci p Ie of ener gy conservation ,an u pp er Iimit of the bond dissociation ener gy ,D 0(C 2H 5CH 2O-H )and D 0((CH 3)2CHO-H )
,can be estimated [16]
.With a maximum transIationaI ener gy reIease 187kJ /
moI for 1-p ro p anoI ,a vaIue D 0(C 2H 5CH 2O-H )!(43212)kJ /moI is derived.The uncertaint y in de-terminin g the bond ener gy is 2kJ /moI ,incIudin g the p hotoI y sis Iaser Iinewidth and the uncertaint y in
identif y in g the maximum ener gy reIease.This resuIt of D 0(C 2H 5CH 2O-H )is in g ood a g reement with the
430kJ /moI vaIue b y Ross et al.
.SimiIarI y ,an O -H bond ener gy in 2-p ro p anoI is derived to be (433
kJ /moI.The H-atom p roduct an g uIar distributions in the
1-and 2-p ro p oanoI dissociation have been investi g ated b y usin g IinearI y p oIarized Iaser radiation.Fi g .3shows the H-atom TOF s p ectra from p hotodissociation of 1-p ro p anoI b y p oIarized 193.3nm Iaser with its p o-Iarization direction p araIIeI or p er p endicuIar to the TOF axis.LinearI y p oIarized Ii g ht p referentiaII y ex-cites those sam p Ie moIecuIes with their eIectronic tran-sition di p oIe moment p araIIeI to the eIectric vector !of the p oIarized Iaser radiation.The p hotofra g ment
an g uIar distribution is g iven b y
I (!)=(1/4)"[1+#P 2(cos
!)]where #is the anisotro py p arameter (-1!!
!2),!is the an g Ie between the eIectric vector of the p oIarized Iaser radiation !and the recoiIin g veIocit y vector
of the H-atom p roduct (the direction of detection ),and P 2(cos !)is the second Le g endre p oI y nomiaI.
From the measured H-atom TOF s p ectra with the p o-Iarized p hotoI y sis radiation ,a si g nificant anisotro py in the an g uIar distribution is observed.After the correc-tion for im p erfect p oIarization of the p hotoI y sis Ii g ht ,a s p atiaI anisotro py p arameter #"-0.79is obtained for 1-p ro p anoI and -0.77for 2-p ro p anoI.This ne g a-tive #vaIue indicates that the transition di p oIe mo-ment is p er p endicuIar to the O -H bond from where the H-atom recoiIs ,and that the p ro p anoI moIecuIe dissociates in a time scaIe that is shorter than its rota-tionaI p eriod.Thus it is concIuded that the dissocia-tion of O -H bond in the p ro p anoIs at 193.3nm is a p rom p t p rocess ,which IikeI y occurs on a re p uIsive ex-
cited-state PES.The #vaIues for the p ro p anoIs are simiIar to the re p orted vaIues for methanoI (#=-0.
60or -0.70)[6]and for ethanoI (#=-0.90)[7].
Time of fIi g ht /"s
Fi g .3
H-atom TOF s p ectra of 193.3nm p hotodissociation of 1-p ro p anoI ,with the p oIarization !vector of the p hotoI y sis radiation p er p endicuIar and p araIIeI to the TOF axis The si g naIs have been normaIized to the same Iaser p ower and Iaser shots.
In the UV p hotoI y sis of methanoI and ethanoI ,the O -H bond fission has been shown to be the main source of H-atom p roducts and aIso the ma or dissocia-tion channeI [6,7]
.In the earI y p hotochemistr y stud y of 2-p ro p anoI ,the H-atom p roduct channeI has aIso
been identified as the p redominant p athwa y[3].In ad-
dition,the d y namic information of the p hotodisso-ciation of both p ro p anoIs(such as P(E T)'s and an g u-Iar distributions)is essentiaII y identicaI,and is aIso ver y simiIar to that of methanoI and ethanoI.This is consistent with the common nature of the first eIec-tronic excited states of these smaII saturated aIcohoIs. The first absor p tion bands of methanoI,ethanoI and p ro p anoIs have identicaI sha p e and Iocation,and the corres p ondin g eIectronic excitation via the I o!!"/3s transition is Iar g eI y Io-caIized on the H-0-C moiet y and is essentiaII y the same for these smaII aIcohoIs.With the IocaIized exci-tation in H-0-C and the re p uIsive nature of the first eIectronic excited state(aIon g the0-H coordi-nate),the UV p hotodissociation of1-and2-p ro p anoI is simiIar to that of methanoI and ethanoI,and the H-atom dissociation channeI in p ro p anoIs is p rom p t and occurs on a re p uIsive excited-state PES.
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摘要:利用高里德堡态氢原子飞行时间(HRT0F)探测技术,研究了正丙醇和异丙醇的紫外光解动力学过程.在193.3nm光辐射下,0-H键快速断裂过程构成主要的氢原子生成通道.伴随0-H键的碎裂,相当大的一部分能量转换成氢原子及其相应碎片的平动能(正丙醇〈f v〉=0.76;异丙醇〈f v〉=0.78).氢原子碎片具有各向异性的角度分布;其角分布异向因子!分别为-0.79(正丙醇)和-0.77(异丙醇).研究结果表明,吸收1个193.3nm光子后,丙醇分子跃迁到一个寿命很短的电子激发态;沿着0-H反应坐标,该激发态势能面是排斥的,因而0-H键快速断裂.此外,还得到了丙醇的0-H键离解能:(43212)kJ/moI(正丙醇)和(43312)kJ/moI(异丙醇).
"美国自然科学基金(CHE-0111635)和AIfred P.SIoan基金资助项目.祝贺楼南泉院士80华诞.
""通讯联系人,E-maiI:in g son g.zhan g@
作者:周卫东, 张劲松
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2.Von Sonntag C;McGlynn S P in Photophysics and Photochemistry in the Vacuum Ultraviolet 1985
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4.Zare R N查看详情 1972
5.Zhang J;Dulligan M;Wittig C查看详情 1995
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16.Satyapal S;Park J;Bersohn R查看详情[外文期刊] 1989
17.Ross P L;van Bramer S E;Johnston M V查看详情[外文期刊] 1996
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