碧云天生物技术/Beyotime Biotechnology 订货热线:400-1683301或800-8283301 订货e-mail :******************技术咨询:*****************网址:碧云天网站 微信公众号谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶检测试剂盒(NADPH 法)产品编号 产品名称包装 S0056谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶检测试剂盒(NADPH 法)100次产品简介:谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶检测试剂盒(NADPH 法)(Cellular Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit with NADPH)是一种简单易行的通过紫外比色来检测细胞、组织或其它样品中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Glutathione peroxidase, GPx)活性的试剂盒。
本试剂盒的使用灵活方便,样品用量和检测时间的范围宽,样品用量可以根据样品中GPx 的活力在0.1-50微升之间调整,检测时间可以根据样品中GPx 的活力在5-30分钟内进行调整。
修理实例Repair Manual现象描述: 红灯闪一下的故障,故障部位有两个:一是P 板各路电源有的没有输出造成A 板总线没有电源。
二是A 板故障,通常是因为各IC 之间通讯不通造成的。
原因分析: 测量P 板输出排插,发现有待机5V 、待机15V 输出,但没有15VcVDA 、VSUS 输出。
P 板电路原理分析:该机的P 板电路比效简单,有三个开关电源电路:1、待机电源电路由IC201、T200组成。
输出待机5V 、15V 。
2、PFC 电路由IC100、T100组成。
产生390V 电源。
3、VSUS 、VDA 、15V 电源由同一个开关电源产生:IC301、T301、T300。
上述三个开关电源工作的前后时间顺序是有严格的规定的:通电后待机电源先工作,不论面板上的电源开关是否闭合,只要接通220V 市电,待机电源就工作。
产生并输出待机5V 、15V 电压。
待机电源开始工作后,在待机电源变压器T200:1—2绕组间产生的脉冲电压经D209整流C210滤波,产生24V 电源电压,经开关管Q100加到两个三端稳压器输入端:经IC101输出20V 电源,经IC102输出15V 电源。
其中20V 电源是给IC301供电的,用于产生VSUS 、VDA 、15V 电源,IC102输出的15V 电源给IC100供电,用于产生PFC 电源。
由此看出:只有待机电源先工作,PFC 电源振荡IC 才能得电工作。
产生PFC 电源电压后,将此PFC 电源加给Q304、Q305、Q306、Q307。
VSUS 、VDA 、15V 电源才能随后工作。
这是PDP 电视机P 板工作的重要一环。
待机电源电路:IC201是单片开关电源专用IC ,只有三个引脚,外围电路最为简单。
其中2脚是IC 内大功率MOS 管的S 极,接地。
3脚是D 极,接开关电源变压器T200初级绕组。
电视机电源插头输入220V 市电后,经D200整流,C201滤波,产生300V 电压,加到T200初级绕组,并经T200:7、D204加到IC201的D 极,IC201开始振荡, T200初级流过脉冲电流,在次级产生脉冲电压,其中13—10绕组产生的脉冲电压经整流产生5V 待机电源。
红色/50630 灰色/12170 * 半光
82±1 4.1米2/升(以200微米干膜厚计) 25 1.4公斤/升 约6小时(20 ) 约14小时(20 ) 7天(20 ) 170克/升
施工说明 混合比率 施工方法 稀释剂 (最大用量) 混合使用时间 喷孔 喷出压力 工具清洗 漆膜厚度
基料45159 固化剂95450 1 1(体积比)
0.48 0.53毫米
施工完成后 立即用“老人”牌稀释剂08450或工具清洗剂99610清洗设备
注意 增加软管内径将会增加油漆流量 从而增大喷涂扇面 如果需要较长的软管
泵比率必须升至60 1以上 并且保持较高的喷出量 也可最多加入5 的稀释剂
08450 但过多的稀释会引起流挂 所以稀释时必须小心谨慎
最高耐温 见备注
干燥 80
在水中 无温差 30
经英国“纽卡斯尔职业健康协会”检测 本品对谷物无害 根据1987年版英国标准 BS476第七章 本品属于 级材料 耐火试验
颜色/色号 漆面 体积固体含量% 理论涂布率 闪点 比重 表面干 指触干 完全固化 挥发性有机化合 物含量(V.O.C)
标准条件下测得的混合使用时间为2小时 20
但是 如果在炎热气候条件(比
如温度达到约35 )下施涂20升混合漆料,基料和固化剂的化学反应所产生的热相
对缩短了实际的混合使用时间 因此 不管使用何种设备 混合好后应立即使用油
漆 (正常的涂漆速度是在约10分钟内用完20升油漆 )
低温条件下施工 若气温低于15 请参阅"老人"牌环氧漆45143的产品说明书
Olympus 数码照相机 SH-50 使用说明书
数码照相机SH-50使⽤说明书● 感谢您购买 Olympus 数码照相机。
● 我们建议您在拍摄重要影像之前,先试拍⼏张不重要的影像,确保您能正确⽆误地操作本照相机。
● 为持续改良产品考虑,Olympus 保留对本说明书中所包含信息进⾏更新或修改的权利。
2CHS检查箱中物品3211 ⼿带安装环2 接⼝盖3 多功能接⼝4 HDMI 微型接⼝5 ⾃拍定时器指⽰灯/AF 照明灯6 闪光灯7 镜头8 扬声器9 三脚架固定螺孔10 电池/插卡盖11 电池/插卡盖锁箭头钮H(左)F(上)(右)FGHI 指⽰按上/下/左/右箭头钮。
1⽴体声麦克风2 闪光灯开关3显⽰屏4变焦杆5快门钮6模式拨盘7n 按钮8指⽰灯9F 钮(拍摄动态影像)10A 按钮(OK)11箭头钮INFO(改变信息显⽰)#(闪光灯)Y(⾃拍定时)(删除)12q 按钮(切换拍摄和回放)13 钮3CHS4CHS插⼊和取出电池和卡(市售)1 按照步骤 1 和2 打开电池/插卡盖。
电池/插卡盖如图所⽰,将电池的 C 标记朝向电池锁扣插⼊。
在使⽤之前,请务必给电池充电,直到指⽰灯熄灭 (最多 4 ⼩时)。
切勿使⽤任何附带或 Olympus 指定以外的USB电缆。
附带的 F-2AC USB-AC 适配器 (以下均称为 USB-AC 适配器) 根据购买照相机的地区⽽异。
如果您拿到的是直接插⼊型 USB-AC 适配器,请将其直接插⼊ AC 插座。
附带的 USB-AC 适配器⽤于充电和播放。
照相机上连接了 USB-AC 适配器期间请勿拍照。
当充电完成或播放结束时,请务必从墙上插座断开 USB-AC 适配器的电源插头。
德国费希尔 8774A50、8776A50 电容式加速度计使用手册说明书
8774A _000-255 -07.08AccelerationCeramic Shear AccelerometerLight Weight, Voltage Mode, AccelerometerType 8774A50, 8776A...Type 8776A50Type 8776A50M1Type 8776A50M3Type 8776A50M6Small the Type 8774A… and Priced for OEM or low cost/channel applications Conforming to CE•••••e AMERICAN METRICG0.333/8" HEX.11,48774A _000-255 -07.08Page 2/3This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting from ©2008, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandTel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,e Technical DataSpecification Unit Type 8774A50Type 8776A50Acceleration range g ±50 ±50Acceleration limitg pk ±500 ±500Threshold, nom. (noise 300 µV rms ) g rms 0,003 0,003Sensitivity, ±15 %mV/g 100 100Resonant frequency mounted, nom. kHz 4440 (M3: 38)Frequency response, ±5 % Hz 1 … 10 0001 ... 7 000 Type 8776A...M3 Hz – 0,5 ... 4 000 Type 8776A...M6 Hz –1 ... 10 000Phase shift, <5° Hz 4 ...2 0004 ... 2 000Amplitude non-linearity %FSO 0,5 ±1Time constant, nom. s ≥0,5 ≥0,5 Type 8776A...M3s – ≥1Transverse sensitivity, nom. (max. 5) % 1,5 1,5 Type 8776A...M3 %–3EnvironmentalBase strain sensitivity @ 250 µe g/µe 0,0020,0005 Type 8776A...M3 g/µe – 0,001 Type 8776A...M6 g/µe – 0,002Shock limit (1 ms pulse)g pk 5 000 5 000Temperature coefficient of sensitivity %/°C –0,14 –0,14Operating temperature range °C –54 ... 121 –54 (121)Output Bias, nom. VDC 11 11Impedance Ω ≤100 ≤100Voltage full scale V ±5 ±5Current mA 2 2Source Voltage VDC 18 ... 30 18 ... 30Constant current mA 2 ... 20 2 (20)Construction Sensing element Type ceramic-shearceramic-shearHousing/basematerialtitaniumtitaniumDegree of protection case/connector (EN 60529)IP68 IP68 Connector Type 10-32 neg. 10-32 neg.Ground isolated with padno (M3: yes)Mass g 4 4 (M3: 4,3/M6: 4,5)Mounting TypeType – adhesive/waxType 8774A50, 8776A50M6 (10-32 thd.x3,3 dp) Type stud stud Mounting torque (Types 8774A50, 8776A50M6)N∙m221 g = 9,80665 m/s 2, 1 inch = 25,4 mm, 1 gram = 0,03527 oz, 1 lbf-in = 0,113 N∙m8774A _000-255 -07.08Page 3/3MountingReliable and accurate measurements require that the mounting surface be clean and flat. The sensors can be attached to the structure utilizing the integral stud, wax or adhesive.The instruction manual for the Type 8774A… and 8776A… pro-vides detailed information regarding mounting surface prepara-tion and proper application of adhesive.Included Accessories Type Mounting wax8432Optional AccessoriesType Adhesive mounting pad 8436Mounting magnet8452Mounting cube for Type 8774A...8524Cube for adhesive mounting Type 8776A...8526•••••Range ±50 g 50Variants Standard–Ground isolatedM1Ground isolated/long time constant M3Integral studM6Ordering KeyMeasuring ChainType1 Low impedance sensor8774/6A...2 Sensor cable, 10-32 pos. to BNC pos. 1761B...3 Power supply/signal conditioner 51…4 Output cable, BNC pos. to BNC pos.15114 item system5050 system(not supplied)1 2 3 4 561 2 3 41 2123451 2(not supplied)(not supplied)This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves theright to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting from ©2008, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandTel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,e。
Visibility Sensor PWD50Features•Accurate, traceable measurementof prevailing visibility•Versatile and easy to install•Easy to integrate•Robust and dependable•Weather-proof design reducesneed for maintenanceDependable operation of automated observation networks is a must today. Maritime observing systems need to work in inhospitable environments and also meteorological institutes face tough productivity and performance prerequisites. Vaisala Visibility Sensor PWD50 answers these needs with a mixture of robustness, dependability, versatility, and reliability. PWD50 measures visibility from 10 m to 50 km (from 32 ft to 31 mi).Accurate Visibility MeasurementCalibrated with reference to a highly accurate transmissometer, PWD50 uses the proven forward-scatter measurement principle to measure meteorological optical range (MOR). The sensor optics are well-protected against contamination: the optical components point downwards, and hoods protect the lenses against precipitation, spray, and dust. This weather-proof design helps to sustain accurate measurement results.VersatilityPWD50 architecture allows for easy integration to existing or newly designed systems in a cost-efficient manner.The sensor can be mounted on existing masts in many ways. The electrical interfaces are in a single cable. Versatilityis further enhanced with various options,such as pole masts, a selection ofmounting adapters, power supplycabinets, and a modem for long distancecommunication.Robust and DependableThe downward-facing sensor hoodsprotect the optical surfaces fromcontamination, resulting in lowmaintenance needs and costs.The optional hood heaters preventthe build-up of ice and/or snow inthe optical path.Solid Track RecordThousands of PWD series sensors havebeen installed all around the world. Theyhave undergone rigorous test programs.In the field, the sensors havedemonstrated very low failure rates. Theyhave proved their robustness inthe harshest climates and mostdemanding conditions, ranging fromoffshore to desert and from airport toroadside.PWD50 reports meteorological visibility reliablyfrom 10 meters to 50 kilometers (from 32 feet to31 miles).T echnical DataMeasurement PerformanceOperating principle Forward scatter measurement with45° scattering angleObservation range of MOR10 … 50 000 m (32 … 164 000 ft) Accuracy±10 % at 10 … 10 000 m(32 … 32 800 ft)±20 % at 10 … 50 km (6.2 … 31 mi)Operating EnvironmentOperating temperature−40 … +60 °C (−40 … +140 °F) Operating humidity0 ... 100 %RHInputs and OutputsPower supply12 … 50 VDC (electronics)24 VAC or 24 VDC for heater option Average power consumption 3 W (peak 10 W)With optional luminance sensor: 5 WWith optional hood heaters: 65 W Outputs Serial data line may be used either asRS‑232 or RS‑485 (2‑wire) levelsignals3 relay controls (open collector)Analog output current: 0 ... 1 mA or4 ... 20 mA8-m power/data cable standard.The PWD end is equipped withconnector.Auxiliary data Low visibility alarms in the datamessages. 3 adjustable alarm limits toset the 3 relay controls.Hardware status (fail/warning) inthe data messages. Third relay controloutput can also be driven byhardware status.Mechanical SpecificationsIP rating IP66Weight 3 kg (6.61 lb)Dimensions (H × W × L)140 × 404 × 695 mm(5.51 × 15.91 × 27.36 in)ComplianceEMC ComplianceRadiated emissions CISPR 16-1CISPR 16-2Radiated susceptibility IEC 61000-4-3, 10 V/mConducted emissions CISPR 16-1CISPR 16-2Conducted susceptibility IEC 61000-4-6EFT immunity IEC 61000-4-4ESD immunity IEC 61000-4-2Surge IEC 61000-4-5Spare Parts and AccessoriesPole mastInterface unit with power supplies: 115/230 VACLuminance sensor PWL111Hood heaters for harsh winter conditionsSupport arm for mast installationsPole clamp kit for mast top installationsCalibration set PWA12Maintenance cable 16385ZZMaritime insulatorIn addition to meteorological observation networks, PWD50 is also well-suited for use in offshore operations.Published by Vaisala | B211069EN-C © Vaisala 2018All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. Any reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this document is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.。
测试规格书产品名称: LED驱动电源产品型号:HR-SC-NO050-1A50W测试规格书更改记录:版本更改日期更改描述编制审核核准01 新编,适用于生产张立辉日期:日期:核准:日期:目录1.产品规格................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 电气性能....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
输入特性........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
输出特性........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
爱惜功能........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 安规要求....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
绝缘阻抗........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
绝缘耐压........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
ANPEC reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability or manufacturability without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify before placing orders.APM4050PHandling Code Temp. Range Package CodePackage Code U : TO-252Operating Junction Temp. Range C : -55 to 150 C Handling CodeTU : Tube TR : Tape & Reel Lead Free CodeL : Lead Free Device Blank : Original Device APM4050P U :APM4050P XXXXXXXXXX - Date CodeLead Free Code Pin DescriptionOrdering and Marking InformationFeaturesApplications• -40V/-25A,R DS(ON)=33m Ω (typ.) @ V GS =-10V R DS(ON)=47m Ω (typ.) @ V GS =-4.5V• Super High Dense Cell Design • Reliable and Rugged• Lead Free Available (RoHS Compliant)• Power Management in LCD/TV InverterTop View of TO-252P-Channel MOSFETGDSGNote: ANPEC lead-free products contain molding compounds and 100% matte tin plate termination finish;which are fully compliant with RoHS and compatible with both SnPb and lead-free soldiering operations.ANPEC lead-free products meet or exceed the lead-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020C for MSL classification at lead-free peak reflow temperature.°Absolute Maximum RatingsElectrical Characteristics (T= 25°C unless otherwise noted)AN otes:a : Pulse test ; pulse width≤300ms, duty cycle≤2%.b : Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.Typical CharacteristicsPower Dissipation P t o t - P o w e r (W )T j - Junction Temperature (°C)-I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )Drain CurrentT j - Junction Temperature (°C)Safe Operation Area-V DS - Drain - Source Voltage (V)-I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )N o r m a l i z e d T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c eThermal Transient ImpedanceSquare Wave Pulse Duration (sec)1E-41E-30.010.11101000.010.11220406080100120140160180102030405060204060801001201401600510152025300.1110100-I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )R D S (O N ) - O n - R e s i s t a n c e (m Ω)Drain-Source On Resistance-I D - Drain Current (A)-V GS - Gate - Source Voltage (V)T j - Junction Temperature (°C)Gate Threshold VoltageN o r m a l i z e d T h r e s h o l d V l o t a g eTypical Characteristics (Cont.)-50-2502550751001251500. D S (O N ) - O n - R e s i s t a n c e (m Ω)024681012141618201020304050607080123456789102030405060708090100Drain-Source On ResistanceN o r m a l i z e d O n R e s i s t a n c eT j - Junction Temperature (°C) -V SD - Source - Drain Voltage (V)-I S - S o u r c e C u r r e n t (A )-V DS - Drain - Source Voltage (V)C - C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )CapacitanceGate ChargeQ G - Gate Charge (nC)-V G S - G a t e -s o u r c e V o l t a g e (V )Typical Characteristics (Cont.)0.111020510152025300300600900120015000. InformationTO-252 (Reference JEDEC Registration TO-252)Physical SpecificationsT LT P25T e m p e r a t u r eTimeReflow Condition (IR/Convection or VPR Reflow)Classification Reflow ProfilesCarrier Tape & Reel DimensionsReliability Test ProgramClassification Reflow Profiles(Cont.)Carrier Tape & Reel Dimensions (Cont.)Cover Tape DimensionsCustomer ServiceAnpec Electronics Corp.Head Office :No.6, Dusing 1st Road, SBIP,Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel : 886-3-5642000Fax : 886-3-5642050Taipei Branch :7F, No. 137, Lane 235, Pac Chiao Rd.,Hsin Tien City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R. O. C.Tel : 886-2-89191368Fax : 886-2-89191369。
FUJIFILM FINEPIX XP150 160 100 110 说明书
請勿在雷雨中接觸相機的金屬部分,否則可能會因 閃電放出的感應電流而導致電擊危險。
請勿使用非指定的電池。安裝電池時,請按照指 示進行操作。 請勿加熱、改造或分解電池。請勿摔落或使電池受 到撞擊。電池不可與金屬製品一起存放。上述任何 一種行為都可能導致電池爆炸或漏液,從而引起火 災或人身傷害。 請僅使用指定用於本相機的電池或 AC 電源轉換器。 切勿在所示電壓範圍之外使用。使用其他電源可 能引起火災。 若電池漏液,電解液接觸到眼睛、皮膚或衣物,請 用清水沖洗接觸部位並立即就醫診治,或電話尋 求緊急救護。
■ 電池使用須知 若閒置不用,電池會逐漸喪失電量。 請在使用前一兩天內為電池充電。
低溫環境下電池效能會下降;電量快 耗盡的電池在寒冷條件下無法正常工 作。請將一枚充滿電的備用電池存放 在溫暖的地方並在必要時更換,或者 將電池放在口袋或其他溫暖的地方, 且僅等到拍攝時才將其插入相機。請 不要將電池與暖手用品或其他加熱裝 置直接接觸。
附件:不要使用不是影音產品製造 廠商所建議的附件,否則可能會導 致危險。
水份和濕氣:不要在靠近有水的地方 使用這個影音產品 — 例如,靠近浴 缸、洗臉盆、洗碗槽或洗衣盆、在潮 濕的地下室中使用、或靠近游泳池及 類似的地方(防水產品除外)。
電源線保護:電源線應妥善佈設使它 不會被踐踏或被其他物品夾壓,尤其 應特別注意插頭、收線裝置處、以及 從機體引出的位置的電線。
電池及電源 附註:請檢查您相機所使用的電池類 型並閱讀相應章節。
下文說明電池的正確用法以及延長使 用壽命的方法。電池的不正確使用會 縮短電池壽命或者造成電池漏液、過 熱、引發火災或爆炸。
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● 产品序列号:YW-50DG1HPS/YW-50DG1HPH唐山松下产业机器有限公司WTW050TC0PAA00送丝装置使用说明书型号:YW-50DG■装箱明细目录使用之前1.安全注意事项 ------------------------------------------------------------ I2.敬请遵守的安全事项 ------------------------------------------------------- II 规格3.额定规格 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 连接4.外形尺寸图 --------------------------------------------------------------- 25.连接方法 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 使用方法6.使用前的准备 ------------------------------------------------------------- 47.遥控器 --------------------------------------------------------------- 9 检修·保养8.检修·保养 --------------------------------------------------------------- 11 技术资料9.电气原理图 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1210.部品装配图 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1311.部品明细 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1512.产品中有害物质的名称及含量 -------------------------------------------------- 171 安全注意事项●使用前请认真阅读此说明书,以便正确使用。
宾德镜头大事记:1952 -1975罗口M42时代1975 PK口的K系列入市1977 M系列入市1983 A系列入市1987 F系列入市1991 FA系列入市2003 FA-J系列和DFA系列入市2004 DA系列入市一、罗口M42’太苦玛’时代罗口“太苦玛”镜头有很多批,名字也让人一团雾水,有Takumar,Auto-Takumar,s-m-c Takumar,SMC-Takumar等等。
1952年入市的第一批“太苦玛”罗口头是为ASAHIFLEX像机用的,它不是M42的而是37MM罗口的.1957年真正M42口的“太苦玛”上市,是为像机“Asahi Pentax”生产的,仍是58MM/2.4的标头.1958年随着像机“Asahi Pentax K”推出了“Auto-Takumar”。
代表做55/1.8的斑马标头.1960年起出了一种“Super Takumar” 镜头,对光圈顶针做了一些改善.1971年起Super-Multi-Coated Takumar镜头上市,也叫s-m-c Takumar,多层镀膜的时代来了.1972年起“SMC Takumar” 上市,它和S-M-CTakumar的区别主要在对焦环上(有橡皮在上面),镀膜完全一样。
SMC Takumar很有收藏价值,许多K系列头的光学结构和SMC Takumar完全一样,只是换了卡口罢了。
Takumar M42系列镜头:SMC-Takumar 20/4.5,最小光圈16,11片10组,最近对焦0.2米,视角94度,重251克。
Kraftform Kompakt 系列产品说明书
KRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 50KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 61KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 90KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 30KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 91With the Kraftform Kompakt ®series, the user is fully equipped for both kinds of screwdriving with only one set of tools.The Kraftform Kompakt ®series offers tools:The new generation of service tools:Kraftform Kompakt ®.Compact tools for both manual and power screwdriving.Kraftform Kompakt ®50!Compact boxes -- small enough Kraftform Kompakt ®- for bothmanual and machine operation.Thus, Kraftform Kompakt ®50 is the right tool for all users who place the greatest emphasis on versatility.81With ten different Kraftform Kompakt ®sets the user is well equipped for almost any application in trade and industry.KraftformKompakt ®40, 41, 60, 61, 62a For both manual and machine operation.a Engineered to the highest quality for professional use,a packaged in unique, space-saving format.The magnetic bit adaptor (for power tool use) quickly turns into a full screwdriver when combined with the ergonomic Kraftform ®handle.KraftformKompakt ®70 and 71KraftformKompakt ®90 and 91A big-diameter Kraftform ®han-dle, a power tool adaptor with quick-release chuck formachine use and 30 bits pro-vide the user with all the tools he needs.Quick fastening and easy direc-tion reversal with only one hand: no problem with the Kraftform Kompakt ®Handy-Ratchet.Technicians who have to deal with screw-driving a lot would-n't miss these tool sets. They are the best tools for the job.Pouches with bitholding screw-driver and 89 mm long bits.82056657 1 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:3 bits each 855/1TH PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/25Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 3211 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ®1010 pieces set056653 1 bit holder 813/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1TZ TX 10; TX 15; TX 201 bit each 855/1TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/251 bit each 851/1TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1TZ 0,5 x 4,0; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:KraftformKompakt ® 3111 pieces set0566581 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1 Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 855/1TH PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/25CodeContent:Kraftform Kompakt ®1110 pieces set056652 1 bit holder 813/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1TZ TX 5; TX 6; TX 7; TX 8; TX 9; TX 10 1 bit 851/1Z PH 01 bit 851/1TZ PH 1/251 bit 800/1TZ 0,5 x 3,0Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®Mobility and flexibility in service and maintenance.056654 1 bit holder 815/4/1 Kraftform 1with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1Bits:1 bit each 855/1TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/251 bit each 851/1TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 800/1TZ 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 3011 pieces set83Kraftform Kompakt ® 5014 pieces set056656 1 bayonet bit holder 817/4/1 Kraftform11 bayonet holder 897/4/1 with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 855/1Z PZ 1/25; PZ 2/251 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1Z 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 50 Imperial14 pieces set135951 1 bayonet bit holder 817/4/1 Kraftform11 bayonet holder 897/4/1 with quick-release chuck Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 868/1Z # 1; #21 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/251 bit each 800/1Z 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 70 Allround32 pieces set0571101 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/111 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K Bits:3 bits each 851/1 TZ PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/253 bits each 855/1 TZ PZ 1/25; PZ 2/25; PZ 3/251 bit each 867/1 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 401 bit each 840/1 Z SW 4; SW 5; SW 61 bit each 800/1 TZ 0,6 x 4,5; 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 71 Security32 pieces set0571111 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/111 Universal bit holder 895/4/1KBits:1 bit each 840/1Z BOSW2; SW2,5; SW3;SW4; SW5; SW61 bit each 857/1Z # 4; # 6; # 8; # 101 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 7; TX 8; TX 9;TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 871/1Z # 6; # 8; # 10; #1/4"1 bit each 875/1Z # 1; # 2; # 31 bit each 868/1Z # 0; # 1; # 2; # 3Code Content:84Kraftform Kompakt ® 9022 pieces set0569481/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 402 bits 855/1Z PZ 1/253 bits PZ 2/251 bit PZ 3/251 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; 3/251 bit each 800/1Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 840/1Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5CodeContent:KraftformKompakt®9118 pieces set0569471/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1K 1 adaptor 870/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 840/1Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5Hexagon Sockets:1 each 790 HA SW 5,5; SW 7; SW 8;SW 10; SW 13Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®Light, compact and versatile.Kraftform Kompakt ® 90 Imperial22 pieces set135954/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1 K Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25;TX 30; TX 402 bits 851/1Z PH 1/253 bits PH 2/251 bit PH 3/251 bit each 800/1Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 868/1Z # 1; # 2; # 31 bit each 840/1 Z 3/32"; 1/8"; 5/32"Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ®91 Imperial18 pieces set135953/4" Handy-Ratchet 98/4/11with quick-release chuck1 Universal bit holder 895/4/1 K 1 adaptor 870/1Bits:1 bit each 867/1Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 851/1Z PH 1/25; PH 2/25; PH 3/251 bit each 840/1Z3/32"; 1/8"; 5/32"Hexagon Sockets:1 each790 HA3/16"; 1/4"; 5/16"; 3/8"; 1/2"Code Content:85059298 1 Kraftform bitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 855/4Z PZ 1; PZ 21 bit each 851/4Z PH 1; PH 21 bit each 800/4Z 1,0 x 5,5; 1,2 x 6,5Code Content:059299 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 867/4Z BO TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 855/4Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit each851/4Z PH 1; PH 2; PH 3Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 40 pouch with 89 mm long bits7 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ® 41 pouch with 89 mm long bits11 pieces set86059295 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 851/4 Z PH 1;PH 2; PH 31 bit each 855/4 Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit each 867/4 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit 800/4 Z 1,0 x 5,51 bit each 840/4 Z SW 3; SW 4; SW 5; SW 6CodeContent:Kraftform Kompakt ® 60 pouch with 89 mm long bits17 pieces set059296 1 Kraftform bitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 867/4 Z BO TX 10; TX 15; TX 20; TX 25; TX 301 bit each 871/4 Z #6; #8; #101 bit each 875/4 Z #1; #2; #3; #41 bit each 857/4 Z #4; #6; #8; #10Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 61 pouch with 89 mm long bits17 pieces set059297 1 Kraftformbitholding screwdriver 816/4/11Bits (89 mm long):1 bit each 851/4 Z PH 1;PH ; PH 31 bit each 855/4 Z PZ 1; PZ 2; PZ 31 bit eacht 867/4 Z BO TX 8; TX 10; TX 15; TX 20;TX 25; TX 27; TX 30; TX 401 bit each 840/4 Z BO SW 2: SW 2,5; SW 3; SW 4;SW 5; SW 61 bit each 800/4 Z 1,2 x 6,51 bit each 871/4 Z #6; #8; #101 bit each 875/4 Z #1; #2; #3; #41 bit each 857/4 Z #4; #6; #8; #10Code Content:Kraftform Kompakt ® 62 pouch with 89 mm long bits33 pieces setKraftform Kompakt ®Light, compact and versatile.87Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components813/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver0512711/4"D 6,3905CodeDIN inch 3126mm Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components815/4/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver,magnetic0514701/4"D 6,31035F 6,3CodeDIN inch 3126mm Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components816/4/1 Quick-Release Bitholding Screwdriver,magnetic0514601/4"D 6,31175F 6,3CodeDIN inch 3126mm Drive:1/4"-hexagonDIN 3126-D 6,3, with quick-release chuckHandle:Kraftform ®with elasto-mer soft zones, needle bearing supported free turning ratchet,integrated switch for forward or reverse operation.98/4/1 Kraftform ®Handy-Ratchet0032631/4"140100 5 9/16"4"1Code A B A B mm mm inch inch Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: Bayonett Holder: 1/4"-hexa-gon with quick-release bitholderHandle:Kraftform ®with anti-roll protection, three components817/4/1 Bitholding Screwdriver with Bayonett Holder0514801/4" D 6,31024 3/4"2F 6,3CodeDIN A inch 3126mm inch Application:For 1/4"-hexagon insert bits, DIN 3126-C + E 6,3Drive: 1/4" DIN 3126-E 6,3Output: 1/4"-hexagon with quick-release bitholder897/4/1 Bayonet Holder0539701/4" D 6,361024"2F 6,3Code DINAinch 3126mmmm inchKRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 31KRAFTFORM KOMPAKT 50KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 61KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 90KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 30KRAFTFORMKOMPAKT 91。
爱立智SPSC503VEAXX2F电源防御SB双标准5000A,100 kA,3-杆固定,PXR20
Eaton SPSC503VEAXX2FEaton Power Defense SB, Double Standard, 5000 A, 100 kA, 3-Pole, Fixed, PXR20LSIGAM, C503VEAXX2FGeneral specificationsEaton Magnum low voltage power circuitbreakerSPSC503VEAXX2F78668976778516.3 in16.8 in31.1 in237 lbCCC Marked NEMA Compliant CE Marked SABA Listed Lloyd's Register Certified KEMA CertifiedANSIDNV GL CertifiedCSA CertifiedABS CertifiedUL ListedProduct Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications5000 AUL 891StandardThree-polePower Defense SB UL 891 Standard Magnum PXR20Fixed Three-pole5000 A 600 VAC Fixed 100 kA100 kA 5000 A 5000 A 600 VAC Zone selective interlocking application paperMagnum circuit breakers with Power Xpert Release trip units product aid Selevctive coordination application paper - IA0120000E3Magnum PXR and PD-SB standard and narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceMagnum PXR and PD-SB double and double narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceAmperage Rating Application FrameNumber of poles Type Application FrameSeriesTrip TypeMounting Method Number of polesRated uninterrupted current (Iu) Voltage rating Mounting Method Interrupt ratingInterrupt ratingAmperage RatingRated uninterrupted current (Iu) Voltage rating Application notes Brochures Catalogs Certification reportsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaPower Xpert Release trip unit for Magnum PXR circuit breakers PXR 20/25 user manualMagnum PXR low voltage power circuit breakers user manual Microsoft Word - Power Xpert Protection Manager Quick Start Guide.docxPower Xpert Protection Manager x64 22.6 1 Power Xpert Protection Manager x32 22.06 1 Eaton Specification Sheet - SPSC503VEAXX2F Low voltage circuit breakers guide spec Magnum PXR 20/25 electronic trip units time current curves Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Cyber security white paperManuals and user guidesSoftware, firmware, and applications Specifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。
250 381 480
280 427 540
300 450 580
315 460 605
345 502 660
375 544 715
400 582 765
415 604 795
适用 电机 (KW) 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 200 220 250 280 300 315 345 375 400 415
危险 错误使用时,可能造成人员伤亡。
注意 错误使用时,可能造成变频器或机械系统损坏。
● 实施配线前,务必切断电源。 ● 切断交流电源后,充电指示灯未熄灭前,表示变频器内部仍有高
压,十分危险,请勿触摸内部电路及零部件。 ● 运转时,请勿检查电路板上零部件及信号。 ● 请勿自行拆装更改变频器内部连接线或零部件。 ● 变频器接地端请务必正确接地。 ● 严禁私自改装,更换控制板及零部件,否则有触电,发生爆炸等危险。
HLPA0D7523C 单三相220V 50Hz 0.75 2.0
HLPA01D523C 单三相220V 50Hz 1.5 2.8
HLPA02D223B 单三相220V 50Hz 2.2 4.4
HLPA03D723B 单三相220V 50Hz 3.7 6.8
HLPA05D523B 单三相220V 50Hz 5.5 10
适当调整。 ● 变频器超过50Hz以上频率运行时,请务必考虑振动、噪音、电机
型 号
功率 (KW)
驱动器 容量 (KVA)
All-in-One qPCR Mix 产品说明书
All-in-One™qPCR MixFor universal quantitative real-time PCRCat.No.QP001(Old Cat.No.AOPR-0200,20μl×200reactions)Cat.No.QP002(Old Cat.No.AOPR-0600,20μl×600reactions)Cat.No.QP004(Old Cat.No.AOPR-1000,20μl×1000reactions)Cat.No.QP005(Old Cat.No.AOPR-4000,20μl×4000reactions)Performance optimized for All-In-One™qPCR Primers,All-In-One™miRNA qPCR Primers, miProfile™miRNA qPCR Arrays,ExProfile™Gene qPCR Arrays,All-In-One™First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit and All-In-One™miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis KitUser ManualGeneCopoeia,Inc.9620Medical Center Drive,#101Rockville,MD20850USA301-762-0888866-360-9531***********************©2016GeneCopoeia,Inc.USER MANUALAll-in-One TM qPCR MixI.DescriptionII.Related ProductsIII.Contents and StorageIV.PreparationV.ProcedureVI.ExampleVII.Trouble Shooting GuideVIII.Limited Use License and WarrantyI.DescriptionThe All-in-One™qPCR Mix provides fast and efficient SYBR®Green-based real-time quantitative PCR.The qPCR Mix uses a high-fidelity hot-start DNA polymerase,optimized reaction buffer and high-quality dNTPs to enable specific and sensitive amplification of even low-copy genes or miRNAs.The All-in-One TM qPCR Mix reduces experimental design time by providing a universal reaction condition that can be used with almost all primers and most real-time PCR instruments.II.Related ProductsGeneCopoeia offers comprehensive solutions for studying gene expression.A careful process of co-development ensures that they work well together and provide robust and reproducible results.Product DescriptionAll-in-One™First-Strand cDNASynthesis KitReverse transcribe mRNA into first–stand cDNAAll-in-One™qPCR PrimersValidated,gene-specific primers ensure specificity and sensitivity (human,mouse and rat)ExProfile™Gene qPCR Arrays High-throughput or focused group profiling of gene expression All-in-One™miRNA First-StrandcDNA Synthesis KitReverse transcribe miRNA into first–stand cDNAAll-in-One™miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kits SYBR®Green-based detection kit accurately quantifies miRNA expressionAll-in-One™miRNA qPCR Primers Validated human,mouse,rat miRNA primers for robust,reproducible and reliable quantitation of miRNA activitymiProfile™miRNA qPCR Arrays High-throughput or focused group profiling of miRNA expression RNAzol®RT RNA Isolation Reagent Easy isolation of mRNA,microRNA or total RNAIII.Contents and StorageContents and storage recommendations for the All-in-One TM qPCR Mix are provided in the following table. Cat.Nos.QP001,QP002,QP004,and QP005Contents Quantity Storage temperature/conditions2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix 2×1ml3×(2×1ml)5×(2×1ml)20×(2×1ml)–20°C(Stable for at least12months)Alternatively,the solution can also bestored at–80°C in aliquots.Avoidrepeated freezing/thawing.ROX Reference Dye (30μΜ)1×80µl3×80µl5×80µl20×80µl–20°C(Stable for at least12months)Alternatively,the solution can also bestored at–80°C in aliquots.Avoidrepeated freezing/thawing.IV.PreparationWearing a lab coat,disposable gloves and protective goggles are recommended when handling chemicals.IMPORTANT NOTES:1.When using the All-in-One qPCR Mix with miProfile miRNA qPCR Arrays and All-in-One miRNAFirst-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for miRNA expression profiling,please follow the miProfile miRNA qPCR array user manual for the complete instruction.2.Store the kit at–20°C.Avoid storage or leaving reagents at4°C or room temperature.Avoid lightexposure at all times.3.Mix reagents thoroughly by gently inverting tubes several times avoiding bubbles and then brieflycentrifuge before use.4.Prepare the reaction mix with PCR grade water.5.Strictly follow standard procedures for PCR to avoid nucleic acid contamination and non-specificamplification.6.Read all procedures before setting up the PCR reactionV.Procedure1.Thaw the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix and ROX Reference Dye as needed.2.Prepare the PCR reaction mix on ice.See the example below.Reagent Volume Final concentration2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix a10μl1×PCR forward primer(2µM)b2µl0.2µM cPCR reverse primer(2µM)2µl0.2µMTemplate d2μlROX Reference Dye e(30μΜ)ifneeded0.4-0.1μl600nM-150nMWater(double distilled)■Not using ROX Reference Dye4μl■Using ROX Reference Dye3.6-3.9μlTotal20μle the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix as half of the total reaction volume and adjust other reagentsaccordingly.If the total reaction volume is changed,maintain each component in the proper proportion. b.Primers are important considerations to ensure success with real-time PCR.All-in-One TM human,mouseand rat primer sets from GeneCopoeia have been validated to provide specific and sensitive amplification even with low copy number genes.For designing your own primers,you may wish to use Oligo primer analysis software(Molecular Biology Insights)or Primer Premier software(Premier Biosoft International).c.Primer concentration should be in the range of0.2to0.6µM.In general,a PCR reaction using0.2µMprimers produces good results.If the PCR efficiency is low,consider increasing primer concentration.However,keep in mind that non-specific PCR products may also increase with increased primer concentration.d.Generally,the amount of DNA template should be less than100ng.Because different templates containvarying copies of a target gene,it may be necessary to perform a gradient dilution to determine the optimal amount of DNA template to use.If reverse transcript cDNA is used as template,dilute before use.Do not add more than5%of the original cDNA solution volume to the total qPCR reaction solution.e.ROX Reference Dye is added only for qPCR instruments that require ROX for calibration.ROXReference Dye provides an internal reference to which the reporter-dye signal can be normalized during data analysis.Normalization is necessary to correct for fluorescence fluctuations due to changes in concentration or volume.Adjust the ROX Reference Dye to optimal concentration according to different qPCR instruments.Instrument ROX per20µl PCR Reaction Final Concentration BioRad iCycler,MyiQ,iQ5,CFX-96,CFX-384,Eppendorf Mastercyclerrealplex,Roche LightCycler480,LightCycler2.0None No ROXABI PRISM7000/7300/7700/7900HTand7900HTFast,ABI Step One,ABI Step One Plus0.4µl(0.2-0.4µl)600nM(300-600nM)ABI7500,7500Fast,ABI Viia7,Stratagene Mx3000P,Mx3005P,Mx4000,0.1µl(0.02-0.1µl)150nM(30-150nM)For other instruments which need calibration of ROX but have not been listed out in the table,please optimize the concentration of ROX according to the guide line of specific instrument.3.Mix the PCR reaction mix sufficiently and add to the PCR reaction tubes.4.Briefly centrifuge to make sure all the reagents are at the bottom of the reaction tubes.5.The following three-step method for programming the PCR reaction is recommended:Cycles Steps Temperature Time Detection 1Initial denaturation95°C10min No40Denaturation95°C10sec No Annealing55°C~60°C20sec No Extension72°C15sec YesNotesi.When using SYBR Green dye to monitor the qPCR reaction,a melting curve analysis should beperformed immediately at the end of cycling.(example adapted from the iQ5real-time PCRdetection system from Bio-Rad):Temperature range Heating rate Constant temperature Detection 72–95°C0.5°C/unit time6sec/unit time Yes25°C30sec NoThe conditions for your instrument may differ,consult the documentation of your qPCR instrument for instructions.ii.The DNA polymerase used in the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix is a special chemically modified hot-start enzyme.Incubation for10minutes at95°C will sufficiently activate the enzyme.iii.The actual annealing temperature should be adjusted around the primer melting temperature ranging from55°C~60°C.However,the optimal annealing temperature may be outside of thisrange.Adjust the temperature according to actual reaction conditionsiv.The optimal fragment length to use for amplification during real-time PCR is in the range of80-150bp.However,fragment lengths up to300bp are possible.v.The main condition for the above reaction are referred to in the iQ5qPCR instrument manual from Bio-Rad.If a qPCR instrument from another commercial source is used,please reference theinstrument manual and adjust the extention time and melting curve conditions accordingly.VI.ExampleObjective:The amplification efficiency and detection sensitivity of the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix are assessed by standard curves made by gradient dilution of plasmid DNA.The target fragment is102bp.Equipment:iQ5instrument(Bio-Rad Laboratories)Procedure:1.The plasmid is serially diluted to6concentrations ranging from105to1molecule/μl.2.PCR reaction mix preparation(on ice)Reagent components Volume2×All-in-One qPCR Mix10µlPCR forward primer(2µM)2µlPCR reverse primer(2µM)2µlddH201µlTotal15µl3.Mix the above reagents sufficiently.Aliquot to PCR tubes after a brief centrifugation.4.Add5μl of the diluted plasmid template to each PCR e5μl ddH2O as a negative control.5.Program the PCR reaction and corresponding reading conditions of the melting curve:Cycles Steps Temperature Time Detection1Initial denaturation95°C10min No45Denaturation95°C10sec No Annealing60°C20sec No Extension72°C15sec Yes Melting curve reading72°C~95°CHeating Rate0.5°C/6secYes Cooling25°C30sec No6.Analyze the amplification and corresponding melting curves after the qPCR experiment:Amplification curves of serially diluted plasmid DNA Peak values of amplified products in melting curves.7.Construct a standard curve using the Ct values from each amplification curve:Picture of a standard curve8.Conclusion:The peak values from the amplification and melting curves show that as low as5molecules can be detected when using plasmid DNA as a template and that there is only a single amplified product,showing that very high sensitivity can be attained using the All-in-One TM qPCR Mix.At the same time,high amplification efficiency is also shown by the good linear relationship among each concentration of serially diluted plasmid.VII.Trouble Shooting GuidePoor precision or failed qPCR reactions ∙Make sure the initial denature time was set as10min,sufficiently activating of the hot-start polymerase could avoid non-specific amplification and production of primer-dimers.∙The fluorescence detection temperature may not be appropriate.Adjust accordingly.∙The set up position for reaction samples in the real-time PCR instrument may not be right.Adjust accordingly.∙PCR cycle conditions,primer concentration and primer sequences may not be appropriate.Adjust the primer concentration and annealing temperature.If this does not work,redesign the primers.∙The template sample purity may not be adequate.Purify the template sample by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.If the samples are reverse transcribed cDNA,set up the qPCR reaction with a diluted sample as other concentrated reagents in the RT reaction mixture may be interfering with the qPCR.∙Try to use 3.0%agarose gel electrophoresis to check the qPCR products.Check the purity of the primers by electrophoresis or use PAGE-purified primers if the bands are diffused.One may also use phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation methods to treat the primers before the experiment.Abnormal meltingcurvesSignal in the blank(No Template Control)sample∙There may be contamination of the positive samples in the qPCR reaction system if the T m of the melting curve of the blank control is the same as the positive control.Eliminate sample application error first.If the situation still persists,replace the PCR grade water and/or primers and/or use a new2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix.∙If the T m of the melting curve of the blank control is lower than the positive control,the qPCR reaction may have produced nonspecific amplification such as primer-dimers.Prepare the qPCR reaction mix on ice and increase the temperature of fluorescence detection.If this does not work,redesign the primers.Double peaks and multiple peaks in the melting curve of the positive control∙In the absence of other primers present in the reaction,double or multiple peaks in the melting curve of the positive control indicate that the qPCR reaction produced nonspecific amplification fragments.Prepare the qPCR reaction mix on ice;optimize the qPCR reaction conditions,for example,by increasing the annealing temperature, decreasing the primer concentration or increasing the fluorescence detection temperature(not more than the T m value of the expected product).If this does not work,redesign the forward primer.No peaks or abnormal peaks in the melting curve(or the amplification curves)of the positive control∙Adjust the ROX Dye to optimized concentration according to instrument.No signal(Ct)or late appearing signal ∙Not enough PCR cycles.For good sensitivity,one should generally set up more than35PCR cycles,but more than45cycles may result in too much background signal.∙The amount of template used may not be enough or the template may be e the highest concentration possible of diluted template samples to set up the qPCR.At the same time,avoid freezing and thawing the samples repeatedly.∙The amplification efficiency is low and the qPCR reaction conditions are not optimal.Redesign the primers and optimize the reaction conditions.VIII.Limited Use License and WarrantyLimited Use LicenseFollowing terms and conditions apply to use of all OmicsLink™ORF Expression Clones in all lentiviral vectors and Packaging Kit(theProduct).If the terms and conditions are not acceptable,the Product in its entirety must be returned to GeneCopoeia within5calendar days.A limited End-User license is granted to the purchaser of the Product.The Product shall be used by the purchaser for internal researchpurposes only.The Product is expressly not designed,intended,or warranted for use in humans or for therapeutic or diagnostic use.TheProduct must not be resold,repackaged or modified for resale,or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written consentfrom GeneCopoeia.This Product should be used in accordance with the NIH guidelines developed for recombinant DNA and genetice of any part of the Product constitutes acceptance of the above terms.Limited WarrantyGeneCopoeia warrants that the Product meets the specifications described in the accompanying Product Datasheet.If it is proven to the satisfaction of GeneCopoeia that the Product fails to meet these specifications,GeneCopoeia will replace the Product.In the event a replacement cannot be provided,GeneCopoeia will provide the purchaser with a refund.This limited warranty shall not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product.Notice of nonconforming products must be made to GeneCopoeia within30days of receipt of the Product.GeneCopoeia’s liability is expressly limited to replacement of Product or a refund limited to the actual purchase price.GeneCopoeia’s liability does not extend to any damages arising from use or improper use of the Product,or losses associated with the use of additional materials or reagents.This limited warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty.GeneCopoeia does not provide any other warranties of any kind,expressed or implied,including the merchantability or fitness of the Product for a particular purpose.GeneCopoeia is committed to providing our customers with high-quality products.If you should have any questions or concerns about anyGeneCopoeia products,please contact us at301-762-0888.©2016,GeneCopoeia,Inc.GeneCopoeia,Inc.9620Medical Center Drive,#101Rockville,MD20850Tel:301-762-0888Fax:301-762-3888Email:***********************Web:GeneCopoeia Products are for Research Use Only Copyright©2016GeneCopoeia,Inc. Trademarks:GeneCopoeia™,All-in-One™,ExProfile™,miProfile™(GeneCopoeia Inc.);RNAzol®(Molecular Research Center,Inc.);SYBR®(Molecular Probes);iQ™5(Bio-Rad);ROX®(Invitrogen).QP001020216。
RESON 公司 SeaBat T50-P配pos mv
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今天,RESON 这一品牌已经在声纳制造领域首屈一指。
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