

T482 规格书

T482 规格书

N/A(work with video files only)
M4A/AAC WMA/ASF N/A(work with video files only) N/A(work with video files only) N/A(work with video files only)
dat, mpg, MPG,MPEG mpeg
1920x1080@ 30P 20Mbit/sec
ts, trp, tp, MPEG2 -TS
MPEG2 ,H.264
1920x1080 @ 30P 20Mbit/sec
1920x1080 @ 30P 20Mbit/sec
15360x8640 1024x768 9600x6400 1200x800 9600x6400
Required DRAM size by T3/T4 (Mbytes) 3.96 6.00 3.66 3.66 3.66
外观说明 PAL/SECAM/BG,DK,I 的板的外形
输入/出接口:TVx1、AVx2、S-VIDEOx1、HDMIx2、VGAx1、YPBPRx2,AV-OUTx1,USBx1; 扩展接口有 DVD 接口,可外接 1 路 AV 接口;使用外接 AV 时,后端子的 AV1 将变为同轴输出; 两路高清多媒体播放 USB 接口,其中一路扩展;支持 H.264 编码格式; 输出格式:单/双路 8/10bit 的 LVDS 屏;加 120Hz 转接板可扩展屏接口; 内置 2 路 HDMI 接口; 视频信号格式 PAL、NTSC、SECAM 自动检测;全 3D Interlace, 3D 视频解码处理; 高清 RGB/YPBPR/YCBCR 信号输入最大支持 1080P; 内置音效处理,音量、静音、高音、低音、平衡、EQ 功能;支持丽音,VPS、CC、VHIP 功能(可选); 全制式 TV 信号接收, 200 频道存储,支持频道自动排序功能; 数字音频功放,最大输出功率 2 X 8W(8 欧); 扩展功能丰富:预留了数字电视、读卡及 DVD 模块的接口,方便进行功能扩展; 多国语言 OSD 菜单;


目前,施耐德电气在中国共建立了77个办事处,26家工厂,6个物流中心,1个研修学院,3个研发 中心,1个实验室,500家分销商和遍布全国的销售网络。施耐德电气中国目前员工数近22,000
注意 : ATS 48 不要使用电机之外的其他负载 ( 例如禁止使用变压器和电阻器 )。 不要将功率因数校正电容连接在由 ATS 48 控制的电机的端子上。
例如 : 离心泵 在标准应用中, ATS 48 设计能够提供如下功能 : • 在 S1 负荷中 : 冷态以 4In 电流持续 23 秒或 3In 电流持续 46 秒起动。 • 在 S4 负荷中 : 负载系数 50%,每小时起动 10 次,以 3In 持续 23 秒或 4In 电流起动 12 秒,或与此相当的热

电机连接取决于电源电压,在本例中 为三角形连接。
10Leabharlann 操作建议ATS 48 连接到电机三角形绕组,与每一绕组串联
ATS48•••Q 或 ATS48•••YS316 起动器可以串联接入电机三角形绕组中。它们由 1/3 线电流的电流驱动,这 样可以使用低额定值的起动器。
ATS48 电力部件框图
2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 电机
A2 B2 C2 起动器旁路
控制端子的出厂配置 :
可编程逻辑输入 电源逻辑输入 电源逻辑输出 可编程逻辑输出 可编程模拟输出 0V PTC 传感器输入

美国蒙那多Monarch ACT-3X 中文说明书

美国蒙那多Monarch ACT-3X 中文说明书







为了遵守关于报废电子电气设备(WEEE)的欧盟指令2002/96 / EC:本产品可能含有可能危害人体健康和环境的物质。



目录1.0总体概述 .....................................................................................................1 2.0 安装 (1)2.1嘈杂的环境 .................................................................................................................... 1 2.2调整 ............................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 连接 . (2)2.3.1 电源连接 (2)2.3.2 传感器连接 (2)2.3.3 模拟输出 (3)2.3.4 辅助输入(AUX-通道2) (3)2.3.5 脉冲输出 (3)2.3.6 报警继电器输出 (3)2.3.7 串行通信 (4)3.0 前面板 .........................................................................................................4 3.1 状态指示灯 .. (4)3.1.1 LIM 1和LIM 2(报警)LED (4)3.1.2 GATE LED (4)3.1.3 MAX和MIN LED (4)3.1.4 RPM LED (4)3.2 按按钮 (4)3.2.1 设置按钮 (4)3.2.2 复位按钮 (4)3.2.3 向上( )和向下( )按钮 (5)3.2.4 回拨按钮 (5)4.0 操作 ............................................................................................................5 4.1 操作模式 - 频道1 (5)4.1.1 RPM模式 (5)4.1.2 频率模式 (5)4.1.3 比例模式(比率计) (5)4.1.4 单事件捕获(SECAP)模式 (5)4.1.5 变化率(ROC)模式 (5)4.1.6 累计模式 (6)4.2操作模式 - 频道2 (6)4.2.1 离 . (6)合测实业4.2.2 抑制 (6)4.2.3 单事件捕获 (6)4.2.4 外部复位 - 输入累加器 (6)4.2.5 外部复位 - 报警 (6)4.3 小数点 (6)4.4 警报限制 (6)4.4.1 锁定与非锁定限制 (6)4.4.2 死区(滞后) (7)4.4.3 低限锁定 (7)4.4.4 失败安全 (7)4.5 模拟(AO)和电流(IO)输出 (7)4.6 最大值和最小值 (7)4.7 吞吐量 (7)4.7.1 显示更新率 (8)4.7.2 内部更新率 - GATE (8)4.7.3 低端 (8)4.8 脉冲输出 (8)5.0 使用菜单 (8)5.1 (9)5.1.1 (9)5.1.2 (9)5.1.3 (9)5.1.4 . (9)5.2 (9)5.2.1 . (9)5.2.2 (10)5.3 (10)5.4 (10)5.4.1 (10)5.4.2 . (10)5.4.3 (10)5.4.4 (10)5.4.5 (10)5.4.6 (10)5.5 (10)5.6 (10)5.6.1 (11)5.6.2 (11)5.6.3 (11)5.7 (11)5.8 (11)5.9 (11) (11)5.10 ...........................................................5.11 ................................... (11) (11)5.12 .......6.0 SERIAL OUTPUT (11)6.1 来自串行接口的数据 (11)6.2 串行命令 (12)6.2.1 运行模式命令 (12)6.2.2 控制命令 (12)7.0 规格 (14)8.0 选件和附件/传感器 (15)附录A - 缩放工程显示的行为 (16)附录B - 有用的转换 (17)附录C - 使用单事件捕获模式 (18)附录D - 菜单概览 (19)1.0 总体概述ACT-3X数字表是一种非常通用的仪器。

USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)

USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)
Revision History.......................................................................................................................14
LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.

Fujitrax _chinese

Fujitrax _chinese
即使沒有Fujitrax Profiler,也能使用Fujitrax Adviser的一部分功能。
3.功 能
3.2 功能详细
3.2.1 Fujitrax Verifier
Fujitrax Verifier具有以下的功能。
+验证元件功能 +元件剩余数管理功能 +机外换线功能(Kitting Station) +供料器维修保养预告功能 +操作员操作记录的管理 +元件调度功能 +常数校验器对应功能 +元件配置表CSV文件读取功能 +条形码标签印刷功能 +元件条形码变换输入功能


需要条形码标签打印机 (GTe412e)
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1

操作步骤规定工具 (创建工作流程功能)
制造质量、制造进度、贴装错误状况 的实时显示功能
Fujitrax(贴装工序管理系统:Traceable Realtime Administration)是为了 在多个[SMT生产线·外观目测工序·修理工序]中高度实现[质量管理·可跟踪性] 而研发的系统。 我们希望通过这个系统,能够达到防止元件错置,提高运转率,取得电路板的可 跟踪性,减少不良产品发生等目的。

Adviser ×



MIKE11_UserManual_目录_中文翻译MIKE 11 用户手册目录中文翻译模拟编辑器1 模拟编辑器1.1模型1.1.1模型1.1.2模拟模式1.2输入1.3模拟1.3.1 模拟时段1.3.2 初始条件1.4 结果1.5 开始河网编辑器2 河网编辑器2.1 绘图视图窗口2.1.1 河网编辑工具栏2.1.2 主菜单--文件2.1.3 主菜单--编辑2.1.4 主菜单--视图2.1.5 主菜单--河网2.1.6 主菜单--图层2.1.8 主菜单--窗口2.1.9 主菜单--帮助2.2 列表视图:河网2.2.1 点2.2.2 河流2.2.3 校准线2.2.4 节点2.3 列表视图:建筑物2.3.1 建筑物概述2.3.2 组合建筑物定义2.3.3 建筑物类型定义2.3.4 建筑物几何形状定义2.3.5 建筑物轮廓2.3.6 堰2.3.7 涵洞2.3.8 泵2.3.9 桥梁2.3.10 整治建筑物2.3.11 可控建筑物2.3.12 溃坝建筑物2.3.13 溃坝侵蚀2.3.14 用户自定义建筑物2.3.15 列表建筑物2.3.16 能量损失2.4 列表视图:演进2.4.1 明渠演进2.4.2 洪水控制流量和流量比2.4.3 洪水控制水位/流量和水位/体积过程曲线 2.4.4 转接2.4.5 运动学演进方法2.5 列表视图:降雨径流/地下水链接 2.5.1 MIKE SHE链接2.5.2降雨径流链接2.6 列表视图:计算网格点断面编辑器3 断面编辑器3.1 原始数据视图3.1.1 断面基本数据3.1.2 原始数据:树形视图3.1.3 原始数据:列表视图3.1.4 原始数据:绘图视图3.1.5 原始数据编辑器附加特性3.1.6 “断面”下拉菜单3.1.7 “设置”下拉菜单3.2 数据处理视图3.2.1 数据处理:树形视图3.2.2数据处理:列表视图3.2.3数据处理:绘图视图3.2.4数据处理:水位按钮3.3 利用文件输入菜单导入数据3.3.1 导入原始数据3.3.2 导入处理过的数据3.3.3 导入断面标记坐标3.4 利用文件输出菜单导出数据3.5 多断面绘制边界编辑器4 边界编辑器4.1 边界编辑器概述4.1.1 边界列表—上部窗口4.1.2 边界类别定义4.1.3 边界类型、数据类型和文件/数值定义4.2 边界编辑器工具4.2.1 快速建立粒级边界4.2.2 快速建立AD边界4.2.3 复制点源边界4.2.4 比例系数4.3 用户自动升级MIKE 11 2002版本或早期版本降雨径流编辑器5 降雨径流编辑器5.1 模型子流域定义5.2 NAM降雨径流模型5.2.1 表层-根区5.2.2 地下水5.2.3 融雪5.2.4 灌溉5.2.5 初始条件5.2.6 自动率定5.3 UHM5.4 SMAP5.5 Urban5.6 洪水估算手册5.7 DRiFt5.8 时间序列5.9 参数菜单5.10 流域视图5.11 结果综述5.12 RR-编辑器使用步骤水动力编辑器6 水动力参数编辑器6.1 初始设置6.2 风场6.3 河床阻力6.3.1 统一处理方法6.3.2 三分区方法6.3.3 植被和河床阻力6.4 河床阻力工具箱6.5 波方法6.5.1 完全动力波和高阶完全动力波 6.5.2 扩散波6.5.3 运动波6.6 默认值6.6.1 计算方案6.6.2 开关6.7 准稳态6.7.1 计算参数6.7.2 稳态选项6.7.2 收缩和扩展损失系数6.8 热平衡6.9 分层6.10 输出时间序列6.10.1 生成时间序列文件 6.10.2 文本文件设置6.10.3 输出时段6.10.4 输出内容6.10.5 输出计算点6.11 地图6.12 地下水泄漏6.13 延伸长度6.14 附加输出6.15 洪泛区阻力6.16 用户自定义标记6.17 侵蚀6.17.1 迭代6.17.2 位置6.17.3 侵蚀方法6.17.4 侵蚀位置6.17.5 参数减少6.17.6 目标值6.17.7 侵蚀模拟概述6.17.8 侵蚀站点概述6.17.9 侵蚀模拟一般指导线6.18 MIKE 12 参数6.19 MIKE 12初始设置6.20 混合参数6.21 W.L Incr-曲线6.22 W.L Incr-Sand Bars对流-扩散(AD)编辑器7 对流-扩散编辑器7.1 模块概述7.1.1 AD模块7.1.2 AD方程7.1.3 粘性沙传输模块(CST)7.1.4 高级粘性沙传输模块(ACST) 7.2 成分7.3 扩散7.4 初始成分7.5 衰减7.6 粘性ST7.6.1 单层粘性模型7.6.2 多层粘性模型7.6.3 粘性泥沙运输动力学概述7.7 泥沙分层7.7.1 源自外部文件的初始厚度7.9 非粘性ST7.10 扩散,MIKE127.11 附加输出,MIKE 127.12 AD模拟,附加特性7.12.1可选择的方法:ULTIMATE 方法7.12.2 通过MIKE11.ini文件激活AD模拟特性水质 EcO Lab编辑器8水质 EcO Lab编辑器8.1 定义模型8.2 状态变量8.3 常量8.4 作用力8.5 辅助变量8.6 处理8.7 辅助输出泥沙输运编辑器9 泥沙输运编辑器9.0.1 泥沙输运模拟:模拟模式9.0.2 输运模型9.1 泥沙粒径9.2 输运模型9.2.1 模型参数9.2.2 特定输运模型的特性9.2.3 河床高程更新方法9.3 率定参数9.4 ST分级数据9.5 节点处泥沙预先分布9.6 无输运河道设置9.7 不冲底部高程9.8 初始沙丘尺寸9.9 ST模拟:附加特性洪水预报编辑器10 洪水预报编辑器10.1 基本定义10.2 预报10.3 边界估算10.4 更新设置数据同化编辑器11 数据同化编辑器11.1概述11.2 测量值11.3 方程编辑器11.4 边界统计11.5 标准差编辑器11.6 输出11.7 不确定性分析步骤11.8 卡尔曼滤波方法步骤11.9 权重函数方法步骤11.10 实例批处理编辑器12 批处理编辑器12.1 建立批处理模拟。



Input LOW Voltage
0C mV
a 25 C a 75 C a 25 C a 25 C a 25 C a 25 C
Input HIGH Current CP Input (Note 1) MS Input M1 and M2 Input Input LOW Current Power Supply Current Operating Supply Voltage Range Reference Voltage 05
b 1060 b 1025 b 980 b 1820 b 1135 b 1095 b 1035 b 1870 b 1850 b 1830
b 995 b 960 b 910 b 1705
b 905 b 880 b 805 b 1620 b 840 b 810 b 720 b 1500 b 1485 b 1460
b 110 b 119 b5 7 b 1550 b 75 b5 2
400 400 250
mA mA mA
VIN e VILB Pins 6 7 13 not connected
Units mV
a 25 C a 75 C
Conditions Load e 50X to b2V
0 C to
a 75 C
0C mV
a 25 C a 75 C
Guaranteed Input HIGH Signal (Note 6) Guaranteed Input LOW Signal VIN e VIHA
11C90 11C91 650 MHz Prescalers



±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversThe major difference between tests done using the Human Body Model and IEC1000-4-2 is higher peak current in IEC1000-4-2, because series resistance is lower in the IEC1000-4-2 model. Hence, the ESD with-stand voltage measured to IEC1000-4-2 is generally lower than that measured using the Human Body Model. Figure 7 shows the current waveform for the 8kV IEC1000-4-2 ESD contact-discharge test.The air-gap test involves approaching the device with a charged probe. The contact-discharge method connects the probe to the device before the probe is energized.Machine Model The Machine Model for ESD tests all pins using a 200pF storage capacitor and zero discharge resis-tance. Its objective is to emulate the stress caused by contact that occurs with handling and assembly during manufacturing. Of course, all pins require this protec-tion during manufacturing—not just inputs and outputs. Therefore,after PC board assembly,the Machine Model is less relevant to I/O ports.MAX487E/MAX1487E:128 Transceivers on the Bus The 48kΩ, 1/4-unit-load receiver input impedance of the MAX487E and MAX1487E allows up to 128 transceivers on a bus, compared to the 1-unit load (12kΩinput impedance) of standard RS-485 drivers (32 transceivers maximum). Any combination of MAX487E/MAX1487E and other RS-485 transceivers with a total of 32 unit loads or less can be put on the bus. The MAX481E, MAX483E, MAX485E, and MAX488E–MAX491E have standard 12kΩreceiver input impedance.MAX483E/MAX487E/MAX488E/MAX489E:Reduced EMI and Reflections The MAX483E and MAX487E–MAX489E are slew-rate limited, minimizing EMI and reducing reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. F igure 16 shows the driver output waveform and its Fourier analy-sis of a 150kHz signal transmitted by a MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, or MAX1487E. High-frequency harmonics with large amplitudes are evident.F igure 17 shows the same information displayed for a MAX483E, MAX487E, MAX488E, or MAX489E transmit-ting under the same conditions. F igure 17’s high-fre-quency harmonics have much lower amplitudes, and the potential for EMI is significantly reduced.Low-Power Shutdown Mode(MAX481E/MAX483E/MAX487E) A low-power shutdown mode is initiated by bringing both RE high and DE low. The devices will not shut down unless both the driver and receiver are disabled. In shutdown, the devices typically draw only 0.5µA of supply current.RE and DE may be driven simultaneously; the parts are guaranteed not to enter shutdown if RE is high and DE is low for less than 50ns. If the inputs are in this state for at least 600ns, the parts are guaranteed to enter shutdown.F or the MAX481E, MAX483E, and MAX487E, the t ZH and t ZL enable times assume the part was not in the low-power shutdown state (the MAX485E, MAX488E–MAX491E, and MAX1487E can not be shut down). The t ZH(SHDN)and t ZL(SHDN)enable times assume the parts were shut down (see Electrical Characteristics).Figure 16. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX485E/MAX490E/MAX491E/MAX1487E Transmitting a 150kHz SignalFigure 17. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot ofMAX483E/MAX487E–MAX489E Transmitting a 150kHz SignalMAX481E/MAX483E/MAX485E/ MAX487E–MAX491E/MAX1487E 12±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversIt takes the drivers and receivers longer to become enabled from the low-power shutdown state (t ZH(SHDN), t ZL(SHDN)) than from the operating mode (t ZH, t ZL). (The parts are in operating mode if the RE, DE inputs equal a logical 0,1 or 1,1 or 0, 0.)Driver Output Protection Excessive output current and power dissipation caused by faults or by bus contention are prevented by two mechanisms. A foldback current limit on the output stage provides immediate protection against short circuits over the whole common-mode voltage range (see Typical Operating Characteristics). In addition, a thermal shut-down circuit forces the driver outputs into a high-imped-ance state if the die temperature rises excessively.Propagation Delay Many digital encoding schemes depend on the differ-ence between the driver and receiver propagation delay times. Typical propagation delays are shown in Figures 19–22 using Figure 18’s test circuit.The difference in receiver delay times, t PLH- t PHL, is typically under 13ns for the MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, and MAX1487E, and is typically less than 100ns for the MAX483E and MAX487E–MAX489E.The driver skew times are typically 5ns (10ns max) for the MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, and MAX1487E, and are typically 100ns (800ns max) for the MAX483E and MAX487E–MAX489E.Typical Applications The MAX481E, MAX483E, MAX485E, MAX487E–MAX491E, and MAX1487E transceivers are designed for bidirectional data communications on multipoint bus transmission lines. F igures 25 and 26 show typical net-work application circuits. These parts can also be used as line repeaters, with cable lengths longer than 4000 feet. To minimize reflections, the line should be terminated at both ends in its characteristic impedance, and stub lengths off the main line should be kept as short as possi-ble. The slew-rate-limited MAX483E and MAX487E–MAX489E are more tolerant of imperfect termination. Bypass the V CC pin with 0.1µF.Isolated RS-485 For isolated RS-485 applications, see the MAX253 and MAX1480 data sheets.Line Length vs. Data Rate The RS-485/RS-422 standard covers line lengths up to 4000 feet. Figures 23 and 24 show the system differen-tial voltage for the parts driving 4000 feet of 26AWG twisted-pair wire at 110kHz into 100Ωloads.Figure 18. Receiver Propagation Delay Test Circuit MAX481E/MAX483E/MAX485E/MAX487E–MAX491E/MAX1487E Maxim Integrated13。

DIO-48 产品说明书

DIO-48 产品说明书

Language English Version V1.3 UpdateJun.2009……………………………………………… What’s in your package?¾ One DIO-48 series card¾ One companion ISA CD (V2.1 or later) ¾ One Quick Start Guide (This document)……………………………………………… Installing Windows DriverFollow these steps:1. Setup the Windows driver. The driver is location at: CD:\NAPDOS\ISA\DIO\DLL\/pub/cd/iocard/isa/napdos/isa/dio/dll/12DIO-482. Click the button to start the installation.3. Click the button to install the driver into the default folder.4. Click the button to continue the installation.5. Select the “NO, I will restart my computer later” and thenclick thebutton.……………………………………………… I/O Base Address & Interrupt Setting¾ The base address is set from SW1 DIP switch on board: (Default setting for 2C0)¾ Interrupt jumper setting3I/O Address1 A92 A83 A74 A65 A56A4200-20F Off On On On On On 210-21F Off On On On On Off…..2C0-2CF(Default) Off On Off Off On On……..3F0-3FF Off Off Off Off Off OffBASE ADDRESS A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 Default DIP switch settingDefault IRQ3 4 5 6 79 1011 121415NC……………………………………………… Installing Hardware on PCFollow these steps:1. Shut down and power off your computer.2. Remove the cover from the computer.3. Select an unused ISA slot.4. Carefully insert your I/O card into the ISA slot.5. Replace the PC cover.6. Power on the computer.After powering-on the computer, continue next process.……………………………………………… Adding Hardware7. Add Hardware7-1 Open the“Control Panel” by click the item “Start / Settings /Control Panel”.7-2 Double-click the item “Add/Remove Hardware” and Click the“Next >” button .7-3 Select the item “Add/Troubleshoot a device” and click the“Next >” button.7-4 Select the item “Add a new device” and click the “Next >”button.47-5 Select the item “No, I want to select the hardware from a list”and click the “Next >” button.7-6 Select the item “Other device” and click the “Next >” button. 7-7 Click the “Have Disk…” button. 7-8 Click the “Browse…” button to select the Inf file default path isC:\DAQPRO\DIO_Win2K\Inf and click the “OK” button.7-9 Select the correct device from the “Models:” listbox and Clickthe “Next >” button. 7-10 The windows show to dialog box and Click the “OK” button toenter the device’s properties settings.8. Modify the device properties.9. Reboot the PCThe detail “add hardware” information. Please refer toCD:\NAPDOS\ISA\Manual\PCI_ISA_PnP_Driver_Installation_in_Win9x_2K_XP .pdf/pub/cd/iocard/isa/napdos/isa/manual/pci_isa_pnp_driver_installation_in_win9x_2k_xp.pdfNo devices are conflicting¾ CH1 and CH2 pin assignment.1. Use the CA-5002(Optional) to connect CN1 to CN2.2. Execute the DIO-48 sample program.Get the file from (Default path):C:\DAQPro\DIO_WinXXX\Demo\CA-50023. Get DIO function test result.……………………………………………… Additional Information9 DIO-48 Series Card Product page:/products/DAQ/pc_based/dio_48.htm9 CA-5002(Optional) page:/products/Accessories/cable/cable_selection.htm9 Documentation:CD:\NAPDOS\ISA\DIO\manual/pub/cd/iocard/isa/napdos/isa/dio/manual/9 Software:CD:\NAPDOS\ISA\DIO/download/isa/dio/index.htmThe ICP DAS Web SiteContact Us******************Copyright ©2009 by ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved8。

中文说明书_翻译 IPG

中文说明书_翻译 IPG
一般安全指南 ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
高输出功率、卓越的光束质量、高稳定性和灵活的机动性能是光纤激光器的显著特点。光纤 激光器在效率、灵活性、模块化、热与机械强度等方面的优越性,使其组装过程非常简单。更重 要的是其在工业应用中的运行成本极低。
据经济可行性研究显示,高功率光纤激光器可以实现更快、更好、更低成本和更高效益的工 业应用。IPG 具备高产能输出 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 EMC 电磁兼容性.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 激光等级 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 钥匙控制 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 安全标识的位置 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 激光辐射警示灯 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6



ats48c17q说明书ATS48软启动器4kW-900kW重载及复杂应用的软起动器;属于AltivarATS48 软起动- 软停止单元是一种有6 个晶闸管的控制器,它们用于电流范围在17至1200A 范围内的三相鼠笼式异步电机的力矩控制软起动和软停机。

特性•功率范围:4 900kW•电压:230 415 V / 208 690 V - 50/60 Hz施耐德电气的TCS转矩控制算法•电机的热保护•机械的保护:欠载和过载,门槛值和时间可调的欠载和过载保护转子堵转,转向监控•对应用场合: 减少机械或液压的应力,降低电气配电系统中的负担,减少热损耗•出厂设定满足立即起动的需要通过集成显示或SoMove软件,简化客户设置旁路接触器控制以热量耗散双重配置(2套电机参数)诸多可配置输入/ 输出•多台电机的级联软起软停Integrated集成Modbus、FIPIO、Profibus DP、DeviceNet、Ethernet优势•ATS48借助其的TCS转矩控制系统给您带来无尽的利益•立即起动,简易接线,扩展通讯功能,以其完备的简单理念集成于应用的核心应用建筑,食品饮料及化学工业,泵,风机,高惯量机械,压缩机,传送带技术参数:品牌: ATS 产品特性:复杂应用系列:ATS 额定电流:10整定电流:10A 安装方式:导轨式灭弧介质:晶闸管额定电压:220v主触头极数:3 线圈电压:240v产品认证:CE 适用范围:异步电机脱扣等级:ATS48D88Q 最小包装数:1接线方式:三线保护类型:过载保护脱扣方式:热脱扣操作方式:hasdh电动机功率:25KW 控制电源电压:230V通讯方式:dpt 工作海拔高度:15422外形尺寸:121x2151x246 机械寿命:10000电寿命:10000 重量:10KG旁路方式:接触器每小时起动次数:10工作负载系数:1000 壳体防护等级:IP68端子防护等级:IP66 额定绝缘电压(Ui):500V起动升压时间:10S 斜坡下降时间:10S起动初始电压:220V 起动限制电流:10A工作环境温度:100 可售卖地:全国型号:ATS48C17Q。



CWD48125 CWA48125 CWA48125E
Operating Voltage (47-63Hz) [Vrms] (8) Transient Overvoltage [Vpk] Maximum Off-State Leakage Current @ Rated Voltage [mArms](6) Minimum Off-State dv/dt @ Maximum Rated Voltage [V/µsec] (2) Maximum Load Current (3) [Arms] Minimum Load Current [Arms] Maximum Surge Current (16.6ms) [Apk] Maximum Surge Current (20ms) [Apk] Maximum On-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current [Vpk] Thermal Resistance Junction to Case (Rjc) [°C/W] Maximum I²t for Fusing (8.3 msec) [A²sec] Minimum Power Factor (with Maximum Load)
Dielectric Strength, Input/Output/Base (50/60Hz) Minimum Insulation Resistance (@ 500 V DC) Maximum Capacitance, Input/Output Ambient Operating Temperature Range Ambient Storage Temperature Range Weight (typical) Encapsulation Terminals Max. Torque Max. Wire Size



Structure ReflowActuator configuration FlatActuator length20mmNumber of detent30Number of pulse15Push-on switch WithTravel of push-on switch 1.5mmOperating life100,000 cyclesOperating temperature range-40℃ to +85℃ElectricalperformanceRatings10mA 5V DCOutput signal Two phase A and BMax./min. operatingcurrent(Resistiveload)10mA/1mAInsulation resistance100MΩ min. 250V DCVoltage proof300V AC for 1 minute or 360V AC for 1sMechanical performance Detent torque12±5mN·m (Initial)10±4mN·m (After reflow) Push-pull strength100NPush-on switch specifications ContactarrangementSingle pole single throw (Push-on) Travel 1.5±0.5mmOperating force4±2NRating0.1A 5V DC (1mA 5V DC min. ratings)Contact resistance(Initial100mΩ max./200mΩ max.11mm Size Metal Shaft Type EC11 Seriesperformance/Afterlifetime)Operating life100,000 timesJapan600 Minimum order unit(pcs.)Export600 DimensionsMounting Hole DimensionsOutput WaveSliding NoiseAt R=5kΩ Chattering: 3ms max. Bounce: 2ms max.Packing SpecificationsTray1 case / Japan300Number of packages(pcs.)6001 case / exportpackingExport package measurements (mm)369×283×263Soldering ConditionsExample of Reflow Soldering Condition1. Heating methodDouble heating method with infrared heater.2. Temperature measurementThermocouple 0.1 to 0.2 Φ CA (K) or CC (T) at soldering portion (copper foil surface). A heat resisting tape should be used for fixed measurement.3. Temperature profileA B C D E F G H No. of reflows 260℃230℃180℃150℃ 2 min.max.3s40s 4 min.max. 2 time max.(1)When using an infrared reflow oven, solder may sometimes not be applied. Be sure to use a hot airreflow oven or a type that uses infrared rays in combination with hot air.(2)The temperatures given above are the maximum temperatures at the terminals of the potentiometer when employing a hot air reflow method. The temperature of the PC board and the surface temperature of the potentiometer may vary greatly depending on the PC board material, its size and thickness. Ensure that the surface temperature of the potentiometer does not rise to 250°C or greater.(3)Conditions vary to some extent depending on the type of reflow bath used. Be sure to give due consideration to this prior to use.Reference for Hand SolderingTip temperature350±10℃ max.Soldering time3(+1, 0)sNo. of solders 2 timeProduct VarietiesSingle-shaft Type1) Knurled Type Unit : mm Style (Shaft diameter : φ5.975)2) Flat Type Unit : mm Style (Shaft diameter : φ5.975)3) Slotted Type Unit : mm Style (Shaft diameter : φ5.975)Notes are common to this series/models.1. This site catalog shows only outline specifications. When using the products, please obtain formalspecifications for supply.2. Please place purchase orders per minimum order unit (integer).3. Products other than those listed in the above chart are also available. Please contact us for details.4. This products can be used in vehicles.Although these products are designed to perform over a wide operating temperature range, please ensure that you receive and read the formal delivery specifications before use.。

MRJ4116A_J141-214A DigiPack2_manual_CN (approved 2013-07-11)

MRJ4116A_J141-214A DigiPack2_manual_CN (approved 2013-07-11)

MRJ 04116 Rev.A.DigiPack Ⅱ型坯壁厚控制器J141-214A安装、维护与使用手册更改记录用户附注:(1) 本手册中的说明内容如有更改,制造商恕不另行通知。

(2) 用户如对手册中的信息有任何疑问或发现任何遗漏或错误,敬请通知我们,将不胜感激。

(3) 不按照本文说明或穆格的其它特定书面说明而进行拆装、维护或修理将使保修失效。






注意关于CE认证1. CE认证的模式.型号: J141-214A名称: DigiPackⅡ符合S/N: 来自J30012. 安全标准EC指令认证注意事项J141-214A DigiPackⅡ安装和用于客户的设备或机械中(吹塑机),我们公司只对设备内的J141-214A DigiPack Ⅱ作出EC指令声明。

因此, 用一个J141-214A Dig-PackⅡ本身并不确保该设备或机械适用于EC指令。


适用的指令与相关的标准关于CE标记J141-214A适用的指令与相关的标准如下:EC指令: EMC 指令2004/108/EC3. EMC评估为了适用的EMC指令,请在客户的吹塑机上采取恰当的措施以应对EMC的要求。






File Name Description<your_ip >.qgsimc (Platform Designer systems only)Simulation caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the currentparameterization of the Platform Designer system and IP . This comparison determines if Platform Designer can skip regeneration of the HDL.<your_ip >.qgsynth (Platform Designer systems only)Synthesis caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the currentparameterization of the Platform Designer system and IP . This comparison determines if Platform Designer can skip regeneration of the HDL.<your_ip >.csv Contains information about the upgrade status of the IP component.<your_ip>.bsf A symbol representation of the IP variation for use in Block Diagram Files(.bdf ).<your_ip >.spd Input file that ip-make-simscript requires to generate simulation scripts.The .spd file contains a list of files you generate for simulation, along withinformation about memories that you initialize.<your_ip >.ppf The Pin Planner File (.ppf ) stores the port and node assignments for IPcomponents you create for use with the Pin Planner .<your_ip >_bb.v Use the Verilog blackbox (_bb.v ) file as an empty module declaration for useas a blackbox.<your_ip >_inst.v or _inst.vhd HDL example instantiation template. Copy and paste the contents of this fileinto your HDL file to instantiate the IP variation.<your_ip >.regmap If the IP contains register information, the Intel Quartus Prime softwaregenerates the .regmap file. The .regmap file describes the register mapinformation of master and slave interfaces. This file complementsthe .sopcinfo file by providing more detailed register information about thesystem. This file enables register display views and user customizable statistics in System Console.<your_ip >.svdAllows HPS System Debug tools to view the register maps of peripherals thatconnect to HPS within a Platform Designer system.During synthesis, the Intel Quartus Prime software stores the .svd files forslave interface visible to the System Console masters in the .sof file in thedebug session. System Console reads this section, which Platform Designer queries for register map information. For system slaves, Platform Designer accesses the registers by name.<your_ip >.v<your_ip >.vhdHDL files that instantiate each submodule or child IP for synthesis or simulation.mentor/Contains a msim_setup.tcl script to set up and run a ModelSim simulation.aldec/Contains a Riviera-PRO script rivierapro_setup.tcl to setup and run a simulation./synopsys/vcs/synopsys/vcsmxContains a shell script vcs_setup.sh to set up and run a VCS simulation.Contains a shell script vcsmx_setup.sh and synopsys_sim.setup file to set up and run a VCS MX simulation./cadenceContains a shell script ncsim_setup.sh and other setup files to set up and run an NCSim simulation./xceliumContains an Xcelium Parallel simulator shell script xcelium_setup.sh and other setup files to set up and run a simulation./submodulesContains HDL files for the IP submodule.<IP submodule >/Platform Designer generates /synth and /sim sub-directories for each IPsubmodule directory that Platform Designer generates.3.Intel Agilex I/O TerminationUG-20214 | 2021.04.05Send FeedbackOCT Intel FPGA IP SignalsTable 35.Input Interface SignalsIn the table, n represents the number of OCT blocks defined in the Number of OCT blocks parameter .Signal Name DirectionWidth Description rzqin[n:0]Input 1 per OCTblock Input connection from RZQ pad to the OCT block. RZQ pad is connected to an external resistance. The OCTblock uses impedance connected to the rzqin port asa reference to generate the calibration code.This signal is available for power-up and user modes.calibration_request[n:0]Input 1 per OCT block Set to 1 to request the OCT block to start calibration.Hold the signal for at least 2 ms or until ack_recal isset to 1.This signal is only available for user mode.ack_recal[n:0]Output 1 per OCT block When set to 1 indicates OCT block is ready for calibration. There should be no calibration activities from the core to the OCT block until this signal is asserted for every calibration request.This signal is only available for user mode.ser_data_n Output 1 per OCTblockTransfer serial output calibration data from OCT block to I/O buffer.QSF AssignmentsIntel Agilex devices support the following termination-related Intel Quartus Prime settings file (.qsf ) assignments:•INPUT_TERMINATION •OUTPUT_TERMINATION •TERMINATION_CONTROL_BLOCK •RZQ_GROUP Table 36.QSF Assignments3.Intel Agilex I/O TerminationUG-20214 | 2021.04.05Send FeedbackTermination can exist on input and output buffers, and sometimes simultaneously.There are two methods to associate pin groups with an OCT block:•Use a .qsf assignment to indicate which pin (bus) is associated with which OCTblock. You can use the TERMINATION_CONTROL_BLOCK assignment to associates a pin with an OCT instantiated in the RTL.•Instantiate the I/O buffer primitives at the top level and connect them to the appropriate OCT blocks as shown in the following figure.Figure 39.OCT Block Connection with I/O Bufferdout0dout1Note: All I/O banks within the same bank row with the same V CCIO can share one OCT block even if that particular I/O bank has its own OCT block. You can connect any number of I/O pins that support calibrated termination to an OCT block. Ensure that you connect I/Os with compatible configuration to an OCT block. You must also ensure that the OCT block and its corresponding I/Os have the same V CCIO and series or parallel termination values. With these settings, the Fitter places the I/Os and OCT block in the same column. The Intel Quartus Prime software generates warning messages if there is no pin connected to the block.3.Intel Agilex I/O TerminationUG-20214 | 2021.04.05Send Feedback。

Hi-Yield 火蚂控制产品安全数据表说明书

Hi-Yield 火蚂控制产品安全数据表说明书

Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with Acephate Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. 230 FM 87Bonham, Texas 75418Effective Date: September 1, 20091. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION:PRODUCT: Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with AcephateEPA Reg. No.: 70506-1-7401COMPANYIDENTIFICATION:Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc.230 FM 87Bonham,TX.75418Emergency Contact: CHEMTREC 800-424-93002. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION:Emergency Overview: Irritating to eyes. Harmful if swallowed.CAUTIONAppearance: Fine, white.Physical State: Powder. Highly hydroscopic.Odor: Rotten. CabbagePotential Health EffectsEyes: Moderately irritating to the eyes.Skin: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause irritation, redness and rash.Inhalation: Harmful by inhalation. Mist or dust concentrations may be harmful or irritating if inhaled. Signs and symptomsof respiratory tract irritation may include nasal discharge, sore throat, pulmonary edema and difficulty breathing.Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. Signs and symptoms which may occur within 12 hours following overexposure includeheadache, dizziness, weakness, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision, excessive salivation and nasal discharge, abdominalcramps, nausea and vomiting.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS:Ingredients NameChemical Name CAS-No Weight % OSHA/PELAcephate 30560-19-175N/A 4. FIRST AID MEASURES:Eye Contact: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 – 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, ifpresent, after 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control or doctor for treatment advice.Skin Contact: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 – 20 minutes. Call apoison control center or doctor for treatment advice.Inhalation: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration.Call a physician or poison control center immediately.Ingestion: Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison controlcenter or doctor.Notes to Physician: Cholinesterase inhibitor. Atropine is antidotal. PAM may also be used in conjunction with atropinebut should not be used alone.Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with Acephate Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. 230 FM 87Bonham, Texas 75418Effective Date: September 1, 20095. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES:Flammable Explosive PropertiesFlashPoint Not AvailableAutoignition Temperature Not AvailableFlammability Limits in Air Not AvailableExtinguishing Media Foam Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Water sprayFire/Explosion Hazard Contain run-off from fireHazardous Combustion Products Carbon dioxide (CO2), Sulfur oxides, Oxides of nitrogen, Oxides of phosphorous.NFPA Health 1 Flammability 0 Instability 06. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES:Personal Precautions: Avoid contact with skin and the eyes. Ensure adequate ventilation. Take precautionary measures against static discharges.Environmental Precautions: Consult a regulatory specialist to determine appropriate state or local reporting requirements, for assistance in waste characterization and/or hazardous waste disposal and other requirements listed in pertinent environmental permits. Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. Do not allow material to contaminate ground water system.Methods for Clean-up: Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal. Reduce dust spreading with water spray, collect rinsate.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE:Handling: Keep out of reach of children. Wear personal protective equipment. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing dust. Ensure adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. Empty containers may contain hazardous residues.Storage: Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep containers tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION:Exposure GuidelinesEngineering Controls: Investigate engineering techniques to reduce exposures. Local mechanical exhaust ventilation is preferred. Consult ACGIH ventilation manual or NFPA Standard 91 for design of exhaust systems.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Eye/Face Protection: Use eye protection to avoid eye contact. Where there is potential for eye contact have eye flushing equipment available.Skin Protection: Chemical resistant gloves. Chemical resistant protective clothing.Respiratory Protection: Where airborne exposure is likely, use NIOSH approved respiratory protection equipment appropriate to the material and/or its components. Full face piece equipment is recommended and, if used, replaces need for face shield and/or chemical goggles. If exposures cannot be kept at a minimum with engineering controls, consult respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate type equipment for given application. Observe respirator use limitations specified by NIOSH or the manufacturer. For emergency and other conditions where there may be a potential for significant exposure, use an approved full face positive-pressure, self contained breathing apparatus. Respiratory protection programs must comply with 29 CFR 1910.134Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with Acephate Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. 230 FM 87Bonham, Texas 75418Effective Date: September 1, 2009General Hygiene ConsiderationsDo not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash hands and face before breaks and immediately after handling the product. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Appearance Fine, White Odor RottenCabbage Physical State Powder Highly hydroscopic pH Approx. (1% solution) 4Boiling Point/Range NotAvailable Melting Point/Range 90︒C / 195︒FSpecific Gravity NotAvailable Solubility SolubleEvaporation Rate Not Available Vapor Pressure 1.7 X 10-6 mmHG @ 24C Vapor Density NotAvailable VOC Content Not AvailableViscosity Not Available Molecular Weight 183.2Bulk Density 25-30 lbs/ft3Percent Solids Not AvailablePercent Volatiles Not Available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY:Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.Conditions to Avoid: Extreme temperatures. Excess moisture.Incompatible Materials: Alkaline.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of sulfur. Oxides of nitrogen. Oxides of phosphorous.Possibility of Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization does not occur.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION:Acute ToxicityProduct InformationEyeirritation:Minimal effects clearing within 24 hoursSkin irritation: Non-irritating (rabbit)Dermal toxicity: LD50 5050 mg/kg (rat)Oral toxicity: LD50 3129 mg/kg (rat)Inhalation tox: 4 hour LC50 >2,3 mg/L (rat)Sensitization: Negative (guinea pig)Chronic ToxicityAcephate – High does of Acephate technical have produced caner in mice but there is no evidence that Acephate technical causes cancer in humans. EPA has classified Acephate as a Group C possible human carcinogen based on the cancer produced in female mice. This product is not listed as a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION:EcotoxicityAcephate – This pesticide is toxic to birds. Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Cover or soil incorporate spills. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. DO NOT apply this product or allow drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area. Oral LD50 for bees is 1.2 μg/bee.Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with Acephate Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. 230 FM 87Bonham, Texas 75418Effective Date: September 1, 2009Fish and avian toxicity:96 hour LC50 Rainbow trout - >1,000 μg/L96 hour LC50 Bluegill - >2,000 μg/LOral LD50 Mallard Duck – 350 mg/kgOral LD50 Pheasant – 140 mg/kgIn addition, Acephate technical in the diet causes adverse effects on reproduction in Mallard Ducks (NOEL > 5 ppm but< 20 ppm) and in Bobwhite Quail (NOEL > 20 ppm and < 80 ppm).Bluegill – 2050 ppmBlack Bass – 1725 ppmCatfish – 2230 ppmCrayfish – 750 ppmMosquito Fish – 6000 ppm13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS:Waste Disposal Method: Pesticide wastes are acutely hazardous. Improper disposal of excess pesticide or rinsate is aviolation of Federal law. If the wastes cannot be disposed of by use or according to label instructions, contact your StatePesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Officefor guidance. Dispose of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.Contaminate Packaging: Empty containers may contain hazardous residues. Containers should be handled asinstructed by following all container disposal directions.14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION:DOT: Not RegulatedICAO:Not RegulatedIATA:Not RegulatedIMDG/IMO: Not Regulated15. REGULATORY INFORMATION:International InventoriesAcephateEINECS/ELINCS ListedCHINA ListedKECL ListedUSAFederal RegulationsSARA 313Chemical Name CAS-No Weight %Acephate 30560-19-175Hi-Yield® Fire Ant Control with Acephate Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. 230 FM 87Bonham, Texas 75418Effective Date: September 1, 2009SARA 311/312 Hazardous CategorizationChronicHealthHazard YesAcute Health Hazard YesFireHazard NoSudden Release of Pressure Hazard NoReactive Hazard NoClean Water ActClean Air Act, Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) (see 40 CFR 61)This product does not contain and HAPs.CERCLARCRAPesticide InformationState RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicals.State Right-To-KnowInternational RegulationsMexico – Grade NotAvailableCanadaThis product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR.WHMIS Hazard ClassNot Determined16. OTHER INFORMATION:Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. (VPG) believes that the information and recommendations contained herein (including data and statements) are accurate as of the date hereof. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE CONCERNING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be valid where such product is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Further, since the conditions and methods of use are beyond the control of VPG. VPG expressly disclaims any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or reliance on such information.。



PKTE Architectural ConceptsInput/Output FIFO BuffersThe data for the packet engine is buffered at both input and output. These buffers decouple the DMA I/O process from the cipher and hash modules inside the packet engine. This functionality enables large DMA burst sizes and allows the crypto-engines to process data during I/O latency periods. Data moves automatically from the input buf-fer through the encryption and hash engines to the output buffer. If the output buffer is full, the process stops until the data is read and space is available in the output buffer. Each buffer is a 256-byte dual-port RAM.Parallel OperationsThe hash functionality and encrypt or decrypt functionality are tightly coupled. Operations that combine both hash and encrypt or decrypt functions are available to reduce processing time for data that must apply both. For hash-then-decrypt operations, the packet engine performs parallel execution of both functions from the input buffer. For encrypt-then-hash operations, the processing is pipelined from the input buffer to provide minimum latency. An offset can be specified between the start of the hashing and the start of the encryption to support protocols such as IPSec and SRTP.DMA ControllerThe packet engine uses a high-performance DMA controller for autonomous data transfers for:•Command descriptor reads•SA record and state record reads•Packet data read•Result packet writes•SA record and state record writes•Result descriptor writesInterrupt ControllerThe packet engine includes an interrupt controller that, under programmable configuration control, can generate an interrupt on completion of certain operations. Individual interrupts can be masked and cleared. The interrupt regis-ters show both the raw and masked interrupt status of the internal interrupts. The processor core can use interrupts, together with their associated threshold settings, to optimize the overall packet processing in the system. One inter-rupt can inform the processor core that the input side of the packet engine is almost empty to avoid a stall-on-empty condition. One interrupt can inform the host that the output side is almost full to avoid a stall-on-full condition. The controller uses several interrupts to inform the processor core about errors inside the packet engine. All available interrupts are combined into a single output port as either a level- or edge-active programmable interrupt output. Clock ControllerThe packet engine includes a clock controller that generates clock enable signals. A clock manager external to the packet engine uses the clock enable signals to switch the clocks to modules in the packet engine, reducing power ADSP-BF70x Blackfin+ Processor Hardware ReferencePacket Engine Processing DetailsNotes:1.The PKTE_SA_CMD1.HSHCOFFST bit field provides the IV offset. The offset is only applicable for basic hashor encrypt operations. For protocol operations, the offset is automatically enforced.2.AES-CTR: The Nonce value as described in RFC 3686, is mapped to the PKTE_SA_NONCE register. ThisNonce value remains constant for the lifetime of the security association.3.The host processor controls the IV update using the save-IV bit (PKTE_SA_CMD0.SVIV). When part of apacket is processed using a stream cipher and the encrypt or decrypt data is not an integer multiple of the block size, the saved IV is invalid. It must not be used to resume processing the packet.4.The packet engine supports automatic IV generation for outbound operations. A new IV is generated for everypacket with the internal PRNG. This automatic IV generation can be used for all DES, T riple-DES, and AES modes that use an IV, except for AES-ICM mode.5.For outbound operations, automatic IV generation is the most efficient. No additional I/O is required, and thehost processor does not need to provide the IV. When the saved IV option supplies the IV, the IV must be changed for each packet sent. This activity happens when the packet engine writes back the IV to the state record after processing.6.Outbound IPsec operations put the IV explicitly at the front of the packet. For an inbound IPsec operation,loading from the input buffer is most efficient and always used.ADSP-BF70x Blackfin+ Processor Hardware ReferencePKTE Event Control The PKTE_INT_EN register provides a mask to select what interrupt source are enabled to the output interrupt re-quest. Writing a one to the PKTE_INT_CLR register resets both the masked and unmasked interrupt.The PKTE_IMSK_EN and PKTE_IMSK_DIS registers can be set to enable and disable individual interrupts respec-tively in the PKTE_INT_EN register. This avoids the need for read-modify-write operations from the host processor. Ring InterruptsT wo interrupts are provided for efficient ring management: The CDR threshold interrupt (cdrthrs h) and the RDR threshold interrupt (rdrthrsh).Command Descriptor RingThe CDR threshold interrupt (cdrthrsh) is a level-based interrupt and connects to the threshold value in the PKTE_RING_THRESH.CDRTHRSH bit field. It enables the host processor to efficiently fill the CDR. The host pro-cessor writes command descriptors to the CDR with this interrupt masked until the CDR is full. Then the host processor enables the CDR threshold interrupt. When the interrupt is activated, the host processor clears the inter-rupt and it is guaranteed that it can put CDR threshold number of descriptors in the CDR.Example Configuration:PKTE_RING_CFG.RINGSZ=256,PKTE_RING_THRESH.CDRTHRSH=224,PKTE_INT_EN.CDRTHRSH=0 /*(IRQ disabled)*/1.The host writes 8 Command Descriptors at once, then writes the PKTE_CDSC_INCR register to 8.2.This is repeated until there are less than 8 empty entries in the CDR.3.The fill level is now equal to he threshold (224)4.The host enables the CDR threshold IRQ (PKTE_INT_EN.CDRTHRSH=1)5.The packet engine processes packets and the fill level (PKTE_CDSC_CNT register) decreases.6.Then the CDR threshold IRQ is activated as the fill level equals 224.7.The host handles the interrupt, clears it and continues with step 1.Result Descriptor RingThe RDR threshold interrupt (rdrthrsh) is a level-based interrupt and connects to the threshold value in thePKTE_RING_THRESH.RDRTHRSH bit field and the timeout value in the RD timeout(PKTE_RING_THRESH.RDTO) bit field. It enables the host processor to efficiently empty the RDR. The timeout reminds the host processor that when the threshold kicks in result descriptors stay long in the RDR and must be processed to reduce latency. The timeout counts when the ring is not empty, regardless of the fill level and restarts when the host processor writes the PKTE_RDSC_CNT register. Initially the host processor enables the RDR threshold interrupt. When the interrupt is activated the host processor reads result descriptors until the RDR is empty or con-tains less than the PKTE_RING_THRESH.RDRTHRSH number of descriptors.Example Configuration:ADSP-BF70x Blackfin+ Processor Hardware Reference。











4.2 各类利器的管控4.2.1剪刀4.2.2剪刀的分类:可分为两类:8”以上的为大剪刀;8”以下的为小剪刀。











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Distributor: Electro-Stock Tel: 630-682-1542 Fax: 630-682-1562
• Switching capacity up to 25A • Small size and light weight
• PCB pin and quick connect mounting available • Suitable for automobile and lamp accessories • QS-9000, ISO-9002 Certified Manufacturing
22.8 x 15.3 x 25.8 mm
Contact Arrangement 1A = SPST N.O. 1C = SPDT
Contact Rating
1A: 25A @ 14VDC 1C: 20A @ 14VDC Contact Resistance < 50 milliohms initial Contact Material
AgSnO 2 Maximum Switching Power 350W Maximum Switching Voltage 75VDC Maximum Switching Current
Coil Voltage
Coil Resistance
Ω ± 10%
Rated Max. 1.2W 1.5W Pick Up Voltage VDC (max)
of rated voltage Release Voltage VDC (min)
of rated voltage
Coil Power
Operate Time
Release Time
6 7.8 30 24 4.2
0.6 12 15.6 120 96 8.4
1.2 24 31.2 480 384 16.8
2.4 48 62.4 1920 1536 3
1.2 or 1.5 10 7
1. The use of any coil voltage less than the rated coil voltage may compromise the operation of the relay.
2. Pickup and release voltages are for test purposes only and are not to be used as design criteria.
Electrical Life @ rated load Mechanical Life 100K cycles, typical 10M cycles, typical Insulation Resistance 100M Ω min @ 500VDC
Dielectric Strength, Coil to Contact Contact to Contact 2500V rms min. @ sea level 1500V rms min. @ sea level Shock Resistance 100m/s 2 for 11ms Vibration Resistance 1.27mm double amplitude 10-40Hz Terminal (Copper Alloy) Strength 8N (Quick Connect), 4N (PCB Pins) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature -40 °C to + 85 °C -40 °C to + 155 °C Solderability 230 °C ± 2 °C for 10 ± 0.5s
Weight 18.5g
Distributor: Electro-Stock Tel: 630-682-1542 Fax: 630-682-1562
1. Series:
2.Contact Arrangement:
3. Sealing Options: S = Sealed C = Dust Cover S
4. Termination: P = PCB Pins
Q = Quick Connect Q
5. Coil Voltage: 6VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC
6. Coil Power: 1.2 = 1.2W 1.5 = 1.5W
7. Coil Suppression: Blank = Standard D = Diode (1N4005)
R = Resistor (680 Ohms)
** Consult factory if other values are needed.
DIMENSIONS (Units = mm) PC PIN DIMENSIONS (Units = mm)
1A 1C。
