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【摘要】目的:对南充道地药材半夏的遗传多样性进行研究,为半夏的保护利用提供参考.方法:采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)方法对60份半夏基因组进行扩增,所获数据通过NTSYS-pc v2.1、POPGENE v1.31及Arlequin3.0进行分析.结果:从43条引物中筛选出22条条带清晰且重复性好的引物用于实验和统计分析,共扩增出88个位点,多态性位点占79.5%,表现出较高的遗传多样性.分子方差分析表明各来源地内材料间差异构成了遗传变异的主要来源.聚类分析显示,所有供试半夏可明显聚为三类,其中栽培种分布较集中.组间遗传差异分析表明大部分来源地间差异不显著,组间基因流动较频繁.结论:南充地区的半夏资源具有较高的遗传多样性;材料间遗传距离的远近与其地理来源有一定相关性,野生种的遗传背景较栽培种更为丰富,说明人为的引种、筛选、栽培已对半夏资源的多样性造成了影响.因此,应尽快建立半夏种质资源库,通过形态学、细胞学及分子生物学技术进行系统分类,为保护利用半夏资源提供理论依据和物质基础.%This paper aims to have a profound knowledge of the genetic diversity of Pinellia ternate of Nanchong. By means of 22 random primers selected to study on 60 P. ternate from eight districts, including 49 wild accessions and 11 cultivars. The application result is record with 0 or 1 and the data calculated with NTSYS-pc v2. 1, POPGENE v1. 31 and Arlequin 3. 0. The result shows that the selected 22 random primers used in PCR amplification to detected 88 bands, among
which 79. 5 percent is polymorphic. The results of cluster analysis show that all the accessions researched in this study are classified into three categories. And the collection of cultivars has more narrow genetic background than the wild types. Most genetic difference among groups is not significant, which suggests being relative with frequently gene flowing a-mong groups. The conclusion is that the genetic variation is relatively high in S. baicalensis, and the genetic similarity among the accessions is related to the geographic origination. And the artificial choice would reduce the diversity of P. ternate germplasm. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the P. ternata resources by building the germplasm pool.
1.道地药材荆半夏的指纹图谱研究 [J], 卢志刚;唐本遂;石银珍;张逸;何秀唐;胡芳
2.荆门道地药材荆半夏产业发展现状与高产栽培技术 [J], 刘菊;张元虎;王艾鸿;夏振华;杨雪;郑应莉;贺小芹;李娟娟
3.道地药材西和半夏高效栽培技术 [J], 孙连虎;潘水站;王义存;魏莉霞
4.南充地区半夏资源调查及与省外半夏形态特征的比较 [J], 白权;李敏;贾敏如;孙琪华
5.毛细管气相色谱法测定南阳道地药材唐半夏的有机氯农药残留 [J], 郭万周;贾荷丽;杨媛媛