化学专业 英语单词

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Summer Holidays Homework for Future Freshmen of High school
Class: __________________________
Chinese Name:______________________
English Name:______________________
Beijing#80 High School International Department
Introduction to Chemistry 化学入门
Definition:Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany there processes.

Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry;Inorganic Chemistry;Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry;
Biochemistry; Theoretical chemistry
Day 1
【Task】Please put the Chinese name into the suitable chapter.
Vocabulary about chapter name. 章节名称词汇
(----What may we study about chemistry in the first year? 高一可能涉及哪些化学知识?)
Chapter 1 Matter and Change ( )
Chapter 2 Measurement and Calculation ( )
Chapter 3 Atom-Building Block of Matter ( )
Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms( ) Chapter 5 The periodic Law ( )
Chapter 6 Chemical Bonding ( )
Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds
( )
Chapter 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions ( )
Chapter 9 Stoichiometry ( )
Chapter 10 States of Matter ( )
Chapter 11 Gas ( )
Chapter 12 Solution ( )
Chapter 13 ions in Aqueous Solution and colligative Properties
( )
Chapter 14 Acid and Base ( )
Chapter 15 Acid-Base Titration and pH ( )
Chapter 16 Reaction Energy ( )
Chapter 17 Reaction Kinetics ( )
Chapter 18 Chemical Equilibrium ( )
Chapter 19 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions ( )
Chapter 20 Electrochemistry ( )
Chapter 22 Organic Chemistry ( )
Chapter 23 Biology Chemistry ( )
【Task】Identify the vocabularies and master as possible as you can. Matter and its properties物质及其特点
Mass 质量
Definition of Matter物质的定义
States of Matter物质的状态
solid 固体
Composition of Matter 物质的构成
Chemical and Physical Properties化学性质和物理性质
Chemical and Physical Changes 化学变化和物理变化
Conservation of Mass 质量守恒
atom 原子
molecular 分子
cation 阳离子
element 元素/单质
compound 化合物
pure substance 纯物质
reactant 反应物
group 族元素周期表的纵行
family 族元素周期表的纵行
period 周期元素周期表的横行
metal 金属
nonmetal 非金属
metalloid 准金属
Noble Gas 稀有气体
【Task】Identify the vocabularies and master as possible as you can.
Scientific Method(科学方法)
system 系统
hypothesis 假设
model 模型
theory 理论
weight 重量
derived Unit 衍生单位
Definition of Energy能量的定义
Forms of Energy能量的形式
Types of Reactions反应类型
Exothermic Versus Endothermic 放热对吸热
Measurements and Calculations测量和计算
Temperature Measurements温度测量
Scientific Notation 科学记数法
Method of Conversion 转换方法
Precision, Accuracy, and Uncertainty精密度,准确度,不确定度Significant Figures有效数字
Calculations with Significant Figures 有效数字的计算
directly proportional 正比例
inversely proportional 反比例
Chemical Formulas 化学分子式
Equation 化学方程式
Writing and Balancing Simple Equations 写作和配平简单方程式
Ionic Equations 书写离子方程式
mass number 质量数
average atomic mass 平均分子量
Avogadro’s number 阿伏伽德罗常数
molar mass 摩尔质量
【Task】Identify the vocabularies and master as possible as you can.
Law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律
nuclear forces 原子核力
atomic nuclei原子核
proton 质子
neutron 中子
electron 电子
positive charge 正电荷
negative charge 负电荷
atomic number 原子序数
isotope 同位素
nuclide 核素
particle 粒子
Oxidation Number and Valence氧化数和化合价
Period Table of the Elements元素周期表
Periodic Law周期律
Properties Related to the Periodic Table元素周期表的性质
Radii of Atoms原子半径
Electro negativity电负性
Electron Affinity电子亲和能
Ionization Energy电离能
Bonding 化学键
Types of Bonds 化学键类型
Ionic Bonds离子键Covalent Bonds共价键
Metallic Bonds金属键
Intermolecular Forces of Attraction 分子间的吸引力
Hydrogen Bonds氢键
Double and Triple Bonds双键和三键
Resonance Structures共振结构
Day 5
【Task】Learn the apparatus vocabulary and match the vocabulary with the picture given. If
necessary, google the vocabularies on the baidu /google image and try your best to finish it.


试管test tube 试管夹test tube holder 烧瓶flask 烧杯beaker 漏斗funnel 分液漏斗separatory funnel 锥形瓶conical flask/ Erlenmeyer flask
天平balance/scale 分析天平analytical balance 台秤platform balance 游码crossbeams and sliding weights量筒graduated flask/measuring cylinder
酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner塞子stopper 洗瓶plastic wash bottle 滴定管burette 酸氏滴定管Geiser burette 碱氏滴定管Mohr burette for use with pinchcock 冷凝器condenser 试剂瓶reagent bottles 蒸发皿evaporating dish 玻璃活塞stopcock 搅拌装置stirring device 磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电动搅拌器power basic stirrer
容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask 洗耳球rubber suction bulb 玻璃棒glass rod stirring rod 移液管(one-mark) pipette刻度移液管graduated pipettes蒸馏烧瓶distilling flask
坩埚crucible 表面皿watch glass 称量瓶weighing bottle广口瓶wide-mouth bottle
研磨钵mortar 研磨棒pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar
滴管dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus蒸发器evaporator
升降台lab jack 铁架台iron support 万能夹extension clamp蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp
双顶丝clamp regular holder 沸石boiling stone 橡胶管rubber tubing
药匙lab spoon镊子forceps坩埚钳crucible tong 剪刀scissor
pH试纸universal ph indicator paper 滤纸filter paper 称量纸weighing paper
秒表stopwatch量杯glass graduates with scale 玻璃棒
温度计thermometer 水银温度计mercury-filled thermometer ph计ph meter
真空泵vacuum pump 冷、热浴bath 离心机centrifuge
(1) (2)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________
(3) (4)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________ (5) (6)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________ (7) ( 8)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________ (9) (10)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________
(11) (12)
Chinese:______________________ Chinese:______________________
English:________________________ English:________________________
【extra points】
1. Main function of #2 apparatus:
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Main function of #5 apparatus:
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Day 6-7
【Task】Reading the following rules and name the compounds below.
H2___________ ; O2_____________; C___________ ; N2___________ ;
H2O___________/__________________ ; MgO__________________________ ;
CO__________________________ ; CO2__________________________ ;
HCl__________________________ ; HNO3_____________________________;
H2SO4__________________________ ; H2SO3__________________________ ;
HClO4__________________________ ; HClO__________________________ ;
NaOH __________________________ ; Fe(OH)2__________________________ ;
Cu(OH)2__________________________ ; Al2S3__________________________ ;
CaCl2____________________________; FeBr3__________________________ ; KMnO4____________________________; NaHSO4__________________________ ; [File] Nomenclative rules of the common inorganic chemistry 常见无机物的命名规则
(一) 元素(element)命名和符号
H hydrogen [ˈhaidrədʒən] He helium ['hi:liəm] Li lithium ['liθiəm] Be beryllium [be'riliəm] B boron ['bɔ:rɔn] C carbon [ˈkɑ:bən] N nitrogen [ˈnaitrədʒən]O oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən] F fluorine ['fluəri:n] Ne neon [ˈni:ɔn ˈni:ən]
Na sodium ['səudiəm]Mg magnesium [mægˈni:ziəm]Al aluminum [ˌæljuˈminiəm,
Si silicon [ˈsilikən]P phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs] S sulfur ['sʌlfə]
Cl chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n]Ar argon ['ɑ:gɔn]
K potassium [pə'tæsiəm] Ca calcium [ˈkælsiəm]
Rb rubidium [ru:'bidiəm] Ba barium ['bɛəriəm
Br bromine ['brəumi:n]I iodine [ˈaiədi:n]
Fe : iron ['aiən]Mn : manganese [ˌmæŋgə'ni:z]
Cu: copper [ˈkɔpə]拉丁语:Cuprum cop 警察,条子
Zn: zinc [ziŋk]
Hg: mercury [ˈmə:kjuri] 来源于古希腊人对它的称呼hydor argyros (水银)
Ag: silver [ˈsilvə]拉丁名Argentum 即来自希腊文argyros (明亮) ,
元素符号Ag ,与英文名silver 毫不相干;
Pt: platinum ['plætinəm]
Au: gold [gəuld] 金的拉丁名Aurum 来自希腊文aurora (灿烂) ,元素符号Au ,与英文名gold 也无关系。

1、简单阴离子的命名Nomenclature of monatomic anions['ænaɪən]
[nə(ʊ)'meŋklətʃə] [,mɒnə'tɒmɪk]
简单阴离子以“ide” 结尾。

例如:H- hydride (hydrogen) ['haidraid]
N3− nitride (nitrogen)['naɪtraɪd]
O2− oxide (oxygen) ['ɔksaid]
F− fluoride (fluorine)['fluəraid]
P3− phosphide (phosphorus) ['fɔsfid]
S2− sulfide (sulfur) ['sʌlfaid]
Cl−chloride (chlorine) ['klɔ:raid]
Br− bromide (bromine) ['brəumaid]
I− iodide (iodine) ['aiədaid]
2、固定价位阳离子的命名Nomenclature of monatomic cations of fixed Charges.
第一主族,第二主族和铝的离子具有固定的化合价,这些元素的离子命名在元素后加“ ion”。

例如:Na+sodium ion、
H+hydrogen ion
Li+lithium ion
K+potassium ion
Rb+ rubidium ion
Be2+beryllium ion
Mg2+ magnesium ion
Ca2+calcium ion
Ba2+barium ion
Al3+aluminum ion
3、多价位阳离子命名cations of variable ['veərɪəb(ə)l] charges.
stock name . 元素后(化合价罗马数字)+ ion表示
common name: 高价态的一“ic” 结尾,低价态的以:“ous”结尾。









Iron Fe2+:iron(Ⅱ)ion, ferrous ion Fe3+: iron(Ⅲ) ion. Ferric ion
Sn4+ : Tin(Ⅳ) ion Sn2+: Tin (Ⅱ) ion
Cu+; copper (Ⅰ) ion cuprous ion Cu2+: copper(Ⅱ) ion cupric ion
(三)二元化合物的命名(binary compound)
1 简单二元化合物
常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属氢化物等,命名时需要使用后缀-ide.如:fluoride,chloride,bromide,iodide,oxide ,sulfide ,nitride, phosphide, carbide,hydride; OH -的名称也是用后缀-ide:hydroxide,二元化合物写法

如CO: carbon monoxide Al2O3: aluminium oxide
N2O4:di nitrogen tetroxide CaCl2calcium chloride
Mg3(PO4)2:magnesium phosphate ['fɔsfeid]

如FeO: iron(II) oxide 或ferrous oxide
Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide 或ferric oxide
Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide
CuO: copper(II) oxide或cupric oxide

mono- 一、单monologue 独白
di –二dialogue 对话
tri- 三tricycle 三轮车
tetra –四['tetrə] tetrahedron 四面体
penta- 五['pentə] the Pentagon 五角大楼
hexa- 六[heksi] → sex → six sextuplicate 六倍的hexane 己烷
hepta- 七heptane 庚烷
octa-,八octopus 章鱼保罗八爪鱼
(Tips:octo,义为“八”. 古罗马分一年为十月,三月是第一个月,October原为“八月”,后因历法修改而变成十月)
nona-, 九nonanol 壬醇
deca-, 十decade 十年

CO:carbon monoxide ,CO2:Carbon dioxide;
N2O4: dinitrogen tetroxide ; CCl4 : carbon tetrachloride
CS2: carbon disulfide
如O22-: peroxide O2- : superoxide
举例:NaF: sodium fluoride AlCl3: aluminium chloride
Mg2N3: magnesium nitride Ag2S:silver sulfide
CaC2: calcium carbide Fe(OH)2:iron(II) hydroxide
有些物质常用俗称,如NO nitric oxide N2O nitrous oxide
2 非金属氢化物


举例:HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen chloride
HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodide
H2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenide
H2Te hydrogen telluride
3 二元无氧酸的命名acid
For binary compounds with hydrogen as the positive ion, place the term HYDRO at the front of the stem of the negative ion, the letters IC at the end of the stem, and add the word acid.
以H作为阳离子,在成酸元素前加Hydro,成酸元素之后改“ –ic”,再加acid。

HBr is hydrobromic acid 【'haidrəu'brəumik】
H2S is hydrosulfuric acid [sʌl'fju:rik]
HF is hydrofluoric acid [flu:'ɔrik]
HCN is hydrocyanic acid [sai enik]
HCl is Hydrochloric acid
对于其它族的非金属氢化物,H在化学式中写在后面,可加后缀—ane,氮族还可加-ine 举例:PH3: phosphine或phosphane AsH3: arsine或arsane
SbH3: stibine或stibane BiH3: bismuthane
CH4: methane SiH4: silane B2H6: diborane

高某酸per-ic 正酸–ic 亚酸-ous 次酸hypo-ous
高某酸根per-ate 正酸根–ate 亚酸根-ite 次酸根hypo-ite
其它的前缀还有ortho-正meta- 偏thio-硫代
举例:HClO4perchloric acid ClO4-perchlorate ion
HClO3chloric acid ClO3-chlorate ion
HClO2chlorous acid (亚氯酸)ClO2-chlorite ion
HClO hypochlorous acid (次氯酸) ClO-hypochlorite ion
H2SO4sulfuric acid H2SO3sulfurous acid
HNO3nitric acid HNO2nitrous acid
HPO3metaphosphoric acid S2O32-thiosulfate ion
H2CO3carbonic acid CO32- carbonate
H2SO5peoxy sulfuric acid. 过硫酸
将金属名称后缀上“hydroxide” 即可(注意变价金属),例如:
NaOH sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠
Ca(OH)2calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙
Fe(OH)3ferric hydroxide 氢氧化铁
Fe(OH)2ferrous hydroxide 氢氧化亚铁

如FeSO4iron(II) sulfate KMnO4potassium permanganate

如NaHCO3: sodium hydrogen carbonate 或sodium bicarbonate
NaH2PO4:sodium dihydrogen phosphate
NaHSO3sodium hydrogen sulfite 亚硫酸氢钠
碱式盐basic salt
可看做是含有OH- 的二重盐,命名时先列出正离子名称,再将所有的负离子按字母顺序排列于后。

例如: MgCl(OH) magnesium chloride hydroxide 氢氧化氯化镁;
BiClO bismuth chloride oxide 氧化氯化铋
CuCl2·3 Cu(OH)2dicupper chloride trihydroxide 氯化三氢氧化二铜。
