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I Argue with My Parents and Friends All the Time
When I was younger, I used to think that arguing and fighting with people was super bad and that I should never do it. My parents always told me things like "Use your words, not your fists" and "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." They made arguing sound like the worst thing in the world.
But now that I'm a little older and in middle school, I've realized that arguing is just a normal part of life, especially when it comes to my parents and friends. I argue with them pretty much every single day about all kinds of things. I'm not just talking about little disagreements here and there - I mean full-on heated arguments that sometimes end with slammed doors or grounds being given out.
With my parents, we always seem to argue about stuff like chores, homework, screen time limits, bedtimes, and me wanting MORE independence and freedom. Like every morning, there's an argument about me not wanting to get out of bed for school. My mom yells at me to get up and I yell back about how she needs to get off my back already. Then we both end up getting mad and the whole morning is ruined before it even really starts.
Or there are the never-ending arguments about my chores and doing stuff around the house. My parents are always nagging me to clean my room, help out more with dishes and laundry, act more responsibly, etc. But I'm just like "It's not fair that I have to do all these chores when you guys don't do anything!" That usually leads into them ranting about all the stuff they do and how ungrateful I am, which of course makes me argue back even more. We go back and forth and back and forth until one of us gets frustrated and gives up.
The homework arguments are awful too. My parents think I need to spend hours and hours on homework every night, but I think that's way too much. They don't understand how stressful school is these days and how much work we have to do already during the day. When they get on me about not doing enough homework or studying enough, I'll argue that they're being completely unreasonable and putting way too much pressure on me. Sometimes I'll even start ranting about how much I hate school and want to just drop out altogether (even though I'd never actually do that). My parents freak out every time and it turns into this huge thing.
With my friends, the arguments are a little different but just as frequent. We'll argue about really dumb, random stuff like
who is better at a certain video game or whose celebrity crush is hotter. Those arguments are mostly just joking around though and don't lead to any real fights. We like to argue for fun and see who can come up with the craziest arguments and dumbest insults toward each other.
But then there's the more serious arguments too, like if one friend thinks another friend was talking behind their back or being shady in some way. There's a lot of high school drama type stuff that goes on and you always have to pick a side when two friends are feuding about something. You might not even care that much about the actual argument, but you get dragged into it and have to argue with one friend to defend the other one. It's so stupid, but that's just how it goes in our friend group.
My friends and I also argue a lot about stuff like going out places, what to do together for fun, gossipping about other people, etc. Like one person will want to go to the mall while someone else will insist we go to the movies instead. Or a few friends will want to trash talk some other kids from our grade while others will think that's not cool. We all have such different interests and opinions on everything that we're pretty much just always arguing and bickering in some way, shape or form.
I clash with my guy friends and girl friends in different ways too. With guy friends, we'll argue over video games, sports, who's better at something "for a girl", or just insulting each other for fun with jokes about anything and everything. With my girl friends, we're more likely to argue about things like clothes, celebrity gossip, school/grades, or guys we like. I actually get into some of my most intense arguments with my closest girlfriend because we're both really stubborn and never want to back down once we disagree about something. We'll go round and round until we're both steaming mad, but then we always make up quickly and it's like nothing ever happened.
Anyway, as you can probably tell by now, I pretty much argue about every possible thing with both my parents and friends. I really don't know why I'm such an argumentative person, but I just always feel the need to passionately defend my side and fight for what I believe is right, no matter how small the issue is. I've tried keeping my thoughts to myself or just agreeing with people to avoid conflict, but that never works for very long. I'm just someone who loves a good argument and debate I guess!
My parents are constantly telling me that I need to be less confrontational and learn to "pick my battles" because arguing
all the time is "unhealthy" and will just "push people away." But I don't really see it that way at all. To me, arguing is just a normal way to communicate your viewpoints, vent frustrations, and work through disagreements. Sure, some arguments can get a little too heated, but I think it's a good skill to learn how to argue your side in a calm but convincing way. That's a useful life skill if you ask me.
Plus, most of the arguments with my friends are so silly and meaningless that they end up just being hilarious inside jokes for us. We literally build up our friendships BY arguing and making fun of each other nonstop. I can't even imagine NOT arguing with my best friends all the time - that would be so boring! It's like our special way of bonding and blowing off steam together.
The arguments with my parents are a bit more serious since they're the authority figures and all, but I think it's actually good practice for learning to debate and stand up for myself as I get older. If I didn't learn how to argue back and speak my mind at home, I'd probably be a total pushover out in the real world. At least the frequent arguments show my parents that I have a voice and am developing into my own independent person.
Now don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that all arguing is good and that I want to just be a constantly angry, confrontation
person for the rest of my life. There's a difference between lively debates and discussions where both sides are heard vs. just fighting and yelling for no reason. Sometimes my arguments definitely cross that line into unhealthy territory, which I'll admit can be pretty toxic and draining for everyone involved.
So I do need to work on picking my battles more and learning to let the little, unimportant stuff go. But at the end of the day, I'm just a passionate person who isn't afraid to argue for what I believe in, even if that rubs some people the wrong way sometimes. I'd rather be someone who stands up for themselves than a total doormat who never questions anything. As long as I can learn to argue in a more controlled, respectful way, I think it will be a good quality to have as I get older.
Maybe I'll be a lawyer or politician someday since I love arguing so much! Or maybe I'll find myself a career where healthy debate is just part of the daily routine. Either way, I have a feeling that arguing is going to always be a part of my life whether I like it or not. I'm just an argumentative person by nature I guess. But hey, at least life is never boring when you're always ready to passionately defend every single one of your opinions to whoever will listen!。
