2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读填句.2 含答案
AY ou can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. The popular saying has inspired many people to read or go sightseeing. Traveling, just like reading, is a refreshing journey from the busy world. Books, brain food, can keep you company on your travel.1. On the Road, 1957, by Jack KerouacThe book is a globally popular spiritual guide book about youth. The main character in the book drives across the US continent with several young people and finally reaches Mexico. After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the book begin to realize the meaning of life. The book can be a good partner with you to explore the United States.2. Life is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan KunderaJean-Jacques Rousseau once said, “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”The book tells a young artist’s romantic but miserable life, about how he reads, dreams and has a relationship. Experience the artist’s passionate life in the book during a trip to Central Europe. The book invites you to deeply reflect on your current life.3. The Stories of the Sahara,1967, by SanmaoThe book narrates the author’s simple but adventurous life in the Sahara Desert, which seems a desolate and dull place. The fancy natural scenery and life there, along with the author’s romantic and intensive emotions will inspire you to explore the mysterious land. Reading the book is like participating in a dialogue with the author, who is sincere and humorous.4. Lotus,2006, by AnnbabyThis novel set in Tibet, tells three people’s stories, each with their unique characteristics. It reveals modern people’s emotions and inner life, their confusion about love, and exploration of Buddhism. The book is a goodpartner to bring you to the scared land Tibet.21. Which book is about the exploration of life value through a journey?A. On the Road.B. Life is Elsewhere.C. Lotus.D. The Stories of the Sahara.22. Whose book is suitable to accompany your trip to Germany?A. Milan Kundera’s.B. Sanmao’s.C. Annbaby’s.D. Jack Kerouac’s.23. What can we learn from the text?A. The Stories of the Sahara records the dialogues between the author and her readers.B. Life is Elsewhere promotes readers’consideration of their present lives.C. Lotus is a religious book which explores Buddhist culture in Tibet.D. On the Road is intended to advise a classic route for driving across the US.24. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A. To advertise four travel guidebooks.B. To introduce four novels about traveling.C. To recommend four books linked to destinations.D. To arouse readers’interest in reading books.BI was in the Sants Cruz Mountains not long ago, speaking and singing at awomen’s conference. We were focusing on the theme of loving others in practical ways through our gifts, and something in particular happened during one of the sessions(会议)will remain imprinted in memory.A young Syrian woman (Lilith) was invited to the conference at the last minute, and everyone seemed surprised and delighted that she’d actually come. Just a few days earlier, Lilith had fled her country and found refuge with one of the women attending the conference. As an Orthodox Christian in Syria, she and her loved ones had become attacked targets of violent terrorist groups in the country’s ongoing civil war.Lilith had witnessed horrors no one of her young age should ever see. Despite the further danger it presented, she’d decided to leave her home and her family to find safety here in America. Knowing some of her story, and seeing her sitting through the sessions at the retreat(畏缩不前)---head, covered in a scarf, bowed toward the floor---broke my heart. Lilith’s story touched all of us, including Pam, who was quilt maker. Pam had just finished a beautiful quilt, and had brought it with her. She, along with a few of the leaders, decided to give it to Lilith as a symbol of their comfort and love.During our last session, Lilith was called forward and prayed over, hugged, and wrapped up in that beautiful quilt. I thought of the many hours Pam undoubtedly spent working on it, and the terrible events that led Lilith to this moment---surrounded by the beauty and love quiltembodied. I wept. When they told her it was for her, she wept.25. What is the purpose of the women’s conference?A. To help others in a practical way.B. To win equal rights for women.C. To get together to dance and sing.D. To exchange gifts with each other.26. Why did Lilith go to America?A. To attend the women’s conference.B. To find safety.C. To find her family.D. To find a better job.27. From this passage, we know that the writer is____________.A. enthusiasticB. sympatheticC. intelligentD. talented28. What is the meaning of the underlined word?A. a place of interestB. a place of dangerC. a place of conferenceD. a place of shelterCY ou know the feeling that you have left your phone at home and feel anxious, as if you have lost your connection to the world. “Nomophobia”(无手机恐惧症) affects teenagers and adults alike. Y ou can even do an online test to see if you have it. Last week, researchers from Hong Kong warned that nomophobia is infecting everyone. Their study found that people who use their phones to store, share and access personal memoriessuffer most. When users were asked to describe how they felt about their phones, words such as “hurt”(neck pain was often reported) and “alone”predicted higher levels of nomophobia.“The findings of our study suggest that users regard smartphones as their extended selves and get attached to the devices,”said Dr. Kim Ki Joon. “People experience feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness when separated from their phones.”Meanwhile, an American study shows that smartphone separation can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.So can being without your phone really give you separation anxiety? Professor Mark Griffiths, psychologist and director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, says it is what is on the phone that counts-the social networking that creates Fomo (fear of missing out).“We are talking about an internet-connected device that allows people to deal with lots of aspects of their lives,”says Griffiths. “Y ou would have to surgically remove a phone from a teenager because their whole life is rooted in this device.”Griffiths thinks attachment theory, where we develop emotional dependency on the phone because it holds details of our lives, is a small part of nomophobia. For “screenagers”, it is Fomo that creates the most separation anxiety. If they can’t see what’s happening on Snapchat orInstagram, they become panic-stricken about not knowing what’s going on socially. “But they adapt very quickly if you take them on holiday and there’s no internet,”says Griffiths.29. Which of the following may Dr. Kim Ki Joon agree with?A. We waste too much time on phones.B. Phones have become part of some users.C. Addiction to phones makes memories suffer.D. Phones and blood pressure are closely linked.30. According to Giffiths, we get nomophobia because .A. we are accustomed to having a phone on usB. we need our phones to help us store informationC. we worry we may miss out what our friends are doingD. we fear without phones we will run into a lot of trouble31. Where can you probably find the above passage?A. In a research report.B. In a fashion brochure.C. In a science textbook.D. In a popular science magazine. DAre some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some degree our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in aboring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.It is easy to show that intelligence is to some degree something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be intelligent. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth. Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.32. The writer is in favor of the view that man’s intelligence is given to him .A. at birthB. through educationC. both at birth and through educationD. through environment of one’s family33. If a child is born with high intelligence, he can .A. surely become a geniusB. still become a genius if he isn’t given good educationC. reach his intelligence limits through his own effortsD. probably reach his intelligence limits in rich and varied surroundings34. The example of the twins going to a university and to a factory separately shows .A. the importance of their intelligenceB. the role of environment on intelligenceC. the importance of their positionsD. the part that birth plays35. The best title of the passage can be .A. On IntelligenceB. On GeniusC. Dependence on EnvironmentD. Effect of Education on Intelligence第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出最佳选项。
Therewasastate____61____(call)ZhouintheChinesehistory.Oneday,thekingofZhou askedhisofficialsforadviceon____62____ (deal)withtheprisonersofwar.Anofficialsaid, “If youlovesomeone,you____63____(suppose)toloveeventhecrowsontheroofofhishouse. Theprisonersofwarareenemiesfightingagainstus.Inmyopinion,we ____64____(k’ill)dbetterthemall. 〞Butthekingdidn ’tagreewithhim.“Ithinkweshouldtreatthep ris_o_n_e_r6o5f_w_a_r_(different)bydifferingthemintothosewhoareguiltyandthosewhoarenot.Theyguiltyoneswillbesentenced____66____deathinordertoavoidfuturedisasters. 〞Thenanotheronesaid, “YourmIatjheisntky,altheprisonersshouldbesetfreeandsentbackhometowork inthefields andsupport themselves bytheir ownlabor. ____67____,you shouldkeepstrictlytherulesforrewardand____68____(punish).Thepeoplearesuretobelieveinyou____69____ yougovernourcountrybemoralsandlaws. 〞Thekingthoughttheoffici al’sproposalwasquitereasonablesobeacceptedandfollowedit.As____70____result,thedomesticsituationsoonsettleddownandgraduallythecountrybecamestronger.【答案】61.called 62.dealing 63.aresupposed 64.kill 65.differently66.to 67.Besides/Moreover 68.punishment 69.if 70.aYouthseemstobefadingawayinmyWe,onlyleavingmesomeunforgettable___61___(memory). Things thatwebelieved would lastforever had___62___(actual) gonein asecond beforewerealizedit.Thosewhoweusedtodeeplylovehavenowbecomestrangers.Ouroncepureandbeautiful dreamis gradually fading away with timepassing by.This isyouth,___63___ is indeedanendlesscyclefromfamiliaritytostrangenessandfromstrangenesstofamiliarity. Humanissuchastrangeanimalthatwemostlyignoresomething__64___weloseit.We__65___(gain)alotofthings,butalsowehavelostalot.Weareingreateffortinchangingourfate andbringingmorehappinesstopeoplearoundus.However,wesoonrealizeitisdifficult___66___(achieve)anyofthem.Itisalifelongpromise.Manythingswouldchangewithtimeandnoonecanguaranteeeternity (永恒).So,silence becomesthe best__67___ (solve) toall difficulties and hardships.Theflyingyouthhasdeposited( 沉积)toomanythingsinourheart.Lifeshould___68___(treat)withspecialcare.Weshouldtreasureeverymomentofsincerityandgratefulnessbecause___69___bestthingswillbegoneveryeasily.Ifyoudonotwanttohavetearingeyes,thenjusttrytosmileandholdapositiveattitudetowards___70___(you)lifeeveryday!【答案】61.memories62.actually63.which64.until/before/unless65.havegained62.toachieve Findings67.solutionsuggestthat68.betreated69.theplayingwithsmartphonesbeforesleep70.your__61___ (be)positivelyassociated with insomnia(失眠症).Recent ___62___(study) show thatnearly 24percent of Chinesepeoplesufferfrominsomniaand___63___numberofyoungpeopleaffectedisrising.Andmorethan60percentofpeoplebornafter1990,thegroupthataremostlikely___64___(use)their smartphonesjustbeforesleep,donotsleepwell.Bedtime mobile phoneuseis anunhealthy sleephabit because___65___can delay falling asleepandreducesleepquality.Accordingtotheresearch,nearlythree-quartersoftheyoungpeoplefall asleepeachnight with their phones ___66___reach. About 60percent of themusetheir smartphonesforupto80minutesbeforesleep.Andpercentofthepeopleagedbetween18and25gotobed___67___(late)than12am.Good sleepis helpful inprotecting thebrain ’nesurons(神经元 )andlack ofsleepforlongperiodscan__68___(danger)health.Therefore,allpeople,includingtheyoung,___69___(advise)toavoid using electronic devices onehour before sleepandgo tobedatfixed times. But it is__70___(benefit)tosleepifpeoplelistentosoftmusicandreadbooksbeforegoingtobed.【答案】61.is62.studies63.the64.touse65 .itter68.endanger69.areadvised70 .beneficialASouthKoreanbiomedicalstart-upcalledYbrainhasdevelopedaheadbandthattheyclaimwill offer relief from the symptoms of___61___(depress). The device, called Mindd,works___62___(use) atechnique called transcranial direct-current stimulation(tDCS). Here, alow-voltageelectricalcurrent___63___(apply)tospecificareasinthebrainviaelectrodes(placedontheskull.tDCSisnotnew-thebasic___64___(principle)havebeenunderstoodsincetheearly19th电极)century.Butthepastdecadeorsohasseenincreasedinterestinitsuseintreatingneurologicalandpsychiatric conditions, and a2021 meta-analysis of hundreds of studies concluded that it ’s“possiblyorprobablyeffective___65___a〞treatmentfordepression.tDCSequipment can stimulate particular brain regions either‘anodally(in’creasingneuronalactivity)___66___ ‘cathodally’(decreasingneuronalactivity).TheMinddheadsetapplies anodalstimulationviaelectrodesintheheadbandtothefrontallobe,anarea___67___decreasedactivityisassociatedwithdepressivedisorders.MinddisnotintendedasaDIYsolution:patientswoulduseitin___68___ownhomes,andalldataregardingtreatmentwouldbesentautomaticallytotheirdoctor.andat12hospitalsinSouthKorea.Earlyresultsaresaidtobe__70___(promise),andifallgoeswell,Ybrainhopestomarketthedevicetohealthprovidersby2021.63.depression ing 63.isapplied 64.principles 65.as68.or 67.where 68.their 69.currently 70.promisingIwasalovelychildwithalovingfamily.Iwasnotafollower____61____aleaderinschool.Iwasenthusiasticaboutlife.Atagetwelve,mylifehadabreakdown.Itwasthen____62____IdevelopedOCD( 强迫症).Iwasnolongerthehappygirl.Istartedtakingmedicine.Infact,themedicinedidhelp.ButIwasstill___63____(constant)sadandIstartedtobelievethatmylifenolongerhad meaning.Idecidedsuicide(自杀)wasthe____64____(solve).Suddenly,myeyes___65___(fall)onaphotograph.Itwasalittlegirl___66___(wear)acarefreesmile.Ittookmeafewminutes___67____(realize)whothegirlintht1photowas.Ievencouldn believethatsmilingchildwasme!Itseemedmyyoungerselfhadsentmeamessage.RightthenandthereIknewIcouldn_’t_k6il8l____(I).OnceIhadbeenastronggirl,andIhadtobelikethat again.IsworeIwouldn’to_nly_6re9l_y___mymedicine.Iwouldfightthedepressionwithmy mind.too.It’sbeentwyoearssince Irecovered.Ilearnedalifelonglesson:Nevergiveup.Lifeis____70____(challenge),buteveryonecansurvive.Iamlivingproofofthat.61.but62.that63.constantly64.solution65.fell66.wearing67.torealize68.myself69.on70.challengingBecomingdisableddoesnotmeantheendoftheworldforsomeone.OnedaywhenIturnedontheradio,Ididn thearIwasn tborndeaf.ThedoctorsaidIlostmy6 1(hear).Ihadtogotoaspecialschool,62IwonascholarshiptotheUS.Weweretakento differentcommunities,volunteeringthereandteachingthemaboutmycountryandculture.The loveofvolunteeringcametomefromthen.InKenya,deafpeople63(be)morelikelytobefromdisadvantagedbackgrounds.Often,untrainedteachersarepostedtoteachatdeafschools.Sothere salack64 knowledgeandbasicskills.Igathereddeaf65(youth)tomeeteverySundayforvolleyballmatches.Iestablishedamathsclubanddanceclubthatbecame66(fair)popular.I67(name)Deaf“RoleModel〞in2021duringInternationalDeafAwarenessWeek.Iwanttoset68goodexamplefordeafchildren.Itoldthemmystory.Itoldthemthattheycouldhavemanytalents,likedancing.Itoldthemtoclosetheirearsandfeelthemusic.Myfatherinspiredme69(become)thebestteacher.Iknowheisveryproudofme.Iwantpeopletoknowthateventhoughmylifehasbeenchallenging,I70(overcome)itbynow.64.hearing named becomehaveovercomeTinsofcoolingointment(清凉油)havebecomeacurrencyforChinesetravelinginEgypt.61 (visit)thecomplexofancienttemplesatKarnak,ChinesetouristMr.Yelosthiswayamongthestonechurchesandpillars.AnEgyptianguidegavehimdirections.Toshowhis 62 (appreciate),Mr.Yehandedhimasmallredtinthesizeofalargecoin.Inside 63 (be)acoolingointmentthathasthefunctionofrefreshingmindandpreventingpain.Mr.Yebrought50tinswithhimonhissix-daytourtohandoutastips."BeforeIcametoEgypt,thetourismagencytoldme 64 (repeat)tobringcoolingbalmasagifttomakethetrip 65 (easy),"saidMr.Ye,a25-year-old 66 familysellsChinesemedicineonline.Egyptians,hesaid,areverynicetoChinesetourists, 67 theylovethislittlegift."Egyptianssometimesdemandthebalmbyrunningathumbacrosstheirforeheads.LiXiaodong,anEgyptologistatChina'sNortheastNormalUniversity,believesChinese travelersinitiallybroughtcoolingbalmfor 68 (person)usebecauseit'sveryhotinEgypt,then 69 (discover)Egyptianslikedit.SomeChinesetouristssaidgivinggiftsfeelsbetterthanhandingovermoney."Ifyougiveessentialbalm,70ismorelikeyou'regivingittofriends,"saidoneChinesetourist.Visiting;;;;;;;persona;l;AnAmericaninBeijingliveshisChinesedreamGaoTianruiwalksalongstreetsinBeijing’sXichen6g1districtpausblicsecurityvolunteer.62(wear)hisbrightredarmband红(袖章)andspeakingfluentMandarin,62-year-oldGaoTianruicouldhavebeentakenforanyregularChineseman.63oncloserinspection,thingsarenotquitewhattheyseem:Gao’srealnameisTerry Crossmanandheis 64 theUnitedStates.Heisnowamemberof “XichengDama〞,thatis,volunteers,usuallywomeninlatemidd-laege, 65 walkalongthestreetsofdowntownBeijinggroupasbusybodies,butretiredseniors67’sXichengdistrict.Terrysaidthat,atfirst,hesawthe66(gradual)hesawthatitwasagoodthingfor(help)others.Often,He68(see)givingtourists69(direction),gettingwaterforababyandevenhelpinganeighborsellyogurt.“Ilikehelpingothers,〞he said, “eIlivnthehutongandmyneighborsandIusuallyhelpeachother...ThisiswhereIlive,wheremyfriendsareandwhereIcallhome. 7〞0Crossman(become)interestedinChinesecultureasateenagerwhenhereadTaoTeChingbyLaozi.62.a 62.Wearing 63.But 64.from 65.who 66.gradually 67.tohelp 68.isseen 69.directions 70.becameOneofthepurposesofchildren’sslang(俚语)istostopadultsfrombeingabletounderstandthe’yresaying.Obviously,thestrategyworks.Recentresearchshowsthatmajorityofadultsca ’nttranslatethemeaningofcommonslang.Inasurveyof4,500peoplelastmonth,it(find)that85%ofadultsdidn’tunderstandacceptedtranslationsoefmoji(表情符号)andtext.Theresearcherswarnedthatalackawarenessofwhatchildrenarecommunicatingonlinecanleavethemunprotected,withphrasesthatexpresseatingdisordersandunhappinessnot(understand).Foryoungpeoplegrowingupwithtechnology,thisnewlanguagecomes________(natural),butit’sleavingsomeadultsunsureaboutwhatisbeingsaidbytheirchildrenonline.isimportantforadultst ospeaktoyoungpeopleabouthowtheyusesocialmediaandchatonline. CarolineBunting,generalmanageratInternetMatters,said 〞W: hileitisunrealistictoexpectparents(know)everypieceofInternetslangtheirchildrenwilleversee,online(safe)startswithaconversation. ’Istvitalforparentstotalktotheirkidsabouttheirdigitalworlds,includingthesortsof________(thing)theymightexperienceonlineandthetypesofproblemstobeawareof.〞语法填空:63.wasfoundunderstoodItknowHaveyouevertastedorperhapsheardofsugarpainting?Asfewerpeoplechoosetomakethiskindofpainting,thetraditionalChinesefolkcraftmighthavebecomea 61 (distance)memoryinsomeways. 62 ,a38-yearoldcraftsman,LiJianzhong,iscommittedto 63(keep)theartofsugarpaintingalive.Liworkedasaminerformorethantenyears.After 64 minecloseddown,Liturnedtohousingdecoration,untilhe 65 (force)togivethatupduetoafingerinjury.Earlierthisyear,hediscoveredsugarpainting,somethinghereallyhadaninterestinandastrongdesiretolearn.Sincetherewasnosugarpaintingcraftsmaninhisvillage,hestudiedbyhimselfthroughlargequantitiesof 66 (video)andinformationontheInternet.Lilovedpaintingwhenhewasyoung,andhefounditeasy 67 (learn)theskillinsugarpainting.Hesoonmasteredtheskillandcouldmakea 68 (vary)ofsugarpaintings.Asugarpaintingismadewithmeltedbrownorwhitesugar.Craftsmen 69 (normal)paintanimalsandflowersonastoneboardwiththesyrup( 糖浆).Whenthesugarcoolsdown, 70 appearsisapieceofsugarart.语法填空:62.However63.keeping/keep64.the65.wasforced67.videos67.tolearn68.variety69.normally70.whatAnunsupervised( 无人监管的)flowershopoperatedbyacollegestudentinBeijingisattractingmanyyoungcustomers,Chinesemediareported.Differentfrom61.__traditional__(tradition)shopsinthecapital,theyoungstorekeepersurnamedWangopenedthefirstunsupervisedflowershop,peoplecanselectflowersandpayviamobilepaymentsystemsincludingWeChatandAlipay.Bornafter1995andaloveroffiction,theyoungmansaidhe63.__began__(begin)thestartupbecauseitwouldnottakeuphistime.“Peoplegotoflowershopsatanytime,〞hesaid.“Icannotconcentrateon__(read)whenIhavetoserve customers.〞SoWang openedtheself-serviceflowershopafterconductingmarketresearch.Mostyoungcustomerslikeshoppingafreeenvironment,andhatepromotionfromclerks,heexplained,addingthatcustomerscanhavetheirquestions66.__answered__(answer)aboutcategoriesandnam esofflowersthroughmobileapps.Eventhoughthereisnoshopkeeper,alargenumberofyoungcustomers67.__have__been__attracted__(attract)bytheoperationsofar,whichhasprovedtobeasuccess,atl eastfornow.68.__Although/Though/While__hedoesnotsellflowersintheshopinperson,Wangsaidhewouldcallatitatodd69.__intervals__(interval)everyday.“Itisabusinesswithsmallinvestment,anditwillnotcauseahuge(lose)ifaburglaryoccurs,〞hesaid.【解析】67.考查词性转换。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 短文改错.2 Word版含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 短文改错.2 Word版含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd310398770bf78a6529547d.png)
随堂训练Ⅰ. 单句改错1. Through our research, we come to know that everybody must pay attention to our environment and some measures should be taken to protect.【解析】在protect后面加it。
protect是及物动词, 后面需接宾语, 此处用it代替前文提到的environment。
2. Soon they came up with a good idea, and then we decided to go cycling in the countryside.【解析】we→they。
上文提到他们想到了一个好主意, 所以下句应该是他们决定去农村骑行。
3. As students, we have classes from early morning till late afternoon, so taking a ten-minute break between class is definitely important, even necessary.【解析】class→classes。
由between可知, 是在两节课之间, 故用复数。
4. When it comes to relaxation, I’d like to go skating, climb mountains and see several movie.【解析】movie→movies。
由前面several可知, 此处用复数。
5. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to go on feet.【解析】feet→foot。
on foot意为“步行”, 是固定短语, 不用复数。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空2 含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空2 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c0250b2ca6c30c2259019e63.png)
温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后.关闭Word文档返回原板块.随堂训练1Face adversity(逆境)with a smileI told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He repl ied, “You mean1. ”He explained that I should be glad of the2exercise that the hill provided.My3to the hill has now changed. I used to4as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to5and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. 6, I have a smile of7as I reach the top of the hill.Problems are there to be faced and8. We cannot achieve anything with a(n)9life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to10 a University degree. She wrote, “Character cannot be 11in ease and quiet. Only through12of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. ”One of the main13of success in life is our attitude towardsadversity. At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. 14we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated(截肢)following a flying accident. He was15to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces(擅长……的人). He was a(n)16 to others during the war. He said, “Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. 17your mind, and you’ll never18crutches(拐杖)or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go19you want to. But never, never let them20you that things are too difficult or impossible. ”1. A. slowly B. fortunately C. carefully D. quickly2. A. abundant B. proper C. extra D. necessary3. A. attitude B. access C. entrance D. affection4. A. climb B. confuse C. comment D. complain5. A. put on weigh B. gain weightC. lose weightD. take my weight6. A. Gradually B. FinallyC. RarelyD. Approximately7. A. satisfaction B. devotion C. decoration D. caution8. A. understood B. clarified C. defeated D. overcome9. A. tough B. difficultC. easyD. reasonable10. A. gain B. accept C. accomplish D. admire11. A. founded B. producedC. constructedD. developed12. A. happiness B. experiences C. difficulties D. pressures13. A. emphasis B. conflicts C. factors D. powers14. A. While B. As C. Because D. If15. A. devoted B. determinedC. commandedD. forced16. A. appreciation B. qualificationC. inspirationD. destination17. A. Open up B. Make upC. Come toD. Come into18. A. reject B. deliver C. abandon D. use19. A. anywhere B. everywhereC. nowhereD. somewhere20. A. advise B. attempt C. request D. persuade【解题思路】第一步抓主题理逻辑作者骑自行车上班要越过一座小山, 向朋友抱怨时, 朋友却说这有助于锻炼身体.作者的态度为之改变, 并由此想到了其他的人和事, 彰显出文章的主题: 笑对逆境.文章第一、二段讲述了作者态度的转变, 是叙述.第三、四、五段结合一些事例阐明了作者的观点, 夹叙夹议. 第二步品原文析选项(一)部分答案直接选以下题目, 在第一遍阅读时即可选出; 你能写出它们的答案吗?3. A; 6. B; 10. A; 13. C; 14. A; 18. D(二)逻辑题目细推断1. 根据后面作者的朋友解释作者应该高兴可知, 作者的抱怨在其朋友看来却是幸运.故选B.2. 因为是上班途中经过一座山, 这种锻炼不是主观上愿意的, 所以只能说是额外的, 故选C.4. 根据后面的but以及语境可知, 作者刚开始是有抱怨的.故选D. 7. 前文说作者最初是有抱怨的, 经过朋友开导以后, 作者最终转变了态度, 到达山顶后是满意的微笑.故选A.9. 根据后文举的事例可知, 生活太安逸会一事无成.故选C.(三)依照语境词义辨8. 问题是需要面对和克服的.故选D.11. 性格不能在闲适和安静中养成.故选D.12. 只有经过磨练和苦难的体验灵魂才能变强.故选B.16. Douglas Bader身残志坚, 所以在战争期间, 他给别人以精神力量.故选C.19. 上句说去学校, 参加你能参加的游戏.所以本句就是去你想去的任何地方.故选A.20. 承接上句去你想去的任何地方, 但是永远不要让他们说服你: 事情太难或不可能.根据语境, 此处想表达不要相信事情太难或不可能, 结合选项只能选D.(四)搭配题目填一填15. be determined to do sth. 决心做某事.故选B.17. make up one’s mind下定决心.故选B.(五)依据常识选答案5. 根据常识, 锻炼会让人减轻体重, 故选C.2I believe different people have experienced different adolescence. I must admit I was still an angry1in my first year of college. My2 was that my parents didn’t please me at all.Our finances were3, so I chose to go to a4college and take a bus to classes every day. One day I had a5fight with my father. We both exploded in shouts. I6out of the house and missed my bus to school.I rushed all the way to school. As I7across the campus toward my class, I suddenly realized I didn’t have the8that was due: a thought card. My professor asked us to9an index card with our names and the date every Tuesday. 10what was on the rest of the card, we could write a thought, a question or something else.Now, outside the door, ten minutes late, I took an index card. 11 to write something on it, I could only think about the12I’d just had with my dad. I wrote “I am the son of an idiot! ”, then13into the room, and handed it to our professor.Next day, our professor14the thought card and I15he wrote, “What does the‘son of an idiot’do with the rest of his life? ”The Professor’s innocent-seeming question16me to the issue: Whose problem is it? 17, my thinking began to shift. I realized that I had created a life18I was not a central figure!The19of growth wasn’t easy or fast. 20later, from a struggling student, I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.1. A. child B. adult C. adolescent D. student2. A. temper B. anger C. mood D. pain3. A. limited B. special C. practical D. fantastic4. A. ordinary B. private C. local D. state5. A. serious B. controversialC. unfriendlyD. anxious6. A. stormed B. wandered C. slipped D. stepped7. A. leaped B. walked C. ran D. headed8. A. duty B. assignmentC. commitmentD. material9. A. take up B. put downC. hand outD. bring in10. A. Due to B. Regardless ofC. As forD. In terms11. A. Concerned B. DesperateC. DepressedD. Active12. A. argument B. conversationC. disputeD. fight13. A. poured B. enteredC. dashedD. approached14. A. gave back B. checked outC. put awayD. passed on15. A. explored B. recognizedC. discoveredD. ignored16. A. awoke B. forced C. scared D. adjusted17. A. Slowly B. Rapidly C. Generally D. Swiftly18. A. what B. in which C. which D. that19. A. process B. progress C. period D. challenge20. A. Weeks B. Terms C. Months D. Years【解题思路】第一步抓主题理逻辑每个人的青春都不一样.作者曾经和父亲关系不好, 甚至吵架.教授的一句话让作者的态度发生了转变, 最终成为一名成功的老师.文章的第一段第一句是主题句, 也是本篇文章的主题, 然后作者记叙了自己的经历, 最后一段呼应主题, 并交代了结果.第二步品原文析选项(一)部分答案直接选以下题目, 在第一遍阅读时即可选出; 你能写出它们的答案吗?9. D; 10. C; 18. B; 19. A(二)逻辑题目细推断3. 后文提示乘公交车上学, 所以作者家的财力有限.故选A.4. 前文提示财力有限, 后文提示乘公交车上学, 所以作者选择了当地的一所大学.故选C.5. 从后文他们都大声喊叫推断出, 他们之间发生了激烈的争吵.故选A.6. 根据上文作者和父亲发生激烈争吵可知, 作者从家里冲出.故选A.7. 前一句说作者一路冲到学校, 所以作者跑着穿过校园.故选C.8. 根据后文提示, a thought card是作者要上交的作业.故选B.11. 根据上一句提示作者已经迟到了十分钟, 所以在教室门口急切地在上面想写点什么东西.故选B.(三)依照语境词义辨14. 第二天, 教授把作业发下来.故选A.15. 教授发下作业, 作者发现上面写着一些东西.故选C.16. 教授看起来无辜的问题使作者意识到这个问题: 那是谁的问题呢? 故选A.17. 慢慢地, 作者的想法开始转变.故选A.(四)重复词汇直接选1. 第一段第一句中的adolescence是本题的同源复现词.故选C.2. 第一段第二句中的angry是本题的同源复现词.故选B.12. 第二段第二句中的fight是本题的原词复现.故选D.13. 第三段第一句中的rushed与本题是同义复现词.故选C.(五)依据常识选答案20. 文章开头提到, 事情发生在大学第一年, 所以作者成为一个成功的学生然后成为一个成功的老师当然是在几年之后了.故选D.关闭Word文档返回原板块。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空.4 含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空.4 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b14167d1f90f76c661371ab3.png)
随堂训练1What do a volunteer and a tourist have in common? 1. But can you be a volunteer and a tourist at the same2? Absolutely.Voluntourism—a trend combining volunteering with tourism—is becoming more and more3, with more and more people looking for opportunities to4others while visiting interesting places. Many organizations in the world5voluntouring projects. Earthwatch, for example, is a non-profit organization focusing on bringing science to life for those6about the Earth’s future. I t offers opportunities for people to7their teams of scientists on a diverse range of projects. It has also set up “teen teams” whereby young people aged 16 to 17 can8with, and learn from leading scientists.On the other hand, Habitat for Humanity, a voluntary agency well known for9 houses for the homeless, has developed a voluntouring package for participants to help out in their projects across the world. They provide10housing for the poor. Jimmy Carter, the former president of the USA, is a regular11in Habitat for Humanity projects. You don’t have to12building skills to be part of its volunteering team; you can give a hand13you know how to hold a paintbrush or a hammer.But just like in any other14, there are always black sheep that exploit(利用)the15of voluntourists. They may come up with phoney(虚假的)programs. Would-be voluntourists should therefore be16and check out the organizations before17their programs.It is not18, though, to figure out which organizations are genuine and which are phoney. Genuine voluntourism operators have long-term goals and they19 assess the success of their projects. These are the ones that you can20if you are thinking of a voluntour for your next vacation.1. A. Nothing B. AnythingC. SomethingD. Everything2. A. stage B. age C. level D. time3. A. useful B. popular C. important D. promising4. A. know B. change C. help D. understand5. A. introduce B. share C. prefer D. provide6. A. concerned B. disappointedC. sorryD. uncertain7. A. recognize B. interviewC. joinD. watch8. A. play B. work C. compete D. study9. A. choosing B. buyingC. buildingD. repairing10. A. beautiful B. affordable C. splendid D. expensive11. A. operator B. participantC. advisorD. organizer12. A. apply B. practice C. possess D. improve13. A. even though B. as far asC. so thatD. as long as14. A. field B. farm C. company D. country。
2019届高考英语二轮复习必刷题型:(2)阅读理解(二) Word版含解析 (15)
![2019届高考英语二轮复习必刷题型:(2)阅读理解(二) Word版含解析 (15)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9423b413cfc789eb172dc859.png)
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Nowadays, the computer technology develops very fast that the Internet has become more and more popular. Some students regarded it as a great helper. Because there has a lot of information on line, so you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library. This is also very convenient to talk with others by using the Internet. Moreover, other students think that there is some information on line which is not good for students. In addition, spend too much time playing games will not only have a bad effect on their studies but also do harm for health. Therefore, we should make properly use of the Internet. It is of great important to separate good plants from wild weeds.2、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
2019届高考英语二轮复习随堂训练:阅读理解 3(含解析)
![2019届高考英语二轮复习随堂训练:阅读理解 3(含解析)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5ef474d9b8f67c1cfad6b854.png)
随堂训练1In Britain and other countries, young people sometimes take a“gap year”, a year off between high school and college. This idea never gained a big following in America. Recent news reports have suggested that interest may be growing, though there are no official numbers.Charles Deacon, Dean of Admissions at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. estimates that in the current first-year class of 1, 600 students, only about 25 decided to take a year off. He says this number has not changed much over the years.Mr Deacon says the most common reason for taking a “gap year” is to have a chance to travel, but he says international students may take a“gap year”to meet requirements at home for military duty.Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education, but it can also give students a chance to explore their interests. Students hoping to be doctors, for example, could learn about the profession by volunteering in a hospital.Many colleges and universities support gap-year projects by permitting students to delay their admission. Experts say students can grow emotionally and intellectually as they work at something they enjoy.The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its website called “Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation. ”It praises the idea oftaking time off to step back, think and enjoy gaining life experience outside the pressure of studies. It also notes that students are sometimes admitted to Harvard or other colleges partly because they did something unusual with that time.Of course, a“gap year”is not for everyone; students might miss their friends who go on directly to college. And parents might worry that their children will decide not to go to college once they take time off. Another concern is money. A year off, away from home, can be costly.Holly Bull’s job is to specialize in helping students plan their“gap year”. She notes that several books have been written about this subject. She says these books along with media attention and the availability of information on the Internet have increased interest in the idea of a year off, and she points out that many gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了英国的高中毕业生应该如何度过高中和大学之间的“gap year”,这种做法也开始在美国流行。
——教学资料参考参考范本——2019-2020学年度高考高三英语二轮专题复习阅读理解及答案______年______月______日____________________部门TERNANG,Mon—More than 10 000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain.Flooding first appeared at mid-afternoon yesterday along the river banks.People straggling higher ground were just in time to get away from the destroy of the flood.Most of the flood victims had to leave their possessions behind.The flood victims are now housed in various make-shift relief centers in the nearby town of Tulang.“Everything possible is being done to help the unfortunate people.”A government spokesman said,“In fact,money,food and clothing have begun to come in from public-spirited organizations and generousAccording to latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang.The whole town is expected to be totally covered by water.So far no casualty has been reported.56.According to the latest report .A.it had been raining for six daysB.more than 10 000 people had no place to liveC.the town had already been totally floodedD.the government tried its best to help the homeless people57.With the help of the government,the flood victims .A.were safe at higher placeB.got everything they neededC.lived comfortably in the relief centersD.were brought to Tulang within three hours58.The word “casualty”in the last sentence means .A.the house that is being builtB.the money that is given to the victimsC.the person killed or injured in an accidentD.the things lost in the floodBGlynis Davis:I first piled on the ponds when I was in the family way and I couldn’t lose them afterwards.Then I joined a slimming club.My target was 140 pounds and I lost 30 pounds in six months.I felt great and people kept saying how good I looked.But Christmas came and I started to slip back into my old eating habits.I told myself I’d lose the weight at slimming classes in the new year…but it didn’t happen.Instead of losing the pounds.I put the m on.I’d lost willpower and tried to believe that the old bage of fish and chips didn’t make any difference but the scales don’t lie. Roz Juma:To be honest,I never weigh myself any more I’ve leant to be happy with myself.It seemed to me that I would feel sorry about every spoonful of tasty food that passed my lips.My idea is simple.You shouldn’t be too much thinking about food and dieting.Instead,you should get on with life and stop dreaming of a supper-thin body.This is obviously the size I’m meant to beLesley Codwin:I was very happy about winning Young Silmmer of the Year.I’d look in the mirror unable to believe this slim lady was me!That might have been my problem——perhaps from then on I didn’t pay any attention to myself.Winning a national competition makes everything worse,though,because you feel the eyes of the world are fixed upon you.I feel a completeRos Langfod:Before moving in with my husband Gavin,I’d always been about 110 pounds,but the pleasant housework went straight to my waist and I put on 15 pounds in a year.Every so often I try to go on a diet …I’m really good on a few days,then end up having the children’s leftovers or eating happily chocolate——my weakness.I’d like to be slim,but right now my duty is the children and home.I might take more exercise59.What do you think the four women were all talking about?A.Their own slimming matter.B.Their life after marriage.C.Their work as a housewife.D.Different diets they prefer.60.Where are these short passage most likely to be taken from?A.Talks on the air.B.Advertis ements on the well.C.Book in a library.D.Magazi nes for children.61.What does the underlined word “scales”possibly mean?A.The coach(教练)in the slimming club.B.Some tool to measure weight.C.Glynis Davis’ dear husband.D.The salesperson in a food shop.62.Which of the following best describes each of the four women’s attitudes towards slimming?1.Glynis Davis a.I put on weight soon after got married2.Ros Jums b.Fame(名声)doesn’t necessarily mean success3.Leslcy Gowin c.Facts speak much louder than words4.Ros landford d.I like myself as I am,and to be what you areA.1-c;2-d;3-b;4-aB.1-c;2-b;3-d;4-aC.1-d;2-a;3-b;4-cD.1-a;2-b;3-c;4-dCChinese basketball players have never been so close to the NBA before but questions remain about how they will adjust to life in the NBA if they go.Wang Zhizhi,the 2.16-metre center for the Bayi Rockets who was chosen by the Dallas Mavericks two years ago,has finally received permission from authorities to travel to Dallas to play for the rest of the NBA season after he finishes playing in the Chinese Basketball Association’s finals on March 25th.If he has no problems with his visa(签证),Wang will be the NBA’s first Asian player.Wang was chosen by the Mavericks in the second round of the 19xx draft but the Rockets,and army-run club,refused to let him go.After negotiations(谈判)between the Rockets and NBA representatives(代表),the decision was made to allow Wang the chance to try his hand at American basketball,but onlyfor a period of short time.He has to be back to play in theAnother center who has attracted attention from the NBA is Yao Ming,the 2.25-meter star who has led to the Shanghai Sharks into the finals fight with the Rockets this year.The 20-year-old’s NBA dreams might be harder to realize.Yao is the center of the Sharks and the club’s manager Bei Genyuan has said that he would allow Yao to go only at a proper time,for a proper team anYao hasn’t been chosen yet and it is unlikely that he will be any time soon.People in the Shark’s front office earlier told members of the press that “it is not proper for Yao to attend the draft this year”because he has to repr esentEven if Wang and Yao make it to the promised land of basketball at last,analysts on both sides of the Pacific have said the NBA road will be a long one for both of them.Besides needing to work on their upper body strength,Wang and Yao will also have to adapt(适应)to the speed,techniques and63.Yao Ming has attracted attention from NBA because .A.he is 2.25 metres tall,who is the tallest basketball player in ChinaB.he is the center of the Shanghai Sharks and has led Sharks into the final fight with the RocketsC.he is regarded as the best basketball player in ChinaD.he is thought highly of in the international world64.Yao Ming can play for NBA if .A.there is no problem with his visaB.NBA agrees to supply favorable conditions for himC.time and conditions are properD.NBA can pay a large sum of money for Sharks65.The underlined phrase“try his hand”in the passage probably means .A.初试身手B.碰碰运气C.成为一员D.为其效劳66.NBA chose Wang Zhizhi so that .A.it can show NBA need talentsB.Wang Zhizhi can have a bright futureC.its whole level will be improvedD.it can make Wang Zhizhi world-famous67.When Wang Zhizhi plays in NBA,he will have to adapt to many things of NBA except . A.rules of basketball B.the speedC.cultureD.techniquesDAntigua and Barbuda is the 32nd independent (独立的)nation in Latin America.It lies in the Caribbean Sea about 700 kilometers from South America,between Dominica on the west and Guadeloupe on the southeast.Antigua is the main island on which is its capital Saint John.The other two islands are Barbuda and Aedonda.The total area is about 441 square kilometers with a population of 80 thousand.Antigua was first discovered by Columbus in 1493.It was named after a Spanish church in Seville.The Spanish and the French had tried to settle in the place but were not successful.It later fell into the British hand and became a colony(殖民地)for more than three hundred years.It declared independence on November 1,1981.Its main agricultural products are cotton and sugar-cane.But about one third of its national income is from tourism(旅游).English is the language spoken in the country.The United Nations accepted it as its 157th member state on November 11,1981.68.The Europeans discovered Antigua .A.in 1981B.in the 19th centuryC.300 years agoD.over 500 years ago69.Which of the following is true according to the article?A.The Spanish and French wanted to divide these islands between them.B.The Spanish and the French made peace on these islands.C.The British got to these islands before the Spanish.D.The Spanish and the French tried to go and live there but failed.70.Which of the following is wrong according to the article?A.Seville is a city in Spain.B.At the beginning of the 1980’s there were more than one hundred and fifty member states in the UN.C.The British came to these islands earlier than the Spanish.D.Antigua and Barbuda was ruled by the British for a long time.71.From this article we can conclude .A.Antigua and Barbuda is the last country accepted by the United NationsB.A citizen may look November 1 as his own independent day in Antigua and BarbudaC.November 1 must be the national day of Antigua and BarbudaD.English,Spanish and French are widely used by the governmentEOne evening Mr.Green was driving in his car along a lonely country road.He had been to London where he had drawn £ 50 from the bank,and he was now returning home with the money which he had put in his pocket book.At the loneliest part of the road a man in shabby,badly-fitting clothes stopped him and asked for a lift.Mr.Green told him to get into the car and continued on his way.As he talked to the man he learned that he had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days ago.Mr. Green was very worried at the thought of the £ 50 that he had put in his pocket book.Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a bright idea.He had just reached a small town where the speed limit was 30 miles an hour.He pressed down the accelerator and drove the car as fast as it would go.He looked back and saw that the police-car had seen him and had begun to chase him.After a mile or so the police-car overtook him and ordered him to stop.A policeman got out and came to Mr.Green’s car.Mr.Green had hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber,but the man had taken a gun out of his pocket and had put it to Mr.Green’s back.The policeman took out his notebook and pencil and said he wanted Mr.Green’s name and address.Mr.Green asked to be taken to the police station but the policeman said,“No,I want your name and address now.You will have to appear at the police court later.”So,Mr.Green gave the policeman his nameand address.The policeman wrote it down,put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr.Green a talk about dangerous driving.Then Mr.Green started up his car again and drove on.He had given up all hope of his £50,but just as he reached the outskirts of London,the passenger said he wanted to get out here.Mr.Green stopped the car,the man got out and said,“Thanks for the lift.You’ve been good to me.This is the least I can do in return.”And he handed Mr.Green the policeman’s notebook.While the policeman had talked to Mr.Green,the thief had stolen the notebook.72.What was Mr.Green worried about when he learned the man was an escaped robber?A.The £50 in his pocket book.B.His life.C.Hiscar.D.His pocket book.73.Which of the following is true?A.Mr.Green wanted to be taken to the police station right away but the policeman refused him.B.The policeman asked Mr.Green to come to the police station right away.C.The policeman told Mr.Green that he would have to pay a fine.D.Mr.Green would not give his name and address but promised to appear at the police court later.74.What did the robber give Mr.Green when he got out of the car?A.The pistol he had put to the back of Mr.Green.B.Some money.C.Some money and the stolen notebook.D.The policeman’s notebook.75.Why did the robber steal the policeman’s notebook?A.He wanted to show he could do something other people could not do.B.He thought he should do something to save Mr.Green from trouble.C.He had no other purpose but playing a trick on the policeman.D.He meant to use the notebook to pay for the life.56~60 DBCAA61~65 BABCA 66~70 CADDC71~75 BAADB。
【语法填空2】Refresh Our EnvironmentAs the director stated on behalf of his researching group, the data of this graph makes a clear presentation of the future environmental tendency. On one hand, the quantity of fuel keeps on decreasing by 9% per year while the___1____ (grow) of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. On the other hand, the mildly but___2____(steady) going up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes like widespread floods. ____3_____disagreement, they subscribe to the view __4____ it is humans’ e xistence and their randomly consuming energy that result in this phenomenon.Many people have a commitment that developing nuclear power or energy ___5____ outer space will stop bad consequences___6____(come) about. However, scientists and educators are opposed to this view even if our needs may be met on the whole. They tend to advocate refreshing our circumstances ____7____saving energy and recycling waste. It is suggested that we use energy-saving appliances such as electrical motors, microwaves and so on ___8______ not be casual about little things like recycling a can. So please glance around and see ___9____ you can do. So long as everybody ___10_____(make) contribution, we will not have to put up with this problem anymore.29. 【参考答案】Keys:1 growth2 steadily3 Without4 that5 from6 comig7 by8 and9 what 10 makes【语法填空】A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diverse natural disasters, such as hurricanes, typhoons or thunderstorms. Sometimes I did this __1___ giving out questionnaires to those ___2_____went through them. But sometimes I had to go through actual20XX年高考英语语法填空训练题及参考答案(解析)该资源针对20XX年英语高考必考短文语法填空的情况,搜集、整理了历年的短文语法填空,都有参考答案,有的附有参考答案的解析,排版工整,具有参考价值。
2019年高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读填句.3
![2019年高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读填句.3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3cb5feeea58da0116c1749cb.png)
随堂训练(2015·杭州模拟)A. Get started!B. Forget your failures.C. Find and use your positive voice.D. Think about how far you have come.E. Spend time with people who inspire you.F. Accept failure as a positive learning experience.Realizing your dreams is not a matter of possibility; it’s a matter of motivating yourself to focus on the right things. You know you should be doing something, but sometimes you just don’t feel like doing anything. This discouraging situation can last a long time if you don’t head it off and take action. Here are some daily motivation tricks that might work for you. 1. ________This is by far the most important tip in this article, because in the end, all of the other tips in the world won’t make as much of a difference as this simple and timeless instruction: Sit down and get amove on! Do you feel the push-back of laziness? Reading more about motivation won’t help. Reviewing your to-do lists won’t help. Only doing actually helps get everything going. So stop thinking about how hard the task is going to be or how long it’s going to take you. Not starting is failing. Tell yourself, “As soon as I get going, I’ll feel more motivated. ”And you’ll realize it’s not nearly as hard as you thought it would be. 2. ________Be aware of your self-talk and stay confident. You have the choice to replace negative self-talk with a more encouraging and friendly voice.A voice that will consider your aim as not just a possibility, but a probability; A voice that does not look at the possibility of success before taking action, but rather uses self-belief as its driving force; A voice that all things are possible to those who commit to their dreams. Tell yourself over and over again that you can do it. See what effect it has. Persist with this kind of positivity and eventually you’ll feel better about whatever it is you want to get done, and you’ll even start to fool yourself into believing it’s true. 3. ________There is no better way to recharge yourself for improvement than spending time with someone who motivates you. They are smart and can always encourage you to be better. Study their qualities. Study their habits. Surround yourself with them, talk to them, learn from them; theyare already living and producing results at a level you admire and expect to. Compare stories, successes and failures. Let their inner light guide you. 4. ________You have made so much progress, you just don’t realize it. Open your eyes and give yourself credit for all that you have done. Think about it. Write down your past successes. Consider using a journal to keep track of them. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised when you review your results. It’s a great motivator to see how much you have improved and how far you have come. Be happy with your progress and move on. 5. ________Do not judge unsuccessful attempts and mistakes as an indication of your future potential, but as part of the growth process. Something does not have to end well for it to have been one of the most valuable experiences of a lifetime. When times get tough, take a deep breath, and know that most great things come when you least expect it. Being defeated is a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent. And most people that gave up didn’t realize how close they were to success. Push through!【文章大意】文章介绍了几种激发动机的技巧。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空.2 含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 完形填空.2 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0b867c3414791711cc7917b3.png)
随堂训练1Face adversity(逆境)with a smileI told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, “You mean 1. ”He explained that I should be glad of the2exercise that the hill provided.My3to the hill has now changed. I used to4as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to5 and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. 6, I have a smile of7 as I reach the top of the hill.Problems are there to be faced and8. We cannot achieve anything with a(n) 9life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to10 a University degree. She wrote, “Chara cter cannot be11in ease and quiet. Only through12of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. ”One of the main13of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. 14we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated(截肢)following a flying accident. He was15to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces(擅长……的人). He was a(n)16to others during the war. He said, “Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. 17your mind, and you’ll never18crutches(拐杖)or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go19you want to. But never, never let them20you that things are too difficult or impossible. ”1. A. slowly B. fortunately C. carefully D. quickly2. A. abundant B. proper C. extra D. necessary3. A. attitude B. access C. entrance D. affection4. A. climb B. confuse C. comment D. complain5. A. put on weigh B. gain weightC. lose weightD. take my weight6. A. Gradually B. FinallyC. RarelyD. Approximately7. A. satisfaction B. devotion C. decoration D. caution8. A. understood B. clarified C. defeated D. overcome9. A. tough B. difficultC. easyD. reasonable10. A. gain B. accept C. accomplish D. admire11. A. founded B. producedC. constructedD. developed12. A. happiness B. experiences C. difficulties D. pressures13. A. emphasis B. conflicts C. factors D. powers14. A. While B. As C. Because D. If15. A. devoted B. determinedC. commandedD. forced16. A. appreciation B. qualification。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读理解.2 含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读理解.2 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/86c12b06ccbff121dd36838f.png)
随堂训练1(2018·嘉兴二模) While other countries debate whether to fix wind turbines(涡轮机)offshore or in distant areas,Denmark is building them right in its capital.Three windmills(风车)were recently introduced in a Copenhagen neighbourhood,and the city plans to add another97.“We’ve made a very ambitious commitment to make Copenhagen CO2-neutral by 2025,”Frank Jensen,the mayor,says.“But going green isn’t only a good thing.It’s a must.”The city’s carbon-neutral plan,passed two years ago,will make Copenhagen the world’s first zero-carbon capital.With wind power making up33%of Denmark’s energy supply,the country already features plenty of wind turbines.Indeed,among the first sights greeting airborne visitors during the landing at Copenhagen’s Kastrup airport is a chain of sea-based wind towers.By2020,the windswept country plans to get50%of its energy from wind power.Now turbines are moving into the city and these ones will cost less than half the price of those sea-based.Having the energy production closer makes it cheaper,and land-based turbines are the cheapest possible source of energy available today.Fixing them also makes the locals more aware of their energy consumption.Though considerably less attractive than it was in ancient times,the windmill isenjoying popularity in the21st century.“Windmills are a symbol of the new and clean Copenhagen,”says resident Susanne Sayers.Meanwhile,fellow Copenhagen citizen Maria Andersen worries about the noise,explaining that she wouldn’t want a wind turbine in her neighbourhood.While Copenhagen citizens approve of the windmills, they’re less willing to live close to one.The answer,the city has decided,is to sell turbine shares.Each share represents1,000kW hours/year,with the profit tax-free.With a typical Copenhagen household consuming3,500kW hours/year,a family buying four shares effectively owns its own renewable energy supply.To date,500residents have bought2,500shares.Involving the local population was a smart move.“There are a lot of things you can do close to people if it’s not too big and if there’s a model where locals feel involved and get to share in the profit.Knowing that you,or your neighbours, own a technology creates a very different atmosphere than if a multinational owned it,”says Vad Mathiesen.Going green?Yes.Accepted by the population?Yes.Going with centuries-old city architecture?Hardly.Certainly,the three turbines don’t exactly blight the18th-century city centre,as they are in a neighbourhood3km away.According to the mayor’s office,none of the remaining97turbines will rise in architecturally sensitive areas.But Sascha Haselmayer, CEO of city creation group Citymart,warns,“With Denmark being a world-leading producer of windmills,there is a risk that the answer to every energy question is windmills.”“We’ve destroyed mountains and lakes in order to support our lifestyle,”notes。
2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读理解1 含答案
![2019届高三英语二轮复习随堂训练 阅读理解1 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7753fe3e52d380eb62946d63.png)
温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后.关闭Word文档返回原板块.随堂训练1A 15-year-old girl wrote to me and asked about figuring out what to do with her life. She wrote:“As a high-school student I’m often being reminded to figure out what to do with my life, what job I would like to have and so on. I feel huge amounts of pressure when my teachers and parents tell me to figure out something now. I’m young and I don’t want to make a mistake and ruin my future. I know what I like and what my interests are but when I read about a job related to those interests, I feel as if I wouldn’t enjoy it and I don’t know why. ”What an extremely hard thing to figure out: what to do with your future! Now, I can’t really tell this young woman what to do, but I can share w hat I’ve learned looking back on my life, and what I would tell my kids. Here’s what I’d say.You can’t figure out the future. Even young people who have a plan(be a doctor, lawyer, research scientist, singer)don’t really know what will happen. Life doesn’t go according to plan, and while a few people might do exactly what they set out to do, you never know ifyou’re one of those. Other things come along to change you, to change your opportunities, to change the world.So if you can’t figure out the future, what do you do? Don’t focus on the future. Focus on what you can do right now that will be good no matter what the future brings. Learn skills. Go on adventures. Make friends. These things will help in the future.Learn to be good with trouble. One of the most important skills you can develop is being OK with trouble. The best things in life are often hard, and if you run away from difficulty and trouble, you’ll miss out. You’ll live a safe life.Learning is hard. Building something great is hard. Writing a book is hard. A marriage is hard. All are amazing. If you get good at this, you can do anything. You can start a business, which you couldn’t if you’re afraid of trouble, because starting a business is hard and uncomfortable.How do you get good at this? Do things now that are uncomfortable and hard, on purpose. But start with small things. Try exercising for a little bit, even if it’s hard, but just start with a few minutes of it, and increase a minute every few days or so. When you find yourself avoiding discomfort, push yourself just a little bit more.【文章大意】本文就“怎样才能过好自己的生活”给年轻人提出了一些很好的建议.作者认为不管未来会怎么样, 做好现在能做的是非常有益的.1. The girl wrote to the writer for advice about______.A. how to study in schoolB. how to live her lifeC. what to do with mistakesD. what to do with pressure【解析】选B.细节理解题.根据第一段可知, 有一个15岁的女孩写信给我, 让我告诉她应该怎样生活, 由此可知答案B项正确.2. How does the girl like her future job?A. Interesting.B. Sad.C. Uncertain.D. Hopeless.【解析】选C.推理判断题.根据第二段最后一句话“我知道我喜欢什么, 也知道自己的兴趣所在, 但是每次看到那些和我的兴趣相关的工作时总感觉我不能享受那样的工作, 我也不知道为什么.”可判断出她对未来的工作感到迷茫, 故C项正确.3. According to the writer, the girl’s question is______.A. full of dreamsB. completely wrongC. short of thoughtsD. difficult to answer【解析】选D.细节理解题.根据第三段可知, 回答她的问题是很棘手的, 现在, 作者无法告诉这个年轻的小姑娘应该怎么做, 由此可判断出答案D项正确.4. What young people should do now is to______.A. figure out the futureB. make a plan for the futureC. do something to change themD. do well in what they are doing【解析】选D.细节理解题.根据第五段可知, 别纠结于你的未来了, 做好你现在能做的, 不管未来会怎么样, 这都会是有利的, 由此可知答案D项正确.5. The passage is mainly written for______.A. young parentsB. young workersC. young peopleD. young teachers【解析】选C.推理判断题.通读全文可知, 本文主要是写给年轻人的一些建议: 怎样才能过好自己的生活.故答案C项正确.2The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC has thousands of objects on display, including the 1903 Wright Flyer, Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis, the ApolloⅡ Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch. In addition to our exhibition galleries, you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium, Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater, and the Public Observatory on the east end. There are many things to do at the Museum in DC. We offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults. We also have scheduled lectures and events throughout the year.Hours & Admission: Open every day except December 25.Admission is free.Regular Hours: 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pmExtended Hours: 10: 00 am to 7: 30 pmDecember 26—30, 2014.March 30—April 20, 2015.Fridays and Saturdays, April 24—May 16, 2015.May 17—September 7, 2015.VISITING TIPS:Limit the Number of Bags: All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry. The fewer items you bring inside the Museum, the faster your entry. Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items, which include pocket knives and tripods(三脚架). Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum, so please leave them at home or in your car.No Food and Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum. You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court, not in the Museum. Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the National Mall.Please Take Photos: You are welcome to take photos for personal use. However, tripods and monopods(单脚架)are not permitted without approval.First Aid: The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty.Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.Visit the Welcome Center:At our Welcome Center in the South Lobby, staff and volunteers can answer any question you have during your visit.Open 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pmPhone: 202-633-2214E-mail: NASM-VisitorServices@ si. edu【文章大意】本文主要介绍了美国国家航空航天博物馆的参观时间和注意事项等.1. According to the passage, the National Air and Space Museum is a museum______.A. where only adults can take part in some educational activitiesB. everyone can pay a visit to without buying ticketsC. where one can touch anything he likesD. everyone can visit without time limits all the year round【解析】选B.细节理解题.根据Admission is free. 可知, 任何人都可以免费去参观, 所以选B.2. If the Greens plan to visit the Museum at 6: 00 pm, it is accessible on______.A. December 24, 2014B. March 1, 2015C. July 6, 2015D. September 15, 2015【解析】选C.细节理解题.根据December 26-30, 2014. March 30-April 20, 2015. Fridays and Saturdays, April 24-May 16, 2015. May 17-September 7, 2015. 可知, 在这几个时间段都可以在下午六点去参观, 只有C选项在此区间内, 所以选C.3. A visitor to the museum can______.A. eat and drink in the Museum or in the Food CourtB. take photos with tripods for personal useC. bring fewer bags to go through metal detectorsD. get some medical treatment if he suddenly falls ill【解析】选D.细节理解题.根据The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty. 可知, 有一个护士值班, 所以游客如果病了会得到相应的治疗.4. The purpose of this passage is to______.A. make an advertisement for the museumB. attract people to explore the universeC. encourage adults to bring their children thereD. show what is on display in the museum【解析】选 A.目的意图题.本文主要介绍了美国国家航空航天博物馆的参观时间和注意事项等, 所以本文是一则广告, 故选A.关闭Word文档返回原板块。
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A.How inner beliefs can help
B.Why are habits so important
C.How to develop positive habits
D.Improve your life
E.You can do it
F.Action plan
The single most important factor that contributes to success is what you do every single day.It is as simple as that.Your habits will determine whether you are successful or not.If you have strong and healthy positive habits,it does not matter whether or not you fail today because you are guaranteed to succeed in the long run.
Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day,a single positive action will not change your life,but the same action repeated1,000 times will have a significant impact on your life.For example,if you go to the gym one time,you won’t see a big difference in your life.However,if you go to the gym
1,000times over a five-year period,you will see a big difference in your body.The same principle applies to finance,health,relationships,work,career,and school. Simple positive actions repeated every single day will have a great impact on your life in the long run.
There’s nothing easier than developing positive habits.You simply have to do every single day the action you want to make a habit.If you want to develop the habit of running,run almost every day.If you want to develop the habit of eating healthily, eat healthily every day.If you want to develop the habit of reading,read every day. Habits are created by repetition.The more you do an action,the easier it becomes in the long run.
If you want to be successful in changing your habits,you should think about changing your inner beliefs about your habits.For example,your old belief was:“I love cigarette because it makes me feel good and relaxed.I need cigarette to be happy and relaxed.”If you keep this belief,you won’t be able to keep your resolution to stop smoking for very long.Instead,you should adopt this new belief:“I love yoga because it makes me feel good and relaxed.Cigarette is poisonous and destroys my body.Yoga makes me happy.”You should analyze your beliefs and make sure they won’t stop you from changing your habits.The same is true when you try to form positive habits.If you want to start eating healthy food,here are some positive beliefs you should start thinking about:“Healthy food is very good for my health.It gives me a lot of energy and I feel very good.”
It’s now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and avoid your negative habits.Write down3positive habits that you would like to develop and3 negative habits that you would like to get rid of.For each positive habit,write down。