4-1 CAN



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Module 4 Unit 1 Can you run fast

Module 4 Unit 1 Can you run fast

Module 4 Unit 1 Can you run fast?一、教材分析本课教学内容是 (新标准英语)第五册 Module 4 Unit 1 Can you run fast?本模块主要围绕Abilities展开,Unit1主要通过Can you … ? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.学习如何询问他人能力。


二、教学目标知识目标:1、能听懂会说swim run fast、 jump far、sing dance play football paly basketball等词汇。

2、能熟练运用句型Can you…?Yes, I can. No, I can’t联系实际询问别人的能力。






三、教学重难点教学重点1.熟记单词和词组:can , can’t, run fast , jump far , swim等2.掌握并熟练运用句型:“Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.”教学难点1.熟练掌握各种关于运动的单词,并能够正确搭配。

2.“can’t”和“can”的读音区别,以及Can you...?句型的熟练运用。


can could would 的区别

can could would 的区别

can could would 的区别摘要:一、can和could的区别1.用法差异2.语气的不同3.表达能力的差异4.举例说明二、would的用法1.表示将来的推测2.表示意愿或倾向3.表示虚拟语气4.举例说明正文:在日常英语交流中,can、could和would这三个词的用法经常被混淆。




例如:- He can swim faster than me.(他比我游泳游得快。

)- Can I have a glass of water, please?(我能喝一杯水吗?)Could则表示过去的能力、许可或可能性,以及礼貌地提出请求。

例如:- When I was younger, I could swim faster than you.(当我年轻的时候,我比你游得快。

)- Could I have a glass of water, please?(我能要一杯水吗?)2.语气的不同Could的语气更加客气、委婉,而can则较为直接。

例如:- Can you pass me the salt, please?(你能递给我盐吗?)- Could you possibly pass me the salt, please?(你能尽量递给我盐吗?)3.表达能力的差异Can用于现在时态,表示现在的能力或状况;而could则用于过去时态,表示过去的能力。

4.举例说明假设小明现在会游泳,我们可以说他can swim,表示他现在具有这个能力。

而如果我们要表达小明小时候就会游泳,我们可以说he could swim when he was younger,表示他过去有能力游泳。




-与运动相关的英语绘本或故事书,如《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》中的小虫子进行各种运动的故事,帮助学生通过有趣的故事情节,进一步学习运动词汇和句型。
2024秋四年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 1 Can you ran fast教案外研版(三起)
2024秋四年级英语上册Module 5 Unit 1 Can you ran fast教案外研版(三起)
本节课主要围绕外研版四年级上册Module 5 Unit 1 "Can you run fast?"进行教学。教学内容包括:
1.新词汇:run, jump, swim, fast, slow, quickly, quickly, slowly等。

4A Unit4 I can play basketball 教学反思1

4A Unit4 I can play basketball  教学反思1

4A Unit4 I can play basketball教学反思㈠回顾这节课,我收获颇多。


本节课是新教材4A的第四单元Ican play basketball的story time部分的教学,我利用普通家庭小朋友用的小道具,一个小篮球和小篮球架贯穿于整个课堂,用小道具巧妙地融入到整个情景中。



整节课我运用了任务型教学法,设计了三个任务sports time,story time,show time,让他们完成三个任务后就会加入我的super kids club,学生积极性很高,学的轻松愉快,另外我还编了chant来练习本课中的新单词,学生能很好的掌握。









语音专项训练题(一)及答案语音(一)翠园中学俞式清编1、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(d )a、拗ǎo 拗断拗口执拗拗口令b、扳bān 扳本扳机扳手扳登c、薄báo 薄饼薄脆单薄薄弱d、背bēi 背榜背带背负背黑锅2、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(a )a、背bèi 背叛背诵背景背运b、奔bèn 奔驰奔波奔命奔头儿c、绷bēng 绷带绷簧绷脸绷硬d、扁biān 扁担扁率扁舟扁骨3、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(a d)a、别bié别称别号别离别集b、屏bíng 屏幕屏障屏除屏弃c、伯bǎi 伯父大伯伯公伯仲d、魄pò落魄魂魄魄力胆魄4、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(c )a、参cān 参合参校参量参差b、藏zàng 宝藏西藏矿藏玄藏c、侧cè侧记侧面侧目侧棱d、差cāi 出差差遣差使差错5、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(b )a、禅chán 禅林禅机禅让禅宗b、颤chàn 颤动颤抖颤音颤悠c、倘tǎng 倘或倘然倘若倘佯d、朝cháo 朝奉朝野朝气朝昏6、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(c )a、称chèn 称心称职称便称许b、乘shèng 史乘野乘千乘之国乘便c、重chóng 重版重叠重合重茧d、种zhòng 种地种花种植种族7、加点字的注音完全正确的一项是(d )a、应届(yìng)编纂(zuǎn)唁电(yán)弓弦(xián)b、魍魅(mèi)窥测(kuī)星宿(sù)愤懑(mān)c、脊梁(jǐ)瓦砾(jì)呼号(hào)强(qiǎng)求d、哺育(bǔ)谄媚(chán)迸发(bèng)腼腆(tiǎn)8、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(b )a、仇chóu 仇敌仇杀仇隙仇姓b、处chǔ处罚处置处治处士c、畜chù畜力畜疫畜牧畜养d、揣chuǎi 揣测揣摩揣度囊揣9、下列词语中与范例字字音同一的一项是(ad )a、传chuán 传播传抄传讯传奇b、创chuàng 创造创立创始创伤c、从cōng 从容从军从事从新d、弹dàn 弹道弹丸弹片弹坑10、下列词语中加点字读音全部正确的一项是(c )a、龟裂(jūn)整饬(chì)膛(zhēng)目内讧(hòng)b、饕餮(táotiè)韬(tāo)略掮(qián)客龌龊(wòchuó)c、分娩(miǎn)蹊(qī)跷濒(bīn)临遴(lín)选d、谙(ān)习反省(séng)倩(qiàn)影怂恿(sóngyǒng)多音多义字是语音考察的重点,为帮助考生有效复习,在此辑录108个常见多音多义字,并组成意思连贯的句子,供考生们练习。



<一>1. The climber ______ at the swinging rope, but missed.A. clampedB. claspedC. clusteredD. clutched2. The journalist’s report covering the important trial was so ____ that nothing had been omitted.A. understandableB. comprehensibleC. understandingD. comprehensive3. The employee insurance plan called for a payroll ____ every month form a worker’s salary.A. contractionB. renewalC. computingD. deduction4. Two years ago she found herself getting up earlier and earlier, and going to bed later and later, justto meet everyday ___.A. choresB. demandsC. odds and endsD. requests5. William lay in bed seemed very ___ from what was going on outside.A. deterredB. distractedC. dispatchedD. detached6. He did his best to stay awake, but the performance was so boring he just ___ to sleep.A. dropped awayB. dropped outC. dropped offD. dropped down7. If a driver decides to ___ the speed limit, he may be arrested.A. excelB. exceedC. surpassD. pass8. I am ___ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown to my son.A. excessivelyB. muchC. certainlyD. exceedingly9. I can’t agree with my mum. I think that such an old-fashioned dress can’t cost a ___. She says 100pounds is a real ___.A. lot of money; luckB. bargain; luckC. fortune; bargainD. big sum; fortune10. The operation may succeed, and it may not, it’s a bit of a ___.A. gambleB. griefC. gossipD. garment11. It was a long time before the cut on my head ___ completely.A. healedB. curedC. improvedD. recovered12. Which part do you think is the ___ of this movie, the beginning or the ending?A. highlightB. heightC. hikeD. hook13. We must always be ___ and upright and take the initiative to crack down on all forms ofcorruption.A. interestB. earnestC. forestD. honest14. In order to buy a house, we had to obtain a ___ from the bank.A. fundB. financeC. loanD. debt15. The people in Judy’s neighborhood considered her ___; she never noticed.A. uncommonB. oddC. singleD. fantastic16. The profit motive is inherently ___ with principles of fairness and equity.A. in lineB. in tradeC. at timesD. at odds17. The first hint of what was to become the most successful means of raising money was the charityrecord, where the artists donated their time and talent, and the ___ from the sales went to a good ___.A. proceeds; causeB. receipts; enterpriseC. returns; agencyD. produce; movement18. After a few years of economic boom, economic crises and ___ are becoming something new.A. slumpsB. smuggleC. solutionsD. solidarity19. The engineers have rejected the employers’ proposals to end the strike and the other workers havecome out in ___.A. oppositionB. returnC. sympathyD. readiness20. The business will ___ when more people want to purchase goods in shops.A. generateB. thriveC. immerseD. enclose21. The ___ from childhood to adulthood is always a critical time for everybody.A. conversionB. transitionC. turnoverD. transformation《二》1. She______ the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of the government policy.A. citedB. recitedC. listedD. lifted2. Children in school are____ into grades, according to how much they know.A. putB. identifiedC. clarifiedD. classified3. I realize that I’ve just been____ with a new problem.A. conflictedB. confirmedC. conformedD. confronted4. To ___the students’ life, our university has established many recreational facilities.A. verifyB. enrichC. enhanceD. classify5. Jim works five days a week; he’s___ on the weekend.A. deviantB. crampedC. dormantD. idle6. when he realized he had been___ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legalproceedings to cancel the agreement.A. elicitedB. excitedC. inducedD. deduced7. Their products are frequently overpriced and___ in quality.A. influentialB. subordinateC. inferiorD. superior8. some have little power to do good, and have___ little strength to resist evil.A. otherwiseB. howeverC. likewiseD. besides9. At midnight, he received a___ telephone call and was asked to meet at once.A. mysteryB. mysteriousC. mysticalD. mythical10. After decades of___, Athens is at last getting some attention from the world.A. considerationB. ignoranceC. negationD. neglect11. People with a university education are___ more competent for their work than those without one.A. likelyB. necessarilyC. normallyD. fortunately12. The man who never tries anything new is a(n)___ on the wheels of process.A. obstacleB. brakeC. breakD. block13. This is the original___ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A. trueB. realC. genuineD. original14. My bank manager has sent me a list of___, e.g. names of stocks which he recommends me to buy.A. recommendationsB. commentsC. reservationD. advise15. A desire to please his parents made him___ to do well.A. undertakeB. engageC. endeavorD. strive16. I don’t know how to ___ the problem.A. tackleB. set inC. copeD. draw17. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to___considerable impact.A. escapeB. overwhelmC. withstandD. suppress《三》1. We are now facing an energy ___ and we need to develop new sources of energy.A. crisisB. necessityC. climaxD. achievement2. Connie was told that if she worked too hard, her health would ___.A. decayB. descendC. deteriorateD. degrade3. One of the problems the local authorities have to deal with is the ___ of plastic containers.A. dispatchB. discourseC. disposalD. dismay4. I can’ t come to your party because I have a(n) ___ on Sunday.A. obligationB. engagementC. reservationD. order5. The ___ factor in the crisis is the enormous quantity of gold which has been discovered on themoon.A. acuteB. predominantC. ampleD. prevalent6. He was perfectly calm when he ___ over the meeting as chairman for the first time.A. administeredB. ponderedC. presidedD. took7. The supply of electric power to Epson and neighboring districts has had to be ___.A. weakenedB. omittedC. restrictedD. left out8. The doctor is trying to ___ the girl who had fainted.A. reconcileB. reviveC. revolveD. reckon9. The province of British Columbia offers visitors ___ views of the Canadian. Mountains.A. distantB. stunningC. intimateD. circular10. Electrical service will be ___ for two hours on Sunday morning for line maintenance.A. dependedB. suspendedC. AppendedD. expended11. Two liters of milk should be enough to ___ us over until Monday.A. getB. tideC. turnD. pull12. Never ___ the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can chang a person’s life.A. overvalueB. underestimateC. misuseD. dismiss13. In a fog the ___ is very poor.A. probabilityB. flexibilityC. reliabilityD. visibility《四》1. My boss has always attended to the______ of important business himself.A. transactionB. stimulationC. transitionD. solution2. A friendship may be____, casual, situational or deep and lasting.A. identicalB. originalC. superficialD. critical3. High levels of literate competence can be found in such____ fields of endeavor as science, law, orliterature.A. specificB. specifiedC. specializedD. spectacular4. The curtained stage was empty ___for a few pieces of furniture.A. includeB. saveC. thriveD. leave5. Because her health is getting worse, she has to___ herself from drinking whisky.A. confirmB. restrainC. confineD. restrict6. The___ of this industry depends upon a full order book.A. prospectB. provisionC. prosperityD. property7. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t___ anything.A. leakB. lackC. omitD. withdraw8. We will___ you as soon as we have any further information.A. relateB. notifyC. communicateD. make known9. President Jiang Zemin’s visit to America helped the United States and China to have a better___understanding.A. habitualB. mutualC. RelevantD. equivalent10. Words with a similar form and rather similar meanings are___ to be confused.A. possibleB. liableC. probableD. capable11. He was a(n)___ husband and would not let his wife dance with anyone else.A. greedyB. jealousC. idealD. deliberate12. A strong support from the local authority is___ to the success of the project.A. indifferentB. indispensableC. inconsistentD. incredible13. Anyway, we are waiting for the___ judgment to be made by the court.A. equalB. subjectiveC. objectiveD. fair14. The government is urging people to be___ with electricity.A. economicalB. economicC. thriftyD. improvident15. You could easily recognize my sister if you meet her at the party. She has a very___ mark on herright cheek.A. distinctiveB. beautifulC. majorD. instinctive16. She has kept up a___ with me for about ten years.A. correspondentB. corruptionC. criterionD. correspondence17. The store set up a special department to handle customer___.A. accusationsB. chargesC. complaintsD. claims18. This new laser printer is___ with all leading software.A. competitiveB. cooperativeC. compatibleD. comparable19. The liaison at one end sent a telegraphic___ to the one at the other.A. codeB. wordC. signalD. language20. With all experience abroad he was a major___ to the company.A. assetB. workerC. mangerD. resource《五》1. I’m sorry to say that John is not the kind of man who can be ___ with either money or secretinformationA. entrustedB. committedC. confinedD. assigned2. The government is engaged in a project to pacify the ___ element of societyA. democraticB. elasticC. hostileD. hospitable3. We’ve been good friends for five years and I couldn’t understand his ___ towards me at the meetingyesterday.A. anxietyB. hospitalityC. hostilityD. friendship4. What was his ___ for committing the crime?A. emotionB. motiveC. moralD. motion5. The prevalence of ___ choices in tests of English fails to test the ability to use the language actively.A. diverseB. multipleC. overlappingD. compound6. If a person is missing for more than 7 years, he is ___ dead.A. mistakenB. resumedC. presumedD. recognized7. She wasn’t allowed into the country; ___ because her papers weren’t in order.A. subsequentlyB. admittedlyC. presumablyD. thoroughly8. Once the ___ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.A. principleB. principalC. potentialD. primitive9. The spokesman was ___ as saying that the American accusation was quite groundless.A. citedB. quotedC. remarkedD. extracted10. Don’t ___ all the time. Use a handkerchief and blow your nose.A. sneakB. sniffC. snatchD. slash。



1. —May I see your tickets, please? —__C___A)No, they are mine.B)No, you can’t.C)Sure.D)Yes, you can.2. — Would you like another slice of Christmas cake? — __B__ I’m full.A)Yes, please.B)No more, thanks.C)Why not?D)Nothing more.3. —I failed the maths exam again. —_B___A)Well done.B)What a pity!C)That's right.D)I'm glad.4. —Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. —__C___.A)Yes, I beat the othersB)No, no, I didn’t do it wellC)Thank youD)It’s p leasure5. — May I speak to Dr. Brown? — __C__A)Yes, he is not in at the moment.B)No, you can't.C)Yes, this is Brown speaking.D)Sorry, speaking.6. — Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?— __A___A)Speaking, please.B)Oh, how are you?C)I'm listening.D)I'm Don.7. —Excuse me, how much is the jacket? —It’s 499 Yuan. ____D____.A)Oh, no. That’s OK!B)How do you like it?C)Which do you prefer?D)Would you like to try it on?8. — How about going fishing? — ___B_____. I have no patience for that.A)Excuse meB)SorryC)PardonD)Apologize9. —Will you join us for lunch? — ____B_____.A)No, I won'tB)Yes, with pleasureC)Yes, pleaseD)Yes, help yourself10. —Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? —___D_____.A)Yo u can’t miss itB)I don’t knowC)No, I can’tD)Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself11. — Good-bye for now. — ___C______A)The same to you.B)That's OK.C)See you.D)Long time no see.12. —Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me. —____D____.A)No thanksB)I'm glad you like itC)Yes, it is goodD)No, it's not so good13. —Would you like some more coffee? —____C____.A)Yes. I wouldB)No, I wouldn’tC)No, thank you.D)I’ve had enough.14. —I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat? Not at all. ____B____.A)I have no timeB)I'd rather notC)You can leaveD)I'd be happy to15. — I think he is a good lecturer. — ____B_____A)Sorry, it doesn't matter.B)So do I.C)Yes. It's a good idea.D)I don't mind.16. —I do apologize for not being able to attend your birthday party. —____B____.We’ll get together later.A)Go aheadB)Don’t worryC)That’s rightD)Don’t mention it17. — My son won the first prize in the writing contest! — ____A_____A)Congratulations!B)Are you sure of that?C)What a pity!D)It's terrible.18. — Hello, I'd like to speak to Jack, please. — ___D____A)Yes, I'm Jack.B)This is Jack speaking.C)It's me here.D)This is me.19. — _____D________? — Do you have a toy horse?A)What do you want to sellB)Shall I help youC)What can I do for youD)Do you like a toy horse20. —Please help yourself to the fish. —___A_____A)Thanks, but I don’t like the fish.B)Sorry, I can’t help.C)Well, fish don’t suit me.D)No, I can’t.21. — How do I get to the cinema? — ___D______A)It's very far.B)Yes, there is a cinema near here.C)It's well known.D)Go down this street and turn left.22. ― Hi! George. How are you? ― ________D_________A)That's all right.B)Don't mention it.C)How are you?D)Fine, thanks. And you?23. — What a beautiful dress you have on today! — ____D_____A)It is suitable for me.B)No, it isn't.C)You want to have one, too?D)Thank you.24. —What would you like to have, meat or fish? —____A____.A)Either will doB)Yes, I like meatC)Yes, I like fishD)No, they are not my favorite25. — Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days? —__C_____A)Yes, you may not borrow.B)Yes, go on.C)Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.D)It doesn't matter.。



SGE-485-CAN-1SGE-485-CAN-1型旋变解码器使用说明书SGE-485-CAN-1型旋变解码器1产品概述1.1功能实现单通道旋变解码,并通过通讯的方式将解码角度数据发送给客户,通讯接口有RS485、CAN 和RS232上位机接口。

1.2性能1)输入电源:24V;2)功耗:小于3W;3)RS485波特率:默认38400bps,波特率可以通过RS232软件设置;4)CAN波特率:小于1Mbps,默认500Kbps,波特率可以通过RS232软件设置;5)旋变激励频率:10KHz;6)旋变变压比:变压比0.5(默认);1.3外形尺寸1.4实物照片2连接器信号定义2.1电源接口电源接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1+24V24V电源+输入2+24V24V电源+3GND24V电源地公共4GND24V电源地2.2CAN通讯接口CAN通讯接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1CANH CAN通讯信号正端双向2CANH CAN通讯信号正端双向3CANL CAN通讯信号负端双向4CANL CAN通讯信号负端双向2.3RS485通讯接口RS485通讯接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1RS485A RS485通讯信号正端双向2RS485A RS485通讯信号正端双向3RS485B RS485通讯信号负端双向4RS485B RS485通讯信号负端双向2.3.1激励信号接口旋变激励信号接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1REF+旋变激励信号正端输出2REF+旋变激励信号正端输出3REF-旋变激励信号负端输出4REF-旋变激励信号负端输出2.3.2正/余弦信号接口旋变正余弦信号接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1SIN+旋变正弦信号正端输入2SIN-旋变正弦信号负端输入3COS+旋变余弦信号正端输入4COS-旋变余弦信号负端输入2.4RS232上位机接口RS232上位机接口,从左到右信号分别为1、2、3、4,信号定义如下:接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1TXD RS232发送输出2RXD RS232接收输入3DGND数字地公共4DGND数字地公共3旋变有6根信号线,需要接到解码器的激励信号接口和正/余弦信号接口,占用2个插座,接线方式如下:解码器接口旋变标识接口标识信号名称REF+激励信号接口/1或2REF+旋变激励信号正端REF-激励信号接口/3或4REF-旋变激励信号负端SIN+正/余弦信号接口/1SIN+旋变正弦信号正端SIN-正/余弦信号接口/2SIN-旋变正弦信号负端COS+正/余弦信号接口/3COS+旋变余弦信号正端COS-正/余弦信号接口/4COS-旋变余弦信号负端4RS485通讯接口,波特率默认为38400bps,采用标准ModbusRTU 协议,寄存器地址参考上位机软件。

艾迪科-绝对值系列 CANopen 编码器使用说明书

艾迪科-绝对值系列 CANopen 编码器使用说明书




3.产品型号说明法兰形式为半空心轴板簧安装,主尺寸为58mm;出线方式为电缆侧出,空心轴直径为12mm,多圈绝ADK-K58L12-MA12/13B4CLP3.1机械参数允许最大机械转速启动力矩(N·M)轴最大负荷转动惯量(Kg·m2)重量(Kg)轴向径向3000r/min9.8×10-429.4N19.6N8.0×10-70.23.2电气参数电源电压单圈分辨率多圈分辨率输出形式8-30V13位12位CANopen3.3环境参数工作温度储存温度最大湿度防护等级)-25℃~85℃-25℃~85℃85%无凝露IP54 3.4接线表(编码器接线颜色定义以编码器外壳标签为准)信号DC8~30V GND(0V)CAN-H CAN-L线色红黑白灰4.CANopen使用说明本类编码器遵循“编码器设备行规Class2”,一般都用作从设备。




状态图如下所示:序号描述(1)上电(2)初始化完成,自动发送启动信息(3)N MT报文“启动远程节点”(4)N MT报文“进行预运行”(5)N MT报文“关闭远程节点”(6)N MT报文“复位节点”或“复位通讯”4.2.1初始化这是上电或硬件复位后,CANopen设备首次进入的状态。



雅思18-4-1写作范文题目:在一些国家,年轻人在中学毕业之后会有一段间隔年(gap year),他们会去旅行或者工作。


范文:When it comes to the idea of a gap year for young people after high school in some countries, it's like opening a can of worms there are both good and not so good things about it.Let's start with the positives. First off, a gap year can be a real eye opener. Imagine a young lad or lass who has been cooped up in classroomsfor years, studying away like a little bookworm. All of a sudden, they get to go out into the big wide world, either traveling or working. If they choose to travel, they get to see different cultures, taste new foods, and meet all sorts of interesting characters. It's like a real life adventure. They can visit the ancient ruins in Rome, soak up the sun on the beaches of Thailand, or wander through the bustling markets in Marrakech. This exposure to different ways of life broadens their horizons like nothing else. It makes them more worldly wise and less likely to be narrow minded.Working during the gap year is also a great idea. It gives these young people a taste of the real world of work. They learn about responsibility, time management, and how to deal with bosses and colleagues. Maybe they'll work in a local coffee shop and learn how to make the perfect latte while chatting with customers from all walks of life. Or they could get an internship in a big company and start to understand the ins and outs of the business world. This hands on experience can help them figure out what they really want to study in college or what career path they might want to follow in the future.However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There are some downsides to this gap year business too. One of the main problems is that some young people might lose their focus on further education. After a year of traveling around having a great time or getting used to the paycheck from a job, they might not be as eager to go back to school. They could get lazy or simply forget about the importance of higher education. It's likethey've been distracted by the shiny new things in the gap year and can't get their heads back in the academic game.Another issue is that a gap year can be expensive, especially if they choose to travel. Not all families can afford to send their kids off on a year long adventure. And if the young person has to fund their own gap year through working, they might end up in low paying jobs that don't really offer much in terms of skills or experience, just to make enough money to keep traveling or having a good time.In conclusion, the gap year for young people after high school has its fair share of pros and cons. It can be an amazing opportunity for growth and self discovery, but it also comes with risks. It's like a double edged sword. Whether it's a good idea or not really depends on the individual young person and how well they can handle the challenges and opportunities that come their way during this time.。


控制要求 : 主站(DVPCOPM-SL Master)与从站(DVPCOPM-SL Slave)之间完成8 words(4WORD IN,4WORD OUT)的数据交换。通过CANOPEN网络将主站右侧DVP28SV D6282~D6285的内容写入从站右侧DVP28SV 的D6032~D6035;读取从站右侧 DVP28SV D6282~D6285的内容存放至主站右侧 DVP28 SV的 D6032~D6035。
CANOPEN Ethernet
台达plc--can总线运用范例1 主站(dvpcopm-slmaster dvpcopm-slslave )之间完成8 words(4word in,4word out) dvp28svd6282~d6285 dvp28sv的d6032~d6035 dvp28svd6282~d6285 dvp28sv canopenethernet xingdageng1967 分享于 2017-05-12 04:39:10.0 台达plc--can总线运用范例1 文档格式: .pptx 文档页数: 8页 文档大小: 1.98m 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 台达plc--can总线运用范例1 系统标签: 范例 总线 dvpcopm 通间 canopen 运用



成教本科练习题(Book IV)I.Choice(25%)1.Don’t be so ____B____. I am working as fast as I can.A patientB impatientC patienceD impatience2. One of their aims is to develop an understanding of both in which they ____C____ essential to one another.A seeB consider asC are considered asD are seen as3. It seems pretty convincing that nice guys __B______ this game.A do well up inB do well inC do well forD do well by4. Rebacca had loved him all her life and she was so sad when he ___C_____.A passed byB passed outC passed awayD passed down5. Two employees agreed to speak to us __D______ they not be named.A on condition thatB in that conditionC on no conditionD in condition that6. He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meetng, urging that they _____A___ its contents.A read and digestB read and digestedC have read and digestD are reading and digesting7. Hid words are strongly ___A_____ on my memory.A impressedB rememberedC memorizedD printed8. We’ve finally fixed ____B____ a place to have the concert..A atB inC onD with9. He entered the room, ____D____.A his nose is red with coldB his nose was red with coldC his nose had been red with coldD his nose red with cold10. Mr. Jackson has three sons, ____C____.A one of them works as an engineer in a motor factoryB one of that works as an engineer in a motor factoryC of which one works as an engineer in a motor factoryD one of whom works as an engineer in a motor factory11. She is ____c____ girl ________ her face turns red whenever she talks with a stranger.A so shy; thatB so shy a; thatC such shy; thatD such shy a; that12. Thankfully she did nnot persist ___A_____ prusuing her mad idea.A inB onC withD to13. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I ____D____ of hunger.A will dieB would dieC would be diedD would have died14. In order to change __B______ towards employing women, the government isbringing in new laws.A altitudeB attitudeC attractiveD attribute15. Someone proposed that a meeting ____C____ to discuss the problem next week.A will be heldB is heldC be heldD to be held16. It is essential that you ___C_____ the voter’s hearts.A wonB must winC winD will win17. It would have taken hours to work the sum out, so I ____B____ my pocket calculator.A turned outB turned toC turned upD turned in18. Of course she behaved awfully, but ____B____, she is your sister.A in allB after allC at allD above all19. I decided to depend on myself. Therefore, I ___D_____ their offer to help.A decreasedB declinedC declareD denying20. As a teacher, he always ___D_____ the importance of honesty during his class.A emphasizeB emphasizingC emphasisD emphasizes21. If two people ____A____, they become friends again after they have had a quarrel or disagreement.A make upB make outC make forD make off22. Sit down and make yourself ___D_____.A being comfortableB comfortablyC to be comfortableD cmfortable23. It’s high time you ___A_____.A start to workB would start to workC started to workD had started to work24. If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night, ___D_____.A you would meet John alreadyB you won’t have missed JohnC you will have met JohnD you would have met John25. Alice received an invitation from her boss, ___C_____ came as surprise.A itB thatC whichD heⅡComplete the following sentences with the words or phrases given below: 20%Curious personal operate employ pre-school hard capable real wide engage 26. There are more and more cars in Guangzhou, so this road needs to be _widened_______.27. The university is a _operating_______ body made up of several different colleges..28. Events like these excite a child’s natural ___curiosity _____.29. There are many picture books for ___pre-school_____ children in the book center.30. Because of its _hard__, a diamond can be used to cut glass, rock, etc.31. The company stressed on _personal__ communication.32. As he watched the TV program, he suddenly _realized__ that he’d seen it before.33. The __engage___ of John and Mary was announced in the newspaper yesterday.34. The little girl has great _capable_ as a singer and should be trained.35. The government is not doing enough to help the __unemployed _ to find new jobs.Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension: 20%(A)My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects. With children who have learning disabilities(阅读学习障碍), however, it is easy to underestimate(低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know. My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects. Because he couldn’t give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn’t reaized how much he knew. I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested. Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time. When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it. Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class. He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn’t been in public school since first grade. He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.36. According to the passage, which of the following belong to the learning disability? AA Being unable to say clearlyB Being unable to say anythingC Being unable to read anythingD Being unable to write anything37. Which statement can describe the mother’s feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?CA She is painfulB She is excitedC She is surprisedD She is indifferent(无动于衷的)38. ________ is the strongest subject for the writer’s son.DA ListeningB SpeakingC WritingD Reading39. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?AA My son has never been to public schoolB My son has done well in many of his subjects.C It’s difficult for those with learning disabilities to express clearly.D It’s easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.40. What is reason for the mother’s underestimating his own son’s ability?DA Because she pays no attention to it.B Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.C Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.D Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.(B)Many thousands of years ago, there were no houses such as people live in today. In those ancient times, men sometimes made their homes in trees, using the leaves to keep off rain and sun. Their object in building their houses in trees is to be safe from their enemies and from wild beasts. If people in those old times had been more civilized, they would have had stronger building materials than and branches.In colder countries,, the people of long ago used to live in caves. It was too cold and stormy to live in trees. Sometimes, across the opening of the cave they made a wall of stones, in order to keep out wild animals.As years went on and the human race progressed, men learned more about living in comfort and safety. They became more civilized and left woods and caves. They built houses of different materials such as mud,, wood, or stones.During the last bundred years, many new building methods have been discovered. One of the most recent discoveries is to use steel as a building material. Nowadays, when it is necessary to make a very tall building, the frame of it is first built of steel, and then the building is completed in concrete.But whatever building it may be, it should be light, airy, and comfortable. Human being cannot keep healthy without sunlight and fresh, clean air to breathe.41. In ancient times, the purpose in building houses is _____D___.A to keep off rain and sunB that the people were more civilizedC that the weather is too cold and stormyD to avoid being attacked by the enemies and wild animals.42. In ancient times, people would live in cave, __B______.A because human race evolvedB because it is too cold and rainingC because there was a wall of stoneD because human being hadn’t had stronger building43. Which statement is not true according to the passage? AA People became civilized and they left the forest.B The modern building is made of steel and concrete.C In old days, trees were good places for people to be safe.D The building made of steel is more airy than that made of stone.44. All of the following can be used as building material except ____A____.A leavesB stoneC steelD mud45. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage? DA Building and HealthB Building and LivingC Building and CivilizationD Building and Building Materials.ⅣCloze 20%During the NBA season, people would turn on their TV sets to watch their favorite teams. Many fans 46 see their favorite players’ fantastic performance. To them, there’s nothig more exciting 47 watching an intensive basketball game.Invented in 1890’s, the basketball’s history is 48 100 years. A teacher named James Naismith tried many sports to interest his students, and at length he thought of a game of throwing a soccer to a basket 49 on the wall. The sport known as basketball to all of us nowadays 50 quickly. Later, a metal hoop was used to 51 a basket. 52 a hole for the ball to fall through, however, the hoop didn’t meet the purpose perfectly because someone had to pull the rope to let the ball jump out. The net with a hole didn’t come into existence 53 a few days later.Ever since it was invented, basketball 54 an exciting sport to every one, especially to teenagers. Rain or shine, day or night, we can see people 55 on the court, chasing the ball. They are crazy about this sport, aren’t they?B46. A dare not B are eager to C wonder to D go nowhere toA47. A than B inn C by D withD48. A fewer than B shorter than C less than D more thanD49. A hanged B hanging C hunged D hungA50. A spread B went up C caught on D took offB51. A place B take place C repalce D in placeC52. A With B Without C For D FromB53. A unless B until C when D whileD54. A is B was C has been D had beenB55. A ran B running C to run D were runningV .Writing :15%Directions: You are to write 100---120 words about “My English Teacher”according to the information given below.Outline given in Chineses:1.英语老师的年龄、外貌、性格描写。


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2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 Unit1 阅读理解(有答案)

2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 Unit1 阅读理解(有答案)

译林牛津英语7年级下册Unit 1阅读理解随堂练习1Mrs. Black goes to buy a fish with her daughter. She doesn’t know how to cook it, so she asks the shopkeeper to write down the way of cooking it on a note. She puts the note in her daughter’s p ocket and then they leave the shop with the fish.On their way home, a black cat sees them and follows them. Suddenly(突然) the cat jumps at her, takes the fish away from her quickly and runs off at once. Mrs. Black runs after it, but she can’t run faster than it. At last she stops, not knowing what to do. But she suddenly remembers(想起) something. She laughs and shouts at the cat, “You don’t know how to cook it. The note is still in my daughter’s pocket!”() 1. _______ tells Mrs. Black how to cook the fish.A. The catB. Mr. BlackC. The shopkeeperD. Mrs. Black’s daughter() 2. _______ enjoys the fish, too.A. The catB. Mrs. BlackC. The shopkeeperD. Mrs. Black’s daughter() 3.But she suddenly remembers something. Here “something” means “_______”.A. the fishB. the shopC. the noteD. the cat() 4. Which of the following statements is wrong(错误的)?A. The cat takes the f ish away from the shop.B. The woman can’t catch up with the cat.C. The cat takes the fish away from Mrs. Black.D. Mrs. Black and her daughter goes to a shop to buy a fish.() 5. Which of the following statements is right?A. The cat goes home with the two women.B. The daughter writes the note for her mother.C.The cat can’t eat the fish because it doesn’t know how to cook it.D. Mrs. Bl ack is foolish (愚蠢的).2Dear Kitty:News! We have a new flat! The rooms are small, but they are comfortable. There are morerooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old flat, I share with my sister.My bedroom is my favourite room in our flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to my radio or play CDs. I can play games on my computer and send e-mails to my friends.My second favorite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She is a very good cook. She is teaching me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook M oroccan food. It’s very delicious. That’s all for now.Write soon and tell me about your home. Please get on the Internet so that we can sende-mails to each other.All good wishes!Anna1. What is the main idea of this article?A. Ann a tells Kitty something about her family’s new flat.B. Kitty lives with her family in America.C. Anna likes her bedroom.D. Anna’s mother is teaching her Moroccan food.2. What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?A. The rooms in the new flat are big.B. The rooms in the old flat were smaller.C. There are more rooms in the new flat.D. There are more rooms in the old flat.3. Why is Anna very happy with the new flat?A. Because she has to share a room.B. Because she has a big room.C. Because she has a small room.D. Because she has her own room.4. Which room is Anna’s favorite?A. The living room.B. The kitchen.C. The bedroom.D. The bathroom.5. What does Anna do in the kitchen?A. She helps her mother cook their meals.B. She plays computer games.C. She teaches her mother how to cook.D. She reads about Moroccan food.3Who Pays the Money?It's Saturday. Han Ling has no classes today. She wants to buy a new dress. Her mother is at work, so she is going to the shop with her father. They go there by car. But her father doesn't like going shopping, so Han Ling does the shopping and her father sits in the car and waits for(等候)her.There are a lot of people in the shop. It is very crowded. Han Ling looks at the clothes and chooses(挑选). Her father waits and waits. About an hour goes by(过去了), Han Ling doesn't come out. Her father is worried about her. "Why does she stay in the shop for so long?" He comes out from the car. Just now(正在这时), a man comes up to him. "Excuse me. Are you Han Ling's father?" "Yes." "Han Ling is waiting for you. She doesn't have enough(足够的) money. " "Oh, I see."Then he follows(跟随) the man into the shop. Han Ling is very happy to see her father. She chooses a nice green dress. After her father pays(交付) the money, they go home together(一起). ( )1. What does Han Ling's father do when she does some shopping?A. He follows Han Ling.B. He takes Han Ling.C. He reads newspapers.D. He sits in his car.( )2. -Why does Han Ling do shopping for so long a time? -Because_______.A. she buys too many thingsB. she can't choose(选择)clothesC. she has no enough moneyD. she can't find the way out( )3. How does Han Ling's father know the truth(真相)?A. Han Ling tells him about it.B. A man tells him.C. Han Ling calls him up.D. Han Ling's father asks Han Ling about it.( )4. Why does Han Ling feel happy when she sees father come in?A. Father can pay for the dress.B. She can go home with him.C. She misses him very much.D. She doesn't stay in the shop.4I still remember the way Grandma said goodbye to me when I packed my bags and got ready to go back to London after spending a summer holiday at home in Suzhou last year."Work hard and don't miss home, " she told me at the door, trying hard to hold back her tears (眼泪) , and then she walked back into the house before I got into Dad's car. I sawGrandma's lonely body slowly disappearing (消失) from my eyes. A sudden feeling(感受) of guilt came up. I wanted to call out to Grandma, to see her one more time, but at that moment, I found myself helplessly silent(沉默的).What I wanted was not just to spend a few more minutes, or even days with Grandma. I wished that I hadn't lived abroad(在国外) and we had stayed together for the past 17 years. But I knew, it would never be possible.She has always encouraged (鼓励) her grandchildren to study hard and run after their dreams. But with that, she was also saying goodbye to them. One by one, all three of her grandchildren have left, for good universities (大学), good jobs in big cities, and at last a good life in the West.We don't live with her, like kites flying high in the sky, but we will always be connected to(相连) the people who help us grow into who we are.( ) 1. The writer most probably(最可能) lives in now.A. SuzhouB. BeijingC. LondonD. Shanghai( ) 2. What does the underlined word "guilt" mean in Chinese?A.庆幸B. 内疚C. 无助D. 激动( ) 3. What did the writer really want to do when getting ready to leave?A. To let Grandma go with her.B. To stay with Grandma for more days.C. To talk to Grandma for a longer time.D. To make up(弥补) the time she didn't spend with Grandma.( ) 4. What do we know about the writer's cousins?A. The writer has three cousins.B. They work in big cities in China now.C. They live abroad now.D. They graduated(毕业) from foreign (外国的) universities.( ) 5. In which part of the newspaper can we find this passage?A.Family.B. Culture(文化).C. Science.D. Travel.5."Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream," some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer. Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts(想法) can carry over into dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember(记住)the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory(记忆). Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.( )1.It may be less important to sleep than to____________.A. thinkB. dreamC. workD. study( )2.Dreams and films are usually ____.A. very longB. in colourC. about workD. very sad( )3.Why do some people often dream about their work?A.Because they are tired in the daytime.B. Because they are not interested in their work.B.Because they may be thinking about their work all day.D. Because they have too much work to do.( )4.The main idea of the story is that ____.A.what dream isB. people like to sleepC. dreams are like filmsD. we always remember dreams译林牛津英语7年级下册Unit 1阅读理解随堂练习答案(1) 1-5 CACAD(2) 1-5 ACDCA(3) 1-4 DCBA(4) 1-5 CBDCA(5) 1-4 BBCA。

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P8XC592 具有微控制器P8XC552和CAN通信控制器82C200的功能组合

87C196CA/CB P51XA-C3

CAN总线收发接口器件82C250 CAN总线I/O器件82C150

82C250是CAN通信控制器与物理总线之间的接口, 器件可以提供对总线的差动发送和接收功能。 82C250的主要特性如下:

节点中均有错误检测、标定和自检能力。 具有发送自检、循环冗余校验、位填充、报文格式检查等。

CAN节点在错误严重的情况下具有自动关闭输出功能, 以使总线上其他节点的操作不受影响。 CAN的通信介质可为双绞线、同轴电缆或光纤,选择 灵活。 CAN器件可被置于无任何内部活动的睡眠方式

仲裁场的11位标识符从高位到低位顺序发送,最低位为ID.0,最高 位为ID.10,其中的高7位(ID.10-ID.3)不能全为隐位。 远程发送请求位(RTR)用于区分数据帧与远程帧

在数据帧中RTR位必须是显位 在远程帧中RTR位必须为隐位。

29位标识符位:ID.28至ID.0 远程请求替代位SRR (Substitute Remote Request):
会主动地退出发送,而最高优先级的节点可不受影响地 继续传输数据,从而节省了总线冲突的仲裁时间。 可满足对实时性的不同要求 高优先级的数据可在134微秒内得到传输

通过报文滤波可实现点对点、一点对多点及全局 广播等几种方式收发数据,无需专门的“调度” CAN的直接通信距离

CAN通信控制器要实现CAN总线协议并具备与微控制 器的接口
不同型号的CAN总线通信控制器,其结构和功能大体相同; 与微控制器接口部分的结构及方式存在一些差异

由CAN通信控制器芯片完成CAN总线协议中物理层和 数据链路层的所有功能 应用层功能由微控制器完成 芯片工作的温度范围为:
11898标准全兼容 高速性(最高可达1Mbps) 具有抗汽车环境下瞬间干扰的能力 降低射频干扰的斜率控制 热保护 总线与电源及地之间的短路保护 低电流待机方式 掉电自动关闭输出 可支持多达110个节点相连接

对于CAN控制器及带有CAN总线接口的器件, 82C250并不是必须使用的器件,因为多数CAN 控制器均具有配置灵活的收发接口并允许总线 故障,只是驱动能力一般只允许20~30个节点 连接在一条总线上。 而82C250支持多达110个节点,并能以1Mbps的 速率工作于恶劣电气环境

接收滤波器ACF: 接收滤波器把收到的报文标识符和接收滤波 寄存器中的内容进行比较,以判断该报文是否被接收。如果判 断结果是肯定的, 则报文被存入RXFIFO。 位流处理器BSP: 位流处理器控制发送缓冲器FIFO和CA N总线之间数据序列,同时它也执行错误检测、仲裁、位填充 和CAN总线错误处理功能。 位定时逻辑BTL: BTL监视总线上的串行序列,处理与CAN总线 相关的位时间,按收到的报文头与CAN总线上的位流同步。 BTL还为补偿传输迟延时间和相位跳变提供可编程的时间段。 错误管理逻辑EML:它按照CAN协议完成错误界定。它接受来 自BSP的出错通知,并向BSP和IML提供出错统计
超载帧包括两个位场:超载标志和超载界定符 超载标志由6个显位组成 超载界定符由8个隐位组成 发送超载帧的超载条件:


CAN通信控制器82C200:实现CAN2.0A的标准格式通信帧 的通信控制 CAN通信控制器SJA1000:实现CAN2.0B的两种格式通信 帧的通信控制 带CAN通信控制器与8位微控制器的P8XC592 带CAN通信控制器与16位微控制器的87C196CA/CB 带32位ARM7 处理器内核、可编程逻辑、存储子系统、 CAN接口、以太网接口、I/O接口等的片上系统TA7V 带CAN通信控制器的CAN总线I/O器件82C150 CAN总线收发接口器件82C250

3.5v 1.5v

2.5v 2.5v
显位可改 写隐位


数据帧携带数据,由发送器传送至接收器 远程帧用以请求总线上的相关单元发送具 有相同标识符的数据帧 出错帧由检测出总线错误的单元发送 超载帧用于提供当前的和后续的数据帧的 附加延迟

设置SRR为保持扩展帧与标准帧的格式兼容 扩展帧中的SRR为隐位

(Identifier Extension) :

控制场由6位组成 在扩展格式中控制场包括4位数据长度码DLC和2 位保留位, 在标准格式中控制场包括4位数据长度码DLC、1 位保留位、1位标识扩展位IDE
数据场包含被传送的数据,可包括0-8个8位 的字节,先发送最高有效位。 CRC场:15位的CRC序列,1个隐位的CRC界定 符 应答场2位:1位应答间隙,1位应答界定符

接收到报文后在应答间隙发送1位显位。 应答界定符为隐位
远程帧由6个场组成:帧起始、仲裁场、控制 场、CRC场、应答场和帧结束。远程帧不存在 数据场。 远程帧的RTR位必须是隐位。

SJA1000与以下芯片或电路组合,构成CAN 应用节点
微控制器CPU 总线收发器 晶振、电源、复位电路


INTEL 82527CAN通信控制器,支持CAN 2.0B规范 带CAN通信控制器的8位微控制器

数据帧由7个不同的位场(域)组成: 帧起始、仲裁场、控制场、数据场、CRC场、应 答场、帧结束
帧起始位(1个显位),表示标志帧的开始 中间有仲裁场、控制场、数据场、CRC场、应答场
渭南师范学院 物理与电气工程学院

CAN[Controller Area Network]是控制器局域网 的简称 它是德国Bosch公司在1986年为解决现代汽车中 众多测量控制部件之间的数据交换而开发的一种 串行数据通信总线 现已被列入ISO国际标准ISO11898 最初为汽车测控数据通信而设计的CAN ,现已在 多领域被广泛采用

Байду номын сангаас
仲裁丢失捕捉寄存器(ALC):以找到丢失仲 裁位的位置 出错代码捕捉寄存器(ECC):分析总线错误 类型和位置 出错警告限寄存器(EWLR):定义出错警告 极限值 接收出错计数寄存器(RXERR) 发送TX出错计数寄存器(TXERR)
最远可达10km(速率5kbps以下); 通信速率最高可达1Mbps(此时通信距离最长为40m)。


CAN2.0A为2032种 CAN2.0B扩展帧的报文标识符几乎不受限制

产生相应的出错中断,同时,把 对应的错误类型和产生位置写入出错代码捕捉寄存器(CA N相对地址为12)。这个代码一直保存到被主控制器读取出 来后,ECC才重新被激活工作,捕捉下一个错误代码。 可以从ECC读取的数据来分析属于何种错误以及错误产生的 位置,从而为调试工作提供了方便。
相当于未连接到总线驱动器 可降低系统功耗 其睡眠状态可借助总线激活或者系统的内部条件被唤醒。



包括逻辑链路控制子层LLC LLC的主要功能是:为数据传送和远程数据请求提供服 务,确认由LLC子层接收的报文实际已被接收,并为恢 复管理和通知超载提供信息 媒体访问控制子层MAC MAC子层主要规定传输规则,即控制帧结构、执行仲裁、 错误检测、出错标定和故障界定
寄存器的地址,并为微处理器提供中断和状态信息。 发送缓冲器 TXB: 它是CPU和位流处理器(BSP) 之间的接口, 有13字节长。能存储一条将在CAN总 线上发送的完整报文。报文由CPU写入, 由位流处理 器BSP读出。 接收缓冲器(RXB,RXFIFO): 是CPU和接 收滤波器之间的接口, 用来存储从CAN总线收到并接 收的报文。接收缓冲器FIFO共64字节长。其中有1 3字节的窗口可供CPU访问。在CPU处理一个报文 的同时,由这个FIFO继续接收其它正在到来的报文


出错帧由两个不同场组成,第一个场由来自各站的 出错标志叠加得到,第二个场是出错界定符 错误标志具有两种形式: