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School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering Optical information science and technology
professional training program
总体目标: 培养德、智、体、美全面发展、具有坚实数理基础和光机电算专业知识扎实、创造能力强的高素质研究发展型人才。



Educational Objectives
Overall Objective:This program provides students with the comprehensive background knowledge in mathematics and physics and solid professional knowledge of optics, mechanics, electronics and computer science,and fosters them moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development by the study of natural science, humanities and other multidisciplinary theory and the rigorous training of the profession. The courses encourage robust ability to problem solving and initiative.
Objective 1: students get the preliminary training of research and engineering, by study of optical and electronic information retrieving, transferring, processing and application, which emphasis on cultivating students’ ability of innovation.
Objective 2: students may further their career on scientific research, technology development, manufacturing, marketing management and teaching in optical information, optoelectronics and correlative electronic information science and computer science ( In particular, optics, mechanics, electronics and computer science integration industry),etc.
Objective 3: Students shall be good at communication and self-improvement and self-learning.


Educational Requirement
General Requirements:Students of this specialty will obtain extensive foundation, abundant knowledge, sound personality and solid professional foundation by general basis courses and general education.Students shall be knowledgeable in optics
electronics technology, optoelectronics, laser technology and information technology by studying th e foundational theory and technology of Optical Information Science and Technology, shall have a strict training on scientific experiment and scientific thinking. Through scientific research and production practice as well as literature information acquisition and some other steps to further cultivate basic scientific research and technology development abilities and qualities both in this
discipline and inter discipline.
Knowledge Structure:
A1:Mastering fundamental theory and knowledge of mathematics and physics.
A2:Mastering fundamental knowledge of Electronic circuit technology, computer principle and application, software design and skill.
A3:Comprehending the theory frontier, application prospect and latest development of optical information science and technology, understanding the development status of optical information industry.
A4:Mastering basic theory and knowledge of humanities and social science.
A5:Mastering the necessary knowledge of philosophy ( especially natural philosophy ) , laying a good development foundation in this field.
Ability Requirements:
B1:Mastering the basic theory, knowledge and experimental skills of optical information science, having good capability of research, design, application and technological development on optical information system.
B2:Having a good knowledge in foreign language, grasping the skills of the data search, literature retrieval methods and scientific papers writing.
B3:Proficient in English, and skilled at listening, speaking, reading and writing.
B4:Be able to analyse and solve the basic problem appeared during production practice in this field by using professional knowledge
B5:Be familiar with the basic law of scientific research, having the ability of basic scientific research and experiment.
B6:Having basic science and technology abilities for independently organizing technological transformation, researching the professional information and so on.
B7:Having solid ability of self-learning, by which, learning knowledge from related major and obtaining the capability of solving basic professional problems, developing capabilities in the multidisciplinary area.
Quality Requirements:
C1:Be of strong innovative consciousness.
C2:Having the science technology and engineering quality in related intercross development field.
C3:Holding positive social values, and handling various problems with life, study and work independently.
C4:Well-established in Arts and Humanities, social scientific and technical foundation, and
necessarily, having a sense of social responsibility
C5:Full-scale development, good communication skills, and team-work spirit.
Degree Conferred
Bachelor of Science Degree.
四、课程结构比例表(The Proportion Table of the Course Structure)

Teaching Schedule
List as the following, from left to right,are course code, course title, credit hour / a week, (courses of theories and practice), credit and semester number.
1.公共基础课程(General Basic Course)
(1)必修40学分(Compulsory Course 40 Credits)
44C18541 中国近现代史纲要
Modern and Contemporary History of China 2-0 2学分第1学期
课程类型Course Category 课程性质
Takes lowermost graduation
credit proportion
公共基础课程General Basic Courses 必修
40 24.2%
10 6.0%
学科大类课程Disciplinary Basic Courses 必修
31 17.0%
专业领域课程:核心课程Specialty-related Courses:Core Courses 必修
37 21.8%
专业领域课程:方向课程Specialty-related Courses:Direction course 选修
专业领域课程:实践课程Specialty-related Courses:Practice course 必修
16 9.7%
5 3.0%
合计Total165 100.0%
48Y16621 军事技能
2.5W 1学分第1学期
Military Training
2-0 1学分第1学期
42D50721 大学体育(1)
Physical Education (1)
4-0 4学分第1学期
41E40181 基础英语(1)
Basic English(1)
43H30220 计算机应用基础
-- 1学分通过性考试Basic Computer Application
2-1 2学分第1学期
43H8054a 计算机技术基础
Basic Computer Application
44C26480 思想道德修养与法律基础
4-0 4学分第2学期Moral Cultivation and Bases of Law
2-0 2学分第2学期
48Y16541 军事理论
Military Theory
42D50722 大学体育(2)
2-0 1学分第2学期Physical Education (2)
41E40182 基础英语(2)
4-0 4学分第2学期Basic English(2)
2-1 2学分第2学期
43H80940 计算机高级应用
C omputer Technology Foundation
2-0 2学分第3学期
44C18740 马克思主义基本原理
Basic Principles of Marxism
2-0 2学分第3学期高级英语(1)
Advanced English(1)
2-0 1学分第3-6学期
42D50723 大学体育(3)
Physical Education (3)
42D50724 大学体育(4)
2-0 1学分第3-6学期Physical Education (4)
4-0 4学分第4学期
44C22981 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系
Mao Zedong Thought and Introduction to Socialist
Theory with Chinese Characteristics
2-0 2学分第4学期高级英语(2)
Advanced English(2)
4-0 2学分第5学期
44C23041 思想政治理论社会实践
Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theory
2-0 2学分第5-8学期
44C15441 形势与政策
Situation and Policies

Students have to choose at least 2 credits of each module in “Culture and Art”, “Self and Society”, “Nature and Science-Technology”.
6-0 6学分第1学期22G454c1 高等数学(I-1)
Advanced Mathematics(I-1)
3-0 3学分第1学期22G46160 线性代数(II)
Linear Algebra (II)
6-0 6学分第2学期22G454c2 高等数学(I-2)
Advanced Mathematics(I-2)
3-0 3学分第2学期22G45960 概率论与数理统计(II)
Probability and Statistics (II)
23G75581 大学物理(I-1)
4-0 4学分第2学期College Physics(I-1)
0-2 1学分第2学期23G75621 大学物理实验(I-1)
College Physics Experiment(I-1)
23G75582 大学物理(I-2)
4-0 4学分第3学期College Physics(I-2)
0-2 1学分第3学期23G75622 大学物理实验(I-2)
College Physics Experiment(I-2)
22G45760 复变函数与积分变换
3-0 3学分第3学期Complex Variables and Integral Transforms
1-0 1学分第1-8学期32Y01421 学科导论
Introduction to Academics
32GF2661 应用光学
3-0 3学分第3学期Applied Optics
0-2 1学分第3学期32GF8120 工程光学实验
Experiments in Engineering Optics
32H47881 电路分析基础
4-0 4学分第3学期Foundations of Circuit Analysis
32G78020 电路基础实验
0-2 1学分第3学期Basic Experiments of Electro-circuit
3-0 3学分第4学期32G65361 物理光学
Physical Optics
3-0 3学分第4学期32H28261 信号与系统
Signal and System
32G63261 热力学与统计物理
3-0 3学分第4学期Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
3-0 3学分第5学期32GF2561 信息光学
Fourier Optics
0-2 1学分第5学期32GF8520 光学信息处理实验
Experiments in Optical Information Processing
3-0 3学分第5学期32G60561 电动力学
32G62461 量子力学
3-0 3学分第5学期Quantum Mechanics
3-0 3学分第6学期32G6146a 固体物理
Solid State Physics
4-0 4学分第6学期32X02281 激光原理与技术
Laser Fundamentals and Techniques
32GF8720 激光原理实验
0-2 1学分第6学期Experiments in Laser Principle
3-0 3学分第4学期32H50261 数字电路基础
Foundations of Digital Circuitry
0-2 1学分第4学期32G78120 数字电路基础实验
Basic Experiments of Digital Circuits
32H49461 模拟电路基础
3-0 3学分第4学期Foundations of Analogue Circuitry
0-2 1学分第4学期32G78220 模拟电路基础实验
Basic Experiments of Analogue Circuits
2-0 2学分第4学期32H71440 工程制图基础
Fundamental Graphics
3-0 3学分第5学期32H43761 数字信号处理
Digital Signal Processing
0-2 1 学分第5学期32GF8620 信号处理实验
Basic Experiments of Signal Processing
4-0 4学分第5学期32H20381 微机原理及接口技术
Microcomputer Principles and Interface Techniques
0-2 1学分第5学期32H98420 微机原理与接口实验
Experiments in Microcomputer Principles
32H44661 通信原理
3-0 3学分第5学期Principles of Communications
32H44720 通信原理实验
0-2 1学分第5学期Basic Experiments of Communications
3-0 3学分第6学期32H51361 光电检测技术
Optoelectronic Detect Technique
0-2 1学分第6学期32GF8220 光电探测实验
Experiments in Optoelectronic Detection
3-0 3学分第6学期32GF1661 光纤通信
Optical Fiber Communications
0-2 1 学分第6学期32GF8420 光纤通信实验
Experiments in Fiber Communications
3-0 3学分第6学期32H25461 数字图像处理
Digital Image Processing
0-2 1学分第6学期32H94920 Mat lab程序设计
Mat lab Program Design
32H2134a 计算机网络与技术
2-0 2学分第6学期Computer Networks Technique
0-1 0.5学分第6学期32H96210 计算机网络与技术实验
Experiments in Computer Network and Technology
0-2 1学分第6学期32H94820 Lab VIEW技术与应用
Lab VIEW Technology and Application
32K13640 文献检索
2-0 2学分第7学期Literature Search
32E23241 专业英语应用
2-0 2学分第7学期Specialized English and Its Application
32G73540 单片机原理及技术
2-0 2学分第7学期Single-Chip Processor Principle and Technology
2-0 2学分第7学期32G33541 工程数学研究专题
Special Research Programme in Engineering Mathematics
32GF6341 光纤光学基础
2-0 2学分第7学期Foundations of Fiber Optics
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53541 无源光通信器件
Passive Components in Fiber Communications
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53441 光电器件物理与设计
Photoelectric Device Physics and Design
2-0 2学分第7学期32H51641 信息功能材料与应用
Optoelectronic Information Function Materials and
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53041 光子晶体物理与器件
Photonic Crystal Physics and Device
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF174a 光纤通信网络
Optical Fiber Communication Networks
32H46340 移动通信
2-0 2学分第7学期Mobile Communications
2-0 2学分第7学期32G70240 交换技术
Switching Principles and Technology
32G70340 电视原理及先进数字电视
2-0 2学分第7学期Principles of Television and Advanced Digital Television
32H51941 EDA技术入门
2-0 2学分第7学期Basic EDA Technique
32H52041 PLD技术与应用
2-0 2学分第7学期PLD Technique and Its Application
32H40441 DSP技术与应用
2-0 2学分第7学期DSP Technique and Application
2-0 2学分第7学期32G70440 FPGA技术与应用
FPGA Technique and Application
32GF2840 光学设计入门
2-0 2学分第7学期Optical Design Introduction
2-0 2学分第7学期32H52841 自动识别技术
Automatic Identifying Technique
2-0 2学分第7学期32H52141 传感技术及应用
Sensor Technique and Application
32GF6241 激光光谱学概要
2-0 2学分第7学期Essentials of Laser Spectroscopy
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF6541 生物光子学基础
Bases of Bio-photonics
32GF6941 红外检测诊断技术
2-0 2学分第7学期Infrared Detection and Diagnosis Technology
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53141 激光加工概论
Essentials of Laser Processing
32H45741 现代光子探测及成像技术
2-0 2学分第7学期Modern Photon Detection and Image Technique
32GF6141 非线性光学概要
2-0 2学分第7学期Essentials of Nonlinear Optics
32GF8020 工程光学课程设计
1W 1学分第3学期Engineering Optical Curriculum Design
1W 1学分春秋
Cognition Practice
8W 8学分第6学期32Y027g0 专业实习
Professional Practice
32Y001c1 毕业论文(设计)
13W 6学分第8学期Graduation Thesis (Project )
1W 1学分第4-5学期32G76920 电子综合设计
Curriculum Synthetic Design of Electronic Circuit
1W 1学分第4-5学期32H94720 CAD制图
Computer Aided Drawing
2W 2学分第6-7学期32GF8340 光电综合设计
Curriculum Synthetic Design of Photoelectric Technology
32H70140 电子实习
2W 2学分第4-5学期Electronic Practice
32H70041 金工实习
2W 2学分第5学期Metalworking Practice
School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and
Engineering Information engineering (optoelectronic)
professional training program



Educational Objectives
Overall Objective:This program provides students with the comprehensive background knowledge in mathematics and physics and solid professional knowledge, and fosters them moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development by the study of natural science, humanities and other multidisciplinary theory and the rigorous training of the engineering professional system. The courses encourage robust ability to problem solving and initiative in information engineering (optoelectronics).
Objective 1: students get the preliminary training of research and engineering, by study of optical and electrical information retrieving, transferring, processing and application, which emphasis on cultivating stu dents’ ability of applying technology to develop innovative products and ability of services.
Objective 2:this program provides students’ with basic theory and skills of optoelectronics. Students may further their career on research, design, technology development, application, marketing and management in optoelectronic information technology, optical engineering, optical information technology and information science and technology, etc.
Objective 3:Students shall be good at communication and self-improvement and self-learning.



Educational Requirement
General Requirements:Students of this specialty will obtain extensive foundation, abundant knowledge, sound personality and solid professional foundation by general basis courses and general education. Students shall be knowledgeable in optics, Electronics Technology,
optoelectronics, laser technology and information technology by studying the foundational theory and technology of Information engineering and Optical Information Science and Technology, shall have a varied training in engineering basis, scientific research and so on., also shall have basic ability of designing, developing and integrating information system. Through scientific research production practice as well as literature information acquisition and some other steps to further c ultivate basic scientific research and technology development abilities and qualities both in this Di scipline and inter-discipline.
Knowledge Structure:
A1:Mastering fundamental theory and knowledge of mathematics and physics.
A2:Fundamental theory and knowledge of Optical information engineering.
A3:Mastering fundamental knowledge of Electronic circuit technology, computer principle and application, communication technology, image processing, software design and skill.
A4:Familiar with application of photoelectric information engineering project, technology and management of information detection and device development.
A5:Understanding the development dynamic of optoelectronic subject, with solid photoelectric theory and practice foundation, be able to adapt to the development trends both in discipline intercross and photoelectric information industry.
A6:Mastering basic theory and knowledge of humanities and social science, well-equipped with humanistic.
Ability Requirements:
B1:Familiar with the engineering application of photoelectric information engineering , having the capabilities of information detection ,device developing as well as management.
B2:Proficient in English, and skilled at listening, speaking, reading and writing.
B3:Be able to analyse and solve the basic problem appeared during production practice in this field by using professional knowledge.
B4:Having basic science and technology abilities for independently organizing technological transformation, researching the professional information and so on.
B5:Having solid ability of self-learning, by which, learning knowledge from related major and obtaining the capability of solving basic professional problems, developing capabilities in the multidisciplinary area.
B6:Having a good knowledge in foreign language, grasping the skills of the data search, literature retrieval methods and scientific papers writing.
Quality Requirements:
C1:Be of strong innovative consciousness.
C2:Having the science technology and engineering quality in related intercross development field.
C3:Holding positive social values, and handling various problems with life, study and work independently.
C4:Well-established in Arts and Humanities, social scientific and technical foundation, and necessarily, having a sense of social responsibility.
C5:Full-scale development, good communication skills, and team-work spirit.
Degree Conferred
Bachelor of Engineering Degree.
四、课程结构比例表(The Proportion Table of the Course Structure)
课程类型Course Category 课程性质
Takes lowermost graduation
credit proportion
公共基础课程General Basic Courses 必修
40 23.7%
10 5.9%
学科大类课程Disciplinary Basic Courses 必修
28 16.6%
专业领域课程:核心课程Specialty-related Courses:Core Courses 必修
45 26.6%
专业领域课程:方向课程Specialty-related Courses:Direction course 选修
25 14.8%
专业领域课程:实践课程Specialty-related Courses:Practice course 必修
17 10.0%
4 2.4%
合计Total169 100.0%

Teaching Schedule
List as the following, from left to right,are course code, course title, credit hour / a week, (courses of theories and practice), credit and semester number.
1.公共基础课程(General Basic Course)
(1)必修40学分(Compulsory Course 40 Credits)
44C18541 中国近现代史纲要
2-0 2学分第1学期Modern and Contemporary History of China
2.5W 1学分第1学期
48Y16621 军事技能
Military Training
42D50721 大学体育(1)
2-0 1学分第1学期Physical Education (1)
4-0 4学分第1学期
41E40181 基础英语(1)
Basic English(1)
43H30220 计算机应用基础
-- 1学分通过性考试Basic Computer Application
2-1 2学分第1学期
43H8054a 计算机技术基础
Basic Computer Application
4-0 4学分第2学期
44C26480 思想道德修养与法律基础
Moral Cultivation and Bases of Law
48Y16541 军事理论
2-0 2学分第2学期Military Theory
2-0 1学分第2学期
42D50722 大学体育(2)
Physical Education (2)
4-0 4学分第2学期
41E40182 基础英语(2)
Basic English(2)
2-1 2学分第2学期
43H80940 计算机高级应用
Computer Technology Foundation
2-0 2学分第3学期
44C18740 马克思主义基本原理
Basic Principles of Marxism
2-0 2学分第3学期高级英语(1)
Advanced English(1)
2-0 1学分第3-6学期
42D50723 大学体育(3)
Physical Education (3)
42D50724 大学体育(4)
2-0 1学分第3-6学期Physical Education (4)
4-0 4学分第4学期
44C22981 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体
Mao Zedong Thought and Introduction to Socialist
Theory with Chinese Characteristics
2-0 2学分第4学期高级英语(2)
Advanced English(2)
44C23041 思想政治理论社会实践
4-0 2学分第5学期Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theory
2-0 2学分第5-8学期
44C15441 形势与政策
Situation and Policies

Students have to choose at least 2 credits of each module in “Culture and Art”, “Self and Society”, “Nature and Science-Technology”.
6-0 6学分第1学期
22G454c1 高等数学(I-1)
Advanced Mathmatics(I-1)
3-0 3学分第1学期
22G46160 线性代数(II)
Linear Algebra (II)
6-0 6学分第2学期
22G454c2 高等数学(I-2)
Advanced Mathmatics(I-2)
3-0 3学分第2学期
22G45960 概率论与数理统计(II)
Probability and Statistics (II)
23G75581 大学物理(I-1)
4-0 4学分第2学期College Physics(I-1)
0-2 1学分第2学期
23G75621 大学物理实验(I-1)
College Physics Experiment(I-1)
23G75582 大学物理(I-2)
4-0 4学分第3学期College Physics(I-2)
0-2 1学分第3学期
23G75622 大学物理实验(I-2)
College Physics Experiment(I-2)
3-0 3学分第3学期
22G45760 复变函数与积分变换
Complex Variables and Integral Transforms
1-0 1学分第1-8学期
32Y01421 学科导论
Introduction to Academics
32GF2661 应用光学
3-0 3学分第3学期Applied Optics
0-2 1学分第3学期
32GF8120 工程光学实验
Experiments in Engineering Optics
32H47881 电路分析基础
4-0 4学分第3学期Foundations of Circuit analysis
32G78020 电路基础实验
0-2 1学分第3学期Basic Experiments of Electrocircuit
32H50261 数字电路基础
3-0 3学分第4学期Foundations of Digital Circuitry
0-2 1学分第4学期32G78120 数字电路基础实验
Basic Experiments of Digital Circuits
3-0 3学分第4学期32H49461 模拟电路基础
Foundations of Analogue Circuitry
32G78220 模拟电路基础实验
0-2 1学分第4学期Basic Experiments of Analogue Circuits
3-0 3学分第4学期32G65361 物理光学
Physical Optics
3-0 3学分第4学期32H28261 信号与系统
Signal and System
3-0 3学分第5学期32H44661 通信原理
Principles of Communications
0-2 1学分第5学期32H44720 通信原理实验
Basic Experiments of Communications
4-0 4学分第5学期32H20381 微机原理及接口技术
Microcomputer Principles and Interface Techniques
0-2 1学分第5学期32H98420 微机原理与接口实验
Experiments in Microcomputer Principles
4-0 4学分第6学期32X02281 激光原理与技术
Laser Fundamentals and Techniques
32GF8720 激光原理实验
0-2 1学分第6学期Experiments in Laser Principle
3-0 3学分第6学期32GF1661 光纤通信
Optical Fiber Communications
32GF8420 光纤通信实验
0-2 1学分第6学期Experiments in Fiber Communications
2-0 2学分第4学期32H71440 工程制图基础
Fundamental Graphics
3-0 3学分第4学期32G63261 热力学与统计物理
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
3-0 3学分第5学期32G70961 电磁场理论
Electromagnetic Field Theory
3-0 3学分第5学期32G62461 量子力学
Quantum Mechanics
3-0 3学分第5学期32H43761 数字信号处理
Digital Signal Processing
0-2 1学分第5学期32GF8620 信号处理实验
Basic Experiments of Signal Processing
32GF2561 信息光学
3-0 3学分第5学期Fourier Optics
0-2 1学分第5学期32GF8520 光学信息处理实验
Experiments in Optical Information Processing
3-0 3学分第5学期32H49061 高频电子线路
High-Frequency Electronic Circuits
32H51361 光电检测技术
3-0 3学分第6学期Optoelectronic Detect Technique
0-2 1学分第6学期32GF8220 光电探测实验
Experiments in Optoelectronic Detection
3-0 3学分第6学期32G70761 半导体物理基础
Foundations of Semiconductor Physics
3-0 3学分第6学期32H25461 数字图像处理
Digital Image Processing
0-2 1学分第6学期32H94920 Matlab程序设计
Matlab Program Design
2-0 2学分第6学期32H2134a 计算机网络与技术
Computer Networks Technique
0-1 0.5学分第6学期32H96210 计算机网络与技术实验
Experiments in Computer Network and Technology
0-2 1学分第6学期32H94820 LabVIEW技术与应用
LabVIEW Technology and Application
32K13640 文献检索
2-0 2学分第7学期Literature Search
32E23241 专业英语应用
2-0 2学分第7学期Specialized English and Its Application
2-0 2学分第7学期32G73540 单片机原理及技术
Single-Chip Processor Principle and Technology
2-0 2学分第7学期32G33541 工程数学研究专题
Special Research Programme in Engineering Mathematic
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF6341 光纤光学基础
Foundations of Fiber Optics
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53541 无源光通信器件
Passive Components in Fiber Communications
2-0 2学分第7学期32H53441 光电器件物理与设计
Photoelectric Device Physics and Design
32H51641 信息功能材料与应用
2-0 2学分第7学期Optoelectronic Information Function Materials and
32H53041 光子晶体物理与器件
2-0 2学分第7学期Photonic Crystal Physics and Device
32GF174a 光纤通信网络
2-0 2学分第7学期Optical Fiber Communication Networks
2-0 2学分第7学期32H46340 移动通信
Mobile Communications
2-0 2学分第7学期32G70240 交换技术
Switching Principles and Technology
32G70340 电视原理及先进数字电视
2-0 2学分第7学期Principles of Television and Advanced Digital Television
32H51941 EDA技术入门
2-0 2学分第7学期Basic EDA Technique
32H52041 PLD技术与应用
2-0 2学分第7学期PLD Technique and Its Application
32H40441 DSP技术与应用
2-0 2学分第7学期DSP Technique and Application
2-0 2学分第7学期32G70440 FPGA技术与应用
FPGA Technique and Application
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF2840 光学设计入门
Optical Design Introduction
32H52841 自动识别技术
2-0 2学分第7学期Automatic Identifying Technique
2-0 2学分第7学期32H52141 传感技术及应用
Sensor Technique and Application
32GF6241 激光光谱学概要
2-0 2学分第7学期Essentials of Laser Spectroscopy
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF6541 生物光子学基础
Bases of Biophotonics
32GF6941 红外检测诊断技术
2-0 2学分第7学期Infrared Detection and Diagnosis Technology
32H53141 激光加工概论
2-0 2学分第7学期Essentials of Laser Processing
2-0 2学分第7学期32H45741 现代光子探测及成像技术
Modern Photon Detection and Image Technique
2-0 2学分第7学期32GF6141 非线性光学概要
Essentials of Nonlinear Optics
32GF8020 工程光学课程设计
1W 1学分第3学期Engineering Optical Curriculum Design
32G76920 电子综合设计
1W 1学分第4-5学期Curriculum Synthetic Design of Electronic Circuit
1W 1学分春秋Cognition Practice
8W 8学分第6学期32Y027g0 专业实习
Professional Practice
32Y001c1 毕业论文(设计)
13W 6学分第8学期Graduation Thesis (Project )
1W 1学分第4-5学期32H94720 CAD制图
Computer Aided Drawing
2W 2学分第4-5学期32H70140 电子实习
Electronic Practice
32H70041 金工实习
2W 2学分第5学期Metalworking Practice
32GF8340 光电综合设计
2W 2学分第6-7学期Curriculum Synthetic Design of Photoelectric Techn
