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Contemporary Quotations from Famous Persons
1. 祖国
Patriotism is a duty and an honor
——苏步青Loving our country and working hard for its future is the sacred duty that the time assigns us.
Su Buqing 祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。
——[智利] 聂鲁达Motherland is more important than our lives; she is our mother and or land.
(Chile) Neruda 爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。
——徐特立Patriotism is a duty and an honor.
Xu Teli 我生长在香港,是一个中国人。
I grew up in Hong Kong; I am a Chinese. My heart is attached to my homeland and country tightly.
HuoYingdong 祖国是母亲,对于每一个人来说母亲只有一个。
——乔安山Homeland is the mother. Everybody only has one.
Qiao Anshan 不爱民族,不爱祖国就是丧失民族气节
Anyone who does not love his country and nation is a person without any national spirit.
——[苏联] 凯洛夫Like any other moral emotions, patriotism makes people become more and more noble.
(the Soviet Union) Kalev 爱国主义是一种生动的集体荣誉感。
——[英国] 奥尔丁顿Patriotism is a vivid kind of feeling of collective honor.
(Britain) Richard Aldington 热爱祖国,这是一种最纯洁、最敏锐、最高尚、最强烈、最温柔、最无情、最温存、最严酷的感情。
——[苏联] 苏霍姆林斯基Patriotism is a kind of emotion which is the purist, the acutest, the noblest, the strongest, the mildest, the most merciless, the gentlest, and the harshest. A person who really has deep love for his motherland is an honest one in every aspect.
(the Soviet Union) Sukhomlinsky 我们不应为了安抚侵略者就以错误和邪恶地出卖荣誉来换取安全。
——[美国]德怀特·艾森豪威尔We shall never try to placate an aggressor by the false and wicked bargain of trading honor for security. In the final choice a soldier’s pack is not so heavy as a prisoner’s chains.
(America) Dwight Eisenhower 毁弃自己的资料,不认识自己的祖宗,这是愚蠢而徒劳的。
——巴金It is foolish and futile to destroy and discard your own data and refuse to recognize your ancestors.
Ba Jin 不要问你的祖国能为你做什么,要问你能为你的祖国做什么。
Ask not what yout country will do for you——ask what you can do for your country.
——谢觉哉The chief manifestation of patriotism is to love the career that you are engaged in .
——吴玉章It is the most honorable thing that I can dedicate myself to my country and strive for my ideal.
Wu Yuzhang 中国强大起来,中国人民的生活丰富起来,这就是我的希望。
——李嘉诚My hope is that China will be powerful and the lives of Chinese people will be colorful.… Chinese people must win credit for the country and the people.… I am always confident in the development of our nation.
Li Jiacheng 我是中国人,作为一名炎黄子孙,我应尽个人力量,促进祖国之繁荣昌盛,使同胞生活美好,民族世世千秋更强大。
I am a Chinese. As a member of the Chinese people, I should do my best to promote the prosperity of the country, improve the lives of my fellow countrymen and make our nation stronger in all the centuries come.
Li Jiacheng 我们将不惜任何代价防卫本土,我们将在海滩上作战,我们将在敌人登陆的地点作战,我们将在田野和街头作战,我们将在山区作战;我们决不投降。
——[英国] 丘吉尔We shall defend our island, whatever the cost maybe, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
(Britain) Winston Churchill 捧出一颗丹心,献于亿兆生灵
I want to devote my heart to billions of people
——陈毅We are striving for justice today, and then there will be freedom in every corner tomorrow.
Chen Yi 祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。
——陈毅If the country has troubles, you shall stand in the
Chen Yi 与其忍辱生,毋宁报国死。
I prefer die for my country rather than live in humiliation.
He Xiangling 我家乡的泥土,我祖国的土地,我永远同你们在一起接受阳光雨露,与花树、禾苗一同成长。
I will always be with you, the mud in my hometown and the land of my motherland, to bathe in the sunshine, rain and dew, and grow up together with the grain seedlings.
Ba Jin
2. 科学
Everything has the research value
——[英国]斯蒂芬·霍金Science is unpredictable. If I had known it, I would have found it before.
(Britain) Stephen Hawking 科学是包罗万象的事业,它需要有各方面的才能。
——[美国] 杨振宁Science is an all-embracing cause requiring all kinds of abilities.
(America) Yang Zhenning 牛角尖不是绝对不可以钻,但是必须保持主动性,保持有见机而退的能力与勇气。
——[美国] 杨振宁It is not absolutely wrong to focus on insignificant or insoluble problems, but one should keep his initiative as well as the abilities and courage to retreat according to circumstances.
(America) Yang Zhenning 从一个妄想中醒悟过来并不是意味着就具备了与现实打交道所必须的长远观点。
——[美国] 杨振宁Waking up from one delusion does not mean you have already had the long views required to contact with reality.
(America) Yang Zhenning
——[美国] 杨振宁It is not bad to learn from others, but you must remove the parts which are useless or may have bad effects on you; while change and forge good parts and make them into your own.
(America) Yang Zhenning 各种知识之间本来又都有着密切的联系,它们不可能被各自独立地分开来。
——吴玉章All branches of knowledge are closely related between each other by nature and therefore cannot be separated. You cannot truly grasp and master any kind of science without the basis of comprehensive common knowledge.
Wu Yuzhang 用尽了人类的智慧,固然可以知道许多事情的真相,可知道的只有很浅近的一点,决不是全宇宙。
——顾颉刚Although a lot of truth can be disclosed by exhausting mankind’s wisdom, what we can know is just something superficial, not the whole universe.
Gu Jiegang 已存在的比未产生的更值得我们注意和希望。
——沈从文Existing things deserve more attention and hope from us than those never existed.
Shen Congwen 科学结论,是点成的金,量中有限;科学方法,是点石的指,可以产生无穷的金。
——蔡元培Scientific conclusions are the gold with limited amount; while scientific means is the magic that can be utilized to produce endless amount of gold.
Cai Yuanpei 武断,作为批判的对立面,却是科学的敌人。
——邓拓Although they are the opposite side of criticism, arbitrary decisions are the enemy of science.
Deng Tuo 科学的根本精神在于求真理
The ultimate spirit of science is to seek truth
——竺可桢Science always resists superstition and benighted thoughts.
Zhu Kezhen 要赶上先进的技术水平,不能只靠引进,因为引进到投产总要一段时间,作为先进技术引进的东西到投产时已经陈旧了,不如采取小规模、多样性、试验性质的引进,在引进过程中建立自己能不断革新技术的科技队伍。
To catch up with the advanced technology, we cannot merely depend on import. That is because the advanced technology imported is likely to be out of date when it is put into production. Therefore, it would be better to make a diversified import trial on a small scale first and set up technical groups to improve techniques at the same time.
Fei Xiaotong 科学的态度是实事求是
The attitude of science is being practical and realistic
——钱学森Before taking up scientific research, the youth should have the courage to criticize themselves strictly and the spirit to seek the truth from facts.
Qian Xuesen 我甘愿当“人梯”,让青年一代踩着我的肩膀,攀登世界科学技术的高峰。
I would like to be a ladder, which the younger generation can
step on to scale the heights of science.
Hua Luogeng 科学是老老实实的东西,它要靠许许多多的人民的劳动和智慧积累起来的。
——李四光Science is an honest thing; it should be accumulated by thousands of people’s labor and intelligence.
Li Siguang 发展独立思考和独立判断的能力,应当始终放在首位,而不应当把获得专业知识放在首位。
——[德国]爱因斯坦Developing the ability of thinking and judging independently instead of obtaining professional knowledge should be put in the first place.
(Germany) Albert Einstein 想象力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想象力概括着世界上的一切,推动着进步,并且是知识进化的源泉。
——[德国] 爱因斯坦Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world, pushes improvement and is the source of knowledge evolution.
(Germany ) Albert Einstein 学习知识要善于思考、思考、再思考,我就是靠这个学习方法才成为科学家。
——[德国] 爱因斯坦Studying knowledge needs thinking again and again, which is a learning method helping me become a scientist.
(Germany)Albert Einstein 没有想象力的灵魂,就像没有望远镜的天文台。
——[德国] 爱因斯坦
A soul without imagination is like an observatory without the telescope.
(Germany)Albert Einstein
——郭沫若Science seeks truth from facts. It is an honest thing, which cannot endure anything false and demands arduous work. Meanwhile, science also needs creation and imagination. Only imagination can break traditional restraints and develop science.
Guo Moruo 科学的界限就像地平线一样,你越接近它,它挪得越远。
——[德国] 布莱希特The scientific demarcation is like the horizon; the closer you are to it, the father it moves.
(Germany) Bertolt Brecht 没有一种科学是同生活绝对脱离的
There is no science that is completely divorced from life
——[美国]杨振宁Science does not only have logic at all.
(America)Jonathan Salle 艺术家和科学家的价值在于没有私欲的服务,在于为万人的利益服务。
——[美国]罗斯福The value of artists and scientists lies in their selfless service for all people’s interests.
(America)Franklin D. Roosevelt
3. 理想
The ideal of life is to live for ideals
——[保加利亚] 季米特诺夫Life must have ideals which are healthy and come from the inner heart and one’s own nation.
(Bulgaria) Dimitrov 理想越崇高,生活就越纯结。
——[英国] 伏尼契The nobler the ideal is, the purer the life is.
(Britain) Voynich 理想就是星星——我们永远无法到达,但是我们像水手一样,用它们指引航程。
——[美国] 舒尔茨Ideals are like the stars——we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart out course by them.
America) Charles Schulz 有理想的人,生活总是火热的
The life of a person who has an ideal is always hot
——[德国] 爱因斯坦
The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth.
(Germany) Albert Einstein 理想是闹钟,敲碎你的黄金梦;理想是肥皂,洗濯你的自私心。
4. 人生
People’s abilities are different, but all of them should make contribution to mankind as long as they are alive
A person’s life is limited, but to serve people is unlimited. I will put my limited life into the unlimited service to the people.
Lei Feng 逆境总是有的,人生就是进击
Adversity always exists, while life is to advance
——张海迪It is not rare to meet some difficulties in your lifetime. If you can overcome them, you are a hero, a strong man.
Zhang Haidi 无论你有多棒,你面对的竞争仍然多样。
——成龙No matter how excellent you are, there are always a lot of challenges for you to face.
Jacky Chan 一个尝试错误的人生不但比无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且更有意义。
——[爱尔兰] 萧伯纳你怎样度过自己的一生
How will you spend your life
——[美国]卡莉·菲奥利娜Lives are all great masterpieces. Each of them has its unique nature gift and inestimable potential.
(America) Carly Fiorina 今天就是生命——是惟一你能确知的生命。
——[美国] 戴尔·卡耐基Today is life —the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in
something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
(America) Dale Carnegie 不要以为来日方长!早一点推动自己,可以早一点使自己在死亡来临之前找到自己生命的意义。
——罗兰Do not always think there is ample time ahead. The earlier you work hard, the earlier you can find the meaning of your life before death.
Luo lan 快乐的人生在于不断的成功。
——[美国]安东尼·罗宾斯Constant success makes a happy life.
(America) Anthony Robins 生命的意义在于活得充实,而不是在于活得长久。
To make a change, one should give consideration to many problems
——爱因斯坦There are only two ways to live your life. One is though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
(Germany) Al bert Einstein 如果你能欣赏你自己,你将拥有生命中最美好的东西。
——[美国]戴尔·卡耐基The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself.
(America) Dale Carnegie 人生的课题就是选择。
——[法国] 萨特The subject of life is making choices.
(France) Sartre 寻找自我,保持本色
Find yourself and be yourself
——郭沫若T o an individual, nothing is more tragic than the death of his conscience; while to a society, nothing is more heart-breaking than the vanishing of justice.
Guo Moruo 人生本来就是一种广义的艺术。
——朱光潜Life is a kind of art in a broad sense. Everyone’s life is his own works.
Zhu Guangqian 没有比生命更宝贵的东西,生命想象不到地短暂。
——[法国] 杜伽尔Nothing is more precious than life, which is unbelievably short.
(France) Roger Martin du Gard 没有真正的人生体验,人的真正教育就无法开始。
——[美国] 亚伯拉罕H。
马斯洛Real education cannot begin without the real life experiences.
(America) Abraham H. Maslow 相信自己。
——[英国]卓别林Believe in yourself.
(Britain) Charlie Chaplin 生命如逝水,流水的日子是不会回来的。
——罗兰Life is like flowing water, which will never come back.
Luo Lan 毁誉无动于衷,荣誉在所不计
Be indifferent to depreciation of honor
——老舍One’s sense of honor equals to his sense of modesty.
Lao She 一个人的价值,若不能靠颂扬而增加,也就不会为嘲笑而低落。
——沈从文If one’s value cannot be increased by praise, it will not be degraded by derision.
Shen Cong wen 没有一个沽名钓誉的人能得到真正的荣誉的。
——李可染No one can fish for real honor.
Li Keran 名誉的评价在于人民,在于历史。
——李可染It is people and history that evaluate reputation.
Li Keran 得失成败尽量置之度外,只求竭尽所能,无愧于心。
——傅雷Think less of personal gain or loss as long as you go all out and have a clear conscience.
Fu Lei
5. 事业
We should put career in the first place in life until the last minute 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。
——[英国] 丘吉尔It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.
(Britain) Winston Churchill 做任何事情都需要有热心、信心和恒心,没有热心则难以至其诚,没有信心则无以尽其力,没有恒心则难以持其久。
——李俊琪T o do something, you need enthusiasm, confidence and perseverance. Enthusiasm shows your good faith; confidence makes you be involved in; while perseverance ensures unremitting efforts.
Li Junqi 工作先于玩耍。
——[德国] 迈克尔·舒马赫Work is prior to play.
(Germany) Michael Schumacher 爱你所做的事,成功是需要一点热情的。
——[美国] 卡莉·菲奥利娜Love what you do, because success of any type requires passion.
(America) Carly Fiorina 少说空言,多做实事
Less empty talk and more hard work
——苏步青You will achieve nothing if you place your hope merely on opportunity.
Su Buqing 在事业上谋取成功,没有什么绝对的公式。
——李嘉诚T o make achievements in your work, there is no absolute formula.
Li Jiacheng 目标再伟大,如果不去落实,永远只能是空想。
——[美国] W。
克莱门特·斯通An objective, no matter how great it is, can only be a dream if you do not take concrete steps toward it.
(America) W. Clement Stone 创业是需要勇气的
It needs courage to start a business
——李嘉诚Before making up your mind to do something, study carefully in advance. Once you have made your decision, march forward courageously.
Li Jiacheng 人,最理想的是从事永久不灭的事业,这也是生命对
——[日本] 武者小路实笃For human beings, the best career to undertake is to do what lasts eternally, which is also what life requires human beings as a whole.
(Japan) Mushanokoji Saneatsu 伟大的事业根源于坚忍不拔的工作,以全副精神去从事,不避艰苦。
——[英国] 罗素Great cause comes from persistent work, facing difficulties with your heart and soul.
(Britain) Bertrand Russell 兴趣是成功的发源地,奋斗是成功的保证。
——李俊琪Interest is the birthplace of success, while hard work is its guarantee.
Li Junqi 犹疑不决,是事业的大敌,目标既定,就要大步前行永不回头。
——李俊琪Hesitation is the enemy of your career. Once you make up your mind, you should advance without any hesitation.
Li Junqi 事业以利他为本。
——苏渊雷Career is based on altruism.
Su Yuanlei
6. 奋斗
Everybody has a set objective in his life
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩It is a waste of time and energy to pursue wrong objectives.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 一个人,特别是青年要想有所作为,就需要有一股子创劲和闯劲,需要有一种持之以恒的精神。
——钱三强One, especially the youth, should meet the following requirements if he wants to get somewhere creativity,
perseverance and pioneering spirit.
Qian Sanqiang 只要不怕辛勤和艰苦,终会成功的
With diligence and hard work, you are sure to succeed
——钱伟长Talents are cultivated by hard work. Geniuses derive from diligence.
Qian Weichang 不付出血汗,希冀成绩会从天而降,那是幻想!
——苏步青Without hard work, it is a mere illusion to expect that achievements will fall from the sky.
Su Buqing 不在艰难中屈服,要在艰难中自强。
——霍英东Never yield to hardships. Strive unceasingly against any difficulty instead.
Huo Yingdong 奋斗是一曲激越壮美之歌,人生的意义全在于此。
——李俊琪Struggle is a magnificent and beautiful song in which the meaning of life lies.
Li Junqi 世道艰苦,奋斗才是出路
The world being hard, struggle is the only way out
——[美国] 杰克·韦尔奇
I tried to be a sponge, absorbing and questioning every good idea.
(America) Jack Welch 天才是长期勤奋得来的智慧积累,只有懒人才相信生而知之。
——徐悲鸿Genius is the intelligence accumulated by long-term diligence. Only lazy person believes in intuitive knowledge.
Xu Beihong 有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。
——[德国] 海塞Those who have courage to master their lives are heroes.
(Germany) Hesse 巨大的成功只跟远大的抱负相伴。
——成龙Great success is only accompanied with lofty
Jacky Chan
7. 改革
Conservation is a great obstacle to improvement
——[德国]莱恩哈德·摩恩Comprehensive reform demands dedication, courage and patience.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 进步需要发现新路的能力。
——[德国]莱恩哈德·摩恩Improvement requires the ability to find a new way.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 墨守成规不可能产生创新力,也无法使人脱离困境。
——[美国] 乔治·韦尔曼Sticking to established practice cannot lead to creativity, nor can it help people out of difficult positions.
(America) George Wilman 成见和积习是不可轻视的力量。
Prejudice and old habits are forces that cannot be ignored.
Feng Ding 解放是一种过程,在这过程中一个人抛弃了原有的束缚,享受着没有这些束缚的自由。
——费孝通Liberation is a course, during which one breaks through the existing constraints and enjoys the boundless freedom.
Fei Xiaotong 要善于使用概念而不是被概念所使用所主宰。
——王蒙Be skillful in using concepts rather than be used and controlled by them.
Wang Meng 这个时代,惟一不变的就是不断改革
Nowadays, the only thing that does not change is reform
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩The only way to survive in the international stage is to re-plan and make improvement.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 单靠金钱是无法启动革新的,所需要的是那种能披荆斩棘、开拓的能力。
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩T o initiate reform, money is not the sole requirement. It is necessary to have the abilities to forge ahead through all difficulties.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 过去的成功制度不能保证未来可以无忧。
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩Old successful system cannot guarantee a carefree future.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 正确性、可能性、时间性是我们为自己制定的成功目标所必须具有的三大要素。
克莱门特·斯通Correctness, feasibility and timeliness are three requirements that we must meet when we are setting our objectives for success.
(America) W. Clement Stone 不要过于追求完美,绝对的完美是不存在的,其实,适当的缺憾也是一种美。
——李俊琪Do not pursue perfection excessively. There is no absolute perfection. As a matter of fact, in some cases defects are also a kind of beauty.
Li Junqi 敢于胜利,实际上是不怕失败
Having the courage to win shows that you are not in fear of failure
——谢觉哉Do it once you make up your mind, and hold on to the last once you start.
Xie Juezai 凡事判断明确后,便应坚决地做去,不能动摇。
Persevere once you make your determination.
——郭沫若The road of justice is rugged and only welcomes brave people.
Guo Moruo 新生的东西在开始时总是软弱的,然而又是生动活跃不可战胜的
Week as they are at the beginning, new things are active and unconquerable 旧中生长出来的东西,常常全部否定了旧的本身。
——谢觉哉Old matters are usually rejected by those growing from them.
——朱屺瞻The rules still work if the destruction comes with the construction.
Zhu Qizhan 道理透明了,名词便可用,可不用,或随意拾用。
——梁漱溟As long as the meaning is clear to you, you are free to use any words you like.
Liang Shuming 破坏比创造更见成效,更能触目惊心。
——王安忆Destruction is more effective and shocking than construction.
Wang Anyi 光明的前夜,常有暂时的黑暗
Temporary darkness always appears right before the light
——费孝通Those who are used to walk on foggy days are alert and cautious to the future.
Fei Xiaotong 探索中本来永远无坦途。
——吴冠中There are no smooth roads in the course of exploration.
Wu Guanzhong 一切生存的事物,都有他最不幸最痛苦的历史,都经过数千万年的淘汰奋斗。
——冰心Every living creature has his most unfortunate and painful history, and survives through his struggle for thousands
of years.
Bing Xin
8. 管理
Management is the key to success
——[日本] 盛田昭夫Go ahead of others and do what has never been done before.
(Japan) Akio Morita 表扬是最有效、最廉价,也可能是最好的管理工具。
——[英国] 帕金森Praise is the cheapest, most effective and perhaps the best management tool.
(Britain) Parkinson 管理是成功的关键所在。
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩Management is the key to success.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 从挫折中学习,以人为本,选贤任能Learn from setbacks, and appoint the talented
——[美国] 比尔·盖茨Employ extremely intelligent young people and establish survival-of-the-fittest employment system.
(America) Bill Gates 惟亲是用,必损事业。
——李嘉诚It will harm your undertaking if you only appoint relatives.
Li Jiacheng 管理人员应该主要以他们的成功为基础来给予报酬。
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩Managerial personnel should be rewarded mainly on the basis of their success.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 领导能力是成功的关键。
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩The ability to lead is the key to success.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 没有人员素质的最优,绝不会干到事
——张瑞敏Without the best staff, we will never make the best achievement in our work.
Zhang Ruimin
9. 理财
It is correct and necessary for an enterprise to pursue efficiency and profit, and expand its capital value to the best of its capability.
——[德国] 莱恩哈德·摩恩We cannot wait consumers. We must look for them instead.
(Germany) Reinhard Mohn 商场竞争常常是持久力的竞争。
——[美国] 安东尼·罗宾斯The competition in marketplace is all about endurance.
(America) Anthony Robbins 商业决策应该主要以市场需求和商业可行性为准绳
Market demand and commercial feasibility should be the criteria of business decisions 对于有着失去一切的可能性的事业,投注一生的积蓄,那就是有勇无谋。
——[美国] 戴尔·卡耐基It is more brave than wise to invest all your savings to a cause with a possibility to lose all you have.
(America) Dale Carnegie 第一个人得到的是牡蛎,第二个人得到的是贝壳。
——[美国] 戴尔·卡耐基The first man gets the oyster, the second man gets the shell.
(America) Dale Carnegie
10. 人才
Genius is the wisdom accumulated by diligence over a long period of time
——徐悲鸿Genius is the wisdom accumulated by diligence over a long period of time.
Xu Beihong 七分人事三分天资,三分天资,人人得而有之。
——张大千Success is composed of seventy per cent diligence and thirty per cent talent which is owned by everyone.
Zhang Daqian 才能的大小,固由天赋,然而从认真与细心,也可以造就一个人的才能。
——茅盾It is true that talent is gifted, but earnestness and carefulness can also make talent.
Mao Dun 不动手和懒动手的人,必然也是不大会用脑子的人。
——谢觉哉Those who do not or is too lazy to use their hands cannot utilize their brains well.
Xie Zuezai 天才多半由于努力养成。
——郭沫若Geniuses are mostly trained by diligence as well as carefulness.
Guo Moruo 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。
——华罗庚It is true that diligence will make up for shortcomings, so your talent will depend on your labor.
Hua Luogeng 天才是大自然的奇迹
Geniuses are the miracles of the nature
——徐悲鸿There is nothing in the world that can fetter geniuses.
Xu Beihong 天才是精神上一种灵妙无比的捕捉力。
——茅盾Genius is a wonderful power of observation in spirit.
Mao Dun 人应该有各种各样的,否则不成为时间。
——谢觉哉Human beings are different. Otherwise, the world would not be a world.
Xie Juezai 人才是企业竞争的根本优势
Talents are the ultimate advantage of an enterprise taking part in the competition 自信与自负之间仅一步之遥。
——[美国] 杰克·韦尔奇There is a fine line between arrogance and self-confidence.
(America) Jack Welch 时代愈有剧烈的变动,则刺激愈大,天才也愈易产生。
——朱光潜The more dramatic change the time has, the greater the stimulation will be, and the more possibility there will be for geniuses to appear.
You had better not discuss with others until you know them well
——陶行知T o persuade is better than to compel. To volunteer is better than to order. To be active is better than to be passive.
Tao Xingzhi 不能用人的长处,便是自己的短处。
——陶行知It is your shortcoming if you cannot take advantage of others’ merits.
Tao Xingzhi 看人看事,要论其大节,细微末节则不应过分计较。
——何满子We should not judge others and things by trivial details.
He Manzi 看不见所长,容易自卑;忽视所短,可以自满。
——茅以升One tends to be look down upon himself if he cannot see his merits; while one is incline to be proud of himself if he neglects his shortcomings.。