Robustifying AdaBoost by adding the naive error rate

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−1 exp(−Fm−1 (xi )yi). In other words, the weight wm (i) goes up by where wm (i) = Zm
eαm when the weak hypothesis fm (x) fails to correctly classify the training data (xi , yi), and goes down by e−αm otherwise. In a subsequent discussion, we propose alternative updating methods in place of (6). In addition, the update rule (6) has the following property: εm+1 (fm ) = 1 (m = 1, · · · , M − 1). 2 2 (7)
In the present paper we investigate a classification problem using a boosting method. The boosting method aims to construct a strong learning machine by combining weak hypotheses. One typical boosting method is AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire, 1997). The key concept here is to change the weight distribution of a training data set in each step of the learning process. Let y denote the class label, which is to be predicted based on a feature vector represented by x ∈ Rp . A weak hypothesis f (x) with values ±1 is in a given class F . An indicator function I is defined by I(A) = 1, A is true, 0, otherwise. 1 (1)
For a given training data set {(xi , yi)}N i=1 and a discriminant function F (x), the exponential loss is defined by Lexp (F ) =
N i=1
exp (−yi F (xi )) .
f ∈F
1 (i = 1, · · · , N ) , F0 (x) = 0. N
where εm (f ) = (b) Calculate
N i=1
wm (i)I(f (xi ) = yi ). 1 − εm (fm ) 1 log . 2 εm (fm )
αm =
(c) Update the weight distribution as wm+1 (i) = where Fm (x) =
with the probability η (Copas, 1988). In a subsequent discussion, we will give another form of η depending on x. We focus on a simple example in order to explore the weakness of AdaBoost under noisy conditions. We generate a data set of 200 examples which is completely separable by a linear separator and only change the label of one instance. Figure 1 gives the data set and the classification result provided by AdaBoost. Since AdaBoost exponentially increases the weight for the outlier, some weak hypotheses with a decision boundary near the outlier are selected in learning steps. Consequently, the output is greatly affected by the outlier, as shown in Figure 1 and leads to bad performance in the sense of generalization error. In the present paper, we propose a new boosting algorithm called η -Boost. We define the naive loss function as Lnaive (F ) = −
This implies that the hypothesis fm (x) optimized with respect to the weight distribution wm (i) has no predictive accuracy, or is a random guess under the updated distribution wm+1 (i). While AdaBoost is a very simple and powerful method, this method is sensitive to outliers. Robust statistics emerged in the 1960s in the statistical community (Huber, 1974 and Hampel, 1986). This concept is based on a geometric interpretation when the data space is unbounded and continuous. An outlier can be defined as residing far from the bulk of a given data set. A procedure is said to be robust if it is relatively unaffected by outliers. An influence function is introduced to assign a quantified value for the effect of the procedure. However, the space of labels is limited to {−1, 1} in our context, so that we cannot use the usual definition of robustness described above. The outlying occurs simply in the transposition between −1 and 1, in which the label y is changed to −y . Therefore, we have to take a probabilistic approach rather than a geometric approach. Typically, the distribution of the label y given x, p(y |x) is contaminated as (1 − η )p(y |x) + ηp(−y |x) (8)
Robustifying AdaBoost by adding the naive error rate
Takashi Takenouchi Department of Statistical Science, Graduate University of Advanced Studies Shinto Eguchi Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan and Department of Statistical Science, Graduate University of Advanced Studies Abstract AdaBoost can be derived by sequential minimization of the exponential loss function. It implements the learning process by exponentially reweighting examples according to classification results. However, weights are often too sharply tuned, so that AdaBoost suffers from the non-robustness and over-learning. We propose a new boosting method that is a slight modification of AdaBoost. The loss function is defined by a mixture of the exponential loss and naive error loss functions. As a result, the proposed method incorporates the effect of forgetfulness into AdaBoost. The statistical significance of our method is discussed, and simulations are presented for confirmation. Keywords contamination model, discriminant analysis, mislabel, robustness, η -divergence
m s=1
exp(−Fm (xi )yi) , Zm+1
N i=1
αs fs (x), Zm+1 =
M m=1
exp(−Fm (xi )yi ).
3. Output the discriminant function sgn(
αm fm (x)).
In 2(b), αm is a log-odds ratio of weighted error rate εm (fm ) and is the coefficient of fm (x) in the output function. When εm (fm ) is small, αm takes a large value and when εm (fm ) is near 1 , αm takes a small value. In 2(c), we can rewrite the update rule (5) as 2 wm+1 (i) ∝ wm (i)eαm if fm (xi ) = yi , wm (i)e−αm otherwise (6)
We introduce AdaBoost by the sequential minimization of (2) as follows: 1. Start with weights w1 (i) = 2. For m = 1, · · · , M (a) Find fm (x) = argmin εm (f ),