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【摘要】In the adrenocortex, one of the key enzymes playing a major role in the biosynthesis, is the 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1; P45011β), forming cortisol and aldosterone from the corresponding deoxysteroids. This enzyme can be overexpressed in incidentalomas of the adrenal cortex and was described as a relative excellent target enzyme for adrenocortical imaging. 11C-(R) -1-(1-phenylethyl) -1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid methylester (R) -[O-methyl-11 C] metomidate, 11C-MTO, an analogue of etomidate,well known as a narcotic drug,works as a substrate for this enzyme and therefore was introduced for adrenocortical imaging. After years of hard working of researching, the radiosynthesis and quality control methods of the radiopharmaceutical have relatively matured. The automatic radiosynthesis methods of 11C-MTO have been proved to be reliable and suitable for routine clinical PET imaging of the adrenal cortex and its tumors. The results of PET imaging show that significantly higher uptake of 11C-MTO is seen in adrenocortex and cortical lesions. Moderate tracer accumulation is shown in liver, and low tracer accumulation is shown in other organs in the abdomen and noncortical lesions. The studies indicate that PET with 11C-MTO has a promising potential to be used
clinically for characterization of adrenal masses and that it positively identifies lesions of adrenocortical origin.%在肾上腺皮质,11β-羟化酶在将相应去氧类固醇产生皮质醇和醛固酮的过程中发挥主要作用.这种酶在肾上腺髓质偶发瘤中过度表达并被描述为在肾上腺皮质显像过程中表现相对出色的靶点酶.美托咪酯作为一种常见的麻醉药物可以充当11β-羟化酶的替代物,因此被应用于肾上腺皮质显像.放射化学工作者经过多年探索,在示踪剂的放射化学合成及质量控制方面,已经摸索出了比较成熟的方法,可以稳定地合成出符合肾上腺皮质临床正电子发射断层显像要求的示踪剂.临床显像研究结果显示肾上腺皮质及肾上腺皮质来源的肿瘤可特异性高摄取11C-美托咪酯,肝脏中度程度摄取,而腹部其他脏器及非肾上腺皮质来源肿瘤低摄取.因此,利用该方法可进行肾上腺皮质来源性肿瘤的早期诊断及特异性鉴别诊断.
【作者单位】天津医科大学总医院PET-CT影像诊断科, 天津 300052;天津医科大学总医院PET-CT影像诊断科, 天津 300052
1.不同剂量的右美托咪定联合依托咪酯对减轻冠心病非心脏手术患者麻醉诱导期应激反应的效果 [J], 王娟
2.右美托咪啶复合依托咪酯麻醉对胃癌根治术患者苏醒质量、血流动力学及认知功能的影响 [J], 王晶晶;孙大健;张宁宁;叶枫;张洁
3.右美托咪定复合依托咪酯在老年无痛胃肠镜中的应用效果及对应激反应的影响[J], 赵静
4.右美托咪定复合依托咪酯在高血压患者麻醉诱导插管中的应用价值和对PI3K、Akt蛋白表达的影响 [J], 钟昭迎
5.右美托咪定和依托咪酯在膝关节置换术中的效果 [J], 原卓敏;贾心连;邓芳华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
