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含答案 1 •下列现象中,属于光的衍射的是 (
) A •雨后天空出现彩虹
B •通过一个狭缝观察日光灯可看到彩色条纹
C. 海市蜃楼现象
D •日光照射在肥皂膜上出现彩色条纹
2 •白光通过双缝后产生的干涉条纹是彩色的,其原因是不同色光的
( )
A .传播速度不同
B .强度不同
C .振动方向不同
D .频率不同 3•如图所示,白炽灯的右侧依次平行放置偏振片 P 和Q , A 点位于P 、Q 之间, 于Q 右侧.旋转偏振片 P , A 、B 两点光的强度变化情况是(
A . A 、
B 均不变
B . A 、B 均有变化
C . A 不变,B 有变化
D . A 有变化,B 不变
4 .某同学使用激光器做光源,在不透光的挡板上开一条缝宽为
0.05 mm 的窄缝, 的衍射实验,如图甲所示.则他在光屏上看到的条纹是图乙中的
( )
5.如图所示,一束复色光从真空射向半圆形玻璃砖的圆心,经过玻璃砖折射后,从 分别沿
Oa 、Ob 方向射出,则下列关于
B 点位 进行光 11=11111= BCD a 光与b 光的说法正确的是(
A .在玻璃砖中a 光传播的时间比
B .在玻璃砖中a 光传播的时间比
C .在相同条件下做双缝干涉实验,
D .在相同条件下做双缝干涉实验,
6 .下列关于电磁波的说法,正确的是
b 光长
b 光短
b 光干涉条纹间距比 a 光的小
b 光干涉条纹间距比 a 光的大
( )
A .电磁波只能在真空中传播
B .电场随时间变化时一定产生电磁波
D .麦克斯韦第一次用实验证实了电磁波的存在
7 •关于生活中遇到的各种波,下列说法正确的是()
A .电磁波可以传递信息,声波不能传递信息
B •手机在通话时涉及的波既有电磁波又有声波
D •遥控器发出的红外线波长和医院CT”中的X射线波长相同
8. 下列关于电磁波的说法正确的是()
A •麦克斯韦提出了电磁场理论,并用实验证实了电磁波的存在
B. 各种电磁波在真空中的传播速度与光速一样,为3X 10 m/s
C. 经过调幅后的电磁波是横波,经过调频后的电磁波是纵波
D •红外线是波长比可见光波长还长的电磁波,常用于医院和食品消毒
9. 以下物理学知识的相关叙述中正确的是()
A •用透明的标准样板和单色光检查平面的平整度是利用了光的偏振
B .变化的电场周围不一定产生变化的磁场
D .狭义相对论认为,在惯性参考系中,光速与光源、观察者间的相对运动无关
10. 有两只对准的标准钟,一只留在地面上,另一只放在高速飞行的飞船上,则下列说
A .飞船上的人看到自己的钟比地面上的钟走得慢
B .地面上的人看到自己的钟比飞船上的钟走得慢
D .因为是两只对准的标准钟,所以两钟走时快慢相同
11. 如图所示,两艘飞船A、B沿同一直线同向飞行,相对地面的速度均为v(v接近光速c).地面上测得它们相距为L,则A测得两飞船间的距离____________ (选填“大于”、“等于”
或“小于” )L.当B向A发出一光信号,A测得该信号的速度为___________ .
12. 用双缝干涉测光的波长,实验中采用双缝干涉仪,它包括以下元件:
A .白炽灯
B .单缝屏
C.光屏 D .双缝屏
(1) _________________________________________________________ 把以上元件安装在光具座上时,自光源起合理的排列顺序是____________________________________ .(只需填前面的
(2)正确调节后,在屏上观察到红光的干涉条纹,用测量头测出10条红亮纹间的距离为a, 改用绿色滤光片,其他条件不变,用测量头测出10条绿亮纹间的距离为b,则一定有a
______ B•(选填“大于” “小于”或“等于” )
______________________________________________________________________________ ? 单缝的作用是
______________________________________________________________________________ ? 双缝的作用是
I. B. 2 . D.3 . C4. D. 5 . AD. 6 . C. 7 . B. 8. B. 9 . BD. 10 . C.
II. 大于c(或光速)
12 . (1)AFBDEC (2)大于
I .阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Eric : When I was in kindergarten, my teacher told us that we could bee anything when we got older.
Jo:My teacher said that, too, and we believed we __1__ bee whatever we wan ted to be.
Eric : You know I __2__(real)wanted to bee a fish, as fish were so beautiful and so free in the water.
Jo:Ha! Ha! That's funny. When I was about five years old, I __3 _(think)I could hatch an egg since I kept it warm, and I __4_ (sleep)with some eggs in my bed, and guess what?
Eric : You broke the __5_ ?
Jo:Yes, all of them. I felt as though I __6一(kill)my little chickens and I cried. Angry as my mother was, she did n't scold me __7_ , she expla ined how a hen hatched eggs and asked me not to do that aga in.
Eric : Did you do whatever your mother told you?
Jo:Yes, I always listened to her, __8__ she said. She used to be my hero.
Eric : My mother used to tell me that if I ever swallowed __9_ seed, a pla nt would grow in side me, so I n ever ate watermel ons __10. they were seedless.
n .完形填空——
In China , a general belief is that “ things beeasier when men and women pair up . However, when women and women__V_ up at workplace , things became terrible.
I feel extremely__2_ when women act rudely , and use curse words and unclean Ianguages.Over thirty years ago, when I was a young__3__ at a factory, I found some women workers liked speaking__4__to each other at the_5__ and they frequently uttered those dirty words__6__by guys only , while they were angry
__7__ just happy.It is not all their fault , _8__they
had less__9—duri ng the period of the Cultural Revolutio n.
__10__that I am an office worker , I rarely see the female colleagues around me__11__rudely and severely to each other.They 12 each other politely , at 13 in my eye.
Certa inly some Chin ese wome n __14 their workmates of the same sex.They in__15__ike to pete — whose ring is more expensive , whose house bigger , whose husband__16__, and so on , especially
those__17一 did n't get a higher educati on would care more about mon ey.For the office ladies , supervisors and subord in ates , or at the same rank , they may fight for the opport un ity to__18__.They are petitors , but they try not to use unbearable Ianguages!
Sometimes , you hate women talking , __19__if they were quarreling.ln fact , it's nothing to do with the petition , but more with the tones of the Ianguage and the pitch or timbre ( 音质)of women's voice.
However , you still __20__those women who talk rudely , on the streets or in some markets , as I prove.Definitely , this is by no means part of Chinese culture , which sponsors harmony and promise.
【解题导语】 本文叙述了作者在车间的所见所闻,旨在说明导致国人说话、做事行为
“男女搭配干活不累”这一说法似乎在女性间显得非同 一般。
1. A.paired B . turned C . cheered D . showed
2. Afortable B . worried C . unfortable D . unworried
3. A.child B . man C . worker D . colleague
4. A.kindly B . frankly C . honestly D . severely
5 . A.factory B . workplace C . office D . stati on
6 .
ed B . toldC . men tio ned D . read 7 .
A.a nd B . but C . or D . so 8 . A.though B . asC . when D . while
9 . A.impressi on B .
enjoyme nt C . courage D . educati on 10 . A.Now B . Si nee C . For D . With
11 . A.spoke n B . speak ing C . speak D . spoke
. A.love B . treat C . respect D . envy 18 . A.promote B . be promoted C . employ D . be employed
19 . A.as B . even C . what D . only
20 . Ae into B . e up C . e across D . e down
During my first seven semesters as a medical student at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia , I spe nt most of my time study ing and in classrooms .I rarely spoke with real patie nts in a hospital sett in g.The n last year I started visit ing the n eurology (神经)ward at Dr.Sardjito Hospital.I was gathering data for my paper.At the hospital I would review the medical records of newly admitted stroke patie nts , the n in terview them to find out if they were tak ing the pill.
One cold , rainy evening last October , I was in the neurology ward desperately “ huntingthe for final three patients I needed to plete my study.The records showed that there was a 43-year-old stroke patient , 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . A. most B . sometimes A. dislike B . disagree A.particular B . trouble A.worse B . richer C . A.that B . which C . whom C . least D . first C . disappo int D . disorder C . gen eral D . pain higher D . poorer D . who
whom I will call Ms A , in the ward.Holding a patient questionnaire , I went into her room.I asked how she was doing.She softly replied that she was getting better but the left side of her body was still weak.After I finished the questionnaire , I prepared to leave so I could go through more medical records.Before I could stand up , Ms A started making conversation , asking where I was from and why I was work ing so late in the evening」was surprised some one in her con diti on would want to talk.
Ms A started talking about herself.She told me she had three children in primary school , who were stay ing with a n eighbor.Her husba nd died a year ago and she is the sole breadw inner of her famil y.I did n't know what to say.I just sat quietly while she talked.Without realiz ing it , I had begu n holdi ng Ms A's hand.
The conversation went on like this for about 20 minutes.A few days later , when I returned to the ward , I discovered that Ms A had been discharged as her condition had improved.
Ms A taught me one of the most important lessons a doctor can leann.Sometimes patients do not n eed expe nsive medici ne or state-of- the-art tech no logy.They just n eed some one with the patie nee and willingness to lend an ear and spare a little of their time.
1. According to the first paragraph , the author _______ .
A. had already worked as a doctor
B. enjoyed talking with the patients
C. provided the patients with the pills
D. seldom visited the patients in hospital
2. Why did the author go into the patient room?
A . The patient asked him to chat with her.
B . He wan ted to acpa ny the patie nt.
C . It was his duty to take care of the patie nt.
D . He wan ted to get some in formatio n from the patie nt.
3 . Which of the followi ng is TRUE of Ms A?
A . She was very familiar with the author.
B . Her husba nd died because of serious ill ness.
C . She was the only pers on to support her family.
D . She had to leave her childre n alone at home.
4 . The underlined phrase “ hableen discharged ” Paragraph
5 is similar in meaning
to _______ .
A . had bee n allowed to leave hospital
B . had n't needed to pay for her illness
C . had bee n recovered from her ill ness
D . had bee n happy with her health con diti on
IV .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
Three Strategies to Enhance Your Reading
and Learning prehension
Reading prehension strategies help a lot in developing your vocabulary and power of analysis.__1__ ☆Role-playing.
It allows you to gain a better viewpo int over the text you have just read .It also gives you the freedom and flexibility to show your own understanding of the reading material.However , this kind of strategy does not apply to all texts.__2__
☆Check whether you have understood the material.
A lot of teachers like to hold questi on and an swer sect ions at the end of the less on to see how much a student actually remembers and understands.__3_ Closed questions are those immediately answerable by “ yesd'r “ no.” This will give the teacher a quick evaluation of how much the student has gathered from the less on. Ope n-en ded questio ns, on the other hand, are an excelle nt weigh of the student's reading prehension.Questions that begin with “ how”nd “ why'often push the student to details. ☆4
By tapping into what you've already known , you can make it easier to relate to what you're reading now.This strategy requires you to be up- to-date as well.Or at least , be a quick thinker.After all , you're expected to take advantage of any opportunity you have to tie one idea to another.__5__ A. Develop a good reading habit. B. Make use of prior knowledge or experienee. C. These questions should be both closed and open^ended. D. With these strategies , you'll be able to learn better and help others as well. E. The students should learn to ask themselves different questions after class. F. Teachers often use different reading prehension strategies to help their students understand the less on.
I am writing to ask for[DD)] whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen pal, the similarly hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests si m ilar to mine.In my in teresti ng G . I suggest this reading prehension strategy be limited to texts with actual characters and story plots. V .短文改错 I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor.l want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the early twen ties, and with in terests similarly to mi ne.ln my mind, he is some one in teresti ng in traveli ng, swim ming, and play ing table tenni s.Beside, it will be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time.With such pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in mon.l believed I will improve my English by doing so and heari ng from you soon. 答案: I . I.could learning more about her country 」 am looking forward to 7.lnstead 8.no matter what/whate 10. un 9.C 8 0 2n . 1. A 12. B13. 5.B D B 1川.D 2.D 4IV . 1.F 4. 5.V . mind , he "is she some on e interested in traveli ng, swimmi ng, and playi ng table tenni s.Beside.Besides, it will be
A better
3.thoug ht
6.had killed
A 11. C
for her to have a pet dog as I have bee n keep ing one at home for some time.With such whichever hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whatever believed
learn ing mon.l believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country 」am looking forward to heari ng from you soon. a pen pal, I we have in。