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第一节单项选择(共15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分15 分)
从每题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21 .—Look !Here comes the bus and I have to go now. Thank you for coming to see
me off.
—Goodbye ,and __________ !
A .congratulations B.cheer up C.all the best D .go
22.The criminal, as well as some _______ people, was arrested(逮捕) by the police yesterday.
A. relevant
B. skilled
C. released
D. lucky
23.That is the day ______ I joined the army.
A. which
B. that
C. in which
D. when
24. A live program on TV is calling on people to _________ money or some
other things to the people who have suffered from the flood in Henan
A. donate
B. lend
C. put
D. pay
25.The children in mountainous areas are ____________ knowledge, so your
work will make a difference to their future life.
A. dying for
B. dying out
C. dying of
D. dying
26.The search was _______ when night came ,even though the child had
not been found.
A .approved B.acquired C.achieved
D .abandoned
27.Was it in the library_______ he often went to do some
reading ___________ h e met the pretty girl?
A .that ;that B.where ;where C.where ;that
D .that ;where
28. Most young girls were scared ____________ s tay outside after 10 : 00 p.m, because they were scared _____________ being robbed in the city.
A.to ;to B.to ;of C.of;to D.of;of
29. The building _________ will be completed in a month. It will be our lab building.
A. to paint
B. being painted
C. to have painted
D. painting
30.I ________ invite Mr Green to the party that day ,but he forgot it completely.
A .do B.does C.did D .doing
31.With the guide _________ the way ,we finally got to the village which
we were looking for.
A .led B.leading C.to lead D .had led 32.It is often recommended that children __________ chances to get close
to nature.
A .are offered B.be offered
C.should offer D.must be offered
33. I find it very difficult to read _______ novel you lent me last
--- Yes. It 's necessary to have _____________ good knowledge of history.
A. the; a
B. a; /
C. the; /
D. a; the
34. I hear you ______ in a restaurant. What 's it like?
--- Well, it 's very hard work and I 'm very tired, but I don 't mind.
A. are working
B. will work
C. were working
D. will be
35.Frank said that he was not sleep_________ I had great difficulty in
waking him up.
A. whether
B. although
C. for
D. so
第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 —55各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项

An old frie nd of mine from abroad, whom I was expect ing to stay with. He
teleph oned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still at the 36 at the time, but I had made 37 for his arrival. After 38 where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the _39
un der a piece of stone n ear the 40 As I was likely to be at home
rather late, I 41 him to go into the kitche n and help 42 to food
and drink.
Two hours later, my friend telephoned me from the 43 . At
the mome nt, he said he was liste ning to some of my 44 after
having just 45 a truly wonderful meal. He had found a 46 on the
gas stove (气炉)and 47 two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the refrigerator (冰箱).Now, he said, he was 48 a
glass of orange juice and he 49 I would join him.I asked him if he had reached the
flat 50 difficulty, and he an swered that he had not bee n able to find the key un
der the piece of stone, but 51 the
liv ing room win dow just by the apple tree had bee n ope n and he had 52_in. I liste ned to all of this in 53 There is no apple tree in front
of my liv ing room, 54 there is one in front of my 55 .
36. A. home B. office C. stati on D.
37. A. pla ns B. aims C. suggesti ons D.
arra ngeme nt
38. A. knowing B. discoveri ng C. explai ning D.
in troduci ng
39. A. lock B. key C. address D. paper
40. A. stove B. room C. tree D.
41. A. suggested B
hoped C. advised D.
42. A. us B. ourselves C. him D.
43. A. flat B. office C. store D. school
44. A. radio B. songs C. records D.
45. A. made B. cooked C. ordered D
46. A. pot B. pan C. bowl D.
47. A. fried B. made C. cooked D.
48. A. hav ing B. gett ing C. tak ing D.
49. A, wished B. hoped C. thought D.
con sidered
50. A. through B. in C. without D. with
51. A, fortun ately B. unfortun
ately C. sudde nly D.
surpris in gly
52. A. came B. rushed C. climbed D.
53. A. secret B. ast oni shme nt C. particular D.
an ger
54. A. however B. yet C. and D.
55. A. n eighbor B. n eighbor's C. frie nd D.
frie nd's
第三节阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
I am lucy. I went to great schools, and I had good teachers throughtout my
life. Of all the great teachers I had, my favorite was Darle ne McCampbell.
Mrs. McCampbell was my high school teacher at Chicago Laboratory School, and she still teaches there today. She taught
me to be a better writer and better reader. But above all, she
taught me how to be a better student. In Mrs. McCampbell ' s clsass, I wasn ' t
just taught about spelling and grammar, I was encouraged to have something to say. I was free to share my ideas and opinions, without feari ng judgme nt. She always provided support and expressed a strong belief (信心)in her students '
potential (潜力).There was never talk of limits (限制)or what we couldn ' t do.
Her belief and support came with demanding course work.
She made it clear that in her class, expectations were high. She asked a lot of us, and in tur n asked a lot of herself. Often, there was more red tha n blue on our papers. She put in a lot of hard work and late ni ghts.
I would not be where I am today if it weren ' t for teachers
like Darle ne McCampbell. Knowing that there are great teachers like her across the country en courages me. They teach us to show up, play a part in activities and work hard. They en courage us to set goals and achieve great things. They are helpful and very important to a student ' s future and to the future of
education in
this country. They are my heroes. On this special day, I sincerely
thank them.
56.We can infer that Mrs. McCampbell is ___________ .
A. a history teacher
B. a Ian guage teacher
C. a physics teacher
D. a
chemical teacher
57.In Mrs. McCampbell ' s class, students ______________ .
A.could express themselves freely
B. could ofte n get a high score
C. were told not ot talk about others
D. were told not to go
aga inst school rules
58.What does the un derl ined word “ dema nding ” in Para. 3 mean?
A. Difficult
B. Interesting
C. Strange
D. Simple.
59.Whe n was this passage writte n most probably?
A. On Women ' s Day.
B. On New Year ' s Day.
C. On Teachers ' s Day
D. On Children ' s Day.
We were coming home one Sun day after noon from a fun-filled weekend at our ranch (牧场)in South Texas. I remembered the conversation was starting to get a little unpleasant in the car with my two girls. Mom ' s and Dad ' s
tempers were as well.
As we were driv ing dow n a long stretch(一段路程)of deserted (无人的)road, we came upon an elderly gentleman who had trouble with a flat tire (轮
胎).I said, “We should stop and lend him a hand. ” I got a resounding(回响)NO from my passengers. “You
should never stop out on deserted roads, Daddy, and we are hungry and the next service station is coming up soon. ”“Well …” I did stop. I asked the girls to lock all the doors and said I would only be a min ute.
The elderly man had been there for well over an hour in the 95-degree hot humid weather. He was con fused about how this new tire cha nging stuff worked. I smiled and asked if I could lend a hand. In no time I had his tire fixed and all his stuff put back in his trunk and he was on his way.
My girls watched this whole experie nee through the win dow. My littlest commented that that was really a nice thing to do and it really didn ' t take that long. The coolest thing that happened was the elderly man, as it turned out, was one of my wife ' s father ' s best friends from years ago. The strain (紧张)in the previous conv ersati on in the car was gon e. It was replaced with a conv ersatio n on how to lend a hand whe n some one n eeds help!
60.How many family members were there in the car?
B. Four.
C. Five
D. Six.
61.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to
the text?
A.It was rather hot and humid that day.
B.On all the way back home, they were in a good mood.
C.At first, the kids weren ' t willing to stop the car to help the man.
D.On the deserted road, the man helped an old friend of his wife ' s father '
62.What kind of trouble did the elderly man meet?
A.He didn ' t know how to get to this destination.
B.His car couldn ' t work because of the lack of oil.
C.He just wan ted to hitch-hike (搭便车)to South Texas.
D.His car went wrong and he didn ' t know what to do.
63.The underlined word “ it ” in the last paragraph refers to
A. the anxiety about how to protect themselves.
B. the bad temper
C. the un pleasa nt con versati on
D. the talk about the elderly man
“Peter Buffett has given us a wise and inspiring (受启发的)book that should be required reading for every young person who wants to find his or her place in the world, and for every family hop ing to give its daughters and
sons the best possible start in life. ”
Preside nt Bill Cli nton
“LIFE IS WHAY YOU MAKE IT shows Peter ' s spirit and values beautifully. As parents, it ' s the kind of dialogue about our life ' s purpose and opportunity we' re having with our children. We will have every one on our family read and discuss LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. ”
Bill & Meli nda Gates
“ Peter Buffett thi nks deeply how to make a meanin gful (富有意义的)life while making a living. LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT is a kind of book that sets readers thi nking; it is worth read ing. ”
Ted Turner
“ LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT is the best book about com monsense (常识)---except
it isn ' t com mon. Peter Buffett has the power to be believed when he tells us how to find a unique self by doing what we love. I can ' t imagine anyone who would n ' t ben efit from (得益于)this spirited, wise, and frie ndly book. ”
Gloria Stei nem
“ In his searchi ng book, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT, Peter Buffett
tells us all how to deal with the relati on betwee n ambiti on (志向)and service, pers onal goals and work for the com mon good. It is a book of value and hon esty. ”
Eve En sler, author of The Vagi na Mono logues
64.What is this passage mainly about?
A.Some readers ' opinions on a book.
B. Some readers opinions on a writer.
C. I ntroductio ns to a famous bestseller
D. I ntroductio ns to some
famous people.
65.Who thinks LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT is written for the young?
A. Bill Clinton
B. Eve Ensler
C. Ted Turner
D. Gloria Steinem
66.LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT probably does NOT discuss ___________________ .
A. finding your position
B. trying to be yourself
C. how to live a meanin gful life
D. how to become rich by yourself
Shu Pul ong has helped at least 1000 people bitte n (咬)by sn akes.
“ It was seeing people with snake bites (伤口) that led me to this career, ”he said.
In 1963, after his army service, Shu en tered a medical school and later became a
doctor of Chin ese medici ne. As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a sn ake
bite in order to save their lives.
“ I was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot after noon. The old man was pulli ng grass in his fields whe n he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart.
Rush ing home he shouted ‘ Bring me the knife! ' Minu tes later the man lost his arm forever. ”
“The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to help ing people bitte n by sn akes, ” Shu said.
67.The best headli ne (标题)for this n ewspaper article is ______ .
A. Ast on ishi ng Medici ne
B. Farmer Loses Arm
C. Dan gerous Bites
D. Sn ake Doctor
68.The farmer lost his arm because ___________ .
A. the cloth was wrapped too tightly
B. he cut it off to save his
C. Shu wasn ' t there to help him
D. he was alone in the fields
69.He decided to devote himself to sn ake medic ine because ____________ .
A.he wan ted to save people ' s arms and legs
B.he had studied it at a medical school
C.he had see n sn akes bit ing people
D.his army service had fini shed
70.Why did Shu go into the mountains? Because __________ .
A. He wan ted to study sn ake bites .
B. He wan ted to help the
farmers .
C. He was being trained to be a doctor .
D. He was expected to serve in the army .


_71_ They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write
in the new language much more quickly than other people. They do not seem to be any cleverer tha n others. 72 Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful la nguage learners, we may discover a few techniques, which make Ianguage learning easier for them.
_73 They do not depe nd on the book or the teacher. I nstead, they would discover their own ways to learn the language than wait for the teacher to expla in everyth ing. They are gook guessers. They look for clues and form their own con clusi ons. When they guess wrong, they guess aga in. They try to lear n from their mistakes.
___ 74 ____ Therefore, successful lear ners do not wait for a cha nee to use the language. They look for such a chanee. They find people to correct the n whe never they make a mistake. They will try aga in. When com muni cati on is difficult, they can accept in formatio n that is in exact or in complete. It is more importa nt for them to think in the lan guage than to know every word ' s meaning.
___ 75 ____ They want to learn the language because they have an interest in the language and people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the lan guage i n order to com muni cate with these
people and learn from them. They have motivation to learn the lan guage.
What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful
language learner, you have probably been learning independently, learning has bee n less tha n successful, you might as well try some of
actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language
the tech niq ues outl ined above.
A.Successful la nguage lear ning is active lear ning.
B.But what makes Ian guage lear ning so much easier for them?
C.It takes time and effort to learn a foreign Ianguage well.
D.Successful la nguage lear ners are in depe nden t lear ners.
E.Successful la nguage lear ners lear n with a clear goal.
F.Some people seem to know how to lear n foreig n Ian guages.
G.Here are some tips on how to become successful Ianguage learn ers.
班级_______ 名________________ 学号 ___________ 场次_______
第二卷(共两部分,满分35 分)

文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

One day, Dad and I were walking by the lake while a boy rode by us at a very high speed. A few minute later, we heard a scream, following by a loud noise of something dropping into the water. We turned around and found boy struggling in the lake, crying out loudly for help. Dad and I ran towards him quickly but pulled him out. The boy immediately ride away without saying “ Thank you ” . I felt quite disappointed at her behavior.
Of course, we don 't help others for “Thanks ”, but nowadays some
people are not thankful for the help they have been received.
However, we were luckily. After all, we didn 't put ourselves on trouble by helping the boy.
第二节书面表达(满分25 分)
假定你是李华,你的朋友Smith 在上海大学工作,邀请你与他一起过暑假,请你用英语给他写一封回信,婉言谢绝他的邀请。


2 .说明自己不能去的原因(已经答应陪奶奶在乡下度暑假);3.介绍自己的生活和学习情况。

注意: 1. 以第一人称的口吻表述;
2. 词数:100 左右;
3. 可以适当发挥。

Dear Smith,。
