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1.The United States has many trading partners around the world. Of all of these trading partners, _______________ leads in total trade with $371.4 billion in exports and imports.
A) the United Kingdom
B) Japan
C) Mexico
D) Canada
E) Taiwan
2. According to information presented in the text, which of the following events marred the first half of the twentieth century to such an extent that it took most of the last half of the century for most of the industrialized world to recover? A) the nuclear arms race
B) World War I
C) World War II
D) the polio epidemic
E) the Great Depression
3 .If a country sells more to other countries than it buys from them, the situation is called a favorable:
A) balance of trade.
B) economic model.
C) management structure.
D) tariff management scheme.
E) marriage between government and industry.
4. A statement that records all financial transactions between
a nation's residents and those of the rest of the world during a
given period of time (usually one year) is called a nation's:
A) balance of trade.
B) balance-of-payments.
C) import-export statement.
D) supply-demand statement.
E) none of the above.
5. Within the balance-of-payments statement, the ___________ account is a record of all exports and imports of gold, increases or decreases in foreign exchange, and increases or decreases in liabilities to foreign central banks.
A) current
B) capital
C) reserves
D) wealth
E) power
6 .If a nation uses tariffs, quotas, and nontariff barriers to restrict trade so that domestic industries can flourish, it may be guilty of what is called:
A) embargoes.
B) boycotts.
C) protectionism.
D) monopolistic thinking.
E) predatory pricing.
7 . All of the following are arguments that favor protectionism EXCEPT:
A) increase of business size.
B) maintenance of employment and reduction of unemployment.
C) conservation of natural resources.
D) national defense.
E) all of the above are correct arguments for protectionism.
8 . If a government wants to tax goods entering at its borders, it will impose what is called a(n):
A) quota.
B) voluntary export restraint.
C) orderly market agreement.
D) tariff.
E) standard monetary barrier.
9 .A(n) __________ will generally increase inflationary pressures, weaken balance-of-payments positions, and restrict manufacturers' supply sources.
A) quota
B) voluntary export restraint
C) orderly market agreement
D) tariff
E) standard monetary barrier
10 .CORRECT If Germany limits the number of Japanese ball
b earings that may enter its country to protect its domesti
c industry an
d reduc
e reliance o
f foreign supply, it is usin
g a(n) _______ as a trade barrier.
A) quota
B) voluntary export restraint
C) orderly market agreement
D) tariff
E) standard monetary barrier
11. If the United States were to place an absolute restriction against the purchase and importation of Libyan oil as a punishment for perceived support of global terrorism, the United States would have imposed which of the following against Libya?
A) embargo
B) boycott
C) standard restriction
D) import quota
E) export restraint
12 .One of the weapons used by the United States against global terrorism is a monetary barrier called ______________ where the U.S. refuses to allow importers to exchange its national currency for the seller's currency.
A) differential exchange rate
B) export restraint
C) valuation systems
D) blocked currency
E) fees
13. Different ____________ are a major source of trade difficulties between the U.S. and Japan. For example, the size of knotholes in plywood shipped to Japan can determine whether or not the shipment is accepted. This becomes an issue of perceived quality.
A) valuation systems
B) export systems
C) standards
D) measurements
E) none of the above is correct
14 . A Japanese chip manufacturer is intentionally selling its chips in the United States for less than the cost of production. It is doing this to undermine the U.S. competition and to take control of the U.S. chip market. Such a company would be correctly accused of __________ pricing.
A) demand-based
B) supply-based
C) monopolistic
D) predatory
E) competitive
15. Which of the following treaties paved the way for effective a worldwide tariff agreement?
16. There are four events and trends that have affected and will continue to affect global business today. Which of the following would be classed as one of those four major trends?
A) The trend toward acceptance of English as the global language
B) The trend toward affluence in all nations
C) The trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe
D) The trend toward friendship in almost all sections of Africa
E) All of the above are considered to be among the four major trends that are affecting global business today
17. Which of the following terms would most closely match with the following description the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit?
A) Global Strategy
B) Marketing
C) Marketing Concept
D) Regional Marketing Concept
E) Global Marketing
18 ._______ is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
D)Organizational focus
19. The marketin g management philosophy in which the firm’s focus is on its own internal capabilities rather than on the desires of the marketplace is called a
A)Production orientation
B)Sales orientation
C)Market orientation
D)Societal orientation
20. A sales orientation
A)Helps firms to understand the needs and wants of the marketplace
B)Focuses on customer wants and needs so the organization can distinguish its products from competitors’ offerings
C)Is based on the idea that people will buy more goods and services if aggressive sales techniques are used
D)Proves that companies can convince people to buy goods and services that they neither want nor need
1. A society's accepted basis for responding to external and internal events is called a society's
2. Historical events always are viewed from one's own biases
and _______________, and thus what is recorded by one historian may not be what another records, especially if the historians are from different .
3. One of the weapons used by the United States against global terrorism is a monetary barrier called ______________ where the U.S. refuses to allow importers to exchange its national currency for the seller's currency.
4. A limit on the of a specific product that can enter a country is a
5. The methods of entering the global marketplace is typically considered the most risky is .
6. Instead of selling directly to , some companies use intermediaries that assume all ownership risks. Such intermediaries are known as a
1 Market Segmentation
2 Experience Curve
3 转移价格
4 国际市场营销研究
1 请说明Characteristics of services。

2 请解释Franchising的含义,特点有哪些。

3 新产品开发的基本程序是什么?
4 What is advertising? What does global advertising strategy involve? How can you budget for global advertising?
1. 某企业生产出口产品,年固定成本2000000元,每件产品的变动成本为10元,投资收益率为20%,若国际市场定货量是50000件,该产品出厂价格应为多少?
2. 企业主动降价的原因有哪些?在市场营销活动中企业应如何科学运用降价策略?。
