

外研社版高一英语必修一 第四单元PPT课件

外研社版高一英语必修一 第四单元PPT课件
I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.
6. 现在完成时表示现在之前业已完成的动 作,虽然其效果或影响仍然存在但已不再继 续,但是有一些现在完成时的句子,在后面 加上for+一段时间,则现在完成时的动作就 表示延续性.
Thomas has studied Russian. (现在不再学俄语) Thomas has studied Russian for three years. (=Thomas began to study Russian three
A.was leaving B. has left
C. would leave D.left
4.--- How long _____ at this job? --- Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D.will you be employed
5. When have you bought this computer?
When did you buy this computer?
Sum up: The following words and phrases often appear in the present perfect tense.
5. I have studied English for three years/since1999.
6. He has worked in the company since he came to the city.
7.So far he has written five books.



(二) 派生单词
36. __cr_i_m__in_a_l__ n.罪犯;犯人 →__cr_i_m_e___ n.罪;罪行
37. __r_i_sk__y____ adj.危险的;冒险的 →___r_is_k___ n. & v.危险;冒险
38. __r_e_ly______ vi.依赖;依靠 →__re_l_ia_b_l_e_ adj.可信赖的;可依靠的
8. ___fo_r__a_s_ta_r_t________ 首先 9. ___ca_r_r_y__o_u_t________ 实施 10. __o_n_t_h_e_w__a_y_o_u_t____ 即将过时 11. __m__a_k_e_a__p_r_ed__ic_t_io_n_ 做预测 12. __c_a_r_e_f_o_r_________ 照顾;喜欢 13. __l_o_a_d_._.._w__it_h__.._. ___ 装载 14. __a_t_ta_c_h__.._. _to_______使 ...... 与 ... …相
41. __a_tt_a_c_h___ vt.系;贴;连接 →__a_tt_a_c_h_m_e_n_t_ n.附件
42. __d_e_f_in_i_te_l_y___ adv.无疑地;确定地 →__d_e_fi_n_i_te__ adj.确定的
43. ___p_r_e_d_i_c_t ___vt. 预言;预料 → _p_r_e_d_i_ct_i_o_n_ n. 预言;预报
Байду номын сангаас
1. __f_o_r_s_u_r_e_______ 肯定地 2. __r_u_n_o_u__t _______ 用完,没有了 3. __r_e_ly__o_n________ 依赖,依靠 4. __g_e_t_r_id__o_f______ 除掉,处理掉 5. __fr_e_e_o_f__ch__a_rg_e___ 免费 6. __u_s_e_u__p________ 用完,用光 7. __l_o_o_k_o_u_t_______ 小心,当心


(模块四 · 高一下学期)
Writing an advertisement
Unit 1
这一板块的设计是对学生进行听说读 写技能的训练,而听说读写的内容都围 绕本单元主题“广告”展开。本部分包括 的一系列活动为学生提供了锻炼听说读 写能力的机会。
Task 1 Writing an advertisement
When listening, we should care about:
an increase of a decrease of
An go up by increase
A decrease
decrease/fall by
increase/rise by
two times as many
As we know , information, attractive pictures and exciting languages play a very important part in an advertisement. How can we gain enough information before writing an ad?
Skills building 1: Listening for statistics and descriptions How to read these statistics: *Fractions:
1/5(one fifth) 2/3(two thirds) ¾(three quarters) 2 ½(two and one half) How to read: two fifths four and three quarters 2/5 _________ 4 ¾ ___________

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Project 2(外研版必修4

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Project 2(外研版必修4

The subject of your ad campaign will be_____.
*Preparing (1) Discuss the following six questions and write down your answers.
*Preparing (2) : Assignment
1. Read the reading materials and get yourself familiar with it. 2.Post your handout on the wall of your classroom
(1)Make your presentation clearly. (2) Explain why your group chose the topic you did. (3) Answer questions concerning your ad campaign.
Member’s name task Research Design a logo Develop a slogan Forms of media Campaign proposal Presentation
*Producing Teamwork researcher—find inf. from various sources
logo/slogan designer—made it attractive proposal writer—write a brief outline and plan some questions the whole team—work as a whole and everyone should contribute to the project

高一英语外研版必修4 module 1课件.ppt

高一英语外研版必修4 module 1课件.ppt
英语必修4 Module One
Life in the future
Reading and vocabulary
Activity 1
Read through the topics Tick the topics you think it will
Activity 2
Read the passage Check the answers
People will keep their telephone number for life.
7 What people won’t have to pay for?
People won’t have to pay for recreation.
8 How will cars be different ?
They will be powered by electricity.
9 What will doctors do from a distance?
Doctors will do surgery from a distance.
10 Where will old people go without moving?
answer these question about the passage Check the answers
1 what have students in a Texas university done?
They’ve thought how to run a city in 2025.
1 not a wise thing to do a risky business
2 someone who needs medical treatment

外研版高中英语必修一Module4 reading 教学课件 (共24张PPT)

外研版高中英语必修一Module4 reading 教学课件 (共24张PPT)

• 名词./代词.+ 形容词/现代分词/过去分词/不定式/ 介词短语/副词。在句中作条件状语,时间状语,
• 2.The moment they start to play ,it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.
• 译12位美丽的年轻女子,都是二十多岁,他们登 上舞台,站立在各种各样的古典乐器前。
• ●all in their twenties, • 是独立主格 结构,在句中做伴随状语。 • 听说他出了事故,我的心充满了担心。
• I heard he had an accident,my heart _fu_l_l_o_f worry • He lay there, his eyes looking straight up.
• 这支乐队尊崇自己的民族音乐遗产并且展现出对各种音乐风格的 真实热爱—从复杂的古典作品到经久不衰的流行乐曲。
• honor v. 尊重,给以荣誉 • 如蒙造访则荣幸之至。
• Will you _h_o_n_o_r__me with a visit ? • I feel highly ______________ the kind things you say about me .
__A_r_ti_st__ _o_f__ _t_h_e_ __Y_e_a_r _.Their live _p_e_r_f_o_rm__a_n_c_e_s __have been seen on television around the world.
• As they build a musical bridge between east and west ,Twelve Girls Band charms the people of many nations around the world.

高中英语必修四:unit1Word Power 课件

高中英语必修四:unit1Word Power 课件

Some common suffixes:
Suffix -ical
-able -ous -ful
Meaning having the quality of
having the ability of like, full of characterized by
practical believable adventurous handful careless
Some common prefixes: Prefix uninMeaning not not Examples unfair, unhappy incorrect, invisible disable, dishonest rewrite, retell
Word Power
Using suffixes & Sales and marketing
health week hero origin danger help
a. a. a. a. a. a.
amaze excite enjoy attract interest decide
Below are some of the different suffixes used to form adjectives: +y + ly Noun + ic + al + ous + ful health week hero origin danger help healthy weekly heroic original dangerous helpful
opposite do again

高中英语必修一U1 word power 课件

高中英语必修一U1 word power 课件
Science and Technology Laboratory
Building 3
Library Office building
Car Park
Pair work
Suppose your father/ mother is at the school gate of our school to attend the parents’ meeting ,but he/ she doesn’t know your classroom and needs to ask the way. Now a helpful boy / girl is helping him/ her.
1. Walk towards / past …/ and then walk between.. and … You will find … at the end of the road.
2. Turn left / right, and walk straight / right / directly on.
car park
Pair work
Suppose your father/ mother is at the school gate of our school to attend the parents’ meeting ,but he/ she doesn’t know your classroom and needs to ask the way. Now a helpful boy / girl is helping him/ her.
Sch the places in the pictures.

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Word power(外研版必修4

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Word power(外研版必修4

Question: How are these new words formed?
More examples:
Root health interest depend derivatives/new words healthy
Wu Ping: Do all ads play tricks on people? Wu Hong: No. PSAs use some of the same methods as commercial ads, like Using attractive pictures and exciting languages, suffixes but they are not meant to trick us. commerce n. commercial attract v. attractive excite v. exciting
Useful expressions:
Product What do they mean? Market research Can you have a guess? Sales and marketing Sales/marketing department Consumers Market share Sales target Sales figures
8 d a
a l c 3 p i r n l 7
h y 2 i v e 4
e l t a
u l
g 6 s
n g e
o u
clothing are quite important to Food and ________ our human beings.



UllirProject Developing an ad campaignUnit 1课件描述:〈7本堂课的宗旨是引导学生在“做中学”,通过让学生完成一份围绕本单元主题的广告宣传单来学习和使用英语。

Project 1 Developing an adcampaignmm—习巷子酒1Advertisements are an important partin our daily life朕逋的好nt上洱市华山88 229弄?号TecLead-inFrom the two groups of pictures, we can see that ads can be seen everywhere and they are playing a very important part in our daily life.ComprehensionListen and understand & 1.What is an ad campaign?An ad campaign is a planned programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience.2.What media can you use in an ad campaign?We can use different kinds of media,including newspapers, magazines, televisions,billboards, mailing,etc.3.What questions should we first consider?1.Who is the audience for your ad campaign?2.What do you want your ad campaign to say? 3・ How do you reach your audience?To build an ad campaign*have a clear goal and target audience in mind; *do a little research and you can create rightmessage for the right people.Step Two ^gather nformation from vour research:*It is important to always try to appeal to the way The audience will react •Step Three *use different media to get your message a cross * decide what appronch vou want to use to reach your audience.Step OneMain idea of each paragraph Para. 1 the definition of an adcampaign/ what an adcampaign meansPara. 2 the target audience andhow to determine thetarget audiencePara. 3 what the ad campaign says Para> 4 how to reach the target audienceRead and understand1.Why is anti-smoking chosen as the subject ofthe ad campaign?Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking, which causes great damage to the welfare of the people・ There are huge numbers of smokers in Asia.2.What is the main aim of the anti-smokingcampaign?The main aim is to discourage young peoplefrom smoking.3・ How can high-school teenagers beconvinced not to start smoking?Read and understandWe will educate them about the bad effects of smoking and how smoking affects those people surrounding them・ We will show how smoking is not cool or attractive, etc.Language Focusesand expressions appeal to react care aboutbe concerned with personally get ・..across put togetherUseful words reach have sth. in mind figure out employ determinein advanceUseful words and expressionsdue topoisonous chemicals lung cancer discourage •••from … convinceurge give upinform ••• about.••shock …into …related toHomework1.Finish Ex. Bl and B2 on Page 91.2.W rite a short passage using the phrases listed・。

译林英语必修四Unit1Word Power 课件 (共19张PPT)

译林英语必修四Unit1Word Power 课件 (共19张PPT)

4.Noun +ic:
Heroic, historic, fantastic,classic,energetic, enthusiastic ,scientific
In China
We call it __c_ul_t_ur_a_l___difference.
Cultural= Culture+al
4. She wprised
School life-charity sale
1) 能够参加这次活动我们感到非常幸运(luck) we feel _l_uc_k_y_to have taken part in this activity.
helpful friendly
V. interest Attract/act enjoy …………..
-ing -ed -ive -able
Amazing interested Attractive/active enjoyable
Can you think of any other ways to form adjectives from nouns and verbs?
5.Noun +al: National, educational, natural,additional
Western countries
I really love this beautiful city as it has so many__fa_m_o_u_s__ (fame) scenic spots.
ly ic al ous ful ed ing able
School life-Military training

外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20

外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20

外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
• 略读方法: Skimming
1. 浏览标题 2. 读首段,抓中心
3. 浏览其他段首末 句
4. 最后读结尾段
• 查读方法: Scanning
1. 先看题,明确查 询细节的特点
外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Module 1 Life in the Future
外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件 外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件 外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件 外研 高中英语必修4Module1 reading Comprehension PPT课堂课件(20页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
take 2. The church, dated back to 1511, is still used.

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Reading 1(外研必修4)

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高一英语课件:U1Reading 1(外研必修4)

3. Why are some of the advertisements clever according to the article?
▪ Because even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent.
g. sth. done to fool someone else, or as a joke
h. make someone do sth. by giving them good reasons
1 What do advertisements encourage people to do?
Further Reading
1. Most people are not aware of how many ads are
around them.
not always
2. Advertisements are always meant to promote a
product or servicneo. t only
To buy a product or service or believe in an idea.
2 What do PSAs stand for?
Public service advertisements.
3 What are PSAs meant to do?
To educate people about health, safety or any other issue which affects public welfare.
2. welfare 3. skilful
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〜Word Power
Unit 1



Advertisements (advertise) are an important part of life. They use lots ofanractive (attract) pictures and exciting (excite) languages to sell products or services. Generally (general) speaking, there are two main type s: ommerci al(c ommerce) ads and PSAs.
They do not always tell you the truth (true). We
should be careful (care). Question:
How are these new words formed?
More examples:
Think more words that are created this way.
Which group can win ?
The group that has the most words wins.
How to form adjective from
nouns and verbs?
Wu Ping: Do all ads play tricks on people? Wu
Hong: No. PSAs use some of the same methods
as commercial ads, like attractive
not meant to trick us.' commerce n.
----------------------------- c ommercial •
attract v. ------- k attractive *
excite v. ' exciting
hero —
nation )healthy weekly
heroic * national
Verb +OUS
danger ——・
Exercise: Best Clothing Shop
Possible answers:
(1) lovely(2) attractive(3) boring (4) energetic(5) friendly(6) enjoyable (7) lucky⑻ fantastic
Lett learn more about suffixes. 1
Word Puzzle用所给单词的形容词形式填空
Hidden word
8.danger n| g
clothing are quite important
Food and our human beings.
Active show
Suppose you are a book seller. You want your customer to buy a new book called 'English Literature9. How can you make your customer buy it? Make a dialogue with your partner and then have it presented.
learn more
about sales and
Useful expressions: Product .
and marketingl
Sales/marketing department
Market share
Sales target
Sales figures
market research sales/marketing depa consumers sales targets sales figures
market share 销售目标
!£f|t ,市场份额

Practice: B
Possible answers:
(1)market share
(2)sales figure
(4)market research
(5)sales/marketing department
(6)sales target
Exercise for consolidation
Fill in the blanks
I want to buy some milkproduct^ from the shop. Sales °f milk usually go up during this time. I like Tresh^ milk very much because this band is really unique • Recent sales figures
show that it is popular among COPISUrp牟掘shop also gives muchjisCOUntof 10 per cent for cash. Why doif t you have a try?
1・ Memorize the words and phrases learnt in this section.
2. Make good preparations for Grammar and Usage.。
