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1.The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces _____.
2.The __________ (水果) is sweet and delicious.
3.I like to ___ (listen/sing) to songs.
4.I love to ______ with my friends. (hang out)
5.We are friends with the ______ (neighbors).
6.Chemical properties can be observed during a _____ reaction.
7.What do we call the large body of freshwater?
A. Ocean
B. Lake
C. River
D. Pond答案:B
8.My favorite dish is ______ (意大利菜).
9.I want to ________ my toys.
10.Reactions that happen quickly release more ______.
11. A pelican has a large _______ (喙).
12.What is the largest ocean?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific答案: D
13.What do we call the process of making fabric from fibers?
A. Weaving
B. Knitting
C. Sewing
D. Spinning答案:A
14.Fungi can be beneficial to plants by helping them absorb ______. (真菌可以通过帮助植物吸收养分而对其有益。
15.The main mineral found in bones is _______.
16.The capital of Belarus is _______.
17.My ________ (玩具名称) has wheels and goes fast.
18.What is the name of the popular dessert made with layers of pastry and cream?
A. Tiramisu
B. Baklava
C. Napoleon
D. Eclair答案: C
19.What do you call a group of wolves?
A. Pack
B. Flock
C. Swarm
D. Herd答案:A
20. A _____ (狒狒) can be quite mischievous.
21.My brother loves __________ (参与环保活动).
22.The ________ (气候带) affects plant growth.
23. A ____ is known for its distinctive calls and is often found in forests.
24.The __________ of a substance can change with temperature.
25.The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is _______.
26.The _____ (ball/balloon) is blue.
27.The kangaroo jumps high and far. (远)
28.We like to _____ (travel/study) during summer.
29.I like to listen to ______ (故事) about adventures and heroes.
30.What do we call the area of land that is covered by snow?
A. Glacier
B. Ice cap
C. Snowfield
D. All of the above答案:
D. All of the above
31.The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to ________ War I.
32.Which day comes after Monday?
A. Sunday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday答案: B
33.The ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs in ________.
34. A _______ is a reaction that occurs when an acid reacts with a base.
35.The stars shine _____ (brightly/dimly) at night.
36.My family has a pet _______ (动物). Its name is _______ (名字). It loves to
_______ (动词) around the house.
37.The ______ (生态) is diverse in nature.
38.The garden has a variety of ______ (植物).
39.Water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one ________ atom.
40.My cat purrs when it feels _______ (放松).
41.The ______ (颜色) of leaves can indicate their health.
42.What do you call a person who studies the stars?
A. Astronomer
B. Astrobiologist
C. Geologist
D. Meteorologist答案: A
43.I enjoy playing with my toy ________ (玩具名称) during holidays.
44.His favorite hobby is ________.
45.The ________ (analysis) shows trends.
46. A solution can be acidic, basic, or ______.
47.The Earth's rotation causes _______ and night.
48.The _______ can bring joy to your life.
49. A _______ can measure the temperature of a gas.
50.The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games every _____ years.
51.We need to ___ (clean/cook) the house.
52.In a chemical equation, reactants are written on the _______. (左侧)
53.The chemical formula for carbon disulfide is __________.
54.The symbol for molybdenum is _____.
55.I found a ________ in my pocket.
56.I have a _____ pencil case. (blue)
57.I have a toy _______ that can dig in the sand at the beach.
58.My sister is a ______. She loves to volunteer at shelters.
59.I enjoy ________ in the summer.
60.The stars are shining ________.
61.My sister is a ______. She loves to interview people.
62.The ______ (鲸鱼) sings beautiful songs underwater.
63. A chemical reaction that absorbs energy is known as a _____ reaction.
64.The ancient Greeks contributed to the development of _____.
65.My favorite character is __________ (动画片中的角色) from my favorite show.
66.The cat's purring is a sign of ______ (放松).
67.The Pacific Ring of Fire is known for its __________.
68.mation led to the rise of __________ (新教) in Europe. The Refo
69.The __________ (历史的展现) illustrates our journey.
70.The ancient Egyptians believed in life after ______ (死亡).
71.At school, I prefer being called ______ by my friends. (在学校,我更喜欢我的朋友叫我。
72.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?
A. Snow White
B. Sleeping Beauty
C. Cinderella
D. Little Red Riding Hood答案: C. Cinderella
73. A _____ (生活方式) that includes gardening is fulfilling.
74.What is 5 + 7?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13答案:C
75. A ______ (阳光明媚的日子) is perfect for gardening.
76.The chemical formula for table salt is _____.
77.The continent with the most countries is ________ (非洲).
78.The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is ______.
79.The ______ is a type of fish that lives in coral reefs.
80.I like to draw ______ on weekends.
81.The _______ (The Great Depression) led to widespread unemployment and poverty.
82.What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
A. Gold
B. Iron
C. Diamond
D. Silver答案: C. Diamond
83.I like to pick _______ in the spring (我喜欢在春天采摘_______).
84.I have a ___ (story/book) to tell you.
85.My friend is my best _______ who always supports me.
86.The __________ is a natural feature that changes over time.
87. A __________ is formed by the deposition of sediments in a river delta.
88. A _______ can help to measure the effects of different forces on objects.
89.The bee is important for _______ (授粉).
90.The _______ (小长颈鹿) reaches up for leaves in the trees.
91.The ancient Greeks created ________ to explain natural phenomena.
92.The _______ of a plant helps it to grow straight.
93.The _____ (花坛) is filled with colorful blooms.
94.The _______ (猫) purrs when happy.
95. A saturated solution can exist in equilibrium with its ______.
96.The ______ is a skilled engineer.
97.What color is the center of a target?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Black答案:A
98.What do you call the place where you go to learn?
A. Store
B. Library
C. School
D. Playground答案:C
99.What do you call a tool used for cutting wood?
A. Hammer
B. Saw
C. Wrench
D. Screwdriver答案:B 100.They are building a ________ (房子).。