



ISO 3231:1993 ASTM G 87-02 ISO 6957:1988 GB/T 2423.51-2000
EIA-364-65A IEC 60068-2-60:1995 l 霉菌试验 可执行标准
GB/T 2423.16-2008 GJB 150.10A-2009 GB 11606.12-89 GB12085.11-89
广州广电计量检测股份有限公司通过卓越的质量保证服务,协助通用、福特、大众、法 雷奥等知名整车企业和零部件企业质量技术不断进步。
广州广电计量检测股份有限公司(GRGT)定位行业高端,引领行业先锋,历经近 50 年 的发展,目前成为一家技术精湛、服务精心、管理精细的一流的计量检测专业机构。 GRGT 是原国家信息产业部军工电子 602 计量测试站,通过国家实验室(CNAS)、国防实验 室(DILAC)和总装实验室认可,并通过中国计量认证(CMA),是中国 CB 实验室,建立企 业计量最高标准 80 多项,通过 CNAS、DILAC 认可项目 591 项。
C、化学环境试验 l 中性盐雾腐蚀试验(NSS) 可执行标准
GB/T 10125-1997 GB/T 2423.17-2008 GB/T 1771-2007 ISO 9227:2006
ASTM B 117-07 JIS Z 2371:2000 l 醋酸盐雾腐蚀试验(ASS) 可执行标准
GB/T 10125-1997 ISO 9227:2006 JIS Z 2371:2000 l 铜加速醋酸盐雾腐蚀试验(CASS) 可执行标准
检测项目: * 正弦振动(定频/扫频/共振搜索/共振保持) * 随机振动(窄带/宽带/正弦+随机/随机+随机) * 三综合振动(温度+湿度+振动) * 加速度冲击和碰撞 * 跌落冲击(垂直跌落/滚筒跌落) * 钢球冲击(球径和球重及高度的能量冲击) * 包装力学试验(振动、跌落、冲击、堆码、搬运夹持堆码) * 能源试验(瞬态波动/稳态波动/能源异常/能源故障) * 倾斜与摇摆(定方位、定角度、定周期) * 可以根据客户要求或者特种条件进行测试(如动态疲劳测试/瞬态测试)

ASTM D2412-2002

ASTM D2412-2002







这些细节都包含在产品标准中,例如,规范F 405。





2. 参考文献2.1 ASTM标准D695 刚性塑料伸缩性能试验方法D1600 与塑料有关的术语的缩写术语D2122 测定热塑性管线及管件的尺寸的测试方法E177 ASTM测试方法中实践条款使用精密度和偏差E691 为确定某种试验的精密度开展的多个实验室间的展开实践研究F405 聚乙烯(PE)波纹管及管件的规范F412 与塑料管线体系相关的术语3.术语3.1 定义:除非另有说明,定义与F412的术语一致,缩写术语与D1600术语一致。

3.2本规范中特定用语的定义3.2.1 △y —负载加载方向上内径的变化值,用英寸(毫米)表示3.2.2 初始内径值(d)—多个测试样内径的平均值,用英寸(毫米)表示3.2.3 负载(F)—使管体产生一定变形的负载值,用N/M或英镑/英寸表示。

3.2.4 平均半径(r)—管壁中心半径等于外径与壁厚的差值的1/2,用英寸(毫米)表示3.2.5管体挠度(P)—管径变化量与初始内径比值的百分数3.2.6 管体典型事件3.2.6.1 内衬开裂或龟裂—在管内衬上出现可见裂纹或网状细裂纹3.2.6.2 断裂—沿整个管壁或部分管壁方向的裂纹或开裂注释2—上述典型缺陷在某种特定管子上可能存在也可能不存在。



SAE J2412测试标准SAE J2412标准介绍1. 围1.1 SAE J2412标准规定了应用可控辐照度氙弧灯装置对各种类型的汽车饰件进行加速暴露的试验方法。

1.2 是建立在SAE J1885试验参数的性能标准。

1.3 本标准不包括试验的持续时间,样品的制备,及性能的评价步骤,这些指标在不同的汽车制造厂商的材料说明中有所涉及。

1.4 合格的实验设备是通过SAE J1885认可的设备及计划来做SAE J2412试验的设备之间的材料试验比较来确定的。




在本试验方法出版公布时,委员会要以SAE J2413为编号,题目为“验证新的试验设备的草案”。

1.5 任何对本标准中试验方法的偏离,如过滤器的连接,必须获得试验双方同意2.参考2.1规性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款,SAE的最新版本适用于本标准。

2.1.1 SAE 标准源自于SAE ,400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001SAE J1767 确定汽车饰件材料色牢度的色差测量方法SAE J1885 应用可控辐照度水冷式氙弧灯装置对汽车饰材料进行加速暴露的试验方法2.1.2 ASTM 标准源自于ASTM,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959ASTM D859 水中二氧化硅的测试方法ASTM D 4517使用无火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯度水中低浓度二氧化硅总量的试验方法ASTM G 113 有关非金属材料自然及人工气候老化试验的专门术语ASTM G 130 使用光谱辐射计校准窄带和宽带紫外辐射计的标准试验方法ASTM G 147 自然与人工气候老化试验用非金属材料的状态调节和处置标准操作规程ASTM G 151 在采用实验室光源的加速试验设备中对非金属材料进行暴露的标准操作规程ASTM G 155 对非金属材料进行暴露的氙弧灯装置标准操作规程2.1.3 相关的标准American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会P.O. Box 12215,Research Triangle Park, Norht Carolina 27709AATCC 评价程序1AATCC L-2蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物AATCC L-4蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物3.定义3.1黑板温度计一种温度测量装置,涂有黑色涂层的传感器,在褪色/老化试验中,可以吸收大部分的辐射能量。



SAE J2412测试标准SAE J2412标准介绍1. 范围1.1 SAE J2412标准规定了应用可控辐照度氙弧灯装置对各种类型的汽车内饰件进行加速暴露的试验方法。

1.2 是建立在SAE J1885试验参数的性能标准。

1.3 本标准不包括试验的持续时间,样品的制备,及性能的评价步骤,这些指标在不同的汽车制造厂商的材料说明中有所涉及。

1.4 合格的实验设备是通过SAE J1885认可的设备及计划来做SAE J2412试验的设备之间的材料试验比较来确定的。




在本试验方法出版公布时,委员会要以SAE J2413为编号,题目为“验证新的试验设备的草案”。

1.5 任何对本标准中试验方法的偏离,如过滤器的连接,必须获得试验双方同意2.参考2.1规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款,SAE的最新版本适用于本标准。

2.1.1 SAE 标准源自于SAE ,400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001SAE J1767 确定汽车内饰件材料色牢度的色差测量方法SAE J1885 应用可控辐照度水冷式氙弧灯装置对汽车内饰材料进行加速暴露的试验方法2.1.2 ASTM 标准源自于ASTM,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959 ASTM D859 水中二氧化硅的测试方法ASTM D 4517使用无火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯度水中低浓度二氧化硅总量的试验方法ASTM G 113 有关非金属材料自然及人工气候老化试验的专门术语ASTM G 130 使用光谱辐射计校准窄带和宽带紫外辐射计的标准试验方法ASTM G 147 自然与人工气候老化试验用非金属材料的状态调节和处置标准操作规程ASTM G 151 在采用实验室光源的加速试验设备中对非金属材料进行暴露的标准操作规程ASTM G 155 对非金属材料进行暴露的氙弧灯装置标准操作规程2.1.3 相关的标准American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会P.O. Box 12215,Research Triangle Park, Norht Carolina 27709AATCC 评价程序1AATCC L-2蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物AATCC L-4蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物3.定义3.1黑板温度计一种温度测量装置,涂有黑色涂层的传感器,在褪色/老化试验中,可以吸收大部分的辐射能量。



SAE J 2527-2017,汽车材料外饰件老化常用
SAE J 2527-2017,汽车材料外饰件老化常用
光照能量=辐照强度*3.6*辐照时间*光照时间比例 由上表可知,SAE J 2527一个试验周期为3H,其中2H光照,1H黑 暗,计算辐照总量或者时间的时候也要把黑暗周期算上。例如,一
个实验要做300KJ/m2,算时间即为 辐照时间=300/0.55/3.6/(2/3)≈227.27H
• 辐照时间=280/1.2/3.6≈64.8H
张传水 2018/10/13
氙灯试验的主要目的就是模拟物品在太阳光下的耐 老化情况,因为物品性能等方面不同,所以承受的耐 老化能力也不相同,而一些生产厂家想要迫切的知道 自己产品抗老化性能如何,所以就因此而诞生了很多 的氙灯老化条件。其他的先不多说,暂时先为大家讲 解我们公司常用的四种氙灯条件(SAE J 25272017,SAE J 2412-2015,GB/T 1865-2008,IS0 105B06:2004方法3),以及它们间的能量时间换算 方法。我们公司氙灯设备是主要通过340nm,420nm, 300-400nm这三个控制节点,控制设备运行的。
SAE J 2412-2015,汽车材料内饰件老化常用
SAE J 2412-2015,汽车材料内饰件老化常用
光照能量=辐照强度*3.6*辐照时间*光照时间比例 Байду номын сангаас上表可知,SAE J 2412一个实验周期为4.8H,其中3.8H光照, 1H黑暗,计算辐照总量或者时间的时候也要把黑暗周期算上。例
如,一个实验要做300KJ/m2,计算时间即为 辐照时间=300/0.55/3.6/(3.8/4.8)≈191.39H






GB 1033 塑料密度和相对密度实验方法GB 9342 塑料洛氏硬度试验方法GB/T 1040.1 塑料拉伸性能的测定第1部分总则GB/T 1040.2 塑料拉伸性能的测定第2部份:模塑和挤塑塑料的实验条件GB/T 1634.1 塑料负荷变形温度的测定第1部分:通用试验方法GB/T 1634.2 塑料负荷变形温度的测定第2部分:塑料、硬橡胶和长纤维增强复合材料GB/T 1843 塑料悬臂梁冲击试验方法GB/T 2918 塑料试样状态调节和试验的标准环境GB/T 3682 热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定GB/T 9341 塑料弯曲性能试验方法QC/T 797 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记SAE J2412 汽车内饰件加速老化实验:可控辐照度氙弧灯SAE J2527 汽车外饰材料加速老化实验标准:可控辐照度氙弧灯ISO 6452 橡胶、塑料或织物-汽车内饰材料雾化特性测定方法SY-HB-14 长安汽车禁限用物质的限值及测量方法(中国)VS-01.00-T-14012-A1-2014 内饰零部件材料VOC试验规范3.分类本规范涉及的材料类型及标识方法如表1所示:表1 材料分类及标识4.技术要求材料性能指标应满足附表要求。


5.试验方法5.1 一般试验条件所有的试样注塑完成后应放置至少48h后才能进行测试,而且测试前应在GB/T 2918所规定的标准环境((23±2)℃和(50±5)%的相对湿度)下放置24小时以上,并在该环境下进行测试,另有指定测试条件的除外。

5.2 试验方法5.2.1 密度按GB 1033,方法A进行实验。

5.2.2 熔体流动速率按GB/T 3682进行实验,实验温度230℃,负荷2.16Kg。

SAE J2412

SAE J2412

SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2003 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) NOV2003 Issued Proposed Draft 2003-112.1.1S AE P UBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1767 Instrumental Color Difference Measurement for Colorfastness of Automotive Interior Trim Materials.SAE J1885 Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Water Cooled Xenon-Arc Apparatus.P UBLICATIONS2.1.2 ASTMAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959.ASTM D859 Standard Test Method for Silica in WaterASTM D4517 Standard Test Method for Low-Level Total Silica in High-Purity Water by Flameless Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyASTM G113 Standard Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests of Non-Metallic Materials.ASTM G130 Standard Test Method for Calibration of Narrow and Broad-Band Ultraviolet Radiometers Using SpectroradiometerASTM G147 Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests.ASTM G151 Standard Practice for Exposing Non-Metallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that use Laboratory Light Sources.ASTM G155 Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non Metallic MaterialsR ELATED P UBLICATIONS2.1.3A merican Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709AATCC - Evaluation Procedure 1AATCC - L-2 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardAATCC - L-4 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardT estfabrics, Inc., 415 Delaware Ave., P.O. Box 26, West Pittston, PA18643P olystyrene Plastic Lightfastness Standard3. Terminology3.1 Black Panel Thermometer, nA temperature measuring device, the sensing unit of which is coated with black enamel designed to absorb most of the radiant energy encountered in fade/weathering testing.3.2 Black Standard Thermometer, nSee ASTM G 147 for definition.NOTE—These devices provide an estimation of the maximum temperature a specimen might attain during exposure to natural or artificial light.3.3 Definitions applicable to this standard can be found in ASTM G 151.4. Significance and Use4.1 This test method is designed to simulate extreme environmental conditions encountered insidevehicle due to sunlight, heat, and humidity for the purpose of predicting the performance ofautomotive interior trim materials.5. Apparatus5.1 The equipment manufacturer is responsible for the approval of the equipment and for providing theproof of compliance of the critical test parameters, including the different spectral powerdistributions (SPDs) that are required by contractual parties. Materials used for the compliance testing should include the approved lots of standard reference materials, such as the Testfabrics polystyrene and/or the AATCC L4 & L2 Blue Wools as appropriate. It is the responsibility of the instrument manufacturer to provide all necessary data to demonstrate compliance of each model type with this specification. At the minimum, the data should include (1) all the pertinent spectral power distribution (SPD) data for 250 nm - 800 nm, and (2) repeatability and reproducibility data for the current approved lots of standard reference materials. Contractual parties should agree upon the instrument model prior to testing.NOTE—In normal practice, different instruments may give different results. The result depends on sample characteristics and instrument design. Refer to ASTM G155 Section 4.3 and 4.4 formore information.5.2 The apparatus employed utilizes a xenon-arc lamp(s) as the source of radiation. The specimensshall be mounted in a manner to expose the specimens to the uniform conditions of the testchamber. The instrument must have the means to automatically control irradiance, Black Panel temperature, chamber temperature and relative humidity. Contractual parties shall agree upon the manufacturer and model of the instrument before testing begins.5.2.1 A more complete description of the apparatus can be found in ASTM G151 and ASTM G155.5.3 The apparatus must have an uninsulated black panel thermometer as described in ASTM G151unless otherwise agreed upon by contractual parties.5.4 Manufacturers of exposure devices shall assure that the irradiance at any location in the area usedfor specimen exposures is at least 70% of the maximum irradiance measured in this area.5.4.1I f irradiance at positions farthest from the center of the exposure area is between 70% and 90%of that measured at the center, place specimens only in exposure area where irradiance is atleast 90% of the maximum irradiance.8. Evaluating and Reporting8.1 The degree of fade should be evaluated and reported as specified between the contractual parties.One or more of the following methods may be specified:8.1.1 I NSTRUMENTAL M EASUREMENT8.1.1.1 Color difference values in CIELAB units are obtained by instrumentally measuring thespecimen before and after a specified amount of radiant exposure. The procedure used forspecimen measurement will conform to that specified in Appendix B.8.1.2 V ISUAL A SSESSMENT8.1.3 Assign colorfastness ratings using the AATCC Gray Scale for Color Change in accordance withAATCC Evaluation Procedure 1.U sing the viewing conditions specified in AATCC Evaluation Procedure 1, quantify the color8.1.4change using the following terminology:a. NONE - No change in hue, lightness or saturation.b. SLIGHT - A change in lightness and/or saturation which can be determined only upon closeexamination but no change in hue.c. NOTICEABLE - A change in lightness and/or saturation which can be easily seen and/or achange in hue.d. SEVERE - An extreme change in lightness, saturation and/or hue.Report9. Exposure9.1 A copy of the Exposure Control/Report Form (Figure 1)indicating the color change of the exposedreference material in CIELAB color difference units must accompany each exposed specimenbeing submitted for approval. If any one of the color difference data points is outside the specified tolerance (control limits), the cause and corrective action must be indicated in the space provided.9.2 The Exposure Control/Report Form shall include the following additional information:1. L aboratory Name2. Type and serial number of exposure equipment3. Month and Year of equipment operation represented by the control chart4. Test method5. Reference material(s) used. Include lot number(s).6. Frequency of operation verification, e.g., daily, three or seven day intervals7. Color change, target value, and tolerance, in CIELAB color difference units for the referencematerial(s) used8. The monthly average color difference for the reference material(s)9. Measured color change, in CIELAB color difference units, for reference material 1.10. Measured color change, in CIELAB color difference units, for reference material 2 (if more thanone material is used)11. Daily (except weekends and holidays) record of black panel temperature (BPT) or black standardtemperature (BST). These readings should be taken after the machine has reached equilibrium ina partiular segment, example light/dark.12. Daily (except weekends and holidays) record of dry bulb temperature or chamber temperature.These readings should be taken after the machine has reached equilibrium in a particular segment, example light/dark.13. Irradiance control level.PREPARED BY THE SAE TEXTILES AND FLEXIBLE PLASTICSFIGURE 1—XENON ARC REFERENCE MATERIAL CONTROL CHARTAPPENDIX AMAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATIONM aintenanceA.1A.1.1 NOTE—For best test results, a weathering device must be cleaned regularly. In general, thefrequency of cleaning necessary, will depend on the quality of water used in the device as well as the quality of air used in the device and is present in the laboratory.A.1.2 F or recommended cleaning practice, please consult the appropriate instruction manual. Specialattention must be given to the care of the following:TestChamberConditioning Chamber (if applicable)Xenon FiltersOpticalComponentsBlack Sensor (BPT)lamp(s)XenonA.2R eplacement ScheduleA.2.1 Lamp Assembly and Related PartsIn general, the xenon lamp and/or its filters should be replaced when the specified irradiance can no longer be achieved or when there is visual evidence of deterioration, such as discoloration of filter assembly, increasing opacity of the burner. Otherwise, adhere strictly to the manufacturers recommendations for the replacement of all consumable items, especially the following:X enon LampXenon lamp filterscomponentsOpticalA.2.2 R eplace the Black Panel sensor when local surface luster can no longer be maintained, or whenany bare metal can be seen.A.2.3 Where applicable, inspect wet bulb wick weekly and replace when discoloration or mineraldeposits a re observed. In all cases, observe manufacturer's instructions for the maintenance and proper o peration of the devices' humidification system.C alibration ChecksA.3A.3.1 Check controls or program daily (except weekend and holidays) to insure compliance to requiredtest parameters specified in Table 2 and other critical test parameters. Also, on a daily (exceptweekend and holidays) basis, ensure the parameters specified in Table 2 and other critical test parameters are accurately recorded.A.3.2 Calibrate the apparatus every two weeks following the procedures detailed in the operatingmanual provided by the manufacturer. If contractual agreement is to use L-4 Blue Wool as thereference material, Thursday is the suggested calibration day.A.3.3 W hen proof of calibration is required, contact the specific Automotive manufacturer for theappropriate reporting forms. Use manufacturers’ forms for recording calibration information.APPENDIX BPROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING COLORFASTNESS TO LIGHT(AATCC BLUE WOOL LIGHTFASTNESS STANDARDS)S copeB.1B.1.1 This Appendix describes the procedure for using AATCC Blue Wool Lightfastness Standards asreference fabrics for the purpose of determining whether the xenon-arc apparatus is operatingwithin the desired range.B.1.2 Color difference values in CIELAB units are obtained by instrumentally measuring the referencefabrics before and after a specified amount of radiant exposure.B.1.3 AATCC L-2 Blue Wool Lightfastness Standards shall be exposed daily and/or an AATCC L-4Blue Wool Lightfastness Standard shall be used to monitor a continuous three day operatingcycle. AATCC L-4 Blue Wool may be used exclusively if agreed upon between contractualparties.B.2P rocedureB.2.1 I nstruments used to determine color difference for this procedure require capability for providingCIELAB color values using illuminant D-65, 10 degree observer data. If an instrument withdiffuse geometry is used, the specular component of reflectance shall be included in themeasurement. (Refer to SAE J1767, for details).B.2.2 Calibrate the instrument to be used for the color measurements to the manufacturer'srecommendations.B.2.3 Back the reference fabric to be measured with white cardboard. Condition the backed referencefabric in a standard atmosphere (relative humidity 50 RH ± 5% and temperature 22 ± 3°C) for a minimum of 2 h. Insert one layer of unexposed material of the same lightfastness standardbetween the reference fabric and cardboard backing prior to measurement.NOTE—The reference fabrics are light sensitive. Therefore, the piece used as the backing layer during measurement will need to be replaced when noticeable color change has occurred (afterapproximately 50 uses).B.2.4 Place the reference fabric against the sample port of the instrument in such a way that a smoothsurface of the face of the fabric is presented for measurement.B.2.5 After taking an initial reading in CIELAB units, rotate the reference fabric 90 degrees and take asecond reading. Average the readings and store as the standard measurement for the identified piece of reference fabric. REMOVE THE BACKING FABRIC AND PLACE IN A LIGHT TIGHTCONTAINER FOR LATER USE.NOTE—The measurement obtained in B.2.5 cannot be used for different pieces of reference fabric. E ach individual piece must be conditioned and measured prior to exposure.B.2.6 Place the cardboard backed reference fabric (single layer) in a specimen holder and secure onthe specimen rack adjacent to the Black Panel thermometer.B.2.7 Always start the exposure apparatus at the end of the dark cycle. Expose the L-2 referencefabric and/or the L-4 reference fabric as agreed upon by contractual parties.B.2.8 After the specified radiant exposure, remove the reference fabric and the white cardboardbacking and allow them to condition at (relative humidity 50 RH ± 5% and temperature 22 ± 3°C) for a minimum of 1 hour.B.2.9 Repeat the color measurements steps specified in B.2.2 through B.2.5 on the exposed referencefabric(s) and using the previously stored pre-exposed measurement, determine the Delta L*, a*, b* and E* values.B.2.10 Compare the Delta E* value determined to that specified in the AATCC chart supplied. NOTE—The supplier (AATCC) is to provide the determined values with each purchase of reference fabric as furnished to them by IFAI Transportation Division.B.2.11 If the Delta E* value does not fall within the limits specified, do not resume the test until thereason has been determined and resolved.B.2.12 As each group of test specimens completes its specified radiant exposure, record and report thecolor change information in terms of Delta E*, values of the reference fabric piece(s) used during the test period on the Exposure Control/Report Form (Figure 1 ).APPENDIX CPOLYSTYRENE LIGHTFASTNESS STANDARDSS copeC.1C.1.1 This Appendix describes a procedure for using a Polystyrene Lightfastness Standard as areference standard for assisting in determining whether the xenon-arc apparatus is operatingproperly.NOTE—The Delta B values provided with the standard are based on the J1885 test method. They do not apply to tests that use higher or lower irradiance levels or that use different filter combinationsother than the extended UV filters. Weathering instruments that monitor UV in a broadbandrather than a narrowband should apply the equivalent broadband radiant dosages in order to use the target values supplied. Note that the broadband (300 nm – 400 nm) equivalent for 0.55 Wm-2 nm-1 at 340 nm is approximately 60 Wm -2 ) .C.1.2 Color difference values in CIELAB units are obtained by instrumentally measuring the referenceplastic before and after a specified amount of radiant exposure.C.1.3 The polystyrene lightfastness standard may be exposed to a radiant dosage (kJ⋅m-2⋅nm-1 forexample), which is equivalent to a period of 2 to 7 days.C.2 ProcedureC.2.1 Instruments used to determine color difference for this procedure require a capability foroperation which includes the specular component and provides CIELAB color values usingilluminant D-65, 10 degree observer data. No substitutions are permitted. Measurements ineither the transmission or r eflectance mode may be used.C.2.2 Calibrate the instrument to be used for the color measurements in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations.R eflectance ModeC.2.3P lace a piece of unexposed reference plastic, backed with a white calibration tile against the C.2.3.1sample port of the instrument.NOTE—Take precautions to avoid any interference from ambient light.C.2.3.2 Take an initial reading and store it as the standard measurement for the identified piece ofreference plastic.NOTE—In order to preserve the surface of the White Calibration Tile, it is recommended that a second calibration tile be purchased for these measurements.C.2.3.3 Place the pre-measured piece of reference plastic in a specimen holder and secure on thespecimen rack adjacent to the black panel thermometer.C.2.4 Transmission ModeC.2.4.1 Place a piece of unexposed reference plastic in the proper location for measuringtransmittance as recommended by the manufacturer of the instrument in use. If there is nospecific recommendation, then place the chip as close to the detector as possible.C.2.4.2 Place the white tile used for calibration against the outer sample port of the instrument.C.2.4.3 Take an initial measurement and store it as the standard measurement for the identifiedpiece of reference plastic.C.2.5 Place the pre-measured piece of reference plastic in a specimen holder and secure on thespecimen rack adjacent to the black panel thermometer.C.2.6 Always start the exposure apparatus at the end of the dark cycle and expose the referenceplastic to a radiant exposure (kJ⋅m-2⋅nm-1 @ 340nm for example) for an equivalent period of two to seven days.C.2.7 After the radiant exposure, remove the reference plastic from the apparatus.C.2.8 Repeat the color measurement steps specified in C.2.3 or C.2.4 on the exposed reference plasticand using the previously stored pre-exposure measurement, determine the Delta b* values.C.2.9 Compare the Delta b* reading to the chart for the cycle used.C.2.9.1 The supplier (Testfabrics) of the reference plastic is to provide the charts as supplied by IFAITransportation Division with each purchase of the polystyrene standard.C.2.10 If the Delta b* value does not fall within the predetermined value, as established by the supplier,immediately run another polystyrene standard per section 2.12.C.2.11 As each group of test specimens completes its specified radiant exposure, record and report thecolor change information in terms of Delta b* values of the reference plastic piece(s) used during the test period.C.2.12 Run the polystyrene standard after every calibration (every two weeks) for the specified amountof kilojoules. If the reference material is out of specification, run another polystyrene standard at the shortest time interval (for example: 75.2 kJ/m2 or 112.8 kJ/m2 for a three day weekend). If the polystyrene reference standard continues to be out of specification, discontinue testing until the problem is corrected.NOTE—In order to preserve the surface of the White Calibration Tile, it is recommended that a second calibration tile be purchased for these measurements.C.2.13 The intent of the Polystyrene is to monitor the performance of the test. It is for Statistical ProcessControl (SPC) purposes. A point outside of the range does not necessarily invalidate the test.FIGURE D1—EXTENDED UV FILTER VS. SUNLIGHT SPECTRAL POWER DISTRIBUTION (SPD)RationaleNot applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardISO 4892-1, Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources, Part 1, General guidelines.ISO 4892-2, Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources, Part 2 Xenon arc sources. ApplicationThis test method specifies the operating procedures for a controlled irradiance xenon arc apparatus used for the accelerated exposure of various automotive interior trim components.Test duration, as well as any exceptions to the sample preparation and performance evaluation procedures contained in this SAE Recommended Practice, are covered in materials specifications of the different automotive manufacturers.Neither repeatability nor reproducibility tolerances for test materials have been established for this test method. Performance evaluation procedures should account for variability within a test apparatus, and variability for each class of materials tested.Reference SectionSAE J1767 - Instrumental Color Difference Measurement for Colorfastness of Automotive Interior Trim Materials.SAE J1885 - Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Water Cooled Xenon-Arc Apparatus.ASTM D859,Standard Test Method for Silica in WaterASTM D4517,Standard Test Method for Low-Level Total Silica in High-Purity Water by Flameless Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyASTM G113 Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests of Non-Metallic Materials. ASTM G130 Standard Test Method for Calibration of Narrow and Broad-Band Ultraviolet Radiometers Using SpectroradiometerASTM G147 Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests.ASTM G151 Practice for Exposing Non-Metallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that use Laboratory Light Sources.ASTM G155 Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non Metallic MaterialsA merican Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) - Evaluation Procedure 1A merican Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) - L-2 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardA merican Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) - L-4 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardT estfabrics, Inc., Polystyrene Plastic Lightfastness StandardDeveloped by the SAE Textiles and Flexible Plastics Committee。

SAE J2412测试标准

SAE J2412测试标准

SAE J2412测试标准SAE J2412标准介绍1. 范围1.1 SAE J2412标准规定了应用可控辐照度氙弧灯装置对各种类型的汽车内饰件进行加速暴露的试验方法。

1.2 是建立在SAE J1885试验参数的性能标准。

1.3 本标准不包括试验的持续时间,样品的制备,及性能的评价步骤,这些指标在不同的汽车制造厂商的材料说明中有所涉及。

1.4 合格的实验设备是通过SAE J1885认可的设备及计划来做SAE J2412试验的设备之间的材料试验比较来确定的。




在本试验方法出版公布时,委员会要以SAE J2413为编号,题目为“验证新的试验设备的草案”。

1.5 任何对本标准中试验方法的偏离,如过滤器的连接,必须获得试验双方同意2.参考2.1规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款,SAE的最新版本适用于本标准。

2.1.1 SAE 标准源自于SAE ,400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001SAE J1767 确定汽车内饰件材料色牢度的色差测量方法SAE J1885 应用可控辐照度水冷式氙弧灯装置对汽车内饰材料进行加速暴露的试验方法2.1.2 ASTM 标准源自于ASTM,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959 ASTM D859 水中二氧化硅的测试方法ASTM D 4517使用无火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯度水中低浓度二氧化硅总量的试验方法ASTM G 113 有关非金属材料自然及人工气候老化试验的专门术语ASTM G 130 使用光谱辐射计校准窄带和宽带紫外辐射计的标准试验方法ASTM G 147 自然与人工气候老化试验用非金属材料的状态调节和处置标准操作规程ASTM G 151 在采用实验室光源的加速试验设备中对非金属材料进行暴露的标准操作规程ASTM G 155 对非金属材料进行暴露的氙弧灯装置标准操作规程2.1.3 相关的标准American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会P.O. Box 12215,Research Triangle Park, Norht Carolina 27709AATCC 评价程序1AATCC L-2蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物AATCC L-4蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物3.定义3.1黑板温度计一种温度测量装置,涂有黑色涂层的传感器,在褪色/老化试验中,可以吸收大部分的辐射能量。



常见的塑料检测标准和方法塑料拉伸性能的测定第2部分:模型和挤塑塑料的试验条件GB/T1O1O. 2-2006塑料拉伸性能的测定第3部分:薄膜和薄片的试验条件GB/T1010. 3-2006塑料拉伸性能的测定第4部分:各向同性和正交各向异性纤维增 强复合材料的试验条件GB/T1010. 4-2006塑料拉伸性能的测定第5部分:单.项纤维增强更合材料的试验条件 GB/T1040. 5-2008塑料拉伸性能的试验方"ASTM D638-10塑料拉伸性能的测定第1部分:•殷原则ISO 527-1:1993 /Amd 1:2005塑料拉伸性能的测定第2部分:模压和挤压塑料试验条件ISO527-2:1993/ CORR 1:1994塑料拉伸性能的测定第3部分:薄膜和薄板材试验条件ISO527-3:1995/ CORR 1:1998/ CORR 2:2001塑料拉伸性能的测定第4部分:各向同性和正交各向异性纤维增强更合材料的试验条件ISO 527-4:1997塑料拉伸性能的测定第5部分:玳顶纤维增强更合材料的试验条件 ISO 527-5:2009检测项目/参数检测产品/类别检测标准(方法)名称及 编号(含年号)名称如何选择塑料检测设备随着科学技术的突飞猛进,各种新型材料层出不穷,尤其是高分子材料在近几年有了飞速的发展。






SAE J2412_2004

SAE J2412_2004

SURFACEVEHICLESTANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report isentirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790--````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---2.1.1S AE P UBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1767—Instrumental Color Difference Measurement for Colorfastness of Automotive Interior Trim MaterialsSAE J1885—Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Water Cooled Xenon-Arc Apparatus2.1.2ASTM P UBLICATIONSAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959.ASTM D 859—Standard Test Method for Silica in WaterASTM D 4517—Standard Test Method for Low-Level Total Silica in High-Purity Water by Flameless Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyASTM G 113—Standard Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests of Non-Metallic MaterialsASTM G 130—Standard Test Method for Calibration of Narrow and Broad-Band Ultraviolet Radiometers Using SpectroradiometerASTM G 147—Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering TestsASTM G 151—Standard Practice for Exposing Non-Metallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that use Laboratory Light SourcesASTM G 155—Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non Metallic Materials2.1.3R ELATED P UBLICATIONSA merican Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709AATCC—Evaluation Procedure 1AATCC—L-2 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardAATCC—L-4 Blue Wool Lightfastness StandardT estfabrics, Inc., 415 Delaware Ave., P.O. Box 26, West Pittston, PA18643P olystyrene Plastic Lightfastness Standard3.Terminology3.1Black Panel Thermometer, nA temperature measuring device, the sensing unit of which is coated with black enamel designed to absorb most of the radiant energy encountered in fade/weathering testing.3.2Black Standard Thermometer, nSee ASTM G 147 for definition.NOTE—These devices provide an estimation of the maximum temperature a specimen might attain during exposure to natural or artificial light.- 2 ---````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 3 -6.Apparatus Set-Up6.1To minimize variability maintain and calibrate the apparatus to manufacturer's specifications.Appendix B and C describe the use of reference materials to determine if the xenon-arc apparatus is operating within the desired range.6.1.1T he water for humidification or other purposes shall leave no objectionable deposits or stains onthe exposed specimens. The water cannot have more than 1 ppm solids and it must have lessthan 0.2 ppm silica. Silica levels should be determined using ASTM procedures D 859 or D4517. A combination of deionization and reverse osmosis treatment can effectively produce water with the desired purity.6.1.2If applicable, to prevent accidental spraying of the test samples, turn off all water sprayassemblies.6.1.3Fit the xenon-arc burner with an Extended UV Filter to provide a spectral power distribution(SPD) indicated in Appendix D, Table D1 and Figure D1.6.1.4The equipment manufacturer is responsible for the approval of the equipment and the SPDrequired by the different Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). The use of the approved lot of polystyrene and other materials provided by the OEM’s as control materials will determine the approval of the equipment. It is also the responsibility of the instrument manufacturer to provide all the necessary data to demonstrate compliance of each model type with this specification. At the minimum, the data should include (1) all the pertinent spectral power distribution (SPD) data for 250 nm – 800 nm, and (2) repeatability and reproducibility data for the current approved lot of the polystyrene standard reference material.6.1.5Operate the equipment to alternating cycles as described in Table #1.- 4 ---````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 5 -- 6 - --````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 7 -- 8 -FIGURE 1—XENON ARC REFERENCE MATERIAL CONTROL CHART- 9 -A.3C alibration ChecksA.3.1Check controls or program daily (except weekend and holidays) to insure compliance to requiredtest parameters specified in Table 2 and other critical test parameters. Also, on a daily (exceptweekend and holidays) basis, ensure the parameters specified in Table 2 and other critical test parameters are accurately recorded.A.3.2Calibrate the apparatus every two weeks following the procedures detailed in the operatingmanual provided by the manufacturer. If contractual agreement is to use L-4 Blue Wool as thereference material, Thursday is the suggested calibration day.A.3.3W hen proof of calibration is required, contact the specific Automotive manufacturer for theappropriate reporting forms. Use manufacturers’ forms for recording calibration information.APPENDIX CPOLYSTYRENE LIGHTFASTNESS STANDARDSC.1S copeC.1.1This Appendix describes a procedure for using a Polystyrene Lightfastness Standard as areference standard for assisting in determining whether the xenon-arc apparatus is operatingproperly.NOTE—The Delta B values provided with the standard are based on the J1885 test method. They do not apply to tests that use higher or lower irradiance levels or that use different filter combinationsother than the extended UV filters. Weathering instruments that monitor UV in a broadbandrather than a narrowband should apply the equivalent broadband radiant dosages in order to use the target values supplied. Note that the broadband (300 nm – 400 nm) equivalent for 0.55 Wm-2 nm-1 at 340 nm is approximately 60 Wm -2 ) .C.1.2Color difference values in CIELAB units are obtained by instrumentally measuring the referenceplastic before and after a specified amount of radiant exposure.C.1.3The polystyrene lightfastness standard may be exposed to a radiant dosage (kJ⋅m-2⋅nm-1 forexample), which is equivalent to a period of 2 to 7 days.C.2ProcedureC.2.1Instruments used to determine color difference for this procedure require a capability foroperation which includes the specular component and provides CIELAB color values usingilluminant D-65, 10 degree observer data. No substitutions are permitted. Measurements ineither the transmission or r eflectance mode may be used.C.2.2Calibrate the instrument to be used for the color measurements in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations.C.2.3R eflectance ModeC.2.3.1P lace a piece of unexposed reference plastic, backed with a white calibration tile against thesample port of the instrument.NOTE—Take precautions to avoid any interference from ambient light.C.2.3.2Take an initial reading and store it as the standard measurement for the identified piece ofreference plastic.NOTE—In order to preserve the surface of the White Calibration Tile, it is recommended that a second calibration tile be purchased for these measurements.C.2.3.3Place the pre-measured piece of reference plastic in a specimen holder and secure on thespecimen rack adjacent to the black panel thermometer.FIGURE D1—EXTENDED UV FILTER VS. SUNLIGHT SPECTRAL POWER DISTRIBUTION (SPD)。



表 2 性能指标及相应的试验方法
邵尔 A 型硬度
70± 5
ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 573 ASTM D 412
A12-热空气老化 38℃×70h
A12-热空气老化 38℃×70h
备注 一组特定的数字编号 GME-GM 欧洲标准、GMN-GM 北美标准、GMW-GM 全球标准
第 25 卷 第 22 期
科技资讯 ·33· CHINA RUBBER 技术标准
品性能要求组成。 尺寸公差要求一般直接从图纸和 200~300mm 的 试 样 安 装 在 曲 率 半 径 为 25mm 的 专
数模给出。 除外观要求外,成品性能项目主要从与 用工装上试样,在臭氧浓度为 5×10-7ppm,试验温度
其结构 有 关 的 密 封 条 使 用 功 能 、安 装 功 能 、耐 久 性 为(40±2)℃的臭氧 箱内存放 72 h 后 ,取出用放 大倍
要是与国外先进的汽车公司合资,车型基本上由外 JISO);试验方法标准中材料性能通常采用公开发行
方公司设计,采用的标准主要也是直接采用国外发 的公共标准为基础标准,如国际标准、国家标准、行
达地区各汽车公司的标准。 国内汽车密封条制造企 业标准(ISO、ASTM、DIN、VDA、SAE、JIS 等)。 成品性
①试验方法标准中明确单组试验条件,没有多 选 条 件 (大 多 数 公 司 的 试 验 方 法 标 准 是 这 种 形 式 )。 ②试验方法标准中推荐多组供选择的试验条件,这 些试验条件用特定的数字和字母组成的代码来表 示。 试验条件可根据具体产品多选搭配组合,如 GM 公司的 GME 和 EDS 标准体系, 这类标准可以用以 下几个示例说明:





参考的测试标准:GMW3172 6.6.2, GMW3431 4.3.12, GM9123P 9.4, GME3191 4.262.复合环境试验(三综合)目的:是一种利用温度和振动环境应力进行产品品质管制的程序,其主要作用为利用特定且低于产品设计强度的环境应力,使产品潜在缺陷提早暴露出来而加以剔除,避免在正常使用时因这类疵病的存在而发生失效。

参考的测试标准:GMW3172 4.2.8/5.5.3/5.5.4, GMW3431 4.4.10, GM9123P 10.2.2, IEC60068-2-13/40/41,GB2423.21/22/25/26, SAEJ1455, MIL-STD-202G Method 105C, MIL-STD-883E Method 1001,MIL-STD-810F Method 500.4, GJB150.2.3.机械冲击试验目的:产品在生命周期中通有在两种情况下会遭受到冲击,一种为运输过程中因为车辆行走于颠坡道路产生碰撞与跳动或因人员搬运时掉落地面所产生之撞击。

参考的测试标准:GMW3172 5.4.2, GMW3431 4.3.11, GM9123P 9.2, VW80101 4.2, Etl_82517 8.2.2, MGRES6221001 9.4.2, SES E 001-04 6.13.1, FORD DS000005 10.8.20, FORD_WDS00.00EA_D11 4.6.3, PSA B21 7090 5.4.5, IEC60068-2-27, GB2423.5/6, GJB150.18, EIA-264, SAEJ1455,MIL-STD-202G Method 213B, MIL-STD-810F Method 516.54.温湿度试验目的:温湿度测试方法是用来评估产品有可能储存或者使用在高温潮湿环境中的功能。



一、影响汽车质量的因素3二、影响材料老化性能的因素2.1 主要影响因素光热水化学物质5三、材料耐候性试验方法1、自然暴晒老化试验2、人工气候老化试验1)氙灯暴晒老化试验2)荧光紫外暴晒老化试验3)碳弧灯暴晒老化试验64.1颜色与外色与外观观性能4.1.1标准光源A :卤钨灯,以白炽灯为代表(黄-橙色),为用于家庭的典型光源IncandescentC :以模拟平均日光的钨丝灯为代表(蓝色)SunlightD :以日光灯为代表,以日光的真实测量为依据。

D50:色温为5000K 的CIE 标准照明体,在印刷工业中被广泛的用于制作灯箱。

Daylight -Red ShadeD65:色温为6504K 的CIE 标准照明体,是一般常用的测试照明体。

Daylight –NeutralF2:即:CWF 光源,为冷白荧光,美国商店常用光源,Cool white fluorescent F7:即:宽频率日光荧光,Broad band white fluorescentF11:即:TL84光源,为窄频白荧光,欧洲、日本商店光源,Fluorescent四、耐候结果评估方法7CIE1931XYZ 标准色度系准色度系统统CIE1976 L*a*b* 色度空色度空间间4.1.2色差4.1.2.1色度空间色差::色立体上两个不同坐标的颜色间的距离4.1.2.2色差黄红绿9 测量色差仪器常用的条件为10°的观测角的观测角,,D65光源台式和便携式积分球分光光度计1029.98+24.16+4.7171.221000h 12.22+12.36+0.8984.40500h-+2.50-0.7091.330h△E b*a*L*暴露时间应用标准:SAE J19604.1.3灰标忽略色相的因素,只从灰阶的变化来对样品的外观变化进行评判。

常用的灰标卡常用的灰标卡::ISO 105-A02AATCC EP1灰标等级为2级PV1303标准, 1000h 耐候试验前后灰标等级:3级ASTM G154标准, 360h耐候试验前后灰标等级:3-4级便携式光泽度计 4.1.4光泽度样品的光泽相对于标准板的程度常用的角度:20°、60 °和85°光泽度测试原理示意图光泽测量角度应用范围60 °:适用于所有色漆漆膜,但对于光泽较高或接近无光泽的色漆,20 °或85°法则更为适宜;20 °:适用于60 °光泽高于70单位的色漆;85 °:适用于60 °光泽低于30单位的色漆;45 °:应用于陶瓷、薄膜;75 °:应用于纸张、建筑用塑料。

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SAE J2412测试标准SAE J2412标准介绍1. 范围1.1 SAE J2412 标准规定了应用可控辐照度氙弧灯装置对各种类型的汽车内饰件进行加速暴露的试验方法。

1.2是建立在SAE J1885 试验参数的性能标准。


1.4合格的实验设备是通过SAE J1885 认可的设备及计划来做SAE J2412 试验的设备之间的材料试验比较来确定的。




在本试验方法出版公布时,委员会要以SAE J2413为编号,题目为“验证新的试验设备的草案”。

1.5任何对本标准中试验方法的偏离,如过滤器的连接,必须获得试验双方同意2. 参考2.1规范性引用文件F列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款, SAE的最新版本适用于本标准。

2.1.1 SAE 标准,400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001源自于 ASTM,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-29592.1.3相关的标准源自于SAE SAE J1767 确定汽车内饰件材料色牢度的色差测量方法SAE J1885 应用可控辐照度水冷式氙弧灯装置对汽车内饰材料进行加速暴露的试验方法2.1.2 ASTM标准ASTM D859 水中二氧化硅的测试方法ASTM D 4517 使用无火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯度水中低浓度二氧化硅总量的试验方ASTM G 113有关非金属材料自然及人工气候老化试验的专门术语ASTM G 130 使用光谱辐射计校准窄带和宽带紫外辐射计的标准试验方法ASTM G 147自然与人工气候老化试验用非金属材料的状态调节和处置标准操作规程ASTM G 151在采用实验室光源的加速试验设备中对非金属材料进行暴露的标准操作规ASTM G 155对非金属材料进行暴露的氙弧灯装置标准操作规程America n Associati on of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会P.O. Box 12215,Research Tria ngle Park, Norht Caroli na 27709AATCC评价程序1AATCC L-2 蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物AATCC L-4 蓝色羊毛耐光标准织物3. 定义3.1黑板温度计一种温度测量装置,涂有黑色涂层的传感器,在褪色/老化试验中,可以吸收大部分的辐射能量。

3.2黑色标准温度计如ASTM G147 所定义的。


3.3标准中所适用的定义可以在ASTM G 151 找到。

4. 重要性和用途4.1本试验方法通过模拟汽车车厢内饰材料在实际使用过程中存在的极值环境条件,如光、热、湿气等环境因素,达到对汽车内饰件及内饰件用材料进行性能预估的目的。

5. 试验设备5.1设备制造商应对试验设备的认可负责,必须提供与试验关键的参数指标相一致的验证,还要包括按照合约双方要求提供的光谱能量分布等。

一致性测试所使用的原材料应该包括认可的多种标准参考材料,例如,测试纺织聚苯乙烯和/或在适当的情况下的AATCC L4 & L2蓝色羊毛织品。

设备制造商应提供一些必要的数据来证明各种不同型号设备之间的试验结果可比性,最基本的数据应包括(1)250nm ~800nm 之间的所有的相关的光谱能量分布的数值;(2)标准参照材料的重复性与再现性数据。



对试验设备更详细的描述参考ASTM G 155 章节4.3和4.45.2所采用的试验设备以氙弧灯作为辐照光源。




5.2.1 对试验设备更详细的描述参考ASTM G 151 和ASTM G 155 。

5.3试验设备应安装有非绝缘的黑板温度计,如ASTM G151 所描述的,除非合约双方另有约定。

5.4试验设备的制造商应确保在试验样品暴露区域任何位置的辐照度至少为此区域最大辐照度的70% 。





所用水中固体颗粒含量不应超过1ppm,二氧化硅含量不超过0.2ppm ,二氧化硅含量的测定应参照ASTM D 859 或ASTM D 4517 。






设备制造商应提供一些必要的数据来证明各种不同型号设备之间的试验结果和本标准的一致性,最基本的数据应包括(1)250nm~800nm 之间的相关光谱能量分布数值;(2)目前认可的聚苯乙烯标准参照材料的重复性与再现性数据。


義1控制面板俊陌蕃的日标值-设罡值设定値容差」自动辐射无/试峻双方±0.02^黑扳温度计3St70*C±3t>干球溫度土兀栩度巧%±5%土%度1小时士柠分钟 3 8小时《注±6分钟杆注 1 : SAEJ1885中规定的默认辐照度是340nm处0.55W m-2 -nm-1,如果设备是用宽通带进行控制,而不是窄通带,应采用不冋的辐照度设定值,而不是表1所列的数值。



注2 :如果试验双方同意,循环周期可另行约定。


7.试验步骤7.1准备样品,使其能安装于试验设备所用的试样夹中,并按ASTM G 147 中的要求对试验样品进行状态调节和处置。











注2 :试验一旦开始,每天中断试验不能超过一次。


8评价和报告8.1试验样品试验完毕后的变色程度应该依据合约双方的约定进行评价和报告,以下的一个或多个的评价方法将会涉及到:8.1.1仪器测量法8.1.1用仪器测量试验样品在试验前和接受一定辐照量后在CIELAB色空间上的颜色值, 并计算色差,测量过程可参照附录B。


8.1.4在AATCC 评价程序1中所规定的目测条件下,对变色程度用下列术语进行定量描述:a)无变化 -- 试验样品在色调、明度、饱和度上均无变化;b)轻微变化一一对试验样品进行近距离的仔细检查,才能观察到试验样品在明度和(或)饱和度上的变化,但色调无变化;c)明显变化一一容易观察到试验样品在明度和(或)饱和度上的变化,和(或)色调变化;d)严重变化 -- 明度、饱和度和(或)色调的严重变化。

9•试验报告9.1 一份暴露控制/报告表格(图形1),表明所暴露的参考材料在CIEKLAB色差仪中的色变情况,每个提交用来认可的暴露样件都要附带这样一份报告。


9.2暴露控制/报告表格要包括如下的附加的信息:1试验室名称2. 试验设备的型号和编号3. 控制图上所列明的试验设备操作的年,月时间。

4. 采用的试验方法5. 参照材料,包括批次等6. 参照材料监控周期,如每天、每三天、每周等7. 参照材料在CIELAB色差仪上的色变,目标值,及公差8. 参照材料每月色差平均值9. 参照材料1在CIELAB色差仪上的色差测量值10. 参照材料2在CIELAB色差仪上的色差测量值(如果使用一个以上的参考材料情况下)11. 黑板(BPT)温度或黑标温度每日(不包括周末和假日)实测值,在设备特定的区域内,当亮和暗达到一个平衡,再读取这些数值。

12. 干泡温度或箱室温度每日(不包括周末和假日)的实测值,在设备特定的区域内,当亮和暗达到一个平衡,再读取这些数值。

13. 辐照度设定值1CD^IRCLLEVH.旦巾国£孕~NaJIWfi EQQfcwR lXA"| Jtart DMC 曲JSJWBaliH附录A维护与校准A. 1 维护A. 1.1为获得最好的试验结果,老化设备必须定期进行清洁。
